Marawi Aken May ISSUE

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“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” -Qur’an (13:11) Photo by Widad Basher

MINDAKEL SO COVID-19 CASES Prof. Sorhaila Latip Yusoph So kakapantagan a statistics o CoVID19 sa Ranaw na tanto ko misalin. Sa soled a May 2021 na gyangkai a intiro a Ranaw na labi magatatos lalayon so situaner iran ko miyapira ini gawii a manga pamolongan samanaya sa ospital ago mga community quarantine facilities. Sa Amai Pakpak Medical Center na ramig iran minileka sa isa ka floor ko bago a building iran para bo maka accommodate siran sa langon a makakikinanglan. Gayngkai a APMC na kenaba bo para ko manga taga Ranaw ka rakes o manga taga Region 10 ago BARMM. Kinanglan na saboten o madakel a tao so kagaan o kapaka ugalin o COVID igira malo miyaka lobay so kaosar sa minimum health standards a giyoto so kasolot sa Face Mask, lalayon kapamangonab, ka physical

distancing sa apya isa ka metros ko omaniisa. Aya maregen na sii ko manga somyagad a gawii na tanto ko mindakel so new cases. Kinanglan na langon na saboten iyan a so kapananggila na aya nga den ogop ko bangsa nga. Sii sa Marawi na masisima taden so kiyaalin o betad. Aden a manga establishment a lomeleka na di iran ituman so kailaya ko umani pesoled. Sii sa peragatan lagid a Iligan, na igira miyasima o security so face shield a minipuro na gii ran di mimbina so taw. Panamran o omani isa na kinaglan a kasabotan so karegen ago kagaan o gii kapangogalin o COVID. Umani is ana o paka toon sa okit a maka bakuna na aya mapiya. Panamaran tano pen so kasabota ko sabap ago okit o di kapaka ugalin. Aya maregen say ana so aden a manga andang a sakit iran ka siran I malobay. Igira aya kiya ogalinan na so aden a andang iyan a gedamen na mapakay ikasilang iyan odi niyan magaga so karata o sakit. Managontaman tano para ko bangsa. Tomareg tano sa walay oda a importante sa liyo.

#MIL4ULAMAH Project with KFCIAAS Johaniah N. Yusoph

Prof. Alim Salih Manggis giving his motivational message to the group.

The #MIL4ULAMAH seminar countering disinformation was conducted by the Department of Communication and Media Studies senior faculty Prof. Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph. The said seminar is in partnership with the Mindanao State University College of King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies (KFCIAAS), the Soar High Knowledge Foundation, Inc. and Marawi Aken Newspaper. The said seminar was funded by friends and funders of Brother Urooj Malik, an MSU Lecturer and an international lecturer. Every single day of our lives we deal with information being either the recipient or the sender. Truly, it plays a great role in all aspects of our lives which is the very reason why we have to be critical too in taking and giving information for it

Against All Odds Celebration of Eid’l Fitr Nasif T. Macaslang, LPT, MAELT

“Batanu den dii pririlai, owh?”, “Rilaan ka raken so inikarata a ginawangka.”. These are the common utterances that are usually heard among us, Meranaws, especially during Eid’l Fitr. Very short utterances yet, very meaningful that bring us to harmony, peace, and solidarity. Celebration of Eid’l Fitr, on the other hand, has been part of Islamic tradition, which our (Muslims) hearts scream to honoring Allah’s (SWT) name through offering a prayer. This is where we repent and resurrect

from our wrong deeds and purify our Imaan. This celebration [of course] will not be as meaningful and memorable as it should be without the festive-like food preparation which all our family members are enjoined altogether as we commemorate the plethora of the said Eid. Furthermore, this day, May 13, 2021 marks the end of this sacred and blessed month of Ramadhan, and all Muslims from across the globe are celebrating this festive day. This year’s celebration, however, is

by far different from what we are used to rejoicing Eid’l Fitr. And that is due to this unceasing cases of COVID-19 Pandemic. We are now instructed not to have a congregational prayer in the Mosques to prevent the spread of the virus which undeniably caused us so much of a worry and dismay. Indeed, so strange of the decision that we couldn’t grasp the intention behind, aside from what has already been established as norms in the society— social distancing and the like. Had we understood and absorbed the

influences our decisions, mindset, and even the people around us. With this, Professor Sor believes that in this modern world of digitalization, access to information became even wider and easier to most, if not all. But along these changes and transitions, there are challenges too with the way information is being taken and utilized. Misinformation and disinformation affects us as some people use information in negative way to attack someone, a program, a company, and so on. Truly, this too is evident during the peak of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 where some took advantage of the situation. The opportunists created wrong information which led to #disinfodemic that caused fears and anxiety to the public. Gladly, as an advocate of Media and Information Literacy (MIL), Prof. Sor continuously empower the religious sector by learning more about MIL. According to the survey and study made by the Internews, religious sector in Lanao del Sur plays a great role in information circulation. Thus, their contribution is highly recognized which is why they too need to learn more on how they can avoid misinformation and disinformation. The recent lecture-workshop was with a group of Ulama and Aleema conducted separately at KFCIAAS, MSU, Marawi.

intention (aside from the virus-related reasons), we wouldn’t have insisted to going to Mosques and observe the Eid at home. Honestly, we can no longer resist our patience over the thread of this issue pertaining to disallowing Meranaws from having a congregational prayer in the Mosques while others are blessed to have been allowed [by their LGUs] to do so. It’s already one year that we are facing this pandemic, and we have now come to realization that we should now leave it all to Allah. As the saying goes, “All that is happening to us

actually are engraved in our palms.” And that we are in no control over what is fated to us by Him. Against all odds, we took the risk to celebrate the Eid at the Mosque in our Street, Purok Kalilintad, Brgy.




