Marawi Aken Magazine for Women's Month

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Bilantadi a Bai Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph

“Kapiyapiyai ko manga bai na kapiyapiyai ko langon taman.” The idea of taking care of women is the ultimate goal of Bilantadi a Bai program for Meranaw women in Lanao. The aim of the project is purely empowerment for the sake of enhancing the women acapbility to be more— more than what she can be! In the program, women from Saguiaran were invited to join and become the first recipients of this project. This has exposed the mothers and daughters of the community to love themselves and all women and members of their families. The project started with the Parent-Child communication strategies for mothers and daughters to realize how they can be instruments in making a good family. By means of open communication, the danger to have misunderstanding in the homes will be minimized if not eliminated. Women are empowered because they are worth it. This was then followed by health workshops that allows women to understand how their reproductive system can be so delicate and can be causes of major issues. In this part of the project, women are taught and reminded of the basic ways of cleaning their private parts and proper use of sanitary napkins and soap. This has helped them realize the importance of their body which reflects the beauty within them and shines out as good members of their family. Another component of the program was the economic empowerment where women were taught how to make additional income through cooking and small scale business activities. This has led the women of Saguiaran appreciate the importance of social entrepreneurship as a means to help their families. As an ultimate part of the program, the women were taught of the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases so they can take care of their families as a whole. Learning the bad side of smoking, excessive eating, hypertension and tuberculosis were basic things mentioned and made as reminders to all.

Marawi Aken ko ikapat ragon Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph

Inisampay tano sa ika pat ragon a serbisyo ko kalilintad! Aya mala a singanin angkai a Marawi Aken na so kapakasampay o mapiya a lalag ko omani isa mipantag ko kalilintad. Imanto a ikapat ragon a palalagoy tano ago an pakadayamang so madakel a mapiya, na inirigalo tano angkai a magazine version angkai a Marawi Aken ko langon a manga tao a da mablag sangkai a oras ago masa a langon tano den preparado ko sambi a kandato sa ranaw. Lalayonen tano so kipanampayen ko mapiya. Giyangkai a issue sa ragon aya na isela ami ko manga Bai a dimamanagontaman sa masa tano imanto.

EDITORIAL BOARD Sorhaila L. Latip-Yusoph Editor-in-Chief Johaniah Yusoph Associate Editor Writers: Nur-Saleha D. Dadayan Alwidad A. Basher Adaweyah Macabago Sofailah Latip-Panggaga Rayhana M. Minalang-Limbona Mosmirah Abduljalil

Rinarinaw a Singanin: Poetic publications for the ones we love Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph So ilmo o omaniisa na di kalengan. Giyaya I kaiilaya mi ko kapiyaan o kisoraten ko manga kitatago sa poso o omani isa. Giyangkai a libro PAMKASAN na saya tinimo so manga pamikiran ago magegedam o pisakatawan a miyakasorat sangkai a libro. Sii kailay so manga inengka ko kambilangataw, kapagongangen ago kabibilantadi. Aya madakel saya na so kinisoraten ko mga katharo a mapapadalem ko poso ogaid na inampir o omani pisakatawan na inisorat sangkai a Collection of Meranaw Poems ka an di mapagoyagoyag so kapiya pamikiran o omaniisa. Ogaid na sabap ko madakel so mga ida-ida a Meranaw a khapakay a pkisorat na inirakes sangkai a collection so manga pipiya a patot a di kalipatan o manga kalombayan sangkai a masa. Liyo roo pen na so kipaniyoraten ko manga miyangasosowa o Kalombayan ko manga inandang na inisampay saya a mokit sa Spoken Words inako paka paganaden so manga kalombayan ko kisoraten ko manga pamikiran (Meranaw Poetry Workshop). Aya mala a kailay sangkai a libro na so manga collection a manga katharo sa Meranaw a makapopoon ko Meranaw Words of the Day o committee on Meranaw Language Program o Center tano. Aya kapiya niyan na so manga di Meranaw ago manga kangodaan na kapakay a masowa iran so manga basa sa Meranaw a miyakolekta o gropo tano. Aya thito na so panagontaman o manga Bae ago Datu a manga committee Members sa Meranaw Cultural Heritage o


Marawi Aken

Mindanao State University tano, sa rakes o manga volunteer iyan a manga istudyante na aya panarima iran na o misorat so linang na aya mala mapenggomaan o omaniisa ko kapaka lawlad o singanin a makambarakat so manga katharo na misorat a mabatiya o siranoto a di mamaganad ago di sima-sima ko kapiya o Kamemeranawi. Para ini rekano langon a mamponay a taw sa dalem a inged! Aya antap o Singanin na so kipamayandegen ko kalilintad. Panalamat ko Allah so poonan o langon a mapiya. Giyangkai a minisorat a manga pananaroon ko ago manga sarag a akal na aya antap iyan na so kawgopi ko manga pagariya aken As I breathe the air of life each day, I always feel how peace is bestowed upon us each day. It touches us with the love of Allah who spreads peace in land and in every human. We may not see his blessings to us but, certainly, he has all the love for us! Aya inipagoman aken sangkai a pamememgayan na so kapakaugop iyan ko umani pithanggisaan a manosiya labaw so manga taw a miyanagontaman sa kapagogopi iran raken sa di raken kapekharegeni oman gawii. Langon aken sekano panalamatan. Kataya so mga pamemegayan a mapakay a mapamatiya iyo ko oman gawii niyo sangkai a kibebetad tano sa donya. As this book was launched, the author had her solo poetry concert at the Meranaw Cultural Heritage center on March 11, 2022 where her family to whom she dedicated her poems to have also attended the said event. This was also attended by budding young enthusiasts who wanted to appreciate love and peace through the poems and quotes of Singanin.

What Can Never Break Me? Johaniah N. Yusoph

Have you been feeling broken lately? Feeling sad, empty, or confused? Are these caused by the things you wish you could have? Or situations you wish you can change? Perhaps it could be plans that didn’t turn the way you want them to be nor people who make things difficult for you? A routine that doesn’t feel good anymore? Or someone close who chooses to be a test rather than a blessing? And the list goes on… On a recent morning of 2022 while I was sipping my hot coffee, reflecting on how my 2020 and 2021 passed by just like that, I can only praise The Almighty Allah (s.w.t.) for I am still alive with my family and loved ones despite the health crisis. And as I slowly finish my hot drink, I looked back on my early days of locked down spent in my mother’s hometown, Tugaya,

and I got reminded of the Greatness of my Lord, As-Salaam (The Peace). Indeed, Allah is The Source of Peace and if there’s one thing that the pandemic has taught me is to let my heart rely on HIM (s.w.t.) alone. I had plans but pandemic interrupted them all. This is life in this transient world. It may throw us hundreds of reasons to be broken but we need only one reminder to safeguard ourselves from the brokenness or prolonged agonies so we may find it easy for us to keep going. Tawwakul --- it is one of the beautiful messages from the Qur’an that a believer of Islam may reflect upon and be reminded. And as I look at the beautiful sunrise and the serene lake with my empty mug, I thought that truly a heart that relies on ALLAH will never be broken. Or should I say, it may get broken for a while but it will not be scarred. Thus, taking this reminder with me every single day, whenever things don’t go the way I wish them to be, I shall be glad that my heart is for ALLAH. I rely everything on my Rabbul Alameen --- my heart’s aspirations, its beatings, and for the things I have no control with. May we always be reminded that Allah tells the believers in the Qur’an: “Say,

Pananaroon Research Reflection Sofailah Latip-Panggaga, PhD

I have been a fan of Meranaw Pananaroon since I was a young student but only this year that I had a full appreciation of it when I started doing my dissertation. Let me share to you some of these that have inspired me and have made me appreciate Pananaroon more: Self-Morality or Self-Reflection 1. Inako mona sebang na alongan romiyanti na mimbinentay so sigay ko dalinding o sebangan na miyamagayaw ayaw sa katabilangan sa ig na miya rending a kilat na miyag-oraday lena a saleg iyan ko langit nago man a miya palang, nao tindeg so paayaw na mendod sa mariwada so pephagaolan a ig na somebang so alongan a pamoreg o doniya. “At first sight, the people thought he would bring goodness and triumph, but instead he brought destruction. If there was somebody that came out in the open and led, he would perish from the scene and the place would be back to normal.” 2. So sagipak a narra na margen katimbangan o sabekes o rasaas. “A single powerful man is preferable to a group of weak ones.” Courtship (kapamanganakan) 3. Thataman sa pintran so alambet a korikod. “I am unable to do or give more than I am able to afford.” 4. Mapiya pen sotra I tataman sa leb aken, na thomo on ko so kindang a miphanali-kombong ko. “It doesn’t matter how noble the girl’s genealogy is if she isn’t of decent character; I prefer commoner with decent character since reputation is what people say about you, but character is who you truly are.” Marawi Aken


