Craig finished 14th in the 400m IM taking him into the B Finals where he achieved a PB, broke the Club Record and finished 13th overall.
Diary Dates May th
19 : Division 1 – Meet 1 Nominations Closed
Craig also achieved a PB in the 50m Fly split equaling Brendan Dykes' Club Record, then went on to break the 100m Fly Club Record at the 100m Fly split!
26 : Division 2 – Meet 1 Nominations Due: 09/05/12 th
27 : JX 11/U – Meet 1 Nominations Due: 09/05/12
June th
8 : Starplex Carnival 2 Nominations Due: 26/05/12 th
16 : Division 1 – Meet 2 Nominations Due: 30/05/2012 rd
23 : Division 2 – Meet 2 Nominations Due: 06/06//2012 th
24 : JX 11/U – Meet 2 Nominations Due: 06/06/2012
July st
1 : Playford Carnival Nominations Due: 04/06/2012 th
14 : Division 1 – Meet 3 Nominations Due: 27/06/2012
Congratulations to both Alice Whiley & Craig Nicoll on qualifying for the 2012 National Swimming Championships held at Marion Aquatic Centre.
In the100m Breaststroke he finished 0.03 secs outside his PB (what's with our swimmers & .03 of a second!) Unfortunately Craig was DQ'd in the 200m Breaststroke Heat. He went in seeded 29th. Craig went into the 200m IM (Heat) seeded 34th - finished in 27th place with a PB. He finally broke Brendan Dykes' 50m Fly Club Record at the 50m split!
21 : Division 2 – Meet 3 Nominations Due: 04/07/2012 nd
22 : JX 11/U – Meet 3 Nominations Due: 04/07/2012
Craig stated prior to the race, that his goal was what he was going after in this swim!
Parents & Swimmers should check both the Club’s Website for further details. Nominations are completed online via the relevant links.
He also finished his program with a PB and a Club Record in the 50m Breaststroke. Congratulations to BOTH our representatives at the Titles.
Reminder to ALL Parents: Coaches Fees are due by th the 7 of each month.
Alice competed in the 1500m Freestyle event finishing 6.46 sec outside her PB finishing 9th.
Congratulations too for our Head Coach Paul Hicks.