South Arts 2009-2010 Annual Report

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2009-2010 Annual Report

It has been an exciting year for our board and staff. During 2009-2010 we developed a new strategic plan to help us best serve and support the arts in the South. Along with the new plan, Southern Arts Federation became South Arts with a new visual identity to reflect a regional agency ready to address our region’s challenges and opportunities through the arts.

After consulting with our many important partners and constituents, it became clear that we must consider bold, new directions for the future if we are to make a

Todd P. Lowe

Chair, Board of Directors

significant impact in our region. We can achieve this by partnering with a wide range of networks to reach common goals, engaging in research and analysis to leverage the power of information, and developing programs that link southern arts and culture to the nation and the world. You can learn more about our new directions in the publication “Crafting the Future of the Arts in the South” available on the South Arts website.

The year that ended on 30 June 2010 has been one of reflection, contemplation, and setting goals and strategies for the future. Next year will be one of action, and we look forward to seeing positive change at South Arts.

Gerri Combs

Executive Director

A Mission of Impact South Arts strengthens the South through advancing excellence in the arts, connecting the arts to key state and national policies and nurturing a vibrant quality of life.

A Vision of Progress The South is a thriving region with the arts integral to its vitality.

An Identity Rooted in the South


In 2009, South Arts launched the three-year Dance Touring Initiative, a major new effort to develop stronger dance presentation and audiences for modern dance and contemporary ballet. During the first year, 11 presenter participants attended professional development and training sessions, and selected two dance companies—Dayton Contemporary Dance Company and Doug Varone and Dancers—to tour their venues in fall 2010. The consultant team for this project includes Rosemary Johnson, executive director, Alabama Dance Council; Ivan Sygoda, director, Pentacle; and Stephen Wynne, founder and artistic director, TALK Dance Company.

Dance Touring Initiative Participating presenters: Eric Fliss

South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center

Bart Lovins

Sharon Moore

North Carolina State University Center Stage

Hardin County Schools Performing Arts Center

Gene Conroy

Brad Downall

Angela Gallo

Glema Mahr Center for the Arts

Dennis Sankovich

Mississippi State University Riley Center

Shannon Hooker

University of North Carolina Wilmington Presents

Ballet Spartanburg

Coker College, Department of Dance, Music and Theatre

Moira Logan

University of Memphis, College of Communication & Fine Arts

Charles Irvin

Cumberland County Playhouse

Michael Crane

East Carolina University

The Dance Touring Initiative group at the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival in August 2009. Pictured: Gerri Combs, Bart Lovins, Stephen Wynne, Charles “Buster” Irvin, Angela Gallo, Michael Crane, Brad Downall, Eric Fliss, Ivan Sygoda, Sharon Moore, Gene Conroy, Shannon Hooker, Nikki Estes, Moira Logan, Dennis Sankovich, and Rosemary Johnson.

SPONSORS Agency for Creative Talent Strategies Ameriprise Financial Baird Artists Management DCA Productions EastCoast Entertainment Geodesic Management IMG Artists North American Performing Arts Managers & Agents

The Performing Arts Exchange is our annual booking and professional development conference for the performing arts industry. Attendees included 617 performing artists, agents, management companies, and professional staff from performing arts venues, regional arts organizations, national service organizations, and the entertainment industry.


Lincoln Center’s Bill Bragin gave an inspiring keynote speech “Live and Active Cultures for Healthy Balance.”

Virginia Commission for the Arts Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation New England Foundation for the Arts

The live performances included 19 juried showcases at the TCC Roper Performing Arts Center and more than 63 independent showcases.

Jim Woland received the Mary Beth Treen Award recognizing his contributions to the performing arts presenting and touring field. Introduced during the 2008 Performing Arts Exchange, the Mary Beth Treen Award is presented annually to individuals who demonstrate outstanding service to the profession. PAE formed the Network of Regional Performing Arts Conferences along with the Midwest Arts Conference and Western Arts Alliance. Our three annual performing arts conferences are your regional marketplace, with networking, business, and professional development opportunities for artists, managers, agents and presenters.

”The joy of being a folklorist is that we are students and teachers. I loved hearing about others’ projects and pondering collaborative projects in the future.” Folklorists in the South is a biennial event for southern academic, public sector, freelance, community scholars and graduate student folklorists who gather for networking, discussions, panels, and professional development opportunities. In 2010, Folklorists in the South joined with the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation retreat in Chapel Hill, NC, to present Folk Vérité: Folklife in Film & Video exploring the use of film and video for documentation and storytelling. Highlights included a visit to the legendary Bynum General Store for an evening of music, a tour of the Center for Documentary Studies, and an exploration of one of the South’s most significant depositories, the Southern Folklife Collection. Professional development sessions covered equipment and preservation, and using videography to teach about intangible material culture.

