Momentum 2008 Programme

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21 - 25 August 2008 / £2

UK TOUR // 2008

16 SEPT // London // Shepherds bush empire* 15 OCT // oxford 22 OCT // SOUTHAMPTON 16 OCT // YORK 23 OCT // SWANSEA 17 OCT // EDINBURGH 24 OCT // MANCHESTER 18 OCT // BELFAST 25 OCT // BIRMINGHAM

a NIGHT OF WORSHIP & TEACHING TO EMPOWER THE LOCAL CHURCH // HOSTED BY TIM HUGHES & AL GORDON // 7.30pm (doors 6.30pm) // £5 AT WORSHIPCENTRAL.ORG *Live CD+DVD recording Encounter God // Equip the Worshipper // Empower the Church

UK TOUR // 2008

16 SEPT // London // Shepherds bush empire* 15 OCT // oxford 22 OCT // SOUTHAMPTON 16 OCT // YORK 23 OCT // SWANSEA 17 OCT // EDINBURGH 24 OCT // MANCHESTER 18 OCT // BELFAST 25 OCT // BIRMINGHAM

a NIGHT OF WORSHIP & TEACHING TO EMPOWER THE LOCAL CHURCH // HOSTED BY TIM HUGHES & AL GORDON // 7.30pm (doors 6.30pm) // £5 AT WORSHIPCENTRAL.ORG *Live CD+DVD recording Encounter God // Equip the Worshipper // Empower the Church

e m a c e b d r o The W nd blood flesh a nto the i d e v o m d aTnHE ANTrID E T O . . . d o o h u o nTOeiCgONhSbUMER CHeRISMTIeAsNsaITgYe)

e m o c l e W

:14 (Th 1 n h o J You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to work out that the answer to the deep-rooted issues at the heart of our nation’s problems will not be provided by the government or any other public institution. Only Jesus can bring the internal revolution that is needed to turn this lost generation away from the destructive voices that entice them every day. Over the last 10 years hundreds of young adults have come to the realisation that turning the tide is going to require a costly personal commitment to the cause of Christ that is way more radical than the consumer-Christian culture that has became so common. This is not about MY blessing, MY gifting, MY calling. This is about being willing to go to the forgotten places to bring God’s love to broken people. These young adults have become part of a movement that is bringing hope and building church in some of the most difficult urban communities.

The movement is called Eden. Toolshed or pop and see us at our stand in the k pac info an for .uk org ge. ssa me Email: eden@

Hey there… We’re so glad you’re with us. Momentum is now 5 years old, which means she gets to start primary school in the Autumn! Seeing as we’re now out of the rebellious toddler phase we’re really seeing Momentum coming into her own. This year there’s a bunch of new venues, some awesome speakers and a pretty extensive seminar programme, so wherever you’re at, whether in full-time work, studying, looking for a job or all of the above, we hope that Momentum 08 has something right up your street. As many of you will know, this year has been filled with Hope! The Hope 08 initiative has seen literally thousands of churches across the UK doing all sorts of stuff in their communities, from social action projects to Alpha courses and all kinds of other events that aim to introduce people to Jesus. The

response so far seems to be that God is doing some incredible things, so naturally this stuff is a bit of a theme of our events this year. We’re desperate for our friends, families and communities to experience, know and grow in relationship with Jesus, and the next few days are an opportunity to ask God to help and equip us to show and tell of His love amongst our mates! Beyond our meetings and seminars we have a few new additions to the programme. You may notice the English country garden vibe of Café Uno drifting its way into the back of our Big Top. This isn’t because I need a caffeine fix before every meeting, but because we want to make our main sessions accessible, comfortable and as open as possible to everyone who is with us. On top of that are two new venues; The Union is serving up a fresh dish of musical genres for you to boogie to each night, whereas you can have a go in everything from an open mic to a spin the wheel type game show in Frucie Borsyth’s Caberet and Live Lounge (you will love Frucie, he’s mental). That said, beyond all the venues and laughs our sincere prayer is that over the next five days you would meet with God afresh. We absolutely love seeing Jesus do what he wants, healing us and equipping us to live for him, so we expect to see loads of that this week! With love Mike


e m a c e b d r o The W nd blood flesh a nto the i d e v o m d aTnHE ANTrID E T O . . . d o o h u o nTOeiCgONhSbUMER CHeRISMTIeAsNsaITgYe)

e m o c l e W

:14 (Th 1 n h o J You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to work out that the answer to the deep-rooted issues at the heart of our nation’s problems will not be provided by the government or any other public institution. Only Jesus can bring the internal revolution that is needed to turn this lost generation away from the destructive voices that entice them every day. Over the last 10 years hundreds of young adults have come to the realisation that turning the tide is going to require a costly personal commitment to the cause of Christ that is way more radical than the consumer-Christian culture that has became so common. This is not about MY blessing, MY gifting, MY calling. This is about being willing to go to the forgotten places to bring God’s love to broken people. These young adults have become part of a movement that is bringing hope and building church in some of the most difficult urban communities.

The movement is called Eden. Toolshed or pop and see us at our stand in the k pac info an for .uk org ge. ssa me Email: eden@

Hey there… We’re so glad you’re with us. Momentum is now 5 years old, which means she gets to start primary school in the Autumn! Seeing as we’re now out of the rebellious toddler phase we’re really seeing Momentum coming into her own. This year there’s a bunch of new venues, some awesome speakers and a pretty extensive seminar programme, so wherever you’re at, whether in full-time work, studying, looking for a job or all of the above, we hope that Momentum 08 has something right up your street. As many of you will know, this year has been filled with Hope! The Hope 08 initiative has seen literally thousands of churches across the UK doing all sorts of stuff in their communities, from social action projects to Alpha courses and all kinds of other events that aim to introduce people to Jesus. The

response so far seems to be that God is doing some incredible things, so naturally this stuff is a bit of a theme of our events this year. We’re desperate for our friends, families and communities to experience, know and grow in relationship with Jesus, and the next few days are an opportunity to ask God to help and equip us to show and tell of His love amongst our mates! Beyond our meetings and seminars we have a few new additions to the programme. You may notice the English country garden vibe of Café Uno drifting its way into the back of our Big Top. This isn’t because I need a caffeine fix before every meeting, but because we want to make our main sessions accessible, comfortable and as open as possible to everyone who is with us. On top of that are two new venues; The Union is serving up a fresh dish of musical genres for you to boogie to each night, whereas you can have a go in everything from an open mic to a spin the wheel type game show in Frucie Borsyth’s Caberet and Live Lounge (you will love Frucie, he’s mental). That said, beyond all the venues and laughs our sincere prayer is that over the next five days you would meet with God afresh. We absolutely love seeing Jesus do what he wants, healing us and equipping us to live for him, so we expect to see loads of that this week! With love Mike



s t n e Cont

issues with the following... issues with the Happiness? following... Money? Happiness? Relationships? Money? Time Management? Relationships? Parents? Time Anger? Management? Parents? and more... Anger?

ain Focus 04 The M lly really like you… orship, ea W 06 We r oom, Late Night R t a h C 09 Furnace Uno 11 Café ction Café A l u o S 12 Sur vivor m lu S 14 Doors 16 Open greener g 17 Goin ion n U e Th 18 id Run lo u 19 Cell , Sports Café, Fun s t t r e o r ’s Cabe 20 Sp ie Borsyth 22 Fruc e Lounge r l Sur vivo and Liv ffice, Sou O , d e h ls 24 Too ompassion Café Café, C

and more...

don’t keep it bottled up simply take one a day for ten days

don’t keep it bottled up

simply take one a day for ten days

10 talks 10 J.John talks presented by books . dvd . cd . mp4 presented by. mp3 J.John books . dvd . cd . mp3 . mp4

What is Momentum? Momentum is five days in a field with your mates, God and a few thousand other people who are strolling through life. Generally, most of us here are students or in our twenties, though we don’t want to be too specific, so if that definition doesn’t quite fit you, no worries. The point of the next five days is to journey together. We’re here because of Jesus. We want to know him more and live out lives that speak loudly of his love and compassion. None of us here is finished or at our destination with God, we’re all continuing with him, desperate to know more of his grace, presence and call on our lives. Some of us will be wrestling with 25 years of stuff that life has thrown at us, others of us are starting a career, loads of us are trooping on with the day (or night) job, some of us will be getting married, others of us are single, a few freaking out about exams and deadlines, whilst we’re all trying to make sure we have enough money to pay the rent/ mortgage, bills, student loan…. This is our lot and it’s just some of the stuff we have in common. But what we want to do this week, is invite God again into the busyness and mess of our lives; to take time and space to hang out with him and with each other. It’s really that simple, so we hope you like it!

g A r ts Performin + d e h s t r 26 A work 28 Kids PL ANNER Y 31 DAIL ap er bios m e rship lead 42 Sit o w d n a r ls ke 46 Spea ts + Internationa does n r e o d iv tu v r S u S 51 Soul ff tu s r e 52 Oth 08 E 53 HOP an M l u o S 54 Sista l u o S 5 5 notes le 56 Bib tr y Times 60 Minis ou’ll want to know y 62 Stuff g in r e 65 Off ules R e it 68 S

A bit of history… If you didn’t already know, Momentum is the older brother of the Soul Survivor summer events. Momentum began five years ago as the bit of Soul Survivor for those who were feeling a little too old for the teen oriented events. It’s our chance to stick with the familiar style of worship, biblical teaching and prayer, but to spend time looking at things more relevant to those of us who work a 9-5 or have to spend our days in a lecture hall. On top of that we may have read our bibles a bit, got to understand some theology and nailed the basics, so we want Momentum to be a place that will challenge us, fuel discussion and give us all the chance to have a say (whether we’re new to faith or have been at it for years). Furthermore, we’re trying even harder this year to get Momentum just right for you. Flick through the programme and you’ll find venues and seminar streams that exist only at Momentum (some serve a nice pint too), so hopefully, Momentum will itch where you’re scratching (not like that).


s t n e Cont

issues with the following... issues with the Happiness? following... Money? Happiness? Relationships? Money? Time Management? Relationships? Parents? Time Anger? Management? Parents? and more... Anger?

ain Focus 04 The M lly really like you… orship, ea W 06 We r oom, Late Night R t a h C 09 Furnace Uno 11 Café ction Café A l u o S 12 Sur vivor m lu S 14 Doors 16 Open greener g 17 Goin ion n U e Th 18 id Run lo u 19 Cell , Sports Café, Fun s t t r e o r ’s Cabe 20 Sp ie Borsyth 22 Fruc e Lounge r l Sur vivo and Liv ffice, Sou O , d e h ls 24 Too ompassion Café Café, C

and more...

don’t keep it bottled up simply take one a day for ten days

don’t keep it bottled up

simply take one a day for ten days

10 talks 10 J.John talks presented by books . dvd . cd . mp4 presented by. mp3 J.John books . dvd . cd . mp3 . mp4

What is Momentum? Momentum is five days in a field with your mates, God and a few thousand other people who are strolling through life. Generally, most of us here are students or in our twenties, though we don’t want to be too specific, so if that definition doesn’t quite fit you, no worries. The point of the next five days is to journey together. We’re here because of Jesus. We want to know him more and live out lives that speak loudly of his love and compassion. None of us here is finished or at our destination with God, we’re all continuing with him, desperate to know more of his grace, presence and call on our lives. Some of us will be wrestling with 25 years of stuff that life has thrown at us, others of us are starting a career, loads of us are trooping on with the day (or night) job, some of us will be getting married, others of us are single, a few freaking out about exams and deadlines, whilst we’re all trying to make sure we have enough money to pay the rent/ mortgage, bills, student loan…. This is our lot and it’s just some of the stuff we have in common. But what we want to do this week, is invite God again into the busyness and mess of our lives; to take time and space to hang out with him and with each other. It’s really that simple, so we hope you like it!

g A r ts Performin + d e h s t r 26 A work 28 Kids PL ANNER Y 31 DAIL ap er bios m e rship lead 42 Sit o w d n a r ls ke 46 Spea ts + Internationa does n r e o d iv tu v r S u S 51 Soul ff tu s r e 52 Oth 08 E 53 HOP an M l u o S 54 Sista l u o S 5 5 notes le 56 Bib tr y Times 60 Minis ou’ll want to know y 62 Stuff g in r e 65 Off ules R e it 68 S

A bit of history… If you didn’t already know, Momentum is the older brother of the Soul Survivor summer events. Momentum began five years ago as the bit of Soul Survivor for those who were feeling a little too old for the teen oriented events. It’s our chance to stick with the familiar style of worship, biblical teaching and prayer, but to spend time looking at things more relevant to those of us who work a 9-5 or have to spend our days in a lecture hall. On top of that we may have read our bibles a bit, got to understand some theology and nailed the basics, so we want Momentum to be a place that will challenge us, fuel discussion and give us all the chance to have a say (whether we’re new to faith or have been at it for years). Furthermore, we’re trying even harder this year to get Momentum just right for you. Flick through the programme and you’ll find venues and seminar streams that exist only at Momentum (some serve a nice pint too), so hopefully, Momentum will itch where you’re scratching (not like that).

n i a TheM 4

Every morning and evening we’ll gather in the Big Top for time to worship, learn and pray together. These sessions help us refocus specifically on God, to explicitly invite him into our lives afresh. But lets get our spirituality straight. These times are really important, and so too is everything else at Momentum.

Worship: It’s a lifestyle and that’s that. However when we gather together, one of the most natural ways we find to express our love for God is through our songs, our words, our thoughts and our movements. In worship we focus on God, we tell him we love him, we meet again with him and we are changed… and the glory is always His.

Nothing is peripheral. God is in all. Yes, God does want to meet us in the Big Top. But he also wants to meet us as we sip a cuppa in a café, have a boogie to some trendy tunes or when we’re messing around with our mates. We want God to be in all we do… and that’s the point of our walk with Jesus! That said, we do know when we join together and focus on our amazing God, he does meet us in incredible ways. So this is the stuff we will always do during our main celebrations...

Teaching: The Bible is God’s word in our world. As we unravel its meaning and apply it to our lives we’ll hear God’s voice. Over the week we’ll listen in on the lives and experiences of loads of others who are trying to work out what it means to follow Jesus 2000 years after the party started. We’re really chuffed to have Mike Erre providing our morning bible teaching sessions (he’s very good you know), with Mike P, Ali Martin and Andrew Croft hosting all our meetings.

s u c fo

Prayer ministry: When we meet together we try and give God as much space as possible to work within us by his Spirit. Our meetings are his meetings, so we always ask him to be with us and do what he wants to do. We’ll ask him to heal us, to help us deal with our messes, to inspire us and to empower us to live fully for Jesus. We’re desperate to encounter him, so we will always ask him to be involved. The way it works is like this. No important extra special spiritual people will come around and reveal your future or heal you. Instead we’re all in this together. God can use any one of us, by his Spirit, to bring his peace, healing, forgiveness, purpose or words to any other one of us. We truly believe this… God doesn’t have favourites. He loves us all and wants us all to get involved in what he is doing and as we ask him into our lives. So, during times


of ministry, make yourself available to pray for others. Stand with your mates as they let God deal with what’s going on with them. Don’t worry if you’ve never done that sort of stuff before, we’ve included a few guidelines near the back to help you get started (please read and stick to these even if you’re used to praying with others). Plus, there’s also an ‘Enabling Team’ who’ll be around to make sure everything is safe, to offer help and guidance if needed, so look out for them and ask them too! Testimonies We expect God to do great things in our lives this week. If you have a story, we’d love to hear it, so please email us at If you want this to be kept confidential then no worries, just let us know in the email. There will also be a little box at the front of the stage in the Big Top where you can add any written stories of what God has done/is doing.

n i a TheM 4

Every morning and evening we’ll gather in the Big Top for time to worship, learn and pray together. These sessions help us refocus specifically on God, to explicitly invite him into our lives afresh. But lets get our spirituality straight. These times are really important, and so too is everything else at Momentum.

Worship: It’s a lifestyle and that’s that. However when we gather together, one of the most natural ways we find to express our love for God is through our songs, our words, our thoughts and our movements. In worship we focus on God, we tell him we love him, we meet again with him and we are changed… and the glory is always His.

Nothing is peripheral. God is in all. Yes, God does want to meet us in the Big Top. But he also wants to meet us as we sip a cuppa in a café, have a boogie to some trendy tunes or when we’re messing around with our mates. We want God to be in all we do… and that’s the point of our walk with Jesus! That said, we do know when we join together and focus on our amazing God, he does meet us in incredible ways. So this is the stuff we will always do during our main celebrations...

Teaching: The Bible is God’s word in our world. As we unravel its meaning and apply it to our lives we’ll hear God’s voice. Over the week we’ll listen in on the lives and experiences of loads of others who are trying to work out what it means to follow Jesus 2000 years after the party started. We’re really chuffed to have Mike Erre providing our morning bible teaching sessions (he’s very good you know), with Mike P, Ali Martin and Andrew Croft hosting all our meetings.

s u c fo

Prayer ministry: When we meet together we try and give God as much space as possible to work within us by his Spirit. Our meetings are his meetings, so we always ask him to be with us and do what he wants to do. We’ll ask him to heal us, to help us deal with our messes, to inspire us and to empower us to live fully for Jesus. We’re desperate to encounter him, so we will always ask him to be involved. The way it works is like this. No important extra special spiritual people will come around and reveal your future or heal you. Instead we’re all in this together. God can use any one of us, by his Spirit, to bring his peace, healing, forgiveness, purpose or words to any other one of us. We truly believe this… God doesn’t have favourites. He loves us all and wants us all to get involved in what he is doing and as we ask him into our lives. So, during times


of ministry, make yourself available to pray for others. Stand with your mates as they let God deal with what’s going on with them. Don’t worry if you’ve never done that sort of stuff before, we’ve included a few guidelines near the back to help you get started (please read and stick to these even if you’re used to praying with others). Plus, there’s also an ‘Enabling Team’ who’ll be around to make sure everything is safe, to offer help and guidance if needed, so look out for them and ask them too! Testimonies We expect God to do great things in our lives this week. If you have a story, we’d love to hear it, so please email us at If you want this to be kept confidential then no worries, just let us know in the email. There will also be a little box at the front of the stage in the Big Top where you can add any written stories of what God has done/is doing.


We really, really

e lyoiuk ... ou might get this already. But we like you. There, Y we said it. But hey, we reckon, you might like us too. We hope so. Because we like you, we make sure that whilst you’re at Momentum, you’re treated well. By that we mean a few things… 1) You’re a person, not someone to be sold something… We reckon you probably get enough marketing thrown your way all year round telling you to do this, be like that or buy toothpaste. So, we try not to (sell stuff to you… not cover you in toothpaste). The only place we allow marketing is the ToolShed, and all the organisations that feature in there are pretty cool and have agreed to some specific values and ways of being. This means they can’t force you into giving over your credit card details or shout at you for some theological issue or other*. From time to time Mike and Co. may mention a book or CD but that’s because they genuinely like it and thought you might like it too.

) You’re real, so you want stuff that is real… We do 2 too. We all struggle with how to live out our faith in a world that is sometimes pretty depressing, but let’s face these things head on. At Momentum we hope you feel you can be real, with God and with your mates. This week is about engaging with Jesus and asking his Spirit to be with us, especially in the stuff that we really struggle with, so we hope you feel you can do that. 3) You’re not us, we’re not you, but that’s cool… We’re all different, with different tastes, likes, dislikes and all. Some of us like pork scratchings. Some of us don’t. Nevermind, lets not fight about it. The fact is some stuff at Momentum might not be your cup of tea (or coffee). If so, we hope there is other stuff that keeps you interested. Either way, whether you have a world changing week, or just get a bit bored, we care what you think and would like your feedback. So, check out when you get home and fill out the online survey to let us know what you thought.

* If you come across someone who is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation (obviously if they’re saying they think United are the best, you have authority to deal with them there and then yourself).

All this and much more at the Oasis stand this Soul Survivor. Come and speak to us about hope, life, your future and much more.


We really, really

e lyoiuk ... ou might get this already. But we like you. There, Y we said it. But hey, we reckon, you might like us too. We hope so. Because we like you, we make sure that whilst you’re at Momentum, you’re treated well. By that we mean a few things… 1) You’re a person, not someone to be sold something… We reckon you probably get enough marketing thrown your way all year round telling you to do this, be like that or buy toothpaste. So, we try not to (sell stuff to you… not cover you in toothpaste). The only place we allow marketing is the ToolShed, and all the organisations that feature in there are pretty cool and have agreed to some specific values and ways of being. This means they can’t force you into giving over your credit card details or shout at you for some theological issue or other*. From time to time Mike and Co. may mention a book or CD but that’s because they genuinely like it and thought you might like it too.

) You’re real, so you want stuff that is real… We do 2 too. We all struggle with how to live out our faith in a world that is sometimes pretty depressing, but let’s face these things head on. At Momentum we hope you feel you can be real, with God and with your mates. This week is about engaging with Jesus and asking his Spirit to be with us, especially in the stuff that we really struggle with, so we hope you feel you can do that. 3) You’re not us, we’re not you, but that’s cool… We’re all different, with different tastes, likes, dislikes and all. Some of us like pork scratchings. Some of us don’t. Nevermind, lets not fight about it. The fact is some stuff at Momentum might not be your cup of tea (or coffee). If so, we hope there is other stuff that keeps you interested. Either way, whether you have a world changing week, or just get a bit bored, we care what you think and would like your feedback. So, check out when you get home and fill out the online survey to let us know what you thought.

* If you come across someone who is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation (obviously if they’re saying they think United are the best, you have authority to deal with them there and then yourself).

All this and much more at the Oasis stand this Soul Survivor. Come and speak to us about hope, life, your future and much more.


“Intercede... pray... reflect... ask... listen...”

chat room Times: 2:30pm - 5:30pm Map ref: F3 Nicer than warming your feet on a wet day by an open fireplace and better at listening than GCHQ, the dudes in the Chat Room exist solely to help you out. If stuff has been brought up in a prayer time, seminar session or main meeting that you’d like to talk to someone about, then these guys and girls are here for a chat. Whatever the situation, whether it’s a question on the Holy Spirit, life, career or relationships they’ll listen, offering a nice cuppa, friendly advice and, if you want, hands on prayer. They keep it strictly confidential (though there are some exceptions), so if you’ve always wanted to chat about something but feel too embarrassed to talk to your mates, are having a rough ride or just want a bit of advice, pop in and see what you reckon!

furnace Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – 11:45pm Map ref: F3 Pray. Intercede. Reflect. Ask. Listen. You can do all these things and more at Furnace, our dedicated prayer venue. Open to all, whether expert 247ners or those of us who barely manage a ‘Dear Lord, you’re great, Amen’, Furnace is about you communicating with your Creator. It’s up to you how you do it, but tools aplenty are inside. Use this space to work out new ways to talk with God, giving him time to respond and yourself time to listen. It’s a space for you to hang out with Jesus and for him to speak to you about stuff in your life and your world. Pray for yourself, your mates, your town, workplace, uni, or specific areas around the world… just get in there and go for it! Come during opening hours and use the music, resources and visuals to express yourself and hear from your Father. We also want to share some gathered times of pray together. These will be places where to explore some of the many ways we can go deep with God. 10pm: Compline/Night Prayer. For over a thousand years monasteries have ended each day with God through night prayer. We want to take the best of this tradition with us into the 21st Century. Join us for an hour or so of ancient/future prayer and reflection. Celebrate all that God has done in the day and call on him before you go to bed.

Late night worship Times: 10:30pm – 11:30pm Map ref: F4 (Seminar C) A chance to end the day giving the glory back to God. This is time set aside to sing, shout, dance or think your heart out. Less formality and structure than our main meetings (if it can get any less formal), the Late Night worship sessions are our chance to continue what God has started in our lives. Lie down, stand up or just zone out and bring your focus back on God (all in a dilapidated cowshed) before you head off to your tent for a final stare at the stars.



“Intercede... pray... reflect... ask... listen...”

chat room Times: 2:30pm - 5:30pm Map ref: F3 Nicer than warming your feet on a wet day by an open fireplace and better at listening than GCHQ, the dudes in the Chat Room exist solely to help you out. If stuff has been brought up in a prayer time, seminar session or main meeting that you’d like to talk to someone about, then these guys and girls are here for a chat. Whatever the situation, whether it’s a question on the Holy Spirit, life, career or relationships they’ll listen, offering a nice cuppa, friendly advice and, if you want, hands on prayer. They keep it strictly confidential (though there are some exceptions), so if you’ve always wanted to chat about something but feel too embarrassed to talk to your mates, are having a rough ride or just want a bit of advice, pop in and see what you reckon!

furnace Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – 11:45pm Map ref: F3 Pray. Intercede. Reflect. Ask. Listen. You can do all these things and more at Furnace, our dedicated prayer venue. Open to all, whether expert 247ners or those of us who barely manage a ‘Dear Lord, you’re great, Amen’, Furnace is about you communicating with your Creator. It’s up to you how you do it, but tools aplenty are inside. Use this space to work out new ways to talk with God, giving him time to respond and yourself time to listen. It’s a space for you to hang out with Jesus and for him to speak to you about stuff in your life and your world. Pray for yourself, your mates, your town, workplace, uni, or specific areas around the world… just get in there and go for it! Come during opening hours and use the music, resources and visuals to express yourself and hear from your Father. We also want to share some gathered times of pray together. These will be places where to explore some of the many ways we can go deep with God. 10pm: Compline/Night Prayer. For over a thousand years monasteries have ended each day with God through night prayer. We want to take the best of this tradition with us into the 21st Century. Join us for an hour or so of ancient/future prayer and reflection. Celebrate all that God has done in the day and call on him before you go to bed.

Late night worship Times: 10:30pm – 11:30pm Map ref: F4 (Seminar C) A chance to end the day giving the glory back to God. This is time set aside to sing, shout, dance or think your heart out. Less formality and structure than our main meetings (if it can get any less formal), the Late Night worship sessions are our chance to continue what God has started in our lives. Lie down, stand up or just zone out and bring your focus back on God (all in a dilapidated cowshed) before you head off to your tent for a final stare at the stars.


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100 professionals needed to put their feet where their faith is and meet China’s needs 01732 887299

Café uno



Café Uno (in an English Country Garden) Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – midnight Map Ref: E4 Over the years Café Uno has made its name on the continents of this planet for several reasons. The first is vibe. More vibe than you can shake a stick, cup of coffee or bit of cake at. You can taste it from over 100 metres away (and it sure is tasty). The second is jazz, well, not strictly jazz, but spaced out jazz-dalek Milky Way funk. These world renowned themes aren’t going anywhere in 08. But there is a twist… and that twist is fresh. A place of community, being, presence. God’s presence and your presence, we hope. That’s not it though, they’ve bought the English country garden with them and they’ve invaded the Big Top ‘n’ all!

Uno in the Big Top… Open before the start of all our main meetings and for a bit as we close, the Uno posse are dragging their supplies, the vibe, and some nice surroundings all the way to the Big Top! Fresh pastries and coffee in the mornings, a glass of pop and treats in the evenings; we’re going upmarket, and it’s all thanks to the Uno posse… Uno afternoons… The afternoon stint for Uno is a bit of a change of pace. Imagine a nice garden tea party, with bunting, strawberries and cream, tea and scones or maybe even a panama hat. The traditional British

summertime feel, whatever the weather, is coming to Café Uno! But that’s not all. Want community? Of course you do, we all do, it’s what we were made for. Taking it back to Genesis and the whole, ‘we’re not meant to be alone’ tip the Uno gang want you to come and hang. Meet new people, chill with old mates, talk about life, death, the future resurrection, and maybe JC too. The point for the Uno afternoons is simple… just be, let others be, and be together (all in an English country garden!). There’s some nice cake there too. Uno evenings (featuring Our Dad)… Forget the Jackson Five or Sister Sledge. Our Dad pull in two generations of family members, all of whom can play the hind legs off a donkey (which they assure us, is an instrument). Funkier than a mosquito’s tweeter, these super soul brothers and sisters barely break into a sweat when carrying papa’s brand new bag… and they need to as their dad (now your dad, thus our dad) is the lead singer and guitarist of the unit (and insists his mic gets a protective carry case). Tighter than Linford Christies shorts, these old school legends take it back to the heyday of good times having you dancing ‘til the cows come home (which is about midnight by our agricultural estimates). Sing along then …’Jesus and me, we do agree, I love him, he loves me…’

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100 professionals needed to put their feet where their faith is and meet China’s needs 01732 887299

Café uno



Café Uno (in an English Country Garden) Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – midnight Map Ref: E4 Over the years Café Uno has made its name on the continents of this planet for several reasons. The first is vibe. More vibe than you can shake a stick, cup of coffee or bit of cake at. You can taste it from over 100 metres away (and it sure is tasty). The second is jazz, well, not strictly jazz, but spaced out jazz-dalek Milky Way funk. These world renowned themes aren’t going anywhere in 08. But there is a twist… and that twist is fresh. A place of community, being, presence. God’s presence and your presence, we hope. That’s not it though, they’ve bought the English country garden with them and they’ve invaded the Big Top ‘n’ all!

Uno in the Big Top… Open before the start of all our main meetings and for a bit as we close, the Uno posse are dragging their supplies, the vibe, and some nice surroundings all the way to the Big Top! Fresh pastries and coffee in the mornings, a glass of pop and treats in the evenings; we’re going upmarket, and it’s all thanks to the Uno posse… Uno afternoons… The afternoon stint for Uno is a bit of a change of pace. Imagine a nice garden tea party, with bunting, strawberries and cream, tea and scones or maybe even a panama hat. The traditional British

summertime feel, whatever the weather, is coming to Café Uno! But that’s not all. Want community? Of course you do, we all do, it’s what we were made for. Taking it back to Genesis and the whole, ‘we’re not meant to be alone’ tip the Uno gang want you to come and hang. Meet new people, chill with old mates, talk about life, death, the future resurrection, and maybe JC too. The point for the Uno afternoons is simple… just be, let others be, and be together (all in an English country garden!). There’s some nice cake there too. Uno evenings (featuring Our Dad)… Forget the Jackson Five or Sister Sledge. Our Dad pull in two generations of family members, all of whom can play the hind legs off a donkey (which they assure us, is an instrument). Funkier than a mosquito’s tweeter, these super soul brothers and sisters barely break into a sweat when carrying papa’s brand new bag… and they need to as their dad (now your dad, thus our dad) is the lead singer and guitarist of the unit (and insists his mic gets a protective carry case). Tighter than Linford Christies shorts, these old school legends take it back to the heyday of good times having you dancing ‘til the cows come home (which is about midnight by our agricultural estimates). Sing along then …’Jesus and me, we do agree, I love him, he loves me…’



é f a C n o i t c A l Sou Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – midnight Map ref: F4 Activism is a recycled brown paper cup full of fairly traded coffee. It might be, or it might just be an excuse. Whatever your thoughts on globalisation, debt relief or Geldof’s facial hair, you’re more than welcome to pop in to our beautiful haven of ethically minded, morally sourced and colourfully cushioned relaxation. The Chomsky’s, Monbiont’s and Chris Martin’s of our world all started raging against the machine’s capitalist hegemony from a base such as the Soul Action Café, mainly inspired by a tasty brew, some nice cakes and the informative literature. Skeptical? Well, that’s a healthy attitude these days, but after sampling a dose of the action in this little

revolutionary drinking den, you’ll have plotted your own world changing schemes, grass roots initiatives and alternatives to chucking a brick through a McDonald’s window… it must be something they put in the water. As the name of the Café suggests, by delving inside you’ll also be able to find all sorts of stuff on Soul Action, the bit of Soul Survivor that works with Tearfund. With the Slum Survivor initiative spreading like wildfire, come along to find out how we’re spending the money you raised by supporting work in some of the poorest parts of our world! In 08, everything served in the Soul Action Café is organic… Apparently even the people are organic, though don’t eat them.

Slum Survivor in your church! 24th – 26th October*

New resources to help you get started!

Spend a day, night or weekend getting sponsored to live with the basics, creating your own shelters and learning about life in the slums and temporary settlements that house many of the world’s poor. Choose to undergo all new challenges based on the reality of life on the streets or a child headed household. Exist on a limited diet, pray for change and raise money for Soul Action sponsored projects working in poor communities throughout the world.

New in 08 is a great FREE DVD and CD ROM pack with video sessions on poverty, justice and God, plus a whole bunch of new challenges, bible studies and ideas to get you started on organising a Slum Survivor. Visit the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed to get a copy for your group (or visit when you get home) and check out the afternoon Slum Survivor taster sessions in the Soul Action Cafe for loads more info, resources and ideas on making your Slum Survivor event happen. Be inspired to raise money and awareness for change by holding a Slum Survivor weekend, day or night in your church!

* Suggested

nationwide dates, but you can run an event whenever you want.


In the last year over 235 churches ran a Slum Survivor event helping to raise in excess of £155,000 for Soul Action projects in poor communities throughout the world, which is amazing! Thanks to all of you who were involved. w. | e. | p. 0870 054 3331 | f. 0870 054 3334 Soul Action, Unit 2 Paramount Industrial Estate, Sandown Road, Watford, UK, WD24 7XF Soul Action is a joint initiative of Tearfund and Soul Survivor and operates under the charitable status of Soul Survivor. Charity number is 1080720. Company Limited by Guarantee Reg No. 03991111.



é f a C n o i t c A l Sou Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – midnight Map ref: F4 Activism is a recycled brown paper cup full of fairly traded coffee. It might be, or it might just be an excuse. Whatever your thoughts on globalisation, debt relief or Geldof’s facial hair, you’re more than welcome to pop in to our beautiful haven of ethically minded, morally sourced and colourfully cushioned relaxation. The Chomsky’s, Monbiont’s and Chris Martin’s of our world all started raging against the machine’s capitalist hegemony from a base such as the Soul Action Café, mainly inspired by a tasty brew, some nice cakes and the informative literature. Skeptical? Well, that’s a healthy attitude these days, but after sampling a dose of the action in this little

revolutionary drinking den, you’ll have plotted your own world changing schemes, grass roots initiatives and alternatives to chucking a brick through a McDonald’s window… it must be something they put in the water. As the name of the Café suggests, by delving inside you’ll also be able to find all sorts of stuff on Soul Action, the bit of Soul Survivor that works with Tearfund. With the Slum Survivor initiative spreading like wildfire, come along to find out how we’re spending the money you raised by supporting work in some of the poorest parts of our world! In 08, everything served in the Soul Action Café is organic… Apparently even the people are organic, though don’t eat them.

Slum Survivor in your church! 24th – 26th October*

New resources to help you get started!

Spend a day, night or weekend getting sponsored to live with the basics, creating your own shelters and learning about life in the slums and temporary settlements that house many of the world’s poor. Choose to undergo all new challenges based on the reality of life on the streets or a child headed household. Exist on a limited diet, pray for change and raise money for Soul Action sponsored projects working in poor communities throughout the world.

New in 08 is a great FREE DVD and CD ROM pack with video sessions on poverty, justice and God, plus a whole bunch of new challenges, bible studies and ideas to get you started on organising a Slum Survivor. Visit the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed to get a copy for your group (or visit when you get home) and check out the afternoon Slum Survivor taster sessions in the Soul Action Cafe for loads more info, resources and ideas on making your Slum Survivor event happen. Be inspired to raise money and awareness for change by holding a Slum Survivor weekend, day or night in your church!

* Suggested

nationwide dates, but you can run an event whenever you want.


In the last year over 235 churches ran a Slum Survivor event helping to raise in excess of £155,000 for Soul Action projects in poor communities throughout the world, which is amazing! Thanks to all of you who were involved. w. | e. | p. 0870 054 3331 | f. 0870 054 3334 Soul Action, Unit 2 Paramount Industrial Estate, Sandown Road, Watford, UK, WD24 7XF Soul Action is a joint initiative of Tearfund and Soul Survivor and operates under the charitable status of Soul Survivor. Charity number is 1080720. Company Limited by Guarantee Reg No. 03991111.



lumming it with Soul Action S Soul Action is the bit of Soul Survivor that is committed to talking about – and acting on – God’s heart for justice. It’s about inspiring, encouraging and equipping us all to follow Jesus with no ifs and no buts. Showing our love of God by loving our neighbours. Living out His call to stand with and serve the last, the least and the lost all over the world. We work alongside our friends at Tearfund to make Soul Action happen. The dream is to inspire a generation of Christians who get it: that God loves us to love others, that worship and justice go hand in hand, that we can’t love God without loving our neighbours. Soul Action supports projects and friends working in poor communities throughout the world, but also offers loads of practical initiatives that help you to raise awareness of the issues facing some of the worlds poorest. This is where you come in… we want you involved! Take a look and see what you can do from a simple action, to serving for several months overseas! Soul Action at Momentum There’s a few different ways to connect with Soul Action whilst at Momentum. Have a read, make sure you know what’s what, and come and say hello sometime. Soul Action in the Big Top: You won’t miss this one. Every evening there will be a short Soul Action film showing how the money raised over the last 12 months has had an impact.

Soul Action stand: The place to be to find out everything about Soul Action ever. Come and have a chat and we’ll see if we can get you started on a Slum Survivor or Noise event, overseas team, AOK Day mission and more besides… Daily AOK task: This is where it gets fun. The AOK (Act of Kindness) revolution has been quietly overturning our ‘me me me’ centred world for a year or two now. To join in check the screens in the Big Top before our morning and evening meetings to see our suggested AOK missions for each day. Slum Survivor taster sessions in the Soul Action Café: About one sixth of the world’s population live in slums. It’s hard to believe what life is like for these one billion people. Insecurity, hunger, disease, financial poverty, hardship… want. Slum Survivor is our chance to stand with these people. To raise money, awareness and have our attitudes changed over the course of a weekend. Come and experience Slum Survivor for an hour in the Soul Action Café one afternoon. Soul Action seminars: We’ve got a whole seminar stream called Soul Action where you can find out everything from the biblical mandate on justice through to stuff on international development and making ethical and God centred decisions about our money, careers and lives.

Soul Action Fun Run: Not one for the faint hearted, Day 4 sees the fourth annual Soul Action Fun Run. Get sponsored, or be a sponsor and help raise a bit of money for the projects Soul Action supports. Find out more on page 18. Soul Action throughout the year Pull your socks up and get ready to get going with Soul Action in 08 and 09! Check out the stuff you can do when you get back home… AOK Day: Join the revolution! Pick up an AOK (Act of Kindness) flyer, do the suggested missions, write down your stories and let us know how it all went. Check for more acts, stories, encouragements and more. Go on, go out of your way to make someone else’s day! Prayer: It might seem that in the face of such poverty and injustice, we are helpless to do anything. But, we can pray. Check for regular prayer updates on what is happening around the world. Seek God for your community, nation and world.

Slum Survivor: Pick up our brand spanking new CD ROM/DVD from the Toolshed and get started on planning and running your very own Slum Survivor event. Spend a few days the way a billion spend a lifetime and limit your lifestyle to raise money for and awareness of poor communities around the world. Slum Survivor in schools: A brand new initiative… Slum Survivor as part of the school curriculum. If you’re a teacher, or youth worker involved in schools work, then check for a free resource pack! Go to serve from January 2009: There are placements on teams serving in Durban for 3 months leaving in January. Spaces are limited so find out more at the Soul Action stand or check when you get home. The Noise: Get started in bringing Jesus’ light and life to your community with a one off weekend or regular social action initiative. See what other churches are up to and get some ideas at



lumming it with Soul Action S Soul Action is the bit of Soul Survivor that is committed to talking about – and acting on – God’s heart for justice. It’s about inspiring, encouraging and equipping us all to follow Jesus with no ifs and no buts. Showing our love of God by loving our neighbours. Living out His call to stand with and serve the last, the least and the lost all over the world. We work alongside our friends at Tearfund to make Soul Action happen. The dream is to inspire a generation of Christians who get it: that God loves us to love others, that worship and justice go hand in hand, that we can’t love God without loving our neighbours. Soul Action supports projects and friends working in poor communities throughout the world, but also offers loads of practical initiatives that help you to raise awareness of the issues facing some of the worlds poorest. This is where you come in… we want you involved! Take a look and see what you can do from a simple action, to serving for several months overseas! Soul Action at Momentum There’s a few different ways to connect with Soul Action whilst at Momentum. Have a read, make sure you know what’s what, and come and say hello sometime. Soul Action in the Big Top: You won’t miss this one. Every evening there will be a short Soul Action film showing how the money raised over the last 12 months has had an impact.

Soul Action stand: The place to be to find out everything about Soul Action ever. Come and have a chat and we’ll see if we can get you started on a Slum Survivor or Noise event, overseas team, AOK Day mission and more besides… Daily AOK task: This is where it gets fun. The AOK (Act of Kindness) revolution has been quietly overturning our ‘me me me’ centred world for a year or two now. To join in check the screens in the Big Top before our morning and evening meetings to see our suggested AOK missions for each day. Slum Survivor taster sessions in the Soul Action Café: About one sixth of the world’s population live in slums. It’s hard to believe what life is like for these one billion people. Insecurity, hunger, disease, financial poverty, hardship… want. Slum Survivor is our chance to stand with these people. To raise money, awareness and have our attitudes changed over the course of a weekend. Come and experience Slum Survivor for an hour in the Soul Action Café one afternoon. Soul Action seminars: We’ve got a whole seminar stream called Soul Action where you can find out everything from the biblical mandate on justice through to stuff on international development and making ethical and God centred decisions about our money, careers and lives.

Soul Action Fun Run: Not one for the faint hearted, Day 4 sees the fourth annual Soul Action Fun Run. Get sponsored, or be a sponsor and help raise a bit of money for the projects Soul Action supports. Find out more on page 18. Soul Action throughout the year Pull your socks up and get ready to get going with Soul Action in 08 and 09! Check out the stuff you can do when you get back home… AOK Day: Join the revolution! Pick up an AOK (Act of Kindness) flyer, do the suggested missions, write down your stories and let us know how it all went. Check for more acts, stories, encouragements and more. Go on, go out of your way to make someone else’s day! Prayer: It might seem that in the face of such poverty and injustice, we are helpless to do anything. But, we can pray. Check for regular prayer updates on what is happening around the world. Seek God for your community, nation and world.

Slum Survivor: Pick up our brand spanking new CD ROM/DVD from the Toolshed and get started on planning and running your very own Slum Survivor event. Spend a few days the way a billion spend a lifetime and limit your lifestyle to raise money for and awareness of poor communities around the world. Slum Survivor in schools: A brand new initiative… Slum Survivor as part of the school curriculum. If you’re a teacher, or youth worker involved in schools work, then check for a free resource pack! Go to serve from January 2009: There are placements on teams serving in Durban for 3 months leaving in January. Spaces are limited so find out more at the Soul Action stand or check when you get home. The Noise: Get started in bringing Jesus’ light and life to your community with a one off weekend or regular social action initiative. See what other churches are up to and get some ideas at


OPEN DOORS Going underground? Not like the Jam and Paul Weller, but a bit more like the Christians around the world who everyday face persecution for their belief in Jesus. Our mates over at Underground, the youth bit of Brother Andrew’s Open Doors, support the Church in countries around the world where being a Christian is a life threatening commitment. We reckon that standing with those who share our faith but not our freedom is part of being a Christian. As followers of Jesus we’re part of the same family. This family stretches across the time zones, across the nations, cuts through all restrictions and no go areas… It unites us like nothing else. The vision is of a world in which every Christian who is persecuted is remembered and supported by other Christians: where we seek to alleviate their suffering, and to help them extend God’s Kingdom in their part of the world. Out of the 200 million people persecuted for their faith in Jesus, 60% are young people… Miriam (Ethiopia) Miriam’s Dad, an evangelist, was murdered in October 2006. His attackers tried to force him to deny his faith and convert to Islam before he died. But he bravely preached for Jesus and prayed for his family. Miriam’s mum and six brothers and sisters are determined to follow Jesus despite their loss. Hannatu (Nigeria) Hannatu was expelled from uni for being a Christian. A while later her home was broken into, the attackers were after her, instead they found her sister Jemima. She was beaten and nearly died. Hannatu now lives in hiding, studying in another country: “I know extremists are after my life, and that is why I had to leave my family. I miss the comfort of being with my parents, but I have no regrets. This is part of carrying my cross”.

g n i tt

. . . r v e r u n S e l Sou gre ge s i r


How about walking in their shoes? Join in the campaign and help raise awareness to do something about stopping persecution of Christians in other countries. Use your freedom to make a statement about injustice and buy a pair of shoe laces to support persecuted Christians around the world. Visit the Underground/Open Doors stand in the ToolShed to get your laces and to find out more about what you can do to stand with your brothers and sisters who face abuse and harm because of their love of Jesus. Put the 9th November in your diary and give some time to pray for the persecuted Church around the world. Get along to Eddie Lyle’s seminar on the ‘Persecuted Church’ to find out a bit more about the issues (see the day planner for more info).

ot in a jealousy kind of way, but in an eco friendly N ‘we’re trying to do our bit for the world’ kind of way. We are far from perfect, but we’re trying to make sure all our events have a lot less of a negative impact on the environment and our global neighbours than they could do. We’ve already been reducing the amount of stuff we print and are increasing the importance of what we do online and via email (and when we do have to print stuff it’s all from paper that is from sustainable forests). Plus all our team t-shirts are ethically sourced and all teas and coffees served onsite are, of course, fair-trade. But that’s just the start. Really, whilst at our events, we can only do so much, the rest comes down to you. So, make sure you’re up to speed on the things below, and join in the getting greener fun…

Recycle rubbish: All over site you’ll find recycling points to throw away your mess. There’s glass, plastics, cans and paper bins all of which are ready to accept your recyclable deposits. Recycle unused food: Any non perishable/non fresh food that you have left over (preferably not some bit of Tupperware stuffed full of last night’s bolognese) can be brought to Seminar A from 5pm

on Day 5 until the morning of the day you leave. There’ll be space to leave your leftover foodstuffs and we’ll make sure it finds a good new home. Last year £5,000 worth of left over food was donated to local charities and organisations… which is nice. We’re committed to principles of getting greener, but we know this’ll cost us financially too. If you care about this stuff let us know. We could potentially offset our carbon footprint, increase recycling and even offer shared transport options if you’d be prepared to come to our events, but pay say £5 more (this is an estimate!). We hate having to increase costs of our events, as it means some of you can’t come, but let us know what you think, this might be a myth we’ve made up! In previous years we’ve had a few different fair-trade options on sale but as they cost a bit more people haven’t brought them and they ended up going to waste… we’d love to bring them back though (new ones, not three year old cakes, they’d be horrible). Email us your thoughts when you get home (use info@ and mark the email ‘Getting greener… my thoughts’) and help us get better at this stuff.


OPEN DOORS Going underground? Not like the Jam and Paul Weller, but a bit more like the Christians around the world who everyday face persecution for their belief in Jesus. Our mates over at Underground, the youth bit of Brother Andrew’s Open Doors, support the Church in countries around the world where being a Christian is a life threatening commitment. We reckon that standing with those who share our faith but not our freedom is part of being a Christian. As followers of Jesus we’re part of the same family. This family stretches across the time zones, across the nations, cuts through all restrictions and no go areas… It unites us like nothing else. The vision is of a world in which every Christian who is persecuted is remembered and supported by other Christians: where we seek to alleviate their suffering, and to help them extend God’s Kingdom in their part of the world. Out of the 200 million people persecuted for their faith in Jesus, 60% are young people… Miriam (Ethiopia) Miriam’s Dad, an evangelist, was murdered in October 2006. His attackers tried to force him to deny his faith and convert to Islam before he died. But he bravely preached for Jesus and prayed for his family. Miriam’s mum and six brothers and sisters are determined to follow Jesus despite their loss. Hannatu (Nigeria) Hannatu was expelled from uni for being a Christian. A while later her home was broken into, the attackers were after her, instead they found her sister Jemima. She was beaten and nearly died. Hannatu now lives in hiding, studying in another country: “I know extremists are after my life, and that is why I had to leave my family. I miss the comfort of being with my parents, but I have no regrets. This is part of carrying my cross”.

g n i tt

. . . r v e r u n S e l Sou gre ge s i r


How about walking in their shoes? Join in the campaign and help raise awareness to do something about stopping persecution of Christians in other countries. Use your freedom to make a statement about injustice and buy a pair of shoe laces to support persecuted Christians around the world. Visit the Underground/Open Doors stand in the ToolShed to get your laces and to find out more about what you can do to stand with your brothers and sisters who face abuse and harm because of their love of Jesus. Put the 9th November in your diary and give some time to pray for the persecuted Church around the world. Get along to Eddie Lyle’s seminar on the ‘Persecuted Church’ to find out a bit more about the issues (see the day planner for more info).

ot in a jealousy kind of way, but in an eco friendly N ‘we’re trying to do our bit for the world’ kind of way. We are far from perfect, but we’re trying to make sure all our events have a lot less of a negative impact on the environment and our global neighbours than they could do. We’ve already been reducing the amount of stuff we print and are increasing the importance of what we do online and via email (and when we do have to print stuff it’s all from paper that is from sustainable forests). Plus all our team t-shirts are ethically sourced and all teas and coffees served onsite are, of course, fair-trade. But that’s just the start. Really, whilst at our events, we can only do so much, the rest comes down to you. So, make sure you’re up to speed on the things below, and join in the getting greener fun…

Recycle rubbish: All over site you’ll find recycling points to throw away your mess. There’s glass, plastics, cans and paper bins all of which are ready to accept your recyclable deposits. Recycle unused food: Any non perishable/non fresh food that you have left over (preferably not some bit of Tupperware stuffed full of last night’s bolognese) can be brought to Seminar A from 5pm

on Day 5 until the morning of the day you leave. There’ll be space to leave your leftover foodstuffs and we’ll make sure it finds a good new home. Last year £5,000 worth of left over food was donated to local charities and organisations… which is nice. We’re committed to principles of getting greener, but we know this’ll cost us financially too. If you care about this stuff let us know. We could potentially offset our carbon footprint, increase recycling and even offer shared transport options if you’d be prepared to come to our events, but pay say £5 more (this is an estimate!). We hate having to increase costs of our events, as it means some of you can’t come, but let us know what you think, this might be a myth we’ve made up! In previous years we’ve had a few different fair-trade options on sale but as they cost a bit more people haven’t brought them and they ended up going to waste… we’d love to bring them back though (new ones, not three year old cakes, they’d be horrible). Email us your thoughts when you get home (use info@ and mark the email ‘Getting greener… my thoughts’) and help us get better at this stuff.


n o i n U e


s year

hi (new t


Times: 9:30pm – midnight Map ref: F4 You can’t get me, I’m part of the union! In fact we can get you. We have a new technique. It’s called music and you’re bound to come round if we play some good tunes for you to dance, chill out or sing along to. We all have our favourite music spots… you know, everyone together in a sweaty, dingy little dive of a venue checking out the latest sounds from some obscure or not so obscure band. Well, add a new favourite to the list. The Union is a music venue, hosted by people who like music, for people who like music. Not too cheesy, not too pretentiously obscure either. Fancy it? You can dance, sit back, listen, chill out or have a (shouting) conversation with your mates over a pint (from the upstairs bar)… just like every other weekend! Each night is different and hosted by crate diggers, vinyl freaks and generally very nice people who learnt long ago that being cool means doing your own thing and being nice to everyone else who is doing their own thing too. So, no attitudes, just fresh dance moves and a bottle of something for when you get tired. The music policy is strictly random, but will follow certain themes (a bit like the universe).

Day 1: The Big Chill You’ve had a long journey and you’ve just got here, so the first session is where it’s at if you want to unwind. Soulful sounds to soothe your soul (ooohh look at the alliteration). A night Giles Peterson and Sigur Ros would have hosted together if they didn’t have a falling out over a hobnob biscuit last week. Day 2: Eclecticism (John Peel night) Bob Dylan having a beat box battle with Thom Yorke, reffed by Lee Scratch Perry with Jonny Cash and Pink Floyd as the ringside announcers… oh and it’s taking place on the moon. Day 3: Rockatropolis It’s a city in Greece. Tonight we’ll be playing only music from this city, or inspired by this city. Only joking. A night with sounds from the Beatles and Stones through to Arcade Fire and those monkeys from Sheffield. Day 4: MyTunes Forget the vinyl, music’s gone and got digital! If you’ve got an MP3 player with you bring yours along and you’ll have the chance to play your fave three tunes (or more depending on how many people come along and how good your tunes are…) Day 5: Who stole the funk? It wasn’t me. A lesson in James Brownology. Expect the most outrageous sounds from the super soul sixties and seventies. Original breaks, beats and funky chicken dancing. Music to put a smile on your face and a wiggle in your leg. Nuff said. *The Union replaces Mr Boogies who unfortunately double booked himself this week. Nevermind. We heard you thought he was a bit too cheesy anyway…

D OI L ellu C


ment, me entertain ptimus o es w A e. er O halfway th got given an y if you ever n during one ll ia ec m p o es fr s ening or Megatro Times: Scre night Prime, Jazz k in the 80’s. ch a e ac m b p 10:00 Christmas inutes e th E4 t u ength: 143 m f: o L h re 2 it 1 w g: Map gh in u at ro R a drive th ve : hing Kind of like air bit, is Celluloid. We’ lm Day three e pregnancy isn’t somet fi l en al p h o r ag fo cars and Juno Teen akes us all laugh, but wit lic own cinema ians ry ve r u o t u il m p p u es ly per b g th hand b that usual son), aspirin e together ject gets a pro best b aw su D o e o b ik (l ta s e ingl buff ’s her Juno th gaffers to m l, a guy who g. A teen gir d baby, a couple looking and potential at the silver (actually, n ri ai h g expecte ad and whilst starin screen. If revenge is a dis mate, an un iddle class d icate, m a o r) n en u ti th lo an o d ic ar ys T techn to adopt an of whom make for a del ld (well, so sa writer) then co . ed l rv se t ry bes step mum al ceptive look at family life er 18th centu served in an th o e er m al p d in so g d an ri t y an tO funn takeaway bes n scar for ‘Bes Celluloid is a ntainer that can be eate s it won an O ust be good. lu P co so m appropriate fork whilst sitting on a Screenplay ’, gth: 92 minutes r u en o d o ’s o en at w L h a 5 (t h 1 r wit floo R ating: ed concrete loid). : r u o f nicely carpet there’s no seats in Cellu l, Papillon Day el g dre et le n a h p l) Based a c way of sayin the best film journals (w e S Le e Diving Bel th d d th re f an u o o y e fl sc m er nd so We’ve r Jean (The Butt you website) to fi of Elle edito e true story ho after a stroke, the Lovefilm sters and classic flicks so d th n o n u Bauby w latest blockb for an evening and prete e of total Dominique r. ff to o live in a stat of verbal ec ch ir to it d ed lm rc fi r can sw fo o e as w any means hero, pirat , we ysis without it’s own that would to be a super ooching in the back row er al ar p ow ion. On Oh and no sm with torches and the p communicat ssing, but the film goes s e er ’v u sh re u yo rs… do have be utterly dep y to tell the story of how the zealous love r ve o y an ed t to evic beyond trag to communicate through . ed n ed ugh ar w n bee Bauby learn eyelid; a technique thro e, up it : k e a is ft n y h le ) fl o is er y go h a tt f ’s D use o r by le unner “Let e”. posed (lette ultimate look m co e h h The Kite R ht, lets all go… fly a kit ic wh ig emoirs. The in the air ton tlawed Mar y Poppins in er rtbreaking m in adversity. ea h n u h n o The Taliban ut fear not, the Kite Ru two at human triump 112 minutes b e , h n es gt en : got th Afghanista R ating: 12 L yway. You’ve ter one of an r te et b t af ive: is kid from is much od mates, bu ry in a vicious Day f he Wild So, there’s th go e d ar o h w lads r glo to t er ything he’ the other fo er the In lthy family. He’s got ev ys ev ra n , et e er b ar w o em p gs th in s, a wea , , connection urnament th need. Money get the idea. But wait. kite flying to later, one is in New York er ev s so … you same. 20 year ruled Afghanistan, and of an education is degree, he goes on an le an ta ib g h al n g T ti in it in one nating his hard h After gett ’ (bender) do setting fire rowing and on. ti ge ar p h ya a em vo s d in ic re r et eg b d ‘aesth d the quest fo to charity an friendship an gth: 124 minutes sive savings A search for freedom, in as m en over. and R ating: 15 L to what’s left ng lad ditches his family ch u : m o e u t w th yo ge t f e ’t o y don Da eart which th mers Films ts battling over ey into the h opes he’ll r rn o u f jo s a n a n o r T bo heads s, where he h this; alien ro h. an wildernes better than ght here on planet eart sk la A ri nd. ue! Throw in the universe never be fou gth: 143 minutes ough to be tr nspiracy, en y az cr en L s d 5 n 1 S ou ent co R ating: sive tal governm a monumen an you could wave a mas e th u’r more action weird cube thing and yo e m so , at stick


n o i n U e


s year

hi (new t


Times: 9:30pm – midnight Map ref: F4 You can’t get me, I’m part of the union! In fact we can get you. We have a new technique. It’s called music and you’re bound to come round if we play some good tunes for you to dance, chill out or sing along to. We all have our favourite music spots… you know, everyone together in a sweaty, dingy little dive of a venue checking out the latest sounds from some obscure or not so obscure band. Well, add a new favourite to the list. The Union is a music venue, hosted by people who like music, for people who like music. Not too cheesy, not too pretentiously obscure either. Fancy it? You can dance, sit back, listen, chill out or have a (shouting) conversation with your mates over a pint (from the upstairs bar)… just like every other weekend! Each night is different and hosted by crate diggers, vinyl freaks and generally very nice people who learnt long ago that being cool means doing your own thing and being nice to everyone else who is doing their own thing too. So, no attitudes, just fresh dance moves and a bottle of something for when you get tired. The music policy is strictly random, but will follow certain themes (a bit like the universe).

Day 1: The Big Chill You’ve had a long journey and you’ve just got here, so the first session is where it’s at if you want to unwind. Soulful sounds to soothe your soul (ooohh look at the alliteration). A night Giles Peterson and Sigur Ros would have hosted together if they didn’t have a falling out over a hobnob biscuit last week. Day 2: Eclecticism (John Peel night) Bob Dylan having a beat box battle with Thom Yorke, reffed by Lee Scratch Perry with Jonny Cash and Pink Floyd as the ringside announcers… oh and it’s taking place on the moon. Day 3: Rockatropolis It’s a city in Greece. Tonight we’ll be playing only music from this city, or inspired by this city. Only joking. A night with sounds from the Beatles and Stones through to Arcade Fire and those monkeys from Sheffield. Day 4: MyTunes Forget the vinyl, music’s gone and got digital! If you’ve got an MP3 player with you bring yours along and you’ll have the chance to play your fave three tunes (or more depending on how many people come along and how good your tunes are…) Day 5: Who stole the funk? It wasn’t me. A lesson in James Brownology. Expect the most outrageous sounds from the super soul sixties and seventies. Original breaks, beats and funky chicken dancing. Music to put a smile on your face and a wiggle in your leg. Nuff said. *The Union replaces Mr Boogies who unfortunately double booked himself this week. Nevermind. We heard you thought he was a bit too cheesy anyway…

D OI L ellu C


ment, me entertain ptimus o es w A e. er O halfway th got given an y if you ever n during one ll ia ec m p o es fr s ening or Megatro Times: Scre night Prime, Jazz k in the 80’s. ch a e ac m b p 10:00 Christmas inutes e th E4 t u ength: 143 m f: o L h re 2 it 1 w g: Map gh in u at ro R a drive th ve : hing Kind of like air bit, is Celluloid. We’ lm Day three e pregnancy isn’t somet fi l en al p h o r ag fo cars and Juno Teen akes us all laugh, but wit lic own cinema ians ry ve r u o t u il m p p u es ly per b g th hand b that usual son), aspirin e together ject gets a pro best b aw su D o e o b ik (l ta s e ingl buff ’s her Juno th gaffers to m l, a guy who g. A teen gir d baby, a couple looking and potential at the silver (actually, n ri ai h g expecte ad and whilst starin screen. If revenge is a dis mate, an un iddle class d icate, m a o r) n en u ti th lo an o d ic ar ys T techn to adopt an of whom make for a del ld (well, so sa writer) then co . ed l rv se t ry bes step mum al ceptive look at family life er 18th centu served in an th o e er m al p d in so g d an ri t y an tO funn takeaway bes n scar for ‘Bes Celluloid is a ntainer that can be eate s it won an O ust be good. lu P co so m appropriate fork whilst sitting on a Screenplay ’, gth: 92 minutes r u en o d o ’s o en at w L h a 5 (t h 1 r wit floo R ating: ed concrete loid). : r u o f nicely carpet there’s no seats in Cellu l, Papillon Day el g dre et le n a h p l) Based a c way of sayin the best film journals (w e S Le e Diving Bel th d d th re f an u o o y e fl sc m er nd so We’ve r Jean (The Butt you website) to fi of Elle edito e true story ho after a stroke, the Lovefilm sters and classic flicks so d th n o n u Bauby w latest blockb for an evening and prete e of total Dominique r. ff to o live in a stat of verbal ec ch ir to it d ed lm rc fi r can sw fo o e as w any means hero, pirat , we ysis without it’s own that would to be a super ooching in the back row er al ar p ow ion. On Oh and no sm with torches and the p communicat ssing, but the film goes s e er ’v u sh re u yo rs… do have be utterly dep y to tell the story of how the zealous love r ve o y an ed t to evic beyond trag to communicate through . ed n ed ugh ar w n bee Bauby learn eyelid; a technique thro e, up it : k e a is ft n y h le ) fl o is er y go h a tt f ’s D use o r by le unner “Let e”. posed (lette ultimate look m co e h h The Kite R ht, lets all go… fly a kit ic wh ig emoirs. The in the air ton tlawed Mar y Poppins in er rtbreaking m in adversity. ea h n u h n o The Taliban ut fear not, the Kite Ru two at human triump 112 minutes b e , h n es gt en : got th Afghanista R ating: 12 L yway. You’ve ter one of an r te et b t af ive: is kid from is much od mates, bu ry in a vicious Day f he Wild So, there’s th go e d ar o h w lads r glo to t er ything he’ the other fo er the In lthy family. He’s got ev ys ev ra n , et e er b ar w o em p gs th in s, a wea , , connection urnament th need. Money get the idea. But wait. kite flying to later, one is in New York er ev s so … you same. 20 year ruled Afghanistan, and of an education is degree, he goes on an le an ta ib g h al n g T ti in it in one nating his hard h After gett ’ (bender) do setting fire rowing and on. ti ge ar p h ya a em vo s d in ic re r et eg b d ‘aesth d the quest fo to charity an friendship an gth: 124 minutes sive savings A search for freedom, in as m en over. and R ating: 15 L to what’s left ng lad ditches his family ch u : m o e u t w th yo ge t f e ’t o y don Da eart which th mers Films ts battling over ey into the h opes he’ll r rn o u f jo s a n a n o r T bo heads s, where he h this; alien ro h. an wildernes better than ght here on planet eart sk la A ri nd. ue! Throw in the universe never be fou gth: 143 minutes ough to be tr nspiracy, en y az cr en L s d 5 n 1 S ou ent co R ating: sive tal governm a monumen an you could wave a mas e th u’r more action weird cube thing and yo e m so , at stick


s t r o p S Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – 11:45pm Map Ref: E4 (Indoor Sports) and F4 (Outdoor Sports) What with the Olympics showcasing every single sport under the sun, we figured we’d best put some shorts and suitable footwear on and offer you some kind of physical activity. So, get yourself down to the sports arena and step up to win the accolades the likes of the England footie, cricket and rugby teams can only dream of… Organised activities include… (Just sign up at the sports desk from day one to join in!) Pain Au Chocolat tournament: A tournament invented just for Momentum! Panna cage football with a twist. The winner gets the rights to a packet of Pain Au Chocolat. Fast paced, energetic and tasty… Days 2-5 from 2:00pm The official Euro Championships… There’s no jumpers for goal posts or rush goalies here, plus you only need five players! Other than that come along and see if you can make the beautiful game even more beautiful. Straight up Match of the Day action, complete with half time punditry! Begins Day 2 from 2:00pm

Volleyball: Originating as a version of tennis for really small people (hence the oversized net) volleyball is now a sport in its own right. See if you can spike or dig like a pro. Extra awards for the loudest grunters. Begins Day 3 from 2:00pm Ultimate Frisbee: Invented by aliens who liked sports… no-one actually knows how to play the game properly as all the instructions are written in the colloquial Martian tongue. Begins Day 3 from 2:00pm Momentum Villages ‘It’s a Knockout’ Challenge… Get together with other campers from your bit of the showground and enter into a good old Butlines-esque fun day, featuring a bean bag relay, egg and spoon races and even a tug ‘o’ war! Day 4 from 2:00pm Basketball: Yo player! Think you’ve got skills? Prove it homes. 3 vs. 3 basketball, straight out of the urban courts of New York. Gritty. For real son. Begins Day 5 from 2:00pm

Momentum sports personality of the year! A new addition to the Momentum sports programme. As with the BBC’s variety, you don’t have to be a great sportsman to win, you just have to stand out as a character that has had a good laugh and played fair during one or more of the sporting activities. You’ll get a little medal (and that’s probably it). Sports Café Plus, all new to this year’s event is a Sport’s Café. Sit back with a Lucozade (or some other isotonic drink that is in balance with your body fluids) and check out all the energetic stuff whirling about around you! Fun Run Times: Day 4, 5:15pm (for a 5:30pm start) Map Ref: F4 Dress up like Moses, Spiderman, those 118 brothers or just come as yourself and sprint, jog, walk or crawl around the showground in our fourth annual Soul Action Fun Run. You don’t need to be an athletically gifted individual, just someone with a heart to do something for others (have we made you feel bad enough to take part yet?).

Lifelong relationships have been forged by runners partaking in a bit of healthy race day competition, so pull your socks up, join in the camaraderie and see if you can make it (you can, it’s only two miles). Remember, it’s a sponsored run, so get people to support you… all the proceeds go to Soul Action. If you don’t fancy the jaunt around the campsite, then no worries. You can still take part. Just get yourself along the race day route and clap or cheer the energetic competitors as they breathlessly stumble past you. You can also sponsor your mates and thereby appease any guilt you have of not taking part with a small financial act of sacrifice. To enter: 1) Get your forms from the Soul Action café, The Soul Action stand in the ToolShed, the Sports desk or Information. 2) Don’t eat too many chips before you run . 3) Do some exercises and stretches . 4) Turn up and run like the wind . 5) Collect your sponsorship money and hand it in at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed


s t r o p S Times: 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – 11:45pm Map Ref: E4 (Indoor Sports) and F4 (Outdoor Sports) What with the Olympics showcasing every single sport under the sun, we figured we’d best put some shorts and suitable footwear on and offer you some kind of physical activity. So, get yourself down to the sports arena and step up to win the accolades the likes of the England footie, cricket and rugby teams can only dream of… Organised activities include… (Just sign up at the sports desk from day one to join in!) Pain Au Chocolat tournament: A tournament invented just for Momentum! Panna cage football with a twist. The winner gets the rights to a packet of Pain Au Chocolat. Fast paced, energetic and tasty… Days 2-5 from 2:00pm The official Euro Championships… There’s no jumpers for goal posts or rush goalies here, plus you only need five players! Other than that come along and see if you can make the beautiful game even more beautiful. Straight up Match of the Day action, complete with half time punditry! Begins Day 2 from 2:00pm

Volleyball: Originating as a version of tennis for really small people (hence the oversized net) volleyball is now a sport in its own right. See if you can spike or dig like a pro. Extra awards for the loudest grunters. Begins Day 3 from 2:00pm Ultimate Frisbee: Invented by aliens who liked sports… no-one actually knows how to play the game properly as all the instructions are written in the colloquial Martian tongue. Begins Day 3 from 2:00pm Momentum Villages ‘It’s a Knockout’ Challenge… Get together with other campers from your bit of the showground and enter into a good old Butlines-esque fun day, featuring a bean bag relay, egg and spoon races and even a tug ‘o’ war! Day 4 from 2:00pm Basketball: Yo player! Think you’ve got skills? Prove it homes. 3 vs. 3 basketball, straight out of the urban courts of New York. Gritty. For real son. Begins Day 5 from 2:00pm

Momentum sports personality of the year! A new addition to the Momentum sports programme. As with the BBC’s variety, you don’t have to be a great sportsman to win, you just have to stand out as a character that has had a good laugh and played fair during one or more of the sporting activities. You’ll get a little medal (and that’s probably it). Sports Café Plus, all new to this year’s event is a Sport’s Café. Sit back with a Lucozade (or some other isotonic drink that is in balance with your body fluids) and check out all the energetic stuff whirling about around you! Fun Run Times: Day 4, 5:15pm (for a 5:30pm start) Map Ref: F4 Dress up like Moses, Spiderman, those 118 brothers or just come as yourself and sprint, jog, walk or crawl around the showground in our fourth annual Soul Action Fun Run. You don’t need to be an athletically gifted individual, just someone with a heart to do something for others (have we made you feel bad enough to take part yet?).

Lifelong relationships have been forged by runners partaking in a bit of healthy race day competition, so pull your socks up, join in the camaraderie and see if you can make it (you can, it’s only two miles). Remember, it’s a sponsored run, so get people to support you… all the proceeds go to Soul Action. If you don’t fancy the jaunt around the campsite, then no worries. You can still take part. Just get yourself along the race day route and clap or cheer the energetic competitors as they breathlessly stumble past you. You can also sponsor your mates and thereby appease any guilt you have of not taking part with a small financial act of sacrifice. To enter: 1) Get your forms from the Soul Action café, The Soul Action stand in the ToolShed, the Sports desk or Information. 2) Don’t eat too many chips before you run . 3) Do some exercises and stretches . 4) Turn up and run like the wind . 5) Collect your sponsorship money and hand it in at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed



Frucie Borsyths Cabaret and Live Lounge imes: 9:30pm – midnight T Map ref: F4 Ring a ding ding! Ring a ding dong! Life is the name of the game and we wanna play the game with you! Nice to see you, to see you nice! Super, smashing, great. All new to this year’s Momentum is the Frucie Borsyth Cabaret and Live Lounge. It’s like Saturday night prime time TV with a twist of arsenic and dash of ginger mentalism. Live music, sketch shows, dancing, and lots of laughter indeed dear boy. All you have to do to be entertained ‘til you weep (in a good way) is turn up, grab a drink, tune in and watch. We guarantee that within five minutes you’ll know the catchphrase, sing the theme tune, write the theme tune… And your host is… The Cabaret and Live Lounge is hosted by our very own Frucie Borsyth (complete with wig, chin strap and smarmy one liners), the love child of Bruce Forsyth, Russ Abbott, Les Dennis and Paul Daniels. Special Frucie Borsyth features… Frucie wouldn’t let it lie. He wanted to take it back to the classic days of TV when he almost made it. Fake tan and glossy wigs, co-hosts and TV tat all served up on a Generation Game conveyor belt with only 45 seconds to memorise your entire life! And our survey said…. we couldn’t afford to put in more electricity points for all the flashing neon, so we stuck with the following…

Wheel of Family Fortunes Momentum’s very own game show. A combination of two of the nation’s favourite TV game shows, with a big wheel to spin, contestants to answer questions and special prizes like a picture of a golden retriever puppy or a 2006 pocket diary. Ohhhh…. Your turn… Life is a cabaret old chum. Got a talent? We’re looking for the real deal. Calling all musicians, actors, performers and anyone else who’d like the spotlight for a few minutes. You don’t have to be the best, just get up there and give Frucie a bit of banter… he loves it! Frucie will quickly run out of ideas on how to fill two hours of entertainment, so he’d love any of you who are game to perform a skit to the live TV show audience*. We can’t guarantee they’ll love you, but that’s half the fun! To enter, just turn up on the night and we’ll find a slot for you (if we’re busy we might have to put you on the following night). Please note, any bad language or obscenities won’t be tolerated and may ruin Frucie’s career in live Saturday night broadcasting, so don’t do it. you want to sign up for a cabaret slot then just *If speak to Frucie!



Frucie Borsyths Cabaret and Live Lounge imes: 9:30pm – midnight T Map ref: F4 Ring a ding ding! Ring a ding dong! Life is the name of the game and we wanna play the game with you! Nice to see you, to see you nice! Super, smashing, great. All new to this year’s Momentum is the Frucie Borsyth Cabaret and Live Lounge. It’s like Saturday night prime time TV with a twist of arsenic and dash of ginger mentalism. Live music, sketch shows, dancing, and lots of laughter indeed dear boy. All you have to do to be entertained ‘til you weep (in a good way) is turn up, grab a drink, tune in and watch. We guarantee that within five minutes you’ll know the catchphrase, sing the theme tune, write the theme tune… And your host is… The Cabaret and Live Lounge is hosted by our very own Frucie Borsyth (complete with wig, chin strap and smarmy one liners), the love child of Bruce Forsyth, Russ Abbott, Les Dennis and Paul Daniels. Special Frucie Borsyth features… Frucie wouldn’t let it lie. He wanted to take it back to the classic days of TV when he almost made it. Fake tan and glossy wigs, co-hosts and TV tat all served up on a Generation Game conveyor belt with only 45 seconds to memorise your entire life! And our survey said…. we couldn’t afford to put in more electricity points for all the flashing neon, so we stuck with the following…

Wheel of Family Fortunes Momentum’s very own game show. A combination of two of the nation’s favourite TV game shows, with a big wheel to spin, contestants to answer questions and special prizes like a picture of a golden retriever puppy or a 2006 pocket diary. Ohhhh…. Your turn… Life is a cabaret old chum. Got a talent? We’re looking for the real deal. Calling all musicians, actors, performers and anyone else who’d like the spotlight for a few minutes. You don’t have to be the best, just get up there and give Frucie a bit of banter… he loves it! Frucie will quickly run out of ideas on how to fill two hours of entertainment, so he’d love any of you who are game to perform a skit to the live TV show audience*. We can’t guarantee they’ll love you, but that’s half the fun! To enter, just turn up on the night and we’ll find a slot for you (if we’re busy we might have to put you on the following night). Please note, any bad language or obscenities won’t be tolerated and may ruin Frucie’s career in live Saturday night broadcasting, so don’t do it. you want to sign up for a cabaret slot then just *If speak to Frucie!



ToolShed imes: 1:00pm – 6:00pm T and 9:30pm – 11:30pm Map Ref: F3 Ever noticed how jewellers and estate agents seem to always bunch together on the High Street? It’s the stuff of A Level geography projects and town planners. Well, here in our ToolShed you won’t be able to walk two metres without bumping into yet another Christian organisation dedicated to resourcing and equipping you as you live out your walk with Jesus. The ToolShed is now so big it’s officially applying for status as the world’s 8th continent. Both Ray Mears and Bear Grylls got lost trying to survive for a few weeks navigating round our massive resources exhibition (you can find the rather embarrassing unaired footage on YouTube if you search hard enough). Luckily for you, Mountain Rescue volunteers are posted on all entrances providing direction and outdoor survival basics to the un-initiated. Do come prepared; two weeks after last years events we stumbled across a bunch of shivering wild children trying to keep warm amongst the few remaining Ben Cantelon CDs. It turned out they were Soul Survivor delegates who got lost in the ToolShed one afternoon. They’ve never been the same since…

To clarify… We have a few principles that guide how the ToolShed is run. They are… 1) All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your walk with Jesus. None should be

screaming at you because you don’t quite get their theological angle on things (no matter how right you or they might be). If you genuinely feel like you’ve been accosted by an over zealous exhibitor then let us know. 2) Most of the items that are sold are either primarily a resource or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust… but don’t be pressured to spend cash, this isn’t a shopping centre. We really like you, don’t want to treat you as some kind of marketing fodder and want you to be able to relax whilst at Momentum so that’s why we make a fuss over this stuff. There’s more on our attitudes to you on page 6. The Compassion Mezzanine Café With views to rival those from the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower or the moon, it’s this year’s exquisite balcony café. From this beautiful mezzanine eatery you can look down over the hoards with arms extended wide and pretend to be an Emperor giving one last rallying call to his troops before battle. If that’s not your cup of tea then how about a cup of tea? The café, hosted by the very lovely dudes from Compassion (the chaps who do awesome work with children living in poverty around the world), will serve up the freshest brew this side of Fortnum & Mason. So, if you can hack the climb up a slippery rock face (a metaphor for stairs) to about 64ft above ground level a nice bit of cake could be your prize.

Soul Survivor


oll on in to our joint. Yes sir. We’d love it if you’d R pop in for a chat (though please take your shoes off, we’ve just had a new carpet put down). It’ll be nice to get to know you a bit more. At the moment you’re only an entry on an old and battered database. But no more; we want to find out about the people behind the database records… that’s you! So, we’ve got a whole new Café hosted by Soul Survivor peeps (and some of our mates too). You can peruse our stand, have a nice piece of pie, relax into a sofa or even chat to us for a while! There’s even going to be a little Soul Survivor Info station there so you can get your address and email details all up to date with us! Come along, ask all about Soul Survivor you’ve ever wanted to ask (though be nice) and hang out for a bit!

The Office Sponsored by Compassion A bit like a real office, with computers and everything, but unlike the proper thing there’s no procrastinating or trying to check your Facebook whilst pretending to do some work! In fact you can be as loud and proud with your Facebook addiction in this office as you want to be, as it’s our inter-worldwide web access point. It only costs 30p to rent a board and surf the information superhighway for 15 minutes, so come on in and send an email, do a last minute ebay bid on that collection of limited edition vintage scarves or just search Google for googles… Surf’s up dude, the waves are looking pretty rad! Plus you can recharge your mobile phone here too!



ToolShed imes: 1:00pm – 6:00pm T and 9:30pm – 11:30pm Map Ref: F3 Ever noticed how jewellers and estate agents seem to always bunch together on the High Street? It’s the stuff of A Level geography projects and town planners. Well, here in our ToolShed you won’t be able to walk two metres without bumping into yet another Christian organisation dedicated to resourcing and equipping you as you live out your walk with Jesus. The ToolShed is now so big it’s officially applying for status as the world’s 8th continent. Both Ray Mears and Bear Grylls got lost trying to survive for a few weeks navigating round our massive resources exhibition (you can find the rather embarrassing unaired footage on YouTube if you search hard enough). Luckily for you, Mountain Rescue volunteers are posted on all entrances providing direction and outdoor survival basics to the un-initiated. Do come prepared; two weeks after last years events we stumbled across a bunch of shivering wild children trying to keep warm amongst the few remaining Ben Cantelon CDs. It turned out they were Soul Survivor delegates who got lost in the ToolShed one afternoon. They’ve never been the same since…

To clarify… We have a few principles that guide how the ToolShed is run. They are… 1) All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your walk with Jesus. None should be

screaming at you because you don’t quite get their theological angle on things (no matter how right you or they might be). If you genuinely feel like you’ve been accosted by an over zealous exhibitor then let us know. 2) Most of the items that are sold are either primarily a resource or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust… but don’t be pressured to spend cash, this isn’t a shopping centre. We really like you, don’t want to treat you as some kind of marketing fodder and want you to be able to relax whilst at Momentum so that’s why we make a fuss over this stuff. There’s more on our attitudes to you on page 6. The Compassion Mezzanine Café With views to rival those from the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower or the moon, it’s this year’s exquisite balcony café. From this beautiful mezzanine eatery you can look down over the hoards with arms extended wide and pretend to be an Emperor giving one last rallying call to his troops before battle. If that’s not your cup of tea then how about a cup of tea? The café, hosted by the very lovely dudes from Compassion (the chaps who do awesome work with children living in poverty around the world), will serve up the freshest brew this side of Fortnum & Mason. So, if you can hack the climb up a slippery rock face (a metaphor for stairs) to about 64ft above ground level a nice bit of cake could be your prize.

Soul Survivor


oll on in to our joint. Yes sir. We’d love it if you’d R pop in for a chat (though please take your shoes off, we’ve just had a new carpet put down). It’ll be nice to get to know you a bit more. At the moment you’re only an entry on an old and battered database. But no more; we want to find out about the people behind the database records… that’s you! So, we’ve got a whole new Café hosted by Soul Survivor peeps (and some of our mates too). You can peruse our stand, have a nice piece of pie, relax into a sofa or even chat to us for a while! There’s even going to be a little Soul Survivor Info station there so you can get your address and email details all up to date with us! Come along, ask all about Soul Survivor you’ve ever wanted to ask (though be nice) and hang out for a bit!

The Office Sponsored by Compassion A bit like a real office, with computers and everything, but unlike the proper thing there’s no procrastinating or trying to check your Facebook whilst pretending to do some work! In fact you can be as loud and proud with your Facebook addiction in this office as you want to be, as it’s our inter-worldwide web access point. It only costs 30p to rent a board and surf the information superhighway for 15 minutes, so come on in and send an email, do a last minute ebay bid on that collection of limited edition vintage scarves or just search Google for googles… Surf’s up dude, the waves are looking pretty rad! Plus you can recharge your mobile phone here too!

Performing arts a n d w o r k s h o p s … By the Riding Lights



R o u g h s d h o d e h s Art

Theatre Company

Map Ref: F3 What is art? A half eaten banana dipped in formaldehyde and coloured purple with a felt tip pen? A rugby ball, ripped apart, turned inside out and then stitched back together with some old lady’s wool collection? A photo of some spam? YouTube? The reality is no-one knows what art really is. And who cares cos it’s great. We love it so much we’ve even dedicated a whole cosmo-bohemian architecturally astute venue to the display, discussion and practice of art here at Momentum, and all you lucky expressionists, impressionists and biro wielding activists are in for a right old treat. There’s no tweed wearing, ‘sshhh’ imploring, snobby minded curators at this gallery. You can have a right old shout, verbal rant or peaceful reflection on the canvases that adorn the walls. And why not? Your expressive outburst could become a live performance piece that challenges social prejudices and breaks down simple minded stereotypes. So what is art? Well, you may never know, but if you pop to Artshed, you might become part of it and get stuck up on the walls yourself!

Artshed discussions and workshops Daily workshop: Days 2-5: 2:00pm – 5:00pm: Drawing, painting and sculpture (see notices in the gallery for more details) Discussions : Day 3: 4:00pm – 5:30pm: “What’s in the show?” Day 4: 4:00pm – 5:30pm: “An artist and a Christian?”

The performance: Hope Street Times: Day 2 at 10:00pm Map Ref: Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) ‘ Where there’s life, there’s...soap!’ And this is the show which zooms in on the compelling drama of the everyday life we all face and asks: where does our hope come from? Through a series of extraordinary stories told in extraordinarily colourful, hilarious, moving and unforgettable ways, Hope Street gets up close and personal. Five multi-talented young performers, tell other people’s stories and sometimes their own, aiming to stop you in your tracks, turn things round and take you down their street to the junction of life and faith. A tasty blend of grit, giggles and grandeur that gets to grips with the real stuff of life and what’s beyond.

The workshop Times: Day 2 at 3:30pm - 5:00pm Map Ref: The Small Top (Map Ref: D3) The lovely, beautiful and thespian chaps from Riding Lights Roughshod are hosting just the one performing arts workshop whilst they are with us on site. Get yourself down to the session for a lesson in how to use ‘acting’, project your voice or to learn the best tragic deathbed scene in the world, ever! About Roughshod… Riding Lights Roughshod have years of experience taking their brand of high energy performance to all kinds of places where live theatre is rare. In schools, prisons, churches, civic halls and theatres, young people (as well as the young at heart) have loved coming together to chuckle and cheer, to snivel and sigh and generally get things into a more eternal perspective.

Performing arts a n d w o r k s h o p s … By the Riding Lights



R o u g h s d h o d e h s Art

Theatre Company

Map Ref: F3 What is art? A half eaten banana dipped in formaldehyde and coloured purple with a felt tip pen? A rugby ball, ripped apart, turned inside out and then stitched back together with some old lady’s wool collection? A photo of some spam? YouTube? The reality is no-one knows what art really is. And who cares cos it’s great. We love it so much we’ve even dedicated a whole cosmo-bohemian architecturally astute venue to the display, discussion and practice of art here at Momentum, and all you lucky expressionists, impressionists and biro wielding activists are in for a right old treat. There’s no tweed wearing, ‘sshhh’ imploring, snobby minded curators at this gallery. You can have a right old shout, verbal rant or peaceful reflection on the canvases that adorn the walls. And why not? Your expressive outburst could become a live performance piece that challenges social prejudices and breaks down simple minded stereotypes. So what is art? Well, you may never know, but if you pop to Artshed, you might become part of it and get stuck up on the walls yourself!

Artshed discussions and workshops Daily workshop: Days 2-5: 2:00pm – 5:00pm: Drawing, painting and sculpture (see notices in the gallery for more details) Discussions : Day 3: 4:00pm – 5:30pm: “What’s in the show?” Day 4: 4:00pm – 5:30pm: “An artist and a Christian?”

The performance: Hope Street Times: Day 2 at 10:00pm Map Ref: Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) ‘ Where there’s life, there’s...soap!’ And this is the show which zooms in on the compelling drama of the everyday life we all face and asks: where does our hope come from? Through a series of extraordinary stories told in extraordinarily colourful, hilarious, moving and unforgettable ways, Hope Street gets up close and personal. Five multi-talented young performers, tell other people’s stories and sometimes their own, aiming to stop you in your tracks, turn things round and take you down their street to the junction of life and faith. A tasty blend of grit, giggles and grandeur that gets to grips with the real stuff of life and what’s beyond.

The workshop Times: Day 2 at 3:30pm - 5:00pm Map Ref: The Small Top (Map Ref: D3) The lovely, beautiful and thespian chaps from Riding Lights Roughshod are hosting just the one performing arts workshop whilst they are with us on site. Get yourself down to the session for a lesson in how to use ‘acting’, project your voice or to learn the best tragic deathbed scene in the world, ever! About Roughshod… Riding Lights Roughshod have years of experience taking their brand of high energy performance to all kinds of places where live theatre is rare. In schools, prisons, churches, civic halls and theatres, young people (as well as the young at heart) have loved coming together to chuckle and cheer, to snivel and sigh and generally get things into a more eternal perspective.




wo r

omentum is primarily aimed at students and M 20 somethings. However, we do provide limited children’s work on site. All of the activities for under 11’s have been thought through and planned extremely carefully by a fantastic and dedicated team of volunteers. We are keen to provide an excellent experience for everyone, especially the smallest among us. All kids work is run by workers accountable to Soul Survivor/Momentum. All appropriate welfare training and Child Protection procedures are in place to provide the safest environment possible. What’s on offer The Kid’s work on site is split into several age related categories to allow children the freedom to enjoy relevant and appropriate sessions. Crèche (0-2’s) Map Ref: G4 A very nice crèche facility for the under 2’s. Crossword and Soduku puzzles are available for the more advanced.

Pebbles* (3-4’s) Map Ref: G4 Pebbles is packed full of mentally and physically stimulating activities that include (among more peaceful things) dancing, jumping, shouting, running and screaming for Jesus in specially tailored worship and teaching times. * Despite what the name suggests there won’t be any throwing of pebbles, rocks, stones or children during any of our sessions for the toddler generation. Rockets (5-11’s) Map Ref: E4 Although we know the young school crowd like letting their hair down once in a while, we also appreciate that these young whipper snappers don’t just want to play in sand pits all day. Rockets is therefore a space where the young pups can learn about Jesus and spend times worshipping and praising Him in a fun, relevant and crazy environment. The only Rockets present will be metaphorical spiritual ones.

‘Free Time’ @ Rockets (for families of all ages): An afternoon drop-in from 3:30pm –5:30pm in the Rockets venue. A couple of hours where parents can bring their kids, grab a cup of tea and have a sit down. There’s the chance to chat with other parents and also the kids team who will fill you in with what’s been going on in children’s sessions. Toys, crafts, cartoons and movies will also be available (for the kids). Baby Bathing: We’ll also be providing Baby Bathing facilities on site at Shepton Mallet. This will be happening between 4:45pm and 6:45pm in the wooden building on Yellow 3 (marked with a star on the map). We will provide baby baths, warm water and a dry space. Parents will need to bring a baby, a baby bath (if they’d rather use their own), toiletries, towels etc. Optional Video Sessions : As an alternative to the main meetings the Celluloid venue will be screenings of some kid’s films (from 7.00pm). However, these sessions will not form part of the supervised children’s programme, so any kids present will need to be accompanied by an adult at all times. We suggest parents club together so that one adult comes with a number of children (one adult can accompany up to four children). For safety reasons unaccompanied children will not be admitted. The films to be shown are: Day 1: Ratatouille A story about a mouse who is rather partial to a spot of fine dining. Day 2: High School Musical 2 Sing alongs, dance routines and general happiness for all involved. Day 3: Madagascar It’s an island just off the coast of South East Africa… it’s also a funny cartoon! Day 4: Enchanted See what happens when fairy tale characters actually come to life. Day 5: Shrek 3rd The green friendly monster is back for the third instalment from the faraway land of Dulok.

Registration for all ages Registration for ALL children will be in the Rockets venue from 5–7pm on arrival day (Day 1). When you bring your child/children to the venue, a member of the team will take the details for you and your child and issue you with a security card. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at each session and sign the child in and out as an added security measure. All children will be issued with a plastic security wristband for the event when they register. Activities will be provided for your children while you wait. For 10-11s parents will need to give their details and sign to say if they will be dropping off and collecting their child from each session or if they are happy for them to arrive and leave unaccompanied. Day Two onwards: All children will need to arrive at their venue at 10.45am each day. This also allows parents adequate time to register their child and still get to the start of their own main morning meeting. Parents/ guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child. Please collect children promptly at the end of the session. Day Five: Morning sessions run from 10am – 12pm to allow for morning Communion, so please arrive with your child at 9.45am. Special Needs It is our desire to welcome and include all children and accommodate their particular needs, wherever possible. If your child has additional needs that we would benefit from being aware of then please do speak to a Kids team leader at the first available opportunity.




wo r

omentum is primarily aimed at students and M 20 somethings. However, we do provide limited children’s work on site. All of the activities for under 11’s have been thought through and planned extremely carefully by a fantastic and dedicated team of volunteers. We are keen to provide an excellent experience for everyone, especially the smallest among us. All kids work is run by workers accountable to Soul Survivor/Momentum. All appropriate welfare training and Child Protection procedures are in place to provide the safest environment possible. What’s on offer The Kid’s work on site is split into several age related categories to allow children the freedom to enjoy relevant and appropriate sessions. Crèche (0-2’s) Map Ref: G4 A very nice crèche facility for the under 2’s. Crossword and Soduku puzzles are available for the more advanced.

Pebbles* (3-4’s) Map Ref: G4 Pebbles is packed full of mentally and physically stimulating activities that include (among more peaceful things) dancing, jumping, shouting, running and screaming for Jesus in specially tailored worship and teaching times. * Despite what the name suggests there won’t be any throwing of pebbles, rocks, stones or children during any of our sessions for the toddler generation. Rockets (5-11’s) Map Ref: E4 Although we know the young school crowd like letting their hair down once in a while, we also appreciate that these young whipper snappers don’t just want to play in sand pits all day. Rockets is therefore a space where the young pups can learn about Jesus and spend times worshipping and praising Him in a fun, relevant and crazy environment. The only Rockets present will be metaphorical spiritual ones.

‘Free Time’ @ Rockets (for families of all ages): An afternoon drop-in from 3:30pm –5:30pm in the Rockets venue. A couple of hours where parents can bring their kids, grab a cup of tea and have a sit down. There’s the chance to chat with other parents and also the kids team who will fill you in with what’s been going on in children’s sessions. Toys, crafts, cartoons and movies will also be available (for the kids). Baby Bathing: We’ll also be providing Baby Bathing facilities on site at Shepton Mallet. This will be happening between 4:45pm and 6:45pm in the wooden building on Yellow 3 (marked with a star on the map). We will provide baby baths, warm water and a dry space. Parents will need to bring a baby, a baby bath (if they’d rather use their own), toiletries, towels etc. Optional Video Sessions : As an alternative to the main meetings the Celluloid venue will be screenings of some kid’s films (from 7.00pm). However, these sessions will not form part of the supervised children’s programme, so any kids present will need to be accompanied by an adult at all times. We suggest parents club together so that one adult comes with a number of children (one adult can accompany up to four children). For safety reasons unaccompanied children will not be admitted. The films to be shown are: Day 1: Ratatouille A story about a mouse who is rather partial to a spot of fine dining. Day 2: High School Musical 2 Sing alongs, dance routines and general happiness for all involved. Day 3: Madagascar It’s an island just off the coast of South East Africa… it’s also a funny cartoon! Day 4: Enchanted See what happens when fairy tale characters actually come to life. Day 5: Shrek 3rd The green friendly monster is back for the third instalment from the faraway land of Dulok.

Registration for all ages Registration for ALL children will be in the Rockets venue from 5–7pm on arrival day (Day 1). When you bring your child/children to the venue, a member of the team will take the details for you and your child and issue you with a security card. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at each session and sign the child in and out as an added security measure. All children will be issued with a plastic security wristband for the event when they register. Activities will be provided for your children while you wait. For 10-11s parents will need to give their details and sign to say if they will be dropping off and collecting their child from each session or if they are happy for them to arrive and leave unaccompanied. Day Two onwards: All children will need to arrive at their venue at 10.45am each day. This also allows parents adequate time to register their child and still get to the start of their own main morning meeting. Parents/ guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child. Please collect children promptly at the end of the session. Day Five: Morning sessions run from 10am – 12pm to allow for morning Communion, so please arrive with your child at 9.45am. Special Needs It is our desire to welcome and include all children and accommodate their particular needs, wherever possible. If your child has additional needs that we would benefit from being aware of then please do speak to a Kids team leader at the first available opportunity.



SPONSOR A CHILD Through Compassion’s child sponsorship programme you can step into the life of a child in desperate need and ensure they receive education, healthcare, food, clothing, love, support and the opportunity to know Jesus Christ. For less than 60p a day you can change a child’s life forever.


s r a n Semi



SPONSOR A CHILD Through Compassion’s child sponsorship programme you can step into the life of a child in desperate need and ensure they receive education, healthcare, food, clothing, love, support and the opportunity to know Jesus Christ. For less than 60p a day you can change a child’s life forever.


s r a n Semi

‘What is a seminar?’ we hear you ask. Well, it’s a teaching session (about an hour long) where we all get to listen, learn and sometimes share our experiences of life, Christianity, the bible and loads more besides. We have some great speakers lined up, so check out the blurb, get on down to the session and learn something, be challenged afresh, or just hear what others have to say!

Streams There are so many seminars kicking off at this year’s Momentum that if they were all laid out on the ground they’d stretch halfway across the UK and be second only to the Great Wall of China as the one of the few manmade structures to be seen from space! Therefore, to help you choose the right sessions from the vast amount of choice available, we’ve categorised all our seminars into specific streams. Some will be relevant to you, others won’t, so have a gander and wear your colours on your sleeve. Find out more (FOM) A chance to get to grips with (and go beyond) the basics. If you’ve come to Momentum not knowing too much about Jesus, the Bible, Christianity and faith, then drop in and hear some more. No pressure sessions, with life changing truths to get you going on your journey with God. Simple. General (G) Imagine this as your seminar stream equivalent of an Asda or Argos. You know, the place you go to where you get everything under one roof. Food, pots, pans, gardening tools, sheds, towels, sports equipment, cheeses. You get the idea, a big random explosion. And that’s the point of the general seminar stream; loads of stuff on everything from evangelism and spirituality to life and, of course, plenty of Jesus. Going deeper (a theological stream) (GD) A nautical nod to all things under the sea… not quite, but it is a series that’ll drown your mind cogs with theological insight from the sharpest minds on the block. Bible based teaching, questions on life, faith and the universe and discussions on all sorts (not liquorice though). Stuff to sink your teeth, brains, arms, legs, calves, muscles, eyes and noses into that’ll give you something to keep you afloat with today’s postmodern moaning. Healing and Wholeness (H&W) We all struggle with stuff in our past (and present for that matter). This series of sessions deals with some pretty raw issues from worry through to depression. Plus there’s a few open and honest talks on stuff like dealing with shame, accountability and confession too. On top of all that is a small


series for anyone who has suffered from abuse, or those interested in helping people who have. The idea of all the sessions in this stream is to help us begin to move from brokenness into the wholeness and healing Jesus offers… and that’s surely a good thing. Leadership (L) What makes a leader? Do you have to be good at telling people what to do and have strong opinions on everything? What about all that stuff about servanthood, character and humility? Come and join us for a few discussions on taking a lead that will get even the least sophisticated theological minds racing. Loads of stuff on how to be a leader, who can be a leader and why be a leader in the first place? Interesting, yet challenging, like an afternoon bike ride up Ben Nevis. Relationships (R) ‘You say tomarto. I say tomayto... Let’s call the whole thing off’. Alternatively you can come to the Momentum Relationships stream of seminars and learn about the intricacies of the other sex, married life, singleness and dating. There’s a session for everyone, from those looking for love through to those of you who are married and learning about each other’s bits. Rethinking Church (RC) A lesson in ecclesiology with a few seminars on all things churchey. Find out a bit more how the first Christians got on with doing it and what we can draw from their experiences. Plus you’ll get to hear from people who are doing church these days in all manner of new ways. Come, listen and ask a few questions whilst you’re at it. Soul Action (SA) The bible is full of it, in fact so was Jesus. You can’t love God without loving others. You can’t have faith without action. You can’t seek the kingdom without serving the poor. Every issue from developing world debt, poverty and injustice, to service, ecology and action are screamed from the tent tops in this stream that draws inspiration from the joint Tearfund and Soul Survivor initiative of the same name. The point behind the shouting… do something for someone other than yourself! Students (ST) Getting out of bed in the afternoon, drinking endless cups of tea and gaining intimate knowledge of ‘Cash in the Attic’. Besides this busy schedule, students also study a lot, face some pretty massive choices, changes and dilemmas. This stream attempts to prepare you, not only for a daily afternoon relationship with Richard and Judy, but also for the pressures of starting out at uni, getting a career and the rest that comes with studentdom.

