I read the news today

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I Read The News Today

By Sophie Higgins

drivel, and ridiculous sensationalist propaganda that bullies and mocks. I read the news everyday throughout the summer, on various types of media and from a mixture of sources. There were some


The Daily Mail. I despise it. Full of useless

excellent pieces of journalism, detailing events and lessons that matter. Then there is the

mess that is The Daily Mail. Not all awful, but for the most part, quite enraging and pathetic. And that was what struck me the most. The news that resonated with me most, was the stories that did not belong in a newspaper, they belong in a cheap magazine somewhere. And some articles shouldn’t belong anywhere. I already dislike gossip magazines, but I can choose to ignore them completely by choosing to not buy them. I believe the things they publish just make people feel bad about themselves and are no better than school bullies, pointing out flaws, poking at peoples lives and highlighting the pointless. I have extracted articles (mostly from DM) from newspapers and news sites, that I think should never be considered journalism. The articles are real, I‘ve just adapted the headlines to read what they are really saying to me and added my owns thoughts too.

Prince's secret holiday

It’s the allegedly on-off royal romance that keeps

While only obliquely referring to the speculation

giving - in the sense that our newspapers can

that the royal romance may be back on, the

continue to get headline mileage from it.

Sunday Times updates its readers as to what

Prince Harry’s relationship with Cressida Bonas

Miss Bonas is doing at present.

is the subject of the Daily Star Sunday’s front

The answer - surprisingly - is playing a wolf with

page, with the paper claiming the “lovesick”

a cockney accent in a drama to be performed in

Prince is planning to “win back” Miss Bonas

a Welsh field.

with a secret getaway to Devon.

The paper explains that Bonas - who has a

The paper says a “royal insider” has revealed to

acting and dancing background - is performing

it that Prince Harry invited Miss Bonas to join

in a friend’s “play” at a festival in Hay-on-Wye.

him for a “secret seaside holiday” while cooking

her a dinner at Kensington Palace last week. The paper claims Miss Bonas broke up with the Prince in April because she was scared of the attention that being a royal girlfriend gained,

“It’s about all of us, not anyone in particular,” she tells the paper. “And no-one knows who you are, especially when you are in Wales.”

but the Devon getaway will give the couple a

◊ 1 June 2014 Last updated at 07:09

chance to “discuss their future”.

By Andy Sully

Both the Prince and Miss Bonas are to join in a

BBC News

charity hike in the Alps, the paper adds.



the shoot, pausing simply to have a nimble on

her own fitness empire. But it seems even gym

her sugary treat before getting back to posing

bunny Lucy Mecklenburgh can’t resist the

for the photographer.

temptation of a sugar hit as she stopped mid-

It was unclear what the pretty brunette was

photo shoot to tuck into a sugary treat.

modelling for, but she was soon back to work

Chewing on what appeared to be a pastry.

striking sultry poses at the camera whilst

(“What appeared to be a pastry!? It’s like they are just

twisting the train of her sweeping lace and

adding extra words to make the ‘article’ appear longer”.)

chiffon gold dress.

Lucy didn’t give away what the shoot was for,

Lucy didn’t stray far from centre of the shoot, pausing simply to have a nimble on her sugary treat

but informed her fans of how much she was

The 22-year-old’s choice of snack made a sharp contrast to her glamorous look as she posed on a sweeping stone staircase in Italy. Surrounded by a small team of make-up and hair artists, Lucy didn’t stray far from centre of

enjoying being in the Italian capital: ‘Rome is undeniably the most beautiful city I have visited.. I can’t wait to go back’.” By TANIA WILLIS PUBLISHED: 00:48, 16 June 2014 UPDATED: 12:21, 16 June 2014

“Doughnut break! Lucy Mecklenburgh is caught pausing for a sugary snack in between takes of glam photo shoot in Rome”

“She is an advocate of healthy eating and has

Zoe Saldana covers up her stomach in bulky black overalls to run errands in LA amidst pregnancy speculation

POTENTIALLY PREGNANT WOMAN WEARS OVERALLS Zoe Saldana married artist Marco Perego in a

been seen in. (Apparently you can’t wear baggy

now, ever since she went on a date night with

hush-hush ceremony in London last June after

clothes if you’re famous…)

Marco wearing flowing white trousers and a

a short but sweet courtship.

