2010 Soul Survivor Week A

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soul survivor 2010 mike’s intro Intro Info

We hope you’ve arrived safe and sound! If you’ve never been to a Soul Survivor event before then we’re really glad you’re here and we’re sure you’ll feel right at home in no time. My name is Mike and if you come along to our main celebrations you’ll probably see me (I’m the big Greek one). If you’ve been before then welcome back… it’s brilliant to see you again. Every year I sit down and write this opening letter and every year I’m amazed by God’s grace and love. Looking back over the time since Soul Survivor started we’ve seen God work incredibly in people’s lives. People have been healed, freed, saved… it’s amazing! I often ask questions like ‘How on earth has God bought us this far?’ I’m a 50(ish) year-old bloke who likes lamb kleftikoff and weird shirts. The others who help me lead it aren’t that different either. Crofty reads more than he talks and Ali only talks about her little baby! Soul Survivor definitely hasn’t been going this long because of us lot! The point – and we hope you pick this up whilst you’re with us – is that God is our reason. Jesus is the one that all this is about. That’s not to say we don’t get in the way sometimes, but our hope through Soul Survivor is to help you focus on Jesus and then make sure we get out of the

way! We love Jesus. We long to meet with him, be changed by him and see the world changed because of him. We long for you to live lives that bring him glory and put others first. We long for you to know him for yourselves. As usual our main meetings will feature loads of time to worship and draw near to God. We’ll spend a while looking into the Bible - God’s word - and waiting on his Spirit, praying for each other to be healed, empowered and equipped to be more like him. Our hope is that God meets and changes us during these times and that this week encourages you to seek him with all you have! Plus, and this is a big old plus, we are launching something very special this summer. We love God’s word, the Bible. It is the best thing to read and act on if you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus. So, we thought, why don’t we read it all together throughout the year! We’re

launching ‘The Soul Survivor Bible In One Year’ whilst you’re with us and are pretty excited about the prospect of working through daily readings with thousands of you! There is a load more about this on page 76 and we’ll mention it in the main meetings, but this is a little heads up to get you as excited as we are! Beyond the main meetings we have some pretty exciting stuff happening this year. There are a mass of venues to keep you busy, with everything from a cinema to our resident cheesy night club, Mr Boogies! There are more cafes than you can shake a stick at, a Gig every night down at the Underground and even a full sports programme! I get tired just thinking about it all! Anyway, see you around during the week, we hope you have an amazing time.


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Standing for justice. Walking to freedom

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soul survivor 2010 contents Intro Info

The days have lost their names…

Our Story Wait! I’m Confused Using The Programme Use Your Noggin’ The Main Meetings The Venues The Chat Room Late Night Worship The Fringe Cafe Uno Soul Action Cafe More On Soul Action The Lift Dreggs Sports Celluloid Mr Boogies The Toolshed Underground Bandstand Creative Arts

04 06 07 07 08 10 11 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 25 26 28 30 31

Furnace Kids Day Planner Seminars & Streams Seminar Timetable Maps Speaker & Guest Bios Come & See Us Online Soul Survivor Dates Soul Man & Soul Sista Student Reception SoulNet Dig It! Bible Notes 20 Questions... Prayer Ministry Things To Know Get Green The Offering The Bible In One Year Missed A Seminar? Site Rules

31 32 35 36 46 48 50 54 55 56 57 58 61 64 66 68 72 74 76 79 80

Uh oh. This is serious, but don’t worry, we’re told there’s a remedy. Somehow when you’re at Soul Survivor a week is only 5 days. It’s like being on Mars or something, though we’ve never been to Mars so couldn’t say for sure. Anyway, losing two days from a week is a pretty confusing situation to be faced with, but don’t panic! To help we’ve just scrapped the conventional names of days in favour of numbers. See below to work out what we mean!

Week A Day 1: Friday 30th July Day 2: Saturday 1st August Day 3: Sunday 2nd August Day 4: Monday 3rd August Day 5: Tuesday 4th August We’re sure the two missing days will turn up somewhere, they probably fell down the back of the sofa. Most likely your mum will have found them again by the time you get home, hopefully putting everything back to normal.

The key Intro stuff has a pink top border

Important info has a green border

Venues have a blue top border

Articles have a nice orange top strip

All the day planner is yellow

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soul survivor 2010 our story Intro Info

There was this man called Jesus. In fact he wasn’t just a man. He was God. He was born over 2000 years ago in a little backwater of the Roman Empire. We don’t know too much about his childhood (except for that bit on his birth and the story about him giving his parents a panic by staying behind in the Temple), but we do know that in his late twenties/early thirties he started talking about God… a lot. He said that God was near, that things could be different and that God was a loving and compassionate Father. But he didn’t just say cool stuff. He did cool stuff. He healed people, walked on water and transformed those he met from the inside out. There’s more too. He lived a perfect life, was totally innocent, but was killed. Important people were challenged and threatened by him, but his death wasn’t the end. He rose from the grave, and in doing so, the world was forever changed. You know all that mess in our lives that gets in the way of us and God? Well he dealt with it, once and for all. Because of Jesus, we can now be in

a relationship with God forever. Good story right? Well, at Soul Survivor that’s our story, or at least where our story begins. You’re part of this story too. The point of this event - and the previous 17 years of summer events we’ve been running – is to learn more about Jesus. We want to do the things he said and did. We want to get to know and bring glory to the Father God he revealed to us all. We’re desperate to know Jesus better, to follow him better and introduce others to him too. That’s it, there’s nothing special about Soul Survivor. We hope there’s no hype and we definitely don’t have all the answers, but we always try to keep it about Jesus. In short, he’s our story. Other than trying to get to know Jesus more, you might notice that we’re not too organized, like to have a laugh and muck about a bit. Sorry if you don’t get our sense of humour straight away… we promise it’ll grow on you.

Who is Soul Survivor?

Soul Survivor is a bit of a family. There are around twenty of us who work for Soul Survivor and people do all sorts of stuff from organizing events (like the one you’re at) to writing words (like the ones you’re reading). Some of us help lead the main sessions (like Beth & Andy, who are also married… ahhh) whilst others of us drive fork lift trucks and play with two-way radios. A chap called Mike is one of our Directors and he generally leads things and comes up with the ideas. Then there’s a lovely lady called Liz who, with the rest of the team, sets about making those ideas happen. We’re a charity that’s been going since 1993, we all love Jesus and are all desperate to see Jesus work in people’s lives.

For more information on Soul Survivor just check out our website. You can even see the faces of all the current team members if you look hard enough.

www.soulsurvivor.com/uk page 4 |

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soul survivor 2010 wait. i’m confused Intro Info

We’re all a bit confused about stuff. For example, who on earth knows how wireless internet works? How do the pictures go invisibly through the air? Weird isn’t it? It’s kind of like the future, but now. Anyway, unlike the secrets of wireless technology, below we’ve spelt out, very simply indeed, the general Soul Survivor day plan, so there’s no need to be confused when you’re with us! It’s easy peasey like lemon squeezy. Hang on, what’s ‘lemon squeezy’? Uh oh, we’re confused again.

8:30am Wake up sleepy head! Crawl out of your tent, slap a kettle on the stove, make a brew and settle into your power enhancing breakfast.

9:00am The information tent opens, heralding the official start of your day. If you’re a Youth Leader head to the SoulNet breakfast in Café Uno for a hot steaming cuppa!

9:30am The first seminar slot. There are loads to choose from, just check the daily planner from page 37 to see who will be talking about what and where!

11:00am Our morning celebration. Pop down to the Main Meeting and join thousands of others for some time to worship God, learn from the Bible and wait on his Spirit. This happens at 10am on Day 5!

1:00pm In the afternoons everything jumps into life. Our Café’s open, workshops take off (not literally like an aeroplane, they just happen), a few more seminar sessions get going (at 2:30pm and 4:00pm) and a whole series of sporting events roar into action. Check the day planner for all the details.

9:15pm(ish) Our late night programme is pretty special. Take in a deep breath and prepare to read this next sentence… Chill out in a Café, spend some time praying at the Furnace, dance yourself silly down at Mr Boogies, get some extra time to sing to your creator in our late night worship sessions, put your hands in the air and wave them like you just don’t care down the Underground, check out a film in Celluloid, shoot some hoops in the sports arena, pop a kick flip in the Lift or just lie in your tent and drift off to sleep listening to all the bustle outside.

7:00pm Boom! Our main evening celebration kicks off at 7:00pm (7.30pm on Day One), so get down to the Main Meeting venue for time to connect with God and worship him with thousands of others.

The choice is yours. Stuff generally winds down from 11:30pm with everything closing by midnight, at which time you can crawl back into your sleeping bag and get a bit of shut eye.

Loads of stuff happens throughout the day, so check the day planner in the middle of the programme or the individual venue pages to get secific times of workshops, seminars, film showings and loads more!

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soul survivor 2010 how to use this programme Intro Info

How to use the Use your programme noggin. This programme is full of words. The way to get the most out of it is to read those words. You might like to read the words aloud to one another in your tents at night, with each person trying their best to do a Mike Pilavachi accent (interspersed with the odd Mike-isms such as ‘Mate’, ‘It’s just the Lord’ or ‘I’m just coming into land’). If reading all the words seems a bit much, how about just reading a few? Go on, we promise it’ll help you out. The most important bits are the headings on each page, and then essential info like times, days and locations of what’s happening are on that little colourful strip down there that runs throughout the whole thing. We hope you like how the programme looks and reads. If you have any comments or ideas on how we could improve it in future years (like making it glow in the dark), or you saw your face in a picture, drop us an email at editor@soulsurvivor.com. It always brightens our day when we hear from you.

Soul Survivor is a pretty friendly and happy place. Still, we can’t vouch for everyone so to make sure you’re safe and have an awesome time over the next few days please have a look at the rules/ essential info at the back of the programme and stick with these fail safe tips: 1. Stay in pairs (or more) when wandering around at night 2. Let your youth leader know where you are at all times and keep your mobile on (if you have one) so they can buzz you if necessary 3. Even if people seem really nice, don’t go off with someone you don’t know on your own Remember, use your noggin and don’t let common sense go out the window. Soul Survivor is a safe, life changing place, so help us keep it like that!

See loads more helpful info including what to do in an emergency, our site rules and find out the opening times of the Info Tent near the back of the programme.

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soul survivor 2010 the main meetings Venues


Soul Survivor is all about meeting with God and you’ll quickly notice that our Main Meetings are the focus of our time together. Every morning and evening we gather in the Big Top for time dedicated purely to God. We’ll sing out our love for him. We’ll learn from his word. And we’ll let his Spirit change us. These sessions are about focusing back on him and inviting him to have his way in our lives, to change us and to help us live for him. In these times you’ll come to see that we always do the following stuff:

Worship is about expressing our love for God, and that involves our whole life. But it’s also great to spend specific times telling God that we love him and making it obvious that we’re for him: that we’re up for a radical life of following him wherever he leads and that we are desperate to learn to be more like him. One of the most natural ways to do this together is with music, so we’ll spend a while singing songs, dancing around and expressing our love of God with our voices, words and movements. In worship we focus on God, we tell him we love him, we meet again with him and we are changed… and the glory is always his.

Learn from the Bible

The Bible is God’s word in our world. As we unravel its meaning and apply

Please note: We’re really sorry but please don’t bring deckchairs, pillows, duvets, cushions, sleeping bags, fold up back rests, stools or anything else deemed unsuitable by the Stewards into the Main Meetings as these bits often take up valuable floor space, obstruct other people’s views and can be a fire hazard too.

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soul survivor 2010 the main meetings: Venues

it to our lives we’ll hear God’s voice. Over the week we’ll listen in on the lives and experiences of loads of others who are trying to work out what it means to follow Jesus 2000 years after the party started. Mike Pilavachi (the greek guy), Ali Martin (the nice lady) and Andy Croft (the clever one) are hosting all our meetings, but they’ll be joined throughout the week by leaders, thinkers and friends who are bringing glory to Jesus with their lives in amazing ways.

Prayer ministry

In the Bible we see Jesus bring God’s love in many ways. He heals people of physical problems, he transforms attitudes, encourages those with struggles and equips people with his Spirit to bring those amazing signs to their bit of the world. So, when we meet together we try and give God as much space as possible

to work within us by his Spirit. Our meetings are his meetings, so we always ask him to be with us and do what he wants to do. We’ll ask him to heal us, to help us deal with our messes, to inspire us and to empower us to live fully for Jesus. We’re desperate to encounter him, so naturally we will always ask him to be involved. We believe that we’re all in this together. God can use any one of us, by his Spirit, to bring his peace, healing, forgiveness, purpose or words to any other one of us. He doesn’t have favourites who are the only ones who can do that stuff. God wants us all to play with the gifts he’s given. He loves us all and wants us all to get involved in what he is doing as we ask him into our lives. So, during times of ministry, make yourself available to pray for others. Stand with your mates as they let God deal with what’s going on with

them. Don’t worry if you’ve never done that sort of stuff before, we’ve included a few guidelines near the back to help you get started (please read and stick to these even if you’re used to praying with others). Plus, there’s also an ‘Enabling Team’ who’ll be around to make sure everything is safe and to offer help and guidance if needed, so look out for them and ask them to get involved if you need!

Tell us your story… If you have a story about what God has done this week, we’d love to hear it. Email us at testimonies@ soulsurvivor.com or put a written note in the little box at the front of the stage in the Main Meetings. If you want your story to be kept confidential then no worries, just let us know in the email. We’ve also got a video dairy booth at the Soul Survivor bit of the ToolShed, so add your thoughts there too!

Main Meeting Times:


Day1: 7.30pm-9.30pm Days 2-4: 11am-1pm & 7pm-9pm

The Main Meeting Venue

Day 5: 10am-1pm (Communion) & 7pm-9pm

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soul survivor 2010 the menu of venues Venues

Roll up, roll up! Here we have it; an all new array of entertaining tastiness to get even the most introverted of you screaming, yelping and dancing for joy! That’s right, we’ve unleashed the reins on the Soul Survivor venues in 2010 and after rampaging round the Costa del Sol (and causing havoc at passport control) they have landed somewhat excitably in Somerset to make sure your five days with us are as memorable as the 1966 World Cup win! And this year, everything is being presented in 3D. We’ve even got chairs you can sit on! Wowwowweewah!! Anyway, as you can tell, it’s all pretty overwhelming, so be ready for the big kick off after the first Main Meeting on arrival day (that’s Day One)! Flick through the following pages to see what each tent, marquee or cowshed is home to for the next few days!

God, boxes & the rest of the programme: You can’t put God in a box. Believe us, we’ve tried. It ended badly. The box broke. It was a nice one too, it was cardboard with cut out handles and some of those bits of white foam padding on the inside. Metaphors aside, we’re trying to tell you something and that something is the reason for Soul Survivor. Listening carefully? OK, here we go…

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God, and following him, can’t be restricted to a main meeting. In fact it can’t just fit into five days in a field in Somerset. Following Jesus isn’t about a church service or fifteen minutes spent reading our Bibles each morning. All these things are good, but God is bigger. He’s about all of life: our waking, sleeping, chatting, tea drinking. He’s in it all. He sees

the full 360 degrees - the whole circumference of life. That’s what all these other venues are about… life. Finding God as we hang with our mates, flip an ollie down the Lift, are moved by a scene of a film in Celluloid, feel the buzz of an awesome live band at Underground. God’s in it all and we love that, so get out there and find him! Go on...

soul survivor 2010 the chat room/late night worship: Venues

The Chat Room

Every body has a few questions now and then. Questions we often ask at Soul Survivor include ‘What makes Tipp-Ex white?’ or ‘How do the bubbles get into fizzy drinks?’ As you’re a bit more sensible than us you probably have a few more serious questions than that, especially if you’re new to words like church, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. So, we’ve found a group of the friendliest, wisest, calmest and cleverest people we know, locked them in a room and told them to wait patiently for you and any questions you may have. They are more than happy to listen if you need to get something off your chest, fancy a cuppa or need a bit of advice. They definitely aren’t scary (we’ve made them all wear woolly jumpers for a start) and they have a head full of thoughts on everything from God through to parents, relationships and life. It’s worth popping in to see them, they might not have all the answers, but they are wiser than Gandolf and Stephen Hawkins combined.

Late night worship

If you could sing unending songs of how Jesus saved your soul then this one will be of interest to you. Each night just before you drift off to bed in a damp tent you can join in with an hour long session of worship. Hosted by friends of Soul Survivor and chaps who are leading in our main meetings, these times will be a little more musically stripped down, giving you the chance to end the day doing what you were made for… worshipping your creator! A chance to sing your heart out to Jesus in a temporarily converted cowshed, a bit like the angels at the first ever Christmas.



Chat Room: Days 2-5, 2pm-4pm

The Chat Room Late Night Worship

Late Night Worship: Days 1-5, 10.30pm-11.30pm

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soul survivor 2010 the fringe Venues

The Fringe is just that, on the fringe, located on a patch of land that marks the boundary between the centre of all the action and the gloomy rurality beyond. It’s the peripherals baby and that’s where it’s at! Just ask yourself this: Where does any good creative expression begin? Where do revolutions start? That’s right, they start on the edges and with the Fringe we get proper edgy, hedgy and sometimes give each other wedgies (not quite the perfect rhyme, sorry).

Seminars for those new to following Jesus… ‘New Start: Forgiven & Accepted’ 29th Chapter Day 2, 2:30pm ‘New Lifestyle: Extreme Makeover’ 29th Chapter Day 3, 2:30pm ‘Under New Management: Jesus in Charge’ 29th Chapter Day 4, 2:30pm ‘The Crossroads: Where Next?’ 29th Chapter Day 5, 2:30pm

Feel as if you’re not quite sinking into the mould like everyone else? Fear not. The mould was meant to be broken every now and then. If you’re getting a bit lost or out of your depth with the whole Soul Survivor thing then that’s not your fault, and you’re probably not on your lonesome either. So, mosey on down to the Fringe for a chance to kick back without any fuss, mess or stress. The Fringe is slightly singed and tinged with a pretty trendy Team who’ll be happy to chat about anything from the deepest questions the human mind can muster right through to last Saturday’s cricket scores or how to make the perfect brew (milk only added after a short brewing period of course). So, calling all reformers, stormers, creatives and contemplatives… you’ll find a warm welcome here, along with anyone else who fancies popping around! Oh, and The Fringe isn’t a hairdressers. In fact, even if you don’t have a Fringe (like most of the males of the species) you’ll still be welcomed with open arms… or a high five.

Hotspot Late night sessions where questions are asked, pondered over and then answers suggested. Drop your own questions off with one of the Fringe team throughout the day and wander back to hear some reasoned responses from 10:30 pm.

Fringe Times:


Days 1: 9.15pm-11.30pm

The Fringe (shared with Dreggs)

Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.15pm-11.30pm page 12 |

soul survivor 2010 cafe uno: Venues

Imagine your favourite place on earth. Now forget it. Café Uno’s coming at you like a polystyrene cup filled to the brim with steaming hot jazz juice to confuse your preferences. Skee bop do wap boww! It’s outlandish like a 70’s footballer’s haircut… but with a twist of lemon and a tartan bow. Owww. It’s sharp like a razor blade, but it won’t cut ya. Yes sir. Café Uno is the realm of Jazz mavericks and all star soulful families but don’t be scared, they’d be happy to give you a little ‘funkadelic’ lesson if you’ve no original James Brown LP collection. And the lesson starts now, so read carefully kid!

Uno afternoons:

Imagine floating about in a ‘big old vat of clouds’. Now that would be relaxing. Well, that’s exactly how the ‘Times Weekend Supplement’ described their experience at Café Uno one afternoon. They used other words too, but the reviewer was so chilled out by his time in Café Uno that he forgot how to write and the notes he made were just random letters like this: ‘mwswll’ or ‘fmnnf’. Hopefully that won’t happen to you… All you’ll find is no pressure time to kick back, unwind yourself and chill.

Uno evenings:

Resident Uno band: Re:Sound

Pumped up like Lewis Hamilton’s tyres, hotter than all the curry’s ever invented by man and sharper than an isosceles triangle come our Uno evenings. Packed out with a queue round the block and a ‘one out, one in’ door policy, over the years the Uno Evenings have become legendary nights featuring the finest Soul, Jazz and Funk collectives that time – and space – has had to offer! If you can get in, you’ll be greeted by some of the most contagious sounds you are ever likely to hear. Prizes aren’t just dished out to the winners of break dance battles, but also to those who manage to stand still for more than 20 seconds! Its really is that good, like holidays after exams or chips and gravy.

Awesome soul and funk collective that wail like a big phat whale! One of them has trombones for legs. For real!

We didn’t say up there but Café Uno also serves fresh coffee (which, believe it or not, they add hot water into), tea and a range of cakes.

Cafe Uno Times:


Days 1: 9.15pm-11.30pm

Cafe Uno

Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.15pm-11.30pm | page 13

soul survivor 2010 the soul action cafe Venues

Ever raged against a machine? It’s tough. You’ll know what we’re on about if you’ve had to fight an evil robot from the future who wants to destroy all mankind or tried to change the print settings to A5 paper on your PC. Either way, it’s tiring. And being tired means you need to find some rest. Well, guess what? The Soul Action Café has been built by hand (with twigs and moss) to calm your weary and technologically attacked mind. Walking a fine line between ‘dissident left wing revolutionaries hide out’ and ‘trendy urban chic drinking den’ the Soul Action Café has been offering refuge to ideologues and robot fighting gangs of elite soldiers since the dawn of time. Pop in with your mates for a few minutes and end up debating the finer works of Camus or the inequalities of our global economic system ‘til you’re blue in the face… All washed down with a sneaky little fairly-traded chocolat chaud or

caffeine infused beverage of course. Beyond all the chit chat the Soul Action café is the place to be seen if you’re going for that ‘Yes, I’m into literature and can still wear jeans that show off my trendy Top Man pants’ kind of vibe. As the name suggests, the Soul Action Café is also the place to get your head and heart into our partnership with relief and development organization Tearfund. With your help over the past few years we’ve raised well over £250,000 for some amazing projects working around the world, and thousands of you have committed to living out God’s Mission too! When you’re in the Café, just ask one of the team what Soul Action is up to this year, and their impassioned

response will fill your head with more world changing ideas than you ever dreamed possible. Oh, and no robots are allowed.

Stuff going on in the Soul Action Café you won’t want to miss: Mission impossible Jay Butcher Day 2, 9:30am Soul Survivor is not for sale Jay Butcher Day 3, 9:30am How to be spiritual Jay Butcher Day 4, 9:30am See the day planner for more details on these sessions.

Soul Action Cafe Times:


Days 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm

The Soul Action Cafe

Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.30pm- 11.30pm page 14 11 | soul survivor 2010 programme

A great mix of flavours Christian Unions are full of people from different backgrounds, all passionate about Jesus and sharing him with other students. They’re a great place to meet new people and grow in your faith. There’s a Christian Union in nearly every university in Great Britain. Link up with the CU where you’re going to study before you get there – they’ll give you a warm welcome and help you find a new church to be part of. Sign up at our exhibition stand or go to www.uccf.org.uk/freshers Register your details and link up today


soul survivor 2010 soul action is not for sale Articles

No one should be for sale – God created us to be free. But millions of people in our world are trapped in poverty and poverty makes slaves of people. Two-thirds of people living in the world don’t have enough money for the basics we can take for granted like food, shelter and clothing. Thousands die needlessly every week from preventable diseases and hunger. Millions don’t have access to education and training which would break them out of the cycle of poverty.

These are all people God loves; and we want to remind our government that they can do something about the extreme poverty around the world. So, join us and add your face and name to our ‘Not For Sale’ campaign. Come to our stand in the ToolShed to have your photo taken and show the world you care about ending poverty.

What you’ve already done... Last year some of the money you gave in the Soul Survivor offering went towards supporting Soul Action projects in South Africa. Those funds have been helping school students pass their exams and find employment; to mentor young people from deprived areas; and to mobilise the church to work better in their communities.

What else can I do? Make a video! We want to find out what how God can and is using you to live out his mission. Make a short video explaining what God’s mission means for you and you could be in with a chance of winning a MacBook or a Flip Video Camera! Find more details, including a helpful guide to making your vid, at www.soulaction.org/video Lend us your Lent! We want the run up to Easter 2011 to be about more than just giving something up. We want our lent to be a true fast – one that changes us and helps other people. Up for it? Find out more and get involved at www.soulaction.org/lent

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soul survivor 2010 soul action is not for sale Articles

Come and see us! We’ve got a stand in the ToolShed with a whole bunch of resources for you – for free! Plus you can have a chat to our friendly team and find out more about other things we do like: • Slum Survivor: a weekend challenge for you and a bunch of mates, highlighting some of the conditions faced by a billion people who live in slums around the world • AOK days: bless people around you with random acts of kindness

• The Noise: a whole weekend of community-based activities that shout about God’s love • Transform teams: we’ve got some ace mates over at Tearfund and each year they help us send out teams of volunteers to serve in communities across the world, from Durban, South Africa to Northern India. Don’t forget to pop into the Soul Action café too for a nice fairly-traded muffin washed down with a lovely cup of ethical tea, coffee or hot chocolate!

What is Soul Action? Soul Action is a partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund. God is passionate about his people seeking justice and helping those in poverty so Soul Action is about helping us all get stuck in to that! | page 17

soul survivor 2010 the lift Venues

The Lift is where it’s at. A concrete schoolyard for skaters, bladers and kids with cross faders. If you don’t know, get to know. Rodney Mullen and Tony Hawkes kicked it down the Lift back at the birth of the skate scene, years ago when Mike P made the first ever board out of an old hollowed out tree trunk and some tricycle wheels. He invented the half pipe and taught Chad Muska what to do on it. For real? Yeah bwoy. For real. So bro, show us some of that epic grindage and get your tricktionary out for all to see and get stoked at. No fakers, bakers or candlestick makers, just the real deal son. This is skating as it was always meant to be; flat concrete, decent rails, half-pipes, fun boxes and no attitude, just gratitude for the artform. The Lift is the definition of ill on site (with the exception of the kid at the medical centre who just spewed). With a stonking sound system, b-boys and b-girls adding some flava and a regular weekly skate comp, this is the venue that all other venues at Soul Survivor really, really want to be. The proof is in the pudding, just check out the clientele. The rad dudes in green shirts run the joint so give them some props and bang your boards in appreciation!

Everybody’s gotta start somewhere, there’s no shame in it. If you’ want to jump into the skate scene with all the passion of a puma then pop along to these sessions for some time to get your balance sorted, learn some of the lingo and work out how to wear your jeans properly! Days 2-5, 8:30am-9:30am

Skate comp Step up to the plate, put together some sick sequences or just go on a rampage and tear up the skate park for your chance to be crowned the Lift Champ in 2010! Ask the green-shirted jedi knights for details on how to get involved. From 3:00pm on Day 5

Lift Times:


Days 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm

The Lift

Days 2-5: 8.30-9.30am, 1pm-2.30pm, page 18 |

Beginners skate sessions

5pm-6.30pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm

soul survivor 2010 dreggs cafe Venues

The Plan of Attack: Day 1: Dreggs Olympics

We all know that Vancouver was just a warm up for the real thing - The Dreggs Olympics! Come prepared for a series of messy, foodrelated - yet still highly competitive - games. To enter you must be slightly insane and have at least one committed fan to cheer you on while you see how quickly you can drink a portion of ketchup through a straw... the world record is currently 6.2 seconds.

Day 2: Battle Of The Sexes Banned from four of the planet’s five continents for breaking all known public order laws (and starting some revolutions too), Dreggs is ignoring the parental and governmental calls to ‘calm down and relax’ by stepping up its game and dishing out a fresh portion of insanity sticks in 2010.

Take part in a battle that has been raging since time began,.. that’s right, the battle of the sexes. All the males in one corner, the females in another and then we’ll have a big fight! OK, not quite, but expect to have some sexist stereotypes challenged by seeing girls throw well and guys talk about ‘feelings’!

Unfortunately the Man and his Intergalactic Fun Police have been trying to outlaw Dreggs from this year’s events. There’s an unjust court order against them telling them to keep the noise down and be in bed by 9.30pm. Yeah right, we all know the Dreggs posse don’t take no nonsense and are ready and willing to incite the wrath of all kinds of authority figures by helping you realise your dream of holding down that elusive pie eating or fish throwing title!

Day 3: Bling Your Youth Leader

Head down to Dreggs and you’ll either sign up to their revolutionary cause or be so dazzled by the spectacle that your eyes will pop out of your head and you’ll look all weird (but be able to see round corners). For the uninitiated the team will also be giving lessons in how to make milk come out of your nose whilst speaking with a mouth full of three-day-old mashed potato.

Day 4: Partay, Partay!

If all that is a bit too much in the way of pretentious prose, the basics are that Dreggs is a café that runs all sorts of games, challenges and interactive morsels. Well, that’s what we tell parents, men in black and anyone else who starts asking questions.

Day 5: Dreggs Has Got Talent

We predict a riot. What do you reckon?

Is your youth leader ‘down with the kids’? They might need a bit of a fashion revamp perhaps? Bring em down to our ‘Bling your Youth Leader’ comp to see if they can take the crown of the hippest youth leader on site!

A posh evening soiree featuring some fun, games and chuckles! Expect the traditional partay hits including musical statues and as many balloon related games as you can fit into an hour and a half. Fun times!

Dreggs’ Got Talent is back! Sign up in the cafe if you think you have a talent worth showcasing. You might get a 5 minute slot on stage, and may even become the Dreggs’ Got Talent 2010 Champion!

Dreggs Times:


Days 1: 9.15pm-11.30pm

Dreggs (shared with the Fringe)

Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.15pm-11.30pm | page 19

soul survivor 2010 sports Venues

Forget London 2012! We’ve got more sporting events, energetic tournaments and sweat inducing activities than those being planned for the London 2012 Games. Olympics? Bah! What’s all the fuss about anyway? Lots of middle aged men in suits talking about sport and waving flags. That’s not sport is it? Just head down to our indoor and outdoor sports arenasmto see what the real deal is when it comes to sporting achievement; you’ll be amazed.

What’s on then… Football came home. But just for a long weekend so we’ve had to sort out all sorts of other sporting goodies to keep you entertained during your five days with us:

The Soul Survivor World Cup…

The Raspberry Panna Cotta tournament

Ultimate Frisbee tournament

‘You’ve got to hold and give, but do it at the right time, you can be slow or fast, but you must get to the line. They’ll always hit you and hurt you, defend and attack. There’s only one way to beat them, get round the back.’

Panna cage football with a twist. The winner gets the rights to a nice serving of Raspberry Panna Cotta desert. Fast-paced, energetic and tasty... If that doesn’t make sense, it’s just a game of one on one, two on two or even three on three football in a cage (a bit like Ultimate Fighting but nicer). Days 2-5 from 2:00pm

A controversial game invented back in Roman times when people looked like Russel Crowe (when he was in Gladiator) and threw discus-like stones at each other for entertainment. Nowadays the barbaric overtones of the game have been softened, so it’s generally not played to the death. Begins Day 3 from 2:00pm

Grab five players, and come along to see if you can make the beautiful game even more beautiful. Straight up Match of the Day action, complete with half time punditry and our own Jules Rimet (still gleaming) trophy for the winners! Begins Day 2 from 2:00pm

Please note: Outdoor tournaments are weather permitting and subject to the whim of Sep Blatter. Also, the times and days above are just for tournaments, you can join in sporting activities

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whenever the venue is open.

