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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 DISPLAY ADS (262) 877-2813


CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

883 Main Street, Antioch, IL •


All aboard for the North Pole Express! More than 70 children, parents, and grandparents boarded the North Pole Express Metra commuter train at the Metra train station, 305 W. Depot St., Antioch, to head south for the final ride of the season to the North Pole (a.k.a., the Buffalo Grove Metra station) on Dec 23. The group dressed in their pajamas, met at the station, and took a ride to Santa country where they were entertained with lunch, games, prizes, dancing, cookies and hot chocolate, and, of course, a visit from Santa Claus. Scenes from the event include (clockwise from upper left): Reese Turner, 5, has an intimate conversation with Santa Claus about her Christmas wish list; riders prepare to board the train in Antioch; Sisters Reese, 5, (left) and Lily Turner, 9, wear their pajamas as they peer out the window of the train station; Conductor Cindy Zinaveah, left, meets with some eager travelers at the Metra train station; and Santa Claus arrives to the cheers of the crowd at the “North Pole.” JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter



New Year

Celebrate the in style! LIVE ENTERTAI NMENT 6 course amazing menu First seating 5pm-8p m $55/person Second seating 9pm1am $65/person Call today to reserv e your seat! 266859

~ formerly Antioch Report


DISPLAY ADS (262) 877-2813


CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

883 Main Street, Antioch, IL •


All aboard for the North Pole Express! More than 70 children, parents, and grandparents boarded the North Pole Express Metra commuter train at the Metra train station, 305 W. Depot St., Antioch, to head south for the final ride of the season to the North Pole (a.k.a., the Buffalo Grove Metra station) on Dec 23. The group dressed in their pajamas, met at the station, and took a ride to Santa country where they were entertained with lunch, games, prizes, dancing, cookies and hot chocolate, and, of course, a visit from Santa Claus. Scenes from the event include (clockwise from upper left): Reese Turner, 5, has an intimate conversation with Santa Claus about her Christmas wish list; riders prepare to board the train in Antioch; Sisters Reese, 5, (left) and Lily Turner, 9, wear their pajamas as they peer out the window of the train station; Conductor Cindy Zinaveah, left, meets with some eager travelers at the Metra train station; and Santa Claus arrives to the cheers of the crowd at the “North Pole.” JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter


WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016



New Year

Celebrate the in style! LIVE ENTERTAI NMENT 6 course amazing menu First seating 5pm-8p m $55/person Second seating 9pm1am $65/person Call today to reserv e your seat!


To subscribe call 262-728-3411

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 DISPLAY ADS (262) 877-2813


CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

New Year

883 Main Street, Antioch, IL •


All aboard for the North Pole Express! More than 70 children, parents, and grandparents boarded the North Pole Express Metra commuter train at the Metra train station, 305 W. Depot St., Antioch, to head south for the final ride of the season to the North Pole (a.k.a., the Buffalo Grove Metra station) on Dec 23. The group dressed in their pajamas, met at the station, and took a ride to Santa country where they were entertained with lunch, games, prizes, dancing, cookies and hot chocolate, and, of course, a visit from Santa Claus. Scenes from the event include (clockwise from upper left): Reese Turner, 5, has an intimate conversation with Santa Claus about her Christmas wish list; riders prepare to board the train in Antioch; Sisters Reese, 5, (left) and Lily Turner, 9, wear their pajamas as they peer out the window of the train station; Conductor Cindy Zinaveah, left, meets with some eager travelers at the Metra train station; and Santa Claus arrives to the cheers of the crowd at the “North Pole.” JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter



Celebrate the in style! LIVE ENTERTAI NMENT 6 course amazing menu First seating 5pm-8p m $55/person Second seating 9pm1am $65/person Call today to reserv e your seat! 266859

~ fomerly The Report

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 2

Slices of life

New year spurs traditions

WEEKLY SPECIALS While Supplies Last

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celebration, making it New Year’s Week-and-a-half, as opposed to New Year’s Day. During those 11 days partying and parading in the streets (as I’m assuming the Babylonians did) they made promises to the gods in order to earn their favor.






Thus, the concept of New Year’s resolutions was born. Julius Caesar gave a lot of deep thought to the concept of calendars and is credited with moving New Year’s Day to Jan. 1 somewhere around the year 46 B.C. Romans celebrated by exchanging gifts, decorating their homes, attending raucous parties, offering sacrifices to Janus, who was the Roman god of beginnings, and of course wearing togas. Different countries have different New Year’s



New Year’s Day is perhaps the most celebrated holiday around the world. There’s a universal appeal to newness, so the first day of a new year is a natural cause for a party. People have been celebrating the beginning of a new year for at least four millennia (or 28,000 dog years). Some of the first recorded celebrations were in Babylon. Then, the holiday was observed in March, during the first new moon following the vernal equinox. It was an 11-day




Cash & Carry Coupon Expires 1-3-17 (No debit or credit cards)




Cash & Carry Coupon Expires 1-3-17 (No debit or credit cards)




Cash & Carry Coupon Expires 1-3-17 (No debit or credit cards)

traditions. Some are logical. Others, not so much. In some South American countries the color of your underwear is thought to determine your fate for the upcoming year. Red indicates love. Gold brings wealth. White signifies peace. Brown or yellow means it’s time to change your underwear. In Switzerland they drop ice cream on the floor. I’d rather just eat it. Less mess to clean up and less waste of a good scoop of ice cream. In Siberia, people jump into frozen lakes while carrying tree trunks (and presumably wearing swim trunks). Sounds logical. Residents of Denmark throw plates at the front doors of the homes of friends and family to bring everyone good luck. Going barefoot in Denmark on Jan. 1 would be bad luck. In Spain they eat grapes to ward off evil. I wonder if drinking fermented grapes counts.



1.75 LITER Cash & Carry Coupon Expires 1-3-17 (No debit or credit cards)







Here in the U.S. we celebrate the new year with various traditions including waiting for the ball to drop in Times Square, popping a champagne cork at midnight, engaging in a midnight kiss, watching college football and staying up past our bedtimes. Eating black-eyed beans is a New Year’s tradition in many homes, especially in the south. The beans are thought to symbolize coins and are eaten to ensure economic prosperity in the coming year. We don’t eat black-eyed beans at my house. We make oyster stew. I think my husband initiated the practice. He likes oysters. I’d never tasted them before meeting him. Now it’s become our own tradition. In the U.S. it’s more common to eat oyster stew on Christmas Eve. I suppose we could do both, but I’m not sure we’re quite that fond of oysters.


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Jan. 1, 2017. We are ushering in a new year, with new possibilities. We tend to like things that are new. A new car. New phone. New house. New look. A new tradition – like oyster stew on New Year’s Eve. I’m willing to try just about anything, including drinking fermented grapes, kissing at midnight and wearing bright underwear. All’s new that ends new, as they say. But I draw the line at jumping into a frozen lake with a tree trunk. I’ll save that one until next year. Or maybe the next. Jill Pertler is an awardwinning syndicated columnist, published playwright, author and member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She invites readers to follow the Slices of Life page on Facebook.


Happy New Year!! One Day Only!! 12-31-16

CRAB LEG SALE! $19.99 lb.

Our crab legs are from the Bering Sea and were very limited this year. We were only able to receive 3,000 lbs. this year. When they are gone, they are gone. SO, COME EARLY AS SUPPLY IS LIMITED!

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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 3


Sharing Center, Inc. Executive Director Sharon Pomaville said the agency anticipated helping more than 430 children at Christmas.

Sharing Center helps more than 400 children By Jason Arndt STAFF WRITER

The Sharing Center, Inc. of Trevor, Wis., a nonprofit organization, anticipated serving more than 400 children in Western Kenosha County during the holiday season. According to Executive Director Sharon Pomaville, the gifts would not have been possible without the help of several organizations within the community stepping up to help. “It’s a lot of things – it will be church groups, service organizations, sometimes the schools will take some of the families,” she said. “We have organizations, multiple people helping out, and then individuals.” The individuals, paired anonymously with low-income children, could help 430 children in the area, according to Pomaville. Some people and organizations, including church groups, help more than one child. “Each year, the center anonymously pairs every child to someone in the community, who provides for their most critical needs,” Pomaville said, noting winter clothing, bedding, school clothing as well as gifts are most often needed at Christmas. Pomaville estimates more than 100 people and community organizations are involved. “I would say we have probably well over 100 at this point,” said Pomaville the week prior to Christmas. “A lot of them are individuals in the community that want to help out at Christmas.” While the officials at the Sharing Center look to give area children a

Nonprofit organization spreads holiday joy

reason to celebrate, they also expect to help their families. More than 1,000 people were expected to receive food as part of the center’s ongoing pantry program. “The Center anticipates providing Christmas gifts for over 430 western Kenosha children,” she said. “Our food pantry in December will serve 1,000 plus people.” The Sharing Center continues to accept monetary, material and food donations throughout the holiday season and beyond. “Generous hearts forget that a child in need at Christmas is a child in need all year long,” said Pomaville. Community members can contribute online at or send a check to the Sharing Center at 25700 Wilmot Road, Trevor. Pomaville said food items, like peanut butter, cereal, soup and stew, fresh potatoes, onions, apples and oranges are most in need at the food pantry. Furthermore, items including bed sheets, towels, blankets and small appliances are accepted. For community members looking to donate food and material items, hours of operation are Mondays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to noon. Children and families seeking help need to meet specific requirements, she said. “We do require that they live in Kenosha County, (be) income eligible, and have eligibility requirements for families to sign up for Christmas needs,” Pomaville said.


Marilyn Garbarino, of Bristol, and Twin Lakes resident Carl Gustafson gather food items for the pantry at the Sharing Center.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 4

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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 5



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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 7

A time for fresh starts New Year’s celebrations marked by optimism


As the clock ticks slowly, moving closer and closer to that magical moment when the hands strike midnight and those still awake burst into cheers of “Happy New Year” as they welcome in 2017, they will also at that same moment be marking the end of the year 2016. The cheers of Happy New Year are quickly joined by the singing of “Auld Lang Syne.” “Auld Lange Syne” is the most popular song associated with the New Year and yet it is a song that many people, although they attempt to sing it each New Year’s Eve, have difficulty memorizing the words. The song itself is an old Scottish ballad based on a poem written in 1788 by the poet Robert Burns and set to the melody of a traditional folk song. Burns is said to have transcribed the poem and to have made some refinements to the lyrics after hearing it sung by an old man from the Ayshire area of Scotland, where Burns also resided. The song became popular in the United States in the 1930s when Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians, a popular orchestra of the time, played it each year on New Year’s Eve as the clock hit midnight. Lombardo’s version of the song continues to be played in Times Square, New York City, as the Waterford Crystal Ball descends from the top of the Times Building. While people often stay up to celebrate the end of the old year and welcome in the new year, others treat the night like any other. They maintain their normal bedtime and it is not until daylight appears with light peeking over the horizon and the first full day of the year begins, that the New Year is official to them. A dividing line New Year’s Day is the dividing line between the past year and the future. It is often a time of introspection, a time look at the past to see what has been accomplished and set goals to produce a better life for the future. While New Year’s Day is also, in some homes, the last day of celebration of the holiday season. It is a day spent removing all traces of the holiday decorations that have been a part of the Christmas season as people prepare to return to work. The Christmas tree, if a natural tree is in place, is stripped of its decorations and removed from the home. If the family has had an artificial tree it is returned to storage to wait for another year to pass before it again becomes the symbol of Christmas. Not all homes are in the throes of holiday decoration removal on Jan. 1. Many families

honor the Christian tradition of the 12 Days of Christmas and continue to keep the home decorated until January 6, when the arrival of the Three Kings is celebrated and the Christmas season officially ends. As with all holidays, traditions are an important part of New Year’s Eve and Day. For many, New Year’s Day is a day of relaxation after a busy Christmas season. The day often begins with the Rose Bowl Parade and other bowl parades around the nation enjoyed by relaxing at home and observing it on television. The parades, of course, are followed by the college football bowl games that continue throughout the day.

