Momentum Programme 2013

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Event programme £2 23rd – 27th August #MOM13 Site map on page 63 | Seminar timetable on page 61

welcome from Mike THE WORSHIP



Hello friends!


It’s great to be here together for Momentum 2013. We love that we have these five days together to worship God, learn from his word and hang out with one another. It’s a brilliant opportunity to get away from the busyness of everyday life and spend time with Jesus, so we want to make the most of every minute.

We’ve got loads of seminars lined up for you, which explore a huge range of topics, so we can delve a bit deeper into some really important issues. We’ve also got some great venues where you can hang out with friends, and we’ve got ‘Coffee For Six’ happening all week so you can get to know some new people too. Plus we’ve got a few surprises up our sleeves that we’ll be announcing in the main meetings each day! Of course, the thing that we’re most looking forward to over these few days is meeting with Jesus. Just one encounter with him can completely change everything – and there’s nothing more exciting than that! Our prayer is that we would all leave here







“ The thing that we’re most looking forward to over these few days is meeting with Jesus. Just one encounter with him can completely change everything.” changed. We want to know our Saviour more intimately, to fall more in love with him, and to be equipped and empowered to live our whole lives for him. So let’s make the most of all that’s ahead and be open to what God wants to do in our lives. We’re so excited to be on this journey with you and we’re looking forward to all that’s in store.

Love from Mike @MomentumGB #MOM13


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contents Welcome info

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Welcome from Mike


What is Momentum?


Our values


Tell us a story!




• Day 2

What does a day look like?


• Day 3


• Day 4

Main meetings

Venues Café Uno


The Union


The Live Lounge


Grounds and Breakfast café


XLP café


Soul Action Café


Seminar streams and recordings


Day planner • Day 1

• Day 5

39 40 46 51 56



Who’s who


Articles & other info Maps


Momentum goodies


Coffee for six


Stay in touch!





Late Night Worship


Student reception


Chat Room


International welcome


The Furnace


Upcoming events




The offering




Support Momentum


Children’s work


Ministry guidelines


Fair play


Soul Action


Bible reading notes


Helpful info


Site rules


ToolShed Momentum Café

Need some more help? Check out the Index at the back! Operation Mobilisation. Registered office: The Quinta, Weston Rhyn Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland)

transforming lives and communities

Day planners and seminar info

Money-off vouchers @MomentumGB #MOM13



What is

Momentum? Momentum exists for people in their 20s and 30s, to encourage and equip them to live out their faith in their everyday lives. Momentum events are run by the team at Soul Survivor and we are a charity that has been putting on events for teenagers since 1993. We love working with young people but we noticed something over the years: they were growing up. Shocking! We wanted to do something to help equip people as they began facing new challenges and adventures, and so Momentum was born. We’ve been running Momentum summer events since 2004 and our winter weekend retreat at Center Parcs since 2011 (you can find out more about that on page 78). We love hanging out with you and we hope we’re hitting the spot in providing you with an event that meets your needs. Find out on page 9 how you can give us your feedback so we know what we’re getting right and what we could improve.


our values We have three simple values that underpin everything we do:

1. Relationship with God This is our upmost priority which is why we spend so much time in worship, teaching and ministry. The main aim of our events is to help us all deepen our relationship with God because nothing could be better than knowing him and realising we are known by him.

2. Relationship with one another God is passionate about community and so are we! Therefore we make lots of space during Momentum and provide lots of venues where we can hang out together, learn from one another, have a laugh and enjoy each other’s company.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

3. Relationship with the world that God loves Momentum isn’t about having five days in a Holy Huddle. It’s about being equipped to go home and bring God’s Kingdom in all the varied situations we find ourselves in all year round. God is passionate about his people bringing good news in their words and actions so we want to explore ways we can do that and be empowered to do it in Jesus’ name.

If you’d like to find out more about us you can visit our website or pop along to our stand in the ToolShed.


days of the week Call us crazy (although not too often, we’re sensitive souls) but for these few days together we chuck out the traditional names for the days of the week and number our days instead. In case you have trouble keeping tabs, here’s your handy guide:

Friday 23rd August Saturday 24th August Sunday 25th August Monday 26 August th

Tuesday 27th August

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

What does

a day look like?

Feedback Momentum is put on for you so we want to know if we’re scratching where you’re itching. Were there enough seminars? Were they on the right topics? What do you think of the venues? How could we improve Momentum for you and your friends? We’ve put together an online questionnaire that we’d love you to fill in to tell us your thoughts. We promise to read each and every comment and use all your feedback to inform our planning for next year. If you leave us your email address we’ll also put your name in a hat to win some goodies from our shop. We’ll email you a link to the questionnaire after the event and we’ll also make it available from our website (, on Facebook ( and on Twitter @MomentumGB.

Tell us a story!

8.30 am

Pop in to Grounds café for a hot coffee and a fresh pastry. Mmmmmm.

9.30 am

Our first seminars of the day kick off. Take a look at the timetable on page 41 to see what takes your fancy.

11.00 am

We all get together in the Big Top for a time of worship, teaching and ministry. Everything else on the showground is closed during both this meeting and the evening one so that we can all gather together and focus on God.

9.00 pm (ish)

As the main meeting wraps up, the Momentum night life springs into action. There are all sorts of venues to suit your mood, so take your pick from places to: Have a dance and/or a pint: The Union and Café Uno Grab a coffee: Soul Action café, Momentum café, Live Lounge, XLP café, Grounds and Café Uno Try some live-band Karaoke: Live Lounge Have a browse: The ToolShed

The world is your oyster from 1pm as all our cafes open, our sports programme jumps into life, the ToolShed is ready and waiting for you, and you can pop into Furnace to pray. Decisions, decisions...

Pray: The Furnace

2.30 pm & 4.00 pm

There are seminars galore to choose from as you’ll see from the timetable on page 61!

Tuck into some food: Any of the cafes or the food vans

7.00 pm

Head on down to the Big Top for worship, teaching and ministry.

1.00 pm

We love a good story, especially ones that are about how you’ve met with God during Momentum. Make it short, make it long, make it loud, make it proud. You can go retro and use a pen and piece of paper (you’ll find these ancient tools next to the Testimonies box on the main stage) or you can email If you’re thrifty with your words you can even tweet @MomentumGB. We love sharing testimonies on the main-stage and after the event, so if you’d rather we kept yours just between us please let us know.


Everything is flexible here at Momentum so take your pick from any of the following activities.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Play sport: err, the sports venue Sing to God: Late Night Worship Watch a film: Celluloid

You’ll find a day planner for each day starting on page 39 and you might find the Information points around the showground useful to help you plan your activities too. Enjoy!


Helping Christians to be salt and light

main meetings Worship

times: Mornings: Evenings: Location:

Days 2-4 - 11am Day 5 - 10am Days 1-5 - 7pm Big Top

Each morning and evening of Momentum we all get together in a massive tent for times of worship, teaching and ministry. These main meetings are the highlight of our week so we close all the other venues while they are on so everyone can come along and be a part of them.

We devote lots of time in our meetings to worshiping God through song and we’ve found it is an incredible way to draw close to him. It’s not just singing songs, worship is an opportunity to tell God how much we love him, to focus on what he has done for us and to thank him for his goodness. No matter what is going on in our lives, God is worthy of our worship but this is also a place where we can be real and bring the good and the difficult things in our lives to him. As we see from so many encounters with God in the Bible, just one touch from him changes everything. That’s what we’re aiming to do in worship: touch God’s heart with our praise and allow him to touch ours with his love.

Teaching The Bible is one of the most incredible gifts God has given us so we can understand who he is, what he feels about us, and how he wants us to live for him. It’s absolutely packed full of amazing wisdom and encouragement so we want to make space in each of our meetings to look at God’s word and explore what he is saying to us. We’ll invite a number of people to share who will help inspire, equip and encourage us to live for God in every area of our lives.

Be informed about contemporary ethical issues affecting Christians today. We offer FREE RESOURCES on: Same-sex marriage; when human life begins; religious liberty and other important issues. @MomentumGB #MOM13


main meetings

S AT U R D AY 2 1 ST J U N E 2 0 1 4


Ministry Whilst the Holy Spirit is always with us, during our meetings we will make space to ask him to increase his presence. In these times God often heals us (physically and/or emotionally), reveals more of his love to us, sets us free, brings us to repentance, equips, encourages and empowers us. If you’re unsure about ministry times, don’t worry, Mike will talk through what’s happening (as far as he can tell!) There is also an experienced Enabling Team around who are happy to answer any questions you have. We really encourage you to engage with God during these times, say ‘yes’ to him, and invite him to do what he wants to do in your life. You may also want to pray for other people – it’s a privilege to witness what God is doing in someone’s life – but please do have a quick read of the ministry guidelines on page 85 before you get stuck in.

Big Top Café




LOCATION: Soul Survivor Watford, WD24 7GP


09/07/2013 14:07






young_worship_ad.indd 1

Day 5 is a little different from the other days (and not just because we’re all sniffling at the thought Before and after each main meeting our little café of it being our last day together). We start our main opens so you can get yourself a hot or cold drink and meeting at 10am instead of 11 so that we have a tasty piece of cake. It’s a great spot to meet your time to take communion. This means we don’t have mates and reflect on what God’s been doing amongst any seminars that morning, but we love coming you, or to just grab a few minutes quiet before or together to share the Lord’s Supper as it’s a really after the main meeting. special time of remembering Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We also share stories of what God has been doing during Momentum, pray and worship Opens 10am and closes together. after the main meetings



There’s a clue in the title


Day 5 10am - 12.30pm


The Big Top


venues CAFÉ UNO times:


wi-fi access


Evenings 1-5: 9.30pm - 11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm - 6pm

Like all good cafes Café Uno likes to serve up tea, coffee, hot chocolate and enough cake to keep even the delightful Mary Berry happy. Like all amazing cafes Uno throws in some surprises in the evenings with a bar ‘n’ band type shindig.

The Union

Yep, you can sip a glass of wine or sup on a pint whilst listening to the awesome sounds of our house band, The 1930s. There’s plenty of room to dance too so get all your shyness out of the way as quick as you can and get moving on the Uno dance floor.


Are you dancing? We’re asking! Come on down to the Union where every night DJ Funky Midget will be on hand to take your requests and play all your favourite tunes. It doesn’t matter if it’s old or new, as long as puts a smile on people’s faces and gets their feet moving then we’re in!

Our house band – The 1930s

The 1930s are a Northern Irish folk duo made up of vocalist and guitarist, Jonny Solari and drummer and vocalist, Andrew Cameron. The lads have been busy captivating crowds with their edgy brand of folk rock, filled with infectious melodies and we’re delighted they could squeeze Momentum into their schedule. You may have heard their music through BBC Radio 1 Introducing but even if you haven’t you’ll soon find yourself singing along to their songs. You can check out their ‘Blood & Water’ EP on iTunes and Spotify.


Evenings 1-5: 9.30pm - midnight Days 2-5: 1pm - 6pm

The Union also has a well-stocked bar so when you’re in a need of a break from all that frenetic fun, you can grab a drink, take a pew and enjoy a breather before you’re ready to get back out there and strut your stuff on the dance floor again.

@MomentumGB #MOM13


venues THE LIVE LOUNGE times:

Evenings 1-5: 9.30pm - 11.30pm

The legendary Live Lounge is back and packed to the rafters with extra-special entertainment! Home to coffee, cake, quizzes, karaoke, an awesome house band and Open Mic slots, the Live Lounge is hard to beat. Hosts Tim and Mark head up the smiliest team you’ll ever meet to keep the laughs rolling so come and join the fun! Open Mic

Want to take to the stage? Each evening in The Live Lounge there is an Open Mic slot where you can show your talents to the Momentum crowd. It’s a ‘first come, first served’ situation so get your name on the sign-up sheets on the tables and await your call up.

grounds times:


wi-fi access

Evenings 1-5: 9.30pm - 11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm - 6pm


And relax……

Grounds is your safe haven, your quiet spot, your place of peace. Serving you all the tea, coffee and cake you require and offering you somewhere to enjoy them where no one will demand anything of you. Come in for a chat with a friend, a read of the paper or a chilled spot to get stuck into that new book you bought in the ToolShed. All we ask is that you relax and enjoy!

Breakfast café in Grounds

Whilst we love camping, we’re not so keen on the lack of room service, but Grounds is here to help. Pop along for a morning cuppa and a cheeky pastry to get your day off to the best start.

times: times:

Days 2-4: 8.30am - 10am Day 5: 8.30am - 9.30am

Live Band Karaoke

Follow fun all the on Twitter

ome @LLm 16

Our band are here, ready and waiting to play for you as you sing along to your favourite song! What’s not to love?! Sign up using the sheets on the tables.


@MomentumGB #MOM13


venues online fundraising from

XLP café This café boasts coffee, cake, and a perfect view of the goings on in the ToolShed from its lofty perch (i.e. it’s upstairs). It’s also hosted by our brilliant friends at XLP who do amazing work in London with young people. Have a chat to the team and find out about their national mentoring project showing how for just two hours a week, you could change a young person’s life. Or just chat about which cake is best – they’re a friendly bunch and won’t mind either way.

Free phone charging!

The XLP café is also the place to come if your mobile phone needs recharging. Your phone will be kept in a secure locker while it is rejuiced, then you can pick it back up and you’ll be in touch with the outside world again. Phew.

Threads magazine

Our friends at Threads have produced a very special magazine edition just for you! You can pick one up in any of our cafes and you’ll find some brilliant articles on everything from lust to money, alcohol to self-image, singleness to church. When you get home don’t forget to sign up for Threads weekly emails to get the latest articles sent straight to your inbox.

