Momentum Programme 2016

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Essentials Welcome Welcome to Momentum 2015! We’re so glad you could join us as we spend these days seeking God, worshipping him and asking him to meet with us. We want to be encouraged, refreshed, challenged and changed through spending time with Jesus and hanging out with one another and there’s plenty to look forward to. The teaching in our main meetings will look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in today’s culture and our seminar programme will be helping us unpack that even further. We’ll be exploring everything from why our work matters to God to how we find a good rhythm of rest in life’s busyness; from dealing with anger to how to balance ministry and marriage. Plus we’ll be tackling some big theological questions and doing a series on Jonah; find out more on the day planner. We’ve got loads of social stuff planned too including our giant hog roast on Day 4 as well as Coffee for Six running throughout the week, plus we’ve got a silent disco and a drive-in movie night. Take some time to flick through the programme for more info and check the screens in the main meetings for additional updates. The main thing we want to focus on while we’re here is spending time with Jesus. We know it’s by his presence that we’re changed and by his Holy Spirit that we’re empowered to live godly lives. We’re longing to make space for God to do whatever he wants so that might mean things aren’t always slick, but it will mean that as we encounter him, our lives are changed. We hope you have a wonderful time and meet with God in a significant way. With love, Mike



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Essentials Contents



Welcome 1 About us 3 Intro 4 What’s your story? 4 Tell us what you think 4 Days of the week 4 Outline of a day 5 Venues 7 Main meetings 8 Worship 8 Teaching 8 Ministry 9 Communion 9 Big Top Café 9 Soul Action Café 10 Grounds 11 Live Lounge 12 Café Uno 13 Prayer Chapel 14 Late Night Worship 14 Chat Room 14


Day Planner


Blood donation 15 Sports 16 Sports Café 16 Soul Action Fun Run 17 Celluloid 18 Drive-in movie 18 ToolShed 20 Soul Survivor stand 20 Soul Survivor Café 20 ToolShed Café 20 Kids work 22 Social stuff 24 Coffee for Six 24 Hog roast 24 Here alone? 25 Student Reception 25 Day planner 26 Day 1 27 Day 2 28 Day 3 31 Day 4 34 Day 5 37 Timetable 40

Who’s who 42 Helpful info 46 Health & safety 51 The offering 53 Support Soul Survivor 54 Soul Action 56 Be on team 59 Soul61 60 Bible reading notes 62 Being green 66 Merchandise 68 Soul Survivor Shop 69 Momentum 2016 70 Summer in Stafford 70 Weekend in France 70 Keep in touch 73 Upcoming events 72 Prayer ministry 74 Bible in One Year 78 Site rules 79 Vouchers Inside back cover Site maps 81 & 82

Need some extra help finding what you’re looking for? Check out the Index on page 80!


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Essentials About Momentum

About us Momentum is a part of Soul Survivor, a charity all about reaching and equipping young people to live their lives for Jesus. We’ve been running events for teenagers since 1993 and in 2004 started Momentum for students and those in their 20s and 30s. Momentum has the same heart and passion as Soul Survivor – to go deeper in relationship with Jesus through worship, teaching and ministry – but the teaching focuses on areas like student life, starting and developing a

career, being a Christian in the work place, church leadership, relationships and money. Since 2011 we realised we couldn’t go a whole year without hanging out together so we started running an annual Momentum weekend. In 2016 we’re moving the weekend to France! Check out page 70 for more info.



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Essentials Intro

Days of the week What's your story?

Tell us what you think

We love reading your testimonies and sharing them from stage and on social media to encourage each other about what God is doing. You’ll find pens and testimony slips on the stage or you can email or tweet #momentum15 @MomentumGB. We never share anyone’s full name but if you’d rather we kept your story completely private please just let us know.

We’d love to know what worked for you this week and what you think we could do to improve things for next year. We’ll email you a link to an online questionnaire and we’ll post it on social media too so we’d love for you to fill it in and have your say. You might even win a USB with all the talks from this week as our way of saying thank you!


You’ll probably notice pretty quickly that we don’t use the usual days of the week to keep track of things here at Momentum, we’ve numbered the days instead. Confused?! Here’s your handy guide: Day 1 Thursday 27th August Day 2 Friday 28th August Day 3 Saturday 29th August Day 4 Sunday 30th August Day 5 Monday 31st August


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Essentials Outline of a day Your daily timetable If you’re new to Momentum this should help you get your head around what we pack into a day! Everything is of course optional so you can pick and choose what you’d like to do but we close the rest of our venues when our main meetings are on so we can all focus on God together (and to give our lovely volunteers a break too).

8.30am Grounds is open to serve you a cheeky espresso!

9.30am Check out the day planner to find out about all the seminars on offer in the morning.Sessions last between 45 minutes and an hour, usually including time for a little Q&A at the end.

2pm/3.15pm/4.30pm There are three more seminar slots each afternoon tackling lots of different topics. Check out the day planner for more info.

7pm Head back to the Big Top for more worship, teaching and ministry.

9.30pm 10.30am The Big Top Café opens, ready to serve you tea, coffee and a morning snack to get you ready for the main meeting.

11am We’ll all be gathering in the Big Top for our first main meeting of the day with worship, teaching and ministry.

1pm All the cafés open, sports activities get underway and the ToolShed will be ready to welcome you in. Everything is open until 5.30pm.

We have loads of venues open each evening so you can head to one of our cafes to get a coffee and a piece of cake, play some indoor sports, check out the organisations and resources in the ToolShed, enjoy a film at Celluloid, worship God some more at Late Night Worship, get a pint or a glass of wine and check out some live music in the Live Lounge, take some time and space to pray in The Prayer Chapel, or dance to the Killer Groove in Café Uno. Decisions, decisions…

Exceptions On Day 4 we’ll be having our giant hog roast so there will be no seminars at 4.30pm and all the other venues will shut so that everyone can be together. Day 5: We’ll be meeting at 10am rather than 11am in order to take Communion together.



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Venues Intro

We’ve pulled out all the stops to make the Bath & West Showground the place to be this Bank Holiday weekend! We’ve got a whole host of brilliant cafés, live music, plenty of sports, loads of great resources, places you can chat to our team or take some space to pray, a giant cinema screen (plus a special drive-in movie night) and a Late Night Worship venue. Find out more over the following pages and see what takes your fancy!



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Venues Main Meetings

Day 1: 7pm, Days 2-4: 11am & 7pm Day 5: 10am for Communion & 7pm Twice a day we all get together in the Big Top for times of worship, teaching and ministry. Why do we focus on these three things? Read on to find out more!




We devote lots of time in our meetings to worshipping God through song and we’ve found it is an incredible way to draw close to him. It is an opportunity to tell him how much we love him, to focus on what he has done for us and to thank him for his goodness. No matter what is going on in our lives, God is worthy of our worship but this is also a place where we can be real and bring before him the good and the bad things in our lives. Being close to Jesus changes everything and that is what we’re aiming to do in our worship – draw close to him, touch his heart with our praise and allow him to touch ours with his love.

The Bible is one of the most incredible gifts God has given us so we can understand who he is, how he feels about us and how he wants us to live for him. It’s absolutely packed full of amazing wisdom and encouragement so we want to make space in each of our meetings to look at God’s word and explore what he is saying to us. In our teaching this year we particularly want to focus on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in today’s culture.

Photography and videography We have a couple of official photographers and videographers taking photos and footage this week that we may use on social media and for fun/ promotional purposes. Rest assured that no photos are taken and no film shot during ministry times so that you can feel totally relaxed as you meet with God.


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Communion DAY 5: 10am

Whilst the Holy Spirit is always with us, during our meetings we will make space to ask him to increase his presence. In these times God often heals us (physically and/or emotionally), reveals more of his love to us, sets us free, brings us to repentance, and equips, encourages and empowers us. We’re not interested in hyping anything up; some of us may respond in outwardly obvious ways and some won’t, that’s not what’s important. We just want to give God space to

do anything he wants to do. If you’re unsure about ministry times, don’t worry, just listen out to what Mike, Ali and Andy are saying from the stage, stay open to what God might want to do in you, and feel free to ask our enabling team anything you like. We’d encourage everyone to get involved with both receiving prayer and praying for others – if you’d like to do the latter please take a quick look at our ministry guidelines on page 74 so we’re all on the same page.

On Day 5 we do things a little differently: we don’t have any morning seminars and we meet at 10am instead of 11am. This gives us time to take Communion together, to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice, and to share stories of what God has been doing during the week. You can share your testimony via the box on the stage or by emailing

Big Top Café Times: From 10.30am and 6pm If you’re worried about nodding off in the middle of one of Mike’s talks, make sure you head over to the Big Top Café and grab a cup of coffee to get your caffeine fix. Open before and after the main meetings each day, this is the place to meet your mates to grab a pre/post-meeting cuppa.



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Venues Soul Action Café

Day 1: 9.30pm-midnight Days 2-5: 1.00pm-5.30pm, 9.30pm-midnight We love coffee. We love good coffee more. And we love good, fairly-traded coffee even more! Everything that we sell in the Soul Action Café is Fairtrade so grab some mates and enjoy a delicious cupcake, muffin or flapjack in the knowledge that you’re making a positive difference (and calories don’t count when you’re helping people). The team in the café would love to chat to you about the everyday things you can do to help bring freedom to others and this is a great place to find out a bit more about our desire to end sexual violence against women.



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Venues Grounds Day 1: 9.30pm-midnight Days 2-5: 8.30am-9.30am, 1.00pm-5.30pm and 9.30pm-midnight If you’re looking for a chilled out spot to take a break or a quiet space to have a catch up with a friend, Grounds is just the place! With its relaxed vibe and friendly team on hand ready to serve you as much cake as your heart desires, it’s the perfect little hideaway. Grab yourself a hot drink and make yourself right at home. This is also the place to come for your early morning caffeine fix as Grounds opens its doors at 8.30am.



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Venues Live Lounge

Days 1-5: 9.30pm-midnight

No, we haven’t moved the BBC Radio 1 studios to a cowshed in Shepton Mallet but we have got some awesome live music for you! There will also be an opportunity for you to share your musical talent with the world during our open mic slots. Sign up via the Live Lounge hosts and await your turn to dazzle the crowds.

What’s on? Night 1 : Rachel Jane Rachel's music is naturally infused with gospel and soul rhythms as well as R&B and pop influences. Come along and enjoy her stunning voice and uplifting music. Night 2: Tom Crouch Come and be mesmerised by Tom's ambient and atmospheric blend of folk and post-rock that's guaranteed to leave you with goose bumps.


Night 3: Silent Disco What’s quiet on the outside but loud on the inside? A silent disco! Our neighbours will be really happy tonight as we will be making practically no noise as we dance the night away. Two DJs will be battling to win you over so make sure you tweet and Instagram the tunes that you’re loving using #momentum15. Head over from 9.30pm, grab the special headphones on your way in and flick between the two channels to choose your tune of choice. Nights 4 and 5: Josh Flowers & the Wild Q Magazine wrote that Josh Flowers & the Wild are "self-confessed devotees to the crunching textures of the blues. With a sound compounding the best of both polished and rough textures to create a raucous live show".


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Venues Café Uno

Days 1-5: 9.30pm-midnight Plus open before and after seminars in the afternoons Café Uno is a seminar venue by day but comes alive with the sound of music each evening! Our house band, The Killer Groove, will be playing a whole variety of tunes for you to bust a move to, covering a mixture of pop, soul, disco and funk from the last 50 years. Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to throw some shapes on the dance floor! Or if that sounds a bit too energetic just grab a giant hot chocolate mountain and a slice of Red Velvet Fudge cake, sit back and enjoy the pop-art vibes that Café Uno has to offer.

The Killer Groove The Killer Groove were such a hit last year that we asked the awesome eight-piece to come back and entertain us again this summer! Find out more at or by stalking them on Twitter @thekillergroove



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Prayer Chapel

Late Night Worship

Chat Room

Day 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-5.30pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm

Days 1-5: 10.30pm-11.30pm

Day 1: 9.30pm-11pm Days 2-5: 1pm-5pm and 9.30pm-11pm

Looking for a creative space to pray? Pop in to the The Prayer Chapel for a quiet spot and some creative resources to help you communicate with God. Come and hang out for as long or as little as you like.

