Naturally Supernatural 2019 Handbook

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Contents What is Naturally Supernatural? ........................................................................................................... 5 When is it? .............................................................................................................................................. 5 What does a day look like? ..................................................................................................................... 6 Main meetings .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Worship ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Teaching ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Ministry ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Kids’ work ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Seminars........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Afternoons & evenings/social activities ...................................................................................................... 7 Late night worship ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Kids’ work ................................................................................................................................................ 7 During the meetings .................................................................................................................................... 7 Baby bathing ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Family film .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Accommodation ..................................................................................................................................... 7 How much is it? ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Prices and booking deadlines ...................................................................................................................... 8 Day Passes ................................................................................................................................................... 8 What’s included? ......................................................................................................................................... 8 How do I book?....................................................................................................................................... 9 Booking options ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Changing bookings ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Saving money.............................................................................................................................................. 10 Communication before the event........................................................................................................ 10 Booking confirmation ................................................................................................................................ 10 Arrival information ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Wristbands ................................................................................................................................................... 11 Organising a group ................................................................................................................................ 11 What to bring............................................................................................................................................... 11 Food ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Generators & electrical hook ups ............................................................................................................... 11


Transport ............................................................................................................................................... 12 By road ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 By rail or local bus ...................................................................................................................................... 12 At Naturally Supernatural ................................................................................................................... 13 Arrival .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Facilities available ................................................................................................................................. 14 Phone charging ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Ice pack exchange ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Getting cash................................................................................................................................................ 14 Gas............................................................................................................................................................... 14 Toilets & showers ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Additional support ................................................................................................................................ 14 First aid........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Chat Room ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Connect ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Departure ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Testimonies ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Additional resources ............................................................................................................................. 15 Free teaching .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Everyday Supernatural............................................................................................................................... 15 Blogs ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 Additional information ......................................................................................................................... 16 Is there any extra support for people with additional needs? ................................................................. 16 Photographers and videographers............................................................................................................. 16 Ministry guidelines ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Website ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix A: Info for your church group ............................................................................................................17 What is Naturally Supernatural? .......................................................................................................... 17 How much is it? ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Day Passes ............................................................................................................................................ 18 How to book on .................................................................................................................................... 18 Kids ....................................................................................................................................................... 18


Important things to know ..................................................................................................................... 18 Appendix B: Kit list ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Individuals’ kit ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Living ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 Sleeping ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Groups' kit ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Living ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 Eating and drinking..................................................................................................................................... 19


What is Naturally Supernatural? Naturally Supernatural is a Soul Survivor* summer event for the whole family that’s all about moving in the power of the Holy Spirit without being weird. In 2019, it will take place at the Stafford Showground from 27th July – 1st August. There will be two main meetings a day which will focus on spending time soaking in God’s presence as we worship him, hearing from the Bible, and making space for the Holy Spirit to minister to us and for us to learn how to minister to one another. In the afternoons we’ll have seminars covering different aspects of living in the power of the Holy Spirit. There will also be late night worship sessions plus cafés, sports and social activities throughout the week including an afternoon when we all hang out together. Because this is an event for all the family there will be a full children’s work programme with content for 0-11s that reflects the teaching in the main meetings. This summer event began in 2017 and has grown out of a Naturally Supernatural winter conference that we’ve been running for a number of years, usually in the February half-term. Our prayer for Naturally Supernatural is that we would all leave having encountered Jesus and feeling equipped and empowered to proclaim him in word and deed. *If you’d like to find out more about the vision, values and history of Soul Survivor head to

When is it? Naturally Supernatural is being held at the Staffordshire County Showground. It will be starting on Saturday 27th July 2019 with a main meeting at 7pm so it’s best to arrive earlier in the afternoon to get your campsite set up (the site is open from midday). The event finishes on Thursday 1st August with all our venues closing at midnight that evening, but you are welcome to stay on site and leave the following morning (2nd August) as long as you vacate the site by 9am.


