2024 February Special Edition of Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine

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Ariel Shaw. MBA Publisher & Founder COVER

Sylvia D. Wray


2024 MEDIA

2024 MEDIA

Shonkeya Shaw, Keya Did It Beauty N Browz



CONTRIBING WRITERS Ariel Shaw, MBA Sylvia D. Wray Kenya Simmons Dr. Gabrielle Williams Judge Stephen Knights Yvette D. Best

CONNECT WITH US Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine southerncrescentwomenmagazine.com PO Box 1152 Stockbridge GA 30281

2024 1. Ariel Shaw, MBA 2. Congresswoman Nikema Willliams 3. Chairwoman Carlotta Harrell 4. Judge Danielle Roberts 5. Judge Holly Veal 6. Judge Pandora Palmer 7. Judge Andrea Boyd 8. Honorable Sabriya Hill 9. Mayor Sandra Vincent 10. Pastor Coylitia O'neal 11. Councilwoman Lakeisha Gantt 12. Mayor Ann Tarpley 13. Terreta Rodgers 14. Commissioner Natalie Hall 15. State Representative Sandra Scott 16. State Representative Yasmin Neal 17. Sarah-Elizabeth Langford 18. Kenya Simmons 19. Dana Lemon 20. Honorable Valencia Stovall 21. Meredith Lilly 22. Senator Tonya Anderson 23. Commissioner Neat Robinson 24. Marcia G. Taylor 25. Judge Chaundra Lewis

26. Judge Shalonda Jones-Parker 27. Mayor Angelyne Butler 28. Dr. Nicole Shaw 29. Author Connie Schofield-Morrison 30. Attania Jean-Funny 31. Dr. Chivonne Fleming 32. Mayor Jazzmin Cobble 33. Solicitor Pam Bettis 34. Regina Deloach 35. Honorable Sparkle Adams 36. Stacey Young Rivers 37. Rev. Natasha Reid-Rice 38. State Representative Dar’shun Kendrick 39. Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson 40. Dr. Kesha L. Jones 41. Lady Laurona Phelps 42. Master Sergeant Patricia Baisden 43. Mayor Jazzmin Cobble 44. Councilwoman Carmalitha Gumbs 45. Commissioner Dr. Alieka Anderson 46. Pastor Dr. Stephanie Jennings 47. Brandeis Parkman 48. Verónica Maldonado-Torres 49. Quisa D. Foster 50. Melissa Ellis



“Women In Business support is what we do....” The first half of the year is training, training, and more training. It is very important that we continue to finetune the resources we provide our women in business and we want to ensure that we are assisting those who need support and those who need to scale. Women In Business support is what we do. No worries, we will continue more empowerment sessions, as women need the whole of their being, so stay tuned. Also, we are excited that we have officially expanded to other statesFlorida being the first one. Additionally, we will have a global presence in Paris this summer with Women Live!TV! How exciting?!

Hi Ladies!! We are so excited as this year has started off strong! Did you know we released our own theme song?! Yes! The Women In Business Theme Song is available everywhere including Spotify, Pandora, and more! It is also available to add to your reels on Facebook and Instagram, so add it to your playlist.

Again, ladies I pray you stay focused, steer clear of those who are not operating in the "right" spirit, and be sure that you operate consistently at a high level of integrity personally and professionally. Have an amazing year and stay connected!

We wrapped the filming of Season 4 of WomenLive!TV and kicked off Season 5 of Women, Wealth and Entrepreneurship Podcast. We are everywhere and have a massive digital footprint across the globe! We are officially close to the public kick off of our PAC- Political Action Committee and have already begun to have conversations with female candidates that we want to support. Our youth programs are stronger than ever and we continue to build those out to ensure we are supporting the next generation.

Ariel Shaw, MBA,

Founder, Publisher & Visionary CONNECT WITH ME






WATCH US! SEASON 4 Coming Soon.....




Sylvia D. Wray ACT 2


Scottie & Sylvia Wray

ACT 2:

The Rebirth of Sylvia D. Wray By Ariel Shaw, MBA

Sylvia, you are in what some consider the prime of your life in what you are calling the second act- please tell the readers what makes this time so significant. This time of my life is incredibly significant to me because of the journey I've traveled. I wear many hats - I'm a wife, a caregiver, a breast cancer survivor, a mother, a grandmother, and an Executive Director of a Non-Profit Organization. Balancing these roles has been challenging, but through it all, I've found purpose and strength in God's grace. About a decade ago, facing a breast cancer diagnosis was devastating, but it became a turning point. I made a promise to God that if He saw me through it, I would share my story and advocate for those in need. As a caregiver who once needed care herself, I understand the challenges intimately. There were moments I wanted to retreat and handle it all alone, not wanting to burden anyone. But through faith and resilience, I've emerged stronger, ready to make a difference. How have your past triumphs and failures prepared you for where you are now and where you are heading? My past has been a tapestry of triumphs and failures, each shaping me for the present and the future. My journey, from being the eldest of three girls raised by a single mom to becoming a mother at 21, has been filled with challenges. Despite making wrong choices, I firmly believe in learning from failure. I am grateful for the support of my sisters and the inspiration drawn from my daughter, who is a loving wife, mother, and professor. Despite early challenges, including becoming a mother at a young age, I've learned from missteps and embraced the wisdom gained. Even amidst failures, like the loss of our restaurant during the 2009 recession, I've seen God's hand guiding me. God's grace and the lessons from triumphs and mistakes are propelling me to greater heights. I have made mistakes, but through it all, I've grown, and God has shown me that He can turn trials into triumphs, elevating me to fulfill His purpose and make my name great!

How instrumental has your spouse been in your business journey? What advice do you have for other women and their significant others as it relates to business and careers? My husband has been an unwavering source of support throughout my business journey. His encouragement and wisdom have been invaluable. He reminds me to pursue my dreams while also knowing when to rest and recharge. His advice to find balance resonates deeply. For other women and their significant others, I emphasize the importance of maintaining equilibrium between work and family. Scheduling dedicated family time is essential, just as we do with appointments. Balancing career aspirations with personal relationships fosters fulfillment and well-being. How do you ensure that you as a woman are not equating what you do with who you are? How do you ensure that you remember that you are enough? How do you practice self-love? Understanding my identity beyond my accomplishments is pivotal. I anchor myself in the knowledge that I am a child of God, inherently valuable and loved. I separate my worth from external validations, finding contentment in God's unconditional love. Practicing self-love involves intentional acts of care, whether through indulging in massages, cherishing solo dates, or affirming myself daily. Mary J. Blige's words resonate - I greet myself each morning in the mirror, affirming my worth with a simple, "Good Morning, Gorgeous!"


What can we expect next from Sylvia? I am excited to announce the launch of my brand as Sylvia D Wray "The Advocate." I will continue to advocate for individuals affected by Alzheimer's Disease and other Related Dementias, alongside their caregivers and families. Expect to see me engaging in speaking engagements and educational seminars focused on Alzheimer's and related topics.

IWhat is your life's symphony? Life's symphony, for me, is embracing its entirety the highs, the lows, and everything in between. It's about facing challenges head-on, overcoming obstacles, and embracing God's purpose for my life. Despite the noise and distractions, I remain focused on the melody of God's plan, living each day to its fullest.

