Call for Researcher

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Project: "Milestones of Learning development"


External RESEARCHER SOUTH East European Youth Network 1st of July - 1st of October 2015 15th of JUNE 2015 1.000 EUR (GROSS)

THE BACKGROUND The South East European Youth Network (SEEYN) is a network organization involving 21 member NGOs from 11 countries. In an attempt of overcome differences among societies that have recent tradition of conflicts through gathering young people from entire South East Europe region to work together on global issues. SEEYN aims to promote pro-social values, youth employability, peace and understanding through development of volunteering grassroots and exchange programmes, supporting youth initiatives, advocacy and capacity building. The SEEYN, together with its member organizations and partners, Youth Centre BIT (Slovenia), Local Democracy Agency Sisak (Croatia), BalkanIDEA Novi Sad (Serbia), Youth for Participation (Hungary), Cooperation for Voluntary Service (Bulgaria), are implementing the project “Milestones of learning Development - Strategic improvement and development of lifelong learning programs within Danube region” supported by EU through START - Danube region strategy, Danube region Project Fund.

Part-financed by the European Union

OBJECTIVES AND RESULTS PROJECT IDEA AND OBJECTIVES For 10 years SEEYN has active, relevant role in capacity building and creating non-formal education programs for young people and youth workers, organizing trainings and seminars all over the region, providing thousands of participants with new skills and knowledge. Currently the involvement of young people after the activities itself is not fostered and not supported enough, therefore we need to explore is there any and to what extent the impact of these programs has effect on young people. Life Long Learning would be much effective if there is specific agenda able to deepen its outcomes on participants on long term basis and enhance and extend their learning experience. The programs need system created in order to foster and direct skills and knowledge of young people and their long term involvement. With this project we will improve and enhance the content of our work regarding lifelong learning activities by identifying needs and requirements of users, establishing relevant partnerships, developing action plan and specific projects. TARGET GROUPS Primary target group will be non-governmental organizations, institutions for non-formal education, educators, trainers and mentors who work in field of lifelong learning education of all kinds within Danube region and further. Secondary target group will be all the participants attending seminars, trainings, workshops and sessions based on non-formal methods of education. EXPECTED RESULTS 1. Carefully planned and systematically developed adequate action plan with methods, tools, agendas and programs to be implemented in future LLL programs/activities in order for them to reach full potentials and bigger impact on participants. 2. Common ground and clear directions for further development and base for future cooperation and sustainability of partnership. PROJECT ACTIVITIES: 1. RESEARCH ACTIVITY 2. MEETING OF EXPERTS 3. MEETING OF PARTNERS 4. DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT APPLICATIONS ABOUTH THE RESEARCH ACTIVITY The first activity of the project will be research conducted by External researcher, supported by Internal researcher and monitored by Project Manager. This activity for its aim has to collect needs of young people, who participated in some of non-formal learning activities/programs. With this research we want to determine which competences and through which long-term methodologies/agendas/activities participants will increase and improve their participation in society and increase the value of gained skills and knowledge in their everyday life. The results of the research will be used in following project activities, by experts for creating the agenda/programs/methods and partners for developing the future projects. Also, the results and recommendations of the research analysis will be disseminated to the relevant stakeholders and interested parties.

Part-financed by the European Union

SCOPE OF WORK External researcher will closely communicate and work under supervision of Project Manager and cooperate with Internal researcher (the role of Internal researcher is to provide input, materials and documentation to external researcher) from SEEYN. During the research process external researcher will conduct following: 

Preparing research forms (online) and instructions for conducting focus groups1, together with Project Manager and Internal Researcher;

Qualitative research related to "after program" experience of former participants of non-formal learning activities/programs and the level of impact of the learning activities on their professional and personal life, as well as specific needs in order to increase their involvement and employability;

Collecting all the data of online queries and focus groups and analyzing it;

Preparing report and recommendations in English language which summarize focus groups and qualitative research findings;

TIMELINE Activity 1. Preparation of forms and instructions 2. Qualitative research 3. Collecting and analyzing data 4. Preparing report

Deadline 10/07/2015 01/09/2015 15/09/2015 30/09/2015

REQUIREMENTS AND remuneration Competences  High sense of responsibility, interest in the subjects of the project and commitment;  High level of analytical competence;  High level of time management competence;  High level of interpersonal competence;  Fluency in English (written, spoken);  Advanced computer skills (MS Office - Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet); Qualification and experience  Call is open to expert researcher or research company;  At least 4 years of relevant, research and/or management experience in field of youth and learning;  At least 4 years of experience working on civil society organizations projects;  Knowledge about the non-formal learning methodology and characteristics, youth work, recognition of learning competences and skills. Reporting  Researcher is responsible to weekly report on research progress and if needed to discuss possible challenges in meanwhile;

Focus Groups will be conducted by project partners in their organizations among their youngsters, and based on forms and instructions provided by External researcher. 1

Part-financed by the European Union

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Researcher is responsible to ensure supervision to Project Manager during correspondence; Researcher is responsible to provide final report with research findings and recommendations. Researcher is responsible to provide expected materials before the stated deadlines.


Total expected remuneration for services is 1.000 EUR, gross amount; Remuneration will be paid in 1 instalment: after the final report is provided.

APPLICATION AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE APPLICATION PROCEDURE If you are interested in the position of external researcher of this project and you fit to given criteria we encourage you to apply through following procedure:  send your CV by e-mail to (contact person Marinela Sumanjski, SEEYN Training Manager);  send the offer document in which you will state: contacts (email, phone number, Skype), expertise and experience of service provider in topics related, researching experience, financial offer, conditions;  in e-mail subject line, please, state the position title (Expert Researcher) and your name;  deadline for submitting applications is 15th of June 2015 (late submission will not be accepted). SEEYN is an equal chance employer and it does not discriminate any candidate regarding their nationality, sex, age, race, national or ethnic origin. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Main selection criteria: proven experience in the field and familiarity with main topics of this project. The results of selection will be published on 25th of June 2015. The selected expert researcher will receive detailed instructions, materials, resources and support it his/her work.

Part-financed by the European Union

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