Holiday G •R •E •E •T •I •N •G •S
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Published by the
December 2016
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Dear Santa, could you please…?
Your next project starts here.
99 E. Centralia Street, Elkhorn, WI 53121 262-723-3230 Visit us on the Web • Hours: Monday-Friday 7am to 4pm Follow us on facebook
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi, I am Ari. I am 8 years old. I have a question for you. Can you get a present for my friend Maggie? I think she would like a stuffed animal tiger. That is her favorite animal. She helps me at school and is a good friend of mine. Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve. Love, Ari
Happy Holidays From
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The kids in Julie Hluchnik’s third-grade class at Tibbets Elementary School in Elkhorn were asked to write a letter to Santa that asked for a present for someone else. Their thoughtful and inspiring answers were a joy to read and brought the editor to tears (and laughter) more than once. Some of the letters in this publication appear as photos of the kids’ actual letters. Because of space constraints, most of the letters were typed up. The editor made every effort to type the letters exactly as the children wrote them. The only changes made to the letters can be found in parenthesis and were done so for clarity. Thank you all for helping us wish Elkhorn a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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DEAR SANTA CLAUS, My name is Maggie. I am 9 years old. I live in Mukwonago. You must be busy getting everthing redy for Christmas. I was wondering if you can give a present to my dad. He had gone through a rough time
and I would like to give him choclate and a new tool set. If you can please, I would really like it! Hope you have a good time flying! Love, Maggie DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hello! My name is Lizbeth and I am 8 years old. How are you, your elves and your raindeer? I would like you to give Ethan a gift. He loves baseball. He would like baseball cards. How is your workshop? Have a safe flight.
Love, Lizbeth
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi Santa! My name is Maya. I live in Elkhorn. I would like if you give my sister Paige a present. Like maybe a makeup
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Happy Holida ys During this holiday season and every day of the year, During this holiday season and every day of the year, we wish you all the best. we wish you all the best. During this holiday season and every day of the year,
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kit! She loves all that type of stuff! I love seeing her happy! I’m pretty sure she will like it. She always asking my mom for new things. She also hasn’t been as happy as she usually is lately. I always want to give her something but I don’t have it. I don’t have enough money to get her something. I feal bad because she always gets me things on Christmas or my birthday. It’s not just me that she gets presents for. She also gets some for my brother too. So I really want to give Paige something. If you can get her something, than thanks Santa! Oh and be careful on Christmas where you fly! Love, Maya DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi! My name is Kylie. I am 8 years old and I live in LaGrange. I found Rosy in my Cromebook case this morning. Oh and I would really like it if you would bring my papa, Kyire, some new farming clothes, may be something that would support his body a little more because he hit his knee really hard on the barn. He could barly walk on it for 3 days. Another time my grandpa was out by the steers. A steer broke down the steer fence and trampled him. He broke his rib cage. My grandpa’s very lucky someone found him! My grandpa and I would very much appreciate new farm clothes! I hope you have a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love, Kylie
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi! My name is Ava! I am turning 9 this February. I go to Tibbets Elementary and I live in Sugar Creek. Christmas is coming soon! How about that?! I was really wondering if you give a huge gift! I go to dance and my teacher is very thoughtful!
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Not only does she teach dance, but she also teaches classes at St. Patrick’s Parish. She teaches music, math, science, and even sign language! Her name is Jennifer and she teaches homeschooled children. I hope you can give her a thankful present! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Love, Ava
cold at the horse barn. I think that she will keep asking everybody which is fine. I just don’t want her to freeze out in the coldness. Also everone else has them evan her little brother has bibs. I really appreciate it if you could give her those. Thank you Santa! Love, Brielle
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, I’m Tyler and I 9. I’d like if you could give my brother Jesse a PS4 for Christmas. I want you to give this to him because he take me wherever I want to go. I love him to death. And I would love if you give him this it would mean a lot. He’s 16 an he really wants one. He’s always good and he’s never gives up. He’s a really cool kid I think he diserves this. Love, Tyler
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, My name is Lyla. I live in Elkhorn. How is your year so far? I’m got to get alot of treats! I would like if you gave my friend, Annabelle, a hatchimal. Annabelle is in first grade. She is only a child. She has a cat and a dog. She has been asking forever for this, but they have been sold out. I hope you can get Annabelle a hatchimal. thanks Santa! Love, Lyla
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi, my name is Avelina. I go to school in Elkhorn. I would love for you to give a gift to Madison because she helps me through all the hard times I have. She also is my best friend and she has always wanted another dressed up Cabbge Patch Kid. If you can may you please give her one. She would love it! Madison also helps me when I’m not happy and she always cares for me. She would be very, very, very happy. Thank you if you try to giver her a gift. Love, Avelina
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hello Santa! My name is Madison. I am 8 years old and I live in Sugar Creek. I would like it if you could get my best friend Alyssa, a present. She reilly would like a padded mat for stunting and tricks. We would use it when we do our stunt. It would make it safe. How are you and your elves doing? Did you know that when I was going to get the mail I found one of your raindeers bell? Clearly Santas the best!!!!!!! Love, Madison
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hello! My name is Brielle. I am 8 years old and I live on Sugar Creek. How are the elves doing? I would really like it if you could give my friend Alexis bibs. If you don’t know what bibs are they are a special kind of working snowpants. She doesn’t have any and she is going to be
DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi! My name is Courtney. I live in Elkhorn. I would love it if you give a present to my dad, Tim. He’s been asking for a new phone. I think he deserves it because he’s a police officer. It would mean alot
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Holiday Wishes FOR YOU!
