Soul Survivor Mini Mag (April 09)

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April ‘09



Words from Mike P onehundredhours

go back in time to reflect on Our top tips might help! their Soul 5 Minutes with Ali Martin: Survivor ‘Nothing beats the sight of hundreds of people coming to know the Lord for the first time’ debut Not a happy camper?

Your Soul Survivor stories ... What God’s been doing

Packed inside the next fe w pa g es: Welcome to our mini mag! We hope you like it. We’ve designed it to be read on the go (or on the loo) as we know you are a busy bunch and don’t have time to hang around whilst we talk on and on and on and on…. Flick through the pages and you’ll find a bunch of stuff on the Soul Survivor summer events and also a chunk of info on what we’ve got planned for Momentum later in August. We hope you can make it!

dates across the UK. We loved seeing you express your passion for God and a serious number (we reckon about 136) made commitments to follow Jesus too, which is awesome. On top of that was the Soul Sista day on sex and relationships which over 700 girls came along to and just before that was the SoulNet youth leader retreat. And what’s God doing through it all? Same as he always does when we manage to step out of the way and let him have his way; meeting with his people, bringing love, grace, healing and encouragement. He’s good isn’t he?

Two weddings and a baby (and a diet…) Ok, so here’s what’s going on with us; loads of really exciting stuff! Ali M is having a baby (which, whether it is a boy or a girl, she IS going to call ‘Mike’). Andy C is engaged and getting married in September to the lovely Beth and Ben is also tying the knot to his London lass Alice around the same time! And me, well, I’m still an ageing Greek bloke who likes to tell stories about Jesus whilst struggling on with a flippin’ diet.

Anyway, we hope to see you soon. If you get a minute do catch up with us online and drop us a message on Facebook, MySpace or YouTube!

On top of all that over the past few months we’ve seen Jesus do some great stuff. In February and March we took Soul Survivor on the road with tour


With love

Mik e

PS. Don’t forget to check out for a whole heap of fun stuff: songs, seminars, and podcasts, a vlog, videos of teaching from last summer’s events, articles and loads of pics! Oh, and you can book for the summer too!


Soul Survivor Stuff: Our very own Ali Martin and Sam Parker along with Tre Sheppard (onehundredhours) and Mr. Prince (29th Chapter) tell us what they are looking forward to this summer.

13 your Soul tories Survivor s


Momentum Morsels: Momentum host Andy Croft and fellow speakers Jo Saxton, Roger Ellis, and Amy Orr-Ewing give us an insight into what God’s been putting on their hearts.


Don’t miss the latest resources! Check out the brand new Soul Survivor To Go DVD along with the 08 Live Album, plus Mike and Andy’s Biblical book!


Your Soul Survivor stories... Space to share what God’s been doing in your lives.


Not a happy camper? Coming along to camp for 5 days with us this summer? Check the Soul Survivor teams’ top camping tips (as modelled by office lass Sarah!)


What’s coming up... The latest Soul Survivor dates to get scrawled all over your diary!

14 Happy Camping! 3

Next up: onehundredhours front man, Tre Sheppa rd!

! R E M M U S E H T E V O


There’s loads happening this summer at the Soul Survivor events! As ever we’ve packed the schedule full of worship, teaching, sports, cafes, gigs and lots more so that you have a brilliant five days and leave feeling ready to keep living your life for Jesus. We caught up with a couple of familiar faces to see what they’re looking forward to about this summer… 4

Soul Survivor speaker and host, Ali Martin Hey Ali! We hear you’re not going to be around this summer, what’s going on?! I’m pregnant! I’m so excited about having a baby but sadly it means the only event I will make it to this year is Soul Survivor A. After that I will be waiting for Martin Jnr to arrive! I am busy planning the Soul Sista seminar stream though and I’m really excited about how it’s all coming together. Girls – keep an eye on and we’ll put the details up as soon as they’re confirmed. What’s your favourite thing about being at Soul Survivor?

Hi Tre - what are you up to at the moment? At this exact moment I’m in my studio in Northern Ireland listening to guitar tracks we’re laying down for a friend... so I’m surrounded by guitars, amps and little glowing lights. Sort of my happy place :) What are you/and the band involved in at Soul Survivor this year? A bit of speaking, a bit of rock n roll, and tons ‘o’ fun.

