2019 Course Brochure (Semester 1)

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January to June 2019 Flip Brochure for PLEASURE courses


BATEMANS BAY I MERIMBULA I ULLADULLA Head Office - Phone 02 4472 9202


Every day is a learning day! Every day is a learning day! This has long been our catch cry and not just because we are an educational institution. Not a day goes by when we generally don’t learn something - a hard fact, a different point of view, a new skill and the list goes on. Every time we learn something we don’t only increase our knowledge we also increase our options. Learning isn’t limited to the structure of a classroom. We learn each and every day knowingly or subconsciously and this ongoing development is essential to our wellbeing. If we all took a moment to consider what we know now that we didn’t know a few hours ago most people would be able to identify at least one thing (even if it is only that some food has a best before date for a reason!!). Imagine the intensity when we consciously make a decision to learn; not only do we absorb content applicable to the skill, we learn the associated thinking - things like accepting people’s differences, discussing points of view, we feed our imagination and creativity and increase our future prospects. The best learning we do is when we learn with others, socialisation in learning is essential to developing robust and considered thinking. At the College we understand the importance of people when learning - our classes are delivered face-to-face in a classroom environment, we encourage debate and challenges of views and beliefs, we insist on respect, we encourage laughter and we build teams and friendships that live on long after the course is over. I learn every day. I learn from my children, my partner, my friends, my colleagues and also from our students. I would hate to imagine a time when there would be nothing left for me to learn. I know that learning from others makes me a much better person - I’ve learnt to listen, to communicate better, to accept that many things have many answers, I have learnt that being right sometimes comes at a bigger cost than being wrong and I have learnt that without people I would not have the important skills that make being around me much nicer for others. So, when you make the choice to have a learning day, do it with others - we all have so much to teach and learn. Best wishes, Sarah Watterson, CEO 2

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Contents NURSING QUALIFICATIONS Diploma of Nursing 7 PATHWAY TO UNIVERSITY PROGRAM Nursing - Cert IV in Ageing Support 10 Business - Cert IV in Leadership & Management 13 HEALTH AND COMMUNITY SERVICES QUALIFICATIONS Get Ready for Nurse School! - Preparatory Course 8 My Care Career - Short Course 9 Certificate IV in Disability 11 Certificate III in Individual Support 12 BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS Certificate IV in Leadership and Management 13 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology 14 LICENCES FOR WORK / SHORT COURSES Provide First Aid `16 CPR - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 16 Construction White Card 17 Traffic Control Training 18 Forklift, Confined Spaced, Height Safety Training 19 Food Safety and Barista Coffee 20 RSA - Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol 21 RCG - Provide Responsible Gambling Services 22 COMMUNITY SERVICES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SKILLSETS Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately 3 Introduction to Leisure and Health Skill Set 3 Basic Foot Care Skill Set 3 Chronic Disease Self-Management Skill Set 4 Administer and Monitor Medication Skill Set 4 Advocacy Skill Set 4 Coordinate Client Directed Services 5 High Support and Complex Care - Aged Care Skill Set 5 High Support and Complex Care - Disability Skill Set 6 Dementia Support - Service Delivery Skill Set 6 Disability Work - Behaviour Support Skill Set 7 Palliative Approach Skill Set 7 Oral Health Skill Set 7 Allied Health Assistance - Community Rehabilitation Skill Set 8

Are you working in the healthcare industry? Check out our Community Services and Health Professional Development opportunities – flick to the centre pages! Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


What style of learning is right for you? Face-to-Face Classroom delivery with face-to-face instruction by a qualified trainer and assessor. Credit Transfer Recognise previous training undertaken. Subject to review and approval. Recognition of Prior Learning Recognise your current skills and ability and get qualified. Initial application and interview $250. Trainee - Learn on the Job Employment based, ages 16-64, on-the-job assessment. Online Learn anywhere, start anytime.

Contact the College today to discuss the best learning option for you.