May 2021

“Andaka di Pamadian?” Community pantries rise in Lanao del Sur Aisha Lacsaman Murad

“Tuwak a Bata, Tuwak a Lapot, Banggolo, Barrio Naga, Rizal, Barrio Paypay, Marinaut, Pangarungan”, these were the most common places in the old Marawi before it was devastated. These places have traffic jam, very noisy and crowded. These areas are so full of entrepreneurs. Big time and small scale business in both sides of the roads. There were so many people buying, shopping, strolling, etc. In the past, before the siege, you choose to go either in Tuak a Bata, Tuak a Lapot, Barrio Naga, Barrio Paypay, Banggolo, these places are nearby places. This is geographically located in a one straight big continues avenue. Gomeza Avenue to Osmena Avenue. And This is why it creates a big traffic jam. These shopping centers/ areas have all the different kinds of business establishments/ goods—from tailoring, curtain sellers, wedding gown rentals, clothing, apparels, wedding gifts, furniture, antiques, printing services, and even tech stores. They even have cyberzones, restaurants, chicken houses, toy stores, videokes, gyms, computer shops, internet cafes, rice, flour, agricultural products, electrical wires, construction services, materials etc. People in Lanao del Sur gather in Marawi City every day because of its complete features. People of Lanao del Sur meets in Marawi City. When Siege happened in 2017, the Padian in the most affected area of Marawi was lost but it gave birth to the new Padians. New big markets were established in nearby municipalities like, Ditsaan-Ramain, Buadipuso Buntong, Mulondo, Taraca, Tamparan, Marantao, Wato, Bacolod Grande, Kalawi, Ganassi, and Malabang. This has increased the sales of those businessman from Marawi who has already transferred their businesses even before the COVID lockdown. The pandemic has brought enough increase in the economy of different municipalities of Lanao del Sur or it has paved a way for every municipality to focus on their economic goals. Now, each municipality doesn’t have to depend on Marawi anymore or Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro City but they can now manage buy products within their hometowns. Change is indeed welcome.

Arafat M. H.Hamid

Imanto a pandemic, na isa ko mga ala a tpng ko madakl a tao na so kapakabtad iran sa pangnengken sii ko lamesaan iran. Madakl a taw a pakagdam sa ungos ka so kawyagan na myada. Pkargenan so umaniisa ko dingkam babanoga ko kawyagan ago sukatan misabap ko mga restrictions sa gya pandemic. Ogaid, na so kamapyaan ko kaugop na imanto na pkailay sa masa imanto. Madakl a mga pipiya Samaritans ah dizadka ko mga tamok iran a ugop ko bangsa Meranaw. Na isa ko pinakamapya a mga galbek a mingitalmba sa gya masa na gyangkae a pumbtowan sa Community Pantry. So pakaantapan a gyangkae a mapya galbuk na sii ko madakl a taw, na aya kapagokit okit iyan na kuwa ron so makakikinanglan nago donate so adn a kagaga niyan. Gyangkae a lagid aya galbek na pipoonan sa Quezon City, makaukit sa Maginhawa Community Pantry a piyagolowanan e Ana Patricia. Madakl a miya inspired iran a Community sa pilipinas sa

gyangkae a mapya initiative iran na madakl mambu a siminuwaon sa antap a kaugop . Na kataya minisampay sii sa ingud tano a Lanao del Sur a gyangkae a mapya galbuk. Mga ompongan a mga kalumbayan ago private a mga ompongan sa Lanao del Sur na miyagpoon siran maginitiate go initalmba iran mambo a gyangkae a Community Pantry ko mga ingud iran. Lagid a gyangkae a Municipality a Saguiaran ago Marawi City go so pd a mga Community sa Lanao del sur na yagpoon so umani youth organizations ko kitalmbaan sagiyangkae a Initiative a Community Pantry. Kabasa e Sittie Asia M. Mai, ah aya tatandingan a olowan o project sagyangkae a PEACE HARVEST COMMUNITY PANTRY a based sa Marawi City, na so dadabiyatan o mga meranaw a so katatabanga na mawwyag pn sa gya dn e kiyabaloy gya idea a Community Pantry a makasusukod ago kinanglan a di manggalbek. Inioman iyanon pn na kabasa niyan na gyangkae a initiative na pka

pukaw niyan so kamapyaan o madakl a Meranaw ago so mga kabaya mugop ko mayto mala a okit. Na ge encourage iyan pn so langowan a kadaklan sa ranaw a mangpd sa lagidaya initiative ko kapakiilaya ko kaisa isa ago katatabanga ko omanisa. So madakl a tao na di siran di manalamat sa lagid aya Initiative misabap sa mimbaloy ine a mala ugop ko kapkakawyag uyag. Kabasa o mga pd a residents a myakakuwa ko free goods ko Community pantry na di siran di manalamat ka miyakaito so gasto iran ko mga basic necessities iran maana so mga makikinanglan iran.

Bridge of Hope: Para ko Kalumbayan sa Ranaw Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph

Bridge of Hope Orphans (Top) and Abu Farrah on donation distribution and repacking.

Marantao – Wato “Boundry” (Boundary) Market

Jisrol Amal(Bridge of Hope) is a helping hands program for students who want to study in madrasa/toril and are in dire need of financial support. With the coordination and volunteerism of Abu Farah Ali, an Ustadh and young Alim, he is trying his best to offer the best for these students. In his recent Ramadhan programs for the orphanages in Lanao, he helps in providing food for the table of the orphans, male and females, alike. He is making ends meet by receiving goods like rice, fruits and dates from people from everywhere in the world. He is a man of courage. As young as he is, he was able

to facilitate these donations without any hesitations, “All for the sake of Allah,” he said. The current activities he has include the distribution of food and Iftar activities to different Torils, Darul Islah in Baloi, DarurRraaha in Marantao, Darul Barakah, Darussalam in Baloi and the most recent is an Iftar (see below photo). “We monitor some torils, ask about their situations, and send some cash assistance to make sure that their iftar and sahoor is in proper prepation. We have also received a budget for 3 goats for their aqeeqah. Maa shaa Allah wal hamdulillah. We delivered it to 4 madrasah after it was

cooked,” he posted on his FB page. Indeed, Islam is the religion of Peace and Ramadhan is the month of giving. All these efforts are worth doing for the sake of Allah. By way of monitoring and helping all the orphans to survive, this way, we are making them realize that they are loved and peace must reign in their hearts. Bridge of Hope says on their page that “we don’t have anything to share with you in return of your goodness except for the prayer that may Allah accept your intentions and a’mal, And may He reward all of you with the highest of His jannah. Ameen.”