Whatever your cause, whatever your event, fundraising is easy on Create a fundraising page in just a few clicks Share your page with friends and family 1000’s of charities to choose from @give is the new online fundraising website from Stewardship, a registered charity (234714) serving the church since 1906




Day 1: 9.30pm - 11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm - 6pm and 9.30pm - 11.30pm

The Soul Action Café is the perfect place to take a seat, settle down with a brew, and mull life over with your mates. It offers up tasty fairly-traded drinks and snacks, hosts some giant board games, and has bean bags aplenty to help you chill out. 20

THIS YEAR WE ARE TAKING A STAND FOR FREEDOM. But don’t be fooled. The Soul Action Café is also the place where you can get involved in a revolution. You won’t need a weapon or even a placard though. Soul Action has come up with some clever ways for you to take a STAND against injustice and to make every day decisions that will impact on the 27 million men, women and children who are trapped in slavery in our world today. If you’re game chat to the team, turn to page 88 to find out more, or pop along to the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed. We’d love to have you aboard.

Soul Action are committed to helping those caught up in modern day slavery; we want to remember the forgotten, reveal the hidden and stand with the abused. We need your help. We want as many people as possible to sign our petition to ask the government to do more for those people who are trapped in slavery.


venues The TOOLSHED times:

A little word in your ear…

The Shed of Tools is a wonder to behold. The (frankly ugly) exterior does a good job of disguising the treasures and delights held inside.

Free wi-fi access!

Head to the ToolShed, the Food Court, Café Uno, Grounds or the Soul Action Café and you’ll be able to log on to our wi-fi for free. Just log on to the ‘SoulFi’ network and when you arrive at the Soul Survivor landing page click the ‘Free Access’ button. Simple as that! While we will try our best to make sure the wi-fi works all the time, technology can often be unpredictable so please be patient if there are any issues.



-fi No one in the ToolShed should give you a hard access ! sell about anything. This is not an opportunity for anyone to try and part you from your hardearned money, simply a place where reputable organisations can put their resources in front of you. Whilst we vet everyone who exhibits at Momentum that doesn’t mean we will always agree 100% on theological angles so please don’t see their presence here as our endorsement or agreement with them in every matter. If you feel like someone has been a bit overzealous in their sales pitch, please do pop into Information and let us know.

Day 1: 9:00pm - 11:30pm Days 2-5: 1:00pm - 5:30pm and 9:15pm - 11.30pm

Pop in and you’ll find a wealth of amazing resources designed to encourage and equip you, and to help you on your journey with God. You’ll also find some brilliant charities who would love to chat to you about ways you can get involved with them to help change the world in Jesus’ name. As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also find a couple of cafes serving up tasty treats so come along and start exploring.


momentum café Come and say hello! We’ve got a team from our Soul61 leadership course here to host the Momentum café so that you will be guaranteed the warmest of welcomes. They will serve up hot and cold drinks and a tasty array of treats, alongside answering any questions you have about Momentum, Soul Survivor and Soul61.

You may notice the ToolShed is the only place where we allow any marketing to happen at Momentum. That’s because we want you to be relaxed and not treated as marketing fodder with adverts thrust in your face every two minutes. The exceptions are in this programme (where we sell advertising space to help cover our printing costs so that the programme is cheaper for you) and the main meetings where Mike, Ali & Andy might chat about resources. Rest assured that any CD/book/ DVD or other resource they recommend is because they know it to be good quality and because they think it will resource you, not because anyone is paying them to push that product at you.

The café is located near the Soul Survivor stand so you can also browse our latest resources and see if anything interests you. Find out more about our latest offerings on page 70.

@MomentumGB #MOM13



Soul Survivor Special:

saVe £15*

22-24 noVeMBer 2013 | eastBourne

We train Youth Workers

late night worship times:



It’s simple really. Whether you’re a new recruit or a veteran, we inspire you to go the extra mile for your youth. Join together with hundreds of like-minded youth workers and enjoy a weekend of training and relaxation by the seaside.

Evenings 1-5: 10.30pm - 11.30pm

You could accuse us of having one track minds and we’d be ok with that because we can’t get enough of worshiping God! These late night sessions are more low-key than the main meetings and the aim is to provide a bit more space and time for you to meet with God and sing your praises to him.

PaY just £80. enter ‘soul13’ oNlINE

* Off standard rate of £95

Our friends Rend Collective will be leading Late Night Worship. If you’ve not met them before, they are a lovely bunch descended from Northern Ireland who have a passion for raw, authentic worship, random instruments and finding new ways to express God’s wild imagination.


Find tips, advice, articles and resources online; written for youth workers, by youth workers.

view on your mobile

Quote ref. SS2013 When you call

venues chat room times:

Days 2-5: 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Our Chat Room team are armed with the friendliest smiles, the biggest ears and the warmest hearts. Their raison d’etre is to chat to you about anything you’d like so pop along for a cup of tea and a natter. If there’s something on your mind, big or small, the team are here to listen.

The Furnace times:

Day 1: 9.30pm - 11.00pm Days 2-5: 8.00am - 10.00am 12 noon - 6.00pm 9.30pm - 11.00pm

A great range of adventurous activities A choice of accommodation options Bespoke packages to suit your group Catered or self catering options


We can pray anytime, anywhere about anything, but sometimes it’s good to create some time and space to seek God. So that’s what the Furnace is all about. This intimate venue is a quiet spot for creative prayer, with tools and prompts to help you chat to God. Pop in for five minutes, or a couple of hours – whatever you choose you are most welcome.


/ /

Competitive prices for youth groups Opportunities for young people to fulfil their calling with our 24 month, residential Rock SAT training programme

T: 0844 8000 222 E: W.


GAP YEAR “Experience is more than just a gap year. It changed my life. Living in and amongst the most inspiring people I have ever met gave me an invaluable insight into true community, and the passion and drive to see genuine change in inner city London.” - Former Gap Year Student

WWW.XLP.ORG.UK To find out more information come to the XLP stand in the Toolshed or email



venues sports times:

Five-a-side footie tournament

Day 1: 9.30pm - 11.30pm, Days 2-5: 1pm - 6pm and 9.30pm - 11.30pm


The great game of basketball may have begun with a peach basket and a football but we’ve splashed out and got a real ball and net. We’re flash like that. So come along and get stuck in the dribbling and basket-making fun!

Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi can only dream of such glory as winning the Momentum five-a-side championship. If you want to be in with a shout, sign up with four friends on the first night and by Day Five we’ll see who can take home the esteemed tournament title.

Sign up at the Sports venue on Day 1 Competition, Day 2 from 1pm

Ultimate Frisbee

Football Cage

You can’t improve on a game of football. Unless you make it one-on-one and stick it in a cage of course. Panna games last three minutes but if you can complete the all-conquering nutmeg, then it’s game over and you’re the winner. Way-hey!

This isn’t a chilled afternoon in the park gently throwing a Frisbee back and forth. Oh no. This team sport is fast, frantic and a whole heap of fun so come along and get stuck in.

@ Mo m e nt Volleyball



We provide the net and the ball, you provide the digs, spikes and grunts required to spur you on to championship glory. Day 4: from 2pm

Day 2: from 1pm


Sports café

We’ve got our own go kart track so you can enjoy a spin around the course or take on a mate in a race!

Gyro chair

Grab a drink or a high energy snack to refuel between sports, or take a pew and watch the action while others break a sweat.

Turn your world upside down by taking a spin in our Gyro chair. You might not want to do this straight after you’ve eaten but you’ll definitely want your mates there to take photos so you can see what you look like hanging upside down.



Take up your bow and arrow and show us your skills. 28

Follow all the fun on Twitter

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Day 1: 9.30pm - 11.30pm, Days 2-5: 1pm - 6pm and 9.30pm - 11.30pm 29

soul action fun run

R U V S I V L O U R O S ER 2014 SUMM


The Soul Action Fun Run is just two miles around the showground so it’s achievable for even the most sofa-loving of us. We’re not sticklers for the rules so you can run, walk, jump, bunny-hop or dance your way around and we won’t mind. All we need you to do is:

1 S ign up at the Soul Action stand TIME:

Day 4: 5.15pm for warm-ups 5.30pm start

Our idea of fun usually involves a big comfy sofa, a group of mates and a bottle of wine, but we’re all for getting moving in the name of a good cause. Soul Action is a very good cause (if we do say so ourselves). It’s all about acting on God’s heart for justice and campaigning to stop people being sold into slavery. 31

in the ToolShed where they’ll give you a running number


2 G et your mates to sponsor you 3 T urn up at 5.15pm for a quick warm up before we start the run at 5.30pm We’d love to see loads of you take part so encourage your friends and get as many of you involved as possible. We’ll have some fun and raise some money – what’s not to love?! You can find out more about the work of Soul Action on page 88.










W W W. S O U L S U R V I V O R . C O M

celluloid These brilliant films have so many Oscars between them that when we tried to count them up our abacus exploded. So if you fancy relaxing with a great piece of cinematic action, head on down to Celluloid any evening this week, check out some of the best films of this year and see who you would award a golden statue to.

Silver Linings Playbook

Day 3 This isn’t your conventional romantic comedy. Instead you have Pat who is bi-polar and recovering from a psychotic break after the end of his marriage, and Tiffany who is coping with the death of her husband. Their story is raw, honest, unpredictable and touching as they work to help one another.

Days 1-5: 10:00pm


Day 1 Argo is based on the true story of a secret CIA mission to rescue six American citizens who went into hiding when the embassy in Iran was seized during a revolution. The risky plan Ben Affleck comes up with involves a fake film and plenty of nerve leaving you on the edge of your seat to see if they can pull it off. According to Oscar this was the best film of 2012 so make sure you don’t miss it.


Day 4 Imagine a critically-acclaimed French film about a quadriplegic man and a guy from the Paris ghetto and you wouldn’t think you’d be in for a lot of laughs. But you’d be wrong! This film will put a huge smile on your face and have you giggling at the most inappropriate of things whilst also bringing a lump to your throat. Moving, emotional and utterly brilliant; worth reading subtitles for.

Life of Pi

Day 2 Can you tell a story that makes people believe in God? That’s the question posed by this brilliant novel-turned-film. A young man survives a disaster at sea and finds himself alone with an interesting companion - a Bengal Tiger he calls Richard Parker. What follows is a story of survival and adventure with stunning Oscar-winning visual effects and cinematography.


Les Miserables

Day 5 The novel-turned-stage-play turns into monster hit theatrical film in one of the year’s most talked about flicks. An all-star cast transports us back to 19th Century France and, almost entirely through song, tells us a story of broken dreams, passion, sacrifice, love and redemption. All together now, “I dreamed a dream in times gone by…”.

@MomentumGB #MOM13


kids’work kids work

kids films

under 11s

Each evening we’ll show a fun-filled kids film to keep the little ones entertained from 7pm in Celluloid. These sessions are not supervised so you will need to stay with your child/children but one adult can accompany up to four children. All films are rated ‘U’.


Day 1 from 4pm


Days 2-4: 10.45am - noon Day 5: 10am - noon

Special Needs

We want to do everything we can to include children whatever their needs. Please let the kids team leader know if your child has additional needs that would be helpful for them to be aware of.

FREETIME @Refreshers 3pm-5pm

Each afternoon we open the Refreshers Venue so you can drop in with your little ones. Toys and games are available for your kids, and you can supervise their fun from the comfort of a chair, coffee in hand.

We know small ones don’t always get Mike’s jokes and find the Big Top a bit Baby bathing much, so we’ve got some sessions that Need to get your nipper cleaned up and ready for cater to their needs and will keep them bed? Pop along to Yellow 3 (the building has a star on the map!) between 4.45pm and 6.45pm and you’ll entertained. There are two groups: Jelly Tots for the 0-4s and Refreshers for those aged 5-11. Each group will have a mix of fun and games with age-appropriate worship and teaching.

find plenty of warm water and baby baths. Just bring some toiletries, a towel and a baby!

Registration (The Welcome Tent/Seminar A)

You can register your child for Jelly Tots or Refreshers on Day 1 by bringing them along to the Welcome Tent from 4pm. We’ll take your details and give you a security card which will allow you to pick your child up at the end of each session. Children will also need to be signed in and out each day for added security (unless they are 10 or 11 in which case you can let us know whether you’re happy for them to leave unaccompanied).


The Lorax (86 mins)

An adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ classic tale of a young boy and a grumpy recluse who protects the endangered forest.

Rio (96 mins)

A tale of self-discovery, romance and adventure as macaw Blu is taken back to his native Rio to meet the fiercely independent Jewell.

Prince of Egypt (99 mins)

Classic retelling of the story of Moses from his birth through to the parting of the Red Sea. Songs may not be from the original scriptures.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Jungle Book (78 mins)

One of Disney’s most popular and enduring films, Jungle Book tells the story of man-cub Mowgli and the friends he makes in the jungle.

Ice Age 4 (88 mins)

All your favourite characters are back for another adventure as their continent is set adrift.

Ear defenders If you’d like to bring your little one into the Big Top we have a small number of ear defenders available to buy from Information.


seminars seminar streams Our seminar programme is so vast that we had to divide it up into four categories to be able to keep track of it.

e r u t u f r i e h t : e r u t a n g i s ur e

Get equipped Here you’ll find some of our practical seminars aimed at equipping you in areas like preparing and delivering talks, leading worship, praying for people, and hearing God’s voice.


help the c

t a a i r y s r o f n o i t i t e p l a b o l g sign the D e h s l o o t e h t n i D n a t s s r o o the open D

Go deeper These seminars take a look beneath the surface at areas like character, pain, innerhealing, and calling; as well as digging a bit deeper into the Bible. This category includes our mini Alpha series exploring Christianity.

Go further Seminars in this stream will look at how we live out our faith in terms of work, evangelism and justice.

Big issues A stream of seminars looking at topical issues and big questions around things like abortion, sexuality, equality, science and money.

in h s o t e u n i t n o c hurch in syria

Seminar recordings All of our seminars are recorded so you can catch any you’ve missed, buy a copy for a friend, or simply have another listen to one you really enjoyed. On the Day Planner you’ll see each seminar has a number starting with 36 – this helps you identify the talk you’re after and then you can download it from our website for £1 or buy a CD of it to be sent to you for £2.50. For more info on getting hold of seminars please see page 70.


g/save r .o h t u o y s r o o D n www.ope

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DAY planner: DAY1

A N D D E L I V E R I N G G R E AT G N I TA L PA R E KS R P Location

There are no seminars today so that you can set up your tent without missing out on anything!

Soul Survivor Watford, WD24 7GP


£10 for one day or £15 for both


what’s happening BO





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6:00 pm :

Our Big Top Café opens for business! Welcoming smiles, hot coffee, and tempting slices of cake await you.

7:00 pm :

We’re officially kicking off Momentum 2013 with our first main meeting! Join Mike, Ali & Andy for worship, teaching and ministry in the Big Top. (If you’d like a recording of the main meeting talk please use reference code 36101.)


09/07/2013 14:22

what’s happening


Our evening meeting will probably finish between 9 and 9.30pm and then all our lovely evening venues start to open, ready for you to enjoy.

9:00 pm :

Grounds is the first café to open its doors at 9pm with Soul Action Café, Café Uno and the ToolShed cafés opening at 9.30pm.

9:30 pm :

Sign up for karaoke with a live band or just enjoy the show in the Live Lounge. Grab a drink from the bar or get yourself on the dance floor at the Union. There are some fantastic organisations to chat to and resources available in our ToolShed. Spend some time in prayer at the Furnace. Book your place in the five-aside footie tournament or get stuck in to some indoor sports.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

10:00 pm :

Celluloid – Tonight’s film is Argo with Ben Affleck and his very special 80s tash.

10:30 pm :

Our friends Rend Collective will be hosting Late Night Worship, our chilled out worship venue.


DAY planner: DAY 2

Please note that sometimes we have to change venues at the last minute or, in rare circumstances, cancel seminars. We will do our best to notify you of any changes, so please keep an eye on the screens before the main meetings and check the information boards around site for the latest news.


9.30 am Science, religion and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence

David Wilkinson The now daily discovery of new planets outside the solar system raises the question: are we alone in the Universe? This seminar surveys the up-to-date scientific evidence and its implications for Christian theology: what does this mean for God as Creator and the centrality of the death and resurrection of Jesus? Seminar A (36001)

Power ministry part 1

Robby Dawkins

How can we see more of the manifest power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives? How can we see more healings, hear God’s voice better, and see people come to know Jesus? Café Uno (36002)

Praying for people so that stuff happens

ALI MARTIN If you’re interested in praying for others during ministry times and seeing God move deeply in their lives, come along to this seminar. It will cover some of the dos and don’ts of ministry, give you some helpful tips and advice, and cover some of the things you might see happening during ministry times. Seminar B (36003) 40

The Old Testament in one hour Chris likes a challenge so he’ll be taking us on a whistlestop tour of each book in the Old Testament in just 60 minutes. He’ll give us the low down on Genesis to Malachi and everything in between, and show us how the great story of the Old Testament points to Jesus.

Jasper Rutherford

we tell our story? And how does our presence on social networking sites reflect our commitment to the good news of Jesus? Seminar E (36006)

The right partner

Ness Wilson

Mark Bailey

We know there is a very real enemy who has devices, schemes and strategies to neutralise us, rob us of joy and take away our testimony. This seminar explores how he tries to steal and kill and destroy, and how Jesus came that we might have life in all its fullness. Seminar D (36026)

Patrick Regan

How do we explain the good news both in personal communication and through public speaking? How do

In a culture obsessed with sex, porn has become the norm and it’s everywhere. But what impact is that having on real life sex and relationships? This session will be an honest look at how we can understand the implications of porn, deal with the temptations, honour God, and look after ourselves and each other in a world captivated by porn. The Big Top (36008)

Can we use the Bible to solve moral dilemmas today?

Sean Doherty

Today we face literal life and death choices but we How do you decide who is the right person to marry? can be unsure how to approach them as Christians What can you do if you’re single to lay great foundations without appearing bigoted or judgemental. In this for your future marriage? And how can you become the seminar we’ll look at how a book written thousands of best husband or wife you can possibly be? years ago can be relevant in solving ethical quandaries Union Bar (36005) today.

The roots of injustice: why are people poor?

David Westlake

Say what?

Big Issues


Character matrix 1: humble pie

Me: worshipping self

Go Further

Soul Sista meets Soul Man: Porn is everywhere

Live Lounge (36004)

Seminar C (36005)

Go Deeper

2.30 pm

Chris Lane

The people who influence us the most aren’t usually those with the greatest gifts, but those with the greatest character. How can we embrace and develop some of the lesser talked about characteristics of Jesus, such as humility and gentleness? And how can these qualities deepen our gifts?

Get Equipped

Seminar A (36009)

Mini Alpha #1: why did Jesus die?

Where does poverty come from? Whose fault is it? This seminar will explore where injustice comes from, how God plans to overcome it, and how he wants us to help him do it.

Christians believe that Jesus was killed on a cross 2000 years ago – but what does that mean for us today? Why did he have to die? Come and explore the heart of the Christian faith to see whether this is actually the most important question you’ll ever ask.

Soul Action Café (36007)

Café Uno (36010)

@MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 2 KEY:

A pathway through pain

Rupert Charkham

Suffering comes with the territory as we follow Christ. So how do we cope, and what gives us hope? Live Lounge (36011)

A Kingdom vision for the workplace

Sarah-Jane Marshall

Most of us spend far more time at work than we do in church, in small groups or even with our friends, yet we’re far more likely to talk about having a Kingdom vision for these other environments. Why is that? How can we make our working hours count for the Kingdom of God, and what could it look like to be an agent of the Kingdom in our current workplaces? Seminar B (36012)

The New Testament in one hour

Chris Lane

Chris is your tour guide for today’s adventure, taking you through every book of the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation in just 60 minutes. Seminar C (36013)

The ‘C’ word

eddie Lyle & Open Doors

can we help those who have been through abortion and wish to talk about their experience?

Do what?

Patrick Regan

Seminar A (36017)

What is it about our actions and behaviour that makes us recognisable as Christians? This seminar will look at the model of care and community in the early church, and ask how this might be reproduced today as we become people of compassion who act prophetically. Seminar E (36015)

Ain’t about the cha-ching cha-ching

Alexandra Lilley

Jesus says not to worry about money, but what does that mean when it comes to student loans, paying rent and trying to get on the property ladder? If we all gave our money away to the poor, how could we afford to eat? Join Alexandra to take a look at a responsible, risky and radical attitude to money. Union Bar (36016)

4.00 pm Abortion: Breaking the silence in the Church

What would you do if going to church meant risking your Jonathan Jeffes reputation, your freedom or even your life? Some followers of Jesus around the world are being forced to build a secret Statistics show that over one third of all British women will experience at least one abortion in their lifetime and church, risking their very lives in the process. Come and yet there is a powerful silence about the issue, especially hear stories about following Jesus in its rawest form. in churches. How can we respond compassionately to Seminar D (36014) the issue? Is it being judgmental to say something? How 42

Get Equipped

Loud & Clear part 1

Ali Martin

Go Deeper

Go Further

Big Issues

Creation vs science

David Wilkinson

Does the Christian doctrine of creation stand up in a world of science, and how do we understand Genesis 1? Have Christians always understood it in a literal sense or is it complementary to science?

Want to deliver talks that make people sit up and Seminar C (36021) take notice of God’s word? Whether you’re already a regular speaker in church or you’d like to be in the A transforming encounter future, this seminar series will help you be the best Rupert Charkham communicator you can be. In the first session Ali will look at how to prepare a talk, how to use the Bible Jesus calls us to bear fruit that will last, so this series well, and how to find (and stick to) a main focus. of seminars will look at how we can maximise our fruitfulness. In this first seminar we’ll look at the Café Uno (36018) importance of connecting with God personally and think about how we make sure we’re on the same A theology of work page as him.

Andy Croft

Seminar E (36022) Though we spend most of our waking hours working or studying, few of us have given any thought to a Dating dilemmas theology of our jobs/degrees. How does working Rachel Gardner and André Adefope in an office, a supermarket or in the City connect to God’s will? How can a degree in engineering or job as People didn’t date in Bible times so how do we work a teacher further God’s kingdom? out what God has to say about romantic relationships in the 21st Century? Rachel and André will look at what Live Lounge (36019) God might want our dating to look like, and answer your questions on anything from how you work out Strip it all away who to marry, to how to create and stick to physical Blue Bradley boundaries, to how to deal with same-sex attraction. What if we stripped away most of the stuff we rely Union Bar (36023) on to make church church? What if we started again and came up with some fresh and exciting ways to engage our local communities with our faith? Come along to discuss ideas that will create the blueprints for an exciting and vibrant faith community. Seminar B (36020) @MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 2 KEY:

what’s happening



8:30 am :

Breakfast Café. Start your day with a hot cuppa and a tasty Danish. Delish.

9 am -2 pm :

Sign up at Information to get to know some new people through Coffee For Six.

11:00 am :

Our first morning meeting with worship, teaching and ministry – don’t miss it! (36102)

1:00 pm :

Cafés open. Plus you can pop along to the ToolShed, check out the resources and sign the Soul Action petition against slavery. If your mobile is already out of juice, head to the XLP Café in the ToolShed to re-charge.

2:00 pm :

Sports tournaments kick off or you can take a spin in our Karts or try out the Gyro chair.

2:00 pm :

Pop in to the Chat Room if there’s anything on your mind that you’d like to talk through.

4:00 pm :

International Reception – if you’re visiting from overseas come and say hi to our team in the Soul Action Café.

Get Equipped

Go Deeper

Go Further

Big Issues

what’s happening


6:00 pm :

The Big Top Café would be pleased to see you before our main meeting starts at 7pm (36103).

9:00 pm :

Grounds opens for coffee & cake.

9:30 pm :

You can: enjoy our cafés and the ToolShed, take part in some indoor sports, chat to God in the Furnace, sign up for an open-mic slot in the Live Lounge, or prop up the bar/ enjoy a dance at The Union.

10:00 pm :

Celluloid – Tonight’s film is the spectacular ‘Life of Pi’.

10:30 pm :

Finish the day worshiping our amazing God at Late Night Worship.

@MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 3 KEY:

9.30 am Power ministry part 2

Robby Dawkins

Robby continues his series on how we can we see more of the manifest power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

The Trinty and leadership

Roger Ellis

David Wilkinson In this seminar, Professor David Wilkinson reflects on his personal experience as an astrophysicist and a Christian to show how his science has enriched his faith and his faith has enriched his science. Seminar A (36024)

Finding your calling

Sarah-Jane Marshall

If you’ve just graduated or are going to graduate in the coming year, you’re probably asking lots of questions about what the next step is and thinking about that mysterious thing known as ‘calling’. But what does it mean?! How do we start narrowing down our options? Come and explore how you can find a place to use the skills and talents you have to serve God and bless others. Seminar B (36027)

Radical living: The Kingdom of God

Freddie Pimm

Come and learn more about the Trinity and explore, in practical terms, how knowing more about God’s nature and the wonderful interrelationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit can revolutionise the way we undertake leadership and work with others.

Our culture today can seem hostile to the Christian message with Christians often pigeonholed as boring, naive and judgemental. Ouch! How can we live a radical Kingdom lifestyle that will impact those around us and help break people’s misconceptions of Christianity?

Café Uno (36025)

Union Bar (36030)

Live Lounge (36050)

Science and faith: Discord or harmony?

Get Equipped

Dealing with injustice: The story of him and her

Character matrix 2 – We are in this together

David Westlake

Jasper Rutherford We are not meant to develop Jesus’ characteristics on our own but together. It’s not about how compassionate I am or how generous you are; it’s about how together we can be more generous or compassionate as the people of God. So how can we grow together and what role does the church play in character formation? Seminar C (36028)

Getting collared

Sean Doherty

Go Deeper

Go Further

Big Issues

2.30 pm Soul Sista: Having it all

Ali Martin

There’s a lot of pressure on women today to ‘have it all’, but what does that mean and is it something we should aspire to? Can we have a life perfectly balanced with work, rest and play whilst continuing to deepen our relationship with Jesus? Come along for an honest look at how we juggle our various roles and passions without losing our minds.

The Big Top (36032) God created men and women to be strong and loving but the fall twisted this into violence and lust towards one M ini Alpha #2: another. We hear shocking stories of violence against How can I have faith? women from around the world and this seminar will explore how we must start to challenge this injustice by If following Jesus is all about faith, then we’d better looking at our attitudes towards one another. know what it is and how to have it! Faith isn’t a blindSoul Action Café (36031) folded ramble in the dark; it can be far more clear and certain than that. Come and learn how the whole Trinity is involved, with the word of God, the work of Jesus, and the witness of the Spirit all helping us to live by faith. Café Uno (36033)

If you’ve got a passion for the Church of England and an inkling that God might be calling you to lead a church in the future, pop along to this seminar. We’ll be looking at what ordination is all about, how you work out whether it’s for you and what happens during selection and training.

