Annual Review 2012

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Soul Survivor

Life God


2012 Review Includes: ■W hat we got up to at all of our 2012 events ■ Ways you can get involved!

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The heart of Soul Survivor is to envision young people of all denominations to capture first a vision of Jesus, and then to equip, train, empower and release them into his ministry in their everyday lives.




Contents 4

Soul Survivor 2012


Momentum 2012

8 SoulNet



Naturally Supernatural


Saturday celebrations


Soul Action

13 Equal



Loud & Clear

Young Worship Leaders Day


Bursary fund


Where your gifts will go

18 Pray.Give.Serve

Summer 2012 Over our three Soul Survivor summer events we had the privilege of meeting with over 25,000 young people.

Over 25,000 young people attended the three weeks On average there were 70 seminars each week

On the opening night of London’s Olympic Games as 205 countries paraded in front of the world, 205 young people joined the family of God at the first night of Soul Survivor A. That set the tone for the summer. Overall we saw 1766 young people commit to Jesus for the first time in our main meetings alone. With the Olympics running simultaneously to our events we opened a brand new Soulympic CafÊ that showed highlights of the games on huge screens. We also watched the opening and closing ceremonies in our main meeting venue with thousands of young people.


2902 volunteers helped run the events

Dates for 2013

Week A, Stafford Friday 26th – Tuesday 30th July Week B, Somerset Tuesday 13th – Saturday 17th August Week C, Somerset Sunday 18th – Thursday 22nd August

Other highlights included: ■ M orning Bible studies led by Andy Croft looking at the book of Acts and what differentiates us as God’s people. ■ S eminars covering topics such as getting into the Bible, evangelism, leadership, worship, prayer, the Church, sex & relationships, healing, suffering, reaching the poor and marginalised, the persecuted church, science & Christianity, and a look at the popular ‘Hunger Games’ series. ■ W orship was led by Beth Croft, Sam Bailey, Tom Field, Jamie Rodwell, and Rend Collective Experiment. ■ W e launched the Soul Survivor Youth Bible which contain over 500 articles and helpful information for young people to access God’s word. ■ E ach week also had a variety of cafes, sports, films, and music venues. These provide a great place for young people to relax and continue conversations about the things that God is doing in their lives.

1766 new Christians in the main meetings

My life at home is a massive struggle but this week God has truly spoken to me and I know for sure that when I go home I will be a stronger Christian than I’ve ever been. I want to honour the Lord and follow his plans for me. I’m 13 years old and have been selfharming for a year. During one meeting I felt the Holy Spirit on me and a voice said, “Everything is going to be alright.” I finally felt at peace with myself for the first time in 12 months. The next night I became a follower of Jesus. Thank you Lord. I gave my life to the Lord on Friday! It’s been amazing; I felt the Holy Spirit in me and learnt a lot about myself! I love Jesus and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

To get a taste of the worship you can listen to our 2012 live album

‘Kingdom Come’ 5


Dates for 2013 Somerset Friday 23rd – Tuesday 27th August (over the Bank Holiday weekend)

Momentum 2012 was a really special time and we loved hanging out with thousands of people in their 20s and 30s. Morning Bible studies were led by Mike and Andy on the life of King David, with evening teaching from Danielle Strickland on God overcoming our fears, the greatness of God and reaching those who don’t know Jesus. God met with us powerfully as we worshipped and waited on him, Worship was praying for him to equip, heal and change us. led by Beth Croft,

Sam Bailey, Tom Field, and Rend Collective Experiment

35 people gave their lives to Jesus in the main meetings One of the highlights of Momentum was a free giant hog roast for everyone on the Sunday afternoon. It was a great opportunity to build community and get to know new people During the days we had around 80 seminars which covered topics like: Relationship Mission in the workplace Politics Abortion, fertility treatment & assisted suicide/euthanasia ■ Sexuality ■ ■ ■ ■


■ W hat church is and how we reach those outside of church ■ How we find God when life seems hopeless ■ How we deal with loss ■ Communicating the gospel in relevant language and metaphor ■ Understanding our purpose ■ Science/evolution

