• wee o Au . 17-23, 2011
Redhawks fortifying success Travis
Sports Editor
A sun- athed ouc Stadium mirrored the mostly uoyant mood o the Southeast Missouri State University oot all team at its 2011 Media ay event on Tuesday, Au . . A ter our tou h seasons with a com ined 13-32 record under coach Tony Samuel, the Redhaw s had a rea throu h 2010 season, which led to the school s rst ever hio alley Con erence Championship and NCAA playo erth. The team is predicted to nish ourth in the C in the con erence s preseason poll which is voted on y the head coaches and sports in ormation directors. Southeast startin uarter ac Matt Schei le said that ourth is too low or his team. eel sli hted y only ein pic ed to nish ourth. mean, we won the con erence last year. eople aren t ta in us as serious as they could e, Schei le said. e re out to prove that we aren t ust a one-time thin . Nevertheless, Southeast will have reater e pectations than normal rom people outside the team, ut Samuel said that does not chan e what is e pected internally. very sin le year our oal is to win the con erence and that is never oin to chan e, Samuel said. Samuel also added some perspective on the pec in order o the C, sayin that at the oot all Championship Su division level, teams radically can chan e on a yearly asis, and any C team has chance to win the con erence. ac sonville State was pic ed to nish rst in the preseason poll and received 13 rst-place votes. Murray State was pic ed to nish second with our rst-place votes ollowed y astern entuc y at No. three and Southeast ourth with
The Redhawks scrimmaged on Saturday, Aug. 13. Their first game is on Sept. 3 at Houck Stadium. - Photo by Dan Fox
one rst-place vote. Roundin out the rest o the poll was Tennessee Tech at th, ollowed y UT Martin, astern llinois, Tennessee State and Austin eay. Southeast had three players named to the 2011 reseason All- C Team. ensive tac le van Conrad, de ensive ac Tylor roc and Schei le received that reco nition, with Conrad and roc oth arnerin All-American honors. oth made the second team o the 2011 Sports Networ athead. com oot all Championship Su division reseason AllAmerica Team. roc ot rstteam honors on the 2011 Colle e Sportin News reseason CS All-America Team, while Conrad was named to the third team. The Redhaw s will have to nd
replacements or players who made the 2010 All- C team and e hausted their eli i ility. Those players include runnin ac enry arris, o ensive linemen Sean Middleton, ran ni hts and ryan Curry, de ensive lineman . . Sanche and line ac ers oshua ac son and ustin oodlie . The team will e re ainin the services o de ensive ac rian lan ort who missed the entire 2010 season with a torn AC and meniscus. The senior captain would ve een a starter last year were it not or his in uries. e received a medical redshirt which ives one more year o eli i ility. My nee eels ood. m ready to o, lan ort said. The Redhaw s also did some u lin and lled voids with their
coachin sta . ormer de ensive coordinator Tim Mc uire moved to the other side o the all to e the teams o ensive coordinator. The new de ensive coordinator is rian Mohnsen, whose previous coachin position was at the University o u alo as the de ensive line coach rom 200 -200 . Mohnsen is really ood, lan ort said. e stays red up and e cited. As de ensive players, that really ets us oin . ther new additions to the sta include wide receivers coach oel eard, de ensive ac s coach Chero ee aleria, raduate assistant Tyler ennes and director o oot all operations Marvin Anderson.
Parking, noise ordinaces passed Tina aton Managing Editor
The o ten-discussed par in issue at Southeast Missouri State University has continued to row alon with the university s yearly record- rea in reshman class. At the onset o this all semester, students may nd a city tic et on their windshield i they are not care ul. n-campus par in permits can e purchased throu h the university, ut those who cannot nd par in in the lot they are permitted to use or who chose not to purchase a permit o ten par in Cape irardeau s nei h orhood streets. n Au . 1, 21 days e ore the semester, the rst dra t
o a new par in ordinance was approved y the Cape irardeau City Council. The ordinance restricts par in rom a.m. to 3 p.m. on ar Ave., Normal Ave. and i hland rive. ar in on est nd lvd. will e restricted rom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Certain parts o surroundin streets will ecome 15-minute, 30-minute or 2-hour par in ones. ehicles ailin to reco ni e warnin si ns, oth students and city residents, will e tic eted. Tic ets are 25 i paid within one wee , 35 a ter a wee ut within 30 days and 45 i paid a ter 30 days. Residents have e pressed their desire to do somethin a out par in in ront o their homes, said Scott Meyer, Cape
irardeau s city mana er. Meyer said the council sat down with residents over summer, tryin to et the ri ht alance. To ether, they went throu h the streets surroundin the university to decide what ind o par in restrictions they thou ht would e most air. The idea o a voucher system, in which residents received ta s to di erentiate their vehicles rom students and allowed them more par in accessi ility, has so ar een re ected. i e any other ordinance, it can e chan ed or revo ed, Meyer said. Another ordinance, introduced at the council s une meetin and put into action on une 30, will a ect the way that Southeast
students act away rom the campus. The nuisance party ordinance is similar to one that was passed in Colum ia, Mo., in 200 . t de nes a party as a atherin o 10 or more people in a residential uildin . A list o 11 acts, includin ille al possession o alcohol, pu lic urination, noise violations and litterin can result in the citation o the party s host and the dispersion o party oers. t ives the police discretion, which we want them to have. t s another tool in their hand oo ,
ÂSee CITY, page 7
BRIEFS Convocation University president welcomes new students ÂUniversity resident r. enneth
. o ins and Student overnment resident atric inin open the doors to new students at the elcome Convocation at 10 a.m. Au . 1 at the Show Me Center. They, as well as uest spea ers, will in orm new students a out di erent activities and other openin wee events.