Heritage plays a role New Year’s Day traditions are also based on heritage and place of residence. Families may have a more casual way of entertaining on New Year’s than they have entertained in the previous weeks. Open houses for family members and friends often include a buffet and some New Year’s cheer and sharing the football games together. Foods served often follow traditions, such as those from the southern section of the country, which enjoys black-eyed peas and ham as a sign of prosperity for the coming year. The German tradition is to enjoy pork, a symbol of FILE PHOTO Hi-Liter healthy nourishment and well-being and sau The most famous place to observe the start of the new year is in Times Square, erkraut symbolic of health. For people of Scandinavian heritage, the New York City. Officials estimate that over a million people crowd into the square to New Year must begin by eating herring on watch the descent of the Waterford crystal ball at the stroke of midnight. New Year’s morning to ensure a healthy year. While eating herring in the morning may seem strange to many, it is common in the ScandinaOPEN to the PUBLIC vian countries where fish is an important part Discover the of their diet. Best Bargains at No Membership Fee In England, in the middle ages, cleaning the Mon - Fri 9-6 house on New Year’s and removing old or unnecessary items was the way to begin the year. Visit us at: Sat 8-4, Sun 9-4 Today many here in America begin to clear out Visit Our Cash & Carry Outlet clutter from their homes at the beginning of Highway 50 & KD, 8 miles East of Lake Geneva the year as they begin to make a new start for the New Year. ND Resolutions reign New starts are also common in the New Year. Weight loss, healthier eating, improving fitness, saving money, reducing debt, quitting smoking, taking a trip and volunteering are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions according to While New Year’s resolutions are not always successful, it doesn’t hurt to try. Pick one or two at the most and perhaps by next New Year’s that goal will have been achieved and it is time to reach out for the next one.

Community briefs Heritage Center to host events

The following events are slated for the Grayslake Heritage Center, 164 Hawley St., Grayslake. For more information, go to www.villageofgrayslake. com. Civil War roundtable The Lake County Civil War Roundtable will have a meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 12. Art show planned The center will have an art show that is put together by the members of the Grayslake Arts Alliance from 5 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14.

Lincoln Highway will be open before and after The center will have Na- the event. tional President of Lincoln Memorial Highway Associ- PM&L Theater to ation Kay Shelton share the history of the Lincoln High- present ‘As You way from 2 to 3 p.m. on Sat- Like It’ urday, Jan. 28. PM&L Theatre’s Chuck Lindas will direct perforFolk singer to perform mances of “As You Like It” The Lake County Folk beginning in late January. Club will present southern Shows are set for 8 p.m. Illinois folk singer-songwrit- on Fridays and Saturdays er Chris Vallillo at 7 p.m. on and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays Sunday, Jan. 29. from Jan. 27, to Feb. 12, at This event will include a PM&L Theatre, 877 N. Main performance and interview St., Antioch. from host Chuck Vander- The performance has Vennet with Chris Vallillo. been adapted and updated by Admission is $18 for general Lindas. public, $15 for seniors and For more information, $13 for Lake County Folk call (847) 395-3055. Club members. The museum

Street gang member arrested in Antioch Michael A. Grasso, 52, of Antioch, was arrested on Dec. 20, after a month-long investigation by the Lake County Sheriff’s Gang Task Force, according to a Lake County Sheriff’s Office press release. Grasso is a documented street gang member. According to the release,

members of the task force conducted a search warrant at Grasso’s residence and found more than 62 grams of heroin, more than 74 grams of cannabis, a firearm, drug paraphernalia and more than $1,000 cash. Grasso was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a controlled sub-

stance with intent to deliver, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and unlawful possession of cannabis. Grasso is at the Lake County Jail on a $250,000 bail.

6515-352 Ave, P.O. 873 • New Munster, WI • 262.537.4407 Sale Dates Wed December 28th-Tuesday January 3rd H APPY N EW Y EAR FROM ROM NEW YEARS EVE



Butcher Block Specials

CHOICE STRIP STEAKS ................................................................................................................................................... $8.99LB. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS................................................................................................................................................ $8.69LB. T- BONE STEAKS............................................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE BONE IN RIB EYE ................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN ROASTS AND STEAKS ................................................................................................. $4.99LB. 93% LEAN GROUND BEEF............................................................................................................................................. $3.69LB. BONE IN CENTER CUT PORK ROASTS ........................................................................................................................ $1.99LB. FAMILY PACK BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS ............................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Julie’s Cheese Corner

COLBY JACK ...................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. PROVOLONE....................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. SMOKED NATURALLY GOUDA ....................................................................................................... $3.09LB. SWISS AMERICAN .............................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. AMERICAN ......................................................................................................................................... $1.99LB. GARLIC + HERB MONTEREY JACK CUBES .................................................................................... $1.99LB. WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR.................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. FONTINA SLICED................................................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Seafood Bar

12/14 KING CRAB LEGS................................................................................................................... $20.95LB. UNDER 10 SCALLOPS ...................................................................................................................... $14.95LB. 10/20 SCALLOPS............................................................................................................................... $12.95LB. SNOW CRAB LEGS............................................................................................................................. $9.95LB. 16/20 CT IQF SHELL ON SHRIMP ..................................................................................................... $8.95LB. 5-6 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $7.99EACH 16/20 EASY PEEL RAW SHRIMP ....................................................................................................... $7.95LB. 4-5 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $5.99EACH

Inventory Reduction Sale 18/22 SLICED BACON 15LB CASE (1.89LB) FROZEN.........................................................................$28.50 2-3OZ UNBREADED HADDOCK LOINS 10LB CASE..........................................................................$15.00 WILD UNBREADED HADDOCK PIECES 10LB CASE ..........................................................................$10.00 4OZ PANKO BREADED COD SQUARES 10LB CASE .........................................................................$9.90!! PRIME RIB # 18303# FROZEN ........................................................................................................... $5.49LB. 6/4.5LB SHOESTRING FRENCH FRIES WITH PEEL ..............................................................................$5.00 SMOKED WHOLE LOCAL SOURCE HAMS ................................................................................................................... $1.79LB SLICING HAM (FROZEN).......................................................................................................................................................49LB.

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By Sandra Landen Machaj

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 7

A time for fresh starts New Year’s celebrations marked by optimism


As the clock ticks slowly, moving closer and closer to that magical moment when the hands strike midnight and those still awake burst into cheers of “Happy New Year” as they welcome in 2017, they will also at that same moment be marking the end of the year 2016. The cheers of Happy New Year are quickly joined by the singing of “Auld Lang Syne.” “Auld Lange Syne” is the most popular song associated with the New Year and yet it is a song that many people, although they attempt to sing it each New Year’s Eve, have difficulty memorizing the words. The song itself is an old Scottish ballad based on a poem written in 1788 by the poet Robert Burns and set to the melody of a traditional folk song. Burns is said to have transcribed the poem and to have made some refinements to the lyrics after hearing it sung by an old man from the Ayshire area of Scotland, where Burns also resided. The song became popular in the United States in the 1930s when Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians, a popular orchestra of the time, played it each year on New Year’s Eve as the clock hit midnight. Lombardo’s version of the song continues to be played in Times Square, New York City, as the Waterford Crystal Ball descends from the top of the Times Building. While people often stay up to celebrate the end of the old year and welcome in the new year, others treat the night like any other. They maintain their normal bedtime and it is not until daylight appears with light peeking over the horizon and the first full day of the year begins, that the New Year is official to them. A dividing line New Year’s Day is the dividing line between the past year and the future. It is often a time of introspection, a time look at the past to see what has been accomplished and set goals to produce a better life for the future. While New Year’s Day is also, in some homes, the last day of celebration of the holiday season. It is a day spent removing all traces of the holiday decorations that have been a part of the Christmas season as people prepare to return to work. The Christmas tree, if a natural tree is in place, is stripped of its decorations and removed from the home. If the family has had an artificial tree it is returned to storage to wait for another year to pass before it again becomes the symbol of Christmas. Not all homes are in the throes of holiday

decoration removal on Jan. 1. Many families honor the Christian tradition of the 12 Days of Christmas and continue to keep the home decorated until January 6, when the arrival of the Three Kings is celebrated and the Christmas season officially ends. As with all holidays, traditions are an important part of New Year’s Eve and Day. For many, New Year’s Day is a day of relaxation after a busy Christmas season. The day often begins with the Rose Bowl Parade and other bowl parades around the nation enjoyed by relaxing at home and observing it on television. The parades, of course, are followed by the college football bowl games that continue throughout the day.

Heritage plays a role New Year’s Day traditions are also based on heritage and place of residence. Families may have a more casual way of entertaining on New Year’s than they have entertained in the previous weeks. Open houses for family members and friends often include a buffet and some New Year’s cheer and sharing the football games together. Foods served often follow traditions, such as those from the southern section of the country, which enjoys black-eyed peas and ham as a sign of prosperity for the coming FILE PHOTO Hi-Liter year. The German tradition is to enjoy pork, a symbol of healthy nourishment and well-be- The most famous place to observe the start of the new year is in Times Square, New York City. Officials estimate that over a million people crowd into the square to ing and sauerkraut symbolic of health. For people of Scandinavian heritage, the watch the descent of the Waterford crystal ball at the stroke of midnight. New Year must begin by eating herring on New Year’s morning to ensure a healthy year. While eating herring in the morning OPEN to the PUBLIC may seem strange to many, it is common in Discover the the Scandinavian countries where fish is an Best Bargains at No Membership Fee important part of their diet. Mon - Fri 9-6 In England, in the middle ages, cleaning the house on New Year’s and removing old Visit us at: Sat 8-4, Sun 9-4 or unnecessary items was the way to begin Visit Our Cash & Carry Outlet the year. Today many here in America begin Highway 50 & KD, 8 miles East of Lake Geneva to clear out clutter from their homes at the beginning of the year as they begin to make 6515-352ND Ave, P.O. 873 • New Munster, WI • 262.537.4407 a new start for the New Year. Resolutions reign New starts are also common in the New Year. Weight loss, healthier eating, improving fitness, saving money, reducing debt, quitting smoking, taking a trip and volunteering are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions according to www.usa. gov. While New Year’s resolutions are not always successful, it doesn’t hurt to try. Pick one or two at the most and perhaps by next New Year’s that goal will have been achieved and it is time to reach out for the next one.

Senior Services will host a New Year’s party at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 12, at McHenry Township Senior Center, 3519 N Richmond Road, Johnsburg. The party will include a luncheon, a special dessert, and a live performance from Candy Kresmery. The event is $8 per person. Reservations are required and there are limited seats available. Deadline to reserve a spot is Monday, Jan. 9. For more information or to register, call (815) 3443555.

plays and activities will get individuals ready for an outdoor exploration. Check out the free exploration backpack to borrow binoculars and field guides and grab a scavenger hunt to help search the wild spaces of Glacial Park. Event is available any time the visitor center is open. December’s topic is winter birds. Learn more about animals that stay around in the winter by reading Lewis Cardinals First Winter. Play a winter bird feeding game then use binoculars to see if any birds are visiting the feeders. The visitor center will be closed Jan. 1, and Jan. 2. For more information, call (815) 678-4532.

Self-guided nature hikes offered

Library to host beekeeping program

Glacial Park offers self-guided explorations from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. everyday until Tuesday, Jan. 31, at Glacial Park, 6313 Harts Road, Ringwood. Start the adventures at Lost Valley Visitor Center where each month a new topic is featured. Indoor dis-

Northern Illinois Beekeeper’s Association member Larry Krengel will lead a discussion on beekeeping at 7 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 23, at Johnsburg Public Library, 3000 N. Johnsburg Road, Johnsburg. Krengel will talk about what it takes to set up a back-




Butcher Block Specials

CHOICE STRIP STEAKS ................................................................................................................................................... $8.99LB. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS................................................................................................................................................ $8.69LB. T- BONE STEAKS............................................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE BONE IN RIB EYE ................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN ROASTS AND STEAKS ................................................................................................. $4.99LB. 93% LEAN GROUND BEEF............................................................................................................................................. $3.69LB. BONE IN CENTER CUT PORK ROASTS ........................................................................................................................ $1.99LB. FAMILY PACK BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS ............................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Julie’s Cheese Corner

Community briefs Senior Center to host New Year’s party

Sale Dates Wed December 28th-Tuesday January 3rd

yard colony, current difficulties facing the world’s bee population, the important role small-scale beekeepers can play to ensure the continuation of the species and more. Registration is required for this event. For more information or to register, call (815) 3440077.

Knitting Club set for New Year

The knitting club will have its next meeting from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 7, at Johnsburg Public Library, 3000 N. Johnsburg Road, Johnsburg. Participants will learn the basics and knit a simple washcloth. The course will increase in difficulty as each project is finished. No prior knitting experience is needed and all skill levels are invited to attend. Personal projects may be brought and shared with the club. Registration is required. Materials will be provided. The next meeting will be on Feb. 4. For more information or to register, call (815) 3440077.

