2016 pe ww greetings

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Holiday G •R •E •E •T •I •N •G •S




Holida y Gree

BOB MISCHKA Holiday Greetings


HEATHER RUENZ Holiday Greetings

Published by the

December 2016


On the cover… Clockwise from top left: Santa and Mrs. Claus enjoy unseasonably warm temperatures while riding in their sleight at last year’s annual Christmas Parade; a character that’s part of the window display at Quiet Hut Sports, Whitewater, keeps an eye on passersby during last year’s holiday season; and Kelly Anderson (on left) and Cherie Drays don snowwomen outfits while riding on the Palmyra Area Chamber of Commerce float in last year’s parade.

Fun Frosty WITH

TOM GANSER Holiday Greetings

Holiday Wishes FOR YOU!

The Benhart family of Whitewater – Thia, Flora, Lucas and Adair – have fun with Frosty the Snowman at the UWW/Community Optimist Club’s annual Breakfast with Santa last year. This year’s event, held Dec. 3, was the 25th anniversary of the event, which has drawn a crowd as large as 800.


May the light and love of His blessings shine upon you and your family this holy season and beyond. We appreciate the gift of your kind patronage.

Merry Christmas!

Banco Insurance Agency

Because we truly appreciate your business, we want to take this time to thank you, and extend our best wishes for a happy holiday season and wonderful New Year! ~Heather, Sharon & Pete~www.mywalworthcounty.com~

Complete Insurance Services

125 Main St., Palmyra - Lori & Lynda www.bancoinsurance.com • (262) 495-2118


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(262) 723-2250 143428

May the grace of God shine upon you always.

“The Earth is full of the goodness of the Lord”

(Psalms 33:5) The Christmas Season offers us time to reflect on the beauty of creation as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. We’re pleased to join with you in prayer, and to offer you our thanks.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, from all of us at

Eagle • Elkhorn • Genoa City • Palmyra • Twin Lakes 53998


Haase loCkwood & assoCIates Funeral Homes & Crematory InC. www.haaselockwoodfhs.com



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Dear Santa Claus Ms. Uhlmann’s fourth grade class at Lakeview Elementary School in Whitewater shared their wish lists for Santa with us.

Hi Santa Claus how are you. I can’t wayt to see you. I’m so excited for Chrismas. I will get you some milk and cookies and a treet for your raindeer. And I will have a present for you too. Have a good Chrismas. ~ Taiya I want a trip to Ohio agin. I want new and more PS4 games. I bet it’s cold down in the nort pole. Is all the ringdeer okay and is red nose still have his red nose or no? And can I tickets for wwe plz? Can I have an applewatch? ~ Hayden Hear is a list of what I want for Christmas. 3DS Pokemon games for my 3DS, a Pokemon booster box, Pokemon posters, but most of all I want my parents a lot of happeyness. ~Liam All I want for Christmas is a our generation ice cream truck for my dolls and the 2016 Christmas collector Barbie doll. If you can’t get them I understand. Thank you for reading my letter! ~ Ava

I realy would like the Ivy and bean series. And I would also like the Mercy Watson series. And the Amber Brown series. ~ Emily I want some more acessarys for my American girl doll. To help veterans. Books, bead set. Everyone to be happy. Close. Tablet. Coloring set. A very happy christmas. ~ Marcela Dear Santa Claus I bleave you and thank you for all the things that you gave me. ~ Justin This year for christmas I want a apple watch and beats wireless solo 2 headphones. And I also want tickets to a seahawks game with my family. And I want a new buck knife for hunting. I want a couple new sweatshirts that are under armour and shirt and shorts that are nike and under armour. I also want a new wallet that is real leather. And the last thing is tickets to a golden state warrior game. ~ Reece

I want Harry Potter books, toy farmer set, a pocket knife and a wallet and an air warriors gun. ~ Payton Pleas can I have my ears perst, head phones, old lps, kittens, toy grampy cat, famliy not sick, thanks. ~ Lillian

Can you get me a wild thing? It is a vehicle were you sit down and then you use 2 joysticks to steer. If you can I will be very greatfull for that and can you also get me the mastadon nerf gun and the slitrtion nerf gun and 6 6d batteries for the mastadon nerf gun. I always wonderd how you got around the WHOLE world. Well have a merry christmas o jolly one. ~ Logan SUBMITTED PHOTO Holiday Greetings

Ms. Uhlmann’s fourth grade class at Lakeview Elementary School in Whitewater hold up their letters to Santa before sending them off to the newspaper.

