Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Advanced Degree Viewbook 2014

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Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission

Table of Contents 4

Letter from the President


Letter from the Dean


Academics & Faculty


Things to Consider


Which Degree is for You?


Doctor of Philosophy


Doctor of Education


Doctor of Ministry


Master of Theology


Paying for Seminary




Women’s Life


Student Life


Wake Forest & The Triangle


Visit Us


Kingdom Diversity


Campus Map

This icon denotes concentrations within the doctoral degrees at Southeastern which can be completed in a modified residency format. These classes meet at least twice a year while maintaining academic rigor. More concentrations will soon be available. Check for the latest track listing.

From the President Dear Future Student: I am excited that you are considering the pursuit of an Advanced Degree from Southeastern Seminary. I will tell you from the outset: it will not be easy, but it will be rewarding! We take seriously Jesus’ command to “love the Lord your God with all your mind.” Our Advanced Degrees are designed to stretch and strengthen you so that you will be maximally prepared for your future ministry. For those who are called to serve, there is no excuse for laziness — especially with our minds. All truth is God’s truth. To pursue growth in this knowledge of God is both good and necessary. At the same time, you will be challenged at Southeastern not to divorce loving God with your mind from loving him with your heart and your hands. This is why the Great Commission is at the very center of every one of our seminars, classes, lectures and discussions. We want the knowledge of our God and his saving work through Jesus Christ to burn deep within our hearts (Luke 24:32) in such a way that we cannot help but go to the nations and proclaim the goodness of this God (Acts 4:19-20). In sum, we are seeking to train and equip elite soldiers for Jesus. We want those soldiers to go into all areas of the kingdom. We want them in homes, in colleges and seminaries, on the mission field and in businesses. We want them preaching sermons and writing books, caring for the poor and fighting for justice. So, if you are considering one of our Advanced Degrees to prolong your isolation from the “real world” or to find an excuse to remain in an ivory tower, neglecting a fallen world and its need for the gospel, I would discourage you from coming to Southeastern. However, if you are pursuing this next level of education so that you will be more equipped to get your hands dirty in kingdom work that unites our heads, our hearts, our hands — yes, our entire lives — then I am sure you will feel right at home here. May God grant you wisdom and guidance as you consider where He is leading you in the coming years. For His Glory,

Daniel L. Akin President

@DannyAkin 4


Student Body

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary became a reality on May 19, 1950, by a vote of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Chicago, IL. To house the seminary, the Convention purchased the campus of Wake Forest College in Wake Forest, NC, recognized then and now as one of the most beautiful in the southeastern United States.

Approximately 450 students study at Southeastern in our advanced programs. The student has options from our Ph.D. to Ed.D. to D.Min. to Th.M.


From the Dean It has been said that a call to ministry is a call to prepare. I agree. In fact, I would change the statement to, “A call to ministry is a call to keep on preparing.” Regardless of your role in God’s work, continued education can further equip you to reach an ever-changing world. Southeastern Seminary stands ready to help you earn a fully accredited advanced degree, often without requiring a move to Wake Forest. The Master of Theology, Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Education, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are biblically grounded, academically rigorous, practically relevant, and ministry oriented. As Dean of Graduate Studies at Southeastern, I want us to send out men and women willing to drive back the darkness by taking the gospel to North America and the nations. I want to know that doctoral graduates of this institution make hell shake as they march forward for God’s glory. The Great Commission demands nothing less. Our current advanced degree students and graduates have served, or are serving, as local church pastors, North American and international missionaries, seminary and college professors, denominational employees, school administrators, church lay leaders, and various other roles. If God is calling you to join us, we look forward to serving with you!

Chuck Lawless Dean of Graduate Studies & Professor of Evangelism & Missions

@Clawlessjr 6

Academics & Faculty With more than 60 full-time professors on campus, and dozens of adjuncts, Southeastern boasts one of the most outstanding faculties of any evangelical graduate school in the country. Faculty members at Southeastern bring their best to the classroom while emphasizing ministry off-campus as well. You will find our professors teaching small groups in their churches, serving as pastors, or going on mission trips as they also publish books, write journal articles and speak at academic conferences. Southeastern’s faculty stays busy serving the church and fulfilling the Great Commission. It is our desire to develop five Core Competencies in our students while cultivating a delight in God, His Word and His church. Every student should make progress in...

