Southern Crescent Women In Business 2024 Winter Magazine: Double Cover

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WHY EVERY WOMAN NEEDS ONE Ariel Shaw,M BA Kenya Simmons Alicia A. Williams Demetria Winters Ayanna Ford Yvette D. Best





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WHY EVERY WOMAN NEEDS ONE Ariel Shaw,M BA Kenya Simmons Alicia A. Williams Demetria Winters Ayanna Ford Yvette D. Best

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Ariel Shaw. MBA Publisher & Founder COVERS

Ariel Shaw, MBA Kenya Simmons


Yvette D. Best Alicia A. Williams

Demetria Winters Ayanna Ford

2024 MEDIA

2024 MEDIA

Shonkeya Shaw, Keya Did It Beauty N Browz


SCWIB Models


CONTRIBING WRITERS Ariel Shaw, MBA Kenya Simmons Sibyl Slade Brandeis Parkman et al

CONNECT WITH US Southern Crescent Women In Business Magazine PO Box 1152 Stockbridge GA 30281





A MESSAGE FROM THE FOUNDER & PUBLISHER When the mantle seems heavy, remember that you were made for this.... Our year in review includes, 2 National & Internaional Magazine covers, celebrating our 5th Year Anniversary with our first full business conference, our 3rd Women Live!TV Season, our 1st Published Anthology and release in Macys, our 7th Local Magazine Publication, our move into North Metro, our meeting with the Governor of Georgia, our recognition from the GA House of Representatives floor, our Top 50 Women Of Influence Acknowledgements, to now our 1stt Billboard on 1-75 and more...Whew! Our membership continues to expand and we are always looking for ways to continue to add value to our membership. Thank you to all of our Media Participants, our Institutional Partners, Members and Sponsors. We are appreciative of you and hope that you have received enormous value. We're excited about our future and we are excited about your future!

God gives us what we can handle...always remember that. When the mantle seems heavy, remember that you were made for this. It has been a pleasure leading this organization since I founded it 5 years ago. We have truly been blessed to be able to achieve so much, so quickly and with such trajectory. 2023 has been one productive year! Our members have been able to gain exposure from a Local Level to an International Level. We have maintained our focus on ensuring that we educate, support, advocate, and train women ownd businesses and women in business. Being the leader of fellow female bosses certainy comes with its own challenges but I would not trade this time with you all. Congratulations to all the members who participated in media, in networking events, training opportunities, and even our give back opportunities. Whether you were on the front of a magazine cover or a contributer for an article, or speaking to our Middle School Girls, you are appreciated and valued. We ensure that we express that value at our year end event, The Chairwomen’s Luncheon, which serves as a refuel and empowerment session to end the year strong and to begin the new year refreshened.

For 2024, it is important that we retool what’s working and remove what is not working. Our organization will no longer operate under county chapters but under North/South and out of state regions. For 2024 we want to see more travel and we want to place more effort behind our new PAC. Many of our members have a solid foundation and it is now important that we work on scaling. Remember, we are here to help you grow, scale, and to gain exposure. Trainings for professional and business development, to diversifying your business offerings, services and products, and to getting certied as women owned businesses-- are all still and will remain consistent recommendations. Remember, you got this! Move in spite of fear, it does not have to be fearless. And I will always support those who support me. Blessings to you and yours. Have a safe and fabulous Holiday and an amazing New Year!

Ariel Shaw, MBA,

Founder, Publisher & Visionary






I feel like we are pressured from society to have this, “superwoman” syndrome and mentality and I found out really quickly that can burn you out 2023 is in our rearview. What are you most excited for in 2024 personally and professionally? What I am most excited about for the upcoming year are the opportunities that we set in place in 2023. One of those is working over in other countries. Additionally, I am excited to complete the projects that we started in 2023 such as our restaurant, a couple of our commercial properties and the 111 acres that we purchased in the Lake Oconee area. We also have plans to do a tiny home community, expanding the development sector of our companies. How do you continue to keep things fresh in your line of work and business? For yourself and for your clients and/or target audience? One of the ways that I continue to keep things”new” is continuing to educate myself in the field that I am in through continuing education classes, as well as making sure that I am on top of the newest technology that is available to make things as streamlined as I can for all of my businesses. I am a strong advocate of using technology to make it not only easy for employees, but my clients as well.

Society is ever evolving on what it means to be a woman while maintaining a household and running a business. Please share your perspective on what it takes to be a balanced woman in business while balancing your personal responsibilities. After losing my first husband early on in my entrepreneur journey, and having small kids, I found it very important that I learned to balance my time with them to make sure that I was fulfilling their needs, and also continue to build the businesses that we started together as well as the new ventures that I eventually took on. I always made sure to carve out time to be at all of their activities at school and spend quality time with them on the weekends and the holidays. I feel like we are pressured from society to have this, “superwoman” syndrome and mentality and I found out really quickly that can burn you out so it’s also important to provide time for yourself as a woman a mother or wife, to ensure that there’s a balance. One of the biggest and most important things that I learn to do was say no. I always felt that I had to accommodate everyone and everything that I was asked to do but I learned that it was okay to sometimes turn down what people want you to do.

Every key point in our lives, requires a different version of us. How have you been able to evolve to show up for yourself and your business? I feel like in my 20s I was invincible and I could just go and go and go and go never take time for myself. Then in my 30s being a widow, I focus on the cares of my children and making them feel safe and ensure that they were cared for and anything they needed I provided. In my 40s becoming an empty was when I learned that I could be a little selfish and take time for myself and quality time for me and my husband because we both worked all the time and we Operate so we were always pulled in separate directions, but I learned that we had to take time to date one another, even if it was curling up and watching the movie at home it was just making sure that you allow time for your significant other. I 50s I’m really loving this chapter, I am probably the most confident that I’ve ever been that I wasn’t sure myself but it’s a different type of confidence and I S O U T H E R Ndon’t C R E Sthink C E N T you’re W O M E Nunderstanding I N B U S I N E S S Muntil A G A Zyou I N E reach the 50+ club. There’s a liberty that you have because you don’t have to filter or water down yourself for anyone and I’m loving it!

2024 would be a year of “full circle” where everything that I’ve worked for all of the opportunities that I that I set myself up for will come to fruition as I somewhat slow down and semi retire.

Oftentimes we choose a word that we hope will define our year. What is your word for 2024 and why? For me, the word I would choose for 2024 would be, Fruition, i’ve worked hard to get to where I am, and I have endure a lot of adversity along the way, but I am proud to say that I have broken barriers in my industry by being the first woman of color to be on the board of the Georgia Utility Contractors Association and they being the first woman to serve as their second vice president and in 2025 I will be sworn in as their president. All of these are firsts in a organization that was in the past mostly comprised of not only just men but no one of color. So for me, 2024 would be a year of “full circle” where everything that I’ve worked for all of the opportunities that I that I set myself up for will come to fruition as I somewhat slow down and semi retire. Because I will always have my hand in some type of business, because that’s what I love but I will begin to slow down a little bit in 2024 and enjoy the fruits of my labor.

S O U T H E R N C RConnect E S C E N T Wwith O M E NKenya I N B U S @yourrealtor4life INESS MAGAZINE

Alicia Williams This journey is not sprint, it’s a marathon. So as Nipsey Hussle stated, “… the marathon continues.” 2023 is in our rearview. What are you most excited for in 2024 personally and professionally? As I look back over 2023, I often repeated to myself, “Do It Scared”! I hit the start engine on a few personal projects and professional goals I set out to accomplish. With 2024 on the horizon, I am most excited about seeing my passion and personal projects come to life. I am determined to press the gas on the things that truly set my soul on fire. As a woman in business, I am looking forward to continuing serving others and making an impact in my respective community. Although, I not ready to spill the beans yet! I am beyond excited for what’s to come in this new season.

How do you continue to keep things fresh in your line of work and business? For yourself and for your clients and/or target audience? Confidence is the best outfit you can rock! In my industry or business, having a product that is ever-changing, promotes confidence and gives hope undeniably keeps things fresh and clients on edge for what’s next. It’s all about keeping up with the trends. With an ever-growing team and customer base it is important to stay on top of what’s happening socially. Additionally, staying in the know, networking, providing what’s most current and seeking feedback from my customers. Also, fostering transparent relationships and providing great service with my business partners and clients have created a culture of trust and respect. When people trust you, they are more likely to continue business with you and send referrals your way. This indeed keeps your business fresh and in the eyes of potential new clients.

Personally, having a positive mindset and staying active every day in some capacity has tremendously helped with keeping my mind fresh and open to new and innovative ideas for business growth.