Ice Cream Pig Out Free food and juggling show for new students  et your stretchy pants out.
Southeast s yearly ce Cream i ut will start at 7 p.m. on Au . 1 at the Show Me Center. t ives new students the opportunity to ma e riends and et to now their residence assistants. There will also e a u lin per ormance a ter the ood is served.
Welcome Back Picnic Picnic provides opportunity to meet campus groups ÂSoutheast s elcome ac icnic
is Au . 21 rom 4 to p.m. at the Show Me Center. earn a out campus or ani ations, local usinesses and the campus raternities and sororities. ree ood will e provided. on t miss the tourin a cappella roup The Cat s a amas at 4 15 p.m.
Visit southeastArrow.com for more stories and photos.
Vol 101, No. 1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
 2 ARR
• wee o Au . 17-23, 2011
The combined rushing yards of all Southeast running backs at the FCS level, all by junior Renard Celestin
Sports Editor
ÂSoutheast Missouri State Univer-
sity s oot all teams o ense puts a hu e emphasis on its rushin attac . The attac is adaptive. t can chan e rom a power-runnin attac , to a speed-runnin ame, to an option-oriented o ense. t eatures multiple loo s to try to con use de enses an am ition that is aided y the ma ician-li e all a es conducted y startin uarter ac Matt Schei le that hides which player actually has the oot all. The Redhaw s had the est rushin o ense in the hio alley Con erence and one o the est in the oot all Championship Su division in the 2010 season. n 12 ames the Redhaw s had 32 rushin attempts, 3,181 rushin yards and 31 rushin touchdowns. They avera ed 5.0 yards per rush and 2 5.1 rushin yards per ame. The team ran ed rst in the C in all o those cate ories, o ten y a wide mar in. From left to right: Lennies McFerren, Ron Coleman and Levi Terrell will seek playing time in Southeast’s dynamic rushing attack. - Photo by Kelso Hope All-American runnin ac move up to a ivision pro ram. enry arris had the est said that Mc erren is the Schei le, that doesn t mean their all rin somethin di erent Also in the mi or playin statistics o any Southeast rusher. aster, uic er runner o the o ensive scheme will chan e. to eld. This could mean the time are sophomore ryant e compiled 1,735 rushin yards ac s. Mc erren said that he e are oin to stic with the team will use multiple ac s. orts, true reshmen A. . Co and 18 rushin touchdowns on played in an o ense similar to same thin run, Schei le said. unior Renard Celestin has and ewis ashin ton. 305 attempts, leadin all other Southeast s in hi h school. espite ein a uarter ac , the most playin e perience o The Redhaw s also will C individual per ormers Newcomer evi Terrell s Schei le was the C s thirdthe returnin runnin ac s on have a new ull ac in redshirt y a wide mar in. e also runnin style contrasts leadin rusher in 2010. e ained the roster. e has rushin reshman Ron Coleman. e s contri uted in the passin and Celestins and Mc errens. Terrell 884 yards on 1 8 attempts and yards on 14 attempts and one optimistic a out helpin at a ic o -return ames, amassin trans erred to Southeast rom scored seven rushin touchdowns. touchdown or his career. position that is important to 2, 0 all-purpose yards, also the now de unct ivision y comparison, he passed or Schei le said that Celestin any power-runnin attac . ood or rst in the C. pro ram o Ne ras a- maha. 1,24 yards and had ei ht passin is ood at seein holes The ac s last year laid a ood arris has since used up his e is a ulldo er, touchdowns on 182 attempts. and ma in cuts. oundation. e want to uild NCAA eli i ility. The team will Schei le said o Terrell. n enry arris, the Redhaw s Another ac that will et o o that, Coleman said. have to nd a way to replace his m a power runner, Terrell had a well-rounded ac , ut playin time is redshirt reshman production, ut, accordin to said. m happy to e a le to his potential replacements ennies Mc erren. Schei le
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Vol 101, No.1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
• wee o Au . 17-23, 2011
EVERYONE is an athlete
BRIEFS Sign-ups for rec sports begin soon Southeast Volleyball Season-opening tournament ÂThe Southeast womens vol-
ley all team will e in its season Au . 2 -27 at the Memphis nvitational at the University o Memphis. They will play eor ia State and Memphis on Au . 2 , and Ala ama A M and Ar ansas- ittle Roc on Au . 27.