Spiritual Formation Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue an authentically Christian way of life, manifested by trust in God, obedience to Christ’s commands and love of God and neighbor.

Biblical Exposition Demonstrate the ability to properly and effectively interpret, apply and communicate the Scriptures.

Theological Integration Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply the doctrines of Christianity to life and ministry.

Ministry Preparation Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and Christian disposition necessary for ministry and leadership in the church and the world.

Critical Thinking & Communication Demonstrate the ability to think critically, argue persuasively and communicate clearly.

The Provost Dr. Bruce Ashford is the Provost at Southeastern. He is also an Associate Professor of Theology and Culture as well as a Fellow for the Bush Center for Faith and Culture.


The faculty at Southeastern teach in accordance with, and not contrary to, the Abstract of Principles and the Baptist Faith & Message. We also affirm the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy and the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Southeastern Seminary is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Association of Theological Schools. The seminary experience at Southeastern is not just informative, it is transformative. The goal at Southeastern is to become an effective disciple of Christ in whatever vocation you choose, for the glory of God and the spread of His kingdom.


Advanced Degree Student



Managing editor of

The Gospel Project for LifeWay Christian Resources

Married to Corina with 3 children

Author of

Holy Subversion: Allegiance to Christ in an Age of Rivals and

Counterfeit Gospels: Rediscovering the Good News in a World of False Hope 8

THINGS TO CONSIDER What is a doctoral degree at Southeastern? An advanced academic degree trains men and women for effective service in the body of Christ, but each doctoral degree carries significant differences. • The Ph.D. prepares men and women for service in the ministries of teaching and academic research in the academy and the church. Additionally the Ph.D. prepares them for service in churches or ministries demanding specialized training. This degree is a rigorous terminal research degree. • The Ed.D. prepares men and women for service in the field of education including higher education, the teaching ministry, denominational leadership, church education and administration ministry. This degree is a terminal degree of rigorous academic study in the field of Christian Education. • The D.Min. prepares men and women to serve in the local church or in specialized ministries at a high level of professional competence. This degree is a practitioner degree combining theological perspective and ministry practice for excellence in ministry.

What type of student should consider this degree? A person with: • an undeniable sense of God’s calling to vocational ministry, • a deep commitment to God’s Word and mission, • a strong desire for excellence in ministry and teaching, • a disciplined approach to study, • a strong academic background, and • a great passion for learning.


What sets doctoral degrees at Southeastern apart from other programs? • Academic excellence • Outstanding faculty (world class professors and expert ministry practitioners) • Contemporary ministry awareness • Cultural relevance • Theological depth • Conservative biblical and theological scholarship • Great Commission dedication • Servant-driven program leaders • Course schedules sensitive to student vocational responsibilities • A community-based learning environment • A competitive tuition plan • Select programs offer a modified residency approach


Which degree is for you?


Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy is a 60-hour advanced, terminal degree designed to prepare men and women for service in the ministries of teaching and academic research. The program is designed to meet the needs of teachers, pastors and ministers whose service settings demand specialized training. The Ph.D. offers some modified residency tracks which allow individuals to remain in their current ministry assignment while engaging in Ph.D. studies. At Southeastern, the Ph.D. program is designed to help the church fulfill the Great Commission. Because of his authority, Christ’s followers go into the world and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all things that he has commanded (Matthew 28:1820). At Southeastern, we believe that the best scholarship rightly rests under the lordship of Jesus.