Dates for 2013

15th – 18th March

Momentum Weekend In March we spent a long weekend at Sherwood Forest Center Parcs with around 300 people in their 20s and 30s. We loved being able to gather this group and give them time and space outside of their normal lives to worship and connect with God and with each other. Mike and Andy hosted the event and taught on the theme of radical obedience – encouraging us all to live a life of adventure with God. It’s hard to sum up how amazing the weekend was, and I’m not easily amazed! I loved the teaching, the sung worship, the power of the Spirit and the presence of God without any hype, the time and space away, the humour and fun, and meeting with other Christians in my age group. The last year has been pretty tough, and the retreat has made so much difference to how I see everything. It addressed so many things I’ve been thinking about and struggling with, in such a challenging yet loving way. It was just awesome.

I’ve been spiritually dry and this weekend helped pick me back up again. I loved the theme and the teaching! Obedience is something which isn’t talked about enough and I now feel so motivated to listen to God’s voice and to act upon it!

Momentum weekend was attended by 298 people 7

SoulNet 2012 has been an exciting year for SoulNet! Ali Etheridge joined our team as SoulNet Director so we’ve finally been able to get going on some of the things we’ve been longing to do to support youth workers around the country. As well as our annual SoulNet retreat we’ve introduced practical equipping days and prayer breakfasts, plus Ali has been meeting with youth workers to encourage and support them in their work.

SoulNet Retreat We met with 445 youth leaders at our weekend retreat. Mike and Ali hosted the event and were joined by Rich Atkinson, leader of the Forge Network at St Thomas Church in Sheffield, for the teaching.


I was feeling really disheartened and tired when I arrived. I left the weekend feeling both relaxed and energised! God has renewed my passion to his work in our young people. Rich’s practical teaching was so relevant and will really impact what I do for my youth.

Dates for 2013/14

The SoulNet 2013 retreat took place over the first weekend in February. Dates for 2014 are 31st January – 2nd February

Thank you for providing me with an opportunity to take time away from my work, where I could just be ‘me’, and not ‘the youth worker’. This weekend really helped refresh & re-energised me.

Prayer breakfasts Prayer breakfasts provide another opportunity to get youth workers together to pray, worship and encourage one another. We’ve already held events in London, Portsmouth, Cheltenham, Stafford, and Sheffield, and we’ve got more planned for the coming year including Salisbury and another in London.

Equipping days We’ve started a series of one-day events in both Watford and Manchester to work with youth leaders on how to reach a lost generation, how to support young people with depression, and how to tackle issues of sex and sexual identity. For future dates please see At our summer events around 1000 youth leaders attended the SoulNet breakfasts where – as well as picking up some coffee and a pastry – they could get teaching just for them. We also held sessions to pray for and encourage youth leaders individually.


Dates for 2014 12th – 15th February

Naturally Supernatural In February 2012 over 400 of us gathered together to find out more about how to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. Mike and Andy were joined by Christy Wimber for our teaching and we made plenty of space for the Holy Spirit to equip and empower us. We were incredibly encouraged by how much everyone’s confidence grew at stepping out in the gifts of the Holy Spirit both in church and in their everyday lives.

Naturally Supernatural 2013 took place in February

I live a comfortable life; I don’t challenge myself at all. From going to Naturally Supernatural I have realised that you shouldn’t live a comfortable life because then where is the trust in God? I want to be a fool for Christ and be obedient to him. I am now going to listen to God and do what HE wants me to do.

My church doesn’t allow much space or teaching for the Holy Spirit so I always am grateful to be in an environment where I can learn and receive.


Naturally Supernatural was a huge week for me. I’ve been asking God to give me words for people, but lacked the confidence and doubted that I hear God. This changed within 10 minutes of the conference starting when I felt God give me a word for a woman across the room. After the first session I shared the word and then was really encouraged when she came back later in the week and told me how much the word related to her and her situation.

Saturday Celebrations We regularly run celebrations on a Saturday at our associated church Soul Survivor Watford, providing an opportunity for an extended time of worship and ministry. We run each event at 5pm and then again at 8pm to allow for more people to come and they’re both free!

We put a video of the teaching up online after each event so that even more people can hear God’s word. You can watch the videos on the SoulSurvivorUK YouTube channel. Find out about upcoming dates at

On average 1200 people come to our Saturday celebrations each month!

2013 Dates: 23rd February 5pm & 8pm 9th March 5pm & 8pm 27th April 5pm & 8pm 25th May 5pm & 8pm 22nd June 5pm & 8pm


Soul Action In 2012 Soul Action – a partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund – focused on the issue of human trafficking.

We launched our ‘Free 2 Play’ youth group resources to help young people engage with the issues of trafficking and grow in their understanding of God’s heart for justice.

■ At Momentum we launched the Tearfund Rhythms app to help those in their 20s and 30s take small steps every day to live a more just life.

■ 1 800 young people pledged to take part in the ‘Free 2 Play’ campaign, raising money every time they do something they enjoy to help those who don’t have their freedom. ■ Young people bought over 9000 Freedom Bands, the money from which will help feed and educate children in Cambodia.

God has broken my heart for what breaks his and I am committed to using my life to help stop human trafficking.


Check the brand new website


Date for 2013 Saturday 15th June

We held our second Equal Conference in June with 150 women gathering to learn more about what the Bible says about women in leadership. The day was hosted by Ali Martin with teaching from Jo Saxton and Mike.

We’re really passionate about raising up leaders of both sexes and teaching about equality amongst men and women. In conjunction with Bishop Graham Cray we’ve also written a paper on women in leadership which is available on request.

Equal 2013 – with special guest Jane Williams, who is a theologian and lecturer, and wife of the former Archbishop of Canterbury.

Every aspiring female leader should attend Equal. A lot of my questions about the confusing passages in the Bible were answered.

I definitely feel more confident about what God is calling me to. I want to set an example for younger Christian girls and don’t want them to go through the same difficulties I have.


Loud & Clear In October we held a practical training day for anyone who is interested in preaching God’s word. Ali Martin led the day and taught on preparing and delivering great talks.

I’ve just preached my first sermon since the training day. It is the 10th time I’ve preached and by all accounts was the best I’ve done. The training day really helped from first thoughts to delivery and it has given me so much more confidence. It has really helped to grow the gift in me and I would recommend the course to anyone! Thanks so much!

Ali’s book on preparing and delivering talks is available from the Soul Survivor shop on our website. We have also made all the teaching from ‘Loud & Clear’ available on YouTube.


Worship Leader day On Saturday 27th April 2013 we’re holding a training day for anyone passionate about leading worship whether that’s in a small group or church setting. The day will be hosted by Mike, Beth Croft and Sam Bailey and there will be teaching, workshop sessions and time for a Q&A.

Bursary fund Our bursary fund only exists because of the generosity of our supporters. The restricted fund is set up specifically to help disadvantaged young people who wouldn’t be able to come to our events – whether they are Christians in need of some support and fellowship, or people from outside of the church who are interested in exploring Christianity.

In 2012 we gave out 91 bursaries.

The cost of a full bursary for one person is £89 and these are given exclusively to people attending Soul Survivor for the first time. We’d like to introduce a fund that allows people who are attending for a second time to receive part of a bursary to help them attend in following years too. This is funded entirely by the donations of our supporters and all the funds raised are used to provide bursaries.

My time at Soul Survivor really had an impact on my life – it made me realise that God does actually exist. By going to Soul Survivor, I learnt that God will be there if you ask him to.

All my life I’ve been brought up in care and in prison and taught that crime is alright. Finding Jesus has helped me slowly leave my past behind.


Where your gifts will go for 2013

Why does Soul Survivor ask for donations? The short answer is that we want to provide some resources for free and be able to run a number of key events that cannot cover their costs.

extra funds through donations to help in a number of areas including, literature for new Christians, dĂŠcor for the cafes and facilities we provide for our volunteers.

The main source of income for Soul Survivor summer events is the delegate fees but we want to make these as low as possible to help the young people who are attending. Therefore we work hard to keep our costs down whilst aiming to maintain the highest standards in what we provide. However, we still need to raise

Outside of the summer, we do a number of small events which need extra financial support. Gifts also support the provision of the resources that are provided free of charge through our website to encourage young people in their relationship with Jesus throughout the year.


Here are some of the places your gifts will go: Bursary Fund We’re hoping to raise £15,000 for our Bursary Fund (see page 15) which would enable us to give full bursaries to 200 young people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend one of the summer events.

Media equipment We love to be able to provide more resources for everyone to access. This year we’d like to raise £28,000 to help us do this. There are a number of things we need including cameras, editing equipment and storage. With 80 seminars a week at the summer conferences alone, there is a great deal to do!

New Christians packs We want to provide resources for the young people who commit to following Jesus such as Gospels and some specially produced material on what it means to be a Christian. Our target for 2013 is to raise £5000 for these packs.

SoulNet We would love to provide more resources for youth leaders and develop our website, and we currently have to subsidise some of our SoulNet events as they are quite new. This year we’d like to fundraise £20,000 towards these aspects of our SoulNet work.


Pray.Give.Serve We love seeing how God meets with young people each year but we know we could never do all of this alone, and neither would we want to! We need as many people as possible to pray with us, give financially, and volunteer their time so that we can do all that we believe God is asking us to do.

Pray About three times a year we send an email to our supporters updating them on what’s going on and sharing prayer points. If you’d like to receive these emails just let us know by contacting

Give If you would like to help our work with a donation – whether a one-off gift or a regular Standing Order – it would help us


immensely. You’ll find a tear-off slip at the back of this review to fill in and return to us, or you can donate online at If you’d prefer to send a cheque please post it to the Fundraising Team at Soul Survivor, FREEPOST, NATE 739, Watford, WD24 7ZA. And, if you’d like to talk to us about fundraising, we’d love to hear from you! Please email or call 0303 333 1333.

Want to be on team? Visit www. Serve It is absolutely no exaggeration when we say we couldn’t run our summer events without the help of our amazing volunteers! We have 135 teams working across our events, doing everything from making cups of teas in cafes to stewarding venues. Most team members have a free place and meals at the event they volunteer at, and get to at least one of the two main meetings every day so they can meet with God. Teams also have a chaplain to lead them in times of reflection each day and pray with them.

Over the summer we had an amazing 2902 team members who between them worked 116,080 hours!


One Off Gift Form Thank you so much for choosing to give to Soul Survivor! We love seeing young people come to know and grow in relationship with Jesus, that’s what we’re about, so thanks for considering supporting us. Please return this form to Soul Survivor, FREEPOST, NATE 739, Watford, WD24 7ZA If you would like to donate by cheque, please make cheques payable to Soul Survivor. If you would prefer to make a donation by credit card, this can be done online through our secure donation page. Give by cheque Please make cheques payable to Soul Survivor I have enclosed a cheque for the sum of £ Give by credit card If you would prefer to make a donation by credit card, please go to our secure donation page Name Address Postcode Email Address lease tick the box if you do not want to receive our supporter update emails which are sent P out three times a year.

Gift Aid Declaration Using Gift Aid means that for every £1 you give, Soul Survivor can claim back an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue - at no extra cost to you. This makes your gift go much further! I am a UK taxpayer and I confirm that I want Soul Survivor to reclaim tax on the donations made within the last four tax years (6 April to 5 April) and all future donations. I understand that I must pay Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sport Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I will notify Soul Survivor and cancel this declaration if my circumstances change and I do not pay sufficient tax. I am not a UK taxpayer.

Signature Date

Get in touch! Soul Survivor Unit 2, Paramount Industrial Estate Sandown Road Watford Herts WD24 7XF



0303 333 1333




@SoulSurvivorGB @MomentumGB @SoulNetUK @SoulActionUK


Registered charity No: 1080720, company limited by guarantee in England & Wales: No. 03991111

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