2009 Soul Survivor Week A Programme

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welcome to

a Hello there!

Welcome to Soul Survivor Week A! This is our first summer event of the year and we’re really excited to be here with you. If you’ve never been along before then it’s great to have you with us… thanks for coming! So you know, my name is Mike and I work for Soul Survivor. We’re seventeen this year, which is quite exciting for us. Way back in 1993 there were around 2000 young people at our very first event and since then we’ve been trying to follow Jesus’ lead on an incredible journey. Sometimes it’s been really fun, sometimes it’s been quite stressful and sometimes we’ve had no idea what we’re doing, but through it all we’ve come to know that our God is truly amazing. And that’s where we’re at now. Amazed again by our God - our creator, healer, king and friend. We hope over the next few days that you’ll be amazed by him too. So here’s what to expect. We’ll be spending loads of time worshipping God, learning from his word and being changed by his spirit. It’s these three things that lie at the heart of what Soul Survivor is all about and we hope you’ll get to join in and connect with Jesus in our times together. We’re also really chuffed to have Jim Yost with us this week too. He’s a crazy Californian who’s been introducing communities in Indonesia to Jesus for years and years. You’ll be inspired, encouraged and - we hope - equipped by his passion and commitment to Jesus… we can’t wait to hear what he has to say! All new to Soul Survivor Week A this year is a whole fresh venue. Hosted by our really good mates the 29th Chapter, the Underground will be home to some great live music. Most nights you’ll get to hear some ‘urban’ sounds (which I’m assured aren’t just traffic noises) and the venue will also feature our old friends onehundredhours too. Along with these great gigs, we have the usual Soul Survivor mix of relaxing cafes, energetic sports, a massive series of seminars, ‘have a go’ workshops and even a cinema. There’s plenty to do, just make sure you get some sleep and don’t wind up your youth leaders too much! Our prayer for each one of you is that you leave Soul Survivor knowing Jesus better. We hope that you come away having grasped some of his love and grace. In the grand scheme of things we know that Soul Survivor isn’t the important thing… all this is about Jesus. He’s what makes us tick and we hope that what happens over the next five days will help you follow Jesus better for the rest of your year and life. We hope you have an amazing week. Love Mike.


GoinG to the nation Now Eden is going to the nation. The vision is the eden network has grown to see hundreds more Christians responding to steadily over the last twelve God’s call to go to our nation’s forgotten places, years. over 300 people have ADVERT FOR MESSAGE TRUST that are recognised to be amongst to communities joined eden teams, sensing God’s most deprived in the UK. call to become ‘downwardly The Eden Network is now expanding across the mobile’, relocating their lives into nation with hubs being launched in Sheffield, Manchester’s tough estates to live London, Tyneside, Bradford, Liverpool and many more. Each city will host multiple Eden Teams, as salt and light. From all sorts each one focused on pioneering for the kingdom of backgrounds, these disciples amongst a lost generation. of Jesus have put their faith into The Bible says that: action by reaching out to young the word became flesh and blood and people who everyone else has moved into the neighbourhood. (John 1:14) written off. Eden takes its example straight from the master. He was prepared to get involved, to get his hands dirty... are you?

Photo Credit: Nathan Livings, Leicester (flickr)

Where can I find what I’m looking for? Don’t ask Bono, he’s been looking for flippin’ years and hasn’t got anywhere. If only he had a table of contents like the one below, then he’d be quiet.

contents 6 8

10 11 12 14 16 17 18 20 23 24 26 28 29 30 32 46

The reason we’re all here

48 Speaker and Worship

Chat room, Furnace, Late Night Worship

Leader Bios

52 53 54 55 56 58


Café Uno The Fringe @ Dreggs Café Soul Action Café Soul Action Dreggs Lift Sports and Fun Run Celluloid Mr Boogies Toolshed The Underground Bandstand Artshed @ The Furnace Kids DAILY PLANNER Site map

Come Surfing Soul Man Soul Sista SoulNet Bible notes

62 64 68 69 70 72

Ministry Guidelines Things you should know What we think about you Doing our bit The offering Site Rules

Are you sitting comfortably? Once upon a time, in a land far, far away lived a man called Jesus. In fact he wasn’t just a man, but he was also God (see the beginning of John’s gospel for that). Hence he was incredibly special and unique. In fact he was the most unique person ever. He lived a perfect life, was killed, but rose from the dead. In doing so we believe things changed. You know all that human made mess (not poo poo) that seems to get in the way of us and God, well, he dealt with it, once and for all. He’s literally awesome. Good hey? And that’s really where the story of Soul Survivor begins… with a man called Jesus who lived 2000 years ago in a remote part of the world. He’s the point behind all this and our 17 year journey (yep, we’re as old as most of you… we just don’t have to do exams or pass a driving test). We’re desperate to know Jesus better, to follow him better and introduce others to him too. That’s it, there’s nothing special about Soul Survivor; we hope there’s no hype and we definitely don’t have all the answers, but we always try to keep it about Jesus. In short, he’s our story. Other than that, you might notice that we like to have fun and muck about a bit. Sorry if you don’t get our sense of humour… it’s quite childish.

Dr Who? Ever noticed Doctor Who cruising through the decades in a super fast, super cool, super charged Tardis? What a time mess he always gets himself into. Well, believe it or not, he’s not the only one. For some reason, whilst at Soul Survivor, you’ll lose two days from your week. We reckon it’s got something to do with a quantum flux on the M1. Not only will you lose two days, but all days will lose their names… you must have caused some massive disruption in the time space continuum. Don’t worry; we’re here to guide you through. Just follow the lingo below and all will eventually sort itself out.

Week A: Day 1: Friday 24th July Day 2: Saturday 25th July Day 3: Sunday 26th July Day 4: Monday 27th July Day 5: Tuesday 28th July



‘J.John is a superb communicator and he is a man who lives out what he teaches. He is always down to earth, humorous and practical.’ Nicky Gumbel

‘water to those of us that thirst!’ Bear Grylls

an evening with J.John tour with hosts dave hill & michael john & singer nicki rogers

come and have an evening faith-lift 2nd September 7th September 8th September 9th September 14th September 16th September 17th September 21st September 23rd September 24th September 28th September 29th September

Chorleywood Bangor, N. Ireland Lisburn, N. Ireland Belfast, N. Ireland Liverpool Ashford Winchester Norfolk Felixstowe Luton Solihull Stoke on Trent

30th September 5th October 6th October 7th October 8th October 12th October 13th October 14th October 19th October 20th October 21st October

Newport Colchester Lincoln Nottingham Watford Esher Gateshead Stockton Cheltenham Manchester St Albans

tickets £5.00 redeemable against resources For a complete list of dates, venues and ticket information go online to:


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09/06/2009 09:24:28

reason we’re all here…

We’re here to meet with God. We’ll gather together every morning and evening in the Main Meeting venue for time dedicated purely to Him. We’ll sing out our love for Him. We’ll learn from His word. And we’ll let His Spirit change us. These sessions are all about focussing back on Him and inviting Him to have his way with us, to change us and to help us live lives that reveal Him. So, in our Main Meeting times you’ll come to see that we’ll always do the following stuff:

Worship Worship is about our whole life, we show our love of God by what we do. But it’s also great to spend time just telling him we love Him and making it obvious that we’re for him: that we’re up for a radical life of following him wherever he leads and learning to be more like him. One of the most natural ways to do this together is with music, so we’ll spend a while singing songs, dancing around and expressing our 6

love of God with our voices, words and movements. In worship we focus on God, we tell him we love him, we meet again with Him and we are changed… and the glory is always His.

Biblical and relevant teaching The Bible is God’s word in our world. As we unravel its meaning and apply it to our lives we’ll hear God’s voice. Over the week

we’ll listen in on the lives and experiences of loads of others who are trying to work out what it means to follow Jesus 2000 years after the party started. Mike Pilavachi (the greek guy), Ali Martin (the pregnant one) and Andrew Croft (the clever one) are hosting all our meetings, but they’ll be joined throughout the week by leaders, thinkers and friends who are bringing glory to Jesus with their lives in amazing ways.

Prayer ministry: When we meet together we try and give God as much space as possible to work within us by his Spirit. Our meetings are his meetings, so we always ask him to be with us and do what he wants to do. We’ll ask him to heal us, to help us deal with our messes,

Tell us your story… We expect God to do great things in our lives this week. If you have a story, we’d love to hear it, so please email us at testimonies@soulsurvivor.com. If you want this to be kept confidential then no worries, just let us know in the email. There will also be a little box at the front of the stage in the Main Meeting venue where you can add any written stories of what God has done/is doing.

to inspire us and to empower us to live fully for Jesus. We’re desperate to encounter him, so we will always ask him to be involved. We’re all in this together. God can use any one of us, by his Spirit, to bring his peace, healing, forgiveness, purpose or words to any other one of us. God doesn’t have favourites. He loves us all and wants us all to get involved in what he is doing as we ask him into our lives. So, during times of ministry, make yourself available to pray for others. Stand with your mates as they let God deal with what’s going on with them. Don’t worry if you’ve never done that sort of stuff before, we’ve included a few guidelines near the back to help you get started (please read and stick to these even if you’re used to praying with others). Plus, there’s

also an ‘Enabling Team’ who’ll be around to make sure everything is safe, to offer help and guidance if needed, so look out for them and ask them too!

film in Celluloid, feel the buzz of some awesome tunes down in the Underground . God’s in it all and we love that, so get out there and find Him!

The 360 degree gospel… The Main Meeting times will take up just 4 hours of your day. There are still 20 hours left. We could, if we were super-dooper spiritual, fill every waking minute with meetings and songs, but that would miss the point. God is about all of life: our waking, sleeping, chatting, tea drinking. He’s in it all. He sees the full 360 degrees - the whole circumference of life. That’s what all the other venues are about… life. Finding God as we hang with our mates, flip an ollie down the Lift, are moved by the scene of a 7

venues It’s all kicking off down here! Fresher than a new pair of pants and more exciting than your birthday, the Soul Survivor venues for 09 have been yanked from obscurity, dashed with a little tabasco and grilled overnight with some lime juice to create havoc with your plans for an afternoon nap or ‘nice early night’. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Check what’s going on at the various venues over the next few pages to stay in the know. On arrival day everything kicks off at 7:30pm with our first celebration in the Main Meeting venue then everything else comes to life (the Main Evening Meeting from Day 2 will be at 7:00pm)…


Chat room Times: 2:00pm -4:00pm Friendlier than a Care Bear making you a cup of cocoa and better at listening than the Secret Service are the guys and dolls who inhabit the Chat Room. Not only do they love a good brew, but they are the perfect bunch to talk to if you have any questions about God, the main meetings, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, relationships, parents and more. We can’t promise that they have all the answers, but they’ll be happy to pray with you, listen to you and give advice if you need it. Pop down and see for yourself.

Furnace Times: 9:30pm-11:30pm According to Wikipedia a furnace is a device used for heating. Apparently the name derives from the Latin word for oven: fornax, oven. They say the earliest furnace so far discovered dates back to 2500 BC. However, all this is wrong. The Furnace isn’t about burning stuff (unless we’re talking metaphorically and metaphysically of course). Oh no, it’s about praying. Reflecting on God, letting Him speak and giving ourselves time to listen. There are as many ways to pray as there are people praying, so get on down there to turn up the heat and flame grill your conversation with God (yep check the clever use of fiery words… not cheesey at all hey?).

‘We can’t promise that they have all the answers, but they’ll be happy to pray with you, listen to you and give advice if you need it.’

Late night worship

good, cos that’s what late night

Times: 10.30 - 11.30pm

the guys involved in leading

Had a tiring day? Lost your voice, eaten too many cakes, had some thought provoking discussions? Whatever you’ve been up to what better way is there to end the day than by giving your all back to God? If that’s up your street then

the main sessions turn up for

worship is all about. Some of

a less formal, stripped down (musically, cheeky!) time of worship and reflection, where you can sing, dance, shout or just think your praises to Jesus and meet with God.


Café Uno Times: 1:00pm -6:00pm and 9:30pm-11:30pm Legend has it that the late, great James Brown founded Café Uno on a parking lot in San Francisco with two drops of sweat wiped from his furry brow. He then added a lock of his hair and a loogie of spit to the funkadelic concoction. There was the crash of a hi hat and magically the Café Uno appeared there and then on the corner of Haight and Ashbury. That’s where the superfly story began, and this is how it continues…

The Resident Band: Re:Sound: 10

Uno Afternoons Vibed out like listening to a Stevie Wonder album in a bed of strawberry jelly are the Uno Afternoons. No pressure time to kick back, get yourself caffeinated up and put your groove out. Café Uno is what summer loungin’ was invented by God for… Space to unwind yourself and chill. Nip in to take five and end up staying ‘til sundown chatting to other jazz cats about the life and times of Miles Davis. You dig? Featuring a regular afternoon pub quiz me ol’ mucker!

Uno Evenings Kind of like a werewolf on a full moon, past 9:00pm Uno gets all freaky deaky baby! It’s time travel and you get to come! Each night the Uno posse forget the politically correct, funkily inept noughties and get all nostalgic for a time when the Afro, flare cut and vinyl records ruled the roost. Back when break dancing meant something other than how to sell the latest trendy ‘yoofy’ product. We’re talking about the funky seventies playa! If James Brown rose from the dead, the Uno Evenings would be his first port of call. And guess what, he’d be wearing a purple velvet jump suit, snakeskin shoes and outlandish shades (even in the dark). Get ready to do the mashed potato to these reincarnations of the JB’s…

These chaps have more ‘get up and go’ than Usain Bolt with his trainers on, except this posse don’t wear trainers, they wear a combination of retro shell toes, crocodile shoes and sometimes, heck, they just go barefoot. You’ll find yourself dancing along to some jazz, soul, funk and any other fun vibe that these kids like to play out loud. Check ‘em out and give the band a shout, that’s what we’re talking about. Fun times guaranteed.

The Fringe @ Dreggs Café* Forget the haircut… it’s just too trendy. If you’re really down with the kids then you won’t give a hoot about what sort of fro someone is sporting. And there’s the irony, as The Fringe ain’t about haircuts at all. It’s about people (and a good cuppa). All new to Soul Survivor in 09 is this subdued, hidden away hang out. Kind of like a speakeasy during the 1920’s prohibition (but without all the liquor), the Fringe is the place to be if you fancy getting away from all the crowds for a bit of thinking time. Feel like you don’t fit the mould? Don’t panic, none of us do. We’re all

Times: 1:00pm -6:00pm and 9:30pm-11:30pm

different, and all of us have a bunch of questions about life, the universe and what’s on telly next week. So, if you’re feeling a bit lost in all the Soul Survivor madness, you’re probably not the only one. Just thinking through what it means to follow Jesus, or don’t even know who Jesus is in the first place? There’s no cringe at the Fringe, just a team of friendly faced peeps who’ll be happy to get into a convo about anything from last Saturday’s footie results to what happened in the main meeting last night. And if you don’t wanna have a chin wag, then that’s cool. The tea and cakes are good enough to keep even the most super powered chatter box silenced for a few hours. So, don’t whinge. Get to the Fringe.

Binge on this at the Fringe Christianity Crash Course seminars… Day 2, 2:30pm, Riley Fisher, ‘What just happened?’ Day 3, 2:30pm, Riley Fisher, ‘So, what’s the deal with the Bible?’ Day 4, 2:30pm, Riley Fisher, ‘Rules, rules, goody two shoes!’ Day 5, 2:30pm, Riley Fisher, ‘Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, now what?’ *The Fringe is located inside Dreggs, so look carefully and you will find it!


