Southeast South Dakota Tourism
Regional Tourism Marketing Grant Purpose: Assist Southeast South Dakota Tourism members to expand their marketing reach. Increase visitation and visitor spending to Southeast South Dakota DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 COOPERATIVE MARKETING •Funds associated with the grant project may be used to participate in existing SSDTA or SD Dept. of Tourism cooperative marketing programs. • Examples that DO NOT qualify: SD Tourism’s Peak Season Coop Great Getaways • Examples that DO qualify: South Dakota Vacation Guide advertising SSDTA regional guide advertising SSDTA Web advertising • Similarly, funds from the Regional Grant Program CAN be used to participate in other cooperative marketing efforts associated with a chamber, CVB, etc. FUNDING & PAYMENT • SSDTA will pay 50% of marketing invoices provided. COMMUNICATION Each partner must: • Keep SSDTA informed on the status of the project. • Provide a copy of each advertisement to SSDTA before placement. • Notify SSDTA about any changes in marketing/advertising. The cost of any marketing or advertising that is not approved by SSDTA before placement will not be paid. • SSDTA would like to assist in your project. Invite us to attend your planning meetings. (optional) PREPARING & SUBMITTING APPLICATION • The application is available online at: The application deadline for 2016/17 projects is September 15, 2016. Applicants should first visit with SSDTA for advice and guidance regarding your project and application. • Email submission is preferred. Email to: Questions ?? 605-665-2435 NOTIFICATION • Successful applicants will be notified in writing by September 30, 2016. Invoices for payment must be submitted to SSDTA by May 1, 2017. PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION • Applying organization must designate one primary point of contact to regularly communicate with SSDTA throughout the marketing campaign. ALL applying organizations must be members of SSDTA or may join prior to submitting grant application. (Membership dues will not be refunded if applicant does not receive grant funding.)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES • Provide a detailed description of the project. The description should help SSDTA visualize what will occur during the project period. Be specific! • Explain how the proposed project will increase tourism in your community/region. PROJECT EVALUATION • Explain how you will evaluate the success of your project/event: • Attendee counts • Hotel occupancy • Lodging tax (city) • Tourism tax (city) • 4% Sales tax (city) • BBB (gross receipts) tax • Visitor guide requests • Coupon redemptions • Newsletter subscribers • Website traffic • Phone inquiries • Number of hotel rooms booked • Leads (sweepstakes/contest entries) PARTICIPATING PARTNERS & PAST FUNDING • List all other participating partners: include names of individuals and organizations and their primary contact information. • If your event/organization has received grant money from SSDTA or the Department of Tourism past or present, please list the award amount(s) with the year(s) received and for what specific marketing project.
Southeast South Dakota Tourism Regional Tourism Marketing Grant Guidelines The SSDTA Regional Marketing Grant will assist in marketing efforts for new or existing projects doing new or expanded marketing. Grant guidelines are set and reviewed annually by the SSDTA Board of Directors. Guidelines are as follows: • Grants will be awarded from $250 - $5000 with a 50% cash match required. No in-kind match. • Applicant must be a member of SSDTA or may join prior to submitting a grant application • Applications must be received by September 15, 2016 and used entirely by May 1, 2017. • Funding will not be awarded to an individual. Must be a business or organization. • Funding award may be less than requested at the discretion of the SSDTA Board. • Provide a full detailed description of the project. • Include how you will track effectiveness of the campaign. • List partners including their contact info and their cash contribution. • In-Kind donations will not be considered as matching funds. • All projects must include the SSDTA logo or text (8pt or greater) “Funding for this ____ was paid for in-part by a grant from Southeast South Dakota Tourism.” • All creative must be preapproved by SSDTA before final printing or production. • A detailed budget must be submitted with application. • Funds will be paid at 50% of invoices up to grant amount awarded. • No funds will be paid for marketing that was done prior to receiving the grant. • Hard marketing - media buys will be considered more desirable (i.e. ad buys, web ads, billboard, etc). • End of project report will be sent to SSDTA with project success utilizing the measurement tools you give in your application. • Any attempt to deceive or misrepresent facts will end the funding partnership with SSDTA. • You may invite SSDTA to attend your planning meeting for better understanding and to offer additional assistance in planning your marketing effort. • SSDTA will review your application up to September 5th and offer suggestions for improvement if you desire. This does not indicate that your grant will be successful. • Please submit your application by email to Mail or email invoices.
Contact: Jacquie Fuks, Executive Director Southeast South Dakota Tourism 1101 Broadway, Suite 113, Yankton, SD 57078 605-665-2435 or email:
Southeast South Dakota Tourism Regional Tourism Marketing Grant It is not necessary to use this form to apply, but the information below is required in your application
Please review the requirements of the Regional Tourism Marketing Grant in advance of completing your application. Send applications before September 15, 2016 by email: Mail invoices to: Jacquie Fuks, Executive Director, Southeast South Dakota Tourism, 1101 Broadway Ave, Suite 113, Yankton, SD 57078, APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of Primary Contact _________________________________________________________________ Organization Name ______________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State ______ Primary Phone _________________________
Zip Code ___________________
Secondary Phone _______________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________________ Name of Marketing Project ________________________________________________________________ Location of Project _______________________________________________________________________ Website (if applicable) ____________________________________________________________________ PROJECT PROPOSAL Please provide detailed answers to the following criteria on a separate, typewritten document 1. Project description (please be as detailed as possible). 2. Describe how the project will increase tourism in your community/region (goals) 3. Outline your current marketing plan 4. Provide a detailed budget breakdown (include matching funding). 5. Description of how the project will be measured to determine success. 6. List all partners–names of individuals, organizations, and their primary contact information. 7. If applicable, list the past three years of marketing efforts relating to this project. 8. List past grant money received by your organization and sources (past 5-years). MATCHING FUNDS INFORMATION Partner contributions (or source of matching funds): $ ____________________ Amount requested: $ ____________________ Total marketing budget: $ ____________________