‘Beautiful’ Age 3
Notes: This was a free play drawing, and when asked what it was the participant replied ‘beautiful
‘Dinosaur’ Age 3
Notes: Participant was very specific when drawing the different elements of a dinosaur, however it is a very abstract looking image
‘Dinosaur’ Age 3
Notes: Parent was present throughout all of the drawing Quote: ‘She doesn’t draw’
‘Elephant’ Age 3
Same as previous
‘Dad’ Age 3
Same as previous
‘Mum’ Age 3
Same as previous
Observational Car Age 3
Same as previous Notes: I only tried observational drawing with this participant as there was a very keen interest in drawing despite what was said by the parent
‘Pigs and Chicken’ Age 3
Same as previous
Sunny Day with Rainbow Age 3
Same as previous
‘Rosie the Giraffe’ Age 3
Same as previous
‘Fire, Big Blaze’ Age 3
Notes: Appropriate colour choices, very big imagination, related it to Fireman Sam (after reciting the theme tune)
Free Play Age 3
Free Play Age 3