Share the Progress

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Šâ€‰2012 and exclusive property of Euresearch. Issue 2012. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited.

Welcome to Euresearch Did you know that Euresearch celebrated its 10 th birthday last year ? Whilst we cherish such achievements, we think it is even more important to improve our client services. So here is our new « baby », a magazine called « Share the Progress ». It aims to give you insights once a year into European cooperative research and innovation, facts and figures on the participation of Switzerland and information about Euresearch activities. As an example of the kind of good news we want to share with you, the newly published report of the State Secretariat for Education and Research ( SER ) shows that Switzerland has further increased its participation in FP7. This is a good sign and an asset to the economy when cooperating and competing on a European level. Another good example is the clear will at European level to bring research and innovation closer together.

This focus recognises that Small and Medium Enterprises ( SME ) have a hard time engaging in European cooperation and need help. Euresearch is proud to offer such help via our SME advisor and our Enterprise Europe Network ( EEN ) services specifically tailored to the needs of SME. These services are complemented by our activities to support researchers in accessing the Framework Programme FP7 and other European R & D programmes. Over the years Euresearch has gained considerable experience in helping Swiss partners profit from a growing multitude of cooperation opportunities in research and innovation. The Euresearch network is trusted throughout Switzerland and networked across Europe. These assets ideally equip us for the future as the new Framework Programme called « Horizon 2020 » rises over the skyline. Christiane Langenberger President Euresearch


Euresearch – Swiss guide to European research and innovation What support does Switzerland need to participate successfully in pan-European research and innovation programmes ? Euresearch – a private organisation mandated by the Swiss Government – is offering a wide variety of services to clients from academia and the private sector to facilitate access. A team of National Contact Points ( NCP ) based at the Head Office in Bern, gives support and advice free of charge. The services include checking ideas of researchers to fit open call topics, assistance when writing the proposals or project prescreening to mention just a few. In addition Euresearch consists of ten Regional Offices, located at the Swiss Universities and ETH domain being the first contact point in the region. Euresearch also offers an impressive number of workshops,

infodays and seminars designed to skill possible partners in the European Research and Innovation Programmes. Courses for beginners to high-end courses on intellectual property in European research consortia are offered. Special services are available for Small and Medium Enterprises ( SME ) through the Enterprise Europe Network ( EEN ), which is present throughout Europe and seeks to help SME innovate and access new markets. SME may want to publish a technology offer or to find a technology through the EEN’s database. An impressive series of so-called partnering events across Europe help SME find the right partner to innovate. Euresearch takes the needs of clients very seriously and tries to find the optimal solution. Our aim is : « Share the Progress ».


« With the project KHRESMOI, the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland is coordinating Euro 10 million project, funded by the European Commission. An essential ingredient for its success : a good network. » Prof. Henning Mueller university of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre Project : kHRESMOI ( kNOWLEDgE HELPER FOR MEDICAL AND OTHER INFORMATION uSERS )

Swiss Academic Institutions participate actively in the 7th Framework Programme Euresearch is an entry door to European funding. The support provided in 2011 to the Swiss Academic Institutions and the success they get is a proof.

2000 2000

% % %

3900 3900 3900 Euresearch had

The Swiss Acade-

More than 2000 *

more than 3900

mic Institutions

persons partici-

contacts with

represent 60  % * of

pated in

Euresearch clients.

Euresearch Events 695000 695000 695000


%% researchers coming from the academic

% % 3900 3900 3900 sector in 2011. 3900 %


58% 58%

in 2011.


2000 2000 2000 2000


695000 695000 695000 695000

58% 58% 58% 58%

The financial contri-

The contribution **

Swiss Universities

ETH domain and

bution of FP7 funds

per Swiss Academic

receive an average

Swiss Universities

per institution

Institutions was

of CHF  695  000

combined represent

type * * is: 41 % for

CHF  97  million for

per project.


58  % ** of the FP7

ETH domain · 27  %

ETH domain

participations but

Uni · 2  % UAS · 9   %

CHF  47.3  million

82   % ** of the

Industry · 11  % SME

for UNI CHF  2.6  mil-

Swiss project

· 10  % Others.

lion for UAS in 2011.



« The ERC funding was a detonator for me. New ideas, new technologies, new collaborators ; a brand new scientific life, right on time. I can’t think of a better way to run basic research. » Prof. Denis Duboule École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ( EPFL ) Project : SySTEMSHOx.CH

European Research Council ( ERC ) – a clear success story Switzerland is the country with the highest number of ERC grants per number of researchers. Euresearch supports scientists in every step of their ERC application.