Southeast Soccer Team kicks off with two road games ÂThe Southeast womens soccer
team opens its season on the road a ainst llinois State on Au . 1 and at owa on Au . 21. t returns home to play Ar ansas State on Au . 28 at ouc Stadium.
Southeast Football Final scrimmage occurs on Saturday ÂThe Southeast oot all team
will have a scrimma e on Saturday, Au . 20 at ouc Stadium e innin at 1 p.m. t will e the nal practice o its preseason camp.
Sports Editor
Southeast Missouri State University students will e a le to si n up or intramural sports e innin on Monday, Au . 22. At that time, students will e a le to si n up or either so t all or a oot all lea ues. The ne t si n up date won t e in until Au . 2 or the Ultimate ris ee lea ue. Students can si n up or a lea ue y oin to imlea ues. com S M . There a student can start a team, oin an e istin team or re ister as a ree a ent and hope to e invited to oin a team. enni er Rose, assistant director o Sports and outh and amily at Recreation Services, said lea ues or each sport usually consist o many divisions. The ma or divisions are co-ed, mens, womens and ree divisions, ut those can also e divided into red and lac ased on the num er o teams in a iven division. The red division is or teams loo in or a more recreational e perience, while the lac division is or teams who want to e more competitive. Accordin to Rose, usually only the co-ed and mens lea ues are divided into red and lac divisions.
Seasons can last from two weeks to two months. It depends on the sport, the weather and the fields we can use Jennifer Rose e automatically put new teams into the red division, so that they don t end up havin to play the de endin champion rom the lac division, Rose said. e also ma e the red division champion move into the lac division or the ne t season. ea ue play consists o our ames ollowed y playo s. nstead o a lea ue, tournaments are o ered or some sports. These consist o two ames ollowed y playo s. n order or a team to uali y or the playo s they must have a ood sportsmanship ratin , attend
VISIT SOUTHEASTARROW.COM FOR MORE PHOTOS AND CONTENT. Softball is one of the intramural sports that students will be able to participate in during the fall semester. - Photo by Recreation Services the mana ers meetin prior to the e innin o the season and have or eited no ames. The num er o teams in a lea ue varies dependin on the sport. The sports with ewer participants usually have si to ei ht teams. Sports with more participants can have around 0 teams. The len th o a lea ue also depends on the sport. Seasons can last rom two wee s to two months, Rose said. t depends on the sport, the weather and the elds we can use. Students can also si n up
to e an o cial or a sport o their choosin . Any interested student ust has to attend the o cials meetin or the sport. The o cials meetin or so t all and a oot all is Au . 28 at the Student A uatic Center located inside the Student Recreation Center. Students may have to ta e a rules test i a lot o people show up to a meetin , Rose said. e ive them a written test o the rules to ma e sure we et people who now the rules.