Folklorists In the South

June 19-21, 2010 118

Alabama artists


Florida artists


Georgia artists

222 is a free, online registry dedicated to showcasing the lives and work of artists who are living and working in the South. The website receives an average of 10,000 visits and 46,000 page views per a month.

Kentucky artists


Louisiana artists


Mississippi artists


North Carolina artists


South Carolina artists


Tennessee artists

Our juried, online artist registry showcases the works of artists, designers, writers, performers, filmmakers and teaching artists in the South. During the year, 301 artists, nominated by their state arts agency, were added to the registry. Now with more than 1,000 artists in the registry, arts presenters, collectors, and other patrons can find outstanding artists in each discipline.

Tradition/Innovation: American Masterpieces of Southern Craft and Traditional Art

Southern Visions From the Mississippi Delta to the

Rhythm & Roots, Southern Music Traditions

low country of South Carolina, from the black belt of Alabama to the Appalachian Mountains, Southern Visions showcases

Elysium: A Gathering of Souls

the best of both the traditional and the innovative aspects of Southern arts and culture.

Faces & Stories: A Portrait of Southern Writers

The Photographs of P.H. Polk

Portrait of Spirit: One Story at a Time Storybook Look: Illustrations by Southern Artists

During FY 2010, Southern Visions offered seven touring exhibitions which traveled to 22 communities.

Southern Circuit

Tour of Independent Filmmakers The Southern Circuit tour presents screenings of feature-length independent films throughout the South followed by a Q&A session with the filmmaker. The 2009-10 tour featured 18 documentaries, narrative, and experimental films and filmmakers visiting 26 communities in the South.

Short Circuit Traveling Film Festival The Short Circuit tour presents short format films (30 minutes or less) by Southern filmmakers in all genres including documentary, narrative, experimental, and animation. The 12 films selected for the festival were screened in 17 communities.

Let Them Know: The Story of Youth Brigade and BYO Records Jeff Alulis Faster Pastor Adam Ferrell Dare Not Walk Alone Jeremy Dean Raised on Rice and Gravy Connie Castille, Allison Bohl Automorphosis Harrod Blank Flight Lessons Neil Helm The Way We Get By Gita Pullapilly, Aron Gaudet Wheels Tracy Martin Pants on Fire Colin Campbell Falling to the Top Wes Edwards, Brittany Hailes Song of Pumpkin Brown, Search, Le Croisment Brad Jayne My Deer Friend Andrew Cherry Flying on One Engine Joshua Weinstein Monster Movie Stephen Hammond Milking the Rhino David E. Simpson Sunlight & Babies Kimberly Craig Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North Katrina Browne Pollenating David Montgomery Trimpin: The Sound of Invention Peter Esmonde The Farm Team Scott Blazer Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman Erick Bricker Si Tú No Estás Noé Santillán-López Frank the Rat Jim Cozza Up-Set Isidore Bethel God's Architects Zack Godshall The Reckoning: The Battle for the International Criminal Court Paco de Onis, Pamela Yates When I Find the Ocean Tonya S. Holly Between Floors Jen White Bleacher Boys Karen Hunter Tea on the Axis of Evil Jean Marie Offenbacher

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In addition to sustaining the cultural life of citizens, arts organizations support a community’s economic vitality through tourism, employment, and by contributing to more desirable cities. Artists and arts organizations are stewards of irreplaceable material culture and homes for community memory and history. Readiness planning is a means to protect their collective assets and investments in the creative economies. South Arts, with support from the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, has developed the ArtsReady web-based resources and guides for readiness and business continuity planning. South Arts has published extensive reference materials, guidelines and resources for readiness planning at


Kolok The initiative includes development of a national online planning tool, created in collaboration with Fractured Atlas and the University of California, Berkeley. Other ArtsReady partners include the Mississippi Arts Commission and the National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response.



