Southern Moravia active

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Southern Moravia ACTIVE

S o u t h e r n M o r a v i a To u r i s t R e g i o n

Welcome to The Southern Moravia Sunny Southern Moravia – a land full of promise

swimming, surfing or just lazing around in the sun.

is awaiting those who seek nature, relaxation as

And as the way to The Southern Moravia’s love

well as adventure and fun on their holidays. This

is through the stomach, you just have to taste the

region in the heart of Europe features the unique

excellent Moravian wines, magnificent apricots and

blend of beautiful countryside, kind hospitality and

regional specialities from traditional home cooking

a wide array of holiday and sporting activities. The

as far as creative culinary ideas.

recreational possibilities here range from hiking or cycling trips through to mountain climbing as far as

So let’s go and discover!

Contents Welcome to The Southern Moravia

page 2–3

Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

page 4–11

Quickly or slowly, but most importantly by foot!

page 12–15

In the footsteps of wine

page 16–19

We feel the best by the waterside!

page 20–23

Holidays as a great adventure

page 24–27

A hundred years old tradition of motorcycle and car races

page 28–29

Let them pamper you

page 30–31

Entertainment, events as well as romance

page 32–35

The Southern Moravia from its best side

page 36–37

The Southern Moravia – land of magnificent flavours, scents and experiences to discover throughout the whole year Spring


Time of Easter, time of new scents, fresh green grass

Dazzling scents of freshly harvested grapes and

and fragile flowers. Spring in The Southern Moravia

ripened fruit intermingle in the air. Old wooden barrels

boasts of colours; has the creamy touch of snowdrops,

in the wine cellars are being filled with wine, The

golden tones of perfumed honey and bright colours of

Southern Moravia dresses itself into the fire colours of

the first pasque flowers. It is time to get out, spread

autumn. It is a time of grape gathering, a time of long

your wings and fly…

walks and flying kites…



Long summers full of sun are made up of moments

The times of Advent and Christmas markets, silver

of irresistible flavours and scents. Summer in The

stars and green mistletoe. On frosty days in The

Southern Moravia is not only the time of colourful

Southern Moravia you won’t be able to resist the

folklore celebrations, castle concerts and summer

temptation of the radiant young wine perfumed by

festivals, but also the time of cycling trips, horse-riding

the sun, you will catch the distant scent of roasted

and enjoyable lazing around under the umbrellas of

chestnuts and experience moments of incredible

renowned coffee shops…

serenity relaxing in harmony with nature…

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Brno and environs

Moravian Karst and environs

Enjoy the attractive offer of the city of Brno, business

This unique karst area with more than a thousand caves

and social centre of the Southern Moravian region,

lies only 20 km from Brno. Marked tourist routes are

where fifty international trade fairs and exhibitions

winding across flowering meadows and rocky valleys,

take place every year. As the city is used to

around Jedovnice ponds and ironworks in the Joseph

welcoming foreign visitors Brno offers a plentiful

Valley, in the shade of ancient castles and flourishing

range of supplementary services including social and

gardens by charming chateaux. The pleasant and

sporting events, cinemas, shops and entertainment of

unspoilt environment is ideal for sports in the open

all kinds. Enticing for adventure is not only the large

countryside – hiking and cross-country skiing, cycling,

surface of the Brno dam, but also many sport centres.

mountain climbing and horse riding. Inviting you for a

However, the uniqueness of the region is the perfect

visit are four legendary caves, where you can admire

blend of all possibilities the city offers with a number

the fragile beauty of the underground world, take a walk

of tourist destinations in the attractive environs, which

on the bottom of the Macocha Abyss and on the boats

is a paradise for all lovers of cycling and hiking trips.

you will sail through the dark water of the subterranean

Only a few kilometres from Brno you can also find

Punkva river. After the trip you can choose from various

the Austerlitz Battlefield, where the French Emperor

other specialities in this region – fishing, swimming in

Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805 achieved one of the

indoor as well as outdoor swimming pools, rides in

most famous victories in history.

carriages, cable car or eco-train.

Visiting-Card of The Southern Moravian Region Where does it lie?

In the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic by the border with Austria and Slovakia


7,066 km2


1.1 million

Regional capitol

Brno (the second biggest city in the Czech Republic)

Other important towns

Blansko, Břeclav, Hodonín, Vyškov, Znojmo

Pálava and Lednice-Valtice area In the southern-most part of sunny Moravia you can find a charming land with the biggest remaining preserved swamp forest in Europe and with a number of various historical chateaux and castles, colonnades, sculptures and forest temples. Two places are listed in the UNESCO index – the largest cultural landscape in the world Lednice-Valtice Area and the Pálava biosphere

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reserve. When you ascend up on the steep slopes of the Pálava Hills, the entire Southern Moravia will literally lie at your feet. Here all fun and entertainment

Moravian Karst and environs

Brno and environs

Re g i o n Z n o j mo a n d Po d y j í

S l o vá c k o Pálava and Lednice-Valtice area

are taken care of: trips, extensive network of cyclo-

of vineyards and spas your body and spirit will be

routes, surfaces of large Nové Mlýny dams entice all

revitalised. Someone may be charmed by the boat

surfers and yachters. But you can also cruise on pedal

trip on the Bata Canal, someone else by the trip to

boats, or just swim and relax, play footballtennis, tennis

the charms of the UNESCO biosphere reserve White

or mini-golf. So that nobody gets bored on the holidays


this region has on top of that a number of indoor and outdoor swimming pools, you can go horse-riding, play squash or enjoy the magic of paragliding.

Region Znojmo and Podyjí The paradise for all cyclists, lovers of wine and history


lies on the border with Austria. Sunny and fertile lowlands, fruit orchards and well-known vineyards

The world of folk songs, folk costumes, dances,

alternate with picturesque highlands and deep valleys

celebrations and traditional handicrafts – this is the

of several rivers. The most famous one is Dyje, guarded

region on the border with Austria and Slovakia. But it

by several monumental castles and romantic chateaux.

also is a region of contrasts – stretching to the north are

Stretching along its bordering flow is the smallest and

deep leafy forests of the Ždánický les and the Chřiby

youngest National Park in the Czech Republic, called

mountain ranges, south of this area is bordered by the

Podyjí, with a dense network of marked tourist trails

White Carpathiens mountain range. Between them in

and cyclo-routes of all difficulty levels. The beautiful

the wide valley full of green meadows and charming

countryside invites you to enjoy all kinds of sports and

swamp forest the Morava river creates magnificent

activities – from easy walks to the strenuous hiking trips,

meanders. Hundreds of kilometres of marked tourist

from horse-riding to cycling. The Znojmo region offers

trails attract visitors to meet the summer world of the

its visitors also a unique wandering journey following

mountains. Whilst the mountain-bike routes allure

the footsteps of wine through famous vineyards and

cyclists to test their endurance limits, down in the

picturesque wine cellars. During summer months

picturesque villages enticing for relaxation are typical

all admirers of water and the sun are drawn like a

wine cellars. Slovácko is the best elixir for all admirers

magnet by the Vranov dam and also the yearly Znojmo

of the sun and relaxation – in this undulating land

Historical Vintage Festival.

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Up we go onto the bicycle seats! You can come to The Southern Moravia via different

lowlands of The Southern Moravia the bicycle is

means – possibly by bike. You can pick for example

up to the present day the most common and most

one of the long-distance routes – the oldest called

popular means of transport. The pleasure from riding

“Greenways” from Prague to Vienna, leading through

on two wheels is enhanced by the dense network

the southern bordering area, the Moravian Path, on

of regional cyclo-routes including the unique and

which cyclists arrive from the north through the valley

extremely popular Moravian Wine Path, which is

of the Morava river, or the Amber Path, linking Brno

followed up by ten circuits through individual wine-

to Vienna. If you prefer more traditional ways of

growing areas of The Southern Moravia, which will

transport, you certainly should not forget your bike.

please not only fans of straight roads, but also lovers

Awaiting you is a land, which was perhaps made

of more difficult cycling terrain.

for cyclists and no wonder that especially in the 4 |

Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

Moravian wine-growing routes Every day new routes, new discoveries and new adventures – isn’t it tempting? Oh yes, and how! Moravian wine-growing routes create a unique, more than a thousand kilometres long network of marked cycling routes throughout all the Southern Moravian wine-growing regions. The common project of the wine-growing villages of The Southern Moravia and the Partnerství Foundation will introduce you to the Moravian countryside as a region of unique historical monuments and excellent wine. Wine-growing routes differ from the common cycling routes in the way they are led through the countryside. They do not lead straight, but zigzag through the countryside and link the places of significance and charm from the point of view of the wine-growing region introduction. Routes usually lead on quiet roads, somewhere on dirt or forest roads, they are passable even after rain and you can ride on them on mountain bikes as well as standard road bicycles. On the maps issued for every wine-growing route, you will find enough information about lengths of individual routes, their altitude profiles and surface conditions. Marking of all routes can be easily recognised from the common logo and yellow metal plates. Interesting points and services in the vicinity of the routes you can find on the information signs with pictographs, besides them in all villages on wine-growing routes you can find a board with a general map. To summarise: ten wine-growing regions and ten tourist circuits offer a fantastic range of combinations. On the Moravian wine-growing routes you can plan one-day, two-day, but also for example two-week holidays, full of exercise, pleasant moments and discoveries

Moravian wine route Real lovers of cyclo-tourism can take each of the circuits on the Moravian wine-growing routes separately and visit the most beautiful vineyards, streets with wine cellars and monuments of vine fertile South Moravia. But if you want to see really the best from every region, get on the red-marked Moravian wine route. It is 242 km long, leading up to the slopes of the White Carpathiens in the east as far as the Podyjí National Park in the west and links all ten regional circuits.

Long-distance cyclo-routes Greenways Prague – Vienna Czech-Austrian Bordering Route Amber Path Moravian Cyclo-route Prague Route Route Jeseník – Znojmo Beskids-Carpathien Artery Route Hradec Králové – Břeclav Route Jihlava – Český Těšín

Long-distance cyclo-routes throughout The Southern Moravia If you would rather prefer a high number of kilometres to wine, charming countryside and historical monuments, then you should certainly take the long-distance cycloroutes cutting through The Southern Moravia. One of the oldest and best built is a 130 km long cycling route Brno – Vienna and a parallel route of Amber Path. Greenways route Prague – Vienna offers the link of two European metropolises and just on the Czech side it is 350 km long. Leading parallel with it through The Southern Moravian Region is the Czech-Austrian bordering route, which is linked to the 314 km long Moravian cycloroute and the Beskids-Carpathien Artery, which is as long as 276 km – and we could go on and on. So up we go onto the seats!


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Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

Mikulov wine-growing route The Mikulov region is the biggest wine-growing region in the Czech Republic covering an area of more than two and a half thousand hectares of vineyards with thirty-one wine-growing villages. Should you wish to get to know it closely, then the Mikulov winegrowing route could be a good start for discovering this unique region. In some parts of the route when you are hidden between trees you can watch nesting water birds, you will certainly fi nd wonderful places for swimming, you can also visit captivating historical monuments and don’t forget to taste wine in any of the many wine shops or wine cellars.

The Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape

Route length: 82 km Route difficulty level: not difficult, prevailing flat profile Starting point: Pouzdřany Other suitable starting points: Valtice, Sedlec, Mikulov, Novosedly, Lednice, Ivaň Sign colour: yellow-green From Pouzdřany we follow the Moravian wine route towards the Middle (Věstonice) reservoir of the Nové Mlýny water works, where we join the Mikulov wine-growing route. We take the left turn to Strachotín and continue along the dam of the Middle reservoir to Dolní Věstonice and to Pavlov. We go on through Milovice and Bulhary, at the end of the village we turn off to the left on the flood-protection dam of the Dyje river. By the weir we turn off to an ideal cyclo-route, which will lead us through swamp forest as far as the Lednice chateau. (Caution! In the chateau park cycling is forbidden!) Through the Bezruč Alley we go towards Hlohovec fishpond, we turn right to Hlohovec and we continue to Valtice. We go up to the colonnade at Rajstno (highest point of the route, 291 m above sea level) and along the Austrian-Czech border we turn right to the border crossing Valtice – Schrattenberg. Through Úvaly we continue to Sedlec, on the right hand-side we pass Mikulov, centre of this wine-growing region, and we go up towards Březí and Dobré Pole. One of the most beautiful lookout places of the entire route is the hill Přerovský vrch; closely behind it the Mikulov route joins the long-distance cyclo-route Brno – Vienna. From Nový Přerov we go more towards the north and through Novosedly and Brod nad Dyjí we reach Upper (Mušov) Nové Mlýny reservoir. We pass through Pasohlávky, go on towards Ivaň and after a right turn we reach the place, where we started our trip. And if you are still keen to pedal on, you can go to Brno – it is only 34 km. Tourist information centre Lednice – Tourist information centre Valtice – Tourist information centre Mikulov –

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Garden of Europe, one of the most beautiful chateau complexes and at the same time the largest artistically composed landscape in the world. On the area of almost 200 km2 between Břeclav, Lednice and Valtice the powerful aristocratic family of Liechtenstein built a beautiful world with an idea to perfectly match the work of human hands with nature. The result is a fascinating mosaic of parks, gardens, ponds, rivers and forest, accomplished by a number of sculptures, hunting lodges, chapels and colonnades. In May 1997 the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape was listed in the UNESCO World Index of Cultural and Natural Heritage. • Chateaux in Lednice and in Valtice with charming gardens • Minaret, the look-out in Moorish style situated in the Lednice chateau park • Diana’s Temple (Rendez-vous) in the shape of a Roman Victory Arch • Chateau greenhouse in Lednice • Imitation castle ruins of Janohrad

Mikulov The town below Pálava with the Baroque chateau, originally a border castle of the Dietrichstein family. Stored in the chateau wine cellar is a tithe barrel with a volume of 1010 hl dating back to 1643, which is one of the biggest in the world. In the first quarter of the 14th century the settlement below the castle turned into a Gothic town, surrounded by a stone fortification wall, of which two parts with two half-circle bastions have been preserved up to the present day. An educational path leading through the remains of the Mikulov ghetto commemorates the existence of one of the biggest Jewish communities in the Czech land. • Urban historical preservation zone with Renaissance and Baroque houses and churches • Mikulov Chateau – regional museum with a large wine-growing exhibition • Crypt of the Lords of Dietrichstein, accessible during the season • One of the largest preserved Jewish cemeteries in Europe • Holly Hill with the Way of the Cross and the Church of St. Sebastian, pilgrimage every year on the first Sunday in September


My Hotel – Lednice ***

Hotel Apollon ***

21. dubna 657, 691 44 Lednice Tel.: +420 519 340 301, 519 340 135 Fax: +420 519 340 166 e-mail:

Petra Bezruče 720, 691 42 Valtice Tel.: +420 519 352 625 Fax: +420 519 352 009 e-mail:

Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

Znojmo wine-growing route Znojmo is sometimes called Alsace of the east; firstly it is similarly as the French Alsace demarcated by the forty-eighth and forty-ninth parallelogram, secondly some of the local wines as far as quality are comparable to the Alsatian wines. The largest wine-growing region of the Czech Republic offers thanks to its size varied types of terrain and landscape, beautiful countryside and a plentiful array of historical monuments.