Soul Action Times: 1:00pm -6:00pm and 9:30pm-11:30pm

Want to teach the world to sing? Chris Martin did it, plus he mentions something about poverty and justice once in a while too. Still, he did name his baby Apple (in a massive sponsorship deal from the men who make Macs), so maybe he isn’t all that subversive. So what is subversive? Activism? Yeah, but only if you capitalise the ACT and use a cool font. Forget what the marketing companies say. They’ll latch onto any good world changing idea, twist it, eat it (probably with extra ketchup) and regurgitate it into some watered down tasteless piece of cultural cool just to sell you toothpaste. All who have ears listen… the revolution will not be televised (hence there’s no telly’s in the Café)! Apparently, back in the day, when

Barack Obama was in nappies, he used to crawl around the Soul Action Café pausing only at the tables of such dissident ideologues and lefty theologians as Gutierrez, Salinger, Camus and Paulo Friere. Of course things were different then. The café had to move around a lot, what with it being the subject of continuous CIA investigation and attack (the ideas it generated were just too dangerous you see). Eventually, the café found a natural home amongst the nomadic Bedouin peoples; a history still alluded to be the brightly coloured drapes hanging from the ceiling. Nowadays, things are different. It sells coffee and slices of cheesecake. But wait, scratch beneath the surface and you can smell something. The scent is faint to begin with, but it gets stronger

‘Pop down to see if you can work out what it is… it can’t just be the freshly brewed fairly traded coffee.’ 12

the longer you stay. Pop down to see if you can work out what it is… it can’t just be the freshly brewed fairly traded coffee. Besides, we hear that hanging out in the Soul Action Café for an evening raises your IQ and makes you look healthier too.

Stuff going off in the Soul Action Café: Seminars: Daily soul food to feast on with ideas that could just about change the world. More detail in the Day Planner (page 33) Day 2, 9:30am: Emily Vesey ‘No Regrets’ Day 3, 9:30am: Emily Vesey ‘Mission Impossible?’ Day 4, 9:30am: Emily Vesey ‘Busy Trafik’

meet with God

peace Leave the city.

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Soul Action Mission Impossible

Our God is on a mission. But unlike a spy flick his mission is no secret. His mission was made plain for all to see in Jesus. His mission is grace, justice, restoration, relationship, freedom… change. Sounds like mission impossible?

Speak up: Shout about the injustice you see around you

You might be right, just look around the world. It’s pretty dark sometimes. But God calls us to see what he’s doing and get involved. He asks us to work alongside him to bring his love, light and life to a broken world. He calls us to join him to make the impossible possible.

Get green: Jesus came to save the whole planet, not just us

Soul Action is about living out God’s mission. Following Jesus 24/7, seeing what God is doing in the world and getting involved. Join in the impossible mission and commit to doing the following:

Your mission: Will you choose to accept it? God calls you to live out his mission; to get involved and work with him in making what seems impossible, possible. He isn’t looking for some Tom Cruise hero types, but people who will give

Give yourself: Put others first and remember the poor


Tell others: Spread some of Jesus’ light and life Live it out: It’s a 24/7 committed lifestyle Join in God’s mission and make the impossible possible.

themselves, speak up, go green, tell others and most importantly, live it out 24/7. What we’ll give you… If you’re game, you won’t be out on your own. We’ll give you some awesome Bible study materials and a whole host of ideas, fundraising initiatives, regular updates and challenging stuff to help you live out God’s mission. Tools for your mission… We want to help you live out God’s mission, so use these tools: AOK DAY: A weekly act of kindness to get you started SLUM SURVIVOR: Spend a few days the way a billion spend a lifetime, raising money for - and

Soul Action is… The bit of Soul Survivor where we get to talk about issues of justice and poverty. We work alongside the International Relief & Development agency Tearfund in helping to make Soul Action happen… As well as encouraging and helping you to live out God’s mission, Soul Action also supports projects working in poor countries across the world, some of which you can visit and serve on a Transform team! awareness of - projects serving some of the world’s poorest communities. THE NOISE: A weekend to serve your local community SERVE OVERSEAS: Transform yourself by serving others. Check out www.soulaction.org for more on all these and a bunch of other things too. Take the pledge… If you’re up for living out God’s mission with your whole life then sign the pledge. You’ll become one of thousands of other followers of Jesus who are committing to live out God’s mission with their whole lives. Up for it? Get yourself a cool Soul Action pledge card from

the stand in the ToolShed and get signed up for getting into God’s mission. We’ll also give you a Bible study guide called ‘Getting into God’s mission’ too! March for the impossible… What do you stand for? Join with thousands of other followers of Jesus to show the world exactly what God’s mission is all about; loving others, shouting about injustice, getting green, spreading the word and living it out. It’s time to make a stand and march for the impossible! May 2010 London

Soul Action at Soul Survivor The café:

Relax down at the Soul Action café and surround yourself with your mates, a fair-trade cuppa and the Soul Action vibe.

The seminars: A series of seminars on all things related to living out God’s mission! The stand (in the ToolShed): Meet the team, have a chat, find out about serving overseas, get some great resources and find out about running a Slum Survivor in your church or school.

The fun run: Go on a run and get sponsored by your mates to raise money for Soul Action!


Dreggs “Yummy, yummy, yummy I’ve got love in my tummy and I feel like loving you” This is what you have to do. Open a can of soup (any flavour will do). Take a good swig. Then add some flumps. Now sing those words at the top of your voice and repeat ‘til you’re sick or you faint of exhaustion. It was this game of chance and daring that got the Dreggs crew into big trouble in little China. There was this whole thing with the Chinese secret police. It really wasn’t very polite. Coming out of hiding for just 1 week this July, the Dreggs team have been hunted across the planet by the Man and his fun police for the last 2 decades. They haven’t got ‘em yet though. But it was close last October… the mental mayhem they sparked off in the US meant that the feds stole their passports and kicked them out of 49 of the 50 American states. They can still go to Alaska, but they have to promise to keep the noise down and be in bed by 9.30. Yeah right, we all know the Dreggs posse don’t take no nonsense and they are ready and willing to dish out a fresh portion of insanity sticks in 09. Head down to Dreggs and you’ll either sign up to their revolutionary cause or be so dazzled by the spectacle that your eyes will pop out of your head and you’ll look weird (but be able to see round corners). 16

Times: 1:00pm -6:00pm and 9:30pm-11:30pm

Other things in Dreggs:

If all that is a bit too much in the way of pretentious prose, the basics are that Dreggs is a café that runs all sorts of games, challenges and interactive morsels. Well, that’s what we tell parents, the government and anyone else who starts asking questions. We predict a riot. What do you reckon?

Playstation relaxation: Get into the latest games and challenge all onlookers to take you on. Hair straightening bunch: They won’t do eyebrows, but they’d give your locks a good once over. Nice food: The Dreggs posse serve up tasty toasted sandwiches, with cheese, ham and even chocolate, plus new in 09 are warm waffles with your choice of tasty sauce!

‘Don’t bail kid, get yourself down there and show us what you’re made of.’


Times: 8.30-9.30am – beginners 1.00-2.30pm 5.00-6.30pm 9.30-11.30pm

Skater haters sound like flakers attacked by gators, served by waiters who need translators. Oh no, skaters are creators, faster than freighters, we’re no traitors, and don’t want to be dictators, but we love these curators of mashed potaters! If you don’t know, get to know. Rodney Mullen and Tony Hawkes kicked it down the Lift back at the birth of the skate scene; years ago when Mike P made the first ever board out of an old maths textbook and some tricycle wheels. He invented the half pipe and taught Chad Muska what to do on it. For real? Yeah bwoy. For real.

So bro, show us some of that off the hizook grindage and get your tricktionary out for all to see and ‘ooohhh’ at. No fakers, bakers or candlestick makers, just the real deal son. Now if all this is a bit sketchy let’s spell it out for ya. Grind rails, ramps, smooth concrete. The stuff boarders dreams are made of. So, don’t bail kid, get yourself down there and show us what you’re made of.

The lift venue also includes these sessions… Beginners Skate Sessions Times: 8:30am-9:30am Space to get to grip with your grip tape. Learn the basics without all those cool cats showing off around you. Speak to one of the Lift Team to find out more. Skate Comp Times: From 9:30pm on Day 5 Get out onto the raw concrete with just your board and prove you know the deal. Just make sure you land that final trick for double points. Sign up by asking one of the Lift Team. 17

Sports Feeling sporty, naughty or just downright haughty? You need some exercise to whittle away all that energy? Luckily for you we have a range of sporting activities and tournaments for you to get your full bodyweight into. ‘But that’s not my bag baby’ you might be thinking… well, we looked in your bag and found some nice shorts and suitable footwear, so no excuses friend, get on out there and stretch those muscles. Just pop along to the indoor Sports Area, sign up for some of the tournaments and see if you can take out all opponents. Winning isn’t everything, remember, the gospels never mention Jesus as a regional trampolining champion, or other sporting medallist for that matter. Sports tournaments include: Pain Au Chocolat tournament: Panna cage football with a twist. The winner gets the rights to a packet of Pain Au Chocolat. Fast paced, energetic and tasty…. Days 2-5 from 9:30pm The Soul Survivor Champions League… There’s no jumpers for goal posts or rush goalies here, plus you only need five players! Other than that come along and see if you can make the beautiful game even more beautiful. Straight up Match


of the Day action, complete with half time punditry! Begins Day 2 from 2:00pm The Inter Village ‘It’s a Knockout’ Challenge… Get together with other campers from your bit of the showground and enter into a good old Butlinsesque fun day, featuring a bean bag relay, egg and spoon races and even a tug ‘o’ war! Day 4 from 2:00pm Basketball Yo playa! Think you’ve got skills? Prove it homes. 3 vs. 3 basketball, straight out of the urban courts of New York. Gritty. For real son. Begins Day 5 from 9:30pm Fun Run Dress up like Moses, Spiderman, those 118 brothers or just come as yourself and sprint, jog, walk or crawl around the showground in our fifth annual Soul Action

Fun Run. You don’t need to be an athletically gifted individual, just someone with a heart to do something for others (have we made you feel bad enough to take part yet?). Pull your socks up, join in the camaraderie and see if you can make it (you can, it’s only two miles). Remember, it’s a sponsored run, so get people to support you… all the proceeds go to Soul Action. If you don’t fancy the jaunt around the campsite, then no worries. You can still take part. Just get yourself along the race day route and clap or cheer the energetic competitors as they breathlessly stumble past you. You can also sponsor your mates and thereby appease any guilt you have of not taking part with a small financial act of sacrifice. Day 4 at 5:15pm

Outdoor sports

Times: 1:00pm-6:00pm

Indoor sports

Times: 9:30pm-11:30pm

To enter: 1) Get your forms from the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed, the Sports desk or Information. 2) Don’t eat too many chips before you run 3) Do some exercises and stretches 4) Turn up and run like the wind 5) Collect your sponsorship money and hand it in at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed or Information Please note well: Outdoor tournaments are weather permitting and subject to the whim of Sep Blatter. Also, the times and days above are just for tournaments, you can join in sporting activities whenever the venue is open.


Celluloid* Forget your Blu Ray disc. Who is Blu Ray anyway? Some rumours doing the rounds suggest that Ray (as he’s known to his friends) used to be a stalwart of the Hollywood film industry. Apparently he fell into a vat of toxic chemical waste when investigating a lead. Most people think he died, but legend has it that a blue figure emerged from the accident, running into the sunset screaming about the poor quality of VHS and Betamax. Since then Blu Ray has come to stand for justice, fighting crime and developing new techniques for improving the quality of home cinemas across the world.

‘Pop down to Celluloid one night to catch some of these fantastic flicks.’ 20

Times: From 10:00pm Believe it or not, super hero Blu Ray has been on the old blower and given us the top tips on how to show films at our very own on site movie complex. He said, no matter how good your screen is you just have to show good flicks with award winning performances. Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Penelope Cruz, Anthony Hopkins… they’ve all been beamed onto the walls at Celluloid and they all utilise the power of acting to marvellous effect… it’s like watching really real life. Amazing! So, pop down to Celluloid one night to catch some of these fantastic flicks.

Now showing Marley and Me (PG) Aaaahhhhhhhh puppies. Cute aren’t they? This film is about a dog who starts out life as an adorable puppy and grows up to be the size of a full grown man. In fact he gets massive. But not only does this canine like eating, it also likes to be a bit excitable and get himself (and his owners) into the odd scrape or two. Look hard enough, and you’ll find that Marley & Me is really all about the fragility of human emotion, offering a postmodern structuralist interpretation of the American Dream. Now put that in your sandwich and eat it. Day 1 High School Musical 3: Senior Year (U) How do you cope with the stresses of GCSE’s and the thought of going to a new college away from

your mates? Most of us just get on with it, but in America apparently all the cool kids get together to put on a musical. And why not? As this real life documentary on the senior year in High School shows all that singing and dancing has even the most stressed member of the school community happy as Larry. Warning: Contains graphic musical scenes and dance routines that will scar the male of the species forevermore. Day 2

Prince Caspian (PG) Back to Narnia we go with the frightfully posh Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. The gang are once again in the magical land only to find a thousand years have passed since their peaceful reign. Suffice to say, things haven’t been going all that well, so the public school posse hook up with a mouthy rodent and set about

planning a revolutionary military coup, ensuring rightful heir to the throne, Prince Caspian can don the Narnia crown and set about making things better. One to watch if you like crumpets, afternoon tea and swallows and amazons (dear boy). Day 3

Wall-E (U) In the future everything is a Pixar animation… it’s also got a bit dirty too. Piles of rubbish and trash litter the streets of all the worlds overpopulated cities causing mankind to flee into space leaving little solar powered garbage collecting robots to clean up the mess. And one of these little diligent creatures is Wall-E, an unlikely hero who has a nostalgic attachment to all things human. Despite the environmental undertones, this film really deals with the age old philosophical question: can robots love? Answers on the back of a postcard to… Day 4 Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (U) Forget Hamleys, the best toy store in the whole wide world is Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium. The problem is that Mr Magorium isn’t too good at doing his accounts and is slightly mentally unstable (he reckons he’s 243 years old). So, up steps Molly to take over the reins on the shop that has kids ‘oooohhing’ the world over… but as the shop grieves the loss of it’s founder and owner, young Molly is left to pick up the pieces and save the imagination and wonder of children from here to Tipperary (which is a long way away). Day 5

*Celluloid is located in the Seminar A venue.


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Mr Boogies Times: 9:30pm-11:30pm

after last Mr Boogies went AWOL . We have summer’s Soul Survivor . no idea where he got to

ugh of the party vibe and just The tabloids said he’d had eno . nice semi detached by the sea wanted to settle down in a We er. pap r anything to sell anothe Yeah, whatever, they’ll say s it kick and ) the music (or muzac all know Mr Boogies lives for to go n eve sn’t Sometimes he doe raw every night of the week. bed ‘til midnight. He’s insane. He’s gies before then you have to. If you’ve never met Mr Boo me eso he throws the most aw everyone’s best friend, plus he l name, though many think rea parties. No-one knows his gies Boo s. (Mr m Boogies by his mu was actually named Mister club and r nne sca spanner, music Snr). He’s the ultimate genre t to manor! Pop down to his join e ssiv ma a night planner with he’s r, the ano or y wa black, one get the picture. He paints it cha. getcha, getcha, getcha, get na gon he’s , gonna find you that’s ies, icac del and es tast nds, It’s a mash up of all styles, sou too. s, arms, hands and feet will how he loves it, and your leg es pump out and about from Get your swerve on as the tun lt by has this year been hand bui our massive dancehall which club gs thin all of day te the hey Mr Boogies himself to recrea (to DJ’s who’ve sold their souls 2). 199 of r me sum related (the vibe es and guarantee the party Jesus) krunk out the latest tun crowd eeeeeeeeeeeeewind’s’ and with plenty or ‘RRRRRRRRRRE e, voic r much fun you’ll lose you participation. You’ll have so ne, ryo eve like a plonker. Come on and your shame at dancing e, tim in step e, eep and step in tim get all Burt the Chimney Sw you e, tim in need a rhyme, step never need a reason, never step in time!


Times: 1:00pm -6:00pm and 9:30pm-11:30pm

ToolShed She said there’s something in the wood shed. Thing is, we looked in the wood shed and couldn’t find anything. So we checked the tool shed and guess what? It was packed full of all sorts (no liquorice though). This year our on site resources exhibit is so big that we couldn’t lift it. That means it’s in the same place it was last year, but that’s okay as it’s the perfect spot to fit in more organisations, stands, their representatives and (of course) their flyers and resources than ever before. However, be warned, the ToolShed ain’t something to be taken lightly (it’s really heavy for a start). Built by short sighted giants, the ToolShed is a disorientating mix of agricultural architecture and beautifully nice people. You’ll feel like Gulliver on his travels as you wander round… the only problem, there’s no Golden Compass to help you out on your metaphysical quest to find a new t shirt (the 24

Soul Survivor ones are ace by the way), Ben Cantelon CD or year out idea… you’ll just have to follow your nose and see where your survival instincts lead you. Our tip: leave a trail of breadcrumbs in your wake in case you get lost. Doing this means not only will you find your way home, but you’ll also have a tasty treat to keep you going too! To clarify… We have a few principles that guide how the ToolShed is run. They are… 1) All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your walk with Jesus. None should be screaming at you because you don’t quite get their theological angle on things (no matter how right you or they might be). If you genuinely feel like you’ve been accosted by an over zealous exhibitor then let us know by nipping into Information. 2) Most of the items that are sold are either primarily a resource or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable

trust… but don’t be pressured to spend cash, this isn’t a shopping centre. We really like you, don’t want to treat you as some kind of marketing fodder and want you to be able to relax whilst at Soul Survivor so that’s why we make a fuss over this stuff. There’s more on our attitudes to you on page 68.

The Office

(Sponsored by Compassion)* Times: 1:00pm -6:00pm and 9:30pm-11:30pm How broad is your band? Ours is pretty broad, like a bean. It comes through a tunnel and has something to do with super intelligent mice who stay up to date with the world’s latest news, typing out the headlines into html code. So, if you need to check your electronic mail or update your Facebook status to “is wishing they could stay at Soul Survivor ‘til Jesus comes back to judge the living and the dead” you’ll need a broad beaned up computer! And guess

what? The Office, like most offices around the country, has computers and these computers are connected to the world wide interweb so you can hack your way into the matrix and get lost on second life for a few hours. We operate a pay as you go option (no contracts yet we’re afraid), so, chuck us 50p and you’ll get 15 minutes to upload your YouTube vids of Mike P singing or you and your mates going mental in the Main Meeting Venue. Nuff said… oh and don’t forget to land at www.soulsurvivor. com/uk for special updates whilst you’re in cyberspace!

Soul Survivor Café * Times: 1:00pm -6:00pm and 9:30pm-11:30pm We get by with a little help from our friends. That’s as true for us at Soul Survivor as it is for you lot. Thing is, we want to be your friends. You’re nice, we’re nice…

we think we might all get on like a big bromantic pie. So, you free this weekend? How about tomorrow afternoon? Pop round for a cuppa and a chat, we could watch a movie or something. Our mum’s just made some nice treats… we’ll share them wiv ya! Our very own café, stuck right in the middle of the ToolShed like some cosmic directional north star, is the place to go to if you’re wanting a fresh slice of Soul Survivor. Hosted by some of the team, a few of our mates and a couple of stragglers too, it’s the place to be if you need to put your feet up for five minutes or hide from an irate youth leader whose tent you just burned down (which we don’t condone in any way). Plus the team can answer nearly any question on all things Soul Survivor (well, maybe not, but they’ll point you in the right direction… they are good at pointing). Stop in, you never know, you might get to hear about Doggy (the Soul Survivor Office canine), find out some trivia

on Soul Survivor ancient history (like why Mike P loves those weird shirts so much ) or get served a cup of hot steaming sauce by a friendly face from Watford! Come on in, there’s a table reserved for you in the corner (next to little Jack Horner). And guess what? We’ll be making some super tasty potato wedges each evening in the Café this year, so pop down to get your fill! *The Office and Soul Survivor Café are located inside the ToolShed


New at Soul Survivor A for 09! Times: 9:30pm-11:30pm

Underground (hosted by 29th Chapter)

Bless! Bless! Bless! Booooom! Underground is here to give you a flavour of the freshest urban beats this side of New York’s rusty forks. Every night down the Underground things get a little hectic, taking it back to the streets with a dash of grime, ragga, funky breaks and of course hip hop. ‘DJ’s throw on cuts to obey the crowd, just pump the volume and play it loud…’ Good advice from the legendary Rakim. Forget the gangsta aggy vibe, Underground is for the true skool head and anyone else who wants to get fed. East side, west side, sea side, now it’s time to pimp your ride. (Original rhymes from Mike P’s lyric book) Underground is hosted by 29th Chapter and NuSkool London’s finest have taken the migration route out of the big smoke to once again play host to the Underground venue. Mr Prince, Navigator, McGladius and Phonetix drop science like interest rates in the financial crisis, so get on in there to hear them do their thing and get your head into exclusive cuts from the forthcoming 29th album. Each night they’ll be joined by some of the coolest cats on the block…


On the one’s and two’s Day 1: thebandwithnoname (with support from Sammy G) Why would a band have no name? Well, it’s a story as old as time itself. Raised by wild mere cats during the great bush fires of 1972, these three young trendies developed uncanny super human musical skills under the tutelage of some old whiley felines. They had a name back then, but it was in a now long lost cat dialect which when translated into English just turned out to be just a long string of consonants. No one could say it. Hence they decided to have no name at all and just rock a party like da Vinci gets all

arty. We can say no more; phat beats, sick rhymes and the final shout going up to JC!

Day 2: onehundredhours More anthemic than the crowds at Anfield on a champions league night and tighter than your old school trousers, onehundredhours will please the socks off anyone who’s ever picked up a guitar - or bassoon for that matter. This posse are veterans on the scene (they really should now change their name as they’ve been doing this for way way over 100 hours), but don’t be fooled, they’re coming at Soul Survivor like a fresh slap in the face to sober up your CD collection.

Day 3: Sammy G (with support from New Direction) Sammy G is gonna mash up the place like a teething babies din dins. It’s all gravee son. Our main man Sammy has been rockin’ the Birmingham grime scene since the heyday of all things urban (that includes high rise buildings and motor engines). His flow is slicker than an oil spill, you gotta check him out and get shuddering to his beats.

Day 4: 29th Chapter (with support from Sacred) Your hosts for the week step up to the stage for an evening of raw, real deal hip hop straight from the streets of the Big Smoke. True underdogz, the 29th know exactly how to get a party hyped. Soundsystem styles all the while playa. Get a taste of the action from some of the UK’s best… seriously, last year the guys won the ‘Best Gospel Act at the Urban Music Awards. Before you know it you’ll be singing along: “Come on all you Underdogz help ‘em raise the roof Can they get a ‘La La La’, can they get a ‘Woof’”

Day 5: Ekklesia (with support from WariYah)

Workshops @ Underground Times: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Want to kick it with Mos Def and Dizee Rascal in the VIP area? OK bro, show us your skills? Hip hop is all about the skills, so you gotta get an education somewhere and start learning. Down at the Lyricist Lounge we’re looking to skool all you heads in the ways of hip hop, giving you a chance to learn from some of the Grandmaster’s of the scene themselves, so bring yourself to get a proper lesson kid! Day 2: Break Dance We break bread together, but we also break a sweat on the lino fool. Calling all the bboys and bgirls!

Day 3: Lyric writing Lessons in crafting and delivering sick lyrics, so bring your rhyme book or just come and spit off the top of your head, either way it’s all good in the hood. Day 4: Street dance Forget Strictly Come Dancing, we’re on about strictly street dancing son. The NuSkool dance teachers are down at the Underground to teach you how to rock steady with your crazy legs. Day 5: Performing arts Want to kick it raw with some on stage performance techniques? All the basics for the amateur dramaticist from budding thespians to performing equestrian pedestrians.


Sacred Ent

Sammy G

Awesome new skool gospel collective all the way from the capital. Be warned, this posse can sing, and sing they will. Fresh sounds for an old genre, Ekklesia are making waves in the scene, with more media hype than Cristiano Ronaldo’s future at Man United. Well worth checking for some ‘uplifting last night at Soul Survivor’ vibe to get you prepared for life back home.



thebandwithnoname 29th Chapter


Bandstand Times: 2:00pm-4:00pm

It was on such stages, with such crowds, that genius lyricists such as Eminem, Chas n Dave, Lilly Allen and that weird guy from MGMT refined their skills and tested their ideas. There’s nothing better than hearing the raw edginess of unsigned bands. Are you and your friends the new Killers? There’s only one way to find out. Sign up for a twenty-minute slot, present your musical excursions with all the force you can muster, and gauge your success by staring deeply into the faces and eyes of all passers by. We’ll give you a back line of small amps, a soundman, twenty minutes and an eager crowd. In return we expect you to give a blistering display of passion, skill, insightful social comment and melodically catchy loops and riffs. Deal? Sign up at the Bandstand each afternoon and you never know, you could be performing in a ‘Best of Bandstand’ showcase on the afternoon of Day 5.If it’s wet the Bandstand will feature in Café Uno for a shorter time slot… 28

Artshed @ the Furnace Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm

What is art? A half eaten banana dipped in formaldehyde and coloured purple with a felt tip pen? A rugby ball, ripped apart, turned inside out and then stitched back together with some old lady’s wool collection? A photo of some spam? YouTube? The reality is noone knows what art really is. And who cares cos it’s great. We love it so much that every afternoon in the Furnace we’ll have a whole space dedicated to the display, discussion and practice of art here at Soul Survivor, and all you lucky expressionists, impressionists and biro wielding activists are in for a right old treat. There’s no tweed wearing, ‘sshhh’ imploring, snobby minded curators at this gallery. You can have a right old shout, verbal rant or peaceful reflection on the canvases that adorn the walls. And why not? Your expressive outburst

could become a live performance piece that challenges social prejudices and breaks down simple minded stereotypes. So what is art? Well, you may never know, but if you pop to Artshed, you might become part of it and get stuck up on the walls yourself!


Times: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Join in and become part of the art with our creative workshops. Here’s what’s on: Days 2-5: Getting arty with God Get yourself into some arty crafty goodness and pop along to the ArtShed one afternoon to try your hand at painting, drawing, clay making or some other general creative expressiveness


Kids work Just because you’re not a teenager doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time whilst at Soul Survivor. We run a series of stuff for those under 12 too all of which is run by workers accountable to Soul Survivor. You’ll be pleased to know that all appropriate welfare training and Child Protection procedures are in place to provide the safest environment possible.

What’s on offer And the rest… The Kids work on site is split into several age related categories to allow children the freedom to enjoy relevant and appropriate sessions, tailored just for them.

Sparklers (0-4’s) Times: Days 2-4 , 11:00am-1:00pm and Day 5 10:00am-12:00pm Sparklers is packed full of mentally and physically stimulating activities that include (among more peaceful things) dancing, jumping, shouting, running and screaming for Jesus in specially tailored worship and teaching times.

Rockets (5-11’s) Times: Days 2-4, 11:00am -1:00pm and Day 5 10:00am-12:00pm Rockets is a space where the young pups can learn about Jesus and spend times worshipping and praising Him in a fun and crazy environment.


Family Films: Showings are daily at 7pm in Celluloid (in Seminar A) but children must be accompanied by a parent or a nominated adult. One adult can accompany up to four children so you might find it handy to sort out a rota with other families and take it in turns to be the responsible adult! The films are: Day 1: The Tale of Despereaux Day 2: Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium Day 3: Kung Fu Panda Day 4: Bolt Superhero Dog Day 5: Wall-E

New for 09… Baby Bathing Times: 4:30pm-5:30pm on Days 2-5 in Sparklers Camping is pretty tricky with babies so we’re helping out by providing you with a baby bath, some warm water and a dry space to get your little one ready for bed. Please bring your own towels, nappies,

nappy bags, toiletries and baby. It all happens in the Sparklers venue between 4.30pm – 5:30pm on Days 2 to 5. Do speak to the Sparklers Team on site if you need any more information (by babies we mean under 2’s).

Registration: All kids groups will need to register in their relevant venue between 5pm and 7.30pm on arrival day for the event (Day 1). Please bring your child/children to the venue and a member of the team will take some details and issue you with a security card and wristband. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at each session and sign the child in and out as an added security. Parents/guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child. Parents of 10’s -11’s will need to give their details and sign to say if they will be dropping off and collecting their child from each session or if they are happy for them to arrive and leave unaccompanied.

‘Just because you’re not a teenager doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time whilst at Soul Survivor.’

Activities will be provided for your children during the registration process. Hopefully getting everything sorted on Day 1 will save you queuing the following morning and help you to make sure you get to the Main Meeting on time! Special Needs We want to do as much as possible to welcome and include all children irrespective of their particular needs. If your child has additional needs then please make a point of speaking to the Team Leader for their age group at the earliest opportunity (if you haven’t already) so that they are fully aware of how to care for your child in each session.




Seminars rhymes with cinemas… ‘What is a seminar?’ Well, it’s a teaching session where we all get to listen, learn and sometimes share our experiences of life, Christianity, the bible and loads more besides. We have some great speakers lined up for Soul Survivor, so check out the blurb, get on down to the session and learn something, be challenged afresh, or just hear what others have to say! The seminars are grouped into different streams to help you pick what’s relevant. The streams are:


Find out more

Soul Action

The seminar stream equivalent of a big out of town shopping centre! You get the idea, a big random explosion. That’s what the general seminar stream is, stuff for boys (Soul Man), stuff for girls (Soul Sista), stuff on evangelism, spirituality, life and plenty of Jesus.

A chance to get to grips with the basics. If you’ve come to events not knowing the faintest about Jesus, the Bible, Christianity and faith, then drop in and hear some more. No pressure sessions, with life changing truths to get you going on your journey with God. Simple.

Every issue from developing world debt, poverty and injustice, to service, ecology and action are screamed from the tent tops in this stream that draws inspiration from the joint Tearfund and Soul Survivor initiative of the same name. The point behind the shouting… do something for someone other than yourself!

Called to Lead Thinking through ideas of leadership? It’s not just about standing on a stage you know. There’s all that stuff on character, humility and servanthood too? Theological and practical wanderings into the who, what and why of leadership by those involved in doing it!

Going Deeper A series that’ll wind up those brain cogs with theological insight from the sharpest minds on the block. Bible based teaching, questions on life, faith and the universe and discussions on all sorts (not liquorice though). Stuff to sink your teeth, brains, arms, legs, calves, muscles, eyes and noses into that’ll give you something to keep you afloat with today’s postmodern moaning. 34

Equipping Be equipped to do the stuff. Practical sessions on the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, giving advice and time to get to know Him more.

Students Besides dozing around, drinking cups of tea and not doing washing up students also study a lot, face some pretty massive choices, changes and dilemmas. This stream attempts to prepare you, not only for a daily afternoon relationship with Richard and Judy, but also for the pressures of starting out at uni, getting a career and the rest that comes with studentdom.

SoulNet Youth workers are a hard working bunch. The fact that most of you here have been brought by a youth worker who has to stay up late and make sure you don’t get into trouble is testament to their commitment and trendiness (and youth workers are trendy). In these sessions youth workers will share pains, experiences, hopes and dreams with each other, so get on down, have an open mind and be resourced.

Hold your horses sonny jim! There are no seminars today! Officially the programme begins with our 7:30pm celebration in the Main Meeting Venue. After that you can pop into a café or partake in any or all of the following entertainments:

Sports: Shoot some hoops or just work up a sweat running around from 9:30pm

one Fri 24 July

Café Uno: Dance the night away with ‘Re:Sound’ from 9:30pm

Soul Action Café: Eat some cake and have a chat from 9:30pm

ToolShed: Pick up a Soul Survivor hoodie from 9:30pm Dreggs: Go mental in this insane café from 9:30pm

The Lift: Skate around ‘til you’re blue in the face from 9:30pm

The Fringe: Hang out with the cool kids down at the Fringe from 9:30pm Underground: thebandwithnoname kick it raw from 9:30pm Furnace: Prayerfully reflect on how awesome God is from 9:30pm

Mr Boogies: Join the party and step in time from 9:30pm Celluloid: See the cutest dog ever in Marley & Me from 10:00pm Late night worship: Time to worship your Creator from 10:30pm

See the cutest dog ever in Marley & Me 33




two Sat 25 July Today’s seminars 9.30am ‘SoulNet session 1: Vote Jesus… Commander in Chief’: Rachel & Jason Gardner

The first SoulNet youth leader session sets about exploring the meaning of the first ever Christian Creed: Christ is Lord. With a particular focus on Paul’s understanding of the supremacy of Christ (Colossians 1v15-23) the seminar will begin to outline what it means to encourage young people to be involved in Christ’s work of reconciling all things to himself. Café Uno (93001)

‘No regrets’: Emily Vesey

Apparently, the thing most people regret at the end of their lives is the fact that they didn’t take enough risks, they didn’t invest enough heart and just didn’t love enough. So, what about us? Will we say the same thing? Or will we dare to be different and take big risks for God? Let’s look at how Amos from the Bible and others have lived differently to see what we can learn from them about relying on God, living boldly and loving well! Soul Action Café (93002)





‘Hmmmmm…’: Andy Croft

On one level following Jesus is simple. On another, when we stop and think about it, it can tie our brains in knots! Do I have free will, or is God choosing all my actions for me? What about sin - I know I shouldn’t do it, I know it makes me feel guilty, I know it involves doing or not doing certain things, but just what is it? Isn’t the cross an odd way of saving us, surely there must be a less messy way of doing things? Lots of things that make you go hmmmm. The Fringe/ Dreggs (93026)

‘Praying for people so that stuff happens’: Ali Martin

This seminar is for all team members and also anyone who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Ali will take a very practical look at the basics of how to pray for one another and see God move. Underground (93004)

‘The greatest comeback in history’: Chris Lane

No, not Man Utd in 1999, Liverpool in Istanbul or even Take That! Did Jesus really rise from the dead? If so, what does this mean for our lives? Chris will attempt to show how Jesus’ resurrection is so much more than a happy ending to the Easter story, instead if the story is true, it changes everything. Seminar A/Celluloid (93005)

‘What’s all that stuff about women?’: Gemma Foster

The Bible says a few things about women which might not immediately make sense – should ladies wear hats in church? Are women supposed to be silent in church? And what is the deal with being saved through childbirth? Gemma will set about unpacking some of the verses on women in the Bible, hoping to make sense of the perceived muddle! Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93006)



‘Soul Sista (part one): Doing good’: Tamsin Evans


’Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over it’ (Genesis 1.28): So what’s the point then? What’s the point of getting out of bed when the alarm rings? What’s it all about? God didn’t create us to stand around and look pretty. He designed us with a purpose. He designed us for relationship and to be a blessing to the world he has put us in. And that design isn’t a “one size fits all”. It’s unique to each one of us. We are asked to “do” as much as we are asked to “be”. In this session we will be looking at God’s original plan for us and how we discover God’s unique purpose for our lives. Main Meeting Venue (93007)

‘Christianity Crash Course (part one) What just happened?’: Riley Fisher

So you’ve prayed the prayer, you may feel different, or you may not feel different at all! If you’ve recently decided to follow Jesus this session will help you get to grips with what has actually happened and what it now means for your life in the here and now! The Fringe/ Dreggs (93008)

‘Generation rising’: Nick Evans

So you want to change the world? How do you do it? Is it through revolution, revival, renewal, reformation or regeneration? Which of the ‘R’s’ that have all changed the world in the past do you need? This practical and theological talk will get to grips with how you can impact your culture in a lasting and powerful way. Underground (93009)

‘Why wait?’: Rachel Kitchen

If God made the earth and the sea and the stars with one word why does he so often delay in meeting our needs or answering our prayers? Abraham waited 25 years to see God’s promise of a son fulfilled, David waited for years to become king, Joseph’s dreams took half a lifetime to come true. Living in a culture that hates waiting how can we wait well when God’s schedule doesn’t fit with ours? Seminar A/Celluloid (93010)

‘Engaging with culture’: Tre Sheppard

Can we really change the world? Or are we all just victims of culture’s latest whim? How do we become people who actively influence our culture rather than just reacting to it? If we’re the light of the world as Jesus said, how do we go into the dark places without losing the plot? All this and a chance to ask your questions too! Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93011)

‘Soul Man (part one): Horny’: Andy Croft & Mike Pilavach

Most of us guys are testosterone machines who - if you believe the stats - will think about sex nearly as much as we think about football. So are we all just a horny bunch of blokes? An honest look at what the Bible says about sex and relationships, why it says it, how we can follow it’s teachings and what to do if we’ve already messed it up. Rockets/Mr Boogies (93042)

4pm ‘I’m going to change the world, who’s going to come with me?’: Rachel Kitchen

The privilege of leading brings with it responsibility and a higher set of standards. But who wanted an easy life anyway? The world and the church need trustworthy leaders and so Rachel will offer some tips on what it means to be a godly leader and how we can develop the gift that God has given us. Seminar A/Celluloid (93013)

‘Do all religions lead to God?’: Gemma Foster

There are many different religions in our world, so do all roads lead to God in the end? This seminar unpacks some of the beliefs of the world’s major religions and sets about outlining a positive response to what others believe. Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93014)

‘What’s the reason for your season?’: Tamsin & Nick Evans

Is following Jesus meant to be full of fantastic mountain top experiences and treks through some dark valleys? The Biblical metaphors are all there and we know that life can often have up’s and down’s, but have we ever asked how we’ve got to be where we are in the first place? What is the reason for our current attitudes and is there a way we can move to a point of spiritual maturity in our lives? Rockets/Mr Boogies (93015)


Other things kicking off throughout the day:

The Lift: Learn to skate in

Artshed: Get arty with God

our beginners sessions from 8:30am

in this creative workshop from 4:00pm

Morning celebration:

Evening celebration:

Worship, teaching and ministry in the main meeting venue from 11:00am

Join Mike P and the crew from 7:00pm

ArtShed: Draw your own masterpiece from 1:00pm

Café Uno: Do the ‘funky chicken’ with resident band ‘Re:Sound’ from 9:30pm

All the cafes: Chill out in any of the cafes with a slice of cheesecake from 1:00pm

Soul Action Café: Get a

Sports: oin in the footie tournament from 1:00pm

ToolShed: Grab a Soul Survivor t-shirt from 9:30pm

Bandstand: Show everyone

Dreggs: How many

your own musical excursions from 2:00pm

marshmallows can you eat in under a minute from 9:30pm

Underground: Battle it out on the lino with our break dance workshop from 4:00pm

The Lift: Skate around ‘til

late night chocolate mountain from 9:30pm

The Fringe: Chill out and chat from 9:30pm Underground: Rock n roll all the way home with onehundredhours from 9:30pm Furnace: Spend some extra time with God from 9:30pm

Mr Boogies: Dance about and shout ‘rewind selecta!’ from 9:30pm Celluloid: Have a sing along with High School Musical 3 from 10:00pm Late night worship: End the day the right way from 10:30pm

you’re blue in the face from 9:30pm 37









three Sun 26 July Today’s seminars 9.30am ‘SoulNet session 2: Vote Jesus… No surrender, no retreat’: Rachel & Jason Gardner Was Jesus a revolutionary or a radical? A politician or a preacher? Was he all four? In the second of our Youth Leader sessions we’ll be taking a look at how Jesus identified his mission on earth and how that impacted the way he taught and shaped his disciples, giving us a model for how we can teach and shape disciples today. Café Uno (93016)

‘Mission Impossible?’: Emily Vesey

Flick through the pages of the Bible and you’ll see God is on a mission: a mission involving grace, justice, freedom and change. God’s asking us to join with others and get involved in his mission and show the world what following him is all about; loving others, shouting about injustice, getting green, spreading the word and living it out. It’s time to make a stand! Soul Action Café (93017)

‘Youth who change the world through a body that Jesus built’: Jim Yost

Want to be used by God to change to world? Good! In this session we’ll go back to our Bibles to see how the first followers of Jesus went about their task after Jesus left this earth. We’ll see they were a committed people who became Jesus’ body in order to keep doing the stuff that Jesus did… building his Kingdom on earth. Underground (93019)

‘What the hell’: Chris Lane Angels on clouds, pitch forks, weeping and gnashing of teeth or just plain old darkness? Join Chris for a discussion about hell, heaven and everything in between. You’ll get to check out what the Bible does and doesn’t say about this controversial subject. Seminar A/Celluloid (93020)

‘Prophecy’: Mike Pilavachi

What’s the Abba song ‘Dancing queen’ got to do with prophecy? Isn’t prophecy just a bit like fortune telling? What if I have a picture from God that I think means that pretty girl over there should marry me? What does the Bible say about it all? Mike will explain all in this practical session on how we go about hearing God’s voice and acting on it! Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93021)

‘Lessons I’m learning about walking with Jesus’: Andy Croft

I’ve been a Christian for a few years now. I know I’ve got a lot left to learn but these are some thoughts on stuff God’s been teaching me – mistakes I’ve made, things I’ve realised and stuff I wish I’d know a little earlier. A personal one, that’ll hopefully point us to Jesus! The Fringe/Dreggs (93051)

2:30pm ‘Soul Sista (part two): Being good’: Rachel Gardner

‘And God saw it was very good’ (Genesis 1v31): Imagine the best place on earth and times it by a million. That’s was Eden. But Adam and Eve decided they didn’t need God. Fast forward to today and you don’t have to be a genius to realise relationships can be hard. If we want good relationships we need to get back in touch with the creative design. Lets explore what Jesus means when he offers us life to the full and how can we be good when it comes to sex and relationships? Main Meeting Venue (93022)

‘University challenge’: Rich Wilson

With the stereotype student going out drinking, eating late night kebabs and sleeping around how can we follow Jesus in the midst of all of that? Being at uni is one of the most exciting times of our lives, so what can we do to get the best out uni and keep growing with Jesus? Followed by the Student Reception. Soul Action Café (93023)


‘Christianity Crash Course (part two) - So, what’s the deal with the Bible?’: Riley Fisher

Big book, Looong book. So what’s it all about then and why does everyone say I have to read it now I’m trying to follow Jesus? The second session of our Christianity Crash Course gives you a gist of what is in the Bible, how we can read it, and what happens when we do! The Fringe/Dreggs (93024)

‘Going the distance’: Sarah Davis

Want to go the distance with God? You need a plan if you’re going to stand up, be counted and get involved. But how do you keep going when you get hit with all the knocks that life throws at us? Can we still keep going and stay focused on our goal? Underground (93018

‘Worship (part one)’: Beth Coulson

The Bible (and us at Soul Survivor) make a big deal about worship. Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love God. So, with all this importance placed on expressing our love to God, how do we do it? Lots of questions and some answers on one of the Biblical basics! Seminar A/Celluloid (93025)

‘The Kingdom of God’: Tre Sheppard

Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God all the time... do we? What did He mean with all the talk of pearls, yeast and treasure and what does it have to do with our everyday lives now? Join Tre for a deeper look into what Jesus was on about and what it means now. Seminar B/ Late Night Worship (93027)

‘Soul Man: The Ultimate Man’: Jason Gardner

Who is the ultimate man? What makes an ultimate man ultimate? Driving a four by four? A black belt in origami? Popularity with the ladies? Join the debate as we measure up a some ‘real men’ (Chuck Norris, Barack Obama and Brad Pitt) against Jesus to see how they compare. Rockets/Mr Boogies (93028)

4pm ‘Student reception’: hosted by Andy Croft

Off to uni? Come along and meet others who are in the same boat – it’s a great chance to make some new mates before you even hit the halls! Soul Action Café (93029)

‘Loving the hell out of people’: Patrick Regan

The world’s pretty messed up right? So as followers of Jesus should we just wait ‘til everything goes wrong and the end comes? No! God wants his creation to have life before death not just life after death. As his followers we can be part of his strategy for changing the world through the insignificant and in the words of mother Teresa to ‘Love until it hurts’. Seminar A/Celluloid (93030)

‘Jesus: History, hope and change’: Tre Sheppard

After 400 years of silence, the wait for the Messiah was finally over when Jesus was born... but was he what the people expected? Is he what we expect now? How do we follow a first century Rabbi in a rapidly changing 21st century world? Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93031)

‘How can I be empowered by the Holy Spirit?’: Jeannie Morgan

Who is the Holy Spirit? What is he like? Can I be filled with power like the disciples were? Can anyone receive a prayer language? Why do people fall over sometimes when people pray for them? Jeannie will be looking at some of these questions as well as giving space for us to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and receive from him. Rockets/ Mr Boogies (93032)



Also going down throughout day:

The Lift: Early morning skate

Artshed: Get arty with God

sessions for the uninitiated from 8:30am

in this creative workshop from 4:00pm

Morning celebration:

Evening celebration:

Time to learn from the Bible, worship God and wait on his Spirit before you grab some lunch from 11:00am

Join with thousands of others to sing your heart out to God and be challenged by his word from 7:00pm

ArtShed: Scrawl out your

Café Uno: Do the ‘twist’ with

expressionism from 1:00pm

resident band ‘Re:Sound’ from 9:30pm

All the cafes: Catch the summertime vibe with a can of pop from 1:00pm

Sports: Play some football from 1:00pm

Bandstand: Perform like the

Soul Action Café: Tuck into some awesome chocolate cake from 9:30pm

ToolShed: Grab a Soul Survivor bag from 9:30pm

rock star you are from 2:00pm

Dreggs: Laugh ‘til your eyes

Underground: Get out your lyric book and write some raps from 4:00pm

pop out from 9:30pm

The Fringe: Unwind yourself and discuss the meaning of life from 9:30pm Underground: Kingdom skank it with Sammy G from 9:30pm Furnace: Chill out with some quiet relfection and prayer from 9:30pm

Mr Boogies: Go poptatsic and get your swerve on from 9:30pm Celluloid: Visit Narnia and get Prince Caspian on the throne from 10:00pm Late night worship: End the day the right way from 10:30pm

The Lift: Show us your ollie and grind those rails from 9:30pm 39



four Mon 27 July Today’s seminars 9.30am ‘SoulNet session 3: Your questions answered’: Mike Pilavachi