0 49 2 822088 200 849 49 49 280 * persons

27% 5 555 27% 27%27% In terms of number 28%


participated 2.4 2.4 in 13 2.4 ERC events and

checked 49 2.4

296 296 296 296

of ERC grants since


176 1 76 176 76 proposals of1 ERC

2007, Switzerland after

trainings carried

candidates before

ranks 5

out by Euresearch.


UK, FR, DE and NL.

2 8 2028 802 0 49 8 04949 49

th **

** of all the %28% 27    28% 28%

FP7 funding paid to Swiss partners came through the ERC.

27%27% 5 55 527% 27% 28% 28% 28%28%

296 296 296 296 2.4

2.4 2.4

2.4 176 176 176176

ERC grant holders

Until February

Since the start of

The success rate

received on ave-

2012, 176 *** ERC

FP7, Euro  296  mil-

of ERC submissi-

rage CHF  2.4  mil-

contracts were

lion has been

ons in Switzerland

lion  ** per grant,

signed with Swiss

assigned to ERC

is 28   % *** ( versus

for up to 5 years.


awardees in

13  % *** in EU


average ).



« The project enables us – an SME with nine employees – to conduct research for two years that will lead to the development, engineering and marketing of a new product. » Dr. Carolina Medrano Rainbow Photonics Ag Project : COSIT – COMPACT HIgH BRILLIANCE SINgLE FREQuENCy THz SOuRCE

Euresearch supports the Small and Medium Enterprises ( SME ) Euresearch is in close contact with a large number of Swiss companies in order to boost their research, innovation and access to new markets.

2300 2300 2300 2300 2300

20%20% 20% 20% 20%

Euresearch had

20  % * of

more than 154 2300 154 154 154 154 Euresearch’s contacts with clients are SME.  *

439 439 439 439 439 439 * individual

% supports % %% were %

366366 366 366 366 Swiss SME 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 in 2011. 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

366 366 366 366 366

302 * individual

340 340 340 340 340 meetings were

192 * personalized

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.40.4

analysis of SME

provided 11 11 11to 11Swiss 11

organised to

needs and capaci-


advise Swiss SME

ties were made for

in 2011. 439439 439 439 439

in 2011.

% %%%%

154 154 154 154 154

192192 192 192 192

302 302 302 302302

11 111111 11

302 302 302 302 302

340 340 340 340 340

European Inno192192 192 192 192 vation cooperation.

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

36 * Swiss SME tech-

366 * Swiss SME

11 % ** of the FP7

340 ** of all Swiss

CHF  0.4 million **

nology offers and

subscribed to the

funds to

participations in

is the average

requests were edited

e-Alert service to

Switzerland were

FP7 are SME.

amount received

and disseminated

stay up-to-date

allocated to SME.

across 50 countries,

with the latest

generating 154

technology offers

contact requests

and requests.

from potential partners abroad.

per SME participation.


« An international network is essential. For a small company like ABCD Technology, an opportunity such as the partnering event to meet in one day several potential partners on specific topics is extremely attractive. » Dr. giacomo Benvenuti ABCD Technology PARTICIPANT IN THE PARTNERINg EvENT CLEANTECH

Partnering – Expand your network and access to European Market Via Enterprise European Network, Euresearch brings together partners from different countries to strengthen opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer.

600600 600 600 600

222 222 222 222

1947 1947 1947 1947 1947

7171 717171

1272 1272 1272 1272 1272

Euresearch is your

222 * Swiss

1947 * technology

71 * Swiss

A total of 1272 *

local access within

participants –

offers and requests

technology offers

targeted contacts

Enterprise Europe

of which 2 /3    rds

from all over

and requests

were established

Network (EEN),

are companies –

Europe were dispat-

were promoted

between Swiss

which brings

had 773 *

ched selectively to

through Enterprise

organisations and potential partners.


511 Swiss entities,

Europe Network

regionally contact

meetings during

resulting in 301

in 50 countries.

points in 50

the 14 partnering

contact requests

countries in Europe

events organised

for possible

and beyond.

by Euresearch.


together 600



« By actively participating in Euresearch events, was able to initiate many successful partnerships, locally, nationally and internationally – initiate ! » Christoph Beer Cluster-Manager TBCE.CH · ICT CLuSTER BERN

Switzerland : a key player in European Research and innovation In 2011, Switzerland again demonstrated its competitiveness in European Research and Innovation.