Route length: 163 km Route difficulty level: semi-difficult to difficult Starting point: Moravský Krumlov Other suitable starting points: Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, Znojmo Sign colour: dark green

Znojmo One of the oldest Czech towns and at the same time the wine-growing centre with an excellent reputation and tradition. The historical town centre surrounded by fragments of the medieval fortification wall is full of zigzagging streets, romantic views and stylish nooks. Famous history of the royal town is commemorated in Znojmo every year in mid September by the grandiose celebration of Znojmo historical vintage festival. Tens of thousands of visitors are taken back to the atmosphere of peaceful May days of the year 1327, when King John of Luxembourg arrived with his large retinue to this medieval town to confirm the historical privileges of Znojmo. • Urban preservation zone • Unique, partially accessible underground with a 30 km long several storey labyrinth of corridors and cellars dating back to the 13th–17th centuries • Romanesque rotunda of the Virgin Mary and St. Catherine with unique frescoes • Znojmo castle and chateau with a permanent exhibition depicting the history of Znojmo and the region • Premonstraterain monastery in Louka – wine cellars, museum of coopery and wine-growing, Art Gallery, congress centre


From Moravský Krumlov we go towards Dobelice and Vedrovice; from this point the route winds for almost fifty kilometres through mostly flat countryside as far as Branišovice. Through Miroslav and Hostěradice we continue to Višňová and then around Dunajovice reservoir to Horní Dunajovice and Želetice. Through Vítonice, Prosiměřice and Těšetice we reach the dam of the Těšetice reservoir and we continue towards Kuchařovice and Suchohrdly. Through Dyje and Dobšice we head towards Znojmo, where we join the red-marked Moravian wine route. This route leads directly into the centre of Znojmo to the point where the Moravian wine route symbolically begins, and then we follow the green further towards Hradiště. Through Mašovice we rise up to Podmolí. Just a few metres behind the village we cross the border of the Podyjí National Park; here it is necessary to comply with the visiting rules and use only marked roads. Through the famous Šobes vineyard we go down to the Dyje river, we rise up to Hnanice and again we join the red route. We can follow it and go back through Šatov, Havraníky, Popice, Konice and Šaldorf to Znojmo, or we can continue the opposite way along the Austrian-Czech border through Chvalovice and Dyjákovičky to the biggest wine-growing village of Znojmo region – Vrbovec. Through the flat terrain we go on through Načeratice, Derflice, Strachotice and Micmanice to Slup, Jaroslavice, Hrádek and Dyjákovice. Wandering through Znojmo we can finish for example in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, but if you want to prolong your trip, go on following the green, which will take you through Břežany, Božice, Borotice, Lechovice and Práče back to Prosiměřice. Wine-growing routes link in the Znojmo region fifty-five wine-growing villages; they do not make a closed circuit, but they criss-cross through the countryside. Lovers of straight roads as well as fans of more challenging terrain will enjoy themselves here – just make your choice. Tourist information centre Znojmo – Tourist information centre Moravský Krumlov –

Moravský Krumlov

Penzion s kuželnou Vinohrad

Hotel Epopej ***

náměstí sv. Wolfganga 97 671 81 Hnanice Tel.: +420 515 232 556, 515 232 719 Fax: +420 515 232 556

nám T.G.M. 27 672 01 Moravský Krumlov Tel.: +420 515 322 373 Fax: +420 515 322 638

A town situated on the headland around which the Rokytná river flows, firstly mentioned in 1240, twenty years later promoted to town status. The second largest town in the Znojmo region. Displayed in the chateau is the Slavonic Epic, masterpiece of the world-famous Art Nouveau painter Alfons Mucha, who was born in nearby Ivančice. The collection of twenty monumental canvases depicts the scenes from the history of the Czech and other Slavonic nations. • Church of St. Florian with a look-out above the town • Renaissance chateau with an arcade courtyard and the commemorative hall of Paracelsus


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Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

Wine-growing route Podluží Especially those who do not like to climb hills will appreciate this wine-growing route through the southernmost corner of the country. Cycling routes lead mostly on the flat lowland through eighteen wine-growing villages. But those who want to go through the entire route, will have to properly step on the pedals, or to divide it into several sections and days. It is 113 km long and after the Znojmo route it is the second longest out of all the wine-growing routes.

Břeclav Administration centre of the area, significant traffic junction point and at the same time a symbolic gateway to the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape Complex and the area of Podluží. Neo Gothic chateau, originally a monarch castle, served as a base on the Moravian-Austrian border. Modern church of St. Wenceslas. A newly reconstructed synagogue and Jewish cemetery commemorate the existence of one of the most significant Jewish communities.

Route length: 113 km Route difficulty level: prevailing flat profile Starting point: Břeclav Other suitable starting points: Hodonín, Hrušky, Moravská Nová Ves, Lužice, Rohatec Sign colour: orange From Břeclav we get on the way along the bank of the Dyje river towards the Pohansko chateau and through the swamp forest we continue to Lanžhot. The route slightly turns towards the north along the river Kyjovka through Kostice, Tvrdonice, Týnec and Moravská Nová Ves to Mikulčice, where we can turn to the right to the Old Slavonic settlement Valy. We continue to Hodonín and further towards the north through Rohatec and Vacenovice, where the southernmost and also the half way point of the journey lies. From here we can take a trip to nearby Milotice, where a very nice Baroque chateau stands. In Vacenovice the route Podlužím joins the Moravian wine route and both routes together lead through Ratíškovice to Dubňany, where the route Podlužím turns back to the south. Around the Nálezný fishpond we go through the forest to the fishpond series on the Kyjovka river and along the river – and later directly on the dam between ponds – we continue to Dolní Bojanovice. Following is Starý Poddvorov (the highest point of the route, 260 m above sea level) and Nový Poddvorov, from where we head towards Prušánky. Among the oil mining derricks, which can be surprising for many visitors, we go through to Moravská Nová Ves, for about a kilometre we follow the same route we went on in the opposite direction, but behind the railway viaduct we turn right and through the village of Hrušky we go to Stará Břeclav. Should the circuit be complete, we have to finish the last 9 km on the local roads around the chateau, through the Boar Reserve (Kančí obora) to Charvátská Nová Ves and through Poštorná back to the centre of Břeclav or to the railway station. And in the evening? We can for example have a good time in a wine cellar – after such a feat we certainly deserve a small reward. Tourist information centre Břeclav – Information centre of the town Hodonín –

Milotice One of the most popular tourist highlights in the Hodonín region, a former medieval water keep, in the 16 th century rebuilt into a four-winged chateau. However, the Renaissance aristocratic residence didn’t meet the requirements for the Baroque representation of the Serényi family. Created was a complicated chateau complex with an honourable courtyard, horse riding school, stables, two orangeries, French-style park and pheasantry with salets (small structures).

Mikulčice – Valy Pohansko Archaeological exhibition, situated in the Imperial-style chateau, displays the research results of the local settlement from the Great Moravia Empire period. The largest Early Medieval fortification in the Czech Republic and one of the biggest in Central Europe was built in Pohansko at the beginning of the 9th century. The settlement of an oval shape, covering an area of 28 ha, was surrounded by massive four metre high mounds.

One of the most signifi cant archaeological excavation sites in the Czech Republic with a permanent exhibition and a sightseeing tour. The settlement is proved to have existed already in the mid Stone Age, also in Latene and Roman period. Discovered in the Valy locality were the remains of a Slavonic settlement and town from the 7th century, in the 9 th century the peak centre of the Great Moravia Empire.


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Hotel Rose ***

Hotel Krystal ***

Veslařská 5, 690 02 Břeclav Tel.: +420 519 374 083, 519 371 708 Fax: +420 519 374 083 e-mail:

Pančava 49, 695 01 Hodonín Tel.: +420 518 391 311 Fax: +420 518 391 391 e-mail:

Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

Strážnice wine-growing route Strážnice wine-growing route is made up of two parts: the Strážnice and Blatnice parts. The route is not a clearly specifi ed circuit and it links to other wine-growing routes including Záhorácká wine-growing route in Slovakia. Its navy blue marking comes from ultramarine blue colour, which is typical for the folk costumes in this region and is also used on the original houses.

Strážnice The first mention dates back to 1086, when Strážnice was a rich market town, protected by a water castle. Remaining from the original fortification are two gateways, Veselská and Skalická. On the site of the castle today stands a Neo Renaissance chateau with a large English-style park. Another highlight is a complex with the Piarist buildings with a monastery and church. The former Jewish ghetto with ritual spa, synagogue and cemetery remind us of the significant Jewish community. • Chateau with a unique exhibition of folk musical instruments • Open Air Museum of Slovácko – Museum of the Village of the South-eastern Moravia with a rich cultural programme • Blue–and–white print workshop with shop • Every year in June International Folklore Festival

Route length: 101 km Route difficulty level: semi-difficult Starting point: Sudoměřice Other suitable starting points: Bzenec, Veselí nad Moravou, Uherský Ostroh, Strážnice Sign colour: navy blue The southern part of the route begins in Sudoměřice; then we continue to Petrov and to Strážnice, where the route splits into three branches. The first one heads north to Bzenec, the second one leads through Vnorovy to Veselí nad Moravou and Uherský Ostroh. The third route heads to the village of Radějov under the slopes of the White Carpathiens and then slightly rises to the recreational resort Lučina. The route goes on with a short steep climb into the saddle under the new look-out Travičná with beautiful views over the White Carpathiens. Then following is a steep down-hill run to Tvarožná Lhota, where we turn right to Kněždub and then we continue on almost flat terrain through the villages of Lower Slovácko Hroznová Lhota and Tasov to Lipov and Louka, which are already in the Upper Slovácko – Horňácko. The route slightly rises to Blatnička, where it splits again. One route heads through Boršice u Blatnice to Hluk, the second branch leads through Blatnice pod Sv. Antonínkem to Ostrožská Lhota, where it links to the Uherské Hradiště winegrowing route.


Penzion Mičulka***

Hotel Junior **

696 71 Blatnička 22 Tel.: +420 608 782 228, 518 331 219 Fax: +420 518 331 218 e-mail:

nám. Svobody 318, 696 81 Bzenec Tel.: +420 518 384 527, 518 384 667 Fax: +420 518 384 545 e-mail:

Petrov Wine-growing village with a preservation zone of rural architecture, a series of wine cellars called Plže from the 16 th and 17th centuries. Thanks to the sulphur springs there was a mud spa from the end of the 16 th century until 1987.

Blatnice pod Sv. Antonínkem Wine-growing village lying below the mountain of St. Anthony (350 m), on which stands the chapel of St. Anthony with a Way of the Cross. Pilgrimages to the mountain started after the Thirty Year War and continue up to the present day. In the vineyard-route Plachty was in the 17th century a vineyard owned by Comenius, teacher of nations. The local wine Blatnický roháč, cuvée of the vintages Silvaner and Pinot Blanc, won in the 19 th century the international wine exhibition in Paris. • Historical preservation zone of wine cellars Pod starů horů • Church of St. Andrew from 1717 • Tuscan column of the Virgin Mary


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Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

Castles and chateaux around the Vranov Dam The route around Vranov dam promises not only plenty of nice experiences, but also hard work and sweat, when you will be pedalling through the countryside from castle to castle. It offers a big challenge for advanced cyclists as well as enthusiastic beginners. At the beginning and at the end everybody is rewarded by the breathtaking view over the romantic chateau in Vranov nad Dyjí.

Route length: 53 km Route difficulty level: harder, asphalt surface, some steep climbs Starting point: Vranov nad Dyjí From Vranov nad Dyjí we start off along the cyclo-tourist route No 48 (Greenways Prague – Wien) towards Podhradí nad Dyjí, then we turn left and climb up the steep hill around the chateau. On the crossing we do not turn to the Greenways, but we continue straight to Šafov and through Starý Petřín (joining again the cyclo-route No 48) to Podhradí nad Dyjí with the castle ruins of Frejštejn. We go on the road against the flow of the Dyje river and later we steeply climb around the court of Mitrov towards Uherčice, where we leave route No 48 and we continue towards Lubnice (cyclo-route No 5007). On the first crossing we turn right to Korolupy and through Oslnovice and Vysočany we go on to Dešov (cyclo-route No 5011). We go down the hill to the valley of Želetavka river to Svoboda’s Mill and soon we turn right towards Zblovice and on the crossing we turn right to Bítov castle. On the same way we return to the crossing, go through Bítov and go down to the Vranov dam. Behind the bridge we sharply turn left and climb up to the castle ruins of Cornstejn. From here we go on the asphalt road to Lančov, where we turn left and go back to Vranov.

Vranov nad Dyjí The predecessor of the present romantic chateau in Vranov nad Dyjí was the castle, founded on the steep headland above the Dyje river at latest in the 11th century as a part of the Dyje river defence series. Monumental Baroque residence, partially designed by the excellent Austrian architect J. B. Fischer of Erlach, was built at the end of the 17th century by the noble family of Althans. Richly decorated chateau interiors illustrate the culture of noble style of living at the end of the 18 th century and the entire 19 th century, the extraordinarily valuable Hall of Predecessors with monumental frescoes was decorated by J. M. Rottmayer. Sightseeing tours in the chateau are accomplished by the regular concerts, flower decoration exhibitions or enticing offer of the chateau wine shop.

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Cornštejn Castle Cornštejn was built in the first half of the 14th century on the hilly headland surrounded from three sides by the Dyje river. It was gradually enlarged up to 1465, when the castle was besieged by the army of Moravian Estates to punish its owner for refusing allegiance to the king. During the siege the castle was damaged, at the end of the 16 th century it was uninhabited and started to dilapidate and from 1612 was being mentioned as deserted. In the seventies of the 20th century the castle ruins underwent reconstruction and was opened to the public.

Bítov One of the oldest castles in the Czech lands, which from the 11th century protected the southern border. It was rebuilt several times, last time in the 19th century by the family of the Dukes of Daun. They created a romantic Neo Gothic residence with charming interiors, decorated by a unique collection of illusionary paintings. The bizarre magic of Bítov is emphasised by a large collection of stuffed animals – a memento of the collecting activity of the last owner, baron Jiří Haas, and his famous zoo, one of the biggest private zoos in the continent. The most sought after is the collection of fifty stuffed dogs of all races, the biggest of its kind in the world. Many visitors will appreciate the exhibition of castle and forest ghosts in the cellar of the castle brewery, or perhaps a well-stocked stylish wine cellar.


Penzion U Tesařů ***

Hotel Pod Zámkem ***

671 10 Bítov 101 Tel.: +420 515 294 616 Fax: +420 515 294 616 e-mail:

Náměstí 45, 671 03 Vranov nad Dyjí Tel.: +420 515 296 216, 607 742 270 Fax: +420 515 296 216 e-mail:

Up we go onto the bicycle seats!

Through forests of Boskovice and Kunštát Regions Deep forests, mysterious cave of the Knights of Blaník, charming chateau and a Nature Park – it would be a sham e to miss any of these. Therefore we have prepared for you a circuit, which offers either the shorter or longer variant. You can decide yourself, what appeals to you more.

Boskovice A historical town with an urban preservation zone and a number of historical monuments. For the public accessible is the Imperial-style chateau with gardens and parks, which was given back to its original owners, the noble family of Mensdorf-Pouilly. Standing above the town is the ruins of the Gothic Boskovice castle with a well, operated by a functional wooden treadle, the only one in the Czech Republic. Educational path will introduce the visitors to the exceptionally well preserved Jewish ghetto with synagogue and cemetery. • Museum of Boskovice region • Western town in the former sandstone quarry • Synagogue with Jewish museum

Length: 35 km, longer variant 50 km Route difficulty level: semi-difficult, in the longer variant several challenging climbs Starting point: Boskovice From the railway station in Boskovice we get on the way along the marked cyclo-route No 5163 towards Podolí. There we join the cyclo-route No 5147 and climb up to the saddle under the Písečný vrch (Sandy Hill). Following is a down-hill ride to Letovice, where on the square we turn to the cycloroute No 5142 and we continue towards Kunštát. Ahead of us is the first more challenging climb 2 km long to the village of Lhota. Before Lhota the route joins the blue tourist sign and to Nýrov we go down on the only unsurfaced stretch. Behind Nýrov we enter the Nature Park Kunštátsko and after the village of Rudka we arrive to the cave of the Knights of Blaník and to Burian’s look-out standing above. From here we go down the steep hill to Kunštát. In Kunštát we have to decide whether we prefer to visit the Lysice chateau or to take the more sporty ride through the Nature Park. In the first case in the upper part of the Kunštát square we join the cyclo-route No 5141, along which we go through Zbraslavec down to Lysice. The most challenging hilly route starts on the lower part of the square, where we join the cyclo-route No 5142 and we follow it on the narrow and almost mountainous roads through Hluboké and Tasovice to Černovice. There we turn left to the route No 5143, which will lead us through Brumov and Bedřichov to Lysice. We end off the journey with a down-hill run through Krhov (be careful when crossing over the busy road No 43) to Skalice nad Svitavou, where our route ends. Town information centre Boskovice –


Cave of the Knights of Blaník in Rudka near Kunštát An artificial sandstone cave of the Knights of Blaník, decorated around 1928 with sculptures of the talented artist – self-taught Stanislav Rolínek. A fourteen metre tall sculpture of the president T. G. Masaryk, destroyed during the Second World War, was once the biggest in Europe. Held in the surrounding Forest Park are sculptors’ symposiums and an open-air gallery was established here. Standing on the nearby hill Milenka is the reconstructed and publicly accessible Burian’s look-out.

Kunštát A town with a pottery and ceramic tradition, in many parts of the town up to the present day still exist ceramic workshops and held every year in September is the Pottery Fair. In remembrance to the Czech ruler George of Poděbrady, who originates from the family of founders of the town, is the sculpture on the square. The chateau houses the Moravian Land Archive, found by the southern wall is a unique dog cemetery.


Penzion U Sochy ****

Hotel Lidový dům **

679 72 Rudka u Kunštátu Tel.: +420 516 462 440, 605 849 450 e-mail:

náměstí Osvobození 145 679 71 Lysice Tel.: +420 604 200 957, 516 472 108 Fax: +420 516 472 440

On the western edge of the Moravian Karst lies the country-town of Lysice with a picturesque chateau, surrounded by a water moat, terrace-like French garden and garden column colonnade. On its site once stood a water keep, later rebuilt in Renaissance style. Found in the interiors is a unique collection of hand painted shooting targets. The Austrian writer Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830–1916) came from the family of the last owners of the Lysice residence Dubský of Třebomyslice.


| 11

Quickly or slowly, but most importantly by foot! Beautiful views, fresh air, plenty of healthy outdoor

rock faces of PĂĄlava, deeply engraved meanders

exercise and the joy of life – you can experience all

of the bordering river Dyje, dark karst glens in the

this by joining us for a wander through The Southern

Moravian Karst and lots of other remarkable places,

Moravia. If you want to get to know this region really

where you just cannot get to any other way except

closely, you must go by foot. The countryside offers a

by foot. And because it would be a pity to miss out

variety of possibilities, from strolling around medieval

on such experiences, there is no way out other than

towns through castles and chateaux to the climbing

tie your laces, take a sandwich and a map in your

of hills and wandering around in deep forests.

rucksack, open the door and go out.

Awaiting you are many educational paths, look-outs,

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Quickly or slowly, but most impor tantly by foot!

Crossing Pálava On Pálava the sun really knows how to shine – so much so that up on the crests you will feel as if you are somewhere in the sunny south. In the surrounding vineyards grapes are ripening, the ruins of small castles from the white stones have for centuries been guarding the wine cellars and we walk in the footsteps of our predecessors who settled in this land many thousands of years ago. They must have felt good here – the same goes for all of us.

Route length: 18,5 km Terrain: difficult, several steep climbs and descents Starting point: Popice From Popice railway station we follow the red mark and through Strachotín village we continue on the dam between Novomlýnská and Věstonická reservoir as far as Dolní Věstonice. Behind the village we start to climb towards the castle ruins of Dívčí hrady, from there we continue along the red mark to the highest peak of the Pavlovské Hills – Děvín. Along the way we will pass several stations of the Educational path Děvín. From Děvín hill we descend through a steep defile to a rest area. Those who are interested in the entire educational path, can go back on the eastern slope of Děvín following the green mark back to the Dívčí hrady castle ruins and from there along the blue mark on the western slope of Děvín (with a possible turn-off to the castle ruins of Nový hrad) back to the crossroads below the defile. Further we continue along the red to Klentnice and around the castle ruins of Sirotčí hrádek to the Stolová hora mountain. The red mark leads us around the Kočičí skála (Cat’s Rock) to Turold, where we can find the Educational path Turold. From Turold we go down directly to Mikulov. For those who didn’t have enough of the previous hills, we recommend a climb to the Svatý kopeček (Holly Hill), which offers a beautiful view over the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape. Tourist information centre Mikulov –

Pálava Protected Landscape Area and the UNESCO biosphere reserve is a dominant feature of the countryside with limestone rock-faces and thermophilic flora in precious steppes, forest-steppes and detritus-forests. The highest point of Pálava is Děvín (549 m). Standing on the north-eastern edge of the crest are the medieval castle ruins of Dívčí hrady (Děvičky). Found on the rock-faces above the village of Klentnice are the castle ruins Sirotčí hrádek, a former medieval border castle.

Turold A hill above the northern outskirts of Mikulov. The cave, which was during the time of the first Czechoslovakian Republic destroyed by limestone mining, was the longest inhabited cave in the country. Corridors are several hundred metres long. The Educational path Turold briefly depicts the variety of the protected landscape area of Pálava.


Dolní Věstonice A famous archaeological excavation site of the Mammoth Hunters from the period 30,000 up to 25,000 years ago, where in 1925 the world-famous figure of the Venus of Věstonice was discovered. The museum permanent exhibition with a model of the primeval settlement, nearby the Slavonic fortified settlement from the 10th–12 th centuries. The entrance point to the castle ruins of Děvičky.

Hotel Réva ***

Hotel Rohatý krokodýl ***

Česká 2, 692 01 Mikulov Tel.: +420 519 512 076, 519 513 525 Fax: +420 519 512 076 e-mail:

Husova 8, 692 01 Mikulov Tel.: +420 519 510 692, 519 513 275 Fax: +420 519 511 695 e-mail:


| 13

Quickly or slowly, but most impor tantly by foot!

To the romantic Podyjí

Through the Moravian Karst to Křtiny

There is no need to promote the Podyjí National Park; many people know that the trails above the meandering Dyje river are one of the biggest tourist attractions in the Czech Republic. On top of that the fresh air, beautiful countryside and standing at the end is a fairytale castle… Don’t hesitate.

If you have already seen this area, then you probably know why you are coming back again. If you are in the Moravian Karst for the first time, you will be really surprised – never mind that we won’t visit the most attractive parts on this route, but concentrate on the middle part of the Karst area. Besides the charming nature we are also going to get to know the pride of Moravian Baroque.

Route length: 26,5 km Terrain: undulating, several short steep climbs Starting point: Hnanice, Šatov

Route length: 16 km Terrain: semi-difficult, steep climbs Starting point: Adamov

Starting from the church in Hnanice we follow the yellow tourist mark through the village, later we turn on a small asphalt road to the left and we steeply descend towards the crossroads Pod Šobesem, from here we continue on the red tourist mark. On the suspension bridge we cross the Dyje river and rise through the Šobes vineyard. After we cross the crest with a beautiful view over the meandering Dyje river the route goes on up the hill on a small road as far as the crossroads Žlebský potok, where the red tourist mark turns left and continues to Příčky. We can visit castle ruins Nový Hrádek; it is only 3 kilometres along the green mark. From Příčky we continue through Lukov and then through the forest to the fishpond by the crossroads Pod Čížovem. Following the blue tourist mark we reach the crossroads Na Keplech, we turn right and through more difficult terrain we get to the crossroads Ledové sluje (Ice Grottoes), from where we can take a short turn-off to the Obelisk look-out. Along the red mark we continue to the Dyje river valley, against the flow we go through Zadní Hamry to Vranov nad Dyjí. Visitors’ centre of the Podyjí National Park –

Podyjí The youngest and the smallest national park in the Czech Republic stretches from Znojmo as far Vranov nad Dyjí and its main feature is the bordering river Dyje. The most beautiful is the middle part of the flow between Podhradí and Znojmo, where it created a deep romantic valley with countless meanders. The western part of the valley is flooded by the water of the thirty kilometres long lake of the Vranov dam, the eastern part belongs to Podyjí National Park. The variety of the nature environment and extraordinary abundance of fauna and flora species is in respect to such a small area absolutely unique.

Starting from the railway station in Adamov we follow the green tourist mark through the town and we start to rise up the hill. Then the route turns off from the road to the left into the forest and heads up towards the crossroads U sedmi dubů. Along the green mark we rise further to the look-out Alexandrovka (520 m above sea level). From the look-out we go without any more climbs through large forests to the edge of Babice nad Svitavou, where we join the road. On the crossroads we leave the green mark and we continue on the red in the direction to Křtiny. The route will lead us through the valley of the Křtiny brook and then to Křtiny. Here we can have a look at the pilgrimage church and then we follow the blue tourist mark to the meadows above the village and on the crossroads we turn left to Habrůvky. We will return to the valley of the Křtiny brook and along the brook we go to the right. A large part of the Josefov Valley was declared to be a National nature reserve. Along the way we pass many interesting caves, rocks and other karst formations including the famous cave of Býčí skála (Bull’s Rock). We won’t forget to stop at Františčina huť (the Frances Iron-ore smelting works), where iron was produced from the 8th to the 19th century, and through the Josefov Valley we go back to Adamov. Central information service Skalní mlýn – Blansko information office “Blanka” –

Landscape preservation area Moravian Karst The whole countryside with valleys and more than a thousand caves lures many visitors every year. Open to the public are the caves Punkva, Balcarka, Kateřinská and Sloupsko-šošůvské caves. However, the interest of tourists often exceeds visitors’ capacity, it is necessary to make reservations in advance. The entrance point to the central area of the Moravian Karst is in Skalní Mlýn (Rocky Mill), the electric eco-train takes visitors to the Punkva caves and the cable-car leads to the Macocha Abyss.


Nový Hrádek The complex of the accessible castle ruins is made up of two castles – older Gothic structure with a residential palace and double oval ring of fortification walls and the front castle, established later on the foundation of the outpost fortification. During the Thirty Year War Nový Hrádek was conquered and demolished; the newer part was later converted into a hunting lodge. The rocky headland offers an attractive view over the broken Moravian-Austrian area along the Dyje river called Podyjí with the deep canyon of the meandering Dyje river.

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A pilgrimage destination with a monumental Baroque church of the Virgin Mary, built in the mid 18th century according to the project by J. B. Santini – Aichl. One of the most beautiful and most valuable sacred monuments in Moravia. The main pilgrimage is held in May during Whitsun week.

Quickly or slowly, but most impor tantly by foot!

From the Brno Dam to Tišnov When you get tired of playing in water, take a small trip from the Brno dam to the Podkomorské forests and further along the Svratka river through the forests and around the rocks. This hike is as if made for relaxation of body and mind. You might be very amazed, what surprises are hiding practically right next to the regional city of Brno! Route length: 26 km Terrain: easy up to semi-difficult Starting point: Brno Dam – harbour In the harbour we have to decide whether we go through the first part of the route by foot or if we take a boat trip; if we decide for the more comfortable variant, we go by boat to the stop at Veveří castle. By foot we follow the yellow tourist mark to Rakovec and up through the Kočičí žleb (Cat’s Glen) to Richie’s natural fountain. From the crossroads by the fountain we follow the blue mark through the Podkomorské forests to Veveří castle. From the castle we go down along the red mark to Veverská Bítýška and the mark of this colour will lead us throughout the entire valley of the Svratka river as far as Tišnov. We go on comfortable forest tracks, but also on the difficult narrow path on a steep slope above the river before going down to Šárka. In Tišnov from the railway station we follow the blue mark to Předklášteří u Tišnova to the monastery of Porta Coeli, from where we go back to the Tišnov railway station. If you still have some energy to spare, time and you are in the right mood, you can prolong the trip and make it more interesting on the Educational path around Tišnov – through the valley of the Besének brook, through Lomnička, Šerkovice, Jamné, Hájek, Hajánky, Stanovisko and Železné back to Tišnov.

Veveří A Gothic royal hunting castle above the Brno dam became famous in 1830, when the son of the dethroned Swedish king established an emigrant king’s court here. His daughter was born here, later the Saxon Queen. The British premier W. Churchill twice visited Veveří. Although the castle is now under long-term reconstruction, a number of extremely popular and attractive cultural events are held here.

Předklášteří The women’s Cistercian monastery Porta Coeli, Gate of Heaven, established in 1233 by Queen Constance, the widow of the Bohemian King Premyslid Otakar I. The monastery church features a unique Gothic portal of the French cathedral type. Found in the complex is the Podhorácké museum with a permanent exhibition of minerals.

To the peak of Velká Javořina What lures tourists to the White Carpathiens? Charming countryside, romantic orchid meadows and views, that take your breath away – and also the desire to discover places, where time has stood still, where the ancient Carpathien legends come back to life and on the glades in deep forests fairies still dance around. So don’t hesitate, they might be waiting just for you! Route length: 31 km Terrain: difficult, several steep climbs and descents Starting point: Velká nad Veličkou From Velká nad Veličkou we follow the green tourist mark and at the same time Javořina Educational path towards Javorník and further on through the Filipovské valley against the flow of the Hrubý brook. On the crossroads by the cottage Megovka the road turns off and we continue on the forest trail on the green mark to the crossroads Pod Kubíkovým vrchem. We cross a small road (which would, by the way, take us after a kilometre to the Slovakian Republic) and we rise further following the green mark to Šibenický Hill (708 m). Ahead of us is the last circa a kilometre long climb and we get to the Dibrov memorial in the saddle between two peaks of the White Carpatiens. On the red tourist mark we go directly on the crests to the left and after four kilometres we reach Velká Javořina (970 m), the highest peak of the White Carpathiens, where from the bare top there is a wide view over Moravia and Slovakia. We go back on the blue mark and the educational path, which we already know, through Vadovská valley towards Vápenky. Those who feel more tired can go back by bus to the starting point, the more energetic can continue along the blue mark through the valley and across Psí vršek (Dog’s Hill) to Nová Lhota. We pass through the village, at its upper edge we turn right and through the mountain meadows, just a short distance from the National nature reserve Jazevčí, we go towards the hill of Hradisko and further along the blue mark to the Velička river valley. In Javorník we get to the beginning of the Filipovské valley, we turn right and return to Velká nad Veličkou. Education and information centre White Carpathiens –

White Carpathiens Protected landscape area and a biosphere reserve, listed in the UNESCO Index. A typical picture of the White Carpathiens is a countryside of large meadows with scattered small fields, orchards and pastures, thanks to the leafy forests it resembles a huge English-styled park. The highest point of The Southern Moravia is Velká Javořina (970 m), since 1845 a traditional meeting place of Czechs and Slovaks. The White Carpathiens are covered by a dense network of cyclo-routes and tourist routes.


Hotel Santon *** OREA HOTELS CLASSIC Přístavní 38, 635 00 Brno Tel.: +420 546 124 444, 546 124 833 Fax: +420 546 210 004 e-mail:,

Hotel Filipov Filipovo údolí 44 696 74 Javorník nad Veličkou Tel.: +420 518 382 126 Fax: +420 518 382 126 e-mail:


| 15

In the footsteps of wine Red and white, variety of flavours and scents, and

just as in the old days the wine is sold “under wicht”.

finally wines of all kinds – strong, dry, full-bodied,

Among popular destinations of the wine experts are

light, sparkling and pink – this is the exciting world

wine-growing exhibitions and stylish wine shops, or

of wine. After all vine already had its roots in

even specialised wine-growing programmes leading

The Southern Moravia during the time of Roman

inquisitive visitors through mystical historical cellars

settlement, and it’s no wonder that the local colour

and legendary vineyards. No matter if you follow the

of the southmoravian country cannot be thought of

footsteps of wine by foot or by bike, awaiting you is

without its picturesque streets with vine-presses and

an exciting adventure full of thrilling experiences.

wine cellars, many wine bars and wine barns, where

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In the footsteps of wine

Heading for the wines of South Moravia

Stops on the wine-growing programme

Would you like to discover beautiful and magical places, where Moravian wines are born and where they ripen? Already for many years the wine-growing tourist programme has been introducing tens and hundreds of visitors to wine and all its charms. Even you can now experience unexpected pleasures, waiting for you on the journey to secrets, especially, when you combine the joy of active exercise with temperate wine tasting.

Louka monastery in Znojmo

Wine-growing tourist programme by bicycle Route length: 53 km Route difficulty: the part between Znojmo – Hnanice is easy, the rest of the route semi-difficult Starting point: Znojmo – Louka monastery The Znojmo wine-growing region became famous thanks to the delicate and extraordinary quality wine with a unique spicy character and high content of aromatic agents. The vine has been growing here for almost two thousand years – and just the slightly undulating countryside, sunny lowlands and straight roads between vineyards are as if made for nice cycling trips. From Znojmo starting from the Louka monastery we go on the road to Oblekovice, where we turn left to Načeratice and through Derflice, Strachotice and Slup we get to Jaroslavice. We head towards Znojmo and after the winegrowing farm of Znovín we turn left following the cyclo-tourist route No 5007. Around Kočičí (Cat), Ovčí (Sheep) and Vinný (Wine) Hills we go to Dyjákovičky and through Chvalovice on the road we go to Šatov. Then we continue to Hnanice, where we join the Znojmo Wine-growing Route, we go down to the Dyje river valley, on the blue or red tourist mark we get over the river and climb to the Šobes vineyard. We go as far as the crossroads U Milíře and head towards Podmolí. In the village we turn right to Mašovice and Hradiště, then to Znojmo and following the cyclo-route 481 we head to the north to Přímětice, where our journey ends. Guarantor of the Wine-growing tourist programme: Znovín Znojmo, a.s. Šatov 404, 671 22 Šatov Tel. +420 515 266 620, e-mail.,

A monumental complex of the former Premonstraterian monastery, visitors’ centre with wine-tasting, Art Gallery, wine cellars, museum of coopery and wine-growing, congress centre. Sightseeing tours will take visitors also into a unique Romanesque-Gothic Crypt. Shop of the company Znovín Znojmo.

Jaroslavice bottled wine cellar archive Wine-growing farm with cellars, focused on the production of red and barrique wines, tours with winetasting. Found underground is the oldest bottled wine cellar archive in the Czech Republic with the oldest wines dating back to 1945.

Painted wine cellar in Šatov The pride of the wine-growing village with numerous streets with wine cellars is the Painted Wine Cellar with paintings by a one-handed artist on sandstone walls, lovers of military history are attracted by the accessible infantry log cabin – a part of the Czechoslovakian fortification from 1936–38.

Šobes Vineyard in the Podyjí National Park The vineyard on the slope of the rocky headland in a meander of the Dyje river the experts consider to be among the ten best quality winegrowing localities in Europe. During summer months there is a stall open with the possibility to taste wine directly in the authentic environment of the vineyard.

Cross wine cellar in Přímětice Wine-growing farm with cellars focused on the production of white wines in the premises of a large Jesuit cellar from the 18th century, one of the biggest of its kind all over the world. Tours with wine tasting.

Wine-growing tourism

| 17

In the footsteps of wine

Vintage festivals, exhibitions, wine-tasting and wine markets The whole year’s effort of a wine-grower reaches its peak when gathering the yield; vintage festivals usually take place from mid September to the beginning of November and belong among the most precious moments in the wine-growing villages. If you come to us to The Southern Moravia just during that time, you certainly should not miss some of the incredibly colourful and wonderful celebrations, which every year accompany the vintage festivals. Even if you missed the vintage festival you should still come, you will definitely find something according to your taste from the selection of tens and maybe hundreds of wine exhibitions, which are held throughout the whole year.

Znojmo Vintage Festival The renowned history of the royal town is commemorated in Znojmo every year in mid September during the grand celebration of the Znojmo historical vintage festival. Tens of thousands of visitors are taken back to the atmosphere of kind May days in 1327, when accompanied by the clanging of the church bells and festive fanfares coming to the town is the Czech King John of Luxemburg with his retinue, ladies of the court, courtiers, armourbearers, buglers and flag-bearers, clowns, pipers and bowmen. The town notables with a burgomaster and aldermen welcome them at the main square. The medieval markets with stalls of folk craftsmen, army camps, jugglers and clowns fill up the Znojmo town centre. The gates of the town’s wine cellars are opened and the local wine is tasted – not only the matured wine, but also new half-fermented wine. The spectacular medieval splendour is crowned by knight jousting, groups of historical fencing, theatres, competitions for children and festive evening fireworks – and the wanton Greek god of wine Bakchus, whose photographs in the renowned National Geographic Magazine some time ago flew around the whole world, is dancing and rejoicing throughout this show. The first Znojmo historical vintage festival took place in September 1966; one year later a hundred thousand visitors came to Znojmo. During 1974–1990 this tradition was forcibly interrupted, nevertheless the vintage festival did not lose any of its beauty; every year in September the Znojmo population of forty thousand almost doubles. Ticket sales and information: Tourist information centre Znojmo Obroková 10, 669 01 Znojmo, Tel./Fax: +420 515 222 552 e-mail:,

Pálava Vintage Festival The three-day vintage festival celebrates the grandiose deed of Lord John of Liechtenstein, who in 1403 with his retinue of knights set free the Czech King Wenceslas IV from the Vienna prison and provided him with refuge in his residence. The return of the king was flamboyantly celebrated, the tables bowed with the piles of food and many wine barrels were emptied. The Pálava vintage festival for more than fifty years has been a peak of the cultural year in the Mikulov region and for all participants and visitors always an unforgettable experience. No wonder. Every year at the beginning of September for three days passing through Mikulov are historical parades led by a troop of trumpeters and drummers, the town centre turns into a historical marketplace, music sounds from every nook and cranny and people dance and rejoice on the squares. The festival takes place also in the chateau; whilst the exhibitions with the sale of paintings take place in the chateau halls, the park transforms itself into a handicraft marketplace and army camp, where children and adults can compete and enjoy the show of historical weapons. In the chateau cellar by the giant barrel it is possible to try several samples of award winning wines or to take part in the king’s banquet, in the evening the sky above Mikulov is lit by a fireworks performance. Of course we must not forget about the quality new half-fermented wine, matured wines and gastronomic specialities. Pálava vintage festival is simply a festival of entertainment programmes for all ages. Ticket sales and information: Tourist information centre Mikulov, Cultural centre Mikulov Náměstí 7, 692 01 Mikulov, Tel.: +420 519 512 200, Fax: +420 519 510 855 e-mail:,

Valtice Wine Markets The first wine exhibition markets took place in the chateau horse riding school at the Valtice chateau more than a hundred years ago. Many things have changed since that time, but the tradition has remained. The Valtice Wine Markets, held every year at the beginning of May, are not only a competition of wine-growers capable of supplying wine for the market, but also a social event, which entices hundreds of wine lovers. The tradition is also awarding the prestige prize of CHAMPION VVT and gold, silver and bronze medals to the three best wines of each variety or kind of wine. Perhaps due to the fact that the Valtice Wine Markets are one of the most strictly judged exhibitions in the Czech Republic, these awards are a matter of prestige and represent individual wine-growers. It is proved by the interest of consumers, who when buying wine seek the bottles marked with the medal of Valtice. Společnost Valtické vinné trhy – Valtice wine markets P.O.Box 37, 691 42 Valtice, Tel. +420 519 361 315, Fax: +420 519 352 330 e-mail:,


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Penzion a restaurace U Sv. Urbana ***

Penzion Kaplanka ***

Pavlovská 23, 692 01 Mikulov Tel.: +420 519 511 469, 519 513 607 Fax: +420 519 511 469 e-mail:

U Branky 6, 669 02 Znojmo Tel.: +420 606 756 397, 515 242 905 Fax: +420 515 226 947 e-mail:

In the footsteps of wine

Wine shops and wine cellars On your way you will certainly come across a wine cellar, where just as in the old days wine is sold directly from the barrels, or a wine shop, where apart from a wide assortment of all kinds of wine visitors are offered to taste several samples. However, the palette of Southern Moravian wines is very wide and in many wine-growing regions in Europe rare, so before you start to taste and buy, you should be aware that wine-growers in The Southern Moravia usually grow thirty-five traditional and lesser known varieties of grapes. From the grapes produced are mainly quality vintage varietal wines, lesser made are brand wines and cuvée. The best way is to buy wine in some of the well-established wine shops, where they can help you to select, and to make your decision easier, you will find several recommended tips directly on this page.

Wine cellars of the Špalek family The family winery operates in the Znojmo wine-growing region, vineyards are spread out on the south-eastern slopes of the Kraví hora mountain in Sedlešovice. The special climate, thanks to which the grapes have a higher content of aromatic agents, granolite grounds, low bushes and small quantity of crop help the high maturity of grapes. The wine cellars are found in the wine-cellar part of Nový Šaldorf, so-called Blue Cellars, their age varies from three hundred to six hundred years. The technology of grape processing and wine production uses the latest developments in wine-growing science and is also influenced by many years of experience. Thanks to careful and responsible work in the Wine cellars of the Špalek family you can find an interesting assortment of wine: • White, rose and red wines, produced by traditional tech nology • Wines of the “sur lie” type, full-bodied and robust white wines • Wines of a barrique type, white and red, matured in new oak barrels • Gryllus, white and red cuvée from their own best vineyards • Wine Šaler, red wine of Port type, sweet and strong, matured in barrels • Ice wines, white naturally sweet Wine cellars of the Špalek family Nový Šaldorf 103/s 671 81 Znojmo Tel.: +420 515 267 098 Fax: +420 515 267 179 e-mail:

Other wine-shops • Wine-shop Plačkova 15, 680 01 Boskovice Tel.: +420 516 454 333 603 518 816 e-mail: • Mika Brno – World of wine, paradise of the heart Čechyňská 4, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 543 242 431 Fax: +420 543 254 270 e-mail: • Permanent sales exhibition of wines – VINDOM Údolní 27, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 541 241 193 e-mail: • Wine-shop of the wine-growers’ association Nový Šaldorf Tel.: +420 515 267 053 723 665 104 Fax: +420 515 267 053 e-mail:

• Moravian Wine Bank Hlinky 88, 603 00 Brno Tel.: +420 543 248 107 e-mail: • Permanent wine-growing exposition – House U Synků Dukelské nám. 23 691 42 Hustopeče u Brna Tel.: +420 519 413 792 519 412 909 • National Salon of Wines Zámek 1, 691 42 Valtice Tel.: +420 519 352 744 e-mail: • Moravian Wine-shop Mojmírovo náměstí, 612 00 Brno Tel.: +420 549 212 680 e-mail: • A good wine-shop Ladislav Harašta Josefská 1, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 542 221 105 Fax: +420 542 221 105

Templar wine cellars Čejkovice The first written mention about Čejkovice dates back to 1248 and is connected with the keep, built by the members of the Templar Knights Order. Together with the keep built were the Templar cellars, still legendary for their size, which were and still are used for storage and maturing of wines. Whilst the cellars are the property of the Čejkovice wine-growing co-operative, the former Templar keep was converted into the Zámek hotel – and believe us, that accommodation in the stylish Gothic keep can really be a very pleasant experience, especially if you spice up your stay here by a visit to the local chateau wine-shop with a complete assortment of wine from the Mutěnice wine-growing region or the wine bar U Templářů with a capacity up to 170 seats. Favourable climatic and geographical conditions together with the tradition of quality processing and storage of wines in the Templar cellars put Čejkovice among the most significant wine-growing regions in The Southern Moravia. The assortment of wines, sold under the brand name Templářské Sklepy, will certainly satisfy even the most demanding lovers of wine. Templar cellars Čejkovice 696 15 Čejkovice Tel.: +420 518 362 628 , 518 362 705, Fax: +420 518 362 628 e-mail:,

Hotel Zámek *** 696 15 Čejkovice Tel.: +420 518 362 538 Fax: +420 518 362 530 e-mail:

Wine-shop Archa A family company, that has been involved in wine for a long time – starting from sales, through wine-tasting for customers, up to vine growing in their own vineyard. The mission of the company is to offer the best in wine as well as knowledge and information: • more than 300 kinds of wine of local and foreign origin • daily wide selection of wine tasting • sale of literature, wine-growers’ magazines, glass and accessories • offer of monthly wine-tasting programmes • wine-tasting weeks and wine-tasting evenings with renowned wine-growers • selection of wine for long-term storage in private wine cellars • recommendations and consulting is of course included • long-term storage in private boxes under ideal conditions Wine-shop Archa Vachova 6, 602 00 Brno Palackého 47 (“Modrý dům-Blue House”), 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 542 215 136, Fax.: +420 543 246 285 e-mail: Chateau wine-shop Archa, Chateau Vranov nad Dyjí, This wine-shop in the Gothic cellars of the Baroque chateau in Vranov offers its visitors a broad selection of wine for tasting and sale from the most prestigious wine makers in the Znojmo wine-growing region. Tel. +420 777 630 434 Wine cellar of the Lords of Lichtenburg, castle Bítov The historical exposition of Moravian wine-growing. Exhibition and sale with wine-tasting – more than seventy kinds of wines – quality, attributive, matured in bottles, ice and straw. All that in the cool environment of the oldest castle cellars, chiselled out of rock, dating back to the mid 13th century. Tel. +420 777 630 434

Wine-growing tourism

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We feel the best by the waterside! Are you looking for water? Would you like to go

speed-boats, or to go on a romantic boat trip. A hot

swimming, fishing, yachting, surfing, diving, play

summer lit by the blazing sun is luring you into the

mini-golf or beach volleyball and in the evening go

water. If it cools down there is nothing easier than to

with friends to the sauna, fitness centre or a cosy pub

choose from a variety of indoor swimming pools or to

below the dam wall? Then waiting just for you are the

go to the aquapark. And don’t worry – The Southern

large surfaces of the Southern Moravian dams and

Moravia is well-known for good weather and the sun

reservoirs, ponds and rivers, swimming pools and

never hides behind the clouds for long.

water attractions. You can even have a ride on the

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We feel the best by the waterside!

Water sports and activities Recreation by the water

Pedal boats, boats and row boats Popular, wonderful and great fun you can have for example at the Brno Dam, Lučina, Nové Mlýny, Jedovnice fishpond Olšovec or in Výrovice. At the Vranov Dam you can even hire canoes and sport kayaks.