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Tell us about your holiday break We also asked the kids what the best part of Christmas vacation was. Here are their answers. (Who) knows what you will get. At least Santa’s thinking bout us! Everybody will have the best Christmas!!!!!!!! Kyle My favorite things to do on Christmas vacation are finding our elf and playing with my sister outside! I like to find my elf in the morning with my sister and mom. Sometimes he hides in really good places. His name is Charlie.
My dog, Ellie, sometimes wonders we are doing! Charlie hides on a clock, in the computer room, in the kitchen, or in the dinning room. He is so much fun! I also like playing with my sister outside. We put our snow pants, coat, hats, and mittens on and go outside on the ice. It is so much fun! Then, we go on a hill, to sledding or make a fort. We also go down our stairs that toes in our backyard. I love sledding and skating on ice. Christmas vacation is so fun! Rhianna I love Christmas vacation! I always love seeing if Santa came to our house! I love opening presents with my family. But first I have to wait for my family to wake up witch is SO ANNOYING! Because I usually wake up pretty early. So it stinks for me because I can’t just go mum on up there beds and wake them up. I can never wait to open presents. When we finally open our presents we always get a bunch of wrapping paper all over our house. It’s fun but then we have to clean up. Another thing I like about Cristmas vacation is having NO SCHOOL!!!! I can just stay home, relax, and spend time with my family. I also always like seeing what Saint Nick gives us in our stockings too. One of the best things I also love is snow! I can do so many things with it! Like build snowmen, snow forts, don’t forget the snowball fights! But one of the most fun things is sledding! We go to a huge hill. It’s super far! Don’t forget about how much food t here on Christmas! It’s usually delicous! On Christmas we usually see alot of my
• LETTERS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 to me if he got that present because he doesn’t get alot for Christmas. Happy new year! I hope your excited for Christmas. Thank you! Love, Courtney DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Can you git my dad matt a gingerbread man stuffed animal and a new game for xbox please? Could you also help my grampa so he can walk beter? Can you help homless children also. thanks Love, Weston DEAR SANTA CLAUS, My name is Logan Wells. I’m 8 years old. It will be great if you can get my mom a new laptop. Hers is getting really old and she will be
really happy! It’ll mean a lot to me. Good bye Santa. Thank you! From, Logan DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi my name is Katelyn I am 8. I go to school at Tibbets. I am in 3rd grade. I would like if you would give my teacher Ms. Hluchnik a gift for Christmas. I think you should give her a new coffee maker because she has to deal with all of her 24 students. I hope that you have a safe flight on Christmas! Love, Katelyn DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi, my name is Ariella I’m 8 years old and live in Eklhorn. I would like it if you would give my dad a present. I would
like you to give him a day off so I can see him he lives in Florida. I just really want to see him. I dream of him all the time. We talk every night. My dad was here not that long ago. All an all I want to see my dad my loving dad. Love, Ariella P.S. How are the elfs doing? DEAR SANTA CLAUS, Hi! My name is Acen. I’m 8 years old. I live in Elkhorn. Are you and the reindeer having a good time? It would be very nice if (you gave m) y dad vitamans to make him feel a lot better because he is not feeling good lately could you also give him money for college? I hope you are excited for this Christmas! Its going to be a busy one have a Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Acen
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May the grace of God shine upon you always.