Matag ka Salamat Amai Pakpak bo kon Bai Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph

Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph

So kazorat sa manga Rinarinaw na kenaba malbod. So poonan a katharo na aya den maregen. Ogaid na inisabap o Kadnan ko kiyapaka begay a Meranaw Cultural Heritage Center sa first Meranaw Poetry Writers’ Workshop ko alongan a 16-17 ko March 2022. Inisampay o MCHC so ilmo ko kazorat sa Poems ago manga Rinarinaw a para ko omani bai a miyakadarpa. Inogopan siran o isa ko manga National Artists a si Ricardo de Ungria, a former Chancellor sa UP Mindanao. Aya miyalimod na manga pinili a manga Meranaw a bai a kabaya makazorat ka aniran misampay so mapipikir ago singanin o manga poso iran a makaokit ko manga rinarinaw iran. Aya mala a banto o kalilimod na si Vice Chancellor Elin Anisha C. Guro a kapapantagan a Vice Chancellor for Research, Extension and Development. Ped ini a bai a mala I sekel ko kamemeranawi ago kazorat sa Poems. Liyo ro pen na so isa ko mapasang a panonorat sa Ranaw a Si Dr. Almayrah Tiburon na isa a banto ago panelist a miyakabegay sa inengka ko kazorat. Aya ped a miyamamgay sa ilmo na si Aisah Jamayesah H. Jamel, Dr. Johara Alangca-Azis, na aya mala na so workshop na miya-facilitate i Director Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph a kiya ugopan o ped a panelists a si Nadhif H. Nabel ago si Nur-Saleha Dadayan. So manga miyamangisorat sangkai a workshop na langon ipagoman ko kitalingoma a Rinarinaw Book 2 a pag isponsoren I De Ungria ago giyai a MCHC.


Marawi Aken

Women health care in Amai Pakpak Medical Center (APMC) is beyond compare. “Salam. Antonaa I magegedam iyo?” These are the lines usually asked from those who are moved in the OB emergency room of the Amai Pakpak Medical Center (APMC). Every woman getting in are so lucky to have this attention from the APMC medical and admin staff. I am one of them. While I was waiting for my swab result, I witnessed how heroic is the world of these busy doctors and nurses who are facing women with different OBGYNE issues in the OB emergency room. Then aside from them, the admin staff, taking me back and forth of the lab halls, they all took the courage and strength to serve especially a big woman like me. This did not end, my 5-day stay in the hospital made me realize how fortunate are the Meranaws of today because they had AMPC in the center of the province. The state-of-the-art equipment available in the hospital is beyond compare with that of the nearby hospitals including those that are in Iligan City. Meranaws are lucky indeed. Why? The hospital has the vision to be the premier Medical Center in North-Central Mindanao performing quality medical care, diagnostic and rehabilitative Medicine, as well as providing greater accessibility and services to the general populace, thus achieving clinical excellence. “Salamat, APMC!” Thanking the doctors who actually helped me through my surgery is not enough. It is an honor to be given this wonderful treatment. To my OBgyne, Dr. Rasnaifah Batugan-Pundato, I cannot thank you enough for your care is felt up until today. To my anesthesiologist, Dr. Norjannah Lao, you are indeed a beauty and brain doctor. Your smiles made the surgery less difficult for me to face. To my other doctors, Dr. Ambor, Dr. Abdullatiph and Farinah Marohomsalic, you are all angels sent by Allah for me to be taken cared of. So to all Meranaw women out there, try the women health care at APMC. It is all worth your time! It is near, caring and best of all, public friendly. It has charity programs for the poor and under privileged.

MSU Oval Rubberization: Dream to Reality

Nur-Saleha D. Dadayan

The upgrading of the MSU Track Oval is a project of the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) that began in the middle of 2019. However, by 2020, the CoViD-19 Pandemic caused the suspension of the construction. The project upgraded the Track Oval into a standard, fenced, rubberized, 8-lane track with 4-lane warm-up track, pole vault area, and javelin throw area. The quality of the facility is designed to meet the standards for hosting National and International Track and Field meets. The upgraded track is envisioned to develop national athletes from the youth of Lanao del Sur and BARMM. The PSC assigned MSU to be the Regional Training Center for BARMM and Mindanao. The project also includes construction of an Urn/Cauldron, and a Steeplechase water jump and Long/Triple Jump for the swimming pool. The project is deemed almost complete with a few details to be made. The turnover of the project to CSPEAR is expected in the first quarter of 2022.

MSU Tricycle Fare Hike Nur-Saleha D. Dadayan Nowadays, the tricycle fare depends on what the passenger and the driver have agreed upon, according to Mohammad Diso, a tricycle driver who used to be a member of Metroda. Metroda is the organization of tricycles in campus and the standard fare is set based on what the PKF officials and the Metroda president have agreed upon. However, the organization is no longer held. Mohammad says some tricycle drivers do not follow their organizations’ rules anymore. “Uman isa na psuwaan iyan so r’kian on. [Everybody does what they want to do]” He said. There is no officially agreed-upon current standard fare and the rules and regulations are old. The tricycles still start from the standard fare of 10 pesos per person or two and fifteen for three. However, some of the tricycle drivers say they had to increase the fare due to the increase in gas price. The drivers have varied opinions based on the distance of the places within campus and the price could be negotiable. As Mubarakh S. Ampa, Administrative Officer in the Department of Security Services, says he did not have record but he estimates that there are 98 Racal drivers and more than a thousand tricycle drivers registered in MSU. There used to be a daily coding for the tricycles but it has been demolished after the Marawi Siege. “Miyada so kauyagan a kadakalan.” Says Mubarakh. The Department of Security Services no longer implements any daily regulation for the tricycles. However, they still require for tricycles to renew or apply annually. To be a tricycle driver in campus, the driver must be more than 18 years old. Any age less than 18 is a violation against the rules and regulations and costs 1,500 and impounding of the tricycle on the 3rd violation. The sticker acquired after registration must also be placed properly on the vehicle. Any improper placing or absence of the sticker results to a fine of 1,500 pesos. Many students agreed that the fare have increased and that the tricycles are not checked before they enter the campus. There are drivers younger than 18 and there are those tricycles without stickers. “Gina take advantage rin nila yung mga ano ngayon… road repair.” Says Sahara Tomara, a 3rd Year Student in Campus. “Tapos pag mahal yung gasolina…five talaga yung dagdag?” Her friends added. The students asked want to keep the ten-peso standard fare for one to two persons and increase only by five pesos when an additional passenger is added and not change the price due to the distance of the places in campus. Marawi Aken


Parenting during Pandemic Alwidad A. Basher

All of us have had hard times coping with sudden changes brought by COVID-19 pandemic. We were holed up at our homes as our counter effort of slowing down the spread of the deadly virus. One of the hardest challenges each family encountered is making their parenting effective and efficient toward their children.

It’s important that parents can address well what their children feel, think and how they react with the sudden changes brought by the pandemic. Here are some practical parenting tips to help our kids get used with the new normal: 1. As parents, we need to address our children’s fears and make

My Family, Your Family: Positive Relationship Mosmira Abduljalil

They say family is everything. Personally, I would have to agree with this statement, considering the family in my life now. Family is everything to me. Without my family, past and present I wouldn’t be where I am today. My family has shaped my life, whether they have recognized it or not. I am blessed with a big and long living family. A family is one of the greatest gift god has given to all living creatures on the earth including humans. It is a privilege to have a happy family as not everyone in the world has it. The joy of living with your parents, fighting with your siblings over petty can just make you smile the moment you think of it.


Marawi Aken

It is important to every one of us and we all love our family. Wherever we go in this world and whatever we may achieve, our heart and soul will always be in our home because it is where our beautiful family is. Nothing in this world can be stronger than the bonding of the blood. The members of the same family may have differences of opinions, may quarrel often for silly things but in spite of all these it is our family that supports us during our ups and downs. Importance of family is something that is greatly overlooked and underrated in the world we live in today. The definition that the family had about one hundred years before now was

them feel that they are physically and emotionally safe. We should be the very first persons who make them feel safe and secure by reassuring them that altogether you will surpass the difficulties. Also, by answering their questions about this pandemic honestly secures their emotions and thoughts. 2. Keeping healthy routines such as maintaining bedtime and other routines create order each day. We can do this by organizing daily schedules and designating home tasks to all members of the family. 3. The power of positive discipline will be a huge help for our children. Remember some of our children, especially younger ones, cannot put into words what they exactly think and feel. Their stress, anxiety and fears usually manifest through their actions and behaviors which most of the time impatient parents get easily upset and stressed about it. In lessening this kind of reactions, parents may try redirecting the attention of their kids by being creative providing them activities or home works that can catch their attention and avoid them getting bored. Another one is by being generous in appreciation toward their success so they may get motivated to do more good things. The use of rewards and privileges to keep them inspired doing great with their daily activities can be helpful too. very clear. Back then, a family was believed to be a unit that consisted of the father that was in charge of the finances of the family, a mother whose primary duty was to look after the home and take care of the children and then there were the children. Largely based on the region you are from, a family can also include members of the extended family like aunts, uncles and grandparents. This type of family system is referred to as joint family. The Holy Prophet said “Do not ever sever your relationship with a member of your family even if he severs his relationship with you.” Islam views that keeping relations with family members prolongs one’s life and increases one’s sustenance. For me, children feel secure and loved when they have strong and positive family relationships; positive family relationships help families resolve conflict, work as a team and enjoy each other’s company; positive family relationships are built on quality time, communication, teamwork and appreciation of each other. Lastly, valuing each other is at the heart of good family relationships.

DEATH ACCOUNT Rayhana M. Minalang-Limbona Kullu nafsin dha iqatul mawt (Quran 3:185). Every soul will taste death – it sounds simple to say and hear, isn’t it? Not even a heavy matter to throw attention at by those who are busy running after the world, busy for his education, busy for his career, busy for his business, busy for his family, so on and so forth. On the other hand, this ayah sounds very deep and realistic to those who prepare for its coming. As they perfectly understand that death does not excuse anyone or anybody, either man or woman, young or old, rich or poor, healthy or sick, wise or dull, famous or not; exempts no one but everyone at any time, in anyplace and in whatever condition. Death is one of Almighty’s hidden matters to human beings specifically speaking on its coming to an individual. This made me ask lots of questions about it. During my every meditation, more and more questions come along with it. I often ask … How will my life end? At what age will I die? Will I grow old or not? What will cause my death? Illness, accident, nightmare, or just a sudden death while being healthy? Where will I die? In what moment will I die? What will happen to my wealth after I die? To my husband? To my family? Who among my siblings will be left before I die? Who will be shrouding and bathing me? Who will be crying for me? Who will get sad or happy of my death? Who will be missing me? Who will be sending me blessings while I’m in my grave? Will I see and be together again with my family in the hereafter? But the most difficult and scary questions among everything are – How will I feel when the Angel of Death starts to take my soul out of my body? and What will happen to me in my grave? I think, such questions are but the least among the questions of those already in their graves. Undeniably, human beings have less knowledge of what is supposed to be known. Human’s intellect will never guarantee his ending. This I felt so true during the moment I was witnessing the Workshop on the Islamic Way of Bathing and Shrouding the Deceased held last January 20, 2022 in Meranaw Cultural Heritage Center, MSU Main, Marawi City through the initiative of the center’s director Prof. Sorhailah Latip-Yusoph. The program gave me more realizations in life. It felt like a slap that beat my head into reality. Life in the world is but a simple delusion that almost everybody fell into. Sad to say but

true, I am one of them, simply beguiled. Bathing. When a Muslim die, he or she will be bathed by his or her family. But more than the ritual itself are the questions on behalf of the dead family member. During the discussion in that workshop about the bathing, I startled and generated further questions. When I die lying on my deathbed, what might be my reactions hearing the people talking and crying around me knowing the fact that I cannot be able to show any single movement? Where will my soul be at the moment? If I am standing or sitting beside my loved ones, am I crying too? Trying to touch and hug them like the usual scenarios in the movies? Trying to talk to them and will insist as if they can hear me? Or just simply watching them mourn at my dead body? When they will carry my body to the bathing room, will they carry it carefully? Who would be carrying it? How would my soul or body react to it realizing that I will be bathed without bathing on my own? At the moment the water will touch my body, there I can answer my all-time prayer every time I take a bath - may Allah make the water not too cold nor hot for me because I do not like cold-temperatured one. I like just enough temperature. I always pray also that that day will not be rainy as it makes the environment cool, too. My body must guess it right even if I am not able to open my eyes by then. As they begin the bathing, part of my questions also is how long will they take bathing my body? Will it not painful if they force me to defecate? Will they continue crying while bathing me? All of those questions are proofs of the Meranaw saying ‘di nga bo kapembisaan a ginawa nga’ (you cannot be totally independent of yourself). True, it is! One

has to build concern for others especially to his or her family members because one day, you will be badly needing them to take care of your lifeless body in a moment when you become literally helpless. Shrouding. It is bitter to realize that after all the hardships of earning for a living together with the sacrifices accompanied with it, I will end up with a piece of white cloth which I only own. As I was witnessing the shrouding workshop, I found myself crying. Crying for the awareness that no matter how we love our family, how we value our wealth that we worked hard for, how we pamper ourselves, WE HAVE TO LEAVE WITH NO GOING BACK. A leaving that will not guarantee seeing our loved ones once again. A leaving that will not guarantee our place in the hereafter. A leaving that is full of uncertainties. What is more alarming is that that moment of shrouding of our dead body signals that it is really the end of ourselves. That if we did not do our best on Earth for the sake of Allah, we will truly be the poorest of the poor. May Allah forgive our sins and guide us the right way all the time. I always thought of this: I wish I was born animal so that I do not have to worry about the hereafter, to worry whether I will go to hell (God forbids!) or to paradise (may Allah grant us all!), to worry even about the simplest interrogation in the grave, and to endure all the pain the world brings. May Allah spare us the good heart that will lead us to do good things, to worship Him completely, and know Him more. May Allah reward our sacrifices that will take us away from the hellfire. And may Allah grant us the highest level of Jannah (paradise). Ameen.

Marawi Aken


SINDAW: Bringing the World to Marawi Sittie Adaweyah Macabago

The start of the year 2022 has been festive as various restaurants and coffee shops owned by Meranaws sprouted in the Islamic City of Marawi. This may also revive the economic activities in the city after having been down brought by the Marawi Siege 2017 followed by the CoViD19 pandemic. Fueled by her passion and love for coffee, Atty. Rohairah A. Lao, the owner of the said café, decided to materialize her ideas of bringing international tastes of coffee into Marawi through her Café Sindaw which is one of the recent and most visited coffee shops situated in Heaven road, Marawi City. Inspired from the Meranaw word ‘Sindaw’ which means ‘Light,’ Atty. Lao intends to bring a message of hope and positivity to her customers and fellow Meranaws for indeed she believes that it can also be attributed to the resiliency of the Meranaw People. Apart from its name, Atty. Lao was very particular also of the Café’s interior and structure. With the help of her cousin, Engr. Ali D. Yusoph, she had very own idea of a Café inspired by the different coffee shops she had visited around the world when she was still in other national offices of the Philippines and having international conferences. Fortunately, many liked the vibe of the Café as what the millennials say “Instagrammable” in every corner of the establishment. It is inarguable to say


Marawi Aken

that it is a ‘must visit’ café’ when you pass by in the Islamic city of Marawi. In accord, the café respects the sacred Friday thus the owner decided to close it during Fridays. As to the core of the Café Sindaw, which is the food, she also made preparations by having professional Baristas train her staff twice for indeed “customer satisfaction” is their goal. Focusing on the Café’s menu, from 1 shot espresso, iced and hot coffees to frappe’s and coolers, all are recommendable to the public. Coffee lovers will definitely love the taste of Café Sindaw’s best sellers. Not known to many, the owner loves green leafy veggies specifically Salads. So their menu has 3 types of Salad that is good for 2 to 4 people. They have this so called ‘Sindaw Salad’ that tickles the curiosity of the costumers. They also offer Meranaw dishes such as Randang, Badak and Pizasate while those who love pasta may choose from their various Italian-inspired pasta. Café’ is an Italian word that means ‘coffee house’ and ‘Sindaw’ is a meranaw word. Combining the 2 words that impliedly says ‘bringing the world to Marawi’. A cafe’ sincerely made from the heart of a determined and strong Meranaw woman of today.

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