Lovers of swimming, sun-tanning and relaxation by the water can besides the outdoor and indoor swimming pool also enjoy many ponds and natural reservoirs. In the Znojmo region it is above all the Vranov Dam, water reservoirs Výrovice, Jevišovice and Horní Dunajovice, in the Mikulov region enticing all the water fans are Nové Mlýny reservoirs, in the White Carpathiens you can have a swim in the natural pool Lučina. Very popular is also the water reservoir Křetínka by Letovice or the fishpond Olšovec in Jedovnice. You can enjoy yourself also in Brno, especially by the lakes in Holásky, in the Marian Valley and at the Brno Dam, which is an ideal place for various water sports.

Sporting equipment and bicycle hire If you do not take your own equipment with you on holidays, you will fi nd help and advice directly in the accommodation facility where you will be staying. Sporting equipment and bicycles you can also hire by the Nové Mlýny reservoirs, at the dam in Výrovice, Jedovnice and at the Vranov dam.

Sailing boats, windsurfs and yachts A paradise for lovers of these water sports is above all the large surface of the Nové Mlýny reservoir, where you can hire sailing boats and windsurfs. Actually, right in this beautiful environment below Pálava just a short distance from the border and on delightful water, where the wind blows from all sides, is the place where yachters from the whole of Europe have been meeting for several years. Windsurf and other sporting equipment hire is available also at the Vranov dam.

Bata Canal – a place where the burning sun is bathing in the waves of the Morava river Water tourism is quite rare in the Czech Republic. However, there is an exception, which is certainly worth visiting – the Bata Canal, tourist water canal cutting through Slovácko from the north to the south. A technical and nature monument, built between 1934–38 for agricultural irrigation and freight boats, navigable in the 65 km long stretch from Otrokovice to Petrov, in the neighbouring river parts and in the environs of Hodonín. For long decades it wasn’t used, the tourist boat trips were launched again in 1995. Now cruising on the Bata Canal are several sightseeing boats and tens of small boats and crafts. In Spytihněv, Staré Město, Veselí nad Moravou, Strážnice and Hodonín you can find boat hire, where you either pay for a boat trip or hire your own boat – starting from an hour cruise on a small craft or canoe up to several days trips on a houseboat. Every Sunday from May to August you can also go on a regular traffic boat line between Veselí nad Moravou and Strážnice. This unusual experience can be still enhanced by a visit to wine shops, wine cellars, several castles and chateaux or educational paths. Bata Canal Infocentre –

Be your own captain on the Dyje river …and even without passing difficult captain exams! You can on your own easily discover the magic of river boating. Just come to the camping site Pálava in Nové Mlýny, hire a canoe, raft or any other boat (maximum capacity 6 persons) and you can get on and cruise along the Dyje river, through the countryside of swamp forests, chateau gardens and romantic structures. Some will be happy just with a few kilometre long trip to Janohrad, but if you should fall in love with cruising on the water, you can comfortably go through the 22 km long route as far as Břeclav. The boat trips are also suitable for canoes and boating men – beginners and families with children. Also included in the interesting offer is transport of people and bikes by microbuses, or accommodation and refreshments at the camping site Pálava. DALI – boat hire – půjčovna lodí pod Pálavou J. Palacha 3197, 690 02 Břeclav Tel.: +420 519 321 637, 737 184 744, Fax: +420 519 321 637 e-mail:


Camp Pálava

Hotel Panon ***

Nové Mlýny, 692 01 Mikulov Tel.: +420 519 351 722, 519 351 940 e-mail:

Koupelní 4, 695 22 Hodonín Tel.: +420 518 341 243 Fax: +420 518 341 248 e-mail:

Swimming, water tourism and water sports

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We feel the best by the waterside!

Aquapark Vyškov Indoor swimming pool 20 x 12,5 m, whirlpool bath, Finnish and steam sauna. Indoor swimming pool with attractions – massage jets, geysers, pearl baths, helter-skelter 44 m , children’s indoor swimming pool with water mushroom and water castle, outdoor swimming pool with attractions – wild river, helter-skelter 90 m, massage bench. Outdoor swimming pool 50 x 21 m, children’s paddling pool, playground for beach volleyball. Aquapark Vyškov Sportovní 752/5, 682 01 Vyškov Tel.: +420 517 343 313, 517 348 745 e-mail:

Swimming stadium KOMETA Brno Swimming complex TJ TESLA BRNO – Lesná A complex with an indoor swimming pool and outdoor 25 m long heated swimming pool, which is used by the public as well as for swimming lessons for various kinds of schools, sports club training, therapeutic and relaxation swimming for disabled, holding competitions and social events. In July and August the swimming pool including the outdoor atrium with children’s paddling pool serve only for public use.

50 m long indoor swimming pool, relaxation heated swimming pool, gym, fitness, sport shops, refreshments. Swimming stadium KOMETA Sportovní 4a, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 541 425 831, Fax: +420 541 425 835 e-mail:,

TJ TESLA BRNO Halasovo náměstí 7, 638 00 Brno Tel.: +420 545 222 672, Fax: +420 545 222 672 e-mail:,

Swimming complex Blansko Indoor swimming pool 25 x 12,5 m, outdoor swimming pool 50 x 25 m, gym, refreshments, two beach volleyball playgrounds, 9-pin bowling, children’s attractions, children’s swimming pool 6 x 6 m, large lawns for sun-tanning. Služby Blansko – swimming complex Mlýnská 15, 678 01 Blansko Tel.: +420 516 414 193, 516 412 592 Fax: +420 516 412 592 e-mail:

Accomodation Other outdoor and indoor swimming pools in the region • Swimming complex Blansko Mlýnská ul., 678 01 Blansko Tel.: +420 516 412 592 • Indoor swimming pool Blučina Na lázních 620, 664 56 Blučina Tel.: +420 547 235 143

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Hotel Voroněž 2 *** OREA HOTELS CLASSIC

Hotel Macocha ***

Křížkovského 49, 603 73 Brno Tel.: +420 543 142 020, 543 142 030 Fax: +420 543 211 966 e-mail:

Svitavská 35, 678 01 Blansko Tel.: +420 516 419 661, 516 419 662 Fax: +420 516 419 663 e-mail:

• Indoor spa Boskovice Sušilova ul., 680 01 Boskovice Tel.: +420 516 452 286 • Outdoor and indoor swimming pool Fibichova 1, 690 02 Břeclav Tel.: +420 519 372 090

• Outdoor and indoor swimming pool ul. Koupelní , 695 01 Hodonín Tel.: +420 518 353 034 • Outdoor and indoor swimming pool Brněnská 50, 693 01 Hustopeče Tel.: + 420 519 411 173 • Swimming complex Kuřim Blanenská 1082, 664 34 Kuřim Tel.: +420 541 230 390

We feel the best by the waterside!

Outdoor swimming pool Sloup

Pohoda Outdoor swimming pool and caravan site

Outdoor swimming pool 50 x 22 m with a water slide, children’s paddling pool, outdoor shower with drinking water, beach volleyball, clay tennis court, stylish summer restaurant. Outdoor swimming pool Sloup 679 13 Sloup 1 Tel.: +420 516 435 237, 516 435 218, Fax: +420 516 435 237 e-mail:,

Outdoor swimming pool and caravan camping site Strážnice Recreation complex with a swimming pool 50 x 20 m and children’s swimming pool 13 x 16 m with a water slide. Found in the complex are refreshments, children’s swings and monkey bars, playground for volleyball and tennisfootball, 9-pin bowling, minigolf and table tennis. In a separate area next to the outdoor swimming pool is the caravan site, offering accommodation in buildings and log cabins, with a self-service restaurant, bar and clubroom. Caravan camping site Strážnice Bzenecká 1533, 696 62 Strážnice Tel.: +420 518 332 037, 602 862 731 Fax: +420 518 332 041 e-mail:

Helter-skelter 80 m, water slide 15 m, water cave, wild river, massage beds, water mushroom, 25 m long swimming pool, children’s paddling pool with a water slide, two playgrounds for beach volleyball, playground for small football, pétanque, two tables for ping-pong and 9-pin bowling, umbrellas and sporting equipment hire, refreshments with a pleasant sitting area. In the complex is also a caravan camping site for 22 caravans (entry to the outdoor swimming pool included in the accommodation price). Outdoor swimming pool POHODA Únanov 384 Tel.: +420 515 228 617, 515 265 649, Fax: +420 515 228 704 e-mail:,

Outdoor swimming pool Moravské Málkovice Recreation and sports complex, outdoor swimming pool, football playground, restaurant, tennis court, volleyball and tennisfootball playground, fishpond for sport fishing, shot-gun shooting range. Outdoor swimming pool Moravské Málkovice, 682 01 Vyškov Tel.: +420 517 365 554, +420 725 111 479, Fax: +420 517 365 100

Town outdoor swimming pool Ždánice Outdoor swimming pool Miroslav Natural outdoor swimming pool, swimming pool, children’s swimming pool with water slide, shady parking lot, refreshments with the possibility of full board. Available are wooden deckchairs, lockable changing cabins and amenities. Summer evening swimming. Outdoor swimming pool 671 72 Miroslav Tel.: +420 515 333 201, Fax: +420 515 333 608 e-mail:,

Recreation complex with a sports swimming pool 25 x 12,5 m and an amusement swimming pool (area 1,500 m 2), including lazy river, water mushroom, children’s water slide and water spouters. In the complex are areas for sun-tanning, access for disabled, volleyball playground, children’s playground, restaurant. Town outdoor swimming pool 696 32 Ždánice Tel.: +420 518 633 829, 518 633 615–6, Fax: +420 518 633 506 e-mail:,

Other outdoor swimming pools • Outdoor swimming pool KPS Křižíkova 68, 612 00 Brno

• Outdoor swimming pool Ždánská, 685 01 Bučovice

• Spa Zábrdovice Zábrdovická 25, 615 00 Brno

• Outdoor swimming pool Riviéra Rep. obrany 5, 692 01 Mikulov

• Outdoor swimming pool Kraví Hora, 602 00 Brno • Outdoor swimming pool Česká 17, 679 61 Letovice • Outdoor swimming pool Pod Horkou 2, 679 04 Adamov • Outdoor swimming pool Veslařská 1, 690 02 Břeclav

• Outdoor swimming pool Červená zahrada, 680 01 Boskovice • Outdoor swimming pool Kaunicova ulice 684 01 Slavkov u Brna • Outdoor swimming pool – TJ Sokol Němčičky 664 66 Němčičky

Swimming, water tourism and water sports

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Holidays as a great adventure

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Someone can relax by doing nothing; others like

paintball, fans of natural as well as artificial sheer

to play sports in their leisure time. It makes no

rock faces, the ones who worship the rule that the

difference if you belong among those who are

most beautiful view over the world is from horse

happy with an hour of tennis once or twice a week,

back, lovers of flying and paragliding, and even the

or those who can’t imagine their holidays without

ones who spend long days by the U-ramp and the

sweat, struggle and a good dose of adrenaline, in

special course on skateboards and roller-skates – all

The Southern Moravia you will certainly find the

of them will find here what they are looking for. No

right entertainment according to your taste. Waiting

matter which adventure you will go for, you certainly

for you are golf courses, tennis, squash, ricochet

won’t be bored and you will take home only the most

as well as bowling. Admirers of sport shooting and

beautiful memories.

Holidays as a great adventure

Squash and ricochet Whilst almost everybody knows squash, the game called ricochet is new in the world of sport. Both sports are very much alike. Squash and ricochet strengthen fitness condition and health, they can be great fun for leisure time as well as a relaxing addition for professional sportsmen. The main difference is in the difficulty: the court for ricochet is smaller, with a low ceiling, which plays just as well, has a shorter racket and lighter ball. As the rules and the basic movements are not complicated, ricochet is suitable also for children and beginners. So far the theory is; practise is up to you.

Sport centre Moravská Slavia Centre offers four fully air-conditioned squash courts, a whole range of aerobics programmes for the public; it also includes a heated rehabilitation swimming pool. Massages – classic, sport, Korean, acupressure, bowwen, cupping and aroma-therapy, reception with a wide selection of soft drinks, sport shop, hire of rackets, balls and other equipment.

Sport club RONJA The sport club, which you can find near the centre of town, next to the winter stadium, offers all year round activities: squash, bowling, fitness gym, tennis hall, sauna, whirlpool (vitalisation). Sport club RONJA Dvořákova 21, 669 02 Znojmo, Tel./Fax: +420 515 228 868

SPORTCENTRE SQUASH Moravská Slavia Polní 16, 639 00 Brno, Tel.: +420 543 223 030, Fax: +420 543 223 020 e-mail:,

Squash Radost Four squash courts ASB, one course for double, three bowling alleys, whirlpool and sauna, indoor cycling, aerobic, table tennis and pool. Fully air-conditioned, possibility to hire the entire complex or its part for bigger groups. Squash Radost Cejl 52, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 728 066 233 545 240 745 e-mail:

Orel Gym Telnice Sport complex includes a tennis court, court for volleyball and tennisfootball, two courts for ricochet and bowling with two alleys. The complex also has a gym, vertical and horizontal solarium, sauna, pool and restaurant. Orlovna Telnice Masarykovo nám. 7, 664 59 Telnice Tel.: +420 544 224 040, 544 254 783, Fax: +420 544 254 783 e-mail:,

Sport centre Vodařská Brno A fully air-conditioned sport centre with six squash courts, two beach volleyball courts, aerobics hall and course for pétanque. The complex also has a reception with a bar, solarium and restaurant.


Sport centre Vodařská Brno Vodařská 2, 619 00 Brno Tel.: +420 545 233 355, 545 234 949, Fax: +420 545 233 871 e-mail:,

Hotel Slovan ***

Hotel Velká Klajdovka ***

Lidická 23, 659 89 Brno Tel.: +420 541 321 207, 541 212 020 Fax: +420 541 211 137 e-mail:

Jedovnická 7, 628 00 Brno Tel.: +420 544 424 911, 544 424 910 Fax: +420 544 210 322 e-mail:

Sporting activities

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Holidays as a great adventure

Mountaineering The Southern Moravia can really astound many of its visitors. An exceptionally big surprise is awaiting all the lovers of mountain climbing, who will discover a real paradise on the limestone rock faces in the deep valleys of the Moravian Karst. Although it is a protected landscape area with many state nature reserves, where it is for example allowed to park only on market parking sites and where the mountain climbing is also limited regarding the operation of caves, the Moravian Karst together with Pálava are the oldest practising areas of Brno mountain climbers. Each generation of climbers left behind trails corresponding with their time period. Climbing through the Macocha Abyss, on Bull’s Rock (Býčí skála) and in other places belong among extreme climbs on practice rocks, especially for the nowadays free style climbing. Mountaineering is allowed in the following localities: Sloup, Pustý glen, Suchý glen, Macocha, Holštejn, Rudické chasm, Křtiny valley, a separate group is composed of the rocks by Mokrá in the Říčka valley. Possible restrictions have to be checked in the administration office of the Moravian Karst CHKO Protected Landscape Area. Considering the fact that the climbing localities are found in the protected area, it is necessary to be a registered mountain climber (UIAA). Administration of the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area – Správa chráněné krajinné oblasti MORAVSKÝ KRAS Svitavská 29, Blansko Tel.: +420 516 417 825, Fax: +420 516 418 158, e-mail:

Climbing wall face Dufek – L. S. D. Mountaineering in the rocks is limited to the summer months. For the rest of the year or during bad weather you might appreciate free climbing on the practise climbing wall covering 375 m2. Bouldering, mat, climbing with rope, 18 ropes with top safety device, other climbing secured by a suffi cient number of expresses. Maximum height 8,2 m, never ending traverse 47 m. Climbing wall Dufek – L. S. D. Legionářská 456, 664 34 Kuřim Tel.: +420 603 436 569, e-mail:,

Golf Golf is not only a sport with a six-hundred-year tradition, but foremost wonderful relaxation for body and mind. Lovers of this green sport have in the Czech Republic at their disposal a total of 71 golf courses – and three of them – with interesting and unusual features – are in The Southern Moravia.