Church planting on the margins

Blue Bradley

Establishing the faith community Mosaic Kingsland in NZ has been a white-knuckle ride for Blue and the team. Come along to hear a story of faith, hope and love that will inspire you to plant churches on the margins of society.

Seminar E (36029)

Live Lounge (36034) 46

@MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 3 KEY:

Soul Man: Man up

Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft

As men we can sometimes mistakenly believe that we have to hold everything together, thinking we have to be strong, fight and overcome. Andy and Mike will take a look at what the Bible has to say about true masculinity, talk about some of the biggest cultural pressures of today, and share honesty about the things they’ve struggled with in recent years. Seminar B (36035)

Projecting Jesus

Paul Weston

Each and every community needs churches that want to make a difference, and are committed to living out Jesus’ love over the long-haul. So how do we practically pray for and serve our local community, and what does a church-impacted community really look like? Seminar C (36036)

Going, going, gone

Eddie Lyle & Open Doors

Syria has made headlines for all the wrong reasons recently, but you might not have heard that the Church is under threat of being wiped out completely. What will this mean for those who are trying to follow Jesus and what can you do to help? Seminar D (36037)

Marriage enrichment: Investors or consumers?

Roger & Maggie Ellis

Get Equipped

Same sex relationships part 1: Theology

Sean Doherty

This seminar will challenge you to think about what you are contributing to your marriage. How are you enriching each other? Are you releasing one another to grow in your gifts and develop who you are through life’s different seasons? How can you develop a dimension of God’s calling as a couple? A seminar for those with a vision to invest more than they consume. Union Bar (36038)

Power ministry part 3

Robby Dawkins

If the Christian view of sex is that it should be within a marriage of one man and one woman, for life, why do Christians seem so hung up on the malefemale aspect of it? And is this really sustainable in a culture which believes that commitment and love are what matter? This seminar will look at the issue of homosexuality from a theological perspective and will explore some reasons why sexual difference might still matter. Café Uno (36040)

Changing your thinking

Robby completes his series on how we can we see more of the manifest power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Seminar A (36075)

4.00 pm

Jamie Scott

We have thousands of thoughts every day but we’re so used to them that we’re often not even aware of what we’re thinking. In this session we’ll look at why scripture challenges us to renew our thinking and give practical steps to break down the self-defeating beliefs so many of us live with. Live Lounge (36041)

Discipleship in a digital age

Rich Wilson

We are the most informed generation ever with virtually any information we desire only a few clicks away. But is it doing us any good? In this seminar Rich will explore the impact of technology on us, our relationships and how we view the world.

Beating apathy

Thom Jee

Stuck in a rut? Finding it hard to pray? Is the whole faith thing just feeling like a struggle? We all have those times so let’s get together to think about why we do what we do, and to see how God wants us to react to apathy in the routine and busyness of everyday life. Seminar B (36042)

Go Deeper

Go Further

Big Issues

Equal! Why women in leadership is so important.

Bishop Graham Cray Women exercising leadership in the Church matters. It takes us back to God’s original design, overturns injustice, prevents unnecessary offence, gives a foretaste of God’s promised future and helps the Church take hold of a unique opportunity today. Come and explore what the Bible really says about women in leadership and what we need to do about it. Seminar C (36043)

Passionate discipleship: Fulfilling potential

Freddie Pimm How can we fulfil our potential in God? How do we flourish as disciples of Christ with contemporary lifestyles? Freddie will help us unpack answers to these questions through looking at the Bible and lessons God has taught him. Seminar D (36044)

Healing instead of hurting

Jeannie Morgan

Life can give us damaging blows through loss, failure, pain and suffering. Sometimes these can leave us with wounds that won’t seem to heal, but in Jesus there is hope for healing. Come along and explore how we can receive healing and move towards wholeness. Prayer ministry will be available. Seminar E (36045)

Seminar A (36039) 48

@MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 3

DAY planner: DAY 4 KEY:

what’s happening


8:30 am : 9 am -2 pm :

Breakfast Café opens.

11:00 am :

Head to the Big Top for our morning meeting. (36104)

12:00 pm :

The Furnace is open for you to come and pray. There will be some quiet space and creative resources available.

1:00 pm :

2:00 pm :

Sign up at Information to get to know some new people through Coffee For Six.

9.30 am

what’s happening


7:00 pm :

Our evening celebration will be kicking off at 7pm (36105) and the Big Top Café is open before and after to provide some tasty refreshments.

9:00 pm :

Grounds is ready to welcome you.

9:30 pm :

• ToolShed opens. • Indoor sports tip off. • Take some time to pray at the Furnace. • T he Union is in full swing so come and get yourself on the dance floor! • Enjoy tonight’s fun and games at the Live Lounge. • Cafés open.

Pop along to check out the resources and cafés in the ToolShed, or find a nice spot in Café Uno, the Soul Action Café or Grounds. Get sweaty on the sports field.

10:00 pm :

Open Doors will be leading a prayer meeting for the Church in Syria in Seminar A.

10:00 pm :

Catch the quirky ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ at Celluloid.

10:30 pm :

Finish the evening with some more praise at Late Night Worship.

Get Equipped

the Gospel in Proclaiming today’s culture

Rico Tice Biblically balanced evangelism needs to be based on three great foundations: God’s Sovereignty (which means we pray), Integrity (which means we tell the truth) and Creativity (which means we reach for people within the culture). But how do we balance these three? And how can we teach Mark’s Gospel in four words?! Seminar A (36046)

Essential secret habits

Rupert Charkham

God has provided us with all the resources we need to keep going and keep growing. We’ll be looking at the tried and tested habits of spiritually healthy people – even those ones they try and keep secret.

Go Deeper

Go Further

Big Issues


Ben Gower

With 1.4 billion people living in extreme poverty today, is there anything we can do? How can this change? What about corruption or a lack of resources? How do we keep on caring when there are so many needs? Come along to get equipped and hear from people around the world as we address these questions together. Seminar B (36049

Hit the ground running after graduating

Ness Wilson

The choices you make after graduating can set you up for a life of adventure, generosity and fulfilment. This seminar will look at how sowing seeds of spiritual DNA into that season can help you reap the rewards for decades to come. Seminar E (36051)

Café Uno (36047)

Sexy marriages

Roger & Maggie Ellis

Sex is God’s gift to marriage so how can we make the most of it? This seminar aims to increase the highs and help you navigate the lows. Roger and Maggie will talk very practically about real life sex, so come prepared for honesty mixed with lashings of grace and hope. Live Lounge (36048)


@MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 4 KEY:

9.30 am More: is greed good?

Mark Bailey

The god of ‘more’ is never, ever satisfied. How do we kill it? This seminar explores Paul’s declaration that he will not be mastered by anything, and the supernatural ability available to us to wrestle against the temptation of all forms of greed. Union Bar (36052)

Dealing with injustice: money, money, money…

David Westlake With billions of people around the world living on less than $2 day, we are wealthier than 85% of the world’s population. Are we okay with that? How can we change the inequality of poverty in our world? Soul Action Café (36053)

2.30 pm Soul Sista meets Soul Man: Sex & relationships Q&A

MIKE PILAVACHI, ALI MARTIN AND ANDY CROFT It doesn’t matter whether you’re single, dating or married - sex and relationships can seem like a minefield. So how do we navigate this whole area in our 20s and 30s – managing the temptations, dealing with the highs and the lows, and seeking God’s best at each life-stage? We’ll be taking your questions on all of this via text so come along and ask anything you like! The Big Top (36054)

how can we go on being filled by God’s spirit when we’re back in our everyday lives? Come along with an open and expectant heart to find out more about how your life can be changed. Café Uno (36056)

Renewing your vows to God

Jamie Scott

Paul spent the first year of his life in an orphanage before being adopted into a non-Christian family. He came to faith in his early 20s and when he read Psalm 139 he felt his life get put into perspective. Using his own experience Paul will explore how we grasp God’s plans with both hands, connect to his big picture, and make our lives count.

Mini alpha #3: How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? We talk a lot about the Holy Spirit at Momentum so what does it mean to be filled with him? How does he help us get to know God better? What difference will the Holy Spirit make in our lives? And

Go Further

Big Issues

My heart bleeds

Eddie Lyle & Open Doors

The church around the world is connected and if one part of the body suffers, we all suffer. Many Christians are beaten, abused, arrested, tortured or even murdered for their faith; our family is bleeding. God is calling us to support, pray for and help our brothers and sisters so come along and learn more. Seminar D (36060)

Live Lounge (36057)

Is it possible to evangelise today without coming across as strange and deluded?! How can today’s Church connect the gospel with modern culture?

Rend Collective Experiment

Paul Weston

Go Deeper

When we find ourselves back in an old habit or way of living that doesn’t line up with our relationship with God, we often isolate ourselves and find it hard to reconnect with God. This session is about practical wisdom to help you navigate these times well and to help others do the same.

Worship, creativity & community

Make it count

Seminar A (36055)


Get Equipped

What if worship were more about family and being connected than music? What if true ‘image-ofGod’ creativity were a community project? What if polish and perfection took a backseat to organic authenticity? Come along and re-imagine worship with Rend Collective. Seminar B (36058)

Transformers: stories of transformation

Contemporary evangelism: how to lose friends and alienate people

Freddie Pimm

Seminar E (36061)

The last year in music

Bishop Graham Cray

God’s fingerprints remain all over the music scene. Bishop Graham takes a look at the last year in music through Christian eyes, including Mumford & Sons, Laura Marling, Paramore, Atoms for Peace, Suede, Passenger, David Bowie and many others. Union Bar (36062)

Jasper Rutherford We connect with stories and stories shape our culture, so in this seminar we’ll be sharing stories of what God has done in people’s lives. There will be opportunity for you to share your own story in less than five minutes. Seminar C (36059) @MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 4 KEY:

4.00 pm

Creativity in local church worship

Beth Croft & Sam Bailey

At its heart our worship must be authentic which means there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach. So how do we make the most of what we’ve got in our local church? How do we encourage passionate worship Sean Doherty when our band is made up of a flute, a trombone, and a didgeridoo?! What if we don’t have any musicians at Jesus calls us to love and accept everyone all? Come along as we explore ideas to get creative and unconditionally but so often the church is seen as homophobic and unwelcoming to gay people. If people grow in our love for God, his people and his worship. are born with a fixed sexual orientation, isn’t it unfair Live Lounge (36065) to expect gay people never to express their sexual feelings in a relationship? This seminar will look at Living mission how we can support and welcome people with same Rich Wilson sex attraction, drawing on the perspective of someone who is same sex attracted themselves. Want to be part of a student movement that changes

Same sex relationships part 2: Pastoral

Seminar A (36063)

A theology of play

Andy Croft

If you feel guilty about taking time off, unsure about whether you can ‘justify’ spending money on a holiday and have grave doubts about whether Jesus would approve of your second portion of Ben & Jerry’s, you have a bad theology of play. This isn’t a seminar about excess but it is about thinking seriously and theologically about the importance of fun, joy and Bank Holidays. Café Uno (36064)


the world? This seminar will help us look again at a message that makes us alive as human beings and think about how we can spread it in a way that’s natural, instinctive and fulfilling. Seminar B (36066)

Get Equipped

Leadership styles

Roger Ellis

What are the core qualities of Christian leadership and how can they be worked out in different contexts and by different personality types? Come and explore as we look at how we can grow our leadership gifts in line with the heart and values of scripture. Seminar D (36068)

Christian femininity

Maggie Ellis

Our society gives us many mixed messages about femininity, so in this seminar Maggie will take us on a walk through Scripture to shed some light on what it means to be fully human and fully female. Maggie will also draw on her own journey as a wife, mother, businesswoman, executive coach, psychotherapist, and founding director of a growing charity. Seminar E (36069)

Blocks to receiving inner-healing

Loud & Clear part 2 Continuing the series of how we communicate God’s word, Ali will be looking at building clear content and structure for a talk, using illustrations, and applying the Bible. Seminar C (36067)

Go Further

Big Issues

what’s happening


8:30 am : 9 am -2 pm :

Breakfast Café in Grounds.

11:00 am : 1:00 pm : 2:00 pm :

Morning meeting (36106).

2:30 pm :

Student reception in the Soul Action Café

5:15 pm :

Come along and get involved in the Soul Action Fun Run.

Don’t forget to sign up at Information if you’d like to take part in Coffee For Six. ToolShed and cafés open. Take your pick from archery, basketball, Panna football and much more in our Sports venue.

what’s happening


7:00 pm :

You know the drill: it’s our evening celebration! (36107)

Why is it that we can sometimes receive prayer and do all the things we’re supposed to do but we still struggle to be free from past hurts and inner pain? Jeannie will help us explore the choices we’ve made, the significance of vows, irrational beliefs, anger and fear, to help us move towards freedom and healing. Prayer ministry will be available.

9:00 pm : 9:30 pm :

Enjoy a quiet cuppa in Grounds.

Union Bar (36070)

10:00 pm :

Tonight’s cinematic treat in Celluloid is ‘Untouchable’.

10:30 pm :

Join Rend Collective for some Late Night Worship.

Jeannie Morgan

Ali Martin

Go Deeper

@MomentumGB #MOM13

• Cafés, ToolShed and sports open. • You can enjoy a pint and some music at The Union or the Live Lounge. • Take some time to pray at the Furnace .


DAY planner: DAY 5 KEY:

10.00 am There are no seminars this morning so that we can all take communion together. We’ll start our morning meeting at 10am in the Big Top.