You can connect with me through my website www.sylviadwray.com, as well as on social media: Facebook: @sylvidwray Instagram: @sylviadwray LinkedIn: @sylviadwray SOUTHERN CRESCENT WOMEN IN BUSINESS MAGAZINE


By Dr. Gabrielle Williams, Lead Physician

“ didn’t have chest pain; my chest just had a lot of pressure,” explained a patient during her hospital follow up visit. She is not the only woman who has said this after having a heart attack. Chest pain remains the most common symptom women have when having a heart attack. However, some may not describe pressure as chest “pain” so there may be a delay in care. The pain can be vague or a heaviness sensation with moving around or even at rest. Other symptoms include tiredness, shortness of breath, and nausea. Infrequently, women may have jaw or arm pain. This is a very important topic to discuss as heart disease is the most common cause of death in American women. It is the build up of cholesterol plaques in the arteries called coronaries. As the plaque grows, it slows down or stops blood flow to the heart, leading to heart cells dying for lack of oxygen. When a large enough area of the heart lacks blood flow, the heart will stop pumping. As heart disease threatens and captures the lives of many Americans, women need to understand what they can do to avoid it. Stress, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and family history increases the risk of developing heart disease. Therefore, women should target these factors daily: reduce stress, move their bodies, eat to live a healthy life, and be mindful of lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Symptoms include tiredness, shortness of breath, and nausea. Infrequently, women may have jaw or arm pain. Many women find mindfulness, therapy, journaling, and increasing social connections reduce their stress levels. In addition to decreasing stress, physical activity 5 days a week significantly decreases the risk of developing heart disease. High vegetable diet low in salt and cholesterol keeps the heart healthy. Maintaining normal blood pressure and sugar is crucial. Although heart disease is common and dangerous, there are steps you can take to ensure your heart is happy and healthy. If you experience chest pain, go see your doctor immediately; don’t delay. Take a look at your risk factors for heart disease and change them. You deserve a healthy happy life so take the actions necessary to live it – your heart thanks you.

Dr. Gabrielle Williams Lead Physician at Gateway Direct Health www.gatewaydirecthealth.com


“Returning Blessings to Our Elders starts here.” Monique Gibson, Owner Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine

Our Rising Angels Personal Care Home 2569 Ashley Circle, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 ourrrisngangels.pch

CAREGIVING By Sylvia D.Wray www.ascga.org

I have been a caregiver for my mother for over 20 years. This journey is what inspired me to become an Advocate..... Early on in Alzheimer’s and related dementias, people experience changes in thinking, remembering, and reasoning in a way that affects daily life and activities. People living with these diseases will eventually need more help with simple, everyday tasks. This may include bathing, grooming, and dressing. It may be upsetting to the person to need help with such personal activities. Here are a few tips that could assist you and your family as the disease progresses: Being a caregiver can be a labor of love and it can also be stressful, but it is an important job. Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or other Related Dementias comes with its own unique challenges. A caregiver is defined as a person who tends to the needs or concerns of a person with short- or long-term limitations due to illness, injury, or disability. The term many choose to use rather than “caregiver” is care partner because a person in the early stage of dementia may not need much assistance. I have been a caregiver for my mother for over 20 years. This journey is what inspired me to become an Advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. That includes those diagnosed with the disease and their caregivers. "Early-stage" refers to people, regardless of age, who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder and are in the beginning stage of the disease. The early stage of Alzheimer’s can last for years. A diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease does not just affect those with the disease; it affects everyone who loves and cares about them. My mother was diagnosed with early-stage dementia. To be specific vascular dementia. With an early diagnosis, the caregiver and the person with dementia can now make decisions about the future together, including legal, financial, and long-term care planning. The person living with dementia can take advantage of available treatments or they and their family can participate in clinical trials. I tried to participate in a clinical trial, but my blood pressure was elevated so I could not participate. I was probably too anxious. Millions of people take care of a friend or family member with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. Sometimes caregivers live with the person, or they live nearby, other times they may live far away. For many families, caring for a person with dementia is not just one person’s job, but the role of many people who share tasks and responsibilities. No matter what kind of caregiver you are, taking care of another person can be overwhelming at times. My mother lives with my husband and I. Our family support us when we need help with caregiving. It’s not easy caring for someone diagnosed with dementia and sometimes it does become overwhelming.

Try to keep a routine, such as bathing, dressing, and eating around the same time each day. Plan activities that the person enjoys and try to do them around the same time each day. Consider a system for helping those who must take medications regularly. When dressing or bathing, allow the person to do as much as possible. Buy loose-fitting, comfortable, easy-to-use clothing, such as clothes with elastic waistbands, fabric fasteners, or large zipper pulls instead of shoelaces, buttons, or buckles. Use a sturdy shower chair to support a person who is unsteady and to prevent falls. Be gentle and respectful. Tell the person what you are going to do, step by step, while you help them bathe or get dressed. Serve meals in a consistent, familiar place and give the person enough time to eat. Getting help with caregiving is important, you are not alone. I remember at one point in my caregiving, I felt alone. But as caregivers, sometimes we need a break. Respite refers to rest and relief, a break for the caregiver to care for themselves. There are several types of respite that you can take advantage of which includes: Home Care—skilled care provided at home, often initiated by doctor’s order or hospital stay and administered by medical professionals. Home care attendants are professionals who come into the home and help with personal care and housekeeping functions. Adult Day Programs are for adults in a community-based group setting. Social-model programs offer stimulation, socialization, and therapeutic activities and often will include meals. Medical-model programs (adult day healthcare programs), offer health-based services as well as social activities. Facility Based Respite provides a short stay for your loved one in a nursing home or another facility—this service is utilized to get a break from caregiving role.


CAREGIVING By Sylvia D. Wray www.ascga.org

Being a caregiver can be extremely rewarding, but it can also be overwhelming....

Being a caregiver can be extremely rewarding, but it can also be overwhelming. Caring for a person with Alzheimer's or a related dementia takes time and effort. I remember times feeling lonely and frustrated. There were times I even felt angry. This was a sign that I was trying to take on too much. That’s when I knew, that it was important for me to find time to take care of myself. Here are some tips that may offer some relief: Eat nutritious foods, which can help keep you healthy and active for longer. Join a caregiver's support group online or in person. Meeting other caregivers will give you a chance to share stories and ideas and can help keep you from feeling isolated. Spend time with friends and keep up with hobbies. Get exercise as often as you can. Try doing yoga or going for a walk. Try practicing meditation. Research suggests that practicing meditation may reduce blood pressure, anxiety and depression, and insomnia. Consider seeking help from mental health professionals to help you cope with stress and anxiety.

National Caregivers Day on the third Friday in February honors the healthcare professionals across the country providing long-term and hospice care. Then let's show our appreciation for all the amazing caregivers out there on Caregiver Appreciation Day, March 3! This special day was created to recognize and thank those who dedicate their time and energy to taking care of others. It is also a great opportunity to celebrate the selfless acts of love and kindness that caregivers give on a daily basis. From in-home caretakers to nurses, teachers, therapists, and more – this holiday is all about recognizing them for their hard work and dedication.

In closing, here are some statistics according to the Alzheimer’s Association: Over 11 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer's or other dementias. In 2022, unpaid caregivers provided an estimated 18 billion hours of care valued at $339.5 billion · In Georgia, there are 343,000 caregivers that provide a total of 657,000,000 hours of unpaid care valued at $9,941,000,000. In Georgia, 51.6% of caregivers have some type of chronic health condition. In Georgia, 25.1% of caregivers are diagnosed with depression and 11.7% of caregivers are in poor physical health.


The Business of Love & Marriage THE LOVE STORY OF AL & KENYA SIMMONS By Kenya Simmons


...God had sent me a second chance to love someone and be loved...

In May of 1999, my husband drowned in the lake behind her home to save another man’s life. Our neighbor came to our home and indicated that his nephews were turned over in the boat and in distress without hesitation my husband jumped in his truck, and ultimately jumped into the lake, saved one of the young men, unfortunately he and the other man died to say I was devastated as a young mother and bride would be a complete understatement. We had created a beautiful life together and ran several businesses that were also successful. So, I felt like the world had come crashing down on me. However, I prayed about it and decided to continue the work we started and what we built with our businesses. After all, I had four little people who depended on me and now suddenly, I was all they had. I went back to the office the day after he passed because we had obligations and contracts to complete. I threw myself into raising our children and building our business. Fast- forward … I proceeded to work and lead the company and I was hands on in the trenches alongside my guys just like my husband did. On one of the projects that we were working on for the city of Atlanta, I met Alfred Simmons, who was a fellow water utility contractor. A few weeks after meeting him, he was awarded a huge contract with the city of Atlanta and needed other contractors to completed so he gave me a call which I initially because I was still grieving did not return and he called me one more time and I decided to take this call. What he did not know at the time was that phone call saved my life! I was grieving, I just had to have emergency surgery and a partial hysterectomy from internal bleeding, and I was just feeling defeated and wanted to give up but God!

