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Santa and Mrs. Claus are surrounded by excited children after disembarking from the 2015 Santa Parade Train. The Clauses return to East Troy on Dec. 3 for the annual Bob Barutha Memorial Christmas Tree and Santa on the Square festivities.
Santa comes to town
ERIC KRAMER East Troy Times
The Santa Parade Train makes its annual run Dec. 3 The East Troy Electric Railroad’s Santa Parade Train will make its annual journey into town on Saturday, Dec. 3. Festivities will begin at East Troy Village Square Park at 5 to 8 p.m., including the Bob Barutha Memorial Christmas Tree lighting, winter activities and photos with Santa. Presented by the East Troy Electric Railroad in conjunction with the East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce and Mukwonago Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Center, the beautifully lit four-car train will travel down the century-old interurban trolley line between Mukwonago and East Troy. The original East Troy Christmas Parade train, started by the East Troy Jaycees and the railroad in 1972, was an historic reproduction of the Schuster’s Christmas Parade in Milwaukee. The Schuster’s Department store chain sponsored the parade, established in 1928, to kick off the Christmas shopping season. It disappeared in 1955 with the demise of
the Milwaukee Electric Lines interurban and streetcar system. Spectators, who aren’t aboard the train, can catch a glimpse of Santa along Highway ES. The train will stop briefly at the following crossings: 5:30 p.m., train departs from The Elegant Farmer; 5:45 p.m., Army Lake Road – Army Lake Camp; 6 p.m., St. Peter’s Road; 6:15 p.m., Byrnes Street; 6:25 p.m., Division Street; and 6:30 p.m., Santa arrives at Village Square via East Troy Fire Department truck.
Santa on the Square
In anticipation of Santa’s arrival, festivities will begin on the East Troy Village Square at 6 p.m. with concessions, winter activities and a Christmas carol sing-along. East Troy Lioness will once again be serving walking tacos, hot dogs and hot chocolate at the Lion’s Lodge on the square starting at 5 p.m. Professional photos of children with Santa and Mrs. Claus will be available following the
tree lighting at about 6:40 p.m. at a cost of $8 each, with the proceeds to benefit the East Troy Food Pantry. All participants will get a digital copy of their photo.
Midnight Magic in Mukwonago
Midnight Magic, sponsored by the Mukwonago Area Chamber of Commerce, also takes place that day from 10 a.m. until midnight at sites throughout the community. Under the theme, “Christmas in Candyland!” the event offers pictures with Santa; Gingerbread House Contest and Parade of Gingerbread Men Silent Auction at Brooklife Church; Alaskan Malamute Dog Sled Pull; Marketplace/Craft Fair with more than 120 vendors and meal options; Horse Drawn Carriage Rides at Citizens Bank; Christmas Parade; Live Nativity Scene at St. Johns Lutheran Church; Vintage Baseball Game; holiday entertainment and fireworks. Visit www.mukwonagochamber.org.
Christmas Carol Songbook
Cover photo by Eric Kramer
2011 Church St., P.O. Box 274 • East Troy, WI 53120 (262) 642-7837 • Email: editor@easttroytimes.net www.mywalworthcounty.com Editor: Tracy Ouellette • Creative/Production Director: Sue Z. Lange
Advertising Director: Vicki Vanderwerff • Advertising Representative: Michelle Kramer
❄ 4
this Holiday Season Find out where at: ❄ EASTTROY.ORG
❄ 264125
Shopping for Christmas Shoppers peruse the offerings at the East Troy Family Resource Center’s annual home party and craft fair last year at East Troy High School. ERIC KRAMER East Troy Times
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Ring in the holidays on the East Troy Railroad Ride Christmas Express Trains to Santa’s Workshop at the Elegant Farmer
The East Troy Railroad Museum’s 2016 Christmas Express Trains are set for their magical round-trip from the East Troy depot to Santa’s Workshop at The Elegant Farmer in Mukwonago. Children can visit with Santa, enjoy cookies and hot chocolate, plus take home a small gift. The historic railroad cars are heated and rest rooms are available at the East Troy depot. Tickets can be purchased online at easttroyrr.org. Adults are $15 and children (ages 0-14) are $17.50. Advance reservations are strongly recommended. Trains will depart at 9 a.m., 10 a.m.,
11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. on the following Saturdays and Sundays Dec. 3 and 4, 10 and 11, and 17 and 18. The East Troy Railroad Museum operates regular 14-mile round trip excursions from its historic East Troy depot and museum to Indianhead Park in Mukwonago, with a stop at the popular Elegant Farmer store and deli. Celebrating 109 years of riding the rails through southeast Wisconsin’s Kettle Moraine countryside, this not-forprofit railroad continues to be operated and managed by more than 130 volunteers committed to the operation and preservation of historic trolleys and interurban railcars.
Helping out at the holidays
ERIC KRAMER East Troy Times
Above: Donations during from the 2014 Holiday Help for Families program in East Troy fill the gym as workers get ready to sort and wrap the gifts (left). The program is in need of donations for children, families and seniors this holiday season. Giving trees are located at various businesses throughout East Troy. For more information, call Marolyn Komperud at the East Troy Family and Community Resource Center, (262) 642-4900.
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