There’s no place like home for the Holidays! Wishing you and your family every happiness this holiday season. With gratitude for your friendship and patronage... Greg, Mary, Jeannine, Jason, & Meladee

FOR LISTINGS AND LINKS VISIT: www.c21affiliatedgreenwood.com 202 E. Main Street • Whitewater, WI 53190 whitewater@C21affiliated.com


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See MS. UHLMANN’S, Page 7

Holiday Wishes FOR YOU!

Because we truly appreciate your business, we want to take this time to thank you and extend our best wishes for a happy holiday season and wonderful New Year! ~Heather & Pete~

Enterprise THE


(262) 723-2250 265341


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Dear Santa Claus

Mrs. Bayley’s first grade class at Palmyra Elementary School took a moment to write down their letters to Santa.

I ben ged. I won’t a gocurt for crememis. ~ Conner I am a good boy. I what a arme toy. ~ Edgar I luve santa. I bring you cukes. I am gud. I wot red i tree frog stufed animal and a red i tree frog reel culring books. ~ Shay

I was good this ueer. I wud like a fut ball plees. ~ Brayden I have bin good can’t wat for crismis. I hoop you muk to my home. I what a naklis and a apljac ortmint. ~ Makayla

I been good I wot a makup kit. I will giv you a glas uv milk. I will leev you cookes. ~ Angela

I am good I rele wat a remot jron and a remot chruc. I will leve coces and caris. ~ Elijah Dear Santa I am being vare good. I what lea. I will lev coces. ~ Adalyn

I am being a good girle. And I can’t wat for crismis. And I’m happy for crismis. I’ll lev some cokcess and milk. ~ Evelyne I had ben good this year. I hop you came to my hows. I woud like books this year. ~ Victoria

SUBMITTED PHOTO Holiday Greetings

These first graders in Mrs. Bayley’s class at Palmyra Elementary School shared their letters to Santa, which included their requests, for everything from toys to stuffed animals. Some of them also had a few questions for jolly ol’ Saint Nick.


I am being good this uer I want a woch wat texix ipads. ~ Nathan

See MRS. BAYLEY’S, Page 6

Happy Holidays!

May the spirit of Christmas be always at your door, just as you are always welcome at ours. Happy holidays, everyone. We look forward to serving you again in the year to come. Steve, Qeflije and the Entire Staff at

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T-Shirts, Etc. For Sale

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Open Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. 187171

2nd & Main, Palmyra • (262) 495-2000



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SUBMITTED PHOTO Holiday Greetings

Mrs. Mueller’s third grade class at Eagle Elementary School shared a variety of wishes for Christmas, including American Girl Dolls, jewelry, as well as some

thoughtful requests for their parents, from boots to a lizard (that is fast) to mechanic leather gloves.

Dear Santa Claus

Mrs. Mueller’s third grade class at Eagle Elementary School shared their wishes for Christmas, including many who asked for a special gift for their mom or dad.