Golf Clubs • Golf Club Austerlitz An eighteen-hole golf course established in 1994. Including a driving range, putting and pitching green it covers an area of 70 ha. A golf course of the links type features a large number of sandpits and more than three hectares of water surfaces. Accessible for the public is the chateau academy in the Slavkov chateau park. After the game you can refresh yourself in the pleasant Spike bar with a view over the golf course complex or to buy golf equipment in the well-stocked pro-shop. Access: the Slavkov u Brna exit from the highway Brno – Vyškov, in the town follow the signs marked Golf course Season: April – November Golf Club Austerlitz, Na golfovém hřišti 1, 684 01 Slavkov u Brna Tel./Fax: +420 544 423 511, 544 423 512, e-mail:, • Sokrates golf & country club An eighteen-hole golf course in the virgin nature of the Drahanská Highlands offers beautiful panorama views over the surrounding countryside. Driving range with fifty tees, practise bunkers, putting and chipping green as well as a stylish clubroom with a restaurant, bar and sheltered terrace, pro-shop and parking lot for 230 cars. Access: from the road E 461 Brno – Svitavy, turn off to Boskovice, at the end of the town turn towards Benešov and Kořenec; distance from Boskovice 11 km Season: April – October SG&CC, Kořenec 152, 680 01 Boskovice Tel./Fax: +420 516 467 504, +420 516 467 016 e-mail:, • Golf Club AMK Automotodrom Brno A nine-hole golf course in the complex of the Brno racing circuit covers an area of 20 ha. It has an extremely interesting terrain with an altitude difference between individual holes from 15 to 30 metres. The visitors will appreciate the easy accessibility from the highway D1 (circa 2,5 km) and also the friendly atmosphere for beginner players. Access: exit 178 Ostrovačice from the highway D1 Praha – Brno or exit 182 Kývalka, further towards Grand Prix Paddock, 2,5 km Season: March – November Golf klub AMK Automotodrom Brno, P.O.BOX 98, 656 98 Brno Tel.: +420 546 216 462, e-mail:,,

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Holidays as a great adventure

FINO CLUB Modřice The guesthouse offers three clay tennis courts and in winter a tennis hall, squash court, bowling with two alleys and a relaxation terrace with a barbecue area. Suitable for company presentations and training courses, as well as for private accommodation. Sporting grounds are available also for the public. FINO CLUB Modřice U hřiště 737, 664 42 Modřice Tel.: +420 547 216 711, Fax: +420 547 216 711 e-mail:,

Hotel Koupaliště Letovice The modern hotel offers not only comfortable accommodation, but also a whole range of services and accompanying programmes. One of them is focused on tennis, because the hotel has a large inflatable tennis hall, which can be used throughout the whole year. Available for visitors is a tennis school and sparring partners. The hotel complex also includes an outdoor swimming pool with a helter-skelter and minigolf. Hotel Koupaliště Letovice U Koupaliště 10/82, 679 61 Letovice Tel.: +420 516 474 643, Tel./Fax: +420 516 474 481 e-mail:

Horse-riding school Uherčice Complex with a horse riding hall 18 x 60 m, sand riding school 25 x 70 m and stable for 18 horses. Horse-riding school Uherčice 691 62 Uherčice Tel.: +420 519 418 166, 723 467 070 e-mail:

Nosislav Keep

• • • • • • •

Short horse-riding trips or several day journeys in a saddle, as well as weekends and summer holidays for children and adults – this is the Nosislav Keep, small family farm with many big and small animals, offering peace and relaxation: • Horse riding with a professional guide for beginners and ad vanced riders One-day trips for a group of two to four riders A several day trip for a group of three to four riders Firm and travelling camps for children, can be combined with cycling Horse-riding school in a free round range or in the hall Relaxation stays with exercise on horses Programme for one-day and several-day school trips Accommodation in an ancient water keep in the style of “at granny’s cottage” or in an independent apartment

Tvrz Nosislav Keep Na Tvrzi 72, 691 64 Nosislav Tel.: +420 723 073 073, 547 238 424 e-mail:

Observation flights in hot-air balloons On 5th June 1783 the Montgolfier brothers showed enthusiastic spectators, that a man can control the sky, when in Annonay in France they launched the first hot-air balloon. Exactly two hundred years later members of the Brno Aviatik Club introduced at the airport in Brno – Medlánky the first hot-air balloon made in the Czech Republic. To commemorate these anniversaries Balloon Jam is held every year – a festival of hot-air ballooning, when the Brno sky is filled with a flocks of colourful hot-air balloons and airships. Aviatik also organises the competition Hot-air Balloons above Telč – Balony nad Telčí, the championship of the Czech Republic in sport and romantic ballooning. For the whole year guests are welcomed for observation flights, during which they are traditionally baptised as balloonists by the wind, Earth, fire and champagne. Everybody can take home not only wonderful memories, but also a remembrance certificate. AVIATIK SERVIS, spol. s r.o. Šeránkova 4, 616 00 Brno Tel.: +420 541 214 585, 602 823 782, Fax: +420 541 214 585 e-mail:,

Sporting activities

| 27

A hundred year old tradition of motorcycle and car races It may seem to be unbelievable, motor-sport and

Endurance Grand Prix, the six-hour race of touring

The Southern Moravia have belonged together for

and sport cars, Formula 3000 European Series and

a hundred years, to be exact since 1903, when on

many republic and world motor-sport competitions.

the road Brno – Znojmo – Vienna a Long-distance

There is also the possibility to take your own car to

motorcycle race was held. The old racing track, on

the racing circuit. Found in the complex is a sport

which in September 1930 the first big circuit race was

shooting range and golf course, activities on the

held, was in 1987 replaced by the modern complex in

Masaryk Circuit are made more interesting by the

the close vicinity of Brno – Automotodrom Masaryk

vintage car races, test rides, numerous social events

Circuit, the biggest and most prestige racing circuit

and also non-motor-sport activities – for example

in the Czech Republic. Held here every year are a

dog sled race.

number of international motorcycle races, especially

28 |

A hundred years old tradition of motorcycle and car races

The Masaryk Racing Circuit The Masaryk Circuit is one of the most modern racing circuits in Central Europe and has a deep sporting and social tradition. The track has hosted many significant international motor-sport celebrities. The track is exceptional also thanks to the wide range of services and quality background for organising top sporting events, club and team testing, as well as commercial and presentation events. Grand Prix Czech Republic has become a major sporting event, which in 2002 thanks to TV broadcasting was watched by 329,000,000 viewers in all continents. The good reputation of the Brno circuit is emphasised by the fact that the majority of racers with the biggest names consider it to be one of the safest and most interesting circuits in the world.

Become a part of the Grand Prix Thanks to the programmes of the Masaryk Circuit anyone of you can become a part of the fascinating world of fast wheels, adrenaline and passion, which is involved in motor-sport. You can improve your driving skills, put together a group of friends, employees or clients and thanks to the well-thought out training programmes improve your safety when driving your own car. Entertainment and relaxation programmes promise you many unforgettable experiences and your children will certainly enjoy their special programmes.

Parameters of the circuit Length:

5 403,19 m (measured in the road axis)


15,00 m


14 (6 left, 8 right)

Curve diameter:

min. 50 m, max. 300 m

Straight runs:

13 Min. length: 35,00 m Max. length: 636,56 m


max. 7,5 %, on the length of 917,00 m


max. 5 %, on the length of 410,00 m

Slope ramp:

73,63 m


450 m

Carry capacity:

55 motorcycles 33 sidecars 40 cars

Automotodrom Brno, a. s. P.O. Box 1, 641 00 Brno Tel: +420 546 216 111, Fax: +420 546 213 131 E-mail:

Programmes at the Circuit Adrenaline programmes for the playful Are you playful, would you like to try racing wheel to wheel and do you fancy great fun? Waiting just for you are sport go-karts – or, as the authors of this programme add “you have never driven lower to the ground at such a speed”. They will build a tailor-made course for you in any shape, you can race on a replica of the Masaryk Circuit or the world famous Monza. For the small and the big, who don’t have the courage to ride a real motorbike, there are minibikes – and believe me, that the small motorbikes are no less than the big racing machines, especially on the racing track. And finally for those who do not want to go for adventure into the rain forests, but at the same time eager to enjoy the real spirit of the Camel Trophy, there are off-road and all-road tracks ready for them where they can go wild with their own or rented off-roader.

Adrenaline programmes for the competitive For anyone who wants to test his driving skill limits and what his rented car is capable of, when there are no speed limits. Besides your own car you can also use special test cars Skoda or sport cars Ford Puma – well, driving a real racing car is something that just doesn’t happen every day, does it? You can learn from the advice of an experienced professional, who will sit on the passenger seat and correct your driving style and will show you the best driving trace. And if you don’t have the courage to sit behind the wheel on your own, professional drivers are always available – or perhaps for the bravest there are the best of the best, Czech representatives and racers. You can also have a ride with the masters in the real racing cars, trucks, sidecars or on motorcycles.

Relaxation programmes for everybody These are ready to ease you out from everyday stress and backache, for a variety of adrenaline programmes or just for anyone who is interested. You can get better at golf or to try your very first steps at the unusual golf course right in the complex of the circuit. For people who have a steady hand, sharp sight and ability to concentrate, sport shooting at the professional shooting range is prepared. You can enjoy the countryside of the Masaryk Circuit on horseback or on bicycle, and you can also have a look from above during the observation flights by helicopter. And finally waiting for all admirers of vintage cars are the rides in oldtimers. Our riders will introduce you to the historical qualities of these car beauties, take you for a ride through the Masaryk Circuit, so you can see that even the vintage cars can go fast, and then they will take you for a graceful ride through the countryside. Especially in summer, with the roof down, it is a breathtaking experience.


| 29

Let them pamper you

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We can’t promise either a recipe for eternal youth or

But The Southern Moravia will also be a paradise

instant miracles, nevertheless throughout the whole

for the admirers of wellness. Wonderful holidays, in

year, over the weekend or just for a couple of hours

which the main part is played by swimming pools

we offer relaxation for body and mind. How and with

with thermal water, light saunas, whirlpools, steams

what you will pick to enrich your stay in The Southern

perfumed by the scent of herbs, massages, wraps

Moravia is only up to you. For someone “healthy”

and above all relaxation and the motto “no stress

holidays can’t be without fitness and recondition

and no rush”, rightfully are becoming more and more

exercise, stretching, aerobics and body building.

popular. Join us and enjoy yourself!

Let them pamper you

Gold’s Gym

Fitness Blue Gym

This fitness centre is at your disposal seven days a week and 365 days a year, being a part of a large network of 650 gyms in 34 countries in the world. It covers more than 1,000 m2 and is equipped exclusively with machines of world-famous brands.

A gym designed as a fitness centre for the modern lifestyle, open to the wide public, beginners and advanced sportsmen of all age groups. The gym with 48 exercise posts is open 13 hours a day, 360 days in a year. A coach and experienced instructors are available.

• The latest body-building facilities, cardiovascular exercises and loose weights • Ultra modern steppers, stationary bicycles and jogging machines with pulse motors • Consulting, preparation of training programmes and nutrition plans

• Gallery with cardio machines and TV’s by each machine • Possibility of individual training including personal trainer • Sale of latest fitness equipment • Bar with refreshments and nutritious cocktails • Children’s play area

• Professional coach can set up an individual training programme free of charge • Solarium • Aerobics hall

• Indoor cycling – a group ride on stationary bicycles under the supervision of a coach • Bar with heath products Fitness Blue Gym Kotlářská 51a, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 602 775 747, 541 213 450 Fax: +420 542 422 860

Gold’s Gym Hapalova 23, 621 00 Brno, Tel.: +420 541 229 261, Fax: +420 541 229 262 e-mail:,

Relaxation centre – hotel Prestige Znojmo VALC active FITNESS By its size exceeding 1000 m2 it is one of the biggest in Brno. The gym is a part of the sporting complex, where you can further find an indoor swimming pool, relaxation heated pool and sport shops. The gym has also a fi tness bar with a wide selection of soft drinks, cocktails and health products. On the top floor of the Prestige hotel all sport and relaxation fans can find a modern relaxation aqua-centre with a swimming pool, sauna and solarium. You can make cheer up your life with whirlpool baths, in a steam cabin, in the hands of clever masseurs or in a gym.

• Professional supervision, a coach can set up an individual training and diet programme • Gym with 45 machines and other sporting equipment • Lessons of aerobics, yoga, tai-chi • When riding the stationary bicycles it is possible to watch TV • Children’s play area

Hotel Prestige **** Pražská 100, 669 02 Znojmo Tel.: +420 515 224 595, 515 246 601, Fax: +420 515 246 621 e-mail:,

Fitness centre – Hotel International Brno A modern fitness centre, providing a whole range of top quality services, not only for the hotel guests, but also for the public. You can spend a wonderful sporting day here and after the hard work you can relax in peace, as well as enjoy yourself when relaxing. Especially in summer you will appreciate the fully air-conditioned premises. The following services and facilities are available: • Gym equipped with top facilities • Professional supervision • Aerobics hall with various activities – yoga, tae-bo, p-class, kickboxing and others • Indoor cycling program, effective cardiovascular training • Ricochet • Classic and Thai massages • Horizontal and vertical solarium • Relaxation and beauty salon

• Water programme – swimming pool with salt water and countercurrent, steam cabin, sauna, whirlpool; aqua aerobic • Reception and professional information about all services, permanent tickets and reservations • Children’s play area, toys, TV, video • Bar with refreshments and supplements for sport nutrition

Fitness centrum – Hotel International Brno Husova 16, 659 21 Brno, Tel.: +420 542 122 333,

Best Western Premier Hotel International Brno **** Husova 16, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 542 122 111, 542 122 780 Fax: +420 542 210 834 e-mail:

VALC active FITNESS Sportovní 4a, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 549 244 636, Fax: +420 541 425 835 e-mail:,

Spa Hodonín Relaxation, wellness, anti-stress and anti-fatigue rehabilitation stays, as well as help for everybody who wants to improve their fitness condition or lose weight – this is the service package provided by the Spa Hodonín. It is one of the youngest spas in the Czech Republic having its own natural healing source – iodobromide water with a high content of iodous salts, one of the best quality waters of its kind in Europe. The spa complex is situated in a modern pavilion with a therapeutic swimming pool and whirlpool. The spa complex further offers accommodation in a hundred double bedrooms, for the more demanding guests there are suites available. You can make your stay in the spa even more interesting by visiting castles and chateaux in the environs, taking boat trips on the Morava river, visiting the wine-growing celebrations, traditional feasts and wine cellars. For sporting activities bicycle hire is available, you can go for a walk in the spa park or visit the Hodonín zoo and other places of interest. Spa – Lázně Hodonín Měšťanská 140, 695 04 Hodonín Tel. +420 518 321 164, Fax. +420 518 321 166 e-mail:,

Fitness, wellness, spas

| 31

Entertainment, events as well as romance

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Don’t be misled by the local folklore and folk music

opportunity for all Wild West romantics is a visit to

and just enjoy yourself according to your age and

the summer western towns or popular concerts of

zest. Every day something is going on, everywhere

folk and country music. Every year there are many

and for everybody. You can go crazy in Brno music

grand celebrations and events, standing out among

clubs and discos or at the open-air concerts of all

them are commemorative and pious events for the

music genres. You can also have lots of fun during

anniversary of Napoleon’s Austerlitz Battle in 1805.

the stylish castle celebrations and folklore festivals,

When you also consider tasty food and drinks, high

where enticing visitors are historical fairs, shows of

quality and good prices, you will find out that there is

historical handicrafts and knight jousting. A unique

no reason to hesitate.

Entertainment, events as well as romance

Brno music clubs Where you certainly won’t get bored? The experts will find enough information in the cultural guides, where they will of course find the offer and clear overview of music club programmes. Just for brief and general orientation let us tell you, that Štefánikova street is the liveliest, where just a few steps from each other are the big Fleder Mouse House called also Fléda and Stará pekárna – The Old Bakery, where live performances are held almost every day. Fléda is a multi-genre club with various parts, where besides music concerts you can also find a cinema with a good club programme and a tea room, held within its walls are also dance parties or fashion shows. The Old Bakery – Stará pekárna offers a more private atmosphere and lures into its premises smaller bands, among its “top acts” belongs for example the train from Vizovice, which is no use to describe – you just have to see it for yourself. The Jazz coffee shop Podobrazy in the Místodržitelský – Vice-regent’s Palace has a very good standard and a permanent circle of fans, it usually stages concerts several times a week at the historical courtyard. In the club Livingstone at Dominikánské square and the Green Cat Club – Zelená kočka on Masaryk Street fans of dance and disco meet. Lovers of alternative music have their base at the Alterna club, having the atmosphere of a students’ club with alternative and jazz programmes. The offer would not be complete without mentioning the small dance clubs Remix, Perpetuum and Vyhlídka. And finally the icing on the cake amongst the selection of Brno clubs is Skleněná louka – the Glass Meadow, the house with a tea room, attic gallery and several shops, briefly a place to meet as well as to have fun, in a great atmosphere and even greater design. So enjoy it!

Brno Clubs • Babylon – music club

• Klub podivný Hamlet

Dominikánské nám. 2

Kounicova 85, 602 00 Brno

602 00 Brno

Tel.: +420 608 546 658

Tel.: +420 532 292 122


e-mail: • Fléda

• Livingstone Dominikánské nám. 4 602 00 Brno

Štefánikova 24, 602 00 Brno

Tel.: +420 542 214 645

Tel.: +420 777 843 662


e-mail: • Jazzová kavárna Podobrazy

• Mersey music pub Minská 15, 616 00 Brno Tel.: +420 541 240 623

Moravské náměstí 1, 602 00 Brno


Tel.: +420 604 541 346

• Klub Alterna

• Remix

Kounicova 48, 602 00 Brno

Brandlova 4, 602 00 Brno

Tel.: +420 541 212 091

Tel.: +420 604 806 387

Fax: +420 541 243 999 e-mail: • Klub Leitnerova

• Skleněná louka Kounicova 23, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 549 241 812 Fax: +420 545 243 719

Leitnerova 2 , 603 00 Brno


Tel.: +420 543 213 693

• Stará pekárna

Boskovice – entertainment in Wild West style The western town Wild West in Boskovice offers unusual experiences in the environment of the American Wild West. In the complex of a former sand quarry, which very much resembles countryside scenes from adventure movies, you can try many attractions including horse riding, bow shooting and throwing the javelin or lasso. Those who like horses and don’t know how to ride can take basic riding lessons here. The life in the Wild West of course also involves issuing warrants of arrest, you can read a local newspaper and children can go into the children’s saloon for their “tattoo” or to be painted in war paint. The visitors have among other possibilities a chance to enjoy almost one hour-long performances on the themes of the novels by Karl May and meet the popular heroes Vinnetou and Old-Shatterhand. Performances are held during the day as well as at night in the amphitheatre of the natural theatre directly in the complex. Besides that you can find accommodation in western hotels, log cabins or Indian tee-pees, go for country dancing and try real western amusement on your own. Western town Wild West Boskovice Komenského 50, 680 01 Boskovice Tel.: +420 602 544 660, e-mail:,


Štefánikova 8, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 541 210 040 e-mail: • Šelepova No1 Šelepova 1, 612 00 Brno Tel.: +420 608 776 614 e-mail: • Zelená kočka Masarykova 25/27, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 542 215 970

Hotel Brno ***

Hotel Continental ***

Horní 19, 639 00 Brno Tel.: +420 543 214 046, 543 214 872 Fax: +420 543 215 308 e-mail:

Kounicova 6, 657 64 Brno Tel.: +420 541 519 111, 541 519 516 Fax: +420 541 211 203 e-mail:

Cultural and social activities

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Entertainment, events as well as romance

Hradhouse The international festival Hradhouse has been for five years one of the biggest summer events on the Czech music scene. For the first three years it was held in Buchlov castle; those visitors, who were there, up to the present day still remember the unforgettable atmosphere as well as the visits of internationally recognised DJs Terry Francis and DJane Heaven from London. When the interest of visitors exceeded the capacity of Buchlov, the Hradhouse moved to Boskovice castle. This original place is as if made for these events; two big festival stages, impressively placed in different heights and at sufficient distance, do not interfere with each other. Even the festival audience from all over Europe is very special. VICHR PRODUCTION 687 04 Traplice 174, Tel. +420 602 318 373,

Festival Boskovice A four day festival with a wide music genre spectrum, theatre performances, films and exhibitions. Since 1993, when the first annual was held, it became a permanent part of cultural life in The Southern Moravia. The main idea of the festival is the protection of the Jewish quarter in Boskovice. The event is organised by young people from Boskovice and its environs, some of them have been working on the reconstruction of this unique urban monument already for several years. The festival is held every year in mid July and entices several thousands of visitors, who have a chance to get to know the town of Boskovice, the local sights and history. The event lives literally in the entire town and spreads to many places – in the amphitheatre of the open-air cinema, in the synagogue, in the castle, in the town cinema and in the museum. UNIJAZZ – the association for support of cultural activities Jindřišská ul. 5, 110 00 Praha 1 Tel.: +420 222 240 901, Fax: +420 222 247 473, email:

The lively world of folklore traditions If somebody tried to persuade you that time has stood still in The Southern Moravia, don’t believe it. Although the nostalgia of the old times breathes from the brightly coloured ornaments protruding from the white rendering on the walls of old dwellings, picturesque wine cellars and Baroque country farmhouses, the folklore traditions of The Southern Moravia are still full of life! In many areas the colourful airy folk costumes, ancient customs and forgotten trades are a normal part of every day life – and we should not forget characteristic dialects, tender lyric and brisk rhythmical folk songs, dances and dulcimer music. As the The Southern Moravian folklore gains more and more admirers, in various places in the region held every year are various folklore celebrations. During those days the imaginary gates of the villages and towns are wide open to welcome hundreds and thousands of visitors, who are taken away by the whirlpool of folk traditions, customs and folk costumes. Every year at the beginning of June you can go for example to Tvrdonice, where the folklore festival Podluží in Song and Dance takes place. The oldest and most significant international folklore festival in the Czech Republic is held regularly at the end of June in Strážnice. Its organisers try to rescue and introduce traditions of folk culture not only from Bohemia and Moravia, but also of other nations and ethnic minorities, that’s why many folklore ensembles from all around the world come here. In July you should visit the Horňácko Celebrations in Velká nad Veličkou and once every four years you should go to Kyjov to the significant folklore festival Moravian Slovakian Year (Slovácký rok). The programme includes a brass band show, erecting and later pulling down of the May pole, folk fair, big folk costume parade through the town or the famous Ride of Kings. • International folklore festival Strážnice Institute of folk culture – Ústav lidové kultury – • Moravian Slovakian Year in Kyjov Tourist information centre Kyjov– • Horňácko Celebrations Obec Velká nad Veličkou – • Podluží in song and dance Obecní úřad Tvrdonice –


34 |

Pension Athéna **

Penzion Katolický dům

Hotel A Podlesí ***

Penzion Olga ***

Suchý 263, 680 01 Boskovice Tel.: +420 516 468 257 Fax: +420 516 468 257 e-mail:,

696 34 Žarošice 208 Tel.: +420 602 545 616 Fax: +420 518 631 694 e-mail:

Žebětínská 1a, 623 00 Brno Tel.: +420 547 221 636, 606 111 005 Fax: +420 547 221 487 e-mail:

Zborovská 45, 684 01 Slavkov u Brna Tel.: +420 544 221 326 Fax: +420 544 221 326 e-mail:

Entertainment, events as well as romance

Zoos in The Southern Moravia Somebody goes to the zoo to relax, others look for new and interesting information, or perhaps a peaceful place for a Sunday trip with children. Three Southern Moravian zoos meet all these expectations. The biggest one is the Brno ZOO; just the tour through all the expositions, free ranges and pavilions will take several hours. And because in the complex you can find also a restaurant, stalls with refreshments, amenities and a large children’s playground, you can easily spend a whole day here. You mustn’t forget the children’s zoo, where you can stroke and have a close look at various kinds of animals. Expositions for the smallest are included in all three zoos. The most popular exposition in the Vyškov zoo is the so-called Our Granny’s Yard, resembling an old farmyard, where you can pat and have a close look at various kinds of goats, sheep, pigs and poultry. The Vyškov zoo specialises in breeding of original kinds and species of domestic and farm animals from all around the world. And finally during the hottest summer days you will be warmly welcomed in the Hodonín zoo, which is situated in the pleasant environment of the swamp forest and offers a unique opportunity: in the box office you can buy food for animals and offer it to them in the Children’s zoo, as well as to goats and horses in other free ranges. • Brno City Zoo U Zoologické zahrady 45, 635 00 Brno Tel.: +420 546 432 311, Fax: +420 546 210 000 e-mail:, • ZOO-PARK Vyškov Palánek 424, 682 01 Vyškov Tel.: +420 517 346 356, 606 447 224, Fax: +420 517 346 356 e-mail: • ZOO Hodonín U Červených domků 3529, 695 03 Hodonín Tel: +420 518 346 271, 606 741 106, Fax: +420 518 343 413 e-mail:,

Castle celebrations, fairs, knight jousting and other amusements Do you belong among those who are keen to discover the forgotten beauty of knight jousting, taste specialities of our predecessors and at the end try real medieval dancing? Then you must visit some of the stylish celebrations – for example the legendary Knight jousting to win the heart of girls and women, which for more than ten years has been the closing event of the summer season in Rosice and its wide environs. The weekend celebrations also include the historical markets, knight jousting by foot or on horse held on the tiltyard at the local Renaissance chateau, very popular fireworks, siege of the historical fort and field battle. If you are more enticed by romantic castle ruins than ancient towns, then you should visit New Castle – Nový hrad near Adamov. During the year several interesting regular events take place here, for example Medieval games for the little ones as well as adults, Castle fencing for knights and soldiers or the Medieval meeting at the full table. Awaiting visitors is a fair of historical handicrafts, fencing and many other attractions including the castle inn, stylish tavern and Turkish coffee shop with oriental dancers. We mustn’t forget about the historical celebrations in the two smaller towns of Oslavany and Dolní Kounice. Both events take place regularly at the beginning of September, in both towns there are fairs of historical handicrafts, knight jousting and fencing duels, and in both you can also visit interesting exhibitions in the complexes of the former monasteries. And then? With a bottle of good wine or mead and a bunch of sweet pretzels you can find yourself a cosy spot in the shade of the fortification wall and verify for yourself, that the way to Southern Moravia’s love is really through the stomach. • Chateau Rosice u Brna – • Blansko Information centre „Blanka“ –, • Cultural and information centre Oslavany – • Cultural and information centre Dolní Kounice –

Commemorative events to the anniversary of the Battle of Austerlitz Would you like to visit places, where on the 2nd December 1805 one of the significant events of European history of the 19th century and at the same time one of the most famous battles of the Napoleonic wars – the Battle of Austerlitz – took place? Then you should come to The Southern Moravia at the beginning of December, because that is the time when the pious and commemorative events together with very attractive and popular mockbattles take place at various locations starting from Austerlitz (Slavkov), through to the Peace Memorial Mohyla míru and up to Santon, Žuráň and Šlapanice. They entice not only a large number of visitors, but also numerous groups of enthusiasts in historical uniforms from all over Europe. The absolute record number of visitors is expected in 2005 during the 200 th jubilee of the battle. When wandering around you will probably come across the poetic term “The Battle of Three Emperors”; as in the battle of Austerlitz leading their armies personally were the French Emperor Napoleon I., Russian Czar Alexander I. and Austrian ruler Franz. • Peace Memorial (Mohyla míru) – stone Art Nouveau structure, standing above Prace village, in the place of the crucial fight, the exposition in the nearby museum depicts the course of the battle and military equipment of the period • Santon – the hillock west of Tvarožná village, the French artillery base • Slavkov – the town’s name in the German language is Austerlitz, which is known all over the world. On the 6th December 1805 the Peace Treaty between France and Austria was signed in the Slavkov chateau. The Baroque chateau with a large park in the style of French Baroque gardens today houses a permanent Napoleonic Exposition. • Žuráň – the knoll situated between Šlapanice and Podolí, one of the most famous and at the same time most historically valuable localities of the Austerlitz battleground. From here Emperor Napoleon saw the legendary sun of Austerlitz, “le soleil d´Austerlitz”. The plaque with a map shows the positions of the individual armies before the decisive battle. Regional information centre Austerlitz,,

Cultural and social activities

| 35

The Southern Moravia from its best side

Holiday Programmes It is hard to pick: as there are so many best sides to choose from. The Southern Moravia has many charms – highlands, hills and forests; ponds, rivers and dams; cycling routes for Sunday riders as well as for enthusiastic “eaters of kilometres”; chateaux, castles and monasteries; historical parts of towns; typical region of vineyards and picturesque wine cellars; theatres, concerts and festivals; varied gastronomy and no less excellent wine; sport and entertainment for the young, the old and families with children and so on. So what is the best? In order to help you to find out what in this flood of ideas matches your nicely spent holidays, we have prepared two suggestions for one week routes and sightseeing tours in such a way, so they include as many interesting destinations and events as possible. You will certainly discover many other charms on your own.

1. Active weekend in Brno and its environs Friday • arrival to Brno • in the morning a tour to the historical city centre (Old Town Hall, Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Špilberk castle) and villa Tugendhat – UNESCO monument, world’s masterpiece of functionalistic architecture. The villa from 1930 is the most significant European structure of the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe • in the afternoon a sporting programme – squash, tennis, swimming (see page 22, 23, 25, 26 and 27) • accommodation in Brno Saturday • in the morning a trip to the Austerlitz battleground (see page 35) – visit to the Žuráň knoll, tour to the memorial and museum at the Peace Memorial, a visit to the chateau in Slavkov • in the early evening relaxation in the aquapark in Vyškov, or continuing sporting programme in Brno • evening visit to some of the Brno music clubs or fitness centres (see page 31 and 33) Sunday • in the morning water sports or a boat trip on the Brno dam, or a trip by foot to Předklášteří u Tišnova (see page 15); the interested ones can play golf in the Golf Club Austerlitz in Slavkov (see page 26) • departure in the afternoon This programme is suitable for individual tourists, the offer is valid throughout the whole year except for the boat trips.