What does a day look like? The following gives you a run through of the main elements that will make up a day at Naturally Supernatural.

Main meetings On Day 1 we’ll gather at 7pm for our evening meeting and from Day 2 onwards we’ll meet each morning (10am) and evening (7pm) for times of worship, teaching and ministry. These meetings are the highlight of our time together and they’re all about spending time in God’s presence, worshipping him, hearing from his word and praying for one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. Meetings will be hosted by Mike Pilavachi who is the founder and director of Soul Survivor and the leader of Soul Survivor Watford.

Worship We want to make loads of space to soak in God’s presence; the one thing we want more than any other at Naturally Supernatural is to draw close to him. We are longing to move in God’s power and that power is found in his presence. We will be having extended times of worship in our morning and evening meetings as we believe worship is a place where we can draw close to God and be intimate with him.

Teaching We want everything we’re looking at during Naturally Supernatural to be firmly rooted in the word of God so in each session we will look at what the Bible says about living naturally supernatural lives. If you’ve been to a Soul Survivor event before you’ll know our teaching style is very accessible and informal; we don’t take ourselves seriously but we do take God very seriously and we’re longing to learn more about living how he wants us to live. Mike and the team will be joined by guest speakers for these sessions. See the website for the latest info.

Ministry A key part of our meetings will be asking God to fill us with his Holy Spirit. We will make space for God to do what he wants whether that’s heal us, equip us, empower us, or release us. This will be a great opportunity to put into practice the things we’re learning about and we encourage everyone to pray for others as well as to receive prayer for themselves during the week. Mike and the team will talk through what is happening in ministry times and give guidance on how to pray. We will also have an experienced enabling team who will be on hand if you have any questions. We know praying in this way will be new to some but we will do everything we can to demystify ministry and to equip everyone who wants to, to be able to pray. You may also want to read the ministry guidelines on the Naturally Supernatural website and pass these on to your group and/or take some time to talk through them before you come.

Kids’ work There will be a full kids’ work programme happening during each day and evening for the 5-11 year olds, plus morning sessions for those under 5. The teaching in the kids’ work will reflect the main themes of the conference to encourage the children to receive the Holy Spirit and his gifts. More details on the kids’ work and provision for families can be found below.


Seminars There will be a number of seminars running in the afternoon. Each will be very practical and offer opportunities to put the teaching into practice. Teaching will cover various themes relating to ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. More details will be available ahead of the event on our website.

Afternoons & evenings/social activities We will have breakfast cafés open in the mornings and have a number of venues open each afternoon and evening including cafés, a sports venue, places to listen to live music, and a cinema screen. There will be opportunity to meet new people through Coffee for Six, and a family fun afternoon. We’ll keep you posted as our social plans take shape.

Late night worship At 10.30pm each night there will an alternative style worship session for those who would like to end the day worshipping God.

Kids’ work Our passion is to equip all ages at Naturally Supernatural so children will receive teaching that reflects the main themes of the conference run in a programme specially designed by the Soul Survivor Watford children’s team. To give each young person the best experience we split them into different age groups.

During the meetings There will be kids’ work available for all under 12s during the morning meetings so parents can get to the main meeting, plus there will be additional sessions in the evenings for the 5-11 year olds.

Baby bathing There will be a designated area for baby bathing each evening and we’ll provide baths and warm water. Please bring your own towels and toiletries.

Family film We’ll be showing a different family-friendly film each evening for the little ones - and the not so little ones - to enjoy. These sessions are unsupervised so parents will need to stay with their children for the film (one adult can accompany up to four children).

Accommodation Naturally Supernatural is a camping/caravan event where you will need to bring all the accommodation that you and your group require. When you book your place there is a section in the booking form where you can tell us how much space you will need. There are a couple of well-priced hotels nearby (two Premier Inns and a Travelodge) plus a number of B&Bs (You can see a list of B&Bs here: or if you’d like to hire a caravan go to

7 These links are also available in the FAQ section of the Naturally Supernatural website.

How much is it? Prices and booking deadlines There are several different prices for the event depending on how and when you book; you can save money by booking in advance and booking online. We don't offer any large group discounts as we think it's fairer to offer everyone the opportunity to save money by booking early. Here’s a breakdown of the prices and deadlines for Naturally Supernatural 2019:

Type of Ticket

Paid by 31st Aug*

Paid by 30 th Nov*

Paid by 28th Feb*

Paid by 1st May*

Full price pre-event*

Full price during event

Adult 16+







Teens 12-15







Kids 5-11







Kids 3-4



















Kids 0-2 creche Kids 0-2 non-creche

*There is an additional £5 administration cost for any bookings not made online. Please note: you will only qualify for the discounted price by paying in full by the deadline. If you’ve started a booking but haven’t made full payment, the price will still go up at each deadline until you’ve paid the full balance.

Day Passes If we are able to offer day passes (these are subject to availability), these will be available to book through the website nearer the event. Prices would be confirmed when these are made available. This would be the same process as making a normal booking, but there would be an option to select to make it a partial event booking, and you would be able to select which days you are booking for.

What’s included? The price includes entry to all venues (subject to capacity) for the main meetings, workshops, cafés, sports, films, activities and any other goings on around the site as well as use of facilities and a camping pitch. There is no discount for staying off site. There may occasionally be an extra pop-up event or activity which costs a little extra and if so we will let you know about that in advance.


The things you will need to arrange yourself are your transport to and from the event as well as your camping equipment and your food. Holiday insurance isn’t compulsory but we’re not able to offer refunds after the 31st May 2019 so you may wish to arrange cover in case there is an emergency that means you can’t attend.

How do I book? Booking options There are three ways of booking in to be with other people who are attending the event. Please take a look at the options and see which would be most suitable for the way your group wants to book in. Bookings are made at Option 1: Everyone books themselves on and selects the same church to camp with Recommended for individuals and families who are taking responsibility for making their own booking and payment, and for communication with Soul Survivor regarding their booking. To book on individually, each person needs to log into/create their own account, and then create a booking, selecting ‘No’ where it asks ‘Are you joining someone else’s group?’ (after the terms and conditions). In the Accommodation section, you can type in the name of the church you will be camping with where it asks for the Camping Church name. Please make sure the others coming from the church have also entered the church name here, so that we allocate you a camping space together. Once you have filled this section out, you can pay for your place to complete your booking. If you would like to camp with additional churches, please decide on one church name to book under so all the bookings are linked. Option 2: Everyone books themselves into a group leader’s group Recommended for groups in which each individual/family are taking responsibility for making their own booking and payment, but one group administrator is taking overall responsibility for the group. Each person in your group can be responsible for their own booking, with the group administrator still receiving the group’s communications and event wristbands. The group administrator will need to complete and pay for the initial booking before anyone else can book on. When the group administrator’s booking is complete, others will be able to join the group by selecting ‘Yes’ where it asks ‘Are you joining someone else’s group?’ (after the terms and conditions) and providing the group administrator’s email address (which they use for their booking account). Each person will need to log into/create their own account to make their booking. By quoting the group administrator’s email address, they automatically become part of the group and become responsible to the group administrator on our system. They can then complete their booking, paying for their place themselves. If you are the group leader, you will be able to see everyone who has joined your group. To do this, log in and go into the Groups I Lead section, and you’ll be able to view all of the bookings in your group for


Naturally Supernatural Summer 2019. Please note, only the group leader will be able to see this information. Option 3: One group leader books everyone in This is more complicated for the group leader but is recommended for groups in which one person is taking responsibility for all administration and processing payments for everyone. If you are the group leader or administrator for your church you can book everyone on yourself as long as you have full names, addresses and dates of birth. You will also need to collect their payment for the event. When you start your booking, you will be able to input the details of all the delegates at the same time as your own. When you complete the booking you will be required to pay for all the delegates on the booking. (Please note that to ensure you receive the early bird discount, you must make the payment before the payment deadlines.) You can log in and add others to the booking later on.

Changing bookings If you have made a booking, you can log back in and change the details on your booking whenever you need to. Please remember to make sure everyone’s date of birth and address are correct. We need this info so we can refer people to local services (such as hospitals and social services) if needed. If someone who has been booked on is unable to come but a new person wants to come in their place, we can arrange this transfer for you until 31st May 2019. You will need to email with the name of the person being replaced and the name, address and date of birth of the person taking their place. If you need to cancel or change which event you’re coming to, or anything else a bit complicated, just email us at and we’ll be happy to help.

Saving money Watch out for the discount deadlines! Only paying in full before the deadline qualifies you for the discounted price.

Communication before the event Booking confirmation We’ll send you an automatic email after you’ve booked online with a quick summary of your booking. If you add more people later on or other people book themselves onto your group, you’ll get additional emails. You can contact us at if you have any questions about your booking or your group.

Arrival information If you are administrating the group, we’ll email you a couple of weeks before the event starts with your arrival information including how to get to the showground and what time to arrive.


Wristbands At around the same time as we send out the arrival information email, we will send you the wristbands for everyone in your group. Everyone needs to wear their wristbands throughout the whole event as it is the only way to access the showground and all the venues. Any children’s wristbands will just have their surname and which group they are in. Children must be registered for kids’ work separately at the kids’ registration on the afternoon of Day 1. If there are any late bookings you may be sent the extra wristbands later or have to collect them from Information when you arrive.

Organising a group What to bring While everyone is different and group sizes vary hugely (you might have ten people, you might have a hundred!), there are some basics that you almost always need for camping. We have included a kit list at the end of this guide. We advise you not to bring any valuables as tents can’t be secured; anything you do bring is entirely at your own risk.

Food There is a small onsite shop on the side of the main meeting venue that stocks essentials including bread, milk and batteries as well as treats like pick and mix, and ice creams. Opening times will be displayed on the shop front. The nearest supermarket is Asda in Stafford (ST16 3TA) which is a 10 minute drive away. You can also order online and have Asda deliver your shopping to the main gate (though you’ll need to meet them as unfortunately we can’t accept deliveries on your behalf). Please give them your name, camping village and mobile phone number. There are food vans on the showground which will be serving a range of fast food such as burgers, chips, crepes and smoothies. These vans are run by individual contractors and not by us so it can cost a bit to eat this way but we are in negotiations to try and get the best prices for you. The showground also runs a small café offering hot and cold food and drinks. If you are cooking for a large group it might help to nominate someone to take charge of food safety (such as storing food at the correct temperature, making sure it is thoroughly cooked and that leftovers are disposed of properly).

Generators & electrical hook ups Unfortunately we cannot allow generators on site under any circumstances due to warnings from the local fire safety authority. We can arrange for a small number of electrical hook ups, but you will need to pay for the electricity, the electrician’s time and administration costs. Priority (and lower fees) will go to people with a medical or physical assistance need, such as powering mobility equipment. Electrical hook ups must be arranged in


advance, so please email for an application form and more information about pricing. The deadline for applying for an electrical hook-up is 1st June 2019.

Transport You’ll need to arrange your own travel to and from the event and it is held at the Staffordshire County Showground in Stafford which is easily accessible by road and by public transport. The address for your satnav is: Staffordshire County Showground Weston Road Stafford ST18 0BD

By road The Stafford Showground is situated on the main A518 Stafford to Uttoxeter road, two miles from Stafford and five miles from Junction 14 of the M6 Motorway. Drivers from either the North or South using the M6 motorway should exit at junction 14 and follow the signs for the County Showground and the Soul Survivor & NSN road signs.

By rail or local bus The showground is just 4 miles from Stafford Railway Station. The station is situated on the West Coast Main Line offering a direct service to London Euston with a journey time of approximately one and three quarter hours. It also offers direct services to Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Manchester, Liverpool and Scotland. There is a bus link from the station to the showground as well as a taxi rank. For more information call National Rail Enquiries on 08457 48 49 50, or head over to You can contact a local taxi firm by calling freephone (within the UK): 0800 600 900


At Naturally Supernatural Arrival Camping villages We divide the campsite into coloured areas to make sure that everyone has enough space and that we can provide each section with a zone host. You’ll find your camping village colour printed on your wristbands. You will be sent the site map in your arrival email. We assign space based on the number of tents/caravans you are bringing. Whilst there is no limit on the amount that you can bring, we do ask you to be accurate in what you tell us so that we can fit everyone on site. Keep your camping/caravan info updated by logging into your online account and checking the ‘Accommodation’ section. Please be considerate of other groups and only bring what you need. You won’t need to keep space for things like sports as there is plenty of room in other areas of the site to play games. When you arrive, your zone host should be around to say hello. They are there to make sure you have a great time at Naturally Supernatural so they can help with anything from making sure your village meets fire safety regulations, to pointing you in the direction of all the info about Naturally Supernatural that you might need. If you would like to request to be in the same area as a specific group you can attach yourself to their booking by using their email address – this will make them your group leader so they’ll receive all the wristbands and arrival info (see Option 2 in ‘How Do I Book?’, page 9). If you have already booked or wish to keep the booking info (e.g. wristbands) separate but still camp together, please select the same camping church (Option 1 in ‘How Do I Book?’, page 9). If you have any issues with this, please get in touch with us in the office ( or 0303 333 1333). Curfew village If you would like to be in a quieter area of the campsite you can request to be in the curfew village by emailing Everyone is asked to be quiet from 10pm though we can’t guarantee a noise free area as this is a large event and it can be hard for some people to have fun quietly! Car parking When you arrive you can drive your car or mini bus to your village but you will need to unload your vehicle and return it to the car park immediately. After the first day we generally don’t allow vehicles on site. When you have parked your car in the car park (across the road), please use the underpass to return to the main site. Please be aware that it is an agricultural showground so the site is not accessible by larger vehicles such as coaches or vans. If you are arriving by coach you must notify us in advance so we can make sure your camping area is accessible for you. Programmes When you arrive on Day 1, you’ll be able to purchase a programme for the week for £2.50 with all the important information you need! It will include info about the venues, a timetable and descriptions for the workshops, maps of the site, speaker bios and loads of other useful bits and bobs. You’ll also get a couple of


vouchers for money off some items on the Soul Survivor stand. These programmes will be available from Information and the Soul Survivor stand.

Facilities available Phone charging Phone charging stations will be available in each of the cafés to make sure you can keep in contact with the outside world!

Ice pack exchange You can swap your warm ice packs for frozen ones by Stores each day – check the programme for time slots in the mornings and afternoons, and the map for the location of Stores. Swaps are free or you can buy new ones for £2.

Getting cash Unfortunately there are no cash machines on site though there will be places on site that will offer cash back subject to availability. There are cash points a short drive away at Asda.

Gas You can buy gas canisters or replace yours for a fee in the ToolShed which will be open in the afternoons and evenings.

Toilets & showers We provide significantly more than the required minimum of toilets and showers for a group of this size but if you want to shower at peak times, you may have to wait. We suggest showering in the afternoon or evening to help keep queuing to a minimum. We have a cleaning crew working throughout the day to keep things nice but depending on the weather, there may occasionally be a bit of mud. If you spot any problems with showers or toilets, please report them to the Information team.