We make loads of space for worship in our main meetings but sometimes it still feels like we just want to carry on afterwards! If that’s where you’re at, head over to Late Night Worship for some more stripped-back, acoustic style worship led by one of the Soul Survivor team.

If you could do with a listening ear, a bit of wisdom and someone to pray with you, head along to meet our Chat Room team. They’re a wise and lovely bunch and they are ready and willing to chat every afternoon and evening about anything you like, big or small, past, present or future. Nothing is off limits so don’t go home without getting things off your chest.



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Blood Donation Sign up: Day 2 from midday until 6pm Donate: Days 3 and 4 from 10am – 3.30pm Location: Sign up - room on the side of the ToolShed. Give blood - opposite the ToolShed in the mobile units We’ve teamed up with the NHS Blood Team so you guys can give blood whilst you’re here at Momentum! The Flesh & Blood campaign encourages Christians to see giving blood and signing up for organ donation as part of their giving and we think it’s a brilliant idea. The NHS need 200,000 new blood donors every year to keep up with the drop-off rate so if you’ve never given before, there’s no better time to sign up! There are two blood mobile units, around 130 slots, and two days over which to give. You can register to give from Day 2 and can pop in any time to put your name down to be an organ donor. If all the slots are filled, the team would be happy to help you find your next local session for when you get back home.

Image by Flickr user Denise Chan

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Venues Sports



Panna Cage Football Tournament Three minutes. Two teams. One ball. See if you can get in a cheeky nut-meg.

Basketball Tournament Day 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-5.30pm, 9.30pm-11.30pm

Five-A-Side Football Tournament If you’re the next Lionel Messi and can bend it better than Beckham, the five-a-side footie tournament might be just what you’re looking for. Grab four mates and head on over to Sports on the first evening or from 1pm on Day 2 to sign up. Games will be played on Days 2-5. And if you’re not interested in actually playing football but you’ve got a loud voice, come along and cheer on the teams!

Slam dunk the funk, or just shoot normally! Grab your mates and join the basketball tournament.

Ultimate Frisbee Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s something much more fun - it’s a Frisbee! Come and practice your “hammer” or “scoober” technique!

Sports Café


All that sports business is thirsty work so come and take a pew, grab a drink and a snack to refuel.

Zorbing Football This is just like normal football except you’re in a giant inflatable bubble. Warning: could lead to comical collisions!


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Gyro Chair Let us turn your world upside down by having a go in the Gyro chair (but maybe not after a trip to the food court!).

Peddle Karts Soul Action Fun Run Fancy yourself as a bit of a Lewis Hamilton? Enjoy a spin around the course or challenge a mate!

Archery We’ve all dreamt about having skills like Robin Hood (minus the tights and funny hat)!

Day 3: 5:15pm for warm up, 5.30pm start Location: The Showring You don’t have to be super fit to join in with our Fun Run! We’re not bothered how fast or slow you are, whether you barely break a sweat running a half-marathon or are out of breath at the mere thought of running for a bus; this is all about getting involved and raising money for Soul Action! Grab your trainers, some fancy dress if you’d like and a few mates to cheer you along; get some kind-hearted folk to sponsor you and come and join the fun. The course takes you round the showground and is 3km (that’s 1.86 miles). You can take it at your own pace so even if you walk you’ll still be done in time for tea!

Free Phone Charging Need some extra juice? Come and top up your mobile free of charge! It will be kept in a secure locker until you’re ready to collect it.



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Venues Celluloid Days 1-5: 10pm We don’t mean to boast but we’re pretty pleased to say that we’ve got our very own open-air Momentum cinema! Yep, we’ll be taking our giant screen outside so we can enjoy some of this year’s best films (plus a classic thrown in for our special drive-in movie night!) in the great outdoors. If the weather has other ideas, we’ll relocate to the Big Top (and enjoy a good moan about the British summer time rain). We’ll have some popcorn and snacks available to buy, so bring a blanket and come and get comfy in time for a 10pm kick off!

Drive-In Movie Day 2 Get ready for what promises to be an epic Friday night at the movies! For one night only, we’re breaking all the rules and letting you guys drive your cars around the site. Fill your car with your friends and cruise on over to the giant screen next to the Big Top (observing the site speed limit of 10mph, of course). Tune your radios to the FM frequency, put your feet up on the dashboard and enjoy the awesome Back to the Future’. If you don’t have a car (or you’re just so popular that it’s getting a bit crowded in yours), don’t worry, we’ll have a separate seating area available too. There will be drinks and snacks available to purchase so don’t forget to bring some cash with you – after all, no film is complete without popcorn!

Please note: cars will need to be returned to the car parks after the film is finished. Cars can’t be parked on camping villages unless you have a disabled access car pass. Pretty please help us keep the site safe for everyone to enjoy by parking where instructed to by our stewards.



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Interstellar Day 1 When the world has run out of food and nothing in the solar system can help, a former NASA pilot must choose between staying with his kids and travelling through space and time to save their lives. But can the future of mankind be saved by finding another, more hospitable, planet across the galaxy? Interstellar is a thrilling, thought-provoking and slightly mind-bending film from Writer-direction Christopher Nolan.

Back to the Future Day 2 (Drive-In Movie) Whether you’ve never seen this classic film or have watched it a hundred times, you’re in for a treat as we show it the way God intended: on a huge open air screen. Jump in your car for the ultimate 1950s America drive-in movie experience! When Marty McFly accidentally gets zapped back 30 years in time he inadvertently interferes with his

parents’ budding romance and has to remedy the situation or face wiping himself from existence. Marty’s journey manages to combine action, comedy, sci-fi and romance in one beautiful blend of cinematic glory; films don’t come much better than this for feel good fun!

The Imitation Game Day 3 In the darkest days of World War II, Alan Turing must lead a team to try and break the unbreakable German Enigma code under the incredible pressure of lives being lost every day. Turing’s genius is off-set by his social awkwardness, causing tensions to run high within the team, and the whole story is set against the backdrop of Turing’s later arrest for homosexuality. A nail-biting, heartbreaking and incredible true-life story.

Selma Day 4 Selma takes a three-month snapshot of the life of Martin Luther King, chronicling a period in 1965

when he led a campaign for equal voting rights, despite fierce and violent opposition. David Oyelowo gives a stunning performance as King, leading the civil rights movement on an epic march from Selma to Montgomery in this rousing and important political drama showing how the courage and belief of ordinary people ultimately changed history.

The Theory of Everything Day 5 At 21 Stephen Hawking should have been enjoying life at Cambridge University with his new love Jane. Instead he was given the earthshattering diagnosis of motorneurone disease and a prognosis of just two years to live. Believing that where there’s life, there’s hope, Hawking embarked on his most ambitious scientific work: studying the very thing that he was running out of – time.



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Venues The ToolShed

Day 1: 9.15pm - 11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm - 5.30pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm The ToolShed is THE place to be. It’s full to the brim with charities and organisations that are ready to chat to you (and maybe even give you free sweets if you’re really nice to them). There are also two cafés in the ToolShed so sit back and enjoy a cup of tea whilst you make the most of the free wifi!




Soul Survivor Stand

Soul Survivor Café

We’ve scoured the land to find some of the best books, CDs and DVDs that we think will help you in your walk with Jesus and we’ve put them all together on the Soul Survivor stand right in the centre of the ToolShed! Our team would love to chat if you’re looking for some recommendations and we’ve got a whole new range of Soul Survivor goodies for you to check out. Plus if you pre-order 'Love Takes Over', the live album from this summer, you’ll get a free milkshake!

Come and say hello and find the warmest welcome and the best cuppa Momentum has to offer! Our café is right at the heart of the ToolShed so it’s a brilliant place to survey the land, plot your route and make your plan of attack.

Want to know more about Soul Action, our SoulNet work with youth leaders, or our Soul61 leadership course? Head to the centre of the ToolShed to chat to the teams around the Soul Survivor stand.

ToolShed Café Climb the stairs of the ToolShed and you’ll find many treats awaiting you! Not only does the ToolShed Café offer the delicious Rocky Road cheesecake and a gluten-free Daim Tart, it’s also hosted by our friends at XLP. This amazing team are a bunch of world-changers who would love to chat to you about the work they do in London and around the country. You could get involved in their mentoring programme to help change a young person’s life, or you can drink tea and eat cake – the ToolShed Café team are happy either way!


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Here are a couple of things we’d like you to know about the ToolShed, that we’re pretty serious about: All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your relationship with Jesus. That means none of them should be getting upset if you don’t agree with their theological angle on things. If you feel like you’ve been accosted by an over-zealous exhibitor, then pop into Info and let one of our team know.

Most of the items that are sold in the ToolShed are either resources or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust. We know lots of you like having a browse but the absolute last thing we want is for anyone to feel pressured to spend any cash. We’re not trying to make money out of you.

From time to time Mike, Ali or Andy might mention a book, CD or DVD on the main stage. Just so you know, there are no marketing deals going on – if they say they like it and think you will too, then they mean they like it and think you will too (not that someone is paying them to say it’s brilliant).

Basically what this boils down to is the fact we like you, we think you’re pretty special, and we don’t want you to feel like you’re having lots of stuff pushed at you. We want you to be able to relax and have a good time at Momentum.



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Venues Kids work Session Registration When you drop your child off at each session, you’ll be given a contact card that you will need to bring with you in order to collect them later. It is strictly enforced that children under 10 can’t be picked up without the correct card. Children aged 10 and 11 can leave unaccompanied if you let the team leader know in advance.

Baby Bathing Days 1-5: Between 5pm-6.45pm Location: Marked on the map

Jelly Tots 0-4s Days 2-4: 11am -1pm Day 5: 10am-12pm Refreshers 5-11s Day 1: 7-9.30pm Days 2-4: 11am-1pm, 7-9.30pm Day 5: 10am-12pm, 7-9.30pm


We’re so glad to have your little ones with us this week – thanks for bringing them! Although you should have already received event wristbands for your children along with your own (and if you haven’t, you will need to pop to Info), your children still need to be registered with the kids team leaders on arrival day. This is to collect security information from you, and to ensure we have the correct ratio of team members to children. Please make your way to your child’s group venue between 4.30pm and 6.30pm on Day 1. You will need to complete a registration form – more will be available in the venue if you have forgotten yours.

If you’ve got a baby with you we salute your intrepid camping skills and we’d love to help you out. We’ll have baby baths ready and waiting for you between 5.00pm and 6.45pm. We’ll provide the tubs and warm water, you bring the towels, toiletries and baby.

Free Time Café Days 2-5: 3pm-5pm Location: Refreshers Each afternoon, Refreshers will be open for you and your kiddies to hang out in for a couple of hours. There will be a loads of toys, games and colouring-in available for the children to play with, while you sit down and enjoy a nice cuppa. Please note that this session is unsupervised so you must remain with your children at all times.


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Family Films Days 1-5: 7pm Location: Jelly Tots

Evening Session Days 1-5: 7pm-9.30pm Location: Refreshers This year we’ve added in an extra session in the evening for Refreshers (5-11 year olds) so that you lovely parents can get along to the main meeting if you wish. This is will run from 7-9.30pm giving you a chance to stay and pray, worship and/or receive ministry if you wish, but please keep an eye on the time and pick your child up promptly.

We’ll be showing a different family-friendly film each evening for the little ones - and the not so little ones - to enjoy before bed. Please note that this session is unsupervised so there must be at least one adult to every four children. Day 1: The Nut Job (U) Day 2: Rio 2 (U) Day 3: Penguins of Madagascar (U) Day 4: Paddington (PG) Day 5: Annie (PG)

Special Needs We want to make sure every child has a great week with us, so if your child has any special requirements please let their team leader know when you register on Day 1 so that we can do all that we can to make them feel right at home.

The Sanctuary Day 1: 7pm – midnight Days 2-5: 6am – midnight Location: The Sanctuary (Blue building behind the outdoor cinema) It’s hard to entertain a screaming baby and keep your calm at the break of dawn so we’ll be opening up this venue just for you from 6am until midnight. This will be a dry and quiet space that will hopefully calm your little one, with some tea and coffee to help calm you. Please note that this venue is unsupervised so you must remain with your children at all times.

Child Protection

Miniature Railway Day 3: 1pm-6pm All aboard! The showground has its very own mini railway open for all those budding train drivers (or future commuters) to enjoy for a small fee.

All of the lovely team who have given up their week to look after your little ones have had a DBS check and received appropriate welfare training. Child protection procedures are in place to ensure a safe environment for everyone. If you have any concerns, just pop into Info and ask to speak to our kids coordinator.



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Venues Socials

Coffee for Six Day 1: From 9.30pm Days 2-5: Various slots available afternoon and evening Location: Soul Action Café Feeling sociable? One of the best ways to meet new people is to sign up for a Coffee For Six slot. As its name suggests the idea is that you meet up with five other people and have a chat over a nice cuppa. You can sign up alone or with another person if you prefer.

Hog roast Day 4: 4pm On Day 4, dinner is on us! Bring a blanket, something to drink, some sort of sporting activity (if you’re that way inclined) and join the fun! We’ll be providing roasted pork in a big old bun, topped with stuffing and apple sauce for everyone (there will also be a veggie option if you prefer) and some live music to keep us entertained. We’re hoping the sun will shine and we’re looking forward to all hanging out together!

Sign up at the Big Top Café on Day 1 and in Info on Days 2-5. Meet for coffee in the Soul Action Café.



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Student Reception Day 3: 2pm Location: Soul Action Café

Here alone or in a small group? We’d love to say hi and introduce you to some others in the same boat! We’ll be meeting up before the evening meeting on Day 1 and before the morning meeting on Day 2 by the screen nearest the Big Top Café. Come and join us and meet some new people! You might also want to sign up for Coffee for Six which starts from the first night and carries on all week so you can meet some new people.

Being a student is a wonderful thing so whether you’re heading off to uni this autumn, or have been there for a while, we’d love to get everyone together. We’ll be sharing some top tips for how to make the most of uni life, giving you an opportunity to meet others going to/ at the same uni as you, and we’ll make time to pray for one another too so come along and get involved! You might also want to check out Freddie Pimm’s seminar ‘A student survival guide: How to thrive at university’ at 3.15pm on Day 3.



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Day planner Intro To help you keep track of everything that’s going on during Momentum we’ve created this handy day planner filled with all sorts of helpful info! You’ll find reminders of what’s going on each afternoon and evening, plus times for our special events like our drive-in move and our giant hog roast. This is also the place to get the lowdown on all of this week’s seminars and we’ve got loads for you to choose from. You can get stuck into a series of four seminars on the life of Jonah, explore why your work matters to God, learn more about what it is to live a naturally supernatural life, ponder how faith and science can co-exist and much, much more. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, check out the day planner and seminar timetable over the next few pages.

Seminar Recordings We record each of our seminars and main meetings so that if you’d like to listen again, share one with a friend, or just fancy checking out some of the ones you didn’t make it to, you can download them online. Audio talks are just £1 and video talks £2 from To find the one you want, use the unique code below the seminar info on the following pages. We also sell USBs that contain all the talks (seminars and main meetings) from our stand in the ToolShed and online after the event. Each USB costs £30 but you can get yours for £25 if you use the money off voucher in the programme!



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Day planner Day One

What’s happening tonight? 6pm The Big Top Café is fully stocked and ready to serve you some tea and cake; the perfect pick-me-up after a day of travelling! If you’re here alone or in a small group and you’d like to get to know some new people, come and meet up by the big screen by the Big Top Café. There will be friendly bunch ready to say hello! You can also sign up for Coffee for Six (using the forms in the Big Top Café) so that you can meet some new people straight after the main meeting too! 7pm And we’re off! Come and join hosts Mike, Ali and Andy for our first main meeting. (Talk code 15M101) 9/9.30pm After the main meeting our venues will open and there’s plenty to choose from! After a coffee and a chat? Try Grounds or the Soul Action Café. Want some live music? Enjoy The Killer Groove in Café Uno or Rachel Jane in the Live Lounge. Want to sign up for five-a-side footie or get stuck into some sports? Head over to indoor sports for plenty of fun. Fancy a chat with one of our team? Pop along to the Chat Room. After some resources or an alternative café? Check out the ToolShed. Looking for a quiet spot to pray? The Prayer Chapel awaits.

What's happening today? There are no seminars today so that you can set up your tent, grab some food and make your way to the first main meeting in the Big Top at 7pm!

10pm Come and travel through space and time with Interstellar at Celluloid. 10.30pm In the mood for a bit more worship? Check out Late Night Worship.



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Day planner Day two 9.30AM-10.30AM

Prayer ministry 101


Ali Martin

Apollo 13 Krish Kandiah Mission Control had to think fast and creatively when the Apollo 13 space mission had a catastrophic technical failure. Likewise we need fresh ideas to help the 4,000 vulnerable children waiting for adoption in the UK. Come and see how you can employ your skills, wisdom and creativity for 45 minutes to help change their lives.

Café Uno, 15M001

We make lots of space in our main meetings to pray for one another in the power of the Holy Spirit because we long to see God bringing healing and freedom, and empowering people to live for him. Want to get involved? Come along to find out more and to get loads of practical tips on how to pray for people in a way that allows the Holy Spirit to move powerfully.

Rupert Charkham If God spoke to you, would you obey? A lot of people choose not to, but that isn't always the end of the story. Rupert will take a look at the first chapter of Jonah and see how it might be just the beginning.

Live Lounge, 15M002

Rupert Charkham Sometimes we learn more about God when things are going badly than when things are going well. We’ll take a look at Jonah chapter 2 and see how, in a dark place, Jonah’s eyes are opened to some life changing discoveries.

Grounds, 15M003

Café Uno, 15M005

Good to great

Dreams and disappointments

Chris Lane

We can run but we can't hide (Jonah Part 1)

Spiritual discoveries from the pits (Jonah Part 2 )

Patrick Regan Business consultant Jim Collins says that 'good is the enemy of great' when it comes to success and some have applied this to the local church. This seminar will examine Christian concepts of goodness and greatness and explore whether for the local church, and even for the individual Christian, this logic should be reversed.

Late Night Worship, 15M004

Many of us have had dreams and longings that haven’t yet come to pass. How do we keep close to God when things are painful? Come and be inspired to deal with the disappointments of life and to find the strength to dream again.

Grounds, 15M006

Marriage & ministry Rich & Ness Wilson


How do you balance serving church and investing in your marriage? What are the top tips for a flourishing partnership? How can you prioritise each other needs before everybody else’s needs, demands and expectations?

Live Lounge, 15M007


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Holiness, hierarchy and hunger at Jesus' table

Heaven – is it the end of the world?

Chris Lane

Fiona Gibson

Jesus got into a lot of trouble for his eating habits so come and explore who got to eat with Jesus, what happened when they did, and what it has got to do with us today.

Let’s be honest: many of us aren’t at all sure about what happens when a Christian dies. Do we spend eternity floating around on a cloud, wearing a white robe, and dreamily strumming a harp? Will heaven be

Late Night Worship, 15M008

Big questions: How can a good God allow suffering? Thom Jee Can God be good and all powerful when there is so much suffering in the world? And if he doesn’t stop suffering does that mean he’s evil or weak? Many of us have questions about the nature of God and the reality of suffering in our own lives and on a global scale. Come along to find out what Jesus had to say about suffering.

Seminar B, 15M009

3.15PM-4PM Lessons on leadership Mark Bailey

one long church service? (If so, is it wrong that we’re not more excited about that?!) This seminar will look at the biblical hope beyond death that’s promised to everyone who loves Jesus – and it may not be exactly what you were thinking…

Live Lounge, 15M011

Breaking the taboo Patrick Regan We don’t like to talk about anger, and few of us know how to handle it, but many of us struggle with painful circumstances that have left us with unresolved anger towards God, ourselves and others. Patrick will explore how we can process those emotions in a healthy way, let go of our guilt over having everything ‘sorted’ and find God’s love and grace in the midst of our pain.

Grounds, 15M014

If, who and when should I get married? Ness Wilson

Practicing the presents of God: A theology of the spiritual gifts (Part 1) Rob Wall Taking a look at 1 Corinthians 12, Rob will look at how we balance what the Bible says with what we experience when it comes to spiritual gifts and explore whether we can be a both/and kind of Church rather than an either/or.

The most important decision any of us will make is to choose to follow Christ. The second is who to marry as our life partners have more influence on our lives and destiny than anyone else. Ness will tackle some be questions including can I be single and fulfilled, can I be sure I’ve found the ‘right one’, and can I ever know I’m ready to commit?

Live Lounge, 15M015

Late Night Worship, 15M012 CS Lewis said “Every life consists of a few themes.” Mark will be reflecting on some of the themes he’s identified and lessons he’s learned in leadership, looking at some of the greatest obstacles and opportunities for spiritual growth, and identifying how we can learn from our experiences and implement them in the world of leadership.

Café Uno, 15M010

4.30PM-5.15PM Lasting faith Krish Kandiah Many talk of how 20s and 30s are leaving the church in droves, so how do we make sure our faith doesn’t fail too? Come and look at how we can root and establish our relationship with God so that we’re standing firm no matter what life throws our way.

Café Uno, 15M013

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Day planner Day two Continued...

4.30PM-5.15PM Help! I Feel Lonely Jeannie Morgan None of us are immune to loneliness and for many it is a painful thing and we feel lonely even when we’re with friends. Jeannie will take a look at some of the causes of loneliness and find out how we can be healed and set free by Jesus. Prayer Ministry will be available.

Late Night Worship, 15M016

Naturally supernatural #1 Wendy Mann The life that Jesus modelled is meant to be the normal Christian life for every believer. Come and be inspired about how easy it is to see God’s Kingdom come in your everyday life, seeing the sick healed, the broken bound up and the lost a step closer to Jesus, wherever you go.

Seminar B, 15M017


What’s happening today?

What’s happening tonight?

8.30am Grounds will open at 8.30am to give you your early morning caffeine fix.

7pm Head down to the Big Top for worship, teaching and ministry. (15M103)

Want to sign up for Coffee for Six? Pop into Info anytime from 9am- 5.30pm and find a time that suits you.

9.30pm All our evening venues are open! Grab a pint and enjoy listening to Tom Crouch in Live Lounge, check out The Killer Groove in Café Uno; or relax over a quiet coffee and cake in Grounds.

11am We’ll have our first morning meeting at 11am (talk code 15M102) so head on down to the Big Top. The Big Top Café will be open at 10.30am ready to serve you a cuppa and something tasty. Want to meet some new people to sit together in the main meeting? Head to the big screen nearest the Big Top Café before the meeting starts.

10pm We’re transporting you back to the 1950s with our very own drive-in cinema showing one of our all-time favourite films: Back to the Future!

1pm-5.30pm All of our venues are open for the afternoon so you can check out the ToolShed, get some Mile High chocolate gateau in Grounds or some Banoffee Pie in Café Uno, enjoy the peddle karts or the Gyro Chair over in sports, or visit the Chat Room or the Prayer Chapel. Head over to the room on the side of the ToolShed if you’d like to sign up to give blood on Days 3 or 4.


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Day planner Day three 9.30AM-10.30AM Women in leadership part 1: Theology Ali Martin & Krish Kandiah Some of us may wonder why we’re still having this conversation when women are leading at different levels of church and society, yet many churches still believe leadership is a man’s role. In this seminar we’ll be looking at both sides of the debate to understand the arguments for and against, tackling the relevant Bible passages and making space to answer your questions.

Café Uno, 15M018

A student survival guide: How to thrive at university

The love of God and the heart of Jonah (Jonah Part 4)

Live Lounge, 15M020

Rupert Charkham

Your work matters to God

Hot on the heels of seeing revival, we find Jonah in a total grump. What can we learn about this surprising end to the book of Jonah about the heart surgery God needs to do in us to make us more like him?

Mark Greene You may be convinced that work matters in general, but what about processing that document, writing that essay, selling that dress, or serving that drink? How does that matter? Come explore what the Bible has to say about God’s rich and varied purposes for work and how you can do whatever you do wholeheartedly for him.

Late Night Worship, 15M021

Freddie Pimm

Listening to the cries University can be a challenging environment for a Christian and stats say up to 70% drop out of church by the end of their first year. But it can be an amazing opportunity too so come along to explore how we can grow and thrive in our faith rather than just aiming to survive.

Grounds, 15M019

Jonah at his best (Jonah Part 3) Rupert Charkham

David Westlake Violence against women is a worldwide problem: a third of women around the world will know violence in their lifetime. Here in the UK 44% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15 and it’s estimated that over 230 women are raped each day. These statistics are horrific and God’s call to us is that this has to change, so how can we respond? How can we work together to end sexual violence?

Soul Action Café, 15M022 By Jonah chapter 3 we see Jonah go down in history as a man who


brought revival to a major city. So how did that happen when he was so recently running away from God? What are the key reasons for his fruitfulness?

Café Uno, 15M023

Kingdom PHDs: A theology of the spiritual gifts part 2 Rob Wall Taking a look at 1 Corinthians 12, Rob will look at how we balance what the Bible says with what we experience when it comes to spiritual gifts and explore whether we can be a both/and kind of Church rather than an either/or.

Grounds, 15M024

31 Continued...


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Day planner Day three Continued...

2PM-2.45PM Women in leadership part 2 : Practice Ali Martin & Krish Kandiah What does it look like for women to lead in an often male-dominated culture? Who do we learn from if we have a lack of female leaders to act as role models, and how can we equip others so that we’re raising up more women in leadership? Come with your questions and stories of your own experience so we can explore this issue together.

Live Lounge, 15M025

Big questions: Did the resurrection really happen? Thom Jee The crux of the Christian faith is that Jesus rose from the dead so how can we be sure this actually happened? Can we even be sure that Jesus existed? Come and find out the evidence that allows sensible people to believe something so extraordinary.

Student reception

What happens when my world falls apart?

Heading off to uni or already a student? Come and meet others in the same boat, get some top tips about uni life and we’ll make space to pray for one another too.

Fiona Gibson

Soul Action Café

3.15PM-4PM Fresh Bible reading Andy Croft We all know we should read our Bible but for many of us it’s a struggle. It’s hard to make time and when we do we find it difficult to relate to, after all what do the problems of the Corinthians have to do with our issues at the office? And what does Revelation have to do with anything?! Come and pick up some practical tips on enjoyable and life-giving Bible reading.

Café Uno, 15M027

Live Lounge, 15M029

How to be fruitful at work Mark Greene There’s much more to fruitfulness at work than working hard and sharing the Gospel at the coffee machine. Come see how God is already at work in and through you and how you can work with him to make a real impact where you are.

The selfish gospel: A flaw in the modern Church

Late Night Worship, 15M030

Freddie Pimm

Naturally supernatural #2

Seminar B, 15M026


How do we react when we hit rock bottom? Plastering on a fake smile can lead to all sorts of mental distress and the Bible shows us a different way to handle our pain: lament. Come and take a look at patterns of godly grief that show us how we can pour out our grief and pain in the presence of our Father, and how we can build good foundations for when the hard times come.

Wendy Mann Critics says the modern church is lacking in passion and commitment, self-obsessed and self-absorbed. Freddie will look at the problem of our selfish culture, explore what we can do about it and think about what might happen if we were able to live selflessly and transform our culture.

If you want to see God’s Kingdom come wherever you go, you have to be willing to take some risks. Come and discover how this can be fun as we get to grips with God’s unchanging love for us and the truth about our identity in Christ.

Grounds, 15M028

Seminar B, 15M031


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4.30PM-5.15PM The heartbeat of God Tich Smith War, disease, abuse, trafficking, starvation… the world is in a mess. What's the solution to this dismal picture? Jesus! What would happen if we heard God's heartbeat for the widow, the orphan, the destitute and the poor, and shared the good news? Could we truly impact the world in Jesus' name?

Café Uno, 15M032

Love is all you need James Grier Jesus said the most important thing we can do is to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbours as ourselves. So what does it mean to love myself, let alone anyone else? What if you don’t feel very loveable? What about if people haven’t been very loving to you? This seminar will take an honest and real look at love.

Grounds, 15M033

Loving the unloveable Charity Pancaldi God asks to love everyone and that includes those whom many find it hard to have compassion for such as murderers, rapists, racists and people in gangs. Come and explore how we as the Church must love the people no one else will.

Late Night Worship, 15M034

Finding God in the ordinary Darren Rouanzoin How does Jesus build bridges and extend the Kingdom of God in the simple and mundane moments of life? What does evangelism look like in everyday life? Come and explore the ways we can find God in the ordinary.

Live Lounge, 15M035

What’s happening today?

What’s happening tonight?

Come and sign up for Coffee for Six in Info from 9am5.30pm.

7pm Don’t miss the main meeting! (15M105)

10am-3.30pm We want your blood! Well, the NHS do and they’d love to take it from you in their mobile blood unit opposite the ToolShed. 11am Join Mike, Ali and Andy for more worship, teaching and ministry in the Big Top. (15M104) 1pm-5.30pm Need a chocolate muffin or a slice of Red Velvet fudge cake? Head to one of our cafes! Want to try Zorbing football? The sports team would love to see you. Want to check out the latest books and CDs? The ToolShed awaits!

9.30pm Our evening venues are opening their doors and there’s plenty to choose from! Fancy something different? Pop along to the silent disco in Live Lounge. 10pm Check out the incredible Imitation Game at Celluloid. 10.30pm Can’t get enough worship? Head over to Late Night Worship.

2pm Currently a student or heading off to uni this autumn? Come and meet others in the same boat at the Student Reception in the Soul Action Café. 5.30pm Get involved with the Soul Action Fun Run and raise money for a brilliant cause while impressing your Momentum mates with your amazing running skills!



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Day planner Day four 9.30AM-10.30AM Fighting fear Mark Bailey Fear is no respecter of people or ages; it strikes the weak, the powerful, the young and the old, the rich and the poor. Most of us fear something whether it’s failure, heights, unemployment, being forgotten, or losing our health. Fear can cripple us so Mark will encourage us that Jesus cares about our fears and explore how we can find peace in God’s presence.

Café Uno, 15M036

Real Life: Working hard or hardly working? Freddie Pimm It can be a hard transition from full time education to working life and many of us face the same questions: where am I going in life? Is this all that God has for me? Will I be this broke forever?! In this talk Freddie will try to offer help, answers and a hope for a better future.

Grounds, 15M037



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Becoming fully alive


Darren Rouanzoin Why is it that when you begin to make changes in your life, you’re often met with opposition and resistance? How can we truly love ourselves despite all of our pain, brokenness and imperfections? This seminar will look at how the Scriptures reveal a God who desires for us to be fully alive in him and look at some practical steps for how to break old habits and live an abundant life of love.

Live Lounge, 15M038

Andy Croft

Pocketful of faith Tim & Rachel Hughes Want to live a life of adventure? Come and explore how we can find our purpose, work out God’s call, take risks of faith and obey God wherever he may lead.

Café Uno, 15M040

How does God answer prayer in a scientific universe? David Wilkinson

Being a ‘good’ man: Painting a picture of true masculinity David Westlake In a world that exploits and oppresses women, where so many experience violence and abuse, what does it mean to be a man? What if the stereotypes are all wrong? What if Jesus gives us an entirely different view of being a man and a different way to treat women? Come and explore what it means to be a man who stands opposed to violence against woman, who chases after God’s own heart, and who follows the example Jesus gave us.

Soul Action Café, 15M039

Temptation (and how to resist it)

Does modern science rule out the possibility that God can answer prayer? Is belief in miracles outdated? David, a scientist and theologian, will explore the answers to these questions, suggesting that it is an outdated view of science which rules out God acting in the universe in surprising ways.

Grounds, 15M041

Oscar Wilde said, “I can resist everything except temptation”. If sin was the spiritual equivalent of cabbage most of us would be far holier but usually it’s attractive and, initially at least, it can be satisfying. Even when we know something is wrong we often can’t stop ourselves repeatedly making the same mistakes. This seminar offers suggestions for how to resist the daily temptations we all face.

Live Lounge, 15M042

Simple witness at work Mark Greene Come explore a stress-free approach to workplace evangelism. The focus isn’t on barriers and tough questions but on who God has put on your heart and what steps, however small, he might lead you to take to help someone get to know Jesus. Come and be encouraged to be purposeful, relational, spirit-led, imaginative and expectant.

Late Night Worship, 15M043

35 Continued...


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Day planner Day four PM


3.15 -4

Eat, sleep, rave, retreat Miriam Swaffield

It’s time to make a difference

Want to change the world for Jesus? The time is now! God has already given you gifts and talents to use and he’s looking for those who will swim against the tide and be givers in a world of takers. Come and imagine what God can do through you!

What does rest and retreat look like with a full diary and in a world of constant noise and connection? How do we keep ourselves from burning out and keep encountering Jesus afresh? This session will offer a practical guide to making space and finding moments to rest and connect with God, with plenty of tools to try at home and experiment with in your schedule.

Café Uno, 15M044

Live Lounge, 15M046

Eternal soul or resurrected body?

Let the healing begin

Joan Smith

Jeannie Morgan

David Wilkinson David will examine Christian views of what happens after death, its relationship with scientific thinking and evidence, and contrast the New Testament view with Greek dualism.

Grounds, 15M045

Many of us have been badly hurt by people or have made unwise choices that have left us with deep emotional pain. This seminar will look at how we can find healing and freedom through Jesus and will offer prayer ministry for those who would like it.

Late Night Worship, 15M047

From 4PM


There are no seminars at 4.30pm today so we can all have a giant hog roast together from 4pm instead!

What’s happening today? 11am Our main meeting will kick off at 11am (15M106) but pop along a bit early for some Big Top Café delights. 1pm-4pm Relax in a café, check out the ToolShed, play some sport, get to know some new people through Coffee for Six, find a quiet spot to pray in the Prayer Chapel or come and chat to our friendly team in the Chat Room. 4pm It’s time for a giant hog roast! Bring your picnic blanket and something to drink and we’ll provide the food and entertainment for free!

What’s happening tonight? 7pm Time to see what God wants to do as we worship him, hear from his word and pray for one another. (15M107) We’ll also be taking up our offering at the start of the meeting – see page 53 for more info. 9.30pm Play some sports, enjoy a café, browse the ToolShed or grab a drink and check out Josh Flowers and the Wild in the Live Lounge! 10pm: Be inspired by Selma at Celluloid.


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Day planner Day five 9.30PM


There are no seminars this morning so we can all meet together at 10am to take Communion.

So you want to be a leader, eh? Part 1 John Mumford Do you aspire to be a leader? Would you ever be mad enough to lead a conversation, a small group or a church-plant? Why ever not?! Over these two seminars John will consider the call to, and the criteria for, leadership.

Café Uno, 15M048

New Christians seminar Andy Croft Recently become a Christian? That’s amazing! We’d love you to come along and hear some thoughts from Andy on how you can get the best possible start in your faith, grow your relationship with Jesus and live life to its fullest.

Grounds, 15M049




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Day planner Day Five Continued...


Haters gonna hate


Open Doors

Beauty in the breakdown Jonny Hughes Where is God when it all hits the fan? We’ll look at the teaching of Jesus to understand more about what God is doing in the midst of the dark times. It might just be some of his best work!

Live Lounge, 15M050


Life seems to be getting worse for many Christians around the world with horrendous stories from Iraq, Syria and Nigeria frequently in the news. What on earth is God doing? Much more than we could imagine! Come and hear amazing testimonies, be inspired by the incredible faith of our persecuted family and learn why we can’t just shake it off.

Grounds, 15M052

So you want to be a leader, eh? Part 2 John Mumford Aspiring to leadership? Whether it be leading a conversation or starting a church plant, come and take a look at the criteria for leadership and be amazed at what God might want to do through you.

Café Uno, 15M054

Avoiding evangelism Miriam Swaffield

The kingdom of God is near

The challenge of choice Mark Bailey

Ele Mumford Jesus said we are free and able to preach the gospel and even heal the sick. But did he really mean us?! How on earth could we do that? Ele will spill the beans and encourage you to think that it really can be done because "the kingdom of God is near".

We are often faced with so many choices that we can get overwhelmed and even paralysed, fearing we’ll make the wrong decision. In this seminar Mark will wrestle with how we can hear the voice of God and how we stay in the centre of God’s will, so that we can live the life that he wants us to live.

Café Uno, 15M051

Live Lounge, 15M053

There's no way around it, we are called to share our faith and spread the good news about Jesus, but why do we find it so hard? This is an opportunity to get honest about the struggles of evangelism, share tips for pushing through the fear barriers, and a place to ask questions about name-dropping Jesus with our mates and in our culture.

Grounds, 15M055



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Why the church still matters Jonny Hughes If you believed everything you read you might think the Church was on its last legs. We’ll look at what the Church is and why it's still the hope for each of us, and for the world. Sceptics welcome!

Live Lounge, 15M056

Big questions: Has science disproved God? Thom Jee Where does our belief in God sit alongside evolution and the Big Bang? Do we have to suspend our intelligence in order to have faith? Come and find out if science has disproved the existence of God.

Seminar B, 15M057

What’s happening today?

What’s happening tonight?

10am We’ll be starting our main meeting early this morning so we can take Communion together. (15M108)

7pm It’s our last main meeting so come and join the team one more time for worship, teaching and ministry. (15M109)

1pm-5.30pm Cafés, sports and plenty more are at your disposal!

9.30pm It’s your last chance to catch The Killer Groove in Café Uno or Josh Flowers and the Wild in the Live Lounge, to pick up that book you’ve had your eye on in the ToolShed, to enjoy some Rocky Road cheesecake in Grounds, play giant Jenga in the Soul Action Café or to play some sports. 10pm Check out The Theory of Everything on the big screen at Celluloid. 10.30pm Finish the week the way we began, by worshipping our amazing Jesus at Late Night Worship.



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9.30am 9.30am 4.30pm



Day 3




Day 2

Day planner Timetable


Café Uno


Live Lounge

Late Night Worship

Apollo 13 Krish Kandiah

Prayer 101 Ali Martin

We can run but we can't hide Rupert Charkham

Good to great Chris Lane

Spiritual discoveries from the pits Rupert Charkham

Dreams and disappointments Patrick Regan

Marriage & ministry Ness & Rich Wilson

Holiness, hierarchy and hunger at Jesus' table Chris Lane

Heaven – is it the end of the world? Fiona Gibson

Practicing the presents of God: A theology of the spiritual gifts (Part 1) Rob Wall

Lessons on leadership Mark Bailey

Lasting faith Krish Kandiah

Breaking the taboo Patrick Regan

If, who and when should I get married? Ness Wilson

Help! I feel lonely Jeannie Morgan

Women in leadership part 1: Theology Ali Martin & Krish Kandiah

A student survival guide: How to thrive at university Freddie Pimm

Jonah at his best Rupert Charkham

Your work matters to God Mark Greene

The love of God and the heart of Jonah Rupert Charkham

Kingdom PHDs: A theology of the spiritual gifts part 2 Rob Wall

Women in leadership part 2: Practice Ali Martin & Krish Kandiah

Fresh Bible reading Andy Croft

The selfish gospel: A flaw in the modern Church Freddie Pimm

What happens when my world falls apart? Fiona Gibson

How to be fruitful at work Mark Greene

The heartbeat of God Tich Smith

Love is all you need James Grier

Finding God in the ordinary Darren Rouanzoin

Loving the unloveable Charity Pancaldi

Seminar B Soul Action Café

Big questions: How can a good God allow suffering? Thom Jee

Naturally supernatural #1 Wendy Mann Listening to the cries David Westlake

Big questions: Did the resurrection really happen? Thom Jee

Student reception

Naturally supernatural #2 Wendy Mann


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9.30am 2pm 4.30pm


Day 5



Day 4


Café Uno


Live Lounge

Late Night Worship

Fighting fear Mark Bailey

Real life: Working hard or hardly working? Freddie Pimm

Becoming fully alive Darren Rouanzoin

Pocketful of faith Rachel & Tim Hughes

How does God answer prayer in a scientific universe? David Wilkinson

Temptation (and how to resist it) Andy Croft

Simple witness at work Mark Greene

It’s time to make a difference Joan Smith

Eternal soul or resurrected body? David Wilkinson

Eat, sleep, rave, retreat Miriam Swaffield

Let the healing begin Jeannie Morgan

So you want to be a leader, eh? Part 1 John Mumford

New Christians seminar Andy Croft

Beauty in the breakdown Jonny Hughes

The kingdom of God is near Ele Mumford

Haters gonna hate Open Doors

The challenge of choice Mark Bailey

So you want to be a leader, eh? Part 2 John Mumford

Avoiding evangelism Miriam Swaffield

Why the church still matters Jonny Hughes

Seminar B Soul Action Café Being a ‘good’ man: Painting a picture of true masculinity David Westlake

Big questions: Has science disproved God? Thom Jee



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Day planner Who's who? Mark Bailey

Beth Croft

Mark is the National Leader of the New Wine movement that works

Beth is married to Andy, mum to Josiah and heads up worship at

with over 3000 church leaders. He is also the leader of Trinity Cheltenham, is married to Karen and they have three grown up children. Mark loves to work out in the gym and watch Gloucester win at rugby.

both Soul Survivor and our church in Watford. She’s got a Maths degree (#cleverclogs) which statistically makes her better at winning auctions on eBay and she loves a good DIY project.

Thom Jee Thom is a secondary school teacher with Teach First in Leamington Spa. He read History at Oxford, but spent most of his time playing sport and serving on the CU Exec. Outside of school, he’s the Student Worker at St Paul’s Church, and is married to Sarah. He likes cups of tea, log fires, and exploring the English countryside.

Fiona Gibson Rupert Charkham Rupert is Vicar of Holy Trinity Church in Cambridge and he is passionate about seeing people come to Christ and helping them live lives that make a difference. Rupert is married to Liz and they

Jonny Hughes Fiona is the vicar of three country parishes in Bedfordshire. She is married to Dave and they have two children. When she’s not working you’ll find Fiona reading, eating cake with friends, or taking landscape photos.

have two children and a dog.

Jonny is a husband to Amy, a father of four and a vicar-in-training. He's been working as the Student Pastor at Holy Trinity Brompton in London for three years and before that spent a similar amount of time doing the same thing in the USA.

James Grier Rachel & Tim Hughes

Andy Croft Andy is married to Beth and they recently became parents to little Josiah. When he’s not occupied with dad-duty, he’s a busy bee heading up our leadership course (Soul61) and co-pastoring our church Soul Survivor Watford. He’s a fan of reading big books containing long words, and likes working out to the Rocky soundtrack.


James and his wife Liz live in Devon with their two sons. They lead Unlimited Church and a monthly youth celebration called Soul Exeter, and James helps look after some rural churches too.

Mark Greene After a number of years working in the advertising industry, Mark joined the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity in 1999 and is now their Executive Director. Mark is married to Katriina and they have three children.

Having served at Holy Trinity Brompton in London for 10 years, Tim and Rachel have recently moved to Birmingham to plant a church in the City Centre.

Krish Kandiah Krish is the President of the London School of Theology, Europe’s largest theological college and the Founder/ Director of Home for Good, a charity seeking to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Krish has written a number of books including Paradoxology, and – with his wife Miriam - Home for Good.


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Chris Lane Chris lives in Salford and leads Langworthy Community Church. He’s married to Esther and they have three children, Daniel, Rebekah and Hannah. Chris is an avid fan of Manchester United and, unlike many United fans, actually lives in Manchester.

Ele & John Mumford John and Ele are the National Leaders of the Vineyard movement in the United Kingdom & Ireland. They married in 1978 and they have two sons. They worked for nearly two years with John Wimber on the staff of the Anaheim Vineyard in California before planting the SW London Vineyard in 1987.

Mike Pilavachi As well as being the king of bad jokes, Mike heads up all that we do here at Soul Survivor and our associated church Soul Survivor Watford. He spends lots of time travelling around the world telling people about Jesus, loves to cook, watch West Wing on repeat and ‘beat’ Andy at squash!

Freddie Pimm

Wendy Mann Open Doors Wendy is on staff at King's Arms Church, Bedford where she leads a supernatural school that equips believers to see God's Kingdom break in as part of their everyday lives. She has recently published a book called ‘Naturally Supernatural – The Normal Christian Life’.

Ali Martin Ali is on the leadership team of Soul Survivor and our associated church Soul Survivor Watford. She is married to Joel and they have two lovely little ones called William and Esther. Ali is passionate about helping people learn how to communicate effectively and is a big fan of juicing so make sure you ask her for her best recipes.

Jeannie Morgan Jeannie’s been part of the Soul Survivor crew since the very beginning and spends her time encouraging and training people in prayer ministry. She’s written a number of books, most recently one called ‘Our Hands, His Healing’.

Open Doors have been working with persecuted Christians for 60 years since Brother Andrew first smuggled Bibles in Communist Europe. They now work in over 50 countries providing Bibles, Christian materials, and training, as well as doing advocacy work to help those who suffer because they follow Jesus.

Charity Pancaldi Charity grew up in South Africa but now lives in Colchester, Essex where she works for her local church and nannies whilst completing her degree in criminal justice. Her passion for loving people on the outskirts of society has taken her from pastoring a male juvenile prison to working in a notorious settlement just outside of Cape Town.

Freddie is a junior doctor in a busy London hospital, having recently graduated from Imperial College London. He's an active member of St Albans Fulham where he mainly works with students. He is passionate about sports, food and great hair!

Patrick Regan Patrick founded XLP, a charity that works with young people in inner city London who others have written off. He’s getting used to hanging out with royalty having been awarded an OBE by the Queen and had Kate & Wills come and visit XLP recently. Patrick is the author of four books, is married to Diane, and they live in South London with their four children.



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Day planner Who's who? David Wilkinson

Rend Collective Rend are a group of musicians from Northern Ireland who are passionate about celebrating God and building community. Their new album ‘As Family We Go’ is out this month!

Darren Rouanzoin Tom Smith Darren is the Lead Pastor of the Garden Church, planted in 2009 in Long Beach, California and he is passionate about awakening people to the reality of Jesus and the Kingdom. Darren leads a growing urban ministry alongside his wife, Alex, and both enjoy spending as much time as possible with their one-year-old son, Ezra.

Tom is part of the worship team at Holy Trinity Brompton in the heart of London and is part of Worship Central which is led by Tim Hughes. Tom is married to Susi and has this year released his first EP 'Sound of Heaven'. He's a fan of Tottenham Hotspur and loves salted caramel ice cream!

Miriam Swaffield Joan & Tich Smith In 2008 Tich and Joan began the Lungisisa Indlela village (LIV) in Durban, South Africa to care for orphaned and vulnerable children. The village now has 96 homes with more than 140 children cared for by 29 mothers. Their vision is to see thousands of villages across Africa where children are rescued, restored, raised and released to become responsible Christians and valuable members of society.


Miriam leads all things Student Mission for Fusion and she is seriously passionate about seeing this generation love the church and share Jesus with their mates. She's just finished road-tripping to every uni location in the UK in a bright orange VW camper van called Benedict!

Rob Wall Rob is a curate and Service Pastor at Holy Trinity Brompton in London and works with the HTB Leadership College which is being launched in September. He is married to Bernadette and has a strong passion for preaching/teaching God's word.

David is the Principal of St John’s College in Durham and a professor of Theology. He was previously a scientist, is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and did a PhD on terrestrial mass extinctions (such as the event which wiped out the dinosaurs). David has recently released a new book called ‘When I pray, what does God do?’

David Westlake David is the International Director at Tearfund and heads up Soul Action, as well as being a co-founder and the chair of the Cinnamon Network. He’s husband to Minu, Dad (and taxi service) to Ellie and still manages to find the time to be an academic researcher.