Nationally Recognised Training We are a Registered Training Organisation registered to deliver nationally recognised training and qualifications. RTO ID 6558

Unique Student Identifier (USI) Every student requires a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to obtain a certificate or qualification from their registered training organisation when studying a nationally recognised training course in Australia. More information can be found at www.usi.gov.au 4

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Funding and Financial Assistance Did you know? South Coast Careers College has a variety of funding methods which can be applied to delivery of training. These can reach to business owners, jobseekers, retirees, school leavers and more. Call us today and let us help you find an affordable education solution. FUNDING


Wherever you see this symbol fee-free places are available for eligible participants

Smart and Skilled Funding

South Coast Careers College is an approved NSW Government Smart and Skilled provider. Many of FEE FREE our training courses are subsidised by the NSW Government. Funded places are available in eligible courses which may entitle you to a fee free scholarship or subsidy.


NSW ACE Provider Funding

We are one of 35 approved ACE providers! Adult and Community Education (ACE) provide a vast range of quality education to the adult population. ACE is supported by the NSW Department of Industry. ACE CSO funding allows the College to deliver many fee-free courses to eligible participants. These fee-free opportunities reach many people in our community - call us for further information.

Centrelink Approved Courses Our qualifications are Centerlink approved. Completing a qualification with us may entitle you to additional support from Centerlink such as Austudy, additional childcare and travel assistance.

Payment Plans If you are on a low income you may be eligible for a payment plan with us to help with training fees. Speak to our friendly staff for more information.

We are a registered charity! South Coast Careers College is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission.

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Do you need a Customised Course? If the course you want is not in here, Or anything you read is not quite clear, Email, Facebook, Insta or Tweet Call into our office, our staff you can meet! Ask us how, we have the knowledge We’re happy to help at South Coast Careers College

We can come to you! If you can’t find what you need in this brochure get in touch with Julie, our Business Development Manager. We can come to you to discuss education and training needs for your workplace or organisation. Professional development for staff, licences or tickets for work or traineeships – we’ve always got a plan, after all Adult Ed’s always been there!

From tech troubled to overjoyed! Our roving BDM even calmed the guys at the Milton Ulladulla Men’s Shed with a few ‘Tech Savvy Seniors’ lessons on how to use their mobile phones!

Contact Julie today on 0439 227 204 or email julie@southcoastcolleges.edu.au. Like our Facebook page for our Friday Fave to find out what we’ve been up to!


Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563



Diploma of Nursing Cost: Smart and Skilled Funding - Eligibility Applies Location: Batemans Bay Planned Start: February 2019 Course Description: This qualification, taught by our experienced educators who are all Registered Nurses, covers the application of skills and knowledge required to provide nursing care for people across the health sector. These skills include communicating with patients, working in a team, medication, and clinical nursing duties. South Coast Careers Colleges Diploma of Nursing course is your chance to study locally, and start a career working in one of our most vital industries. Throughout the course, you will be equipped with the essential skills required to work as an Enrolled Nurse within a variety of health and aged care settings. The Diploma of Nursing is appropriate for those who have been working as an AIN/PCA/HAS and wish to move to the next level. A graduate from a Diploma of Nursing program approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) is able to apply for registration with AHPRA as an enrolled nurse. If you are looking for a change in career or are looking to start your career in Nursing, this is the course for you! The Diploma of Nursing assumes no prior knowledge of Nursing, so NO nursing background is required. For more information or to register for our 2019 information session contact our Vocational Education and Training (VET) team.


Full Qualification: Diploma of Nursing HLT54115

Currently taking Expressions of Interest while awaiting approval from ANMAC. Contact the College for more information. Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au





Introductory/Short Courses in the Health Care Industry GET A FEEL FOR THE INDUSTRY FIRST! We have two different short-courses which will allow you to ‘taste test’ the healthcare industry before you sign up to a full qualification, diploma or make a career change!

Health Care & Community Services Preparatory Course for Higher Education Making the decision to pursue a career which requires a higher level of learning can be daunting. Heading into a diploma or degree requires a specific skill set and training to be a nurse requires unique knowledge! This preparatory course will give you an insight into what it would be like as a Diploma of Nursing student and prepare you to enter the next stage of learning. Includes 4 units of competency, academic writing skills and patient care in our simulation laboratory! Upon completion you will receive a Statement of Attainment from Certificate III in Individual Support CHC33015.

Please ask the college about eligibility to access Government Funding to subsidise this course. Fee Free places are available for eligible participants.


of the Eurobodalla Shire population is aged 65 years or older with the median age of a resident at 53


is the unemployment rate of the region versus a national average of 6.9%


This makes aged care the reported main industry of employment compared to the national average of 2%


Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563



Kick start your health-care career in the Eurobodalla! This industry approved entry-level 6 week course will allow you to specialise in one of the three areas of personal care. Learn what to expect when working in disability, aged care, and home & community services. This program is an excellent learn and earn opportunity to get YOU work ready as a personal care worker. Real Industry support and involvement is included, you will have a workplace mentor to work alongside you, while you complete 50 hours work-experience in a local facility - gaining the skills and knowledge that will help YOU transition into a health care career successfully.


My Care Career Course

This program is part of the Eurobodalla Shire Councils Jobs and Training Project which aims to help connect job seekers with employment opportunities in the health sector, the fastest growing local employment sector, with lots of opportunities for rewarding careers. Upon completion you will receive a Statement of Attainment from Certificate III in Individual Support CHC33015.

Please ask the college about eligibility to access Government Funding to subsidise this course. Fee Free places are available for eligible participants.

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au






Pathway to University - Nursing Full Qualification: Certificate IV in Ageing Support CHC43015 Cost: Smart and Skilled Funding - Eligibility Applies Location: Batemans Bay, Merimbula, Ulladulla Planned Start: February 2019 Course Description: Enrol to complete a full Certificate IV in Ageing Support in an interactive classroom environment with an experienced educator at one of our friendly campus locations. Learn while enjoying work placement in a local facility, where you will gain practical skills and knowledge working alongside Registered and Enrolled Nurses, in a real workplace. Next, you will attend University Campus to complete a university preparation bridging program, which is a great tool to prepare you for the world of University study. On completion you will have access to a full range of University Courses. We will also assist you with the development of a career pathway plan, which will include mentoring by one of our fantastic educators.

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563



Full Qualification: Certificate IV in Disability CHC43115 Cost: Smart and Skilled Funding - Eligibility Applies Location: Batemans Bay, Ulladulla Planned Start: February 2019 Course Description: Enrol and experience how as a Disability Support worker you can empower people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. You will learn to promote a person-centred approach, and once qualified you will work without direct supervision and may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team. Imagine the rewarding feeling leaving work each day, knowing you are creating a better life for someone else. This course is suitable for those working in the industry wishing for formalise their skills and knowledge into a Nationally Recognised Qualification, or for people wishing to gain employment due to the NDIS rollout. This course includes 120 work placement hours, which we will arrange for you. Delivered in a face-to-face classroom environment by educators with many years’ experience in the industry.

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Certificate IV in Disability





Certificate III in Individual Support


Full Qualification: Certificate III in Individual Support CHC33015 Cost: Smart and Skilled Funding - Eligibility Applies Location: Batemans Bay, Merimbula, Ulladulla Planned Start: February 2019 Course Description: Start a career that means something! This qualification in is a great entry into the industry, where you will start your career in community services. You will be qualified for employment in both Residential Aged Care services and In-Home Care services. Maybe this qualification could be the first step to an exciting career in nursing! After completing 120 work placement hours in our local facilities, you will find there are many career opportunities for support roles across many disciplines. Our courses are delivered in a face to face classroom environment by educators with many years’ experience in the sector. We can help you explore all these options and develop a career pathway plan with you, to help you on your way. Join the fastest growing industry in Australia and enrol with us. Includes Aged Care and Disability Electives.

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563



Full Qualification: Certificate IV in Leadership and Management BSB42015 Cost: Smart and Skilled Funding - Eligibility Applies Location: Batemans Bay, Merimbula, Ulladulla Planned Start: February 2019 Course Description: This qualification reflects people working as evolving or emerging leaders and managers. The Leadership and Management course is not only suitable for office workers. This course can be used in a range of enterprise and industry contexts. Think about your current job - if you are already or would like to provide leadership, guidance and support to others, this is the qualification you need to get the promotion you deserve. Upon completion you will also have skills for organising and monitoring the output of their team, apply solutions to a defined range of predictable and unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources. Now that sounds impressive on a resume!

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Certificate IV in Leadership and Management





Basic IT and Digital Literacy


Full Qualification: Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICT10115 Cost: Smart and Skilled Funding - Eligibility Applies Location: Batemans Bay, Merimbula, Ulladulla Planned Start: March 2019 Course Description: Gain the foundational knowledge of digital literacy to complete tasks using a personal computer and a range of software applications and digital devices. What is digital literacy? Well, digital literacy also includes a broad range of skills. Everything from reading on a Kindle to judging the legitimacy of a website or creating and sharing YouTube videos. Basically, it is finding and consuming digital content; creating digital content; and communicating or sharing it. Upon completion you will have the basic skills to apply for jobs confidently knowing you can operate a Personal Computer, use word-processing applications, create and use spreadsheets.