A passion for generosity

Live Lounge (36073)

Doing conflict well

2.30 pm Sex & singleness

Sean Doherty

The world is obsessed with sex, and at times it seems that the church is obsessed with marriage! But Paul tells us that singleness is better than marriage. This session will look at Jesus’ teaching on sex and relationships, and suggest that this offers a far more fulfilling way of life than contemporary sexual ‘freedom’. Seminar A (36071)

Worship Q&A

Soul Survivor team

This is your opportunity to put questions to our team on any aspect of worship. They’re happy to talk about anything from why we do things the way we do them at Momentum, to how to lead a band, to how to write worship songs, to who knows the best drummer jokes. Café Uno (36072)


4.00 pm

John Wright

Our God is unbelievably generous and he urges us to imitate him. His invitation is to a life which is far more exciting than many of us settle for, so come and be inspired to see what a generous life can look like.

Jamie Scott

The way we manage conflict has a long term impact on our own growth and the quality of our relationships, so in this seminar we will look at practical steps to managing conflict in a Godly manner across family, work and relationships. Seminar B (36074)

Coping with pain and disappointment

Ness Wilson

It is impossible to avoid pain and disappointment in life and how we handle it is critical to who we become. Will we let it lead to bitterness, cynicism and lowered expectations? Or is there a way to find God’s perspective and allow it to transform us? Seminar E (36076)

Introducing our mates to Jesus

David McNee

We love Jesus and we love our mates – so how do we introduce them? Most of us find it hard but thousands of students have been using Luke’s Gospel to help their friends meet Jesus. Come along and find out how easy it can be.

Go Deeper

Go Further

Big Issues

Mine: it’s all mine

Mark Bailey

We don’t own anything; all we have is a gift from God. Our time and talents are on loan to us and we Knowing you/knowing God need to be good stewards of them. This seminar will Blue Bradley explore how we fight against the sense of everything As a leader have you ever wondered who you are and belonging to us, and experience the freedom of why you do the things you do? In this session we are giving ourselves away. going to explore tools and processes that can help Seminar B (36081) you know how God made you to be YOU and why you might lead the way you lead! Seminar A (36078)

Loud & Clear part 3

Ali Martin

In the last of this series on being the best communicators we can be, Ali will be focusing on the final stages of preparation, delivery and body language, and what happens after you’ve given a talk. Café Uno (36079)

Radical obedience

Debby Wright

What might happen if we were able to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit? How might our lives, churches, and communities look different? Debby will be encouraging us with stories of radical obedience that might just change our understanding of who God is. Live Lounge (36080)

Hearing God’s voice

Mike Pilavachi

Hearing God’s voice can change our lives. But how does he speak to us? And how can we learn to be better listeners? Seminar C (36082)

An eager desire

Rupert Charkham

Some people seem more on fire for God than others. Why? How can we ensure that we really glow with the Spirit’s presence and grow in the use of his gifts? Seminar E (36083)

Help! Who am I?

Jeannie Morgan

Low self-esteem can affect our ability to form close relationships with Jesus and others, and impact our decisions and choices. How can we allow Jesus to rebuild our identity and show us who we really are? Prayer ministry will be available. Union Bar (36084)

Union Bar (36077)

Get Equipped

@MomentumGB #MOM13


DAY planner: DAY 5 what’s happening


8:30 am : 9 am -2 pm :

Breakfast Café opens.

10:00 am :

Our morning meeting starts early today so we can all take Communion together in the Big Top. (36108)

It’s your last opportunity to meet some new people through Coffee For Six – sign up at Information.

1:00 pm :

ToolShed and cafés open. Have you signed the Soul Action petition? Pop along to the stand in the ToolShed if not and add your name!

2:00 pm :

Sports tournaments finish up – who will be crowned the winners?!

what’s happening


7:00 pm :

It’s our last night so what better way to spend it than with some worship, teaching and ministry?! (36109)

9:00 pm :

Grounds is ready and waiting to welcome you.

9:30 pm :

Our cafés, the Live Lounge and the Union are all keen to entertain you – the choice is yours!

9:30 pm :

Last opportunity to get that book/CD/hoodie you’ve been after from the ToolShed.

10:00 pm :

Get proper emosh at Celluloid watching ‘Les Miserables’.

10:30 pm :

Join Rend Collective to end the week with some Late Night Worship.

find out how at the regent college booth and get a taste of vancouver, canada too!

58 2013



DAY 2 Sat 24th August




Science, religion & the search for extraterrestrial intelligence

9:30 am

2:30 pm

Soul Sista meets Soul Man: Porn is everywhere

DAY 3 Sun 25th August

Can we use the bible to solve moral dillemas today?


Abortion: breaking the silence in the Church

Robby Dawkins




The Old Testiment in one hour

Praying for people so that stuff happens

Character matrix 1 – humble pie

Me: worshiping self

Say what?

Mark Bailey

Patrick Regan

Chris Lane

Ali Martin

Jasper Rutherford


Go Further

UNION BAR Becoming a good partner Ness Wilson


Science & faith: discord or harmony?

Mini Alpha #1: Why did Jesus die?

A pathway through pain Rupert Charkham

A Kingdom vision for the workplace

The New Testiment in one hour

Sarah-Jane Marshall

Chris Lane

Loud & Clear part 1

A theology of work

Strip it all away

Creation vs science

Ali Martin

Andy Croft

Blue Bradley

David Wilkinson

The ‘C’ word

Do what?

Eddie Lyle and Open Doors

Patrick Regan


Power ministy part 3 Robbie Dawkins


The roots of injustice: why are people poor?

The Trinity and leadership

Power ministry part 2

Finding your calling

Roger Ellis

Robbie Dawkins

Sarah-Jane Marshall

A transforming encounter

Character matrix 2 – we are in this together

Ain’t about the chaching cha-ching

Getting Collared Sean Doherty

Dating Dilemmas Rachel Gardner and Andre Adefope

Radical living: The Kingdom of God Freddie Pimm

Jasper Rutherford

Soul Sista: Having it all


Alexandra Lilley

Rupert Charkham

David Wilkinson


Big Issues

David Westlake

Jonathan Jeffes

Mini Alpha #2: How can I have faith?

Church planting on the margins

Soul Man: Man up

Dealing with injustice: the story of him and her David Westlake

Projecting Jesus

Going, going, gone

Paul Weston

Eddie Lyle & Open Doors

Equal! Why women in leadership is so important.

Passionate discipleship: fulfilling potential

Bishop Graham Cray

Freddie Pimm

Marriage enrichment: Investors or consumers?

Blue Bradley

Roger & Maggie Ellis


Discipleship in a digital age

Same sex relationships part 1: theology

Rich Wilson

Sean Doherty

Proclaiming the gospel in today’s culture

9:30 am

DAY 4 Mon 26th August

Power ministry part 1


Sean Doherty


Changing your thinking Jamie Scott

Beating apathy Thom Jee

Essential secret habits

Sexy marriages


Rupert Charkham

Roger and Maggie Ellis

Ben Gower

Healing instead of hurting Jeannie Morgan

Hit the ground running after graduating

Rico Tice

More: is greed good? Mark Bailey

Ness Wilson

Dealing with injustice: money, money, money ... David Westlake

2:30 pm

Soul Sista meets Soul Man: sex & relationships Q&A

Make it count Paul Weston

Mini Alpha #3: How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Renewing your vows to God

Worship, creativity and community

Jamie Scott

Rend Collective Experiment

Transformers: stories of transformation

My heart bleeds Eddie Lyle & Open Doors

Jasper Rutherford

Contemporary evangelism: how to lose friends and alienate people

The last year in music Bishop Graham Cray

Freddie Pimm

Same sex relationships part 2: pastoral

4:00 pm

DAY 5 Tues 27th August

Café Uno

Go Deeper

David Wilkinson


10:00 am

2:30 pm

4:00 pm



Get Equipped

A theology of play Andy Croft

Sean Doherty

Creativity in local church worship

Living Mission Rich Wilson

Beth Croft & Sam Bailey

Loud and Clear Part 2

Leadership styles

Christian femininity

Roger Ellis

Maggie Ellis

Ali Martin

Blocks to receiving inner-healing Jeannie Morgan

C OMM U N I ON Sex and singleness

Worship Q & A

A passion for generosity

Doing conflict well

Sean Doherty

Soul Survivor Team

John Wright

Jamie Scott

Knowing you/knowing God

Coping with pain and disappointment

Introducing our mates to Jesus

Ness Wilson

David McNee

Loud and Clear part 3

Radical obedience

Mine: It’s all mine

Hearing God’s voice

An eager desire

Help! Who am I?

Ali Martin

Debby Wright

Mark Bailey

Mike Pilavachi

Rupert Charkham

Jeannie Morgan

Blue Bradley

@MomentumGB #MOM13


site map

Find your way around with these pretty maps.


The big map to below is of the whole site with all the camping villages listed too. To the right is a close up of the centre of the site with all the venues listed.




7 5


7 8











6 4 3



Deliveries Entrance



2 1 1

3 4









Blue Village: Teams Only




To Castle Cary

5 6












Blue Village: Teams Only








no access




7 8









4 7













































1 2 5





Site Map 2013








7 9






















































no access























no access

et To Shepton Mall

6 6



Car Park




6 5





@MomentumGB #MOM13


who’s who André Adefope

Rupert Charkham

Beth Croft

Roger Ellis

André is currently based in Manchester

Rupert is Vicar of Holy Trinity Church in

Beth heads up worship at Soul Survivor and

Roger is a pioneering leader and helped start

working for The Message Trust. He is co-

Cambridge and is passionate about seeing

our associated church, Soul Survivor Watford.

and build both the student ministry Fusion

author of the book ‘The Dating Dilemma’, and

people come to Christ and helping them live

She loves a bit of DIY, bidding for things

lives that make a difference. Rupert is married to Liz and

on eBay and raising up young worship leaders. Oh and her

also on the Oversight Team for 24-7 Prayer serving as their

‘No sex please we’re teenagers’ which led to the creation

they have two children and a dog. He’s excited about the

husband Andy, she loves him too.

Director of Training. Roger is an author (including the recently

of Romance Academy. His main loves are theology, drums,

Ashes and is expecting England to have won the series before

football and his fiancée.

Momentum starts.

Mark Bailey Mark and his wife Karen have been heading up Trinity Cheltenham for the last 19 years and have been on the New Wine Leadership Team for 14 years. They have three grown-up children, James, Sam and Hannah. Marks enjoys watching rugby, going to the gym, and taking his black Labrador for walks.

Sam Bailey Sam has been making his home in Watford for the last year where he is combining his passions for Jesus and music by being part of the Soul Survivor worship team. He’s a big fan of playing sports and hasn’t let more than his fair share of broken bones and injuries put him off. But in case you think that makes him sound tough, he’s been known to love a chick flick or two; just don’t tell him we told you.

Blue Bradley Blue lives in New Zealand where he works as the Director of the Northern Baptist

published ‘Essence: The Manifesto of Jesus’) runs a fishing

Robby Dawkins

Bishop Graham Cray Graham is Chairman of the Soul Survivor Trust and a bishop in the Church of England (which means he gets to wear a pointy hat). As well as being Mike Pilavachi’s boss he leads the Fresh Expressions team, which helps churches to plant new congregations to reach people who won’t come to the ones we’ve already got. He’s been an avid follower of popular music for 50 years - impressive!

business and is married to Maggie.

church in the downtown area of Aurora,

Tom Field

Illinois 17 years ago and have seen many

Tom is joining us all the way from New

Robby and his wife Angie planted a Vineyard

come to faith there. He has a deep passion to equip the Church in Power Evangelism so that people outside of the church may

Zealand where he has spent the past year leading worship in his local church, surfing

see God’s signs and wonders and meet with Jesus. Robby and

and sitting on beautiful beaches. We’re not jealous in any

Angie have six sons aged between 2 and 19.

way. At all. Not even a little bit.

Sean Doherty

Rachel Gardner

Sean is a tutor in Ethics at St Paul’s Theological

Rachel is the founder of Romance Academy

Centre and one of the clergy at a housing

and author of ‘Cherished’ and ‘Rise’ and

estate church plant in London. He has just

co-author of ‘The Dating Dilemma’. She is

Andy Croft

completed a doctorate on economic ethics, has written a

married to Jason, a youth pastor in North London, and they

Andy is Associate Director at Soul Survivor,

booklet on medical ethics, is married to Gaby (whom he met at

are proud parents of a beautiful little girl.

Soul Survivor) and they have three young children.

Assistant Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford, and heads up Soul61, our leadership training course. He has recently been ordained Deacon in the Church of England so is getting used to wearing a dress to work. Andy has a First Class honours degree in Theology from Cambridge and likes to disappear into a pile of books at any given opportunity. Thankfully he is also married to Beth who brings him back to the land where people are from time to time.

Ben Gower

Maggie Ellis

Ben is part of a small community church

Maggie is the Director of Lifecentre which

in Brixton, South London. He works

supports survivors of rape and sexual abuse. She is a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist

as a secondary school teacher and is an ambassador for the Global Poverty Project where he

and a Psychosexual therapist and has for many years written

has developed his passion for helping individuals and

Christianity magazine’s Agony Aunt column on sex. She is an

communities engage with issues of injustice.

Associate Trainer at Cantle leadership development centre

Easter Camp. He’s passionate about using


and Revelation Church, Chichester. He is

was one of the original teenagers in the BBC2 documentary

personality tools to help people to reach their potential, and in

in Scotland and an executive coach bringing leadership and

his spare time he loves to hang out with his three kids.

team coaching to large companies.

