April 2010 Soul Survivor mini mag

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Top fact: Mike P recently broke his mobile by putting the sim card in upside down

soul survivor mini mag april 2010

in this issue beth & LZ7 on summer plans telling your mates about Jesus get involved in God’s mission read the whole Bible in a year with us

plus... a free dvd from us at soul survivor

updates on bands & summertime venues trea the dog shares her top camping tips

Mike’s Intro

hey guys We just wanted to drop through your door to say hi and let you know some of the things we’ve got planned for the summer! It may be a few months away yet but we’re already excited and looking forward to the things God will do among us when we get together again. As a little taster of what’s to come we’ve sent you a DVD with some info about this summer as well as a couple of free videos from last years main meetings including Andy Croft’s talk on The Cross and Ants Watts’ talk on Hope. We hope they encourage and challenge you in your relationship with God and if they do, don’t keep them to yourself – pass them on to a friend! We’ve also snuck on a Momentum talk too so you can check that out or pass it on to someone you know. The one we went with in the end was by me and it’s really about my reflections on the church and people in their twenties. We hope they all get you excited about the things God may do when we get together this year.

Keep in touch before the summer too– we’d love to hear how you’re doing. Drop us a note on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, read our free online magazine and check out the latest vids on You Tube. In the meantime, enjoy this mag and we’ll see you soon!

with love, mike

PS – If you’d like to hang out before the summer, we’d love to see you at the Holy Sprit and His Gifts day on 8th May at the Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse. Find details and book online at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk Page 1: Mike’s Intro

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010


inside you’ll find… a chat with beth croft & LZ7 Lindz from LZ7 and our very own Beth Croft chat about the summer

celebrating God’s mission Join in with God’s plan by connecting with Soul Action!

page 3-4

what else is happening at Soul Survivor 2010?

page 10

trea’s top tips for happy campers

It’s all kicking off in 2010! See what we’re planning for Soul Survivor!

Soul Survivor office Dog Trea barks at these bits of camping advice

page 5-6

page 11-12

we want you!

introduce your mates to Jesus Encouragment on telling your friends about your faith

page 7-8

goodies & hoodies from our shop Get that summery retro vibe with these Soul Survivor goodies

Think about serving on team at Soul Survivor and help us out

page 13

andy croft on reading the Bible in one year We want to read the Bible every day with you from this September!

page 14

page 9

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Contents: Page 2

LZ7 Drop Some Knowledge

summer 2010 shine a light

LZ7 are go i performin ng to be g at our g igs venue this y e a r ! B ut w were so ex cited we c e wait ‘til th o e summer uldn’t catch up w to phoned Li ith them so we ndz for a q chat… uick

Hi Lindz, what are LZ7 up to at the moment?

We’re launching a new campaign at the end of May that’s all about getting loads of young people involved in random acts of kindness and ultimately making ‘good’ fashionable. We’re releasing a single in September which is the theme tune to the whole campaign called ‘This little light of mine’. The Government are working with us and the campaign will be getting in to 6000 youth clubs & schools and 2,000,000 homes so we’re really excited about the impact that could have. If you wanna get involved you’ll be able to find out more at www.lz7.co.uk from May 31st.

Sounds great! What has God been speaking to you about recently?

Matthew 5v14 says, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house.” We know that we’re called What are you looking forward to to be God’s light and so we go into about Soul Survivor this summer? schools, young offenders institutes We love Soul Survivor! It feels like a Premiership and prisons letting people know manager getting their team in for a half-time talk. that God is good. We’re not about We get inspired for the next half and get sent out Bible bashing but letting people again with new passion and a new strategy for see how amazing God is and how doing God’s work. We can’t wait! they can be a part of really positive change in the world.

Page 3: Summer 2010

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

A Chat With Beth Croft

ads up e h t f ro or Beth C Soul Surviv e the m so w r a e t p e i worsh t up with h t’s caugh d out wha ! on to fin going

beth on worship

Hey Beth, what can we expect from the worship this summer?