COLBY JACK ...................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. PROVOLONE....................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. SMOKED NATURALLY GOUDA ....................................................................................................... $3.09LB. SWISS AMERICAN .............................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. AMERICAN ......................................................................................................................................... $1.99LB. GARLIC + HERB MONTEREY JACK CUBES .................................................................................... $1.99LB. WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR.................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. FONTINA SLICED................................................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Seafood Bar

12/14 KING CRAB LEGS................................................................................................................... $20.95LB. UNDER 10 SCALLOPS ...................................................................................................................... $14.95LB. 10/20 SCALLOPS............................................................................................................................... $12.95LB. SNOW CRAB LEGS............................................................................................................................. $9.95LB. 16/20 CT IQF SHELL ON SHRIMP ..................................................................................................... $8.95LB. 5-6 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $7.99EACH 16/20 EASY PEEL RAW SHRIMP ....................................................................................................... $7.95LB. 4-5 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $5.99EACH

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By Sandra Landen Machaj

The time is now to help

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 8

Sister struggles with cancer and bills with two children




want to be free of the stress that I know affects all of them and celebrate her recovery. She has gone through so much this year and now that she is finally starting to feel like she will beat her cancer, I want her to be able to heal and regain her strength without the constant financial stress she is under. Could you please check on my sister and see if there is a way you could make their Christmas wish come true? Dear readers, I was going through the growing stack of letters I had fallen behind in while I was waiting for our matchinggrant funds. I had also been sick and, after a few days in bed, was ready to get back to helping our fellow creations during our busiest time of the year. I went through the letters already sorted and researched by several of our wonderful volunteers. They were labeled and highlighted with the most important

information I needed to see, past history, needs and contact information. Several letters down, I saw this letter with many highlights and personal notes from my volunteer. I knew this volunteer to have a real intuition for those most in need, so I followed her lead and called the sister who had written this letter of request. The sister answered the phone immediately and, after introducing ourselves, she answered many questions I had about her sister. Knowing her sister was just recovering from her cancer treatments and I was recovering from my own maladies, I knew I would not be well enough to do this visit for over a week yet. I asked the sister if she would mind if I sent one of my trusted volunteers who had attended many visits with me in the past to check her sister’s situation for me. The woman agreed to meet the volunteer at her sister’s apartment the following day. The volunteer shared she had met the sister at the appointed time, and they made their introductions. The sister let her into the apartment with her own key. The volunteer noted the sister commented that she had been given a key by her sister when she was so sick so she

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had asked about her income, looked at her bank statements and other supporting documents. She said she had opened her cabinets and refrigerator, noting there was some food, but not any fresh fruits or vegetables that are important for your health. The volunteer had looked over the bills and medical bills. The volunteer took pictures of everything she knew I would want to see to make my final decision on the assistance we would provide. The volunteer asked about the car that had been given up when she could no longer make the payments. She asked the woman how she was getting to her medical appointments and other necessary destinations. The sister told her she had been driving her to her appointments but she had to use all her allotted days off work to do this in the past. The sister said, “Now that I do not have any more days I can safely take off work, I am afraid she will not be able to get groceries or to her medical appointments.” The volunteer asked the woman if she had plans of returning to work in the future. The woman said, “When I was at my sickest moments, I

See TIME IS NOW, Page 11

Area man dies in twovehicle crash

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volunteer then pulled out her list of questions and asked if she minded answering some personal questions. The woman seemed convinced we were there to help and that The Time Is Now to Help was a real charity that could possibly provide the assistance she did not know existed anywhere else. When I spoke to the volunteer, she went over the list of questions I had given her, using my own worksheet that I use for all our clients, and the woman’s answers. The volunteer shared she knew she had to be brave to ask such personal questions of a perfect stranger. She also said she had seen me do it so many times, and seen the outcome of our good works, that she was emboldened by the opportunity to provide assistance to the struggling woman before her. The volunteer said, “I had to put my personal feelings aside and think about what was best for this woman that had endured so much, that sat before me with hollow cheeks and hair that was just growing back in. I knew I had to ask these questions to get her the appropriate assistance she needed to get past this difficult situation and move on.” The volunteer told me she

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could check on her at any time without having to wake her sister if she was resting. She said she also worried about her sister as there were many days she had been too weak to even open the door, and her children had been in school so she was all alone. On those days she would let herself in and try to just give her comfort and encourage her to stay hydrated. The sister tearfully told our volunteer, “It was hardest on those days. There was nothing I could do to offer comfort other than just be here if she needed me. She went through so much and was so strong.” The volunteer said it took all her strength to not start crying along with the sister and she hadn’t met our client yet. The women walked into the apartment as the sister called out that she had brought a visitor. Just then, a woman with short tufts of hair walked into the room and hugged her sister. The woman looked questioningly at our volunteer but politely invited her inside. The sister introduced our volunteer and the women all sat to talk about The Time Is Now to Help. The volunteer said she showed the woman our website on her iPad and shared a brochure. The


Dear W.C., My sister has been fighting breast cancer for the past year. After surgery, chemo and radiation she is finally in remission. She had to give up her job and go on disability as soon as she began chemo. She thought she could continue to work through her cancer treatments, but the first treatment proved her wrong. Her income dropped substantially and was not enough to pay all their bills. She had to give up her car when she couldn’t make the payments, and she fell behind in her utilities. I helped out where I could, but I am just getting by with my family. My sister has two teenage children who have been wonderful. Her older son works after school to help buy food and daily necessities. Her daughter helps care for her after school and does all the cleaning and cooking. My sister never complains, but I know they are struggling financially. Her insurance co-pays and deductibles have taken most of her income. I would love to be able to help my sister and her two amazing children have a Christmas without worrying about how they are going to pay their rent and utilities and buy food. They do not want to buy gifts. They just


A 52-year-old North Chicago man is dead following a two-vehicle crash Dec, 17 near North Delany Road, just south of North Mauser Drive in Wadsworth, according to a Lake County Sheriff’s Office press release. The 52-year-old man was heading south on Delany Road when he crossed the double-yellow lines and collided head-on with a northbound 61-year-old Beach Park man, according to authorities. The 52-year-old man was transported to Vista East Hospital in Waukegan, where he was pronounced dead. The Beach Park man was transported to Advocate Condell Medical Center in Libertyville with critical injuries. The crash remains under investigation by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Technical Crash Investigations Unit.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 9

NEW YEAR’S CELEBRATION Ring in the New Year Safe!

