TRUE WEST sam Shepard ( US 1980 )
a pproxim at e ru n ni ng t im e: 1 hou r a nd 40 m i nu t es t her e w ill be no i n t er m ission
ARTIST NOTE: Mike Ross Brothers. I never had a brother (or a sister). I grew up in a relatively quiet house. Just me. Trying to figure what to do next. What kind of trouble etc. And maybe it’s because of that I’ve always been drawn to plays about brothers. I played Happy in Death of a Salesman last year and connected with that part like I seldom had before. Possibly it’s a buried desire to have a brother and so when I get to create a relationship with one (real or make believe) I jump at the chance. Creating a relationship with Stu Hughes of ANY kind is a rare experience. He’s a total original. Kind, strong, gifted, inspiring, gentle, fierce. He’s all things. Then put us on a boat that’s steered by Nancy Palk and you have made me a very lucky guy. Nancy has that rare combination in a room of actors of knowing exactly what she wants yet still remaining open to the collective imagination of the room. As an actor you want to feel guided and free at the same time. She gets that. Throw in Ari Cohen and Pat Hamilton as the cherries on top and somebody’s got to pinch me. No wait, don’t... I like it here.•
Mike Ross, Austin in True West
p roduc t ion s p on sor