Week A Programme 2013

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# soulsurvivor13

Includes vouc hers worth £15 ins ide!

Event Programme 2013 Week A » 26th–30th July s































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releasing the power of young faith Operation Mobilisation. Registered office: The Quinta, Weston Rhyn Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland)

transforming lives and communities

Helping Christians to be salt and light Be informed about contemporary ethical issues affecting Christians today. We offer FREE RESOURCES on: Same-sex marriage; when human life begins; religious liberty and other important issues.


welcome |

Welcome to Soul Survivor A! Hello little ones, It’s really great to be with you here at Soul Survivor. Whether this is your first time with us, or you’re a seasoned regular, we’re chuffed to have you with us. All year we’ve been planning to try and make this the best Soul Survivor yet. We’ve gathered some brilliant speakers to help lead our seminars, some fantastic bands and acts to entertain you after hours, and we’ve created some great venues for you and your mates to enjoy. In our main meetings we will be spending loads of time worshiping, hearing from God’s word and waiting on the Holy Spirit to see what he wants to do among us. Just one touch from Jesus changes us so in all we do this week we want to pursue his presence. Let’s stay open to God and let’s be expectant that he will meet with us. Let’s pray that we will leave here more in love with him and better equipped to serve him throughout the year. With love, Mike



S AT U R D AY 2 1 ST J U N E 2 0 1 4






LOCATION: Soul Survivor Watford, WD24 7GP



PRICE: £10 | BOOK ONLINE: www.soulsurvivor.com

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09/07/2013 14:07



contents intro info 8 - Who we are

44-45 - Day Five

10 – 11 Main Meetings

46-47 - Seminar Timetable

12 – 13 Outline of the day

48-50 - Speaker Bios

13 - Testimonies

pgs 14-33


articles 51-53 - Your Questions, Our Answers

14 - Intro

54 - Offering

15 - Chat Room

55 - Supporting Soul Survivor

15 - Late Night Worship

56 - Soul Action

15 - Furnace

58-60 – SoulNet

16 - Café Uno

61 – Mini Mags

18 - Soul Action Café

62 - Youth Bible

19 - The Fringe

63 - Student Welcome

19 - XLP Recording Studio

63 – International Reception

20 - Lift

65 - Soul61

22 - Blueprint

67 - Soul Survivor Website

23 - Bandstand

69-71 - Bible Reading Notes

23 - Artshed

72-74 - Prayer Ministry

26-27 - Celluloid 28 – 29 - ToolShed 28 - Soul Survivor Café 30-31 - Sports 32-33 - Kids Work

pgs 35-50

pgs 51-74

day planner

pgs 75-92

important info 75-80 - Things You Should Know 79 - Food 80 - Health and Safety 81 - The Only Way Is Ethics 82-83 - Soul Survivor Shop

35 - Seminar Info

84 - Site Rules

37 - Day One

85 - Index

38-39 - Day Two

86-87 - 2014 Dates

40-41 - Day Three

Site Maps

42-43 - Day Four




pgs 8-13



who we are and what meetings we do Everyone loves a good poem, so in an attempt to compete with the wordsmiths of ye olden days, we’ve penned the Soul Survivor story in poetic form. Enjoy! There was a young man of Greek descent, With whom chaos would follow wherever he went. An accountant by day, a youth worker by night, Adorned with an afro of great width and great height.

Intro Info

An accountant’s no good if he can’t do the maths, So with that revelation his employment changed paths. You see, deep in his brain an idea was brewing, Where to focus his time and his life and his doing. The idea was planted, not conjured or thought, To provide an experience that could never be bought. The idea was so simple and plain yet so real To gather people together, meet Jesus and feel the life-changing, magnificent wonder of love, A love like no other, a love from above. Since 93, we’ve been getting together, Whatever the temperature, good or bad weather. With one main directive and one proper purpose, To go deeper with Jesus, not just scratching the surface. And that is our prayer as you join us this year, Seek his face, be persistent, draw close, persevere. Whatever you do, get stuck in, have some fun, There’s a load of activities and stuff to be done. But in all that we do, have a think, let’s take notice And keep Jesus our central and unmoving focus.



What’s it really all about? Contrary to popular belief the ‘hokey cokey’ isn’t really what it’s all about. We want to keep Jesus at the centre of everything we do. We love worshiping him, learning more about him and allowing him to shape our lives. So that’s what we’ll be doing loads of this week. You in? A few things you might like to know about us As well as loving Jesus, we love you! We love meeting up with you all every summer, hanging out and getting to know you a bit more. As some of you will know, we’re a pretty casual bunch. We like to have a laugh and a joke and not take ourselves too seriously. But we take God very seriously and whilst enjoying our time together we try and honour him in everything we do.

the days It’s what day again? When you’re not at school and the holidays are in full swing, you never really remember what day it is. Mondays are as exciting as Saturdays and each day just merges into another. To try and combat this we’ve made things incredibly simple! The days are numbered one to five:

Week A

Friday = Day 1 Saturday = Day 2 Sunday = Day 3 Monday = Day 4 Tuesday = Day 5

Intro Info

Who’s that then? Mike P (the accountant of Greek descent) is one of the Directors of Soul Survivor. He has been around since the very beginning (of Soul Survivor, not time, although sometimes we wonder) and despite pushing 70 he’s back again as your host this week. Mike is joined by his mate and Associate Director of Soul Survivor Andy Croft and their good friend and former Soul61 student Lahna Pottle.


Got some questions about why we do what we do? You might like these pages of the programme: Page 10 – all the info on what happens in the main meetings and why Page 72 – Guidelines on prayer ministry Page 51 – your questions answered about the way we do things Pages 67 & 86 – find out what we get up to the rest of the year and what free resources we have for you online!



| the main meetings

THE main meetings Every day we get together in the morning and evening for our main meetings. The reason we do this is that we love taking time out of the day to focus on God, hear from his word and worship him. For those of you not familiar with the way we do things we’ve explained a little bit more below. Intro Info


Our whole lives can be lived as an offering of worship to God. But one of the ways the Bible talks about worship, especially when a group is gathered, is to sing to God – so that’s what we do when we get together! It’s more than singing songs though – these times are an opportunity to draw close to God, to tell him we love him, and to focus on who he is and all that he has done for us. It’s not about painting a smile on our faces and singing happy songs, it’s a time to be honest with God (whether life feels great or painful) knowing that whatever is going on in our lives God is worthy of our worship. As we see from so many encounters with God in the Bible, just one touch from him changes everything. That’s what we’re aiming to do in worship: touch God’s heart with our praise and allow him to touch ours with his love.

TIMES: DAY 1 7pm, DAYS 2 - 4 11am & 7pm, day 5 10am & 7pm ★ 10

the main meetings |


God didn’t leave us to try and work out his will on our own, he gave us the Bible so that we could get to know more about who he is, and his plans for us and for the world. Sometimes it can seem daunting to look at a book so big that was written so long ago, but the Bible is absolutely packed full of wisdom for us. So during our meetings we’ll be exploring what the Bible has to say on a number of topics and seeing how we can apply its truths to our lives. We’d really encourage you to keep reading the Bible for yourself when you get home too as it will help you stay connected to God and growing in your relationship with him. If you’re not sure where to start you could pick up a Soul Survivor Youth Bible in the ToolShed which has lots of articles and extra information to help you access God’s word. You can also get involved in reading the Bible in one year and find free blogs talking about each day’s passages at our blog thebibleinoneyear.wordpress.com. If you’d like to get stuck in while you’re here, check out the Bible studies our friends at Scripture Union have written for you starting on page 69.


Intro Info


It’s amazing to be able to read God’s word and look together at what it means for us today, but we also want to be empowered and equipped to live out the things we’ve heard about! We make lots of space in our meetings to wait on the Holy Spirit as he is the one who empowers us. We don’t plan these times as we want to wait and see what God wants to do, but even if you’ve never been in a ministry time before, there’s nothing to worry about. Mike, Andy and anyone leading a time of ministry will talk you through what’s happening (as far as they know!) and we won’t hype anything up. All we want to do is say ‘yes’ to God and ask him to fill us so that we can become more like him. This is a great opportunity to be prayed for or to pray with others, and we have an experienced Enabling Team who are on hand to answer any questions you have.



OUTLINE OF A DAY | outline of a day

8.30 am Wipe the sleep from your eyes and jump feet first into a new and exciting day!

9.00 am

Youth leaders – head along to the SoulNet breakfast for a complimentary cuppa and pastry followed by the 9:30 SoulNet seminar.

9.30 am The programme for the day is underway with our first seminar slot. (If early mornings make you indecisive, browse the day planner the night before.)

Intro Info

11.00 am Head on down to the main venue for our morning celebration. Everything else is shut during this time so we can all hang out worshiping God, hearing from his word and praying for each other.


safety first |

Safety first We try to make the site as safe as possible but please still be careful during your stay with us by following these tips. ★ Always let your youth leader know where you’re going. ★ Buddy up with a friend if you’re heading out at night.

1pm onwards – Your head will be spinning with the amount of things to do in the afternoons. Do you head to a seminar (at 2:30pm and 4pm), play some sports, sit in a café, head to the ToolShed or get involved with the Bandstand? The choice is entirely yours!

6.00 pm The venues shut to give you time to head back to your tent, grab a bit of dinner and ready yourself for the evening ahead.

7.00 pm We’re back together again down in the main venue for some more worship, teaching and ministry.

9.15 pm ish

The night is young and the world is your oyster. Get your fill of the many venues we have to offer. Catch a film at Celluloid, grab a coffee in a cafe, browse the ToolShed, throw some shapes at Blueprint or head over to Late Night Worship.

11.30 pm The venues are closed so you can get a good night’s sleep and wake up ready to do it all over again tomorrow! SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A

★ Keep your phone on you at all times if possible. ★ Help us keep Soul Survivor a safe place to hang out by not going off with someone you don’t know on your own.

Testimonies We love the fact that God is going to do so much in so many of you this week. What we also love is when you tell us about it. If God has done something in your life, big or small, ground-breaking or seemingly minor please let us know! Email us at testimonies@soulsurvivor. com, tweet us @soulsurvivorGB or contact us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ uksoulsurvivor.

Tell us what you think! We want you guys to have the best time possible at Soul Survivor so help us keep improving the event by giving us your feedback. When you get home we’ll send you an email with a link to a questionnaire. Fill it in to stand a chance of winning a super duper prize from our shop.


Intro Info

1.00 pm onwards

★ The Soul Survivor emergency number is 0300 302 0330. Put it in your phone and call instead of 999 should you have an emergency.

| the venues

THE VENUES Whatever you’re interested in and whatever you fancy doing we’re sure you’ll find something you like in one of our many venues. There are places to sit and have a piece of cake and a chat, listen to music, kick a ball and throw a frisbee, or dance the night away!


late-night worship, furnace & CHAT room |

Late Night Worship does exactly what it says on the tin. At 10.30pm head over here to continue praising God in a stripped back, relaxed style with some of the Soul Survivor worship team.

TIMES: DAYS 1 - 5, 10.30 PM ★


At the Furnace we have created an environment where you can come and pray. For those of you more creatively minded the team have provided ways for you to express yourself through various arts and crafts.

TIMES: DAYS 1 - 5, 9.30 - 11.30PM ★

Because we don’t like to complicate things too much, the Chat Room is a room where you can chat to someone about anything that may be bothering you or you don’t understand. However big or small the issue we have a team who will listen to everything you have to say.



| cafe uno

VEnUES By its very definition, Café Uno is the front runner, the first and pioneering café venturing out before everyone and forging a path for others to follow. A much loved part of the Soul Survivor furniture, this funk-laden jazz-haven is ready and waiting for you to visit. A slab of cake and hot chocolate mountain will be presented to you upon arrival (providing you queue up and pay).

TIMES: Day 1, 9:30 - 11:30 pm, Days 2 - 5, 1 - 6 pm, 9:30 - 11:30 pm ★ 16

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| soul action cafe

VEnUES In an attempt to try and live out God’s love for each and every one of us we got together with our mates at Tearfund and created Soul Action, our way of trying to tackle injustice and poverty around the world. We stock Fairtrade products everywhere at Soul Survivor but in the Soul Action café you’ll find a whole load more Fairtrade goodies to enjoy. As well as that you’ll discover all you need to know about ongoing projects and how you can get involved with Soul Action.

TIMES: Day 1, 9:30 - 11:30 pm, Days 2 - 5, 1 - 6 pm, 9:30 - 11:30 pm ★ 18

Fringe & XLP recording studio |

Does this whole Soul Survivor thing make no sense to you? Do you have questions about God and faith that you’d like to ask? If you fancy a place to ask questions, sit and mull things over or chat to someone about stuff, Fringe is the place for you. You’ll be welcomed with a high five by our team who will happily chat and listen to you over a coffee or give you your space if you prefer.


TIMES: Day 1, 9.30 - 11.30pm, Days 2 - 5, 1 - 6pm & 9.30 - 11.30pm ★

Do you have some killa riffs or phat beats to lay down on a track? Well head down to the XLP recording studio and bust out your song, rap, ballad or Swedish dance folk mega mix. XLP are friends of ours who work with young people in London. They’re a brilliant bunch so have a chat with them about what they do or check out their website www.xlp.org.uk

TIMES: Day 1, 9:30 - 11:30 PM, Days 2 - 5, 1 - 6 PM, 9:30 - 11:30 PM ★ SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A



VEnUES Are you too cool for school? Can you rock the snapback cap look? Do your trousers hang dangerously low? If you can answer ‘yes’ to all of these questions then Lift is for you! Grab your skateboard, scooter or rollerblades and head down there and pop a wheely, fakie, goofy or other such skateboarding move. It’s rad! Beginners’ sessions Not too confident on the board? No problem! Head down to Lift on days 2-5 at 9:30am for a beginners’ session!

TIMES: Day 1, 9:15 - 11:30 pm, Days 2 - 5, 1 - 6 pm, 9:15 - 11:30 pm ★ 20

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VEnUES In his spare time Mike P is a keen dancer. Having been told as a child he would never cut it in the ballroom he concentrated his efforts on being the best shape-throwing, bodypopping dancer he could be. This resulted in the birth of Blueprint - a venue where busting moves is compulsory and phat pop beats reign supreme.

TIMES: Days 1 - 5, 9:30 - 11:30 pm ★ 22

bandstand & artshed |

Would your voice have Simon Cowell calling you a ‘superstar’? Would your beatboxing or rapping cause Will.I.Am to spin his chair in your direction? If so, come armed with your guitar, beat-boxing vocal chords or didgeridoo and wow the waiting crowds with your songs! Grab the attention of our bandstand hosts who will let you know what time you’re on. Go on, you know you want to!


TIMES: Days 2 - 5, 2 - 4 pm ★

The ArtShed is where you can creatively express yourself through painting, drawing or a whole array of arts and crafts. If you’ve never tried anything like this before don’t worry our team will be around to help you get started or give you tips along the way.

TIMES: Day 1, 9.30 - 11.30pm, Days 2 - 5, 1 - 6pm & 9.30 - 11.30pm ★ SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A


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Whatever your cause, whatever your event, fundraising is easy on give.net Create a fundraising page in just a few clicks Share your page with friends and family 1000’s of charities to choose from

facebook.com/give.net @give Give.net is the new online fundraising website from Stewardship, a registered charity (234714) serving the church since 1906

THIS YEAR WE ARE TAKING A STAND FOR FREEDOM. Soul Action are committed to helping those caught up in modern day slavery; we want to remember the forgotten, reveal the hidden and stand with the abused. We need your help. We want as many people as possible to sign our petition to ask the government to do more for those people who are trapped in slavery.


| celluloid


Going to the cinema requires you to auction off possessions, double up on paper rounds or wash everyone’s car in the street just to afford the ticket. Well for one week only you can enjoy some brilliant films for absolutely nothing! Head down to Celluloid every evening and catch one of these crackers.




Pitch Perfect (12A)


The Impossible (12A)


Remember the Titans (PG)


Step Up 4: Miami Heat (12A)


Total Recall (12A)

TIMES: Days 1 - 5, 10 PM ★ 26


Pitch Perfect 12A (112mins)

Pitch Perfect is likely to be the most fun film you’ll ever see. Ever. The plot sounds like your average high-school flick (mis-fit Beca joins an all-girl singing group as they fight their way through regional singing comps) BUT the one-liners and gags along the way laugh in the face of average. With some awesome riff-offs and mash-ups that we suspect made the Glee cast sob with jealousy, this is a film to see again and again. (And possibly again.)

celluloid |

DAY three

DAY four

DAY five

The Impossible 12A (112mins)

Remember the Titans (PG) (113mins)

Step up 4: Miami Heat 12A (99mins)

Total Recall 12A (118mins)

Picture the scene: It’s 1971 and racial tensions are high amongst students at T C Williams High School. In comes Big D (Denzel Washington to the un-initiated). As the Head Coach of the football team it’s his job to help the students put aside their differences and work together as a team. To add to his difficult task the Coach is told his job is in jeopardy if he loses even a single game. Uh oh. Cue tension and excitement as the team do battle on and off the pitch.

Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to become a professional dancer. Then she meets Sean, the leader of a flash mob dance crew whose stunts are becoming notorious. When Sean’s neighbourhood is threatened by Emily’s father’s development plans, the dancers question: can you ever change things? And what are the consequences of turning performance art into protest art?

Whatever you think you remember, it’s not real. Woah there. That’s some seriously head-messing stuff. But that’s what awaits Douglas when he steps into the world of Recall. This remake of the 1990s classic is big on pulse-pounding thrills so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

The true story of an idyllic family holiday ripped apart by the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. As Thailand struggles to deal with the aftermath of such a huge disaster, the family fight through the devastation in the hopes of being reunited with one another. The film is compelling, moving and well- worth seeing on the big screen.



DAY two


| the toolshed & Soul Survivor Cafe


The ToolShed is so massive that you may easily get lost in its aisles, avenues and cul-de-sacs. It is so big that just like the Great Wall of China, The Great Barrier Reef and the Pyramids you can see it from space (maybe). Packed inside these four walls you’ll find a bunch of people who want to equip you in your walk with Jesus. There are helpful resources to take home, organisations you can chat to and information to browse.

Soul SURVIVOR café One of the many delights of the ToolShed is the Soul Survivor Café. Packed to the rafters with thick slabs of cake, muffins, tray bakes and other cracking snacks, it is the ideal spot to pull up a chair and watch the world go by. This is also the place to head if you want more information about Soul Survivor. Drop by and have a chat with one of the team or grab some flyers to take home with you. We’d love to see you!

TIMES: Day 1, 9:15 - 11:30 PM, Days 2 - 5, 1 - 6 PM & 9:15 - 11:30 PM ★ 28

Wi-Fi |

The world of technology moves faster than a cheetah on a pair of jet powered roller-skates and if you don’t keep up you fall behind like a rhino in a pair of stilettos. In a bid to keep up with the times we have installed Wi-Fi in the ToolShed. When you open up your phone or computer log onto the ‘SoulFi’ network. When you arrive at the Soul Survivor landing page click the ‘Free Access’ button. You’ll then have access to the internet – simples! While we try our best to make sure the Wi-Fi works all the time, technology can always trip you up so please be patient if there are any issues. We’ll do our best to solve any problems as soon as possible. The Wi-Fi is installed with a blocker to stop anyone accessing anything they shouldn’t be – but don’t worry, you can still watch the video of the baby panda sneezing. There will also be a couple of computers available if you don’t have a Wi-Fi enabled device.

info Here’s a couple of things we’d like you to know about the ToolShed, that we’re pretty serious about: ★ All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your relationship with Jesus. That means none of them should be getting upset because you don’t quite get their theological angle on things. If you feel like you’ve been accosted by an overzealous exhibitor, then pop into Information and let one of our team know. ★ Most of the items that are sold in the ToolShed are either resources or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust. We know lots of you like having a browse around but the absolute last thing we want is for anyone to feel pressured to spend any cash. We’re not trying to make money out of you.



★ From time to time Mike and Andy might mention a book, CD or DVD on mainstage. Just so you know, there are no marketing deals going on – if they say they like it and think you will too then they mean they like it and think you will too (not that someone is paying them to push the product at you). Basically what this boils down to is the fact we like you and think you’re pretty special. So we want you to relax and have a good time at Soul Survivor without feeling like anyone is giving you a hard-sell.



| sports


Can you go skating at Wembley? The SouL SUrvivor five-aNo. Can you play basketball in the side footie tournament Nou Camp? No. By a simple use of (Starts Day Two – Afternoon) logic and reasoning we’ve therefore proved that the Soul Survivor sports There is no ‘I’ in team but there is one in ‘winners’ and that’s the only thing that matters. Joking! venue ranks alongside the greatest Although winning is nice, getting stuck in, getting a little bit messy and making new friends is much sporting venues in the world. better so grab four mates and register your team at You can skate, the sports venue. shoot hoops, perfect your The Legendary Panna-ramic nutmegs and tournament take frisbee to (Starts Day Two – Afternoon) the extreme all What do you call a cage with 16 sides? Awesome! in one venue. That’s what. Add a football into the mix and Go on, get you have the legendary Panna-cage football tournament. Sign up with a mate and embark on a involved! two-man journey to beat all the competition and be crowned ‘Champions of the Football Cage 2013’.

TIMES: Day1, 9.30 - 11pm, days 2 - 5, 1 - 6pm & 9.30 - 11pm. Located on the Showring ★ 30

sports |

Ultimate Frisbee (Starts Day Two – Afternoon)

Putting ‘ultimate’ in front of anything makes it sound amazing, as ultimate by definition means best and unbeatable. Therefore by signing up for our ultimate frisbee competition you are signing up for the best frisbee competition in the entire world. Fact!

Basketball tournament

In 1891 a Canadian doctor gathered together a couple of peach baskets, a football and a sense of imagination and created the game we know and love as basketball. How times have changed. We have real hoops and proper basketballs, so grab your mates, put your kicks and sweatbands on and get set for the tip-off!

The Fun Run

(Day Four – 5:15pm (warm ups) for 5.30 start) If Mo Farah was here we’re pretty sure he would get involved with our Soul Action Fun Run. That man just loves running! But it’s not just Olympic champion runners that can take part; everyone is welcome! This sponsored run will raise money for Soul Action projects that work to keep people from being sold into slavery so grab a form from the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed and get your mates to sponsor you. Then all you need to do is run/ walk/rhumba your way around the course and it’ll be three cheers for you!




(Starts Day Two – Afternoon)

| kids work


We’re chuffed to have kids here with us at Soul Survivor and we’ve got special activities going on to keep all the under 12s entertained.

Family Films (All rated U)

Times: Days One to Five: 7pm)

Jelly Tots (0-4s)

Refreshers (5-11s)

Jelly Tots have loads of energy so there will be plenty of chances to play games, jump around, sing, dance, laugh and shout whilst learning about Jesus.

The Refreshers group will have ageappropriate worship, teaching and prayer in a fun environment.

Times: Days 2-4 11:00am -12:30pm and Day 5 10:00am12:00pm

Times: Days 2-4 11:00am -1:00pm and Day 5 10:00am12:00pm

CHILD PROTECTION: All the team involved in Kids Work have received appropriate welfare training and Child Protection procedures are in place to provide the safest environment possible.


For a little bit of early evening entertainment we will have family friendly films every night in the Refreshers venue. Films are not supervised by the Soul Survivor team so please be ready to stay and enjoy the film (one adult can accompany up to four children). Day 1: The Lorax Day 2: Rio Day 3: Prince of Egypt Day 4: Jungle Book Day 5: Ice Age 4

kids work |

registration 0-4 years: All kids aged 0-4 years will need to register in the Jelly Tots venue between 5pm and 7.30pm on arrival day (Day 1). 5-11 years: All kids aged 5-11 years will need to register in the Refreshers venue between 5pm and 7.30pm on arrival day (Day 1).

Each evening at 4:45pm – 6.45pm in the Jelly Tots venue we’ll provide some baby baths and warm water so you can bathe your nipper. Please bring your own towels and toiletries. Miniature railway

A nice treat for all the kids! The miniature railway on the showground will be open on Saturday and Sunday between 1pm-4.30pm.


Baby bathing

Please bring your child/children to the venue and a member of the team will take some details and issue you with a security card. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at each session and sign your child in and out as an added security measure. Parents/ guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child. Activities will be provided for your children during the registration process and hopefully getting everything sorted on Day 1 will speed things up for you the following morning so you can get to the Main Meeting on time!

Special Needs We want to do as much as possible to welcome and include all children irrespective of their particular needs. If your child has additional needs then please make a point of speaking to the Team Leader for their age group at the earliest opportunity so that they are fully aware of how to care for your child in each session.



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DISASTER! You’ve made a list of seminars you want to go to but some of them are on at the same time. What are you going to do? We thought problems like this might crop up so we’ve made every single seminar available for you to either purchase from the ToolShed or buy from our online shop when you get home! On the following pages you’ll see a plan with all the seminars for the week and next to every seminar you’ll find a unique number. Simply quote that number at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed or enter it online when you get home and in exchange for a few quid you’ll have your very own copy of the seminar!


Every day we run teaching sessions called seminars. They’re a bit like the talks in the main meeting but they last an hour and cover a whole range of topics.

There are three seminar slots every day, one at 9:30am, one at 2:30pm and one at 4pm (except on day five where there’s no morning seminar). We’ve put the seminars into three simple categories for you to find the ones that are right for you.. Get Equipped A practical seminar stream geared towards equipping, empowering and encouraging you. Some of the subjects we’ll be covering include worship leading, speaking and prophecy.


Go Further An opportunity for you to go beyond the surface and look at areas of prayer, ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit and healing.

Go Deeper A stream of seminars designed to challenge you to live out your faith in the world around you. Subjects covered include evangelism, justice and apologetics.


NSN_advert_flat.indd 1

10/07/2013 11:32

A N D D E L I V E R I N G G R E AT G N I TA L PA R E KS R P Location

Soul Survivor Watford, WD24 7GP


£10 for one day or £15 for both







CO . R O



day planner: Day one |

Day Planner: Day 1


This is it – the go-to guide for your week at Soul Survivor! Over the next few pages you’ll find everything you need to know about our seminar programme this week as well as info about other things happening each day – just check out the ‘what’s going on’ sections.

What’s going on tonight? The first meeting of the week is at 7pm, so you have time to get your tent pitched, meet your village host and then head down to the main venue for an evening of worship, teaching and ministry.

7.00pm: Head down to the main venue for our first celebration of the week. » (33101) 9.30pm: Our evening venues are open! Why not head to one of our cafes for a slice of cake and a cuppa? 9.30pm: G et ready to start your week off with a bang – head to Blueprint and throw some shapes! 9.30pm: Pop along to the ToolShed and check out some great resources. 10.00pm: ‘Pitch Perfect’ is the film on offer tonight at Celluloid! 10.30pm: Carry on worshiping at Late Night Worship.



Day Planner: Day 2 9.30 am

2.30 pm

How to interpret the Bible

Soul Man meets Soul Sista – Sex and Relationships

Chris Lane

How is a book written thousands of years ago still relevant? Chris will look at how we can interpret the Bible and apply it to our lives today. SEMINAR A - (33001)

What about doubt? Yanah Nightingale

Some of Jesus’ closest friends had doubts and by looking at Thomas’s story we’ll find out how Jesus responds to our questions, and how to grow in our faith when we don’t have all the answers.


SEMINAR B - (33002)

Live life 1,2,3 - SoulNet Breakfast Matt Summerfield

How many disciples are you making and how many young people are following you as you follow Christ? Matt will looks at how we can win future generations for Jesus and change the future.

Mike Pilavachi, Ali Martin and Andy Croft Sex is sometimes a bit embarrassing to talk about, but today we’ll leave our blushes at the door to have an honest chat. There will be time for you to ask your questions via text so don’t be shy! MAIN VENUE - (33006)

The ‘C’ word

Eddie Lyle and Open Doors What would you do if going to church and following Jesus meant risking your your life? Come and hear stories about following Jesus in its rawest form. SEMINAR A - (33007)

Passionate discipleship: fulfilling potential Freddie Pimm

How can we grow spiritually in our busy lives and fulfil our potential in God?

CAFE UNO - (33003)

REFRESHERS - (33008)

Songs of justice

A brand new you: forgiven and accepted

The songs we sing and prayers we pray have amazing words but what if those words were ‘more than a song?’ and our prayers were more than just words?

The Bible tells us that we can always have a fresh start with God – free from guilt and hopeful for the future.

David Westlake


Chris Lane and Andrew Lane

THE FRINGE - (33009)

Praying for people so that stuff happens

Equal! Why women in leadership is so important

A seminar for anyone who’d like to see God move in people’s lives when they pray, looking at how we begin to pray for one another and what you might experience in the main meetings.

Women being leaders in the church matters. It takes us back to God’s original design, overturns injustice, gives a taste of God’s promised future and takes hold of a unique opportunity today.

BLUEPRINT - (33005)

BLUEPRINT - (33010)

Ali Martin


David Westlake

day planner: Day two | KEY:

Get Equipped

Go Deeper

Go Further


Power ministry part 1

Power ministry part 2

How can we see more of the manifest power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives? How can we see more healings, hear God’s voice better, and see people come to know Jesus?

Robby continues his series on how we can we see more of the manifest power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

Robby Dawkins

SEMINAR B - (33052)

Robby Dawkins

BLUEPRINT - (33053)

4.00 pm Help – I fall asleep when I pray! Andy Croft

Seminar A - (33011)

Healing from past hurts Jeannie Morgan Loss and pain can leave us living with fear and lacking hope. Find out how to move towards hope and healing in Jesus. Prayer ministry will be available. SEMINAR B - (33012)

Radical living: the Kingdom of God Freddie Pimm

How can we impact the world around us in Jesus’ name? What does Christian living look like in today’s sometimes hostile culture? And how can we bring the Kingdom of God to earth? REFRESHERS - (33013)

Internationals tea If you’ve come to Soul Survivor from overseas, join us for a cup of tea or coffee, a slice of something tasty and an opportunity to meet other delegates who have travelled a long way to visit us! SOUL ACTION CAFÉ - (33014)

Other stuff going on today 11.00am: Join us in the main venue for our first morning meeting. » (33102)


Struggle with prayer? Come and hear some ideas for how to build a healthy prayer life that brings us closer to God, enables us to hear from him and sees prayers answered.

1.00pm: Our café venues are open for the afternoon. Why not head to Café Uno, the Soul Action Café or the Soul Survivor café in the ToolShed? Fancy a bit of peace and quiet? Why not head to the Furnace?

eady, steady, go! Sports are R underway on the sports field and in the skate park.

2.30pm: Our first art workshop of the week is getting underway now in the ArtShed.

What’s going on tonight? 7.00pm: Come along to the main venue for some worship, teaching and ministry. » (33101)


9.15pm: Our venues are open! Grab a cake from a café, throw some moves in Blueprint or show your artistic handiwork in the ArtShed. 10.00pm: ‘The Impossible’ is the film showing tonight in Celluloid.



Day Planner: Day 3 9.30 am The Old Testament in one hour Chris Lane

Get the low down on how we see Jesus in all the Old Testament books from Genesis to Malachi.

SEMINAR A - (33015)

Loud & Clear part 1 Ali Martin

Want to deliver sermons that make people sit up and take notice of God’s word? This series looks at developing our communication and covers how to prepare a talk, how to use the Bible well, and how to find a main focus.


SEMINAR B - (33016)

Refusing to believe that this is a lost generation – SoulNet Breakfast Patrick Regan

In your local community there are young people who are struggling. As a church how do we respond? Patrick will look at how we can be the solution, sharing his experiences of mentoring young people and discussing what has and hasn’t worked. CAFÉ UNO - (33017)

Stepping towards justice David Westlake

Bringing justice to the world can look like a really big ask but Soul Action believes that every single one of us can make a difference. David looks at how we can serve those in poverty, no matter where we find ourselves. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ - (33018)

Contemporary evangelism: how to lose friends and alienate people

his own experiences (some of which lost him friends!) to offer some suggestions. BLUEPRINT - (33019)

2.30 pm Soul Sista – Girl on fire

Ali Martin

Want to change the world? We can’t sit back and be delicate princesses but must fight passionately for the things of God. Let’s throw off the things that hold us back and be set on fire for God so the world sits up and takes notice. MAIN VENUE - (33020)

Going, going, gone

Eddie Lyle and Open Doors The Church in Syria is under threat of being wiped out completely. What will this mean for those who are trying to follow Jesus and how can you help? SEMINAR A - (33021)

Worship, creativity and community Rend Collective Experiment

What if worship were more about family and community than music? What if precision and perfection took a backseat to being organic and authentic? Come and re-imagine worship. SEMINAR B - (33022)

Say – explaining and proclaiming the good news Patrick Regan

How do we communicate the good news of Jesus? Patrick looks at how our relationships with Jesus can prove vital when explaining and proclaiming the gospel. REFRESHERS - (33023)

Freddie Pimm

Student reception

Is it possible to tell people about Jesus without weirding them out? Freddie will use the Bible and

Off to uni? Come and meet others in the same boat! Practical advice, hints and tips, and maybe


day planner: Day three | KEY:

Get Equipped

Go Deeper

Go Further


even an instructional demonstration of how to make the perfect beans on toast.

will explore how you can not only survive but thrive in this new world.


REFRESHERS - (33029)

Under new management

Jesus and his youth group

It’s fantastic that you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus – but what now? What does it mean to let God have control over your life?

When Jesus started the greatest revolution ever he didn’t form a board of elders but a youth group. How can we as young people also be used?

THE FRINGE - (33025)

SEMINAR B - (33028)

Chris Lane and Andrew Lane

Gavin Calver

Soul Man – Life beneath the surface Guys can be really good at putting on a front and pretending everything is okay. Why does hiding our emotions make us feel manlier? Mike and Andy share some of the realities of being men with emotions. BLUEPRINT - (33026)

4.00 pm Receiving more of the Spirit Andy Croft

All Christians have the Holy Spirit but how do we know we’re full of him? And how can we keep growing in the Spirit and receive more of him each day?

Other stuff going on today 11.00am: Join Mike, Andy and Lahna in the main venue for our morning meeting. » (33104) 1.00pm: Why not try out the Café Uno quiz? Or meet your mates for a cuppa in one of our other cafes – they’re open now!


Andy Croft and Mike Pilavachi

op along to the sports venue to shoot P some hoops, try some free running or grind some rails on your skateboard. 2.30pm: Head on down to the art workshop kicking off now in The Artshed.

SEMINAR A - (33027)

Help! I don’t like myself Jeannie Morgan

Many of us don’t seem to like ourselves very much, let alone love ourselves. This can lead to us not valuing either our bodies or our lives and can also cause us problems in forming relationships. We will look at issues of selfworth, self-esteem, self-image and how we can receive healing and affirmation. blueprint - (33050)

Starting uni well Pippa Elmes

Starting uni can be frightening so this seminar SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A

What’s going on tonight? 7.00pm: The main meeting is starting – get yourself to the main venue! » (33105) 9.15pm: The ToolShed is open for you to check out the stands of a bunch of great organisations. From 9:30 check out the band in Café Uno and from 10:30 join some of the Soul Survivor worship team for Late Night Worship. 10.00pm: Head to Seminar B and join Eddie Lyle and Open Doors to pray for the church in Syria. 41

Day Planner: Day 4 9.30 am

2.30 pm

Do – marked by love and making Patrick Regan a difference.

Soul Man meets Soul Sista – Porn is everywhere

What is it about our actions and behaviour that makes us recognisably ‘Christian’? Join Patrick as he looks at how we can all act out God’s love to the whole of creation and embody the good news of Jesus. SEMINAR A - (33030)

Loud & Clear part 2

Ali Martin

Continuing the series of how we communicate God’s word Ali will be looking at building clear content and structure for a talk, using illustrations, and applying the Bible.


SEMINAR B - (33031)

SoulNet Breakfast Q+A

Mike Pilavachi

Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft and Ali Martin Does it sometimes seem as though every show you watch, book you read and song you listen to is all about sex? How do you say ‘no’ when your mates show you porn on their phones? In one way or another porn has become part of our everyday reality and yet it can destroy relationships and damage our view of ourselves and of the opposite sex. So let’s get together for an honest conversation about how we honour God and look after ourselves, and each other, in a porn-obsessed world. MAIN VENUE - (33035)

Second chances

Kiera Phyo

Youth Leaders – this is your chance to put your youth work related questions to Mike P. Please be patient while you wait for an answer – when you get to his age, the memory isn’t what it used to be.