‘I’m sure people think youth work is just a baby sitting service for their teenage kids, how can I change that?’, ‘But my church just don’t want to let the young people do anything, what can I do?’, ‘My group just burnt down all their tents… their parents are going to kill me!’. There are loads of pressures involved in being a youth worker, but what are your questions? Come along, ask about youth work, Soul Survivor, following Jesus and share your stories, hopes and struggles too. Café Uno (93033)





‘Busy trafik’: Emily Vesey

Slavery was pretty common in Biblical times, and it seems God didn’t like it too much. He rescued Israel from slavery in Egypt and outlines laws that slaves must be freed after a certain period. But that’s all outdated ancient stuff right? Well, it might come as a shock that there is still a pretty ferocious trade in people around the world. Women and children are being trafficked, mostly for sex. That isn’t good. People should not be bought or sold. Find out the facts and how you can make a difference. Soul Action Café (93034)

‘Playing the game God’s way’: Barry Mason

How you can stand up for your faith in the world of sport and even witness to your team mates? Whatever your game and whatever your ability, this seminar will encourage you to be the best you can be in the world of sport without compromising being a Christian. The Fringe/Dreggs(93035)

‘Youth who change the world by breaking down the barriers’: Jim Yost In John 4 Jesus hangs out with a Samaritan woman. In this story he totally smashes a whole heap of cultural, social and religious customs to bring light, life and truth to a despised community. But how can we learn from Jesus’ example and get past those barriers to bring Jesus to the people around us? Underground (93036)

A Rough guide to the Apocalypse’: Chris Lane

What does the Bible really teach about the ‘end times’? And how should this teaching affect our lives? Is the world going to be destroyed? Is George Bush the Antichrist, or is it David Beckham? What is God’s plan for the future, for us, for the world and the whole universe? Big questions, all of which we’ll look at in this session! Seminar A/Celluloid (93037)


‘How to see in the dark’: Patrick Regan

When we are bombarded with headlines telling us that communities are dangerous, poverty and war are ever present and that we are not good enough the way we are, it’s very hard to see the possibility of transformation. So how do we go about seeing the world as God does and let his love overcome hate, brokenness and violence? How can we see in the dark? Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93038)




Soul Sista (part three): Looking good’: Jo Littledyke

‘So God created man and woman in His own image... male and female He created them… The man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each others presence’ (Genesis 1v27 – 2v25): What do we see when we look in the mirror? Is there is a way to stand confidently and not feel ashamed or embarrassed of who we are? God is good and we are made in his image, so that means we are good! Learn how we can begin to love who we are on the inside to help make loving what’s on the outside possible! Main Meeting Venue (93039)

’Christianity Crash Course (part three) - Rules, rules, goody goody two shoes’: Riley Fisher

So if I go to church, do I have to be a goody goody? Is it all about behaving or is there more to it than that? The third in our Christianity Crash Course series sees Aussie Riley look at how we be ourselves and be with God. The Fringe/Dreggs(93040)

’What have I got to give?’: Sarah Davis

Don’t believe you have anything God can use to further his work on earth? Well forget that, God has given us all skills, talents and passions that he wants to use to bless others and serve him. Come along to find out about your God given skills! Underground (93003)

‘Adventures in Biblical Understanding’: Jason Gardner

The Bible has often been described as God’s love letter but apparently we’re not great at helping people fall in love with it! We’ll be focussing on the challenge of introducing the Bible to others who aren’t so keen on reading, as well as looking at cutting edge approaches to teaching, flagging up vital resources and help as we go. Seminar A/Celluloid (93041)

‘Ordained to serve the purposes of God’: John Coyne

How do you get to wear a dog collar and become a vicar in the Church of England? Is there a specific calling and do you have to like eating cucumber sandwiches and reading hymn books? A practical session on the passion and process involved in training for ordained ministry with advice on how to become leaders of churches that share in God’s mission. Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93042)

‘Soul Man (part 3): Stuff guys were born to do’: Andy Croft & Mike Pilavachi

Football, Playstation, chin-ups… there is lots of stuff us guys are great at. There are a few things we struggle with. This seminar looks at a whole host of issues, from building good friendships and relating to our Dads right through to taking risks and going on adventures. Rockets/Mr Boogies (93042)

4pm The Holy Who?’: Andy Croft

‘The Father’? Sure. ‘Jesus’? Yep. The Holy WHO? The Holy Spirit is the least talked about member of the Trinity. Just who is he? Is he even in the Bible? Is he just a nice feeling? What does he like? Why does he do weird things? Is He that important? Come and get to know the Holy Spirit better… Seminar A/Celluloid (93043)

‘Vampire love’: Jason Gardner

The Stephanie Meyer books about a teenage girl falling head over heels for a blood sucking monster have been a huge hit, as has the first film made from the series Twilight. In this seminar we’ll be exploring the phenomenon - what’s the appeal of going out with a vampire? Also we’ll be connecting the central theme of the books – romance and love as addiction – to a Biblical understanding of how we love God! Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93044)

‘Receiving, Using and Developing Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ Jeannie Morgan

What are gifts of the Holy Spirit? How can I receive them? How do I know that what I’m thinking or feeling is actually God and not just me? How can I use the gifts God gives by his Spirit? A session with plenty of opportunity to receive and use prophetic words and some of the other gifts too. Rockets/Mr Boogies (93045)


Don’t forget these bits throughout the day:

The Lift: The early bird

Artshed: Learn some new

The Lift: Hit the half pipes

catches the worm (or learns to skate) from 8:30am

creative expressiveness from 4:00pm

from 9:30pm

Morning celebration:

Fun run: Run around the

Main venue Bible teaching with the Soul Survivor gang from 11:00am

showground and raise some cash for Soul Action from 5:15pm

ArtShed: Scribble down your multi coloured mind thoughts from 1:00pm

Evening celebration: The

All the cafes: Lounge

Café Uno: Get up (get on up)

around and drift off to sleep in a comfy seat from 1:00pm

with resident band ‘Re:Sound’ from 9:30pm

Sports: Be crowned the ‘It’s a knockout village champion’ from 1:00pm

Soul Action Café: Have

Bandstand: Do your Arctic

ToolShed: Grab a Soul

Monkeys medley from 2:00pm

Survivor CD or DVD from 9:30pm

Underground: Do your stretch for the street dance workshop from 4:00pm

main event with Mike P, Crofty and everyone else from 7:00pm

a fairly traded coffee to keep you awake from 9:30pm

The Fringe: Unwind yourself and discuss the meaning of life from 9:30pm Underground: Hip hop all the way with the 29th Chapter from 9:30pm Furnace: Have some one to one time with God from 9:30pm

Mr Boogies: Head to boogie wonderland from 9:30pm Celluloid: Go into the future with Wall-E from 10:00pm Late night worship: Drift off to sleep singing your praises to God from 10:30pm

Dreggs: Fun times for crazy minds from 9:30pm 41


five Tues 28 July Today’s seminars 2:30pm


‘Christianity Crash Course (part four) - Been there, done that, got the t-shirt… now what?’: Riley Fisher

‘It’s a mystery’: Mike Pilavachi


So now we know a bit about what we’re doing… well kinda but what happens when I go back home and have to try and follow Jesus at school, work and round my friends? The last in our Christianity Crash Course will look at how we live our lives, but with bit of a difference! The Fringe/Dreggs(93046)

‘Youth who change the world in the style of Jesus’: Jim Yost


We’re desperate for our world to meet Jesus, but how do we go about seeing that happen? Well, we follow Jesus’ example! In this session we’ll focus on Luke 10v1-11 and see how Jesus, the Lord of the Harvest does evangelism. He’s sending us out, but can we open our eyes to see who he is preparing to receive his message? Underground (9304)

‘Worship (part two)’: Mike Pilavachi


Ever heard the story of the donkey who carried Jesus into Jerusalem? Well, he thought all the crowds were waving and applauding him. But they weren’t. They were cheering on Jesus, the guy he was ushering into the city. Find out what how this story (and many others too) will help us get back to the heart of worship in our second session on one of the Soul Survivor (and Biblical) basics of Christianity. Seminar A/Celluloid (93048)

‘Discovering your calling’: Ness Wilson CALLED TO LEAD

When we discover Christ, we discover a sense of destiny. So, how do we go about playing our unique part in fulfilling God’s big redemption plan? Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93049)

Walk with them’: Eddie Lyle




Christians worldwide are being marginalised, driven from their homes and their jobs imprisoned, tortured and exiled into poverty. With some even murdered just because they chose to follow Jesus, there has never been a more important time to show support for persecuted Christians worldwide. Find out more about followers of Jesus who are persecuted for their beliefs and get involved in supporting our brothers and sisters around the world! Rockets/Mr Boogies (93050)


What’s a mystery? Well, the cross of course. Our good mate Matt Redman famously sang that ‘the mystery of the universe’ was that the God of holiness would welcome souls like us, and he was right. Thing is, this seminar may, or may not be about the mystery of the cross, as Mike will use this session to speak from what’s currently on his heart. It could be about worship, justice, the holy spirit, the Bible, cakey or more. It will most certainly be about Jesus though! Seminar A/Celluloid (93051)

‘Becoming the right partner’: Ness Wilson

We can spend a lot of time, effort and energy consumed by the quest to find the right partner but is there a different way of looking at it? What would happen if followers of Jesus spent as much time, effort and energy becoming the right partner? Seminar B/Late Night Worship (93052)

‘Physical and Emotional healing - doing it!’: Jeannie Morgan

Does Jesus heal today? Can He use me? How can I be effective? How can I see more happening when I lay hands on people? Yes Jesus does heal today. He wants to use us. A practical seminar, with opportunities to get stuck in and see the power of God in action during the workshop. Rockets/Mr Boogies (93053)


It’s your last day (boo!), so make the most of it with this stuff:

The Lift: Last chance to learn

Artshed: Painting, drawing,

the skating basics from 8:30am

sketching all from 4:00pm

Morning celebration:

Evening celebration:

Our final morning Bible study together and time for communion from 10:00am

Our last main meeting packed full of worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm

ArtShed: Put your imagination onto paper from 1:00pm

Café Uno: Move on up and

All the cafes: Make the most

do the hussle with resident band ‘Re:Sound’ from 9:30pm

of the afternoon wind down from 1:00pm

Soul Action Café: Put the

Sports: Grand final of the footie tournament from 1:00pm

ToolShed: Grab some Soul Survivor fliers to catch up with us throughout the year from 9:30pm

Bandstand: Check out the best of the bandstand from 2:00pm

Underground: All the techniques for the budding amateur dramatacist from 4:00pm

vibe out from 9:30pm

The Fringe: Ask your questions about life, the universe and everything in between from 9:30pm Underground: Sing along to some new skool gospel with Ekklesia from 9:30pm Furnace: Give it all to God with some quiet contemplation from 9:30pm

Mr Boogies: Dance, dance, everybody dance from 9:30pm Celluloid: Check out what’s kicking off with Mr Magorium from 10:00pm

Dreggs: Try to beat the

Late night worship:

banana eating/cooking oil drinking records from 9:30pm

There’s no better way to end your time at Soul Survivor than by worshipping Jesus from 10:30pm

The Lift: Show us your skills and prove you’re the best in our skate comp from 9:30pm



after hours

Sun 26th July

after hours


Soul Sista: Being good Rachel Gardner

Soul Sista: Doing good Tamsin Evans

Main Meeting Venue

Soul Action Café

Soul Action Café

Café Uno

Café Uno

Café Uno

Vote Jesus ‘No surrender, no retreat’ Rachel & Jason Gardner

Soul Action Café

Student Reception hosted by Andrew Croft

University Challenge Rich Wilson

Mission impossible Emily Vesey

Soul Action Café

Soul Action Café

Café Uno

Café Uno

Soul Action Café

Café Uno

Vote Jesus Commander in Chief Rachel & Jason No regrets Gardner Emily Vesey

Café Uno

Café Uno

100 Hours

The Fringe & Dreggs Café

Lyric Writing Workshop

Sammy G

The Fringe & Dreggs Café

Going the Distance Sarah Davis

The Fringe & Dreggs Café

So what’s the deal with the bible? Riley Fisher

Youth who change the world: through a body that Jesus built Jim Yost

Breakdance Workshop

The Fringe & Dreggs Café

Lessons I’m learning about walking with Jesus Andrew Croft

Generation Rising Nick Evans

Praying for people so that stuff happens Ali Martin


What just happened? Riley Fisher

Hmmmmmmm Andrew Croft

The Fringe & Dreggs Café

The Fringe & Dreggs Café Underground

Jesus: history, hope and change Tre Sheppard

10.30pm Late Night Worship

7.00pm - Kung Fu Panda 10.00pm - Prince Caspian


Art Workshop

The Kingdom of God Tre Sheppard Art Shed

Prophecy Mike Pilavachi

Loving the hell out of people Patrick Regan

Worship (part 1) Beth Coulson

What the hell Chris Lane


10.30pm Late Night Worship

7.00pm Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 10.00pm - High School Musical 3

Art Shed


Furnace & Art Shed

Art Workshop

Engaging with Culture Tre Sheppard

What’s all that stuff about Women? Gemma Foster

10.30pm Late Night Worship

Seminar B/ Late Night Worship

“I’m going to change the world, who’s going to come Do all religions lead with me?” to God? Rachel Kitchen Gemma Foster

Why wait? Rachel Kitchen

The greatest comeback in history Chris Lane

7.00pm - The Tale of Desperaux 10.00pm Marley & Me

Seminar A/ Celluloid

Baby Bathing @ 4.30pm

Chat Room


Baby Bathing @ 4.30pm

Chat Room


Sparklers & Chat Room

Soul Survivor Stafford Timetable

DAY 1 after hours

Sat 25th July







44 Mr Boogies

How can I be empowered by the Holy Spirit? Jeannie Morgan

Soul Man: The Ultimate Man Jason Gardner


Mr Boogies

What’s the reason for your season? Nick & Tamsin Evans

Soul Man: Horny Mike Pilavachi & Andrew Croft


Mr Boogies

Rockets & Mr Boogies

Mon 27th July


after hours

Tues 28th July

after hours





2.30pm 9.30am



Soul Sista: Looking good Jo Littledyke

Café Uno

Café Uno

Café Uno


Soul Action Café

Soul Action Café

Soul Action Café


Soul Action Café

Soul Action Café

Café Uno

Café Uno

Soul Action Café

Café Uno

SoulNet ‘Your questions answered’ Busy trafik Mike Pilavachi Emily Vesey

Drama Workshop


The Fringe & Dreggs Café

The Fringe & Dreggs Café

Youth who change the world: in the style of Jesus Jim Yost

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt…. now what? Riley Fisher

29th Chapter

The Fringe & Dreggs Café


Street Dance Workshop

The Fringe & Dreggs Café


What have I got to give? Sarah Davis

Rules, rules, goody two shoes Riley Fisher

Playing the game God’s way Barry Mason

Youth who change the world: by breaking down the barriers Jim Yost

Becoming the right partner Ness Wilson

10.30pm Late Night Worship

7.00pm - Wall-E 10.00pm Mr Magoriaum’s Wonder Emporium

Discovering Your Calling Ness Wilson


10.30pm Late Night Worship

It’s a mystery Mike Pilavachi

Worship (part 2) Mike Pilavachi


7.00pm - Bolt 10.00pm - Wall-E

Vampire Love Jason Gardner

Ordained to serve the purposes of God John Coyne

Adventures in Biblical Understanding Jason Gardner

The Holy Who? Andrew Croft

How to see in the dark Patrick Regan

A rough guide to the Apocalypse Chris Lane


Art Workshop

Art Shed



Art Workshop

Art Shed

Baby Bathing @ 4.30pm

Chat Room


Baby Bathing @ 4.30pm

Chat Room











Mr Boogies

Physical and Emotional healing - doing it! Jeannie Morgan

Walk with them Eddie Lyle


Mr Boogies

Receiving, using and developing gifts of the Holy Spirit Jeannie Morgan

Soul Man: Stuff guys were born to do Mike Pilavachi & Andrew Croft


Soul Survivor 09 Site map Teams 1 5

6 no access

no access

3 1











11 5





Disabled Car Park










no access

4 3

no access




To Uttoxeter












To Stafford

Deliveries Entrance


no access

Car Park

Car Park








Furious? records / Black & White live Presents


24th novemBer belfast WaterfroNt - BelFast

27th novemBer o2 acaDemy birmiNgHam - Birmingham

25th novemBer Hmv PictUre HoUse - edinBurgh

28th novemBer o2 acaDemy leeDs - leeds

028 9033 4455 / www.waterfront.co.uk Doors: 6.30pm / start: 7.30pm

0844 847 1740 / www.edinburgh-picturehouse.co.uk Doors: 7.00pm / start: 7.45pm

26th novemBer o2 acaDemy bristol - Bristol

0844 477 2000 / www.o2academybristol.co.uk Doors: 7.00pm / start: 7.45pm

0844 477 2000 / www.o2academybirmingham.co.uk Doors: 6.30pm / start: 7.15pm

0844 477 2000 / www.o2academyleeds.co.uk Doors: 6.30pm / start: 7.15pm

29th novemBer Hmv HammersmitH aPollo - london 08448 444 748 / www.hammersmithapollo.net Doors: 6.00pm / start: 7.00pm

Tour TickeT AgenT: www.gigAnTic.com there is no support act. tickets: ÂŁ17.50 + booking fees group tickets: buy 10 get 1 free + a low booking fee age restrictions apply

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speaker & worship leader bios:

Andy Croft Andy is Associate Director of Soul Survivor. He studied Theology at Cambridge Uni (so is very clever), has written a book and does a fair bit of speaking too. In the next few months Andy will be heading up ‘Called to Lead’, the Soul Survivor discipleship course for emerging leaders and getting married to the lovely Beth Coulson (see left).

Andreana Arganda

Beth Coulson

Sarah Davis

Originally from Orange County, Andy now works in Watford where she sings and leads worship at various events as well as investing in young female worship leaders and being a singing coach. She loves being an auntie, cooking, watching 24 & CSI, shoes and the colour blue.

Beth has just graduated from Bath University with a degree in Mathematics, which will stand her in good stead in her new job… Worship Director at Soul Survivor. Not only will Beth be heading up all things worshipful in the Soul Survivor bit of Watford, but she’s also changing her name via marriage to Beth Croft, meaning she’s in love with Andy Croft. Ooohh, Beth and Andy sitting up a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Sarah Davis works for YFC and spends most of her time touring around the UK playing cage football, coaching, teaching and sharing her passion for God. If she’s not relaxing with her mates, she’ll either be training at karate, playing guitar or learning to play the drums.

Ben Cantelon Born and raised in the beautiful location of Vancouver in Canada, Ben left it all behind to head up the worship team at Soul Survivor Watford. He’s a big fan of Will Ferrell, travelling, eating curry and playing golf but roller coasters scare him (bless.) Ben’s just released his second album, and is sadly leaving Soul Survivor to work for worshipcentral in September. He’s also getting married just after the summer too!


John Coyne John Coyne was ordained 30 years ago and has been in parish ministry as well as hospital and RAF chaplaincy. In 2005 He became Dean of College and Director of Practical Theology at St John’s Nottingham. He is passionate about God’s mission and encouraging leaders. In May he became a director at CPAS leading a UK-wide team of leadership development advisors. For fun he loves all kinds of music, good food/ wine and to avoid taking himself too seriously collects Rupert Annuals.

Nick Evans Nick was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. He moved to Watford to do the Soul Time Course and met his wife Tamsin while working for Youth for Christ. He worked for three years helping to lead Kidz Klub Youth Church and completing a degree in Youth and Community Studies. He currently manages Liverpool’s drug/alcohol treatment service for 10 - 25 year olds. Nick is part of the leadership team at Frontline Church, where he also speaks and leads a cell. In his spare time he can often be found surfing.

Tamsin Evans Tamsin is the founder and director of the charity Pure Creative Arts (Pure), a Christian theatre education company, band and schools work team based in Merseyside. Tamsin lives in Liverpool with her husband Nick, and is a member of Frontline Church, where she speaks and is a cell leader. Tamsin is passionate about

seeing this generation empowered to rise up and be who they were made to be - knowing their God given identity. She loves to travel and spend time with friends.

Riley Fisher Riley, 22, grew up mostly outside the church in the sunny streets of Sydney, Australia. He now lives in Watford, which is a contrast to say the least. He works for Watford New Hope Trust, a charity for the homeless and serves at Soul Survivor Watford. He loves playing Baseball, and preaching the word of God.

Gemma Foster Gemma lives in Watford with her husband, J and 2 cats (Georgia and Keira). She is an Assistant Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford with responsibility for evangelism and social action. Before that she studied at London School of Theology. She is excited about being a bridesmaid in September and going to India later in the autumn. She loves coffee but totally despises tea!

Jason Gardner Jason Gardner is a lecturer in youth discipleship at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. His work aims to look in depth at what it takes to create passionate whole life followers of Christ today. He’s also author of the book Mend the Gap: Can the Church reconnect the generations?

Rachel Gardner Rachel lives in London with her husband Jason, is a Youth Worker and the Creative Director of the Romance Academy which was featured on BBC2’s Documentary ‘No sex please we’re teenagers.’ She loves going out for breakfast, shopping in Top Shop and pretending she can body pop!

Rachel Kitchen Rachel is an Assistant Pastor at Trent Vineyard in Nottingham. She’s married to Andy, has a little boy called Joel and is expecting another little baby sometime soon. Rachel is an old time friend of Soul Survivor having lived in Watford, served on the leadership team at Soul Survivor Watford and helped head up some old training courses. For her efforts she’s now also an important trustee of Soul Survivor (which means if you see her tell her you’re having the best time ever).

Chris Lane Chris leads Langworthy Community Church in Salford. He has one wife, Esther, and two children, Daniel and Rebekah, and hopes that his kids will grow up to follow Jesus and Manchester United, in that order. He’s also a trustee of Soul Survivor which means if you’re not having much fun, you can blame him.

Jo Littledyke Jo loves dance. It’s what makes her tick - in fact it makes her jump, skip, pirouette and even smile. She’s part of Soul Survivor Watford, speaks regularly at church and is a proud lover of the High School Musical films. She’s currently embarking on a whole new project, using her many years of experience in dance and performing arts by setting up a creative arts network in Watford!

Eddie Lyle A respected Bible teacher and motivator, Eddie is currently Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland travelling extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church. Eddie is passionate about local church and

has been involved in leadership and service in a broad cross section of charismatic evangelical fellowships. Eddie is married to Christine and they have a 17 year old son called Adam. His hobbies include kite flying, rose-growing and deep and profound conversations with his Irish Blue Rowan Cocker Spaniel!

Ali Martin Ali is the mum of Soul Survivor. It’s now official as she’s very soon to give birth to her firstborn (which is possibly the most exciting thing to happen in the Soul Survivor office ever). She’s on the leadership team of Soul Survivor ministries and Soul Survivor Watford and also heads up Soul Sista.

Barry Mason Barry lives in Salford with his wife Becky and their children Olivia and Alex. He is the National Sports Coordinator for YFC which involves running the Fly, Kick, Skate and Nomad sports mission training teams.

Jeannie Morgan Jeannie has been part of the Soul Survivor Watford Church team since it started 14 years ago and has also travelled for several years as part of the Soul Survivor international team teaching about prayer ministry. She is also the author of the book ‘Let the Healing Begin’ having a passion to see Jesus set people free and encouraging others to do likewise. She’s recently become a snowboard, ski jump and boxing champion thanks to her grandson’s Wii.


Mike Pilavachi Mike keeps himself busy by competing with his friends over anything from a game of tennis to who has the most friends on Facebook or who can eat the most chillies. Oh yeah and he set up this thing called Soul Survivor, pastors a church called Soul Survivor Watford, speaks at churches and events around the world and writes books.

Patrick Regan Patrick is the founder and director of XLP, a charity that for the past 15 years has been working with families and young people in some of the most diverse and challenging settings of inner-city London. Patrick is passionate about seeing places of trouble become places of hope. This has led him to over 30 countries, supporting poorer communities and speaking in many diverse places, from gang leaders in Jamaica’s Trench town to events at the House of Commons. Patrick lives in London with his wife Diane and his 3 children. Last year Patrick released his first book ‘Conspiracy of the insignificant’.

Jamie Rodwell 15 year old Jamie has only just got himself a full-sized guitar which is good cos he’s helping out leading some of our sessions this week. He’s from Soul Survivor Watford and is taking his GCSE’s next year and we’re chuffed to have him with us.

Tre Shepperd Now helping to lead the Causeway Coast Vineyard in Northern Ireland, Tre is originally from the USA. He is the front man for onehundredhours, runs a consulting business and enjoys surfing, playing golf and mowing the lawn.

Emily Vesey

Rich Wilson

Emily works part time for Soul Action where she drinks tea and tries to encourage young people to engage with the last, the least and the lost. The rest of the week Emily works (and drinks tea!) with people who are homeless & have a variety of addictions and women who are in the sex industry. Emily loves winning items on ebay, matching her socks to her top, watching EastEnders and is slightly obsessed with etsy.com!

Rich is part of the Leadership for Fusion and Open Heaven church in Loughborough. He is married to Ness and they have two daughters Amelia and Lauren. He enjoys cooking and golf and has been a life long sufferer at the hands of Man City.

Ness Wilson Ness heads up the leadership team of Open Heaven, a church in Loughborough. After seeing many friends become Christians while studying she has a heart to see many other students reached and discipled. She is also particularly keen to invest in emerging female leaders and is involved in a number of forums to equip and encourage young women. Ness is married to Rich and they have two little girls called Amelie and Lauren.

Jim Yost With over 29 years of missionary work in Indonesia, Jim Yost has some amazing stories and experiences of what God has done. Over the years Jim has seen God work amazingly powerfully, seeing the sick healed, the dead raised to life and thousands come to know Jesus as their saviour. Jim grew up in the OC and currently works in the Indonesian coastal town of Sentani where he and his family are involved in cell church planting amongst troubled youth, prostitutes, prison inmates and broken families.





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23/6/09 16:12:21

‘The session is taking place in the afternoon so you don’t have to get up especially early to join in!’

Time: Day 3 at 4:00pm in the Soul Action Cafe

Any of you accustomed to waking up in time to catch the latest episode of Diagnosis Murder or the Lovejoy repeat on ITV 4 are probably students. Unfortunately we don’t have a venue on site dedicated to the afternoon TV schedule (sorry we know this is an essential part of your studies). Instead we have a little get together organised for all of you attending one of the 52

Calling all current and future uni students…

UK’s (or wider world’s) centres of Higher Education. Whatever you’re reading, whether it’s biology, criminology, ales and the ancient world, Richard and Judy studies or anything else for that matter, we’d love you to join us for a nice free brew and maybe some biscuits. You’ll get the chance to meet students from all over the place, so if you’re currently at - or intending

to go to - uni this year, then pop along. You’ll be pleased to know the session is taking place in the afternoon so you don’t have to get up especially early to join in! The session starts at 4:00pm but from 2:30pm in the Soul Action Café we have a special student seminar too, so pop along and get involved!

Come surfing with us… there’s lots to see/sea! Ever checked out the online holiday home of Soul Survivor UK? If not you’ve no idea what you are missing. It’s awesome, like jelly and ice cream on your birthday. Check us out year round at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk to get fresh stuff that fits into some of the following categories.

Soul Survivor TV Watch some talks, video diaries, blatant stupidity and all sorts of Soul Survivor informational films too. Go on, it’s better than Channel 5. www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/tv

Soul Survivor Radio Into the worship tunes? Well then, come on over to our house and listen to them ‘til you get bored. There’ll be a special preview of the 09 Live Album (in Octoberish), plus loads of seminars, podcasts and other crazy mp3s too. www. soulsurvivor.com/uk/radio

Soul Survivor Magazine Like words? Good for you. Every month we upload a fresh new mag dealing with all sorts of stuff

from (we hope) a Jesus centred perspective. Featuring regular thoughts from Mike P and the team plus loads of other great writers, you’ll love the monthly fix of Bible related goodness… Plus there’s a competition every month too! www.soulsurvivor.com/ uk/imag

Shop dot soulsurvivor dot com Buy books, videos, t shirts, hoodies, CD’s, mp3’s and loads more at our online shop, which, by the time you read this should be pretty new and shiny! shop.soulsurvivor.com

up to our monthly enews mailings, which are very funny and packed full of things we think you might like (such as gem stones, adjectives and the odd recipe here and there). www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/ enews

And of course, all event info and online booking That’s right, in case you forgot, Soul Survivor runs events. You can find out about our tour dates, upcoming day conferences, Soul Sista days and SoulNet retreats at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk and what’s more our new (we promise it is) booking system is looking quite sturdy now, so book online! www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/ book

Regular news Wanna stay in the loop with all things Soul Survivor? The best way is to sign


Soul Man It’s become a bit of a tradition over the years that during a few afternoons at Soul Survivor we split the genders in two; male and female (in his image he created them). This year is no exception as we’re offering the chance for all the lads, men, chaps, boys or down right males to get together and have a bit of an honest and open look at some of the stuff that we’re about. Over the week, Mike P and Andy C will act as your Soul Man hosts, and they will be joined by the very manly, clever and musical Jason Gardner. Along with celebrating the wide variety of maleness on show amongst us we’ll also be looking into some of the stuff us guys struggle with. It’s not just the usual sex, boobs and lustful thoughts… we’ll also be talking about some of the questions being a bloke throws up. ‘What if I don’t love football more than anything else in the world ever?’, ‘Am I less of a man if I don’t have chest hair?’ or ‘Is the ultimate male role model really Jack Bauer?’ (Cos let’s face it he is hard, but he’s killed more people than we’ve had crisps and was a terrible dad). One of the points of gathering together is to focus - as guys on Jesus. Believe it or not, Jesus was a guy and whether we’re sport-loving, kebab-eating, alpha-male sounding men’s men OR trendy-shirt-wearing, emo-music-listening, fine-cuisine-tasting chaps, Jesus is our ultimate role model. He’s got something significant to say that cuts at the very heart of who we are, and no matter what we think or act like, he’s the one who we can ultimately look to in finding our real identity. So, if you’re up for it, come along, listen, share and learn. We’d love to have you round… no girls mind. Day 2, 2:30pm ‘Horny’: Andy Croft & Mike Pilavachi Rockets/Mr Boogies Day 3, 2:30pm ‘The ultimate man’: Jason Gardner Rockets/Mr Boogies Day 4, 2:30pm ‘Stuff guys were born to do’: Andy Croft & Mike Pilavachi Rockets/Mr Boogies Check the descriptions in the day planner for more details… 54

Soul Sista! And God said it was good… While we’re here at Soul Survivor, Soul Sista meets together over three afternoons to look at some issues that affect us as girls who want to follow God with all we’ve got. This year we’re going right back to basics, looking at what happened when God first created man and woman - but this is no history lesson! We want to uncover the blueprint for how God originally created things to be and find out how it’s all supposed to work in the areas of relationships, identity and purpose.

Soul Survivor A Hosted by Rachel Gardner and Jo Littledyke* Day 2, 2:30pm ‘Doing good’: Tamsin Evans Main Meeting Venue Day 3, 2:30pm ‘Being good’: Rachel Gardner Main Meeting Venue Day 4, 2:30pm ‘Looking good’: Jo Littledyke Main Meeting Venue *If you’ve been to Soul Sista before you may have noticed that our usual host, Ali Martin, isn’t leading our sessions. That’s because she’s about to have a baby but she’s planning to back with us for the tour!

Soul Sista tour! Next spring we’re taking a ‘Sex and Relationships’ day event on tour! We’re joining up with the Romance Academy to tackle the tricky issues head on so be prepared for some frank and honest teaching alongside times spent in worship and ministry. Find out more and book your tickets at www.soulsista.co.uk Sheffield 27th March Southampton 10th April Northern Ireland 24th April Aberdeen 26th May

Keep in touch with Soul Sista at www.soulsista.co.uk and by signing up to our enews! 55


SoulNet is for all you hard-working youth leaders! There’s loads going on for you here on site plus some things for when you get home and throughout the year – check out the info below and get involved! SoulNet in the summer Breakfast and seminars Days 2-4, 9am Café Uno Grab a free cup of tea and a croissant and settle yourself down – it’s the SoulNet seminar stream! We’re really pleased to have the brilliant Rachel and Jason Gardner back with us doing a couple of sessions plus Mike will be doing a session where you can ask any questions you like about youth work as well as give your feedback about the Soul Survivor events.

Prophecy Days 2-5, 2pm-5.30pm Upstairs in the Grandstand Get yourself booked in and our team will pray for you and see what God might want to say. You’ll 56

each go away with a CD recording of the session so you can listen again to what has been said.

The Lovely Youth Leader’s Lounge Days 2-5, 2.30pm-4.30pm Downstairs in the Young Farmers Building A comfy seat. A quiet place to read the papers. A free cup of tea. Sound good right now? Well it’s all there for you in the Youth Leader’s lounge! Come along any afternoon to hang out, chill out or possibly even catch up on some much needed sleep (we won’t tell anyone!). There will also be some members from the Welfare team and Enabling team popping by to answer any questions, and to help you work through any issues that are arising with your youth this week.

2010 Retreat 5th – 8th February Fancy hanging out for the weekend? We’d love you to join us at Centre Parcs for a few days at the start of next year. The idea is that we spend some time with God, get refreshed, encouraged and all that good stuff, plus have some fun and get away from the busyness of life. Pick up a flyer from the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed, the youth leader’s lounge or see the SoulNet website. Tell us what you think about SoulNet and about the summer events by filling in our online questionnaire at www.soulsurvivor. com/uk For more info on SoulNet, how to get linked up with other youth workers and for more resources go to www.soulsurvivor.com/soulnet

Soul Survivor present

how to unlock the power of the Bible: ‘The Bible is the most important and exciting book in the world. Dig deep into it and you’ll be blown away by what you discover about God, his plans and his love for you.’ Mike Pilavachi

with WordLive sponsored by Scripture Union


Why read the Bible? Because it’s alive! God’s Word has the ability to bring about change. When we read it the words can leap off the page, speaking to us personally. Although the Bible might not answer all our questions directly, reading it prayerfully can help us know God better and make better choices for ourselves and our world. How can you have this experience yourself? Well, here’s a simple 30-day plan for getting into the Bible, written especially for Soul Survivor 2009 by James Davies, a contributor to WordLive – a website which allows you to step into a multi-media Bible reading experience and deepen your relationship with God. Here are some suggestions to help you as you read: PREPARE yourself to hear God before you start! Ask his Holy Spirit for an understanding mind and a responsive heart. READ the Bible passage carefully, listening for what God has to say. EXPLORE the meaning of the passage before reading each comment or question. Ask yourself: what’s the main point here? What is God showing me about himself or myself? Is there anything to take special notice of? RESPOND to what God has shown you in the passage with worship and prayer. Decide how you might share your discoveries with others, in word or action.

Real salvation Day 1 John 3:16–21 We are in desperate need of a Saviour. The evidence from our personal histories condemns us – we’ve all messed up and broken God’s laws. But instead of kicking us in the teeth (v 17), God loves us! Take some time to worship this amazing God who gave himself for you, replacing lifelong misery with hope and a future (v 16). Day 2 Romans 3:21–26 When God forgives us, he doesn’t leave our sin unpunished – that would be unfair and unjust. Someone had to pay, to atone, for all the sin, crime and abuse in the world, and that someone was Jesus (v 25). Faith in him (v 22) means we are justified (made right

with God) and redeemed (bought out of the sin slavery market). Why not put into words or song, how much he has done and how much you owe him?

Real love Day 3 Romans 5:1–8 Jesus died for us despite us being losers and failures stuck in a dead end of rebellion against God (vs 6,7). His love for you is deeper than you can ever know (see Ephesians 3:17–19). Ask him to pour it into your heart again (v 5). Day 4 Hosea 1:2,3; 3:1–5 Surprised? God tells his prophet to go and marry a prostitute to show his people how much he loves them –

even though they have rejected him. Nothing about you can shock God. Take a risk today: trust in how much God loves you, no matter what you’ve done. Day 5 1 Corinthians 13 This stuff is just not normal (vs 4–7). Love like this cannot be found in the world. If we want to achieve anything worthwhile in life, we must remain in Jesus and his love (vs 1–3; see John 15:5). Discuss with friends: how can you build your lives on God’s love?

Real forgiveness Day 6 Ephesians 1:1–10 Repeat after God’s Word: ‘I am Blessed (v 3), Chosen (v 4), Predestined (v 5), Adopted (v 5), Redeemed (v 7) and Forgiven (v 7)!’ All this has happened to you, through Jesus, if your life belongs to God. Today, determine to focus on what these words mean for you… and then CELEBRATE! Day 7 Matthew 18:21–35 The more we focus on how much God has done for us, the easier it is for us to forgive people when they hurt us. Spend some time asking the Holy Spirit to help you appreciate the scale of God’s forgiveness. Now, are there any steps you need to take to forgive anyone in your life? Day 8 Colossians 3:1–4,12–14 We might wear the right clothes but are we ‘wearing’ the right attitudes? If you’re a Christian – ‘hidden in Christ’ (v 3) – you are a new creation with a different way of acting and being, compared to friends who don’t know God. This includes forgiving others in the same way that Jesus has forgiven you (v 13). What might this mean for you today?

Continue overleaf


Real prayer Day 9 Luke 11:5–13 How easily do you give up on prayer? Do you ever think God isn’t listening, or that he doesn’t want to give you good things? Jesus is clear: don’t give up, and expect only the best from God, your perfect, loving, kind heavenly Father (vs 11,12). Day 10 James 5:13–18 You might be young, you might not have been a Christian very long, you might not think you’re much of a pray-er. None of that matters. Your prayers can be powerful (vs 17,18). Why not make a commitment with one or two friends to get together regularly to pray in whatever way God leads you (v 16)? Day 11 Psalm 25 Circumstances often tempt us to doubt God’s goodness, love (v 7), faithfulness (v 10), mercy (v 6) or even reality. This psalm is a wonderful example of how to spur yourself on in prayer: why not use it to remind yourself of all the good stuff about God? Then, like David, show God you haven’t forgotten all that he’s done for you!

Real truth Day 12 John 8:31–38 The truth is a person, and his name is Jesus (see John 14:6). Knowing and trusting him is the only way to freedom in this life and the future (vs 31,36). In big and small ways today, worship Jesus in all you do. Ask him to set you free and be ready to respond to his voice. Day 13 2 Timothy 3:10–17 Do you ever find the Bible hard to read or understand? Join the club! It’s worth the effort though – it will help us in every area of our lives (vs 16,17). As we ask him to do so, God will speak to us through his Word.

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Why not make a commitment to read the Bible regularly – and get whatever help you need?

Real life Day 14 Psalm 23 If only life was a bed of roses and friendship requests… However, despite the hardship, suffering and struggle, there is no need to fear. Jesus will never leave us (v 4) and has overcome everything we can ever face (see John 16:33). Who in your life needs to know that God hasn’t abandoned them, and neither have you? Day 15 Philippians 4:10–20 When we’re struggling, when God doesn’t seem to answer our prayers, life can be tough. Even Paul went through this and had troubles (vs 12,14), but he learned the secret of trusting God and being content in all circumstances (v 11). Why not memorise verses 12 and 13?

Real worship Day 16 Romans 12:1–8 As important as the worship in the main tent and church on a Sunday is, there’s even more to worship than this. This passage makes clear that God is seeking whole-life-worship (vs 1,2). Now you’re home, is there anything you’d like to change to make sure you’re truly worshipping Jesus? Day 17 1 Corinthians 12:1–13,27–31 When we get together in worship meetings, there are two things the Holy Spirit wants to happen: first – clear, true, passionate worship of Jesus (v 3); second – the building up of those you are with (v 7; 14:12). The next time you go to a worship service, what might you do to line up with these two things?

Real friendship Day 18 Proverbs 18:24 What kind of friend are you – faithful or fickle? We all have our bad moments, but thankfully Jesus doesn’t. He sticks closer to us than anyone ever would or could. Thank him for being such a good friend. Is there anyone you could be a real friend to, today? Day 19 1 John 3:11–24 Jesus shows us what real friendship is (v 16). Equally, we can’t claim that God’s love is in us if we ignore the needs of people in our lives (vs 17,18). Life in 2009 can get complicated, but verse 23 can help us simplify things: put your trust in Jesus; love the people you come into contact with.

Being real young Day 20 Jeremiah 1:4–10 Jeremiah may have been a teenager when God called him (vs 6,7). His youth wasn’t important – God had planned a unique purpose for his life, way before he was even a twinkle in his parents’ eyes (v 5). In what ways does God want to use you? Why not talk to one of your leaders about this? Day 21 1 Timothy 4 Being a leader can be tough. Being a young leader can be even tougher. But Timothy was up for it and Paul encouraged him to lead by example (vs 6,8,11). How might you go about leading by example in your speech, conduct, love, faith and purity?

Real church Day 22 Hebrews 10:19–25 It isn’t just modern life, there was pressure back then to stop going to church, too (v 25). It just goes to show how important it is that we encourage each other (vs 23,24). Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how you could encourage your friends to keep on living for God and being fully committed to their church.

Day 23 1 Corinthians 14:22–33 Corinthian services were anything but boring… Paul wrote to help them understand what God wants in worship. He describes a service in which there’s peace (v 33), reverence of God, respect for each other, revelation and where everyone has a part to play (v 26), not only the band! Why not pray for your church worship services along the lines of this passage?

Real grace Day 24 Ephesians 2:1–10 We were dead to God, addicted to sin (vs 1–3). Grace means getting what we don’t deserve – unmerited favour. We deserved judgement, we received mercy. We deserved death row, we’ve been given a place in heaven (v 6). It’s all down to God’s kindness (v 8) – we can take none of the credit (v 9). That’s the amazing gift from God called grace. Day 25 Genesis 50:15–21 Joseph’s brothers had done the dirty on him, and now that their dad had died they thought he was going to return the favour (v 15). But God had been at work in Joseph’s heart. Instead of resentment, he forgave. Instead of punishment, he showed favour (v 21). That’s grace. Who can you show grace to today? Day 26 Titus 2:11–14 Some people have thought that because we are saved purely by grace, not by how well we’re keeping the law, it’s OK to live a rock-and-roll lifestyle (see Romans 6:15–18)! Just the opposite. Grace ‘teaches us to say “no”’ (v 12) to everything that doesn’t honour God. Why not think about what you should be saying ‘yes’ to?

Real faith Day 27 Hebrews 11:1–16 All of these people had their own challenges and temptations. Yet they are remembered for their faith in God. You are part of this ‘Hall of Faith’. Talk to God about how you’d like to be remembered. Ask him to increase your faith. Day 28 Joshua 6:1–20 Totally nuts. Walking round a city… for six days… while blowing trumpets (vs 3–5). Would you or I have listened to God? Sometimes, God asks us to do things that don’t make sense. In those moments, we have to decide to listen either to our own doubts or God’s voice. Why not talk to one of your leaders about this question?

Keeping it real Day 29 John 16:29–33 Sometimes, life following Jesus is a total blast, eg like being at Soul Survivor. At other times, it feels like a real battle with real opposition and real discouragement. Jesus warns us not to get dispirited when it’s like this. Why? Because he has overcome all opposition on our behalf (v 33).

If you found this 30-day plan helpful, you’ll be blown away by WordLive! Visit www.wordlive. org to discover a fantastic range of creative approaches you can follow to engage with God’s Word – all completely FREE of charge to use! Every time you log on you will be prompted to pray and then read the Bible. The next step is up to you: watch a video, listen to the Bible passage, dig deeper into further Bible study, dip into creative prayer suggestions or explore other activities. You can sign up to receive a daily WordLive email or podcast. Or you may prefer to access WordLive through your mobile. Look out for WordLive on Twitter and Facebook too. However you choose to use it, WordLive brings God’s Word to you, wherever you go. .

Day 30 James 1:19–27; 2:14–17 It doesn’t get much more real than this: don’t talk so much, listen more, stop losing your temper, get rid of any filth (1:19–21). It’s time for us to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. This includes showing real mercy and compassion (2:14–17). Now you’re home, how can you make sure that you’re keeping your faith real?

‘Sometimes, God asks us to do things that don’t make sense. In those moments, we have to decide to listen either to our own doubts or God’s voice. Why not talk to one of your leaders about this question?’ 61 61

Times of prayer ministry One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always seek to involve God, by His Spirit, in what is going on. In real terms this means that there is often a call forward for prayer. This is a specific time to let God ‘minister’ to us – that is to work with and deal with things in our lives. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. We have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ about who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! Please stick to the advice given.

So, what happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people.


An illustrated guide to praying for others… God can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others..


Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). Stay with them as long as needed and encourage them to go on receiving from God. It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe.

Mouth: Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they

would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God but seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3).


Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and it’s Biblical, especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v40-45 Jesus heals a man of leprosy, Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). Be sensitive about where you place your hands.

Ears: Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with,

and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there both to support you, and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.

Sex: Only pray for someone

who shares your gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks.

The whole body: Allowing the expression of feelings

is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally cool, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. We want God to do what he needs to do and not get in the way of that.

And finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people are fearful when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for, constantly ask for God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven. If a request is made for further ministry then encourage the person to go to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there will be people available to pray with them (Map Ref: F3). It should also be encouraged that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we cannot handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more! All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.


Things you should know… If there ever was an ‘Encyclopaedia of Soul Survivor’ the following pages would form the basis of it, so to get in the know, read up!