Society is ever evolving on what it means to be a woman while maintaining a household and running a business. Please share your perspective on what it takes to be a balanced woman in business while balancing your personal responsibilities. While many call it “balance”, I call it the scale of my life. It’s been up and down on many days. Many women love to be known as that superwoman or supermom; I am not. Go You! In most recent years, I’ve learned to not focus on balance, but find more efficient ways to help with the daily hustle and bustle of being a working wife, mom and boss. I struggled in my early years with relinquishing control in my business and started delegating and outsourcing in areas most needed. So, when we talk about balance, the scale of my life was way off. Business was tipping over into my personal, home life. Implementing this allowed me more time to focus on and spend time with family. Today, setting boundaries and prioritizing things that matter most have played a vital role in me being a successful woman in business, a supportive wife and my children’s number one fan! I have learned that saying “NO” is not a death sentence. Get someone else to do. Just as it is only 24 hours in a day, it is only one you. I often tell myself; it can wait. Everything does not have to be done right now. This is your race at your pace. This journey is not sprint, it’s a marathon. So as Nipsey Hussle stated, “… the marathon continues.”


Alicia Williams Every key point in our lives, requires a different version of us. How have you been able to evolve to show up for yourself and your business? I truly believe in order to succeed in life or business, you must evolve over time and with time. For many years, I heard or have been told if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. Personally, connecting with likeminded individuals who desire more, willing to work for it and support others along way has been my focused. I read, watch or listen to something every day that I will inspire, empower or educate me to become a better version of myself from yesterday. Although professionally I am Educator, I am forever a student who seeks opportunities of growth personally and professionally.

Oftentimes we choose a word that we hope will define our year. What is your word for 2024 and why? I have chosen the word “BECOME” for 2024. As my forever Flotus, Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s titled book states, I am still “BECOMING” who and what God destined me to be. I am focused and determined to BECOME a more servant woman of God, BECOME an even better wife, BECOME the mother my children are proud of and excitedly brag about to their friends and others. Become a servant leader in my respective business and community. I am BECOMING the woman to watch for I will impact lives globally.

Confidence is the best outfit you can rock! In my industry or business, having a product that is ever-changing, promotes confidence

Cnnect with Alicia @iam_aliciaawilliams


2023 is in our rearview. What are you most excited for in 2024 personally and professionally? God has blessed me abundantly, especially in 2023! I’m most excited about the unlimited personal and professional opportunities that God has for me in 2024. I have so many irons in the fire right now and I’m ecstatic about what is yet to come! How do you continue to keep things fresh in your line of work and business? For yourself and for your clients and/or target audience? I continue to keep things fresh in my line of work for my clients and target audience by continuously developing professionally and personally. In my industry learning never ends and my personal goal is to never become stagnant or complacent. By staying abreast of best practices within the insurance industry as well as obtaining additional licenses that contribute to my ability to serve customers as well as my community, I remain motivated and determined to be the best.

Society is ever evolving on what it means to be a woman while maintaining a household and running a business. Please share your perspective on what it takes to be a balanced woman in business while balancing your personal responsibilities. In order to be a balanced woman in business while balancing personal responsibilities I focus on prayer and discipline. Prayer for everything that is inside and outside of my control and discipline to execute on tasks and responsibilities that are within my control.

...Prayer for everything that is inside and outside of my control and discipline to execute on tasks and responsibilities that are within my control. Every key point in our lives, requires a different version of us. How have you been able to evolve to show up for yourself and your business? Being authentic has helped me to evolve and show up for myself as well as my business. My authenticity entails intentionally focusing on the expectations that God our Father has of me, family, my responsibility to serve my customers, and my community. Oftentimes we choose a word that we hope will define our year. What is your word for 2024 and why? Resilience – No matter what obstacles I encounter during the upcoming year, as long as I stay resilient and steadfast, God will see me through and that means that the victory is already mine.

Connect with Ayanna @youragentayanna


Women in business joining together through the power of collaboration will expand the impact of healing care How do you continue to keep things fresh in your line of work and business? For yourself and for your clients and/or target audience? As a military veteran, I am used to being a soldier. Now as a psychiatric nurse, I am in the field as a foot soldier doing the necessary work to make a difference locally. I also stay abreast of new legislation, as well as advocating at the Capitol and while serving on the board of nonprofits with National reach. My telehealth business will leverage the use of AI and automation in 2024 to tackle trauma informed education in all industries. Mental Health Advocacy is a platform that many avoid but for those adults that are survivors of Childhood trauma who have given up, self medicate or lost control, I’m here to stand in the gap and help you take your first step of your healing journey. I got you. Whether through community programs, corporate training or an individual plan of care.

2023 is in our rearview. What are you most excited for in 2024 personally and professionally? I’m very excited about a miracle in my life. Eleven years ago, I was so disturbed by the trauma I endured as a child that I felt unworthy of being alive. But after falling at work this year and having to get X-rays, a rare condition was revealed. I am reminded that even difficult times can be purposeful and I am so glad I held on. I praise God for his mercy and feel his love as I will have this life saving care in 2024. God is also moving in the spirit of connection. In 2024, I am graciously serving as a mental health advocate for a number of organizations and practitioners in addition to BBQ Life Coaching. I have been invited as a speaker at community groups, churches, and international forums. Further, I will serve as a member of the trauma informed care team at a behavioral health hospital. I’m most excited about these collaborative opportunities because they further my overall mission to help heal black women. Women in business joining together through the power of collaboration will expand the impact of healing care that will be a game changer in mental health. The levels of care to meet needs of each patient with coverage that is consistent amongst entities like mine is key.

I practice the self care and coping techniques that I teach to keep myself fresh and my spirit renewed daily. I keep things relatable for black women by speaking the truth while simultaneously speaking life over their healing journey. I’m able to present multimedia tools of care that caters to the many different ways that women can show up, learn, and experience life.

Society is ever evolving on what it means to be a woman while maintaining a household and running a business. Please share your perspective on what it takes to be a balanced woman in business while balancing your personal responsibilities. A balanced woman needs to remember to lead by example when it comes to taking care of all of her own needs. Do not think you are doing your loved ones or clients a favor by running on fumes. Gotta gas up to keep it pushing and change that oil on schedule to maintain for good performance. Build your own self care into your daily plans to decrease stress and unwarranted reactions to those stressors.

My secret is to lead and serve from the heart. I genuinely want my team to see the same level of success I have seen in this industry. Your team can tell if you’re truly there for them or if you have selfish motives.



A balanced woman needs to remember to lead by example when it comes to taking care of all of her own needs Oftentimes we choose a word that we hope will define our year. What is your word for 2024 and why? ICONIC The iconic shift in how we alleviate stigma, stagnation and disparities encompassing mental health will be a game changer.

Connect with Demetria @bbqlifecoach

Every key point in our lives requires a different version of us. How have you been able to evolve to show up for yourself and your business? I am truly a representation of transformation, which in a sense, is a form of evolution. In fact, my upcoming book series about four Women of Color who face mental health challenges shows my evolution from a once happy go lucky child to a woman who could be withdrawn, angry, sacrificial and flighty to an extreme. Each character represents me during the trauma responses when faced with different triggers. I have learned there is a time and place for every response. Learning balance and discernment gives you the correct response when needed in your personal life and as a business woman.

My secret is to lead and serve from the heart. I genuinely want my team to see the same level of success I have seen in this industry. Your team can tell if you’re truly there for them or if you have selfish motives. SOUTHERN CRESCENT WOMEN IN BUSINESS MAGAZINE

My journey has been one of constant evolution. Each phase of my life and career has required me to adapt, learn, and grow. 2023 is in our rearview. What are you most excited for in 2024 personally and professionally? Personally, in 2024, I look forward to strengthening my involvement within the Southern Crescent community by supporting more local community events as well as fostering relationships that enrich my personal life and provide deeper insight into the goals and desires of the people I serve professionally. On a professional level, 2024 represents a time of growth and opportunity. With my extensive experience in taxation since 1989, my focus will be on introducing more advanced, client-centered strategies that provide answers to the growing needs of our diverse business clients. Additionally, leveraging my position as a four-time best-selling author, I plan to release more educational content to help simplify tax laws and financial management for an even larger audience.

How do you continue to keep things fresh in your line of work and business? For yourself and for your clients and/or target audience? Innovation in my field is key. I consistently update my knowledge and skills to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing tax and accounting industry. For my clients, I focus on personalized strategies that address their unique financial situations, ensuring they benefit from the most current and effective tax solutions. Engaging in continuous learning and embracing new technologies are also crucial in keeping my approach fresh and relevant.