Doctor of Education

The Doctor of Education program at Southeastern is a 60-hour advanced terminal degree program which challenges students to achieve their best in a flexible, yet rigorous program created to shape and prepare leaders in education and ministry. The Doctor of Education is a unique degree that focuses on both the theory and praxis of education within the church, school and university settings. Prepare to be sharpened for Great Commission work, ‘as iron sharpens iron’ (Proverbs 27:17), by earning a terminal degree while studying with outstanding professors and students at Southeastern without being required to move to Wake Forest. Graduates will be better communicators and educators, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers. Students can expect to develop skills in teaching techniques, leadership methods for diverse settings and research skills to examine problems in a complex world.



Doctor of Ministry

The Doctor of Ministry is a 32-hour advanced degree program designed for those in active vocational ministry seeking further training to serve at a new level of excellence in ministry. The program will be no fewer than three academic years and no greater than six years. Entering students must understand the high level of commitment that is expected and are required to actively participate in this degree program continuously for this period of time. Throughout the degree plan of study, students will acquire new ideas, tools, strategies, and techniques that will increase effectiveness and expand opportunities within current and future roles of ministry in a church or special ministry.


Master of Theology

The Th.M. program is for post-M.Div. students who desire to either: (1) enhance their academic qualifications for doctoral studies; or (2) to extend their preparation for ministry in a local church, on the mission field or in other positions of denominational service.


A decorated member of the U.S. Army’s most elite fighting corps, Jeff Struecker was prominently featured in the national best-seller Black Hawk Down, later made into a major motion picture.

Married to Dawn with 5 children, on staff at Calvary Baptist Church, Columbus, GA


STRUECKER Advanced Degree Student



Doctor of Philosophy

Requirements Those striving for academic and teaching excellence who have a: • Master of Divinity or its equivalent • 3.5 GPA in graduate work (persons with a lower GPA will be considered individually) • Strong academic record and desire for focused research and teaching

Major Areas Biblical Studies

Theological Studies

• Biblical Theology

• Christian Ethics

Applied Theology Preaching

• Old Testament

Systematic Theology


• New Testament

Historical Theology

Missiology (NA & Int’l)

Philosophy of Religion

• Counseling Christian Leadership

Systematic Theology

Historical Theology

Theology & Worship

Philosophy of Religion

Aplogetics & Culture

Christian Leadership

Old Testament

New Testament

Ethics Preaching

Modified Residency These concentrations allow students to remain in their current ministry assignment while engaging in Ph.D. studies. Students who choose the modified residency format enter the program as a community of scholars and normally remain together through a series of seminars that meet twice annually at various times throughout the year. All seminar and degree requirements for the students in the concentrations with modified residency are identical to the standard resident program. More concentrations will soon be available. Check for the latest track listing.

Application Fee: $40 Enrollment Fee: $600 (SBC) / $2,352 (non-SBC) 14

Upon Completion:

Ph.D. graduates normally take positions in an academic setting, or they serve in a pastoral or church-related vocation.

Program Components Course Offerings


Introduction to Research and Integration...................................................... 3 Teaching and Higher Education.......................................................................1 Reading Seminars I and II............................................................................... 4 Doctoral Seminars......................................................................................... 24 Mentorship I and II.......................................................................................... 6 (Mentorships provide intensive and specialized research with one’s major professor, as well as preparation for comprehensive exams and the dissertation prospectus)

Examinations Modern Research Language Proficiency......................................................n/c Second Modern Research Language Proficiency.........................................n/c Comprehensive Exam (written)........................................................................ 2 Comprehensive Exam (oral)............................................................................. 2

Candidacy Dissertation Prospectus....................................................................................1 Dissertation.....................................................................................................16 Dissertation Defense.........................................................................................1

Total for Ph.D......................................................................... 60

Admission and General Information 919-761-2451 or

Modified Residency Inquiries 919-761-2311

Other Inquiries 919-761-2491

Estimated Program Cost: $21,500 (SBC) / $42,600 (non-SBC) *Course fees subject to change each year



Doctor of Education

Requirements Those striving for academic and teaching excellence who have a: • Masters degree in education or from related fields with MDiv equivalency • 3.25 GPA in graduate work (persons with a GPA lower than 3.25 will be considered individually) • Strong academic record and desire for teaching and educational leadership

Emphases Christian Ministry

Higher Education Instruction and Research

Church Administration

Legal Issues in Education and Ministry

Christian School Leadership

Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

Denominational Leadership

Curriculum Development

Higher Education Administration

(other areas of interest may be approved)

Modified Residency The Ed.D. is a terminal research degree with a commuter-friendly, modified residency format. Oncampus time is limited to one week per term, with online course work before and after class sessions. Students move through the course work as part of a cohort, which is a group of 10 – 12 students. The cohort format provides a community of scholars in which iron sharpens iron.