What are you looking forward to about the summer events? Seeing friends and catching up, as well as that moment when we walk onto the stage and the lights go down and I roll the volume up on my Telecaster... I’ve always felt that the Soul Survivor gigs were a very special intersection of worship, volume and sheer exuberance. What’s your favourite Soul Survivor memory? Sheesh... so many! I guess waiting backstage before our very first gig at Soul Survivor, years ago. We

were so nervous, and so excited, and we had no idea what a wonderful journey was ahead with Soul Survivor... we thought it was just a big gig, but it was more like joining a family. What’s God speaking to you about at the moment? God’s really speaking to me about enjoying the moment and the everyday. It’s easy to miss out on the beauty of the small things when you’re always working to change the world.

NOTHING beats the sight of hundreds of people coming to know the Lord for the first time. Absolutely nothing. What’s God speaking to you about at the moment? The thing I keep thinking about is failure - but in a positive way! We need to take risks in order to be obedient to God and if we take risks we’re going to fail at some point. What we need to embrace is the fact that it’s going to happen and it’s not the failure that defines us, but the fact that we belong to God.


Check it out, it’s mr prince from the 29th Chapter! What are you up to at the moment? We are mad busy in the studio working on some hot new material, we have an album out later this year and it is going to be big, we are also just about to get into making a couple of music videos, and keeping busy doing loads of stuff in schools! All in all life’s quite hectic at the moment! What’s going on in the Underground venue this summer! The programme this year is going to be bigger and better than ever before with loads of the favourites booked and also a few new curve balls for all you hip hop and urban heads. And most excitingly

we will be involved with the teaching session for people who make new decisions to follow Jesus... So make sure you bring your mates who aren’t Christians yet!!! What are you looking forward to about the summer events? That’s easy, catching up with everyone; it’s like a big family reunion! Sharing times of worship and fun together, booing at Mike’s terrible jokes (we are on a mission to reinstate the heckle!) and just seeing loads of young people (like myself J) connect with Jesus! What’s God speaking to you about at the moment? There’s a little passage in 1 Corinthians 9 where Paul talks about running the race of faith, and that even with all his amazing leadership and preaching he worries about getting disqualified (v27). So I guess I am really being challenged to keep my character, conduct and relationship with Jesus in CHECK!

Words on Worship with Sam parker Hi Sam! Why do you think it’s good that we spend so much time worshipping when we get together in the summer? I think worship is what we were made for, and I think more than anything else I just get so excited hanging out and spending time in God’s presence and worshipping Him. So often for me it’s one of the major ways in which God also reveals His love and shares His heart with me. I think it’s such an incredible thing how worship is our offering to God but as we make the choice to worship, He responds to us with open arms. It’s the biggest privilege I have and so, for me, I think I could go on forever! Tell us your favourite Soul Survivor memory. I think one of my funniest memories of Soul Survivor


was one time a few years ago, I was meant to be helping lead some worship and on my way down to the venue I slipped and fell into a HUGE puddle of mud! So I ran as fast as possible to get changed and made it back there literally just before the meeting started. I didn’t manage to get all the mud off though!

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0 book before 3 April to get ! cheaper rates th

If we found you round a campfire what would you be singing? Probably a John Mayer song actually, I’m a big fan!

Want to know what else is going on over the summer? For the full event low-down go to 7

Turn on, tune in and chill out at Momentum... What better way to end the summer than by kicking back with your mates at Momentum, our 5 day event for students and 20 somethings? Space to turn on, tune in and chill out with time to worship God, wait on his spirit, learn from his word and delve into some weighty topics. This year’s event is packed with more life changing and mind stretching subjects than you can count on your fingers and toes, so there must be loads! We caught up with some of the great speakers who are coming along to see what God’s prompting them to talk about…

10 8

Andy Croft on not having all the answers...

Roger Ellis on God and the economy…

Andy you love a bit of theology… but really, isn’t it easier to not think about the tough questions?

So Roger, what’s God got to say about the current financial crisis?

It is sometimes easier not to ask hard questions, but a real relationship is all about honesty and working through those things you don’t understand. He commands us to love him with our entire mind and theology is one way we can do that. I don’t expect to die having figured out the answers, but I’m longing to go deeper into the mystery of God. As we get into our twenties the questions we have grow and develop and some of the answers that used to satisfy us now don’t… And that’s what I love about Momentum; it’s the chance to go deeper into God, to hear from others who have thought through the same questions, to listen to God afresh and to move on in our journey with him!

Andy is helping to host Momentum 09 and will be leading a series of seminars on all sorts of Biblical and theological topics (which means he’s not quite sure what to speak on yet).

