Farther west playbill

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PL AYBILL farther west


a pproxi m at e ru n ni ng t i m e: 2 hou rs t her e w ill be one 20 m i nu t e i n t er m ission


ARTIST NOTE: TARA NICODEMO Today is Sunday, our day off from rehearsals this week, and we all got together for a BBQ. I think that means that we like each other; a sentiment that I believe is one of the many ingredients required to create something special. I’m starting to have the feeling that we are doing just that. Other ingredients include a director like Diana who is giving us both freedom and trust to follow our instincts, fall on our faces and play. Then there are Mr. Murrell’s words. They flow (or sometimes stumble) out of us like notes on a piano, like sharp blades, a baby’s cry, a belly laugh; they have purpose and are relentless. I have walked through the Soulpepper doors many many times to see shows. Tomorrow morning I get to walk through them again but this time to rehearse. I am, to say the least, so very grateful for the generosity this company has shown me, has shown us all, a cast filled with many new faces. I hope you enjoy your journey Farther West with us.•

Romance is defined this way by The Free Dictionary online: a. A long fictitious tale of heroes and extraordinary or mysterious events, usually set in a distant time or place. b. A n artistic work, such as a novel, story, or film, that deals with sexual love, especially in an idealized form. c. A fictitiously embellished account or explanation. Some other female pioneers of May Buchanan’s time are: Jennie Trout Canada’s first woman licensed to practice medicine. Grace Lockhart The first woman in the British Empire to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (from Mount Allison University). Augusta Stowe-Gullen The first woman to graduate from a Canadian Medical School. The Women of the North-West Rebellion The first females to be recognized as part of a military force in the field.

TARA NICODEMO, May Buchanan in Farther West Ge n e rou s ly s u p p ort e d by

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