oGCDP AIESEC Bangalore Application for the Most Progressive Award
Target vs Achieved 200 Target
100 50 0
Absolute Growth
60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Specific Growth 25 20 15 10 5 0 Christ University
2012 iXP
17 raises in pipeline 11 projections Set AM’s and members for April cycle 3 UR Partnerships
NPS Score – 56 Response – 16 Promoters- 10
Key Achievements
Maximum number of exchanges done for April cycle in the AIESEC India network. Cracking 3 University relations for off peak this year ( Dayananda sagar college,Garden City and Acharya institutes) 72% growth from last year Good EP servicing in April cycle leaving a better NPS compared to last year. 2 Leaders and 7 members on exchange.
Key Innovations
Go Global on ground marketing campaign (http://bit.ly/Go_Global_Report ) RnR campaign for EPs(Being Awesome)-Incentives for raising more. Integrating the Eps right after they are raised,training them on self matching. Communication of iXPs in every AIESEC forum and also encouraging them by giving discounts.
Finance Total Income : 10,50000 Investment: Return on Investment: