Oct - Dec 2022
Developed by the Learning Academy our short courses have been designed to provide a flexible way to access training for staff who wish to upgrade their skills, refresh their knowledge or expand their technical skills into new areas of interest.
Short Courses
Each short course is free, available to all staff and delivered online with a duration of between 2 to 5 sessions. Each session is 45 minutes in length with a focus on learning new skills and putting these into practice with the support. On completion participants will receive a certificate and can log their achievement as CPD with the Learning Engine.
Please look at the range of courses on offer and book your place by clicking on this link
For additional information please feel free to contact a member of our team or email learningacademy@serc.ac.uk
Top 5 TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) for the classroom
Experienced SERC mentors and lecturers voted for the top 5 TEL tools they found most useful to support teaching and learning and engage students. The winners were MS Teams, Nearpod, OneNote Class Notebook, Kahoot and MS Forms. This 5-week programme will enhance your teaching and build your skills in each of these key TEL tools in turn.
These sessions are introductory level and are designed to support those who are new to the top 5 technologies. You are welcome to attend the whole programme or drop into individual workshops covering technologies you would like to develop your skills in.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Create a class Teams hub and populate it with resources
• Create a lesson in Nearpod and embed 2 activities in your lesson
• Create and structure a Class Notebook, copy and distribute sections
• Create a Kahoot quiz and utilise an existing quiz
• Develop a simple quiz and survey in MS Forms, share and access responses
Session 1: Exploring the full functionality of MS Teams
Session 2: Introduction to using Nearpod for engaging presentations and lessons Session 3: Working with Class Notebook as an e-portfolio Session
Gamification of learning with Kahoot!
Formative assessment techniques using MS Forms
5-week course
Course starts: Monday 17th October 2022 @ 4pm Course ends: Monday 28th November 2022
Accessibility in Microsoft, Assistive Technologies
We all have a responsibility to create content and use technologies that create a more accessible and equitable world. This course will give an overview of assistive technologies and develop skills in using Microsoft tools to improve accessibility when creating content. This course is suitable for all staff, whether developing teaching content or content aimed at other staff or stakeholders.
By the end of this course, you will be able to: • Navigate the fundamental principles of accessibility • Utilise assistive technologies to make resources and hardware more accessible
Session 1: Microsoft accessibility tools and features for users on every PC/Mac Session 2: Create accessible content with Microsoft 365, Immersive reader and speech-to-text
2-week course
Course starts: Wednesday 7th December 2022 @ 2:30pm Course ends: Wednesday 14th December 2022
Exploring the Portal
The Staff Portal is used to track student progress and achievement in Project Based Learning (PBL), vocational subjects and T Skills as well as recording attendance. This two-week course is suitable for anyone who is unfamiliar with navigating the portal or has specific questions regarding setting up assignments and progress tracking.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Navigate the portal, locate and pin courses
Set up assignments, PBL projects and identify and track T Skills
Session 1: Navigating and Tips for finding courses
2: Setting up assignments and progress tracking T Skills
2-week course
Course starts: Thursday 13th October 2022 @ 3pm Course ends: Thursday 20th October 2022
Working with Microsoft Forms
Microsoft Forms, part of the Office 365 suite of apps, enables you to create quizzes, surveys and collect responses which can be analysed and exported to Microsoft Excel. This course is ideal for staff who would like to collect feedback, create surveys and analyse responses.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Create your MS form, adding question type, changing or adding own theme.
• Share your MS form with others through link, QR code etc. Decide how responses are gathered with choice of graph.
• Use MS forms to create a quiz with collated responses. Identify opportunities to use Forms for formative or summative assessment.
Session 1: Creating forms, question types, adding themes and settings
Session 2: Sharing and collaborating. Collecting and analysing responses. How to create a Microsoft Form with live responses in Excel
Session 3: Forms for assessment and quizzes
3-week course
Course starts: Monday 10th October 2022 @ 4pm
Course ends: Monday 24th October 2022
Class Notebook for e-portfolio
Microsoft Class Notebook is a digital e-portfolio providing workspaces for collaboration, formative and summative assessment and feedback from peers and assessors. This course is ideal for anyone who is new to Class Notebook or needs a re-fresher on the full functionality of this versatile virtual space.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Be aware of different versions of Class Notebook
Use and manage your Class Notebook
Be able to add templates, audio and visuals
Be able to incorporate and use within Teams
Create, copy and manage
rich and engaging
adding audio and
Class Notebook within Teams
4-week course
starts: Friday 7th October 2022 @ 9:30am
ends: Friday 28th October 2022
Digital Fluency in Practice
The ideal course for you if you would like to navigate your digital environment with ease and fluency. In this four-week course you will navigate your way with ease through Office 365 apps, exploring file sharing across multiple devices, utilising productivity tools and identifying teamworking solutions within Office 365. Productivity Tools explored during the course will include; To do, Planner, Forms and Microsoft Teams.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Navigate Office 365 Apps
• File share and use across multiple devices
• Use productivity tools
• Identify team working solutions with Office 365
Session 1: Getting started with Office 365
Session 2: File sharing and sharing with OneDrive and SharePoint common functions, mapping
OneDrive Permissions, sharing and collaborating. Using OneDrive across multiple devices, syncing issues.
Session 3: Productivity tools – To do, Planner, Delve, Forms; Microsoft Teams
Session 4: Office 365 and teamwork solutions
4-week course
Course starts: Thursday 6th October 2022 @ 1:30pm Course ends: Thursday 27th October 2022
Project Based Learning, T Skills and the Portal
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a dynamic teaching model where students work in small groups to solve real-world problems supported by tutors in the role of facilitators. This student-centred pedagogy provides opportunities for assessment of vocational skills alongside acquisition of T Skills encouraging learners to thrive in college, life and work. This course is suitable for all staff who are interested in exploring PBL and for those who would like to discover practical tips on how to embed PBL in their area of curriculum.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Embed PBL into the curriculum incorporating T Skills, collaborative work and links with industry
• Create a PBL assessment and assess T Skills through naturally occurring evidence
• Create interdisciplinary PBL assessments and track T Skills and projects through the Staff Portal
Session 1: Introduction to SERC’s PBL model and T Skills, linking with industry and collaborative working
Session 2: Assessing PBL and T Skills, identifying opportunities for formative and summative assessment
Session 3: Creating interdisciplinary assessments, T Skills tracking and navigating the Staff Portal
3-week course
Course starts: Tuesday 15th November 2022 @ 3pm
Course ends: 29th November 2022
HE Getting to Grips with Teaching HE in FE
This two-week course is suitable for staff who are teaching on HE courses in the college. You will explore how to support and encourage active learning, create resources through effective research and support learners in achieving the academic standards required at this level.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Create learning outcomes to develop higher level learning skills • Research effectively and use digital tools for referencing
Session 1: Teaching the art of effective researching, referencing and citations
Session 2: Teaching HE in FE: a differentiated approach to lesson planning and development of M Skills
2-week course
Course starts: Friday 11th November 2022 @ 2pm Course ends: 18th November 2022
Digital Literacy (T Skill) and the Digital Skills Toolkit
Digital literacy skills are broadly defined as those needed to live, work, and learn safely in the world around us. To do this, you need to be able to use digital devices, communication applications, and networks to access and manage information. This two-week course is ideal for all staff who would like to explore the five Supporting Skills: Health, Safety and Security, Information and Data Literacy, Digital Content Creation, Connecting and Collaborating Effectively, and Learning and Working Online and access the resources available in the Digital Skills Toolkit.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Identify skills gaps in the five supporting skills by performing a skills gap analysis
• Navigate and utilise the resources in Digital Skills toolkit to upskill
Session 1: Exploring Digital Literacy and the five supporting skills to identify what they mean to you Session 2: Introduction to the Digital Skills Toolkit, navigating and using resources
2-week course
Course starts: Wednesday 5th October 2022 @ 3pm Course ends: 12th November 2022
T Skills Qualification, Traineeships and Transversal Skills
The development of transversal skills is a fundamental element of Traineeship programmes. A new OCN-NI Level 2 Certificate in Transversal Skills has been developed and will provide learners with the opportunity to gain a formal qualification in this area.
Transversal Skills, or “T Skills”, are those typically considered as not specifically related to a job, task, academic discipline, or area of knowledge but as skills that can be used in a wide variety of situations and work settings.
This course is suitable for all staff who are involved in the delivery of Traineeship programmes and would like to discover practical tips on how to embed the OCN-NI Level 2 Certificate in Transversal Skills in their area of curriculum.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Embed the Level 2 Certificate in Transversal Skills into the curriculum
• Map and assess naturally occurring evidence in an ePortfolio
• Track the Level 2 Certificate in Transversal Skills through the Staff Portal
Session 1: Introduction to the OCN-NI Level 2 Certificate in Transversal Skills & potential evidence generated during induction
Session 2: ePortfolio evidence mapping and assessment workshop
Session 3: Qualification tracking and Staff Portal integration workshop
Session 4: Assessment and standardisation workshop
4-week course
Course starts: Friday 30th September 2022 @ 13.45
Course ends: 21st October 2022
Thank you for browsing our Short Course Brochure.
Please look out for courses coming soon to include: