long day’s journey into night eugene o’neill artist note: This is a scary play to work on. Scary because it’s long, and there are lots of lines to learn, and the characters tend to think and speak in paragraphs, instead of sentences. Scary because the play is so honest, so intimate and demanding. And scary because people have such vivid memories of other great productions, including the famous 1994 – 95 version our director, Diana Leblanc did in Stratford with William Hutt, Martha Henry, Tom McCamus, Peter Donaldson and Martha Burns. We’ve been using the first hour of most days to work on memorizing. Then we assemble ourselves on our boxing ring of a stage and pound away at each other. The script is brilliant. The script is frustrating. And exacting. And thrilling. And the company is a kind of a dream team, with Diana directing, Peter Hartwell designing, and an acting company that includes Evan Buliung, Gregory Prest, Krystin Pellerin and my wife, Nancy Palk. The rehearsals have been exciting to watch and rewarding to be in. We’ve all been working pretty hard; scraping away the excess, trying to be clear, and to hear what’s really being said to us. It can be quite harrowing at times. They can be so cruel. The Tyrone family is bound to each other and trying to escape from each other at the same time. But, demanding as it is, we all feel so lucky to be working on this masterpiece. This is the first Eugene O’Neill play I’ve acted in, and it seems very clear to me that he knew how to write for actors, and he certainly knew how to write for audiences. We hope you enjoy the journey. Sláinte.
Joseph Ziegler, James in Long Day’s Journey Into Night
* Sláinte, is an Irish wish for health