@MomentumGB #MOM13


who’s who Thom Jee

Eddie Lyle

Jeannie Morgan

Thom studied history at Oxford and is now

Eddie is the Chief Executive of Open

Jeannie is passionate about seeing Jesus

a teacher in Leamington. He loves log fires,

Doors UK & Ireland which means he

heal people from past hurts and is author

cups of tea and 14 ounce steaks. His idea of

travels extensively as an advocate for the

of the books ‘Let The Healing Begin and

heaven is playing grass tennis on a hot summer’s day but by

persecuted church. He is also President of Medic Assist

‘Encounter The Holy Spirit’. She is part of the Soul Survivor

his own admission is best to avoid if he is tired or hungry.

International. Eddie is married to Christine and they have a

team involved in encouraging and equipping people to be

21 year old son called Adam.

involved in prayer ministry.

Jonathan Jeffes

Sarah-Jane Marshall

Jonathan has been running a post-abortion counselling group for 20 years that supports and counsels men and women. He is married step children. Jonathan is a professional helicopter pilot working for the emergency services and air ambulance.

Chris Lane

Contemporary Christianity in the Work to see how God can use them through their daily work. She lives and worships in South London with her husband Joe.

Ali is part of the leadership team of Soul

and they have three kids (Daniel, Rebekah

Survivor and our associated church

and Hannah). He enjoys watching Man Utd and reading about theology, often at the same time.

Alexandra Lilley Alexandra lives on an estate in London’s King’s Cross, where she’s been active in church and community life for over a decade. She works as Assistant Minister at St Mary’s Islington and is training to be a vicar at St Mellitus College. She loves sushi, Icelandic music, good typography, cooking up feasts, and her book group.

Soul Survivor Watford. She loves helping speakers develop their gifts and wrote a book on communication called ‘Loud & Clear’. Ali is married to Aussie Joel and they have two young children, Will & Esther. She’s a fan of pic ‘n’ mix, good DVD box sets, and this year has taken up running.

as it sounds). He still heads up both Soul Survivor (the charity that Momentum grew out of) and its associated church Soul Survivor Watford. Despite his history of bad haircuts and even worse jokes, the Church of England still officially priested Mike as a vicar this year, so he will now

Freddie Pimm Freddie is a final year medical student at Imperial College in London. He lives in Fulham and attends a church called St. Alban’s. He loves spending time with his friends, talking about his hair care regime and playing sports - especially rugby, surfing and skiing.

Patrick Regan

David McNee David works for UCCF in Cardiff. He’s passionate about sharing the good news about Jesus Christ and helping others to do the same. He’s married to Miriam and can be found taking hockey far too seriously any given Saturday.


to lead people closer to Jesus through their songs and music.

Jasper Rutherford Jasper was a youth pastor for seven years

in Belfast and now helps head up Summer

(you’ll have to ask him if that’s as painful

respond only when addressed as Reverend Pilavachi.

Ali Martin

Community Church. He is married to Esther

multi-instrumentalists who play everything from bins to banjos. Hailing from Northern Ireland, they exist

Mike gave birth to all things Soul Survivor

Forum team. There she’s heading up a project to equip 18-30s

Chris lives in Salford and leads Langworthy

Rend Collective is an eclectic collective of

Mike Pilavachi

Sarah works for the London Institute for

to Francesca, lives in Sussex and has two children and two

Rend Collective Experiment

Patrick founded the charity XLP which serves thousands of young people and their families weekly in London. His work leads him to engage with politicians, gang members, victims, perpetrators, police and councils, and he was recently awarded an OBE. Patrick is married and has four children.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Madness which is Ireland’s largest Christian youth festival. He is a Church Army evangelist and passionate about seeing God’s kingdom break out in unexpected places. He is married to Lynne and they have three little children. His passion for Liverpool FC has taught him much about patience and suffering.

Jamie Scott Jamie is a Clinical Psychologist working at the Hillsong Health Centre in Sydney, Australia, and is passionate about seeing people deepen their relationship with God and be freed from trauma, anxiety and depression. Jamie is married to Suzi and they have two small children.

Rico Tice Rico is the Associate Minister at All Souls, Langham Place in London where his main role is to help those who are enquiring about the Christian faith. He developed the Christianity Explored course, which introduces people to Jesus through studying the Gospel of Mark. Rico is married to Lucy and they have two young boys.


who’s who

Poverty is boring Find out why at the Compassion stand

David Westlake

“The greatest commandment is not just to

feel – but to act – with compassion. What better way to step up to this challenge than to change the future for a child in poverty? I applaud and support the work of Compassion.

David works for Tearfund as their Integral Mission Director, heads up Soul Action, is a trustee of Soul Survivor and is part of the leadership for The Cinnamon Network. Because that gives

him a lot of spare time, he’s also doing a PhD. Thankfully David’s wife, Minu, and daughter, Ellie, make sure that life doesn’t become all work and no play.


Paul Weston Paul is the leader of New Generation Church in South London and part of the leadership teams for the Pioneer Network and Spring Harvest. He is married, has two kids, and enjoys mountain-

COMPASSION UK CHRISTIAN CHILD DEVELOPMENT 43 High Street, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8BB | Registered Charity No. 1077216 Registered in England No. 3719092

climbing and skiing. Paul is also a trained chef.

David Wilkinson

COM_16915_SoulSurvivor_Programme_stg3.indd 1

David is the Principal of St John’s College

Debby Wright

in Durham and a professor of Theology.

Debby leads Trent Vineyard in Nottingham

Having previously been a scientist, he

with her husband John. Trent Vineyard

is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and did a

is a large, vibrant church known for being

PhD on terrestrial mass extinctions (such as the event

outward-focused and compassion-driven. Debby grew up

which wiped out the dinosaurs). David is interested in

in Chile before returning to England where she was part of

Theology, Mission & Worship

the relationship of theology to contemporary culture

St Andrew’s Chorleywood. John & Debby helped start the

and his new book ‘Science, Religion, and the Search for

For the 21st Century

first European Vineyard before planting Trent Vineyard.

Extraterrestrial Intelligence’ is out this summer.

She has two sons, a fabulous daughter-in-law and at least

28/06/2013 10:59

25 pairs of shoes.

Rich Wilson


Rich is the National Team Leader for Fusion

John Wright

and is passionate about students living all

With his wife Debby, John leads Trent

out for God. Rich is married to Ness and lives

Vineyard in Nottingham, a church they

in a community household with family and friends. He is also

planted in 1996. He has a passion to reach

involved with the leadership of Open Heaven Church. To relax

this generation for Christ, and for the church to connect in a

he enjoys a round of golf, any form of food and drink, and

relevant way with today’s culture. He loves the Lord, his wife,

playing with his kids.

his sons and his Ducati motorcycle!

BA in Theology and Youth Ministry Ordination Training MA in Christian Leadership Theology Degrees St Mellitus College is a learning community dedicated to helping Christians explore their faith more deeply through a combination of academic excellence and the flexibility to fit around church, life and ministry. Please contact us for more information.

Momentum goodies

You can get your hands on great resources from our shop all year round at, with free UK p&p.

Want to pick up some resources to take home with you? Head to the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and see what takes your fancy!

Soul Survivor Bible

A brilliant resource for you or for any young people you know, it’s packed with articles and helpful info to help you really get stuck in to God’s word.

2013 live album

Pre-order your copy of the 2013 Live Album to get your fix of the summer sounds! We’ll post it out to you as soon as it comes into stock so you should get it delivered to your door before it’s even in the shops. We’ll announce which songs will be featured nearer the release date (which is usually early November) but we know for sure there will be a double CD with Soul Survivor and Momentum volumes. Don’t forget to use your voucher at the back of the programme to save £5 off the RRP.


£11.99 or £9.99 with vouchers (RRP £14.99)

All the talks

You can catch up on any talks you missed or share them with a friend. MP3s of all the talks or DVDs of the main stage talks are £30 or £25 if you order in the ToolShed using your voucher from the back of the programme.



Soul Survivor 20th anniversary collection

Can you believe we’ve been putting on events for 20 years now?! To celebrate our birthday, Integrity Music have released a special compilation album with two CDs and 30 songs from our worship times since 1993. Featured worship leaders include Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Beth Croft, Ben Cantelon and Lex Buckley.


Individual talks can be ordered from the ToolShed or from our website (although it might take us a while to make each one available after Momentum as the office is shut until the middle of September).





Soul Survivor hoodies

Jute bags

MP3 download £1, main meeting DVD of one session £4 or video download £2, CD of any other talk £2.50.


Ethically sourced and beautifully warm!



@MomentumGB #MOM13

akeling t Mark W ent Freese



coffee for six

stay in touch! This is no summer romance – we want to keep in touch all year round!

social media @MomentumGB #MOM13

We know you’re a sociable bunch so throughout Momentum we’ll be running ‘Coffee for six’ as a way for you to meet and chat to more people.

The idea is as follows: •S ign up at Information on Days 2-5 between 9am and 2pm. • Your name will be randomly assigned to a group of six. • You will receive a text (hopefully later that day) letting you know a time and a table number. Be the first to know what’s going on by signing up to our newsletters! Scan this link using your Smartphone and you’ll be able to automatically sign up to receive them (clever eh?) or you can head to our website and you’ll find a link on our homepage.

• At the given time head to meet your group in Grounds. Sign up at Information on Days 2-5 between 9am and 2pm to have coffee later that day.

• Voila! Enjoy a natter with your new found friends. This is a great opportunity for you all to get to know other people! If you’d prefer to sign up with a friend, that’s no problem – we can assign you to the same group. Listen out in the main meetings for some other opportunities to get to know new people too!


@MomentumGB #MOM13 momentumUK soulsurvivoruk

use #MOM13

on Instagram so we can all see each other’s pics through the wonders of the Nashville filter! 73

soul 61 Soul61 is the part of Soul Survivor that focuses on equipping, resourcing, teaching and supporting young people in leadership. Our main programme is a ten month course to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus and equip them to serve him through leadership.

What’s it all about? Soul61 isn’t just a gap year! It’s an opportunity for you to join the Soul Survivor family – to learn with us, grow with us, hone skills and develop as a person and as a leader. We want to give you space to encounter God, worship him, wait on him and allow him to mould you into the person he wants you to be.

Who’s it for? Soul61 is for anyone between the ages of 18-24 who feels the call of God on their life to serve his people. We aren’t looking for individuals who have it made, we’re looking for those who have a genuine and deep desire to develop their character, and have an openness to be used by God wherever he chooses.

What will I do? You will be based at Soul Survivor Watford and you’ll be involved with one of our teams such as events, youth, evangelism or production teams. You will be thrown in the deep end, stretched and tested by things you may not have done or experienced before. We want to prepare you to lead and we believe the best way of doing that is by trusting you with real situations and responsibilities. 74

Where do I apply? For more information, including how to apply, head to Alternatively, pop along to the ToolShed and have a chat with some current Soul61s at the Soul61 stand.

international welcome times: LOCATION:

Day 2 at 4:00pm: Soul Action Café

If you’re here from foreign shores please pop along to say hello to our team on Day 2 at 4pm.

student reception times: LOCATION:

Starting uni in September?

We’d love to meet you and have a chat over a traditional cream tea (for the uninitiated this involves scones, cream, jam and plenty of good old English tea. We like to think it’s one of our better customs). This is a great opportunity to connect with our team, to meet other internationals and to find out more about the other Soul Survivor events that take place around the world.

Day 4 at 2:30pm:

Link up to your University Christian Union now. Link up with the CU where you’re going to study and we’ll make sure you receive: a warm welcome from the CU when you arrive, help in finding a local church and support from like-minded Christian friends as you live and speak for Jesus at uni. Visit us in the Toolshed - or register on line - and we’ll give you a free hardback Uncover – Starting Uni Edition Luke’s Gospel when you Link up.

Soul Action Café Calling all students! Come and join the Soul Survivor team for a chat and the opportunity to meet others who are at uni or who are about to start. Our friends from Fusion and UCCF will be joining us to give us advice on finding great churches and getting stuck into Christian Unions too. 76

upcoming events

Scan here to sign up for our monthly emails to stay in the know about upcoming events.

SoulNet Retreat

If you’ve enjoyed your time at Momentum, here are some upcoming events you might like to come along to. 2014

31st January – 2nd February Youth leaders check out for details of our Center Parcs retreat, plus prayer breakfasts around the country, equipping days and more events just for you!

Momentum retreat weekend 14th –16th March

Friday 22nd - Tuesday 26th August Bath and West Showground, Somerset

MOMENTUM RETREAT WEEKEND Friday 14th - Sunday 16th March Sherwood Forest Center Parcs, Nottingham




We can’t wait until next summer to hang out so we’ve snuck a winter retreat in the diary! Come along to spend a weekend with hundreds of other 20 and 30 somethings and enjoy a relaxed weekend with worship, teaching, ministry. Plus there will be loads of opportunities to hang out with friends and meet new people, all in the brilliant surroundings of Center Parcs! Last year the weekend was fully booked so get in early to avoid disappointment.



Saturday celebrations 13/14 FOR 20BER DATESSEP TEM TH




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Each month we get a bunch of us together to make space for worship, teaching and ministry at our warehouse in Watford. The celebrations are free and take place at 5pm then again at 8pm – dates are available at


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£10 for one day or £15 for both







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Loud & Clear



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Passionate about communicating God’s word? We’ve got two Equipping Days led by Ali Martin looking at how we can do that to the best of our abilities. The days will cover topics like how to find and develop an idea, how to structure talks, how to use illustrations, body language, and delivery.