Al told me when he called me that he could’ve called anyone because there were other qualified companies however, he was impressed with the work that our guys did and the professionalism, and how I operated my company, which was similar to how he operated his , so we had a mutual respect for one another's work in the utility industry. He also let me know that he had never met a woman in this industry and definitely not a woman of color! I also had to let him know that his phone call saved my life that day, as I was contemplating just “throwing in the towel” because I was still hurt from the loss of my husband and overwhelmed with balancing running a business all alone. His call gave me a “renewed” sense of purpose and determination. I know God was completely in the mix! Our working relationship eventually grew into a romantic relationship further down the road and one of the things that won me over with Al was when he came to meet my mom and the kids, he said to me, “if we are going to be together, the kids will always come first. Anything we do we will only fo it with them and we will have [our time] once they are grown.” This was so important to me, and I had never expressed this to him, but he knew. It was in that moment I knew we would be together forever, and that God had sent me a second chance to love someone and be loved. In 2008, Al and I were married at Bishop Paul S. Morton’s Church in Decatur. It was important to both of us that our children from my previous marriage and his relationship were part of our special day in addition to our children and our families. Our entire bridal party was composed of our children, God children, my sister and brother sister and Al’s best friend. My father conducted the ceremony, and my nephew gave me away, it was a perfect day. Now what many did not know on that beautiful day, and I am sharing this for the very first time publicly is that we lost almost everything in 2008 when the economy tanked. The only thing that we had sustaining us at that time was my real estate income. The construction industry, when the housing market went under, affected our industry majorly and developers stopped building which caused municipalities to no longer have that revenue coming in and it was just a snowball effect. We knew that meant for us to be together simply by how everything unfolded with our wedding plans. I had a closing coming up and I borrowed that closing so that I could pay for a few things that needed to be paid for the wedding and I know some would say, “well why would you get married under the circumstances?” Well, we had already begun the plans and then the market went south. And I told God that if this is meant to be then you would take care of it, and it will happen and that is exactly what he did! Al had a few aunts that retired from catering, they cooked all the food and baked all the desserts along with his older sister Bonnie, and we provided the food for them. I handmade every single centerpiece that went on the tables with all the decor and decorations. SOUTHERN CRESCENT WOMEN IN BUSINESS MAGAZINE

The Business of Love & Marriage THE LOVE STORY OF AL & KENYA SIMMONS By Kenya Simmons www.homesalloveratlanta.com

I did it myself. I rented some linens from a local vendor, and I saved money by setting all the tables myself because we have a large family and friends. There were at least 200 people that were there at the wedding so that was no small task! my wedding dress came off the rack at David bridal and I was gifted it by my sister it was $99. It was two sizes too small, and I quickly went on a diet and worked out to get into that dress! Buy one get one half off at David’s bridal so we may have paid a total of $400 for the dresses. The venue where we had our reception was owned by Al’s cousin, so we got a discounted rate on that, and the church allowed us to have the service free and we just gave a love offering. It was favor like this that we experienced the entire journey to the altar, and we knew that we were destined to be together. No one knew our struggle because we never complained or felt sorry for ourselves, instead, we used our energy to work harder and push through this rough patch. I genuinely believe it is because of our faith in God and not complaining about the economy and what was happening, that God blessed at the end of our storm, quadruple for all our trials and opened the window of favor an abundance over our lives making us stewards of much. We promised him that we would always show our gratitude through giving back. We have since built numerous businesses and acquired a nice portfolio of real estate investments. We have also successfully blended our families and have raised 5 successful and thriving adults who have made us grandparents of 7 grandchildren whom we adore. I am sometimes asked what the secret is to work alongside in business with your spouse. Al and I have always had a mutual respect for one another’s work. We also discussed each of our roles in the business when we merged our companies together. When we are at work, we are at work and our personal feelings are placed aside and we allow one another to operate in our respective positions and we show respect for each other’s decisions. We can have a disagreement at home but when we enter those office doors, we put that aside and we handle the business at hand. When we get home, (unless an emergency occurs) we do not discuss business and we leave all of that at the office. It is all about balance and respect. Those are two of the key elements that have worked for us as a couple who work together and the third and most important one is, we pray together. Every morning, we pray as a couple and if one of us is out of town, we pray over the phone. If God is not in the relationship, I do not care what type of relationship it is, it is set up to fail. I also never challenge him in front of our children or employees but instead, we have a private conversation where I can express any concerns or reservations I may have.

It’s us against the world and with our love and support of one another, it’s nothing we can’t conquer!

I support him in the decisions he makes for our businesses, and he respects my decisions. Yes, there will be challenges but with God in the mix, those challenges can be overcome and used to grow you as a couple and a strengthen your bond with one another. And finally, I was raised with old fashion values when it pertains to the marriage structure, While I am very independent and can stand on my own, I am also submissive to my husband, and I allow him to lead our family and relationship and I trust his vision. He is one of the smartest people I know, and he has never failed us in his leadership of our family. I also respect Al’s vision for the direction that he gives to our business and family. In the interview with Fox 5 Atlanta, when we were featured in the segment highlighting love stories, we were asked what one thing about the other that no one knows. My answer was, how spiritual Al is and because I am spiritual and was raised in a Christian home, it was important for me to connect with a mate that shared my faith and values. His response was, “she’s a great fisherwoman”! I have loved fishing since I was a little girl tagging along with my dad who is a great fisherman. Al’s theme song for us is, Bonnie and Clyde by Beyoncé and Jay-Z. It’s us against the world and with our love and support of one another, it’s nothing we can’t conquer!


We Have Our Own....



Created by Ariel Shaw,MBA Song by Laci, Artist Produced by Ado Profit

Feminine. Bold. Free.


Connect with Yvette @yvetteknowsbest


Connect with Kenya @yourrealtor4life

Candace Holyfield Parker SIX FIGURE SPA CHICK

Candace Holyfield-Parker is a millennial business mogul and spa extraordinaire who currently owns Six Figure Spa Chick, a marketing firm for spa/beauty professionals. Can-dace strives to exemplify excellence while educating, empowering, and uplifting spa professionals across the globe. The purpose of Six Figure Spa Chick is to help over 2000 spa professionals build, grow, and launch their own successful businesses. Her achievements as a CEO of her personal Spa Boss Tribe, author of the first Black Spa Magazine, creator of the first Black Spa Expo Awards, and motivational speaker, has inspired other business owners to strive for more success. Candace has secured a clientele base of 15,000 spa professionals since she began her spa services in 2011 called, “I Love Candy Spa Parties”. Her spa services include: massages, facials, lash extensions, body waxing, teeth whitening, and v-steams. Learn more at https://candaceholyfield.com.

Ashonté Lyles


Sherry DeVouse-Dennard

SHERRY DEVOUSE DENNARD STATE FARM AGENCY Welcome to the Sherry Devouse-Dennard State Farm office in McDonough, GA! We provide free Auto Insurance and Homeowners Insurance quotes throughout the state of Georgia and primarily in Henry, Clayton, and Newton Counties. Licensed in Georgia Property & Casualty Insurance/ Life Insurance & Health Insurance and forever dedicated to learning to keep up with current events and trends. They help people insure their cars as well as their home by assisting with Condo Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, or Renters Insurance. Located at 422 Highway 155 S , McDonough GA . Viisit them at https://sddinsurance.com. Follow them on all social media channels.