Zoe was dressed on this occasion in black

billowy striped top.

The 36-year-old Avatar star was perhaps

overalls over a black and ivory print blouse,

Later in the day, Zoe was seen stocking up on

concealing another super-secret event as she

and she carried a large blue leather tote with

groceries at a local supermarket and was not

stepped out in Los Angeles on Sunday while

tan handles. (Now they’re just pointing out what she’s

so careful about hiding her midsection as she

wearing a camouflaging ensemble.

wearing. SO important…)

E! News has speculated whether Zoe was,

At one point, Zoe clasped the bag in front of

in fact, pregnant with the couple’s first child

her tummy as though to hide the ‘bump watch’

pushed a cart across the car park. ◊ By JENNIFER PEARSON

because of all the loose-fitting clothes she’s

that E! News said has been ongoing for weeks

PUBLISHED: 00:37, 30 June 2014 UPDATED: 16:43, 30 June 2014


(I didn’t even have to change the headline for this one,

then several minutes later attacking her and

but… haha.)

it’s THAT ridiculous.)

knocking her to the ground.

The victim suffered broken facial bones and

Alica Rae Hanson of Snohomish, Washington,

Hanson was charged with felony second-

bleeding in the left eye.

is accused of confronting the other woman at a

degree assault, according to papers filed in

Alica Rae Hanson has no criminal history,

party on June 22

Snohomish County Superior Court last week.

according to prosecutors.

She has been was charged with felony second-

The prosecutor wrote that the defendant

degree assault after first complaining to the

confronted the woman about her shorts,


woman about her shorts and then attacking

‘claiming that they were too short for the BBQ

PUBLISHED: 18:26, 11 August 2014 |

her. The victim suffered broken facial bones,

party and acting in an aggressive manner.’

UPDATED: 21:46, 11 August 2014

bleeding in the left eye and had some of her

Several minutes later, Hanson allegedly ran up

hair extension pulled out. (Haha.)

to the woman and knocked her to the ground

(The next paragraph they basically repeat what they’ve

with a punch. She was jumped upon her victim,

already stated, it’s not a typo.)

repeatedly hitting her even pulling out hair.

A 25-year-old woman attacked another woman

When police arrived, they found the shaken

at a barbecue in Washington state because she

victim, bloody with her left eye swollen shut,

thought her shorts were too short.

reports The Daily Herald.

Alica Rae Hanson of Snohomish is accused

They also spotted ‘a pile of blond hair

of confronting the other woman at a party on

extensions on a table,’ which had been pulled

June 22, first complaining about her attire and

from the victim’s head. (Again, I shouldn’t laugh

…because she thought her shorts were too short


A British holidaymaker died of alcohol

compared to the legal limit of 80mg.

poisoning after downing dozens of vodka and

Worcestershire Coroner Geraint William told

Red Bull cocktails during a three day binge in

the hearing Mr Walker had a large amount of

Crete, an inquest heard.

alcohol in his bloodstream and died of acute

Adam Walker, 22, was three-and-a-half times

alcohol poisoning. Recording the cause of death

the legal drink drive limit when he was found

as abuse of alcohol, Mr Williams described the

dead on his hotel bed on June 6 by his friend

amount he had drunk as ‘excessive’.

Damien Farmer.

He told Mr Walker’s devastated parents: ‘They

An inquest heard the pair had spent three

were enjoying themselves clearly but also,

days in Malia on the island of Crete, drinking

without going into detail, drinking a lot of

excessively. Adam Walker, 22, was three-and-

alcohol and playing drinking games.

a-half times the legal drink drive limit when

(I included this because of the way the DM have

he was found dead on his hotel bed in Malia,

exploited the death of a young man. I have no doubt

Crete, an inquest was told. Mr Farmer told

the upset this would have caused those who cared about

police the night before Mr Walker died they

him. It was unnecessary.) ◊

had been to a ‘paint party’ where they had downed vodka and Red Bull and sprayed


themselves with paint.


An autopsy carried out the day after his death

PUBLISHED: 13:45, 22 August 2014

in Crete found Mr Walker had the equivalent

UPDATED: 18:59, 22 August 2014

of 280mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood,

Autumn already? Helen Flanagan is uncharacteristically covered up as she hides her famous curves under a large cardigan coat and jeans.

WOMAN WEARS CLOTHING She’s not normally shy about showing off her

trademark stilettos for a more sensible pair

The 24-year-old told FHM that she had her

shape. But Helen Flanagan’s silhouette was far

of driving shoes as she stepped out for a solo

sights set on designing a ‘classy’ lingerie range

from sight on Saturday when she threw on an

shopping trip in the city.

for the future, claiming she’d ‘matured’ in

oversized Aztec cardigan for a shopping trip in

And, to add a heavy top layer, the 5ft 3” model

recent months.


chose a batwing car coat that extended to her

She said: ‘Last summer was really full of

Though it was still August for one more

knees, revealing just a hint of her enviable

drama. But I think I’ve calmed down a bit now.

day, the buxom brunette model chose a cosy

physique in tight-fitting jeans.

I’ve matured.

autumnal ensemble while clutching a hot drink

The former Coronation Street pin up, who

‘I want to have my own underwear brand. I’ve

and battling some unseasonal rain under a

is currently dating footballer Scott Sinclair,

always been obsessed with Agent Provocateur

patterned umbrella.

wore her raven-coloured locks loose around

because I think it’s so classy, but also so cool,

Covering up again? Helen Flanagan’s style has

shoulders as she jumped out of a slick black

quirky and creative.’

taken a more conservative turn of late as she

Mercedes Benz 4X4, with a quilted Chanel

chose to cover up her famous curves in a giant

handbag on her shoulder to pull together her


cardigan coat on Saturday.

muted palette.

PUBLISHED: 18:09, 31 August 2014

Helen, who was last year named FHM’s Sexiest

Meanwhile, on the magazine stands, Helen was

UPDATED: 20:07, 31 August 2014

Woman In The UK, pulled together a more

still showcasing her famous shapely figure as

conservative look on Saturday as she teamed

she covers this month’s TV Magazine in a sexy

a jumper and jeans with beige hi-top trainers.

nurses outfit and FHM in a skimpy leotard,

The glamorous Mancunian swapped her

presenting her pert derriere to the camera.


That's Ritch! BET misspells Lionel Richie's name on national television after giving him lifetime achievement award


It was almost as bad as celebrating his famous

chuckle rather than throwing a fit when he

song All Night Wrong.

discovered their mistake.

For the team broadcasting the BET Awards

Of course, the blunder could not spoil a

managed to misspell Lionel Richie’s name as

fabulous night for fans of the star, who was

Ritchie on Sunday night.

recognised for almost half a century as a music

To make matters worse, it was flashed on

legend. (People make mistakes, so i’m really not sure

the screen in big letters as the soul legend

why this deserves to be news. C’mon)

was given a lifetime achievement gong at the

He was given his expensive paperweight by the

event, which was being watched by millions in

relatively young gun Pharrell Williams, who

America and beyond.

seemed overjoyed to be honoring his hero.

All night wrong: Producers of the BET Awards

must have been Dancing On The Ceiling


when they saw Lionel Richie’s name had been

PUBLISHED: 07:14, 30 June 2014

misspelt at Sunday’s show in Los Angeles

UPDATED: 13:29, 1 July 2014

Producers at the popular event must have felt like Dancing On The Ceiling as soon as they realised their blunder. Luckily for them, Lionel, 65, is renowned for being a class act, and is sure to have had a jolly

GROUP OF WOMEN GO ON A DIET 'Now we won't be wobbly for our weddings!' Three overweight brides lost a combined 5 STONE over ten weeks to shape up for their big days

Anyone searching for a little inspiration to lose weight before their wedding should take a look at these leading ladies. Kat Badley, 29, Vicki Smart, 30 and Lisa Wright, 45, lost a combined 5st between them over just 10 weeks in preparation for their weddings this year. As part of This Morning's Weight Loss Wedding, the women have overhauled their diet and worked with top nutritionists and personal trainers. Vicki, who weighed 13st 5lbs, lost 1st 2 lbs and went from a size 16 to a 14. Lisa, the oldest of all three, lost the most amount of weight, slimming down from size 18-20 to size 16. She lost 2st 2lbs for her nuptials in three weeks time. This Morning teamed up with nutritionist Kim Pearson who devised a healthy eating plan for the women. Based on the low glycemic method, it’s high in protein and low in carbs and sugar. She said: ‘I’ve really surprised myself through the whole process. It’s given me a new lease of life. ‘I come home and instead of just sitting on the sofa I’m meal prepping and doing exercise. ‘I think it’s made me much happier, a lot more confident and really boosted my self-esteem. ‘I’m the sort of person I’ve always wanted to be. It’s life-changing.’ As well as following the strict diet plan the women upped their exercise, taking up running, boxing, dancing and bootcamp training with trainer James Farmer. Vicki, a self-confessed chocoholic and mother of two was size 16 before taking on the Weight Loss Wedding 10-week challenge. ◊ By DAILY MAIL REPORTER PUBLISHED: 13:19, 10 July 2014 UPDATED: 12:42, 11 July 2014

(Because apparently you can’t get married if you’re over weight. And we simply must make an example of this.)


(Where do I begin with this. Firstly I think it’s despicable for people to say nasty things about someone they do not know over social networks. But secondly, that DM are trying to make out you can make all your problems go away if you’re skinny. If a person is insecure about how they look, it’s likely losing weight will not solve it all. And they should not be promoting this as a solution.)

‘I’m so much more toned - I’ve got rid of all

Big Brother, has revealed how she lost more

my puppy fat.’

than a stone in just four weeks after being the

Casey’s weight problems started earlier this

target of online bullies.

year when she starred in Celebrity Big Brother

The model banished her 'wobbly bits' for good

and put on almost a stone lounging around the

and slimmed down from 9st 2lb to her ideal


weight of 8st after Twitter users said she was

She confessed: ‘I hated the way I looked when

'chubby' following her stint on the Channel 4

I came out. If I put on weight, it shows - I had

reality TV show.

a puffiness around my face.

And it wasn't just her weight that plummeted

‘I didn’t feel good about myself and couldn’t

- her breasts got smaller, too, going down from

wear the kind of clothes that really show off

32GG to a 32FF.

my figure to its best effect. You could see my

‘I did so much work and have got in the best

wobbly bits in the pictures - who wants big love

shape of my life. I felt I needed to go the extra

handles hanging over their trousers?’

mile with my 30th coming up in October.

Casey finally knuckled down with the help of

‘I’m going to be in my bikini for most of the

fitness trainer Ian Guildford - the man behind

summer and I was fed up with cruel comments

Luisa Zissman’s bikini body.

on Twitter about how I looked chubby and overweight. No one can say that now.

◊ By BIANCA LONDON PUBLISHED: 11:48, 16 July 2014 | UPDATED: 15:29, 16 July 2014

'I've banished my wobbly bits and got the bikini body I wanted in time for my 30th - Jessica Ennis, eat your heart out! Casey Batchelor reveals how she lost a stone in four weeks

Casey Batchelor, who shot to fame on Celebrity

Selfie-obsessed Miley Cyrus snaps her tattoos and sideboob while larking around in her huge wardrobe

Miley Cyrus was busy packing for her trip to

Her permanent ink includes a design of the pet

New York on Wednesday to kick off the final

pooch along with a speech bubble coming from

leg of her Bangerz tour.

it saying, ‘with a little help from my friends.’

The 21-year-old pop star kept her fans in

The former Disney star is currently on a break

the loop by sharing a collection of images on

from her raunchy Bangerz World Tour, which

her Instagram account and asking for their

last took place on June 22 in Amsterdam.

opinions from cosmetics to clothes.