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ER 2014



In 2014 we’re holding an event in Scotland for the first time so if you know anyone who would be interested in attending or being on team, please help us spread the word! For all Soul Survivor event dates please see



TUE 12


This conference is all about learning more about the Holy Spirit, waiting on him to fill us, and stepping out in his gifts. We’ll spend time looking at God’s word, worshiping him, and praying for one another, that we might be better equipped to see the Holy Spirit move whether we’re leading a service at church, or praying for a healing at a bus stop.








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Momentum 2014 22nd – 26th August Let’s do it all again next year! We’ll be back here in Somerset next August making time and space to meet with God and to be changed to be more like him. Don’t forget to book early to get the cheapest possible rate! All the info is on

Find out more and book online at


Mentoring or working with any under 18s? Bring them along to Soul Survivor to help them deepen their relationship with God! Or how about volunteering to be on team and being one of the amazing people who makes Soul Survivor happen? We’d love to have you!


19th –22nd February

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Soul Survivor 2014


26th October & 16th November 2013


Soul Survivor Watford, WD24 7GP

@MomentumGB #MOM13


the offering Support Momentum

On Day 4 we’ll take up an offering in our main evening meeting. Please don’t feel under any compulsion to give but if you’d like to, here are some details about the work the money goes to.

Momentum is part of the Soul Survivor charity and we’d love you to consider getting involved in our work.

Soul Action Soul Action is a partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund that began so we could help more young people engage with the issues of poverty and injustice in our world. We’re passionate about informing, encouraging and equipping people to get involved and to make a difference, particularly in the area of modern slavery. Find out more about Soul Action and the STAND campaign on page 88 and at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed.

Investing in young leaders One of our passions is to raise up young leaders who will bless and serve the church. We run a leadership course called Soul61 and are looking at various ways we can resource and develop leaders especially in the areas of church planting and worship leading. Find out more about Soul61 on page 74.


We really appreciate you praying with us as we want to make sure we’re always following where God leads and being obedient to what he’s saying. We also want to pray that God would continue to bless and meet with each one of the people who come to our events throughout the year.


We wouldn’t be able to run our Momentum or Soul Survivor summer events without the help of our amazing volunteers. If you’d like to be part of our team you can check out all the different roles on offer at


Whilst our ticket prices cover some of our costs they don’t cover everything we currently do and all the things we’d like to do in the future. We’re particularly keen to fundraise so that we can develop more resources for you guys and to look at ways we can grow young leaders – particularly in the areas of church planting and worship leading. You can give through our website or you can pick up a form from our stand in the ToolShed.

The persecuted church Around the world our brothers and sisters are persecuted for their belief in Jesus. We work closely with groups in Central Asia to encourage, resource, equip, support and strengthen members of the Church who are suffering for their faith.

tell: If you would like to give to these causes outside of the main meeting, pop into Information and the team would be happy to take your donation.


The more people that come to our events, the more money we have to make those events better! If you’ve enjoyed being here at Momentum we’d love for you to tell your friends about what we’re doing and invite them along to future events.

To find out more, pick up a ‘Get Involved’ booklet from our stand in the ToolShed. @MomentumGB #MOM13


The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics Helping the thinker believe and the believer think The Team

The OCCA team includes some of the clearest Christian minds in the UK including:









d one-year an r six-week, u o n o s rg il a .o a For full det www.theocc urses, visit co r a e -y o tw


Youth Apologeti cs Day, 14th Sept

For our day training and weekend courses, visit To receive our free regular e-newsletter with apologetics articles, downloads and much more, email: with your name and email address.

@theocca or

prayer ministry

One of the things we’re really passionate about is meeting with God. During the main meetings we will always try to let God lead what’s going on and make space for him to meet with us. As part of this the leaders of the meeting will make time for us to wait on God’s Spirit and pray for particular groups of people they believe God wants to ‘minister’ to. This is a great opportunity for God to work in our lives and it’s brilliant to be as open to him as possible. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray; Mike P and the team will talk you through what’s going on as it happens (to the best of their knowledge!) We also have an experienced Enabling Team (wearing bright pink badges) who will be around to give you a guiding hand or answer your questions. We’d really encourage you to get along to our seminar called ‘Praying for people so that stuff happens’ too.

What happens? OCCA 76 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6JT, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1865 318450

Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to wait on and respond to the Holy Spirit. The most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Try to stay open to what God might want to do in your life and invite him to speak to you. Everyone responds differently to meeting with God so try not to focus too much on your reaction or the reactions of those around you. We can experience God in all sorts of ways and physical manifestations aren’t the important thing. If you’d like to receive from God just stay focused on him. If you’d like to pray for other people, have a read on for some helpful tips.


prayer ministry A guide to praying for others…

P rayer ministry can bring up all sorts of personal stuff and so it’s a great principle to have guys praying for guys and girls praying for girls.

When you’re praying remember you are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other but we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given. Lots of it is just straight-forward common sense!

Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation; this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! I f appropriate you can speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, but be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and always seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3). E ncourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. The laying on of hands to pray is Biblical. We see Jesus touch a man to heal him of leprosy in Mark 1 v40-45 and he lays hands on the children to bless them in Matthew 19v13-15. That said, not everyone is comfortable with this so please be aware of that. Please also use common sense about where you place your hands so it doesn’t become distracting for the person you are praying for.


K eep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If someone does fall over in the power of the Holy Spirit then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). If you can, put a jumper or jacket under the person’s head. It is not always necessary to stay with them for the whole time but if you move away encourage them to keep receiving from God and keep an eye on them to check they are safe. It can be helpful to whisper to them that you will return in a little while so they know that they are not forgotten. It can become very hot in the Big Top when there are lots of people together during times of prayer ministry. If the person you are praying for is sweating, offer them a drink of water. Usually water and cups are available at the front of the stage or you can ask someone on the Enabling Team. I t’s very important to allow the expression of feelings and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally fine but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he wants to do, we don’t want to get in the way of that and we want to make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, and be prepared to wait; this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there to support you and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary. I f someone has been crying for a long while or releasing deep pain they may start breathing too fast which can lead to spasms in their hands and legs. Encourage the person to concentrate on breathing slowly – this won’t stop what God is doing and will make sure the person is OK. Remember you can always call over a member of the Enabling Team if you are worried. I t’s brilliant to have more than one person praying for someone at a time so feel free to go over and join someone who’s praying already. That said, it’s can be distracting if a large group gather around someone when the ministry is of a sensitive nature so please ensure people have enough personal space. I f at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help from the Enabling Team. We all find ourselves in situations that we can’t handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more!


fair play

prayer ministry Praying for physical healing When Jesus healed people in the Bible he spoke to the sickness and ailments and commanded them to be healed. Jesus gives us the power and authority to do the same in his name. So, for example, if you are praying for a sight problem, speak to the eye and tell it to ‘Be open and see in Jesus’ name’. If you’re praying for an ear, speak to the ear and tell it to be open and hear in the name of Jesus. When praying for injuries that cause pain or immobility ask the person before you start to pray what level of pain they have on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest pain possible). Speak to the condition in the name and authority of Jesus and command it to be healed. Speak to the pain and tell it very firmly to ‘Stop it,’ in Jesus’ name (but remember you don’t need to shout!). If appropriate speak to the mobility of the joint or limb and tell it to be healed in Jesus’ name. After this short prayer ask the person to test for pain and mobility in the injured area. Ask for the number out of 10 of the level of pain and mobility to see if it has gone down. Repeat the prayer if necessary and for as long as you are both comfortable.

and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven.

We know you’re a thoughtful bunch who would like to help save the planet one act at a time, so help us be green during Momentum.

If someone would like extra prayer you can refer them to a member of the Enabling Team or to the Chat Room. Encourage the person to receive as much prayer as they like during the event but also to seek ongoing ministry support from their home church. Don’t make any appointments to pray with the person outside of the meeting.

• We’ve made it easy for you to recycle glass, plastics, cans and cardboard by putting recycling bins around the showground. Please take the time to separate out your rubbish.

All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling Team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.

And finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people feel a bit concerned or nervous when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keeping in mind how you would like to be prayed for, and constantly asking for God’s help. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers 86

• D on’t waste water – try and be as quick as you can in the shower • Remember there are lots of different creatures who like to make their home here on the Bath & West Showground. Let’s leave the site a nice place for them to live in.

Help us play-fairly We’ve tried to make as much of the food and drink that you buy here at Momentum fairly-traded because we want to put our money where our mouths are when it comes to the slave trade. We’re passionate about seeing people set free from poverty and slavery and buying Fair Trade goods is an every day, choice we can all make to work towards that goal. Find out how else you can get involved with our Stand against slavery on page X and at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed.

Pass it on If you’ve got any leftover food at the end of Momentum and you don’t fancy dragging it back home with you, we’d be happy to pass it on to a local charity. Pop along to Seminar A after 5pm on Day 5 and we’ll collect all your unopened tins and packets.

@MomentumGB #MOM13


make a stand What is Soul Action? Soul Action is a joint partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund that exists to help people engage with God’s heart for justice. We want to encourage and equip people to take a stand against poverty and injustice because we believe this is part of our worship to God and absolutely key to being his disciples. Together we can make a real difference to the pain and need in our world so we want to encourage as many people as possible to make a stand together.

What is the STAND?

•S igning our petition that asks our Government to do something about slavery. You can sign the petition at our stand in the ToolShed, via our website, by texting1 STAND and your email address to 87080, or by scanning the code to the right with your Smartphone. • Spreading the word and encourage others to sign the petition too • Praying with us for change • Raising money for Soul Action projects that are working to prevent slavery. You can find more details of our projects and fundraising ideas on our website. • Downloading the Tearfund Rhythms app to help you take steps for justice every day

Texts will cost just your standard network rate

Our simple, every day choices can make a difference. So join the STAND and build rhythms of justice into your life. 27 million people will be glad you did.

We’d love for you to make a STAND by:


We have all heard the statistics that 27 million people are trapped in slavery. That’s 27 million men, women and children that today are being denied their basic human rights and are being forced to work in brothels, in homes, on farms, or in sweatshops. We believe our best opportunity to stand up against this hideous injustice is to build rhythms of justice into our lives.

with soul action

Soul Action are committed to helping those caught up in modern day slavery; we want to remember the forgotten, reveal the hidden and stand with the abused. We need your help. We want as many people as possible to sign our petition to ask the government to do more for those people who are trapped in slavery.





bible reading notes God’s presence – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is threaded through the pages of the Bible. Yet, there are times when God impacts people with his presence so strongly that it leaves a lasting mark both on them and on us, as we read about his glory.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Who’s your best friend? How do you speak to them?

How was the first day? What have you discovered about God and your relationship with him?

During Momentum we’re going to be looking at some of the times when God dwells dramatically with his people, and reflect on what that means for us.

This friendship just blows my mind:

But, before we start, spend a few moments in quiet, thinking about where you are with God. Do you experience his presence every day? Or do you feel a million miles from him? Be honest with yourself. And with God.

• Abraham remembers that God is God (see verses 27, 30, 31 and 32), but their conversation still seems remarkably equal.

Abraham bargains with God Moses sees God’s glory Read Genesis 18:16–33 and compare God and Abraham’s relationship with that of you and your best friend. • Abraham is so important to God that he thinks he should share his plans with him. • Abraham is so at ease in God’s presence that he feels able to bargain with God.

It’s easy, when we intentionally spend time in God’s presence, to either be over-familiar with him or to think of ourselves as so unworthy that we shouldn’t approach him. Abraham’s relationship with God shows us that we are important to God and we can draw near to him, but that we shouldn’t do that lightly. We need to remember who he is – he is the almighty God!

Read Exodus 33:7–23 and underline all the things that Moses experiences about being with God. Moses spends a lot of time in God’s presence. Not only while God dwells with the Israelites, but also alone up a mountain, talking with him. And here, we see Moses being described as God’s friend twice (verses 10 and 17). Like Abraham, Moses’ relationship with God is really close, and that’s partly because he spends so much time meeting with his Creator. hat do you think about Moses seeing God pass W by in his glory? I magine God calling you his friend. How does that make you feel? ow much do you seek to spend time with God, H your friend?

hat does this Bible passage show you about W God’s character? Think of the times that you spend in God’s presence. Are you like Abraham in his story? If not, why not?


@MomentumGB #MOM13


bible reading notes

Day 3:

Day 4: Elijah breaks down

Day 5: Isaiah sees it all

Every so often, things just go right for us – success at work or college, winning a new contract, writing a great essay, promotion, new house… When was the last time this happened for you?

Think about the last time you were really down. How did you reach out to God?

Write down all the words you might use to describe your feelings/actions in God’s presence. What’s the strongest emotion that comes through?

Solomon does it right

Read 2 Chronicles 5:1 – 6:2. At verses 1, 7 and 11 to 13, pause to imagine the scene. Here we see Solomon doing everything right. He has built the Temple for God, as God had instructed him to, and now he brings the Ark of the Covenant into the house of God. The Ark was the symbolic seat of God on earth, where God’s presence rested among his people, and it was vital to Israel as a nation.

Read 1 Kings 19:1–18 and reflect on when you’ve felt the same way as Elijah (you may not have been threatened with death, but you’ll probably have shared Elijah’s sentiments). Elijah has just won the most almighty victory over the prophets of Baal, because God showed his awesome power (read the story in 1 Kings 18). You might think that he would have been on top of the world, but thanks to the death threats of the queen, Jezebel, he is in the depths of despair. But God comes to him, not in the way that he might have expected (given the drama of the previous chapter), but in a gentle breeze.

