Jinwan Aviation City Industrial Service Centre 10 Design has completed a new office campus for start-up companies and entrepreneurs to collaborate, establishing a dynamic incubation platform in Zhuhai, China.
Jinwan.indd 42
he Industrial Service Centre (ISC) provides 54,700 square metres of office space for burgeoning startup companies and entrepreneurs to collaborate, establishing a dynamic incubation platform. The office campus also accommodates public facing government administration facilities, providing a combined synergy of tenants in the new Jinwan Aviation City in Zhuhai, China. The project is designed to be is a socially interactive campus community which sits within a wider 3.8 square kilometres masterplan. ISC is the first building by 10 Design to complete on Huafa’s Jinwan Aviation City, which will subsequently include the International Business Centre and Jinwan Mall, as well as Zaha Hadid Architects’ Civic Arts Centre at its core. The ISC is an attractive campus that is unique, pragmatic, commercially viable and well-integrated on the site. Inspired by the concept of a flowing stream, a central green landscaped
JUL-AUG 2021
23/6/21 3:17 PM