May 2021

E’ID: Kariyala a Kapipiya Ginawa Mohammad Nadhif R. Hadji Nabel


N’ditarun Tano: How a simple start-up created ripples and now making waves By N’ditarun Tano Org.

So E’id Al-Fitr odi na aya kalalayami ron o mga meranaw a ipmbtho iranon na Kutba na tlo gawii aya a kariyala o mga muslim a ped ko dadabiatan a tanda sa kiya odas o bulan a babarakaten a giyanan so Ramadhan. So basa a “E’id” na katharo a Arabic a makapmamaana sa “kariyala” odi na “kaplamilami”. So paganay a gawii o E’id na sii pkhirosu ko paganay a gawii o olanolan a Shawwal sii sa Hijri Calendar. Tanto aya ko mala a gawii sii ko mga muslim. Kenaba ini bo matag kariyala ko kiyapopos o bulan a Ramdhan, wana ogaid na kariyala o kapipiya na go kada a rayo-rayo sa ginawa. Sa giyangkae a gawii na kalalayaman a so mga muslim na pephagnaw siran komabalaga ka aniran mitonay so mga salbo a galebek a mikokoyapet sa giyangka e a E’id. Panoloten iran so mga pipiya ko mga nditarun iran. Aden pen oto a phekatoon a phamamasaan pen sa mga bago a nditarun para bo sangkae a kalilimod. Sii peman ko mipantag ko mga pangnengken, na dadabiyatan o mga meranaw a aden a pkhatoon a pephaninindaan sa mga mamis a diran dimbaloyn a pamemegayan ko kadandan ko mga tonganay nago mga siringan iran iran. Aden pen a mga pamemegayan iran ko mga wata a diden dimbaloy a sadaqah o mga muslim. Isa a giyangkae a E’id ko mga ala a kariyala o mga muslim. Sa giyangkae a masa na pagontod siran ko mga paramadali iran na itakber iran so kala o Allah (S.W.T) nago panalawatan iran so nabi Muhammad (S.A.W). Oriyan iyan na itindeg iran so sambayang iran a duwa rak’ah na go siran bo peman phamamakineg sa makempet a osayan ko Islam sa kaphagolowani ron o Imam. Oriyan oto na mbisitaan iran so mga tonganay, dayo, ago so mga salakaw kiran ka iphanampay iran so kapipiya ginawa nago kapririlae sa sii den pen pkhaaden so diiran di kapakambibityarae a dimbaloy a gakot ko ndolondolonan iran. Sa giyangkae a E’id na saya pen pkhaaden so kambebegaya. Giyanan I sabap sa kiyabaloy a giyangkae a E’id a kenaba matag kariyala, ogaid na kariyala o kapipiya ginawa.

Onaan pen a giyangkae a kakhawma o E’id na diden di mriparado so omani pitanggisaan sa diiran di kaphaparihiyasani ko mga walay iran. Diiran di plolompiyowan so mga walay iran para ko phamakatalingoma a mga banto iran. Aden oto a pkayat sa mga mamandiyang a iplikos iran ko soled a walay iran. Aden peman a mga balloons odi na mga tarpaulin a ipaneket iran ko mga walay iran, tanda a kapipiya-piyae iran sangkae a E’id. Sa gynagkae a masa na kikasosonor so mga manosiya na aya mala na so mga wata. O pagilayn, na giyangkae a E’id na salbo aya a kaplimolimod nago kakhariyala, ogaid na tanodan a so agama tano a Islam na da a inibetad iyan a nganinsan a galebek oba da mambo a salbo iyan a antap. Giyangkae a E’id na masa aya a di isasampaya so kapipiya nago kada a rayorayo sa ginawa sii ko salakaw di salakaw. Giyangkae so gawii a ipephangalimo so mga kimamaregenan nago so mga pobri. Misabap roo na pkhaaden so kapamemegay sii ko bulan a Ramadhan, nago sii pen ko kadandan o masa. Kagiya mawto na pkhaaden a giyangkae a kalilimod a dii mipamayandeg o kadandan o mga muslim sa giyangkae a entero a alam. So katharo a mapapadalem sa giyangkae a kariyala na so di kibilangen ko ginawa ko mga tao na di makapmaana sa kibibilang ko mga pangangayamen. So mga manosiya I sangkad ko mga kaaden sabap ko kasasanae kiran o Allah ko kapangalinggagaw ko mga salakaw kiran nago so kadandan o mga kaaden sa giyangkae a alam an mipamayandeg so thito a kapipiya ginawa!

N’ditarun Tano is a youth- by linking the team with the as the adviser together with driven impact enterprise that skilled weavers of the Mranaw Nairah M. Tambie, Mohammad preserves Mranaw culture textiles and apparels in the Shoraym Casanguan, and through integrating Mranaw Municipality of Tugaya, Lanao Raniya D. Sarip, the start-up textile, words, and proverbs del Sur. Through this, the team competed and has emerged in clothes such as shirts was able to achieve one of as the champion in the 2020 and jackets by innovating its main goal to assist and Unilever Topic Competition unique designs. Moreover, the impact the Mranaw weavers held last March 2021. enterprise identifies itself as by providing them market Through inclusive a youth-led organization that opportunity and even to support partnership and collaboration supports different youth sub- to market their masterpieces and as we heightened our sector and children in Lanao del globally. Through the help initiative in addressing peace Sur by providing educational and assistance of TFBM and concerns in the province while and other assistance through Raheemah, the team was create peacebuilders with peacebuilding activities and able to receive support and skills on conflict management, social interventions. be one of the recipients of resolution and transformation, N’ditarun Tano is originally the Sustainable Livelihood the team launched its founded by three members of Package under the Restoring new program entitled Federation of Ranaw Youth Livelihoods and Learning in Kalumbayan Peace Camp. Student Leaders being headed Marawi Project of the Save the This aims to gather youth by Ammar M. Cayongncat, Children Philippines. from different youth suband Mohammad M. Khalil was With all the overwhelming sectors and introduce them to later on added as a mentor in support coming from different peacebuilding and capacitate 2019 during the 2nd Ranaw groups and individual clients, them with skills of conflict Project Grant Program of we were able to launch management, resolution and the Provincial Government Kapaganad sa Kalilintad, transformation. The first batch of Lanao del Sur though roughly translated as Learning of the program kicked-off in the Sangguniang Kabataan Peace as the official program the municipality of Marantao. Panlalawigan Pederasyon, to turnover school kits to The start-up since the LDS, and #YES2SDG Boot selected beneficiaries from beginning has received Camp of The Moropreneur Inc. different municipalities in overwhelming support from and UNDP. The initiative then the province of the Lanao different institutions and was awarded as the Economic del Sur. Currently, we were organizations, which the Development Ambassador able to reach 25 youth from project leader sees as further of the Mozhor ko Kawyagan different youth sub-sector in validation of their cause, that in Ranaw Flagship Program the Municipality of Piagapo though the start-up seems of the Office of the Provincial last August 09, 2021 and 30 like a drop in a very vast Vice Governor of Lanao del from the Municipality of Ditsa- ocean, with the support it has Sur last February 06, 2020. an Ramain last December 29, received, this drop has since With the innovative idea, 2020. then caused a rippling effect in the initiative is selected as As we continue the battle the unreached and neglected one of the best 2, topping the effects of the Covid19 issues and sectors. other 16 initiatives and Pandemic affecting the lives Though it started mainly was given the chance to be of youth and children in the to address issues arising from recommended to be a Marawi province, the team participated peace and conflict and cultural Rehabilitation Program in the istorWASH campaign preservation, the start-up has (MRP) of Plan International last August 23, 2020 together grown to be flexible enough and USAID Grantees and with Project 16, reaching 90 to respond to social issues received additional grants and children from the different relevant to the community assistance up to this date. children sub-sectors of the without losing sight of its As the initiative continues municipality of Balindong and identity. At present, N’ditarun to strive and fight different provided hygiene kits. Tano continues to stive challenges, a lot of people Recently, in collaboration for its goals and objectives showed support and with College of Business and will work even harder compassion. Raheemah, Administration and to deliver material impact being led by Baicon Cayoncat- Accountancy, MSU – Marawi to the community and its Nuska, helped the initiative though Sir Art Marvin M. Arañas stakeholders.

Sample Apparels and Design of N’ditarun



May 2021

Prof. Sorhaila L. Latip-Yusoph Prof. Sorhaila Latip Yusoph

Ali Yusoph, Soar High KFI President giving his rationale;

Ma’am Sor delivering the lecture content;

Oral Workshop

Women (Aleemat) Participants

Men (Ulamah) Participants

Information dissemination empowers everyone especially the most vulnerable ones; and it can help assist the development of a community in far flung areas. However, when it is not managed properly, it may cause information disorder. With this, the advent of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) as the 21st century skill needed for all individuals today, one has to know how information is produced, processed and created in all media forms. Hence, MIL focuses on different and intersecting competencies to transform people’s interaction with information and learning environments online and offline (UNESCO, 2019). As defined by scholars, MIL is a set of competencies that empowers citizens to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate and use, create as well as share information and media content in all formats, using various tools, in a critical, ethical and effective way, in order to participate and engage in personal, professional, and societal activities (UNESCO, 2013). This important skill should be introduced, if not mastered by all information providers. In the recent Pandemic information, Meranaws and Filipinos are very much engulfed with major disinformation because of the many individuals who cannot understand how media and Information works and how factchecking and critical mindedness became so important. Recently, the 2021 research by the Internews Philippines in the Bangsamoro, it has been learned that among the most trusted information providers in the area are the Muslim religious leaders or the Ulamah. Hence, providing them necessary basic skills in MIL will not only equip them as leaders but more of their constituents to accept the information they are bringing with them. Because of the kindness of Muslim brothers around the globe and shared by Dr. Urooj Malik, the project was given another chance to be implemented on April 22 and 23, 2021 with Ulamah and Aleemat in Lanao. This time, the #MIL4Ulamah project was conducted by the Department of Communication and Media Studies senior faculty Prof. Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph. The said seminar is in partnership with Mindanao State University College of King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies (KFCIAAS), the Soar High Knowledge Foundation, Inc. and Marawi Aken Newspaper. • After the said seminar, the following are the wonderful comments taken from the participants: • This program should invite not only the Ulamah and Aleemat but more so with the ordinary people of Lanao who cannot understand the influence of disinformation; • This can be replicated and done not only in the city but also in the far-flung areas in the municipalities of Lanao; • Enhance the training for Ulamah to learn how to share these to the Masajid; • This will not only help the Ulamah but more so the ordinary people in Lanao; • This kind of training will enlighten other Ulamah not to debate and argue about Akidah online/ SocMed; • Many feared the vaccine but with this lecture, we learned how important is knowing more about it; • Mothers at home should be reached out and given similar understanding of what is media and information literacy. Above comments are just among the many empowering words that the participants were able to give. One of the Aleemat even said that with the sharing made, she will be witnessing in the hereafter that this valuable endeavor has made an impact on her and hoping she could share the same to her fellow Aleemat who were not in the session. Prof. Jashim A. AbdulRahman, Sh.L., MAIS, JD is the Chairperson of the Islamic Studies Department of MSU- King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies. He was also the Former College Secretary and Former Research Coordinator. Sir Jashim is a graduate of Islamic Studies with his latin honor, Cum Laude in his undergraduate and has finished his Master of Arts in Islamic Studies major in Muslim Law and his Juris Doctor degree. He is an epitome of a young Muslim achiever who would want others to be like him. In fact, he was the second placer of the Shari’ah Bar Examination when he took it 2008. Then, he made it a point to help other young achievers. Sir Jashim is a writer and he recently published his works entitled “Islamic Jurisprudence: A Comprehensive Reviewer and the Questions and Answers in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence - Shari’ah Bar Reviewer. His insistence to help the college, his review books helped a lot of topnotchers in the Shariah bar examinations these days. It is such a pleasure to have met this young but highly respected professor. According to him, MIL4Ulamah has proven how significant is information dissemination. In his own Meranaw words, in Meranaw, this is what he said: “Isa a mala a siyabot aken ko Media and Information