Vol 101, No. 1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
 4 ARR
• wee o Au . 17-23, 2011
Dept. of Theater and Dance prepares for a whirlwind semester li a eth ritch Arts and Entertainment Editor
epartment o Theatre and ance at Southeast Missouri State University ta es the common phrase let s hit the round runnin a out as literally as you can without ma in actual oor to nuc le contact. ust two days into the semester, the department will hold auditions or three o the main-sta e and second-sta e productions ein presented in the all 2011 semester. Call ac s will ta e place the ollowin day, and the nal cast list will e posted that same ni ht. Rehearsals or the musical nto the oods will e in on Thursday o that same wee , and rehearsals will e in the ollowin wee or the production o amlet. Accordin to r. enn Stilson, pro essor and chair o the epartment o Theatre and ance, multiple shows are cast at one time ecause, with multiple ma ors in the department, the aculty does not allow the students to e in more than one show in the same semester. e try to nd the ri ht t or the roles or the di erent students, Stilson said. n other words, i the director o the musical wants a musical theater student as a lead and the director o the strai ht play wants that same student or a supportin role, the student will e cast as the lead in the musical. ut that e cludes auditions or all or ance, a per ormance that showcases various styles o dance includin tap, a and allet. Auditions or all or ance will ta e place the second wee o classes. The rst set o auditions will involve the students tryin to earn their spot in a piece choreo raphed y a dance aculty mem er. The second set o auditions will involve the students vyin or a role in a student-
We try to find the right fit for the roles for the different students Kenn Stilson choreo raphed piece. The aculty is there watchin , ind o overseein the auditions , ut instead o the aculty sittin at a ta le writin down student num ers and names and loo in at availa ility orms, it s the student choreo raphers that are ma in selections or whom they want in their piece , said Michelle Contrino, dance instructor and choreo rapher. r. Marc Strauss, pro essor o theatre and dance, said that a lot o students who decide to choreo raph a routine or the all dance concert already have the idea or their piece the previous school year. ust li e the aculty, the students are thin in way in advance and over the summer a out the inds o thin s they want to do, Strauss said. The preparation e ins early, not only or current mem ers o the department ut also or incomin reshman. Stilson said that a series o letters and e-mails are sent out each summer to all theatre and dance ma ors that e plains what everyone should have ready or auditions the rst wee o school. ith the addition o a out 15 incomin reshman into the department, Stilson said it will have appro imately 125 to 150 people at the rst audition.
udith arris, vocal director or the department, said that not only does she spend some o her summer months ettin the sylla us prepared and schedulin ready, she also travels to New or every month to teach her roadway clientele. eep my contacts there or the school s sa e and the student s and at some point, you never now, it could help you, arris said. Strauss also said that he steps out o southeast Missouri or the summer. e travels to Cape Cod most summers, with this summer ein a little di erent. Strauss has een writin two dance oo s that are due to come out later this year. e have a very heavy outside pro essional development e pectation o our students, meanin that we e pect our students to wor pro essionally in summer stoc s, summer reps, master classes and di erent thin s li e that, Stilson said. A ew e amples o the trainin and wor students have done over the summer include the American ance estival at u e University, Stella Adler Summer Conservatory in New or City and the Mc eod Summer layhouse in Car ondale, llinois. e have ot, in my opinion, as well as many others, one o the top under raduate pro essional trainin pro rams in the entire Midwest, Stilson said. hat that means to the eneral pu lic and the student eneral pu lic is that when they come to see our shows, they re oin to have a reat time and see some really ood theater and really ood dance. The department will ic o their all season with the Tony Award-winnin musical nto the oods at 7 30 p.m. on ednesday, Sept. 28 in the onald C. edell er ormance all at the River Campus.
Visit southeastArrow.com for more photos and content.
Many theatre and dance students participate in a summer production company, like the McLeod Summer Playhouse (above). – Submitted Photo Vol 101, No.1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
• wee o Au . 17-23, 2011
SEMO Events
Saturday, Aug. 20 8:00 p.m. RIVER CAMPUS: BEDELL PERFORMANCE HALL A partnership between
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. and Southeast Missouri State University will help raise funds for Old Town Cape as they sponsor a benefit concert featuring Indiana University’s male a cappella sensation Straight No Chaser.
Tony Spinner Band
Friday, Aug. 19 9:00 p.m. BROUSSARD’S CAPE CUISINE Tony Spinner has toured
for 10 years with Rock & Roll Hall of Fame band Toto, playing to fans all over Europe in his band The Tony Spinner Band. He is bringing his laid back style of Rock & Roll Blues to Broussard’s Cajun Cuisine.
The Big Idea
Wednesday, Aug. 17 9:00 p.m. PORT CAPE GIRARDEAU
The Big Idea will be live at Port Cape Girardeau playing all of your favorites and more. Come join us for some good music, good company and the best drinks downtown.
Open Mic
Carpe Diem Extravaganza III Sunday, Aug. 22 7:00-11:00 p.m. SHOW ME CENTER Come dressed like a
star to the biggest event of the semester with a Hollywood theme!! The event will have activities such as henna tattoos, calligraphy in various languages and spin painting. You will see student performances as well as professional hip-hop artists, krump dancers, belly dancers and a DJ. Ethnic food and drinks will be provided.
Friday, Aug. 26 11:30 p.m. CAPE WEST 14 CINE The Student Activities
Council invites you to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 for FREE with your Redhawks ID. You also get free popcorn and soda. Non-SEMO guests are $4 each. Doors open at 11:30 p.m., and the movie begins at midnight.
ADPi and RHA Free BBQ
Tuesday, Aug. 30 6:00 p.m. GREEK HILL BETWEEN LAMBDA CHI HOUSE AND ADPI HOUSE ADPi and RHA are inviting you to our second annual barbecue! This event kicks off our pop tab drive. We will have plenty of free food and drinks. Everyone is welcome to this FREE event.