The word ‘awesome’ is overused these days, but the result of the Ark being brought into the Temple is just that – awesome. God’s presence descends on the Temple God approaches him in a way that Elijah needs, with with such power and light that the priests have to leave. gentle care. He allows Elijah to pour out his heart, and then answers him with a master plan to move forward. If you had been in the crowd of Israelites How much do we expect to experience the watching what happened, what would you have presence of God in the same way every time? thought seeing that cloud of God’s presence? Does coming into God’s presence depend on you doing things ‘right’? This is probably quite a complex question to answer!

ow, in the next couple days, can you be open to H spending time with God on God’s terms, not yours?


Read Isaiah 6:1–13 and compare Isaiah’s response with the words you wrote down. Are there any similarities? Isaiah experiences God in an astounding way. This vision is not a cuddly God, but one of majesty and holiness. It leads Isaiah to realise his own sinfulness and he is certain of his own doom because he has come face-to-face with the Lord. How would you have reacted if you had had this vision? Would you have responded in the same way as Isaiah? I wonder if sometimes we take spending time in the presence of God too lightly. We treat God as if he comes at our beck and call. God is the almighty creator, holy, just, righteous, loving, glorious, full of grace and mercy… Is the God whom Isaiah encounters a challenge to our own impressions of him? Spend some time reflecting on this picture of God. He is holy and almighty, yet still shows Isaiah love and forgiveness. Ask him to give you a more complete picture of who he is.

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Day 6: The writer of Hebrews looks forward

Now you’re heading home, how would you say God has spoken to you? What did he say? (Or what is he still saying?) Read Hebrews 9 and underline some of the things that speak to you most clearly. In the Old Testament, as we have seen, the people interacted with God through their leaders or through the priests. The Temple and, before it, the meeting tent, served as the ‘house’ of God among his people. However, here the writer of Hebrews is looking forward to heaven. The Temple and the tent are just shadows of what is to come, and Jesus is the ultimate priest. And now, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can come into God’s presence. Jesus’ blood has rescued us from our sins (verse 15). We are free to come before God because of Jesus. What did you underline as you read? Lift these things before God now. Read Revelation 4 for a glimpse of how it will be in heaven. But until then, how are you going to spend time with God today? Tomorrow? Next week?


helpful information to say that we have something even better: village hosts! These lovely people are here to help, answer your questions about Momentum, and provide you with hot chocolate and a friendly ear. They might even have a mallet if you’re struggling with a tent peg so say hello and make the most of them.

General Information You can reach our office team by telephone on 0303 333 1333.

Information Helpdesk times:

Day 1 8.30am - 11pm, Days 2-5 9am - 5.30pm


Information Tent

Gate opening times Wristband replacement Your lovely shiny wristband needs to go everywhere you do so that you can get into all the venues. If you break yours, pop into Information with the broken pieces to have it replaced in exchange for £1. If you lose it entirely you have lost the game and will need to pay £40 to start again with a new wristband.

Our friendly team is here to help so pop along and say hello if there’s anything you need. The Info team can deal with all your booking queries, sell you Day Passes, give you up-to-date info on seminars and other goings on, they can even tell you the nearest place to do your laundry. Amazing huh?!


The Comms Team times: LOCATION: phone no:

Our stewards are a top-notch bunch. They are here to help keep us all safe which is a noble mission indeed. They will check your wristbands as you enter a venue, let you know if you’re causing an obstruction, and they even clear up the venues after you have long gone. What a lovely bunch! They are easy to spot with their distinctive yellow jackets and their kind faces. Please do listen to what they say and heed their warnings – they are a wise bunch.

24 hours a day Comms 0300 302 0330

Accident? Emergency? Practical problem like a broken toilet? Who you gonna call? Our Comms Team of course. Present them with a problem and see them rise If you’re looking for the latest info on seminar locations to the challenge like the conquering heroes/heroines and times, need to check out a map, or are trying to that they are. They are on hand 24 hours a day. find out what your evening entertainment options are, head for the big blue ‘i’ spots around the Showground.

Information Points

@MomentumGB #MOM13

Village Hosts We like to think of each camping section of the Showground as a village. Although we do admit we’re short of the pre-requisite village pub, we’re very happy 94

@MomentumGB #MOM13

If you need to get off the Showground the Blue Gate will be open between 7am and 10pm. Outside of these times, please use the Main Gate (or the deliveries entrance).

Facilities for hearing impaired delegates All main meetings have a loop system facility – please see the stewards in each venue for exact locations. Main meetings will be signed so please use the designated seating area in the Big Top.

Post services Feeling the need to make contact with your old French pen pal? Want to send your mum a ‘Shepton Mallet by night’ postcard? Pop it in the onsite post box and those lovely post men and women will come and collect it and make sure it is hand delivered to their door. Nice eh? If someone misses you so much they need to write whilst you’re here, get them to address the post as below then pop into Information to pick it up. Your name and delegate ref number c/o Momentum Information Royal Bath & West Showground Shepton Mallet Somerset, BA4 6QN 95

helpful information Lost Property LOCATION:

Road safety on the A371

Information Tent

Parting is such sweet sorrow. Or sometimes just a pain in the behind. So if you find you’ve been parted from any belongings pop along to Information to see if they’ve been handed in to Lost Property. If you don’t realise you’ve lost something until you get home, you can email lostproperty@soulsurvivor. com. We can only hang on to non-valuable items for a month before donating them to a charity shop so please get in touch as soon as possible.

Food If cooking over a camping stove is getting a bit tiresome, check out the food vans to experience Somerset’s finest culinary fare including burgers, Chinese food, crepes, hot doughnuts, sandwiches, jacket potatoes and chips, chips, glorious chips.

bread, pastries, milk and fruit, through to everyday essentials like toothbrushes and toiletries. You’ll also The A371 that the showground is located on is the find ice creams, chocolate, crisps and other tasty one of the main lorry routes across Somerset. Please treats there too. don’t try and walk along it – you are very precious and wouldn’t come off well after a fight with a lorry.


The nearest supermarket is Tesco which is a 10 minute drive away (where you’ll also find the nearest cash point). To get there, turn left out of the Main or Blue gate, follow the A37 into the centre of Shepton Mallet and look for the superstore signs. Using the wonders of the interweb you can also order your goods online and have them delivered to the showground. Handy! Just use the following address and make sure you’re available to collect your shopping from the main gate: YOUR NAME YOUR VILLAGE Royal Bath & West Showground Shepton Mallet Somerset, BA4 6QN

You can also find hot and cold drinks, tasty cakes and plenty of sweet treats at the Momentum cafes:

Freezer packs Don’t let your milk turn sour; instead keep your ice packs replenished with a trip to Stores. They are open between 8.30am-9am and 5pm-5.30pm each day and you can buy a new pack for £2 or exchange one for free.

Out of gas? There is a man who sells gas. We call him the Gas Man. He comes to sell his wares near the Main Gate by the Orange village at the times below so pop along and stock up on supplies. Day 1:


Days 2-5: 8.30am-9.30am, 12.30pm-2.00pm and 5.00pm-6.00pm Departure Day: 8.30am-9.30am for the return of deposits

Café Uno Soul Action café Grounds (which also offers breakfast) Momentum café (in the ToolShed) XLP Café

Onsite shop You may be on a showground but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the convenience of a corner shop. In the humble surroundings of a small shed, the shop provides all manner of things from fresh 96

@MomentumGB #MOM13


health & safety

First Aid times:

9am-midnight On call 24 hours a day)


Next to Main Gate

Should you require any medical attention whilst at Momentum then we have a lovely team of First Aiders on hand 24 hours a day. The medical centre is open from 9am to Midnight but if your needs don’t conveniently fit into those times, please go to Comms (or call on 0300 302 0330 ) and they will find a medically trained person for you. If you have an ongoing medical condition that may cause you problems during Momentum it would be really helpful if you could pop in and let the First Aid team know when you arrive. They even have a special fridge to store medications for you.

Sickness Fire regulations We know it’s tempting to huddle for warmth when the nights are chilly but please keep your tents at least 3 metres apart for fire regulations.

Quick quiz If you cook inside your tent you are: a) Asking for trouble b) Hoping for a visit to A&E c) Thinking it would be nice if the local fire brigade came to site Yep that’s right – it’s secret option d) all of the above. So give it a miss eh?


We don’t like D & V (diarrhoea and vomiting) so help keep it in check. Remember the basics and wash your hands regularly plus if you see any dirty or broken showers or toilets pop into Comms and share the gory details. If anyone in your group falls ill with a sudden fever, cough or D & V then try and keep them in their tent and contact the First Aid team. In an emergency call 0300 302 0330.

Emergency procedure 1 G o to Comms, call Comms on 0300 302 0330 or get hold of your nearest Steward/Village Host and allow them to contact Comms on your behalf.

2 D on’t call 999 yourself. This can cause confusion and delay help getting through.

site rules Every now and then we have to be a bit official, all in the name of keeping us all safe, so please have a read of the site rules and comply. 1) If anyone at Momentum is under 18 then they are, at all times, the responsibility of the group/youth leader or over 18 they came with.

10) No swimming in the lake. Nessy takes her holidays there and might nibble your toes.

3) No alcohol is to be consumed by any under 18s that are on site.

13) The use of generators is prohibited on site. Please speak to a member of the team in Comms if you have a critical need for a power supply. There will be a charge for the provision of an electrical hook up.

11) Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (on 2) Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except arrival owners and their guide dogs should pop into for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of Information). drugs will be evicted from the site and refused further 12) Do not go into any area that has been marked out of entry to the event. All drug-related incidents will be bounds by red and white tape or you might never be dealt with by our Site Management Team and the seen again. Police representatives on site.

4) After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire and Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Momentum are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled badge.

15) Momentum wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Momentum and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit 6) Wristbands must be worn at all times as they are the of the event. We reserve the right to cancel any such only way to get into venues. If yours gets lost please go person or group’s booking and escort them off the to Information to get a replacement (but please note site/premises immediately. If you think someone is there will be a £40 charge). trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (at Information) so we 7) Please respect other people’s privacy and don’t take can deal with the situation. any photos/video footage during ministry times. 5) No speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit. We know it’s so slow it’s painful, but see it as an opportunity to ask God to make you more patient.

8) If you want to roller-blade, skateboard or cycle after dark, you must have appropriate lighting. We’d hope that was obvious but there’s always one… 9) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents.

14) Unless you are a member of Momentum team and are on duty, please don’t wear a high-vis/fluorescent jacket. It’s way too 1984 (and causes confusion).

@MomentumGB #MOM13

16) Momentum does not operate any holiday insurance or cancellation scheme, we strongly recommend that you contact an insurance broker if you require this cover. We cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or personal property. Sorry about that.




A handy A-Z of everything you might ever want to know while you’re at Momentum! Archery 28 Baby bathing 34 Basketball 28 Bible teaching 11 Bible reading notes 90 Big Top 11 Big Top café 12 Bios 64 Breakfast café 17 Cafes Big Top café 12 Café Uno 14 Grounds/Breakfast café 17 Soul Action café 20 Momentum café 22 XLP café 18 Celluloid 32 Chat Room 26 Childrens work 34 Coffee for six 72 Communion 12 Day planner 39 Emergency procedure 98 Facebook 73 Feedback 8 Films 32 Kids films 35 First Aid 98 Food 96 Football tournament 29 Freezer packs 97 @MomentumGB #MOM13

Fun Run Furnace Gas Go-karts Grounds Gyro chair Information tent Information points Instagram International reception Internet access Late Night Worship Live album Live Lounge Leadership programme (Soul61) Lost property Main meetings Maps Ministry About Ministry guidelines Momentum Café Offering Panna Football Phone charging Prayer room - Furnace Recycling Retreat weekend Rules Seminars Seminar recordings

Save £5 on ALL THE MP3s

31 26

Buy audio recordings of all the seminar & main meeting talks from Momentum in MP3 format for just £25 (after the event it will be £30).

97 28 17 28 94 94 73 76 73 24 70 16 74 96 11 62 83 84 22 80 28 18 26 87 78 99 36

Shops Soul Survivor 70 Site shop 96 Tesco 97 Soul Action 88 Soul Action café 20 Soul Survivor Bible 70 Soul61(Leadership programme) 74 Sports 28 Student Reception 76 Stay in touch! 73 Testimonies 8 The Union 15 Threads magazine 18 ToolShed 22 Twitter 73 Ultimate Frisbee 29 Values 7 Volleyball 29 Website 73 Wi-fi 14, 17, 23 Worship 11 Wristband replacement 95 XLP Café 18

The MP3s will be supplied on data DVD. We will aim to get them to you by the end of September. Please note that this is a DVD. If you don’t have a DVD player on your PC or Mac then this product is very unlikely to work! This voucher is valid for one copy of the talks when ordered onsite at Momentum 2013 at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and cannot be used online.

Save £5 of the RRP on the SOUL

SURVIVOR & momentum LIVE ALBUM 2013

Only £9.99 when you order at the event. (RRP will be £14.99 on release)

The Live Album is due to be released by Kingsway in late November. This voucher is valid for one copy of the album when ordered onsite at Momentum 2013 at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and cannot be used online. The pre-order price without the voucher is £11.99.

Save £5 on video recordings of the MAIN

STAGE TALKS from momentum on DVD On site price £25 (after the event it will be £30).

We will aim to supply the DVD by the end of October. This voucher is valid for one copy of the main stage talks from this event on DVD when ordered onsite at Momentum 2013 at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and cannot be used online.



@MomentumGB #MOM13



momentum 2014

MOMENTUM SUMMER Friday 22nd - Tuesday 26th August Bath and West Showground, Somerset

MOMENTUM RETREAT WEEKEND Friday 14th - Sunday 16th March Sherwood Forest Center Parcs, Nottingham



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