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Here starts our short-accredited courses and licences you need for work. LICENCES FOR WORK Provide First Aid


Construction White Card


Confined Spaces


Traffic Control Training


Operate a Forklift


Height Safety Training


Food Safety and Barista Coffee


RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol)


RCG (Provide Responsible Gambling Services)


Test and Tag (non-accredited - See Adult Ed section) 23 Note: Courses that attract a licensing or processing fee are subject to change without notice.

We are constantly adding new course dates for all our short licence for work courses.



Head over to our Facebook page or website for more course dates.

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Provide First Aid Cost

$175 Full Course $165 Refresher Course $75 CPR Upgrade Only


8.30am - 5.00pm


HLTAID003 Provide First Aid HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Suitable for all workers or members of the public who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations. This is the nationally accredited Provide First Aid Course, delivered face-to-face with a qualified trainer. You will be required to complete a pre-course assessment, online or paper-based options available. Location




WED 30/1/2019 MON 4/3/2019 MON 25/3/2019 MON 29/4/2019 THU 30/5/2019 WED 26/6/2019


THU 31/1/2019 MON 18/3/2019 FRI 17/5/2019


WED 20/2/2019 TUE 9/4/2019 MON 17/6/2019


THU 14/2/2019 WED 10/4/2019 TUE 4/6/2019


WED 6/3/2019 TUE 7/5/2019

Childcare providers! We can do your HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting updates. Group bookings required. 16

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563




8.30am - 4.30pm

CPCCOHS1001A Work Safely in the Construction Industry A White Card is compulsory for all anyone working in the building or construction industry. It is required for anyone accessing a construction site. Successful participants will be issued with a SOT from SafeWork NSW on the day, followed by a SafeWork NSW Construction Induction Card. Participants must bring PHOTO ID and PROOF OF ADDRESS. Location Day Date BATEMANS BAY

FRI 18/1/2019 FRI 1/3/2019 FRI 12/4/2019 FRI 24/5/2019 FRI 21/6/2019


WED 15/2/2019 WED 10/5/2019


FRI 15/3/2019 FRI 7/6/2019


FRI 1/2/2019 FRI 29/3/2019

Confined Spaces Cost



9.00am - 5.00pm


White Card

RIIWHS202D Enter and work in confined spaces The Nationally accredited Confined Space Entry Training course, is designed to teach participants how to identify confined space hazards and work safely in confined spaces.







Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au



Traffic Control RIISS00044 Work Zone Traffic Control - Traffic Controller Skill Set RIISS00041 Work Zone Traffic Control - Implement Traffic Control Guidance Plan Skill Set This course will teach you the skills required to work as a traffic controller. New Entrant Cost $700 Combo (both cards - 4 units) $600 Single (Traffic Controller or Implement Traffic Control Plans only - 3 units) Time

8.30am - 5.00pm Location





19/2/2019 9/42019



26/3/2019 18/6/2019

Already have your traffic control tickets? Are they about to expire or have expired less than 3 months ago? Can you provide evidence of current or recent work signed by your employer (of at least 6 occurrences in the last 12 months)? NO? You need to complete a REFRESHER course. YES? You can RENEW your tickets. Refresher Cost $450 Single Time 8.30am - 4.30pm $500 Combo MON 18/2/2019 BATEMANS BAY MON 8/4/2019 MERIMBULA

MON 25/3/2019 MON 17/6/2019

Renewal Cost $200 Single Time 8.30am - 4.30pm $350 Combo Call to enquire. 18

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

TLILIC2001 Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck Cost



8.30am - 4.30pm

This 3-day forklift licence course is designed for new entrants to various retail, wholesale, warehousing, construction, farming, etc, who require licensing under the “Standard for licensing of persons conducting high risk work�. Prior to licensing you cannot be employed as a forklift operator. Licence application fee is not included, please check the SafeWork NSW website for the current fee. Materials will be issued prior to the course. It is mandatory that participants undertake to pre-study the material and complete a pre-course assessment. Bring 100 points of ID to course. STUDENTS MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OVER. Delivered by RTO FORKPRO Australia (91514) Location MORUYA




19/2/2019 9/4/2019

Height Safety RIIWHS204D Working Safely at Heights Cost



9.00am - 5.00pm


Operate a Forklift

Suitable for workers in mining, construction and for any tradespeople who need to work at heights. The course covers all aspects of safe access to heights, legislative requirements, selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment, along with practical exercises of setting up fall arrest systems and the rescue of a suspended casualty.







Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au



Food Hygiene & Barista Coffee SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety SITHFAB005 Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee Cost



9.00am - 4.00pm

This combined course is the most up-to-date nationally accredited Food Safety and Barista course on the market! Our trainer will take you through the basics, starting at the very beginning and cover all the necessary skills and information you will need to practice safe food handling. The Barista training is a combination of theory and practical hands-on that will give you the competence required to operate a commercial coffee machine and grinder. You’ll be pouring the perfect cup of coffee with confidence! Enrolling in this course will allow you the opportunity to learn skills which will make you job-ready for the hospitality industry. Location BATEMANS BAY




27/2/2019 27/3/2019 1/5/2019 5/6/2019

Contact South Coast Careers College if you need training for your staff or group organisation. We can customise training to suit your needs! Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

RSA SITHFAB002 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Cost



9.00am - 4.30pm

Hospitality staff who work in a pub, club, or licenced restaurant including volunteers, who are supplying alcohol must complete the accredited course NSW in R.S.A - approved by NSWL&G , Nationally Accredited SITHFAB002. Photo ID card cost included in course fee. Day



WED 30/1/2019 WED 3/4/2019 WED 19/6/2019

TUE 2/4/2019



TUE 12/2/2019 TUE 21/5/2019


WED 6/3/2019 WED 15/5/2019


TUE 19/3/2019 TUE 25/6/2019


WED 13/3/2019 WED 29/5/2019



Need to renew? Existing NSW RSA and RCG card holders cannot complete a face-to-face course, please visit the L&GNSW website for more information. Note: Courses that attract a licensing or processing fee are subject to change without notice.

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


RCG SITHGAM001 Provide Responsible Gambling Services Cost



9.00am - 4.00pm


It is a requirement for hospitality staff, including promotional personnel, directors and volunteers that work or are involved in gaming related functions or duties, to complete the NSW course in RCG. Liquor & Gaming NSW, formerly known as OLGR. Photo ID card cost included in course fee. Location




THU 31/1/2019 THU 4/4/2019 THU 20/6/2019

WED 3/4/2019



WED 13/2/2019 WED 22/5/2019


THU 7/3/2019 THU 16/5/2019


WED 20/3/2019 WED 26/6/2019


THU 14/3/2019 THU 30/5/2019

Scan this QR code to see the list of licence courses available, and enrol online. Note: Courses that attract a licensing or processing fee are subject to change without notice. 22

Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Tech Savvy Seniors! Cost



10.00am - 2.00pm

Tech Savvy Seniors is a fun learning experience for anyone over the age of 60. If you want to learn how to email or skype, safely use internet banking or play fun games on your tablet or iPad, or even learn to make phone calls on a smartphone then this course is for you! TAKING EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR 2019 COURSES IN BATEMANS BAY, NAROOMA, ULLADULLA AND MERIMBULA

Test & Tag Cost



9.00am - 4.00pm

Tutor Ross Harris This course has been designed for those without electrical training to acquire the skills to perform inspections and tests of electrical equipment using a Portable Appliance Tester as per the NSW WHS regulations and the Australian Standard 3760. This course covers testing and tagging for appliances that would normally plug into a standard 3 pin 10 or 15-amp outlet. Also, covered is the use of a portable appliance tester to test the operation (trip time and threshold current) of Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers (also known as RCDs or safety switches). Successful participants will receive a Statement of Training. No annual re-licensing fees. Location



TUE 5/2/2019 BATEMANS BAY TUE 7/5/2019

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Mental Health First Aid for Adults Cost



9.00am - 4.30pm

Tutor Suzanne Freund This Mental Health First Aid for Adults course teaches adults how to provide mental health first aid to friends, family and co-workers. Our Accredited trainer will teach you the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, where and how to get help and what sort of help has been shown to be effective. Location Day Date




Youth Mental Health First Aid Cost



9.00am - 4.00pm

Tutor Stephen Perry The Youth Mental Health First Aid Course is for adults working or living with adolescents (those aged between 12 and 18 years) who may be at risk, or be affected by mental health issues in particular, parents, teachers, sports coaches, and youth workers. However, the course can be relevant for those assisting people in the wider community.