MDA Motor Madness
Saturday, Aug. 20 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ARENA PARK
Rick Farmer and Cars
for Kids recently joined forces with MDA and Fisher Auto Parts to ensure the continued success of their mission to give back to others while enjoying what they love most – CARS!
WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment Saturday, Aug. 27 SHOW ME CENTER
Ga., will be at Pitter’s. Doors open at 8 p.m. with the show starting at 9 p.m.
Theta Xi Fraternity Kickoff BBQ
Monday, Aug. 22 5:00-9:00 p.m. 915 COLLEGE HILL The Men of Theta Xi
Fraternity will be kicking off the 2011 Fall semester hosting a BBQ at our house to kick off Rush 2011.
Saturday, Aug. 27 6:00 p.m. RAY’S PLAZA CONFERENCE CENTER
The American Cancer Society and Saint Francis Medical Center will present the annual American Cancer Society Gala. Live entertainment will be provided by The Intention. There will be live and silent auctions, dancing, casino gaming, food and the opportunity to honor and remember those who have battled cancer.
ents SMACKDOWN WORLD TOUR 2011, at the Show Me Center August 27 at 7:30 p.m. See your favorite SMACKDOWN Superstars LIVE!
Credence Clearwater
Friday, Sept. 16 8:00 p.m. SEMO DISTRICT FAIRGROUNDS Members of the original CCR rhythm section perform favorite CCR songs. Tickets go on sale July 21.
house Gazebo on Friday at 6:30 for Old Town Cape’s Tunes at Twilight. John Francis is sure to impress you. Don’t forget your blankets, lawn chairs and snacks. For full season details visit www.oldtowncape. org/events. Thank you to our sponsors Southeast Health, Cape Air & Montgomery Bank.
Campus Life Minute to Win It
Tuesday, Aug. 23 12:15 p.m. UC LOUNGE Compete in a Minute to Win It game for a chance to win a prize! No registration required, but only six people can participate in each game. Todays challenges are A Bit Dicey and Extreme Hanky Panky.
The Intention
Saturday, Aug. 20 8:30 p.m. PINK GALLEON BILLIARDS & GAMES
Thursday, Sept. 15 8:00 p.m. SEMO DISTRICT FAIRGROUNDS Legendary singer
tate Univers
Missouri S Southeast
REDHvAs.WKS linois
Southern Il
p. m . 6 • 3 . t p , Se S at u r d a y dium a t S k c u Ho
ID east student th u o S h it w ion ium Free admiss f Houck Stad o t n o fr in . ng at 4 p.m Free tailgati
George Jones will be performing at the Arena Grandstand. Tickets go on sale July 21.
conjunction with The Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (AID) is performing “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” The cast and crew are community members and adults with developmental disabilities from the local area.
Dual Demolition Derby Tuesday, Sept. 13 7:00 p.m. SEMO DISTRICT FAIRGROUND
Derby will be held at the Arena Grandstand and is sponsored by Auto Tire & Parts - NAPA.
Don’t miss Kmart Pres-
Friday, Aug. 20 7:30 p.m. COMMON PLEAS COURTHOUSE PARK Join us at the Court-
George Jones
The Dual Demolition
Symphony Sampler
A Cure for Cape Annual Cancer Gala
Saturday, Sept. 10 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. CAPE CENTRAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Project Stage Light in
Sunday, Sept. 18 2:00 p.m. RIVER CAMPUS SHUCK RECITAL HALL Sampling of different
Monday, Sept. 12 7:00 p.m. SEMO DISTRICT FAIRGROUNDS The Monster Mash
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz stage production
every Wednesday.
Lullwater from Athens,
Monster Mash! Monster Truck Show
Monster Truck Show will be held at the Arena Grandstand.
SAC Midnight Movie
Wednesday, Aug. 17 9:00 p.m. ROXY’S BIG COUNTRY SALOON Roxy’s has open mic
Thursday, Aug. 18 9:00 p.m. PITTER’S CAFE AND LOUNGE
Tunes at Twilight
Volleyball: SEMO Spike Invitational Friday, Sept. 9 12:00 a.m. SHOW ME CENTER Cape Central, Perryville, Jackson, St. Vincent, Notre Dame, Poplar Bluff, Malden, Cooter and others will participate in the biggest high school volleyball tournament in southeast Missouri. Pool assignments and game times to be announced.
Come enjoy the performance by this wildly popular local band. The Intention will provide you with a night full of fun.
Thursday, Aug. 25 9:00 p.m. UC SKYLIGHT TERRACE B-10, I-19, N-35, G-52, O-70, BINGO!!! Have a ball at bingo and play for a chance to win a prize. Free for Southeast students.
Welcome Back Picnic
Sunday, Aug. 21 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. SHOW ME CENTER There will be activities, giveaways and food available and the Cat’s Pajamas Vocal Band will perform live. The The picnic is sponsored by the Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Chartwell’s Education Dining Services. Entertainment is sponsored by the Student Activities Council.
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Vol 101, No. 1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
• wee o Au . 17, 2011
ÂCITY, from page 1
STUDENT adapts to new culture
Two campus organizations waiting to help
an o Editor
icture wa in up one mornin in an alien land. uildin s loo di erent, the ood tastes stran e and even the way people act is contrary to your own customs. Then ima ine that very ew people, i any, spea your native ton ue, and you ve ust had a limpse o an e perience over 700 Southeast Missouri State University students have lived throu h. Sun hi iao is one o those students. A year a o he came rom a southern re ion o Shan hai, China, to Cape irardeau as an international student. hi iao, who is pursuin a ma or in pu lic administration, said the culture ap was the i est o stacle he had to overcome in his rst ew months. Communication was also a pro lem or me, hi iao said. an ua e is one o the most prominent challen es or international students, accordin to ruce S inner, director o the ce o Residence i e. ach student is di erent, ut lan ua e is a challen e, S inner said. They may arrive nowin only the very asics. ith his amily ac in Shan hai, hi iao relied on riends, oth students rom his home country as well as new ones made in America, or help. owever, he said that the ce o nternational ducation and Services has helped him as well. urin the all 2011 semester hi iao will e wor in or the o ce helpin incomin international students nd o -campus housin as well as uidin them around the city. e try to help them the students out as much as possi le, ahir Ahmed, e ecutive director or nternational ducation and Services, said. hen you come rom overseas and you don t have a social security num er or don t now what a lease is, ndin o -campus housin is very rustratin . There will e etween 720 and 780 international students enrolled at Southeast or the all semester rom over 50 di erent countries. t was this sort o diversity that attracted hi iao to America.
• wee o Au . 17, 2011
Left, Sun Zhiqiao meets with an International Education and Services employee, discussing the details of his role as guide for new international students.
Occaborumenis autaectiam, occatur a quo et.
n the same way Southeast s students have multiple countries to choose rom when loo in to study a road, America isn t the only option or an international student. hi iao had to choose rom a num er o other countries, includin Russia, oland, Australia and ritain. Thou h he has amily in Russia, hi iao decided an n lish-spea in country would e the most ene cial environment to study in iven the lan ua e s prominence throu hout the world. e chose America ecause o its cultural diversity and racial tolerance. The racial discrimination in ritain is a matter needed to consider, hi iao said. The nal
The racial discrimination in Britain is a matter I needed to consider
decision a out America was that America is also a lar e country, li e China. Althou h there are some di erences, there are some similarities. A lar e country can have many di erent people. A ter raduatin and completin an internship, hi iao plans to stay in America and search or a o . e has one year a ter raduatin to nd a ormal o , which would let him et the e uivalent o a wor visa. e is also thin in a out studyin or a h. . can et the opportunity to wor in America, will do my est to do it, hi iao said. can et overseas e perience. No matter when o ac to China will et that e perience.
Studnts and nternational office workers enjoy themselves at an ice cream social. According to Shvetha Gohn, assistant director for the office, they try to put on as many events like this as possible.
ÂVisit southeastArrow.com for more photos and content.
writers, photographers, page designers, copy editors, videographers and online editors. Drop by the Arrow offices in Grauel 117 and 118 at 5 p.m. Wednesdays for the news meeting.
Meyer said. Re usin to o ey police orders can result in a ma imum ne o 500 and 0 days in ail. t says to the person or people hostin the party that they can e held responsi le or a nuisance caused y people that attend their party, Meyer said. t s a matter o responsi ility. That s a part o ein a ood citi en. Meyer added that the ordinance applies to all mem ers o the community and does not speci cally tar et students. The new ordinance uilds on Cape irardeau s noise ordinance, which de nes noises that can e heard rom 50 or more eet away etween the hours o 11 p.m. and a.m. as a nuisance. These noises can ran e rom vehicles, animals, music and power tools to shoutin . n late uly the rst citation under the ordinance was issued to a Southeast senior or a lar e riday ni ht party. Some students have e pressed displeasure at the act that oth ordinances, which a ect them a reat deal, were passed durin summer months when a ma ority o the student ody was not present. There have een committee meetin s held on the par in issue over the past ew years, at least a ew o which had minor student involvement. e said the reason the ordinances were passed now was so students would e clear on the new laws instead o ein shoc ed with them wee s into the semester. e wanted to e air to students ri ht up ront, Meyer said. Meyer also e pressed his desire to hear rom the student ody. e try to reach out to students e value havin students as part o our community, he said, addin that students helped commerce and eep the city youn and resh. e really value their input and would love them to come and e involved in city overnment.
