Ilhl 1:4:17

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Celebrating 6 Year



CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Community rallied to revive local theatre

LUNCH • DINNER - KIDS MENU BISTRO BAR • DESSERT Hours: Open Tues .-Sun. at 11:00 am

883 Main Street, Antioch, IL 847-603-1196 • w w w.dav idsbistro.



~ formerly Antioch Report

Long history continues thanks to local support

By Sandra Machaj



son of James P. Johnson. The building of the new theatre gave Johnson a unique opportunity to move his movie business from the rented facility on Main Street to the new and elegant theatre partially owned by his father.

In the early 1900s, going to the movies was one of the favorite social activities of the day. In those days before television and computers were found in every home and news was received almost as it What’s in a name? happened, the movies With the impending brought in the outside move of the Majestic world. The movies were Movie Company to often accompanied by the new building, disnews of the world, and a cussion was held to SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Hi-Liter cartoon for the children Granite stars are imbedded in the sidewalk in name the building the of the family. front of the Antioch Theatre identifying some of the New Majestic Theatre Some theaters in the supporters of the theatre renovation. instead of the original 1930s and 1940s also plans to name it The gave out premiums to the customers. These included Antioch Theatre. things such as a piece of dinner china, which encouraged In the end the originally proposed name prevailed customers to return regularly to build a whole set. Mov- and the Antioch Theatre opened on July 26, 1924, with ies also changed two to three times during the week thus the presentation of the Paramount Picture, Zane Grey’s encouraging customers to return more than once a week. “Wanderer of the Wasteland.” The film was advertised to Theaters were found in many towns and villages be in “Natural Color.” even in relatively small communities, such as Antioch. According to research attributed to Al Westerman of On Sept. 26, 1923, construction on a new movie theatre the Lake County History Museum, Fred B. Swanson of began on south Lake Street adjacent to the Opera House. Antioch became the manager of the theatre in 1925 reThe project was the work of Lyman B. Grice, a resident placing Oliver G. Johnson and his brother, Frank. Swanof Antioch and William C. Bryant of Bristol, Wis. son was considered to be the person “most associated The movie theatre was planned with approximately with the success and improvements of the Antioch The400 seats and would cost $40,000, a high price for the atre.” 1920s. As a result, Grice and Bryant sold a half interest He continued to manage the theatre until 1941 when, in the project to Albert L. Fell and a local resort owner, upon purchasing the building, he became the owner. James P. Johnson. Swanson went on to purchase other theatres in the area. There was another movie house in Antioch, the MaSee ANTIOCH THEATRE, Page 4 jestic Theatre that was managed by Oliver G. Johnson,


The Antioch Theatre first opened its doors in 1924 showing firstrun movies. After a difficult time, which included the closing of the theatre in 2014, it underwent a massive renovation and reopened in 2015 with an additional small theatre.

Assisi Homes of Kenosha

Part of the beautiful Lou DeMarco Village Senior Campus and professionally managed by Franciscan Ministries.

BEAUTIFUL ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS • Laundry Facilities • Elevators • Outdoor Patio • 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance • Community Room For Clubs, Social Activities & Recreation • Intercom Access Into Building

• Rent Based On 30% Of Income • On Site Social Worker

• Serving 62 & Older • Small Pets Welcome

HEAT INCLUDED / ELECTRIC SUBSIDIZED Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Tel: (262) 551-9821 Fax: (262) 551-8045

TTY Relay Center 1-800-947-3529 1860 -27th Avenue • Kenosha, WI 238955


WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 DISPLAY ADS (262) 877-2813

Celebrating 6 Year



CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Community rallied to revive local theatre


883 Main Street, Antioch, IL 847-603-1196 • w w w.dav idsbistro.




LUNCH • DINNER - KIDS MENU BISTRO BAR • DESSERT Hours: Open Tues .-Sun. at 11:00

Long history continues thanks to local support

By Sandra Machaj



son of James P. Johnson. The building of the new theatre gave Johnson a unique opportunity to move his movie business from the rented facility on Main Street to the new and elegant theatre partially owned by his father.

In the early 1900s, going to the movies was one of the favorite social activities of the day. In those days before television and computers were found in every home and news was received almost as it What’s in a name? happened, the movies With the impending brought in the outside move of the Majestic world. The movies were Movie Company to often accompanied by the new building, disnews of the world, and a cussion was held to SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Hi-Liter cartoon for the children Granite stars are imbedded in the sidewalk in name the building the of the family. front of the Antioch Theatre identifying some of the New Majestic Theatre Some theaters in the supporters of the theatre renovation. instead of the original 1930s and 1940s also plans to name it The gave out premiums to the customers. These included Antioch Theatre. things such as a piece of dinner china, which encouraged In the end the originally proposed name prevailed customers to return regularly to build a whole set. Mov- and the Antioch Theatre opened on July 26, 1924, with ies also changed two to three times during the week thus the presentation of the Paramount Picture, Zane Grey’s encouraging customers to return more than once a week. “Wanderer of the Wasteland.” The film was advertised to Theaters were found in many towns and villages be in “Natural Color.” even in relatively small communities, such as Antioch. According to research attributed to Al Westerman of On Sept. 26, 1923, construction on a new movie theatre the Lake County History Museum, Fred B. Swanson of began on south Lake Street adjacent to the Opera House. Antioch became the manager of the theatre in 1925 reThe project was the work of Lyman B. Grice, a resident placing Oliver G. Johnson and his brother, Frank. Swanof Antioch and William C. Bryant of Bristol, Wis. son was considered to be the person “most associated The movie theatre was planned with approximately with the success and improvements of the Antioch The400 seats and would cost $40,000, a high price for the atre.” 1920s. As a result, Grice and Bryant sold a half interest He continued to manage the theatre until 1941 when, in the project to Albert L. Fell and a local resort owner, upon purchasing the building, he became the owner. James P. Johnson. Swanson went on to purchase other theatres in the area. There was another movie house in Antioch, the MaSee ANTIOCH THEATRE, Page 4 jestic Theatre that was managed by Oliver G. Johnson,


The Antioch Theatre first opened its doors in 1924 showing firstrun movies. After a difficult time, which included the closing of the theatre in 2014, it underwent a massive renovation and reopened in 2015 with an additional small theatre.

Assisi Homes of Kenosha

Part of the beautiful Lou DeMarco Village Senior Campus and professionally managed by Franciscan Ministries.

BEAUTIFUL ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS • Laundry Facilities • Elevators • Outdoor Patio • 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance • Community Room For Clubs, Social Activities & Recreation • Intercom Access Into Building

• Rent Based On 30% Of Income • On Site Social Worker

• Serving 62 & Older • Small Pets Welcome

HEAT INCLUDED / ELECTRIC SUBSIDIZED Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Tel: (262) 551-9821 Fax: (262) 551-8045

TTY Relay Center 1-800-947-3529 1860 -27th Avenue • Kenosha, WI 238955

Free! RICHMOND, SPRING GROVE, JOHNSBURG & RINGWOOD To subscribe call 262-728-3411

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 DISPLAY ADS (262) 877-2813

Celebrating 6 Year



CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Community rallied to revive local theatre

LUNCH • DINNER - KIDS MENU BISTRO BAR • DESSERT Hours: Open Tues .-Sun. at 11:00 am

883 Main Street, Antioch, IL 847-603-1196 • w w w.dav idsbistro.



~ fomerly The Report

Long history continues thanks to local support

By Sandra Machaj



son of James P. Johnson. The building of the new theatre gave Johnson a unique opportunity to move his movie business from the rented facility on Main Street to the new and elegant theatre partially owned by his father.

In the early 1900s, going to the movies was one of the favorite social activities of the day. In those days before television and computers were found in every home and news was received almost as it What’s in a name? happened, the movies With the impending brought in the outside move of the Majestic world. The movies were Movie Company to often accompanied by the new building, disnews of the world, and a cussion was held to SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Hi-Liter cartoon for the children Granite stars are imbedded in the sidewalk in name the building the of the family. front of the Antioch Theatre identifying some of the New Majestic Theatre Some theaters in the supporters of the theatre renovation. instead of the original 1930s and 1940s also plans to name it The gave out premiums to the customers. These included Antioch Theatre. things such as a piece of dinner china, which encouraged In the end the originally proposed name prevailed customers to return regularly to build a whole set. Mov- and the Antioch Theatre opened on July 26, 1924, with ies also changed two to three times during the week thus the presentation of the Paramount Picture, Zane Grey’s encouraging customers to return more than once a week. “Wanderer of the Wasteland.” The film was advertised to Theaters were found in many towns and villages be in “Natural Color.” even in relatively small communities, such as Antioch. According to research attributed to Al Westerman of On Sept. 26, 1923, construction on a new movie theatre the Lake County History Museum, Fred B. Swanson of began on south Lake Street adjacent to the Opera House. Antioch became the manager of the theatre in 1925 reThe project was the work of Lyman B. Grice, a resident placing Oliver G. Johnson and his brother, Frank. Swanof Antioch and William C. Bryant of Bristol, Wis. son was considered to be the person “most associated The movie theatre was planned with approximately with the success and improvements of the Antioch The400 seats and would cost $40,000, a high price for the atre.” 1920s. As a result, Grice and Bryant sold a half interest He continued to manage the theatre until 1941 when, in the project to Albert L. Fell and a local resort owner, upon purchasing the building, he became the owner. James P. Johnson. Swanson went on to purchase other theatres in the area. There was another movie house in Antioch, the MaSee ANTIOCH THEATRE, Page 4 jestic Theatre that was managed by Oliver G. Johnson,


The Antioch Theatre first opened its doors in 1924 showing firstrun movies. After a difficult time, which included the closing of the theatre in 2014, it underwent a massive renovation and reopened in 2015 with an additional small theatre.

Assisi Homes of Kenosha

Part of the beautiful Lou DeMarco Village Senior Campus and professionally managed by Franciscan Ministries.

BEAUTIFUL ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS • Laundry Facilities • Elevators • Outdoor Patio • 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance • Community Room For Clubs, Social Activities & Recreation • Intercom Access Into Building

• Rent Based On 30% Of Income • On Site Social Worker

• Serving 62 & Older • Small Pets Welcome

HEAT INCLUDED / ELECTRIC SUBSIDIZED Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Tel: (262) 551-9821 Fax: (262) 551-8045

TTY Relay Center 1-800-947-3529 1860 -27th Avenue • Kenosha, WI 238955

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 2

ANTIOCH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY 882 Main St., Antioch, IL 847-395-2233 •

Comedy Night - March 4, 2017 The Antioch Junior Woman’s Club, along with the Antioch Chamber is proud to announce that COMEDY NIGHT is back! This fun event will be hosted on Saturday, March 4th, at Dockers North in Antioch. This is an evening filled with Great Food, Comedy and Fun! You’ll enjoy Dockers North Dinner Buffet with Carving Station and Comedic Entertainment. Tickets are $40 pp and must be purchased in advance. Only 170 tickets will be sold for this event, so we encourage you to purchase yours today! Tickets will be available at this website or from any AJWC Member or Chamber Director. Comedy Night is a night out for Adults, no children allowed. Tables of 8 or more may be reserved, otherwise it will be open seating. The Antioch Chamber is partnering with AJWC and invite our Members to join the Public for this fun event. This event benefits the Open Arms Food Pantry.

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5:30 pm - 10:00 pm Dockers North in Antioch

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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 3

FOR SALE Adoption


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lift trailers, Snowmobile trailers 2 place & 4-place; 150 trailers; 100’s of Trailer PARTS! Trailer Repairs. 515-972-4554


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Music/ Instrumental ROGERS KIT 1970’s black finish. Bearing edges and shells in great condition. Includes 22” bass, 13” mounted tom, 16’ & 18” floor toms. Shell pack only, bass drum has some scuffing. $900 or best offer. Lots of snares and misc hardware available for purchase also. Call anytime, 815-262-1479, Rockford.


Wanted to Buy

CLASSIFIED IN-COLUMN ADS cannot be credited or refunded after the ad has been placed. Ads canceled before deadline will be removed from the paper as a service to our customers, but no credit or refund will be issued to your account.

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ARE YOU GETTING TIRED OF THE COLD WINTERS where you are? Why don’t you get in you RV Camper and come to J-5 in Mission TX. We are located in the Rio Grande Valley. Average winter temps are 70 degrees daytime and 50 nighttime. We are a small park in a country setting but have stores and restaurants near by. We have specials for first time visitors. Call us at 956-6827495 or email,, Tom and Donna Tuttle, Managers (MCN)

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D I S P L AY A D S : ( 2 6 2 ) 8 7 7 - 2 8 1 3

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LIVING WITH KNEE OR BACK PAIN? Medicare recipients may qualify to receive a pain relieving brace at little or no cost. Call now! 844-668-4578 (MCN)


Antiques/ Collectibles

CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411


D I S P L AY A D S : ( 2 6 2 ) 8 7 7 - 2 8 1 3

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 4

Antique market is this weekend The Zurko Antique and Flea Market will be in Grayslake from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 7, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 8, at the Lake County Fairgrounds, 1060 E. Peterson Rd. This event will offer a variety of antiques and collectibles including country furniture, estate jewelry, Victoriana, postcards, art glass and

porcelains, advertising items, old toys, vintage clothing and linens, coins, decorator items, paintings, primitives, and treasures. Admission to the market is $7 and is good for both days. Children ages 12 and younger are free. There will also be free parking. For more information, call (715) 526-9769.

Make appetizers in a mansion Lehmann Mansion will host an appetizer cooking class at the mansion from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at Lehmann Mansion, 485 N. Milwaukee Ave., Lake Villa. Bauer’s Catering will teach its “Appetizers II” class. The food being prepared in the class will be tuna wontons, su-

shi rolls and crabmeat stuffed pea pods. All appetizers will be paired with a specialty drink. This class is for people ages 18 and older. Pre-registration is required. The class code is 131504A and is $60 per attendee. To register for the class, go to

Organ melodies concert offered The United Methodist Church of Antioch will present organ melodies from 11 to 11:45 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14, at the United Methodist Church of Antioch, 848 Main St., Antioch. Discover the

Clearing the stocking stock

Come and enjoy Christmas music on the pipe organ. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, call (847) 395-1259.

With Christmas shoppers no longer crowding the aisles, twins Gavin (left) and Hunter Berry, 7, have an opportunity to check through a supply of Christmas stockings looking for anything ol’ St. Nick might’ve left behind at Antioch’s Walmart Supercenter, 475 E. Rt. 173, on Monday. Retailers across the nation wasted no time changing gears in preparation for upcoming events such as Valentine’s Day and St.Patrick’s Day, not to mention the spring planting season, putting all forms of holiday merchandise on clearance with deep discounts.


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Winter golf expo set for Jan. 13-15 Lake County will have its first Northern Illinois Golf Expo from noon to 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 13, and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14, and Sunday, Jan. 15, at Lake County Fairgrounds, 1060 E. Peterson Road, Grayslake.

During the event, there will be sales on equipment, apparel, accessories, golf courses and resorts and more. There will be a demo station to test out new equipment, free one-on-one lessons and multiple golf simulators.

This expo is open to the public and provides the golf community in surrounding areas a new golf show. Admission for this event is $5 on Friday, $10 for Saturday and $10 for Sunday. For more information, call (847) 680-7200.

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Julie’s Cheese Corner

COLBY JACK ...................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. PROVOLONE....................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. SMOKED NATURALLY GOUDA ....................................................................................................... $3.09LB. SWISS AMERICAN .............................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. AMERICAN ......................................................................................................................................... $1.99LB. GARLIC + HERB MONTEREY JACK CUBES .................................................................................... $1.99LB. WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR.................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. FONTINA SLICED................................................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Seafood Bar

12/14 KING CRAB LEGS................................................................................................................... $20.95LB. UNDER 10 SCALLOPS ...................................................................................................................... $14.95LB. 10/20 SCALLOPS............................................................................................................................... $12.95LB. SNOW CRAB LEGS............................................................................................................................. $9.95LB. 16/20 CT IQF SHELL ON SHRIMP ..................................................................................................... $8.95LB. 5-6 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $7.99EACH 16/20 EASY PEEL RAW SHRIMP ....................................................................................................... $7.95LB. 4-5 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $5.99EACH


Movie patrons stop to purchase popcorn and candy at the new concession stand in the renovated Antioch Theatre. The theatre reopened in 2015 thanks to a groundswell of support from the community.

Inventory Reduction Sale

• Antioch Theatre

18/22 SLICED BACON 15LB CASE (1.89LB) FROZEN.........................................................................$28.50 2-3OZ UNBREADED HADDOCK LOINS 10LB CASE..........................................................................$15.00 WILD UNBREADED HADDOCK PIECES 10LB CASE ..........................................................................$10.00 4OZ PANKO BREADED COD SQUARES 10LB CASE .........................................................................$9.90!! PRIME RIB # 18303# FROZEN ........................................................................................................... $5.49LB. 6/4.5LB SHOESTRING FRENCH FRIES WITH PEEL ..............................................................................$5.00 SMOKED WHOLE LOCAL SOURCE HAMS ................................................................................................................... $1.79LB SLICING HAM (FROZEN).......................................................................................................................................................49LB.


2/20oz twin pack Apple Blossom Dish Soap


Nabisco 12ct snack packs

$ 49 Retail $4.99. While supplies last Valid January 4-10th


$ 99


With coupon Assorted varities

Retail $3.59.

Limit 12 Valid January 4-10th

Specializing in custom cuts. Contact the Meat Department at

CALL: 262-537-2993 • TEXT: 262-321-4802 • EMAIL:



With coupon


He remodeled the theatre in 1947 adding another 100 seats in the balcony. The theatre continued to attract local residents. Over the years the theatre had a succession of owners. Then in 2013 disaster struck. The arrival of the digital age required all theatres to convert to digital equipment to continue to receive the first-run movies. Unfortunately the cost of upgrading to digital was beyond the ability of Cindy Kottke, then owner of the theatre. On May 16, 2014, the theatre was closed.

Campaign launched While local residents mourned the closing of their movie theatre, Tim Downey an investor became interested in trying to revive the theatre.

(Continued from front page) Estimating a cost of approxi- about $65,000 needed to commately $750,000 to renovate plete the program. the theatre and to purchase Plans for the theatre adthe digital equipment needed, dressed maintenance, repairs Downey began raising funds and upgrades. That included while investing his own money replacing outdated utilities and adding a new sprinkler system. into the project. Downey encouraged the The movie screen was replaced village and business commu- with a larger state-of-the-art nity to back the project. Sev- screen and new theatre seats eral longtime Antioch business replaced the old ones. owners helped to fund the The lobby and concession program, including Raymond area were renovated. The main Chevrolet, Great Lakes Credit theatre, named the Raymond Union, Something Sweet Con- Auto group theatre, now seats fectionery and the Chamber of 216 patrons while the Boutique movie theatre – with 36 seats – Commerce. The Village of Antioch was added. loaned some money to be paid The updated Antioch Theback through a movie ticket tax. atre with its new marquee and Granite stars in the sidewalk in renovations was reopened on front of the theatre were sold. In Feb. 27, 2015. It continues to addition a Kickstarter web page show first-run movies at reawas successfully used to raise sonable ticket prices.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 4

Antique market is this weekend The Zurko Antique and Flea Market will be in Grayslake from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 7, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 8, at the Lake County Fairgrounds, 1060 E. Peterson Rd. This event will offer a variety of antiques and collectibles including country furniture, estate jewelry, Victoriana, postcards, art glass and

porcelains, advertising items, old toys, vintage clothing and linens, coins, decorator items, paintings, primitives, and treasures. Admission to the market is $7 and is good for both days. Children ages 12 and younger are free. There will also be free parking. For more information, call (715) 526-9769.

Make appetizers in a mansion

Lehmann Mansion will host an appetizer cooking class at the mansion from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at Lehmann Mansion, 485 N. Milwaukee Ave., Lake Villa. Bauer’s Catering will teach its “Appetizers II” class. The food being prepared in the class will be tuna wontons, su-

shi rolls and crabmeat stuffed pea pods. All appetizers will be paired with a specialty drink. This class is for people ages 18 and older. Pre-registration is required. The class code is 131504A and is $60 per attendee. To register for the class, go to

Scarves in the Parks to benefit needy The Village of Fox Lake has invited people to hang donated winter clothes on trees for those in need from Jan. 6, to Jan. 8, at Millennium Park, 71 Nippersink Blvd., Fox Lake, and Lake Front Park.

Discover the

Clearing the stocking stock

Officials have dubbed the drive Scarves in the Parks. Unused winter hats, scarves and gloves will be accepted as donations. For more information or to donate, go to

With Christmas shoppers no longer crowding the aisles, twins Gavin (left) and Hunter Berry, 7, have an opportunity to check through a supply of Christmas stockings looking for anything ol’ St. Nick might’ve left behind at Antioch’s Walmart Supercenter, 475 E. Rt. 173, on Monday. Retailers across the nation wasted no time changing gears in preparation for upcoming events such as Valentine’s Day and St.Patrick’s Day, not to mention the spring planting season, putting all forms of holiday merchandise on clearance with deep discounts.


Best Bargains at

Visit us at:

No Membership Fee

Mon - Fri 9-6 Sat 8-4, Sun 9-4

Visit Our Cash & Carry Outlet Highway 50 & KD, 8 miles East of Lake Geneva

6515-352ND Ave, P.O. 873 • New Munster, WI • 262.537.4407 Sale Dates Wed January 4th -Tuesday January 10th






Winter golf expo set for Jan. 13-15 Lake County will have its first Northern Illinois Golf Expo from noon to 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 13, and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14, and Sunday, Jan. 15, at Lake County Fairgrounds, 1060 E. Peterson Road, Grayslake.

During the event, there will be sales on equipment, apparel, accessories, golf courses and resorts and more. There will be a demo station to test out new equipment, free one-on-one lessons and multiple golf simulators.

This expo is open to the public and provides the golf community in surrounding areas a new golf show. Admission for this event is $5 on Friday, $10 for Saturday and $10 for Sunday. For more information, call (847) 680-7200.

B EST B ARGAINS ! Butcher Block Specials

CHOICE STRIP STEAKS ................................................................................................................................................... $8.99LB. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS................................................................................................................................................ $8.69LB. T- BONE STEAKS............................................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE BONE IN RIB EYE ................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN ROASTS AND STEAKS ................................................................................................. $4.99LB. 93% LEAN GROUND BEEF............................................................................................................................................. $3.69LB. BONE IN CENTER CUT PORK ROASTS ........................................................................................................................ $1.99LB. FAMILY PACK BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS ............................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Julie’s Cheese Corner

COLBY JACK ...................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. PROVOLONE....................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. SMOKED NATURALLY GOUDA ....................................................................................................... $3.09LB. SWISS AMERICAN .............................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. AMERICAN ......................................................................................................................................... $1.99LB. GARLIC + HERB MONTEREY JACK CUBES .................................................................................... $1.99LB. WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR.................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. FONTINA SLICED................................................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Seafood Bar

12/14 KING CRAB LEGS................................................................................................................... $20.95LB. UNDER 10 SCALLOPS ...................................................................................................................... $14.95LB. 10/20 SCALLOPS............................................................................................................................... $12.95LB. SNOW CRAB LEGS............................................................................................................................. $9.95LB. 16/20 CT IQF SHELL ON SHRIMP ..................................................................................................... $8.95LB. 5-6 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $7.99EACH 16/20 EASY PEEL RAW SHRIMP ....................................................................................................... $7.95LB. 4-5 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $5.99EACH


Movie patrons stop to purchase popcorn and candy at the new concession stand in the renovated Antioch Theatre. The theatre reopened in 2015 thanks to a groundswell of support from the community.

Inventory Reduction Sale

• Antioch Theatre

18/22 SLICED BACON 15LB CASE (1.89LB) FROZEN.........................................................................$28.50 2-3OZ UNBREADED HADDOCK LOINS 10LB CASE..........................................................................$15.00 WILD UNBREADED HADDOCK PIECES 10LB CASE ..........................................................................$10.00 4OZ PANKO BREADED COD SQUARES 10LB CASE .........................................................................$9.90!! PRIME RIB # 18303# FROZEN ........................................................................................................... $5.49LB. 6/4.5LB SHOESTRING FRENCH FRIES WITH PEEL ..............................................................................$5.00 SMOKED WHOLE LOCAL SOURCE HAMS ................................................................................................................... $1.79LB SLICING HAM (FROZEN).......................................................................................................................................................49LB.


2/20oz twin pack Apple Blossom Dish Soap


Nabisco 12ct snack packs

$ 49 Retail $4.99. While supplies last Valid January 4-10th


$ 99


With coupon Assorted varities

Retail $3.59.

Limit 12 Valid January 4-10th

Specializing in custom cuts. Contact the Meat Department at

CALL: 262-537-2993 • TEXT: 262-321-4802 • EMAIL:



With coupon


He remodeled the theatre in 1947 adding another 100 seats in the balcony. The theatre continued to attract local residents. Over the years the theatre had a succession of owners. Then in 2013 disaster struck. The arrival of the digital age required all theatres to convert to digital equipment to continue to receive the first-run movies. Unfortunately the cost of upgrading to digital was beyond the ability of Cindy Kottke, then owner of the theatre. On May 16, 2014, the theatre was closed.

Campaign launched While local residents mourned the closing of their movie theatre, Tim Downey an investor became interested in trying to revive the theatre.

(Continued from front page) Estimating a cost of approxi- about $65,000 needed to commately $750,000 to renovate plete the program. the theatre and to purchase Plans for the theatre adthe digital equipment needed, dressed maintenance, repairs Downey began raising funds and upgrades. That included while investing his own money replacing outdated utilities and adding a new sprinkler system. into the project. Downey encouraged the The movie screen was replaced village and business commu- with a larger state-of-the-art nity to back the project. Sev- screen and new theatre seats eral longtime Antioch business replaced the old ones. owners helped to fund the The lobby and concession program, including Raymond area were renovated. The main Chevrolet, Great Lakes Credit theatre, named the Raymond Union, Something Sweet Con- Auto group theatre, now seats fectionery and the Chamber of 216 patrons while the Boutique movie theatre – with 36 seats – Commerce. The Village of Antioch was added. loaned some money to be paid The updated Antioch Theback through a movie ticket tax. atre with its new marquee and Granite stars in the sidewalk in renovations was reopened on front of the theatre were sold. In Feb. 27, 2015. It continues to addition a Kickstarter web page show first-run movies at reawas successfully used to raise sonable ticket prices.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 4

Sledding hill open for season The McHenry Township has opened its sledding hill for winter fun at McHenry Township Park, 3703 North Richmond Road, Johnsburg. The area includes a bunny hill for children, a path with railings for walking, fences around the sledding area and an enclosed winter shelter. The sledding hill will be open throughout the winter season until 10 p.m. as long as

weather permits. There must be at least four inches of snow and no grass visible for the hill to be open. Signs will be posted if the hill is closed. This sledding hill is for people of all ages. Children must be supervised by an adult. The area is patrolled by the Johnsburg Police. For more information and all the rules of the hill, go to

Antique market is this weekend The Zurko Antique and Flea Market will be in Grayslake from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 7, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 8, at the Lake County Fairgrounds, 1060 E. Peterson Rd. This event will offer a variety of antiques and collectibles including country furniture, estate jewelry, Victoriana, postcards, art glass and

porcelains, advertising items, old toys, vintage clothing and linens, coins, decorator items, paintings, primitives, and treasures. Admission to the market is $7 and is good for both days. Children ages 12 and younger are free. There will also be free parking. For more information, call (715) 526-9769.

Indoor walking program offered

Clearing the stocking stock

McHenry Township will offer indoor walking programs from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday at McHenry Township Hall, 3703 N. Richmond Road, Johnsburg. Guests can walk and exercise in a climate-controlled atmosphere and not have to worry about weather or traffic. Water will be available in the entry hall. No health club memberships or reservations are needed. For more information, go to Discover the

With Christmas shoppers no longer crowding the aisles, twins Gavin (left) and Hunter Berry, 7, have an opportunity to check through a supply of Christmas stockings looking for anything ol’ St. Nick might’ve left behind at Antioch’s Walmart Supercenter, 475 E. Rt. 173, on Monday. Retailers across the nation wasted no time changing gears in preparation for upcoming events such as Valentine’s Day and St.Patrick’s Day, not to mention the spring planting season, putting all forms of holiday merchandise on clearance with deep discounts.


Best Bargains at

Visit us at:

No Membership Fee

Mon - Fri 9-6 Sat 8-4, Sun 9-4

Visit Our Cash & Carry Outlet Highway 50 & KD, 8 miles East of Lake Geneva

6515-352ND Ave, P.O. 873 • New Munster, WI • 262.537.4407 Sale Dates Wed January 4th -Tuesday January 10th






Winter golf expo set for Jan. 13-15 Lake County will have its first Northern Illinois Golf Expo from noon to 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 13, and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14, and Sunday, Jan. 15, at Lake County Fairgrounds, 1060 E. Peterson Road, Grayslake.

During the event, there will be sales on equipment, apparel, accessories, golf courses and resorts and more. There will be a demo station to test out new equipment, free one-on-one lessons and multiple golf simulators.

This expo is open to the public and provides the golf community in surrounding areas a new golf show. Admission for this event is $5 on Friday, $10 for Saturday and $10 for Sunday. For more information, call (847) 680-7200.

B EST B ARGAINS ! Butcher Block Specials

CHOICE STRIP STEAKS ................................................................................................................................................... $8.99LB. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS................................................................................................................................................ $8.69LB. T- BONE STEAKS............................................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE BONE IN RIB EYE ................................................................................................................................. $7.99LB. USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN ROASTS AND STEAKS ................................................................................................. $4.99LB. 93% LEAN GROUND BEEF............................................................................................................................................. $3.69LB. BONE IN CENTER CUT PORK ROASTS ........................................................................................................................ $1.99LB. FAMILY PACK BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS ............................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Julie’s Cheese Corner

COLBY JACK ...................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. PROVOLONE....................................................................................................................................... $3.49LB. SMOKED NATURALLY GOUDA ....................................................................................................... $3.09LB. SWISS AMERICAN .............................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. AMERICAN ......................................................................................................................................... $1.99LB. GARLIC + HERB MONTEREY JACK CUBES .................................................................................... $1.99LB. WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR.................................................................................................................. $1.99LB. FONTINA SLICED................................................................................................................................ $1.99LB.

Seafood Bar

12/14 KING CRAB LEGS................................................................................................................... $20.95LB. UNDER 10 SCALLOPS ...................................................................................................................... $14.95LB. 10/20 SCALLOPS............................................................................................................................... $12.95LB. SNOW CRAB LEGS............................................................................................................................. $9.95LB. 16/20 CT IQF SHELL ON SHRIMP ..................................................................................................... $8.95LB. 5-6 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $7.99EACH 16/20 EASY PEEL RAW SHRIMP ....................................................................................................... $7.95LB. 4-5 OZ LOBSTER COLD WATER .................................................................................................. $5.99EACH


Movie patrons stop to purchase popcorn and candy at the new concession stand in the renovated Antioch Theatre. The theatre reopened in 2015 thanks to a groundswell of support from the community.

Inventory Reduction Sale

• Antioch Theatre

18/22 SLICED BACON 15LB CASE (1.89LB) FROZEN.........................................................................$28.50 2-3OZ UNBREADED HADDOCK LOINS 10LB CASE..........................................................................$15.00 WILD UNBREADED HADDOCK PIECES 10LB CASE ..........................................................................$10.00 4OZ PANKO BREADED COD SQUARES 10LB CASE .........................................................................$9.90!! PRIME RIB # 18303# FROZEN ........................................................................................................... $5.49LB. 6/4.5LB SHOESTRING FRENCH FRIES WITH PEEL ..............................................................................$5.00 SMOKED WHOLE LOCAL SOURCE HAMS ................................................................................................................... $1.79LB SLICING HAM (FROZEN).......................................................................................................................................................49LB.


2/20oz twin pack Apple Blossom Dish Soap


Nabisco 12ct snack packs

$ 49 Retail $4.99. While supplies last Valid January 4-10th


$ 99


With coupon Assorted varities

Retail $3.59.

Limit 12 Valid January 4-10th

Specializing in custom cuts. Contact the Meat Department at

CALL: 262-537-2993 • TEXT: 262-321-4802 • EMAIL:



With coupon


He remodeled the theatre in 1947 adding another 100 seats in the balcony. The theatre continued to attract local residents. Over the years the theatre had a succession of owners. Then in 2013 disaster struck. The arrival of the digital age required all theatres to convert to digital equipment to continue to receive the first-run movies. Unfortunately the cost of upgrading to digital was beyond the ability of Cindy Kottke, then owner of the theatre. On May 16, 2014, the theatre was closed.

Campaign launched While local residents mourned the closing of their movie theatre, Tim Downey an investor became interested in trying to revive the theatre.

(Continued from front page) Estimating a cost of approxi- about $65,000 needed to commately $750,000 to renovate plete the program. the theatre and to purchase Plans for the theatre adthe digital equipment needed, dressed maintenance, repairs Downey began raising funds and upgrades. That included while investing his own money replacing outdated utilities and adding a new sprinkler system. into the project. Downey encouraged the The movie screen was replaced village and business commu- with a larger state-of-the-art nity to back the project. Sev- screen and new theatre seats eral longtime Antioch business replaced the old ones. owners helped to fund the The lobby and concession program, including Raymond area were renovated. The main Chevrolet, Great Lakes Credit theatre, named the Raymond Union, Something Sweet Con- Auto group theatre, now seats fectionery and the Chamber of 216 patrons while the Boutique movie theatre – with 36 seats – Commerce. The Village of Antioch was added. loaned some money to be paid The updated Antioch Theback through a movie ticket tax. atre with its new marquee and Granite stars in the sidewalk in renovations was reopened on front of the theatre were sold. In Feb. 27, 2015. It continues to addition a Kickstarter web page show first-run movies at reawas successfully used to raise sonable ticket prices.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 5

Grayslake Heritage Center announces upcoming events Meeting for Civil War roundtable The Lake County Civil War Roundtable will have a meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 12, at Grayslake Heritage Center, 164 Hawley St., Grayslake. All are welcome to attend the meeting.

New art supporting organization opens art show Grayslake Heritage Center will have an art show that is put together by the members of the Grayslake Arts Alliance from 5 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14, at the

center. All are welcome to ton share the history of the attend the art show. Lincoln Highway from 2 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28, Presentation of the at the center. Lincoln Highway The Heritage Center will Illinois Folk singerhave national president of songwriter to play the Lincoln Memorial High- The Lake County Folk way Association Kay Shel- Club will present southern

HAPPY 2017

m fro

Illinois Folk singer-songwriter Chris Vallillo at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 29, at the center. This event will include a performance and interview with host Chuck VanderVennet. Admission is $18 for general public, $15 for seniors and $13 for Lake

County Folk Club members. The museum will be open before and after the event. The Grayslake Heritage Center is at 164 Hawley St., Grayslake. For more information, visit


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The time is now to help

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 6

Lonely senior, single mom helped at holiday Dear W.C., So many people are hurrying to get their Christmas presents bought and rushing off to family gatherings. I will not be enjoying any holiday preparations. I am a senior widow with no remaining living family. My two sons both died before me – one when he was a teenager and my older son died last year of a heart attack. I have had some unexpected expenses these past months, glasses and a trip to the dentist that have caused me to fall behind in my rent and utilities. I needed my glasses as I was having such a hard time seeing and it has been 10 years since I got a pair. I saw the dentist because I had a bad cavity that was causing me so much pain. I used my rent money to pay my dentist and my utility money to buy glasses. I remember having holidays with my family over the years and it was such a happy time. Now it is a sad lonely time and also stressful because of the added expenses. Dear readers, I find many lonely seniors throughout the year and especially during the holiday season. They have no family to celebrate with and often are living on very restricted budgets. When a senior is getting by only on Social Security, any extra expense will affect their budget for months. This widow was no exception. When a volunteer visited this senior woman, she set about fulfilling her Christmas wish. We removed her stress and pains of poverty by paying her rent for two months and brought her utilities up to date and into the future. This would allow the senior woman to get back on budget. I reached out to the senior woman, and we had a very nice conversation. She talked about her family and friends she had lost over the years. We also talked about all of you, the good



people that allow The Time Is Now to Help to assist so many in our community. The senior woman was crying grateful tears as she asked, “Do those good people even know how they are helping a lonely old woman like me? This has given me my will to live again. I felt fear and despair but now I have hope knowing I’m not alone. It is wonderful to know there are good people out there that really care.” I set up some additional visits with two other volunteers. These visits included gifts and even treats that were acceptable on her diabetic meal plan. I also arranged for additional senior services and one of the volunteers offered to take her to her church to be part of a senior group that does activities together. This would allow the woman to have some social time with new friends. When I spoke to the senior woman just a few days ago she was a completely different person. After shedding happy tears, and many thanks to all of you, I could hear the laughter in her voice. I knew this laughter and joy was a Christmas wish we all made possible for this senior woman. Dear W.C., I am a hard-working single mother. I take pride in being a good parent and a good employee. This past week my car wouldn’t start. Of course it was when I was leaving for work. I had to call several friends and family members until I could find someone who could drive me to work a half hour away. This caused me to be late. I do not have any more days off available