Society is ever evolving on what it means to be a woman while maintaining a household and running a business. Please share your perspective on what it takes to be a balanced woman in business while balancing your personal responsibilities. Being a balanced woman in business, especially while managing personal responsibilities, is about embracing flexibility, setting realistic goals, and seeking support when needed. It involves recognizing that perfection is a myth and understanding that prioritizing self-care is not selfish but essential. Effective time management and delegating tasks, both at home and in the business, are key to maintaining this balance. Every key point in our lives, requires a different version of us. How have you been able to evolve to show up for yourself and your business? My journey has been one of constant evolution. Each phase of my life and career has required me to adapt, learn, and grow. Lifelong learning is something I value, and I welcome change as an opportunity. By staying open to new experiences and feedback, I've been able to evolve in ways that allow me to show up as my best self for both my personal life and my business.

Oftentimes we choose a word that we hope will define our year. What is your word for 2024 and why? The word I've chosen for 2024 is "Resilience." This word really connects with me because it symbolizes the strength and adaptability I've developed over my career. It reflects my commitment to bouncing back from challenges, staying flexible in the face of change, and continuing to grow both personally and professionally. As I move into 2024, I am committed to embodying resilience, embracing growth, and continuing to provide expert tax guidance to empo wer individuals and businesses nationwide.

Connect with Yvette @yvetteknowsbest

2024 1. Ariel Shaw, MBA 2. Congresswoman Nikema Willliams 3. Chairwoman Carlotta Harrell 4. Judge Danielle Roberts 5. Judge Holly Veal 6. Judge Pandora Palmer 7. Judge Andrea Boyd 8. Honorable Sabriya Hill 9. Mayor Sandra Vincent 10. Pastor Coylitia O'neal 11. Councilwoman Lakeisha Gantt 12. Mayor Ann Tarpley 13. Terreta Rodgers 14. Commissioner Natalie Hall 15. State Representative Sandra Scott 16. State Representative Yasmin Neal 17. Sarah-Elizabeth Langford 18. Kenya Simmons 19. Dana Lemon 20. Honorable Valencia Stovall 21. Meredith Lilly 22. Senator Tonya Anderson 23. Commissioner Neat Robinson 24. Marcia G. Taylor 25. Judge Chaundra Lewis

26. Judge Shalonda Jones-Parker 27. Mayor Angelyne Butler 28. Dr. Nicole Shaw 29. Author Connie Schofield-Morrison 30. Attania Jean-Funny 31. Dr. Chivonne Fleming 32. Mayor Jazzmin Cobble 33. Solicitor Pam Bettis 34. Regina Deloach 35. Honorable Sparkle Adams 36. Stacey Young Rivers 37. Rev. Natasha Reid-Rice 38. State Representative Dar’shun Kendrick 39. Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson 40. Dr. Kesha L. Jones 41. Lady Laurona Phelps 42. Master Sergeant Patricia Baisden 43. Mayor Jazzmin Cobble 44. Councilwoman Carmalitha Gumbs 45. Commissioner Dr. Alieka Anderson 46. Pastor Dr. Stephanie Jennings 47. Brandeis Parkman 48. Verónica Maldonado-Torres 49. Quisa D. Foster 50. Melissa Ellis

Using Real Estate As An Iinvestment Tool By Kenya Simmons

...There are two primary ways to make money from real estate...appreciation...and rental income. This loan effectively pays off your existing mortgage and allows you to receive cash for a portion of the equity you have built, which could then be put toward the purchase of a second property. The beauty of utilizing Real Estate as a wealth building tool is, you have so many options and scenarios that you can use to get to that goal. Also, I encourage people that want to use Real Estate as a wealth building tool to educate yourselves and even get your real estate license so that you know the ins and outs of what you were doing. It is important to understand that you have to be strategic in the properties that you purchase so that they are solid investments, and therefore minimize your risks.

have been a Realtor for 20 years and I'm often asked, “How Can I Use Real Estate To Build Wealth?” One of the ways is to buy an investment property and slowly build up your portfolio. Generally, there are two primary ways to make money from real estate assets — appreciation, which is an increase in property value over a period of time, and rental income collected by renting out the property to tenant. Unlike the stock market, I feel that Real Estate is a more solid way to obtain wealth, but it requires patience, strategy and longevity. Real estate investment is not a “get-rich-quick scheme.” Instead, it's a long-term strategy that can steadily build wealth over time. As you continue to own and manage properties, their value appreciates, and your equity grows. Diversifying your investment portfolio is a crucial wealthbuilding strategy. For me personally, my first real estate investment was our primary residence. We lived in that home for a few years and then moved onto a larger home and took that home and rented it out and started our journey of investing in real estate and building our portfolio. Ideally, if you can purchase properties without a loan, that is a great way to go but realistically most people cannot and that’s okay , however we were able to purchase homes using our own resources therefore, we did not have a mortgage and any money that we made from those properties is mostly profit. However, one way that you could begin to build your real estate portfolio is doing a cash out refinance. What does that mean? Cash-out refinancing is another way you can tap the equity in your existing home to help purchase a second property. With a cash-out refinance, you take out a new mortgage for an amount higher than what you owe on your existing mortgage.

A lot of investors will use leverage as a tool in building a portfolio and with anything particularly investments there's the pros and cons But if utilized properly, it can be effective in helping you Increase your portfolio and make money which is the ultimate goal here. What does leverage mean? Leveraging is a technique that real estate investors use to increase potential returns and build wealth over the long term. Also known as other people’s money (OPM), real estate leverage involves using debt plus a small amount of equity in the form of a down payment to purchase investment property. For example, by making a $30,000 or 25% down payment on a $120,000 single-family rental (SFR) home, an investor collects 100% of the rental income and net cash flow, plus any profit from the increase in equity over the long term. However, the real estate market and rent prices can go down as well as up, just like the stock market. That’s why it’s important to use leverage wisely when growing a real estate portfolio. A down payment can help investors avoid potential negative monthly cash flow if rent prices decline or vacancy rates increase and owning a property that is upside down if real estate values decline and the mortgage balance exceeds the property value. My grandfather used to tell us when we were younger that you could never lose with real estate. When I was younger, of course, I didn't know what that meant until I began to purchase properties and build our wealth using the Real Estate. I completely understood. With any type of investment, there are risks and there are pros and cons, but Real Estate I have personally found to be the investment tool that I prefer and that works for me and with any investment you have to weather the storm , when the market is up when it is down, but in the long run of things , it will give you the returns you need to build wealth utilizing real estate. If done correctly, you can comfortably retire and have income from your real estate investments flowing in steadily for generations. Let me help you realize your goals! SOUTHERN CRESCENT WOMEN IN BUSINESS MAGAZINE

Meet The Ladies

Making Policy Behind The Scenes from


Women Lobbyists GOVERNMENT TO CORPORATE By Ariel Shaw, MBA & Brandeis Parkman, JD

The world of Lobbyists looks quite different today than even a decade ago. We catch up with a few women who are making their mark in a space that has been traditionally held overwhelmingly by white males. Meet the women who are effecting policy behind the scenes for government, nonprofits and corporate clients. First, let’s learn more about this field. What is a lobbyist? A lobbyist is a hired or volunteer advocate who influences an elected body to push a specific policy or political cause. Why are companies, nonprofits, government entities and organizations hiring lobbyists? Lobbyists are hired because of their knowledge of the legislative process, ability to offer keen analysis of policy, and for their relationships with decisionmakers. What makes your group of women lobbyists so unique? The women are comprised of a cross-representation of in-house government relations executives and contract lobbyists with clients who makeup non-profit, government and Fortune 500 companies throughout the state. What makes them unique is their ability to overcome odds and excel in a profession where there is very little representation. What key legislation or policies have any of the ladies been able to help push through? Addressed maternal mortality by advocating for the expansion of Medicaid from 30 days to twelve months for new mothers; Helped create a right to action for state and county employees who experience sexual harassment to protect dignity at work; Advocated for regulatory safeguards for economic development authority boards; Expansion of the DNA Database; Protection/Expansion of the HOPE ScholarshipGrant; State forgivable school loan for dental professional who locate in rural communities; Funding for infrastructure and programs at public university; Defended against the Atlanta Airport Takeover.

Is this field uniquely white and male? What challenges do women and black women face in this field? How do they overcome them? Traditionally policy and political work has skewed white and male. However, this year, Georgia saw the largest and most diverse class of new legislators and this is reflected not only in the chambers, but also in the hallways where we do most of our work. It’s all tied to growth and population of Georgia. We are glad to be pat of that growth and change in our state. What challenges do women and black women face in this field? How do they overcome them? The challenges black women face in this field are similar to the challenges faced in other fields. Until there are greater systemic changes and equity across our culture this is something that every woman will experience. As black women lobbyists we come into this work to make a difference by building relationships, educating clients on the importance of engagement with elected officials, and by providing knowledgeable, trust-worthy information to stakeholders. Now meet a few of the women making changes quietly behind the scenes.