Indoor Sports Times: Days 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-2.30pm, 5pm-6.30pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm.

soul survivor 2010 sports Venues

Fun Run

Dress up like your favourite Biblical character (not Jesus, that could be considered as blasphemy, and that’s not fun) or just come as yourself and sprint, jog, walk or crawl around the showground in our sixth annual Soul Action Fun Run. You don’t need to be an athletically gifted individual to take part, just someone who’d like to raise some cash for those less fortunate than yourself (feel any pangs of guilt yet?). Pull your socks up, join in the camaraderie and see if you can make it (you can, it’s only two miles). Remember, it’s a sponsored run, so get people to support you… all the proceeds go to Soul Action.

The Inter-Village ‘It’s a Knockout’ Challenge

Basketball tournament

Get together with other happy campers from your bit of the showground and enter into a good old Butlins-esque fun day, featuring a bean bag relay, egg and spoon races and even a tug ‘o’ war! You’re guaranteed to get wet so wear something sensible (like shorts, not a shirt & tie). Day 4 from 2:00pm

Yo what’s up playa! New in 2010 is our outdoor and fully floodlit beeball court! So if you think you’ve got skills come and prove it homey. Three vs. three basketball, straight out of the urban courts of New York. Gritty. For real son. Ghetto blasters and rap music will be provided. One for all wannabe Globetrotters! Begins Day 5 from 2:00pm

If you’re not a runner you can still be part of the action! Just get yourself a spot along the race day route and clap or cheer the energetic competitors as they breathlessly stumble past you. You can also sponsor your mates and thereby appease any guilt you have of not taking part with a small (or large) financial sacrifice.

To enter: 1) Get your forms from the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed 2) Don’t eat too many chips before you run 3) Do some exercises and stretches 4) Turn up and run like the wind 5) Collect your sponsorship money and hand it in at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed

Outdoor Sports Times:


Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm

Imdoor Sports (with Lift) Outdoor Sports (the big field)

Basketball Court: Day 1: 9.30pm11.30pm, Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm

| page 21

soul survivor 2010 celluloid Venues

Lights, camera, action! OK, what are your top movie moments? Samwise running into the river after the ring bearing Frodo? Seeing Pele, Sylvester Stallone Ossie Ardiles, and Bobby Charlton take on the evil Nazi’s over a game of footie in Escape to Victory? The anguished cry of paternally troubled Luke Skywalker in response to nasty Darth Vader’s revelation that he is, in fact, Luke’s father in the Empire Strikes Back? All awesome moments of movie history! We love a good film now and then. The good thing is you don’t have to wait ‘til ‘now and then’ when you’re at Soul Survivor! No, no, no. You can pop along to Celluloid any night of the week and choose to settle in at our massive screen for the evening! Grab some sweets, a big old can of pop, a space on the carpet and make yourself comfy, as larger-than-life characters (they are probably about twice the size of an average man) act out their heartwarming story before your very eyes. This is what’s on offer throughout the week…

The Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) George Clooney, Bill Murray and the gang revel in reliving childhood memories with this stop-motion animation of Roald Dahl’s awesome bookey wook. The classic kid’s tale sees Mr Fox facing a mid-life crisis of immense proportions. Pining for a little bit of adventure he decides on one final nightime jolly to raid a few local farms… actions which have some serious consequences! The new interpretation is straight from the mind and soul of director Wes Anderson so expect something about awkward father figures, unsure sons and a few humourous escapades too! Run time: 84 mins Showing: Day 1

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soul survivor 2010 celluloid Venues

Night at the Museum 2 (PG)

Alice in Wonderland (PG)

How to train your Dragon (PG)

A few years down the line, Larry is no longer a night steward and is making waves as a rather successful businessman. Good news! Still, things don’t change down at the museum whose exhibits come to life and before long Larry is drawn into a relocation exercise and ends up where only a sequel to Night at the Museum could end up… a bigger museum. Fun times!

A full-length instructional film detailing some great advice on training your pet dragon. Over 90 minutes you’ll learn to become a fully-fledged master of your winged beast with such subjects as leads, discipline and the importance of a simple routine all discussed in informative and, at times, humorous ways.

Watching this might help if you’re studying history at GCSE as most of the characters are real historical figures, so you’ll get an insight into what they were really like.

Yes! Jonny Depp plays another weird, slightly unhinged character in… Ta da! You guessed it! A Tim Burton film. Is he Willy Wonka, the Mad Hatter or Sweeney Todd? Who cares, he’s always brilliant and in this weirder than weird remix of Lewis Carroll’s excessively trippy novel, Jonny ‘Mad Hatter’ Depp comes to life alongside jabberwockys, talking rabbits, dethroned queens and lots of other nightmarish oddities. Still it’s all in the name of fun as star of the show Alice faces her fears and causes a massive social revolution in Underland. Don’t watch if tired, it’s likely to confuse your dreams.

Run time: 101 Mins Showing: Day 2

Run time: 108 mins Showing: Day 3

Run time: 98 mins Showing: Day 4

If this isn’t your cup of tea then we’ll also be showing the fun Viking based animation of the same name to those who fancy it. Apparently it’s quite a unique comment on mankind’s relationship with nature...



Days 1-4: From 10pm

Celluloid (in the Main Meeting Venue) | page 23


NEW book from

JO SAXTON Director of Pioneer Communities and speaker at Momentum 2010 REAL GOD, REAL LIFE 9780340995273 £11.99 trade paperback


soul survivor 2010 mr boogies Venues

Time for another chapter in the sprawling mess of a disco charged novel that is the life of Mr Boogies. Are you sitting comfortably? Right then we’ll begin. Once upon a time in a small farm just outside Tunbridge Wells there lived a boy. His name was Master Boogies and this farm was his home. It was also the home of his elderly widowed mother, a few cows, a pet dog and a goldfish named Mr Chutney. Master Boogies and his family were rather poor and so one day, when the store cupboard was almost empty, Old Mother Boogies sent him to market with one of their cows, hoping to earn a little money to help pay for the ever rising Sky TV bills. However, on the way to market, young Master Boogies met a strange traveller. This man was dressed in a purple velour jumpsuit, set off by a nice diamond encrusted belt and a strange, yet effortlessly cool denim trilby hat. The traveller offered Master Boogies a deal for the cow… ‘Yo man, I like the look of your cow’ he said. ‘How about doing a deal? I’ll give you my nice crocodile skin cowboy boots for that cow’. In awe of the traveller and his courageous fashion choices, Master Boogies agreed to the swop. And it was a swop that would forever change his life. As the deal was done and Master Boogies and the traveller shook hands there was a puff of smoke, the clash of a hi-hat and - to Master Boogies

surprise - the traveller was gone and the crocodile skin shoes had appeared miraculously on his feet. ‘Weird’, thought Master Boogies. But things got weirder. In a daze, he went to walk away, instead finding he could only dance… and dance well. The harder he tried to walk normally, the more he danced. In a panic he started to run and inadvertently he began to move so funkily that time and space were disrupted and he was transported back through the ages. The last known sighting of Master Boogies was at an Earth Wind and Fire concert in 1972, when he’d fully adopted the persona, Mr Boogies, and officially announced

he was dedicating his life to bringing mankind beautiful rhythms and alternative dance moves. Legend and rumour has it that Mr Boogies plans to once again break the space time continuum by appearing every night at Soul Survivor and bringing some of his funky moves with him! We hope so, he’s our favourite. Get on down to his joint for over two hours of tunes to get you dancing your socks and shoes off too! Yes. It’s gonna be the best party ever and, if you’re lucky, you might even spot Mr Boogies and his crocodile shoes (if you do, let us know, his Mum is worried sick)!



Days 1-5: 9.30pm-11.30pm

Mr Boogies | page 25

soul survivor 2010 the toolshed Venues

The Toolio, as it’s come to be known in the hood, is our absolutely massive resources exhibition. Inside its monstrous doors you’ll find a shedful of Christian organisations displaying all manner of things to (hopefully) encourage you in your walk with Jesus. Wanna get your hands on the latest Soul Survivor CD, T Shirt or hoodie? Well come on down squire! You’ll have a ball! But be warned, The ToolShed is big. So big that we’ve applied to the UN to register it as a principality separate from the United Kingdom. The plan is that Mike P will be the king, Andy Croft the Prime Minister and all the worship team (headed up by Beth), special guards who have to wear funny hats and carry ornamental swords. Unfortunately, we’re not at this stage yet, and without a formal government, the principality of the ToolShed is missing basic public services, with much of its land, as yet uncharted in maps. That means you could get lost, so leave a trail of breadcrumbs in your wake as you explore its dusty alcoves and perilous mountain ranges. Here are two points to bear in mind about the ToolShed, these are serious: 1) All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your walk with Jesus. None should be screaming at you because you don’t quite get their theological angle on things (no matter how right you or they might be). If you feel like you’ve been accosted by an over zealous exhibitor then let us know by nipping into Information.

2) Most of the items that are sold are either primarily a resource or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust… but don’t be pressured to spend cash, this isn’t a shopping centre.

Make sense? We really like you, don’t want to treat you as some kind of marketing fodder and want you to be able to relax whilst at Soul Survivor so that’s why we make a fuss over this stuff.

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soul survivor 2010 the toolshed Venues

The Office

(Sponsored by Compassion) How broad is your band? Ours is pretty broad, like a bean. It comes through a tunnel and has something to do with super intelligent mice who stay up to date with the world’s latest news, typing out the headlines in html code.

The Soul Survivor Café

By far and away the best ever café you’re ever likely to get a cuppa in. Why? Well because it’s run by us of course! Hosted by some of the team, a few of our mates and a couple of stragglers too; it’s the place to be if you need to put your feet up for five minutes or hide from an irate youth leader whose tent you just secretly moved into the middle of the main Meeting Venue (which we don’t condone in any way). This year the Café seamlessly intermingles with the ever awesome Soul Survivor stand, so you can check out the latest goodies on offer or pick up some info about upcoming events!

We’ve also built a very, very special video diary booth too… The idea is that you (yep, that’s you reading this) can head over to the Soul Survivor Café/Stand and give us a video testimony about what God’s been doing with you this week.

So, if you need to check your electronic mail or update your Facebook status to “is wishing they could stay at Soul Survivor ‘til Jesus comes back to judge the living and the dead” you’ll need a broad beaned up computer! And guess what? The Office, like most offices around the country, has computers and these computers are connected to the world wide interweb!

There’s no pressure from bored looking camera men or stressed out producers and you can nip in with your mates (probably two max, it’s quite small) to give us a quick rundown on anything that’s encouraged you in your walk with Jesus during your time at Soul Survivor. We also like funny stories too, so if you accidentally ate all your youth groups supply of custard creams last night, throw that in too.

We operate a pay-as-you-go option (no contracts yet we’re afraid), so chuck us 30p and you’ll get 15 minutes to upload your YouTube vids of Mike P singing or you and your mates going mental in the Main Meetings. Nuff said… oh and don’t forget to land at www. soulsurvivor.com/uk for special updates whilst you’re in cyberspace! You could even become a Fan of Soul Survivor on Facebook!

The Café video diary room



Day 1: 9.15pm-11.30pm

All this stuff is located inside

Days 2-5: 1pm-5.30pm &

The ToolShed


| page 27

soul survivor 2010 the underground Venues

Represent, represent, represent! We’ve still got mad love for the streets and once again Underground is back to plant some of the urban jungle into the calm rural surroundings of Soul Survivor. Boom! It’s gonna get hectic in these parts over the next few days as every night, hip hop all stars the 29th Chapter are hosting the freshest nights of rap, grime R&B and Hip Hop this side of New York’s rusty forks! It’s gonna be off the hook! Straight out of the big smoke, these lads ain’t not playing, they spit ill raps over phat tracks. They come correct, and in the flesh, of course they’re fresh. We break it down like this.


29th Chapter


Guvna B

29th Chapter


The Guvna has arrived. Just 20 years old and already two awards under his belt, a solid number one on the MySpace charts and a feature on a MOBO winning album, Guvna B is the future of gospel and rap… Day 1

Our hosts the 29th Chapter are back and doing it big. Renowned for their unique trademark sound and explosive live performances, hiphop outfit The 29th Chapter hit the Underground stage in 2010. Not to be missed!

LZ7 has beats to get the party off. The recipe goes something like this: One kilo of live band mixed with a good portion of a phat track, add a splash of rap, some freshly caught breaks and simmer for twenty minutes. Then, when the dish is just at the right consistency chuck in a scratch DJ, hyped up mc, fresh drummer and a few singers for good measure. Mmmm tasty.

GreenJade Hip hop ya don’t stop! GreenJade take it to the next level with awesome performances that are guaranteed to raise the roof and have you hollaring for more! Day 2

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Day 3 Sons of Light A slick live show melts into some even slicker RnB joints to make Sons of Light one of the hottest prospects on the UK urban scene! Day 4

You know the deal, so get on down to hear some exclusive LZ7 business! Day 5

Underground Times

Underground Location:

Days 1-5: 9.30pm-11.30pm


soul survivor 2010 the underground Venues

Afternoons in the Underground Street Dance Forget Strictly Come Dancing, we’re on about strictly street dancing son. Wildstyle all the way, our teachers know the score when it comes to a breakin’ battle, so listen up, get the ghetto blaster, put the pumps on, roll out the lino and step up. If you’re good enough, you’ll get to put your two pence into a showcase one night at the Underground…

Underground will also feature support from… GreenJade

Sons of Light

Battle scars

Ekklesia Party people! Get up to this! Four piece Ekklesia will have you shouting ‘reeee-wind’ and ‘pumping your fists like this’ before you can say ‘don’t their name mean church in ancient Greek’?

Rachel Kerr Super-sweet summertime Soul from an artist who’s been doing the rounds and sharing stages with some of RnB’s finest!


Rawkstars Rawknait, Ahenkora and Collena whip up some awesome poptastic gospel for all you RnB heads. Bless, bless, bless! Rachel Kerr

Want to rock the mic like Rakim or spit flows like Mos Def? You need to battle to prove you have what it takes! Come on down to our Battle Scars sessions to pit your rhymes against other crews or lone lyricists. The vibe is strictly positive, so pump those fists and show some respect for all and sundry. Also featuring a Beatbox Masterclass on Day3!

Day 2: Street Dance Day 3: Battle Scars and Beat Box Master Class! Day 4: Street Dance (The best solos, duos and crews get to do their thing at the Underground come nightfall) Day 5: Battle Scars


Afternoon Sessions

Afternoon Location:

Days 2-5: 4pm-5.30pm

Underground | page 29

soul survivor 2010 band stand Venues

Forget Britain’s Got Talent or the X Factor. This is the real deal. Built to be the exact replica of pub stages across the country, the Bandstand stage is coming at ya like the most fearsome open mic session that our bourgeoning UK music scene has… err… seen. Are you and your mates the next cheeky little Arctic Monkeys? Could you calm a crowd with one strum of a guitar and a single whispered lyric?

worthy of all the pain, desire, creativity and beauty that musical history deserves, then we’ll take our hats off to you and also provide you with a back line of small amps, a soundman and twenty minutes to do your thing.


Let’s hope so ‘cos if not, the Bandstand crowd might start a riot and throw chairs at you. If you think you can take on the gauntlet and wow the masses with a display

Deal? Please note: Please refrain from using profanity during your performance (and life). Thanks.

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Bandstand Times

Bandstand Location:

Days 2-5: 2pm-5pm


soul survivor 2010 creative arts & workshops Venues

Artshed Prayer is words, actions, images, questions… a part of our lives of worship. Communicating with God, listening as well as asking, thinking as well as acting. Finding space to express your thoughts, concerns and praises. Furnace is our dedicated place to do this stuff and as there are many ways to pray as there are people, we’ve split the venue in two... afternoons for your creative types and evenings for you meditive sorts (the two aren’t mutally exclusive mind).