Miley has been relaxing at home before the

With her trademark platinum cropped 'do, the

next leg begins on August 1 in Long Island,

Wrecking Ball singer posed with eyes rolled

New York. The 20-song concert featuring

back and displaying nude pink colour on her

provocative outfits, a cast of furry friends and

lips, asking 'Is this lipstick weird?'.

the singer riding a giant hot dog, will then hit

Miley wore an off-white halter dress with

Mexico, Brazil and Australia before ending on

crochet detail and four panels of sheer fabric

October 23rd.

for the mini photo shoot on her smart phone.

The backless dress adequately showed off her


numerous tattoos, including one of her newest

PUBLISHED: 16:39, 31 July 2014 |

- a circle on the left side of her ribcage with

UPDATED: 19:06, 31 July 2014

a picture of her deceased dog Floyd who was killed by a coyote early 2014.

21 YEAR OLD TAKES PICTURE OF HER OWN FACE (IN WHAT WAY ON EARTH IS THIS NEWSWORTHY? So many other pressing issues going on and they decide to spend time writing articles about some low brow pop-star who has taken a few photo’s on instagram. Lots of girls her age do this, so why bother giving her the attention she so clearly craves?)

WOMAN WEARS BIKINI. IT IS RED. Get a 'look' at her! Newly single Audrina Patridge strips down to a tiny red bikini to frolic on the beach in Miami

As host of lifestyle series 1st Look, single-again Audrina Patridge has things to do and exciting places to see. The former star of The Hills set her sights on the clear warm waters of Miami Beach, Florida to film a segment of 1st Look on Tuesday. Audrina, 29, who broke up from her boyfriend of five years Corey Bohan in late July, certainly wasn't lacking for attention as she pranced around shore in a two-piece swimsuit. Take a good look: Audrina Patridge turned up the heat in a red bikini while filming a segment for lifestyle series 1st Look in Miami Beach, Florida on Tuesday Her bikini featured a network of red crochet over a skin-toned lining along with fetching string accessories. The brunette swung her long, honey-steaked hair and waded through the ocean's shallows, smiling at the cameraman through largeframed, tinted shades. At one point, Audrina broke into a little dance by kicking up her heels and splashing around. ◊ By JENNIFER PEARSON FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 21:33, 12 August 2014 | UPDATED: 23:50, 12 August 2014

(Clearly they didn’t have a lot going on that day to bother writing this tripe. “At one point, Audrina broke into a little dance by kicking up her heels and splashing around.” How is that journalism? It’s like it was written by a 9 year-old with a thesaurus.)


Look, no tongue! Miley Cyrus strips down to just her Daisy Dukes as she posts topless Instagram photo

She's a big fan of sticking her tongue out and

tastic selfies. Still poking her tongue out? Miley

knot at the top of her head - which seems to be

parading around in skimpy outfits.

Cyrus posed topless against a backdrop of

her signature look these days.

And fans weren't disappointed on Monday as

desert in this Instagram on Monday.

She opted not to caption the snap, instead

Miley Cyrus partook in a little of both of her

The 21-year-old popstrel posed against a

letting the imagery of her toned physique

favourite pastimes in a series of photos on her

backdrop of desert and turned her back to the

against the rugged landscape speak for itself.

Instagram. The twerking starlet shared a risque

camera flashing peace signs with both hands.

photo wearing nothing but a pair of Daisy

Miley looked supper slender in the high-


Dukes after posting a couple of classic tongue-

waisted shorts and tied her short locks into a

PUBLISHED: 05:22, 22 July 2014

UPDATED: 19:23, 22 July 2014


“No wonder she's hiding under that hat! Megan Fox keeps a low profile as she leaves home in a VERY mismatched outfit.” She may be one of the sexiest women alive,

A wide rimmed hat and a large purse with a

(Get a life Daily Mail and stop picking on women for

but that doesn't mean Megan Fox is the most

happy face on it completed her outfit.

not looking like bloody Barbie dolls everyday.)

stylish. The star was seen hiding under a large

The brunette beauty can be seen on the August

hat on Tuesday in Los Angeles as she stepped

cover of Cosmopolitan magazine where she

out in a clashing ensemble, carrying a pink

poses seductively in a strapless dress with pink

baby doll stroller.

bustier top and colourful skirt.

The 28-year-old wore an unusual tie dye tank

When asked who her celebrity crush was,

top that she paired with black leggings and

Megan named a woman. ◊

bright pink runners. By YANA KAY

PUBLISHED: 07:00, 3 July 2014 UPDATED: 10:38, 3 July 2014

Megan Fox finally jumped on the Instagram bandwagon on Thursday. And the 28-year-old actress kicked off her new social media account with a stunning make-up free selfie. The Transformers star captioned it: 'First IG selfie. Early morning (check) no makeup (check) filter (check) (check)' Radiant! Megan Fox launched her Instagram account on Thursday and shared a make-up free selfie. She gazes at the camera with her piercing blue eyes, which are framed by long curly lashes. Megan’s tousled brown hair cascades past her shoulders as she poses in a furry white bathrobe, with potted cherry blossoms on view to her right. The mother-of-two announced her new Instagram account via Facebook, telling her fans to ‘Disregard all the fake ones!’ ◊ By HELEN ZHAO PUBLISHED: 02:07, 4 July 2014 UPDATED: 14:02, 4 July 2014



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ra g a t


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(Again, Who the hell cares?)


Katie Holmes donned denim dungarees over a white vest alongside two gal pals in Manhattan Thursday. The 35-year-old actress paired her overalls with bejeweled sandals and a red cross-body bag. The Dawson's Creek star - who was make-up free - was spotted happily chatting on her pink iPhone. “Sunny stroll: Katie Holmes donned denim dungarees over a white vest alongside two gal pals in Manhattan Thursday.” Not seen Thursday was Katie's eight-year-old daughter Suri Cruise, whose father is Edge of Tomorrow's Tom Cruise. The privileged youngster is currently on summer break from posh private school Avenues, which has a $40,000 a year tuition. 'I am really focused on motherhood and work right now,' Holmes told Glamour magazine.’ ◊ By CASSIE CARPENTER PUBLISHED: 21:12, 10 July 2014 UPDATED: 11:23, 11 July 2014 (Uhhhhhh…So bored of this now. Just stop.)

Make-up free Katie Holmes dons denim dungarees as she happily chats on her pink iPhone in NYC

Kaley Cuoco has her hands full as she juggles yoga gear while heading to a workout While production on the Big Bang Theory

Kaley and her fellow Big Bang Theory co-

has been delayed as Kaley Cuoco and her

stars are holding up production on the CBS

co-stars negotiate pay raises, the actress is

series while they negotiate big salary increases.

making sure she stays in shape.

Famously following in the footsteps of the

The 28-year-old was seen heading to a yoga

Friends cast years ago, Kaley and her Big

class on Sunday in Los Angeles.

Bang Theory co-stars Johnny Galecki and Jim

The star had her hands full of gear, carrying

Parsons are reportedly negotiating together in

a change of clothes, a pink water bottle, keys,

order to raise their salaries from $325,000 to

a gym bag, and a blue yoga mat as she walked

$1 million per episode. ◊ By YANA KAY

to the class wearing pink sweatpants and a grey top.

“Working up a sweat: Kaley Cuoco heads to a yoga class on Sunday in Los Angeles” ◊ She had her hair pulled back in a tight bun and she covered her eyes with a pair of dark shades. (Do we really have to point out what people are wearing and doing all the time? Can’t we just leave them alone?)

PUBLISHED: 02:44, 4 August 2014 UPDATED: 14:00, 4 August 2014



But first let me take a selfie! Lewis Hamilton and girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger pose for pictures on mountain bike So there's no denying that Lewis Hamilton, 29, and Nicole Scherzinger, 36, are high in the rankings when it comes to being the fittest celebrity couple. While enjoying a mountain biking excursion on Sunday, the pair stopped to catch their breath and as they did so Lewis took the moment to pose for a selfie with the former X Factor judge. But first let me take a selfie! Lewis Hamilton and girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger pose for pictures on mountain biking excursion In the selfie, which was uploaded alongside two other pictures, both Lewis and Nicole are look with their mouths open as they hide their eyes behind sunglasses. â—Š By FEHINTOLA BETIKU PUBLISHED: 21:14, 4 August 2014 UPDATED: 06:54, 5 August 2014

(Yes they are good looking. But did this really have to be in a newspaper? I think not.)