Literacy na miyabager iyan so andang a panarima aken a makapopoon May 2021sa Hadith a oda a mapetharo oka a mapiya na tomo a bakaden kekemed. Ikadowa na so sugoan reketano a langon a kabar odi na tothol a pekhaneg o Muslim na patot so kakedega niyanon o benar antawaa ka kabokhagan. Sii sa masa tano imanto na kinanglan den so sowa sa Media ago Information sabap sa kiyaalin o betad. Gowani na o aden a bokhag odi na taremo na ayabo a perampayan o tothol iyan na so siringan iyan odi na so mga madaseg gon. Na imanto na labaw ron sa Social Media lagid a Facebook a miyakadaya so bokhag ka taman tigiran sa Indaratila na pephakaomaon so tothol iyan. Isa a miyailay aken a katao odi na sowa a malo ron maoori so sabaad ko mga Meranaw na giyangkai a Media and Information Literacy. Giyoto i sabap a ped tano ko pekhapoonan o mga kabokhagan iphoon ko Marawi Siege taman sangkaya a Pandemic. Khapakay pen a so den so ped ko mga Meranaw i dimbabaal sa mga tothol a pephakabinasa. Ophoon malalayon so kakurang tano i sabot na kambabayabayaan tano o mga tao a dimangangalek sa pakaookiten so tothol iran sa siyap ko pagtao ka kapananggila kon ugaid na aya den a oni ago antap o tothol iran na an katagowi sa sawan so Bangsa

iran. Ikadowa na so mga tao a pababaal sa tothol a melagid so sii pakaookita sa kasandagan odi na kapamagizao ko mga ped a pekhasabapan sa kapekadadag o sabaad, na ikatelo na so mga tao a dimanangin melagid so phagoteken iyan so ped iyan sa pirak antaa ka mbinasaan niyan. Makasabap san na isa den a pekhararadan angkaya a kakurang i sabot sa Media ago Information Literacy na so ped ko mga lokes aken ago mga morit aken na isa siran den a mapipikir aken a ron akenon mambo ithogalin so maito a sabot aken a miyasageb ako ko inibegay ngka rekami sabap sa phakanggay kiran a gona ago khalinding iran a ginawa iran ko langowan a phamakabinasa a miyaaloy aken sa puro. Omayyah T. Amer-Tarathingan is a faculty of the Department of Islamic Studies of the Mindanao State University and she is the secretary in the Usratul Ummahatil Muslimaat, a member of Majlisol A’la Lin Nisael Muslimaat-Marawi City, and Noorus Salaam National Women Council, Philippines. As a professor of MSU, she has been very influential to different groups of Aleemat organizations in Lanao. She is an epitome of a young empowered Islamic teacher of her time aside from becoming the college secretary of the MSU-King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic

Sir Jashim

those various forms of information with an ability to make sense of what is presented; and 3. Lastly, when we see images on television and read messages in our phones, especially in Facebook, we must not base our own judgements on our worldview or outlook because the images themselves can call up or sway our thinking in a particular direction. Omayyah has imbibed the basic necessity of learning media and information literacy in this time of the pandemic. Prof. Sagola Hajjah Zakiyyah D. Tago is one of the senior faculty members of the Teaching Arabic Department of MSU-KFCIAAS. She has served different positions in the college including her being her department’s chairperson, and was once an assistant dean of her college. Prof. Agol, as many called her specializes in community and outreach services for women advocacies for Women’s Rights in Islam. She advocates gender equity along side with sexual rights of women in Islam. Her expertise brought her to different communities in the country and abroad.

and Asian Studies. Omayyah has been in different international conferences presenting her expertise in Islam and Tertiary Education. Now that she has attended the #MIL4Ulamah in Lanao, she was enlightened and wants to share her learnings in her classes and other organizations. According to her, “I am indeed grateful to Allah for being one of the participants during the lecture on Media and Information Literacy. My impression will last long as a Muslimah especially in these most challenging times for all ages.” She saw the significance of sharing this not only to Aleemat but also to mothers at home. “If I will be given the chance , I wish I could have the privilege to share the following things I learned to the Arabic students ( Morit ) and Arabic Teachers ( Asaatith) who have difficulties in understanding the social media nowadays,” she added. She presented three things that she will share: 1. Being a responsible Muslimah, it is our responsibility to have an ability to identify different types of media and messages we receive from television news, magazines and posters, theatrical presentations, tweets, radio broadcasts, and specially text messages and Facebook posts; 2. It is part of our accountability to understand


Ma’am Omay

According to her, after attending the MIL for Ulamah lecture, she realized how important is acknowledging the different information disorders that may linger in our midst in this hi-tech world. She learned the differences of misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information. Mis-information is when false information is shared, but no harm is meant. Disinformation is when false information is knowingly shared to cause harm. Mal-information is when genuine information is shared to cause harm, often by moving information designed to stay private into the public sphere. “As an active member of non-government organizations in Lanao, and leading women rights activities, I see the significance of transferring my learning to all women especially mothers who are the guides in different homes,” she remarked. Zahiya B. H. Salih, the KFCIAAS Secretary and professor added that she has learned concepts in the lecture. “Media today is one of the tools for giving information. It is a channel mostly used by people to reach out and spread information/news. With

its importance, it should be utilized properly in order to avoid Information Disorder which includes misinformation, disinformation and malformation.” “The sharing of Ma’am Sor on her experiences particularly on the text messages before Marawi Siege is an example of what an information can do to the lives of many,” she added. “Think before you click“ is one of the notable concepts learned. “This means that before posting to social media, we have to think carefully the content of what we are going to click in order to protect ourselves, and avoid unexpected outcomes which can lead to misunderstanding, disagreement, offense, violence, etc.;” Zahiya explained. For her, if she will be given the chance to share this MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY, she’d like her own community to learn it especially the youth. “I want them to learn to be responsible with the use of media and technology, and realize the impact it could do to them. If in their young age they will develop and adopt this sense of responsibility, then information disorder might be avoided,”she affirmed.

Ma’am Agol and her colleagues (top)

Zahiya (on the right most) with her LangKIT Colleagues.



Continuation....#MIL4ULAMAH Project Dr. Anwar M. Radiamoda is a Director of the Shari’ah Center, faculty member of the King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies, Mindanao State University (MSU). He is a Shari’ah Lawyer, member of the Integrated Shari’ah Bar of the Philippines; graduate of Bachelor of Art in Islamic Law (Shari’ah) from K.S.A; Master of Arts in Islamic Studies major in Muslim Law from MSU, Philippines; Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Studies from Indonesia; and graduate of Advanced Certificate on Islamic Finance Practice and Crash Course on Fundamentals of Islamic Banking and Finance in (ICIFE) Malaysia, in 2018. In his fervent desire to be more competent and qualified in teaching the Arabic and Malay Language, he equipped himself with sufficient knowledge b y attending trainings and advanced education. Dr. Radiamoda is one of those Ulamah in the university who has media exposures and programs. According to him, “As one of the Ulama participants in the event, I am very happy on the topic and lecture because, I have learned many lessons and tips on how to use Media and Information.” He enumerated that he understood the types of information disorder which are Misinformation; Disinformation; and Mal-information including those manipulated content in Media. He added that Media literacy is the ability to classify different types of media and comprehend the messages they’re sending. The digital age has made it easy for anyone to create media. We don’t always know who created something, why they made it, and whether it’s credible. This makes media literacy complicated to learn and teach. For him, MIL enables people to show and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right. Media literacy, put simply, is the ability to identify different types of media and the messages they are sending. Therefore, accordingly, “We, as the readers or viewers, need to view the media objectively, with the goal to find out or analyze what is being presented. The essential skills for media literacy such as slowing down in a fast-paced world; finding the source; exploring media as a creator; and understanding bias should be part of our day-to-day skills,” he added. \ In this issue, a separate article is given by him for further reflection on what he thinks about the significance of Media and Information Literacy.


May 2021

Reflecting on MIL Dr. Anwar M. Radiamoda I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph for her very effective and interesting lecture on the Information and Media Literacy (IML) at Da’wah Hall of the King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies, MSU Marawi City. As one of the Ulama participants in the event, I am very happy on the topic and lecture because, I have learned many lessons on how to use Media and Information. In fact, I am encouraged that if you want to be involved in the media, you have to do your research. If you want your audience to notice and engage with your social posts, you need to make them highly relevant to your target group and speak their language; develop your language; be positive; keep it short and simple with moral excellence; then, investigating the reliability of the post, and news conveyed, even by wicked people. Allah the Exalted ordered investigating the news that sinners and the wicked bring, to make sure of its authenticity. Otherwise, if the sinner’s word is taken for granted and a decision is based on it, regardless of whether the information is true or not, the authorities will be taking the lead of the sinners. Allah the Exalted and Most Honored forbade taking the path of the corrupted and sinners. Consequently, groups of the scholars of Hadith refuse to accept narrations from narrators whose reliability is unknown, for they might be from among the wicked people, in reality. In the Sahih, there is a Hadith that states,

In English translation: (Verily, a man might utter a word that pleases Allah the Exalted, even though he does not recognize the significance of his word, and on its account, Paradise is written for him. Verily, a man might utter a word carelessly that angers Allah the Exalted, and on its account, he is cast in the Fire farther than the distance between the heavens and earth.)

Allah the Almighty said;

“Ogop o Da Mitanod“ Johaimen H.S H. Abbas

“Di kitanod so kathay o masa igira man oto a matetembang ka ko kamis iyan” Igira adn a kabaya tano kowaan a ditano k’akowa sa magaan sa magaan ka pakanayaw tano sa isaka olan na tanto ko mala a kagegedama tano ko kathay niyan. Isaka olan a telo polo gawii. Na so Ramadhan na imbibida. Sabap sa di kitanod. Benar ka isaka olan mambo ka dowa polo ago siyaw odi na telo polo gawii na isaka mambo ka olan a tarotop. Di kitanod sa batanoden gii mambasa so sataga “kiyagaan”, miyabaloy a lalayon pekilapiyat o mga dila tano. Aya kagegedama tanoron na miyanaragipoon sa myawri a pito gawii na emanto na kapopos den. So kiyapniyatae sa gya Ramadhan 2021 na da maisa so tindeg. Sabaad na inako 13-April na so sabaad na 14. Lebi a mala a limo a so kapniyata para ko boka na miyaisaisa so tindeg. So Ramadhan na mapiya bolayoka sa mapakabager kaniyan. So Ramadhan na mala a okor o tao a romiyaoton. Sabap sa bulong ko ginawa ka kanginginawae. Pkatimotimo so isaka lompokan a k’ak’awatana para bo makanginginawae. Tanto ko mamis a kanggiginawae. Pkagdam tano pen so kapakabulong iyan ko mga badan tano. Rasay romasay si Folan igira naba powasa sabap ko “ulcer” yan odi na ro’ ko tiyan iyan na miyagaganiyan bo so kapakatimpos ko isakaolan. Lebi a mala a gii masipat o tao ko kapagos’or o paratiyaya niyan samanoto na pakabuulong ko paratiyaya. Dadn a bokl ago robas ko sowasowat. So di pakanaw ko dalem o kagagawii na maka-aanaw sa masa oto. So mga lo’ ko mga mata na lalayon so kapakatoga iran sabap ko kamis o paratiyaya iran, kagorawk sa kapipiya ginawa. Aya mala a ogop o powasa na bulong ko bager. Benar kay katiger sa kakan ago kainom na da maalin so kakasag tano. Mainot so piyagti na ndadakel so miyakapiyay kambobolawasan. So kapakakagaga na da maalin. Miyambiyat tano ko antonaa e magegedam o mga pobre ago pog’r rekitano. Sabap saya na pkalimpiyowan so mga tamok tano sabap ko katonay sa zakat. Kak’ak’alimowai, kat’at’abanga na go kaiisaisa. Mala so panginam o omaniisa sangkaya bolan a babarakaten. Sa ditano psalin’n so lalayon tano masisinganin a araparap ko kadnan. Eid Mubarak pagariya.

In English translation: “O you who believe! If an evil-doer comes to you with a report , look carefully into it, lest your harm a people in ignorance, the be sorry for what you have done”. (Holy Qur’an, 49:6)

Chastising those who indulge in things before being sure of their truth, disclosing them, making them known and spreading their news, even though such news might not be true at all. Imam Muslim recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said,

In English translation: (Narrating everything one hears is sufficient to make a person a liar.)

This is the same narration collected by Abu Dawud in the section of Adab (manners) in his Sunan. In the Two Sahihs, it is recorded that AlMughirah bin Shu`bah said that the Messenger of Allah prohibited, “It was said,’’ and, “So-and-so said.’’ This Hadith refers to those who often convey the speech that people utter without investigating the reliability and truth of what he is disclosing. The Sahih also records,

In English translation: (Whoever narrates a Hadith while knowing it is false, then he is one of the two liars (who invents and who spreads the lie).

May Allah accept our good deeds and prayer. Happy Eid Al-Fiter!


May 2021


Qur-an and Tajweed: A Realizing the Significance of Soul Cleansing Month Pananaroon of Ramadhan Sofailah Latip-Panggaga, LPT, MAELT

Prof. Sittie Adaweyah L. Macabago

Ramadhan 1442 AH is the second time that we spend it with some restrictions and guidelines to safeguard us from acquiring CoViD-19 and hoping that the new variant of CoViD-19 won’t reach our location. As an instructor of Tajweed, my practice has been greatly affected as face to face interaction was discouraged. Learning how to read the Qur-an needs close monitoring as the meaning of the Arabic words in the Qur-an will give a different message if even if one letter or one vowel changed during its pronounciation. As a muslim, the least thing we can gain is to learn the Tajweed of the Quran or simply the enunciation of its letters. It is Wajib or obligatory for us muslims to learn it as evidenced by the verse in the Qur-an in Surah Al-Muzzammil, verse 4 “and read the Qur-an with measured recitation”. This means, reading it will not end by just knowing how to read but to read it with specific count, prolongation, enunciation and articulation of the letters. And I am humbly thankful that Allaah (s.w.t.) have bestowed me the strength and knowledge to share it to any women interested to learn it. Our goal in this life is to please our creator and live it through His commandments. In this pandemic, it was a challenge to me on how to still execute teaching tajweed as it is quite hard to relay it through social media. But due to the request and the Tawfeeq of Allaah (s.w.t.), I have finally decided to bring it to the world of social media and be seen as a sincere initiative to still impart the knowledge and encourage those ‘once young’ and young Muslim women to exert extra effort to befriend the Book of Allaah (s.w,t). I always give myself as an example as I myself have gone through thick and thin just to properly utter the language of the Almighty. It is not easy to learn it especially

if we learn it in the later years of our age. Nevertheless, the determination and prayers to the Almighty is the main battery and first step. The FB Album entitled Qur-an and Tajweed Ilm Sharing found in my account, some Tajweed rules are elaborated and explained and queries are also welcome either in personal message or in the comment section. This was created last year during the peak of the pandemic. And to add to this effeort, we have created a private group page for Girls only to maximize the effort in reaching women and help them achieve proper enunciation of the Qur-an. On the simplest note, the utterance of the word “Allaah” in phrases have rulings as to read it in a light or heavy way. In this second year of the pandemic, I have added a Private Group for women only that aims to extend audios and videos regarding the proper pronunciation of the words in the Qur-an. Especially in this month of fasting where the Qur-an was revealed and sent down to mankind as the last guide, this is the month of fasting where we should divert the feeling of hunger during the daytime and engage in befriending the Qur-an. Learning how to read and ponder over its meaning. One letter in the qur-an is worth 10 good deeds that is even multiplied during this Ramadhan. Consistency is a must to achieve fluency and eventually have your own unique melody that will naturally come out from you. That is just part of the different wonders of Qur-an that is not everyone are able to see unless we engage to it. In the end, only Allaah (s.w.t.) can give the strength and opportunity for this that may be possible through asking it to Him in prayers. Good things in your life will multiply once the love of His book holy Qur-an planted in your heart and daily life.

This time of globalization, most of the Meranaw people are influenced by Western education and social media, consequently pushing their native culture to the background. Meranaws use Pananaroon in discourse in order to convince people of their ideas. According to Sarangani (2010), the endangered traditional art forms of Meranaws, mostly in oral form, are part of their rich oral tradition. The Pananaroon is not the only kind of Meranaw literature, but, it constitutes a rare, unique and interesting verbal art form. An obvious threat to the preservation of oral tradition is the influence of globalization. Meranaws are engaged in technology. Despite this, Meranaw culture for the most part it has been untouched. It has stubbornly held out and retained its uniqueness or distinctiveness. While there are changes, modernization and innovations among other ethnic groups in the Philippines, the Meranaws have maintained some of their native culture, traditions, customs and ways of life which now appear unique since they have remained untouched until the turn of the century. Still, the effect of modernization on the Pananaroon does not escape notice. The Meranaw language is not being developed since Meranaws have neglected it because they are more interested in learning other languages. For this reason, the Meranaw literary arts like Pananaroon becomes difficult for them to understand since folk literature is in the vernacular. So, if one wants to comprehend them thoroughly, he must develop his competencies in his native language, and to contribute to the preservation and growth of his language. The use and study of Meranaw language which MTB-MLE has sent impetus to shall hopefully foreword the preservation enterprise. The implication of this for the preservation of Meranaw oral traditions like the pananaroon can hardly be over-emphasized. My reason for studying this now is not only timely but urgent, and relevant. It is offered as a contribution to the preservation of an interesting popular Meranaw traditional literary form – the pananaroon. I wish that one day, this shall be appreciated like that of other literary works and I hope to be the first to inspire the young children of today in appreciating its beauty.

Sofailah Latip-Panggaga, LPT, MAELT

44 Reasons to be THANKFUL Latifa Sor Ly

In the vast ocean of life A lady explored and endured the waves; Waves of time designed by ALLAH, Her PARENTS as her bouy to guide, As she floats with the brine of expectations From her RELATIVES and MENTORS, Giving her the best course through its current; No waves can stop her PASSION, PERSEVERANCE, PATIENCE and ENDURANCE to stay afloat amidst her IMPERFECTIONS, PRIDE and even her FOES. HOPE became the isle where she saw the BEAUTY of her being; When her INA taught her to appreciate Her children’s smiles and tears... Her nautical compass beyond the storms of life, HANAN, LATIP, SOHAILE and HAJNA gave her The deep water of adventure as it is colored by YAYANG– The man who made her see the seacoast full of her ASPIRATIONS, VISIONS and DREAMS as she navigates the new paths of the land...

“Ang Buhay sa Marawi” Jashim Azis AbdulRahman

Ang buhay sa Marawi Nakakatawa’t nakakainis. May malaking lawa ngunit palaging walang kuryente. May magagarang sasakyan pero lubak-lubak naman ang kalsada. May malalaking bahay ngunit may maduming paligid. Kahit saang kanto may paaralan kunti naman ang natututo. Ang daming nakapagtapos (propisyonal) wala namang pag-unlad. Ang daming masjid konti naman ang nagsisimba. Ipinagbabawal ang pag-inom ng alak talamak naman ang droga. Ang buhay sa Marawi nakakatawa’t nakakainis. Maraming mayayaman kunti naman ang mapagbigay. Napakadaming pinuno wala namang sinusunod na batas. Ang daming may baril kulang naman ang pulis. Lahat matatapang kaya maraming napapatay. Ang buhay sa Marawi nakakatawa’t nakakainis. Kelan ka ba babalik aking Marawi. Nakakamis ka aking Marawi.

The life on land may be different but Our forest of CHALLENGES became A walk in the park because of you, Her FRIENDS and FAMILY serving as her torch As she trod the course of SORROW, PAIN and even SOLITUDE everyday; She is comforted by your KINDNESS, EMPOWERMENT and ENCOURAGEMENT With unconditional LOVE and COMFORT... This woman’s LIFE is never complete Without the remembrance of her creator... ALHAMDULILLAH as she takes clear paths SUBHANNALLAH as she is in awe with His GLORY ALLAHU AKHBAR as she faces her FEARS MASHAALLAH as she sees SUCCESS ASTAGFIRULLAH if she wants to be forgiven, and IN SHAA ALLAH, she will have the WISDOM To be more thankful!

E’ID MUBARAK! Mohammad Nadhif R. Hadji Nabel

Sii reka go pamilyangka. Di kambantayan so buntal O mga wata a masosonor Ko E’id a kariyala! Di tapen kambantayan So pephananawag go phesegad, So di melalis sa matanog “Imanto na Kutba!!!” Lomiyandaw sa mathay Ko kiyasebang o olan Miyatanto so kiyaodas O banto a kilala!

Masa a kada a rayo-rayo, Masa a kasosonor, Masa a kapipiya ginawa, Inipalad o kadenan. Domiyansal so masa So khipanampayn ko sonor, Kapipiya ginawa A kariyala a thito!

Marawi Aken Editorial Board Prof. Sorhaila Latip-Yusoph Editor in Chief and Infographics Artist Ms. Johaniah N. Yusoph - Associate Editor Contributors and Writers Prof. Nasif T. Macaslang Prof. Sittie Adaweyah Macabago Ms. Aisha L. Murad

Prof. Sofailah Latip-Panggaga

Mr. Arafat M. H. Hamid

Johaimen Abbas

Mr. Moh. Nadhif R. H. Nabel

N’ditarun Tano Organization

Dr. Alim Anwar M. Radiamoda Literary Writers Latifa Sor Ly Mr. Moh. Nadhif R. H. Nabel Prof. Jashim A. AbdulRahman This issue is brought to us by the:

by the Friends and Family of Brother Urooj Malik


Happy Eid’l Fitr from our Family to yours!

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