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Merry Christmas Happy New Year – AND –
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• CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 family like my aunts, uncles cousins, grandmas, grandpas, and so on. One of the most important things about Christmas is decorating! Our family always goes to a certain house that sets up a bunch of lights and makes their own radio channel and the lights go with it. It’s super impressive! He only has one arm too! All in all, I absolutely love Christmas vacation! Maya I love Christmas for many reasons. First, I love to go sleding with my friends. I always get tripet and face plant into the snow. When I go home I
drink a big cup of hot coco and that warms me up. Next, I love staying up late and sleeping in. I hate waking up in the morning it sucks! Christmas break is the best! I wish we always had Christmas break. I love opening presents. My mom hides a pickle ornament somewhere in the tree. The first sibling to find the pickle gets to open the first present. Lastly, I love to get together with family, eat a lot and play football with my cousins. Clearly, Christmas break is the BEST!!!!!!!!!! Madison CHRISTMAS! I love getting presents like toys and video games. Last year, my cousin, Nick, got a fat sumo wrestling game. We litterally laughed at that! I am a black belt in Tae Kown Do and received a karate kicking moose ornament from Santa last year. I also love seeing and spendin time with my family! I would like to get pokemon cards this year. I love Chrismas! Michael I like playing with brother in the snow. It’s so fun! I tell him look behind you, then I throw snowballs at his head. Second, No School!! No math! No reading! No Nothing! Next, finding the elf on the shelf. Sometimes if I get sick, Larry, my elf, gives me notes to make me better we give him notes back. Third, I love getting candy could litterally eat any candy. last but not least, I love Christmas
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vacation! I can sleep in all day! Clearly, I love Christmas vacation because I don’t have school!!!! Ethan I like Christmas vaction because of snowboarding! Snowboarding is enjoyable! I do it with my sister, Makenna. She falls sometimes and so do I. After we fall we laugh hard. Second, I like Christmas presents. Christmas present are awesome because I get toys and electronics. Last but not least, I admire Santa! Santa gets me presents! I’m glad for Christmas vacation! Lyla On Christmas vacation, my favorite thing is Christmas! I get to see family and we all gather at my grandmas and grandpa’s house. We sit in the living room and our grandma brings in our presents on Christmas Eve! On Christmas Day, we get in our snow gear. We take grandpa’s Ranger and the four wheeler. We go up to my Uncle Ed’s hill. It’s really big, like 30 ft. tall!! Then we go back to are grandma’s and open our presents from Santa!!! My sister and I go to our other grandma’s and there are twice as many presents there!! I get to see my other cousins there!!! When we are all done, we go home and open presents from mom and dad. It is really fun because we make a really big mess with the wrapping paper. We pretend to be tired so our parents have to clean it up the mess, and it always works!!!!
Obviously, my favorite thing about Christmas vacation is Christmas!
My favorite thing about Christmas is the Christmas tree! It sparkles and I like to put the star on top! Next, I love to eat goodies and i like to make goodies!!! Third, I love Christmas!! I love Santa! He is the one who tells the parents to be Santa so the kids think he is Santa. Lizbeth
Merry Christmas
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• CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 I love CHRISTMAS BREAK! PRESENTS! In the morning of Christmas I try to wake up as early as I can!! My brothers and I rush out into the living room and look to see if Santa came to our house!! Look at all those beautifully wrapped presents!! I love to get new presents!!! We also look outside to see if the reindeer food has been eaten! CANDY CANES! I love to eat delicious treats and I LOVE candy canes!! I also love to hang our candy canes on our Christmas tree! I also make candy cane wreths with my mom on Christmas morning! My mom and I love to do Christmas crafts and treats near all the holidays!! I really do LOVE Christmas break!! Ava
When I go to my gramma’s, she has a big bucket of candy canes. We also have hot coco and search for presents that Santa left for us. We open presents that night because my dad can’t be thar. He is working in the barn. We get up early. I play in the basemite with Maya and Leo, sister and brother. We always make a big mess. We also go to church and spend time together. My family makes snowmen and play in the snow. Then we come in for hot cocoa. I get to mace it myself. I love Christmas break. Lucy
love Christmas vacation.
My favorite time of the year is Christmas vacation because I love waking up on December 1st. I put on my coat, snow pants, hat and mittins. and go outside and make a snowman. When I get cold I go inside and make warm hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies. I also wrap my doggy, dad, sister and brother their presents. Then I bake cookies for Santa and food for Santa’s reindeer. When it’s Christmas morning. I get up really early. and look at all my presents… WOW I have so many. I wake up mys sisters and brother WOW! Then we go get our parents. We open our present and are grateful for all we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Macy
The best thing about Christmas is my family and I going to West Virgina to see my grandparents. We all play in the snow even my cousins. Another thing I like to do is go ice skating in Janesville and eating popcorn by the fireplace there. Lastly, I like looking for my Elf on a shelf. She hides in crazy places like the fridge or bathtub. She even filled the tub with marshmallows! Clearly, I love My favorite thing about Christmas! Christmas vacation is sleeping in!! I can get Courtney caught up on my sleep because I like to stay up late. My soft bed is warm and my toys Last year I rode over surround me on top of my bed. I like to eat a person on my sled. Yikes I candy canes on Christmas because they taste love to go sledding down the really good. I also like to go to grandma’s Delavan sledding hill The house because I get to see my cousins and hill is very gigantic. Next, there are a lot of presents. I like to do lots on my family and I shovel the Christmas break. driveway and sidewalks so the Evan community can walk safely on than. My favorite ting to do I make candy cane wreaths on Christmas on Christmas Eve is to watch Eve Day. We hang them on the front door Christmas movies Finally, I with mistletoe between them! I make HUGE love to drive with my dad and SNOW FORTS in me front yard!!! see all the Christmas lights I I LOVE snow boarding! M(y) brother
and me made a snow boarding track going from the side of the house to the dackyard! That’s why I LOVE Christmas vacation. Tyler The best thing about Christmas vacation is spending time with family. First my family and I wrap ourselves in Christmas lights. Next, we like to watch Christmas movies my favorite is the Angle in the House. Then my sister and I like to have snowball fights with our friends we also like to listen to Christmas music. Finally I love CHRISTMAS VACATION!!!! Ariella
Bring Home the
Holiday Spirit Thank you, neighbors, for visiting us this year. You’re always welcome at our door.
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