Ness Wilson Ness leads Open Heaven Church in Loughborough and is passionate about leadership, great communication and seeing the local church flourish. She is married to Rich and they have two daughters.

Rich Wilson Rich is married to Ness and is also involved in Open Heaven Church as well as being the National Team Leader for Fusion. To relax he enjoys a round of golf, any form of food and drink, and playing with his kids.


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Essentials Helpful info Comms We have a brilliant team at your disposable day and night that are ready and willing to solve any practical problems you may have. Give them a call in an emergency or you can pop in and let them know about any issues you spot around site (e.g. if there’s a leaking tap or a broken shower) and watch them fly into action.


General Info Come and see us anytime from 9am – 5.30pm in Info if you need to get an extra day pass, have broken your wristband, need to pick up a programme, want directions to the nearest laundrette or just have some spare chocolate you’d like to donate to a good home. You can also reach our office team by telephone on 0303 333 1333.

Info Points If you’re looking for the latest info on seminar locations and times, need to check out a map, or are trying to find out what your evening entertainment options are, head for the big info points dotted around the main areas of the showground. Keep an eye on the screens in the Big Top too as we’ll post any seminar changes there as well.

This delightful programme is also available as a free app! Head to the app store, search for the Soul Survivor app and you’ll find the Momentum programme right there so you can easily whizz around all the info you want electronically. Aren’t we good to you?!

Free Phone Charging Mobile phones are a wonderful thing but they do tend to miss the comforts of home i.e. a multitude of wall sockets. To help them out we’ve got a handy mobile charging station in our Sports venue where you can leave your mobile phone in a secure locker until it’s back to full juice.



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Wifi Five days without internet access may sound like a good fast in principle but if you just can’t help yourself, we’ve got you covered. Free wifi is available in the main areas of the showground (by the food court, in the cafes etc) – just log on to the ‘SoulFi’ network and when you get to the Soul Survivor landing page click ‘Free Access’. This will automatically download all of your credit card details for us to use at any time, as we please. Kidding! We wouldn’t know how to do that even if we wanted to but it will of course give you free access to the wifi. Please keep in mind that we’re in the middle of a big field so it might be a bit slow.


Additional Needs

Your wristband gets you into all the venues so it’s important to wear it at all times. It’s pretty sturdy and fully waterproof so it will withstand whatever you can throw at it during our five days together. If you do somehow manage to break it, pop along to Info with the evidence and we’ll sort you out a new one for just £1. If you manage to lose it completely you’ll need to pay £40 for a replacement which is no fun at all, so please take good care of it.

We have a raised platform for any


Village Hosts

There will be a special reward in heaven for all our wonderful stewards as they serve us so amazingly throughout the week! They patiently check everyone’s wristbands as they enter each venue (so don’t forget to wave your laden wrist at them) and they help keep us all safe so please do follow any instructions they give you about where to sit etc.

Looking for a friendly face? Got a burning question about how to put up a tent, or how Momentum works or, well, anything? Your village host is your first port of call. We’ve gathered a wise and friendly bunch to host each village – their aim this week is to make you feel at home and make sure you have the best time possible.

wheelchair users, or for anyone who needs some extra space (i.e. if you’ve got a broken leg and you don’t want to get jostled by the crowd). We also have some seating available in the Big Top for those who aren’t able to sit on the floor. If you have any questions or would like to chat to us about any particular needs we’ve not catered for, please pop in to Info and chat to our team.

Facilities for Hearing Impaired We have a loop system facility in the Big Top and the main meetings will also be signed – please look out for the designated seating area which is near the stage (a steward would be happy to point you in the right direction).



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Essentials Helpful info Lost Property


Food Collection

So excited about a seminar that

The nearest supermarket is Tesco which is a 10 minute drive away (that’s also where the nearest cash point is). To get there, turn left out of the Main (or Blue) gate, follow the A37 into the centre of Shepton Mallet and look for the superstore signs.

If you have any leftover and nonperishable food at the end of the week that you’d rather not lug home with you, pop it into Comms. We’ll hand it all over to a local charity who will make sure it’s put to good use.

you walked out and left your hoody behind? So enraptured by the witty banter of your friends that you clean forgot to pick up your phone from the café table? Come along to Comms to see if we can reunite you! You’d be amazed at what gets handed in to us but we’re not here to pass judgement, just to play lost and found. If you don’t realise you lost something until you get home you can contact to let us know and we’ll try and get it back to you. Unfortunately we get so much stuff handed in that we can’t hold on to everything so any non-valuable items will be taken to a charity shop if they’re not claimed within a month.

Food If the idea of cooking over a camping stove doesn’t thrill you, check out the delights on offer at the food vans. You’ll find baguettes, jacket potatoes, burgers, Chinese food, hot doughnuts, crepes and more chips than you can shake a stick at.


Gas Man Don’t fancy the trip? Invite Tesco to come to you! Shop online and they will deliver your goods to you at the showground – aren’t they lovely? Just use the address below and make sure you’re available to collect your shopping from the main gate at the allotted time: YOUR NAME & YOUR VILLAGE Royal Bath & West Showground Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6QN We’re sorry we can’t accept deliveries on your behalf so please make sure you’re at the gate to collect your order.

Onsite Shop This tardis like shop is a small shed from the outside but stocks a surprising amount of goodness inside its walls! You’ll find fresh bread, pastries, milk and fruit, ice creams, chocolate, crisps and more to fill your stomach, as well as some everyday essentials like toothbrushes and toiletries.

Need to replenish your gas supplies? Near the Main Gate/the Orange village you’ll find a man who will happily help you restock. He’ll be available: Day 1: 5pm-6pm Days 2-5: 8.30am9.30am, 12.30pm-2pm and 5pm-6pm


Plus on departure day from 8.30am9.30am for the return of deposits.


Ice Packs

BA i

Head to Stores to buy a new pack for £2 or exchange one for free. Open 8.30am-9am and 5pm5.30pm each day.


MA i

Road Safety There’s no safe path for pedestrians on the A371 (the main road the showground is on) so please don’t try and walk along it.





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St M

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St Mellitus College Theology | Worship | Unity | Mission Undergraduate Study BA in Theology and Youth Ministry Ordination Training MA in Christian Leadership London | Chelmsford | Liverpool Sample Spreads Momentumv2.indd 49

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naturally supernatural grow in the knowledge and gifts of the holy spirit

17th – 20th february 2016

soul survivor watford, wd24 7gp

durban join us for an adventure over easter 2017 find out more at Sample Spreads Momentumv2.indd 50

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Essentials Health and safety

In an emergency

First Aid

In an emergency please don’t call 999 yourself as this can delay help getting through. Please call the emergency number printed on your wristband (0300 302 0330) or contact Comms (either pop in or find someone close by who has a radio and can call them).

We hope the majority of us have no need for them but our first aid team are available 24-7 in case of accident or illness. From 9am until midnight you can pop in and see them in the medical center by the main gate and outside of those times please contact them via the Comms team. If you have an ongoing medical condition that may require treatment during Momentum just pop along as soon as you can to let the team know so that they can be prepared. They’re also happy to store any medication for you if required.

Fire Regulations Quick quiz If you cook inside your tent you are: a) Asking for trouble b) Someone who likes hanging out at A&E c) Hoping to meet the local fire brigade Answer? It’s secret option d) all of the above so let’s keep the cooking outside!

Sickness Anti-bac hand gel and repetitive hand washing should help keep you healthy this week but if you do get a sudden high temperature or a visit from D&V (diarrhoea and vomiting) please stay in your tent and get a friend to contact the first aid team on your behalf. In an emergency please call 0300 302 0330.



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Search ‘MAF Youth’ W E

15-XXX MAF Youth Advert.indd 1

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Articles The Offering On the evening of Day 4 we’ll take up an offering in our main meeting to go towards raising up young leaders, working for justice through Soul Action, and supporting friends in the persecuted church. There is no compulsion to give but if you’d like to, just follow the directions in the main meeting. Should you be of a cheque-writing persuasion, please make it payable to Soul Survivor. For everyone who is blessed to pay tax, please fill in a gift aid form (which will available in the Big Top on the morning of Day 4 and from the collection points during the collection).




15 12:51

Young Leaders

Soul Action

The Persecuted Church

We’re passionate about developing leaders of strong character who will love and serve the church. We run a Soul61 leadership course every year (see page 60 for more info) and are always looking for ways to invest in the church leaders/planters, worship leaders, speakers and youth workers of tomorrow.

We partner with Tearfund to run Soul Action to find ways to help each of us make a stand for issues of social justice. We work with projects in some of the world’s poorest areas, from the informal settlements of South Africa to the most deprived parts of London, and run various campaigns to educate and bring change. Find out more on page 56.

Many Christians around the world suffer for their faith. They may be beaten, tortured, imprisoned or even killed for meeting with other Christians, for owning a Bible or just for loving Jesus. We work closely with a number of friends in Central Asia who are persecuted as we want to encourage, support, resource, equip and strengthen them in their faith.



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Articles Support Soul Survivor

We love working with you guys and we’d like to be able to provide you with more resources but as a small charity we need your help.


We keep our event prices as low as possible in order to make them accessible and love to provide you with things like our Bible in One Year app and videos for free so that everyone has an equal opportunity to deepen their relationship with God. That means we rely on the support of lovely people like you to help us do what we do! Please consider if you can help us out in any of the following ways:


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Give Whether you can give us a one-off gift or are in a position to set up a regularly Standing Order, we’d really appreciate you helping us financially. As a charity, every bit of money that comes in to us is spent on helping us achieve our vision of reaching young people and helping equip them to serve him in every area of life.



Got no cash? How about doing some fundraising for us? Whether you can run a marathon or bake up a storm we’re sure there are loads of ways you could you use your time and talents to encourage others to donate to Soul Survivor.

There are many brilliant things about internet shopping and the fact you can raise money for us at no extra cost to your bank balance is one of them! Head to www., select Soul Survivor as your chosen charity, and many online retailers will donate to us every time you use their site.

Bring Recommend A Friend Know some under 18s who might benefit from a week at Soul Survivor? How about being their responsible adult next year and bringing along a group? We’ve got a handy Group Leader Guide on our website to make things as easy as possible for you. Every over 18 can bring up to six teenagers.

We love meeting new people so if you’ve had a good time at Momentum why not recommend us to a friend? You can also tell them about our other events throughout the year and recommend the young people in your church come along to Soul Survivor. The more the merrier so shout about us as loudly as you can!

Pray Church Offering We’d love for you to pray with us that we’d hear which direction God wants us to go in, that people would meet with Jesus at our events and that they’d continue to deepen their relationship with him once they’re back home.

Serve Soul Survivor is run by a really small team of people so each year we rely on thousands of brilliant volunteers who help make our summer events happen. They get involved with everything from recording our seminars, to playing football, to making hundreds of cups of tea in our cafes and we love each and every one of them! If you’d like to serve you can find out more and apply at the Get Involved section of our website.

If Soul Survivor and/or Momentum has been a blessing to your church would you consider taking up a one-off offering for us? Find out more by heading to and clicking on ‘Give’.



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Articles Soul Action

Sexual violence against women and girls is a global problem which destroys lives and angers God. In conflict situations rape is used as a weapon of war. And across the world, behind closed doors rape, abuse and violence is the secret crime that affects millions. Tearfund are already working to end sexual violence in 150 communities in 15 countries and we want to work with them to make the UK country 16. To solve a problem you first need to know what is going on, then understand why it is happening, accept the reality and the implications and then work for change. This is Year One of a fight to bring change so we are doing two things:



We’re asking women to tell us about their experiences of sexism and sexual violence in the church and in our society. You can add your voice to our ‘Country 16’ survey at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed.

We’re asking the guys to be the ‘first man standing’. We want men to choose to live differently, speak differently and to be genuine partners and brothers.

Change can take time but change can happen when good men and women do something. Visit the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed to find out more and to get involved. Make a difference, join the fight and together let’s end sexual violence.



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MIS “ S T I WE JUST HANG OUT O E N N IN THESE DARK ER IFE PLACES THIS IS WHERE JESUS WOULD ? how ain k is. l p o o ex wor rd tt this e are sge a h r n d s e i It porta lts h the e us. im g adu g off o Jes a t n n t you o falli open to ge ce. o s a t s l d e e p t e closand ye Lord n in this The othold fo

Be C Be OUR A Be MAZ AGEO ED US in s THE om D Joi eone´ IFFER n u s life th EN s on is Sum CE m

tea er m!

Serving on team will give you a chance to:

Visit the nightlife strip to pray and chat with the 18-30s you will soon know and love! Deepen those relationships at The Living Room Centre during the day. Develop your own gifts and relationship with God. Step out of your comfort zones and the usual type of mission. Soak up the sun on days off!

HAVE WALKED For more info visit The Living Room Tenerife @TheLivingRoom8 TheLivingRoomTenerife

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Articles Be on team



We couldn’t do this without you! We need thousands of volunteers with a whole variety of skills to come and serve at our summer events doing everything from helping out on our stand in the ToolShed to making sure all the delicious cakes get to the right venues. Some need qualifications such as the first aid team, and others just need a can-do attitude so if you’re up for serving we’ll find the right place for you! Each volunteer gets a free place and most get their meals provided for them too. Here are what some of last year’s Momentum team said: I had an amazing time serving and seeing people touched by God. It was amazing to see his power changing lives and freeing people from pain and sadness.

I really enjoy being a steward as you get to see what's happening in a lot of the different venues on site and meet many of the other teams, as well as the delegates there.

I was apprehensive about being on team before Momentum as I'd never done this before. I always thought "I can't be on team I wouldn't get anything out of it. I'd miss out on seminars and wouldn't learn anything." But in actual fact I loved it and feel like I have learnt even more by being on a team!

I always get it into my head that if I'm serving God, he won't use that time to talk to me. How wrong I always am! God revealed some pretty major stuff to me this year at Momentum and it was great to be able to be in the main meetings and hear what he wanted to say as well as have the time to respond

Come and chat to the team in Info or head to the Get Inolved section of our website if you’d like to find out more.



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Articles Soul61 Soul61 is the part of Soul Survivor that focuses on equipping resourcing, teaching and supporting 18-24 year olds who want to develop as leaders. Our main programme is a ten-month course to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus and equip them to serve him through leadership.

What’s it all about?

Who is it for?

Soul61 is an opportunity to set the foundation for a lifetime of leadership. We want to give you space to encounter God, worship him, wait on him and allow him to mould you into the person he wants you to be. If you throw yourself in, you will be challenged and stretched in your character and gifts as you learn, grow and develop your skills.

Soul61 is for anyone aged 18-24 who feels the call of God on their life to serve his people. We’re not looking for individuals who feel they have it made; we’re after those who have a deep and genuine desire to develop their character, and have an openness to be used by God wherever he chooses.

What will I do? You will be developing your leadership skills at the heart of Soul Survivor, getting involved in church life and various conferences and events. Each week you will have two days teaching plus you'll choose a placement that focuses on worship or leadership. You will be thrown in at the deep end, stretched and tested by things you may not have experienced before. We want to prepare you to lead for the rest of your life and we believe the best way of doing this is by trusting you with real situations and responsibilities.

Where do I apply?


Pop along to the Soul61 stand in the ToolShed and chat to our team, or head to


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@Soul61uk charity No: 1144249 Company No: 07705162

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Articles Bible reading notes From Scripture Union Discipleship Discipleship is a word that’s easy to say, but a lot tougher to live out. At Momentum, we’re going to explore the concept of being a disciple afresh through the meetings, and this Bible reading plan should set you up each morning. What does discipleship mean for you? Make a few notes in the margin here.



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Day one: Learn How many of the 12 Apostles can you name? Read Luke 6:12–16 and see how many you got. Who are all these men? In the previous chapter, Jesus starts calling his first followers. He calls Peter and Andrew, James and John on the shores of Lake Galilee. He calls Levi at his tax collecting booth. By chapter 6, he’s called quite a number of ‘disciples’, a word that means ‘student’. From these he selects his inner circle of 12. But who’s in this 12? They’re a ragtag bunch – fishermen, tax collectors, rebels... Rabbis would have had their pick of disciples but most of the men Jesus picks would have fallen at the first religious hurdle. They were just ordinary young men. To follow Jesus, there were no religious exams to pass. All these 12 had to do was follow, listen, learn and obey. As the 12 spent time with Jesus, they grew to know and love him, and become more like him. Being a disciple of Jesus is still that simple. We need to follow Jesus, listen, learn and obey, to spend time with him and love him, and become more like him.

Day two: Love ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8). Spend a moment reflecting on what that means for you. Read John 13:31–35 and think about those people you love. How easy is it to love someone you don’t like? The thing about churches is that they’re made up of all kinds of people – easy-to-get-on-with people and irritating people – and yet loving each other is the thing that Jesus says is the identifying feature of his disciples. So to be a follower of Jesus means we have to follow his example and love. Love everyone. Even those whom we find difficult. If our church is full of love then people will be attracted to it. Love is often in short supply in the world, but if we’re showing love, we’re showing God. •

Who is it in your group/congregation/community who you find difficult to love?

If someone from outside your group/congregation/ community saw you treating that person badly, what would they think?

How are you going to do that here at Momentum?

What would happen if you went out of your way to love that person?

Extra bits: Luke 5:1–11; 5:27–32

Extra bits: 1 John 3:11–24; 1 Corinthians 13



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Day three: Surrender

Day four: Be transformed

What have you had to give up in your life that you really wanted to keep hold of?

Being a disciple means becoming more like Jesus. In what ways do you know you need to be more like him?

Read Luke 9:22–27 and underline anything that you don’t quite understand. This is challenging stuff. Jesus says his disciples need to deny themselves, take up their cross, seek to lose their life and not be ashamed of Jesus. Jesus is calling us to leave everything behind and follow him. Just as the fishermen did, just as the tax collector did. If we’re focused on ourselves, not Jesus, we’ll always be thinking about ourselves first – there will come a time when we might put our own reputation and comfort ahead of standing up for Christ. However, if we give up control of our lives to him (deny ourselves, lose our life), then the rewards are great. Sometimes, instead of feeling rewarded it can seem that surrendering our lives to Jesus means we’re missing out. Jesus doesn’t promise it will be easy. But, surrendering everything to Jesus is the best thing we can do with our lives.

Read Romans 12:1-2 and write a list about what it might mean to be a living sacrifice. We love God and God loves us. So we should offer our whole lives to him. We should worship him, not just in the main meetings, but in every part of our existence. Our lives should be transformed by being a disciple of Jesus. And Paul mentions that our minds need to be transformed too, so that we know how to do what is pleasing to him. So two simple questions: •

Can you think of ways to worship God in different areas of your life?

Is Jesus transforming your mind, or is it full of stuff that doesn’t glorify him?

So, what about you?


Extra bits: Luke 9:57–62; 14:25–33

Extra bits: Romans 12:3–21


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Day five: Tell

Day six: Stay connected

Being a disciple of Jesus means telling others about him. Jesus pointed people towards God. Paul travelled across the Roman Empire telling people about God. What about you?

So, you’re home. What’s going to change in your relationship with Jesus? What’s going to change in your life? Read John 15:1–17. What kind of a branch are you?

Read Matthew 28:16–20 and imagine you were there with the 11. What would you make of Jesus’ instruction? Being a disciple of Jesus means becoming more like him, and that means telling others the good news just as he did. But in case the 11 remaining disciples were in any doubt, he tells them just what they need to do. What do Jesus’ instructions mean to you, now, in 2015? How ready are you to tell others about him? •

What’s your testimony? If someone asks you how you became a Christian, do you know what you would say? If not, come up with a plan now! Make it

Big events can be times of great spiritual highs. We dwell in a Christian community, we meet with God in many different ways and are supported by other followers of Christ. But when we come home, there’s the danger of a spiritual low. We’re back in the real world, where work, study, family and friends press in and demand our time, energy and attention. Pray about how you can stay connected to Jesus when your day-to-day life threatens to take over. How’s your church life? Do your friends support you following Jesus or do they pull you away? Do you get time to pray, chat and walk with Christ every day?

no more than two minutes long. •

What would you say if someone asked you why you follow Jesus?

Write the six headings of these notes down on a piece of paper and write, draw or doodle ideas on how you can be a disciple of Christ every day.

What can you do to show the good news to people?

Extra bits: Galatians 5:16–26

Extra bits: Luke 5:10; 9:1–6; 10:1–12



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Essentials Being green Hopefully you’re already pretty convinced that being kind to our planet is a good and godly thing so we’ll hold fire on telling you why to be green and give you some ideas of how to be green while you’re here:

Reuse where you can



Paper plates might save on washing up but they’re not environmentally friendly so please try and use reusable items where you can.





Fairtrade goods Recycle

Love the land

There are recycling bins around the main areas of the showground for glass, plastics, and cans; and there are recycling bags at each waste disposal station that you can take back to your camping area with you.

Lots of teeny tiny creatures make their home at this showground and they’ve asked us not to leave any rubbish behind when we go, and to take care of the grass (i.e. don’t put any disposable BBQs directly on the ground).

Take quick showers Share the love Not only will the planet love you for it, so will your fellow campers who are waiting for their turn!


If you’ve got any unopened, nonperishable food left by Day 5 that you don’t need, bring it along to Comms and we’ll pass it on to a local charity who will be very happy to find a good home for your baked beans.



To help us all do out bit, all the tea, coffee, sugar and hot chocolate here at Momentum is fairly traded and our milk is locally sourced. The Belu water that is for sale is the most ethical bottled mineral water available, giving all of their profits to WaterAid. Much of our chocolate and all of our muffins are Fairtrade and we use eco wooden stirrers for our drinks. Our cups are created from sustainably planted forests and they, and our napkins, are recyclable. All of the Soul Survivor clothing is Fair Wear certified. If you’d like some guaranteed slavefree coffee to take home with you, pop over to the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed.


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Articles Merchandise

We’ve got a selection of brand new clothing and merchandise ready for you this summer! £25



T shirts



Baseball top



Stadium Cups


Momentum mugs

Stay refreshed on the go with our new stadium cups.

Play along to your favourite tunes with a Soul Survivor plectrum!

Take a little bit of Momentum home with you and look super cool as you sip your favourite hot bev.






Tote bag

We’ve got a new selection of lanyards in three different colours.

Keep track of all your seminar notes with this notebook made from recycled card!

The perfect way to store all your new goodies!


All of our clothing is manufactured in accordance with the guidelines of the Fair Wear Foundation.


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Articles Soul Survivor Shop

Come and say hello to our super-friendly team at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and you’ll find all sorts of goodies awaiting you. You can also find us online at



Live album: Love takes over

Other music

Yes! We’re back with a brand new live album this summer. Get ahead of the game and pre-order yours for £12.99 at the Soul Survivor stand and you’ll get a free milkshake as well as being the first to receive your CD when it is released later in the year. The album, called 'Love Takes Over', will feature a selection of your favourite songs from this summer’s events as well as some great DVD extras.

We also have some exciting new releases from Tom Smith, Matt Redman, Rend Collective and Tim Hughes for you to check out.

Soul Survivor Bible in One Year

Soul Survivor New Testament in One Year

Soul Survivor Youth Bible

From 1st September we’ll be reading through the whole Bible in one year – fancy joining us?! Mike, Andy, Ali and the team will be posting daily vlogs on soulsurvivor. com/bibleinoneyear to go alongside each day’s reading so you can dig a bit deeper into God’s word.

If reading the whole Bible feels like too much to do in one year but you’d still like to get stuck into God’s word, try reading just the New Testament and watch our daily videos that go alongside it at

Packed full of articles from the Soul Survivor team and friends, background info and helpful stuff that will make God’s word seem more accessible and help you apply what you’re reading to your everyday life.



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Articles Upcoming Events Momentum Summer

Momentum Weekend

Friday 22nd - Tuesday 26th July Stafford Showground

29th April - 2nd May France

Yep, that’s right! We’ve got a brand new home for Momentum 2016! We’re moving to the Stafford Showground which is not only a lovely place to be, it’s hopefully easier for most people to travel to as it is in a more central location*. We’ll still be camping and we’re exploring ways to make that easier for you so keep an eye on our website and social media for more details. We’re also moving Momentum forward by a month so you can kick off your summer with a bang! We’ll still have the same great venues as well as our usual main meetings and a packed seminar programme plus loads of social events too.

What’s the one thing our Momentum weekends have been missing?! Sunshine! So this year we’re going on the road and heading to sunny France for a long weekend of worship, teaching and ministry and lots of great social stuff too.

*The Stafford Showground is on Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 0BD. It’s just five miles from junction 14 of the M6 and four miles from Stafford rail station that has regular direct services to London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Scotland.

Book online for both events at


We’re still finalising all the details to make sure we get the best location possible so keep an eye on social media and our website for updates in the autumn. Places will be limited so please book as soon as you can to avoid disappointment.

Continued over the page...


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MA Au the MA you the wo Fin ww


Study options range from a one year Certificate through to research PhD. Study online, on campus in London or by distance learning – realise your academic potential and go on to change the world for Christ! Find out more / book a discovery day place at: www. Like LST on facebook: Follow LST on twitter: MAiTh: A unique theological MA which equips you to engage theologically with the world around you. Find out more at: Sample Spreads Momentumv2.indd 71


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Articles Upcoming Events

Come and join us at one of the upcoming events at our warehouse in Watford (WD24 7GP). Saturday Celebrations 17th October, 14th November, 5th December, 9th January, 6th February (at St Albans Abbey), 16th April, 21st May and 25th June. Each month we hold a free evening celebration with worship, teaching and ministry. There’s no need to book, just come along and we’ll kick things off at 6pm.



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11/06/2015 14:38

Explore Youth Ministry NEW CHRISTIANS DAY

New Christians Day

23rd January Wondering if you’re called to be a youth leader? Come along to our one-day conference to explore whether this is the role for you.

Saturday 17th October 2015

17th October If you’ve become a Christian this week we couldn’t be happier for you and we’d love for you to join us on 17th October for a day looking at what it means to follow Jesus. There’s no need to book and there’s no cost, just come along to our warehouse in Watford.

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14/07/2015 12:38

naturally supernatural growing in the knowledge and gifts of the holy spirit

17th – 20th february 2016

soul survivor watford, wd24 7gp

Naturally Supernatural 17th-20th February A four day event hosted by Mike and Andy, with special guest speakers, looking at how we can live in God’s power in our everyday lives. Day passes available.


We’ve been having a rethink about how we can best equip and support youth leaders so are putting our usual SoulNet retreat on hold for this year. Keep an eye on social media to find out about future plans.

Bring some young people to Soul Survivor! WEEK A

27-31 JULY 2016 STAFFORD








� /soulsurvivoruk twitter /soulsurvivorgb � /soulsurvivoruk youtube /soulsurvivoruk

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We hate to break it to you but you are now officially old enough to be considered a responsible adult! The upside is you can bring up to six young people to one of our Soul Survivor events so if you know someone who would who benefit from five days hanging out with God and thousands of other teenage Christians, bring them along. We run a Soul Survivor event in Stafford (which takes place straight after Momentum 2016), one in Scotland and two in Somerset. Check out for more details.


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Articles Keep in touch Like

Like us on Facebook:


Follow us on Twitter: @MomentumGB #momentum15

Follow us on Instagram: MomentumGB #momentum15


Watch us on YouTube: SSMomentum

desktop Head over to for loads more info about us, to shop for resources we think you’ll love and to book on for events.



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Articles Prayer ministry Prayer Ministry One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings we will always try to let God lead what’s going on and make space for him to meet with us. As part of this the leaders of the meeting will make time for us to wait on God’s Spirit and pray for groups of people they believe God particularly wants to meet with. This is a great opportunity for God to work in our lives and it’s brilliant to be as open to him as possible. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray; Mike P and the team will talk you through what’s going on and some basics for praying. We also have an experienced enabling team who will be around to help you and answer your questions. We’d really encourage you to get along to Ali Martin's seminar ‘Prayer ministry 101' too.

What happens?


Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to wait on and respond to the Holy Spirit. The most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. Try to stay open to what God might want to do in your life and invite him to speak to you. Everyone responds differently to meeting with God so try not to focus too much on your reaction or the reactions of those around you. We can experience God in all sorts of ways and physical manifestations aren’t the important thing. If you’d like to receive from God just stay focused on him. If you’d like to pray for other people, have a read on for some helpful tips.


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A guide to praying for others… When you’re praying remember that you are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other but we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given. Lots of it is just straight-forward common sense! • Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation; this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! • If appropriate you can speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, but be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and always seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3). • Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than praying for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. • The laying on of hands to pray is Biblical. We see Jesus touch

a man to heal him of leprosy in Mark 1 v40-45 and he lays hands on the children to bless them in Matthew 19v13-15. That said, not everyone is comfortable with this so please be aware of that. Please also use common sense about where you place your hands so it doesn’t become distracting for the person you are praying for.

• Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. • If someone does fall over in the power of the Holy Spirit then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). If

you can, put a jumper or jacket under the person’s head. It is not always necessary to stay with them for the whole time but if you move away encourage them to keep receiving from God and keep an eye on them to check they are safe. It can be helpful to whisper to them that you will return in a little while so they know that they are not forgotten. • It can become very hot when there are lots of people together during times of prayer ministry. If the person you are praying for is sweating, offer them a drink of water (you should find water and cups at the front of the stage or ask someone on the enabling team).



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Praying for others continued... • Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, and be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the enabling team. They are there to support you

and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary. • It’s very important to allow the expression of feelings and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally fine but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he wants to do, we don’t want to get in the way of that and we want to make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued.

If someone has been crying for a long time, or releasing deep pain, they may start breathing too fast which can lead to spasms in their hands and legs. Encourage the person to concentrate on breathing slowly – this won’t stop what God is doing and will make sure the person is OK. Remember you can always call over a member of the enabling team if you are worried. It’s brilliant to have more than one person praying for someone at a time so feel free to go over and join someone who’s praying already. That said, it can be distracting if a large group gather around someone when the ministry is of a sensitive nature so please ensure people have enough personal space.


If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help from the enabling team. We all find ourselves in situations that we can’t handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more!


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Praying for physical healing When Jesus healed people in the Bible he spoke to the sickness and ailments and commanded them to be healed. Jesus gives us the power and authority to do the same in his name. So, for example, if you are praying for a sight problem, speak to the eye and tell it to ‘Be open and see in Jesus’ name’. If you’re praying for an ear, speak to the ear and tell it to be open and hear in the name of Jesus. When praying for injuries that cause pain or immobility ask the person what level of pain they have on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest pain possible). Speak to the condition in the name of Jesus and command it to be healed. Speak to the pain and tell it very firmly to ‘Stop it,’ in Jesus’ name (but remember you don’t need to shout!). If appropriate speak to the mobility of the joint or limb and tell it to be healed in Jesus’ name. After this short prayer ask the person to test for pain and mobility in the injured area. Ask for the number out of 10 of the level of pain and mobility to see if it has gone down. Repeat the prayer, if necessary, as many times as you are both comfortable with.

And finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people feel a bit concerned or nervous when they become aware of God working through his Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keeping in mind how you would like to be prayed for, and constantly asking for God’s help. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven. If someone would like extra prayer you can refer them to a member of the enabling team or to the Chat Room. Encourage the person to receive as much prayer as they like during the event but also to seek ongoing ministry support from their home church. Don’t make any appointments to pray with the person outside of the meeting. All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.



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Articles The Bible in One Year Last summer we relaunched our Bible in One Year with a brand new app to run alongside it. Thousands of you joined in and we’ve loved reading through God’s word with you – so much so that we’re going to do it all again from September 1st! You can grab a copy of the Bible in One Year or the New Testament in One Year from our stand in the ToolShed and you can download the app for free (search for the Soul Survivor BIOY app). We post two videos a day from Mike, Ali, Andy or one of our friends - one for the Old Testament reading and one for the New Testament reading. If you’ve never done this before it’s a great way to journey through God’s word and by doing it together we can encourage and spur one another on to keep up the habit.



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Essentials Site rules Now for the really fun part of the programme – the rules! We’re sure most of this is common sense but please have a quick read through so we can all stay happy campers during Momentum. 1) If anyone at Momentum is under 18 then they are, at all times, the responsibility of the group/youth leader or over 18 they came with. 2) No alcohol is to be consumed by any under 18s that are on site. 3) Strictly no drugs, drug paraphernalia, or legal highs on siteexcept for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. All drugrelated incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management Team and the Police representatives on site. 4) No speeding. When arriving/ leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit. We know it’s excruciatingly slow but it helps keep people alive so that’s a pretty good reason to stick to it. 5) When you’ve unloaded your tent and bags etc please take your car to one of the designated car parks so that we comply with official Fire and Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Momentum are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled badge. Just think of all those extra steps you’ll rack up on your pedometer. 6) Wristbands must be worn at all times as they are the only way to get into venues. If yours gets lost please go to Info to get a

replacement (but please note there will be a £40 charge). 7) Please respect other people’s privacy and don’t take any photos/ video footage during ministry times. We make sure our official photographers/videographers stick to this rule too. 8) If you want to roller-blade, skateboard or cycle after dark, you must have appropriate lighting. We’d hope that would be obvious but there’s always one… 9) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents. 10) No swimming in the lake. It’s manky. 11) Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (on arrival, owners and their guide dogs should pop into Info). 12) Do not go into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape or you might disappear into the twilight zone. 13) The use of generators is prohibited on site. Please speak to Comms if you have a critical need for a power supply. There will be a charge for the provision of an electrical hook up. 14) Unless you are a member of Momentum team and are on duty, please don’t wear a high-vis/ fluorescent jacket. It’s way too 1984 (and causes confusion).

15) We want to make it clear that we do not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Momentum and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. We reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please let us know immediately (at Info) so we can deal with the situation. 16) We don’t operate any holiday insurance or cancellation scheme so we strongly recommend that you contact an insurance broker if you require this cover. We’re not being mean but we cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or personal property, sorry. 17) Drones are not to be used on site, except by the official Soul Survivor media team. Well done for reading all of those rules – you deserve a little lie down in the sun as a reward.



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Essentials Index

About us 3 Archery 17 Baby bathing 22 Basketball 16 Bible in one year 69, 78 Bible teaching 8 Bible reading notes 62 Big Top 8 Big Top café 9 Bios 42 Blood donations 15 Cafes Big Top café 9 Café Uno 13 Grounds 11 Soul Action café 10 Soul Survivor café 20 ToolShed Café 20 Celluloid 18 Chat Room 14 Childrens work 22 Coffee for six 24 Communion 9 Day planner 26 Drive-in movie 18 Emergencies 51


Facebook 73 Fairtrade 66 Feedback 4 Films 18 First Aid 51 Food 48 Football cage 16 Football tournament 16 Fun Run 17 Gas 48 Grounds 11 Gyro chair 16 Hearing-impaired facilities 47 Hog roast 24 Ice packs 48 Info 46 Information points 46 Instagram 73 Late Night Worship 14 Live album 69 Live Lounge 12 Leadership programme (Soul61) 60 Lost property 48 Main meetings 8 Maps 81, 82 Miniature railway 23 Ministry guidelines 74 Momentum weekend 70 Offering 53

Panna football 16 Peddle karts 17 Phone charging 17 Prayer Chapel 14 Prayer ministry guidelines 74 Recycling 66 Rules 79 Seminars 26 Seminar recordings 26 Shop Site shop 48 Tesco 48 Silent disco 12 Soul Survivor Café 20 Soul Action 56 Soul Action café 10 Soul61 (Leadership programme) 60 Sports 16 Student reception 25 Testimonies 4 ToolShed 20 ToolShed Café 20 Twitter 73 Ultimate Frisbee 16 Website 73 Wi-Fi 47 Worship 8 Wristband replacement 47 Zorbing football 16


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