Ashonté Lyles of N.I.P Ventures, LLC | Ashonté Writes | & The Horizon Calls: Let’s GEAUX to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc! Based in FL, one of our newest states added to SCWIB, Ashonté is a Venture Capitalist, Real Estate Investor, Travel Blogger and more! We're excited as she will be cover Women Live! PARIS Edition! We're going global in 2024!! So excited! According to Ashonté "Yes. I believe when women are supported we shape the world and the world is in need of transformation in perpetuity in order to achieve better and more sustainable lives globally. " Welcome Ashonte! We're very excited to have you!! Follow her on all social media channels at AshonteWrites and HorizonCalls

Lashondra Swanson


Lashondra Swanson of Pamper Me Total Beauty Spa to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc.

Kandice Brown


Pamper Me Total Beauty Spa, a full service spa offering facials, body polish, massages, hair care, and even teeth whitening! Located at 763 North Ave Jonesboro, GA 30236. Welcome Lashondra to SCWIB! Follow pampermetotalbeauty_ on all social media platforms. Learn, book or gift services at www.pampermetotalbeauty.net.

Kimberly Underdue

UNDERDUE SOCIAL SERVICE, INC Kimberly Underdue, LCSW of Underdue Social Service, Inc. to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Underdue Social Services is a Mental Health Counseling Agency located at 165 Burke Street Suite 109, Stockbridge GA 30281. Owner and Exec Director, Kimberly Underdue is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Underdue Social Services, Inc. staff has combined 100+ years of experience in the service delivery of at-risk youth and their families. Their services include Community Support Individual (CSI), Crisis intervention (CI), Group Training/Counseling, Family Training/Counseling, Diagnostic Assessment and more! Underdue Social Services also maintains Letter of Agreements with a License Psychologist and Psychiatrist. Welcome Kimberly! To Learn more and if you need any of their services, visit http://underduesocialservices.com/wp

Kandice Brown of Fancy Dmeanor LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc. Fancy Dmeanor LLC is a unique clothing brand created by Kandice with a mixture of casual, streetwear, and athletic. Kandice states "Yes I believe in supporting other that’s one of main reasons I love what I do with my online boutique...." Learn more at https://www.fancydmeanor.com. Follow them on all Instagram at FancyDmeanor. Welcome Kandice!


Kimberly Corbin, CMP, CDS, COVID- CO, PCA is Co-Founder, Owner & Managing Principal at Meeting Shields, LLC, Pandemic Compliance Advisor (PCA), Covid-19 Compliance Officer (COVID CO). Meeting Shields, LLC is a 100% minority & woman-owned, fullservice, Protection Management Firm, that has a focus on providing solutions to the hospitality, entertainment, educational, corporate office environments, healthcare and transportation sector.


Learn more at www.meetingshields.com.

Katherine Jordan THE SAVVY ID

Lets welcome back Katherine Jordan, the owner of the Interior Design company The SAVVY ID---and who selflessly answered the call when we extended our initial donation to SC Habitat for Humanity---where she went above and beyond and decorated and provided furniture for the home of a deserving mother and family!! We absolutely love when our women in business also serve their local community- and we applaud Katherine! THE SAVVY ID is a full-service interior design firm, who’s ultimate goal is to create spaces that improve your everyday life. Katherine says "I’m a Georgia peach, wife, mother of three, and God’s favorite daughter so don’t mess with me because I will tell my father on you. (Lol)" Learn more about www.thesavvyid.com.








Let's welcome back Melissa Ellis of Life Beyond Water Global Outreach to Southern Crescent Women In Business!

Tamecia Shaheed of Harvest Time Tax & Financial Services to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc. Harvest Time Tax is located at 165 Burke Street, Suite 101 Stockbridge, GA 30281. They offer nationwide virtual tax service, audit protection, tax analysis and more. Tamecia Shaheed is a Tax Strategist who helps business owners maximize savings and grow their profit. She affirms that business owners need to proactively plan throughout the year to maximize tax savings. She works with her clients to implement strategies to use the tax code to their benefit legally and ethically. With a diverse corporate background and having acquired enhanced business acumen working for a small business, Tamecia started her own tax and accounting firm in 2011. Learn more and connect with Tamecia and her team at harvesttimetax.com. Follow them on all social media outlets. Welcome back Tamecia!


Life Beyond Water Global Outreach's mission is to assist in providing clean water to areas that lack access, educating about water careers, delivering medical missions and more . Follow Life Beyond Waters on all social media outlets and learn more at www.lifebeyondwater.org

Angilee LeConte PHOTO GLAM 360

Lets welcome Angilee LeConte of Photo Glam 360 to Southern Crescent Women In Business! The Photo Glam 360 Difference provides Unique upscale presentation, Glamour and WOW effect, Cutting-edge photo booth equipment and Unlimited hi-resolution commercial prints perfect for any event. Angilee says she definitely believes in supporting her fellow women in business! Learn more at www.photoglam360.com and follow them on all social media platforms!

Shamica Davis of JTS Vacations to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc. Shamica Davis is Founder + Chief Experience Officer. With JTS Vacations as your travel concierge, you get to experience worry-free travel planning. Every aspect, every detail, every itinerary is planned to maximize your experience. No stone is left unturned. Voted Best in Georgia in 2022 and 2023. Shamica states "....supporting women in business aligns with the core values of JTS Vacations. We believe in empowerment, collaboration, and diversity. By uplifting other women entrepreneurs, we foster a business ecosystem rich in different perspectives and ideas, leading to more innovative and comprehensive solutions in our industry." Learn more at https://jtsvacations.com and follow Shamica and team at jtsvacations on all social media channels. Welcome Shamica!


Located in Stockbridge, GA, our office is licensed in the entire state of Georgia for all State Farm Insurance products. They primarily focus on assisting with Auto, Home & Renters, Business Insurance, and Life Insurance. They can help provide coverage for cars, motorcycles, trailers, boats, RVs, homes, rentals, condos, and more! Contact The Kim Mays State Farm Office today for a FREE insurance quote. Located at 102 Vincent Avenue , Stockbridge GA 30281. Visit coveredbykim.com.

Alexis Sidney of The Twelve Firm to Southern Crescent Women In Business!

Shannon Smith BEAUTY 21 ACADEMY

Alexis L. Sidney THE TWELVE FIRM

Lets officially welcome Shannon Smith of Beauty21 Academy to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Beauty21 Academy is located at 113 Banks Station, Fayetteville, GA. Their brand new first-class facility will enable you to learn in an environment that emulates the real world of the beauty industry. They pride ourselves on mixing the art of creativity and business. Offering full cosmetology, nails and esthetician certification and training.

The Twelve Firm, located at 500 Lanier Ave W, Ste 907b, Fayetteville, GA 30214 offers a suite of services including tax prep, profit first, bookkeeping, and more. Learn more at www.thetwelvefirm.com.

Shannon states "I believe in supporting other people in business because I understand what you make happen for one God makes happen for you plus I love to see my sisters win like all I know to do is push people into purpose … Ive been an entrepreneur for 30yrs and there is nothing like support and being supportive " Follow them on all social media platforms at beauty21academy and learn more or register for training at www.beauty21academy.com.


Laura Weston of The Trucker's Auditor to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Located at 320 West Lanier Ave , Ste 200, Fayetteville GA! Specializing in FMCSA New Entrant Audit, DOT Compliance Audit Plans, and more. Laura states that "Yes, I believe in supporting other women in business. I believe our strength is greater together than individually." Find out more at www.thetruckersauditor.com and follow her on all social media platforms.


Lets welcome Donna Patterson of Rejuvenére Health & Aesthetics Medspa, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Rejuvenére Health & Aesthetics Medspa, LLC is The premier medical spa specializing in medical weight loss, IV hydration, targeted cryotherapy, and IM injection service. Their services include Cryotherapy, IV Hydration, PRP, Medical Weight Loss, Facials, Skin Resurfacing, and more. They are located at 2023 Jonesboro Rd, McDonough, GA 30253. Donna states that she absolutely supports other women, as that is her primary business. You can learn more at www.rejuvenerehealth.com and follow them on all social media platforms.

Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine

FAIRNESS AND IMPARTIALITY IN THE COURTROOM of Judge Stephen N. Knights, Jr. By Judge Stephen N. Knights, Jr. State Court Judge, Henry County, GA

For example, as it relates to Criminal matters, the process and participants do not all work in the same office, and do have the same role. There are three phases of the Criminal Justice System. Those three phases are as follows: (1) Law Enforcement (Police); (2) Courts; and (3) Corrections. In the first phase, (Law Enforcement/Police), a person may encounter a law enforcement officer and may get a citation or may get arrested. There may have been a search warrant or arrest warrant that lead the police to that person. This phase includes the police encounter, investigation, and everything leading up to a being cited, or arrested and going to jail.

In the State Court of Henry County, both civil and criminal matters are heard. On the civil side, matters like personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, contract disputes and other matters are handled. On the criminal side, misdemeanors, traffic offenses, and some county code violations are handled. Whether the matter is civil or criminal, as the Judge, I have to remain fair and impartial. This is to ensure that both sides get an equal opportunity to be heard and be treated the same. To be a State Court Judge, there are the following requirements: 1) practice law for seven years; 2) be a member of good standing with the State Bar of Georgia; and 3) live in the County. Many people come into Court and do not know what to expect. This may be normal because some people may be intimidated about the process or afraid of what may happen. I understand those concerns because many people may view Court as a scary place for only people who may do bad acts. On the other hand, a wide range of things happen in Court, including several good things. And understanding courtroom procedures and the process, may ease someone’s concerns before they enter Court. The role of the Judge in the Courtroom is different from the role of everyone else. I have heard people say that everyone in the Courthouse or in the Courtroom are all the same and they are one big group or one big office. They describe the Court as they would describe a business or organization where there is a human resources department, finance department, payroll department, and so on. However, that is not completely accurate. Though everyone in the Courtroom may be working towards the same goals of serving the public and being efficient, everyone does not play the same role.

The second phase is the Courts. Once a person is arrested, the first time they will see a Judge is at first appearance. If that person does not have a bond already, they may see a Magistrate Court Judge and a bond or bail may be set. If that person bonds out of jail or not, the next Court date would be may be an arraignment. If a person is charged with misdemeanors, the arraignment is the first time I will see that person in the Henry County State Court. After arraignment, there may be motions, then a trial. In the Courts phase, the State or Prosecutor, has the burden to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the person committed the offense or offenses. The person who is charged (defendant), has the right to an Attorney and does not have a burden. The Judge does not know anything about a person’s case. This is where I get a chance to explain the process of what may happen from here going forward.

...understanding courtroom procedures and the process, may ease someone’s concerns before they enter Court. Before the arraignment, I get a calendar of names, and I do not know facts or details about a person’s charges. I use this opportunity to let the participants know that they have constitutional rights and the options that they may that day and going forward to trial. I also explain that I cannot assist in any way to give legal advice or guide them on what choices to make about their charge or charges. The third phase is Corrections. If a person gets convicted at trial, they enter the corrections phase. This may include jail, probation, special conditions such as anger management course or community service, fines, or other conditions. In this phase, a person may have a probation officer and would report that person.


FAIRNESS AND IMPARTIALITY IN THE COURTROOM of Judge Stephen N. Knights, Jr. By Judge Stephen N. Knights, Jr. State Court Judge, Henry County, GA

....the Judge has to be fair and impartial, neutral, and do not have a side.....

As a Judge, fairness and impartiality is not optional. Instead, it is a requirement. Whether it is a Civil matter or Criminal matter, the Judge has to be fair and impartial, neutral, and do not have a side. The Attorneys or litigants will perform their duties, and the Judge should follow the law.

I often explain to people that a Judge follows rules as well. When I was a lawyer, there certain rules to follow. At that time, I could have picked a side and was on a side. As a Judge, there are different rules to follow than lawyers. I have to follow the law and I can’t deviate. Being fair and impartial is not a “may do,” it is a “must do.”

When you come to the State Court of Henry County and you enter Judge Stephen N. Knights, Jr.’s Courtroom, there are certain things that you can expect. You can expect punctuality, professionalism, preparedness, respect, effective courtroom management and decorum. My courtroom is open and accessible to litigants. I will follow the black letter of the law, and you will be treated fairly and impartially. I secure the rights of all and serve with compassion and humanity. I am grateful to serve our citizens and will continue to do so with fairness and impartiality while impacting lives daily.

Honorable Stephen N. Knights, Jr. Judge, State Court of Henry County 1 Judicial Center, Suite 320 McDonough, GA 30253 770-288-8463



Lets welcome Shonkeya Shaw of Keya Did It Beauty N Browz, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Keya is a professional makeup artist that specializes in brow beauty, but provides full face, beauty consultations, offers a product line, and more. Shonkeya shares that "I enjoy ENHANCING the BEAUTY in which, you already carry!" Welcome Shonkey back to SCWIB! Learn more about Beauty N Browz at www.keyadiditbeautynbrowz.com. Follow her on all social media platforms!

Chelsea Speaks 101TKO RADIO


Chichi Nwankwo Ezeike. is a Doctor, Health Coach, Public Health Professional, and U.S. Navy Veteran. She started her health journey when diagnosed with Hypertension. She found a program that taught me that being healthy is not just eating healthy and exercising rather, being healthy includes every aspect of my life. This is why she is eager to work with you as a Health Coach on your journey to rejuvenate your health. As a Wellness Coach, Helping to educate clients instead of giving them information that will overwhelm them about being healthy, Dr. Chi Chi specializes in clients with Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, and are interested in Weight Loss. Learn more at rejuvenateinhealth.com.

Lets welcome Chelsea Speaks of 101 TKO Radio to Southern Crescent Women In Business. They provide you with radio media opportunities to get your message out and are located in the Stonecrest area. Chelsea states "I believe in supporting other women in business because it is the essence of business, itself. I truly believe it's unfair to ask what cannot be happily given. I also believe that supporting other women brings happiness mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. My other brand being Women Are D.O.P.E., supporting women speaks to the nature of who I am, as well." To connect or learn more visit https://www.101tkoradio.com and follow her on all social media platforms.

Trameka Walker

IMMINENT CARE INSURANCE LLC Lets welcome Trameka Walker of Imminent Care Insurance, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! In the healthcare insurance space as a broker, Trameka specializes in all things insurance for those uninsured, underinsured or those looking for other health coverage options. Trameka believes in supporting other women "Yes, because I believe we should support each other, since we have something to offer. Also, it’s empowering to see more women being successful and independent." Follow and connect with Trameka at Imminent Care Insurance, LLC on all social media platforms and by visiting Bit.ly/twalker1.

Linnell Edwards

LINNELL THE LENDER Lets welcome back Mortgage Broker Linnell Edwards to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Coined as "Linnell The Lender." Specializing in all things mortgages. Licensed in: AL, CA, DC, FL, GA, IN, IA, KS, NC, TN. Learn more at www.barrettfinancial.com/ledwards and follow Linnell Edwards NMLS #1636076 on all social media outlets!

Miriam Percell

BE WELL WITH EASE STUDIO, LLC Miriam “ Mimi” Percell of Be Well with Ease Studio, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc. Specializing in an array of services including Yoga, Neuromuscular (NMT) Therapy, Swedish, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Esalen, Integrative, Sports, Cupping, Reflexology, and more. Mimi states "....Yes. Supporting women is one of my major tenents in life. I have mentored youth and women with two nonprofit organization..." To learn more and connect https://www.bewellwe.com. Connect with Miriam and her team on all social media platforms at bewellwitheasestudio and miriam a percell. Welcome Miriam "Mimi"!

Alicia Williams

Connect with Demetria @bbqlifecoach


Connect with Alicia @iam_aliciaawilliams

Kimberly Stabler K40 CONSULTING & PUBLISHING LLC Kimberly Stabler of K40 Consulting & Publishing, LLC to Southern Crescent Women in Business - N. GA Chapter. Kimberly, an owner of multiple businesses, states in relation to supporting other women, "Yes. Supporting other women in business is one of my core beliefs. We are stronger and more impactful together when we support one another." Follow her at @ kimberlyracquel on all social media platforms.