What if all your

Scheduled to launch in 2011, the ArtsReady solution will be a web-based application designed to help arts organizations plan for and respond to business disruptions. Because ArtsReady will have low technology and cost requirements for the users, organizations large and small can be prepared for the unexpected. An ArtsReady demo can be seen at

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Photo: Charli

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Photo: Lee


Photo: J. Theakston for the Lafayette Theatre


ARRA Grant Recipients

South Arts received an allocation from the National Endowment for the Arts to sub-grant American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) funds to southern arts organizations. South Arts worked in partnership with our member state arts agencies who received and reviewed grant requests on behalf of South Arts. Based on the recommendations of these state arts agencies, a total of $492,750 was awarded to provide full or partial salary support for artists and arts professionals whose jobs were in jeopardy due to the economic downturn. ALABAMA Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame Black Belt Treasures

$492,750 Benefitting:




Jobs Supported

21.55 FTE

FLORIDA Arts & Humanities Council of Charlotte Co. Florida Craftsmen, Inc. GEORGIA Youth Orchestra of Greater Columbus Beacon Dance Company Clayton State University The Atlanta Opera Cultural Arts Council of Douglasville Mercer University KENTUCKY Actors Theatre of Louisville Paducah Symphony Orchestra Pennyroyal Arts Council LOUISIANA Cotton Country Players/Rose Theatre Strauss Theatre Center

MISSISSIPPI Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi Lauren Rogers Museum of Arts Mary O’Keefe Cultural Center for Arts Education NORTH CAROLINA Asheville Symphony Society Triad Stage SOUTH CAROLINA Cheraw Arts Commission Carolina Art Association PURE Theatre Ballet Spartanburg Cultural Council of Richland/Lexington Counties TENNESSEE Johnson City Area Arts Council Jackson Foundation/The Renaissance Center

Through our grant program, South Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts partner to provide funding for nonprofit organizations to present touring artists and for technical assistance.

South Arts Fund Grantees

$543,293 Benefitting:




Children & Youth

613,623 Individuals

ALABAMA Academy of Fine Arts of Shelby County Alabama Dance Council Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame Auburn University Big Wills Arts Council Birmingham Music Club Capri Theatre Knox Concert Series Lawrence County Arts Council Legacy 166 Mobile Arts Council Mobile Chamber Music Society Mobile International Festival Mobile Symphony Princess Theatre Center for the Performing Arts Winston County Arts Council

FLORIDA The Artist Series of Tallahassee City of Tarpon Springs Cummer Museum Foundation Daytona Beach Symphony Society Emerald Coast Concert Association Friends of Music Fundarte Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation Miami Light Project Miami-Dade Community College MicheLee Puppets Morikami Northwest Florida Symphony Association Ocala Community Concert Association Palm Beach Community College Foundation Palm Beach State College Puppet Celebration Spady Cultural Heritage Center

South Arts Fund Continued

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Tallahassee Youth Orchestras Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Theatreworks Tigertail Productions University of Florida GEORGIA Abraham Baldwin Arts Connection Atlanta Landmarks - Fox Theatre AWOL - All Walks of Life Center for Puppetry Arts Clayton State University Colquitt County Arts Council Cutno Artist Group Georgia State University Georgia Tech Research Corporation Golden Isles Arts & Humanities Assoc. Hawkinsville Pulaski County Arts Council Imperial Community Theatre JapanFest Live Oak Public Libraries Mercer University Morgan County Foundation National Black Arts Festival Oconee County Rivercenter Sautee-Nacoochee Community Assoc.

Savannah Folk Music Society Seven Stages Southern Poetry Review University of Georgia KENTUCKY Greater Hazard Area Arts Council Hardin County Schools Performing Arts Center Kentucky Center for the Arts Lake Cumberland Performing Arts LexArts The Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Center Madisonville Community College Morehead State University Paducah Junior College Foundation Paramount Arts Center Pennyroyal Arts Council Richmond Area Arts Council University of Louisville LOUISIANA American Harp Society Arts and Humanities Council of SWLA Arts Council of Central Louisiana Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge ArtSpot Productions CubaNOLA Collective

Douglas Manship Sr. Theater Friends of Nord Grand Opera House of the South Houma-Terrebonne Arts & Humanities Council Mc Neese State University Foundation Musicians for Music New Orleans Ballet Association New Orleans Center for Creative Arts Institute New Orleans Jazz Centennial Celebration Nicholls State University Northeast Louisiana Arts Council Performing Arts Society of Acadiana Saint Joseph Arts Shreveport Regional Arts Council Terrebonne Parish Library System MISSISSIPPI Alcorn State University Brookhaven Trust The Celtic Heritage Society Columbus Arts Council Delta Children’s Museum DeSoto Arts Council Harrisburg Cultural and Social Services Center Hattiesburg Tourism Commission Millsaps College Mississippi Festival Foundation Mississippi State University

South Arts Fund Continued

Natchez Opera Festival Sunflower River Blues Association TALK Dance Tupelo Ballet University of Southern Mississippi

University of North Carolina-Wilmington Watauga County Arts Council Western Carolina University Western North Carolina Jazz Society

SOUTH CAROLINA Arts Center of Coastal Carolina NORTH CAROLINA Arts Council of Rock Hill and York The ArtsCenter County Artsplosure Burroughs-Chapin Art Museum Ashe County Arts Council Charleston Symphony Orchestra Asheville Puppetry Alliance Clemson University Brevard College Corporation Clover School District Auditorium Carolina Theatre of Durham Coastal Carolina Chamber Music Festival Festival of Music and Art at Pawleys Island College of The Albemarle Greenville Symphony Association Dare County Arts Council Lander University Diamante Marlboro Civic Center Foundation East Carolina University Mrudani School of Performing Arts Fayetteville State University Newberry Opera House Foundation Heart of Carolina Jazz Society Nickelodeon Theatre/Columbia Film Kinston Arts Council Society Lake Eden Arts Festival Peace Center Foundation Mint Hill Scottish Society Rock Hill School District NCSU Center Stage South Carolina Multicultural Arts Center Pack Place Performing Arts South Carolina State University Raleigh Chamber Music Guild Spoleto Festival USA Rowan Blues and Jazz Society University of South Carolina St. Josephs Historic Foundation

TENNESSEE Africa in April Cultural Awareness Buckman Arts Center Campbell Culture Coalition Carson-Newman College Chattanooga Choral Society Cleveland Bradley Regional Museum Creative Aging Memphis Cultural Development Foundation of Memphis Discovery Museum of Western Tennessee Germantown Performing Arts Centre Global Education Center Great Smoky Mountain Heritage Center Knoxville Opera Company Knoxville Symphony Society Memphis Development Foundation Memphis Orchestral Society Monroe Area Council for the Arts Nashville Jazz Workshop Perry County Chamber of Commerce The Rivercity Company Scarritt-Bennett Center Tennessee Performing Arts Center Tennessee Presenters Tennessee Valley Theatre


Program & Direct Service $2,452,545

$430,423 Management & General Advocacy & Fundraising $95,911

Financial Summary

for year ending 6/30/10 Beginning of Year Total Income Total Expense End of Year

$288,363 $3,127,984 $2,978,879 $437,468

Other Income $74,806 Gifts & Grants $202,725

State Funding $306,200 A full, certified audit is available upon request.

Program Revenue $505,499

Federal Funding $2,038,754


Cumulative Contributions, Pledges & Gifts-in-Kind We are exceedingly grateful to the companies, organizations and individuals listed here who have made a commitment to support quality arts and cultural experiences in the South. We invite you to join us by making a contribution to the South Arts Annual Fund at


National Endowment for the Arts


Alabama State Council on the Arts Florida Division of Cultural Affairs Georgia Council for the Arts Kentucky Arts Council Louisiana Division of the Arts Mississippi Arts Commission North Carolina Arts Council South Carolina Arts Commission Tennessee Arts Commission

$10,000-$24,999 Google, Inc.


The Academy Foundation


American Folklore Society Combined Federal Campaign Gerri Combs The Henry Morrison Flagler Museum Register | Lett LLP

$1,000-$2,499 AirTran Airways

Todd P. Lowe & Fran C. Ratterman Ann-Laura Parks TechSoup Global Isaiah & Hellena Huntley Tidwell


Lincoln Financial Foundation Derek E. Gordon Margaret Stover Mertz, Ph.D. Vanzetta Penn McPherson Richard R. Ranta, Ph.D. Scott Shanklin-Peterson Selman & Associates, Inc.


Jim Clinton Stephanie Conner Albert Head Hayes Holton & Associates Teresa Hollingsworth Margot Knight Lori Meadows Mary B. Regan Patrick VanHuss Dianne Walton


Ted Abernathy Pam Breaux Peggy A. Bulger William Francis Mollie Lakin-Hayes Ken May Margaret “Tog� Newman William M. Nix Ann McKeel Ross

Between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010

Suzette Surkamer Susan S. Weiner

Up to $99

Allen Bell Rich Boyd Dana La Fonta Patricia French Sandy Shaughnessy Combined Federal Campaign Donors Anthony Bradley, Geoffrey Felts, Deranda Gomes, James Henderson, Jason Holsclaw, Stephen Jones, Frederick Schultz Jr., Amy Loveridge, Erin S. Lynch, Derek McCrea, Daniel Moore, Elizabeth Newton, Ronald Westlake

Tribute Gifts

In Honor of South Arts retiring board members: Pamela Breaux, Jim Clinton, and Richard R. Ranta Rich Boyd, Al Head, Dana La Fonta, Todd P. Lowe, Margaret S. Mertz, Margaret "Tog" Newman, Ann-Laura Parks, Mary B. Regan, Scott Shanklin-Peterson, Sandy Shaughnessy, Hellena Huntley Tidwell, Dianne Walton

In Honor of Jenna Knight Allen Bell

South Arts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

2009-2010 Board of Directors Todd Lowe

Pam Breaux

Hellena Huntley Tidwell

Rich Boyd

Dianne Walton

Jim Clinton

Susan S. Weiner

Vice Chair Programs and Services Tallahassee, FL

Stephanie Conner

Malcolm White

William M. Nix

Derek E. Gordon

Chair Louisville, KY

Margaret S. Mertz, Ph.D. Vice Chair Strategic Planning Winston-Salem, NC

Sandy Shaughnessy

Vice Chair External Relations West Palm Beach, FL

Scott Shanklin-Peterson Secretary Kiawah Island, SC

Richard R. Ranta, PH.D.

Baton Rouge, LA Nashville, TN Alexandria, LA Nashville, TN

Baton Rouge, LA

Al Head

Montgomery, AL

Ken May

Columbia, SC

Treasurer Memphis, TN

Lori Meadows

Margaret “Tog” Newman

Vanzetta Penn McPherson

Immediate Past Chair Winston-Salem, NC

Ted Abernathy

Research Triangle Park, NC

Frankfort, KY

Montgomery, AL

Mary B. Regan Raleigh, NC

Atlanta, GA

Meridian, MS Atlanta, GA

Jackson, MS

State Partners Alabama State Council on the Arts Florida Division of Cultural Affairs Georgia Council for the Arts Kentucky Arts Council Louisiana Division of the Arts Mississippi Arts Commission North Carolina Arts Council South Carolina Arts Commission Tennessee Arts Commission


1. Allen Bell

Director: Contemporary Arts & New Initiatives

2. Darlene Cartwright

Administrative & Development Assistant

3. Gerri Combs




Executive Director

4. Sage Crump

Director: Performing Arts Exchange


5. Nikki Estes


Director: Presenting & Touring

6. Naeemah T. Frazier Finance Director



7. Patricia French

Administration Manager


8. Teresa Hollingsworth


Director: Traditional Arts & Accessibility


9. Jenna Knight Program Assistant

10. Mollie Lakin-Hayes


Deputy Director

11. Hannah Leatherbury E-Services Manager

12. William MacLeod IT Director

13. Ann-Laura Parks, CFRE

Development & Communications Director


South Arts Staff



1800 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 808, Atlanta GA 30309 Alternate formats of this publication can be requested by contacting South Arts at 404-874-7244.

Cover: SouthernArtistry artist Laurel Porcari, DNA Screen detail, New Orleans Children’s Hospital Cardiac ICU, glass, ©2009, Photo: Will Crocker Page 3: SouthernArtistry artist Curtis Benzle, Blue Sconce detail, porcelain, ©2009, Photo: Robert Rauch Page 7: SouthernArtistry artist Mary Beyt, Portrait of Max Ernst, ©2009 Page 8: Bonnie Seeman, Teapot, photo Louis Quiles; James "Super Chikan" Johnson playing a chikantar, photo Mississippi Arts Commission; Sandra Russell Clark, Metairie III, ©1997; Curt Richter, Ishmael Reed, ©2000; P.H. Polk, Theodore and Cornelius Polk, ©1936; Billy Howard, Emily Shaw, ©1996; Elizabeth O. Dulemba, Paco in the Clouds, ©2008 Page 9: Brad Jayne, still from Song of Pumpkin Brown; Stephen Hammond, still from Monster Movie Page 13: SouthernArtistry artist Anya S. Burgess, Playing a Violin I Built, ©2007 Page (tree): © istockphoto/Eric Gevaert Page 16: SouthernArtistry artists Cangelosi Dance Project, photo Wes Kroninger This Page: SouthernArtistry Artist Anne Campbell, Housepets From House Parts, ©2007, Photo: Roy Adkins

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