Non-alcoholic variations of popular cocktails Bloody Shame recipe 3 oz V8® vegetable juice 2-3 drops Tabasco® sauce 1 pinch salt 1 pinch peppers 1 celery stick

Pour V8 into an old-fashioned glass, add Tabasco sauce and stir with a celery stalk. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve. Serve in: Old-Fashioned Glass

Virgin Raspberry Daiquiri recipe

Virgin Mary recipe

3 oz raspberry puree, 2 oz pineapple juice 1/2 oz lemon juice, 1 tsp caster sugar 1/2 oz raspberry syrup

Blend briefly with half a glassful of crushed ice in a wine goblet. Garnish with raspberries, and serve. Serve in: Wine Goblet

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Salem Auto Service

Since 1951 • Tim, Danny & Josh 8515 Antioch Rd. (Hwy. 83) Salem, WI 53168 262-843-3636

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Grayslake Feed

21 N. Seymour, Grayslake, IL 847-223-4255

Horn Trevor Feeds Inc.

11100 258th Ave., Trevor, WI 53179 262-862-2616

4 oz tomato juice 2 - 3 dashes lemon juice 1 pinch celery salt 4 - 6 drops Worcestershire sauce 1 pinch coarse peppers 2 - 3 drops Tabasco® sauce 1 celery stalk Pour tomato juice over ice cubes in a large highball glass. Season to taste, stir, and garnish with celery. Serve in: Highball Glass

Grand Avenue Hair Club

240 Grand Ave., Fox Lake, IL 60020 847-587-3330

Antioch Model Trains & Hobby

924 Main St., Antioch, IL 60002 847-395-5025

Timber Oaks

310 IL Rt 59, Ingleside, IL 60041 847-587-6888

The Goddard School

For Early Childhood Development 34638 North Highway 45, Third Lake, IL 847-543-9075

Pet, Bath & Beyond

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Wilmot Auto Service

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Virgin Bellini recipe

2 oz peach juice 1 tsp grenadine syrup 2 oz soda water Pour into a wine glass, and serve. Serve in: White Wine Glass

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Advanced Storage, LLC 2459 Pierce Dr., Spring Grove, IL 815-675-1777 • Climate controlled units • Security lighting/fencing • Rental/moving supplies

Birds of Paradise Flower & Gift Shop 2404 Spring Ridge Drive, Unit K Spring Grove, IL 60081 We Deliver! 815-363-8568

Bumper to Bumper AUTO PARTS SPECIALISTS Paddock Lake Auto Parts We Know Parts Mon.-Fri. 8-6; Sat. 8-4; Sun. 9-2 27640 75th St., Salem, WI 53168 262-843-2451

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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 10

Style Hi-Liter

Changed lives The Time Is Now To Help brings renewed faith, sense of purpose By Heather Ruenz STAFF WRITER

al Dimiceli knows he will help many people each year. The founder of The Time Is Now to Help, though, knows the support of others makes that help possible. “People often wonder if I see 500 people a year, how do I accomplish that? The answer is with the help of many, thanks to the giving hearts of many,” said Dimiceli. In an effort to share the personal stories of a couple people who have been helped – in their own words – Dimiceli requested their permission to be interviewed. Their names have been changed at their request to protect their privacy. A man, whom we’ll refer to as Brian, was seriously injured on the job a few years ago, had several surgeries and then lost his wife to kidney failure. He found himself disabled and a single father to two children, living in a home in need of major repairs. “My wife was a diabetic and wasn’t even supposed to be able to have children. The pregnancies took a toll on her kidneys. The year after our second child was born, she had kidney and pancreas transplants but her body eventually rejected them so she had to go back on dialysis,” Brian said. He had one hip replaced, followed by the other several months later. One month after the second hip replacement, just before Christmas that year, his wife died. “I was a single dad to two children and because of a bone disease I had, I was now disabled. I pretty much thought my life was over and I was useless. I had been very active all my life but that came to a halt. I didn’t think I could be a good father, or a good man,” Brian said. Adding to his troubles, the family’s only vehicle had broken down and there was no money to spare. “There’s only so much I can do, being disabled, and a lot of it fell on the kids. We have caregivers that come in to help me out and one of them wrote Sal and told him I needed a vehicle,” Brian said.

Dimiceli paid a visit, helped out with some bills and found Brian another vehicle but that was just the beginning. “He also saw the condition of the house when he was here. We really couldn’t afford to go anywhere else and places where we could afford the rent didn’t have anything available,” Brian said. Dimiceli discovered the landlord couldn’t afford to do all of the repairs to the roof. The two agreed to split the cost, so Brian and his kids could live in a home without a roof that was caving in, not to mention other concerns such as mold. Dimiceli also enlisted the help of Jean Kruzan, a contractor, to replace the roof. “I call Jean ‘Wonder Woman.’ She got people to tear the roof off, fix and replace the trusses and then put on a whole new roof,” Brian said. But Kruzan wasn’t done, he soon discovered. “She came inside to fix the ceiling from where the water damage was and it turned into a major remodeling project. She really wanted to make it more accessible for me to get around, and to make it easier on my kids, too,” Brian said. Once distraught but now living in a safe home, Brian said he’s thankful every day for the blessings he’s received. “From the caregiver to ask for help for us, to Sal to do everything he did and to get Jean involved, and all of what she’s done,” Brian said. Since the home has been repaired and remodeled, Brian said his oldest child, a teenager, now has the entire upstairs, something Brian is happy about. He also said he now knows everything he’s been through happened for a reason. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to have kids because of experiences I went through in my life. But it was God’s blessing that led me to my wife. She brought the Lord back into my life and two wonderful children. I’ve gone through periods of thinking there weren’t very many good people out there but there are,” Brian said. Brian said he’s thankful every day.


Sal Dimiceli, Sr., (center), his wife, Corinne (from left) and daughters, Shannon and Shaelyn, grab a treat at Refuge Café in Milwaukee where a smoothie is named after Sal.