Sandra Morse PAINT AND POUR REMIX Sandra Morse of Paint and Pour Remix. Located out of Fayette County but serving all surrounding areas. Paint and Pour Remix is a fun and trendy way to bring entertainment all year round. Pour paint and express yourself to create a beautiful abstract design. She supports her fellow women in business and states "Absolutely. Women are still behind the 8 ball as leaders and business owners. One way we will succeed is by supporting one another."

Lets welcome Teshelle Anderson of Tmagicalminkz Lash Bar to Southern Crescent Women In Business- Emerging Business Area! A new resident of GA, Teshelle specializes in all things beauty and lashes. Teshelle states that in response to supporting other women, "Yes I do believe in supporting women in business because I believe we have to keep each other uplifted and must empower each other."

Learn more at www.paintandpourremix.com. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram at Paint and Pour Remix!


Yolonda Houston of LePetite and Posh Serving all of Atlanta and surrounding areas, Le Petite and Posh provides party planning and decor as well as providing an exquisite experience for your princess' parties! Yolonda stated "I and a firm believer in the motto “I am my brother’s keeper”. In this case, “I am my sister’s keeper”. I believe that we all can achieve great heights when we support one another. "Follow LePetite and Posh on all social media platforms and check out her site at www.lepetiteandposh.com.


Nekeisha Taylor

SHALOM PERSONAL HOME CARE Nekeisha Taylor of Shalom Personal Home Care. Shalom Personal Home Care aims to deliver quality, compassionate, one-on-one, dependable and cost effective home care services. They want to ensure families have peace of mind by delivering unmatched reliable care. Offering meal prep, rehabilitation care and 24-hr care. Proudly servicing Atlanta, Buckhead, Smyrna, Marietta, McDonough, Peachtree City, Conyers, Clayton County and all surrounding areas. Nekeisha stated "Yes, I love seeing other like minded women reach their goals and any information or knowledge I know I can share with them to help them grow. It’s amazing to see other women in business and doing what they love."Follow them on all social media platforms and learn more at www.shalomphc.com.

Sylvia Wray is the Executive Director at the Alzheimer’s Services Center Clayton County. With a passion to assist the Alzheimer's community. Sylvia Dennis-Wray was born in Perry, GA but was raised in Linden, NJ. She started her career in Corporate America and worked for major companies. The mission of the Alzheimer’s Services Center is to enhance and prolong the highest quality of life possible for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other related disorders and for their families.Learn more about the ASC at www.ascga.org


Tyronica Carter is a former educator turned entrepreneur. She is the leader of a large network marketing group, a 7 figure earner, and a co-author. Tyronca is over 128,000 consultants within the Paparazzi Organization. She's a 7 Figure Earner Bling Boss Recipient, Crown Club 50 Member, 2016 Zi Collection Model of "The Tyronica ", she holds personal achievements of Life of the Party Black Diamond and more. Learn more at tyronicacarter.com and https://radiantstylesjewelry2.com.

Dr. Gabrielle Williams. MD GATEWAY DIRECT HEALTH LLC Lets welcome Dr. Gabrielle Williams, MD of Gateway Direct Health LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc!

Mica Johnson

MICA JOHNSON STATE FARM AGENCY Michal Nichelle Johnson, A serial entrepreneur and leader who has dedicated her career to empowering others, building great teams, and helping others. A State Farm Agency owner, Owner of Branding Business- All That Glam, and District Leader-Regional Model Trainer for Dollar Tree Stores. Achievements include Leader of the Year, Chairman Circle and Ambassador Club Winner. Graduate of Brown Mackie College. She Resides in McDonough, GA.

Dr. Gabrielle Williams, is a board-certified Family Medicine physician who is dedicated to delivering excellent care through compassion and advocacy. Direct Health is a healthcare model that aims to simplify and personalize the healthcare experience for patients. It is a membership-based approach that provides primary care services to patients, with a focus on building strong, long-term relationships between patients and their physicians. Located at 3863 GA Highway 138 SE, Suite 1614, Stockbridge GA 30281. Learn more at http://gatewaydirecthealth.com.

Attania Jean-Funny

ATTANIA JEAN FUNNY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Attania Jean Funny Insurance Agency, Inc. provides life and health insurance products that will fit the needs of our clients in all stages of life. We understand the importance of building generational wealth and protecting your family’s future. We provide life insurance options for ages beginning at 14 days and beyond. Attania uses her skills obtained through 27 years in education to serve her eligible clients, as they navigate the complicated Medicare enrollment process. Follow AJF IA on Facebook and Instagram at @AJFLifeandHealth and learn more at www.ajflifeandhealth.com.

Sharon Ponder

XTREME FUN ON WHEELS Sharon Ponder of Xtreme Fun On Wheels A fleet of vehicles that include a gaming truck, a luxury tailgating truck, a luxury party bus, and 28 passenger van for your corporate or family reunion needs!

Tangela Garrard


Tangela Garrard of New Homes Chick. Specializing in new construction and first time home buyers. Tangela is amongst the top 5% of New Home Construction realtors in the southeast region. In 2020 she closed 16.9 million in volume and is the number #1 New Home Sales Agent for the #1 Builder in America. When asked if she supports her fellow women in business, she stated " Yes I do. It’s important to support other women and women owned businesses because it increases our economic stability for our families and community." Learn more by calling 770-648-1669.

Sharon also serves as the VP of Finance for Bennett International, serves on several boards, has an endowment at her beloved Georgia Southern University for any young lady pursuing a career in accounting. Follow Xtreme Fun on Wheels on all social media platforms! Welcome back Sharon! Visit them at extremefunonwheels.com.


Planning for the Future Together Effective financial planning is crucial for newlyweds. From joint bank accounts to retirement savings strategies, you'll need tips for setting yourselves up for a prosperous future together. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) How does marriage affect my tax filing status? Marriage changes your tax filing status options to either "Married Filing Jointly" or "Married Filing Separately." This status is determined as of the last day of the tax year. If you're married on December 31st, the IRS considers you married for the entire tax year. This change can affect your tax bracket, eligibility for deductions and credits, and overall tax liability.

Got engaged for Valentine's Day? Congratulations on your engagement! As you embark on this exciting new chapter together, it's important to understand how your upcoming marital status will impact your taxes. This guide will help educate you on the tax implications of newlywed couples, ensuring you're prepared for the next tax season. Understanding Your New Tax Status When you tie the knot, your tax filing status changes. You'll have to choose between "Married Filing Jointly" and "Married Filing Separately." Let's dive into what each status means and how it can affect your tax liabilities and benefits. Benefits of Filing Jointly Filing jointly often results in lower tax rates and higher income thresholds for tax brackets, making it a beneficial choice for many couples. Additionally, you'll have access to various tax breaks and deductions that aren't available to those filing separately. Considerations for Filing Separately In certain situations, filing separately may be more advantageous, particularly if one spouse has significant medical expenses or miscellaneous deductions. This section will explore when it might make sense to file separately, despite the potential drawbacks. Tax Credits and Deductions for Married Couples Marriage introduces several tax credits and deductions that can significantly reduce your taxable income. We'll cover the most impactful ones, including child tax credits and education-related deductions Impact on Student Loans If you or your spouse are on an income-driven repayment plan, your joint income could affect your monthly payments. Understanding these implications is crucial for managing your finances effectively. Changing Your Withholding After marriage, it's essential to adjust your W-4 withholdings to reflect your new filing status. This section will guide you through the process to ensure you're not underpaying or overpaying your taxes. Estate Planning and Inheritance Marriage affects estate taxes and inheritance in several ways. Whether it's understanding spousal inheritance rights or the advantages of marital trusts, this information is key for long-term planning. State-Specific Considerations Tax laws can vary significantly from state to state, especially for married couples in community property states.

Can we still file taxes separately after marriage? Yes, you have the option to file separately, even after marriage. This filing status is known as "Married Filing Separately." Couples may choose this option for various reasons, such as one spouse having significant medical expenses or if they wish to keep their finances separate. However, it's important to note that filing separately may limit your eligibility for certain tax benefits and credits . What are the benefits of filing taxes jointly as a married couple? Filing jointly often provides several benefits, including a higher standard deduction, eligibility for multiple tax credits (such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, and education credits), and lower tax rates on a larger portion of income. Many couples find that filing jointly results in lower overall tax liability compared to filing separately. How does marriage impact tax deductions and credits? Marriage can significantly impact your eligibility for various tax deductions and credits. For example, the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly is double that of single filers. Additionally, income thresholds for tax credits and deductions increase, affecting your ability to qualify for them. It's essential to review the specific requirements for each deduction or credit to understand how marriage affects your eligibility. What should we do if we have student loans and are filing taxes as a married couple? If you or your spouse have student loans, your tax filing status can impact income-driven repayment plans and your eligibility for the student loan interest deduction. Filing jointly may increase your adjusted gross income (AGI), potentially raising your monthly payment under income-driven repayment plans. However, filing jointly might also allow you to deduct up to $2,500 of student loan interest paid during the year, depending on your AGI. Evaluate both filing statuses to determine which option is most beneficial for your specific situation. How do we adjust our tax withholdings after getting married? After getting married, it's a good idea to update your withholdings by submitting a new Form W-4 to your employer. Your combined income may place you in a different tax bracket, affecting the amount of tax that should be withheld from your paychecks to avoid owing a large sum or receiving a substantial refund at tax time. The IRS provides a Tax Withholding Estimator tool online to help you calculate the correct amount of federal income tax to withhold. Navigating taxes as a newly married couple can seem daunting, but with the right information and planning, you can make informed decisions that benefit your financial health. Remember, consulting with a tax professional can provide personalized advice tailored to your unique situation. You can contact our office at (770) 461-4829. Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine

Leigh Truss Smith

CARDINAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC Lets welcome Leigh Truss Smith of Cardinal Development Group, LLC to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Cardinal Development Group, LLC offers wellness program design for your organization. They assist your organization in: improving employee health and well-being; empowering your employees with lifestyle skills that enable them to achieve their best possible health; positively affect employee morale and employee engagement; and optimize performance and productivity. Leigh stated that she supports women in business, "Women are often the decision makers in their homes when it comes to spending money. We often wear multiple hats and understand the journey. Our businesses are key to the vitality of our communities. We are more alike than we are different. “I am not my sister’s keeper. I am my sister.” ' -Iyanla Vanzant. Follow them on all social media platforms.

Alischia Hatcher

EXPRESS TAX &FINANCIAL SERVICES Alischia M. Hatcher is the owner of Express Tax & Financial Services, LLC and has been in business for the last 10 years with over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. She holds a Liberal Arts Associate Degree-Health & Human Services, Accounting Tech Certificate,and Notary Public. After working for companies like H&R Block and Liberty as a preparer, manager and instructor, Alischia branched out on her own. She has spent more than 20 years coaching and providing resources to individuals & businesses.

Krissi Pannell KMW SOLUTIONS LLC Krissi Pannell of KMW Solutions LLC As a Real Estate Agent and the Co-Owner of a Promotions Company, Krissi states "I look forward to being surrounded around business savvy women that want to grow. Being in business takes courage and having a village like SCW can be essential...." Learn more about Krissi at www.YourAgentKrissi.com.

Express Tax & Financial Services provides Tax Preparation, Accounting, Insurance, Business Solutions and Notary. Learn more at www.expresstaxsrvcs.com.


Vonda Hendrickson of Touchtones Massage Located at 815 Pavilion Court, McDonough, GA 30253 and offering massage services, luxury beauty treatments and modern technology for body contouring. Vonda states that in regard to supporting other women "Absolutely, it is through supporting each other that we all grow." Learn more at www.touchtonesmassage.com. Follow Touchtones Massage at all social media outlets.

Dr. Sandra Kearse SASK PRODUCTIONS Lets welcome back Dr. Sandra Kearse of The SASK Productions to Southern Crescent Women In Business! An author, pastor, song writer and a creative, Pastor Kearse is a force to be reckoned with. Dr. Kearse shares that "Not only am I a U.S. Veteran and former Chaplain..., but I am also an Author, Singer-Songwriter and Composer! My service is always done with joy and appreciation for my community!"

TaMara Craig

FACE-UP SKINCARE Tamara Craig of Face-Up Skincare to Southern Crescent Women in Business! A Veteran Woman Owned Business located at 500 W. Lanier Avenue, Suite 802-B, Fayetteville GA 30214. Offering all things to promote skin care!

To learn more or to book Dr. Sandra Kearse, visit www.pastorkearse.com

When asked if Tamara supports other women, she says "I believe that in supporting other women we must be supportive. I saw that SCWIB are genuinely happy for the women who are accomplishing their goals" Connect with Face Up Skin Care on all social media outlets and online at https://linktr.ee/face_up725.

Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine


Vanessa Gibson

EAGLES LANDING DANCE CENTER Vanessa Gibson of Eagles Landing Dance Center to Southern

Crescent Women In Business Inc! Vanessa Gibson is the owner and artistic director of Eagles Landing Dance Center. Her ultimate dream began within three months of being in L.A., dancing in a movie “Stompin’ At The Savoy.” This movie was directed and choreographed by none other than the person she idolized the most, Debbie Allen. For over 12 years, she has been helping to transform ELDC dancers into being the best that they can be and preparing them for the next phase of their lives. For the last 3 years, Vanessa has also managed to work with Debbie Allen as the administrator of the DADA Summer Intensive Program in Atlanta. Welcome Vanessa to SCWIB!! Learn more about ELDC and get ready to come to some amazing performances! www.eagleslandingdancecenter.org

Charlene Sibaja


Kelli Bain N7 KREAM LAB NITROGEN ICE CREAM LOUNGE Kelli Bain of N7 Kream Lab Nitrogen Ice Cream Lounge Located at 111 Fairview Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294. Infusing the sweet treat of ice cream with Science, N7 Kream Lab has been a hidden gem in Henry County. When asked if Kelli supports other women, she stated " Yes! I believe in supporting other women because we need each other to encourage, share and uplift whenever we can. " Kelli also serves as a Chemistry Professor at Clayton State University.

Charlene, a retired Veteran, co-owns this amazing photography and videography studio with her husband Roger. It is located at 23 Eastbrook Bend, Ste 205, Peachtree City, GA, 30269 Gobi Photography studio provided a large amount of our Chairwomen and Invited Guests headshots. They do amazing work! When asked about supporting other women, Charlene stated “Yes, I believe that "A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships." Working and growing together can be the key to our success.’ — We love this! Learn more at www.gobiphotography.comr call 678-667-4624.

Lets welcome Kelli! Follow n7kreamlab and kellithechemist on all social media platforms

Simone Gordon


Lets welcome Simone Gordon of Elise Organic Ice Cream to Southern Crescent Women In Business. Simone is a part of New Emerging Business Generation, holding a Dairy Manufacturer's License. Elise Organic Ice Cream is an 100% Organic Ice Cream company. The ingredients are indeed sourced from companies who have certified USDA Organic products. The Ice cream is made in a certified commercial kitchen in Atlanta, Georgia. Simone believes in the support of fellow women and states " Yes. Women are already at a disadvantage. if we want to see us represented, we have to show out and prove we deserve a set a the table to create our own tables. The next generation can’t become what they don’t see." Well ladies lets show her! Learn more and order at www.eliseorganicicecream.com.