Please contact the Ed.D. studies office for more information. 919-761-2490 or

Application Fee: $40 Enrollment Fee: $600 (SBC) / $2,352 (non-SBC) 16

Upon Completion:

Ed.D. graduates serve in Christian ministry, denominational leadership, K-12 education and administration, and higher education instruction and administration.

Program Components First Year


Terms 1 & 2 Integrative Seminar I....................................................................................... 3 Core Courses.................................................................................................... 9 Terms 3 & 4 Core Courses.................................................................................................... 6 Advanced Statistics.......................................................................................... 3 Integrative Seminar II...................................................................................... 3

Second Year Terms 5 & 6 Core Courses.................................................................................................... 6 Research Methods............................................................................................ 3 Specialized Study I........................................................................................... 3 Terms 7 & 8 Core Courses.................................................................................................... 3 Specialized Study II......................................................................................... 3 Guided Mentorship I........................................................................................ 3 Guided Mentorship II....................................................................................... 3

Third Year Dissertation.....................................................................................................12

Total for Ed.D......................................................................... 60

Estimated Program Cost: $20,850 (SBC) / $40,230 (non-SBC) *Course fees subject to change each year



Doctor of Ministry

Requirements Those striving for ministry excellence who have a: • Master of Divinity or its equivalent • 3.0 GPA (persons with a GPA lower than 3.0 will be considered individually) • 3 years post M.Div. vocational ministry experience

Concentrations Expository Preaching

Biblical Counseling

Christian Leadership

Developing skills for com-

Equipping the minister for

Becoming a transforma-

municating God’s Word ef-

pastoral care in the small to

tional leader in the church

fectively in the pulpit

medium church or a Chris-

or a specialized ministry

tian counseling ministry

Great Commission Leadership

Pastoral Ministry


Developing skills to lead

A non-specialization for

Equipping the minister to

in evangelism, missions,

m i n i s ter s ne e d i ng ad-

recapture the biblical un-

church pla nt ing a nd

vanced training in different

derstanding of Christian

church revitalization



Church Revitalization Equipping church leaders for

Please contact the D.Min. studies office for more information. 919-761-2216 or

revitalizing and strengthening local churches

Initial Program Fee: $300 Application Fee: $40 18

Upon Completion:

D.Min. graduates already serve in positions of ministry, and the program is designed to equip these graduates to serve at a higher level of professional competence.

Program Components First Semester


Program Orientation.........................................................................................1 First Seminar.................................................................................................... 3 Contextualized Learning Experience (CLE)................................................... 2

Second Semester Select Topics in Integrative Theology Workshop.............................................1 Second Seminar............................................................................................... 3 Contextualized Learning Experience (CLE)................................................... 2

Third Semester Select Topics in Integrative Theology Workshop II.........................................1 Third Seminar.................................................................................................. 3 Contextualized Learning Experience (CLE)................................................... 2

Fourth Semester Project Design Workshop................................................................................ 3 Research Design Lab.........................................................................................1 Select Topics in Integrative Theology Workshop III........................................1 Fourth Seminar................................................................................................ 3

Fifth Semester Ministry Project............................................................................................... 3

Sixth Semester Ministry Project............................................................................................... 3

Total for D.Min... ......................................................................32

Estimated Program Cost: $9,800 (SBC) / $13,280 (non-SBC) *Course fees subject to change each year