General Information 0303 333 1 333 (Manned and womaned between 9:00am-5:30pm) This number gets transferred to the Info Office on site whilst Soul Survivor A is happening so we can still answer general enquiries and have a chat. It’s not a great idea to give the number to your mum so she can check whether you’re eating your greens… that’s what your mobile is for. The Info Office Map Ref: E5 The lovely ladies (and one or two gents) of the Info Office come from the future. In this future databases are built into people’s minds, and the Soul Survivor database is a staple educational tool (with, of course, all relevant privacy policies maintained stringently). The team can not only form a perfect human pyramid and communicate telepathically with one another, but they can solve your problems with a cheeky smile and friendly chat. Need to sort out a booking query, haven’t paid yet, want to get a day pass, make a substitution (on your booking not in a game of footie) or have some other Soul Survivor related conundrum? Pop in and see what answers the future holds. There are also regularly updated Information Points (identifiable by the big blue ‘I’) around site which will give you all the latest seminar and venue information. Comms Comms is our communication relation station. It exists to help

people practice their use of the phonetic alphabet (foxtrot, bravo, zulu, percy pig etc…) and also to deal with emergencies or problems that might occur on the showground. Those who inhabit Comms have had more two way radio experience than Jack Bauer, and will jump into action at a the mere whisper of a broken toilet, overflowing water pipe or a more severe problem like a fallen comrade… that’s what makes them tick and tock like an old carriage clock! Introducing your wristband! Ooooh, what’s that trendy looking thing on your wrist? It’s a wristband dear boy. And guess what, it’s important. Fashion moves faster than a cheetah driving a Ferrari, and we keep up with the latest looks, so we’re proud to introduce you to your wrist’s latest accessory. Wear it with pride for the following reasons: 1) It’s trendy 2) Without it you won’t be allowed into any of the venues on site 3) It’s a great way for us to identify you if you get struck by lightning Please don’t lose it. Teams of experts from all corners of the Globe gathered in Helsinki to design a wristband that would never fall off. Unfortunately it’s not ready yet, so if yours does fall off, or you lose it, then we will have to charge you for it (£40). Come to the Info Office if this happens to you to sort out a replacement.

Facilities for hearing impaired delegates All main meeting venues have a loop system facility. Please see the stewards in the venue for exact locations. Main meetings will also be signed – please sit in the designated area of the Main Meeting Venue. Is this a rave, as some people have fluorescent jackets on? No, you’re not at an illegal early 90’s dance party in a random field (though it might seem like that at some points… if so, go with it!). The dudes in the lovely fluorescent jackets aren’t ravers, they are stewards… and they are really, really important to the safe running of Soul Survivor. They do all sorts of stuff, most of which you’ll never know about or see them do. One myth suggests they may be angels walking amongst us, completing all the jobs no one else can face doing. This isn’t true, we did some research and found out they are all human. But still, listen to them, do what they say, give them a little pat on the back and show them your respect, for they too, like us all, just want to be loved. What’s a Village Host? Well, a village host is kind of like a chat show host, but instead of the limitations of a TV studio and audience, they do their ‘hosting’ in open grassy fields full of tulips, wild rabbits and your tents. They exist to make you feel welcome during your stay with us at Soul Survivor. If you have any questions 65

now know they aren’t. How would they stay up in the rain and wind? They’d go all soggy, plus they’d attract bears and lions looking for an easy meal. Although the race of people who man the food vans could take on bears single-handedly (sometimes they do from around 2:00am in a kind of inter species fight club), they are also very friendly chefs who just love preparing popular dishes for you to eat.

about what’s going on or living on a campsite for five days then they are like a walking talking version of Wikipedia (but we don’t think you can update them or edit their content in any way). They’ll be hovering around near your tent, so introduce yourself, be nice and glean pearls of wisdom from their words. The post If you’d like to send your good old mum a postcard from Soul Survivor then you can use the post box on site. Postman Pat, Jess and their red van trundle onto the showground at about 3.30pm each day to collect all the mail. If you need to receive post, use these details: Your name AND Your delegate reference number (starting A2K9) Information C/O Soul Survivor Staffordshire Showground Weston Road Stafford ST18 0BD Any post received will be available for pick up from Information. 66

I lost my tent! Last year someone lost their sense of humour whilst at Soul Survivor. It was something to do with eyebrows and a razor. The thing is people leave all sorts behind whilst they are with us; shoes, tents, umbrellas, iPods, chips, even tyres. How can you get home without a tyre? It’s beyond us. Anyway, if you lose something, pop down to Comms to see if it’s turned up there. If you only realise that something is missing (like your mind or past hurts) when you get home, then give us a call at the Soul Survivor Offices in Watford and we’ll see if we can help out. Unfortunately we can’t promise anything. I like eating food… Good on you. Here are some of the delicious options available to you: The food vans: For years we actually thought the two food vans were vans made of food. We

The Cafes: Sprinkled around the showground like a dusting of hundreds and thousands on your mum’s homemade trifle are our sumptuous mix of cafes. Although you won’t be treated to a three course meal (unless your idea of that is a cup of tea for starters, some fruity gateaux as a main and a bit of chocolate fudge cake for pud pud) they are a good option if you’re feeling a bit peckish and need a sugar rush that would fuel a three year olds excitement for several days. Get yourself along to one and soak up the atmosphere like the big porous human sponge that you are. Uh oh. Big Foot stole all our food and camping supplies… We hear this a lot. It’s not a good situation. You’re a youth leader with 15 young people. You nip off for a cup of tea one afternoon and when you get back to your pitch the tents are in disarray and the catering area has been pillaged. All the Kit Kats are gone. Someone ate all the Frosties and there’s a trail of Baked Beans leading into the Staffordshire woods. A sincere witness assures

you it was Big Foot (not a hungry bunch of wild eyed teenagers or a food fight). What are you going to do? Well these might help to restock: On site shop: Strangely well equipped. A bit like the tardis but with milk, papers, sweets and groceries. It’s not open all the time, so pop along to check the times listed on the door. The shop is open from 2:00pm on Day 1 and 7:00am-7:00pm Days 2-5. Local shops: A big old Asda has made a nest in Stafford, just a few minutes drive from site. They also have a cash point. To get there just turn left out of the main gate and follow the signs to Stafford and before you know it, you’ll see the mega smegga mart appear before you. Freezer packs: Need to keep your food cold? You can exchange (for free) or buy (for £2) frozen ice packs for your cold storage between 9-9.30am and 5:00 5:30pm opposite Café Uno (at the side of the Main Meeting Venue). Out of Gas?: You need the Gas Man. He’s a superhero come travelling salesman with a horse and cart that fly through the air without a sound. He’ll be on site and though you’ll need to brush his palm with silver (or a few notes) to get what you desire, he

may sing you his favourite song (‘Any Old Iron’) as a little treat. Turn up between 9:00-10:00am on day 2 and 10:00-11:00am on days 4 and 5. He’ll be parked up outside the Info Office. Health and Safety This page has some basic info on making sure your time at Soul Survivor is safe and sound. Please remember, although people at Soul Survivor are very friendly and nice, don’t be stupid, use your common sense around people you don’t know and make sure your leaders know where you are. If you do that and keep in mind the following stuff, you’ll be well away. Fire regulations The main reason why tents catch on fire is not because of little leprechauns who go around lighting them in the night. It’s because people don’t follow Fire Regulations. These formal laws state that you shouldn’t cook inside your tent (seriously, we know it sounds stupid, but people who cook in their tents often come near to death) and that all tents must be at least three meters away from all other tents. It’s a kind of tent based segregation law. It prevents any tent blazes caused by leprechaun arsonists or stupid cooks from spreading and allows access to said fires by professional fire extinguishers. If your tent isn’t 3m away from all other tents in the vicinity you may be asked to take it down and put it somewhere safer, so please bear (grizzly roar) the tent rule in mind.

First Aid In the case of accidents and emergencies you can visit our team of doctors, nurses and First Aiders who are on call 24 hours a day. The Medical Centre is open from 9am-7pm and outside of these hours help can be obtained through Comms. For non-emergency situations you can visit a GP in Stafford who will see Soul Survivor delegates as ‘temporary residents’. Ask at the Medical Centre for details. If you have an on-going medical condition, please notify First Aid on arrival and leave any medication with them that needs to be refrigerated (i.e. insulin). In an emergency 1) Don’t go mental. Stay calm. 2) Go to Comms (next to the Info Office). If you’re far away from the centre of site, call Comms (0303 333 1 335) or grab the nearest Steward/ Village Host 3) Let Comms call the emergency services (if necessary). Don’t do it yourself as this can cause confusion and delay the response. In case of emergencies back home Make sure you keep in touch with the outside world (by that we mean your mum, not what’s kicking off on Eastenders). Keep your mobile on and charged (you can charge up a phone at the Office in the ToolShed) and let your family know the Soul Survivor number in case someone back home needs to get in touch with you.


What we think about you… We think you are awesome. We love you guys, and that’s not only because you’ve come along to one of our events… we genuinely think each one of you has massive potential. Don’t let people look down on you because you are young, being young is pretty good by all accounts and you have the passion to see Jesus move in our world in incredible ways… you don’t need to wait ‘til your 25. Forget that. God does and will use you, whoever you are, so keep at it! Because we like you and think so highly of you we tend to do some stuff to make sure you have fun at our events.

So here’s the deal. You’re more than what you eat… Whatever Coca Cola may think, you’re not marketing fodder. We reckon you probably get enough marketing thrown your way all year round telling you to do this, be like that or buy toothpaste. So, we try not to (sell stuff to you… not cover you in toothpaste). The only place we allow marketing is the ToolShed, and all the organisations that feature in there are pretty cool and have agreed to some specific values and ways of being. This means they can’t force you into giving over your credit card details or shout at you for some theological issue or other*.

‘Whatever Coca Cola may think, you’re not marketing fodder. ’ 68

From time to time Mike and Co. may mention a book or CD but that’s because they genuinely like it and thought you might like it too. Spot the difference We’re all different, with different tastes, likes, dislikes and all. Some of us like pork scratchings. Some of us don’t. Nevermind, lets not fight about it. The fact is some stuff at Soul Survivor might not be your cup of tea (or coffee). If so, we hope there is other stuff that keeps you interested. Either way, whether you have a world changing week, or just get a bit bored, we care what you think and would like your feedback. So, check out www.soulsurvivor. com/uk when you get home and fill out the online survey to let us know what you thought. * If you come across someone who is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation (obviously if they’re saying they think United are the best, you have authority to deal with them there and then yourself).

Do your bit… we’re trying to do ours!

Our world is in a mess. And it’s not just us humans who need restoration! The environment is our responsibility and we’re all called to be stewards and carers of it. For our part we’re trying to make sure all our events have a lot less of a negative impact on the environment and our global neighbours than they could do. We’ve already been reducing the amount of stuff we print and are increasing the importance of what we do online and via email (and when we do have to print stuff it’s all on paper that is from sustainable forests). Plus all our team and sold t-shirts are ethically sourced and all teas and coffees served onsite are, of course, fair-trade. But that’s just the start. Really, whilst at our events, we can only do so much, the rest comes down to you. So, make sure you’re up to speed on the things below, and join in the getting greener fun…

Recycle rubbish: All over site you’ll find recycling points to throw away your mess. There are seperate bins for glass, plastics and cans, all of which are ready to accept your recyclable deposits. Recycle unused food: Any non perishable/non fresh food that you have left over (preferably not some bit of Tupperware stuffed full of last night’s bolognese) can be brought to Seminar A from 5pm on Day 5 until the morning of the day you leave. There will be space to leave your leftover foodstuffs and we’ll make sure it finds a good new home with local charities and organisations… which is nice. Go re-useable: Got some plastic plates and cutlery? Although you have to wash up they are better than paper plates that just create more and more waste. You can now also buy a re-usable travel mug for a bargain price (head to the Soul Survivor stand in the

ToolShed for more). We’ll give you free refills of tea and coffee plus you’ll be helping us to reduce the amount of paper cups we use on site. Keep it clean: Your bit of the camp site is your home for just 5 days, but when you leave, insects, grass, nice plants, squirrels, rabbit and occasionally other happy campers make it a home too and they’d love to not have your mess still hanging around. Do make the effort when you’re packing up (and throughout your stay) to leave your pitch clean and tidy. We, and the insects, will love you for it. Water it down: If you can, take a quick shower and make sure that you fully turn off the taps in the loos and when collecting water from different points around the camp site.


The offering Soul Action Soul Action is the part of Soul Survivor that is all about getting you to connect with God’s mission to get us to remember the poor, speak up against injustice, look after the planet, tell others about Jesus and basically be good disciples! Over the course of the week we’ll be showing you a few vids of some fantastic initiatives in Durban, South Africa that Soul Action supports and at the end, you’ll get to vote where you want your money to go! If you want to find out more about the work of Soul Action, have a little look at the article on page 14 and if you’d like to give to Soul Action on an ongoing basis please visit www. soulaction.org/give

Persecuted church Our brothers and sisters all over the world are facing persecution, imprisonment, torture and death for their faith and in recent years we’ve become friends with a few of them. We’ve heard story after story of Islamic families not allowing converted Christians to go to church or speak to other


At one of our main sessions we’ll take up an offering that will go towards the work of Soul Survivor beyond the summer (50%), Soul Action (25%) and the persecuted church (25%).

Christians; of young people being disowned by their families for following their faith; of churches and Christian charities being stopped from meeting. One of the things we’re passionate about doing to help is providing Bibles and accessible teaching materials to our persecuted brothers and sisters to encourage them in their faith, so that’s where a quarter of this year’s offering will go.

Gift Aid Loads of you pay tax on your hard-earned money so if you fill out one of the lovely Gift Aid forms the government will give us back some of that money. It doesn’t cost you a penny but makes a huge difference to us so please, please, please fill in a form! They will be available at the offering collection points and at Information.

Give a fiver to Soul Survivor! See how poetic we are?! OK, ignoring our rhyming skills for a minute, we’d love you to consider helping us financially on a longerterm basis. There are loads of things we long to do that aren’t paid for through the summer conferences such as developing leadership in young people and resourcing youth leaders. Half of all the money that goes into the offering this year will help us to keep doing those things and expand on them. If you’d like to support us, you can do so in the following ways: 1. G ive online at www. soulsurvivor.com/uk/give 2. S et up a Standing Order (you can pick up a form during the Offering or download one online) If you could commit to giving to us regularly (even a fiver each month would make a massive difference) then that would be amazing and help us do more for God’s kingdom in the coming years.

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Site Rules Please don’t break the rules. Now you might say ‘Jesus broke loads of rules… he even spat in someone’s eye’. Well, that might be true, but with that kind of logic we’d also all have to grow beards and become carpenters (which would be fun). We don’t want to fall out, so we’ll invite you to our birthday party if you promise to stick to the following rules: 1) Youth Leaders are responsible for their under 18’s at all times. 2) Strictly no alcohol on site. 3) Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs or alcohol will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management team and the Police Representatives on site. 4) After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire & Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled sticker. 5) Event passes must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge to replace lost passes. 6) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents. 7) No mixed tent/caravan/accommodation on site i.e. No boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married. 8) Ball games are to be finished by 10pm even if you’re convinced that an extra few minutes could see you making an historic come back from a 5-0 defeat. 9) Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have


appropriate lighting (i.e. have a light on your bike or are in a well lit area for roller blading and skateboarding). 10) Please don’t go into the scary woods. 11) Tents or caravans can only be moved to another village by registering with Information. This is essential so we can contact you in the event of an emergency and to maintain site security. 12) No speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit at all times. Please also note, driving lessons are not permitted on site - even though your friends may well be justified in begging you to take more. 13) No parking on site (except in designated car parks). Fire & Safety regulations prohibit this. Cars may be forcibly removed if they are parked illegally on the campsite. 14) Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (please go to the Information Office on your arrival). 15) There will be no access into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape. 16) There are strict guidelines relating to the use of generators on site. Please speak to a member of the team at Comms if you need to use a generator while at Soul Survivor.

17) Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 18) Soul Survivor does not operate holiday insurance or cancellation schemes. We strongly recommend that you consult an insurance broker if you require cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss of damage to persons or personal property. 19) The Stafford showground has some very pretty areas so please be respectful of your surroundings and make sure you don’t walk/ run/skateboard/dance/skip etc where you’re not allowed to. (Areas are clearly marked and should be fairly obvious too!) 20) As you will have realised the car park is on the other side of the road to the showground. As this is a very busy road please use the underpass when you cross as it is more direct and far less dangerous. Access to the underpass is via a ramp so please do not use your bike or skateboard there.

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