Dr. Gwennetta Wright XPERT TAX SERVICE LLC

Lets welcome Dr. Gwennetta Wright of Xpert Tax Service LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Xpert Tax Service LLC was established in 2006 by Gwennetta Wright. Xpert Tax Service is an independently owned company, with locations in Columbus and Atlanta, GA. Xpert Tax Service specializes in preparing and electronically filing Federal and State income tax returns for individuals and small businesses. Locations include 798 Rays Rd. STE 102 Stone Mountain, GA 30083 and 3604 Macon Rd, STE 15 Columbus, GA 31907. Dr. Gwennetta states "Yes I believe in supporting women businesses. I believe in supporting women businesses because it promotes economic growth and fosters a spirit of collaboration. Additionally, it is crucial for women to have support in the business world, and creating sisterhoods allows us to uplift and empower each other, leading to greater success and representation." Learn more at https://www.xperttaxservices.com and follow them on all social media platforms!

Shelia Brumlow


Shelia Brumlow of Internet Accountants to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Serving the entire US, Internet Accountant is made up of some of the brightest minds in the financial services sector. We’re bookkeeping innovators, backed by over 50 years of proven experience! Services included accounting, bookkeeping, financial reporting, tax planning and more. Learn more about Internet Accountant at www.internetaccountant.com

Connie Morrison ICONNIE LLC

Connie Morrison of ICONNIE LLC to Southern Crescent Women in Business Inc. Connie is a well-known four-time published children's book author under the name "Connie Schofield-Morrison" with books such as "I Got the Rhythm" which has been featured on First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah's Top 10 List in Essence Magazine, as well as ABC's World News Tonight with David Muir. Connie Morrison has developed a beauty makeup brand, ICON Beauty. Follow Connie on Instagram at @i_c_o_n_n_i_e and learn more about her line at wwww.iconmorrison.com and her books are available at all major retailers.

Kimberly Raimi SERENE ORGANICS Lets welcome back Kimberly Raimi of Serene Organics back to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Serene Organics is focused on all things feminine wellness. Yoni Steam Herbal Blends, Steaming Kits, Steaming Gowns and more. To learn more or connect with Kimberly visit http://www.sereneorganics.com/home.html

Monique Gibson OUR RISING ANGELS Welcome Monique Gibson of Our Rising Angels Personal Care Home, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc.

Kesha Kennedy


Kesha Kennedy is Broker In Charge at Legacy South Real Estate Group. Located at 240 Corporate Center Dr, Ste F, Stockbridge GA 30281. They believe in "Creating Generational Wealth Through The Buying, Selling, and Investing of Real Estate" Learn more about Legacy South Real Estate at https://legacysouthreg.com and follow them on all social media platform

Our Rising Angels PCH is a non-medical senior home care service. They offer supervised care, meals, daily activities, health management and exceptional In-home care for the elderly and disabled. Monique states "I believe in supporting other women in business because together as a whole, we can become a force to be reckon with. I believe in treating others as I would love to be treated. Knowledge is power and together, we can make a major change." Learn more at https://ourrisingangelspch.godaddysites.com/services and follow them on social media at Our Rising Angels PCH.

Renee Floyd AMERICAN OIL CHANGERS Renee Floyd of American Oil Changers to Southern Crescent Women In Business!! Specializing in mobile oil changes , American Oil Changers is Veteran Owned and Certified as Veteran and Women Owned Business!! Offering a host of services for your car for the busy professional or more, they come to you. Learn more at www.americanoilchangers.com.

Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine

Dr. Chivonne Fleming CHIVONNE NOEL & CO Lets welcome Dr. Chivonne Fleming of Chivonne Noel & Co and Vonnie in The City with Hits 92.3 to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Under Chivonne Noel & Co, Dr. Fleming states "I Empower Men & Women To Conquer, Fight and Process Grief To Live The Life That They Deserve" Learn more at www.chivonnenoel.com. Also known for her Sunday radio show on Hits 92.3 and Media Personality "Vonnie In the City"


Sherrell Attaway HPI TAX, HOPE PROPERTY & INCOME TAX Lets welcome back Sherrell Attaway of HPI Tax, Hope Property & Income Tax to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Sherrell is a Tax Advisor, Real Estate Investor and Serial Business Owner! HPI Tax specializes in business set up and all things tax related.

Kiya Page of Page Testing Solutions has 2 Locations. One site is located at 1800 Phoenix Blvd Ste 128-12, Atlanta GA 30349 and the second location is located at 600 Westridge Pkwy Ste 714 McDonough, Ga 30253. Offering all testing included Covid, Drug Testing, DNA Testing and more. Contact them for all your testing needs or to obtain training to open your own center. www.pagetestsolutions.com

With locations in Henry County at 2002 GA 42, McDonough GA 30252 & In FL at 9424 Baymeadows Rd Ste 250, Jacksonville FL 32256. Learn more www.hpitax.com and follow them on all social media platforms.

Dr. Darlene Screen


Debraisha T. Hale A SIMPLE CHANGE SOLUTION LLC Lets welcome back Debraisha T. Hale back to Southern Crescent Women In Business!

Dr. Darlene Screen of TBDS and Djsa’Mels Remdiscious Products Dr. Screen offers all things for your mental, physical, and spiritual being; including a uniquely designed candle line. Dr. Screen stated when asked if she support women "Absolutely. I believe strongly in unity and building a village." Learn more at www.touchedbydasoul.com Follow Darlene on all social media channels at touchedbydasoul.

Debraisha T Hale is the CEO of Divine Design Accessories LLC and is a Licensed Realtor in Georgia and Alabama and a Published Author. She has an absolutely magnetic personality and is ready to help you accessorize, earn multiple streams and sell you a home! Find out more about Debraisha by following her on all of her social media pages. Learn more at http://www.divinedesigns4five.com and https://haledebraish.georgiamls.com.


Lets welcome a woman who needs no introduction, Ivy D. Sears of Ivy League Realty, to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Ivy League Realty covers Georgia, Alabama and now Florida! At Ivy League Realty, With over 22 years of Professional Real Estate experience, Ivy has built an incredible network of Prime Agents that are dedicated to serving the needs of Real Estate buyers and sellers not only in Georgia, but anywhere in the United States by connecting you with an excellent realtor in your vicinity. Ivy doesn’t just help you sell or buy properties— it is very important to her to contribute to the happiness, well-being and the new lifestyle of her clients. Learn more or connect with Ivy by visiting www.ivydsears.com. And follow her on all social media platforms

Angela Card A SIMPLE CHANGE SOLUTION LLC Angela Card of A Simple Change Solution LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business. A management consulting firm based out of McDonough, GA.

Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine


The Day Tasted Like Beignets By Ashonté S. Lyles

The air is crisp, cool, just shy of cold, and yet thick and full. Full of wafting jasmine, honeysuckle, and Spanish moss. Intermingled with steam rising from the asphalt behind the swooshing street sweeper, saturating the ground and creating its own foggy atmosphere. An atmosphere that only exists in the nostrils of passersby. Men, and women too, heels and boots click-clacking across the wet ground in unison with the gallop of horse-drawn carriages over cobblestone. Lights made to imitate gas lanterns flicker on the edge of the Great River and dot the skyline. The sky is still partially black with a tangerine horizon, the sun has not yet decided to join the day. Like drinking a flawlessly blended chicory and heavy cream café au lait, the day warms from the inside out. Louis Armstrong blares from a nearby shop, and he blows the sweetest sound from the top of this light and airy-tasting day.

Ashonté S. Lyles is a multihyphenate—writer, travel blogger, poet, spoken word artist, and freelance columnist. Her travel blog, “The Horizon Calls | Let’s GEAUX,” invites readers on a journey through the mosaic of her life's travels starting from her roots in New Orleans, Louisiana. Alongside her husband, Marlon, she coauthors a book titled “The Come Up! Breaking the Cycle of Poverty and Closing the Wealth Gap,” aimed at empowering those marginalized from wealth. Ashonté, a Louisiana Afro-Creole, is a retired civil servant and disabled veteran of the US Air Force, currently residing in Orlando, FL with her family. Connect and follow Ashonté at Linktr.ee/Ashonte_Writes Subscribe and follow “The Horizon Calls | Let’s GEAUX” at www.TheHorizonCalls.com




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