Th.M. Master of Theology

Requirements Those striving for academic and ministry excellence who have a: • Master of Divinity or equivalent • Strong background in Greek and Hebrew (6 hours of coursework in each) • 3.0 GPA minimum

Major Areas Biblical Studies

Theological Studies

Applied Theology

• Old Testament

• Christian Ethics

• Biblical Counseling

• New Testament

• Church History

• Evangelism

• Philosophy

• Missions

• Theology

• Preaching

Th.M. and Th.M. with Thesis Tracks The Th.M. program offers non-thesis and thesis options. Admission requirements and degree hours are the same for both options; however, the coursework differs. Students interested should consult with their potential Major Professor and/or the Director of Th.M. and Thesis Studies to determine which option best meets their academic goals.

For Th.M. program information 919-761-2160 or

For Th.M. admission information 919-761-2281 or

Application Fee: $40 20

Upon Completion:

Some students choose this program for qualification toward postgraduate studies, while other students choose it to extend their preparation for ministry in a local church, on the mission field or in positions of denominational service.

Program Components Th.M. Upper-Level M.Div. Requirements or Ph.D. Seminars**


Concentration Electives................................................................................... 6 Free Electives................................................................................................... 6

Advanced-Level Requirements Bibliographical Research................................................................................. 3 Th.M. Guided Reading I................................................................................... 3 Th.M. Guided Reading II................................................................................. 3 Th.M. Guided Research................................................................................... 3

Total for Th.M... ...................................................................... 24*

Th.M. (with Thesis) Th.M. Courses


Bibliographical Research................................................................................. 3 Ph.D. Seminars................................................................................................. 6 Upper-Level M.Div. Courses or Ph.D. Seminars**......................................... 6

Th.M. Thesis Th.M. Thesis..................................................................................................... 9

Total for Th.M. Thesis............................................................. 24* *Students who fail to complete Th.M. Guided Research/Thesis in one semester (or students who do not wish to enroll in an academic course in a given semester) must enroll in Th.M. Continuous Enrollment, which is 3 credit hours. Credit hours for Th.M. Continuous Enrollment are not counted toward graduation. **Up to 12 credit hours in Ph.D. seminars taken as part of the Th.M. degree may be transferable into the Southeastern Ph.D. program. Please contact the Office of Ph.D. Studies for further information.

Estimated Program Cost: $5,500 (SBC) / $11,000 (non-SBC) *Course fees subject to change each year



His dream is to serve in the realm of public moral witness by developing domestic policy for an organization like the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

Married to Katrina with daughter, Lottie 22

Advanced Degree Student



A seminary degree is a major investment, and Southeastern is true to our Southern Baptist heritage in striving to make theological education accessible to any student, regardless of income level. We do not want any graduate of Southeastern to leave here laden with debt.

SBC Funding


The Southern Baptist Cooperative Program is vitally important to us. Because of Southern Baptists’ faithful giving through the Cooperative Program, Southeastern offers a world-class education at a fraction of the cost of comparable schools.

Most Southeastern students choose to work to support themselves and their families during their time here. Our Student Employment Services office stands ready to assist Southeastern students who have already been accepted into the school with job placement and job listing services. The office has developed close relationships with many of the major employers around Wake Forest and the Triangle and also maintains a database of student resumes. The office can assist students looking for part-time, temporary employment or full-time professional jobs.

FACTS Payment Plan The FACTS Monthly Tuition Payment Plan is provided for students to be able to pay their current tuition and matriculation fees over the course of that semester. The FACTS Plan is to be used only for current semester tuition and matriculation fees. This plan is not to be used for paying off past balances, future balances, housing fees or used as a semester loan. You must sign up for the FACTS plan each semester by the appropriate deadlines if you desire to use the plan. FACTS specifies the date each payment will occur, but it is your financial institution that determines the time of day the payment is debited. FACTS recommends you check with your financial institution to determine how far in advance funds should be deposited into your account to ensure the automatic payment clears. For more information concerning FACTS, visit the Accounting Service office or call 919-761-2207.

For more information, contact Student Employment Services at 919-761-2365 or visit

Scholarships Our Financial Aid Office offers merit and need-based scholarships (Post-graduate and Advanced degrees are not guaranteed funding)

and can point students to a number of scholarships offered by churches, states, associations and private organizations. General scholarship applications must be received between March 1 and April 15 for the fall semester and October 1 and November 15 for the spring semester in order to qualify. Visit for more information.


Housing We want all of our students to feel at home while they study at Southeastern, so our housing communities offer clean, affordable, well-appointed and safe apartment and townhome-style living for families and singles. We even offer some pet-friendly apartments for those bringing pets while attending Southeastern. While you are a student here, Southeastern is not just a place to go to school. It is your home. Our campus housing communities are where you will always find friendly neighbors and the opportunity for an engaging chat. All of our campus housing is located within a mile and a half of the main campus. (Not all Postgraduate or Advanced degrees require relocating to Wake Forest.)

Availability Students living in campus housing can often save $200.00 or more a month compared to most area apartment communities. Many of our housing communities have been built in the past few years, and those that are older have been kept in great shape. With a maintenance staff on call and security monitoring available 24 hours a day, you will always have peace of mind living in seminary housing. You will find an application and downloadable copies of standard forms, as well as copies of updated rate sheets and important policies on our website. Our housing director and his staff are ready to assist you in any way possible.


Options For those who prefer to live off campus, housing opportunities are available as well. Wake Forest and nearby communities offer affordable apartments to fit almost any budget. Realtors can assist those looking to purchase a home in the area. Because Wake County and surrounding counties are booming, new singlefamily, townhome and apartment developments are being developed year-round. Be sure to schedule some time to drive around during your campus visit.

Community Life In our campus housing, Seminary students will find friendly neighbors and many activities such as cookouts, Bible studies and celebratory events. This environment will help students to be rooted in loving communities, and life-long relationships will be built. For more information about housing, visit or call 919-761-2400.


Women’s Life

Women’s Life aims to serve the women of Southeastern and the local church by encouraging them to live according to God’s design as established in his Word. Our purpose is to prepare women for ministry in their homes, churches and communities so that they will be better equipped to fulfill the Great Commission. We offer various opportunities for women to be involved on many levels of learning and growing during their time at Southeastern.

Biblical Women’s Institute Want to be equipped to minister to others in your home as well as in your church or other ministry settings? The Biblical Women’s Institute (BWI) offers non-degree programs comprised of courses that are both practical and personally enriching. There are no prerequisites to enter the program. A majority of women in the program are seminary wives, but all women are encouraged to take courses. Also, we have developed a program for women who are planning to serve overseas alongside their husbands who are in the International Church Planting program.

Connecting Point Connecting Point is where all women of The College at Southeastern and Southeastern Seminary can connect and grow together. The main purpose of Connecting Point is to foster spiritual maturity and a better sense of community so that women will be encouraged and challenged as they prepare for ministry.

Biblical Foundations for the Minister’s Wife Dr. and Mrs. Danny Akin team up with several other relevant guest speakers to teach this class, which provides a survey of practical issues faced by ministers’ wives. It is offered free of charge. Class topics include marriage, raising godly children, ministering in your home, counseling women and other areas related to being a minister’s wife.

LEAD {women} LEAD helps both Southeastern female students and your church at the same time! For Southeastern students, LEAD is designed to provide invaluable experience and exposure in the arenas of public speaking and teaching. And for local churches, LEAD can provide your church with speakers and teachers for women’s events. For more information on Southeastern Women’s Life, visit





Ministry Referral

Southeastern is committed to providing experiences outside of the classroom that encourage lifelong learning and dedication to ministry excellence. Our conferences are a part of that strategy. Throughout the year, Southeastern hosts the 20/20 Collegiate Conference, 9Marks, and others, which attract people from across the Triangle and around the nation to our campus. Southeastern students can attend these conferences for a reduced rate. Speakers have included evangelical leaders like Matt Carter, Matt Chandler, J.D. Greear, Darrin Patrick, David Platt and our own president Daniel Akin.

Southeastern’s Ministry Referral Office stands ready to connect churches with ministers and ministers with churches. Students can submit their resumes to this office if they are interested in supplypreaching, interim preaching opportunities, church staff positions, and more. Ministry Referral will then assist students to find churches in need of help, making Southeastern a vital link between the ministers and the churches they serve.

For more information about conferences, visit


Chapel Our twice-weekly regular chapel services are the heart and soul of campus life. The singing and preaching serve to encourage students, faculty and staff as we worship Christ together. In addition to our own faculty and president, guest speakers regularly fill the Binkley Chapel pulpit. Chapel is held every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. during the fall and spring semesters. The public is always welcome, and prospective students are especially encouraged to attend. You can watch chapel messages via our live streaming and see past messages archived at sebts. edu/streaming or

Local Churches We don’t want you to lose the desire to serve the Church while you are a student in the Seminary. That’s why every Southeastern student is required to be an active member of a local church during his or her time here. Southeastern also makes ministry opportunities available for students on and off campus. Our chapel choir and orchestra are made up of students and their spouses. Prayer rooms dedicated to North American and international missions are regularly filled with students.



Advanced Degree Student


Translated The Drama of Scripture by Craig Bartholomew into her native tongue.

Wants to translate Christian publications in her home country

Engaged to Robert


Wake Forest & The Triangle A close-knit community with a world of opportunity just minutes away, Wake Forest and the Triangle area offer something for everyone. Wake Forest is a unique opportunity with a thriving downtown where you can walk just about anywhere to shop, eat, have coffee, or simply visit. Wake Forest was born as a college town, and for more than a century the town and the college have grown up together with intertwined histories. The original 1830s campus, called Wake Forest College, has changed owners and names, but remains a geographical focus of the community that has grown around it. Historic homes, some nearly 200 years old, decorate the downtown streets surrounding Southeastern’s campus and give the town a genuine neighborhood feel. The downtown streets feature coffee and tea shops, specialty boutiques, restaurants, and much more. While proud of its history, Wake Forest is also a town of the future. The area teems with dozens of restaurants and major nationally-known chains, as well as locally-owned establishments. Several large grocery stores serve the town, and a number of major retail chains, including Target, WalMart, Home Depot, and Lowe’s, have stores in Wake Forest. In 2009, the town of Wake Forest was listed by the Gadberry Report as in the top ten nationally for high-growth areas in the midst of recession.


Wake Forest is located at the northern tip of a metropolitan area commonly called the Triangle, consisting of the cities of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. Home to more than 1.2 million residents, the Triangle is one of the fastest growing metro regions in the country. For more information about Wake Forest, check out or The Triangle offers its residents numerous employment, educational and recreational opportunities. The well-known colleges of Duke, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University pepper the Triangle area, bringing to it a vibrant and active college life. The area is also home to two minor league baseball teams, the Durham Bulls and the Carolina Mudcats, as well as a professional ice hockey team, the Carolina Hurricanes. Also, with more than 150 parks, gardens, lakes and greenways in Raleigh alone, there are many places to enjoy God’s creation and see why the area was named America’s #8 Great Garden Cities in an issue of Garden Design Magazine. Forbes has named the Triangle as the Most Wired and Fastest Growing area in America. Three major museums, a 500,000 square foot convention center and an international airport also serve the region. For more information, please visit

Photo by Scott Clevenger -


VISIT US TODAY We encourage you to visit Southeastern to speak with faculty and fellow Advanced Degree students. Also, take time to meet with the director of the program you plan on pursuing as well as tour our campus to see firsthand what God is doing here.

To arrange a visit, simply contact our Admissions office at 1-800-284-6317. If you need help scheduling a time with professors and/or directors, the Admissions Office would love to assist you.



Seeking and equipping students from every corner of the Kingdom to serve in every context of the Kingdom.





PO Box 1889 Wake Forest, NC 27588 1-800-284-6317

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