Industrial Machinery Digest - December 2021

Page 12

Talking Shop - Review


Cracking the Code: Connecting IMD Readers with More Information This year, Industrial Machinery Digest, “talked shop” with ten leaders in the manufacturing industry. To read the full interview, scan the included Quick Response (QR) code with your mobile device. These special barcodes have been designed to allow our readers to quickly and easily discover more information available on

Chris Pollack – Manager Virtual Technical Application Center, Siemens

Cate K. Smith, J.D., M.P.A. – Executive Director Precision Machined Products Association (PMPA)

What kind of support do you provide end-users moving forward as they encounter challenges and as your technologies evolve?

How has the PMPA helped its members weather the recession and pandemic, and how will you continue doing so once recovery begins?

In terms of staying in touch with our customers, we are constantly sending them information about available upgrades, upcoming seminars, and any Siemens event from which they might benefit. We have an incredible wealth of resources to offer…

As a case in point, we knew our members were essential industries even before the government did, because we started receiving RGQs for large numbers of ventilator parts requiring fast-track delivery times. We knew that our members…

Douglas K. Woods – President The Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT)

Mike Gamache – Business Development Manager Gamache Systems, a Division of Metalcraft of Mayville

Once we recover from the twin fists of a pandemic and an economic recession, do you believe we will have learned any valuable lessons?

Apart from design, what other benefits does a systems integrator provide?

I think it’s clear that we’ve learned a lot in terms of streamlining and rethinking how we go about doing business. For instance, augmented reality is now a mainstay in how we talk about machine tools and peripheral devices, while at the same…


12    IMD  DECEMBER 2021

One of the biggest challenges manufacturers are facing right now is how hard it is to find machine operators and skilled labor. And when you can, you don’t want to waste their time on dull, monotonous tasks. That’s when a robot is particularly effective at addressing unattended machine time…

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