Soul&Story ft. Mackenzie

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January 2017

SOUL&STORY ft. Mackenzie



est. 2011 Photoshoots Without Makeup Soul&Story is a digital magazine that believes your natural beauty is worth a photoshoot. contact us: instagram @soulandstory


Carlie is recent Pepperdine grad going on web developer. With camera in tow, she is taking on life, striving to enjoy each minute of it. List of Social Media Handles for Contact: IG: @carlsclip Email:

Photographer’s Note Once you meet Mackenzie you instantly know you’ve never met anyone like her. I’ve known her since the day she was born and it has been an honor to watch her character and individuality grow. She has so much spunk for life and is truly a creative rockstar. She is one of those friends I will be stuck with for life..and you know what? I couldn’t be happier about it.


About Mackenzie


’m a 5’2 free spirit currently residing by the beach. After high school, I decided I wanted to jump straight into the creative world and I haven’t looked back since. Creativity and coffee are the things that fuel me and I’m pretty much always going 115 mph or binge watching Netflix… there is no in-between.


retty much always getting lost in nature, I am one of those stop and smell the roses and pet every dog kinda gal. Also I’m going to own my own flower shop one day… just calling it out now.



How did it feel to not wear makeup during the photoshoot?


normally don’t wear makeup most days, I can probably count on my hand the times that I have worn it, but also most days I’m not getting pictures taken of myself (haha). I think there is something so freeing about not wearing make up and having your picture taken. There were moments when I’m like “oh shoot my face is breaking out” or “you can see the scare on my nose” but that is what makes up me… my flaws and imperfections, I wouldn’t be the same without them.


What’s been your journey to understanding beauty & selfworth?


or me beauty has never been clothes or makeup, its always been about passion. The most beautiful people in my opinion are the ones who live with their passion, who throw themselves wholeheartedly into life everyday.


think about this a lot, the idea of “self-worth” and for me ultimately it comes down to this: How can I expect someone to love me and accept me if I can’t accept myself ? WE HAVE GOT TO START LOVING OUR SELVES.


What makes you feel beautiful?


feel most beautiful when I get to love on those around me and when I get to do things that I am most passionate about. For me, loving on and serving the people in my community make my heart the most happy and I cant help but feel beautiful when I’m doing something I know my God created me to do.


Who inspires you?


h gosh, SO many people inspire me. I work in a whole office filled with women who I am inspired by daily. It’s hard for me to narrow this down to fit. I am so blessed with amazing friends who are nothing short of inspiring. I have an amazing friend Krista who inspires me in my everyday life and my creative life. My mom has taught me what it means to be a strong and independent woman and inspires me all the time.


What is your favorite part of your body?


y favorite part about myself is probably my hair. It kind of just has a mind of its own. Some days it wants to be curly, other times it wants to be straight. I remember when I was younger my cousin and I tried to figure out how my hair works, but it just is and I think that’s why I love it so much.


How do you build your own self-confidence?


onestly, self-confidence is something I struggle with a lot. I have to constantly remind myself that I was created with a purpose and that my confidence shouldn’t come from myself, or the things that I can do… because as much as I would like to be, I’m the farthest thing from perfect. Instead I have to remind myself that my confidence comes from God.


ne of my favorite quotes is “Comparison is the thief of joy” and it rings so much truth… I was not created to be like the person next to me. That thought always helps me.



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mbrace yourself, who you are, want you want. Listen to your dreams and figure out how to make them your reality. Weather you believe it or not, you are beautiful, smart, important, worthy, and you are here on this earth for a reason. Let your passions guide you.


©Soul&Story Photography by Carlie Clippinger

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