Yosha Dotson Yosha Dotson has been involved in the creation of effective partnerships and interactions across the state at the local, department, regional and federal level. She has worked with coalitions, legislators, the governor’s office, and the lieutenant governor’s office to secure funding, create Commissions, and pass legislation to improve the lives of Georgians across the state. Yosha’s areas of focus include Health, Insurance, Public Health /Safety, Economy, and Workforce policies.

Yosha’s slate of accomplishments include: Work with legislative leadership to build and diversify the Behavioral Health Reform and Innovation Commission, ensuring the largest overhaul of the Behavioral Health system in Georgia in more than 20 years; increased state dollars for investment trends instead of the decreases which had plagued previous years; advocacy for the expansion of Medicaid coverage from 30 days to twelve months to address maternal health service gaps; secured paid parental leave for state employees. Yosha’s passion is to see the education and empowerment of people that will spark engagement and result in the implementation of better policy at the state and local level.

A North Carolina native, Yosha received her undergraduate degree in Communications from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and her Master of Social Work from the University of Georgia. She and her husband reside in Duluth, Georgia.

Deanna Harris With over ten years of experience, Deanna Harris has serviced several industries: transportation, small business, municipalities, education, technology, and law enforcement. Her mission is to provide unique industry perspectives based on her political experience, knowledge, and relationships to connect and highlight the relationship between industry and policy. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and received her bachelor degree in Advertising and Marketing at Florida State University. She then earned a Master in Journalism and Public Communications from Cleveland State University.

DeAnna Harris is a dedicated community advocate recognized for her unwavering commitment to fostering positive change and social impact. DeAnna's journey in community advocacy began in Tallahassee, Florida, where she witnessed firsthand the challenges marginalized populations face. This experience fueled her determination to make a difference and led her to engage actively in various community initiatives. DeAnna Harris's leadership qualities have not gone unnoticed. She has been recognized for her outstanding contributions to community advocacy, receiving accolades from local organizations and community leaders. Her ability to mobilize resources, build strategic partnerships, and drive impactful initiatives has set her apart as a trailblazer in her field. She is a member of Keep Cobb Beautiful, the Conservative Policy Leadership Institute Alumni Board, and the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce. DeAnna has served on several nonprofit boards, including Live Safe Resource Center, Habitat for Humanity Northwest, and Family Life Restoration Center. She has also participated in several leadership programs, including Cobb Chamber's Honorary Commanders and Next Generation Mentoring. DeAnna enjoys watching the Atlanta Falcons, playing tennis, and spending time with her family. DeAnna is a long-time Cobb County, Georgia resident. She is a member of Zion Baptist Church in Marietta, Ga.


She previously served on the board for the Black Women’s Health Imperative and as Vice Chair for the Harvard Debate Council Diversity Project. She is also a former member of the Anti-Defamation League’s Charles F. Wittenstein Advisory Committee, the Atlanta Citizen Review Board, and Gen 44 Atlanta Finance Committee for the DNC. A strong community advocate, Labriah is based in Atlanta, Georgia where she resides with her husband Kevin Holt and twins Avery Rose and Austin.

Labriah Lee Holt Labriah Lee Holt is a Vice President in BGR Group’s State and Local Advocacy practice. Labriah brings to BGR her extensive state and local government advocacy experience across corporate, association, legal, and government settings. Through her career in advocacy and law, she has strong relationships with Democratic policymakers across the U.S. Most recently, she served as State Government Affairs Director for Microsoft, where she led outreach across the southeast to regional state and local officeholders on artificial intelligence, cloud adoption, datacenter expansion, cyber security, privacy, education, and broadband priorities. Through her expertise in partner engagement, Labriah also helped shape the company’s bipartisan relationships with United States Conference of Mayors (USCOM), Attorneys General Associations, and served on the Business Council of the African American Mayors Association (AAMA) to help strengthen public and private relationships to advance communities. She also served as the Northeast Regional Director of Outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) where she was eventually named the National Director. In these roles, Labriah worked with federal, state, and local leaders throughout the country to coalition build and advance policy. Labriah was recognized by the New York State Assembly and received a Congressional Proclamation from Congressman Charles Rangel for her work and service within the NYC community. Labriah began her career at Alston & Bird LLP where she served as a Senior Associate focused on intellectual property. In this role, she counseled Fortune 100 companies and nonprofit organizations on patent, trademark, copyright, social media, and brand protection matters

Jasmine King Jasmine King was born and raised in Macon, Georgia. She attended the University of Georgia and graduated Cum Laude with degrees in mass media arts and communication studies. While at UGA, Jasmine was a cheerleader and served as a captain her senior year. After graduation she worked for Governor Nathan Deal’s administration, where she served as the Special Assistant to the First Lady as well as the Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff and Executive Counsel. At the conclusion of Deal’s term, Jasmine went on to pursue a career in government affairs. She was the Director of State & Federal Government Affairs at Georgia Southern University before becoming the Senior Director of State & Federal Affairs for the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. Currently, Jasmine resides in Atlanta and serves as the Legislative Affairs Representative on the Georgia Power Legislative Affairs team.

Labriah attended Vanderbilt University and the Howard University School of Law, where she was a merit scholar and member of the Howard Law Journal. She currently serves on the board of CareerRise to help advance economic mobility through partnerships and systems that meet employer needs for talent and connect metro Atlanta residents to sustainable wage careers in quality jobs. SOUTHERN CRESCENT WOMEN IN BUSINESS MAGAZINE

Meciala S. King Meciala S. King works as Legislative Affairs and Political Action Committee Associate for the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association. She is responsible for cultivating relationships with state legislative policy makers across Metro Atlanta and the State of Georgia. Prior to joining the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, Meciala was a practicing real estate attorney. An Atlanta native, she attended Georgia State University where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science with a minor in African American Studies. In 2019, Meciala graduated from John Marshall Law School located in Atlanta, Georgia. Meciala is a member of the Georgia State Bar and currently sits on the Board of Trustees for the Georgia Bar Foundation, the charitable arm of the Supreme Court of Georgia. She is also an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

Fatimot Ladipo Fatimot Ladipo is Associate Vice President Vice President of Government and Community Relations for Spelman College, the #1 HBCU in the country. In this role, she serves as the primary liaison for Spelman College with elected officials and staff, government agencies, and with the local community. Prior to joining Spelman, Fatimot worked for The Coca-Cola Company as Director of Public Affairs, Communications, and Sustainability for the South Zone, a 19-state/territory region. Some of her duties included leading a team responsible for public affairs, government relations, stakeholder partnerships, strategic communications, sustainability and community-related programming. Fatimot has worked in both the public and private sectors serving as Director of the Mayor’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) in the City of Atlanta, where she managed the IGA team and was the lead lobbyist on state and federal legislative issues and prior to her work with the city she served as Regional Director for External Affairs for AT&T, advancing their legislative and regulatory agenda at the local and state level while also working with the AT&T Foundation, administering local grants. Fatimot has worked at other higher education institutions in government relations roles, including the Georgia Institute of Technology and Kennesaw State University, where she was responsible for lobbying federal, state, and local officials and developing action plans that focused on getting public and private support for student and faculty research and programming. Fatimot graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies and earned a Master of Science in Public Policy from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a proud native of Atlanta.


Brandeis Malbrue Parkman Brandeis Malbrue Parkman has made a career at the intersection of business, government and community. In 2022, Brandeis launched The Malbrue Group, a boutique lobbying and public affairs firm to advocate for startups and other organizations at the federal, state & local levels of government. She spent nearly 25 years building partnerships between corporate America, legislatures, and southern cities. As a contract lobbyist, Brandeis has represented major corporations from Google to Racetrac, tech startups such as PrizePicks, and municipal governments to include Clayton County, Georgia. Her political savvy and deeply rooted bipartisan relationships are well-respected under the Gold Dome. Her early work was influenced by leaders in the local Atlanta civil rights movement. Brandeis was a community organizer and led Black Youth Vote in partnership with the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda. She has worked on state and local elections, trained aspiring officeholders and advised elected officials, serving as an aide to the Georgia Senate Minority Caucus leader and later as chief of staff in the Georgia State House. Recognized for her leadership commitment to her community, Brandeis served on the 2021 transition team for Henry County Commission Chairwoman Carlotta Harrell. She also serves on the board of the Georgia WIN List where she was also a member of the 2018 Georgia Win List leadership class. Brandeis is a proud graduate of Spelman College and earned her Juris Doctor degree from Georgia State University College of Law. She resides in Henry County, GA with her husband Legery and sons Mason “Dash” and Koda.