1 y a D There are no seminars today! Officially the programme begins with our 7:00pm celebration in the Big Top. After that you can pop into a café or partake in any or all of the following entertainments:

Sports (Map Ref: E4): Shoot some hoops or just working up a sweat running around from 9:30pm Café Uno (Map Ref: E4): Dance the night away with ‘Our Dad’ from 9:30pm Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4): Eat some cake and have a chat from 9:30pm

ToolShed (Map Ref: F3): Pick up some flyers from 9:30pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Go fly a kite (in Afganistan) with the Kite Runner showing from 10:00pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Relax into life at Momentum with some chilled out grooves from 10:00pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Prayerfully reflect on how awesome God is from 9:30pm Frucie Borsyth’s Cabaret and Live Lounge (Map Ref: F4): Join in the fun with our very own game show host from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): Time to worship your Creator from 10:30pm

‘What is a seminar?’ we hear you ask. Well, it’s a teaching session (about an hour long) where we all get to listen, learn and sometimes share our experiences of life, Christianity, the bible and loads more besides. We have some great speakers lined up, so check out the blurb, get on down to the session and learn something, be challenged afresh, or just hear what others have to say!

Streams There are so many seminars kicking off at this year’s Momentum that if they were all laid out on the ground they’d stretch halfway across the UK and be second only to the Great Wall of China as the one of the few manmade structures to be seen from space! Therefore, to help you choose the right sessions from the vast amount of choice available, we’ve categorised all our seminars into specific streams. Some will be relevant to you, others won’t, so have a gander and wear your colours on your sleeve. Find out more (FOM) A chance to get to grips with (and go beyond) the basics. If you’ve come to Momentum not knowing too much about Jesus, the Bible, Christianity and faith, then drop in and hear some more. No pressure sessions, with life changing truths to get you going on your journey with God. Simple. General (G) Imagine this as your seminar stream equivalent of an Asda or Argos. You know, the place you go to where you get everything under one roof. Food, pots, pans, gardening tools, sheds, towels, sports equipment, cheeses. You get the idea, a big random explosion. And that’s the point of the general seminar stream; loads of stuff on everything from evangelism and spirituality to life and, of course, plenty of Jesus. Going deeper (a theological stream) (GD) A nautical nod to all things under the sea… not quite, but it is a series that’ll drown your mind cogs with theological insight from the sharpest minds on the block. Bible based teaching, questions on life, faith and the universe and discussions on all sorts (not liquorice though). Stuff to sink your teeth, brains, arms, legs, calves, muscles, eyes and noses into that’ll give you something to keep you afloat with today’s postmodern moaning. Healing and Wholeness (H&W) We all struggle with stuff in our past (and present for that matter). This series of sessions deals with some pretty raw issues from worry through to depression. Plus there’s a few open and honest talks on stuff like dealing with shame, accountability and confession too. On top of all that is a small


series for anyone who has suffered from abuse, or those interested in helping people who have. The idea of all the sessions in this stream is to help us begin to move from brokenness into the wholeness and healing Jesus offers… and that’s surely a good thing. Leadership (L) What makes a leader? Do you have to be good at telling people what to do and have strong opinions on everything? What about all that stuff about servanthood, character and humility? Come and join us for a few discussions on taking a lead that will get even the least sophisticated theological minds racing. Loads of stuff on how to be a leader, who can be a leader and why be a leader in the first place? Interesting, yet challenging, like an afternoon bike ride up Ben Nevis. Relationships (R) ‘You say tomarto. I say tomayto... Let’s call the whole thing off’. Alternatively you can come to the Momentum Relationships stream of seminars and learn about the intricacies of the other sex, married life, singleness and dating. There’s a session for everyone, from those looking for love through to those of you who are married and learning about each other’s bits. Rethinking Church (RC) A lesson in ecclesiology with a few seminars on all things churchey. Find out a bit more how the first Christians got on with doing it and what we can draw from their experiences. Plus you’ll get to hear from people who are doing church these days in all manner of new ways. Come, listen and ask a few questions whilst you’re at it. Soul Action (SA) The bible is full of it, in fact so was Jesus. You can’t love God without loving others. You can’t have faith without action. You can’t seek the kingdom without serving the poor. Every issue from developing world debt, poverty and injustice, to service, ecology and action are screamed from the tent tops in this stream that draws inspiration from the joint Tearfund and Soul Survivor initiative of the same name. The point behind the shouting… do something for someone other than yourself! Students (ST) Getting out of bed in the afternoon, drinking endless cups of tea and gaining intimate knowledge of ‘Cash in the Attic’. Besides this busy schedule, students also study a lot, face some pretty massive choices, changes and dilemmas. This stream attempts to prepare you, not only for a daily afternoon relationship with Richard and Judy, but also for the pressures of starting out at uni, getting a career and the rest that comes with studentdom.

1 y a D There are no seminars today! Officially the programme begins with our 7:00pm celebration in the Big Top. After that you can pop into a café or partake in any or all of the following entertainments:

Sports (Map Ref: E4): Shoot some hoops or just working up a sweat running around from 9:30pm Café Uno (Map Ref: E4): Dance the night away with ‘Our Dad’ from 9:30pm Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4): Eat some cake and have a chat from 9:30pm

ToolShed (Map Ref: F3): Pick up some flyers from 9:30pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Go fly a kite (in Afganistan) with the Kite Runner showing from 10:00pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Relax into life at Momentum with some chilled out grooves from 10:00pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Prayerfully reflect on how awesome God is from 9:30pm Frucie Borsyth’s Cabaret and Live Lounge (Map Ref: F4): Join in the fun with our very own game show host from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): Time to worship your Creator from 10:30pm


2 y a D

9:30am (L) Rev. Dr. Andy Emerton Getting collared: An introduction to Ordination What’s the process and passion involved in becoming a vicar for the Church of England? How do you even know if you’re called to be a vicar in the first place? Can you still be yourself? Is the C of E really changing? Do you have to wear robes and what is a vestment? All valid questions, some of which may be covered in this session on how to get collared! Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84001) (H&W) Maggie Ellis Abuse: shared stories Abuse is a topic often shrouded in silence, but the reality is 1 in 4 females and 1 in 7 males have experienced sexual abuse. As a respected counsellor and therapist, Maggie will host this session and help to support those suffering from guilt, shame and selfblame, with opportunities for people to share their own stories and encourage others to seek healing from past situations. The session is ideally suitable for anyone who has suffered abuse, or those who are looking to support someone who has. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84002) (St) Rich Wilson The Grad challenge The first few years after finishing education can be some of the most challenging we’ll ever face; getting a job, starting a career, facing up to debt and settling into life. This will be a interactive session that will help us connect the dots between what’s happening with us as we get older and what’s happening in the world around us. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84003) (FOM) Jamie Haith Big question 1: Why did Jesus die? What a question. Some would say he was a blasphemer, some think he was a dangerous revolutionary whilst others might just think he was a flippin’ unlucky bloke. But still 2000 years on there’s more debate about Jesus than there is about anything else! So, what’s that got to do with you and how on earth can a horrendous execution have any relevance to the daily grind of washing up, paying the bills and getting on in life? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84004)

(G) Toby Bassford Tackling cultural strongholds 1: Releasing heaven A three part series looking at how to live wholeheartedly for Jesus in a culture that constantly forces us to find meaning in what we buy, what we do, how we look etc... Our awesome God longs for us to be released to walk in his ways and see his love as the source of all our meaning. This first session is a whirlwind tour through the Bible looking at how God works through His people to bring heaven to earth, and how the enemy works to control that from ever happening. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (84005) (G) Ali Martin Praying for people so that stuff happens A practical, hands-on (literally) session for all teams and anyone else who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Ali will look at the basics of how to pray for one another, how to invite the Holy Spirit and how to make sure we don’t get in the way of what God is doing when we are praying! They’ll also be an overview of how to pray for someone if they want to become a Christian. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84006) (SA) David Westlake The sweet smell of success What do we make of the story where a woman anoints Jesus with perfume? It’s a strange one that sparks off a debate about piety, poverty and worship. In fact Jesus says that the woman’s action is so significant that wherever the gospel is preached so also will be told the story of what she just did. So, if Jesus thought so highly of it, what can we learn from the whole situation and how do we make sense of that comment that the poor will always be with us? A lesson in how worship, justice and compassion must all sit together… Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84008)

2:30pm (RC) Steven Croft There and back again: from Antioch with love (Acts 13-14) The Holy Spirit is calling some of us to explore fresh expressions of church in all kinds of places. Over three seminars Steven will look through the middle part of Acts and reveal the different ways in which the Spirit led Paul and his companions to take the gospel to new places. The first session of the series shows how the Holy Spirit sent Paul and Barnabas out from Antioch to plant new churches in different cultures. How did they do this? Were they successful? Does God still do this today? What can we learn? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84009) (G) Elaine Storkey God and the big screen What’s happening in the world of films? Has 2007-2008 brought any new challenges for Christians, or any new insights from filmmakers? Are there any big themes that have dominated this last year at the Box Office? This session will review and reflect on what has recently come out of the film world from a Christian viewpoint. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84010) (L) Roger Ellis Leadership 1: Growing in vision and identity Leadership isn’t about being able to shout the loudest, but is about having a vision for God’s purposes and then identifying with them. As the vision God has given us takes root in our lives it begins to shape our future and the lives of those around us. With all that in mind, how can our God centred vision grow and our sense of identity in His purposes deepen? Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84011) (FOM) Jamie Haith Big question 2: How can I have faith? If you have faith as small as a mustard seed then you can move mountains, well so says Jesus in the gospels. But, between you and me I haven’t seen too many hills, let alone pebbles or even twigs, pick themselves up and walk a few miles down the road! But is moving around bits of nature really what Jesus was on about? What do people mean when they talk about this thing called faith and how can I get some of that stuff… it sounds good. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84012) (G) Mike Pilavachi and Andrew Croft Soul Man: Soul Survivor ruined my sex life! Exactly what it says on the tin. What’s the big deal about sex? What about repeatedly messing up with relationships, sex and all the other things blokes struggle with and don’t

really like to say out loud? A time for all us lads to chat about how we can honour God in our relationships and maybe even learn some key lessons from Mike’s confession of his late night affair with Cakey! Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84013) (G) Rachel Hughes Momentum Soul Sista: Real Freedom There was once a woman who was caught sleeping with someone she shouldn’t. She’d made a LOT of mistakes, and everyone knew it. But then she came face to face with Jesus and he saw more than her past. He saw a new kind of future. This story of someone who messed up but was set on a new path, points us towards how we can find real freedom today. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (84014) (G) MJ Simpson Considering the cross How can a man who’s been tortured to the point of collapse, then nailed to a tree and left to die, gasping for his final breath ever be called ‘Good News’? We wouldn’t even wish that fate on our worst enemies! So, what is the cross really about? Why did Jesus have to die and why did he die in such a horrible way? A Bible-based exploration of the sufficiency, simplicity and saving-work of the cross. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84015)

4:00pm (G) Viv Thomas Living a spectacular ordinary life We’re all pretty normal and ordinary when we think about it… each of us has to put on socks, digest food and occasionally cut our nails. But our God is incredibly spectacular. So, the question is, what can we do if we are going to encounter the life of the Spirit in both the startling or the mundane? How can our life be both spectacular and ordinary? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84016) (H&W) Chris Saxton Dealing with shame What do we do with the bad choices in our past that we’re not proud of? Perhaps we have struggled with the impact of things which have happened to us that we cannot seem to get over? Or maybe we’re wrestling with things that we are doing now, but can’t seem to stop? Shame can have a paralysing effect on our lives - we don’t feel forgiven, we don’t feel clean, we don’t know how to move forward and we get stuck under a cloud in everyday life. This session helps to identify different ways shame can affect us, and how Jesus sets us free to live in freedom. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84017)

(G) Steve Clifford Stories of Hope Throughout 2008 thousands of churches across the UK have been inspired to further their ongoing mission efforts and run all sorts of events, outreaches, services and programmes in their communities. Churches in towns have joined together to practically show and tell of the love of Jesus to those in their neighbourhoods. It’s been awesome, and it’s only half way through the year! Come along to hear more about Hope 08, to find out some of what’s been going on and, most importantly, be ready to share your own stories about the difference a bit of Hope has made in your area… we want to hear from you! Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84018) (GD) Andy Croft Exploring the Psalms Forget the latest Survivor songbook or ‘Songs and Hymns of Fellowship’; the book of Psalms in the Old Testament has more heartfelt outpourings to God than any of the latest worship resources. But what are they all about? When and how were the Psalms used in ancient Israel and what did the worship of the Israelites actually look like (a bloke with a guitar of course!)? Beyond all that how can we use the Psalms today to influence our worship to God. Plus Andy will sing your favourite Psalm a-cappella on request. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84019) (R) Mike Pilavachi and Ali Martin The bad ‘S’ word… Being single has its benefits but the urge to be with someone can often overtake the advantages. Most of us long to be with someone, so it can be horrible if no ‘suitable other’ comes into our lives. In this situation what do we make of the whole ‘God’s called you to celibacy’ type comments, should we be proactive in finding a partner (or sit at home with the cats) and how do we not distance ourselves from our heavenly Father. Mike’s been single for ages so knows the score on all this, whereas Ali was without a man throughout her twenties. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84020) (G) Tim Hughes The heart and character of a worshipper Just how much does it matter what your attitude is when it comes to worship? Could it be more important than how well you play an instrument or sing? Ben gets to grips with what God is looking for in his worshippers. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84021)

Other stuff kicking off today includes… Our main morning meeting

(Map Ref: ): Biblical teaching with Mike Erre, with time and space for worship and ministry from 11:00am Sports (Map Ref: F4): The footie tournament begins from 2:00pm From abroad? (Map Ref: D3, Small Top): Come to Momentum from over the seas? Join us for a special Internationals reception from 1:30pm Artshed (Map Ref: F3): Draw, paint and sculpt your own creations between 2:00pm and 5:00pm Fancy being an actor? (Map Ref: D3, Small Top) Get all thespian with our drama workshop hosted by the guys from Riding Lights Roughshod from 3:30pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Evening celebration

(Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Transformers: Robots in disguise… screening from 10:00pm Watch a show (Map Ref: E4, Seminar B) The Riding Lights Roughshod theatre company perform ‘Hope Street’ from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): More time and space to praise your Creator from 10:30pm


2 y a D

9:30am (L) Rev. Dr. Andy Emerton Getting collared: An introduction to Ordination What’s the process and passion involved in becoming a vicar for the Church of England? How do you even know if you’re called to be a vicar in the first place? Can you still be yourself? Is the C of E really changing? Do you have to wear robes and what is a vestment? All valid questions, some of which may be covered in this session on how to get collared! Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84001) (H&W) Maggie Ellis Abuse: shared stories Abuse is a topic often shrouded in silence, but the reality is 1 in 4 females and 1 in 7 males have experienced sexual abuse. As a respected counsellor and therapist, Maggie will host this session and help to support those suffering from guilt, shame and selfblame, with opportunities for people to share their own stories and encourage others to seek healing from past situations. The session is ideally suitable for anyone who has suffered abuse, or those who are looking to support someone who has. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84002) (St) Rich Wilson The Grad challenge The first few years after finishing education can be some of the most challenging we’ll ever face; getting a job, starting a career, facing up to debt and settling into life. This will be a interactive session that will help us connect the dots between what’s happening with us as we get older and what’s happening in the world around us. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84003) (FOM) Jamie Haith Big question 1: Why did Jesus die? What a question. Some would say he was a blasphemer, some think he was a dangerous revolutionary whilst others might just think he was a flippin’ unlucky bloke. But still 2000 years on there’s more debate about Jesus than there is about anything else! So, what’s that got to do with you and how on earth can a horrendous execution have any relevance to the daily grind of washing up, paying the bills and getting on in life? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84004)

(G) Toby Bassford Tackling cultural strongholds 1: Releasing heaven A three part series looking at how to live wholeheartedly for Jesus in a culture that constantly forces us to find meaning in what we buy, what we do, how we look etc... Our awesome God longs for us to be released to walk in his ways and see his love as the source of all our meaning. This first session is a whirlwind tour through the Bible looking at how God works through His people to bring heaven to earth, and how the enemy works to control that from ever happening. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (84005) (G) Ali Martin Praying for people so that stuff happens A practical, hands-on (literally) session for all teams and anyone else who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Ali will look at the basics of how to pray for one another, how to invite the Holy Spirit and how to make sure we don’t get in the way of what God is doing when we are praying! They’ll also be an overview of how to pray for someone if they want to become a Christian. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84006) (SA) David Westlake The sweet smell of success What do we make of the story where a woman anoints Jesus with perfume? It’s a strange one that sparks off a debate about piety, poverty and worship. In fact Jesus says that the woman’s action is so significant that wherever the gospel is preached so also will be told the story of what she just did. So, if Jesus thought so highly of it, what can we learn from the whole situation and how do we make sense of that comment that the poor will always be with us? A lesson in how worship, justice and compassion must all sit together… Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84008)

2:30pm (RC) Steven Croft There and back again: from Antioch with love (Acts 13-14) The Holy Spirit is calling some of us to explore fresh expressions of church in all kinds of places. Over three seminars Steven will look through the middle part of Acts and reveal the different ways in which the Spirit led Paul and his companions to take the gospel to new places. The first session of the series shows how the Holy Spirit sent Paul and Barnabas out from Antioch to plant new churches in different cultures. How did they do this? Were they successful? Does God still do this today? What can we learn? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84009) (G) Elaine Storkey God and the big screen What’s happening in the world of films? Has 2007-2008 brought any new challenges for Christians, or any new insights from filmmakers? Are there any big themes that have dominated this last year at the Box Office? This session will review and reflect on what has recently come out of the film world from a Christian viewpoint. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84010) (L) Roger Ellis Leadership 1: Growing in vision and identity Leadership isn’t about being able to shout the loudest, but is about having a vision for God’s purposes and then identifying with them. As the vision God has given us takes root in our lives it begins to shape our future and the lives of those around us. With all that in mind, how can our God centred vision grow and our sense of identity in His purposes deepen? Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84011) (FOM) Jamie Haith Big question 2: How can I have faith? If you have faith as small as a mustard seed then you can move mountains, well so says Jesus in the gospels. But, between you and me I haven’t seen too many hills, let alone pebbles or even twigs, pick themselves up and walk a few miles down the road! But is moving around bits of nature really what Jesus was on about? What do people mean when they talk about this thing called faith and how can I get some of that stuff… it sounds good. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84012) (G) Mike Pilavachi and Andrew Croft Soul Man: Soul Survivor ruined my sex life! Exactly what it says on the tin. What’s the big deal about sex? What about repeatedly messing up with relationships, sex and all the other things blokes struggle with and don’t

really like to say out loud? A time for all us lads to chat about how we can honour God in our relationships and maybe even learn some key lessons from Mike’s confession of his late night affair with Cakey! Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84013) (G) Rachel Hughes Momentum Soul Sista: Real Freedom There was once a woman who was caught sleeping with someone she shouldn’t. She’d made a LOT of mistakes, and everyone knew it. But then she came face to face with Jesus and he saw more than her past. He saw a new kind of future. This story of someone who messed up but was set on a new path, points us towards how we can find real freedom today. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (84014) (G) MJ Simpson Considering the cross How can a man who’s been tortured to the point of collapse, then nailed to a tree and left to die, gasping for his final breath ever be called ‘Good News’? We wouldn’t even wish that fate on our worst enemies! So, what is the cross really about? Why did Jesus have to die and why did he die in such a horrible way? A Bible-based exploration of the sufficiency, simplicity and saving-work of the cross. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84015)

4:00pm (G) Viv Thomas Living a spectacular ordinary life We’re all pretty normal and ordinary when we think about it… each of us has to put on socks, digest food and occasionally cut our nails. But our God is incredibly spectacular. So, the question is, what can we do if we are going to encounter the life of the Spirit in both the startling or the mundane? How can our life be both spectacular and ordinary? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84016) (H&W) Chris Saxton Dealing with shame What do we do with the bad choices in our past that we’re not proud of? Perhaps we have struggled with the impact of things which have happened to us that we cannot seem to get over? Or maybe we’re wrestling with things that we are doing now, but can’t seem to stop? Shame can have a paralysing effect on our lives - we don’t feel forgiven, we don’t feel clean, we don’t know how to move forward and we get stuck under a cloud in everyday life. This session helps to identify different ways shame can affect us, and how Jesus sets us free to live in freedom. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84017)

(G) Steve Clifford Stories of Hope Throughout 2008 thousands of churches across the UK have been inspired to further their ongoing mission efforts and run all sorts of events, outreaches, services and programmes in their communities. Churches in towns have joined together to practically show and tell of the love of Jesus to those in their neighbourhoods. It’s been awesome, and it’s only half way through the year! Come along to hear more about Hope 08, to find out some of what’s been going on and, most importantly, be ready to share your own stories about the difference a bit of Hope has made in your area… we want to hear from you! Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84018) (GD) Andy Croft Exploring the Psalms Forget the latest Survivor songbook or ‘Songs and Hymns of Fellowship’; the book of Psalms in the Old Testament has more heartfelt outpourings to God than any of the latest worship resources. But what are they all about? When and how were the Psalms used in ancient Israel and what did the worship of the Israelites actually look like (a bloke with a guitar of course!)? Beyond all that how can we use the Psalms today to influence our worship to God. Plus Andy will sing your favourite Psalm a-cappella on request. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84019) (R) Mike Pilavachi and Ali Martin The bad ‘S’ word… Being single has its benefits but the urge to be with someone can often overtake the advantages. Most of us long to be with someone, so it can be horrible if no ‘suitable other’ comes into our lives. In this situation what do we make of the whole ‘God’s called you to celibacy’ type comments, should we be proactive in finding a partner (or sit at home with the cats) and how do we not distance ourselves from our heavenly Father. Mike’s been single for ages so knows the score on all this, whereas Ali was without a man throughout her twenties. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84020) (G) Tim Hughes The heart and character of a worshipper Just how much does it matter what your attitude is when it comes to worship? Could it be more important than how well you play an instrument or sing? Ben gets to grips with what God is looking for in his worshippers. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84021)

Other stuff kicking off today includes… Our main morning meeting

(Map Ref: ): Biblical teaching with Mike Erre, with time and space for worship and ministry from 11:00am Sports (Map Ref: F4): The footie tournament begins from 2:00pm From abroad? (Map Ref: D3, Small Top): Come to Momentum from over the seas? Join us for a special Internationals reception from 1:30pm Artshed (Map Ref: F3): Draw, paint and sculpt your own creations between 2:00pm and 5:00pm Fancy being an actor? (Map Ref: D3, Small Top) Get all thespian with our drama workshop hosted by the guys from Riding Lights Roughshod from 3:30pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Evening celebration

(Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Transformers: Robots in disguise… screening from 10:00pm Watch a show (Map Ref: E4, Seminar B) The Riding Lights Roughshod theatre company perform ‘Hope Street’ from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): More time and space to praise your Creator from 10:30pm


Day 3

9:30am (G) Viv Thomas Living second choice Ever wondered how you ended up where you are? What if you have an engineering degree and you’re flipping burgers to make a living? You may be doing a job you don’t want to do, living in a place that isn’t where you wanted to be or just facing a situation that you never intended to. Don’t panic, you’re not the only one. Using Daniel from the Old Testament as friend (he was one of the brightest of his day, forced to serve a foreign empire) this session will mark out a way to live well in the middle of life dislocation. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84022) (H&W) Maggie Ellis Abuse: Practical Action In the second session on supporting those who have suffered abuse, Maggie will look into some of the practical issues surrounding the subject. The Church is often a safe place of honesty, where past hurts can be effectively dealt with, but what should we say when something is disclosed? When and how should we seek to involve other valuable agencies in these issues? Advice and help on working with the police, mental health services and ensuring child protection commitments are adhered to in the face of devastating situations. Plus Maggie will give some useful resources to help and support those who are dealing with abuse. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84023) (G) Elaine Storkey Faith in a pluralist society Is there a special place for Christianity in the public life of the UK? How do we carry out our Christian calling without imposing our views on other people? What about those politicians and others who argue that faith ought to be kept separate from political and economic life? How do we relate to other faiths? This seminar argues that Christianity cannot be kept out of the public square, but that we need to get our perspective right. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84024)

(FOM) Jamie Haith Big question 3: How do God and I communicate? So, you hear the voice of God in your head? Isn’t that a sign of schizophrenia? Well maybe, but relationship with God is all about knowing him, listening to him, talking to him and following him. So, how is it possible to know that when I talk to God, he’s there and when he talks back it’s not a sign I’m due for a mental health check up!? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84025)

2:30pm (RC) Steven Croft Joining in what God is doing: Philippi and Corinth (Acts 16-18) The Holy Spirit is calling some of us to explore fresh expressions of church in all kinds of places. Over three seminars Steven will look through the middle part of Acts and reveal the different ways in which the Spirit led Paul and his companions to take the gospel to new places. In the second session of the series well see that when the Spirit called the first Christians to Europe they discovered that God was already at work in people’s lives. Where do we begin to reach new groups of people in our own culture? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84030)

(G) Will Van Der Hart Trouble Jesus said, “In this life you will have trouble”, yet we are commonly led to believe that being a Christian will bring an end to our troubles. This seminar takes a candid look at the realities of the troubled life, with all the hopes and joys that God brings through life’s hard times. Real (G) Toby Bassford encouragement for the wearied traveller and a Tackling cultural strongholds 2: wake up call for the utopian idealist! Living in faith Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84031) A three part series looking at how to live wholeheartedly for Jesus in a culture that (L) Viv Thomas constantly forces us to find meaning in what The Jesus Shaped Leader we buy, what we do, how we look etc... Our What shape is Jesus shaped? Well, it’s a bit awesome God longs for us to be released to like an oblong, but with a touch of circle and walk in his ways and see his love as the source pyramid about it too. That probably takes of all our meaning. In this session we’ll look the imagery a bit too far, but lets be honest, at what Paul says about demolishing and we must have a sound understanding of who defeating strongholds in our own lives, offering God is and who we are if we hope to lead well. a practical approach to changing the way we Leadership is done best when it is ‘Jesusthink, living in faith and not under control. shaped’. But what shape is someone that Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (84026) washes dirty feet, draws crowds of thousands and would sacrifice his life for others, and (G) Matt Barlow how do we shape ourselves to be like that? Money management Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84032) How we can have a good handle on our finances without letting money rule our lives. (FOM) Jamie Haith With personal debt in the UK tipping the Big question 4: How can I be filled scales at £1.4 trillion, it has never been more with the Holy Spirit? important for Christians to set an excellent The Holy Spirit is God, and the ‘person’ of example to the rest of society in terms of God the trinity who reveals the Father and managing our money, but how do we go about Jesus to us. He equips, empowers, heals, this? A seminar to explore how we can master restores and encouraged us. At Momentum our money before it masters us. you’ll find we’re keen to invite and involve the Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84027) Holy Spirit to be a part of our lives. But what does this mean in actual practice and how can (SA) David Westlake I invite the Holy Spirit to ‘fill’ my life. Beyond Just living that, what will happen if God’s power is at Just living or living justly? Tough question. work in my life! The thing is God has told us how he wants The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84033) us to live; to “act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God…” (Micah 6v8). But (G) Mike Pilavachi and Andrew Croft how do we do move from just living out Soul Man: Man-up! a ‘me’ centred existence to living justly, Big girls don’t cry, says the song, but remembering the poor and the rest of apparently real men don’t either! Real men creation in the process? Well, involving God wear Lynx deodorant and draw thousands of helps, and so will the practical pointers and women to them at the click of a finger and suggestions in this session! mere spray of a scent. Well, that’s what the Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84029) ad’s would have you believe. You get the

picture, mates, TV, films, girls, even the pet dog is telling us to ‘man-up’. But hold on, what does it even me to be a real man? A seminar on the sort of things Jesus teaches us to aim for... and no, it’s not about growing a beard and wearing sandals (though that is a start). Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84034) (G) Jo Saxton Momentum Soul Sista: Real life The Gospels tell the heart-rending story of a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. She spent everything she had on trying to get fixed and had searched for answers everywhere. Then in her desperation she reached out to Jesus and everything changed. She was no longer just existing but had found real life. God’s desire is to do the same for us – to bring his hope that we can also have life in all its fullness. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (84035) (G) Matt Barlow Freedom from debt Personal debt is the most pressing problem facing the UK today and is increasing by £309 million each day. With the average household debt now standing at £57,420 and a third of those in debt either attempting or seriously considering suicide, it is a problem that Christians can no longer ignore. Whilst the outlook seems bleak, there is hope and a solution for those living in misery. Find out a bit more about what churches and individuals can o to reach out to those in debt with a practical demonstration of Jesus’ love. The challenge is massive but so is our God. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84036) (St) Rich Wilson Starting university workshop A typical Fresher’s week will include the obligatory pub crawl, endless forgettable conversations with new faces about A-Levels and probably quite a few late nights in some rubbish club. But that’s just the start. There’s an amazing load of new mates, some serious study and a journey into becoming more of who you are too. It’s a great time of life, but if we’re not prepared we can face some harsh realities from debt, through to drink, drugs, sex and lots of study related pressure as well. Rich was a student and now works with this breed all the time so knows more about the problems and pitfalls of uni life than that dude who lives down the hall and is repeating his second year for the 8th time! Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84037)

4:00pm (R) Roger and Maggie Ellis 2 become 1 The first in a series of three on marriage by the lovely Roger and Maggie, who are themselves married, which is good as they know what they are going on about. Taking its title from the Spice Girls Christmas number one of the same name,

the discussion will look at how a couple can grow together and become ‘one flesh’ in all things from finances through to family, friends and having kids. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84038) (L) Ness Wilson Men and women in leadership Men like football and women like to talk a lot; We’ve all heard the stereotypes a million times before, and whether they allude to some truth or not, the simple fact is that men and women are a bit different. But the real question is how? If we’re to grow as leaders in both the Church and family we need to compliment the skills, abilities and ways other people and the opposite sex – work. So, come along to find out more. Live lounge (Map Ref: E4) (84039) (GD) Andy Croft GETTING TO GRIPS WITH PAUL Nobody knows, not even old Bible scholars who’ve spent their lives getting confused about Greek nouns and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Still the ancient Apostle who had that awesome conversion on the way to Damascus wrote a good chunk of the New Testament, so he’s worth looking into. The problem is, he wrote a bunch of letters to specific churches in the ancient near east around 2000 years ago, some of which are a bit confusing and long. On the one hand there’s those few passages that make him out to be a sexist who endorses slavery and on the other he’s shouting and screaming about grace and making sure we know we’re all equal in God’s eyes. So, is there a key to understanding (auntie) Pauline(’s) thought? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84040) (G) Ben Cantelon Creative worship How do we keep our worship fresh and exciting? Ben will be unpacking what it means to be creative in worship and exploring how we can express ourselves in new and fresh ways. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84042) (St) The student reception… (time for current and imminent students to connect) Whether you’re about to go to uni for the first time or are headed for your final year it’s always nice to meet others in the same boat. As well as having a stream of seminars specifically about student life we always want to give you the opportunity to say hello to other people who know the highs and lows of degrees and the like. Come along for a cup of tea, a chat about afternoon telly, eating on a budget and most importantly the price of a pint at Student Unions across the UK! Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84043)