Furnace Afternoons Pop along to the Furnace one afternoon to explore prayer and intercession in some creative ways. Draw, scribble, write or doodle your requests to your heavenly Father and give inspiration to others who are working out how to communicate with God!

Workshops Each afternoon the awesome, expressive and downright jolly Furnace team will be hosting a few workshops. They’ll be investigating creativity in prayer and intercession, so join in to express your own mind, learn a few things or just sit near the back and stare! Come along for one session or get involved as they progress each day throughout the week. From 2.30pm, Days 2-5 in the Furnace

Furnace evenings... After a long and busy day you might just need a space to sit, chill, and chew on what God is saying and doing with you. If you find yourself in that spot, just head to our reflective nightime Furnace venue where you’ll find loads of stuff to help you connect with God and meditate on his Word in a setting that would calm even a teething baby or over-excited puppy.

Other workshops We have a few other workshops happening throughout the week too, so make sure get along to hone your skills in the following sessions:

Battlescars You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, cuz opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo. Step up like Rabbit to our open mic rap battles. Featuring a beatbox masterclass on Day 3! 2pm-4pm, Days 3 and 5 in the Underground

Street dancing Dance yourself silly in our street dancing sessions. Designed to make you sweat! 2pm-4pm, Days 3 and 5 in the Underground

Furnace Times

Furnace Location:

Day1: 9.30pm-11.30pm

The Furnace

Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm

| page 31

soul survivor 2010 kids work Venues

Kids Just because you’re not a teenager doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time whilst you’re here with us! We run a series of stuff for those under 12 too, all of which is run by workers accountable to Soul Survivor. You’ll be pleased to know that all appropriate welfare training and Child Protection procedures are in place to provide the safest environment possible.

What's on offer The Kid’s work on site is split into a couple of age related groups to allow children the freedom to enjoy relevant and appropriate sessions, tailored just for them.

Sparklers Age: 0-4's

Rockets Age:5-11's

Sparklers is packed full of mentally and physically stimulating activities that include (among more peaceful things) dancing, jumping, shouting, running and screaming for Jesus in specially tailored worship and teaching times. Sparklers also includes a very nice crèche facility for 0-2 year olds. Crossword and Sudoku puzzles are available for the more advanced.

Rockets is a place of worship and teaching with opportunities for prayer in a safe, friendly and understandable environment. Sessions reflect the main meetings, but are pitched at appropriate levels and relevant topics.

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Kids Work Times


Sparklers & Rockets: Days 2-4: 11am -1pm, Day 5 10am-12pm

Sparklers Rockets

soul survivor 2010 kids work Venues

Kids Family Films:


Showings are daily at 7pm in Seminar A but children must be accompanied by a parent or a nominated adult. One adult can accompany up to four children so you might find it handy to sort out a rota with other families and take it in turns to be the responsible adult!

Under 12s will not have event wristbands sent in the post and instead, will collect these when they register on arrival day. 0-4years: All kids aged 0-4 years will need to register in the Sparklers venue between 5.00pm and 7.30pm on arrival day (Day 1).

The films are: Day 1: Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Day 2: Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Day 3: Up Day 4: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs Day 5: The Princess & The Frog

5-11 years: All kids aged 5-11 years will need to register in the Rockets venue between 5.00pm and 7.30pm on arrival day (Day 1). Please bring your child/children to the venue and a member of the team will take some details and issue you with a security card. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at

each session and sign the child in and out as an added security. Parents/guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child. Activities will be provided for your children during the registration process and hopefully getting everything sorted on Day 1 will save you queuing the following morning and make sure you get to the Main Meeting on time!

Special Needs We want to do as much as possible to welcome and include all children irrespective of their particular needs. If your child has additional needs then please make a point of speaking to the Team Leader for their age group at the earliest opportunity so that they are fully aware of how to care for your child.

Family Film Times

Family Film Location:

Days 1-5: 7pm-8.30pm

Seminar A | page 33

New book from PATRICK REGAN Founder of urban youth charity XLP and speaker at Soul Survivor and Momentum 2010

FIGHTING CHANCE 9780340996317 £11.99 father of Damilola Taylor

” Richard Taylor, king but very inspirational rea rtb hea and nal otio “Em “Patrick is a shining light in the voluntary sector’s efforts to offer young people positive life choices and in ensuring they do not become the unfortunate statistics of tomorrow.” Boris Johnson, Mayor of London everyone “I pay tribute to Patrick and nce to express themselves cha a ple peo at XLP for giving Archbishop of ckles.” Rev. John Sentamu, positively and break the sha


CBC PUBLISHER OF THE YEAR 2008 & 2009 www.hodderfaith.com


soul survivor 2010 day planner Day Planner

Flick through the next few pages to find seminar descriptions and details of what is happening and when at Soul Survivor Week A... | page 35

soul survivor 2010 seminars explained/day one Day Planner

A seminar is a session of teaching that lasts for around an hour and at Soul Survivor we have a whole mass of seminars taking place at three different times throughout the day: 9.30am, 2.30pm and 4.00pm.

We’re chuffed to have a bunch of awesome speakers and guests with us throughout the week helping to deliver teaching on everything from the basics of following Jesus through to some in-depth Biblical study! Over the next few pages you’ll find descriptions of all the seminars that we have on offer throughout the week. Have a read, choose which ones are for you and get your day planned well in advance!

Day One

Welcome! There are no seminars happening today. Everything kicks off at 7.30pm sharp with our Main Meeting and then the rest follows...

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soul survivor 2010 seminars explained/ day one Day Planner

Up, in and out… We’ve categorised our seminars in the following streams (they aren’t actually streams with flowing water, that’d be weird and you’d end up getting wet and cold). As there are so many seminars, the categories of Up, In and Out should help you get your head round the general gist of each session with just a quick scan of the page!

Up Look up. What do you see? Sky? Clouds? The inside of your tent? Maybe, but spiritually we often look up when we’re trying to connect with God. Whether it’s worship, the Bible, prayer or something else, this stream is all about who God is, how we communicate with him and how he communicates back.



Look in. What goes through your head when you look at yourself? I wish I was a better Christian? If only I had a haircut like Mike P? Looking in is about the stuff God does inside us and with us. Expect to find seminars on the Holy Spirit, ministry, healing, image and all that stuff on character we like too!

The chilli rating: Ever visited a curry house and ordered something way too spicy for you? We’ve all been there, it’s devastating. You’ve flicked through the menu for ages and gone for an adventurous option only to find that within seconds of your first mouthful your tongue is burning, your forehead is sweating and the whole meal has become a lot of hard work.

Look out! It’s a big wide world out there and God longs for us, in fact calls for us, to be deeply involved in working with him to change it! Get into this stream of seminars to find stuff on justice, living out your faith back home and changing the world for Jesus!

Similarly with over seventy seminars happening this week you’re probably going to face some tough decisions over which sessions to go to. So to help out, we’ve given each seminar a chilli rating. The more chillis a seminar has, the spicier it’ll be! If you’re just starting out with following Jesus, try some of the milder sessions. If you’re an intrepid theological explorer then get your teeth into one of the spicier and meatier sessions! Make sense? Good!



Evening celebration: Join Mike, Ali, Andy and the rest of the gang in the Main Meeting venue

Celluloid: Get into some scrapes with The Fantastic Mr Fox

From 9.15pm


Venues open for the evening: The Toolshed, Cafes, Mr Boogies, Sports & Lift

Ask a question, the Hot spot session at the Fringe will answer it



Underground: Get down to the sounds of Guvna B

Late night worship and intercession: head to Seminar A for a worshipful wind-down

Venues Open

Venue Locations:

Day 1: Everything begins at 7.30pm

All the different venues are spread

with our first Main Meeting then all

across site. See the map on page 48 | page 37 for more...

other venues kickoff from 9pm

soul survivor 2010 day two Day Planner ’Playing the game God’s way’ Barry Mason

9:30am ‘What the hell?’ Chris Lane Angels on clouds, pitch forks, weeping and gnashing of teeth or just plain old darkness? Join Chris for a discussion about hell, heaven and everything in between. Check out what the Bible does and doesn’t say about this controversial subject.

uuu Seminar A (03001)

SoulNet ‘Leaders creating leaders for the now & future Church’ Fuzz Kitto The young people you are leading now are the generation who will go onto lead the church into its next phase. There are five key signposts and dimensions that we as GenY need to develop and grow in our ministry with other young people so come along and let’s explore them together!


Café Uno (03004)

‘Soul Action: Mission impossible’ Jay Butcher

‘Living distinctively in times of uncertainty’ Patrick Regan The Bible talks about a God who wants to restore the world to the way it was originally intended. A God who is passionate about caring for the poor, the broken, the put down, the lonely and the outcasts. He wants us to have life before death not just life after death. Come and hear how we can be part of God’s strategy for changing the world!

uu Seminar B (03002)

‘Praying for people so that stuff happens’ Ali Martin

Since Adam and Eve walked out of a garden, God’s been on a mission to fix what’s been broken. His mission has been about restoring goodness and throughout the Bible God’s been using people to fulfil that mission. Come along to learn more on the story of God’s Mission and the part you can play in it!


Soul Action Café (03005)

‘Confessions of a worship leader’ Beth Croft

This seminar is for all teams and also open to anyone who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Ali will take a very practical look at the basics of how we go about praying for one another.

Have a listen to Beth as she explores some key insights into leading worship. She’ll give some great Biblical and practical advice on preparing well, leading well and listening to God through it all. For anyone involved in worship who wants to learn more!

Underground (03003)

Underground (03006)


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How can you stand up for your faith in the world of sport and even witness to your team mates? Whatever your game and whatever your ability, this seminar will encourage you to be the best you can be in the world of sport without compromising being a Christian.


The Fringe (03007)

2:30pm Soul Sista (part one) ‘God knows my name’ Ali Martin The God who created the universe knows who you are! He knows every detail of your life. He loves you and has sworn never to forget you. So how can we let these mind-blowing truths shape our lives? How should we respond to this amazing, intimate love and care? We’ll be looking at our identity in Jesus, finding out who he says we are and what he says we’re made for.


Main Meeting Venue (03008)

‘Intimacy & involvement’ Patrick Regan The world can seem like a pretty scary place most of the time and it’s easy to feel that we’re not good enough and it’s tough to imagine that anything can change. But so much is possible when we see things the way God does! God’s perspective comes from a place of hope, where love can overcome hate, brokenness and violence are restorable and we are accepted as children of God.


Seminar A (03009)

soul survivor 2010 day two Day Planner ‘What are your raisins? (part one)’ Nick & Tamsin Evans Is it possible in today’s world to be sexually pure and set apart for God? And how do we do this with the constant bombardment of pressures we face every day in our culture? This series of two seminars will look at characters in the Old and New Testaments who took the Nazarite Vow exploring how we can live a life that is pure and set apart for God today.

Soul Man (part one) ‘Live like a king’ Andy C & Mike P A seminar about leadership, adventure and worshipping. In a man-eat-man world what does it take to lead and not just follow? What are real friendships like? Learn from David, Israel’s toughest king, about being a wild man after God’s own heart...


‘New start: Forgiven and accepted’ 29th Chapter

Seminar B (03010)

‘Healing instead of hurting’ Jeannie Morgan For some of us, we have a gaping hole that nothing seems to fill. We feel empty, lost, broken and hurt. Maybe we’ve suffered from some sort of abuse, maybe we’ve lost someone near to us or it may be that we’ve been robbed of safety, security and hope. We’ll be looking at some of the causes of our pain, spending time finding out how we can find healing. Confidential prayer ministry will be available.

‘People carriers’ Mark Ritchie We don’t believe in hitting people over the head with Jesus and then running off.... So, how can we go on a journey of faith with our friends who don’t know Jesus yet?


Seminar A (03014)

Mr Boogies (03012)



If you’ve just become a Christian or want to know more about following Jesus then come along to find out more about how God feels about you. No matter what your past may have looked like you will be glad to know that God offers you a new start!


‘The turnaround anointing (part one)’ Nick and Tamsin Evans Do you know that you are called for such a time as this- positioned in your school, among your peers to see their lives turned around? A series of two seminars, answering these questions with the help of a character from the Bible called Jehu.


Seminar B (03015)

The Fringe (03013)

‘What’s God got for me?’ Tom & Susie Brock I know I’m supposed to do something, but what the heck is it? What is God saying and how do I get there.



Underground (03011)

Seminar B (03016)

Other stuff going on today...

What’s kicking off tonight?



Morning celebration: Worship, teaching and ministry in the Big Top


Cafes, sports and venues open up for the afternoon


Sports tournaments kick off with Football and Panna Football – sign up early!


Bandstand: Our mic is open, what will you sing?


Street dance workshop in Underground

Evening celebration: Join Mike P & the crew in the Big Top

From 9:15pm

Venues open for the evening: The Toolshed, Cafes, Mr Boogies, Sports & Lift


Underground kicks off with Greenjade


Celluloid: Spend another Night at the Museum


Do you have questions without answers? Try the Hot Spot session at the Fringe


Late night worship and intercession: End the day the right way

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soul survivor 2010 day three Day Planner

2:30pm Soul Sista (session two) ‘God knows my heart’ Ali Martin

9:30am ‘The gift of prophecy’ Mike Pilavachi What does it mean to hear God speak? How can we listen better? How can we be sure it’s God’s voice we’re hearing? Mike will share his top tips on prophecy and there will also be time to have a go yourself and see what God wants to say!

uu Seminar A (03017)

‘A Rough guide to the apocalypse’ Chris Lane What does the Bible really teach about the ‘end times’? And how should this teaching affect our lives? Is the world going to be destroyed? Is George Bush the Antichrist, or is it David Beckham? What is God’s plan for the future, for us, for the world and the whole universe? Big questions, all of which we’ll look at in this session!

uuu Seminar B (03018)

‘What are your raisins? (part two)’ Nick & Tamsin Evans Part two of a series exploring how to be sexually pure and set apart for God in with all the pressures we face in today’s world. A look at more characters in the Old and New Testaments who took the Nazarite Vow, exploring what we can learn from them.


Underground (03019)

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SoulNet (part two): ‘Let us lead bravely!’ Mark Ritchie The church needs leaders who are more scared of being mediocre than of failing. How can we learn to find courage and take risks as we lead others?


We worship a God who knows us. Really knows us. He sees everything that’s going on in our heads and hearts and he wants us to bring everything to him. Learn how we can bring all our hopes, dreams, pain, passions and insecurities to God, our amazing, loving father and let him change us to be more like him.


Main Meeting Venue (03023)

Café Uno (03020)

‘Soul Action is not for sale’ Jay Butcher All over the world people are being sold. Modern day slavery is big business, and it exists largely because of poverty. Hear about what’s happening, what God says about it and see how he is using people like you to stop it... you could even get involved and become an abolitionist yourself!


Soul Action Café (03021)

‘I want to worship but I’m not musical’ Barry Mason What happens if you love worshipping God but can’t play the guitar or sing in tune?! Not everyone gets blessed with the musical genes, so does this mean the rest of us are destined to be rubbish at worship? Does God still like it when we sound terrible?! Does it always have to be songs or are there other ways of worshipping God? How can we ‘do worship’ in our daily lives?


The Fringe (03022)

Being everything you were designed to be’ Mark Ritchie We were created for wonderful and marvellous things and yet we often feel held back. How can we shake off our limitations and thrive?


Seminar A (03024)

‘Is there a place for me in ministry?’ Tom & Susie Brock How does God find people to work for Him? How do you find your place, or do you even have a place at all? Don’t panic. There is! God loves you and has a unique plan for you in his ministry, so come and find out where you fit in!


Seminar B (03025)

‘Stuff in the way of inner healing’ Jeannie Morgan Choices we’ve made, things people have done or said to us or unwise choices may get in the way of us finding healing. Find out how to get free of this stuff – in order to find real healing. Confidential prayer ministry will be available.


Underground (03026)

soul survivor 2010 day three Day Planner Soul Man (session two) ‘Live the dream’ Andy C & Mike P

4:00pm ‘Singing and living worship’ Andy & Beth Croft

That girl, the premiership, changing the world - all guys have dreams. This seminar is about what to do when they go wrong. It’s about how to live without getting bitter. It deals with sex and all the stuff we battle with but it’s about more than that - it’s about what it is to be a whole man and a man alive to God’s plans...

In this seminar Mike will talk about the heart of worship, both when we come together and in the rest of our lives. A look at some of the key teaching of scripture on worship interspersed with some of Mike’s own stories!

Mr Boogies (03027)

Seminar A (03030)


‘Starting uni’ Rich Wilson With the stereotype student going out drinking, eating late night kebabs and sleeping around how can we follow Jesus in the midst of all of that? Being at uni is one of the most exciting times of our lives, so what can we do to get the best out of uni and keep growing with Jesus? Followed by the Student Reception



‘The turnaround anointing (part one)’ Nick and Tamsin Evans Do you want to be someone who makes a difference in your generation? Do you know that you are called for such a time as this- positioned in your school, among your peers to see their lives turned around? Part two of the series looking at a character from the bible called Jehu.


‘God’s sacred eco-system’ Fuzz Kitto Jesus talked so much about the Kingdom of God. We don’t really use the phrase ‘Kingdoms’ much now so it can be difficult to understand what he meant, but we do speak about Eco-systems that connect everything together. Christianity is not just about finding faith and getting to heaven; it’s about praying into reality that God’s “Kingdom and will may be done on earth as it is in heaven”, revealing a sacred Eco-system.


Mr Boogies (03032)

‘Student reception’ Andy Croft & Rich Wilson Off to uni? Come along and meet others who are in the same boat – it’s a great chance to make some new mates before you even hit the halls!


Soul Action Café (03033)

Seminar B (03031)

Soul Action Cafe (03028)

‘Under new management: Jesus in charge’ 29th Chapter Jesus invites you to come just as you are, but he loves you way too much to let you stay as you are. God wants to get rid of all the old issues and chains, he wants to refit the old cracked and damaged walls of your life and build you up all new. Today we will be taking a look at what life is like when we give God the keys to our life and let Christ in the driving seat.


The Fringe (03029)

Other daytime fun..

The night times...

11:00am Morning celebration: Worship, teaching and ministry in the Big Top 1:00pm Cafes, sports and venues open up for the afternoon 2:00pm Sports tournaments: Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee – sign up early! 2:00pm Bandstand: Sing it out loud and proud on a stage! 4:00pm Battle Scars in Underground: drop in to share your lyrics and get a beat box masterclass

7:00pm Evening celebration: Join Mike P and the crew in the Big Top From 9:15pm Venues open for the evening: Cafes, Mr Boogies, Sports & Lift


Underground: Scream your head off for 29th Chapter!


Celluloid: Enter the weird world of Alice’s Wonderland


Ask away at our Hot spot session down the Fringe


Late night worship and intercession: Sing and dance your heart out at Seminar A

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soul survivor 2010 day four Day Planner

2:30pm Soul Sista (part three)’ God knows what they’re thinking’ Andy C & Mike P

9:30am ‘The big story of the Christian faith’ Chris Lane The world is full of stories: life, death, love, loss and everything in between. Are you still wondering what your place is in the grand story of life? Still figuring out what your story will be? Chris Lane talks about what it means to not just tell the big story of God and the Christian faith, but how to be a part of this amazing tale.

uuu Seminar A (03034)

‘Creating a future’ Fuzz Kitto The past is important but the future is more important. Is it all about “leaving it to God” or does God give it back and share the future with us as disciples of Jesus?

uuu Seminar B (03035)

‘Being Jesus to my Muslim friends’ Andrew Smith How can we show God’s love to our Muslim friends? What’s the best way to tell them that Jesus loves them without causing offence? How can we pray for them? This seminar will help you discover God’s heart for your Muslim friends and help you find ways to share that Good News with them.


Underground (03036)

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‘SoulNet (part three) Your questions answered’ Mike Pilavachi There are loads of pressures involved in youth work, but what are your questions? Come along, ask away and share your hopes and struggles too. Mike will also share some of the things he feels God is saying to today’s leaders.


Café Uno (03037)

‘How to be spiritual’ Jay Butcher Jesus was spiritual right? He prayed loads, studied the scriptures and said revelatory things... But he also did stuff. He turned over tables, criticized injustice... he even spat in a man’s eye. So, what does real Jesus-centred spirituality look like for us today?


Soul Action Café (03038)

‘How do you hear God?’ Tom & Susie Brock How do I know if what I am hearing or feeling is God or me? How do I get direction from the Lord?


Dreggs (03039)

The seminar they’re dreading. Mike and Andy invade Soul Sista to attempt the impossible; to answer any questions and explain what boys are really like!


Main Meeting Venue (03040)

‘Leadership & character’ Ness Wilson What can takes years to build with our gifts can take moments to destroy with our character. How can we form a godly character that will withstand the pressures of leadership?


Seminar A (03041)

‘Loving God and loving his church’ Eddie Lyle Part of loving God is loving his Church. But in many places around the world the church doesn’t have the freedom to meet and be open about its faith. How do we connect with the persecuted church from here in the UK and what can we learn from them?


Seminar B (03042)

‘Help! I don’t like myself’ Jeannie Morgan Looked in the mirror lately? Do you love what you see? Do you even like it? If we don’t vaue ourselves then it can be that others won’t either and we can end up in some pretty bad siutations or making bad decisions. So, how we can build our identity in Jesus and receive his healing and affirmation? Confidential prayer will be available.


Underground (03043)

soul survivor 2010 day four Day Planner Soul Man (part three) ‘Can’t live with them, can’t live without them!’ Ali Martin & Co The seminar they’re dreading. Ali and co invade Soul Man to explain women and what they want! Ever been confused by a girl? Wondered why they go to the toilet in groups? Ali will explain to us lads what the ladies are all about and answer any questions...


4:00pm ‘The story of the epileptic dog’ Mark Ritchie We all have stories - what’s yours? Mark looks at how to communicate our story in a way that is fun, effective and powerful.


Seminar A (03046)

Mr Boogies (03044)

‘New Lifestyle: Extreme Makeover’ 29th Chapter Gok Wan tells us how to make the most of what we’ve got whereas Trinni and Suzanna say what’s hot and what’s not. But we need to know that God is much more concerned with what’s deep in our hearts than how we look on the outside. We’ll be taking a look past the superficial trappings of accessory styling, to look at God’s makeover plan for our lives!

Stepping forward: Connecting God, life and your future’ Rich Wilson

The mysteries of God’ Andy Croft The size of the universe is mind-boggling, the depths of the ocean are stunning but the wonder of God tops it all. Takes a fresh look at some of mysteries of our faith... What’s all that stuff about the Trinity mean? How exactly does the cross work? These are some of the most amazing things about God so come and have your mind stretch and your heart stirred...


Seminar B (03048)

Rich will be looking at how we navigate life and transitions well, stay connected to church, engaged with culture, live with tensions, embrace uncertainty, deepen faith and trust in God, live for the Kingdom and its King.


Seminar B (03047)


The Fringe (03045)

Other daytime fun..

The night times...

11:00am Morning celebration: Worship, teaching and ministry in the Big Top 1:00pm Cafes, sports and venues open up for the afternoon 2:00pm Inter village ‘it’s a knockout’, guaranteed to make you laugh! 2:00pm Bandstand: Get your guitar tuned up and ready for action! 4:00pm Move about at the street dance workshop in the Underground!

7:00pm Evening celebration: Join Mike P and the crew in the Big Top From 9:15pm Venues open for the evening: Cafes, Mr Boogies, Sports & Lift

Soul Action Fun Run: Jog along to the sports ring to join in

Late night worship and intercession: worship Jesus before you head to bed



Underground: make some noise for the Sons of Light


Celluloid: Learn How to Train Your Dragon


Bring your questions to our Hot Spot session down the Fringe


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soul survivor 2010 day five Day Planner

2:30pm ‘Is God collaring you?’ Graham Tomlin If you’ve ever imagined yourself leading a church at some point in the future possibly within the Church of England then this seminar is for you. Come and find out what ordination is, how you can tell whether you’re ‘called’ and what the process is for selection and training.

uuuu Seminar A (03049)

‘Live for something bigger than yourself and your culture’ Eddie Lyle Millions of Christians around the world are risking their lives for their faith. Christians in the UK are in the privileged position of being able to worship God without fear or persecution – but are we missing out? Connecting with the Persecuted Church has the potential to transform the way we see life and the world around us and begin a revolution in our understanding of what it means to follow Christ.

uuu Seminar B (03050)

‘Questions and answers about worship’ Hosted by Mike Pilavachi

4:00pm ‘Spiritual fitness: how to get spiritually toned this year’ Graham Tomlin

This is your opportunity to grill Beth Croft, Jamie Rodwell and Tom Field on any topic related to worship.


Underground (03051)

‘The crossroads: Where next?’ 29th Chapter The Christian walk is supposed to be just that, a walk! It’s a journey and making a decision to follow Jesus is just the beginning. Today we will be looking at how we make our way on with Jesus, when the music is finished, the tent is packed away and it’s just you on your Jack Jones.


The Fringe (03052)

‘Five ways to grow your relationship with God’ Andy Croft Facebooking, texting, twittering, chatting, hanging, chilling - there are loads of ways we get to know each other. All of us long to know God better, to see him and hear from him. This seminar is about practical, everyday things we can be doing to develop our relationship with Jesus.


Soul Action Café (03053)

Going to the gym gets our bodies into good shape and enables us to do all kinds of things we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. The spiritual life isn’t much different! Find out how to be more spiritually well-tuned by developing key Jesus like qualities such as generosity, humility, kindness and goodness.


Seminar A (03054)

‘Don’t get stuck in default’ Suzie Brock Default by definition means ‘an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified’. Are you stuck in a pre-programmed default mode in your heart and actions? Lets talk about ways to get unstuck, free from the old and ready for something new in your life! Dump the default!


Seminar B (03055)

‘How do I know God’s will for the big ones?’ Fuzz Kitto What shall I do with my life? A big question that needs some serious answers! Come along to learn about the 5 great gifts God gives for discerning his will in the big decisions we face!


Mr Boogies (03056)

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soul survivor 2010 day five Day Planner

Other daytime fun..

The night times...


Morning Celebration begins EARLY so that we can all share Communion together!! There are no morning venues or seminars in light of the earlier main meeting

7:00pm Evening celebration: Our final Main Meeting together (boo!) From 9:15pm Venues open for the evening: Cafes, Mr Boogies, Sports & Lift

Let your hair down as our Cafes and venues open up for the afternoon

Underground: Underground welcomes the awesomeness of LZ7!

1:00pm 2:00pm

Get sweaty with our Basketball Tournament in Sports


Lift Skate Comp: Grind those rails baby!


Bandstand: Sing a song of sixpence to an adorning crowd



Ask any question you want at the Hot spot session down the Fringe


Late night worship and intercession: your last chance to sing out your praises at Soul Survivor!


Get your lyric book out at our Battle Scars session with 29th Chapter in the Underground! Boom!

5:00pm onwards

Drop off any un-used non perishable food at Seminar A so we can give it to charity!

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soul survivor 2010 site maps Day Planner

Find your way around Soul Survivor with these pretty maps. The one at the top is a close-up of the centre of the site with all of the venues listed. The one at the bottom is the whole site with all the camping villages listed too.

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Uwiragiye and Nzabahimana, Compassion sponsored children, Uganda

Uwiragiye and Nzabahimana We are twins. Our parents died some years ago so our sister looks after us. She’s 20 years old and has a baby of her own. We go out and gather firewood so she can cook for us, but sometimes there is no food to eat. That’s why we are glad we go to the Compassion project where we know we will be fed and can play with other children. We also love to sing songs. For less than 70p per day you can help children like Uwiragiye and Nzabahimana to receive education, healthcare, food, clothing and the opportunity to hear about the transforming love of Christ.


soul survivor 2010 speaker & guest bios Day Planner

29th Chapter Four lads currently residing in and around London who’ve bought the gospel to masses of people through the medium of hip hop. Mr Prince, D.P, Navigator and McGladius also run a charity, NuSkool, taking their sound and faith into schools and communities all over the place!

Suzie Brock

Jay Butcher Jay is Youth & Students Campaign Coordinator at Tearfund. Self confessed Beeker look a likey Jay is a passionate fellow: passionate about justice; photography, and music. He looks up to Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Shane Claiborne.

Andy Croft

Married to Tom (see below), Suzie is, with her husband, one of the directors of Wave of Life Ministries. Suzie has been serving in full time ministry for over 30 years having founded and directed initiatives that have sent missionaries to four continents and pastored two congregations too!

Andy is Associate Director of Soul Survivor. He studied Theology at Cambridge Uni (so is very clever), has written a book and does a fair bit of speaking too. He heads up ‘Called to Lead’, the Soul Survivor course for emerging leaders and is now happily married to the lovely Beth Croft.

Tom Brock

Beth Croft

Married to Suzie (see above), Tom is the second half of the leadership team of Wave of Life Ministries. Tom has served as a pastor and along with Suzie, travels the world speaking and encouraging people to commit themselves to the Lord and to find their place in the body of Christ.

Watford born and bred, Beth now heads up worship and music stuff for Soul Survivor and our church, Soul Survivor Watford. Beth studied Maths at Bath University and if left to her own devices she would bankrupt herself (and Andy) with eBay purchases!

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Nick Evans Originally from Melbourne, Australia – Nick heard the call of God to come to the UK in 1999, and has stayed ever since! He now lives with his wife Tamsin, and one year old son, Joshua in Liverpool, where he manages a large charity that helps adults and young people deal with drug addiction. Nick is also a regular speaker at Frontline church and in his spare time he can be found surfing and drinking hot chocolatealthough not at the same time!


Tamsin Evans Tamsin is passionate about seeing a generation raised up who know their identity in God, live a life of purity and are not afraid to turn their world upside down for Jesus, like the disciples did! Tamsin is the founder and director of a charity based in Liverpool, called Pure Creative Arts (Pure), which works with young people in the city and beyond to do just this! Tamsin is married to Nick, and they have a one year old son called Joshua, who loves dogs.

soul survivor 2010 speaker & guest bios Day Planner

Tom Field Tom is 18 years old and comes from what he calls ‘the promised land’ of New Zealand (we all know it as Middle Earth). He moved to Watford back in April and loves Krispy Kreme donuts and hanging out at the beach. For a while we actually thought he was Fernando Torres.


Fuzz Kitto Fuzz is a youth worker, minister, trainer, speaker writer and coach. He planted the first English ministry for university aged people in Cheil Uniting Church in Sydney. Recently Fuzz and his wife returned to serve there as executive pastors. Fuzz has also planted youth oriented churches in South Australia and regularly travels the world spreading rumours of hope.

Chris Lane Chris leads Langworthy Community Church in Salford. He has one wife, Esther, and two children, Daniel and Rebekah, and hopes that his kids will grow up to follow Jesus and Manchester United, in that order

Eddie Lyle A respected Bible teacher and motivator, Eddie is currently Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland, travelling extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church. Eddie is passionate about local church and has been involved in leadership and service in a broad cross-section of charismatic evangelical fellowships.

Ali Martin Ali is the mum of Soul Survivor. It’s now official as in August last year she gave birth to her firstborn (which is possibly the most exciting thing to happen in the Soul Survivor office ever). She’s on the leadership team of Soul Survivor ministries and Soul Survivor Watford Church and also heads up Soul Sista.

Barry Mason Barry lives in Salford with his wife Becky and their children Olivia and Alex. He is the National Sports Coordinator for YFC which involves running the Fly, Kick, Skate and Nomad sports mission training teams.

Jeannie Morgan Jeannie is part of Soul Survivor Watford Church and travels as part of the Soul Survivor international team teaching about prayer ministry. She’s written a book and is passionate about people finding healing in Jesus.

Mike Pilavachi Mike keeps himself busy by competing with his friends over anything from a game of tennis to who has the most friends on Facebook. Oh yeah and he set up this thing called Soul Survivor, pastors a church called Soul Survivor Watford, speaks at churches and events around the world and writes books too.

Patrick Regan Founder and director of XLP, a charity that for the past 15 years has been working with families and young people in inner-city London. God has led him to over 30 countries, supporting poorer communities and speaking in many diverse places, from Jamaica’s Trench town to the House of Commons.

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soul survivor 2010 speaker & guest bios

Other faces...

Day Planner

Mark Ritchie Mark is a passionate Scotsman who has travelled all over the world communicating about the cross in his job as a national evangelist. He’s known for mixing a unique blend of humour with the Gospel message.

Jamie Rodwell Jamie is 16 and comes from sunny Watford. He’s part of Soul Survivor Watford Church and loves God, music and sport. He’s just done his GCSE’s and is spending the summer panicking that his grades are ok! We are too, if not his mum won’t let him out and then we’ll be missing a worship leader.

Andrew Smith Andrew is the Director of Youth Encounter, which helps Christian young people live out their faith amongst their Muslim friends. He’s been involved in youth work since 1988, lives in Birmingham with his wife Sarah and their two boys and loves 80’s indie music (played loud).

Graham Tomlin Graham is the Principal of St Paul’s Theological Centre and Dean of St Mellitus College. For several years he was a member of the Theology Faculty of Oxford University too. He is the author of numerous articles and several books, most recently ‘The Seven Deadly Sins and How to Overcome Them’.

Liz Biddulph Ness Wilson Ness leads the Open Heaven Church leadership team and is passionate about leadership, great communication and seeing the local church flourish. Her time is divided between leading Church, investing in friendships and being a mum. She also invests time in other female leaders and is involved in discipling new Christians.

Rich Wilson Rich is the National Team Leader for Fusion, he is responsible for strategy that builds partnerships with students, churches and other organisations. Rich is married to Ness and lives in a community household with family and friends. He is also involved in the leadership of Open Heaven Church, and to relax enjoys a round of golf, any form of food and drink, and playing with his kids.

Along with Mike P, Liz is a Director of Soul Survivor. She’s brilliant and pretty much runs everything behind the scenes. If you see her about ask her about Trea the Dog... she’ll gladly regail you with plenty of canine related banter.

Emma Mallord Emma is part of the Soul Survivor team and it’s her job to pull all the programme and venues together. She’s great and makes awesome cakes, but be warned, she has a very sharp wit.

Rob Biddulph Rob is the chap responsible for heading up all the production stuff at Soul Survivor Week A. That means he books portaloos, sound systems, lighting rigs and drives fork lift trucks. He has the strength of a bear, and the heart of a man.

Chief Stewards Chaz Newton-Smith and Paul Rodgers are the Soul Survivor legends of old that are tasked with making sure we are all having a good, safe time!

Chief Ushers Paul Dixon and Gemma & J Foster are our Chief Ushers. That means they’ll be looking after the safety of everyone in the main meetings. Look out for them in orange vests and give them a nice hello. They are friendly.

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Trea is a doggy. She’s part of the team. Nuff said.

soul survivor 2010 come & see us online Articles

We wish we could hang out all year round but the next best thing is staying in touch! There are loads of ways you can hear our news and tell us yours: Facebook: We love hearing from you and seeing your photos so join us on Facebook and stay in touch! Just search for Soul Survivor and become a fan.

Our website: This is the place to give us feedback about Soul Survivor as well as finding out everything you need to know about what’s happening. Plus we have loads of FREE resources!

FREE Magazine: Every month we post a brand new Imag with articles and talks we think you might find interesting and entertaining.

FREE Music: Check out the Soul Survivor radio to hear songs from the likes of Tim Hughes, Ben Cantelon and Beth Croft.

FREE Videos: We will admit that these can be a bit random but they can also be fun and every so often they are quite informative. Mainly they involve Mike or one of the team rambling on about the latest happenings but you can also find things like the Soul Survivor God TV shows.

Want more? Visit our shop! We have loads of great resources at our online shop. Take your pick from CDs, DVDs, books, hoodies and more at shop.soulsurvivor.com All of this can be found at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk

Want stuff in the post? We also try and send out little magazines by post when we can. If you’d like to receive them make sure you’ve checked the box to say we can send you stuff! Log in to your Soul Survivor booking account and under Communications you can pick what you’d like to receive.

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soul survivor 2010 soul survivor dates Articles

Saturday Celebrations

Momentum Weekend

SoulNet Retreat

Pop over to Watford one Saturday evening for a chance to celebrate God’s goodness with us and get a taste of a Soul Survivor summer even in the darkest days of winter! We’d love to have you round!

All new and all exciting! We’re really looking forward to having a weekend away with a whole bunch of students, and twenty to thirty somethings! Find out more by visiting visit our website for all the latest info.

A weekend away for youth leaders, taking time out of life’s busyness to be refreshed in God’s presence. Venue: Sherwood Forest Center Parcs Dates: 4th – 7th Feb 2011 Costs: £115-£125 per person More info? www.soulsurvivor.com/soulnet

Venue: Soul Survivor Watford Times: From 7:00pm Dates: 11th Sep, 23rd Oct, 27th Nov, 29th Jan, 26th Mar, 30th Apr More info? www.soulsurvivorwatford.co.uk

Venue: Longleat Center Parcs Dates: 7th – 9th Jan Costs: From £115-125 per person More info? www.soulsurvivor.com/momentum

Naturally Supernatural

Soul Survivor 2011

Momentum 2011

Want to see more miracles, signs and wonders? Us too! We’re running this mini-conference to learn more about the Holy Spirit and find out how we can move in his power more.

Pencil in these dates to make sure you don’t miss Soul Survivor 2011! Five days, thousands of people and one God to worship with all we have. It’s gonna be awesome.

Get the date in the diary now and book early to save some of your hard earned pennies! Venue: Royal Bath & West Showground Dates: Fri 19th –Tues 23rd Aug 2011 Costs: From £81 to £104 . The earlier you book the cheaper it is. More info? www.soulsurvivor.com/momentum

Venue: Soul Survivor Watford Dates: 24th - 26th Feb 2011 Costs: £45 per person (£32 under 18’s) More info? www.soulsurvivorwatford.co.uk

Dates & Venues: Week A: Fri 29th July-Tues 2nd Aug, Stafford Showground Week B: Tues 9th-Sat 13th Aug Royal Bath & West Showground Week C: Sun 14th – Thurs 18th Aug, Royal Bath & West Showground Costs: From £81 to £104 . The earlier you book the cheaper it is. More info? www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/ss2011

Look out for more events and news of next summer’s events online at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk!

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soul survivor 2010 soul man & soul sista Venues

As is now Soul Survivor tradition, during a few afternoons of the week we offer the chance to hang out with people of the same gender and gather all the boys in Mr Boogies and all the girls in the Main Meeting venue. We then proceed to shut the doors and talk about secret things that the other gender can never know about ever. If they do find out it’s likely they’ll explode, hence the secrecy.

Soul Man & SOul Sista

We call these sessions Soul Man and Soul Sista (guess who goes to which) and this year we’ve got some great, open, honest and Jesus-centred thoughts to chuck your way. The boys will be looking at usual stuff like sex, porn (they won’t actually look at porn, but talk about it) and going too far with your girlfriend. But that’s not all that defines being a lad. These sessions are about getting to grips with being a bloke, and what Jesus (the ultimate bloke) thinks about it all. We know that lads come in all shapes and sizes from those who hunt for elk with just their hands to those who use their hands to paint pictures of those same elk. Jesus, the ultimate role model has something challenging and inspiring to say to all lads, no matter what your perceived levels of manliness are, and that’s what Soul Man is all about! Other than sitting about nattering and doing some knitting the girls will also be digging deep into their Bibles to find out all about how our loving heavenly father sees them. Identity, image, as well as sex and relationships are some of the bigger stuff they’ll be getting their teeth into, plus there will be some stuff on boys, make up and hair cuts too.

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The point of Soul Sista is to encourage all you girls to follow Jesus with all you have, and to be happy just being yourself! Finally, on Day 4 we’ll do a little swop (not the Panini kind though). Soul Sista hosts Ali and Beth will head over to lead the Soul Man session whilst Andy and Mike will get all embarrassed and shy at the Soul Sista meet. We’re not sure this is the best idea ever, but hey, even if you don’t learn a thing about the opposite sex during the seminars, it’ll be funny. Pop along to our Soul Man and Soul Sista sessions at the following times and locations:

Soul Man

Soul Sista

‘Live like a king’ Mike P & Andy Croft Day 2

‘God knows my name’ Ali Martin & Co Day 2

‘Live the dream’ Mike P & Andy Croft Day 3

‘God knows my heart’ Ali Martin & Co Day 3

‘Can’t live with them...’ Ali Martin & Co Day 4

‘God knows what...’ Mike P & Andy Croft Day 4

Soul Sista & Soul Man Times


Days 2-4, 2.30pm-3.30pm

Soul Sista, Main Meeting Venue Soul Man, Mr Boogies

soul survivor 2010 student reception Venues

Soul Man & SOul Sista

Unfortunately we don’t have a venue on site dedicated to the afternoon TV schedule. Sorry we know this is an essential part of being a student. Instead we have a little get together organised for all of you attending one of the UK’s (or wider world’s) centres of Higher Education. Whatever you’re reading, whether it’s biology, criminology, ales and the ancient world, Bargain Hunt studies or anything else for that matter, we’d love you to join us for a nice brew and (maybe) some biscuits. You’ll get the chance to meet students from all over the place, so if you’re either currently at - or intending to go to - uni this year, then pop along. You’ll be pleased to know the session is taking place in the afternoon so you don’t have to get up especially early to join in!

Student Reception Times

Student Reception Location:

Day 3, 4pm-5pm

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soul survivor 2010 soulnet Venues

We flippin love youth leaders! They are awesome! They bring all you lot to Soul Survivor each year, look after you, deal with irate mums, fill out forms, and when they get the chance they might also encourage you in your walk with Jesus too. What legends! For most of us, Youth Leaders have had some pretty significant parts to play in our faith, so we reckon we should honour them and give them a bit of time to relax now and again! Although Soul Survivor is all about you teenagers, that doesn’t mean we’ll be forgetting about the people you depend on when the rest of the Youth Group thought it’d be funny to hide all your clothes in the trees. So here we go, this is what’s on offer for the Yoof Leaders at Soul Survivor in 2010!

SoulNet breakfasts

SoulNet prophecy and prayer sessions

Pop along to Café Uno at 9:00am on the mornings of Day 2,3 & 4 for a nice cup of real coffee, some pastries, muffins and the chance to mingle with a bunch of other chaps who spend their days hanging around teenagers! At 9:30am sharp we’ll be putting on a specific SoulNet series of seminars, so you should find some teaching aimed just at you too! The week’s sessions are:

Sign up for some time with our prayer team and spend a while with a few others listening to what God is saying, being filled with his Spirit and refocusing your life back on Jesus. More details and sign up sheets will be at the SoulNet breakfasts.

‘Leaders creating leaders...’: Fuzz Kitto Day 2, 9:30am, Café Uno ‘Let us lead bravely’: Mark Ritchie Day 3, 9:30am, Café Uno ‘Your questions answered’: Mike Pilavachi Day 4, 9:30am, Café Uno See the daily planner for more details on these sessions.

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And throughout the year SoulNet Youth Leader Retreat: Have a relaxing weekend in Center Parcs, with time to kick back and chill. Our SoulNet Retreats are specially crafted to give a basic programme of sessions and seminars focused specifically on the trials and joys of youth leading, with loads of time to simply be! 4th-7th February, 2011 Sherwood Forest Center Parcs From £115 per person www.soulsurvivor.com/soulnet

SoulNet Stuff


Breakfasts: Days 2-4, from 9am Seminars: Days 2-4, 9.30am-10.30am

Seminars: Cafe Uno Breakfasts: Cafe Uno











soul survivor 2010 dig it: bible reading notes Articles

This Bible reading guide is all about the, erm, Bible. The Bible isn’t a book full of specific answers – you can’t go to a remote part of Leviticus and discover God’s ruling on doing the lottery or whether it’s OK to support Manchester United (it’s not, by the way). The Bible is God’s book. It tells us God’s great plan for salvation, an epic story of God and his relationship with and love for his people. And the best part is that we can be part of it all too. Before you read, ask God to speak to you. As you read, ask yourself what God is saying to you through the text. Prayerfully think about the questions. Talk to God and remember to listen! Ready? Put on your Bible reading trousers and let’s go.

Day 1: What is the Bible? Ask God to be with you as you read and think about his Word. Listen for his voice in the words. Then read Isaiah 62:1,2 and Luke 4:16–21 and play spot the similarity. Spot the link? By reading this section out, Jesus is saying, ‘I’m the saviour you’ve been waiting for.’ This is the heart of the Bible – God’s plan for the salvation of his people through Jesus. It stretches over the whole book. God’s relationship with his people is central, and so our relationship with him is central to our walk with him. The Bible does not contain an answer for every problem – its contents are more important than that. It’s where we encounter this life-changing Jesus and discover what it means to put God at the heart of our lives.

• What is your relationship with God like? • Do you know this life-changing Jesus? • What is God saying to you through these passages?

Day 2: Why do I need to read the Bible? Who are your influences? Who has made the biggest difference to your life? Read 2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5. Who or what are the ‘teachers’ (4:2,3) you listen to? Find a piece of paper and write down all that Paul (the writer) tells Timothy about what the Scriptures are for. That’s quite a long list – is there anything that surprises you? Look at verse 15 again. The Bible is God’s story, of rescue through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and through the Bible we discover more of that story. But reading the Bible is not like just watching the TV, it’s much

more like pressing the red button. You’re not passive when you read the Bible. We are part of the story, listening to God and interacting with his Word. • Do you let yourself be changed when you read the Bible? • Make a list of what we should do in response to reading the Bible. How can we do this?

Day 3: How do I read it? How often do you read the Bible? (Be honest.) Why is that? Read John 16:8–15 and underline some of the things Jesus says the Spirit will do. In this passage, Jesus outlines some of the things the Spirit will do when he comes. But what has this got to do with reading the Bible? Well, when we read the Bible the Holy Spirit is there to guide us as we read. It’s almost like having the director of a film with you as you watch...

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There are loads of ways of engaging with the Bible (reading, listening, using Bible reading guides, listening to a sermon), but we always need to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us. ‘The Spirit will take what I [Jesus] have to say and tell it to you’ (verse 15). • How do you get into the Bible? • What do you do when you don’t understand something you read? • Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you as you go on to read more of the Bible.

Day 4: How can this book change my life? If you can find a mirror, look in it now. What do you see? Now stop looking – what can you remember? Now read James 1:22–25. Are you like the people in verse 23 and 24? Despite how it sounds, this is not some hitherto undiscovered Gok Wan part of the Bible, but a great illustration of how the Bible can and should change your life. What is the point of looking in the mirror if you’re going to forget what you have seen? You may as well have not looked in the first place. Similarly, what’s the point of reading the Bible if you’re not going to let the things you read change you? Look at what James says. Listening and letting it change you (obeying) makes you happy. If you don’t, you’re only fooling yourself. • How much do you let the Bible change your life?

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• What stops you from putting into practice what you read? • Is letting God change your life always a happy experience?

Day 5: How does the Bible fit together? What major spiritual events in your life can you pick out? Your first one might be coming to this Soul Survivor event! Read Hebrews 11 and pick out a person whose story is inspiring. The Bible is made up of 66 books split into two ‘Testaments’. But it’s not just a collection of different books. Like any good series of Doctor Who or CSI, there is a story arc to the Bible and that’s God’s story of salvation. These ‘heroes of faith’ are all part of this one story. But it doesn’t stop there. While we’re not written into the Bible, we are the continuation of God’s plans. The people in Hebrews 11 only saw a glimpse of what God had planned for the salvation of his people, but we have been given it – Jesus! (Look at verses 39,40.) • How well do you know your way around the Bible? • How much do you feel part of this story arc? • Have you found the thing that makes you perfect (verse 40) – Jesus?

Day 6: How does God speak to me through the Bible? Quieten your mind. Focus on God. Read Deuteronomy 11:18–21 and think what the modern equivalents of the things mentioned in the passage might be. If we want to recognise God speaking to us through the Bible, then we need to dive right in and, er, swim about! It’s no use just dipping your toe in once in a while. In today’s passage, Moses is encouraging the Israelites to stay loyal to God, and part of that was to immerse themselves in his Word. And as Moses told the Israelites to write God’s Word all over the place, so we need to read it, listen to it, discuss it, meditate on it, listen to sermons about it, read or find out what others think about it. God speaks to us through all these ways. • Have you heard God speaking through the Bible before? Reflect on what he said. If not, then find someone who has and ask them about it! • How can you put the modern equivalents of Deuteronomy 11 into practice?

Day 7: A case study in changing your life Get comfortable, because today’s story is a long one. Read 2 Kings 22:1 – 23:30. What do you think it was about God’s Word that was

soul survivor 2010 dig it: bible reading notes Articles

so life-changing for Josiah and the people? Josiah was already a godly man, but finding the Book of the Law changed his life. Reading the book, both Josiah and his people realised how much they still had to learn about God. It really upset Josiah that he had not been living God’s way. But Josiah and the Israelites didn’t just sit there thinking about it; they allowed God’s Word to change their lives. Reflect on some of the things Josiah did after reading God’s Word. He shook up Israel’s spiritual life and brought it into line with what God wanted. No messing about. • Think about the changes that reading God’s Word brought about. What does that tell you about God? • Has the Bible changed your life? If so, how? If not, what’s holding you back?

Day 8: Firm foundations Ask yourself, ‘What will happen to me when tough spiritual times come?’ Read Matthew 7:24–29. Have you heard this story before? What is it about? This is not about building your life on Jesus. Yes, the Bible describes God as a rock many times, but here the rock is hearing and obeying Jesus’ teachings. These is what we should build our life upon – loving God so much that you can’t do anything other than live God’s way. We need to put God’s teachings into

practice, just like Josiah. If we don’t, we’re in danger of being swept aside when life gets too much. We have nothing firm to stand on. We are like the people in James 1, who look in a mirror but then forget what we look like. • How wise are you? Do you hear and act on Jesus’ teachings that you read in the Bible? • Remembering your face or forgetting it? Rock or sand? Which one are you?

Day 9: The greatest commandment Who is your neighbour? Read Mark 12:28–34 and think about the order of relationships God is calling us to. Who should we put first? What order is your life in? The Bible is the story of God and his loving relationship with his people. Here, Jesus affirms that from the other direction – we should love the Lord with all that we are. Throughout the Bible, we hear about people who have followed this commandment (and those who haven’t!). Do we put God first? We must learn from the mistakes of those who get it wrong, and build our relationship with God on the firm foundations of listening to his Word and obeying it. • Think about this question again: what order is your life in? If God’s story in the Bible is for you, how do you respond to that? • What about that second

commandment? How can we love our neighbour as we love ourselves? How does that affect us in today’s ‘me’ culture?

Day 10: A challenge Where will you go from here in your Bible reading? Read Psalm 119 and underline any verses that particularly speak to you. (Read verses 97–112 if you’re short on time.) This psalm is almost a love song to God’s Word! Go back through the psalm and look for all the references to God’s teachings – they may be called ‘promises’ or ‘rulings’. What do they tell you about the writer’s attitude to Scripture? To the writer, God’s teaching is central – it tells him about God, helps him to live God’s way and reading it deepens his relationship with God (the most important thing in life, as we discovered from Mark 12:28–34). Now look at the verses you underlined. Do they match up with the references to God’s teachings? • How important is reading the Bible to you? • ‘God’s Word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path’ (verse 105) – how do we see that happening when we go back home? What has God said to you at Soul Survivor? What are you going to do about it?

These Bible notes have been written and produced by our lovely friends at Scripture Union. For more Bible related goodness and daily online readings head to their smashing web sites: www.scriptureunion.org.uk | www.wordlive.org

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soul survivor 2010 20 questions with soul survivor Articles

Are we a mineral? No. Are we a vegetable? No. Are we nice. Yes! Here we go, 20… (err actually just 9) questions you always wanted to ask about Soul Survivor, with some quick and simple answers straight from the horses mouth! Why do people put their hands up and close their eyes in the main meetings? More often than not this happens during our times of sung worship. Closing your eyes isn’t weird, it’s just a simple way to focus purely on God without the distraction of everything your eyes see and process. People put their hands up for all sorts of reasons, but the most common we’re aware of is as a sign of praise… it’s a way in which our bodies physically express our surrender to God. Raising your hands isn’t a sign that you’re special, it’s just a sign you’re giving yourself, not just your words, to Jesus. Saying that, go to any football ground or concert in the world and people sing with arms wide open, so it can be a natural expression of fun, freedom and enjoyment too!

Why is there so much singing? The short answer is that we like it. The longer answer is that it’s Biblical. Throughout history people have expressed emotions through song,

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and this is especially true of people’s relationship and interaction with God. The Bible has a whole book dedicated to songs (the Psalms), so it’s natural we continue this in our meetings today. But don’t think we’re just singing either. Our songs make up times of dedicated worship to God… it’s time to focus on him, thank him for what he’s done in our lives and tell him we love him. We know that worship is a lifestyle, but we’re also unapologetic about making it a specific part and time in our lives too. As we spend time focusing our words and lives again on God he genuinely does meet with us, and we’ve seen God do absolutely wonderful things amongst us simply during our times of sung worship. So, we’ll keep doing it!

Why is the music in the Main Meetings all a bit U2esque… what about some Drum N Bass? Brilliant question! Jesus loves it when we express ourselves in creative ways that connect with

our passions. If you like Drum N Bass, awesome! Get jungalistic for Jesus! We try in our main meetings to reflect some of the vibrance, creativity and diversity of all you lot, so sometimes the music is stripped down, sometimes louder, sometimes with some raps and decks… However, we know we can’t suit every taste. Some people just don’t get Drum N Bass and for those that do, we know that using stuff like rap, dance music or any other scene has to be authentic. We don’t want to offer naff and watered down versions of the stuff you’re into, it’ll end up turning you off even more! So we do what we’re good at. We know it doesn’t always float everyone’s boat, but the lyrics are often simple and clear with easy to grasp melodies which means everyone can join in! We hope you understand, and from looking around the main meetings most of you seem to love it and engage with it too!

How do the band get to be in the band? The guys on stage are all friends. Some of them work for Soul Survivor, some are part of our church and some are mates we’ve made along the way. This isn’t an exclusive thing, we just only want to put people in places of responsibility that we know, love and trust. We can vouch for everyone in the band. They all love

soul survivor 2010 20 questions with soul survivor Articles Jesus and are involved in the life of a local church. Beyond that, they are, of course, fantastically skilled musicians! As music forms a key part of our main meetings we’re keen that all the musicians we use are of a quality level, both in terms of musical skill and character!

Why does everything else close when the main meetings are on? Our priority at Soul Survivor is to meet with God, and whilst we can do that throughout all our venues, time spent specifically focusing on him in song, in looking at the Bible and in waiting on his Spirit is a pretty significant opportunity to draw near to him and let him change us. Our events are unashamedly about Jesus, you can’t really miss that, and so we love it when everyone comes together to focus on him without the distractions of other venues being open. Beyond that we have thousands of volunteer team members working in all our venues across site and closing everything gives them a bit of a break and the chance to spend time specifically with God.

Why does Mike take the mick out of the people on stage? Mike is Mike. He has a strange sense of humour! But it’s also about who we are. Mike will joke with his friends and try and put them off as

much as possible whilst they are on stage, as he (and most of us) find it funny. He does exactly the same when he’s not on stage! The fact is we don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we hope we take God very seriously and having a lark about is our way of showing we’re not special, but God is. Don’t panic, as far as we know, Mike has never offended anyone, they are all his mates and they all find it funny too.

Why do you say you have very little money when thousands of us have spent nearly £100 each to be here?

Why aren’t there more toilets and showers?

Your ticket price covers the costs of the events, but that doesn’t mean just the few days each year we are at Stafford and Shepton Mallet. It takes a whole year to get everything organised and so we have to have an office, computers, staff and all that stuff to maintain and pay for. We are always looking for ways to encourage, equip and support you guys throughout the year, so we put time and effort into having stuff on the web, running tour dates and doing bits for youth leaders too.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness and that’s why we already have almost double the recommended amount of toilets and showers per head on site that health and safety regulations specify. We also have cleaners going round the toilets and showers continually from 7:00am ‘til 7:00pm and our production team toilet specialists do regular spot checks and respond to complaints about cleanliness as soon as humanly possible. Village Hosts also very kindly do a bit of disinfecting and tidying from time to time (they are brill).

Why are the food vans so expensive? Sorry about this, it’s not up to us. The food van vendors (aka the food van people) have ongoing contracts with the caterers that the showground employ and we have little say in what menus they offer and the prices they charge. Genuinely, we wish it was cheaper.

We hope we don’t talk about cash very much, so if you think we do, sorry. We know most of you are teenagers and don’t have lots of spare pennies floating around. Soul Survivor is a charity so that means we are not about making money.

We rely on people supporting us in order make all that possible and whilst most of it isn’t about the summer events, it all feeds into them and makes them what they are. If you’d like more info then check our latest Annual Review to read how we raise and spend the money we have (it isn’t too boring, it has pictures as well as stats): www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/give

Want to read more about us? If you’re finding all this stuff interesting then good. There’s loads more stuff online about Soul Survivor, our history and our values, so check it out when you’re back home. If you have any specific questions about why we do what we do then just drop us an email to info@soulsurvivor.com. We’d be happy to try and explain... there’s likely to be a reason behind the seeming madness!

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soul survivor 2010 times of prayer ministry Essential Info

20 questions

One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always seek to involve God, by His Spirit, in what is going on. In real terms this means that there is often a call forward for prayer. This is a specific time to let God ‘minister’ to us – that is to work on and deal with things in our lives. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. We have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ about who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite

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well! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given.

confusion for others around you. Thanks.

So, what happens?

Mouth: Don’t be afraid to ask

Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people.

someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God but seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3).

God can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others.

Sex: Only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any

Hands: Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by

soul survivor 2010 times of prayer ministry Essential Info opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and it’s Biblical, especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v40-45 Jesus heals a man of leprosy), or as a blessing (in Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). Be sensitive about where you place your hands.

Eyes: Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). Stay with them as long as needed and encourage them to go on receiving from God. It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe.

Ears: Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures.

Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there both to support you, and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.

The whole body: Allowing the expression of feelings is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally cool, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he needs to do and not get in the way of that and make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued.

And finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people are fearful when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for and constantly ask for God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers

and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven. If a request is made for further ministry then encourage the person to go to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there will be people available to pray with them. It should also be encouraged that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we cannot handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more! All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.

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soul survivor 2010 things you need to know Essential Info

20 questions

General Information 0303 333 1333 You can ring this number from 9am ‘til 5.30pm for any info or enquiries... or just pop along to the Info Office on site.

What to do in an emergency 1) Don’t panic 2) Don’t call 999 yourself. This can cause confusion and delay help getting through 3) Go to Comms, call Comms on 0303 333 1335 or get hold of the nearest member of team with a radio (Steward/Production etc) and ask them to contact the Comms team, who will in turn, contact the Emergency services on your behalf.

Emergencies back home Make sure you keep in touch with those back home and let them know how to reach you. Keep your mobile phone charged (you can do this for free at ‘The Office’ in the Toolshed) and let your family know the Soul Survivor General Information number in case someone back home needs to contact you (though we’d rather your Mum didn’t phone every 2

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hours to check that her ‘little Jonny’ was doing ok as it’s his first time away from home… Ahhhh).

The Info Office Times: 9.00am-5.30pm Location: The red ‘i’ on the map Upon entering the Info Office you’ll notice there is never a shortage of confectionary or cake. And for good reason. The Info team are wild scary beasts. These astonishing and complex humans were discovered by Mike P on one of his overseas trips, in a remote corner of Russia. Mike spent some time in careful analysis of this rare breed, infamous with locals for their aggression and violence, and Mike made the astonishing discovery that, on consumption of sugar, this tribe are transformed from wild savage beasts into tender hearted young men and women with a particular knack for finding out answers and solving tricky problems. Now that we’ve got things under control, these ladies (and sometimes a rogue fella) are charming, delightful and eager to help – fuelled by the assortment of candy and cake that is regularly deposited on their desks. They’ll be delighted

to solve even the most complicated booking query or payment… just make sure to slip them a Mars bar first.

Information points Keep an eye out for the Info points around site for all the latest news and programme changes.

Comms Times: 24 hours a day Location: Next to Info tent The Soul Survivor Communications Gateway. All practicalities and problems are routed through the Comms team – from broken fences and flooding toilets through to fullon emergencies, these chaps will jump into action at just the glimpse of a yellow jacket. Pop in any time day or night.

Wristbands Your wristband is your passport to the fun times. Wear it loud and proud because: 1) It looks so darn foxy 2) Without it you won’t be allowed into any of the venues on site (and that would be a shame) 3) It’s a great way for us to identify you if you get trapped under a golf buggy

soul survivor 2010 things you need to know Essential Info

with only your arm visible (the arm with your wristband on) Please don’t lose it. If it falls off then hang on to it and head to info (don’t dilly dally on the way). If you do lose it entirely then we’ll have to charge you for a new one (£40 - eek). If you break your wristband and need a new one it’ll cost you a single pound.

Facilities for hearing impaired All main meeting venues have a loop system facility. Please see the Stewards in the venue for the exact locations. Main meetings will also be signed – please sit in the designated area of the venue for the best view.

Special needs We hope that everyone will have a brilliant week at Soul Survivor so we’ve arranged to have a bunch of lovely people ready and equipped to help if you or anyone in your group has any additional needs while you’re at the event. Kids groups have helpers available to work one to one with any children with special needs. To find out more about what’s on offer just pop in to the Info Office early in the week.

entrusted with great power, and with great power comes great responsibility. They are here to ensure the rest of us are safe, well and happy, so if they ask you to do something, it’s best to listen… you wouldn’t like them when they are angry (they may turn into a big green hulk).

Village Hosts A Village Host is kind of like an air steward/ess but instead of little hats and silk ties, their uniform is a sturdy pair of wellies and a blizzard proof cag. They exist to make you feel welcome whilst you’re with us at Soul Survivor and if you have any questions about the journey ahead, the entertainments available or the refreshments on offer then these are the hosts with the most… Though if they start to panic then you know we’re all in trouble.

Lost Property For some time now we’ve been looking after a lovely little 4-bed French chateau with no owner… but lost hats and coats seem to be more common than the other sort of property. In fact people leave all sorts of stuff lying around. If you realise your tent’s missing or your wellies have gone walk-about then head to Comms to have a rummage through the lost property.

Stewards Male or female, anyone in a yellow jacket responds to the name Stewart. Listen to them and do what they say for they have been

And if you’re already home before you realise then just give our office a call and we’ll happily have a rummage on your behalf.

The Post You can send all sorts in the post. We know a fella called Dave who sent half a banana to his Mum and wrote the address on it in biro. If you fancy sending something in the post then there’s a nifty postbox for just such an occasion though we probably won’t be allowed back if it gets filled up with fruit and veg. And as if sending post wasn’t advanced enough, you can also GET post on site! If you need to receive post just use these details: Your name AND your delegate reference number (starting A2K10…) Information c/o Soul Survivor Staffordshire Showground Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 OBD Any post received will be kept in the Info Office until you come and claim it, so check regularly if you’re expecting something.


Cafes, Food Vans So you’ve burnt the Smash and overcooked the Spam?! DO NOT PANIC. Happy Campers are not so named because of their diet of hearty tent-cooked delicacies, no sir-eee. The happiest campers know that if all else fails they can grab a tastie bacon sarnie or a salad baguette over at yonder food vans. The vans are open for the most part of the day and serve a whole range of food and treats.

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soul survivor 2010 things you need to know Essential Info

Cafes Whether you’ve been up all night singing and playing the guitar or you didn’t sleep because your neighbours were, no doubt by the afternoon of Day 2 you’ll be ready for some hard core cake action. Sugar is a compulsory ingredient in everything on all the Café menus, plus most also have a hearty line up of fairtrade, ethical and organic produce too.

Supplies Running low on the essentials? Don’t worry, you can pick up an assortment of basic supplies on site:

Out of Gas? You need the Gas Man. This superhuman salesman appears from nowhere and disappears without a trace.

Plus they get daily deliveries of fresh milk and bread.

For those of you with a bunch of people to cater for you can preorder milk, bread and other bits. Just pop in and chat to them at the start of the week.

in to Comms or the Info Office). If anyone in your group falls ill* during the event then please keep them in their tent and contact the First Aid team. The First Aid Centre is clearly marked on the site map. In an emergency ring 0303 333 1335. *e.g. sudden fever (a high body temperature of over 38C or 100.4F), and sudden cough or any signs of diarrhoea and/or vomiting

Local Shops & Directions

First Aid

A big old Asda has made a nest in Stafford, just a few minutes drive from site. They also have a cash point. To get there just turn left out of the main gate and follow the signs to Stafford and before you know it, you’ll see the mega smegga mart appear before you.

The amazing First Aid team are on hand 24/7 so there will always be someone available to help. The Medical Centre is open from 9am – 7pm (marked on the site map) and outside of these times you can go to Comms and they’ll radio for medical help like the proper troopers they are.

The shop is open from 2:00pm on Day 1 and 7:00am-7:00pm Days 2-5.

Health and Safety Fire Regulations

Turn up between 9:00am-10:00am on Day 2 or 10:00am-11:00am on Days 4-5 outside Info Office to see his majestic truck.

Freezer Packs You can exchange (for free) or buy (for £2) frozen ice packs for your cold storage between 9-9.30am and 4.305:00pm opposite Café Uno (at the side of the Main Meeting Venue).

Please make sure that when you pitch up, you leave at least three metres between you and the next chap (check with your Village Host if you’re not sure). And it might seem a good idea at the time, but BBQ-ing inside a one man tent is asking for trouble.

Communion Be fire savvy and keep all cooking supplies away from the tent.

Onsite Shop


The onsite shop is like that cupboard that your mum’s got where you can find everything you’ll ever need, from batteries and toothpaste to sweets and groceries.

Sickness spreads quickly on a campsite. Do your bit by washing your hands often (especially before eating) and letting us know of any broken or dirty facilities on site (pop

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If you have an ongoing medical condition that may cause you problems during the event, it would be really helpful if you could pop in and let the First Aid team know when you arrive. They’ll also look after any medication you need to take on a daily basis.

We love to end the week together by sharing in Communion. To do this we start the main meeting at the earlier time of 10am (not 11am). There is non alcoholic wine available as well as wheat/gluten free bread – look out for directions from whoever is leading the meeting so you know where to go!

God Knows My Past

God Knows My Choices


He hears our cries and reaches out in love to help us and fight for us. He’s always at work shaping our character. And no matter what others do, He will never, ever leave or forget us. 9780781403658 £8.99

“What can I say? Lex has done an absolutely fantastic job of presenting a very real issue in the Church today with a biblical understanding of truthful worship and with a heart to serve people. I’m so very proud of this important accomplishment and I wholeheartedly pray that this book is a real gift to both men and women in worship ministry.” Darlene Zschech 9781434700582 £7.99


soul survivor 2010 get green with soul survivor Essential Info

We all know the drill by now. The world is in a bit of a mess. We’re not getting over the top and apocalyptic on you, but the facts are there for all to see. The human population of the world has at least trebled since 1900 and that means more people creating more rubbish and doing more things that impact our environment. Climate change, caused by human pressure on the world’s finite resources, is becoming a major political concern. The thing is, the Bible makes it clear that as followers of Jesus we’re called to care for and be stewards of God’s amazing world and we can start doing that right now whilst we’re at Soul Survivor...

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What we’re doing…

For our part we’re trying to make sure all our events have a lot less of a negative impact on the environment and our global neighbours than they could do. Over the years we’ve been reducing the amount of stuff we print and are increasing the importance of what we do online and via email (and when we do have to print stuff it’s all on paper that is from sustainable forests). Plus all our t-shirts/hoodies are ethically sourced and all teas and coffees served onsite are, of course, fair-trade.

soul survivor 2010 get green with soul survivor Essential Info

What you can do to help…

But that’s just the start. Really, whilst at our events, we can only do so much, the rest comes down to you. So, make sure you’re up to speed on the things below, and join in the getting greener fun:

Recycle rubbish: All over site you’ll find recycling points to throw away your mess. There are separate bins for glass, plastics, cans and paper, all of which are ready to accept your recyclable deposits.

Recycle unused food: Any non perishable unopened food that you have left over (preferably not some bit of Tupperware stuffed full of last night’s bolognese) can be brought to Seminar A from 5pm on Day 5 until the morning of the day you leave. There’ll be space to leave your leftover foodstuffs and we’ll make sure it finds a good new home with local charities and organisations… which is nice.

Go re-useable: Got some plastic plates and cutlery? Although you have to wash up they are better than paper plates that just create more and more waste (all the plates and cutlery in the Cafes are bio-degradeable, so that’s a good option too). You can also buy a re-usable thermal mug for a bargain price (head to the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed for more). We’ll give you free refills of tea and coffee plus you’ll be helping us to reduce the amount of paper cups we use on site.

Keep it clean: Your bit of the camp site is your home for just 5 days, but when you leave, insects, grass, nice plants, squirrels, rabbits and

occasionally other happy campers make it a home too and they’d love to not have your mess and rubbish still hanging around. Do make the effort when you’re packing up (and throughout your stay) to leave your pitch clean and tidy. We, and the insects, will love you for it.

Water it down: If you can, take a quick shower and make sure that you fully turn off the taps in the loos and when collecting water from different points around the camp site.

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soul survivor 2010 the offering Essential Info

At one of our main meetings in the Big Top we will take a collection to go towards the following charities: Soul Survivor (50%) Hang on a minute, that’s us! We don’t really like asking you for money but.. there are loads of things we’d love to do as a charity that we don’t have the resources for. Our income has fallen over the last year and that has meant we’ve had to scale back and cancel various events like our roadshows and a Soul Sista tour. We’d love to do all the things God has given us a passion for to support and equip young people in their faith. If you’d like to help us then please do give to the collection or visit www. soulsurvivor.com/uk/give to find out how you can give to the work of Soul Survivor on a more regular basis ( you might be able to give through your work Payroll!) The other 50% of the collection will be split between:


Soul Action

The persecuted church

XLP who do amazing work fighting poverty, supporting education and serving hundreds of young people and their families weekly in inner London. Find out more about them at www.xlp.org.uk

Soul Action projects in deprived areas of Durban, South Africa. Find out more about Soul Action on page 16 or at www.soulaction.org

We’re in contact with a number of churches and Christians who are persecuted for their faith and want to do all we can to support, encourage and equip them to keep living for Jesus.

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Offering times

Offering Locations:

Day 4, during the evening Main Meeting

Main Meeting Venue

Connecting God, us and everyday life lyfe is about going deeper into the Bible to connect God, us and everyday life. • It’s about making discoveries through reading and reflecting on the Bible with others. And it’s about joining the conversation and community of people seeking a richer relationship with God. • Then it’s about you exploring day to day what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus now.

Launching in August 2010 lyfe.org.uk

soul survivor 2010 the soul survivor bible in one year Articles

“The Bible is a guide to life, it tells us right from wrong. There is no question that it doesn’t answer and it is the practical handbook to the Christian life. But it’s also so much more than that! It’s the story of relationship between us and God – a relationship where we find the love, joy, peace, identity, adventure and purpose that each of us seek. That’s why the Bible isn’t primarily a list of rules; it’s a story of love. It’s also God’s introduction to who he is. If we want to get to know him better this is where we start”. Andy Croft


The Bible is full of brilliant stuff! It’s God’s word, but sometimes getting into the habit of reading it regularly can be a bit tricky! Well, we want to help! This September we’re trying something new: as a Soul Survivor family we want to read the WHOLE of the Bible over ONE year. We figured if we do it on our own we might just get distracted and find reasons to stop every now and then but hopefully together we’ll spur each other on and stay the distance! We’re launching a Soul Survivor Bible in One Year so we’ll all be working on the same readings and we’ll have a website running alongside it where we can talk about the things we’re reading and share our thoughts and questions. There will also be commentaries on there from the likes of Mike, Andy, Ali and others to try and help us make sense of what God is saying to us. It’s the first time we’ve ever tried this as a big group and we’re really excited about all getting back together next summer and seeing how much difference committing to God’s word has made to our walk with him. It only takes 15 minutes a day to read the whole of the Bible in 12 months so how about getting involved and joining in the challenge?! You can buy your copy/copies at our stand in the ToolShed at very special site-only prices. You’ll be able to grab a paperback version, hardback version, and also a pack of ten paperbacks at a discounted price! Check www.soulsurvivor.com/bibleinoneyear for the latest updates, to join in discussion and to share your Bible reading thoughts!

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Be part of the action this summer Offering At one of our main meetings in the Big Top we will take a collection to go towards the following charities:

Soul Survivor – 50% Hang on a minute, that’s us! We don’t really like asking you for money but…… there are loads of things we’d love to do as a charity that we don’t have the resources for. Our income has fallen over the last year and that has meant we’ve had to scale back and cancel various events like our roadshows and a Soul Sista tour. We’d love to do all the things God has given us a passion for to support and equip young people in their faith. If you’d like to help us then please do give to the collection or visit www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/give to find out how you can give to the work of Soul Survivor on a more regular basis. The other 50% of the collection will be split between: SOULdo SURVIVOR · XLP who amazing work fighting poverty, supporting education and serving hundreds of BIBLE IN ONE YEAR young people and their families weekly in inner London. Find out more about them at www.xlp. Paperback SOUL SURVIVOR 9780340996126 org.uk BIBLE IN ONE YEAR

£11.99 10 copy pack 9781444701388 £79.90

Hardback 9780340996119 £14.99

*ideal for out individuals* · Soul *Packs Action- projects Find more about Soul ideal for in deprived areas of Durban, South Africa. youthgroups* Action on Page X or at www.soulaction.org

· The persecuted church. We’re in contact with a number of churches and Christians who are TAKE faith OU SAN DS OF UNGencourage persecuted for their TH and want to do all we canYO to support, and equip themCO to MMITTED PEOPLE ALL TO REA DING THE BIBLE TOGETHER… keep living for Jesus.

Add in a brand new arrangement of the with specific chunks to read each dayBible, … Start it on 1 September, kicking it off with a bit of explanation about how the Bible wo rks… Mix with online blogs and commenta ry from Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft, Ali Mar tin and more…



CBC Publisher of the Year 2008 & 2009 www.hodderfaith.com



Donald Miller 9781444701302 £11.99

Eric Delve 9780340995037 £11.99



Maggi Dawn 9780340980033 £16.99

Kester Brewin 9780340996423 £11.99

CBC PUBLISHER OF THE YEAR 2008 & 2009 www.hodderfaith.com

soul survivor 2010 missed a seminar or main stage talk? Essential Info

What’s the most common question people who come along to Soul Survivor ask? Nope, it’s not ‘how old is Mike Pilavachi?’ (he’s eighty two if you’re interested). From our extensive research it’s more like ‘Oh no, I missed an awesome sounding seminar. Gutted. Is there any way I can hear or watch it?’. We’ve all been there. You might just have overslept and missed a seminar, or had to make an impossible choice between two great sessions. So what do you do? Well, if you find yourself in this predicament we’re here

to help. And so is technology. Every year we record all Siterules

the seminars so you can buy audio copies of any sessions that you’ve missed. But there’s more. This year we’re also filming all the seminars too, so barring a few (very likely) technical glitches, we will also be able to offer DVD’s of the complete seminar timetable too.

Where do I get them from? Firstly you need to decide what seminar you’d like to hear. Go through the Day Planner (starting on page 35) and flick through the descriptions. At the bottom of each entry you should find a little number starting 0300--*. Just remember that number and do one of the following:

Whilst at Soul Survivor:

When you’re back home:

Pop along to the ToolShed and head over to the Soul Survivor area. If you chat nicely to one of the team behind the tills they’ll help you in either buying an Audio CD or a video DVD of any of the talks. We’re aiming to have the CDs and DVDs of sessions available by the end of the week (depending on how good our technical skills are), so you should be able to pick up any session to take home with you. If not, you can order the session and we’ll send it out to you in the post (by end of September). Costs for CDs are £2 and DVDs £4.

Get online and head to www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/shop. Our nice, new and shiny online store has a whole array of things from music to hoodies, as well as all the talks from Soul Survivor 2010! You’ll also be able to order any of the talks as mp3 or movie downloads too hopefully from the end of September or early October. Exciting eh?

*Numbers for the Main Stage talks… Day 1, Evening: 03101 Day 2, Morning: 03102 Day 2, Evening: 03103 Day 3, Morning: 03104 Day 3, Evening: 03105

Day 4, Morning: 03106 Day 4, Evening: 03107 Day 5, Morning: 03108 Day 5, Evening: 03109

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soul survivor 2010 site rules Essential Info

Site Rules Please don’t break the rules. Now you might say ‘Jesus broke loads of rules… he even spat in someone’s eye’. Well, that might be true, but with that kind of logic we’d also all have to grow beards and become carpenters (which would be fun). We don’t want to fall out, so we’ll invite you to our birthday party if you promise to stick to the following rules:

7) No mixed tent/caravan/ accommodation on site i.e. No boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married.

1) Youth Leaders are responsible for their under 18’s at all times.

9) Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting (i.e. have a light on your bike or are in a well lit area for roller blading and skateboarding).

2) Strictly no alcohol on site. 3) Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs or alcohol will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management team and the Police Representatives on site. 4) After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire & Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled sticker. Cars may be forcibly removed if they are parked illegally on the campsite.

8) Ball games are to be finished by 10pm even if you’re convinced that an extra few minutes could see you making an historic come back from a 5-0 defeat.

10) Please don’t go into the scary woods. 11) Tents or caravans can only be moved to another village by registering with Information. This is essential so we can contact you in the event of an emergency and to maintain site security. 12) No speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit at all times. Please also note, driving lessons are not permitted on site - even though your friends may well be justified in begging you to take more. 13) No fly posting… help us respect the property on the showground.

5) Wristbands must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge to replace lost ones.

14) Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (please go to the Information Office on your arrival).

6) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents.

15) There will be no access into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape.

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16) There are strict guidelines relating to the use of generators on site. Please speak to a member of the team at Control if you need to use a generator while at Soul Survivor. 17) Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 18) Soul Survivor does not operate holiday insurance or cancellation schemes. We strongly recommend that you consult an insurance broker if you require cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss of damage to persons or personal property. 19) The Stafford showground has some very pretty areas so please be respectful of your surroundings and make sure you don’t walk/run/skateboard/dance/skip etc where you’re not allowed to. (Areas are clearly marked and should be fairly obvious too!) 20) The car park is on the other side of the road to the showground. This is a very busy road so please use the underpass when you cross. Access to the underpass is via a ramp. Please do not use your bike or skateboard there.

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