Ryland Needom McClendon Ryland Needom McClendon’s career has included a broad and deep portfolio of experiences as a policy maker, transit professional, senior staffer and contract lobbyist for over five decades in local government and public transit. Currently, McClendon is a contract lobbyist collaborating with the Georgia Public Affairs (GPA) team. She used her experience working with local and state governments to join the GPA team. The team represents Fulton County Board of Commissioners as their State Lobbyists. The GPA team was successful in Fulton County receiving funding during the 2023 Legislative Session for a much-needed mental health crisis center in the County. McClendon also worked on the team when GPA represented the City of East Point in 2021 and worked to pass municipal option sales tax legislation for water and sewer repairs for the City of East Point. The team also represented Clayton County in 2019.McClendon’s previous transit career included five years on the MARTA Board of Directors, 1990–1995 representing the City of Atlanta. Elected Chairperson of the MARTA Board,1991 –1992, McClendon set strategic policy direction, served on national and regional transportation governing boards, supported transit funding re-authorization, and served as a liaison to local governments and other MARTA stakeholders. McClendon was the first African American and woman to lead the MARTA Board. In 2005, McClendon returned to MARTA as the Assistance General Manager (AGM) of MARTA’s Department of Communications & External Affairs and worked closely with four General Manager/CEOs. As AGM, she was instrumental in building strong external relationships with the community and government officials, coordinating MARTA’s national and local legislative efforts, advancing media relations, and enhancing the image and reputation of MARTA. Under her leadership, her team successfully passed state legislation leading to billions in transit funding in Atlanta and Clayton County. McClendon retired from MARTA in 2018.An Atlanta native, McClendon earned her B.S. degree in Urban Life and her Master’s degree in Public Administration from Georgia State University. SOUTHERN CRESCENT WOMEN IN BUSINESS MAGAZINE



Tyronica Carter is a former educator turned entrepreneur. She is the leader of a large network marketing group, a 7 figure earner, and a co-author. Tyronca is over 128,000 consultants within the Paparazzi Organization. She's a 7 Figure Earner Bling Boss Recipient, Crown Club 50 Member, 2016 Zi Collection Model of "The Tyronica ", she holds personal achievements of Life of the Party Black Diamond and more. Learn more at and

Dr. Gabrielle Williams. MD GATEWAY DIRECT HEALTH LLC Lets welcome Dr. Gabrielle Williams, MD of Gateway Direct Health LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc!

Mica Johnson

MICA JOHNSON STATE FARM AGENCY Michal Nichelle Johnson, A serial entrepreneur and leader who has dedicated her career to empowering others, building great teams, and helping others. A State Farm Agency owner, Owner of Branding Business- All That Glam, and District Leader-Regional Model Trainer for Dollar Tree Stores. Achievements include Leader of the Year, Chairman Circle and Ambassador Club Winner. Graduate of Brown Mackie College. She Resides in McDonough, GA.

Dr. Gabrielle Williams, is a board-certified Family Medicine physician who is dedicated to delivering excellent care through compassion and advocacy. Direct Health is a healthcare model that aims to simplify and personalize the healthcare experience for patients. It is a membership-based approach that provides primary care services to patients, with a focus on building strong, long-term relationships between patients and their physicians. Located at 3863 GA Highway 138 SE, Suite 1614, Stockbridge GA 30281. Learn more at

Attania Jean-Funny

ATTANIA JEAN FUNNY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Attania Jean Funny Insurance Agency, Inc. provides life and health insurance products that will fit the needs of our clients in all stages of life. We understand the importance of building generational wealth and protecting your family’s future. We provide life insurance options for ages beginning at 14 days and beyond. Attania uses her skills obtained through 27 years in education to serve her eligible clients, as they navigate the complicated Medicare enrollment process. Follow AJF IA on Facebook and Instagram at @AJFLifeandHealth and learn more at

Sharon Ponder

XTREME FUN ON WHEELS Sharon Ponder of Xtreme Fun On Wheels A fleet of vehicles that include a gaming truck, a luxury tailgating truck, a luxury party bus, and 28 passenger van for your corporate or family reunion needs!

Tangela Garrard


Tangela Garrard of New Homes Chick. Specializing in new construction and first time home buyers. Tangela is amongst the top 5% of New Home Construction realtors in the southeast region. In 2020 she closed 16.9 million in volume and is the number #1 New Home Sales Agent for the #1 Builder in America. When asked if she supports her fellow women in business, she stated " Yes I do. It’s important to support other women and women owned businesses because it increases our economic stability for our families and community." Learn more by calling 770-648-1669.

Sharon also serves as the VP of Finance for Bennett International, serves on several boards, has an endowment at her beloved Georgia Southern University for any young lady pursuing a career in accounting. Follow Xtreme Fun on Wheels on all social media platforms! Welcome back Sharon! Visit them at

Navigating the Hidden Challenge: Unveiling the Generational Income Gap and the Path to Multigenerational Wealth By Sibyl Slade, CRPC With that being said, building wealth and maintaining it is not easy for Gen Xers or any of these generations for that matter. We face many challenges and barriers, such as lack of financial literacy, limited access to capital, discrimination, and cultural differences. We also have to overcome the mindset of scarcity and survival and adopt the mindset of abundance and prosperity. That is why building multigenerational wealth is so important. By building wealth, we can: Provide financial stability and security for ourselves and our loved ones. We can afford to live comfortably, pay off our debts, save for emergencies, and invest for the future. We can also support our family members in their education, health, and career aspirations. Create opportunities and choices for ourselves and our family. We can pursue our passions and interests, explore new horizons, and expand our network. We can also give our children and grandchildren a head start in life and help them achieve their full potential. Make a positive impact on our community and society. We can contribute to the causes and issues that matter to us and inspire others to do the same. We can also create jobs, mentor others, and share our knowledge and skills. We can be a role model and a leader for the next generation of wealth builders.

ost people are well aware of the gender income gap and the race income gap. But what most people are not aware of is the generation income gap. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, Millennials and Gen Zers owned 70 cents for every dollar of wealth owned by Gen Xers at the same age. Millennials and Gen Zers owned 74 cents for every dollar of wealth owned by baby boomers at the same age. Gen X ers has the highest mean of disposable income by household and the highest numbers of borrowers with the highest student loan debt balances. What is the current generational wealth gap? · Younger Americans (millennials and Gen Zers) owned 70 cents for every $1 of wealth owned by Gen Xers at the same age. · Younger Americans (millennials and Gen Zers) owned 74 cents for every $1 of wealth owned by baby boomers at the same age. No surprises here, for decades it has been projected that Gen Xers are the last generation that will do better economically than our parents’ generation. The reality is because we are the first generation of high wage earners, we are also the generation that bear the financial burden of balancing debt (including student loans) to maintain our elevated lifestyle, provide for our children education, and provide financial support for our parents as they age.

Building generational wealth is not about a destination, it’s a journey. It’s also about community. We have to be intentional about building a community of wealth builders to close the myriad of income gaps that exist and especially for those of us who are at the intersection of each of these demographics

Sibyl Slade is the Founder and President of IntegriVest Wealth Advisors, LLC. located in Atlanta, GA.

Disclosure for Article: Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. IntegriVest Wealth Advisors, LLC. and Securities America are separate entities.


Candace Holyfield Parker SIX FIGURE SPA CHICK

Candace Holyfield-Parker is a millennial business mogul and spa extraordinaire who currently owns Six Figure Spa Chick, a marketing firm for spa/beauty professionals. Can-dace strives to exemplify excellence while educating, empowering, and uplifting spa professionals across the globe. The purpose of Six Figure Spa Chick is to help over 2000 spa professionals build, grow, and launch their own successful businesses. Her achievements as a CEO of her personal Spa Boss Tribe, author of the first Black Spa Magazine, creator of the first Black Spa Expo Awards, and motivational speaker, has inspired other business owners to strive for more success. Candace has secured a clientele base of 15,000 spa professionals since she began her spa services in 2011 called, “I Love Candy Spa Parties”. Her spa services include: massages, facials, lash extensions, body waxing, teeth whitening, and v-steams. Learn more at

Sherry DeVouse-Dennard

SHERRY DEVOUSE DENNARD STATE FARM AGENCY Welcome to the Sherry Devouse-Dennard State Farm office in McDonough, GA! We provide free Auto Insurance and Homeowners Insurance quotes throughout the state of Georgia and primarily in Henry, Clayton, and Newton Counties. Licensed in Georgia Property & Casualty Insurance/ Life Insurance & Health Insurance and forever dedicated to learning to keep up with current events and trends. They help people insure their cars as well as their home by assisting with Condo Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, or Renters Insurance. Located at 422 Highway 155 S , McDonough GA . Viisit them at Follow them on all social media channels.

Lashondra Swanson


Lashondra Swanson of Pamper Me Total Beauty Spa to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc. Pamper Me Total Beauty Spa, a full service spa offering facials, body polish, massages, hair care, and even teeth whitening! Located at 763 North Ave Jonesboro, GA 30236. Welcome Lashondra to SCWIB! Follow pampermetotalbeauty_ on all social media platforms. Learn, book or gift services at

Kimberly Underdue

UNDERDUE SOCIAL SERVICE, INC Kimberly Underdue, LCSW of Underdue Social Service, Inc. to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Underdue Social Services is a Mental Health Counseling Agency located at 165 Burke Street Suite 109, Stockbridge GA 30281. Owner and Exec Director, Kimberly Underdue is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Underdue Social Services, Inc. staff has combined 100+ years of experience in the service delivery of at-risk youth and their families. Their services include Community Support Individual (CSI), Crisis intervention (CI), Group Training/Counseling, Family Training/Counseling, Diagnostic Assessment and more! Underdue Social Services also maintains Letter of Agreements with a License Psychologist and Psychiatrist. Welcome Kimberly! To Learn more and if you need any of their services, visit


Kimberly Corbin, CMP, CDS, COVID- CO, PCA is Co-Founder, Owner & Managing Principal at Meeting Shields, LLC, Pandemic Compliance Advisor (PCA), Covid-19 Compliance Officer (COVID CO). Meeting Shields, LLC is a 100% minority & woman-owned, fullservice, Protection Management Firm, that has a focus on providing solutions to the hospitality, entertainment, educational, corporate office environments, healthcare and transportation sector. Learn more at

Katherine Jordan THE SAVVY ID

Lets welcome back Katherine Jordan, the owner of the Interior Design company The SAVVY ID---and who selflessly answered the call when we extended our initial donation to SC Habitat for Humanity---where she went above and beyond and decorated and provided furniture for the home of a deserving mother and family!! We absolutely love when our women in business also serve their local community- and we applaud Katherine! THE SAVVY ID is a full-service interior design firm, who’s ultimate goal is to create spaces that improve your everyday life. Katherine says "I’m a Georgia peach, wife, mother of three, and God’s favorite daughter so don’t mess with me because I will tell my father on you. (Lol)" Learn more about







Melissa Ellis


Let's welcome back Melissa Ellis of Life Beyond Water Global Outreach to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Life Beyond Water Global Outreach's mission is to assist in providing clean water to areas that lack access, educating about water careers, delivering medical missions and more . Follow Life Beyond Waters on all social media outlets and learn more at

Angilee LeConte PHOTO GLAM 360

Lets welcome Angilee LeConte of Photo Glam 360 to Southern Crescent Women In Business! The Photo Glam 360 Difference provides Unique upscale presentation, Glamour and WOW effect, Cutting-edge photo booth equipment and Unlimited hi-resolution commercial prints perfect for any event. Angilee says she definitely believes in supporting her fellow women in business! Learn more at and follow them on all social media platforms!


As a woman, simply changing your lifestyle, negative habits, or negative surroundings will allow you to reinvent yourself. Sometimes those habits may not be deemed as negative, as a reinvention does not require an item to be negative. However, one has to ask themselves,”Am I At My Highest Level?” If that answer is no, one must take inventory and adjust accordingly. Do you realize that most businesses do not fail because of the start up phase, but they fail because of their inability to reinvigorate and transform----and scale. This concept is exactly the same for your personal life. If you do not evolve, you will die spiritually. Your gift and what you were destined to do, destined to create, destined to lead, and destined to birth---will die. Your purpose in life must be pursued with an urgency. Every woman at a point in their lives, must determine when their reinvention stage exist. They must be able to quiet the noise around them to be able to hear and understand what phase of life they are in. And then move.

Life is about experiencing new and exciting moments. Therefore you must apply that same mindset to your personal and business life. I am at a reinvention stage and so is Southern Crescent Women In Business. The assessment to ensure that I am doing what I love and what is needed for greatest impact is what I am evaluating. While we are at a peak, it is important to ensure the mission and values remain, and that we are aligning with individuals who want to see myself and the organization strategically grow to new heights. einvention requires one to adjust items in one’s life that no longer benefit them. The dictionary defines it as “the action or process through which something is changed so much that it appears to be entirely new.” As a woman and as a business person, this concept is vey important. As business women, we never want anything to become stale or too repetitive. Life is about experiencing new and exciting moments. Therefore you must apply that same mindset to your personal and business life. Before you decide what needs to be altered, changed, or removed, you must conduct a hard assessment at what is working and the value, if any, that it brings. As women, most of us are natural nurturers and givers. Some give more and those individuals are those that benefit most from a reinvention and reassessement, to ensure that they are not feeding or contributing to a non-reciprocating hole. Once assessed, finite action is required.

What God has for me is so vast, that it is important that I am not limited from people, their small thinking, or their jealous ways. I pray that you are a part of this new phase, but bid you well for those who do not make the journey. This is personal.

Ariel Shaw, MBA is the Founder and President of Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc, a nonprofit organization, founded to support women in business and women-owned business. She has expanded that brand with a magazine, podcast, and more. Ariel is a political and business consultant and the owner of a logistical management firm. Learn more at and follow her n all social media platforms.


Shonkeya Shaw


Lets welcome Shonkeya Shaw of Keya Did It Beauty N Browz, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Keya is a professional makeup artist that specializes in brow beauty, but provides full face, beauty consultations, offers a product line, and more. Shonkeya shares that "I enjoy ENHANCING the BEAUTY in which, you already carry!" Welcome Shonkey back to SCWIB! Learn more about Beauty N Browz at Follow her on all social media platforms!

Chelsea Speaks 101TKO RADIO


Chichi Nwankwo Ezeike. is a Doctor, Health Coach, Public Health Professional, and U.S. Navy Veteran. She started her health journey when diagnosed with Hypertension. She found a program that taught me that being healthy is not just eating healthy and exercising rather, being healthy includes every aspect of my life. This is why she is eager to work with you as a Health Coach on your journey to rejuvenate your health. As a Wellness Coach, Helping to educate clients instead of giving them information that will overwhelm them about being healthy, Dr. Chi Chi specializes in clients with Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, and are interested in Weight Loss. Learn more at

Trameka Walker

IMMINENT CARE INSURANCE LLC Lets welcome Trameka Walker of Imminent Care Insurance, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! In the healthcare insurance space as a broker, Trameka specializes in all things insurance for those uninsured, underinsured or those looking for other health coverage options. Trameka believes in supporting other women "Yes, because I believe we should support each other, since we have something to offer. Also, it’s empowering to see more women being successful and independent." Follow and connect with Trameka at Imminent Care Insurance, LLC on all social media platforms and by visiting

Linnell Edwards

LINNELL THE LENDER Lets welcome back Mortgage Broker Linnell Edwards to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Coined as "Linnell The Lender." Specializing in all things mortgages. Licensed in: AL, CA, DC, FL, GA, IN, IA, KS, NC, TN. Learn more at and follow Linnell Edwards NMLS #1636076 on all social media outlets!

Lets welcome Chelsea Speaks of 101 TKO Radio to Southern Crescent Women In Business. They provide you with radio media opportunities to get your message out and are located in the Stonecrest area. Chelsea states "I believe in supporting other women in business because it is the essence of business, itself. I truly believe it's unfair to ask what cannot be happily given. I also believe that supporting other women brings happiness mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. My other brand being Women Are D.O.P.E., supporting women speaks to the nature of who I am, as well." To connect or learn more visit and follow her on all social media platforms.

Kimberly Stabler K40 CONSULTING & PUBLISHING LLC Kimberly Stabler of K40 Consulting & Publishing, LLC to Southern Crescent Women in Business - N. GA Chapter. Kimberly, an owner of multiple businesses, states in relation to supporting other women, "Yes. Supporting other women in business is one of my core beliefs. We are stronger and more impactful together when we support one another." Follow her at @ kimberlyracquel on all social media platforms.

Teshelle Anderson

TMAGICALMINKZ LASH BAR Lets welcome Teshelle Anderson of Tmagicalminkz Lash Bar to Southern Crescent Women In Business- Emerging Business Area! A new resident of GA, Teshelle specializes in all things beauty and lashes.

Tiffani Bray TIFFANI BRAY PHOTOGRAPHY Tiffani Bray of Tiffani Bray Photography to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Tiffani has come to the organization at the Partner Level!