Self Defence for Women Cost



6.30pm - 7.30pm

Tutor Rory Hogan What does disparity mean? What are force multipliers? Your rights not to be a victim explained. Understanding the unique challenges of being a female in a physical confrontation, then learning skills that empower you. 24



Start Date


MON X 10


Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Literacy for Adults Cost



7.00pm - 9.00pm

Tutor Frances Wilden If you struggle with your literacy and would like to improve, this course is designed for you. This is an informal, student-driven course for anyone who wants to improve in any area of reading and writing. It will cater for your individual needs in a small group learning environment. Must be over 16 years of age.



Start Date


WED x 10


Hatha Yoga Cost


Tutor Anette Craig


Wed 5.30pm - 7.00pm Thu 8.30am - 10.00am

Suitable for both beginners and those more experienced, Hatha Yoga is a general practice to provide an overall sense of well-being. Incorporating breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation techniques alongside traditional Yoga postures. Location ULLADULLA


Start Date

WED x 8 THU x 8

13/2/2019 14/2/2019

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Guitar Lessons for the Beginner Cost



7.00pm - 8.00pm

Tutor Peter Rich Join local musician Peter as he teaches you the finer art of playing your guitar! This course will teach you how to correctly tune your guitar, and how to make your fingers dance across the guitar strings. Start with our Beginners course then move to the Intermediate class later in the year. Pop, rock and blues material included. Peter has years of experience teaching, performing nationally and internationally, and has worked with many wellknown Australian artists. Change your world by developing your guitar skills and embrace your inner artist! Bring your own guitar.



Start Date


THU x 10


Intermediate Guitar Lessons Cost



7.00pm - 8.00pm

Tutor Peter Rich Once you’ve mastered the art of learning to play your guitar, join local musician Peter in our Intermediate class for more detailed lessons. Blues and R&B on offer, for all ages! Peter has years of experience teaching, performing nationally and internationally, and has worked with many well-known Australian artists. Change your world by developing your guitar skills and embrace your inner artist! Bring your own guitar.




Start Date


THU x 10


Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Weaving Fibres & Feathers Cost



10.00am - 2.00pm

Tutor Vikki Parsley This workshop demonstrates how to use traditional Aboriginal weaving techniques to create truly unique pieces. Come along and enjoy the experience of using local Aboriginal weaving and string techniques that have been an integral part of the traditions of the Aboriginal women of South-eastern Australia for thousands of years. Learn the art of coil weaving using native grasses and feathers - explore the vast types of fibres created for everyday use. Location


Start Date

SAT 16/3/2019 BATEMANS BAY SAT 8/6/2019

Make your own Chocolate Creation Cost



12.00pm - 3.00pm

Tutor Cassandra Hamel Ever wondered how those amazing chocolate masterpieces are created? Want to create your own? Our chocolatier loves to use chocolate as an art form and would like to share her skills and knowledge with you in a fun atmosphere. This short course is designed so you can make something deliciously gorgeous in just a few short hours. Inclusions: We will supply all your chocolate equipment and supplies you need during the evening to make a chocolate creation. If you have any dietary requirements please let us know. Location



SUN 24/3/2019 MILTON COUNTRY RETREAT SUN 26/5/2019 Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Learn to Sew Cost



10.00am - 4.00pm

Tutor Bernadette Thomas This class is for those who have recently got a new machine or want to become comfortable using their machine. You will learn what all those dials and buttons are for, how sewing machines work and the very important basics about fabric, needles, threads and bobbins. You will make an upmarket tote bag where you will learn the basics of seaming, pin stitching, top stitching, an easy corner technique and the use of a twin needle. Samples will also be stitched for four basic seam finishes. Bring your own sewing machine - all other supplies will be provided. Location


Start Date







Overlocker Basics & Techniques Cost



10.00am - 5.00pm

Tutor Bernadette Thomas Learn about the parts of your overlocker, basic care and maintenance, master threading of your overlocker and understand basic tension problems and the use of your differential feed capability. Learn tips for corners, curves, gathering and working with elastic. Learn the troubleshooting basics and walk away with a detailed workbook of samples and settings for your machine.. Samples will also be stitched for four basic seam finishes. Bring your own sewing machine - all other supplies will be provided. More detail on our website.