Thank you for my doll merida. I really lie Merida she comes in handy for hair styles. Please get my mom a colorful blanket maybe with poka dots. Please can you get me an American girl doll and gymnastic stuff like a bar and please can you get me olaf clothes. Thank you for every thing merry chrismas. ~ Arden Thank you for the semi trucks and the snow plow the year befor that. And please get my mom some pirate treasure. And please bring me the sky viper streaming drone. ~ Ashton Thank you Santa for my 3 story house! Please bring my dad some sour patch kids candy he loves those! I would like a gymnastics mat, shopkins and some candy canes. How are the reindeer? P.S. How are you? PP.S How is Mrs. Claus? PPP.S How are the elfes? ~ Kaitlyn Thank you santa for all of my presents. Like the bilding tiles and the sleds and also the big dog bones shaped like candy canes. Please bring my mom micky mouse jewelry and please bring my brother Braden some more xbox games and please bring my dogs speshal toys or bones. And

please give me a light blue skooter with some wighte. ~ Chloe Thank you for all the prenst that you brng. I love the prenst that you give me. Please brng my mom knitting needles I would like fitbie. P.S. how do you go to ever hose. P.P.S do you now everwune. ~ Rayma Thank you for bean boos do thing. Please bring me been boos please bring my dad boots. ~ Allie Thank you for giving me a happy Christmas last year. I got all of the presents I want. Please bring my mom a happy Christmas with jurwerly. Lots of jurwerly. I would love a 3DS with pokemon moon and lego Jurassic world xbox 360 edition. Hope you have a nice Chrismas. ~ Michael Thank you for the lego sets and a axe for my dad. Please bring drone, for wheller bb gun. ~ Spencer

See MRS. MUELLER’S, Back Page

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• Mrs. Bayley’s

(Continued from page 4) I was prede god thes yer. I will lev you coces and meilk. I went a lego set. ~ Jaxson I am being a good gril. And I am going to leev you cookees and millk. And I wude like a umarikin gril dall. ~ Caitlyn I think I was good. I cant wait for Christmas can your randyr realy fliy? I might leev cookys and milck. ~ Katie I have been very good this yare. I need a hoow tablit I wont a cupl of brbes I wont hoow macup. ~ Aubreyana

MERRY CHRISTMAS Your kind support is a most wonderful gift.

We thank you.

Palmyra True Value JUST ASK RENTAL

Chris, Connie, Gerry, Mel, Lola, Keith, Zach, Jenny, David and Bill


May The Spirit Of The Season Be Ever In Your Heart Best wishes from all of us for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Our hours for Christmas will be: Saturday, Dec. 24, open from 8 a.m. to Noon at all our branches. Closed Monday, Dec. 26 Our hours for New Year will be: Saturday, Dec. 31, normal hours * 8 a.m., to Noon at Main, East Troy & Palmyra; West Branch 8 a.m to 2 p.m. Closed Monday, Jan. 2

Wishing You and Your Family a

Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year Palmyra Lakeside


207 W. Main St. P.O. Box 177 Whitewater, WI 53190-0177 (262) 473-2112


1058 W. Main St. P.O. Box 177 Whitewater, WI 53190-0177 (262) 473-3666


2546 E. Main St. East Troy, WI 53120 (262) 642-2530


111 E. Main St. Palmyra, WI 53156 (262) 495-2101

Member FDIC 265340

Thank you for Your Patronage 143841

• Ms. Uhlmann’s


(Continued from page 3)

Please can I have the mega masidon. Please can I have a superman figure. Please can I have a legos. ~ James Can I show you my chrismas list to you? How cold is the north pole? Can you answer my letters? I love pokemon cards and I want some pokemon cards for chrismas. I’m going to list anyway. 3DS’, pokemon sun and moon, a bunch of pokemon cards. That’s my list. Can you tell me what raindeers names are? ~ Luc I want for chrismas is a applwatch and I want a comuter. I want a tickit of WWE undertaker and I meet him. Dear santa this is all I want for chirsmas that is all I want those are the best things I would myself want and if I get it I’ll be very happy. ~ Devin

Page 7

to leve you a lot of cookies thank you? I also want a makeup set! ~ Emily How has up north been, has it been very cold. I blivie I have been good this chirstmax and I really wan a new football and a real dog and a toy hunting stand with a dog truck, tent, dirt bike, trailer, so I hope that you can get me that and I wish you a marry chirstmax and can you give me an Iphon 7 and a remote controle car that goes fast. I hope you a merry chirstmax and all the elfs. I would relly like to have a wonder wave it would be nice to have it if your elfs make it! I would also love to have all of the dork

diars book seris. I think it would be nice if you would give me all of this stuff! And thank you for the presents form last year. ~ Haley I belive I have been good this year. Please, for chrismas I wish I had a chrome book. I wish for a chrome book because then with the games that I get will help me in class. I so do wish to inpress my teacher. Even if you don’t get if for me this year, I will always apperciate what you do give me. So please may you get me a chrome book? P.S. your elfs work really hard. Mabey you should give them something too! ~ Zaraj

This is what I want even though I have been a troblemaker. Jordans that have green, light blue on the boddem, and blue. Beats that are red and that’s black with a case. A iPhone 7 black. A 4 weeler that’s red and black. ~ Connor I’m so happy of what you brot me last year. This year I don’t want much all I want is whater speakers because my brother has some and I love when I get to use them, I also want a new phon cases because mine is dirty. I also want a new hoverboard because I was not responsible with my last one but I will ceep care of the one you might get me, I also wont some bean bag chairs. Thank you and I’ll be sure

GET CARRIED AWAY WITH YULETIDE CHEER Merry Christmas and FERO’S many thanks for your patronage.

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For all its charm and warmth, Christmas is a season to celebrate. Thanks, friends, for your very valued business.


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Joy to All!

Palmyra Lioness New Year’s Day Breakfast Full Breakfast Menu - Squidy’s Sports Bar Corner of Main and Second Street 9 a.m. to Noon Donna Johnson (262) 495-4279

Wishing everyone all the best this Holiday Season and throughout the New Year!

Merry Christmas and many thanks to all!


Towel & Mat Service

Palmyra, Wis. • (262) 495-4377

Not even a mouse ...

can resist getting into the Christmas Spirit! We hope this holiday season is the brightest and merriest yet. Thank you for your valued business.




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• Mrs. Mueller’s

(Continued from page 5)

Thank you for all of the presents you gave me in the past but epecily the kindle fire road trips to grandmas house. Please bring my little brother lots of hot wheels and tonka trucks, I know he loves those. I would really appreciate some shopkins, beanie boos and my family to get great christmas presents from you. Merry Christmas. ~ Ella Thank you santa for thosotetr from last yair or the yair aftr that. Please bring a toy form my baby cusin Masin. I would like a winet poou book. ~ Ethan Thank you for the policer stashon out of legos. Please give my brother a drone with a camra a laptop and a tv. I want a xbox 360 all of the Jurassic world sets and one lego set any kind. ~ Nick Thank you for the max tow tryck I plaee with it. Please bring some ear rings for mom. Please bring Sophia a toys dall. Please bring daved a reall car. I would like a nerth gun. ~ Stephen Thank you for the nerf gun that you got me for Christmas last year. Please bring my mom alittle lisrd that is fast and please bring the lisrd some toys and please bring a tank for the lisrd. I would like the rest of the star wars ships and the nerf gun that I fond and a baird one like the last one and thank you for evreing santa. ~ Miken

Thank you for the fitbit last year and clothes. Please bring my dad mechanic leather gloves and my mom a neklis. I would like ain hog thuder strik. And you have a good christmas santa. ~ Ryan

Thank you for the ipod you gave to me for Christmas. It comes in handy when I go for long car rides. Please bring my sister a doc micstufins stuffed toy. She would love it. I would like beanie boos, razor huvor tracks, and shopkins. ~ Kaylee

Thank you for the toy air hogs funa the super heros. Please bring my baby brother some shoes. I would like star wars legos for me please. ~ Eduardo

Happy s y a d i l Ho

from the folks at

Wishing You a Merry Christmas & a Healthy, Happy New Year!



Tim L, Nacole, Susan, Karl, Oma, Amy, Dan, Linda, Ben, Matt, Ramon, John, Tamy, Zabrina, Laurel, Joy

y Holidas Hour

Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 31 Jan. 1

7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Closed 7 a.m. until 2:30 a.m. Closed

(920) 563-6303


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