307 307 307 307

190 190 190 190

597200 597200 597200 597200

307 ** new Swiss

Euro  190  mil-

participations in

lion from FP7 was

FP7 in 2011.

allocated to Swiss

7723%23% 23% 23% 7 7  **

institutions in 2011.


307 307




CHF  597  200 **

Switzerland has a

was the average

positive return on

funding received

investment in FP7.

11 11 by Swiss FP7 projects.



597200 597200

23% 23% 77 7 23% Switzerland ranks 7

th **

with respect


+ ++

1 1 1

On average women

Switzerland ranks

represented 23  %

1st  *** in the


to the received FP7

of participants

Innovation Score

financial contri-

in FP7 projects in

Board in Europe

bution in Europe.


in 2011.


ÂŤ We have daily contact with researchers, from academia and the private sector, with very varied questions and we work closely together with Euresearch Head Office to provide support. Âť Dr. Eve Silfverberg Euresearch Regional Office Basel

Euresearch – A strong network present everywhere in Switzerland and in Europe In addition to a strong presence in Switzerland, Euresearch also has strong connections throughout Europe.


10 10 10 10


7373 73 73 73



14390 1439014390 14390 14390 11566 1156611566 11566 11566

10 Regional Offices

73 * events were

11 566 * contacts

14 390 * is the

Split of Euresearch

located at the

organised by

were made be-

number of

clients by Swiss

Euresearch in 2011.

tween Euresearch

Euresearch clients

Institutions * :

and its clients

in 2011.

36 % University ·


1212 12

10 Universities 12 and

10 ETH domain.


in 2011.



20  % SME ·

1439013  % ETH Domain · 7  % UAS · 6  % Large Company /  Industry · 4  % Research Center ·


14  % Other.

Euresearch is connected to dozens of European Networks.


Euresearch 2011 in a nutshell 2011 was not only the 10th Anniversary of Euresearch but also a successful year for Switzerland in European Research and Innovation programmes.



% %

14390 14390 14390 14390 14390 14 390 * is the number of

12 12 12 Euresearch clients

in 2011.


1947 1947 19471947 2539 2539 2539 2539 2539 773 773 773773

Split of Euresearch

773 * pre-arranged

1947 * foreign

Individual support

clients by Swiss


profiles presented

is essential : there

Institutions * :

meetings among

to Swiss clients

were 2539 *

36 % University ·

enterprises and

of which 1266

activities such

20  % SME ·

R & D organisations

technology offers,

as « idea checking »

13  % ETH Domain ·

on the occasion

506 technology

or « signposting »

7  % UAS · 6  % Large

of 14 partnering

requests and

provided by

Company /  Industry ·


12 12

175 partner

Euresearch for

4  % Research Center ·

searches for

its clients.

14  % Other.

research projects.

Publisher   Euresearch Head Office, Bern Editorial Staff & Authors   Véronique Sordet · Gerhard Gass Inès Rossetti · Marion Tobler · Katja Wirth · Kathrin Rüegg Supervision  &  Images   PPR Media Relations AG, Zurich Design   pixeldisko, Zurich Printing   Druckerei Triner AG, Schwyz Printed on   Lessebo Smooth White · FSC  &  PEFC certified · carbon neutral Number of copies printed   8000 Disclaimer   Please be aware that the numbers provided in this publication are indicative.

Sources *  References form Euresearch databases in 2011 **  State Secretariat for Education and Research ( SER ) « Swiss participation in the EU’s Seventh Research Framework Programme · Interim Report, 2007  –  2011 · Facts and Figures » 2011 ***  European Commission

Euresearch Head Office

Euresearch Effingerstrasse 19 CH-3008 Bern info @ Phone +41 31 380 60 00

Regional Offices

Basel | BL · BS · SO  basel @ Phone +41 61 267 12 37

Bern |  BE  bern @ Phone +41 31 631 48 08

Fribourg | FR · VS  fribourg @ Phone +41 26 300 73 30

Geneva | GE   geneve @ Phone +41 22 379 75 60

Lausanne | VD  lausanne @ Phone +41 21 693 47 50  / 35 70

Lugano | TI   lugano @ Phone +41 58 666 45 22

Lucerne | LU · UR · SZ · OW NW · ZG  luzern @ Phone +41 41 349 50 60

Neuchatel | NE · JU   neuchatel @ Phone +41 32 718 10 92

St. Gallen | SG · AI · AR · GR · TG stgallen @ Phone +41 71 224 25 28

Zurich | ZH · AG · GL · SH  zurich @ Phone +41 44 634 53 50

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