Start Date







Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Mosaics Beginner Cost



Tutor Kay Munson

SAT 9.00am - 4.30pm SUN 10.00am - 12.00pm

Learn the basics and techniques required to create extraordinary mosaic artworks from rather ordinary materials. Begin with a square sided terracotta trough or create your own ‘still life’, using several types of materials including mirror, tiles, vintage crockery, and coloured glass. Discover how many household items can be reused and repurposed Day

Start Date




16/2/2019 6/4/2019



23/3/2019 11/5/2019

Photography done right! With Josh Burkinshaw Cost



9.30am - 4.30pm

Tutor Josh Burkinshaw Inspiring local photographer, Josh Burkinshaw, has teamed up with our college to teach you the art of great photography. Take the photos you’ve dreamed of without using Auto mode. Josh will take you through the basics including setting up your shot and capturing your subject perfectly. Enrol now and wow your family and friends with beautiful memories. Location


Start Date

SUN 10/3/2019 BATEMANS BAY SUN 19/3/2019

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


Where to find us Head Office Batemans Bay 42 Orient Street Batemans Bay NSW 2536

Merimbula Campus Bega Valley Regional Learning Centre Suite 10, 14 Cabarita Place Merimbula NSW 2548

Ulladulla Campus Suite 33, Ulladulla Plaza 107 Princes Highway, Ulladulla NSW 2539

Enrol with us ONLINE Visit our secure website to enrol and pay online www.southcoastcolleges.edu.au BY PHONE We’d love to chat to you! Call Head Office to enrol and pay using your Visa or Mastercard - 02 4472 9202 IN PERSON Visit one of our three campus locations to enrol with one of our friendly staff - find us on Google!

Recently South Coast Colleges has supported The Ulladulla & Districts Community Resources Centre by offering to fund training for our volunteers and staff. We were so grateful for this service and appreciate how the training was catered to suit our needs. We would recommend to anyone seeking to increase their skills, or to any Community Service needing to organise training to contact them for their personal support and service. - Maria Mitchell, Manager


Batemans Bay 02 4472 9202 I Merimbula 02 6495 2563

Contents NON-ACCREDITED COURSES Tech Savvy Seniors (over 60’s only) Test & Tag Mental Health First Aid for Adults Youth Mental Health First Aid Literacy for Adults Hatha Yoga Self Defence for Women Guitar Lessons for the Beginner Intermediate Guitar Lessons Weaving Fibres and Feathers Make Your Own Chocolate Creation Learn to Sew Overlocker Basics and Techniques Mosaics - Beginner Exploring Digital Photography

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We are also taking expressions of interest for: • Makeup for Teens and Makeup for over 50s • Microsoft Courses such as Word, Excel, Publisher • Basic IT such as iPad, Android, Computers for Beginners

Please contact us if you are interested in any of the above courses. When we have enough students we will organise a date to run a course! Privacy and Refund Policy Once we have processed payment for a student enrolment, South Coast Colleges only issues a refund under the following conditions: · A course is cancelled by the Organisation · A student withdraws up to 7 days before the course commences. If a student withdraws from a course less than 7 days prior to course commencing, a refund will only be made if we have sufficient numbers to run the course. · An administration withdrawal fee applies – currently set at $25 per course withdrawal. There are no refunds made after a course has commenced. While we make every effort to ensure a positive learning outcome, we cannot accept responsibility for the student’s own abilities and application. We cannot be responsible for changes in a student’s circumstances. Once a course has commenced there will be no refunds or credit notes issued. If the student is paying their fees via instalment options, any outstanding fees are still required to be paid regardless of the students continuing attendance

Ulladulla 02 4455 7008 I southcoastcolleges.edu.au


JANUARY TO JUNE 2019 Non-Accredited Courses

General Leisure & Lifestyle Courses and Activities for your pleasure! Flip Brochure for ACCREDITED courses


BATEMANS BAY I MERIMBULA I ULLADULLA Head Office - Phone 02 4472 9202


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