Other dishes on today’s menu include… Our main morning meeting

(Map Ref: E3): Biblical teaching from Mike Erre, with time and space for worship and ministry from 11:00am Artshed workshop (Map Ref: F4): Get all artsy and paint stuff between 2:00pm and 5:00pm Artshed discussion (Map Ref: F4): Join in the ‘What’s in the show’ discussion from 4:00pm Sports (Map Ref: F4): 2v2 Panna Cage Football and the Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee tournaments begin from 2:00pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm Student Reception (Map Ref: F4, Soul Action Café): Come and meet other like-minded souls at 4:00pm Evening celebration (Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Your tunes played at MyTunes night. Bring your Mp3 player and select your three favourite tracks from 10:00pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Check out some life lessons with Juno… screening from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): Join with the angels to praise God from 10:30pm


Day 3

9:30am (G) Viv Thomas Living second choice Ever wondered how you ended up where you are? What if you have an engineering degree and you’re flipping burgers to make a living? You may be doing a job you don’t want to do, living in a place that isn’t where you wanted to be or just facing a situation that you never intended to. Don’t panic, you’re not the only one. Using Daniel from the Old Testament as friend (he was one of the brightest of his day, forced to serve a foreign empire) this session will mark out a way to live well in the middle of life dislocation. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84022) (H&W) Maggie Ellis Abuse: Practical Action In the second session on supporting those who have suffered abuse, Maggie will look into some of the practical issues surrounding the subject. The Church is often a safe place of honesty, where past hurts can be effectively dealt with, but what should we say when something is disclosed? When and how should we seek to involve other valuable agencies in these issues? Advice and help on working with the police, mental health services and ensuring child protection commitments are adhered to in the face of devastating situations. Plus Maggie will give some useful resources to help and support those who are dealing with abuse. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84023) (G) Elaine Storkey Faith in a pluralist society Is there a special place for Christianity in the public life of the UK? How do we carry out our Christian calling without imposing our views on other people? What about those politicians and others who argue that faith ought to be kept separate from political and economic life? How do we relate to other faiths? This seminar argues that Christianity cannot be kept out of the public square, but that we need to get our perspective right. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84024)

(FOM) Jamie Haith Big question 3: How do God and I communicate? So, you hear the voice of God in your head? Isn’t that a sign of schizophrenia? Well maybe, but relationship with God is all about knowing him, listening to him, talking to him and following him. So, how is it possible to know that when I talk to God, he’s there and when he talks back it’s not a sign I’m due for a mental health check up!? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84025)

2:30pm (RC) Steven Croft Joining in what God is doing: Philippi and Corinth (Acts 16-18) The Holy Spirit is calling some of us to explore fresh expressions of church in all kinds of places. Over three seminars Steven will look through the middle part of Acts and reveal the different ways in which the Spirit led Paul and his companions to take the gospel to new places. In the second session of the series well see that when the Spirit called the first Christians to Europe they discovered that God was already at work in people’s lives. Where do we begin to reach new groups of people in our own culture? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84030)

(G) Will Van Der Hart Trouble Jesus said, “In this life you will have trouble”, yet we are commonly led to believe that being a Christian will bring an end to our troubles. This seminar takes a candid look at the realities of the troubled life, with all the hopes and joys that God brings through life’s hard times. Real (G) Toby Bassford encouragement for the wearied traveller and a Tackling cultural strongholds 2: wake up call for the utopian idealist! Living in faith Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84031) A three part series looking at how to live wholeheartedly for Jesus in a culture that (L) Viv Thomas constantly forces us to find meaning in what The Jesus Shaped Leader we buy, what we do, how we look etc... Our What shape is Jesus shaped? Well, it’s a bit awesome God longs for us to be released to like an oblong, but with a touch of circle and walk in his ways and see his love as the source pyramid about it too. That probably takes of all our meaning. In this session we’ll look the imagery a bit too far, but lets be honest, at what Paul says about demolishing and we must have a sound understanding of who defeating strongholds in our own lives, offering God is and who we are if we hope to lead well. a practical approach to changing the way we Leadership is done best when it is ‘Jesusthink, living in faith and not under control. shaped’. But what shape is someone that Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (84026) washes dirty feet, draws crowds of thousands and would sacrifice his life for others, and (G) Matt Barlow how do we shape ourselves to be like that? Money management Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84032) How we can have a good handle on our finances without letting money rule our lives. (FOM) Jamie Haith With personal debt in the UK tipping the Big question 4: How can I be filled scales at £1.4 trillion, it has never been more with the Holy Spirit? important for Christians to set an excellent The Holy Spirit is God, and the ‘person’ of example to the rest of society in terms of God the trinity who reveals the Father and managing our money, but how do we go about Jesus to us. He equips, empowers, heals, this? A seminar to explore how we can master restores and encouraged us. At Momentum our money before it masters us. you’ll find we’re keen to invite and involve the Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84027) Holy Spirit to be a part of our lives. But what does this mean in actual practice and how can (SA) David Westlake I invite the Holy Spirit to ‘fill’ my life. Beyond Just living that, what will happen if God’s power is at Just living or living justly? Tough question. work in my life! The thing is God has told us how he wants The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84033) us to live; to “act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God…” (Micah 6v8). But (G) Mike Pilavachi and Andrew Croft how do we do move from just living out Soul Man: Man-up! a ‘me’ centred existence to living justly, Big girls don’t cry, says the song, but remembering the poor and the rest of apparently real men don’t either! Real men creation in the process? Well, involving God wear Lynx deodorant and draw thousands of helps, and so will the practical pointers and women to them at the click of a finger and suggestions in this session! mere spray of a scent. Well, that’s what the Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84029) ad’s would have you believe. You get the

picture, mates, TV, films, girls, even the pet dog is telling us to ‘man-up’. But hold on, what does it even me to be a real man? A seminar on the sort of things Jesus teaches us to aim for... and no, it’s not about growing a beard and wearing sandals (though that is a start). Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84034) (G) Jo Saxton Momentum Soul Sista: Real life The Gospels tell the heart-rending story of a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. She spent everything she had on trying to get fixed and had searched for answers everywhere. Then in her desperation she reached out to Jesus and everything changed. She was no longer just existing but had found real life. God’s desire is to do the same for us – to bring his hope that we can also have life in all its fullness. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (84035) (G) Matt Barlow Freedom from debt Personal debt is the most pressing problem facing the UK today and is increasing by £309 million each day. With the average household debt now standing at £57,420 and a third of those in debt either attempting or seriously considering suicide, it is a problem that Christians can no longer ignore. Whilst the outlook seems bleak, there is hope and a solution for those living in misery. Find out a bit more about what churches and individuals can o to reach out to those in debt with a practical demonstration of Jesus’ love. The challenge is massive but so is our God. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84036) (St) Rich Wilson Starting university workshop A typical Fresher’s week will include the obligatory pub crawl, endless forgettable conversations with new faces about A-Levels and probably quite a few late nights in some rubbish club. But that’s just the start. There’s an amazing load of new mates, some serious study and a journey into becoming more of who you are too. It’s a great time of life, but if we’re not prepared we can face some harsh realities from debt, through to drink, drugs, sex and lots of study related pressure as well. Rich was a student and now works with this breed all the time so knows more about the problems and pitfalls of uni life than that dude who lives down the hall and is repeating his second year for the 8th time! Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84037)

4:00pm (R) Roger and Maggie Ellis 2 become 1 The first in a series of three on marriage by the lovely Roger and Maggie, who are themselves married, which is good as they know what they are going on about. Taking its title from the Spice Girls Christmas number one of the same name,

the discussion will look at how a couple can grow together and become ‘one flesh’ in all things from finances through to family, friends and having kids. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84038) (L) Ness Wilson Men and women in leadership Men like football and women like to talk a lot; We’ve all heard the stereotypes a million times before, and whether they allude to some truth or not, the simple fact is that men and women are a bit different. But the real question is how? If we’re to grow as leaders in both the Church and family we need to compliment the skills, abilities and ways other people and the opposite sex – work. So, come along to find out more. Live lounge (Map Ref: E4) (84039) (GD) Andy Croft GETTING TO GRIPS WITH PAUL Nobody knows, not even old Bible scholars who’ve spent their lives getting confused about Greek nouns and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Still the ancient Apostle who had that awesome conversion on the way to Damascus wrote a good chunk of the New Testament, so he’s worth looking into. The problem is, he wrote a bunch of letters to specific churches in the ancient near east around 2000 years ago, some of which are a bit confusing and long. On the one hand there’s those few passages that make him out to be a sexist who endorses slavery and on the other he’s shouting and screaming about grace and making sure we know we’re all equal in God’s eyes. So, is there a key to understanding (auntie) Pauline(’s) thought? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84040) (G) Ben Cantelon Creative worship How do we keep our worship fresh and exciting? Ben will be unpacking what it means to be creative in worship and exploring how we can express ourselves in new and fresh ways. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84042) (St) The student reception… (time for current and imminent students to connect) Whether you’re about to go to uni for the first time or are headed for your final year it’s always nice to meet others in the same boat. As well as having a stream of seminars specifically about student life we always want to give you the opportunity to say hello to other people who know the highs and lows of degrees and the like. Come along for a cup of tea, a chat about afternoon telly, eating on a budget and most importantly the price of a pint at Student Unions across the UK! Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84043)

Other dishes on today’s menu include… Our main morning meeting

(Map Ref: E3): Biblical teaching from Mike Erre, with time and space for worship and ministry from 11:00am Artshed workshop (Map Ref: F4): Get all artsy and paint stuff between 2:00pm and 5:00pm Artshed discussion (Map Ref: F4): Join in the ‘What’s in the show’ discussion from 4:00pm Sports (Map Ref: F4): 2v2 Panna Cage Football and the Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee tournaments begin from 2:00pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm Student Reception (Map Ref: F4, Soul Action Café): Come and meet other like-minded souls at 4:00pm Evening celebration (Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Your tunes played at MyTunes night. Bring your Mp3 player and select your three favourite tracks from 10:00pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Check out some life lessons with Juno… screening from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): Join with the angels to praise God from 10:30pm


Day 4


know life in more abundance. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84047)

(G) Louie Van Der Hart

(G) Toby Bassford

What now?

Trying to figure out the next step on your life journey? In this hands-on life coaching clinic you’ll be talking a friend through the next step on their journey plus receiving coaching yourself… Bring a friend along or be willing to make a new one during the session! Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84044) (H&W) Maggie Ellis Dear Maggie Momentum’s very own agony aunt comes in the form of Maggie Ellis. Not only is she a very nice person indeed, she’s also a qualified Counsellor and Psychosexual therapist who works both privately and within the NHS. Maggie specialises in sexual issues and works with those who have a history of trauma. Come and ask questions and get advice on stuff to do with sexuality, abuse, helping those who’ve suffered from that sort of stuff and loads more besides. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84045)

(RC) Steven Croft Becoming all things to all people: changing history in Ephesus (Acts 19-20) The Holy Spirit is calling some of us to explore fresh expressions of church in all kinds of places. Over three seminars Steven will look through the middle part of Acts and reveal the different ways in which the Spirit led Paul and his companions to take the gospel to new places. Paul spent 3 years in Ephesus and became all things to all people. And the result; the whole culture and economy were changed for ever. So what are the lessons for us today? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84051)

Tackling cultural strongholds 3: (H&W) Chris Saxton Confession and accountability Defeating the giants A three part series looking at how to live wholeheartedly for Jesus in a culture that constantly forces us to find meaning in what we buy, what we do, how we look etc... Our awesome God longs for us to be released to walk in his ways and see his love as the source of all our meaning. In this final session we’ll look at the key cultural strongholds we currently face in our western world. Particularly, we’ll take a look at consumerism, materialism, individualism and fear of man. Then we’ll apply what we’ve learnt to we walk free from these controls. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (84048)

for men God may well transform our lives during Momentum, but when we get back home and temptations stare us in the face, how can we say no? When God gives us a vision and a passion to serve him, how do we commit to staying on track? We’ve all failed and messed up in different areas, but how do we get back on our feet again? Confession and accountability are a good start, and are an essential help in following Jesus. So, come along and get some practical advice on what it could look like for you! Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84052)

(SA) David Westlake Affluenza There’s an epidemic spreading across the globe. It benefits about 10% of the world’s population and pretty much condemns the rest to a life of poverty, illness and/or daily struggle. The epidemic is called affluenza, and we’re all pretty much guaranteed to have it… So, what does God think of our culture’s greed for the latest need and how can we be use the Bible to try and vaccinate ourselves against it?

(L) Jo Saxton Equipping female leaders (pARt 1) The first seminar in this series is for any woman who is in leadership or just starting out (including ministry, kids work, youth work, leading a CU, preaching or leading a small group). An honest and down-to-earth session in which Jo will tackle some of the big questions for women in leadership including how we can be empowered, equipped and released to do the things God is calling us to and deal with obstacles and challenges that we face. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84053)

(H&W) Will Van Der Hart Worry… Responding to threats Worried about why you keep on attending the ‘Worried Why?’ seminars, year on year? In this new addition Will explores the Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84029) perceived and genuine threats of different kinds that can initiate our cycles of worry. Practical tools and approaches will help equip you to examine and assess threats in new ways in order to dramatically reduce your worry-time. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84046) (SA) Elaine Storkey Global women An old Chinese proverb is ‘Women hold up half the world, but it is the heavier half.’ Women of the Global South bear the brunt of trade injustice, poverty, health and mortality problems, climate change, war, trafficking and sexual violence. This seminar shares the experiences of these women and asks what we can do as Christians in the UK to understand the situation better and help these women to


(G) Mike Pilavachi and Andrew Croft

Soul Man: Band of brothers

Mike and Andy share some of the things God has been teaching them as men over the past year (and it’s not crochet or billiards… though that would be fun). They’ll be joined by a panel of other guys who’ll spend a bit of time answering your questions on all things blokey. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84054) (G) Ness Wilson

Momentum Soul Sista: Real rest

In the Bible we read about a woman who chose to turn her back on her daily demands so she could spend time with her Saviour. And Jesus said that was good! Life

is busy and doesn’t seem to show any signs of slowing down. It doesn’t always come naturally to us so how can we learn to prioritise rest and time alone with God? Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (84055) (G) Rich Wilson and Julian Muwanguzi

Step in to my life

Come and step into the life of one of Compassion’s formerly sponsored children, Julian Muwanguzi from Uganda. Julian who has also graduated from Compassion’s Leadership Development Programme, will be sharing her life experiences and give you a unique insight into how the cycle of poverty can be broken. Julian is be joined by our very good mate, Rich Wilson (from Fusion). Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84056)

(SA) Eddie Lyle The persecuted church There are some parts of the world where you can be arrested and imprisoned simply for having a Bible in your house. Imagine that, being put in a cell, maybe tortured and discriminated against because of a belief in Jesus. It sounds like something straight out of the New Testament, but sadly, believers in certain countries around the world still face these issues. Open Doors are working to support the persecuted church in these countries… come along to hear how God is doing incredible things in these areas and see how you can get show your solidarity with those who are suffering for their faith. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84060) ((G) Mike Pilavachi and Ben Cantelon

Worship Panel

This is your chance to come and pick Mike and Ben’s brains on the topic of worship! Whether you’re a budding worship leader, a passionate worshiper or someone who has (G) Louie Van Der Hart to work alongside a worship team, bring Faith in the workplace your questions and (hopefully!) get some Sunday morning services and mid week answers. Mike may also sing you his latest prayer meetings are often a far cry from the song, or, if you’re lucky minister to you world of weekly deadlines, daily commutes through the medium of dance. and a massive to do list. So, how do we Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84062) combine the career we find ourselves in with our calling to be a follower of Jesus? Lucinda explores how the journey of our faith can merge with and inspire our professional journey. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84057)


(R) Roger and Maggie Ellis Que? The typical situation goes like this. Man wants chips. Man orders chips. Man doesn’t want to share chips so asks woman if woman wants chips. Woman says she’s alright without chips. Man says, ‘are you sure you really don’t want some chips?’. Woman says ‘Yes I’m sure I had a salad for dinner’. Man says ‘Fine’ and orders chips. Man gets chips. Man starts eating chips. Woman says ‘Can I have a chip?’ Maggie and Roger continue their series on marriage and relationships with a look at how the two sexes communicate; giving some well used advice on the art of listening and dealing with conflict. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84058) (G) Elaine Storkey

Lifestyle Choices

What kinds of lives does God want us to live? We are surrounded by so many options today, many of which have appeal. Do our choices of what to wear, what to eat, what to buy, what to watch, where to travel really make a difference to the future of the human race, the planet or to God? How do we balance the competing claims on our lives? Come and hear about lifestyle options and decide for yourself. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84059)

Other prawns on today’s barbie include… Our main morning meeting (Map Ref: E3): Biblical teaching from Mike Erre, with time and space for worship and ministry from 11:00am Artshed workshop (Map Ref: F3): Express yourself through drawing, painting or even sculpting from 2:00-5:00pm Soul Action Café (Map Ref:F4): Get all cool like an ice cube from 1:00pm and 9:30pm ToolShed (Map Ref: F3): Get enough leaflets to build a house with from 1:00pm and 9:30pm Furnace: (Map Ref: F3): Pray for your community from 1:00pm and 9:45pm Sports (Map Ref: F4): Momentum ‘It’s a Knockout Village Challenge’ from 2:00pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm Artshed discussion (Map Ref: F3): Find out if you can be an artist and a Christian from 4:00pm Soul Action Fun Run: (Map Ref: F4) Run and raise some money from 5:15pm Evening celebration (Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm Café Uno (Map Ref: E4): Get up off of that thing and dance till you feel better with ‘Our Dad’ from 9:30pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Your tunes at MyTunes night. Bring your Mp3 player and your 3 favourite tracks from 9:30pm Frucie Borsyth’s Cabaret and Live Lounge (Map Ref: F4): Just say what you see from 9:30pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Watch the heartrending tale of Le Scaphandre et le Papillon from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): End the day doing what you were made for from 10:30pm


Day 4


know life in more abundance. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84047)

(G) Louie Van Der Hart

(G) Toby Bassford

What now?

Trying to figure out the next step on your life journey? In this hands-on life coaching clinic you’ll be talking a friend through the next step on their journey plus receiving coaching yourself… Bring a friend along or be willing to make a new one during the session! Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84044) (H&W) Maggie Ellis Dear Maggie Momentum’s very own agony aunt comes in the form of Maggie Ellis. Not only is she a very nice person indeed, she’s also a qualified Counsellor and Psychosexual therapist who works both privately and within the NHS. Maggie specialises in sexual issues and works with those who have a history of trauma. Come and ask questions and get advice on stuff to do with sexuality, abuse, helping those who’ve suffered from that sort of stuff and loads more besides. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84045)

(RC) Steven Croft Becoming all things to all people: changing history in Ephesus (Acts 19-20) The Holy Spirit is calling some of us to explore fresh expressions of church in all kinds of places. Over three seminars Steven will look through the middle part of Acts and reveal the different ways in which the Spirit led Paul and his companions to take the gospel to new places. Paul spent 3 years in Ephesus and became all things to all people. And the result; the whole culture and economy were changed for ever. So what are the lessons for us today? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84051)

Tackling cultural strongholds 3: (H&W) Chris Saxton Confession and accountability Defeating the giants A three part series looking at how to live wholeheartedly for Jesus in a culture that constantly forces us to find meaning in what we buy, what we do, how we look etc... Our awesome God longs for us to be released to walk in his ways and see his love as the source of all our meaning. In this final session we’ll look at the key cultural strongholds we currently face in our western world. Particularly, we’ll take a look at consumerism, materialism, individualism and fear of man. Then we’ll apply what we’ve learnt to we walk free from these controls. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (84048)

for men God may well transform our lives during Momentum, but when we get back home and temptations stare us in the face, how can we say no? When God gives us a vision and a passion to serve him, how do we commit to staying on track? We’ve all failed and messed up in different areas, but how do we get back on our feet again? Confession and accountability are a good start, and are an essential help in following Jesus. So, come along and get some practical advice on what it could look like for you! Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84052)

(SA) David Westlake Affluenza There’s an epidemic spreading across the globe. It benefits about 10% of the world’s population and pretty much condemns the rest to a life of poverty, illness and/or daily struggle. The epidemic is called affluenza, and we’re all pretty much guaranteed to have it… So, what does God think of our culture’s greed for the latest need and how can we be use the Bible to try and vaccinate ourselves against it?

(L) Jo Saxton Equipping female leaders (pARt 1) The first seminar in this series is for any woman who is in leadership or just starting out (including ministry, kids work, youth work, leading a CU, preaching or leading a small group). An honest and down-to-earth session in which Jo will tackle some of the big questions for women in leadership including how we can be empowered, equipped and released to do the things God is calling us to and deal with obstacles and challenges that we face. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84053)

(H&W) Will Van Der Hart Worry… Responding to threats Worried about why you keep on attending the ‘Worried Why?’ seminars, year on year? In this new addition Will explores the Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (84029) perceived and genuine threats of different kinds that can initiate our cycles of worry. Practical tools and approaches will help equip you to examine and assess threats in new ways in order to dramatically reduce your worry-time. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84046) (SA) Elaine Storkey Global women An old Chinese proverb is ‘Women hold up half the world, but it is the heavier half.’ Women of the Global South bear the brunt of trade injustice, poverty, health and mortality problems, climate change, war, trafficking and sexual violence. This seminar shares the experiences of these women and asks what we can do as Christians in the UK to understand the situation better and help these women to


(G) Mike Pilavachi and Andrew Croft

Soul Man: Band of brothers

Mike and Andy share some of the things God has been teaching them as men over the past year (and it’s not crochet or billiards… though that would be fun). They’ll be joined by a panel of other guys who’ll spend a bit of time answering your questions on all things blokey. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84054) (G) Ness Wilson

Momentum Soul Sista: Real rest

In the Bible we read about a woman who chose to turn her back on her daily demands so she could spend time with her Saviour. And Jesus said that was good! Life

is busy and doesn’t seem to show any signs of slowing down. It doesn’t always come naturally to us so how can we learn to prioritise rest and time alone with God? Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (84055) (G) Rich Wilson and Julian Muwanguzi

Step in to my life

Come and step into the life of one of Compassion’s formerly sponsored children, Julian Muwanguzi from Uganda. Julian who has also graduated from Compassion’s Leadership Development Programme, will be sharing her life experiences and give you a unique insight into how the cycle of poverty can be broken. Julian is be joined by our very good mate, Rich Wilson (from Fusion). Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84056)

(SA) Eddie Lyle The persecuted church There are some parts of the world where you can be arrested and imprisoned simply for having a Bible in your house. Imagine that, being put in a cell, maybe tortured and discriminated against because of a belief in Jesus. It sounds like something straight out of the New Testament, but sadly, believers in certain countries around the world still face these issues. Open Doors are working to support the persecuted church in these countries… come along to hear how God is doing incredible things in these areas and see how you can get show your solidarity with those who are suffering for their faith. The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84060) ((G) Mike Pilavachi and Ben Cantelon

Worship Panel

This is your chance to come and pick Mike and Ben’s brains on the topic of worship! Whether you’re a budding worship leader, a passionate worshiper or someone who has (G) Louie Van Der Hart to work alongside a worship team, bring Faith in the workplace your questions and (hopefully!) get some Sunday morning services and mid week answers. Mike may also sing you his latest prayer meetings are often a far cry from the song, or, if you’re lucky minister to you world of weekly deadlines, daily commutes through the medium of dance. and a massive to do list. So, how do we Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84062) combine the career we find ourselves in with our calling to be a follower of Jesus? Lucinda explores how the journey of our faith can merge with and inspire our professional journey. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84057)


(R) Roger and Maggie Ellis Que? The typical situation goes like this. Man wants chips. Man orders chips. Man doesn’t want to share chips so asks woman if woman wants chips. Woman says she’s alright without chips. Man says, ‘are you sure you really don’t want some chips?’. Woman says ‘Yes I’m sure I had a salad for dinner’. Man says ‘Fine’ and orders chips. Man gets chips. Man starts eating chips. Woman says ‘Can I have a chip?’ Maggie and Roger continue their series on marriage and relationships with a look at how the two sexes communicate; giving some well used advice on the art of listening and dealing with conflict. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84058) (G) Elaine Storkey

Lifestyle Choices

What kinds of lives does God want us to live? We are surrounded by so many options today, many of which have appeal. Do our choices of what to wear, what to eat, what to buy, what to watch, where to travel really make a difference to the future of the human race, the planet or to God? How do we balance the competing claims on our lives? Come and hear about lifestyle options and decide for yourself. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84059)

Other prawns on today’s barbie include… Our main morning meeting (Map Ref: E3): Biblical teaching from Mike Erre, with time and space for worship and ministry from 11:00am Artshed workshop (Map Ref: F3): Express yourself through drawing, painting or even sculpting from 2:00-5:00pm Soul Action Café (Map Ref:F4): Get all cool like an ice cube from 1:00pm and 9:30pm ToolShed (Map Ref: F3): Get enough leaflets to build a house with from 1:00pm and 9:30pm Furnace: (Map Ref: F3): Pray for your community from 1:00pm and 9:45pm Sports (Map Ref: F4): Momentum ‘It’s a Knockout Village Challenge’ from 2:00pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm Artshed discussion (Map Ref: F3): Find out if you can be an artist and a Christian from 4:00pm Soul Action Fun Run: (Map Ref: F4) Run and raise some money from 5:15pm Evening celebration (Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm Café Uno (Map Ref: E4): Get up off of that thing and dance till you feel better with ‘Our Dad’ from 9:30pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Your tunes at MyTunes night. Bring your Mp3 player and your 3 favourite tracks from 9:30pm Frucie Borsyth’s Cabaret and Live Lounge (Map Ref: F4): Just say what you see from 9:30pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Watch the heartrending tale of Le Scaphandre et le Papillon from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): End the day doing what you were made for from 10:30pm


Day 5

2:30pm (GD) Chris Lane A theology and history of the Gifts of the Spirit At a time when some in the church are calling themselves ‘post charismatic’, how do we ground our experience of the Holy Spirit at events like Momentum in Biblical theology and church history? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84063) (R) Ness Wilson Becoming the right partner Is there a ‘one’ for me? Maybe. How about asking if you’re the ‘one’ for someone else? How do we become the right person for someone else to marry, rather than constantly look for someone who’ll be suited to us? Big questions, but when it comes to finding and choosing someone to share your life, hopes and dreams with, they are good to ask! Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84064) (L) Roger Ellis Leadership 2: Growing as people What a person builds with their gift they can destroy with their character. Our own personal well-being and the health and quality of all we may achieve as leaders depends on the ongoing growth and development of our character. If we can remain hungry to learn and inquisitive about how we can grow, change, and become better human beings we will make better leaders for sure. Come and explore some of the keys to continually growing your character! Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84065)

(G) Jo Saxton

Life beyond the quiet time

As Paul mentors his young protégé Timothy, he urges him to, “Train yourself to be godly”. This session looks at some spiritual disciplines that can help us grow as Christians in the 21st Century world like fasting, silence, solitude and giving. Jo will also be dealing with questions like how can we make space for God when we’re crazy busy, how do we tackle the Bible when we can’t get into the study notes and, if we’re all different, do we still all need to relate to God in the same way? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84066)

4:00pm (H&W) Ness Wilson Dealing with pain and disappointment Where’s God when it all goes pear shaped? Forget pear shaped, what about when year after year prayers remain unanswered, relatives pass away, friends betray us and the promises we heard from God just never happen? How do we deal with this stuff and still keep at a relationship with the God we can call Father? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84068) (R) Roger and Maggie Ellis Growing together sexually A session (EXPLICITLY FOR THOSE WHO ARE MARRIED) on developing a good sex life in your relationship with your husband or wife. Roger and Maggie draw on over twenty years of experience (!!) to discuss this often-taboo subject, giving advice on growing together sexually. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84069) (L) Jo Saxton Equipping female leaders (part 2) The second seminar in this series is for any woman who is in leadership or just starting out (including ministry, kids work, youth work, leading a CU, preaching or leading a small group). With her trademark honesty and down-to-earth style Jo will tackle

some of the big questions for women in leadership including how we can be empowered, equipped and released to do the things God is calling us to and deal with obstacles and challenges that we face. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84070) (GD) Andy Croft TRICKY THEOLOGY Ever wondered how God could ever be three and one at the same time? What about that whole thing of the cross… what on earth (or heaven) was that all about? Can and does God ever change? Not the easiest of questions to deal with on a nice August afternoon, but hey, Andy’s going to give them a good once over. Come along for a discussion on some of the key points of Christian doctrine and see if you veer into heresy by checking your own stances! The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84071) (G) Mike Pilavachi


Come and hear about Mike’s foray into a new career as a travel guide! Next year he’s hoping to take around 400 people on a trip to his beloved South Africa, specifically to serve in projects that are working with some of the poorest communities in the city of Durban. If you’re keen on coming along then you can find out some of the detail at this session. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84072) (G) MJ Simpson Gossiping grace Our usual evangelism methods can often leave both us and our mates feeling a little confused. So, how do we share what we’ve come to know about Jesus with our friends in a non-threatening and accessible way? Well, the New Testament might just hold some handy clues and pointers from a few first-century experts in the field! Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84073)

Other ACTS In today’s Line-UP include… Soul Survivor Morning meeting and communion (Map Ref: E3): Biblical teaching, time for worship and sharing of bread and wine from 10:00am ToolShed (Map Ref: F3): Get your hands on a few last minute purchases from 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – 11:30pm Artshed workshop (Map Ref: F3): Your final chance to paint or draw something for your mum from 2:00pm – 5:00pm Sports (Map Ref: F4): The football tournament grande finale and 3v3 basketball tournament from 2:00pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm SOULINTHECITY Durban Q&A (Map Ref E4, Seminar B): All those serious about serving with us in Durban in 09 can hear Mike explain a bit more about the initiative from 4:00pm. Evening celebration (Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Who stole the funk? Find out from 9:30pm Frucie Borsyth’s Cabaret and Live lounge (Map Ref: F4): Can I have a ‘P’ please bob? From 9:30pm Café Uno (Map Ref: E4): Foxtrot to Our Dad from 9:30pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Go Into the Wild and eat berries from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): Sing, dance and worship your heart out before you go home. 10:30pm


Day 5

2:30pm (GD) Chris Lane A theology and history of the Gifts of the Spirit At a time when some in the church are calling themselves ‘post charismatic’, how do we ground our experience of the Holy Spirit at events like Momentum in Biblical theology and church history? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84063) (R) Ness Wilson Becoming the right partner Is there a ‘one’ for me? Maybe. How about asking if you’re the ‘one’ for someone else? How do we become the right person for someone else to marry, rather than constantly look for someone who’ll be suited to us? Big questions, but when it comes to finding and choosing someone to share your life, hopes and dreams with, they are good to ask! Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84064) (L) Roger Ellis Leadership 2: Growing as people What a person builds with their gift they can destroy with their character. Our own personal well-being and the health and quality of all we may achieve as leaders depends on the ongoing growth and development of our character. If we can remain hungry to learn and inquisitive about how we can grow, change, and become better human beings we will make better leaders for sure. Come and explore some of the keys to continually growing your character! Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84065)

(G) Jo Saxton

Life beyond the quiet time

As Paul mentors his young protégé Timothy, he urges him to, “Train yourself to be godly”. This session looks at some spiritual disciplines that can help us grow as Christians in the 21st Century world like fasting, silence, solitude and giving. Jo will also be dealing with questions like how can we make space for God when we’re crazy busy, how do we tackle the Bible when we can’t get into the study notes and, if we’re all different, do we still all need to relate to God in the same way? The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84066)

4:00pm (H&W) Ness Wilson Dealing with pain and disappointment Where’s God when it all goes pear shaped? Forget pear shaped, what about when year after year prayers remain unanswered, relatives pass away, friends betray us and the promises we heard from God just never happen? How do we deal with this stuff and still keep at a relationship with the God we can call Father? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (84068) (R) Roger and Maggie Ellis Growing together sexually A session (EXPLICITLY FOR THOSE WHO ARE MARRIED) on developing a good sex life in your relationship with your husband or wife. Roger and Maggie draw on over twenty years of experience (!!) to discuss this often-taboo subject, giving advice on growing together sexually. Celluloid (Map Ref: E4) (84069) (L) Jo Saxton Equipping female leaders (part 2) The second seminar in this series is for any woman who is in leadership or just starting out (including ministry, kids work, youth work, leading a CU, preaching or leading a small group). With her trademark honesty and down-to-earth style Jo will tackle

some of the big questions for women in leadership including how we can be empowered, equipped and released to do the things God is calling us to and deal with obstacles and challenges that we face. Live lounge (Map Ref: F4) (84070) (GD) Andy Croft TRICKY THEOLOGY Ever wondered how God could ever be three and one at the same time? What about that whole thing of the cross… what on earth (or heaven) was that all about? Can and does God ever change? Not the easiest of questions to deal with on a nice August afternoon, but hey, Andy’s going to give them a good once over. Come along for a discussion on some of the key points of Christian doctrine and see if you veer into heresy by checking your own stances! The Union (Map Ref: F4) (84071) (G) Mike Pilavachi


Come and hear about Mike’s foray into a new career as a travel guide! Next year he’s hoping to take around 400 people on a trip to his beloved South Africa, specifically to serve in projects that are working with some of the poorest communities in the city of Durban. If you’re keen on coming along then you can find out some of the detail at this session. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (84072) (G) MJ Simpson Gossiping grace Our usual evangelism methods can often leave both us and our mates feeling a little confused. So, how do we share what we’ve come to know about Jesus with our friends in a non-threatening and accessible way? Well, the New Testament might just hold some handy clues and pointers from a few first-century experts in the field! Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (84073)

Other ACTS In today’s Line-UP include… Soul Survivor Morning meeting and communion (Map Ref: E3): Biblical teaching, time for worship and sharing of bread and wine from 10:00am ToolShed (Map Ref: F3): Get your hands on a few last minute purchases from 1:00pm – 6:00pm and 9:30pm – 11:30pm Artshed workshop (Map Ref: F3): Your final chance to paint or draw something for your mum from 2:00pm – 5:00pm Sports (Map Ref: F4): The football tournament grande finale and 3v3 basketball tournament from 2:00pm Free time for the kids in Rockets (Map Ref: E4): Parents, bring your kids for relaxing afternoon session between 3:30pm - 5:30pm SOULINTHECITY Durban Q&A (Map Ref E4, Seminar B): All those serious about serving with us in Durban in 09 can hear Mike explain a bit more about the initiative from 4:00pm. Evening celebration (Map ref: E3): Worship, teaching and ministry from 7:00pm The Union (Map Ref: F4): Who stole the funk? Find out from 9:30pm Frucie Borsyth’s Cabaret and Live lounge (Map Ref: F4): Can I have a ‘P’ please bob? From 9:30pm Café Uno (Map Ref: E4): Foxtrot to Our Dad from 9:30pm Celluloid (Map Ref: E4): Go Into the Wild and eat berries from 10:00pm Late night worship and intercession (Map Ref: F4): Sing, dance and worship your heart out before you go home. 10:30pm

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Missions experience in Africa and beyond. Guys Autumn Course: Sept 10-Dec 20th Guys Winter Course: Jan 6-June 1st Girls Winter Course: Jan 6-Jun 1st AILS R MORE DET E BOOTH FO G ED L U O S E DROP BY TH


Missions experience in Africa and beyond. Guys Autumn Course: Sept 10-Dec 20th Guys Winter Course: Jan 6-June 1st Girls Winter Course: Jan 6-Jun 1st AILS R MORE DET E BOOTH FO G ED L U O S E DROP BY TH



Andreana Arganda Originally from Orange County, Andy now works in Watford where she sings and leads worship at various events as well as investing in young female worship leaders and being a singing coach. She loves being an auntie, cooking, watching 24 & CSI, shoes, the colour blue and playing name that ‘key’ with Sam P and Evans. Matt Barlow Matt is Chief Executive of Christians Against Poverty (CAP). Since becoming a Christian back in 1992 Matt’s had a real passion to see the oppressed and downtrodden ministered to and to see the church empowered to reach its local community with the awesome liberating message of the gospel.

Steve Clifford A living legend! Steve has fingers in more pies than he has fingers, which sounds impossible, but he manages it! He is on the leadership team of the Pioneer network of churches, serves organisations such as Fusion, Spring Harvest and the Evangelical Alliance and basically helps Soul Survivor out with an awful lot of stuff as chair of our leadership team and being an all round superstar! He was the International Chairman of March for Jesus and also seems to have been involved in helping to make something called Hope 08 happen too. In his spare time he likes to sleep. In short, a genuinely nice bloke. Andy Croft Andy has just graduated from Cambridge where he studied Theology and he will soon be working for Soul Survivor fulltime. He’s looking forward to getting a flat with some mates and learning to cook (but he’s not looking forward to having to clean his own toilet).

Toby Bassford Toby is the Young Adult Team Leader at St Thomas’ Philadelphia in Sheffield. He loves golf, footie, watching action movies and eating kebabs (all at the same time of course). He also makes a great horse impression, so Steven Croft if you see him, make sure he does it for you! Steven Croft has been the Archbishops’ Missioner and Team Leader of Fresh Ben Cantelon Expressions since 2004. Before taking up Born and raised in the beautiful location his present post, Steven was Warden of of Vancouver in Canada, Ben left it all Cranmer Hall in Durham for eight years and prior behind to head up the worship team at to that a Vicar in Halifax and a curate in Enfield. Soul Survivor Watford. He’s a big fan of He is married to Ann and they have four children Will Farrell, travelling, eating curry and playing including Andy (see above). golf but roller coasters scare him (bless.) Last year Ben recorded and released his first album ‘Daylight Breaks Through’.


Speaker & worship leader Biographies Read a bit more about some of the people speaking and leading at Momentum 08… they are quite a nice bunch!

Maggie Ellis Maggie is a qualified Counsellor and Psychosexual Therapist. She is currently Director of Life Centre, a charity providing support for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. She has been a long-standing columnist for Christianity magazine and is now running a monthly Agony Aunt page with them enabling Christians to talk about sex at a deeper level. Roger Ellis Roger is the founder of student initiative, Fusion. He likes fishing and talking about it to anyone who’ll listen (don’t say we didn’t warn you). Roger is also founder member and leader of Revelation Church, which has several hundred people meeting on the South Coast. Much of his time is spent training leaders both in the UK and overseas. Rev. Dr. Andy Emerton Andy is Director of St. Paul’s theological college which is based at Holy Trinity Brompton in London. He’s married to Liz and they have two scrumptious boys Benjamin and Sebastian. Andy enjoys a round of golf, game of tennis and also has a PHD in theoretical physics! Mike Erre Mike is the Pastor of Teaching at Rock Harbor Church in Costa Mesa, California, where 5000 people gather weekly. He holds an M.A. in philosophy of religion and ethics from Talbot School of Theology and is the author of The Jesus of Suburbia. He and his wife, Justina, have two children.

Jamie Haith Jamie is Student worker at Holy Trinity Brompton in London. He’s an ordained Anglican minister and has been involved with Alpha, both at home and abroad, for more than 14 years. He’s now the director of Student Alpha, as well as heading up the HTB Student programme. Jamie is married to Andy and they have two young daughters, Abby and Thea. Rachel Hughes Rachel once worked for the BBC and also headed up Creativity and Arts at Holy Trinity Brompton in London. She’s a great communicator, being passionate about speaking into the lives of women. She currently spends loads of her time looking after her and husband Tim’s (see below) little girl, the gorgeous Phoebe Joy. Tim Hughes Tim first led worship at Soul Survivor over 10 years ago and has been involved with the events ever since. He is Director of worship at Holy Trinity Brompton in London, is married to the lovely Rachel and is the proud father of beautiful Phoebe who was born last October. Chris Lane Chris is leader of Langworthy Community Church in Salford, is married to Esther and has a very cute son called Daniel. In September he will become a dad for the second time, and is trying to sleep as much as possible before then.



Andreana Arganda Originally from Orange County, Andy now works in Watford where she sings and leads worship at various events as well as investing in young female worship leaders and being a singing coach. She loves being an auntie, cooking, watching 24 & CSI, shoes, the colour blue and playing name that ‘key’ with Sam P and Evans. Matt Barlow Matt is Chief Executive of Christians Against Poverty (CAP). Since becoming a Christian back in 1992 Matt’s had a real passion to see the oppressed and downtrodden ministered to and to see the church empowered to reach its local community with the awesome liberating message of the gospel.

Steve Clifford A living legend! Steve has fingers in more pies than he has fingers, which sounds impossible, but he manages it! He is on the leadership team of the Pioneer network of churches, serves organisations such as Fusion, Spring Harvest and the Evangelical Alliance and basically helps Soul Survivor out with an awful lot of stuff as chair of our leadership team and being an all round superstar! He was the International Chairman of March for Jesus and also seems to have been involved in helping to make something called Hope 08 happen too. In his spare time he likes to sleep. In short, a genuinely nice bloke. Andy Croft Andy has just graduated from Cambridge where he studied Theology and he will soon be working for Soul Survivor fulltime. He’s looking forward to getting a flat with some mates and learning to cook (but he’s not looking forward to having to clean his own toilet).

Toby Bassford Toby is the Young Adult Team Leader at St Thomas’ Philadelphia in Sheffield. He loves golf, footie, watching action movies and eating kebabs (all at the same time of course). He also makes a great horse impression, so Steven Croft if you see him, make sure he does it for you! Steven Croft has been the Archbishops’ Missioner and Team Leader of Fresh Ben Cantelon Expressions since 2004. Before taking up Born and raised in the beautiful location his present post, Steven was Warden of of Vancouver in Canada, Ben left it all Cranmer Hall in Durham for eight years and prior behind to head up the worship team at to that a Vicar in Halifax and a curate in Enfield. Soul Survivor Watford. He’s a big fan of He is married to Ann and they have four children Will Farrell, travelling, eating curry and playing including Andy (see above). golf but roller coasters scare him (bless.) Last year Ben recorded and released his first album ‘Daylight Breaks Through’.


Speaker & worship leader Biographies Read a bit more about some of the people speaking and leading at Momentum 08… they are quite a nice bunch!

Maggie Ellis Maggie is a qualified Counsellor and Psychosexual Therapist. She is currently Director of Life Centre, a charity providing support for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. She has been a long-standing columnist for Christianity magazine and is now running a monthly Agony Aunt page with them enabling Christians to talk about sex at a deeper level. Roger Ellis Roger is the founder of student initiative, Fusion. He likes fishing and talking about it to anyone who’ll listen (don’t say we didn’t warn you). Roger is also founder member and leader of Revelation Church, which has several hundred people meeting on the South Coast. Much of his time is spent training leaders both in the UK and overseas. Rev. Dr. Andy Emerton Andy is Director of St. Paul’s theological college which is based at Holy Trinity Brompton in London. He’s married to Liz and they have two scrumptious boys Benjamin and Sebastian. Andy enjoys a round of golf, game of tennis and also has a PHD in theoretical physics! Mike Erre Mike is the Pastor of Teaching at Rock Harbor Church in Costa Mesa, California, where 5000 people gather weekly. He holds an M.A. in philosophy of religion and ethics from Talbot School of Theology and is the author of The Jesus of Suburbia. He and his wife, Justina, have two children.

Jamie Haith Jamie is Student worker at Holy Trinity Brompton in London. He’s an ordained Anglican minister and has been involved with Alpha, both at home and abroad, for more than 14 years. He’s now the director of Student Alpha, as well as heading up the HTB Student programme. Jamie is married to Andy and they have two young daughters, Abby and Thea. Rachel Hughes Rachel once worked for the BBC and also headed up Creativity and Arts at Holy Trinity Brompton in London. She’s a great communicator, being passionate about speaking into the lives of women. She currently spends loads of her time looking after her and husband Tim’s (see below) little girl, the gorgeous Phoebe Joy. Tim Hughes Tim first led worship at Soul Survivor over 10 years ago and has been involved with the events ever since. He is Director of worship at Holy Trinity Brompton in London, is married to the lovely Rachel and is the proud father of beautiful Phoebe who was born last October. Chris Lane Chris is leader of Langworthy Community Church in Salford, is married to Esther and has a very cute son called Daniel. In September he will become a dad for the second time, and is trying to sleep as much as possible before then.



) d e u n i t n o C ( s Bio Eddie Lyle A respected Bible teacher and motivator, Eddie is currently Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland travelling extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church. Eddie is passionate about local church and has been involved in leadership and service in a broad cross section of charismatic evangelical fellowships. Eddie is married to Christine and they have a 17 year old son called Adam. His hobbies include kite flying, rose-growing and deep and profound conversations with his Irish Blue Rowan Cocker Spaniel! Ali Martin Ali has been around Soul Survivor for many years. Starting as PA to the mighty Liz Biddulph (the director person behind the scenes who makes stuff happen), Ali now co-leads the summer events and heads up Soul Sista as well as working as part of the Soul Survivor Watford pastoral team. Ali loves her Aussie husband Joel, watching Lost, eating pic ‘n’ mix, trying new recipes and going to the cinema. Julian Muwanguzi Born into a family of nine in Uganda, Julian was sponsored by Compassion to finish her education. Finding she excelled in science, she has gone on to complete a course in Biomedical Lab Technology and is about to start a study at the London School of Hygiene. Her dream is to be a researcher and Molecular Biologist.

Sam Parker Sam, the Assistant Worship Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford, recently turned 21 which gave him an opportunity to indulge in one of his great passions: Portuguese chicken at Nandos. Other passions include jamming and writing music with his friends, American TV shows like Lost, Heroes and Prison Break and hanging out in Starbucks. He refuses to go on Facebook, is bad at sport (which he blames on his big feet) and is almost entirely out of his grey wardrobe (just one jumper remains!). Everyone who knows him will tell you the same thing: he’s the nicest bloke you will ever meet. Ever! Mike Pilavachi Mike is not the same man you may remember from previous years. In fact he’s about half the man he once was after a strict diet that has seen him shed an incredible six stone. When he’s not eating raw carrots Mike keeps himself busy by competing with his friends over anything from a game of tennis to who has the most friends on Facebook or who can eat the most chillies. Oh yeah and he set up this thing called Soul Survivor, pastors a church called Soul Survivor Watford, speaks at churches and events around the world and writes books. Chris Saxton As a Missionary Pastor at a church in downtown Phoenix, Chris leads a discipleship training year for young adults. He is a fan of Liverpool FC, loves playing golf, sleeping and mountain biking. He is also particularly proud of the fact that his & wife Jo’s two girls (Tia 3 & Zoë 18months) like tea parties, playing football and playing with worms!

Jo Saxton Jo is a church consultant for 3DMinistries and a leadership coach for emerging female leaders. She is married to Chris and has two girls (Tia 3 and Zoë 18months) and loves reading, watching Grey’s Anatomy and Ugly Betty, exercise and coffee shops. MJ Simpson One of five kids (with four brothers!) MJ is a passionate sportswoman who once upon a time played hockey for Scotland in the European Youth Tournament. Now she is a student in Spanish and Italian who also loves chatting to anyone about Jesus and can make a flower out of her tongue! Elaine Storkey Respected theologian sociologist and speaker, Elaine is Vice President of the University of Gloucestershire and was Executive Director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. She’s also President of Tearfund. Author of six books she has also been a columnist for The Independent for many years. Viv Thomas Viv is an international teacher, speaker, writer and university lecturer, mentor and organisational consultant. He is the Director of Formation which is focused on developing Leaders around the world and encouraging people in the every day to live a ‘spectacular ordinary life’. Viv is also the Hon. Teaching Pastor at St. Paul’s, Hammersmith in West London. Louie Van Der Hart Louie is editor of Faithworks magazine and has trained as a Life Coach. She loves rom coms, dinner parties, Green & Blacks’ chocolate and climbing - her greatest achievement being climbing Mount Kinabalu – Malaysia’s highest mountain! She is also married to Will.

Will Van Der Hart Will loves pastoral work which is good as he has just become the Vicar of St Peter’s Harrow. Before that Will served at St Mary’s Bryanston Square in London. He also runs The Infinity Trust which trains and equips younger evangelists. He is married to Louie, loves surfing, fishing and travelling (and God). David Westlake David is Director of Integral Mission at the Christian Relief and development charity Tearfund and heads up Soul Action, our joint initiative with Tearfund. As well as directing things David likes to spend time with his wife Minu and their daughter Ellie. He doesn’t like doing DIY (but does it anyway), thinks West Wing is the best thing that’s ever been on TV and collects large, comfortable sofas. Ness Wilson Ness heads up the Open Heaven Church leadership team and is passionate about leadership, great communication and seeing the local church flourish. Her time is divided between leading Church, investing into friendships and being a mum. She also invests time in emerging female leaders and is involved in a number of forums to equip and encourage young women. Ness lives in Loughborough with her husband Rich and their two daughters. Rich Wilson Rich is the National Team Leader for Fusion, he is responsible for strategy that builds partnerships with students, churches and other organisations. Rich is married to Ness and has lived in Loughborough since studying there as a student. He is also involved in the leadership of Open Heaven Church, and to relax enjoys a round of golf and playing with his kids.



) d e u n i t n o C ( s Bio Eddie Lyle A respected Bible teacher and motivator, Eddie is currently Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland travelling extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church. Eddie is passionate about local church and has been involved in leadership and service in a broad cross section of charismatic evangelical fellowships. Eddie is married to Christine and they have a 17 year old son called Adam. His hobbies include kite flying, rose-growing and deep and profound conversations with his Irish Blue Rowan Cocker Spaniel! Ali Martin Ali has been around Soul Survivor for many years. Starting as PA to the mighty Liz Biddulph (the director person behind the scenes who makes stuff happen), Ali now co-leads the summer events and heads up Soul Sista as well as working as part of the Soul Survivor Watford pastoral team. Ali loves her Aussie husband Joel, watching Lost, eating pic ‘n’ mix, trying new recipes and going to the cinema. Julian Muwanguzi Born into a family of nine in Uganda, Julian was sponsored by Compassion to finish her education. Finding she excelled in science, she has gone on to complete a course in Biomedical Lab Technology and is about to start a study at the London School of Hygiene. Her dream is to be a researcher and Molecular Biologist.

Sam Parker Sam, the Assistant Worship Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford, recently turned 21 which gave him an opportunity to indulge in one of his great passions: Portuguese chicken at Nandos. Other passions include jamming and writing music with his friends, American TV shows like Lost, Heroes and Prison Break and hanging out in Starbucks. He refuses to go on Facebook, is bad at sport (which he blames on his big feet) and is almost entirely out of his grey wardrobe (just one jumper remains!). Everyone who knows him will tell you the same thing: he’s the nicest bloke you will ever meet. Ever! Mike Pilavachi Mike is not the same man you may remember from previous years. In fact he’s about half the man he once was after a strict diet that has seen him shed an incredible six stone. When he’s not eating raw carrots Mike keeps himself busy by competing with his friends over anything from a game of tennis to who has the most friends on Facebook or who can eat the most chillies. Oh yeah and he set up this thing called Soul Survivor, pastors a church called Soul Survivor Watford, speaks at churches and events around the world and writes books. Chris Saxton As a Missionary Pastor at a church in downtown Phoenix, Chris leads a discipleship training year for young adults. He is a fan of Liverpool FC, loves playing golf, sleeping and mountain biking. He is also particularly proud of the fact that his & wife Jo’s two girls (Tia 3 & Zoë 18months) like tea parties, playing football and playing with worms!

Jo Saxton Jo is a church consultant for 3DMinistries and a leadership coach for emerging female leaders. She is married to Chris and has two girls (Tia 3 and Zoë 18months) and loves reading, watching Grey’s Anatomy and Ugly Betty, exercise and coffee shops. MJ Simpson One of five kids (with four brothers!) MJ is a passionate sportswoman who once upon a time played hockey for Scotland in the European Youth Tournament. Now she is a student in Spanish and Italian who also loves chatting to anyone about Jesus and can make a flower out of her tongue! Elaine Storkey Respected theologian sociologist and speaker, Elaine is Vice President of the University of Gloucestershire and was Executive Director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. She’s also President of Tearfund. Author of six books she has also been a columnist for The Independent for many years. Viv Thomas Viv is an international teacher, speaker, writer and university lecturer, mentor and organisational consultant. He is the Director of Formation which is focused on developing Leaders around the world and encouraging people in the every day to live a ‘spectacular ordinary life’. Viv is also the Hon. Teaching Pastor at St. Paul’s, Hammersmith in West London. Louie Van Der Hart Louie is editor of Faithworks magazine and has trained as a Life Coach. She loves rom coms, dinner parties, Green & Blacks’ chocolate and climbing - her greatest achievement being climbing Mount Kinabalu – Malaysia’s highest mountain! She is also married to Will.

Will Van Der Hart Will loves pastoral work which is good as he has just become the Vicar of St Peter’s Harrow. Before that Will served at St Mary’s Bryanston Square in London. He also runs The Infinity Trust which trains and equips younger evangelists. He is married to Louie, loves surfing, fishing and travelling (and God). David Westlake David is Director of Integral Mission at the Christian Relief and development charity Tearfund and heads up Soul Action, our joint initiative with Tearfund. As well as directing things David likes to spend time with his wife Minu and their daughter Ellie. He doesn’t like doing DIY (but does it anyway), thinks West Wing is the best thing that’s ever been on TV and collects large, comfortable sofas. Ness Wilson Ness heads up the Open Heaven Church leadership team and is passionate about leadership, great communication and seeing the local church flourish. Her time is divided between leading Church, investing into friendships and being a mum. She also invests time in emerging female leaders and is involved in a number of forums to equip and encourage young women. Ness lives in Loughborough with her husband Rich and their two daughters. Rich Wilson Rich is the National Team Leader for Fusion, he is responsible for strategy that builds partnerships with students, churches and other organisations. Rich is married to Ness and has lived in Loughborough since studying there as a student. He is also involved in the leadership of Open Heaven Church, and to relax enjoys a round of golf and playing with his kids.



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Time: Day 3 at 4:00pm Map Ref: F4 (Soul Action Café) Any of you accustomed to waking up in time to catch the latest episode of Diagnosis Murder or the Lovejoy repeat on ITV 4 are probably students. Unfortunately we don’t have a venue on site dedicated to the afternoon TV schedule (sorry we know this is an essential part of your studies). Instead (in addition to our student stream of seminars) we have a little get together organised for all of you attending one of the UK’s (or wider world’s) centres of Higher Education. Whatever you’re reading, whether it’s biology, criminology, ales and the ancient world, Richard and Judy studies or anything else for that matter, we’d love you to join us for a nice brew and maybe some biscuits. You’ll get the chance to meet students from all over the place, so if you’re either currently at, or intending to go to uni this year, then pop along. You’ll be pleased to know the session is taking place in the afternoon so you don’t have to get up especially early to come along!


to Momentum from abroad? Then come to our international reception…

Time: Day 2 at 1.30pm Map ref: D3 (small top next to big top) Have a cup of rosy lee mate. How about some jellied eel’s geezer? Get on the old dog and bone to order us a ruby murray will ya guvnor! If none of this makes any sense it’s probably because you’re not from these hallowed shores and have joined us from one of the colonies other worthy nations of the world. If so, don’t worry, we were just talking cockney. It’s fun, you should do it, just repeat the sentences above in any of the Momentum venues and you’ll be accepted as if a long lost brother or sister. If you have come to join us from another place, then we hope you have a very nice stay. We’re glad you’re here. You might know that Soul Survivor has bases all over the known world (from the US to New Zealand) and whether you herald from one of those or not, please do send our warmest wishes back to your home churches. To make you feel welcome, we’re putting on a little reception for all of you from distant lands, so just head along to the Small Top at 1.30pm on Day 2 and we’ll give you a full on tutorial on getting down with the lingo, drinking tea and eating kebabs. Plus you’ll get to meet others who’ve intrepidly travelled across the globe to be at Momentum too. We promise it’ll be fun (and there will be no compulsory singing of ‘God Save the Queen’).



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Time: Day 3 at 4:00pm Map Ref: F4 (Soul Action Café) Any of you accustomed to waking up in time to catch the latest episode of Diagnosis Murder or the Lovejoy repeat on ITV 4 are probably students. Unfortunately we don’t have a venue on site dedicated to the afternoon TV schedule (sorry we know this is an essential part of your studies). Instead (in addition to our student stream of seminars) we have a little get together organised for all of you attending one of the UK’s (or wider world’s) centres of Higher Education. Whatever you’re reading, whether it’s biology, criminology, ales and the ancient world, Richard and Judy studies or anything else for that matter, we’d love you to join us for a nice brew and maybe some biscuits. You’ll get the chance to meet students from all over the place, so if you’re either currently at, or intending to go to uni this year, then pop along. You’ll be pleased to know the session is taking place in the afternoon so you don’t have to get up especially early to come along!


to Momentum from abroad? Then come to our international reception…

Time: Day 2 at 1.30pm Map ref: D3 (small top next to big top) Have a cup of rosy lee mate. How about some jellied eel’s geezer? Get on the old dog and bone to order us a ruby murray will ya guvnor! If none of this makes any sense it’s probably because you’re not from these hallowed shores and have joined us from one of the colonies other worthy nations of the world. If so, don’t worry, we were just talking cockney. It’s fun, you should do it, just repeat the sentences above in any of the Momentum venues and you’ll be accepted as if a long lost brother or sister. If you have come to join us from another place, then we hope you have a very nice stay. We’re glad you’re here. You might know that Soul Survivor has bases all over the known world (from the US to New Zealand) and whether you herald from one of those or not, please do send our warmest wishes back to your home churches. To make you feel welcome, we’re putting on a little reception for all of you from distant lands, so just head along to the Small Top at 1.30pm on Day 2 and we’ll give you a full on tutorial on getting down with the lingo, drinking tea and eating kebabs. Plus you’ll get to meet others who’ve intrepidly travelled across the globe to be at Momentum too. We promise it’ll be fun (and there will be no compulsory singing of ‘God Save the Queen’).


Other stuff Soul Survivor does...


In addition to summer events, Soul Survivor does a bunch of other stuff too. Just have a look… Tour We’re doing a little mini tour in October 08 and February 09, with evenings full of worship, teaching and time for prayer ministry too. We’d love you to come along, so check for more info! Soul Sista As well as a seminar stream in our summer events we run day conferences for girls as part of Soul Sista. The next one is on 14th February (yes, Valentines day) and is about sex and relationships. Find out more at Soul Net Our home for all the things we do for Youth Leaders. We put on an annual retreat (early each year) and occasionally have special regional youth leader days. Find out more at www.soulsurvivor. com/soulnet Soul Action The stuff we do with our mates at Tearfund comes under the name of Soul Action. Everything from sending teams to serve poor communities overseas, to raising money and awareness with Slum Survivor or loving your neighbour with the Noise fits in this little bit of who we are. Check it all out at www.

What is HOPE? Most of you will probably have heard about HOPE 08, but in case you’ve been hiding under your duvet this last year, HOPE 08 is an initiative that has been encouraging individuals and churches right across the UK to get stuck into their communities and to communicate the gospel through their actions and words.

Magazine A tasty mag is uploaded to our website at the start of every month full of articles, audio files and random fun. If you get a minute or two have a read at Have a gander at our online home for all sorts of other nice stuff from articles to downloads, videos and even a bit of music too. Shop Get all the Soul Survivor goodies you’d ever want at our online shop, including cheap seminar downloads from the events, the latest live albums, books and all sorts of other resources too. Just try for all your Christmas pressie needs!

SOULINTHECITY Durban Back in 2007 nearly 200 of us from our church Soul Survivor Watford travelled to Durban, South Africa and worked on several specific projects and initiatives with a few local churches. It was an amazing time to learn, serve, relax, be challenged, inspired and changed. Furthermore, we’ve just sent a team of 100 volunteers out to serve this summer too (some of whom might be with us this week) and we’re planning on doing the same again next July, but this time, we want you guys to come with us… The plan is… To take up to 400 people to Durban over a 2 week period (provisional dates being in early July 09).

Mike P will act as a host and tour guide (seriously, he loves being a tour guide) with the heart being that we go to love, learn from and serve our South African friends who are doing some amazing work with the poor communities in their city. How to get involved… If you’d like to get involved then we’d love you to come and join with us. We know the events will be a fantastic time to meet with God, serve the great churches of Durban, be changed ourselves and hopefully help see change in others lives too… so we hope you can come. We’ve recently amended the plans for SOULINTHECITY 2009 but hope that we can now be a great blessing to a more focused area of this amazing city. We’re well excited, and desperate to serve some of the amazing stuff going on in Durban. If you’re up for it, check out www. for more details … More info? Pop along to the SOULINTHECITY Durban Q&A on Day 5 in Seminar B at 4:00pm to ask as many questions as you’d like!

What’s been happening? There was an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response to the original idea. The first target of 500 locations getting involved was obliterated when the HOPE team heard from 1400 villages, towns and cities in the first few months of 2008 who wanted to be a part of things! Loads of young people have got on board with the HOPE Revolution – you can add your stories or read others at HOPE at Soul Survivor We’re really passionate about evangelism so while you’re here we’d love to help equip you for HOPE and beyond by giving you loads of practical tips and ideas on how to tell your friends or colleagues about Jesus. HOPE in 2008 and beyond There’s still a lot more to do during the year of HOPE 08 – including two high points of running Alpha style courses during September and all the opportunities that Christmas brings for telling people the good news. But of course we’re called to evangelism and mission for our whole lives not just for one year! Everyone involved in HOPE 08 is encouraged to keep going and to see how they can sustain their evangelistic activities over the coming years. Find out more at and get connected with the Hope Revolution at


Other stuff Soul Survivor does...


In addition to summer events, Soul Survivor does a bunch of other stuff too. Just have a look… Tour We’re doing a little mini tour in October 08 and February 09, with evenings full of worship, teaching and time for prayer ministry too. We’d love you to come along, so check for more info! Soul Sista As well as a seminar stream in our summer events we run day conferences for girls as part of Soul Sista. The next one is on 14th February (yes, Valentines day) and is about sex and relationships. Find out more at Soul Net Our home for all the things we do for Youth Leaders. We put on an annual retreat (early each year) and occasionally have special regional youth leader days. Find out more at www.soulsurvivor. com/soulnet Soul Action The stuff we do with our mates at Tearfund comes under the name of Soul Action. Everything from sending teams to serve poor communities overseas, to raising money and awareness with Slum Survivor or loving your neighbour with the Noise fits in this little bit of who we are. Check it all out at www.

What is HOPE? Most of you will probably have heard about HOPE 08, but in case you’ve been hiding under your duvet this last year, HOPE 08 is an initiative that has been encouraging individuals and churches right across the UK to get stuck into their communities and to communicate the gospel through their actions and words.

Magazine A tasty mag is uploaded to our website at the start of every month full of articles, audio files and random fun. If you get a minute or two have a read at Have a gander at our online home for all sorts of other nice stuff from articles to downloads, videos and even a bit of music too. Shop Get all the Soul Survivor goodies you’d ever want at our online shop, including cheap seminar downloads from the events, the latest live albums, books and all sorts of other resources too. Just try for all your Christmas pressie needs!

SOULINTHECITY Durban Back in 2007 nearly 200 of us from our church Soul Survivor Watford travelled to Durban, South Africa and worked on several specific projects and initiatives with a few local churches. It was an amazing time to learn, serve, relax, be challenged, inspired and changed. Furthermore, we’ve just sent a team of 100 volunteers out to serve this summer too (some of whom might be with us this week) and we’re planning on doing the same again next July, but this time, we want you guys to come with us… The plan is… To take up to 400 people to Durban over a 2 week period (provisional dates being in early July 09).

Mike P will act as a host and tour guide (seriously, he loves being a tour guide) with the heart being that we go to love, learn from and serve our South African friends who are doing some amazing work with the poor communities in their city. How to get involved… If you’d like to get involved then we’d love you to come and join with us. We know the events will be a fantastic time to meet with God, serve the great churches of Durban, be changed ourselves and hopefully help see change in others lives too… so we hope you can come. We’ve recently amended the plans for SOULINTHECITY 2009 but hope that we can now be a great blessing to a more focused area of this amazing city. We’re well excited, and desperate to serve some of the amazing stuff going on in Durban. If you’re up for it, check out www. for more details … More info? Pop along to the SOULINTHECITY Durban Q&A on Day 5 in Seminar B at 4:00pm to ask as many questions as you’d like!

What’s been happening? There was an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response to the original idea. The first target of 500 locations getting involved was obliterated when the HOPE team heard from 1400 villages, towns and cities in the first few months of 2008 who wanted to be a part of things! Loads of young people have got on board with the HOPE Revolution – you can add your stories or read others at HOPE at Soul Survivor We’re really passionate about evangelism so while you’re here we’d love to help equip you for HOPE and beyond by giving you loads of practical tips and ideas on how to tell your friends or colleagues about Jesus. HOPE in 2008 and beyond There’s still a lot more to do during the year of HOPE 08 – including two high points of running Alpha style courses during September and all the opportunities that Christmas brings for telling people the good news. But of course we’re called to evangelism and mission for our whole lives not just for one year! Everyone involved in HOPE 08 is encouraged to keep going and to see how they can sustain their evangelistic activities over the coming years. Find out more at and get connected with the Hope Revolution at

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Soul sista Hosted by Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft Several hundred men in one room at the same time… a bad idea we hear you say. Well forget the lingering weird smell and hazardous levels of testosterone. We’re inviting all the blokes at Momentum to join us for a bonding session each afternoon. And yes, we will talk about sex, girls and other secret man stuff, but that’s not all… Real men? Just take a look around, men are everywhere and we’re all different. Some of us love the skinny jeans 80’s revival. Some of us go a bit more seventies. Other’s of us still sing our hearts out on the terraces each Saturday, whereas loads of us mix it all up and try to make it all make sense to our own lives. For many of us the metro sexual stereotype that likes fine wine and pointy shoes makes us as uneasy as the brave Aragorn hero-type who wields a sharp blade and massacres orks. With Soul Man we get the chance to ask ‘who should I be?’ and ‘how can I connect my life and passions to following Jesus’? Real faith? Jesus wasn’t big into sports, music or any of the other stuff we use to define who we are… so is he really a role model for the 21st century man? When we’re brought up on a healthy dose of Indiana Jones, Christiano Ronaldo and Justin Timberlake doesn’t Jesus seem a bit detached from reality? And besides isn’t it weird to sing songs of love to Jesus, after all he is a bloke too? Well, at Soul Man we want to discover the Jesus who’s not locked into a specific interpretation that limits his impact on our lives. Jesus was both compassionate and loving, whilst at the same time being committed, angered and a natural leader. Whoever we are Jesus offers us a real faith that isn’t so much about being religious or saying the right thing, but about doing, changing and seeing

others changed too. If we want we can make him our ‘give up everything sacrificial hero’, or if we want we can make him a more gentle, loving, foot washing humble character… but He wants us to discover all of him, to develop a real faith based on a real experience of Him; one that’s personal and significant to us, whatever ‘type’ of man we might be. Real lives? But how do we live it? Canoeing down some rapids with a bow and arrow on our backs and a ‘kill’ in our minds? Well kind of. We’re all on a journey, are invited along on the adventure Jesus offers us and, importantly, are allowed to be who we are (unless you’re a serial killer, then JC might want you to change quite substantially). But we’re also all broken, struggling with stuff like identity, our past, our future and ourselves. We all make mistakes and probably have a hard time with our thoughts, ambitions, motives and how these fit with our faith. With Soul Man we want to see guys live lives of integrity, honesty and openness. We want to let Jesus help us deal with our messes and go on to keep each other accountable for our actions, choices and decisions. We want to see real men raised up, not guys who fit the often coined stereotypes, but men who’s real faith causes them to lead real, risky, adventurous, passionate and whole lives. Get it? If you’re a bloke then pop along to the Soul Man sessions to find out more. Sessions this week (all at 2.30pm in Seminar B) Day 2: ‘Soul Survivor ruined my sex life’ Day 3: ‘Man up!’ Day 4: ‘Band of Brothers’ (see the Day Planner for individual descriptions)

Hosted by Ali Martin Oh yes it’s ladies night and the feeling’s right! OK, so maybe ‘afternoon’ would be a more accurate description but the point is this: Momentum Soul Sista is all about giving us women a chance to get together and allow God to speak into our lives.

Soul Sista sessions this week (all at 2:30pm in the Big Top) Day 2 Real freedom : Rachel Hughes Day 3 Real life: Jo Saxton Day 4 Real rest : Ness Wilson (see the Day Planner for individual descriptions)

Why do girls only seminars? We definitely don’t have anything against the guys but we know that there can be quite a lot of differences between men and women! The majority of the Momentum programme is aimed at both sexes so this is our chance to deal with some of the issues that benefit from the freedom, honesty and openness that being among sisters can bring!

Find out more To find out more about Momentum Soul Sista, get the latest news on any events happening the rest of the year, listen to seminars for FREE and read Soul Sista articles go to You can also sign up for our free e newsletters that mean you’ll be the first to know what’s happening – at

What’s happening this week? We want to be changed, healed, challenged, refined and refreshed as we come into our Saviour’s presence and we’re going to take our cue from three women in the Bible who encountered their loving and compassionate Saviour and had their lives turned around as a result. God wants us to live life in all its fullness but there always seems to be something getting in the way – for these women in the Bible there were jobs to do, crippling health problems and mistakes of the past to contend with. But God was ready, willing and able to change all of that and he wants to do the same for us today.

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Soul sista Hosted by Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft Several hundred men in one room at the same time… a bad idea we hear you say. Well forget the lingering weird smell and hazardous levels of testosterone. We’re inviting all the blokes at Momentum to join us for a bonding session each afternoon. And yes, we will talk about sex, girls and other secret man stuff, but that’s not all… Real men? Just take a look around, men are everywhere and we’re all different. Some of us love the skinny jeans 80’s revival. Some of us go a bit more seventies. Other’s of us still sing our hearts out on the terraces each Saturday, whereas loads of us mix it all up and try to make it all make sense to our own lives. For many of us the metro sexual stereotype that likes fine wine and pointy shoes makes us as uneasy as the brave Aragorn hero-type who wields a sharp blade and massacres orks. With Soul Man we get the chance to ask ‘who should I be?’ and ‘how can I connect my life and passions to following Jesus’? Real faith? Jesus wasn’t big into sports, music or any of the other stuff we use to define who we are… so is he really a role model for the 21st century man? When we’re brought up on a healthy dose of Indiana Jones, Christiano Ronaldo and Justin Timberlake doesn’t Jesus seem a bit detached from reality? And besides isn’t it weird to sing songs of love to Jesus, after all he is a bloke too? Well, at Soul Man we want to discover the Jesus who’s not locked into a specific interpretation that limits his impact on our lives. Jesus was both compassionate and loving, whilst at the same time being committed, angered and a natural leader. Whoever we are Jesus offers us a real faith that isn’t so much about being religious or saying the right thing, but about doing, changing and seeing

others changed too. If we want we can make him our ‘give up everything sacrificial hero’, or if we want we can make him a more gentle, loving, foot washing humble character… but He wants us to discover all of him, to develop a real faith based on a real experience of Him; one that’s personal and significant to us, whatever ‘type’ of man we might be. Real lives? But how do we live it? Canoeing down some rapids with a bow and arrow on our backs and a ‘kill’ in our minds? Well kind of. We’re all on a journey, are invited along on the adventure Jesus offers us and, importantly, are allowed to be who we are (unless you’re a serial killer, then JC might want you to change quite substantially). But we’re also all broken, struggling with stuff like identity, our past, our future and ourselves. We all make mistakes and probably have a hard time with our thoughts, ambitions, motives and how these fit with our faith. With Soul Man we want to see guys live lives of integrity, honesty and openness. We want to let Jesus help us deal with our messes and go on to keep each other accountable for our actions, choices and decisions. We want to see real men raised up, not guys who fit the often coined stereotypes, but men who’s real faith causes them to lead real, risky, adventurous, passionate and whole lives. Get it? If you’re a bloke then pop along to the Soul Man sessions to find out more. Sessions this week (all at 2.30pm in Seminar B) Day 2: ‘Soul Survivor ruined my sex life’ Day 3: ‘Man up!’ Day 4: ‘Band of Brothers’ (see the Day Planner for individual descriptions)

Hosted by Ali Martin Oh yes it’s ladies night and the feeling’s right! OK, so maybe ‘afternoon’ would be a more accurate description but the point is this: Momentum Soul Sista is all about giving us women a chance to get together and allow God to speak into our lives.

Soul Sista sessions this week (all at 2:30pm in the Big Top) Day 2 Real freedom : Rachel Hughes Day 3 Real life: Jo Saxton Day 4 Real rest : Ness Wilson (see the Day Planner for individual descriptions)

Why do girls only seminars? We definitely don’t have anything against the guys but we know that there can be quite a lot of differences between men and women! The majority of the Momentum programme is aimed at both sexes so this is our chance to deal with some of the issues that benefit from the freedom, honesty and openness that being among sisters can bring!

Find out more To find out more about Momentum Soul Sista, get the latest news on any events happening the rest of the year, listen to seminars for FREE and read Soul Sista articles go to You can also sign up for our free e newsletters that mean you’ll be the first to know what’s happening – at

What’s happening this week? We want to be changed, healed, challenged, refined and refreshed as we come into our Saviour’s presence and we’re going to take our cue from three women in the Bible who encountered their loving and compassionate Saviour and had their lives turned around as a result. God wants us to live life in all its fullness but there always seems to be something getting in the way – for these women in the Bible there were jobs to do, crippling health problems and mistakes of the past to contend with. But God was ready, willing and able to change all of that and he wants to do the same for us today.



with Closer to God, sponsored by Scripture Union

e bl i B e h t f o r e w o p e h t k c o l n u o How t ‘The Bible is the most important and exciting book in the world. Dig deep into it and you’ll be blown away by what you discover about God, his plans and his love for you. Closer to God can help stir your passion for hearing God speak through his Word and by his Spirit in ways that will change your life, your church, your community, your nation and the world!’ Mike Pilavachi Why read the Bible? Because it’s alive! God’s Word has the ability to bring about change. When we read it the words can leap off the page, speaking to us personally. Although the Bible might not answer all our questions directly, reading it prayerfully can help us know God better and make better choices for ourselves and our world. How can you have this experience yourself? Well, here’s a simple 30-day plan for getting into the Bible, written especially for Momentum 2008 by James Davies, a regular contributor to Closer to God – the Bible-reading guide for people who want to see God’s Spirit move in power in their lives. This is your chance to dedicate time to exploring God in his Word. And if you want more you can visit closertogod., where our writers discuss a range of Bible passages in greater detail. Or get the printed edition of the next issue of Closer to God for FREE (see offer on page 59).

Jesus comes down to our level

Day 1 John 1:1–18 Forget about Rowling or Steinbeck, John kicks off his book with a corker of a first chapter. Lost in translation? Not this ‘Word’ (v 14). Jesus made plain to us what God is really like (v 18): FULL of grace and truth (vs 14,16–18). Want to be full of God or full of yourself today? Talk to him about it. Day 2 John 1:35–51 ‘I know a cool club round the corner.’ ‘This band is amazing – want to borrow the CD?’ We usually don’t have much trouble making recommendations. Andrew and Philip couldn’t help but blab (vs 41,45), so why is it that we often find it hard to talk to friends about our awesome God? Day 3 John 2:1–11 I was gutted when I read this as a teenager: Jesus did what his mother told him (vs 3–7)! But how grateful would the married couple have been that he saved their wedding feast from stigma (vs 9,10)? How can we be like Jesus and bless people around us extraordinarily? Day 4 John 2:12–25 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild… who made a whip and kicked the conmen out of his Father’s house (vs 14–17). Why not discuss with friends what Jesus would want us to be passionate about today? Day 5 John 3:1–21 If your faith is in Jesus, you’re not a reformed character or a better person… you’re a completely new creation (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). The term ‘born again’ (vs 3–8) may have become a little jaded for us, but birth is nothing to get lackadaisical about – it’s a miracle. Take some time to thank God that he has transformed you.

Jesus does the business

Day 6 John 4:1–30,39–42 Why did Jesus risk hanging out with a morallychallenged woman ostracised by her community? Compassion for those who are lost. He went looking for her. Might God be calling you to take a risk and reach out to someone: a friend or neighbour at home? Someone at Momentum? Day 7 John 4:43–54 This guy had real faith (v 50). Jesus hadn’t performed many miracles at this point, but the devoted father believed in his authority to heal. Are you currently asking God for something in particular? What is God saying to you about it? (Compare Matthew 17:20 and John 14:12–14.) Day 8 John 5:1–30 The blinkered Pharisees focused on details in their attempt to impress God (v 10). Their cross-eyed selfrighteousness meant they failed to recognise God’s Son (vs 19,20), despite him standing right in front of them. In Jesus, we’ve found someone to impress God for us (v 24). Why not read Romans 5:1 and 8:30, and thank Jesus for his gift of righteousness? Day 9 John 6:1–15,25–40 Do you think the boy expected Jesus to scoff the lot (v 9)? What can you offer to Jesus today for him to use? I wonder what he’ll turn it into for his kingdom purposes? Remember to keep returning to the one who is our true source of nourishment in life (vs 33,35). Day 10 John 7:25–52 Are you fed up or stressed out? Jesus wants to refresh the parts of you that others cannot reach (vs 37,38). The Pharisees refused, but are you willing to let go of your philosophical stumbling blocks to simply come to Jesus? Take some time to wait on God and ask him to fill you with his Spirit.

Jesus has the answers

Day 11 John 8:1–18 God’s mercy and righteousness summed up perfectly in one act (v 11). Jesus shone light into the darkness of this vulnerable woman’s life. That same light is offered to us today (v 12). Is there anything that you’re trying to hide from Jesus’ gaze? Day 12 John 9:1–34 What a powerful example ‘mud-pack man’ gives us: no matter how unqualified we may feel, and how intimidating the audience, to be open about what Jesus has done for us. Who might you speak to today? Day 13 John 10:1–21 Jesus didn’t outsource flock protection to a freelancer. This wonderful saviour laid down his life for you (vs 11–15). With all of life’s distractions, it can be difficult to make time to listen to Jesus’ voice (vs 4,5,16). Home from Momentum, is there anything you need to change to make this happen? Day 14 John 11:1–44 Try a different approach today: talk and pray about this passage with friends. Why did Jesus get so upset (vs 33–35)? Why was Thomas on such a downer (vs 11–16)? Pray for each other to see Jesus’ resurrection life and power at work in specific situations in your lives (vs 25,26). Day 15 John 12:1–36 I doubt that was a boring dinner party (v 2), but this was no jolly. Jesus was steadily moving towards the end of his mission (vs 23–27). And with such humility: the King of kings riding not in a limo but on a donkey (v 15). What life adjustments might you need to make to follow our humble King?



with Closer to God, sponsored by Scripture Union

e bl i B e h t f o r e w o p e h t k c o l n u o How t ‘The Bible is the most important and exciting book in the world. Dig deep into it and you’ll be blown away by what you discover about God, his plans and his love for you. Closer to God can help stir your passion for hearing God speak through his Word and by his Spirit in ways that will change your life, your church, your community, your nation and the world!’ Mike Pilavachi Why read the Bible? Because it’s alive! God’s Word has the ability to bring about change. When we read it the words can leap off the page, speaking to us personally. Although the Bible might not answer all our questions directly, reading it prayerfully can help us know God better and make better choices for ourselves and our world. How can you have this experience yourself? Well, here’s a simple 30-day plan for getting into the Bible, written especially for Momentum 2008 by James Davies, a regular contributor to Closer to God – the Bible-reading guide for people who want to see God’s Spirit move in power in their lives. This is your chance to dedicate time to exploring God in his Word. And if you want more you can visit closertogod., where our writers discuss a range of Bible passages in greater detail. Or get the printed edition of the next issue of Closer to God for FREE (see offer on page 59).

Jesus comes down to our level

Day 1 John 1:1–18 Forget about Rowling or Steinbeck, John kicks off his book with a corker of a first chapter. Lost in translation? Not this ‘Word’ (v 14). Jesus made plain to us what God is really like (v 18): FULL of grace and truth (vs 14,16–18). Want to be full of God or full of yourself today? Talk to him about it. Day 2 John 1:35–51 ‘I know a cool club round the corner.’ ‘This band is amazing – want to borrow the CD?’ We usually don’t have much trouble making recommendations. Andrew and Philip couldn’t help but blab (vs 41,45), so why is it that we often find it hard to talk to friends about our awesome God? Day 3 John 2:1–11 I was gutted when I read this as a teenager: Jesus did what his mother told him (vs 3–7)! But how grateful would the married couple have been that he saved their wedding feast from stigma (vs 9,10)? How can we be like Jesus and bless people around us extraordinarily? Day 4 John 2:12–25 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild… who made a whip and kicked the conmen out of his Father’s house (vs 14–17). Why not discuss with friends what Jesus would want us to be passionate about today? Day 5 John 3:1–21 If your faith is in Jesus, you’re not a reformed character or a better person… you’re a completely new creation (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). The term ‘born again’ (vs 3–8) may have become a little jaded for us, but birth is nothing to get lackadaisical about – it’s a miracle. Take some time to thank God that he has transformed you.

Jesus does the business

Day 6 John 4:1–30,39–42 Why did Jesus risk hanging out with a morallychallenged woman ostracised by her community? Compassion for those who are lost. He went looking for her. Might God be calling you to take a risk and reach out to someone: a friend or neighbour at home? Someone at Momentum? Day 7 John 4:43–54 This guy had real faith (v 50). Jesus hadn’t performed many miracles at this point, but the devoted father believed in his authority to heal. Are you currently asking God for something in particular? What is God saying to you about it? (Compare Matthew 17:20 and John 14:12–14.) Day 8 John 5:1–30 The blinkered Pharisees focused on details in their attempt to impress God (v 10). Their cross-eyed selfrighteousness meant they failed to recognise God’s Son (vs 19,20), despite him standing right in front of them. In Jesus, we’ve found someone to impress God for us (v 24). Why not read Romans 5:1 and 8:30, and thank Jesus for his gift of righteousness? Day 9 John 6:1–15,25–40 Do you think the boy expected Jesus to scoff the lot (v 9)? What can you offer to Jesus today for him to use? I wonder what he’ll turn it into for his kingdom purposes? Remember to keep returning to the one who is our true source of nourishment in life (vs 33,35). Day 10 John 7:25–52 Are you fed up or stressed out? Jesus wants to refresh the parts of you that others cannot reach (vs 37,38). The Pharisees refused, but are you willing to let go of your philosophical stumbling blocks to simply come to Jesus? Take some time to wait on God and ask him to fill you with his Spirit.

Jesus has the answers

Day 11 John 8:1–18 God’s mercy and righteousness summed up perfectly in one act (v 11). Jesus shone light into the darkness of this vulnerable woman’s life. That same light is offered to us today (v 12). Is there anything that you’re trying to hide from Jesus’ gaze? Day 12 John 9:1–34 What a powerful example ‘mud-pack man’ gives us: no matter how unqualified we may feel, and how intimidating the audience, to be open about what Jesus has done for us. Who might you speak to today? Day 13 John 10:1–21 Jesus didn’t outsource flock protection to a freelancer. This wonderful saviour laid down his life for you (vs 11–15). With all of life’s distractions, it can be difficult to make time to listen to Jesus’ voice (vs 4,5,16). Home from Momentum, is there anything you need to change to make this happen? Day 14 John 11:1–44 Try a different approach today: talk and pray about this passage with friends. Why did Jesus get so upset (vs 33–35)? Why was Thomas on such a downer (vs 11–16)? Pray for each other to see Jesus’ resurrection life and power at work in specific situations in your lives (vs 25,26). Day 15 John 12:1–36 I doubt that was a boring dinner party (v 2), but this was no jolly. Jesus was steadily moving towards the end of his mission (vs 23–27). And with such humility: the King of kings riding not in a limo but on a donkey (v 15). What life adjustments might you need to make to follow our humble King?



e bl i B e h t f o r e w o p e th k c How to unlo

Jesus is the Way

Day 16 John 13:1–17 If your boss, lecturer or church leader did this, imagine how shocked you’d be… Instead, the Lord of all creation, the Son of God, washed his dirty, smelly (no Odour Eaters back then) disciples’ feet. His love for us is so great (v 1). What one act of service can you think of doing right now, to follow his example (vs 13–17)? Day 17 John 13:18–38 Consider Jesus in these moments: on his way to suffer and die, aware of his betrayal (vs 21,26–30) by the very people he most relied on (v 38), yet still instructing his disciples (v 34). Meditate on this: Jesus moving unswervingly towards his death so that you and I could be made right with God. Day 18 John 14:1–31 Peace (v 27), truth (v 17), hope (v 3), revelation (v 21), the Holy Spirit himself (v 26) – there is no giver as generous as our God. How many of these gifts have you experienced for yourself? Are there any changes to be made in your thinking or aspects of your lifestyle (vs 12–15)? Day 19 John 15:1–17 Today’s sobering thought: you could be the founder of facebook, a prime minister or even Bono, but if you’re not ‘in Jesus’ you can achieve nothing of eternal significance (v 4). Want to be fruitful? Just stay close to Jesus (v 5). How can you show his love, practically, to those around you (vs 9–13)? Day 20 John 15:18 – 16:16 I don’t enjoy being disliked, but I need to accept this fact: sometimes people will reject me because of Jesus’ life and character reflected in my personality and actions (15:18–21). Pray for yourself to be faithful and strong. Pray for Christians in countries where persecution is a reality faced daily.

Jesus on the rocks

Day 21 John 17 Whole books have been written on Jesus’ prayer in this chapter (Google it to find some of them), and we can spend our lives learning from it. Jesus was thinking about you at this point (v 20 onwards). How can we work to see his prayer fulfilled (vs 21–23)? Day 22 John 18:1–11 What a difference between Jesus’ way – submission and trust in the Father (vs 4,11) – and Peter’s here – fear and an attempt to take control (v 10). What decisions are you currently facing? How can you approach them Jesus’ way rather than Peter’s? Day 23 John 18:12–27 Gutted. It doesn’t begin to describe how Peter must have felt as Jesus’ words came back to him (v 27; 13:38). But we’re all like Peter, in big ways and small. Spend some time thanking Jesus for his mercy – and repenting of any unfaithfulness in your life. Day 24 John 18:28 – 19:16 Accustomed to the story, we may fail to be shocked by it: the King of kings submits himself to a crooked trial and is swapped for a murderer (18:40). Take some time out to think: have you traded Jesus in or denied him recently? Come to him in repentance. Day 25 John 19:17–42 Take some time, ‘stand before the cross’. Think about Jesus’ suffering and sacrifice. Confess your part in putting him there. And thank him for dealing with all your sin, all your issues, all your guilt, completely, totally, absolutely (v 30; Hebrews 9:26; 1 Peter 3:18).

Jesus is ALIVE!

Day 26 John 20:1–18 They still didn’t ‘get it’ (v 9), but they were about to (vs 16–18): Jesus had conquered death, the unbeatable opponent. There is no one as wonderful as Jesus. No one as worthy as Jesus. No one as loving as Jesus. Think about that empty tomb, and worship your amazing Saviour. Day 27 John 20:19–23 The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in you today (vs 21,22; Ephesians 1:18–20). Is it time to step out in your faith? Talk to God about it. Remember, faith is spelled: ‘R-I-S-K’. Day 28 John 20:24–31 Despite the other disciples’ joy, Thomas was stuck in the stubbornness of doubt and disappointment (vs 24,25). Yet Jesus was patient and compassionate with him (vs 26,27). Jesus deals with each one of us individually, he doesn’t set up a call centre prayer answering service. Pray for anyone in your life needing to know Jesus’ unconditional love and acceptance. Day 29 John 21:1–14 Ever wondered if God has a sense of humour (v 5)? I bet he can also out-cook Jamie Oliver (vs 9,12,13). Rather than delivering a theology lecture, Jesus simply spent time with his disciples, being with them, loving them, restoring them. Is there anyone that needs that from you today? Day 30 John 21:15–25 Jesus lovingly forgives and restores Peter, also instilling usefulness and purpose into his life (vs 15–17). Unfortunately, Peter’s understanding is still limited (vs 20,21). It’s a useful reminder to us: don’t be distracted by other people’s callings and faith journeys; keep your eyes on Jesus (v 22).

If you found this 30-day plan helpful, you might like to try its big brother, Closer to God – each issue contains three months of full length Biblereading notes and costs £3.50. To buy: • phone: 0845 07 06 006 • online: • write: Scripture Union Mail Order, PO Box 5148 Milton Keynes MLO, MK2 2YX • visit your local Christian bookshop


Scripture Union is offering a FREE copy of the brand new issue of Closer to God for October to December, worth £3.50 (plus free postage and packing), to the first 200 Momentum delegates who contact us and quote this code: ‘Momentum’.

Offer ends 1 October. Don’t miss out… Phone 0845 07 06 006 (charged at the BT local rate) or go to



e bl i B e h t f o r e w o p e th k c How to unlo

Jesus is the Way

Day 16 John 13:1–17 If your boss, lecturer or church leader did this, imagine how shocked you’d be… Instead, the Lord of all creation, the Son of God, washed his dirty, smelly (no Odour Eaters back then) disciples’ feet. His love for us is so great (v 1). What one act of service can you think of doing right now, to follow his example (vs 13–17)? Day 17 John 13:18–38 Consider Jesus in these moments: on his way to suffer and die, aware of his betrayal (vs 21,26–30) by the very people he most relied on (v 38), yet still instructing his disciples (v 34). Meditate on this: Jesus moving unswervingly towards his death so that you and I could be made right with God. Day 18 John 14:1–31 Peace (v 27), truth (v 17), hope (v 3), revelation (v 21), the Holy Spirit himself (v 26) – there is no giver as generous as our God. How many of these gifts have you experienced for yourself? Are there any changes to be made in your thinking or aspects of your lifestyle (vs 12–15)? Day 19 John 15:1–17 Today’s sobering thought: you could be the founder of facebook, a prime minister or even Bono, but if you’re not ‘in Jesus’ you can achieve nothing of eternal significance (v 4). Want to be fruitful? Just stay close to Jesus (v 5). How can you show his love, practically, to those around you (vs 9–13)? Day 20 John 15:18 – 16:16 I don’t enjoy being disliked, but I need to accept this fact: sometimes people will reject me because of Jesus’ life and character reflected in my personality and actions (15:18–21). Pray for yourself to be faithful and strong. Pray for Christians in countries where persecution is a reality faced daily.

Jesus on the rocks

Day 21 John 17 Whole books have been written on Jesus’ prayer in this chapter (Google it to find some of them), and we can spend our lives learning from it. Jesus was thinking about you at this point (v 20 onwards). How can we work to see his prayer fulfilled (vs 21–23)? Day 22 John 18:1–11 What a difference between Jesus’ way – submission and trust in the Father (vs 4,11) – and Peter’s here – fear and an attempt to take control (v 10). What decisions are you currently facing? How can you approach them Jesus’ way rather than Peter’s? Day 23 John 18:12–27 Gutted. It doesn’t begin to describe how Peter must have felt as Jesus’ words came back to him (v 27; 13:38). But we’re all like Peter, in big ways and small. Spend some time thanking Jesus for his mercy – and repenting of any unfaithfulness in your life. Day 24 John 18:28 – 19:16 Accustomed to the story, we may fail to be shocked by it: the King of kings submits himself to a crooked trial and is swapped for a murderer (18:40). Take some time out to think: have you traded Jesus in or denied him recently? Come to him in repentance. Day 25 John 19:17–42 Take some time, ‘stand before the cross’. Think about Jesus’ suffering and sacrifice. Confess your part in putting him there. And thank him for dealing with all your sin, all your issues, all your guilt, completely, totally, absolutely (v 30; Hebrews 9:26; 1 Peter 3:18).

Jesus is ALIVE!

Day 26 John 20:1–18 They still didn’t ‘get it’ (v 9), but they were about to (vs 16–18): Jesus had conquered death, the unbeatable opponent. There is no one as wonderful as Jesus. No one as worthy as Jesus. No one as loving as Jesus. Think about that empty tomb, and worship your amazing Saviour. Day 27 John 20:19–23 The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in you today (vs 21,22; Ephesians 1:18–20). Is it time to step out in your faith? Talk to God about it. Remember, faith is spelled: ‘R-I-S-K’. Day 28 John 20:24–31 Despite the other disciples’ joy, Thomas was stuck in the stubbornness of doubt and disappointment (vs 24,25). Yet Jesus was patient and compassionate with him (vs 26,27). Jesus deals with each one of us individually, he doesn’t set up a call centre prayer answering service. Pray for anyone in your life needing to know Jesus’ unconditional love and acceptance. Day 29 John 21:1–14 Ever wondered if God has a sense of humour (v 5)? I bet he can also out-cook Jamie Oliver (vs 9,12,13). Rather than delivering a theology lecture, Jesus simply spent time with his disciples, being with them, loving them, restoring them. Is there anyone that needs that from you today? Day 30 John 21:15–25 Jesus lovingly forgives and restores Peter, also instilling usefulness and purpose into his life (vs 15–17). Unfortunately, Peter’s understanding is still limited (vs 20,21). It’s a useful reminder to us: don’t be distracted by other people’s callings and faith journeys; keep your eyes on Jesus (v 22).

If you found this 30-day plan helpful, you might like to try its big brother, Closer to God – each issue contains three months of full length Biblereading notes and costs £3.50. To buy: • phone: 0845 07 06 006 • online: • write: Scripture Union Mail Order, PO Box 5148 Milton Keynes MLO, MK2 2YX • visit your local Christian bookshop


Scripture Union is offering a FREE copy of the brand new issue of Closer to God for October to December, worth £3.50 (plus free postage and packing), to the first 200 Momentum delegates who contact us and quote this code: ‘Momentum’.

Offer ends 1 October. Don’t miss out… Phone 0845 07 06 006 (charged at the BT local rate) or go to



Ministry Times

Ears: Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and

to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there both to support you, and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.

Eyes: Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means

you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). Stay with them as long as needed and encourage them to go on receiving from God. It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe.

Hands: Encourage the person to receive from God and be still,

rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and biblical, especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v4045 Jesus heals a man of leprosy, in Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). If it is appropriate to pray in this way, be sensitive about where you place your hands.

Sex: Only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry

can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks.

The whole body: Allowing the expression of

feelings is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally cool, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. We want God to do what he needs to do and not get in the way of that.


One of the things we’re really passionate about at Momentum is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always seek to involve God, by His Spirit, in what is going on. In real terms this means that there is often a call forward for prayer. This is a specific time to let God ‘minister’ to us – that is to work with and deal with things in our lives. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. We have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ on hand who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! Please stick to the advice given. So, what happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people. An illustrated guide to praying for others… God can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others.

Mouth: Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Cor 14v3).

And finally… ot everyone is familiar with N

ministry and prayer times and some people are fearful when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for, constantly ask God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiving and being forgiven. If a request is made for further ministry then encourage the person to go to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there will be people available to pray with them (Map Ref: F3). It should also be encouraged

that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we cannot handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus is a great way to learn more! All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.



Ministry Times

Ears: Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and

to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there both to support you, and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.

Eyes: Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means

you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). Stay with them as long as needed and encourage them to go on receiving from God. It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe.

Hands: Encourage the person to receive from God and be still,

rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and biblical, especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v4045 Jesus heals a man of leprosy, in Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). If it is appropriate to pray in this way, be sensitive about where you place your hands.

Sex: Only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry

can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks.

The whole body: Allowing the expression of

feelings is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally cool, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. We want God to do what he needs to do and not get in the way of that.


One of the things we’re really passionate about at Momentum is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always seek to involve God, by His Spirit, in what is going on. In real terms this means that there is often a call forward for prayer. This is a specific time to let God ‘minister’ to us – that is to work with and deal with things in our lives. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. We have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ on hand who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! Please stick to the advice given. So, what happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people. An illustrated guide to praying for others… God can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others.

Mouth: Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Cor 14v3).

And finally… ot everyone is familiar with N

ministry and prayer times and some people are fearful when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for, constantly ask God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiving and being forgiven. If a request is made for further ministry then encourage the person to go to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there will be people available to pray with them (Map Ref: F3). It should also be encouraged

that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we cannot handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus is a great way to learn more! All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.



