Get Moving
Before you start:
According to the CDC, regular physical activity can improve health and reduce the risk of premature death in the following ways:
1. If you haven’t been physically active in the last 6 – 12 months, it’s important to see your primary care provider (PCP) before you start an exercise program.
Reduces the risk of developing
2. Once you get your PCP’s permission to exercise, go to your local running specialty store for a new pair of walking/jogging shoes.
coronary heart disease (CHD) and the risk of dying from CHD Reduces the risk of stroke
3. Experts at the store can check your gait and recommend the right type of shoe for you. Once you start exercising, keep track of your miles and replace your shoes often. Most experts say to replace your shoes every 300 – 500 miles, depending on your weight and how hard your foot strikes.
Lowers both total blood
cholesterol and triglycerides and increases high-density lipoproteins (HDL or the "good" cholesterol) Lowers the risk of developing
high blood pressure Helps reduce blood pressure in
Now you are ready:
people who already have hypertension
1. Start gradually, and increase a gentle walk to 30 minutes
Lowers the risk of developing
non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus
2. Gradually increase your pace so that you are walking briskly for 30 minutes
Helps people achieve and
maintain a healthy body weight
3. Begin inserting a few seconds of jogging every few minutes of walking
Reduces feelings of depression Helps build and maintain healthy
bones, muscles, and joints
4. When you are ready, increase jogging segments by 5 additional seconds 5. Gradually increase jogging while decreasing your walking time.
“Physical Activity for Everyone: The Benefits of Physical Activity.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. October 2008
6. The jogging and walking segments can vary depending on your fitness level and energy. For example: some people jog for 30 seconds and walk for 30 seconds; some people jog for 60 seconds and walk for 60 seconds.
Additional tips Jog and walk slow enough so that you can carry on a conversation.
Galloway, Jeff. “Tips for the New Runner.” Competitor 31.4 (2008): 14.
If you experience pain or inflammation stop exercise until symptoms subside. If pain persists, consult with a medical provider. South Asian Heart Center 2500 Grant Road, Mtn. View, CA 94040
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