We’re really excited that our friends Jamie Rodwell and Tom Field will be joining us again to lead worship. We are expecting to meet with Jesus in both intimate and powerful ways as we spend time celebrating Him.

Anything interesting happened since we saw you last summer?!

Andy and I got MARRIED!!! We had an amazing wedding day on 5th September with our wonderful family and friends...and are loving married life in sunny Watford!

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Any top ‘surviving What’s your favourite Soul Survivor’ tips?! thing about the Soul My top tip is, and always Survivor event?

has been, to shower at night. There are no queues and you go to bed feeling squeaky clean! Oh... and don’t forget your wellies... A festival isn’t a festival without them!

When you look around the main meetings and see thousands of young people gathering in the name of Jesus, it really opens your eyes to the impact our generation could have on a broken world. Where we can sometimes feel alone in our faith (maybe we’re the only Christian in our class at school or in our family) it’s such an inspiring thing to worship alongside all those people!

Summer 2010: Page 4

summer 2010

what else is going on? There’s loads happening at Soul Survivor this summer, so much in fact that we couldn’t include everything in here! These are just a few highlights!


Perfect your ollie and show off your kickflip at the Lift, get to grips with the climbing wall or take part in the Inter-village It’s a Knockout!

mr gies boo The dancing diva that

Davina thinks is divine is dominating the dance floor once again! You won’t want to miss a beat of Mr Boogies’ bevy of cheesy tunes so bring your dancing shoes!


We’ve just confirmed we’ve got Dweeb, LZ7, Tom and Olly; and the Gentlemen playing – woo hoo!

shops k r o w Get stuck-in learn a new skill! Matt Redman will be

doing a session on song-writing; there’ll be a chance to learn from some crafty folk who know how to make jewellery and candles; plus you can learn street dancing from 29th Chapter!

the underground

Hosted by the brilliant 29th Chapter and Nu Skool, The Underground is a hip-hop venue that delivers live performances, a chance to chat to the artists and the opportunity to test your skills in the Lyricists Lounge.


Plus cafes, films, seminars, a chance for you to show us what you’re made of at the Bandstand and loads more!

Keep up-to-date with the full line up at: www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/ss2010 Page 5: Summer 2010

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Summer 2010

save yourself some cash! Excited about the summer? Don’t forget if you get yourself booked in (and you pay in full) before 30th April you can save £8 per person! soul survivor a

Stafford Friday 30th July – Tuesday 3rd August*

soul survivor b

Somerset, Wednesday 11th – Sunday 15th August*

soul survivor c

Somerset, Monday 16th – Friday 20th August* £89 per person if paid in full by 30th April £97 thereafter Kids: 0-2s who don’t use crèche go free, 0-4’s £45, 5-11s £63

Please note that if you’re under 16 you will need to have an adult group leader and be booked in together. You can find our full booking info online.

*Our events finish at midnight

on these dates, but you’re welcome to stay ‘til the following morning before you leave us!

Book online at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/book


Momentum is our event for students and twentysomethings. It’s taking place at the Bath & West Showground in Somerset from 21st – 25th August if you fancy it! Find out more at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/momentum Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Summer 2010: Page 6

introduce your mates to Jesus! lots about People talk ut what is it b evangelism athered a few g really? We hat take the t simple tips of telling t mystery ou Jesus. t u people abo

spend tim people whe with don’t kno o w Jesus! If you spend all your time in church or exclusive Christianonly parties, you’ll never have an opportunity to tell anyone about Jesus. Don’t start seeing people as potential Christianconverts though, see them as a person that God loves and wants relationship with and ask God to give you a genuine love for them too.

Page 7: Introduce Your Mates to Jesus

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Introduce Your Mates To Jesus

e the t c r o f t ’ n do ion bu t a s r e v n co ry take evte nity oppor u If you try and push Jesus into every conversation you’ll probably find your mates switch off pretty quickly. Be yourself (it’s you they want to be friends with not some Christian robot) but don’t be afraid to mention God when the opportunity arises. So when they ask how your weekend was, you could mention church and see how they react. If their eyes start glazing over, leave it be and talk about something else you did at the weekend! If they start asking questions about church and your faith – bingo! Keep going!

be bold!

Next time a friend says they have a headache why don’t you offer to pray for them? Or if they’re struggling at home or with school pressures pray for that. Either pray there and then if they feel comfortable with that or just let them know you will be praying for them. Next time you see them remember to ask if they’ve seen anything change.

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

pray! Pray for your friends to ask you questions, pray for them to thirst for God, pray that you’ll have your eyes open to who God wants you to talk to each day. Pray, pray, pray!

our invite y o friends t soul or surviv

Last year 1500 people became Christians at Soul Survivor & Momentum – isn’t that amazing?! We’d love to take credit for it but we know that it was you guys who put in all the hard work by telling your friends about Jesus throughout the year! It might be that you’ve developed really good, honest and genuine friendships but you don’t know how to tell them more about the gospel. Why not invite them to come with you this year to Soul Survivor? It’s a great place for them to hear about Jesus in a non-threatening or pressured environment and there’s loads of fun stuff for you to do together like sports, cafes, workshops, gigs, films and skateboarding!

Introduce Your Mates To Jesus: Page 8

Hoodies & Goodies

hoodies & goodies

soul survivor ts hoodies & t shir

Wear your heart on your sleeve (or your stomach) with our lovely Soul Survivor t-shirts (£12.99) and hoodies (£22)!

listen up!

If you like songs like ‘Not Ashamed’ and ‘You Alone’ make sure you check out Ben Cantelon’s album ‘Running After You’ (£10.99). Or for a bit of a dance-vibe get Soul Survivor Remixed (just £5!) which features seven classic Soul Survivor tracks with a fresh twist.

watch out!

We’ve always sold mp3s and CDs of our talks for you to listen to, but now you can see the faces of the person who’s talking as we’ve finally recorded the talks in the summer! A whole week’s main meetings (that’s nine talks) is £30. Find out more online.

can’t wait for the summer?

Relive last year’s worship with Not Ashamed – the live album from 2009! With 17 songs on two CDs this brilliant album features songs like ‘Jesus Saves’, ‘You’re Beautiful’, and, of course, ‘Not Ashamed’ all for just £11.99. Bargain.

Page 9: Hoodies & Goodies

comi soon.ng ..

The ‘Soul Survivor Bible in One Year’ (see page 14 for more info) and a fantastic book by Lex Buckley for all female worship leaders called ‘Rise Up and Sing’ – both available in the summer!

all prices incl p&p in the UK!

order online at : shop.soulsurvivor.com Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Celebrating God’s Mission

celebrating God’s mission mmer u s t s a L ed we talkbit quite aod’s about Ghow & missionwe can: This year we want to celebrate all the things that you guys have been doing to live out God’s Mission. How? By loads of us getting together in central London this October to give thanks to God, to show the world what people of faith can do in his name and to call the leaders of our nation to join in his mission.

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Give ourselve s & remembe r the poor Speak up abo ut injustice Get green & look after God ’s earth Tell others a bout the ama zing God we know Live out our faith 24-7

we want to tell your stor y Not only would we love you to be there on the day, we’d also love you to get in touch before hand to tell us what you’ve been up to. Maybe you’ve done a Slum Survivor event, a local afterschool football scheme on a local estate or been involved in a church-sponsored project oversees – whatever it is, send us a video about it and we’ll show the most inspiring ones at our event.

We’re just about to confirm the date and location so check out www.soulaction.org to find out more and for details on how to submit your video. You’ll also find lots of resources to help you get going and keep going with God’s Mission.

Celebrating God’s Mission: Page 10

trea’s top tips inary dog. d r o o n is a e Tr he the Soul s is ly n o t o N ’s fice Dog she Survivor Of mper & has ca also a keen likes of Ray e schooled th ar Grylls. e Mears and B top tips for r e These are h amping this c some happy summer!

remember to bring: God’s word

Your Bible & a note pad are pretty handy for all those brilliant seminars you want to attend.

tent paraphernalia

Sleeping under the stars may sound fun but it can get pretty wet and chilly especially if you forget tent, tent pegs and a mallet.

wellies & shades

Your wellies & your sunnies are essentials as no one can predict the Great British Weather! But we can remember the Boy Scouts motto and be prepared!

Page 11: Trea’s Top Tips

a barbie & some meats Nothing beats cooking outdoors, having a laugh with your mates around a smokin’ BBQ. Don’t forget the Fire Safety rules though – a couple of bricks under the BBQ will keep the grass from getting burned!


Bring some pennies as you never know when the need for cake, hot chocolate or a Soul Survivor hoodie might strike you.

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Trea’s Top Tips

trainers There’s loads of sports going on as well as a brilliant Fun Run to raise money for Soul Action, so don’t forget your trainers!

a torch Unless you have special see-in-thedark powers, pack a torch to help guide you on late night trips to and from the toilets

flippy floppies Bring some flips to wear in the shower and to usher in the summer time vibe!

remember It’s probably wise to leave your valuables at home so nothing gets lost. If you do want to bring your mobile phone or iPod though you can charge them for free in the ToolShed.

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

Trea’s Top Tips: Page 12

We Want You

we want you! d what it vor e r e d n o Every w ake Soul Survi le m takes to t’s amazing peop e I v happen? ho come and ser w like you ms that’s what! a on our te We have teams for everything – like making tea in the cafes, refereeing our sporting activities, recording our seminars and stewarding the meeting venues. Some teams need qualifications (you can’t be on the First Aid team if you don’t know any First Aid!) but some require little more than a cheery smile!

Not only would it make us very happy to have you on board, you’ll also receive a free place at the events and in some cases get your meals cooked for you too!

If you fancy joining us this summer, you can find out more and apply on line at www.soulsurviv or.com/uk/team Page 13: We Want You

Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

The Whole Bible In A Year

the whole Bible? in a year?

why andy, why?!

ching a brand new With Soul Survivor laun t we’d ask Andy ough Bible in one Year we th a good idea… Croft why he thinks it’s “The Bible is a guide to life, it tells us right from wrong. There is no question that it doesn’t answer and it is the practical handbook to the Christian life. But it’s also so much more than that! It’s the story of relationship between us and God – a relationship where we find the love, joy, peace, identity, adventure and purpose that each of us seek. That’s why the Bible isn’t primarily a list of rules; it’s a story of love. It’s also God’s introduction to who he is. If we want to get to know him better this is where we start”.

hardback rrp £14.99

paperback RRP £1 1.99 p £79.99 rr ks ac pack of 10 paperb Soul Survivor Mini Mag: April 2010

OK, we’re warming to the idea! Now what?

“Well in the summer we’re setting ourselves – and as many of you who want to join us – the challenge to start reading the Bible in September and keep going until we’re finished 12 months later. If you want to join us look out for the Soul Survivor Bible in One Year at the summer events and on our website. We’ll be providing some great online resources as well to help you get to grips with what you’re reading and to encourage you to keep going.”

The Bible In A Year: Page 14

all the 2010 dates served up on a plate… the noise weekend www.soulaction.org

1st-3rd may

the teams bbq & holy spirit & his gifts training day 8th may www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/events

soul survivor week a 30th july - 3rd august* week b 11th - 15th august* week c 16th - 20th august* www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/ss2010





*Our events finish at midnight on these w. www.soulsurvivor.com/uk dates, but you’re welcome to stay ‘til the t. 0303 333 1 333 following morning before you leave us! f. 0303 333 1 334 a. Soul Survivor | Unit 2 Paramount Industrial Estate | Sandown Road | Watford | Herts | WD24 7XF Soul Survivor is a Christian charity that puts on events for young people. Our registered charity no. is 1080720. We are also a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales. Our company registered number is 03991111, which is nice. Thanks for caring.

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