The secret to Michelle Obama's perfect waves? First Lady's stylist reveals they’re '100% natural' – she just uses conditioner and a hair tie! Michelle Obama's hairstylist has revealed that

100per cent natural,' said Michelle Obama's

the First Lady's famous mane is not chemically

stylist, Johnny Wright.” Mr Wright, who

◊ PUBLISHED: 14:58, 14 August 2014

straightened, noting that he works with a

first met Mrs Obama on an Essence shoot in

UPDATED: 16:42, 14 August 2014

colorist to flatter her features with face-framing

2007, also opened up about FLOTUS's low-

highlights. 'I love how her hair has grown so

maintenance hairdo when she vacations in

long, and it's all 100per cent natural,' Johnny

Martha's Vineyard.

Wright tells HuffPost Live. 'It's all about using

'She uses conditioner and pulls it back into a

great products, of course,' he adds. “'I love

ponytail. That's exactly what she's doing for

how her hair has grown so long, and it's all

the whole month of August,' he said.

WOMAN REVEALS SHE USES CONDITIONER (Is this really such a surprise? I don’t understand why this is so crucially important. I’m sure Michelle Obama has far more interesting things about her than her hair.)


'I need change!' Kristin Chenoweth ditches her trademark blonde hairdo as she reveals new dark colour in a series of Twitter pics

She’s always been known by her trademark

Going dark is fun,’ she captioned over another

blonde locks, so it was a big reveal when Glee

photo of her sitting in a chair, looking out on a

star Kristin Chenoweth published snaps of her

field while holding an old fashioned parapluie

darker new do.

over her head.

Saying, ‘I need change,’ the 46-year-old

While the photo is black and white and doesn’t

Emmy-nominated actress made the plunge

show her hair colour, Chenowerth’s pleasure

into a slightly darker new world.

with her new look is evident as she smiles

‘Hello I’m such a blonde,’ she tweeted August

quietly while staring at the big sky.

29. ‘Oh wait. Not anymore!’

In yet another picture, the singer is sitting in

The Oklahoma native made the change to a

the driver’s seat of her car, gazing serenely at

light brown shade just in time for her return

her camera through a pair of wide sunglasses.

to Broadway in the new revival of the classic

Her dog is on the seat next to her. ◊ By LINDA MASSARELLA

musical On the Twentieth Century at the Roundabout Theater. In one photo she posted, Chenoweth is sitting at an outdoor café, gazing to the right as the wind sweeps her newly darkened locks. She is wearing a pretty off-white short-sleeved t-shirt which added a softness to her new look.

PUBLISHED: 05:40, 1 September 2014 UPDATED: 08:00, 1 September 2014 (I thought people quite often change their hair colour? No, this is news? Oh right my mistake…)

Bad hair day? Dakota Fanning gets a case of the frizzies during grunge-dressed outing in windy New York CityÂ


(Do the Daily Mail not realise what the wind does? Do they really need educating or is this another attempt at bullying for the sake of it. You know what I think.)

Dakota Fanning's style tends to border on the

Seen better days: Dakota Fanning got caught

Cousin itt on The Addams Family whose little

Bohemian side.

up in her unruly tresses during an outing in

person is completely shrouded by long hair.

The 20-year-old actress' look was an interesting

New York City's SoHo area on Wednesday

Dakota couldn't care less about her flyaway

cross between Raggedy Ann and Cousin

The young star's appearance might not have

hair as she spent time chatting with a friend

Itt as she stepped out in New York's Soho

been so hair-raising if not for the electric winds

before going on her own way, a cell phone in

neighbourhood on Wednesday.

that kicked up her blonde locks and sent them

her hand to keep her company.

Dakota, 20, was clad in a billowy frock with

flying every which way, covering up her face


dual patterns in red and grey that was paired

now and then. At that pivotal moment, Dakota


with scuffed brown boots.

and her hopeless tresses recalled images of

PUBLISHED: 06:20, 4 September 2014 UPDATED: 14:03, 4 September 2014

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