That above and beyond the current situation he has an ‘Economy’, an order which spans the whole of our lives, from our relationships, to our careers. This Economy includes money but goes way beyond finance. In fact the Church is called to be the community which embodies this economy. The apostle Paul refers to the gospel itself as the ‘economy’ or administration of God’s mystery. So there are some amazing and exciting things to explore about God’s economy. What’s your best Momentum memory? My wife Maggie and I have done some relationship seminars (which we’re doing again this year) and it’s been great to see loads of couples growing together. Hopefully they have been inspired to love one another, overcome obstacles together and to look forward to building marriages that are based around their passion and commitment to God.

Our good mate Roger is coming down to Momentum to speak on loads of stuff including the economy of God and to run a series on relationships!

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Jo Saxton on learning lessons from the ancients What’s it like being a London lass living in the States?

Jo is popping over to be with us in August and will speak loads more on how we can learn from those followers of Jesus who have gone before us…

Americans love a British accent! Apparently it makes me sound intelligent. But beyond that following Jesus is very different over here. There seems to be a general cultural acceptance of believing in God so the challenge is to take that deeper and help people to see that Jesus wants to meet us personally and change our lives. This summer you’re speaking on ancient spirituality, so how do you think the ideas of hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago have any relevance to us with our iPhones, Mp3s and credit crunches? The amazing thing is that throughout history during difficult times, Christians found ways of digging deeper with God. They lived lives that God then used to change the world. We all need some of that and can learn so much from their experiences! So your talks won’t be about beard growing and sandal wearing techniques? I’ve always found growing a beard remarkably difficult, but I know lots about sandal wearing techniques because I have size eleven feet. Yes that’s ELEVEN!

£92 per p 30 th Apri erson, book bef l for chea o per ratesre !

Amy Orr-Ewing on connecting the message with the messenger… So Amy, what do you think the biggest question that people both inside and outside of the Church have concerning Christianity? I think people wonder if Christianity is real – i.e. does it stack up and does it make any difference? That means that factual intellectual answers to their questions are important but are not enough. Friends also need to see the reality of Jesus and the difference he makes in our lives. The truthfulness of the message and the transformation in the messenger have to come together.

Amy will be with us at Momentum speaking on whether believing in God is just a delusion of the human mind.

For the latest news on who is coming along to Momentum and what they will be talking about plus online booking info just check www.soulsurvivor.commomentum


… e z i s r o f n o e s e h t Try

What’s God been up to ?!

u to encourage yo ng yi tr t ou ab l al check We’re ip with Jesus. So in your relationsh we’ve made to help you f out the fresh stuf d see if any of it fits! an od connect with G

Got a story you want to share from a Soul Survivor event? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at testimonies@so

God is always up to something! Check out these stories of what has happened as God has met with his people at previous Soul Survivor events: I came to Soul Survivor

last year feeling completely trapped and worthless, like I was no use to God anymore. At Soul Survivor God did the impossible; he showed me beyond all doubt that I am forgiven. He’s given me the strength and the desire to go and sin no more. And most amazingly he’s shown me that he loves me and wants to use me – so my life is his. Claire

One to watch:

One to listen to:

One to read:

‘Soul Survivor To Go’

‘Complete: Soul Survivor Live 2008’

‘Storylines’ by Andy Croft and Mike Pilavachi

A DVD with interviews, music, talks and loads of stuff about how to ‘live the life’ 365 days a year. Just £12.

Highlights from last summer’s worship featuring Ben Cantelon and Tim Hughes and songs that will bring it all back including Because of Your Love, Your Name High and My Soul Is Complete. Only £12 quid!

A fantastic, easy to read book that gives you the bigger picture of the Bible, exploring the themes and helping us understand its characters and events. You’ll get a few pennies change from £6.

There’s loads more at our online shop including all the talks from previous events. Go to and see what takes your fancy!


I came to Soul Survivor for my third year last year and decided to give something back where I’ve been given so much over the years so I came on the Enabling team. It was so fantastic – better than all the years combined. Whilst praying for others I received the gifts of tongues and prophecy. I came on team to give but I received more than I could ever give to others. Praise God! e Andrew the team? Se Want to join vi www.soulsur tails! for more de

Over the past few years

I have been carrying a heavy emotional burden that has caused me a lot of pain. I was prayed for and the Holy Spirit came on me. I could feel the pain released and an amazing peace came upon me. I do not feel ashamed of myself anymore. Nathan

During a Soul Sista

seminar I felt the Holy Spirit within me and it was the greatest feeling ever. I’ve never felt like that in my life. Knowing the Holy Spirit has changed my life and I’m now encouraged to go out and spread the word of God. I will say to everyone there really is one God and he is in my life. Sally ul t more about So Want to find ou w. Sista? Go to ww need to know! you for everything


Hello campers! Woah there cowboys and cowgirls! We know you’re well up for some summertime sleeping under the stars and are already getting your tents out from under the bed. But wait, camping is a serious business and like the cub scouts it’s best to ‘Be Prepared’. So, check the top tips from the Soul Survivor office team to help you make a seamless transition from city slicker to Ray Mears impersonator this summer!

Play with fire… you’ll get second degree burns Don’t try and cook popcorn in a two man tent. From personal experience this type of idea always ends badly… in this case a burnt tent and a trip to the emergency ward to deal with second degree burns. You’ve been warned tents and fire don’t go well together. Sarah (sorts out all the speakers and venues and guests)

Sleep soundly… Everyone loves a good bit of sleep so forget the groundsheet and roll mat. Raid the summer holiday stash in the garden shed and grab a lilo, inflatable dingy or paddling pool. Blow it up, stick it in your tent, and bonza: you’ve got a mattress that even the queen could get a bit of shut eye on. Dan (writes words, like the one’s you are reading)

Seriously, don’t forget!

BANGIN’ RECIPE… Just eat bangers and smash. It’s genius. Cook up a bunch of sausages on a camping stove (preferably pork and apple, mmmm). Meanwhile, boil up some water on a second stove, and then stir in a packet of smash. If you’re a connoisseur, add some cheese. Serve with your semi burnt sausages and a lick of ketchup for a little afternoon delight.” Si (drives fork lift trucks and lifts heavy things)

We know, we know, it sounds stupid, but believe us, every year people forget to bring all sorts, including tents! Make a list, check it twice and then look to see that you’ve got the following stuff on it for a hassle free camping trip to Soul Survivor or Momentum! ✔ The tent and poles: surprisingly, you’ll need both to put the thing up. ✔ Tent pegs and a mallet: twigs banged into the ground with a trainer are never a good option. ✔ Cooking with gas? Bring a full canister with you to get a tasty hot meal on the first night.

A lady can never have too many shoes… Take flip flops into the shower. There’s nothing worse than standing on someone else’s hair scum! Ali (talks about Jesus a lot)

✔ Plastic bags:always useful for the wet socks, smelly t shirts and mud covered jeans. ✔ Wellies and a cag:we don’t want to be pessimistic, but the last few summers have been a tad on the damp side. ✔ Bible:how could you not remember this… It’s God’s word in our world! ✔ A torch: a necessity for that 3:00am trip to the loo.



What’s coming up...

Summertime Soul Survivor dates for you and your mates…

The Noise

Show your community just how much Jesus loves them by doing something to bless your neighbourhood on this weekend of church service and action! Sat 2nd- Mon 4th May (At churches across the UK) Loads more ideas and resources at

T h e 09 Q Tea m s BB

Coming on tea m this su mmer? Eat some burgers and hang out for the afternoon… Sat 30th May, before the Holy Spirit and His Gifts event (Soul Survivor Warehouse, Watford) Free for those confirmed to be serving on tea m in 09. Sign up at www.s ou lsu rvi vor. com /event s

The Holy Spirit and His Gifts Time to learn more on praying for people so that stuff happens… Sat 30th May (Soul Survivor Warehouse, Watford) £3.50 per person or free to those confirmed to come and serve on team this summer More info at

www.soulsurvivo r. com/events

Book online for all these events at www. uk/book

re but book befo n o s r e p r e p £92th eaper rates! h c t e g to il r 30 Ap

Check for the latest line up and info

Digging deeper with God for students and those in their twenties. Sat 22nd – Wed 26th August (Bath & West Showground, Somerset) £92 per person but book before 30th April to get cheaper rates! Head to for all the goss!

Soul Survivor, Unit 2 Paramount industrial Estate, Sandown Road, Watford, UK, WD24 7XF t. 0303 333 1 333 f. 0303 333 1 334 e. Soul Survivor is a Registered Charity (1080720) and a Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales (03991111). Registered Office: Unit 2, Paramount Industrial Estate, Sandown Road, Watford, WD24 7XF


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