You’ll want to know this stuff

General information hotline 0303 333 1333 Reroute the phones! That’s what we do when we’re in Shepton Mallet. Our general Soul Survivor number comes down to the Info tent, so we’re still able to answer calls for all general enquiries between 9.00am and 5.30pm. It’s not a great idea to get your mum to call it to check if you’ve arrived properly though! The Info Tent Times: 9:00am – 5:30pm Map ref: E5 Need to sort out a booking query (like you haven’t paid yet) or lost your toupee in the shower? Then they’ll help (and be discreet too), but remember, they wield immense power (like the ability to edit your record on the database), so be kind to them, otherwise you could be deleted from our system and that would be a metaphysical conundrum. There are also Information points around site (identifiable by a big blue ‘I’). These will be regularly updated with lots of useful information (like last minute seminar or venue changes), so keep your eyes on them too. Comms : Comms is our communication relation station. It exists to help people practice their use of the phonetic alphabet (foxtrot, bravo, zulu, percy pig etc…) and also to deal with emergencies or problems that might occur on the showground. Those who inhabit Comms have had more two way radio experience than Jack Bauer, and will jump into action at a simple whisper of a broken toilet, overflowing water pipe or a more severe problem like a fallen comrade… that’s what makes them tick and tock like an old carriage clock! ***New, new, new! Wristbands*** There are no passes this year with your names and faces on them. We had a falling out with them and now they won’t come along. Instead we have some very trendy little wristbands for you to wear. They are basically friendship bracelets that members of the Soul Survivor team have braided throughout the year, a symbol of our relationship with you, so please wear them at all times to show off how close we all are. If you don’t wear them then the stewards (see below) might not let you into a venue and everyone else will think you aren’t one of our friends and probably excommunicate you. We don’t want that to happen, so get your band on arrival day and wear it at all times. Getting and keeping your wristband 1. Arrive on site. You’ll know where you’re camping as we emailed you this info about a week ago, so head to your village and set up camp. 2. Now, once that is all done, head down to the centre of site and have some fun at the wristband exchange (located at the back of the Sports venue, Map Ref: E4. You’ll need the email we sent you with your registration details and something to prove you are who you say you are (not your mum, but an ID card or something). 3. We’ll give you your wristband, and it’ll be clamped onto

your wrist as you leave the exchange. 4. Don’t lose your wristband. If you do, you’ll have to pay the full booking price for a new one (unless you have a really funny story about how you woke up to find a crow nibbling through the last strands of your bracelet before it flew off with your pass… you’ll need a crows feather or some other hard evidence to prove the truth of your yarn). If you haven’t booked on or PAID IN FULL yet then you’ll need to head to Information to sort yourself out. If you arrive a bit late and Info is closed then just head to Comms. Is this a rave as some people have fluorescent jackets on? No, you’re not at an illegal early 90’s dance party in a random field (though it might seem like that at some points… if so, go with it!). The dudes in the lovely fluorescent jackets aren’t ravers, they are stewards… and they are really, really important to the safe running of Momentum. They do all sorts of stuff, most of which you’ll never know about or see them do. One myth suggests they may be angels walking amongst us, completing all the jobs no one else can face doing. This isn’t true, we did some research and found out they are all human. But still, listen to them, do what they say, give them a little pat on the back and show them your respect, for they too, like us all, just want to be loved. ‘What’s a Village Host?’ we hear you say. They exist to make you feel welcome during your stay with us at Momentum. If you have any questions about what’s going on at Momentum or living on a campsite for five days then they are like a walking talking version of Wikipedia (but we don’t think you can update them or edit their content in any way). They’ll be hovering around near your tent, so introduce yourself, be nice and glean pearls of wisdom from their words. Can I contact the outside world? Of course. We’re not a cult. Seriously, we’re not. Stop laughing. If you’d like to send your good old mum a postcard from Momentum then you can use the post box on site (Map Ref: F5). Postman Pat, Jess and their red van trundle onto the showground at about 3.30pm each day to collect all the mail. The little mini market near information also offers a few post office services (but not the queues of old people, sorry) so get down there for your giro! If you need to receive post whilst at Momentum, use these details: Your name AND Your delegate reference number (starting M2k8….) , Information , C/O Soul Survivor , Royal Bath and West Showground , Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 6QN Any post received will be put in some alphabetised pigeonholes in Information, so check them regularly if you’re expecting something (don’t worry, we’ve removed the pigeons). I lost all my socks in the wind! Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. So the lesson is this. If you lose something, it’s not our fault, but we will try and help you out. Come to Comms, especially if it’s something valuable, ask the team nicely and we’ll try and reunite you with your escaped possessions. If you get home and realise you left your whole tent in Shepton Mallet, then give us a ring

(0303 333 1333) in Watford as we tend to keep lost property for a bit to try and help it find it’s way home. I ate all my food and supplies on the journey down… Uh oh. You’ll just have to go without. Actually it’s ok. There are loads of places on site to buy supplies, plus there’s a Tesco’s down the road. The food van people: We know not where they originate from, but their story is as old as time itself. Plus they serve a delicious array of fish, chips, noodles, jacket potatoes, waffles, coffee and of course, egg and bacon buns for the perfect mid-morning pick me up. (Map Ref: E4) The Cafes: Sprinkled around the showground like a dusting of hundreds and thousands on your mums homemade trifle are our sumptuous mix of cafes. Although you won’t be treated to a three course meal they are a good option if you’re feeling a bit peckish and need a sugar rush that would fuel a three year olds excitement for several days. Get yourself along to one and soak up the atmosphere like the big porous human sponge that you are. Soul Action Café (Map ref: F4) Café Uno (Map ref: E4) ToolShed Mezzanine Café (Map ref: F4) ToolShed Lower Level Café (Map ref: F4) The Sports Café (Map ref: E4) The onsite store: Need a daily paper, a pint of milk or a tin of mushy peas? Everyone always does. Stocking enough stuff to see you through a nuclear fall out, the onsite store and its very friendly team know just what you’ll need to get you through a rainy or sunny day in Somerset. They aren’t open all the time, so pop along one morning and check the times. (Map ref: E5) Tesco: We do have a few ethical issues advertising the mega rich, mega big, mega smegga Tesco, but hey, you need stuff and there’s not many organic farmers markets on that are within walking distance of the Showground. If you do fancy a trip to Tescopoly then you’ll need a car. Turn left out of the blue gate, follow the A371 until you come to the ‘Sheep’ roundabout at Cannard’s Grave. Follow the A371 (signed Shepton and Wells) and keep going ‘til you see the the super-dooper store on your left (make sure you buy Fairtrade though). Tesco also has one of those machines that gives you cash when you ask it nicely. The gate keepers… Just so you know we lock two of the three entrances onto the Showground overnight. The ‘blue’ gate is open daily from 7:00am ‘til 10:00pm. Outside of these times you can use the ‘deliveries’ entrance (a.k.a. the ‘main gate’) to get on or off the site. Cooking with gas? If you’ve brought your own camping stove then please don’t dig deep down into the soil to connect to a mainline gas supply pipe. It’s dangerous. Instead, if you run out of gas (euphemism noted), then you can replace your cylinders with a visit to the Gas Man. This former superhero come travelling salesman brings his horse and cart onto site thrice daily between the hours of 8:00am9.30am, 12.00pm-1.30pm and 5.00pm-6.00pm. You can find him to the left of the main/blue gate behind the toilet and shower block by the little bridge. You’ll need to brush his palm with silver (or notes) to get what you desire, but he may accept an inspirational dance or song, you never know.

Freezer packs: Need to keep your food cold? Science says that’s a sensible way of stopping bacteria from infecting it. As science is cool we’re helping out his one man fight against germs by doing a Freezer pack swap-a-shop. It works like this. New freezer packs will cost you £2. Exchanging freezer packs is free (a bit like swapping stickers at school). You can join in the fun between 9.00am-9.30am and 4.30pm and 5.00pm at the side of Indoor Sports (Map Ref: E4). The First kind of Aid Times: 9.00am – 7.00pm Map Ref: E6 If you have an accident or an emergency then we have a team of doctors, nurses and First Aiders on site. They are on call 24 hours a day, plus, if you can walk and you have a problem between the hours of 9:00am-7:00pm then you can head to the medical centre. Outside of these hours contact Comms and they’ll radio for help for you. For all nonemergency situations you can head into Shepton Mallet and see a local GP as a ‘temporary resident’. Ask at the Medical Centre for more details. Ongoing health condition? It’d also be really, really good if you could tell us of any ongoing medical conditions you have that we should be aware of. Just pop to the Medical Centre on your arrival day to make sure we know the score. Why is that tent on fire? The main reason why tents catch on fire is not because of little leprechauns who go around lighting them in the night. It’s because people don’t follow Fire Regulations. These formal laws state that you shouldn’t cook inside your tent (seriously, we know it sounds stupid, but people who cook in their tents often come near to death) and that all tents must be at least three meters away from all other tents. It’s a kind of tent based segregation law. It prevents any tent blazes caused by leprechaun arsonists or stupid cooks from spreading and allows access to said fires by professional fire extinguishers. If your tent isn’t 3m away from all other tents in the vicinity you may be asked to take it down and put it somewhere safer, so please bear (grizzly roar) the tent rule in mind. Now wash your hands… You’re not kids, but we all need to be told. We really don’t want an outbreak of diarrhoea or any other virus spreading round the campsite, so do wash your hands regularly and if you feel ill go straight to the Medical Centre (you can always add a little bottle of anti bacterial gel to your back pocket if you’re especially keen). Similarly, if your stomach is churning, maybe don’t share that cup of tea with your friend, even if you’ve only got enough for one between you (pour it into two cups or something!). What to do if there is an emergency 1) Don’t panic (Captain Mainwaring). 2) Go to Comms (next to information), call Comms (0303 333 1333) or grab your nearest steward or village host. 3) Let Comms call the emergency services (if necessary), don’t do this yourself. This can cause confusion and delay the response. People may need to contact you because of an emergency back home. Our best piece of advice is to make sure you keep your mobile phone charged and on (you can recharge your phone at the Office in the ToolShed). People can contact you via the phone number above, but it may take us a while to get a message to you!



You’ll want to know this stuff

General information hotline 0303 333 1333 Reroute the phones! That’s what we do when we’re in Shepton Mallet. Our general Soul Survivor number comes down to the Info tent, so we’re still able to answer calls for all general enquiries between 9.00am and 5.30pm. It’s not a great idea to get your mum to call it to check if you’ve arrived properly though! The Info Tent Times: 9:00am – 5:30pm Map ref: E5 Need to sort out a booking query (like you haven’t paid yet) or lost your toupee in the shower? Then they’ll help (and be discreet too), but remember, they wield immense power (like the ability to edit your record on the database), so be kind to them, otherwise you could be deleted from our system and that would be a metaphysical conundrum. There are also Information points around site (identifiable by a big blue ‘I’). These will be regularly updated with lots of useful information (like last minute seminar or venue changes), so keep your eyes on them too. Comms : Comms is our communication relation station. It exists to help people practice their use of the phonetic alphabet (foxtrot, bravo, zulu, percy pig etc…) and also to deal with emergencies or problems that might occur on the showground. Those who inhabit Comms have had more two way radio experience than Jack Bauer, and will jump into action at a simple whisper of a broken toilet, overflowing water pipe or a more severe problem like a fallen comrade… that’s what makes them tick and tock like an old carriage clock! ***New, new, new! Wristbands*** There are no passes this year with your names and faces on them. We had a falling out with them and now they won’t come along. Instead we have some very trendy little wristbands for you to wear. They are basically friendship bracelets that members of the Soul Survivor team have braided throughout the year, a symbol of our relationship with you, so please wear them at all times to show off how close we all are. If you don’t wear them then the stewards (see below) might not let you into a venue and everyone else will think you aren’t one of our friends and probably excommunicate you. We don’t want that to happen, so get your band on arrival day and wear it at all times. Getting and keeping your wristband 1. Arrive on site. You’ll know where you’re camping as we emailed you this info about a week ago, so head to your village and set up camp. 2. Now, once that is all done, head down to the centre of site and have some fun at the wristband exchange (located at the back of the Sports venue, Map Ref: E4. You’ll need the email we sent you with your registration details and something to prove you are who you say you are (not your mum, but an ID card or something). 3. We’ll give you your wristband, and it’ll be clamped onto

your wrist as you leave the exchange. 4. Don’t lose your wristband. If you do, you’ll have to pay the full booking price for a new one (unless you have a really funny story about how you woke up to find a crow nibbling through the last strands of your bracelet before it flew off with your pass… you’ll need a crows feather or some other hard evidence to prove the truth of your yarn). If you haven’t booked on or PAID IN FULL yet then you’ll need to head to Information to sort yourself out. If you arrive a bit late and Info is closed then just head to Comms. Is this a rave as some people have fluorescent jackets on? No, you’re not at an illegal early 90’s dance party in a random field (though it might seem like that at some points… if so, go with it!). The dudes in the lovely fluorescent jackets aren’t ravers, they are stewards… and they are really, really important to the safe running of Momentum. They do all sorts of stuff, most of which you’ll never know about or see them do. One myth suggests they may be angels walking amongst us, completing all the jobs no one else can face doing. This isn’t true, we did some research and found out they are all human. But still, listen to them, do what they say, give them a little pat on the back and show them your respect, for they too, like us all, just want to be loved. ‘What’s a Village Host?’ we hear you say. They exist to make you feel welcome during your stay with us at Momentum. If you have any questions about what’s going on at Momentum or living on a campsite for five days then they are like a walking talking version of Wikipedia (but we don’t think you can update them or edit their content in any way). They’ll be hovering around near your tent, so introduce yourself, be nice and glean pearls of wisdom from their words. Can I contact the outside world? Of course. We’re not a cult. Seriously, we’re not. Stop laughing. If you’d like to send your good old mum a postcard from Momentum then you can use the post box on site (Map Ref: F5). Postman Pat, Jess and their red van trundle onto the showground at about 3.30pm each day to collect all the mail. The little mini market near information also offers a few post office services (but not the queues of old people, sorry) so get down there for your giro! If you need to receive post whilst at Momentum, use these details: Your name AND Your delegate reference number (starting M2k8….) , Information , C/O Soul Survivor , Royal Bath and West Showground , Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 6QN Any post received will be put in some alphabetised pigeonholes in Information, so check them regularly if you’re expecting something (don’t worry, we’ve removed the pigeons). I lost all my socks in the wind! Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. So the lesson is this. If you lose something, it’s not our fault, but we will try and help you out. Come to Comms, especially if it’s something valuable, ask the team nicely and we’ll try and reunite you with your escaped possessions. If you get home and realise you left your whole tent in Shepton Mallet, then give us a ring

(0303 333 1333) in Watford as we tend to keep lost property for a bit to try and help it find it’s way home. I ate all my food and supplies on the journey down… Uh oh. You’ll just have to go without. Actually it’s ok. There are loads of places on site to buy supplies, plus there’s a Tesco’s down the road. The food van people: We know not where they originate from, but their story is as old as time itself. Plus they serve a delicious array of fish, chips, noodles, jacket potatoes, waffles, coffee and of course, egg and bacon buns for the perfect mid-morning pick me up. (Map Ref: E4) The Cafes: Sprinkled around the showground like a dusting of hundreds and thousands on your mums homemade trifle are our sumptuous mix of cafes. Although you won’t be treated to a three course meal they are a good option if you’re feeling a bit peckish and need a sugar rush that would fuel a three year olds excitement for several days. Get yourself along to one and soak up the atmosphere like the big porous human sponge that you are. Soul Action Café (Map ref: F4) Café Uno (Map ref: E4) ToolShed Mezzanine Café (Map ref: F4) ToolShed Lower Level Café (Map ref: F4) The Sports Café (Map ref: E4) The onsite store: Need a daily paper, a pint of milk or a tin of mushy peas? Everyone always does. Stocking enough stuff to see you through a nuclear fall out, the onsite store and its very friendly team know just what you’ll need to get you through a rainy or sunny day in Somerset. They aren’t open all the time, so pop along one morning and check the times. (Map ref: E5) Tesco: We do have a few ethical issues advertising the mega rich, mega big, mega smegga Tesco, but hey, you need stuff and there’s not many organic farmers markets on that are within walking distance of the Showground. If you do fancy a trip to Tescopoly then you’ll need a car. Turn left out of the blue gate, follow the A371 until you come to the ‘Sheep’ roundabout at Cannard’s Grave. Follow the A371 (signed Shepton and Wells) and keep going ‘til you see the the super-dooper store on your left (make sure you buy Fairtrade though). Tesco also has one of those machines that gives you cash when you ask it nicely. The gate keepers… Just so you know we lock two of the three entrances onto the Showground overnight. The ‘blue’ gate is open daily from 7:00am ‘til 10:00pm. Outside of these times you can use the ‘deliveries’ entrance (a.k.a. the ‘main gate’) to get on or off the site. Cooking with gas? If you’ve brought your own camping stove then please don’t dig deep down into the soil to connect to a mainline gas supply pipe. It’s dangerous. Instead, if you run out of gas (euphemism noted), then you can replace your cylinders with a visit to the Gas Man. This former superhero come travelling salesman brings his horse and cart onto site thrice daily between the hours of 8:00am9.30am, 12.00pm-1.30pm and 5.00pm-6.00pm. You can find him to the left of the main/blue gate behind the toilet and shower block by the little bridge. You’ll need to brush his palm with silver (or notes) to get what you desire, but he may accept an inspirational dance or song, you never know.

Freezer packs: Need to keep your food cold? Science says that’s a sensible way of stopping bacteria from infecting it. As science is cool we’re helping out his one man fight against germs by doing a Freezer pack swap-a-shop. It works like this. New freezer packs will cost you £2. Exchanging freezer packs is free (a bit like swapping stickers at school). You can join in the fun between 9.00am-9.30am and 4.30pm and 5.00pm at the side of Indoor Sports (Map Ref: E4). The First kind of Aid Times: 9.00am – 7.00pm Map Ref: E6 If you have an accident or an emergency then we have a team of doctors, nurses and First Aiders on site. They are on call 24 hours a day, plus, if you can walk and you have a problem between the hours of 9:00am-7:00pm then you can head to the medical centre. Outside of these hours contact Comms and they’ll radio for help for you. For all nonemergency situations you can head into Shepton Mallet and see a local GP as a ‘temporary resident’. Ask at the Medical Centre for more details. Ongoing health condition? It’d also be really, really good if you could tell us of any ongoing medical conditions you have that we should be aware of. Just pop to the Medical Centre on your arrival day to make sure we know the score. Why is that tent on fire? The main reason why tents catch on fire is not because of little leprechauns who go around lighting them in the night. It’s because people don’t follow Fire Regulations. These formal laws state that you shouldn’t cook inside your tent (seriously, we know it sounds stupid, but people who cook in their tents often come near to death) and that all tents must be at least three meters away from all other tents. It’s a kind of tent based segregation law. It prevents any tent blazes caused by leprechaun arsonists or stupid cooks from spreading and allows access to said fires by professional fire extinguishers. If your tent isn’t 3m away from all other tents in the vicinity you may be asked to take it down and put it somewhere safer, so please bear (grizzly roar) the tent rule in mind. Now wash your hands… You’re not kids, but we all need to be told. We really don’t want an outbreak of diarrhoea or any other virus spreading round the campsite, so do wash your hands regularly and if you feel ill go straight to the Medical Centre (you can always add a little bottle of anti bacterial gel to your back pocket if you’re especially keen). Similarly, if your stomach is churning, maybe don’t share that cup of tea with your friend, even if you’ve only got enough for one between you (pour it into two cups or something!). What to do if there is an emergency 1) Don’t panic (Captain Mainwaring). 2) Go to Comms (next to information), call Comms (0303 333 1333) or grab your nearest steward or village host. 3) Let Comms call the emergency services (if necessary), don’t do this yourself. This can cause confusion and delay the response. People may need to contact you because of an emergency back home. Our best piece of advice is to make sure you keep your mobile phone charged and on (you can recharge your phone at the Office in the ToolShed). People can contact you via the phone number above, but it may take us a while to get a message to you!

Pwllheli, Wales 30 March – 4 April 4 April – 9 April New Word Alive is a Bible holiday week for all Christians. In addition to the full programme of teaching, training and worship it promises to be a great holiday. To request a brochure visit or call 02074075863


Each year during one of our sessions we have a voluntary offering where we give some of what we have to support different initiatives around the world. This year is no different, but we figured you might like a bit of an update on where the money raised last year actually went. Where the money went last year… Last summer through the offerings over all the Soul Survivor summer events an amazing £75,000 was raised (including Gift Aid), plus an extra £9,300 in the £1 bins! Thanks; you chaps are awesome, and very generous indeed. These are the places where we spent the money… Halfway house in Durban Ikhayalethu (which means ‘our home’ in Zulu and is pronounced “ick-eye-a-lert-oo”) is the project we told you about last year that has been started in Durban South Africa to give young boys who have lived on the streets for years a place to live, a home and access to education and jobs. If you want to keep up to date with how the project is getting on check out and read how things are developing.


SOULINTHECITY Durban Although most of us won’t be in Durban until next summer, to get everything up and running for ’09 we’ve already needed to have people based there. They’ve been working with the churches and organisations we’ll be partnering with, to make sure that when we descend on the city next year for our houseparty, our time will be well spent and we’ll be helping people who need it the most. There have also been over 80 young people out there this summer working on projects. Where the money will go this year… As in previous years we will take up a collection during the evening meeting on Day 4 of Soul Survivor. This money will go towards expanding the ministry of Soul Survivor in areas that are not paid for by the summer conferences, including leadership development, resourcing youth leaders and our work in Durban and Central Asia. Gift Aid If you pay tax please fill in a Gift Aid form (available from Information and at the Offering collection points). Last year this meant the Government gave us back over £9,000 that you had paid in tax – all because you gave us your signature! Outside of the main meetings you can give in your gift at Information (Map Ref: E5).

Pwllheli, Wales 30 March – 4 April 4 April – 9 April New Word Alive is a Bible holiday week for all Christians. In addition to the full programme of teaching, training and worship it promises to be a great holiday. To request a brochure visit or call 02074075863


Each year during one of our sessions we have a voluntary offering where we give some of what we have to support different initiatives around the world. This year is no different, but we figured you might like a bit of an update on where the money raised last year actually went. Where the money went last year… Last summer through the offerings over all the Soul Survivor summer events an amazing £75,000 was raised (including Gift Aid), plus an extra £9,300 in the £1 bins! Thanks; you chaps are awesome, and very generous indeed. These are the places where we spent the money… Halfway house in Durban Ikhayalethu (which means ‘our home’ in Zulu and is pronounced “ick-eye-a-lert-oo”) is the project we told you about last year that has been started in Durban South Africa to give young boys who have lived on the streets for years a place to live, a home and access to education and jobs. If you want to keep up to date with how the project is getting on check out and read how things are developing.


SOULINTHECITY Durban Although most of us won’t be in Durban until next summer, to get everything up and running for ’09 we’ve already needed to have people based there. They’ve been working with the churches and organisations we’ll be partnering with, to make sure that when we descend on the city next year for our houseparty, our time will be well spent and we’ll be helping people who need it the most. There have also been over 80 young people out there this summer working on projects. Where the money will go this year… As in previous years we will take up a collection during the evening meeting on Day 4 of Soul Survivor. This money will go towards expanding the ministry of Soul Survivor in areas that are not paid for by the summer conferences, including leadership development, resourcing youth leaders and our work in Durban and Central Asia. Gift Aid If you pay tax please fill in a Gift Aid form (available from Information and at the Offering collection points). Last year this meant the Government gave us back over £9,000 that you had paid in tax – all because you gave us your signature! Outside of the main meetings you can give in your gift at Information (Map Ref: E5).





Bible College of Wales is committed to not just developing the mind but the whole person

Are you looking to be challenged in your walk with God? To develop friendships that span across nations? To be equipped and approved for Christian ministry? Accredited by Bangor University and with over 80 years of teaching experience, BCW is a college of excellence. Study: Degree, College Certificate, College Diploma over 1, 2, or 3 years. Options to study full-time, part-time or by distance learning.

Electives include: Music and Worship; Christianity and the Arts; Christianity and the Media; Performing Arts and Youth Work.


Visit: Email: Tel: 01792 203 463 for more information. Better still come and visit us and see for yourself what life at BCW is like.







Bible College of Wales is committed to not just developing the mind but the whole person

Are you looking to be challenged in your walk with God? To develop friendships that span across nations? To be equipped and approved for Christian ministry? Accredited by Bangor University and with over 80 years of teaching experience, BCW is a college of excellence. Study: Degree, College Certificate, College Diploma over 1, 2, or 3 years. Options to study full-time, part-time or by distance learning.

Electives include: Music and Worship; Christianity and the Arts; Christianity and the Media; Performing Arts and Youth Work.


Visit: Email: Tel: 01792 203 463 for more information. Better still come and visit us and see for yourself what life at BCW is like.



Pre-Order on site and save SAVE £2 on Soul Survivor Live Album 2008

SAVE £2 on Soul Survivor 2008 DVD

Save £5 on All the MP3s

ONLY £7.99 when you order on site (The RRP will be £9.99 on release)

Buy all the talks from this event in MP3 format. Every seminar and main meeting talk in mp3 format for just £25 (after the event it will be £30.00)

Small print: The Live Album will come out in the

Small print: The 2008 DVD will come out in

Small print: The MP3s will be supplied on DVD

ONLY £9.99 when you order on site (RRP will be £14.99 on release) first week of November. This voucher is only valid for one copy of the album when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A, B, C or Momentum 2008. This voucher may only be redeemed at the Soul Survivor stand in the toolshed and cannot be used against any other purchase or at our online shop. The price on release will be £11.99 from the Soul Survivor shop website. This offer ends 25 August 2008. Thanks for reading.


November. This voucher is only valid for one copy of the DVD when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A, B, C or Momentum 2008. This voucher may only be redeemed at the Soul Survivor stand in the toolshed and cannot be used against any other purchase or at our online shop. The price on release will be £8.99 from the Soul Survivor shop website. This offer ends 25 August 2008. Thanks for reading.


Caris is a fab, new, handbag-size mag <forPage 69> girls aged 12-16. It's packed with competitions, beauty, fashion, reviews, interviews, campaigns, advice, great inspiring real-life stories and helps you in sharing your relationship with God with your friends.


We'll be giving away FREE copies of the mag throughout Week B this year so pop in and see us in the ToolShed (we'll be the ones wearing hot pink t-shirts!). If you are youth leader or are involved in youthwork, come and find out more about our discounted subscription rates for youth groups.

by the end of September. Please note this is a DVD, if you don’t have a DVD player on your pc or mac, this product is very unlikely to work. This voucher is only valid for one copy of the MP3s when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A, B, C or Momentum 2008. This voucher may only be redeemed at the Soul Survivor stand in the toolshed and cannot be used against any other purchase or at our online shop. The price on release will be £30.00. This offer ends 25 August 2008. Thanks for reading.



Rules can be

We can have fun and be safe too. Sounds a bit like something David Brent would say during a Fire Drill on Red Nose Day. The thing is it’s true. Imagine being dressed up as a chicken, running down a flight of stairs to make sure you’re evacuated from a fake fire in an office building. Actually, that sounds quite dangerous. Anyway, we want you to have fun at Momentum, but we don’t want you to do something stupid either like hurt yourself… or others for that matter. So, we have a few site rules. Read them, act on them and be warned, our nice stewards will take on all law breakers (you’ll notice that wearing a chicken suit is not prohibited… we’re not killjoys you know). 1) If anyone at Momentum is under 18 then they are, at all times, the responsibility of the group/ youth leader or over 18 they came with. 2) Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Chief Stewarding Team and the Police representatives on site. 3) No alcohol is to be consumed by any under 18’s that are on site. 4) After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire and Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled badge. 5) Wristbands must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge of £40 to replace lost wristbands. 6) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents. We also encourage you to give up if you do like a ciggy now and then as it’s pretty bad for you.


7) No mixed-tent/caravan/accommodation on site i.e. no boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married. You know why. 8) Outdoor ball games (those not in the Sports Arena) are to be finished by 10:00pm - even if there is a nil-nil outcome. 9) Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting. 10) However hot it gets, and tempting it seems, there is to be no swimming in the lake. 11) Tents or caravans should only be moved to another village with prior permission from Information. This is essential in the event of needing to contact you in an emergency and to maintain site security. We’ll be as helpful as possible but there are no guarantees that you will be able to move to a different location. 12) No speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit and use hazard lights at all times. Please also note that driving lessons are not permitted on site.

<Page 69> European Christian Mission

13) Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (on arrival owners and their guide dogs should pop into Information). 14) No crossing into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape. 15) There are strict guidelines relating to the use of generators on site. Please speak to a member of the team in Comms if you need to use a generator while at Momentum. 16) Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 17) Soul Survivor does not operate any holiday insurance or cancellation scheme, we strongly recommend that you contact your insurance broker if you require this cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or personal property.

300 million haven’t heard...

Do you want to tell them? Find out more...



Rules can be

We can have fun and be safe too. Sounds a bit like something David Brent would say during a Fire Drill on Red Nose Day. The thing is it’s true. Imagine being dressed up as a chicken, running down a flight of stairs to make sure you’re evacuated from a fake fire in an office building. Actually, that sounds quite dangerous. Anyway, we want you to have fun at Momentum, but we don’t want you to do something stupid either like hurt yourself… or others for that matter. So, we have a few site rules. Read them, act on them and be warned, our nice stewards will take on all law breakers (you’ll notice that wearing a chicken suit is not prohibited… we’re not killjoys you know). 1) If anyone at Momentum is under 18 then they are, at all times, the responsibility of the group/ youth leader or over 18 they came with. 2) Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Chief Stewarding Team and the Police representatives on site. 3) No alcohol is to be consumed by any under 18’s that are on site. 4) After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire and Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled badge. 5) Wristbands must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge of £40 to replace lost wristbands. 6) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents. We also encourage you to give up if you do like a ciggy now and then as it’s pretty bad for you.


7) No mixed-tent/caravan/accommodation on site i.e. no boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married. You know why. 8) Outdoor ball games (those not in the Sports Arena) are to be finished by 10:00pm - even if there is a nil-nil outcome. 9) Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting. 10) However hot it gets, and tempting it seems, there is to be no swimming in the lake. 11) Tents or caravans should only be moved to another village with prior permission from Information. This is essential in the event of needing to contact you in an emergency and to maintain site security. We’ll be as helpful as possible but there are no guarantees that you will be able to move to a different location. 12) No speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit and use hazard lights at all times. Please also note that driving lessons are not permitted on site.

<Page 69> European Christian Mission

13) Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (on arrival owners and their guide dogs should pop into Information). 14) No crossing into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape. 15) There are strict guidelines relating to the use of generators on site. Please speak to a member of the team in Comms if you need to use a generator while at Momentum. 16) Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 17) Soul Survivor does not operate any holiday insurance or cancellation scheme, we strongly recommend that you contact your insurance broker if you require this cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or personal property.

300 million haven’t heard...

Do you want to tell them? Find out more...

Pre-Order on site and save SAVE £2 on Soul Survivor Live Album 2008

SAVE £2 on Soul Survivor 2008 DVD

Save £5 on All the MP3s

ONLY £7.99 when you order on site (The RRP will be £9.99 on release)

Buy all the talks from this event in MP3 format. Every seminar and main meeting talk in mp3 format for just £25 (after the event it will be £30.00)

Small print: The Live Album will come out in the

Small print: The 2008 DVD will come out in

Small print: The MP3s will be supplied on DVD

ONLY £9.99 when you order on site (RRP will be £14.99 on release) first week of November. This voucher is only valid for one copy of the album when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A, B, C or Momentum 2008. This voucher may only be redeemed at the Soul Survivor stand in the toolshed and cannot be used against any other purchase or at our online shop. The price on release will be £11.99 from the Soul Survivor shop website. This offer ends 25 August 2008. Thanks for reading.


November. This voucher is only valid for one copy of the DVD when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A, B, C or Momentum 2008. This voucher may only be redeemed at the Soul Survivor stand in the toolshed and cannot be used against any other purchase or at our online shop. The price on release will be £8.99 from the Soul Survivor shop website. This offer ends 25 August 2008. Thanks for reading.


Caris is a fab, new, handbag-size mag <forPage 69> girls aged 12-16. It's packed with competitions, beauty, fashion, reviews, interviews, campaigns, advice, great inspiring real-life stories and helps you in sharing your relationship with God with your friends.


We'll be giving away FREE copies of the mag throughout Week B this year so pop in and see us in the ToolShed (we'll be the ones wearing hot pink t-shirts!). If you are youth leader or are involved in youthwork, come and find out more about our discounted subscription rates for youth groups.

by the end of September. Please note this is a DVD, if you don’t have a DVD player on your pc or mac, this product is very unlikely to work. This voucher is only valid for one copy of the MP3s when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A, B, C or Momentum 2008. This voucher may only be redeemed at the Soul Survivor stand in the toolshed and cannot be used against any other purchase or at our online shop. The price on release will be £30.00. This offer ends 25 August 2008. Thanks for reading.

MOMU EN’ T m09

22 – 26 AUGUST 2009 BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND Bath & West Showground, Somerset

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