Sun Zhiqiao
Sun Zhiqiao cooks in his apartment (above). The Chinese student has taught himself all the culinary skills he knows. – Photos by Dan Fox
Join our motivated team of
ncomin international students at Southeast Missouri State University have two devoted roups to help them with the cultural verti o that can come rom visitiwn a orei n country. The ce o Residence i e ta es several steps to help Southeast s international students row accustomed to the way o li e in America. They are iven the option to move in early, which lets the residence assistants et to now them, accordin to ruce S inner, director o Residence i e. e don t want them to et homesic in their rooms, S inner said. Residence i e also o ers several di erent services, such as introducin the students to local reli ious roups and campus or ani ations as well as hostin events or the international students. The ce o nternational ducation and Services o ers help with thin s li e ndin places to live o campus, shoppin , sociali in and ettin around in Cape irardeau without vehicles. nternship leaders wor in or the o ce act as uides or incomin orei n students. This isn t the only housin related help that the international student center o ers. Sometimes an international student cannot nd a place to live e ore arrivin in Cape irardeau, said ahir Ahmed, the e ecutive director o the international o ce. n those cases, the o ce steps in to lend a hand. e ma e arran ements with a hotel to house them until they can nd their own home, Ahmed said. nternational students are also allowed to move into the residence halls e ore their scheduled time or an e tra ee.
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573.334.4022 w w w. j o s e p h w e s t d e s i g n s t u d i o . c o m Vol 101, No. 1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
 8 ARR
• wee o Au . 17, 2011
Coach Folliard returns four starters and 10 letter winners from last year’s squad that went 7-22 overall and 4-14 in the conference.
FOLLIARD preps team
Georgia State assistant coach joins Redhawks a ueline ri oyen Arrow Reporter
outheast Missouri State University welcomed new women’s volleyball coach Julie Folliard as the eighth in the program’s history. She started her coaching career at Georgia State University where she was the top assistant coach and then moved to Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, where she was promoted to associate head coach from assistant coach. She played volleyball for four years at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her team won the Midwest Collegiate Conference all four years, and she was named team MVP her senior year.
olliard e have een wor in doin drills and individual wor twice a day. ur preseason ended yesterday, and we have ust een ettin in shape to have a ood season.
I am looking forward to the competition and being able to play the game. I enjoy working with these girls, and there is a lot of great work ethic on this team
What are you most looking forward to being the new coach this year? olliard am loo in orward to the competition and ein a le to play the ame. en oy wor in with these irls, and there is a lot o reat wor ethic on this team, which ma es it that much more e citin to watch and e a part o .
What big games How do you feel being does your team have the new head coach at planned this season? Southeast Missouri State? olliard e have three non-conolliard am very e cited. en oyed playin volley all so much in colle e and have a reat passion or it, and so wanted to ma e sure that my career choice had somethin to do with it. Southeast has a lot o history and success within this pro ram, and hope to continue that and rin more y ein the coach.
What is your team doing to get ready for this upcoming season?
Julie Folliard
erence ames, and then we are oin a ainst some o our i est rivals such as ndiana University and University o Ari ona. e have some i competition with all our ames, and we are ust loo in orward to some wins.
stru le to et out o those holes and to et ac into the ame.
Any changes in this upcoming season?
What challenges do you think you might face? olliard vercomin down alls is a i one. osin ames does happen, and so i we di any holes y losin ames, it is always a
olliard This season we have a new o ense. t is oin to e aster and that much more e citin and en oya le to watch or our ans in the audience.
2011 Redhawks will be joined by three freshmen recruits.
What are the people at Residence Life looking forward to this fall ?
Katie Herring, worker at Res Life: “The most exciting thing that’s happening this semester once again we are near capacity in all of our residence halls. While most people in the office are stressed out about this, I think it’s exciting because it is more people that can help with the greatness that is Southeast. “
Priya Tauro, GA of Res Life: “I’m really excited for the upcoming year because there are 10 percent more students on this campus than there has ever been, and they are all excited for the next school year to start.”
Yasir Asari, GA of Res Life: “I’m excited
about all the new international students coming in because that’s the project that I am in charge of, and we have about 300 international students coming in and out of that 150 will stay on campus.”
Bruce Skinner, Director of Res Life: “The most exciting thing
probably is when the students arrive and we get to work with them because we do a lot of planning and waiting for them to get here, but when they get here it becomes real. Then, when they get here we get to help them with their roommate problems, how do I loft my bed, and all the other problems new students run into. It’s exciting to see them come back, one week from tomorrow [Aug. 17].”
Get real world marketing experience and earn commission. The Arrow is looking for responsible students to sell advertising to local business. If interested, contact Gera at glegrand@semissourian.com.
Vol 101, No.1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
• wee o Au . 17, 2011
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Vol 101, No. 1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
 10 ARR
• wee o Au . 17, 2011
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Travis you now what s cooler than a triceratops nly every other dinosaur that ever e isted Dan ho acts li e more o a ro ot ptimus rime or Shia a eou Tina Saturday mornin cartoons... ust not the same anymore
Submit your photos online @ southeastArrow.com
Elizabeth is still and orever will e in love with the ac street oys Ama in concert
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Sublime with Rome.
Kelso my day made my roomate ound a lo that posts creepy photos o esus, daily Rachel This toddler went into the almart ttin rooms and slammed the door shut. She loc ed hersel in.
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Vol 101, No.1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
11 ARR
• wee o Au . 17, 2011
New Arrow look isn’t just a face-lift
The Arrow staff works on the first print edition of the semester in its new offices.
If you’re interested in joining the Arrow staff as a reporter, photographer, designer, videographer or copy editor, drop by the Arrow offices in Grauel 117 and 118 at 5 p.m. Wednesdays for the news meeting.
Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications, owners o Cape irardeau s Southeast Missourian, have entered into a new partnership. The result o this colla oration is an Arrow with many up rades, enhancements and shiny new ells and whistles. This paper has een completely redesi ned and now oasts more en a in pa es than ever e ore. ntire sections have een chan ed in order to create a more involved readin e perience or Southeast students. nstead o the same two editors writin opinion pieces every wee , now the Arrow will e delvin out into the community, as in students and residents what they thin o current events and the daily oin -ons o li e on campus and in the Cape irardeau area. The paper will also e wor in closely in con unction with RA 103.7, Southeast s student-run radio station. eople readin the Arrow will nd playlists, reports and updates pertainin to RA , and students tunin into the radio station will now hear stories rom the paper roadcast live. ne mainstay on the Arrow s pa es will e a This wee on RA , which will list the new son s that the radio station has ac uired. Also on the hori on is a similar colla oration with the T and ilm option. A ma or drivin orce o the new Arrow will e the increased ocus on online content. The entire ournalism pro ession is switchin to a more e- riendly environment. n the past, the
Arrow we site and the print edition were mere mirrors o each other. To eep ahead o the electronic curve, one o the Arrow s ocuses will e in creatin a uni ue and avor ul we e perience. The we site will evolve to a point where media such as sports podcasts, photo alleries, videos and news stories will e uploaded and updated daily. This does not mean, however, that the print edition o the Arrow is dyin , ar rom it. nstead, the wee ly paper will contain e clusive stories that students should not want to miss, as well as the est content that the last seven days had to o er. Another welcomed addition is to the Arrow s sta . Two mass media classes will now e re uired, as part o their respective courses, to contri ute to the paper throu h photos, video and written stories. This is the rst step o a course restructurin that will ultimately uide students to ecomin multimedia urus, trained in every ranch o ournalism, not ust written. ith all the chan es and redesi ns the Arrow is oin throu h, the power still rests in the hands o the students. The Arrow is still a student run newspaper, ust as it has een or over a century. Students are still in char e o 100 percent o the paper s production, rom the writin to the pa e desi nin . hile many aspects o the Arrow have een twea ed, the paper s oal still remains the same Serve and in orm the students. That s all we ve cared a out or over a century, and that will continue to e our mission.
an o , editor • etstumpy e cite.com Tina aton, managing editor li a eth ritch, a&e editor Travis i enmeyer, sports editor elso ope, photo editor Rachel eather ord, lead page designer Amanda c ert, advertising manager Ric Sovans i, marketing manager r. Tamara ellers uc , advisor Rachel Crader, content advisor C 573. 8 . 743 • southeastArrow
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Vol 101, No. 1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741
• wee o Au . 17, 2011
 12 ARR
Take a crash course in fashion at Macy’s Back to School party! Macy’s West Park Mall, Saturday, August 20 Make the grade! Want to hit the books in style this Fall? Grab your friends and swing by Macy’s Back to School party where you can see the must-have trends in Young Men’s and Juniors’! And, while you shop, DJ William T. will be spinning all your #1 hits! Whether you’re heading to college this fall or looking to spruce up your room at home, be sure to check out the latest gear in the Home Store.
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Events subject to change or cancellation.
Vol 101, No.1 • © A partnership with Southeast Missouri State University and Rust Communications • To advertise, call 573-388-2741