“My life isn’t over, it’s just changed. I get to wake up every day and see the sun and all the Lord has created, and see my two kids every day and see the young, compassionate, caring people they are, that’s what matters,” Brian said. Knowing his limitations – and accepting where he’s at – hasn’t come easy for Brian. “The frustration, the pain – that’s normal but you have to let it go and not let it manifest in yourself. We keep moving forward. My kids and I don’t have much but what we do have, we appreciate. We also know things can happen in an instant to change your life so surround yourself with good, loving people who would do anything for you, just as you would for them. That’s all there is to it, really,” Brian said. Brian said it’s difficult to find the words to express his gratitude, to Dimiceli, Kruzan, his caregivers and many others who have stepped in to help. “The gratitude that I have for them coming into our lives and what they’ve done for us is indescribable. I can’t even find the words. Having good people come into your life restores your faith and helps you move forward. And it makes you want to help others because you know what it’s like to have people care about you. My kids are two of the most caring, compassionate people I’ve ever known and I know part of that comes from what we’ve been through,” Brian said. Brian said he recently had a touching conversation with his oldest child that allowed him to

kind of helped turn the lion into the lamb, so to speak,” Amy said. Amy said Dimiceli seems to check in with her at just the right time. “I don’t have any family left. I can cry at the drop of a hat talking about this, but it’s hard when you don’t have anyone. Thankfully, I have Sal. His family has made me feel like family,” Amy said. Amy said she’s found new purpose in helping Dimiceli help others. “I have come across people A woman we’ll call Amy has who need help, like a single been dealt a lot of losses in her mother who ... pays her bills but life, beginning with her mom – has no extra money. I told Sal following a long struggle with cancer – when she was a teenager. about her and he asked what she “Ten years after my mom died, needed. I said, ‘She just needs I lost my brother and his girlfriend a Christmas for her kids,’ so he sent out gift cards. I told him in a tragic accident. Then I lost about a couple that didn’t have my husband to a massive stroke, any furniture and he sent them and not long after that, I lost my to Inspiration Ministries to pick daughter to a drunk driver,” Amy some out,” Amy said. said. She said Dimiceli tells her what “After my husband died things she’s doing is important, and he’s started going downhill and they easy to believe. just got worse. I was trying to “He put my whole world right keep my head above water with back on track and it was hard to our bills but it eventually caught know where to go. What do we up with me,” Amy said. She ended up in foreclosure and do – do we give up? No, we’re lost everything but her clothes and going to fight through this. Once someone gives you that hope, her car. “That’s when Sal came into the you’ve got meaning and purpose in your life,” Amy said. picture. I had written him a letter and told him the situation I was in. “Giving other people hope, Sal paid for my living expenses so there’s nothing better than having I could put money in the bank and that in your life,” Amy added. Dimiceli said those two stories get to where I am today,” Amy are just a sample of situations he’s said. encountered. Dimiceli also helped Amy “There are so many people find a job, and his kindness has we’ve helped. There was an changed her, she said. “My whole life growing up was elderly grandma who signed her check over to her son and was not easy and I grew up tough. He share the lessons he himself has learned the past couple of years. “We talked about how hard life is and how throwing your hands up in the air and giving up is the easy way to respond. The harder thing to do is to hold your head high and keep doing your best, knowing you’ve given it 100 percent. God will make it happen or not, but that’s the only way to do it,” Brian said.

No longer alone

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 2016 • 11 locked out of the home. She was found in her car, freezing, so we put her up in a hotel. Or the man who could never afford a dentist and was in pain because he had multiple cavities. We paid for him to have extensive dental work done and he is now free of pain,” he said. Dimiceli said he takes comfort in knowing The Time Is Now is stronger than ever. “My wife, Corinne, and I, who have been together for nearly 40

years, are here and will be doing this for a long time, but my sons, Sal, Jr. and Sean, and daughters, Shannon and Shaelyn, help a lot now, too,” he said. “My definition of The Time Is Now is ‘community.’ We’re all in this together and it’s amazing how many lives we touch,” Dimiceli said. For more information, see the sidebar below, “How you can help.”

How you can help The Time Is Now To Help was created to alleviate the suffering of those facing economic hardship, whether it be through job loss, loss of a spouse who was the primary source of income, extreme medical expenses or other crises, according to the website. Founded by Sal Dimiceli, Sr., the organization works with social service agencies, churches and private referrals – all of which are verified for legitimacy of the need – and helps people in any number of circumstances. Dimiceli said growing up poor brought pain and shame to his family because his mother was too proud to ask for help. As he grew older, he began giving money to organizations that help people but was discouraged by how little of it reached the people needing help. Eventually he started his own organization, The Time Is Now To Help. In the past 28 years, an average of 500 people annually have been helped with assistance, including: restoring utility service, assisting with shelter costs, and supplying a variety of items needed, from blankets and heaters to food, toiletries, diapers, wheelchairs and vehicles or vehicle repairs. Per The Time Is Now To Help’s Articles of Incorporation, no part of any of the monies benefit or are distributed to its officers or directors, there are no director’s fees or salaries, and no auto expenses or reimbursements are permitted. Donations may be submitted through The Time Is Now To Help website at or by mailing a check to: The Time Is Now To Help, P.O. Box 1, Lake Geneva, WI 53147.

• Time is now did not think I would even live this long, much less go back to work. Now that I am feeling better and my strength is returning slowly, I am starting to think about going back to work in the future. I even called my previous employer, and they offered me my job back whenever I am up to returning. I would love to someday, but I do not have the transportation now to get there.” The volunteer made several notes inquiring about the possibility of obtaining a vehicle for this woman. The volunteer knows how cars are always in short supply and we usually have a waiting list for available vehicles. She also knows the importance of reliable transportation for those struggling in poverty and how it is imperative for jobs and health care. When the woman began to share her journey to fight her cancer the volunteer said she tried to not cry, but the tears just began to flow. The volunteer could not even tell me the whole story without beginning to cry again. The volunteer said, “She truly was that close to death but her children are what gave her the strength to fight even harder. The woman told me how she knew her sister would finish raising her children for her and love them as her own but both her sister and children would not let her give up. She said she prayed for God’s strength to get through her final rounds of chemo, and he must have listened because she did it.” I thanked the volunteer for her service to our fellow creations and for helping me too as I regained my own strength. She said, “I am so grateful for this opportunity to help both this wonderful woman and you. You can ask me anytime to try and fill your shoes.” We both laughed


Clockwise from top: Sal Dimiceli, Sr. (from the left), and his sons, Sal, Jr. and Sean, along with his wife, Corinne, and daughters, Shannon and Shaelyn (not pictured) are all involved in helping people through The Time Is Now; Sean Dimiceli shops for Christmas gifts at Target. Of the many things The Time Is Now To Help organization does, purchasing and delivering gifts to needy families at Christmastime is an annual event; Sal Dimiceli, Sr. is shown on the stage when he was named a CNN Top 10 Hero for his work through his organization, The Time Is Now To Help; and Sal Dimiceli, Jr., his wife, Jessica, and their daughter, Soraya, take a break outside the W.C. Food Pantry.

(Continued from page 8)

at that. When the volunteer left, I began to go through all the documents and assistance sheet provided by her home visit. I could easily see the financial position this woman and her two children were in. How could this woman fully regain her health with this stressful financial burden on her shoulders? I saw her rent was overdue as well as her utilities. I could see the medical bills had been hounding her for copayments and she had also had a large deductible on her health insurance. As I saw the amounts on her medical bills I thanked God she had that insurance even if it was not an ideal plan. Her cell phone was disconnected and she still did not have transportation. I put together a new budget and decided on what assistance would be best for her situation. I called the sister to share the news as the woman did not have a working cell phone. The sister shouted out happily when I told her we had approved what the volunteer had suggested. She was so excited to tell her sister and said she would drive over to her apartment to share the happy news. I asked the sister to call me when she was there so I could talk to the woman myself. The sister returned my call 15 minutes later and handed the phone to her sister. The woman was crying on the phone saying, “You are an answer to my prayers. I did not know how we were going to ever catch up. I was constantly worrying about our utilities being disconnected, not having enough food and becoming homeless. You have lifted that burden from us. How can I ever repay you?” I told her there was no need

to repay us but to just keep us in her prayers and when she got an opportunity some time in her life she could pay the good deed forward. She agreed enthusiastically. I then asked the woman about her possible return to work and her transportation needs. The woman said, “I called my employer again yesterday and they again said they would be willing to take me back, and I could even begin slowly until I get my strength back. I told them I would love to do that and was looking forward to it. Now I don’t know what to do about a car. There is no way I can save enough for a down payment on a car or car payments right now.” I told the woman we would be willing to help her with a car as well. I heard silence on the other end of the phone and then I heard sobbing. I gave her a moment to compose herself and asked, “I thought this news would make you happy?” The woman answered, “These are all tears of joy. That is how happy you have made me. Please thank that wonderful volunteer you sent over and also all the good people she told me about that make The Time Is Now to Help able to help people like myself.” We finished our conversation, and I promised to share her gratitude with all of you and call again in a few weeks once we had a car ready and all the assistance was provided. Several weeks later, I received a call from the woman. I was happy to hear her voice and to know she had gotten the cell phone I had recommended. The woman was overjoyed to be starting her job again in a few weeks and to have been given a clean bill of health. She still had some lingering fatigue and symptoms from all she had been through but

these were improving every day. The woman said, “Ever since I met your volunteer and received your assistance, my strength is roaring back. I did not ever think I would see the day I felt like this again. I am so grateful for all of you and to be healthy and alive. I praise God daily for my blessings.” We too praise God for the blessing of all of you that made this assistance possible. Thank you and God bless you. There are many of our fellow creations turning to us for help or being referred by others. It is very important we keep our momentum of helping the poverty stricken. The Fox Charities donors recognize this and have graciously once again stepped up to help. Please remember every dollar you donate at this time will be matched by the Fox Charities Christmas Wish 2016 $25,000 matching grant, not only doubling your donation but also doubling your poverty assistance. The children, the handicapped, the elderly, those who cannot fend for themselves, those living in desperate need will be crying happy tears of relief thanks to all of you, Fox Charities and The Time Is Now to Help working together to provide poverty relief. Together we make a difference removing the pains of poverty for our fellow creations. Thank you and God bless you.

1, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. The Time Is Now to Help is a federally recognized 501(c)3 charitable organization licensed in Wisconsin and Illinois. You will receive a tax-deductible, itemized thank-you receipt showing how your donation provided assistance for the poverty stricken.

A very special thank you: Barnabas Matching Grant, Fox Charities, Larry and Sally Rayner, Christine Adams, Kunes Country Auto Group, Gregg Kunes, Bess Spiva Timmons Foundation, The Harold and Bernice DeWeerd Family Foundation, Martin Business, J. Kruzan Construction and Remodeling, Lake Geneva Area Realty, Harleen Corporation, Electronic Specialties, Lake Geneva Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Elkcast Aluminum, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuberth, Allen Hermansen, Elkhorn Chemical and Packaging, Gerald and Marilyn Wilkin, The Lobdells, Richard Carlson, Judy Dishneau, Barbara Kufalk, Bonnie Cowans, Shari and James Loback, Robert and Patricia Davis, Bonita Breit, Maggie Milliette, James and Mary Loftus, E. and Barbara Andres, Duane De Young, William Davit, Michael Parish, Paypal Giving Fund, Michael and Phyllis Patek, Dennis and Evelyn Health and happiness, Schulz, Richard Jais, Robert God bless everyone, and Mary Winter, Denise W.C./Sal Hubbard, John and Kathy Poiron, Cornerstone Shop Please help: There and Gallery, Chavez for are many coming to us Charity, First Congregational in desperation. Our good United Church Women’s fellow creations need our Fellowship, Gerald and compassion. Together we Joyce Byers, Doris Kranitz, make a big difference. Make Randall and Margaret Smith, checks payable to The Time Dr. Mark and Cynthia Is Now to Help, P.O. Box Brower, Hurvey and June

Haskins Jr., our anonymous donors and all of you who support The Time Is Now to Help donation boxes, and the businesses that allow our donation boxes. Anyone who would like a Time Is Now donation box in your business, please call (262) 249-7000. Honoraries: Mark and Natalie Reno in thanks for prayers answered. Memorials: Delores Piotrowski in memory of beloved best friend Martha “Dee” Valentine and beloved parents Gene and Lottie Piotrowski. Kettle Lake Elementary Staff in memory of Sandra Woodward. Prayer chain: Please pray for healing for Mike, Caroline, Susan, Jennifer, Clarence, Jayden, Santina, Alex, Lily, Kaitlyn, Kynesha, Brandi’s grandma, Marilyn and Sal.

Inspiration Ministries resale shop: Please donate your gently used household items and furniture to the Inspiration Ministries resale shop. For local pick-up of major items or collection appointments, call (262) 275-2264. Inspiration Ministries resale shop is at N2270 Highway 67, Walworth, WI 53184. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Please visit often knowing your support will provide lifechanging assistance for the fellow creations in their care. Inspiration Ministries is home for up to 80 residents that live with multiple physical and mental challenges. I thank all of you for helping. For more information visit www. Please visit: www.

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