Collective Office Workplaces
7. Conclusion 7.1 Summary Given the number of office workers in the world and the consequences of poor workplaces, understanding how different aspects of offices impact our wellbeing, has the potential to unlock numerous benefits for businesses and individuals. The studies will enable us to better define thresholds for distractions, spatial and social density, considered against the activities, tasks and personality profiles of different groups within a workforce and building. Greater insights into the relative impact of environmental and spatial variables can also help to better define a client’s brief, based on the priorities for that project, and taking into account financial, spatial or contextual constraints. This can then support spatial planning and design to provide the right amount of space for the different groups of people, tailoring the spatial layout and ratio of spaces to suit the specifics of a user group. As activity-based working becomes more prevalent, a ‘one size fits all’ approach to design can no longer be considered. This style of working requires a better understanding of the attributes that support different activities, work tasks, or people. We need to understand the specific requirements of different user group, taking into account the role that personality type and preference play, by actively engaging with building users in the design process. Understanding the broad profile of different user groups within an office or building will ensure that the design includes the correct mix of different spaces and spatial attributes which are most suitable to support those groups. Moreover, understanding our psychological responses to a workplace is as important as our physical responses to ensure the workplaces of the future are productive and healthy. 7.2 Questionnaire for a Better Workplace Design In today’s fast-changing modern society, offices need to transform and adapt as fast as the world around it. And so the next big trend in design will most likely be improving the use of technology in the workplace by further integrating the Internet of Things into our daily lives. Here, underneath we have a list of question based on design parameters which help us to initiate the design process of workplace in a better manner. These questions help provoke the insight required and indulge one in deep thinking process. The parameters vary from giving psychological importance to climatic and environmental aspects.
Souravi Halder | 1170100715 | B.Arch 2017-22
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