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The Southern Moravia from its best side

2. Three days for nature, culture and active leisure time First day • in the morning arrival to Adamov, from here a hike to Křtiny, a tour to the pilgrimage church of the Name of the Virgin Mary (see page 14) • in the afternoon a visit to one of the caves of the Moravian Karst and Macocha Abyss • in the early evening departure to Blansko, swimming and fitness (see page 22) • accommodation in Blansko Second day • morning departure to Boskovice • a whole-day cycling trip to the forests around Boskovice and Kunštát (see page 11) with a possible visit to the Cave of the Blaník Knights in Rudka and chateaux in Lysice and Boskovice (see page 11) • those who are interested can spend a day on the mountain-climbing terrain in the Moravian Karst (see page 26), or to visit a golf course Sokrates Golf & Country Club in Kořenec (see page 26) • evening a tour to the Jewish town in Boskovice, relaxation, sport and cultural events according to the latest offer (see page 34) Third day • in the morning a visit to the Western town Wild West Boskovice (see page 33), for those who are interested a sporting programme in Letovice (see page 27) • departure in the afternoon This programme is suitable for individual tourists, some establishments operate only in the main tourist season.

3. All the charms of The Southern Moravia on foot and by bicycle First day • arrival to Vranov nad Dyjí, a tour to the chateau (see page 10) • for those who are interested a cycling trip around the Vranov dam (see page 10) with a possible tour to the castle of Bítov, alternative programme of water sports on the Vranov dam • evening departure to Znojmo, relaxation programme in the hotel Prestige (see page 31), accommodation in Znojmo Second day • a whole-day wine-growing tourist programme (see page 17) – Louka monastery with wine-growing expositions, a visit to the oldest bottled wine archive cellar in the Czech Republic in Jaroslavice and Šobes vineyard, Podyjí National Park and a tour to the Cross Wine Cellar in Přímětice • during season a visit to the outdoor swimming pool Pohoda in Únanov (see page 23) • dinner and social evening in a wine cellar, tasting of wine from the Znojmo wine-growing region, accommodation in Znojmo

Third day • departure to Mikulov (see page 6) • in the morning a tour to the town, regional museum with wine-growing exposition, a visit to the Dietrichstein Crypt, a walk through the former Jewish quarter and a visit to the Jewish cemetery • in the afternoon a hike along the crests of Pálava (see page 13), a tour to the archaeological exposition in Dolní Věstonice • evening relaxation and water sports by the Nové Mlýny water reservoirs • dinner and social evening in a wine cellar, tasting of wine from the Mikulov wine-growing region, accommodation in Mikulov Fourth day • a whole-day cycling trip along the Mikulov wine-growing route (see page 6) with the starting point in Mikulov • a tour to the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, a monument listed in the UNESCO world heritage index, a visit to the chateau in Lednice, chateau park with a minaret and green-house, a tour to the small structures-salets – Three Graces Temple, Rendez-vous and Colonnade at Rajstna, a visit to the chateau in Valtice • accommodation in Lednice or in Valtice Fifth day • departure to the Nové Mlýny and a boat trip along the Dyje river past the imitation castle ruins of Janohrad to Břeclav (see page 21) • in the afternoon free programme – relaxing sports, swimming, culture • accommodation in Břeclav Sixth day • departure to Strážnice (see page 9) • relaxation variant: in the morning a visit to the Open Air Museum – Museum of the village of South-eastern Moravia, in the afternoon trip to the Travičná look-out, in season a boat trip on the Bata Canal (see page 21), swimming • sporting variant: through Strážnice to continue to Velká nad Veličkou, a starting point of the hike to the peak of Velká Javořina in the White Carpathiens (see page 15) • in the early evening departure to Čejkovice, a tour to the historical Templar cellars (see page 19) • social evening in the Templar wine bar, accommodation in the former Templar keep Seventh day • departure to Brno • in the morning a tour to the historical city centre (Old Town Hall, Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Špilberk castle) and villa Tugendhat – UNESCO monument, free programme – shopping, relaxation, sport • departure in the afternoon The programme is suitable for individual tourists as well as for bigger groups with bicycles and accompanying car. It can be started on any day, the offer of activities is valid throughout the whole year with some exceptions.

The best from The Southern Moravia

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Who to come to The Southern Moravia with? – Incoming travel agencies

Travel agency IRRA

Travel agency TRAVEL 2002

The travel agency offers romantic holidays at the ranger’s house Kančí obora in the Lednice-Valtice cultural landscape; ideal conditions for hiking, cycling, swimming in natural water reservoirs, fishing and winegrowing tourism (the ranger’s house has its own wine cellar). The agency also prepares individual tourist programmes and package programmes for various time periods. As additional programmes they offer rides in a carriage and boats, visits to the birds’ reserve, trips to Pálava and hunting. Languages: English and German.

The travel agency offers wellness holidays, wine-tasting and banquets in wine cellars, historical and chateau premises. Incentive tourism, visit to the Southern Moravian folklore events, excursions to breweries, wineries and traditional workshops. Accommodation in hotels and guesthouses, transport by microbuses and luxury buses. Individual tourist programmes according to demand. Languages: English, German.

Travel agency IRRA, v.o.s. Předměstí 399, 696 62 Strážnice Tel.: +420 518 332 184, Fax: +420 518 332 067 e-mail:,

Travel agency BVV Fair Travel The travel agency offers complex programmes, for example sightseeing tours to the city of Brno focused on historical monuments and functionalism, further trips to the significant sites and places of interest in the region: Moravian Karst, Austerlitz Battlefield with Peace Memorial Mohyla míru, Porta Coeli monastery in Předklášteří, Templar Wine Cellars in Čejkovice, Slavonic Epic by Alfons Mucha in Moravský Krumlov. Travel agency also prepares tourist programmes according to individual demand. Languages: English, German, Russian, French. Travel agency BVV FAIR TRAVEL s.r.o. Starobrněnská 20, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 542 218 930, Fax: +420 542 216 507 E-mail:,

Travel agency TRAVEL 2002 spol. s r.o. Moravské náměstí 4, 602 00 Brno Tel./Fax: +420 542 210 102 e-mail:,

Travel agency ČEBUS The travel agency offers excursions to The Southern Moravia focused on cultural, historical, technical and folklore monuments. Programmes of the excursions are accompanied by a gourmet theme, specialities of Southern Moravian cuisine, wine tasting, beer tasting in breweries, or a folklore performance. The agency also offers a guide, transport and accommodation services, tourist programmes according to individual demand. Languages: English, German, French, Hungarian, Croatian, Polish. Travel agency ČEBUS, s.r.o. Běhounská 132/19, 656 34 Brno Tel: +420 542 217 898, 542 215 145, 542 210 046, Fax: +420 542 216 185 e-mail:,

Travel agency NOVA The travel agency provides incoming tourism within the entire Czech Republic, agency bus MAN, professional guides in English, German and Italian, accommodation and stays for groups and individuals. Accommodation available also in the agency’s guesthouse NOVA by the Vranov dam, tourist programmes according to individual demand.

Travel agency ČEDOK The travel agency provides accommodation in The Southern Moravia, spa and tourist programmes with a visit to the Punkva caves and Austerlitz Battlefield. Tourist programmes according to individual demand. Languages: English, German, Russian, professional guides also in French and Spanish. Travel agency ČEDOK Nádražní 10/12, 656 42 Brno Tel.: +420 542 321 267, 542 211 562, Fax: +420 542 213 179 e-mail:,

Travel agency ZMS-TOURS The travel agency offers group stays focused on excursions to the winegrowing areas, folklore events and historical monuments of The Southern Moravia. Special programmes for students and seniors, excursions to the city of Brno and its environs, tourist programmes according to individual demand. Languages: English, German. Travel agency ZMS-TOURS spol. s r.o. Sukova 2, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 542 215 227, Fax: +420 542 215 220 e-mail:,

Travel agency L.7 – OAZA Guide services, tourist programmes according to individual demand and package several-day programmes. Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Polish. Travel agency L.7 – OAZA Lidická 7, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 549 255 326, Fax: +420 541 211 448 e-mail:

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Travel agency NOVA Velká Michalská 1, 669 01 Znojmo Tel.: +420 515 221 383, 515 223 099, Fax: +420 515 221 383 e-mail:,

Other incoming travel agencies • Agency RTIC s.r.o Náměstí 30, 692 01 Mikulov Tel.: +420 519 512 200 e-mail: • Travel agency SWISS SERVICE – Hotel Vranov Masarykovo náměstí 42 682 01 Vyškov Tel.: +420 517 333 300 Fax: +420 517 333 301 E-mail: • Travel agency Relax Tours, s.r.o. Pekařská 2, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 543 232 910 Fax: +420 543 232 911 e-mail:

• FRAMO – ZNOJMO spol. s r.o. Rudoleckého 25, 669 02 Znojmo Tel.: +420 515 222 073 Fax: +420 515 221 147 e-mail: • Travel agency KUDRNA s.r.o. Bašty 2, 663 14 Brno Tel.: +420 542 216 764 Fax: +420 542 216 763 e-mail: • Travel agency COLUMBUS Masarykovo nám. 4, 682 01 Vyškov Tel.: +420 517 346 020 517 333 255 Fax: +420 517 346 020 E-mail:

To u r i s t I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t r e s

Tourist Information Centres • Blansko information office “Blanka” Rožmitálova 6, 678 01 Blansko Tel.: +420 516 410 470, Fax: +420 516 410 480 E-mail:,,

• Cultural and information centre Oslavany Široká 2, Dělnický dům, 664 12 Oslavany Tel.: +420 546 423 283, 604 108 641, Fax: +420 546 418 410 E-mail:,

• Central information service Skalní mlýn Skalní mlýn 65, 678 25 Blansko-Skalní mlýn Tel.: +420 516 410 024, 516 413 575, Fax: +420 516 413 579 E-mail:,

• Information centre Ostrov u Macochy 679 14 Ostrov u Macochy 107 Tel.: 516 444 328, Fax: 516 444 329 e-mail:,

• Town information centre Boskovice Masarykovo nám. 1, 680 01 Boskovice Tel.: +420 516 453 253, Fax: +420 516 453 253 E-mail:,

• Tourist information centre Pasohlávky 691 22 Pasohlávky Tel./Fax.: +420 519 427 624, Fax: +420 519 427 501 E-mail:,,

• Cultural and information centre of the town of Brno Radnická 8, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 542 211 090, Fax: +420 542 210 758 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre Břeclav Nám. T. G. Masaryka 3, 690 81 Břeclav Tel.: +420 519 326 900, Fax: +420 519 326 900 E-mail:, • Cultural and information centre Dolní Kounice Masarykovo nám. 2, 664 64 Dolní Kounice Tel.: +420 546 420 005, Fax: +420 546 421 304 E-mail:, • Information centre of the town Hodonín Národní třída 36, 695 35 Hodonín Tel.: +420 518 352 577, 518 351 437, Fax: +420 518 352 577 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre of the Hustopeče region Dukelské nám. 23, Dům „U Synků“, 693 01 Hustopeče Tel.: +420 519 412 909, Fax: +420 519 412 909 E-mail:, • Cultural and information centre Ivančice Palackého nám. 9, 664 91 Ivančice Tel.: +420 546 451 870, Fax: +420 546 451 870 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre Kyjov Komenského 616, 697 01 Kyjov Tel.: +420 518 610 180, 518 613 302, Fax: +420 518 612 357 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre Lednice Zámecké nám. 68, 691 44 Lednice Tel.: +420 519 340 986, Fax: +420 519 340 986 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre Mikulov Náměstí 30, 692 01 Mikulov Tel.: +420 519 512 200, Fax: +420 519 510 855 E-mail:, • Town cultural and information centre Miroslav Nám. Svobody 13, 671 72 Miroslav Tel.: +420 515 333 539, Fax: +420 515 333 608 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre Moravský Krumlov Smetanova 167, 672 01 Moravský Krumlov Tel.: +420 515 321 064, Fax: +420 515 321 064 E-mail:,

• Information Regional Centre AUSTERLITZ Palackého nám. 1, 684 01 Slavkov u Brna Tel.: +420 544 220 988, Fax: +420 544 220 988 E-mail:, • Information centre Sloup 679 13 Sloup 1 Tel.: +420 516 435 237, 516 436 016, Fax: +420 516 435 237 E-mail:, • Information centre of the town of Strážnice Předměstí 399, 696 62 Strážnice Tel.: +420 518 332 184, Fax: +420 518 332 067 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre Valtice Nám. Svobody 4, 691 42 Valtice Tel.: +420 519 352 978, Fax: +420 519 352 978 E-mail:, • Information centre Velké Pavlovice Hlavní 9, 691 06 Velké Pavlovice Tel.: +420 519 429 337, Fax: +420 519 429 337 E-mail:, • Information centre Bata Canal Zámecká 2, 698 01 Veselí nad Moravou Tel.: +420 518 325 330, Fax: +420 518 325 330 E-mail:, • Education and information centre White Carpathiens Bartolomějské nám. 47, 698 01 Veselí nad Moravou Tel.: +420 518 322 545, Fax: +420 518 324 792 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre of the Vranov region Náměstí 47 671 03 Vranov nad Dyjí Tel.: +420 515 296 285, Fax: +420 515 296 285 e-mail:, • Tourist information centre Vyškov Masarykovo nám. 1, 682 01 Vyškov Tel.: +420 517 301 310, 517 301 312, Fax: +420 517 301 301 E-mail:, • Administration of the Podyjí National Park Na Vyhlídce 5, 669 01 Znojmo Tel.: +420 515 226 722, Fax: +420 515 222 552 E-mail:, • Tourist information centre Znojmo Obroková 10, 669 01 Znojmo Tel.: +420 515 222 552, Fax: +420 515 222 552 E-mail:, • Visitors’ centre of the Podyjí National Park Čížov 176, 671 02 Šumná Tel.: +420 515 291 630 E-mail:,

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For The Southern Moravia Region, Žerotínovo náměstí 3/5, 601 82 Brno produced by Agency Bravissimo, Masarykovo náměstí 15, 669 03 Znojmo, Tel.: +420 515 227 788, Fax: +420 515 242 011, e-mail:, in co-operation with Gandalf Studio, Kamenomlýnská 8, 603 00 Brno, Tel./Fax: +420 543 242 145. Texts: Mgr. Eva Obůrková, data processing: Ing. Vít Obůrka. Translations: Ing. Lucie Šebelová. Introduction photographs of the chapters: JAM studio – Aleš Jedounek and Vít Mádr (thanks for co-operation with photo-processing to: Filip, Mirek, Eva, Sabina, Jirka, Pavla, Milan, Petr, Alice, Petr, Pavel, Eva, Linda, Patrik, Michal, Radim, Jiřina, Stanislav, Sára, Radim, Petra and Petr). Photographs: Pavel Roubal, Aerofot Ing. Jan Vondra, Petr Lazárek, Luboš Vitanovský, Miroslav Ondejčík, Petr Horák, Dušan Velímský, Jiří Dobrovolný, Jan Halady, Pavel Dosoudil, Jiří Eisenbruk, Pavel Nesvadba, Libor Teplý, Michal Schneider, Agency Bravissimo archive, Gandalf Studio archive, Znovín Znojmo, a.s. archive, archive of The Southern Moravia Region, archive of the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area and public service providers. Thanks to: Cyklo Kučera Znojmo, Institute of Folk Culture in Strážnice, Winery Smrčka Nový Šaldorf, Znovín Znojmo, a.s. with its seat in Šatov, National Wine-growing Centre Valtice, Tourist information centres of The Southern Moravian Region, Foundation Partnerství, ECEAT CZ. Scanning: Artax, a.s. Printed by: Tiskárna Reproprint, s.r.o. NOT FOR SALE The project was realised thanks to a grant from the Czech Tourist Authority with contributions by the Ministry of Regional Development CR.

The Southern Moravia Region

Southern Moravia Region Žerotínovo náměstí 3/5, 601 82 Brno Tel.: +420 541 651 111 Fax: +420 541 651 209 e-mail:,

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