Teshelle states that in response to supporting other women, "Yes I do believe in supporting women in business because I believe we have to keep each other uplifted and must empower each other."

From Portraits to Lifestyle Sessions, "Tiffani Bray Photography isn’t just about providing meaningful heirloom imagery to clients; it’s about storytelling. We absolutely love the entire portrait process, from the initial meeting all the way to delivering polished galleries. We specialize in crafting stories about family, love, and relationships using light, color, composition, and meaningful backdrops as our medium." Follow her on all social media platforms and visit her website at



Yolonda Houston of LePetite and Posh Serving all of Atlanta and surrounding areas, Le Petite and Posh provides party planning and decor as well as providing an exquisite experience for your princess' parties! Yolonda stated "I and a firm believer in the motto “I am my brother’s keeper”. In this case, “I am my sister’s keeper”. I believe that we all can achieve great heights when we support one another. "Follow LePetite and Posh on all social media platforms and check out her site at

Sandra Morse of Paint and Pour Remix. Located out of Fayette County but serving all surrounding areas. Paint and Pour Remix is a fun and trendy way to bring entertainment all year round. Pour paint and express yourself to create a beautiful abstract design. She supports her fellow women in business and states "Absolutely. Women are still behind the 8 ball as leaders and business owners. One way we will succeed is by supporting one another." Learn more at Follow them on Facebook and Instagram at Paint and Pour Remix!

Nekeisha Taylor

SHALOM PERSONAL HOME CARE Nekeisha Taylor of Shalom Personal Home Care. Shalom Personal Home Care aims to deliver quality, compassionate, one-on-one, dependable and cost effective home care services. They want to ensure families have peace of mind by delivering unmatched reliable care. Offering meal prep, rehabilitation care and 24-hr care. Proudly servicing Atlanta, Buckhead, Smyrna, Marietta, McDonough, Peachtree City, Conyers, Clayton County and all surrounding areas. Nekeisha stated "Yes, I love seeing other like minded women reach their goals and any information or knowledge I know I can share with them to help them grow. It’s amazing to see other women in business and doing what they love."Follow them on all social media platforms and learn more at

Sylvia Dennis Wray

ALZHEIMERS SERVICES CENTER Sylvia Wray is the Executive Director at the Alzheimer’s Services Center Clayton County. With a passion to assist the Alzheimer's community. Sylvia Dennis-Wray was born in Perry, GA but was raised in Linden, NJ. She started her career in Corporate America and worked for major companies. The mission of the Alzheimer’s Services Center is to enhance and prolong the highest quality of life possible for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other related disorders and for their families.Learn more about the ASC at

Kim Mays KIM MAYS STATE FARM INSURANCE AGENCY Located in Stockbridge, GA, our office is licensed in the entire state of Georgia for all State Farm Insurance products. They primarily focus on assisting with Auto, Home & Renters, Business Insurance, and Life Insurance. They can help provide coverage for cars, motorcycles, trailers, boats, RVs, homes, rentals, condos, and more! Contact The Kim Mays State Farm Office today for a FREE insurance quote. Located at 102 Vincent Avenue , Stockbridge GA 30281. Visit

Alexis Sidney of The Twelve Firm to Southern Crescent Women In Business!

Shannon Smith BEAUTY 21 ACADEMY

Alexis L. Sidney THE TWELVE FIRM

Lets officially welcome Shannon Smith of Beauty21 Academy to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Beauty21 Academy is located at 113 Banks Station, Fayetteville, GA. Their brand new first-class facility will enable you to learn in an environment that emulates the real world of the beauty industry. They pride ourselves on mixing the art of creativity and business. Offering full cosmetology, nails and esthetician certification and training.

The Twelve Firm, located at 500 Lanier Ave W, Ste 907b, Fayetteville, GA 30214 offers a suite of services including tax prep, profit first, bookkeeping, and more. Learn more at

Shannon states "I believe in supporting other people in business because I understand what you make happen for one God makes happen for you plus I love to see my sisters win like all I know to do is push people into purpose … Ive been an entrepreneur for 30yrs and there is nothing like support and being supportive " Follow them on all social media platforms at beauty21academy and learn more or register for training at

Laura Weston



Monica Disroe of MonRoe Accounting and Tax, Mortgage loan Originator and Licensed Life Insurance Broker in 18 states to Southern Crescent Women in Business. She is also a Licensed Realtor and is located at 9422 Bill Gardner Pkwy, Suite 139, Locust Grove. Learn more at


Lets welcome Donna Patterson of Rejuvenére Health & Aesthetics Medspa, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Rejuvenére Health & Aesthetics Medspa, LLC is The premier medical spa specializing in medical weight loss, IV hydration, targeted cryotherapy, and IM injection service. Their services include Cryotherapy, IV Hydration, PRP, Medical Weight Loss, Facials, Skin Resurfacing, and more. They are located at 2023 Jonesboro Rd, McDonough, GA 30253. Donna states that she absolutely supports other women, as that is her primary business. You can learn more at and follow them on all social media platforms.

Laura Weston of The Trucker's Auditor to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Located at 320 West Lanier Ave , Ste 200, Fayetteville GA! Specializing in FMCSA New Entrant Audit, DOT Compliance Audit Plans, and more. Laura states that "Yes, I believe in supporting other women in business. I believe our strength is greater together than individually." Find out more at and follow her on all social media platforms.

Leigh Truss Smith

CARDINAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC Lets welcome Leigh Truss Smith of Cardinal Development Group, LLC to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Cardinal Development Group, LLC offers wellness program design for your organization. They assist your organization in: improving employee health and well-being; empowering your employees with lifestyle skills that enable them to achieve their best possible health; positively affect employee morale and employee engagement; and optimize performance and productivity. Leigh stated that she supports women in business, "Women are often the decision makers in their homes when it comes to spending money. We often wear multiple hats and understand the journey. Our businesses are key to the vitality of our communities. We are more alike than we are different. “I am not my sister’s keeper. I am my sister.” ' -Iyanla Vanzant. Follow them on all social media platforms.

Alischia Hatcher

EXPRESS TAX &FINANCIAL SERVICES Alischia M. Hatcher is the owner of Express Tax & Financial Services, LLC and has been in business for the last 10 years with over 20 years of experience in tax preparation. She holds a Liberal Arts Associate Degree-Health & Human Services, Accounting Tech Certificate,and Notary Public. After working for companies like H&R Block and Liberty as a preparer, manager and instructor, Alischia branched out on her own. She has spent more than 20 years coaching and providing resources to individuals & businesses.

Krissi Pannell KMW SOLUTIONS LLC Krissi Pannell of KMW Solutions LLC As a Real Estate Agent and the Co-Owner of a Promotions Company, Krissi states "I look forward to being surrounded around business savvy women that want to grow. Being in business takes courage and having a village like SCW can be essential...." Learn more about Krissi at

Express Tax & Financial Services provides Tax Preparation, Accounting, Insurance, Business Solutions and Notary. Learn more at


Vonda Hendrickson of Touchtones Massage Located at 815 Pavilion Court, McDonough, GA 30253 and offering massage services, luxury beauty treatments and modern technology for body contouring. Vonda states that in regard to supporting other women "Absolutely, it is through supporting each other that we all grow." Learn more at Follow Touchtones Massage at all social media outlets.

Dr. Sandra Kearse SASK PRODUCTIONS Lets welcome back Dr. Sandra Kearse of The SASK Productions to Southern Crescent Women In Business! An author, pastor, song writer and a creative, Pastor Kearse is a force to be reckoned with. Dr. Kearse shares that "Not only am I a U.S. Veteran and former Chaplain..., but I am also an Author, Singer-Songwriter and Composer! My service is always done with joy and appreciation for my community!"

TaMara Craig

FACE-UP SKINCARE Tamara Craig of Face-Up Skincare to Southern Crescent Women in Business! A Veteran Woman Owned Business located at 500 W. Lanier Avenue, Suite 802-B, Fayetteville GA 30214. Offering all things to promote skin care! When asked if Tamara supports other women, she says "I believe that in supporting other women we must be supportive. I saw that SCWIB are genuinely happy for the women who are accomplishing their goals" Connect with Face Up Skin Care on all social media outlets and online at

To learn more or to book Dr. Sandra Kearse, visit

Vanessa Gibson

EAGLES LANDING DANCE CENTER Vanessa Gibson of Eagles Landing Dance Center to Southern

Crescent Women In Business Inc! Vanessa Gibson is the owner and artistic director of Eagles Landing Dance Center. Her ultimate dream began within three months of being in L.A., dancing in a movie “Stompin’ At The Savoy.” This movie was directed and choreographed by none other than the person she idolized the most, Debbie Allen. For over 12 years, she has been helping to transform ELDC dancers into being the best that they can be and preparing them for the next phase of their lives. For the last 3 years, Vanessa has also managed to work with Debbie Allen as the administrator of the DADA Summer Intensive Program in Atlanta. Welcome Vanessa to SCWIB!! Learn more about ELDC and get ready to come to some amazing performances!

Charlene Sibaja


Kelli Bain N7 KREAM LAB NITROGEN ICE CREAM LOUNGE Kelli Bain of N7 Kream Lab Nitrogen Ice Cream Lounge Located at 111 Fairview Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294. Infusing the sweet treat of ice cream with Science, N7 Kream Lab has been a hidden gem in Henry County. When asked if Kelli supports other women, she stated " Yes! I believe in supporting other women because we need each other to encourage, share and uplift whenever we can. " Kelli also serves as a Chemistry Professor at Clayton State University.

Charlene, a retired Veteran, co-owns this amazing photography and videography studio with her husband Roger. It is located at 23 Eastbrook Bend, Ste 205, Peachtree City, GA, 30269 Gobi Photography studio provided a large amount of our Chairwomen and Invited Guests headshots. They do amazing work! When asked about supporting other women, Charlene stated “Yes, I believe that "A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships." Working and growing together can be the key to our success.’ — We love this! Learn more at www.gobiphotography.comr call 678-667-4624.

Lets welcome Kelli! Follow n7kreamlab and kellithechemist on all social media platforms

Simone Gordon


Lets welcome Simone Gordon of Elise Organic Ice Cream to Southern Crescent Women In Business. Simone is a part of New Emerging Business Generation, holding a Dairy Manufacturer's License. Elise Organic Ice Cream is an 100% Organic Ice Cream company. The ingredients are indeed sourced from companies who have certified USDA Organic products. The Ice cream is made in a certified commercial kitchen in Atlanta, Georgia. Simone believes in the support of fellow women and states " Yes. Women are already at a disadvantage. if we want to see us represented, we have to show out and prove we deserve a set a the table to create our own tables. The next generation can’t become what they don’t see." Well ladies lets show her! Learn more and order at

Dr. Gwennetta Wright XPERT TAX SERVICE LLC

Lets welcome Dr. Gwennetta Wright of Xpert Tax Service LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Xpert Tax Service LLC was established in 2006 by Gwennetta Wright. Xpert Tax Service is an independently owned company, with locations in Columbus and Atlanta, GA. Xpert Tax Service specializes in preparing and electronically filing Federal and State income tax returns for individuals and small businesses. Locations include 798 Rays Rd. STE 102 Stone Mountain, GA 30083 and 3604 Macon Rd, STE 15 Columbus, GA 31907. Dr. Gwennetta states "Yes I believe in supporting women businesses. I believe in supporting women businesses because it promotes economic growth and fosters a spirit of collaboration. Additionally, it is crucial for women to have support in the business world, and creating sisterhoods allows us to uplift and empower each other, leading to greater success and representation." Learn more at and follow them on all social media platforms!

Shelia Brumlow


Shelia Brumlow of Internet Accountants to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Serving the entire US, Internet Accountant is made up of some of the brightest minds in the financial services sector. We’re bookkeeping innovators, backed by over 50 years of proven experience! Services included accounting, bookkeeping, financial reporting, tax planning and more. Learn more about Internet Accountant at

Connie Morrison ICONNIE LLC

Connie Morrison of ICONNIE LLC to Southern Crescent Women in Business Inc. Connie is a well-known four-time published children's book author under the name "Connie Schofield-Morrison" with books such as "I Got the Rhythm" which has been featured on First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah's Top 10 List in Essence Magazine, as well as ABC's World News Tonight with David Muir. Connie Morrison has developed a beauty makeup brand, ICON Beauty. Follow Connie on Instagram at @i_c_o_n_n_i_e and learn more about her line at and her books are available at all major retailers.

Kimberly Raimi SERENE ORGANICS Lets welcome back Kimberly Raimi of Serene Organics back to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Serene Organics is focused on all things feminine wellness. Yoni Steam Herbal Blends, Steaming Kits, Steaming Gowns and more. To learn more or connect with Kimberly visit

Monique Gibson OUR RISING ANGELS Welcome Monique Gibson of Our Rising Angels Personal Care Home, LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business Inc.

Kesha Kennedy


Kesha Kennedy is Broker In Charge at Legacy South Real Estate Group. Located at 240 Corporate Center Dr, Ste F, Stockbridge GA 30281.

Our Rising Angels PCH is a non-medical senior home care service. They offer supervised care, meals, daily activities, health management and exceptional In-home care for the elderly and disabled.

They believe in "Creating Generational Wealth Through The Buying, Selling, and Investing of Real Estate"

Monique states "I believe in supporting other women in business because together as a whole, we can become a force to be reckon with. I believe in treating others as I would love to be treated. Knowledge is power and together, we can make a major change."

Learn more about Legacy South Real Estate at and follow them on all social media platform

Learn more at and follow them on social media at Our Rising Angels PCH.

Renee Floyd AMERICAN OIL CHANGERS Renee Floyd of American Oil Changers to Southern Crescent Women In Business!! Specializing in mobile oil changes , American Oil Changers is Veteran Owned and Certified as Veteran and Women Owned Business!! Offering a host of services for your car for the busy professional or more, they come to you. Learn more at

Dr. Chivonne Fleming CHIVONNE NOEL & CO Lets welcome Dr. Chivonne Fleming of Chivonne Noel & Co and Vonnie in The City with Hits 92.3 to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Under Chivonne Noel & Co, Dr. Fleming states "I Empower Men & Women To Conquer, Fight and Process Grief To Live The Life That They Deserve" Learn more at Also known for her Sunday radio show on Hits 92.3 and Media Personality "Vonnie In the City"


Sherrell Attaway HPI TAX, HOPE PROPERTY & INCOME TAX Lets welcome back Sherrell Attaway of HPI Tax, Hope Property & Income Tax to Southern Crescent Women in Business! Sherrell is a Tax Advisor, Real Estate Investor and Serial Business Owner! HPI Tax specializes in business set up and all things tax related.

Kiya Page of Page Testing Solutions has 2 Locations. One site is located at 1800 Phoenix Blvd Ste 128-12, Atlanta GA 30349 and the second location is located at 600 Westridge Pkwy Ste 714 McDonough, Ga 30253. Offering all testing included Covid, Drug Testing, DNA Testing and more. Contact them for all your testing needs or to obtain training to open your own center.

With locations in Henry County at 2002 GA 42, McDonough GA 30252 & In FL at 9424 Baymeadows Rd Ste 250, Jacksonville FL 32256. Learn more and follow them on all social media platforms.

Dr. Darlene Screen


Debraisha T. Hale A SIMPLE CHANGE SOLUTION LLC Lets welcome back Debraisha T. Hale back to Southern Crescent Women In Business!

Dr. Darlene Screen of TBDS and Djsa’Mels Remdiscious Products Dr. Screen offers all things for your mental, physical, and spiritual being; including a uniquely designed candle line. Dr. Screen stated when asked if she support women "Absolutely. I believe strongly in unity and building a village." Learn more at Follow Darlene on all social media channels at touchedbydasoul.

Debraisha T Hale is the CEO of Divine Design Accessories LLC and is a Licensed Realtor in Georgia and Alabama and a Published Author. She has an absolutely magnetic personality and is ready to help you accessorize, earn multiple streams and sell you a home! Find out more about Debraisha by following her on all of her social media pages. Learn more at and


Lets welcome a woman who needs no introduction, Ivy D. Sears of Ivy League Realty, to Southern Crescent Women In Business! Ivy League Realty covers Georgia, Alabama and now Florida! At Ivy League Realty, With over 22 years of Professional Real Estate experience, Ivy has built an incredible network of Prime Agents that are dedicated to serving the needs of Real Estate buyers and sellers not only in Georgia, but anywhere in the United States by connecting you with an excellent realtor in your vicinity. Ivy doesn’t just help you sell or buy properties— it is very important to her to contribute to the happiness, well-being and the new lifestyle of her clients. Learn more or connect with Ivy by visiting And follow her on all social media platforms

Angela Card A SIMPLE CHANGE SOLUTION LLC Angela Card of A Simple Change Solution LLC to Southern Crescent Women In Business. A management consulting firm based out of McDonough, GA.



TO SUCCESS for Women in Business Lets make your dreams a reality


Founder of Southern Crescent Women In Business Katherine Jordan , Alicia Williams, Sherry DeVouse Dennard, Tyronica Carter, Kimberly Corbin and Kiya Page

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