Additional support First aid We have a first aid team who are on call 24/7 in case of emergency. They are a mix of doctors, nurses and first aid trained professionals. If you need them at any point they are located opposite Info. If any of your group are showing signs of diarrhoea or vomiting we ask that they remain in their tents/caravan and that you call for the first aid team to come to you to reduce the risk of it spreading. In case of an emergency please do not call 999 but call our emergency number 0300 302 0330. (This number will also be on your wristband.) This might sound counterintuitive but an emergency vehicle will get to you much quicker if you allow our site management team to direct them.

Chat Room We have a brilliant team of people who are on hand to chat during the afternoons and evenings. We invite people to come to the Chat Room if there’s anything - big or small - that they’d like to discuss with


someone who is outside of their situation. This isn’t a counselling service but we do offer prayer. The Chat Room is run alongside our Connect team (detailed below) who will step in if there is an issue that requires professional and/or ongoing support.

Connect Sometimes information is disclosed in the Chat Room or during a ministry time that requires us to take more serious action, e.g. if abuse or self-harm is disclosed. Our Connect team is made up of professional counsellors, social workers, and other professionals that are knowledgeable in safeguarding procedures. They can also make sure appropriate support is arranged for after the event.

Departure Day 6 is a full day, with all the usual meetings, workshops, cafes and evening entertainment. The conference finishes when the last venues close at midnight. So that you can make the most of the evening, we’re happy for you to leave the following morning, but you’ll need to make sure you’re all packed up and on your way before 9am as we have to turn the showground around ready for Soul Survivor.

Testimonies We love hearing how God is meeting with people at Naturally Supernatural and anyone who wants to give a testimony can email or complete a testimony form that will be available on the stage. Some of these testimonies may be shared from the stage during the week or used on social media/fundraising etc. If you’d rather we kept yours private, please indicate and we’ll keep it between the staff team.

Additional resources Free teaching Videos of the teaching from previous Naturally Supernatural conferences and loads of great additional content is available on our website/YouTube channel. We will also post video from the main meetings and audio of the practical workshops on our website after Naturally Supernatural 2019 which will be available to watch for free.

Everyday Supernatural Mike and Andy have written a book called Everyday Supernatural looking at how we can live in the power of God’s Spirit. It unpacks practical ways to pray for healing, to witness in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to hear God’s voice, as well as looking at how God’s power is made perfect in our weakness and how living supernaturally should always draw us closer to Jesus. This could be a great book to go through as a small group ahead of coming to Naturally Supernatural in the summer. If you do want to go through it with others, you may find the Everyday Supernatural Small Group Guide a helpful resource too as it has session plans with questions for discussion and ideas for how to put things into practice in the week. Copies of both are available from


Blogs You’ll find a couple of blogs on the Naturally Supernatural website that look at some frequently asked questions around the ministry of the Holy Spirit, how we can create churches where the Holy Spirit feels welcome, and how to lead a ministry time.

Additional information Is there any extra support for people with additional needs? We do provide an alternative programme for those with additional needs. For more information, please contact us at Please note that no dogs are allowed on the showground except for assistance dogs.

Photographers and videographers We have photographers and videographers taking pictures and video for future publicity. They will be wearing an ‘AAA photographer’ or ‘Media’ badge for identification. Please be assured that any video shot during ministry times will be handled with the greatest sensitivity in order to respect everyone’s privacy.

Ministry guidelines Ministry guidelines can be found on the Naturally Supernatural website.

Website Our Naturally Supernatural website is:

Disclaimer This is intended to be a helpful and accurate guide for the event, but please note that some details relating to the event may be changed from the information in the handbook.


Appendix A: Info for your church group What is Naturally Supernatural? Naturally Supernatural is a Soul Survivor* summer event for the whole family that’s all about moving in the power of the Holy Spirit without being weird. It will take place at the Stafford Showground from 27th July – 1st August 2019. There will be two main meetings a day which will focus on spending time soaking in God’s presence as we worship him, hearing from the Bible, and making space for the Holy Spirit to minister to us and for us to learn how to minister to one another. In the afternoons we’ll have a series of practical workshop streams covering different aspects of living in the power of the Holy Spirit. There will be early morning and late night worship sessions plus cafés, sports and social activities throughout the week including an afternoon where we all hang out together. Because this is an event for all the family there will be a full children’s work programme with content for 0-11s that reflects the teaching in the adult main meetings. Our prayer for Naturally Supernatural is that we would all leave having encountered Jesus and feeling equipped and empowered to proclaim him in word and deed. *If you’d like to find out more about the vision, values and history of Soul Survivor head to

How much is it? Prices vary depending on how and when you book.

Type of Ticket

Paid by 31st Aug*

Paid by 30 th Nov*

Paid by 28th Feb*

Paid by 1st May*

Full price pre-event*

Full price during event

Adult 16+







Teens 12-15







Kids 5-11







Kids 3-4



















Kids 0-2 creche Kids 0-2 non-creche

*There is an additional £5 administration cost for any bookings not made online.


Day Passes If we are able to offer day passes (these are subject to availability), these will be available to book through the website nearer the event. Prices would be confirmed when these are made available. This would be the same process as making a normal booking, but there would be an option to select to make it a partial event booking, and you would be able to select which days you are booking for.

How to book on These are the three options of how you book on to join with others: Option 1: Everyone books themselves on and selects the same church to camp with Option 2: Everyone books themselves into group leader’s group Option 3: One group leader books everyone in Speak to your church group leader to find out which way your church is booking on. Bookings are made at

Kids Naturally Supernatural has a full children’s work programme reflecting the theme of the conference in an age appropriate way and making space to teach and equip them to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. To give each young person the best experience we split them into different age groups. There will be kids’ work available for all under 12s during the morning meeting, and for 5-11 year olds during the evening meetings. There will also be a designated area for baby bathing each evening, and a family film shown in the evening. Parents will need to stay with the children during baby bathing and the family film.

Important things to know When you arrive, you will be able to buy a programme telling you about all the venues, and everything that is going on during the week for £2.50. There are no cash machines on site though there will be places on site that will offer cash back subject to availability. All the venues are free to get into but you will probably want to bring money for food from the food vans, cakes/drinks/snacks in the cafés, and buying resources in the ToolShed. There will be places to charge your phone (via USB) in the cafes to make sure you can keep in contact with the outside world. As valuables can’t be secured in tents/caravans, we suggest you leave them at home.


Appendix B: Kit list This is a guide to help give you an idea of what to consider bringing. There may well be other things you want to bring, but this should be a good starting point!

Individuals’ kit Living • • • • • • • •

Clothes (for warm, cold and wet weather!) Shoes and wellington boots Hat/sunglasses and sun lotion Toiletries and towel Bible and notebook Money Torch Cutlery, crockery and tea towel

Sleeping Tents should be fully waterproof and sturdy, able to withstand the glorious British summer weather! This means an in-tact, attached ground sheet and waterproof lining. Avoid flimsy pop-up tents designed for one use at festivals - they give in to the wind and rain very quickly! • Tents • Sleeping bags/duvets and pillows • Roll mats/air beds • Spare tent pegs • Rope/guide rope (for weather proofing tents if windy) • Mallets

Groups' kit Living •

• • •

Gazebo/marquee for eating together Please bear in mind that other groups will be sharing your village so you won’t be able to spread out too much! Camping chairs Folding tables Solar powered or electric lanterns – please don’t use gas inside tents!

Eating and drinking • • • •


Food and drink Camping stove Calor gas canister (you can exchange these for a fee at the site gas store) Connecting tube and clamps/clips to secure to your cooker

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Lighters Cool box Ice blocks (you can exchange them for frozen ones each day in Stores) Water bottles (large ones for drinking water) Cooking pots Frying pans Utensils (spoons, ladles, spatulas, tongs) Teapot Cafetière Washing up liquid Washing up bowls and rack Cloths and scourers Tea towels Kitchen roll Black bin bags for general waste Recycling friendly bin bags for cardboard, plastic and glass

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