We all need them but how do we get them? How do we keep going when we feel like we keep messing up? Join Kiera as she explores areas of doubt, undeserved grace and wondering whether we’ll ever be good at this Christian stuff.

CAFÉ UNO - (33032)

REFRESHERS - (33036)

The search for justice

David Westlake

What can you do to make a difference? The choices you make about what you eat, what you wear and what technology you buy can really make a difference. We’ll be looking at how changing our choices can bring justice for others. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ - (33033)

The New Testament in one hour Chris Lane

Matthew to Revelation – every book in the New Testament in one hour. Bring a notepad and get scribbling as Chris takes you on this whirlwind tour. BLUEPRINT - (33034)


My heart bleeds

Eddie Lyle and Open Doors If one part suffers, we all suffer. Many in the church are beaten, abused or even murdered simply for their faith. Around the world our family is bleeding. Come and learn how you can support, pray for and help our brothers and sisters around the world. SEMINAR B - (33037)

New lifestyle: extreme makeover Chris Lane and Andrew Lane

Today we’ll be looking at God’s makeover plan transformation that works in you from the inside out with glorious eternal results. THE FRINGE - (33038)

day planner: Day FOUR | KEY:

Jesus loves superheroes? Jason Gardner It seems like every summer Hollywood wants to throw more and more Superhero films our way. We’ll be exploring the history of some of the big figures from comic book lore and looking at how they connect with Biblical themes. No ‘Big Bang Theory’ style comic book nerds allowed! Oh go on then. BLUEPRINT - (33039)

Power ministry part 3 Robby Dawkins

Robby completes his series on how we can we see more of the manifest power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

Get Equipped

Go Deeper

Go Further


barriers which stop us receiving healing. Join Jeannie as she looks at how we can be free to receive the healing that Jesus wants to give us. Prayer ministry will be available. SEMINAR B - (33042)

HOPE – Youth leaders’ reception Roy Crowne and Mike Pilavachi

HOPE is building towards a year of mission in 2014 and we want young people to take the lead. Join Mike and Roy to hear the plans and dreams for HOPE in 2014, and discuss how we can encourage young people to get involved in mission. BLUEPRINT - (33043)

SEMINAR A - (33054)

Other stuff going on today

Thinking faith

Andy Croft

Lots of people think you need to throw your brain away to be a Christian. Can thinking and faith go together? How do we handle all those difficult questions about suffering, other religions and science? This seminar is about growing a faith that frees us to engage with difficult questions and difficult people. SEMINAR A - (33040)

Creativity in local church worship Beth Croft and Sam Bailey

How do we make the most of what we’ve got in our local church? How do we encourage passionate and authentic worship when our band is made up of a flute, a trombone, and a didgeridoo?! What if we don’t have any musicians at all? Come along as we explore ideas to get creative and grow in our love of God, his people and his worship. REFRESHERS - (33041)

Removing barriers to healing Jeannie Morgan

When others cause us pain we sometimes close ourselves off and box ourselves in. This creates SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A

11.00am: Come and join us for some worship, teaching and ministry in the main venue. » (33106)


4.00 pm

1.00pm: Our cafes are open for a slice of something tasty!

et involved in some sports either G down on the sports field or over in the skate park.

2.30pm: Don’t know your Picasso from your Dali? It doesn’t matter – you can still get involved with the art workshop starting now in The Artshed. 5.15pm: The Soul Action Fun Run is starting!

What’s going on tonight? 7.00pm: The main meeting is about to start so head down to the main venue! » (33107) 9.15pm: All our venues are open for the evening. Check out our cafes from 9.30pm and Celluloid from 10.00pm. 43

Day Planner: Day 5 10.00 am Main Meeting Venue We’ll be getting together a little earlier this morning to share in communion as part of our morning celebration. (33108)

2.30 pm Loud & Clear part 3 Ali Martin


In the last of this series on being the best communicators we can be, Ali will be focusing on the final stages of preparation, delivery and body language, and what happens after you’ve given a talk. SEMINAR A - (33044)

Worship Q+A

Soul Survivor Team Mike, Beth and the team will do their best to answer your questions, whether they are on values and why we do things the way we do them, or a practical question. SEMINAR B - (33045)

Getting collared Michael Leyden

If you’ve got a passion for the Church of England and an inkling that God might be calling you to lead a church in the future, pop along to this seminar. We’ll be looking at what ordination is, how you work out whether it’s for you and what happens during selection and training. REFRESHERS - (33046)


day planner: Day five | KEY:

Get Equipped

Go Deeper

Go Further


U-turn: The great adventure Chris Lane and Andrew Lane

Our week is coming to an end but for you an adventure awaits! Following Jesus isn’t always easy but you are never alone – God is always with you. Join Chris and Andrew for a practical guide to help you live for Jesus in every aspect of your life. THE FRINGE - (33047)

HOPE How do I tell my mates about Jesus? Roy Crowne

Other stuff going on today

BLUEPRINT - (33048)

1.00pm: Check out how you can get involved in social action projects at the Soul Action café. Grind, pop, fake and wheelie your way across the skate park from 2.00pm.

4.00 pm

2.30pm: Head to the ArtShed for the last workshop of the week.

Hearing God’s voice

ou can drop off any food you don’t 5.00pm: Y want to take home at Info. We’ll donate it all to a local charity.

Mike Pilavachi

For some of us it’s easier to talk than to listen but when we allow God to speak to us it can change our lives. Join Mike as he looks at how God speaks to us and how we can be better listeners. SEMINAR A - (33049)

What’s going on tonight?

Where do I belong?

7.00pm: It’s our last main meeting of the week (BOOO!) » (33109)

Kiera Phyo

What does it mean to be in the world but not of it? If we swap our Hollister hoody for a Christian branded one does it make us Christians? Join Kiera as she looks at faith and finding a sense of belonging. BLUEPRINT - (33051)



Sharing the gospel of Jesus with the people around us is one of the key things that HOPE is based on. But this isn’t always easy. Join Roy as he looks at how we can be good disciples and share our faith with other people.

9.30pm: Dance the night away in Café Uno or Blueprint, or chill out with a film in Celluloid. ArtShed show - displaying the work produced throughout the week. 10.30pm: Join us for the final time of worship this week at Late Night Worship.



DAY 2 Sat 27th July



Seminar timetable MAIN MEETING VENUE


How to interpret the Bible



Soul Man meets Soul Sista: Sex and relationships

Soul Sista: Girl on fire

DAY 4 Mon 29th July


What about doubt? Yanah Nightingale

The ‘C’ word

Power ministry part 1

Passionate discipleship: fulfilling potential

Robby Dawkins

Freddie Pimm

Help, I fall asleep when I pray

Healing from past hurts

Radical living: The Kindgom of God

Andy Croft

Jeannie Morgan

Freddie Pimm

The Old Testament in one hour

Loud & Clear part 1

Chris Lane

Ali Martin

Going, going, gone

Worship, creativity and community

Eddie Lyle and Open Doors

Eddie Lyle and Open Doors

Rend Collective


9:30am Soul Man meets Soul Sista: Porn is everywhere

Say - explaining and proclaiming the Good News Patrick Regan

Receiving more of the Spirit

Jesus and his youth group

Andy Croft

Gavin Calver

Do - Marked by love and making a difference

Loud & Clear part 2

Patrick Regan

Ali Martin

Power ministry part 3

My heart bleeds

Second chances

Eddie Lyle and Open Doors

Starting Uni well

Kiera Phyo

Removing barriers to healing

Creativity in local church worship

Jeannie Morgan

Beth Croft & Sam Bailey

Worship Q&A

Getting collared

Soul Survivor Team

Michael Leyden

Pippa Elmes

Robby Dawkins

Thinking faith Andy Croft


DAY 5 Tues 30 th July


DAY 3 Sun 28th July




Chris Lane





Ali Martin

Hearing God’s voice

4:00pm 46

Loud & Clear part 3

Mike Pilavachi

seminar timetable | KEY:


soul action CAFÉ

Live life 1, 2, 3

Songs of justice

Matt Summerfield

David Westlake

Get Equipped

Go Deeper


Go Further





Praying for people so that stuff happens Ali Martin

A brand new you: Forgiven and accepted

Why women in leadership is so important.

Chris and Andrew Lane

David Westlake



Power ministry part 2 Robby Dawkins

Stepping towards justice

Patrick Regan

David Westlake


Contemporary evangelism: How to lose friends and alienate people Freddie Pimm

Under new management Chris and Andrew Lane

Soul Man: Life beneath the surface



Refusing to believe that this is a lost generation

Andy Croft and Mike Pilavachi

Help, I don’t like myself Jeannie Morgan


The search for justice

Mike Pilavachi

David Westlake

The New Testament in one hour Chris Lane

New lifestyle: extreme makeover

Jesus loves superheros?

Chris and Andrew Lane

Jason Gardner


HOPE: Youth Leaders’ reception Roy Crowne & Mike Pilavachi

U-turn: The great adventure

HOPE: How do I tell my mates about Jesus?

Chris and Andrew Lane

Roy Crowne


Where do I belong? Kiera Phyo



Who’s Who? |

Who’s Who? Sam Bailey

Robby Dawkins

Sam has been making his home in Watford for the last year where he is combining his passions for Jesus and music by being part of the Soul Survivor worship team. He’s a big fan of playing sports and hasn’t let more than his fair share of broken bones and injuries put him off. But in case you think that makes him sound tough, he’s been known to love a chick flick or two; just don’t tell him we told you.

Robby and his wife Angie planted a Vineyard church in the downtown area of Aurora, Illinois 17 years ago and have seen many come to faith there. He has a deep passion to equip the Church in Power Evangelism so that people outside of the church may see God’s signs and wonders and meet with Jesus. Robby and Angie have six sons aged between 2 and 19.

Gavin Calver

Pippa is Fusion’s Student Linkup Developer. She supports youth workers in preparing young people for university and helps them look ahead to a time full of potential and opportunity. She loves travelling the country, dancing and laughing with friends.

who’s who?

Gavin is a theology graduate, ordained evangelist, author of four books and the National Director of Youth for Christ. He is married to Anne and they have two children - Amelie and Daniel.

Andy Croft Andy is married to Beth and spends most of his time heading up Soul Survivor’s leadership course (Soul61), being the assistant pastor at Soul Survivor Watford and associate director of Soul Survivor. He’s also recently been ordained as a vicar (any excuse to wear a dress!).

Beth Croft Beth is married to Andy and heads up worship at Soul Survivor and Soul Survivor Watford. A little unknown fact is that Beth is related to Persian royalty, so don’t forget to bow and curtsey.

Roy Crowne Roy worked for Youth for Christ for 28 years (spending 13 as their National Director). Roy was co-founder of HOPE 08, with Andy Hawthorne and Mike P, and is now the Executive Director of HOPE. Roy lives in Rugby with his wife and they have two sons.


Pippa Elmes

Jason Gardner Jason is a lecturer in youth discipleship at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. He is husband to Rachel and father to Daisy, and they live in Harrow where he and Rachel are on the leadership team of a church for teenagers and young adults.

Daniel Hoogteijling Daniel is originally from Holland but currently lives in Kansas City, Missouri with his wife, two children and a third on the way! Daniel and the family used to live in Kenya where they led a team of young Kenyans building a missions base in Kitale. Together they planted churches, started children’s homes and ran a rescue home for single teenage mothers.

Andrew Lane Andrew is a Manchester lad through and through. He is married to Natalie and father to Amelia and Emma. Andrew will be helping lead Café Uno with his brother this week and if you’re lucky he may demonstrate how many keepy-ups he can do. His current record is four.

Who’s Who? |

Chris Lane

Yanah Nightingale

Chris lives in Salford and leads Langworthy Community Church. Chris is an avid fan of Manchester United and, unlike many United fans, actually lives in Manchester. As well as leading some seminars this week, Chris is also heading up Café Uno with his brother Andrew. Pop in and say hello.

Yanah has just finished uni and is about to be a real grown-up with a real job. A former intern of Onelife, she’s got a lot of books, a fondness for spy movies, and a rather curious accent (think Californian mashed with North London).

Michael is a deacon in the parish of Rainhill in the diocese of Liverpool. After becoming a Christian at school, Michael studied at Oxford University and went forward for ordination selection after graduating. Michael is married to Anna and they have a daughter, Eliana.

Eddie Lyle Eddie is the Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland, which means he travels extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church and is also President of Medic Assist International. Eddie is married to Christine and they have a 21 year old son called Adam.

Ali Martin Ali is an author and speaker and sits on the leadership team of Soul Survivor and Soul Survivor Watford church. Some of her main passions include championing the cause of women in leadership and encouraging people to communicate the word of God clearly. Ali is married to Joel and they have two children, William and Esther. Oh and she loves a good pick ‘n’ mix.

Jeannie Morgan Jeannie is part of the Soul Survivor team and is passionate about encouraging and equipping people in areas of prayer ministry. She is married to Ken and is also the author of the books ‘Let The Healing Begin’ and ‘Encounter The Holy Spirit’.


Rend Collective Experiment Rend Collective is an eclectic group of multiinstrumentalists who play everything from bins to banjos. Hailing from Northern Ireland, they exist to lead people closer to Jesus through their songs and music.

Kiera Phyo Kiera leads Tearfund’s youth and young adult work in the UK and is also part of a community called Rhythms who are trying to love Jesus and live differently. She lives in London with husband Trevor and daughter Layla, goes to a fab small church in Peckham, loves Nick Miller from New Girl and thinks Twitter keeps her educated.

Mike Pilavachi Mike heads up everything that goes on at Soul Survivor and its associated church, Soul Survivor Watford. Having started his working life as an accountant, many financiers now place the responsibility of causing the global financial meltdown firmly at Mike’s door. He refutes these claims.

Freddie Pimm Freddie is a final year medical student at Imperial College in London. He lives in Fulham and attends a church called St. Alban’s. He loves spending time with his friends, talking about his hair care regime and playing sports, especially rugby, surfing and skiing.


who’s who?

Michael Leyden

Who’s Who? |

who’s who?

Lahna Pottle

Matt Summerfield

Lahna is a 21 year old Theology and Youth Ministry student at St Mellitus in London. Alongside her studies she works for XLP and is the youth worker for a church in South East London. She is still waiting in anticipation for her name to appear on the side of a Coke bottle.

Matt balances his time between being the Chief Executive of Urban Saints and the Senior Pastor of Hitchin Christian Centre. He’s passionate about seeing children and young people live God’s great adventure for their lives. Matt has a tap-dancing wife called Jo, and two sons, Andrew and Daniel.

Patrick Regan Patrick is the founder of XLP and spends most of his time engaging with politicians, gang members, victims, perpetrators, police and councils, which led to him being awarded an OBE by the Queen. Patrick lives with his wife and four children in South East London, and is the author of a number of books.

David Westlake David works for Tearfund as their Integral Mission Director. He is also a Trustee of Soul Survivor and a member of the HOPE leadership team. He is married to Minu and as well as studying for a PhD at Kings College London, he spends a lot of his time playing taxi driver to their daughter Ellie.

Theology, Mission & Worship For the 21st Century

BA in Theology and Youth Ministry Ordination Training MA in Christian Leadership Theology Degrees St Mellitus College is a learning community dedicated to helping Christians explore their faith more deeply through a combination of academic excellence and the flexibility to fit around church, life and ministry. Please contact us for more information. stmellitus.ac.uk


your questions our answers |

your questions our answers For the next few pages we’ll try and answer some of the questions we’ve been asked about why we do things the way we do.

Firstly there is no right or wrong way to worship Jesus. Worship is an opportunity to encounter Jesus and each person responds differently to meeting with him. Many people shut their eyes so they aren’t distracted by what goes on around them. Some lift their hands as a sign of praise (like when the Psalmist said “I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands” in Psalm 63) or hold their hands out to God as a sign they are surrendering to him or would like to receive from him.

Why do people do weird things when the Holy Spirit comes in power? We worship an amazing God who loves to draw close to us and, when we meet with him by the power of his Holy Spirit, we can be changed in the most incredible ways. Sometimes as God meets with people they cry, laugh, and move around; or they may just stand completely still. We all respond differently and there’s no right or wrong way. The best thing we can do is be open and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us by saying ‘yes’ to him. We can’t and shouldn’t try and force it or hype anything up and there’s nothing to worry about in terms of how we or anyone else responds. Mike and the team will be talking through what’s happening in the main


meetings during ministry times and you’re always welcome to chat to a member of the Enabling team if you have any questions.

Why is all the music in the main meetings led on guitar? There are so many different musical styles, genres and instruments that can be used in worship. We don’t believe God minds what type of music we use as long as our praise and worship is genuine and from our hearts. The moment that our worship becomes focussed on anything other than connecting with Jesus we know we’ve missed the mark so we keep it simple and accessible and lead our worship with a worship leader, guitar and band. From time to time we’ll invite friends along like Rend Collective who will do something a little bit quirky with bins and tambourines and all sorts to try and involve different musical styles but for the majority of the time we’ll stick to what we know best and what we know the majority of you love.

How can I get the lyrics/chord charts to the songs? Lyrics and chords to many of the songs we sing at Soul Survivor are in books that are available to buy from our stand in the ToolShed. We’ll try to post lyrics and chords to some of the new songs written by one of our team on our website www. soulsurvivor.com in the autumn.



Why do people close their eyes and put up their hands in worship?

your questions our answers |

How do the band get to be the band and speakers get to be speakers? We really love hanging out with you guys and because we really value the relationships we build with you the last thing we want to do is let someone have a platform at one of our events without knowing them, trusting them and making sure they are committed to growing in relationship with Jesus. There is no favouritism or special treatment with any of our speakers – we only invite people who we believe will help you strengthen your relationship with Jesus.

What about bands? Can I recommend someone or volunteer my band to play in a venue?


If you’re part of a band and already have a good following please send us some music either on a CD or through a link to a website and we’ll check it out. We get a lot of music sent in so we’re sorry if we can’t respond to everyone.

Why does everything else close when the main meetings are on? We want to give everyone the opportunity to meet and worship God together in our main meetings. We want this to be a time when we give Jesus all of our attention, so to ensure we do that we try and remove the distractions of other venues around site by closing them. We also have a lot of volunteers running these venues and we want them to have space and time to meet with God for themselves.

Why is Mike so rude to people on stage? Mike has a bizarre sense of humour and one of the things that really tickles him is taking the mick out of his friends. But please don’t worry, Mike only jokes around with people who know that he loves them and cares for them (he’s actually a big softie which is probably why he can never keep a straight face for long).


your questions our answers |

The simple answer is so we can fit lots of you into our venues! If we were to put chairs out for our main meeting it would drastically reduce the amount of people we could fit in.

We also have a small army of cleaners making sure the toilets and showers are spick and span but if you see a problem just let our Comms team know and we’ll get the team assembled to sort it out.


Why do we have to sit on the floor?

Why aren’t there more toilets and showers? For any big event there is a recommended amount of toilets and showers that should be available so no one has to wait too long. We actually hire twice as many toilets and showers as recommended because we know that waiting can be frustrating. Some quick ways of reducing queuing time would be: • Having a shower at quiet times (such as early morning or late evening) • Being quick and not taking too much time • Not showering at all (not recommended if you’d like your mates to still sit with you at the end of the week)


Got a question we didn’t answer?

Email info@soulsurvivor.com and we’ll try and include it in future.


| offering

offerING During the evening meeting on Day 4 we will be taking up our offering. Please don’t feel pressured or obliged to give – we’d only ask you to give if you’d like to. This year the offering will be going to the following initiatives:

Young Leaders


We’re all about raising up young leaders to go out into the world intent on seeing more people come to know Jesus. Over the past few years we’ve had the privilege of working with many great young people who have gone on to serve the church in loads of ways including worship leading, youth work, ministry, and much more.

The Persecuted Church

Soul Action Soul Action is making a STAND for the 27 million people currently trapped in slavery and working with projects around the world to stop people from being sold into slavery. Find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved on page 56.

For some people, being a Christian isn’t easy. It may be that being a Christian in their country is a crime or that the government has made meeting together as Christians illegal. We have friends in Central Asia who face these problems daily so we want to try as best we can to support, resource and encourage them despite the difficulties they face.

Missed it? If you miss the meeting when the collection is held, don’t worry – drop your donation in to Info at any point during the week.


supporting soul survivor |

SUPPORTING SOUL SURVIVOR There are stacks of ways that you can support and get involved with the work we do at Soul Survivor.


Raise money while you shop!

Soul Survivor simply wouldn’t happen without the donations of time and expertise from hundreds of volunteers. They put the hard yards in running our venues and keeping us all safe. If you want to join this army of heroes you can sign up online at the teams part of our website.

Before you browse the internet highway for the latest bargains why not take a turn past www. easyfundraising.org.uk. If you choose Soul Survivor as the charity you want to support and click through to any site you want to shop from, many of them will donate some money to Soul Survivor without it costing you a penny!


Shout it out!


If you are able to support Soul Survivor financially and feel that it’s something you want to do, we would greatly appreciate any support you can give. We value every single penny and pound we receive as it allows us to continue helping, resourcing, equipping and supporting young people in their relationships with Jesus. For more information about how you can give please visit www.soulsurvivor.com/give SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A


Soul Survivor is not about any person, thing or event, it is all about God. We only want to do what he wants us to do. Please pray with us that in everything we do we remain obedient to his will.

If you’ve had a great time at Soul Survivor this year why not tell a friend about us? There are loads of different events up and down the country to invite them to throughout the year or you can give them a nudge towards our website and they can check us out from there.


| soul action

make a stand with soul action What is Soul Action?


Soul Action is a partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund that works to help people connect with God’s heart for justice. We want to encourage everyone to take a stand against poverty and injustice because we believe this is part of our worship to God and absolutely key to being his disciples. Together we can make a real difference to the pain and need in our world so we want to encourage as many people as possible to make a stand together.

What is the STAND? We have all heard the statistics that 27 million people are trapped in slavery. That’s 27 million men, women and children that today are being denied their basic human rights and are being forced to work in brothels, in homes, on farms, or in sweatshops. We believe our best opportunity to stand up against this horrible injustice is to make seeking justice a part of our everyday lives.

We’d love for you to

make a STAND by: • Signing our petition that asks our Government to do something about slavery. You can sign the petition at our stand in the ToolShed, via our website, by texting[*] STAND and your email address to 87080, or by scanning the icon on this page with your Smartphone. • Spreading the word and encouraging your mates to sign the petition too • Praying with us for change • Raising money for Soul Action projects that are working to prevent slavery. You can find more details of our projects and fundraising ideas on our website. Our simple, every day choices can make a difference so please join the STAND. 27 million people will be glad you did. [*] Texts will cost just your standard network rate

www.soulaction.org.uk Twitter: @SoulActionUK Facebook.com/SoulActionUK Blog wordpress.soulaction.org 56

THIS YEAR WE ARE TAKING A STAND FOR FREEDOM. Soul Action are committed to helping those caught up in modern day slavery; we want to remember the forgotten, reveal the hidden and stand with the abused. We need your help. We want as many people as possible to sign our petition to ask the government to do more for those people who are trapped in slavery.


| soulnet


soulnet for youth leaders oulNet is for anybody who S is involved in youth work in any way – whether it’s your full time job or you volunteer once a month.


If you’ve been to a SoulNet event in the last year or so chances are you’ve bumped into Ali Etheridge our SoulNet Director. We asked Ali to gives us the low down on SoulNet and what his plans are for the coming year. Hi Ali! Firstly, can you explain for people who don’t know – what is SoulNet? SoulNet is the part of Soul Survivor that focuses on connecting with youth leaders to encourage and equip them in the work they do with young people. We run loads of events up and down the country throughout the year to try and do this but the main aim of SoulNet is meeting youth leaders, getting to know them and supporting them in the work they do.

| soulnet

You’ve been in the job for about 18 months now – what has been the highlight so far?

What’s been the biggest challenge of the last 18 months? One of the biggest challenges, not just for me but for youthwork in general, is remembering that one size doesn’t fit all with young people. SoulNet isn’t here to try and teach textbook youthwork but rather to get alongside youthworkers, encourage and support them and pray into their individual situations. Is SoulNet only for full time youthworkers? Absolutely not! SoulNet is for anybody who is involved in youth work in any way – whether it’s your full time job or you volunteer once a month. We want to engage with youth workers where they’re at which is why we meet up in a variety of ways. For those with a free morning we have prayer breakfasts, for those with a free day we have equipping days and for those with a free weekend we have our SoulNet retreat. What excites you about the year ahead? I’m really looking forward to continuing to meet with more youth leaders and more youth groups and hearing stories of how God has been working in them and through them. I’m also really excited about our ‘New to Youth Ministry Day’ which will focus on empowering people who are new to the world of youthwork or people who are considering getting involved in working with young people.


SoulNet in the summer This is Ali - pop along to the SoulNet stand and say hello!

SoulNet Breakfasts


The best part of my job is meeting new people, seeing them engage with young people and witnessing what God is doing in their lives. In 2012 we started our prayer breakfasts and equipping days for this very reason. It’s also been a great place to chat about different issues we’re facing as youth workers covering everything from sexuality to mental health.

Head on down to Café Uno at 9am on Days 2, 3 and 4 and have a coffee and a croissant on us before we kick off the SoulNet seminar at 9:30am.

SoulNet Seminars Day 2 – Matt Summerfield Live Life 1, 2, 3. Day 3 – Patrick Regan Refusing to believe that this is a lost generation Day 4 – Mike Pilavachi Youthwork Q&A For more information on seminars check out pages 38-42.


| soulnet

soulnet throughout the year We’d love to invite you to get involved with SoulNet throughout the year. Here’s some of the stuff we’ve got going on. SoulNet Retreat

Friday 31st January – Sunday 2nd February 2014 Join us at Sherwood Forest Center Parcs for a weekend of worship, teaching and ministry, with plenty of time to relax and receive from God. Hosted by Mike and Ali.

Prayer Breakfasts articles

Every couple of weeks we host a prayer breakfast with the sole purpose of gathering together to share experiences and to support and pray for one another. We will go where we’re asked to go so if you want to host a breakfast at your church please email soulnet@soulsurvivor.com.

Equipping Days Our equipping days are a series of one-day conferences, designed to help youth leaders with different areas of working with young people. Each day will happen in the context of worship and ministry and will provide space for networking. Pick up a SoulNet brochure from their stand in the ToolShed or head to the website to find out more about topics, locations and dates.

New to youth work? 26th September 2013 If you are just starting out in youth ministry or you’ve been a youth worker for less than 18 months we’d love to meet you! This day will cover some of the foundations of youth work and give us an opportunity to pray for you and see what God wants to say.

www.facebook.com/SoulNetUK twitter.com/SoulNetUK www.soulsurvivor.com/soulnet 60

enews signup

stay in touch |

Hey there, wait a minute MR POSTMAN! Twice a year we write some little magazines and post them to anyone who wants one. Don’t worry, these aren’t marketing ploys or sales brochures. They are a collection of resources, articles and little bits of fun to hopefully equip you in your walk with Jesus.


If your youth leader booked you in to come to Soul Survivor the chances are we don’t have your details. So if you’d like to receive our magazines please email info@soulsurvivor.com and we’ll get you added to the next edition. It’s as easy as that!

If you would like to receive our monthly updates please scan here or email editor@soulsurvivor.com SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A


| youth bible

soul survivor youth bible We love God’s word! It’s such an amazing gift that God has given us to help us know him more and understand what it means to follow him. But let’s be honest – sometimes we could do with a hand in understanding some of the confusing bits and applying it to our lives today. So we’ve worked with lots of friends to create the Soul Survivor Youth Bible packed full of articles and insights. articles

We’ve included info on topics like sex and relationships, sacrifice, alcohol and self image; and we’ve also tried to look at the big themes of the Bible such as how to find Jesus in the whole of the Bible, worship and prayer, to help us learn about what the Bible has to say about how we should live every day. There are different streams on each topic that you can read by yourself or with a group of mates, plus there are Bible reading plans, helpful facts and accessible stories. We’ve packed over 500 articles in from such a wide range of writers that we don’t even have room here to tell you about it all so head over to the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed to check it out for yourself!

You can get a copy of the Youth Bible at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed for £11.99 (or £97 for ten Bibles – saving £2.29 per Bible!).


We’d love to know what you think of the Youth Bible, so when you’ve had a little look, jump online and message us, tweet us, or email us your thought!

Students/Internationals |

student welcome University is a big deal. If you’re moving away from home and learning how to fend for yourself for the first time this next step in your life could seem quite daunting. Well, help is on hand! We’ve gathered together a great bunch of people who will be running a seminar to address any worries or concerns you have about University life. If you’re lucky they may even divulge the age old secret of how to make top-notch beans on toast. Day 3 2.30pm in Soul Action Cafe.

Guten morgen, wie gehts es ihnen? Möchtest du kaffee oder tee mit dein küchen? As you’ll see from our fluent German we know how to give a good international welcome! If you’ve come from overseas to visit little old us at Soul Survivor we’d


international reception

love to extend that welcome to you by inviting you to tea on Day 2 at 4pm in the Soul Action café. This is a great place for you to meet our International Co-ordinator, Alex, and other delegates who have come to visit us from all around the world.

Wristbands for international delegates can be collected from the information office on arrival day. SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A


soul 61 |

soul61 Soul61 is the part of Soul Survivor that focuses on equipping, resourcing, teaching and supporting young people in leadership. Our main programme is a ten month course to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus and equip them to serve him through leadership.

Soul61 isn’t just a gap year! It’s an opportunity for you to join the Soul Survivor family – to learn with us, grow with us, hone skills and develop as a person and as a leader. We want to give you space to encounter God, worship him, wait on him and allow him to mould you into the person he wants you to be.

Who’s it for? Soul61 is for anyone between the ages of 18-24 who feels the call of God on their life to serve his people. We aren’t looking for individuals who have it made, we’re looking for those who have a genuine and deep desire to develop their character, and have an openness to be used by God wherever he chooses.



WHat’s it all about?

What will I do? You will be based at Soul Survivor Watford and you’ll be involved with one of our teams such as events, youth, evangelism or production. You will be thrown in at the deep end, stretched and tested by things you may not have done or experienced before. We want to prepare you to lead and we believe the best way of doing that is by trusting you with real situations and responsibilities.

Where do I apply? For more information, including how to apply, head to www.soul61. co.uk. Alternatively, pop along to the ToolShed and have a chat with some current Soul61s at the Soul61 stand.


Poverty is boring Find out why at the Compassion stand

“The greatest commandment is not just to

feel – but to act – with compassion. What better way to step up to this challenge than to change the future for a child in poverty? I applaud and support the work of Compassion.


COMPASSION UK CHRISTIAN CHILD DEVELOPMENT 43 High Street, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8BB | Registered Charity No. 1077216 Registered in England No. 3719092

COM_16915_SoulSurvivor_Programme_stg3.indd 1

28/06/2013 10:59

Starting uni in September? Link up to your University Christian Union now. Link up with the CU where you’re going to study and we’ll make sure you receive: a warm welcome from the CU when you arrive, help in finding a local church and support from like-minded Christian friends as you live and speak for Jesus at uni. Visit us in the Toolshed - or register on line - and we’ll give you a free hardback Uncover – Starting Uni Edition Luke’s Gospel when you Link up.


what you looking @ |

WHAT YOU LOOKING @? The internet is amazing! With the click of a button you can watch a video of a monkey getting a piggyback from a dog or chat to your chum in China, email your best friend in Burkina Faso or conference call your cousin in Colchester. The part of the internet we like the best is the place we call home: www.soulsurvivor.com. Head there and check out all this cool stuff: EVENTS


All the latest details about upcoming events

The shop

A whole bunch of goodies including seminar recordings, DVDs, CDs, books, clothes and more!

Video teaching

We film every Saturday Celebration and conference and put the teaching online.

Video updates

Sometimes we just dance around for the sake of it and film it. Our embarrassment is all for your enjoyment!




MOMENTUM SUMMER Friday 22nd - Tuesday 26th August Bath and West Showground, Somerset

MOMENTUM RETREAT WEEKEND Friday 14th - Sunday 16th March Sherwood Forest Center Parcs, Nottingham



bible reading notes |

bible reading notes

bible reading notes

The New Testament is full of letters. Often we read bits from this letter and that one, key verses that help us understand more about our faith. But it’s sometimes helpful to read these letters all the way through, as they were originally intended to be read. That way, we get the full picture of what the writer of the letter was trying to explain to the recipients. Although these letters are around 2,000 years old, we still face many of the issues that the early church faced. So, over the next few days, we’re going to read 1 John. It is widely believed that the writer of this letter is the same John who wrote John’s Gospel – the apostle John. He really wanted the people who were going to read the letter to understand more about Jesus’ sacrifice and God’s love. John reminds us that we should live in God (or ‘abide in God’ or be ‘one with God’). Think about your life at the moment – is that true for you? Day 1 – Challenge Think about Jesus now, at the start of your time at Soul Survivor. What’s your picture of him? Read 1 John 1:1 – 2:6 and underline what John tells us about Jesus. Is it just me, or does John seem really excited about what he has to say? He has seen it all with his own eyes and now he wants to tell us about Jesus. He calls him ‘the Word that gives life’, ‘the eternal life’ and ‘the sacrifice that takes away our sins’. How does that compare with your picture?



bible reading notes |

John’s at an advantage as he’s seen Jesus face to face. But over the next few days we’re going to be exploring being in Jesus’ presence and getting to know him better. We’ll discover for ourselves all that John has to tell us. And we too might get a little bit excited…

o you need to forgive someone for what D they’ve done to you? Tell someone, ask them to pray with you. hat does it mean to love the world (verses W 15–17)? How can you avoid it?

Be honest with yourself. Where are you at with Jesus?

A bit of homework So we can get through the whole letter, you need to do a bit of homework (tent-work?). Before tomorrow, try to read 1 John 2:18–27. Who or what leads you away from the presence of Jesus?

Read 1 John 1:5–10 again. Do you think you’ve got any confessing to do? Do it now and receive God’s forgiveness. Reread 2:2 – what do you make of that statement?

Day 2 – Commandment bible reading notes

Who’s your arch-rival? The Master to your Doctor? The Lex Luther to your Superman? Read 1 John 2:7–17 and then John 13:34 to see the commandment John is talking about. John seems really quite harsh here. If we love God but hate someone, we’re in the dark? Think about that person that came to mind earlier. It may be that they hurt or bully you, or that they changed things in your life for the worse. You may be justified in your feelings towards them, but if we’re to love each other, what does that mean for your relationship with this person? Now, if they’ve done you real harm, then that needs sorting out, properly. But you also need to forgive that person. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean they get away with it – it’s more about being able to let go of the bitterness that eats away at you. If you hold on to that grudge, then you cling on to the darkness that has been done to you.

Day 3 – United How have the last few days been? Would you say you’ve met with Jesus? Spent time in his presence? Read 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 and think about what it means to abide in (or ‘live in’ or ‘be united with’) Christ. At the end of the homework passage, John warns his readers to stay united with their hearts with Christ, and this is where we pick it up. God is holy – so holy that he can’t tolerate sin in his presence. If we abide in God, we can’t bring sin with us. But how does John describe what Jesus came to do in verse 5? Jesus came to take away our sin. So if we spend time with him, we get to know him better, we become more like him and this leads to wanting to live his way. And we can abide with God, because he has taken our sin completely away. R ead Psalm 103:11-12 and spend a minute or two thinking about those words. What does this tell you about God? Can you say that you ‘abide in Christ’?


If you want to get into the Bible more, try WordLive: www.wordlive.org


bible reading notes |

Wholehearted. Is that an easy word to apply to your life? Why or why not? Read 1 John 3:11 – 4:6 and think about how Jesus was wholehearted. John has talked about Cain murdering his brother Abel. You might think, ‘I’ve not murdered my brother, so I’m OK.’ But in verse 15, John echoes what Jesus says in Matthew 5:2122 that outwardly sticking to God’s commands means nothing if you go against them in your heart. Jesus sacrificed everything to save us – he loved us so much he held nothing back – and we should love with the same all-out commitment. Spending time in God’s presence changes us to be more like him. If we only say we love God, but don’t show it, what use is that? Read verse 16 one more time. What would this mean in your life? hat have you done to show W God’s love to someone recently? What can you do today?

Day 5 – Love It’s the last day you discovered?

– what have

as God loves us, the danger of saying you love God without showing love to others, God’s love for us resulted in our salvation.


As you go home, how might what you’ve explored, learnt and experienced change your life? John’s description of our relationship with God calls for a full-on commitment to living in him and showing his love to others. Back in your daily routine, what’s going to change for you? hink of one person in your T life to whom you need to show more love. Ask God to help you. Commit to doing something which shows God’s love to them.

bible reading notes

Day 4 – Sacrifice

Day 6 – Eternal We can meet with Jesus wherever we are, not just at church and events like Soul Survivor. How are you going to spend time in his presence today? Read 1 John 5 and choose a verse which sums up your time away. As we move back into our everyday lives, it’s important not to let the sacred times we’ve experienced be forgotten. If we spend time in Jesus’ presence, we can’t help but be changed by him. How has he changed you?

Read 1 John 4:7–21 and highlight every use of ‘love’, ‘loving’ or ‘loved’. Your Bible should be a mass of colour. As if he’s afraid that we won’t get the picture, John goes all out to help us understand what God is like. God is love. John continues the themes he’s already used: Jesus is the Saviour of the world, abide in God, love others SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A


prayer ministry |

prayer ministry


One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings we will always try to let God lead what’s going on and make space for him to meet with us. As part of this the leaders of the meeting will make time for us to wait on God’s Spirit and pray for particular groups of people they believe God wants to ‘minister’ to. This is a great opportunity for God to work in our lives and it’s brilliant to be as open to him as possible. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray; Mike P and the team will talk you through what’s going on as it happens (to the best of their knowledge!) We also have an experienced Enabling Team (wearing bright pink badges) who will be around to give you a guiding hand or answer your questions. We’d really encourage you to get along to our seminar on day 2 called ‘Praying for people so that stuff happens’ too.

What happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to wait for and respond to the Holy Spirit. The most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. Try to stay open to what God might want to do in your life and invite him to speak to you. Everyone responds differently to meeting with


God so try not to focus too much on your reaction or the reactions of those around you. We can experience God in all sorts of ways and physical manifestations aren’t the important thing. If you’d like to receive from God just stay focused on him. If you’d like to pray for other people, have a read on for some helpful tips.

A guide to praying for others… When you’re praying remember you are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other but we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given. Lots of it is just straight-forward common sense! lease only pray for someone who shares your P gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of personal stuff and so it’s a great principle to have guys praying for guys and girls praying for girls. Even if you’re married, or you are a youth leader praying for someone you know, we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks.

prayer ministry |

I f appropriate you can speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, but be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and always seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3). ncourage the person to receive from God and E be still rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. he laying on of hands to pray is Biblical. We T see Jesus touch a man to heal him of leprosy in Mark 1 v40-45 and he lays hands on the children to bless them in Matthew 19v13-15. That said, not everyone is comfortable with this so please ask before you pray. Please also use common sense about where you place your hands so it doesn’t become distracting for the person you are praying for. eep your eyes open when you pray for K someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. I f someone does fall over in the power of the Holy Spirit then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone


else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). If you can, put a jumper or jacket under the person’s head. It is not always necessary to stay with them for the whole time but if you move away encourage them to keep receiving from God and keep an eye on them to check they are safe. It can be helpful to whisper to them that you will return in a little while so they know that they are not forgotten. I t can become very hot in the main meetings when there are lots of people together during times of prayer ministry. If the person you are praying for is sweating, offer them a drink of water. If you haven’t got any yourself there is usually water and cups available at the front of the stage or you can ask someone on the Enabling Team. isten carefully both to the person you are L praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, and be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there to support you and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary. It’s very important to allow the expression of feelings and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally fine but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he wants to do, we don’t want to get in the way of that and we want to make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued.



on’t be afraid to ask someone what they D would like you to pray for and what God is doing even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation; this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you!

| prayer ministry

I f someone has been crying for a long while or releasing deep pain they may start breathing too fast which can lead to spasms in their hands and legs. Encourage the person to concentrate on breathing slowly – this won’t stop what God is doing but will make sure the person is OK. Remember you can always call over a member of the Enabling Team if you are worried.

mobility of the joint or limb and tell it to be healed in Jesus’ name. After this short prayer ask the person to test for pain and mobility in the injured area. Ask for the number out of 10 of the level of pain and mobility to see if it has gone down. Repeat the prayer, if necessary, as many times as you are both comfortable with.

I t’s brilliant to have more than one person praying for someone at a time so feel free to go over and join someone who’s praying already. That said, it’s can be distracting if a large group gather around someone when the ministry is of a sensitive nature so please ensure people have enough personal space.

And finally…


I f at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help from the Enabling Team. We all find ourselves in situations that we can’t handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more!

Praying for physical healing When Jesus healed people in the Bible he spoke to the sickness and ailments and commanded them to be healed. Jesus gives us the power and authority to do the same in his name. So, for example, if you are praying for a sight problem, speak to the eye and tell it to ‘Be open and see in Jesus’ name’. If you’re praying for an ear, speak to the ear and tell it to be open and hear in the name of Jesus. When praying for injuries that cause pain or immobility ask the person before you start to pray what level of pain they have on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest pain possible). Speak to the condition in the name of Jesus and command it to be healed. Speak to the pain and tell it very firmly to ‘Stop it,’ in Jesus’ name (but remember you don’t need to shout!). If appropriate speak to the


Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people feel a bit concerned or nervous when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keeping in mind how you would like to be prayed for, and constantly asking for God’s help. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven. If someone would like extra prayer you can refer them to a member of the Enabling Team or to the Chat Room. Encourage the person to receive as much prayer as they like during the event but also to seek ongoing ministry support from their home church. Don’t make any appointments to pray with the person outside of the meeting.

All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling Team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.

things you should know |

things you should know In an emergency: • Don’t panic! • Go to Comms, call Comms on 0300 302 0330 or get hold of the nearest member of team with a radio (Steward/Production etc) and ask them to contact the Comms team, who will in turn, contact the Emergency services on your behalf.


• Don’t call 999 yourself. This can cause confusion and delay help getting through.

General Information open 9am - 5:30pm

0303 333 1333 This is the Soul Survivor office number which you can ring from 9am till 5.30pm for any info or enquiries. Or just pop along to the Info Office and ask your question face to face.

Information points

number in case someone back home needs to contact you. (Please only use this number in a genuine emergency – this isn’t the number for your mum to call to ask if you’re eating your vegetables.)

Check out the Info points around site for all the latest news and programme changes. You’ll find them: outside Information, in the ToolShed, and outside the ToolShed/by the food court.


Emergencies back home

The Comms team is the oil in the engine of Soul Survivor, keeping everyone in touch around site. They co-ordinate all the practical things that need doing and their desk is the place to head should you come up against any practical issues, or give them a ring if there’s an emergency on 0300 302 0330.

Make sure you keep in touch with those back home and let them know how to reach you. Keep your mobile phone charged (you can do this for free in the pavilion just next to Comms) and let your family know the Soul Survivor General Information


open 24 hours a day


| things you should know

Wristbands Your wristband is your BFF or your closest companion. You should stick to your wristband like glue (although we don’t advise gluing your wristband to your arm). Without it you won’t be able to access any of the lovely venues around site. In the event of you losing your BFF you will need to come to Info and for £40 we will supply you with a new BFF. If you break it, there is a charge of £1 for a new wristband providing you bring the pieces of the old band to show us you had one in the first place. It’s really important that you only ever wear a wristband that has your name on it as we may need to identify you by it in an emergency. If your wristband doesn’t have your name on it, head to Info and get that sorted out for free.


Facilities for hearing impaired The main meeting venue has a loop system facility. Please see the Stewards in the venue for the exact locations. Main meetings will also be signed – please sit in the designated area towards the front of the venue for the best view.

Stewards If your eyes are drawn to a luminous flash of light around site you’ve either just seen Mike P in his lycra fitness gear or you’ve just caught a glimpse of our bunch of legendary stewards. These are the guys and girls who do all the really important jobs from making sure we’re all safe in our tents to letting us into venues. Please listen to what they tell you and make sure you high five them in thanks for keeping us safe this week.


things you should know |

We hope that everyone will have a brilliant week at Soul Survivor so we’ve arranged to have a bunch of lovely people ready and equipped to help if you or anyone in your group has any additional needs. Kids groups have helpers available to work one-on-one with any children with special needs. To find out more about what’s available just pop into Info early in the week.

Village Hosts Wherever you’re camping this week, you’ll have village hosts armed with hot chocolate, wide smiles and a knowledge of all things Soul Survivor. Their main purpose is to make you feel at home so pop over and say hello, borrow their mallet if you forgot yours, and chuck all your Soul Survivor questions their way.

The Post Before Twitter and Facebook took the world by storm, people used to write letters to each other. Over the years keypads have replaced pens and LED screens have replaced paper but there is still something nice about receiving a letter, parcel or card. To allow you to take part in this dying art we’ve teamed up with the showground to send and receive post during your time at Soul Survivor. This is the information you’ll need to give, should someone want to send something to you:

Lost Property Every year we find bags full of lost property with everything from Bibles to beach balls and sleeping bags to hair straighteners losing their owners. Whatever you lose and wherever you lose it, we’ll try and help you get reunited. Just drop by Comms or Info and we’ll help you have a dig through what’s been handed in. At the end of the event we take all the valuable objects (cameras, wallets, phones, jewellery, Bibles etc) back to our office in Watford so please give us a call on 0303 333 1333 if you don’t realise something isn’t where it should be until you get home. Our offices will be shut until mid-September but we will try and get your property back to you soon after we get back. Less valuable items need to be claimed by the morning of the last day or they will be taken to a local charity shop, so have a good check you are leaving with everything you came with before you head home!

Communion A part of the week that we really love is getting together for Communion. To do this we start the main meeting at 10am on Day Five (instead of the usual 11am start). There is non-alcoholic wine available as well as wheat/gluten free bread (look out for directions from whoever is leading the meeting so you know where to go).

Your name AND your delegate reference number (starting A2K13…), Information, c/o Soul Survivor, Staffordshire Showground, Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 0BD. Any post received will be kept in the Info Office until you come and claim it, so check regularly if you’re expecting something. If you need to send post, you’ll find the post box waiting by the main gate. SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A



Special needs

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things you should know |



Some youth leaders are blessed with a culinary expertise that allows them to whip up the finest cuisine the world has ever seen. Others can produce the hearty grub needed to sustain their group for a week in the countryside and others panic at the sight of a packet of pasta. Well if you fall into the last camp, fear not - at Soul Survivor this year we have the cream of the crop in catering vans ready and waiting to serve you your heart’s desire (providing it’s on the menu).

days 2-5: 12:30-2pm and 4:30-6pm

Kendal Creperie Traditional sweet or savoury French crepes.

Who left the house in a hurry? Who left all the important stuff at home? Well, never fear our camp and gas shop is here to rescue you! Behind Café Uno you’ll find a treasure chest of everything from tent pegs to camping gas. The shop will be open during the following times:

Authentic Thai food.

Flamin’ Waynes Everything from bacon and egg breakfast buns to burgers and hot dogs. Doughball Deli Tubs of freshly baked sweet or savoury doughballs.

Cafes Cake and a cup of tea go together like toast and butter, Piglet and Pooh or Mike and bad hair. So if you’re looking for a slice of something nice, a mug of something hot or a can of something cold pop along to one of our cafes - Café Uno, Soul Action Café or the Soul Survivor Café in the ToolShed.

Freezer Packs You can exchange (for free) or buy (for £2) frozen ice packs for your cold storage between 8.309.30am and 4.30-5:00pm opposite Café Uno (at the side of the Main Meeting venue).

Onsite Shop

OPening hours: day 1: from 2pm days 2-5: 7am - 7pm Just across from the ToolShed is a little local shop run by a lovely lady called Doris. Whether you’re after newspapers, bottles of milk or the best ice cream in Staffordshire, she will happily sort you out. For those of you with a larger group of people to cater for you can pre-order milk, bread and other bits and pieces - just pop in to make arrangements at the start of the week.

Local Shops & Directions Just a couple of miles away from the showground is the centre of Stafford. There is an Asda and a




Banana Leaf

OPening hours: day 1: 9am-10am and 2-6pm

| things you should know


Tesco both complete with petrol stations for you to grab all the food and fuel you need. Turn right out of the car park and head down into Stafford town centre where signposts will lead you to both supermarkets. If you are a whizz kid with a smart phone you can order your shopping online and have it delivered to the main gate. Please arrange to meet the delivery driver at the gate as we can’t accept deliveries on your behalf.

Health and Safety Fire Regulations As you’re putting your tent up and working out what pole goes where (and why you have a whole load of spare bits) please remember that to comply with fire safety regulations all tents must be 3 metres apart. Our lovely village hosts will be on hand to advise and assist should you have any problems. Hopefully it will be gloriously sunny during your stay with us but in the case of rainy or cold weather please remember not to barbecue inside your tent. Please note that the use of generators is not allowed. Group leaders – please make sure you complete your risk assessment form in your group leader pack and follow the cooking with gas guidelines. Don’t forget to drink lots of water and wear suntan lotion, especially when it’s hot


Sickness We hope everyone stays fit and healthy this summer, but if you or one of your group does fall ill* please keep them in their tent and contact the First Aid team (the First Aid centre is marked clearly on all site maps). If it’s an emergency please ring 0300 302 0330. *e.g. sudden fever (a high body temperature of over 38C or 100.4F), and sudden cough or any signs of diarrhoea and/or vomiting Please help us keep everyone fit and healthy by washing your hands often and letting us know if there are any broken or dirty toilets or showers on site. You can do this by popping into Comms or the Info office. Thanks!

First Aid (located opposite the

information office)

Our First Aid team are a brilliant bunch of people that are here to tend to you should you need any assistance. You’ll find them in their portacabins opposite the Info room from 9am until midnight. Obviously, illness sometimes crops up at inconvenient times so outside of these times pop along to Comms and they’ll get someone to help you. If you have any ongoing medical issues that requires medication please pop along to First Aid when you arrive to let them know. Because they’re nice they’ll also store your medication for you.

the only way is ethics |

We care about the environment and try to do our bit every summer in a number of ways.

The only way is Ethics

We would love you to get involved and help look after the environment while enjoying your time at Soul Survivor. Throughout the campsites and outside the venues you’ll find separate bins for glass, plastic, cardboard and cans. Please split out your rubbish and make sure the right stuff goes in the right bin. Each camping village will also have a recycling point where you can grab plastic rubbish bags to take back to your tent.

Recycle unused food


If you’re a group leader you’ll know how hard it is to calculate how much food you’ll need for a week. Well if you overbuy and miss the mark, don’t worry – head down to Comms on Day 5 (next to the Info room) with your non-perishable and unopened foods and we’ll donate it to a local charity.

Don’t waste water

Let’s all try and save as much water as possible by following some of these helpful tips: ★ Try and take quick showers. ★ Make sure all taps are switched off after use. ★ Try and only use the water you need (e.g. don’t boil gallons of water for two potatoes).

Take care of your turf

Believe it or not, when we aren’t here the showground is a very beautiful place and we want to leave it as neat and tidy as possible. To help us do this please take any rubbish away with you before you go home or drop it in the recycling bins.

Re-use where possible

In order to cut down on waste across the site please re-use cutlery and plates wherever possible. Helpful tip – if you don’t want to wash up, leave your plates outside and pray for rain. SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A

We’re doing our bit by...

★A lways looking at how much paper we use for printing and reducing it where we can. ★ Ensuring that all of the hoodies we sell are from companies that ethically source their material and give their employees a fair wage. ★M aking sure all our tea and coffee (and as much of the other food as we can) is fairlytraded. ★M aking biodegradable wooden cutlery available in all our cafes. ★M aking more bins available for rubbish and recycling. 81

| shop

SHOP There’s a whole load of cracking Soul Survivor stuff ready and waiting for you in the ToolShed. These are just a few of the things available:



2 2 S oul Survivor Youth Bible Get your hands on our youth Bible packed with tons of articles and insights into a whole range of topics. £11.99 (or 10 for £97)

SHOP ONSITE OR ONLINE: airtrade Soul Survivor hoodies 1 F Soul Survivor hoodies – ethically sourced and beautifully warm – grab yours for £27.50!


Buying stuff onsite will most likely be cheaper – especially if you use the vouchers at the back of the programme but you can also order when you get home as well. Simply head to shop.soulsurvivor.com and we’ll throw in some free p&p as well. Please remember that we have a few days to recover directly after our events so any orders made during August may take a little longer than usual to process.



VDs of talks 4 D You can get all the SEMINARS and mainstage talks on MP3 or DVD. Head to the Soul Survivor stand for more details. £30 or £25 with vouchers in the back SOUL SURVIVOR WEEK A


3 B RAND NEW 2013 Live Album Pre-order your copy and save some wonga with your voucher! (Please remember the voucher is only valid onsite) £11.99 or £9.99 with vouchers in the back (RRP £14.99)


5 20th Anniversary album In order to celebrate our 20th birthday our mates at Kingsway have released a CD of the best songs from Soul Survivor from the past 20 years. See if your favourite made the list! £11.99 (RRP £14.99) 83


shop |

| site rules

site rules There are a few site rules we all need to abide by to keep everyone safe and sound this week. 1)

Youth Leaders are responsible for their under 18s at all times. Under 18s – do what your leader says!


Strictly no alcohol on site.


Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs or alcohol will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management team and the Police representatives on site.




fter arrival all vehicles must be moved to the A designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire & Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled sticker. Cars may be forcibly removed if they are parked illegally on the campsite. We have guys as big as houses who can move cars with one hand. Event wristbands must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge to replace lost bands. Just don’t tie them too tightly. Fingers will fall off without adequate blood flow.

Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, 6) marquees or individual tents. 7)

o mixed tent/caravan/accommodation on site i.e. N no boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married. And no, we can’t marry you onsite…


Ball games are to be finished by 10pm, even if it’s 24 all and you’re playing ‘next goal wins it’.

9) Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting (i.e. have a light on your bike or are in a well-lit area for roller blading and skateboarding). LED lights from mobile phones don’t count! 10) Please don’t go into the woods. There is nothing there of any interest - just trees and highly aggressive and hungry badgers. ents or caravans can only be moved to another 11) T village by registering with Info. This is essential so we can contact you in the event of an emergency and to maintain site security. 12) N o speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit at all times. Please also note, driving lessons are not permitted on site.


You can, however read your theory book as much as you like. 13) No fly posting… help us respect the property on the showground. No posting of flies either; it’s cruel and unnecessary. 14) P ets are not allowed on site except for Guide dogs (please go to Info on arrival if you have a Guide dog). You can however have as many imaginary pets as you want. 15) T here is no access into any area that has been marked out of bounds with tape. 16) The use of generators is prohibited. Please talk to Comms if you have a medical or other critical need for a power supply. There will be a charge for provision of an electrical hook up. 17) Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 18) Soul Survivor does not operate holiday insurance or cancellation schemes. We strongly recommend that you consult an insurance broker if you require cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to people or personal property. he Stafford showground has some very pretty 19) T areas so please be respectful of your surroundings and make sure you don’t go where you’re not allowed to. (Areas are clearly marked and should be fairly obvious too!) 20) A s you will have realised the car park is on the other side of the road to the showground. This is a very busy road and you are very special so please make sure you use the underpass when you cross to avoid any accidents. Access to the underpass is via a ramp but please don’t use your bike or skateboard there. You can, however walk your imaginary pet there. lease respect other people’s privacy and don’t take 21) P any photos/video footage during ministry times.

programme index |

programme index 79-80

Holy Spirit


Soul Survivor Cafe




Info Points


Soul Survivor goodies






Soul Survivor Live Album




International Reception




Internet Access


Speaker bios


Jelly Tots


Special needs


Kids work




Bible Notes Blueprint

69-71 22

Cafes > Café Uno


Kids films


The Stand


> Soul Action


Late Night Worship




> Soul Survivor Café


Lift skate


Student reception




Lost property



Chat Room





Main meetings


44 + 77

back page


Toilets and showers





Mo Farah


Train rides






Ultimate Frisbee


Emergency Number


Panna-ramic Tournament


Village Hosts









Prayer Ministry




Fire Regulations


Questions and Answers










Food Vans




XLP Recording Studio


Food drop off


Safety tips


Youth Bible




Saturday Celebrations


Youth Leaders


Freezer Packs








Fun Run


Site Rules




Skate Park




Soul Action




Soul Action Cafe


Hearing impaired


Soul 61



back page




| event dates

let’s hang out soon We’ve got loads of events coming up from one-day conferences to weekend retreats…








day £10 for one or £15 for both








LOCATION: clear_ad.indd



Loud & Clear

10am – 5pm Join Ali Martin for two days about clearly communicating the word of God. If you struggle to get your point across when speaking and preaching or you want to brush up on your skills come along! The days will work best if you go to both, but if you can only make it to one, they will stand alone. Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse

2 24 WD 13 14:2

tford, Wa7/20 or 09/0 Soul Surviv



Saturday 26th October and Saturday 16th November 2013




SAT 26






PRICE: £10


om survivor.c


Young Worship Leaders Day 1

21st June 2014 10am – 8pm If you’re involved in worship in any way in your church the Young Worship Leaders Day is for you. Join us for a day of worship, teaching, ministry, Q+As, seminars and practical workshops with Mike, Beth and Sam. Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse

oul E: www.s OK ONLIN







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d 1




Celebrations Every month we hold free celebrations at our warehouse in Watford. They are at 5pm and repeated at 8pm. The next few are 14th September and 12th October, with future dates available online.




event dates |




SoulNet Supernatural Retreat

momentum weekend

momentum summer 2014

19th – 22nd February

14th –16th March

22nd – 26th August

lat.indd 1


If you want to grow in the knowledge and gifts of the Holy Spirit and learn how to follow his lead on a daily basis why not join us for Naturally Supernatural? Over the space of four days we’ll be exploring Biblical teaching and worshiping together whilst leaving plenty of time to allow God to speak to us, move among us, heal us and restore us. Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse


31st January - 2nd February The SoulNet retreat is for anyone in youth work whether that’s part-time, full-time, or volunteer. Get away from the busyness of everyday life and get stuck into enjoying quality time with God. For more info about Prayer breakfasts and equipping days head to page 60. Sherwood Forest Center Parcs

SUMMaER a MENTIfUM you’re student, a Come and join us forMO ust Tuesday 26 Aug weekend of relaxing,Friday 22 We-20/30 something or erset Som nd, st Showgrou Bath and chilling out and just young at heart, ND KE EE W UM RETREAT MOMENTMomentum hanging out with God! 16 March is for you! m ay 14 - Sunday nd


Sherwood Forest Center Parcs





Frid cs, Nottingha est Center Par Sherwood For

Bath and West PRICE E CHEAPEST Showground, O M.C .UK Mallet MENTU WW.MOShepton


W t.indd 1


Soul Survivor 2014

This Is It – The Big One! Five fun-filled days of camping, hanging out with your mates and meeting with God in Stafford (Week A) and Somerset (Weeks B+C). What better way to spend your summer? Prices start from £91.




25th–29th July Stafford

12th–16th Aug Somerset

17th–21st Aug Somerset


10/07/2013 12:50

find out how at the regent college booth and get a taste of vancouver, canada too! rgnt.net/momentum 2013














A518 To Uttoxeter




1 1B 1C










no access











no access



no access

Deliveries Entrance

3A 3B

Car Park

Disabled Car Park


no access




Car Park

no access








site maps Find your way around Soul Survivor with these pretty maps This one is a close up of the centre of the site with all the venues listed.


The big map over the page is of the whole site with all the camping villages listed too.













vouchers SA VE


Save £5 on ALL THE MP3s

The MP3s will be supplied on data DVD. We will aim to get them to you by the end of September. Please note that this is a DVD. If you don’t have a DVD player on your PC or Mac then this product is very unlikely to work! This voucher is valid for one copy of the talks when ordered onsite at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2013 at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and cannot be used online.


Save £5 on the SOUL SURVIVOR LIVE ALBUM 2013

Only £9.99 when you order at the event. (RRP will be £14.99 on release)


The Live Album is due to be released by Kingsway in late November. This voucher is valid for one copy of the album when ordered onsite at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2013 at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and cannot be used online. The price on release is likely to be £11.99 when ordered from the Soul Survivor shop website.

Save £5 on



video recordings of the MAIN STAGE TALKS from this event on DVD £25 (after the event it will be £30).

We will aim to supply the DVD by the end of October. This voucher is valid for one copy of the main stage talks from this event on DVD when ordered onsite at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2013 at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and cannot be used online.


Buy audio recordings of all the seminar & main meeting talks from this event in MP3 format for just £25 (after the event it will be £30).

R U V S I V L O U R O S ER 2014 SUMM











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