17 minute read
Technology giant Google is no stranger to IT security issues, and the company is providing free online security courses to people who are interested in learning more about how to protect themselves in cyberspace.
Google’s free course, IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts, teaches students how to identify and protect themselves against nefarious agents online. While this course delves deep into complicated online security concepts, it also teaches students how to break down those concepts and explain them to others who may not have technical expertise.
Google is one of the top technology research facilities in the world, and learning from the tech giant is a fantastic addition to a resume. Google asks the hard questions when it comes to technology, and isn’t afraid to look at what isn’t working and how it needs to change. From firewalls to encryption, this course tackles the hard aspects of technology and breaks them down in a way that students can understand.
Hong Kong University’s Information Systems Auditing, Controls, and Assurance is one of many available free online security courses that teach students how to understand the information they’re putting online, and how to control who does and does not have access to that information. This teaches students how to manage information in the workplace as well, and how to place controls on information to choose who does and does not have access.
This course is taught by Garvin Percy Dias, an associate professor of business at Hong Kong University. Students who have taken the course state that Dias is a fantastic instructor who explains things in a way that is clear and concise, and students feel that he truly cares about them as individuals.
In today’s digital world, staying safe is more important than ever. Leiden University’s Security & Safety Challenges in a Globalized World is one of many free security courses online that teach students how to protect themselves against global security threats. In this class, students learn about global security threats, and why digital security is such a vital part of keeping individual countries safe.
Professors at Leiden believe in studying both practical applications of knowledge and theoretical applications.
In this course, students will bring in several disciplines as they learn about network security, including crisis management, medicine, and terrorism studies. Students will also have the opportunity to study and analyze real-life cases that allow them to think about how they would handle a security crisis.
For students who want to learn more about cyber warn, International Cyber Conflicts at Open SUNY is one of many great free online security courses offered by the school. Students in this course leave understanding the characteristics of cyber conflicts and threats, and what is currently being done around the world to improve cybersecurity.
Taught by Sanjay Goel, students speak highly of this course, stating that Goel’s description of the psychology behind certain cyber behaviors is fascinating. This course digs deep into not only how people use cyberspace to facilitate conflict, but also why they choose this medium. Students walk away from this class with a deeper understanding of the threats of today’s digital world.
Amnesty International’s Digital Security and Human Rights course provides students is one of many free online security courses that can give students peace of mind in today’s everchanging world.
For students who have ever been concerned about protecting their online identity, this course is the perfect way to delve into exactly how dangerous the online world can be, and exactly who has access to personal information. Staying safe online is a human rights issue, and this course teaches students not only how to protect their own rights, but how to protect the rights of others.
Amnesty International has a long-standing history of fighting for the rights of people who cannot fight for themselves.
This free course allows the organization to reach an audience around the world with information that can help them to stay strong in the fight for human rights. Students in this course get the opportunity to connect with others around the world who share the same commitment to protecting others from injustice.
New York University’s Introduction to Cyber Security Specialization is one of several free online courses designed to help students understand the complexities of staying safe in an increasingly online world.
In this class, students will learn how to develop a plan to stay up to date on the latest in cybersecurity, learn about the latest security techniques (as well as what techniques are now out of date), be able to summarize why security matters, and discuss the basics of cybersecurity.
NYU works hard to develop students into lifelong learners and prioritizes helping students make plans that keep them coming back to get more from their education. This mindset is key in staying at the top of an ever-changing digital world.
With Sarah Wieskus
With reports suggesting the earth has only 27-years left before it runs out of food, and that 1.7 planets are needed for man’s increasing consumption and waste, it’s vital IT decision makers and cybersecurity leaders consider how they can be less wasteful and more impactful in terms of our planet...
The Cyber Crime Lab Podcast
With Andrew Anderson
The Cyber Crime Lab Podcast is a show about cybercrime and cybersecurity. We explore the changes coming for the cyber security space, what threats they bring, and what businesses can do when prevention isn’t enough. Host Andy Anderson interviews experts in the field of cyber security and victims of cyberattacks, providing practical examples and solutions.
Security Simplified
With The 443
Get inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers. Each week, we’ll educate and entertain you by breaking down and simplifying the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends. Using our special blend of expertise, wit, and cynicism, we’ll turn complex security concepts into easily understood and actionable insights.
With Alan Brinker
Alan talks about the crossover from physically picking a lock and how that can help build the right mindset to do it in the cyber world. Alan makes some good points on how abilities from outside IT and cyber can really help and transition to this field, if applied appropriately.
Sandy Perez joins host Dr. Marisa Randazzo to discuss what the work of an intelligence analyst really entails, the purpose of fusion centers and why they vary from state to state, and more...
Fraud Busting
With Traci Brown
Traci Brown has spent the last 20 years reading people and uncovering secrets hidden in plain sight in crimes, politics and billion dollar business deals. This podcast reveals the real and unpolished truth about fraud and threats to your bottom line. From jaw-dropping stories, you’ll learn what to do to spot fraud and protect yourself from personal and business losses.
The Women In Tech Show
With Edaena Salinas
‘The Women in Tech Show’ has a vast coverage of topics for women in IT. Examples of discussion areas are AI, software design, engineering, developing, design and general career advice. Host Edaena Salinas is a Software Engineer who recognizes the need to promote awareness of the many women currently shaping the future of technology.
The Women Who Code Podcast
With Women Who Code
Women Who Code’s mission is to inspire diverse women to excel in technology careers. In this podcast, we talk with technology leaders from around the world about their journies in the industry, their love of technology, trending innovations, the future of work, and ways that we can improve diversity, equality, and inclusion.
Deeper Than Tech
With Deeper Than Tech
Hey everyone! Deeper Than Tech was created with the beginner in mind. Here, we will talk about advancing your tech career, our experiences being black women in tech, along with various tech topics to give you the confidence to succeed in your new role and so much more!! Join us as we go beneath the surface of an everchanging industry.
Tech Sisters Stories
With Fatimah Akanbi
Tech Sisters is a community that supports Muslim Women in Tech through storytelling, mentorship, and collaboration. We know how important it is to have role models who look like us. These interviews are how we put the focus on our incredible sisters, the work they’re doing, the challenges they faced, and the lessons they learned
With Kelly Friedman
Stellar Women celebrates female leaders making their mark in technology. These women share their stories and practical tips to inspire emerging leaders, build a supportive community of allies, and promote gender equity and empowerment.
Are We Doing Enough
With Sheryl Sandberg
“We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.
Women In The Security Profession
// Sandi Davies
Women in the Security Profession: A Practical Guide for Career Development is a resource for women considering a career in security, or for those seeking to advance to its highest levels of management. It provides a historical perspective on how women have evolved in the industry, as well as providing realworld tips and insights on how they can help shape its future.
The comprehensive text helps women navigate their security careers, providing information on the educational requirements necessary to secure the wideranging positions in today’s security field. Women in the Security Profession describes available development opportunities, offering guidance from experienced women professionals who have risen through the ranks of different security sectors.
Author // Jessica
The world is more digitally connected than ever before, and with this connectivity, comes vulnerability. It is therefore vital that all professionals understand cyber risk and how to minimize it. This means that cyber security skills are in huge demand, and there are vast career opportunities to be taken.
Confident Cyber Security is here to help.
This jargon-busting guide will give you a clear overview of the world of cyber security. Exploring everything from the human side to the technical and physical implications, this book takes you through the fundamentals: how to keep secrets safe, how to stop people being manipulated and how to protect people, businesses and countries from those who wish to do harm.
Featuring real-world case studies from Disney, the NHS, Taylor Swift and Frank Abagnale, as well as social media influencers and the entertainment and other industries, this book is packed with clear explanations, sound advice and practical exercises to help you understand and apply the principles of cyber security.
Author // Peter Yaworsk
The latest addition to this guide. If you have been following me on social media or in general at all in the past few months, you know that I am mostly doing Bug Bounty Hunting and educating myself in this area at the moment. This book is very new (it was released in 2019) and up-to-date.
Peter is a seasoned security professional who tries to give people with zero knowledge in this area an entry point – and I think he achieved this. This book easily makes it in my Top 3 of my favorite Hacking Books of all time.
This book is very well written and goes in-depth into all the important topics regarding Web Application Security / Bug Hunting. After covering Bug Bounty Basics, it takes you through all of the most common Web Vulnerability.
Author // Kate Fazzini
Kingdom of Lies is a brilliant and bold debut, as full of suspense as the best crime thrillers.”
--Linda Fairstein, New York Times bestselling author of Blood Oath
In the tradition of Michael Lewis and Tom Wolfe, a fascinating and frightening behind-the-scenes look at the interconnected cultures of hackers, security specialists, and law enforcement.
Kingdom of Lies follows the intertwined stories of cybercriminals and ethical hackers as they jump from criminal trend to criminal trend, crisis to crisis. A cybersecurity professional turned journalist, Kate Fazzini illuminates the many lies companies and governments tell us about our security, the lies criminals tell to get ahead, and the lies security leaders tell to make us think they are better at their jobs than they are.
The Thrilling Adventures Of Lovelace And Babbage
Author // Sydney Padua
Meet Victorian London’s most dynamic duo: Charles Babbage, the unrealized inventor of the computer, and his accomplice, Ada, Countess of Lovelace, the peculiar protoprogrammer and daughter of Lord Byron. When Lovelace translated a description of Babbage’s plans for an enormous mechanical calculating machine in 1842, she added annotations three times longer than the original work. Her footnotes contained the first appearance of the general computing theory, a hundred years before an actual computer was built. Sadly, Lovelace died of cancer a decade after publishing the paper, and Babbage never built any of his machines.
But do not despair! The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage presents a rollicking alternate reality in which Lovelace and Babbage do build the Difference Engine and then use it to build runaway economic models, battle the scourge of spelling errors, explore the wilder realms of mathematics, and, of course, fight crime--for the sake of both London and science. The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage is wonderfully whimsical, utterly unusual, and, above all, entirely irresistible.
Author // Joseph Menn
Cult of the Dead Cow book refers to one of the oldest and most revered hacking groups that the United States has ever produced. You may have heard about it recently when president hopeful –Beto’ O Rourke announced that he was the part of the group.
Well, this book puts them back at the center of attention and explores their many exploits. It is mostly concerned with how the group was responsible for the development of TOR, and how they compelled many US Corporations to up their security protocols to the next level.
The book is all about the history of ‘Cult of the Dead Cow’ and their subsequent impact on America.
Author // Simon
Simon Singh brings his readers a fascinating book that details the entire history of encryption sprawling back to Ancient Egypt. Yes, you heard it right. According to Simon, the foundations for cyber security protocols that we cherish today could be traced back to the scriptures and antiquated espionage tactics associated with ancient Egyptian culture.
The book spares no detail in depicting how encryption has shaped the world we know today. From the inception of the e-commerce industry to ending the invasive Nazi regime, encryption can be credited for them all.
‘The Code Book’ puts historical context to the word encryption and affiliates it with many famous historical events and personalities. You will be amazed and left awestruck by the time you’ve turned its last page. No book looks into such a modern aspect of our world like encryption through a historical lens like Simon Singh does in this book.
// Laura A. Liswood
The Loudest Duck is one of the most popular workplace diversity books on the market. The book advocates for a meaningful approach to diversity. For example, by urging leaders not only to hire distinctive candidates, but to recognize and appreciate the strengths in those differences.
Laura Liswood illustrates the scope of diversity in the workplace and suggests actionable steps to build inclusive organizations. The Loudest Duck offers a set of practical tools to help managers and colleagues understand and respect different viewpoints. The author challenging readers to notice subtle inequities and overturn ingrained ways of thinking.
Notable Quote: “Companies are ultimately looking for increased creativity, better ideas, and multiple perspectives, so they will in fact benefit from diversity. However, we will see that achieving this takes much more effort than merely assembling a workplace that looks like Noah’s ark.”
// Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald
Blindspot is one of the best selling diversity books in recent years. Psychologists Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald explore the subject of unconscious biases, examining how experiences and ideas subtly shape ways of thinking. Relying on scientific methods such as the Implicit Association Test, the authors show how to spot and confront preconceptions.
The book frames bias as a human characteristic rather than an individual character flaw, making it easier for readers to accept the truth of their own prejudice. Blindspot argues that not only “bad people,” hold secret biases. Rather, every person must analyze their assumptions, stop hiding behind good intentions, and aim to be more open and supportive of those unlike themselves.
Notable Quote: “Blindspots hide both discriminations and privileges, so neither the discriminators nor the targets of discrimination, neither those who do the privileging nor the privileged, are aware. No small wonder that any attempt to consciously level the playing field meets with such resistance.”
Author // Craig Ford
In this thrilling second instalment to the Foresight series, Shadow offers a fresh insight into the opposing hacker of the series – Shadow. Shadow must make choices that will lead him down many paths that were never expected in the outset. Find out what makes Shadow tick and experience the thrilling events from Foresight with a completely new perspective. Shadow is fun, dangerous and dives further into the hacking world which Foresight first exposed.
Author // Craig Ford
HAVE YOU EVER DREAMED OF BEING A HACKER? To anyone who meets her, Samantha is just a good-hearted teenager who wants to finish school and go to college. Yet she has a secret life... She has spent years living two lives, one as Sam which the world sees most and one as Foresight, who Sam feels is her true self where she is a passionate and gifted hacker. She has never found a system she could not bend to her will. She is the essence of a true magician within the dark recesses of the web which many dare not enter. Foresight and Sam never mix. This is something that Sam goes to extreme lengths to ensure...
Protecting Our Future
// Jane Leclair
Protecting Our Future, Volume 1, brings together cybersecurity experts to assess operational challenges and workforce needs in a range of Critical Infrastucture Sectors and Subsectors.
Contributors examine the very real threats faced by each sector, and suggest best practices. Sectors discussed in Volume 1 include: military, healthcare, telecommunications, finance, education, utilities/ nuclear, government, small businesses/ nonprofits, and the international arena. This book is an excellent foundational resource for students, practitioners, and employers who not only want to develop a clearer understanding of what is required when building a cybersecurity workforce, but who need to develop top-of-mind awareness in the areas most directly impacting the future of our nation’s security.
This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends
// Nicole Perlroth
Zero-day: a software bug that allows a hacker to break into your devices and move around undetected. One of the most coveted tools in a spy’s arsenal, a zero-day has the power to silently spy on your iPhone, dismantle the safety controls at a chemical plant, alter an election, and shut down the electric grid (just ask Ukraine).
For decades, under cover of classification levels and nondisclosure agreements, the United States government became the world’s dominant hoarder of zero-days. U.S. government agents paid top dollar-first thousands, and later millions of dollars-to hackers willing to sell their lock-picking code and their silence. Then the United States lost control of its hoard and the market. Now those zero-days are in the hands of hostile nations and mercenaries who do not care if your vote goes missing, your clean water is contaminated, or our nuclear plants melt down.
Filled with spies, hackers, arms dealers, and a few unsung heroes, written like a thriller and a reference, This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends is an astonishing feat of journalism. Based on years of reporting and hundreds of interviews, New York Times reporter Nicole Perlroth lifts the curtain on a market in shadow, revealing the urgent threat faced by us all if we cannot bring the global cyberarms race to heel.
Women In Cloud
By Marisa Pecoraro
Stay up to date with the latest from Women in Cloud news and insights from industry thought leaders and women tech entrepreneurs. Women in Cloud celebrates the female entrepreneurs in the tech world.
By Michelle Pleitez
As the year comes to an end, it is a great time to review your current DEI initiatives and make sure they are still aligned with your strategic business goals. This is an opportunity to take a step back and think about what’s working well, what needs some improvement, and how to make DEI initiatives more effective for the new year.
In this Culture + Diversity event series, panelists from Gitlab, Stanford’s Children’s Hospital, and Western Digital shared their experiences and insights on how to plan your 2023 DEI strategies.
2023 Identity Security Trends And Solutions From Microsoft
By Alex Weinert
I wanted to kick this year off by having a quick look at the trends in identity security, what you can do about it, and what Microsoft is doing to help you. One of the things we talk about on the team is “shiny object syndrome”—there are a ton of innovative and scary attacks and research out there. Unfortunately, each one tends to pull us into “but what about…” where we’re being asked how we will handle the nascent headline grabber. This approach can whipsaw teams and prevent the completion of our defense projects, leaving us exposed to old and new ones.
Mitigate Risk By Integrating Threat Modeling And Devops Processes
By Simone Curzi
Agile and DevOps are without any doubt two of the biggest security trends of recent years. The rapid rise of the cloud has only fueled the need for flexibility and dynamicity. Therefore, it’s natural for developers and organizations to seek methodologies and tools for addressing new requirements faster and innovating more efficiently.
One of the main principles of Agile and DevOps is “shift-left.” By this term, we mean the ability to anticipate some activities, make them more effective, and reduce their cost. For example, shiftingleft quality means that you should anticipate testing to identify and fix bugs as early as possible. If we look at it through the lens of Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle, threat modeling is one of the best candidates for shifting left security. But how to do that? Threat modeling has traditionally been somewhat separate from DevOps automation processes. Therefore, we need new ways to make it an integral part of Agile and DevOps.
Encouraging Women To Embrace Their Cybersecurity Superpowers
By Lauren Buitta
How do girls identify their superpowers in cybersecurity while women continue to make gains? To explore this key question, Microsoft Security in partnership with Girl Security, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization preparing girls, women, and gender minorities for careers in national security, co-hosted an event on April 27, 2021, alongside thirty or more girls and women in high school and university from across the United States and globally.
Joining the Girl Security participants was an extraordinary panel of women in cybersecurity from Microsoft Security, including Amy Hogan-Burney, General Manager of the Digital Crimes Unit, Associate General Counsel, Microsoft; Vasu Jakkal, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity; Ann Johnson, Corporate Vice President of Security, Compliance, and Identity, Business Development; Edna Conway, Vice President, Chief Security and Risk Officer, Azure Microsoft Corporation; and Valecia Maclin, General Manager Engineering, Customer Security and Trust, Microsoft Corporation.
By Robyn Foyster
Tehani Legeay was on track towards a career as a dentist, but when her life suddenly changed course, so did her plans. A committed learner, Tehani rebuilt her skill base and today finds herself at the forefront of the fight to protect Australians against identity fraud.
As General Manager of ID, Fraud and AML at leading data, analytics and technology company Equifax, Tehani is focussed on stopping sophisticated fraud rings in their tracks and allowing businesses and customers to establish that someone is who they say they are.
“I look after a portfolio of fraud and identity services,” explains Tehani. “The whole purpose of that is helping Australian businesses grow safely. We do that by helping them verify identity and prevent fraud through a range of solutions. Every business is different, and they get to choose what identity verification means to them. I feel a great sense of responsibility and privilege to be able to deliver that safety to Australian businesses and really help the Australian economy.”