as I had used every one several months ago when my 10-yearold son had surgery. I had to then get a ride home from work, including picking my son up from after-school care. I had my car towed to service and found out the repair is much more than I can afford. I don’t know what to do. This couldn’t have come at a worse time as my son is still struggling with his health, and I do not have any more time off available. Christmas is around the corner and I will now not be able to purchase the one toy my son has asked for. My employer has given me a warning already for the few late days caused by my lack of transportation. Can you please help me with a car repair, so I do not lose my job? Dear readers, As I was still not fully recovered from my recent illness, I called this mother to discuss her car issues. She told me the quote for service, and we went over her budget. She told me where her car was, and I arranged for it to be towed to our mechanics for evaluation. Once I saw the quote from our mechanic, I gave the OK to begin the repairs. I also had made some notes about other things the mother had said they were in need of. I knew she was having more financial difficulties than just the car repair. She and her son were living very frugally. I even asked what her son would like for Christmas. The mother replied, “We are so grateful for what you have promised already. I cannot ask for more.” The next day, a volunteer not only drove the mother to work on time, they also went to purchase the most wanted toy and several other household necessities mentioned by the mother. When the mother was picked up from work and taken to pick up her repaired car, she was greeted with a car full of surprises. There were several bags of food, new sheets and a

J. Kruzan Construction and Remodeling, Lake Geneva Area Realty, Harleen Corporation, Electronic Specialties, Lake Geneva Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Elkcast Aluminum, Thomas Morrissy, John and Valerie Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuberth, Allen Hermansen, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dunham, Gloria Dastoli, Barbara Eisenhower, Douglas and Jean Chase, Walter and Florence Strumpf, Kathleen and Brian Hurdis, Steven Christian, Donald and Jean Cooper, Francis and Delores Corbett, Judy Dishneau, Peterson Dear readers, Drywall, Robert Lietsch, Beth These are just two of the and Jody Rendall, Michol many, many letters we have been Ann Ford, David and Shirley answering in the past few weeks Heigl, Al and Ellen Burnell, thanks to all of you and our James and Shari Loback, Dick generous matching grant donors. and Jean Honeyager, Orval You have been such a blessing and Jane Volbrecht, George to each and every one of our and Barbara Partyka, Robert recipients. Christmas wishes Sheridan, Carol Hanke, Michael have been granted, and the spirit Macisaac, Gerald Lins, James of Christmas has removed the and Marilynn Dyer, Immanuel pains of poverty for so many. When you are unable to pay Health and happiness, United Church of Christ, John your rent, pay your car payment God bless everyone, and Vickie Geier, James and Jean and purchase food, the last thing W.C./Sal Robinson, Marvin and Audrey Hersko, Peter Popik, Dorothy you can even consider doing is purchasing Christmas presents. Please help: There are many Tookey, John Race, Thomas and Christmas is just like every coming to us in desperation. Our Diane Brauer, Joan Murphy, our anonymous donors and all other day – full of hunger, fear good fellow creations need our of you who support The Time and worry. Well, not when we compassion. Together we make Is Now to Help donation boxes, show up at the door of a person a big difference. Make checks and the businesses that allow who has written a letter full of payable to The Time Is Now to desperation and tears. We fill Help, P.O. Box 1, Lake Geneva, our donation boxes. Anyone who would like a Time Is Now their lives with joy as we spread WI 53147. The Time Is Now to donation box in your business, our Christmas wish cheer to Help is a federally recognized please call (262) 249-7000. those suffering in poverty. 501(c)3 charitable organization We have been blessed licensed in Wisconsin and Honoraries: Mark and with several matching grant Illinois. You will receive a Natalie Reno in thanks for opportunities this year that have tax-deductible, itemized thankprayers answered. made our work achievable. you receipt showing how your We are blessed to have good donation provided assistance for Memorials: Al and Geri Hinton in memory of Joseph volunteers who go above and the poverty stricken. S. Ahlgren. Ron and Carolyn beyond their duties. We are Bloch in memory of Marge Holt. blessed to have good donors A very special thank you: The Rotary Club of HarlingenBarnabas matching grant, Fox who give when we share the Sunburst in memory of Sharon need in our communities. We are Charities, Larry and Sally Rayner, Christine Adams, Kunes H. Seiser. Shirley Waters in blessed to call all of you friends memory of Frances Layo. Country Auto Group, Gregg and helpers in our mission to Kunes, Bess Spiva Timmons remove the pains of poverty. Please visit: www. God bless all of you and we wish Foundation, The Harold and Bernice DeWeerd Family you a very Merry Christmas. Foundation, Martin Business, There are many of our blanket for the son’s new bed that was going to be delivered. Several toys, including the favorite toy that was on the son’s Christmas list, were all in bags in the car. About an hour later, I received a phone call filled with sobs from this proud single mother. She broke down in tears saying, “I never expected anything like this. No one has ever cared for us other than me. Now I see I don’t have to do this alone. The Time Is Now to Help has shown me that Christmas wishes do come true.”

fellow creations turning to us for help or being referred by others. It is very important we keep our momentum of helping the poverty stricken. The Fox Charities donors recognize this and have graciously once again stepped up to help. Please remember every dollar you donate at this time will be matched by the Fox Charities Christmas Wish 2016 $25,000 matching grant, not only doubling your donation but also doubling your poverty assistance. The children, the handicapped, the elderly, those who cannot fend for themselves, those living in desperate need will be crying happy tears of relief thanks to all of you, Fox Charities and The Time Is Now to Help working together to provide poverty relief. Together we make a difference removing the pains of poverty for our fellow creations. Thank you and God bless you.

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Slices of life Never underestimate the power of a single piece of paper – especially if the paper in question is a (genuine and authentic) Certificate. My first grader came home with such a document this week. He brings papers from school just about every day. They are crunched and bent to fit inside his backpack. His Certificate was neither creased nor folded. It was held, with great care and attentiveness, in his little hands, where he could keep it safe from the crowding and crinkling hazards lurking inside his backpack. “It’s a Certificate! I got a Certificate at school today!” he practically shouted on his

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 7

A meaningful reward

“I dunno,” he admitted with the honesty of a 6-yearold. “But it’s signed by the By principal!” He finished with a JILL flourish. PERTLER Columnist Certainly any paper signed by the principal has got to be important and overflowing with good news – unless it’s way in from the bus stop. a paper about a violation, He threw his backpack detention, suspension, down on the floor and expulsion, unacceptable bus couldn’t get his coat and conduct or getting kicked shoes off fast enough. He out of the do-it-right club. literally ran into the kitchen Luckily, our paper was none and thrust the paper in front of these things. of my face so close that I had “It’s a Certificate of to take a step back to read it. Attendance,” I said, smiling “What do you have here?” back at his eager face. “Good I asked using the interested job!” mom voice that I’ve spent He grinned, pleased with years perfecting. himself, before running

off, presumably to tell his brothers. I heard the phrase “Certificate of Attendance” ringing throughout the house as he spread his good news. At dinner, his accomplishment was the talk of the table. “Did the principal ever give you a Certificate?” he asked his brothers. And to his sister, “Do they give out Certificates at the high school?” Then he turned to my husband and me. “Were Certificates invented yet when you were little kids?” We found a place of honor for the Certificate on the bulletin board next to his bed. We positioned the pins

carefully next to the paper, without piercing it, so the Certificate would stay put without being ruined by a pinhole. Bedtime came too soon like it always does on special days that you don’t want to end. I tucked him in, with the Certificate hanging on the wall beside him. “You sure had a good day,” I observed. “Yep,” he agreed with a sigh. “I got my Certificate of Attendance.” His eyes were getting heavy as sleep crept up on him. I brushed the hair on his forehead and was glad that he had a good day where he had the chance to reflect on his

accomplishments. His eyes were nearly closed, but then he opened them and looked at me earnestly. “’Cept there’s just one question about my Certificate,” he said. “What’s that?” I asked, adjusting his covers. “I was wondering,” he mused. “What’s attendance?” Jill Pertler is an awardwinning syndicated columnist, published playwright, author and member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She invites readers to follow the Slices of Life page on Facebook.

Zelich declines plea in Minnesota Area cases delayed prosecution in murder case there

Steven Zelich, a 55-year-old man convicted of first-degree reckless homicide in Kenosha County, Wis., entered a not guilty plea Dec. 22 for an alleged murder he committed in Minnesota. According to WXOW in Rochester, Minn., Zelich declined a plea deal in the murder of 37-year-old Laura Simonson, whom he met in November 2013 and allegedly killed her during a sexual encounter at Microtel Inn and Suites in Rochester. Minnesota prosecutors have charged Zelich, a former West Allis police officer, with first-degree premeditated murder, second-degree intentional murder and second-degree unintentional murder in Simonson’s Nov. 2013 death, according to online court records. Previously, Zelich accepted a plea bargain in Kenosha County Circuit Court, where he originally faced first-degree intentional homicide of 19-yearold Jenny Gamez in August 2012. But, after a Kenosha County judge granted a prosecutor’s motion to admit evidence of the Simonson murder into a scheduled March 30 jury trial, Zelich chose to forego a trial and pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of first-degree reckless homicide. Zelich, also convicted in Kenosha County of hiding a corpse, received a 35-year sentence for the August 2012

death of Gamez at a Comfort Inn and Suites on Highway 50 and Interstate 94. Wisconsin Court proceedings, including two pending charges in Walworth County, where he allegedly stashed suitcases containing the bodies of both victims on North Como Road in the Town of Geneva in 2014 reportedly hampered Minnesota’s prosecution attempts. “Mr. Zelich was found in Wisconsin. There was another case in Wisconsin, and because of anti-shuttling rules and things like that, Wisconsin needed to complete that process before we could bring Mr. Zelich back here,” Olmsted County Attorney Mark Ostrem told WXOW. “There’s been a significant delay in our case simply because we need to wait for Wisconsin to complete their process.” Wisconsin’s case involving Gamez started when Zelich, then 49, allegedly met then 16-year-old Gamez through an online sexual bondage website, according to Kenosha County prosecutors. After six months of dialogue, Zelich ceased discussions, until she turned 18 years old, when he convinced her to fly to Mitchell International Airport for an August 2012 meeting. Zelich and Gamez went to the Comfort Inn and Suites on Interstate 94 and Highway 50 in Kenosha, where she died during what Zelich said was “breath play.”

Area woman dies in crash

Slippery conditions cited by deputies

A day after a two-vehicle crash in the Town of Salem, Wis., authorities identified the victim pronounced dead at the scene on Dec. 21 as 20-yearold Irmalicia Trevino of Paddock Lake, Wis., according to a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department news release. Authorities blame snow and slush accumulation, along with speed, as the primary factors of the afternoon crash in the 24900 block of Highway SA. Trevino, driving west in a 2005 Saturn Ion, reportedly left the roadway after she lost control, and when she returned to the eastbound lane, the vehicle was struck on the driver’s side door by a 2003 Jeep headed eastbound. The driver of the Jeep,

a 43-year-old woman from Lake Villa, Ill., and her passenger, a 25-year-old Town of Salem woman, were transported to a hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. Deputies who arrived at the scene at 2:38 p.m. notified the Kenosha County Medical Examiner’s Office, who pronounced Trevino dead at the scene. “At the time of the crash, the roadway was snow covered and slippery due to blowing snow,” the release states. “Road conditions and traveling too fast for those conditions are the predominant factors in this crash.” Highway SA was closed while authorities investigated the crash.

In Zelich’s sentencing hearing, Kenosha County prosecutors contend that Zelich selected Kenosha to minimize the Gamez “footprint.” However, Zelich’s defense attor- Steven Zelich ney, Jonathan Smith, argued that his client chose the hotel based on familiarity. Smith added that Zelich was not accustomed to any hotels near Mitchell International Airport. According to the criminal complaint, Zelich stated it was an accident that resulted in her strangulation during consensual sexual relations. In an effort to conceal the homicide, Zelich stored Gamez’s body in a suitcase and put it in a refrigerator of his West Allis home. Zelich then came in contact

with Simonson, of Farmington, Minn., through a similar online site. Zelich met Simonson in person in November 2013 in Rochester, Minn. He said she also died accidentally during the sexual encounter, according to the criminal complaint. He also stored her body in a suitcase and placed it in his West Allis home. When odor became a problem, Zelich allegedly placed both suitcases in the trunk of his car, until his supervisor at Johnson Controls complained about the smell coming from his car. Then, Zelich allegedly stashed both suitcases on North Como Road in the Town of Geneva in Walworth County, Wis., in 2014, where a highway worker discovered them while mowing grass June 5. Gamez was partially covered in a garbage bag with her hands bound with a rope behind her back, according to the earlier reports.


ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ PROJECT COORDINATOR Martin Petersen Company is looking for a detailed and conscientious individual to support multiple Project Managers. Primary duties involve assisting Project Managers with project documentation requiring extensive communication and coordination. Ideal candidate is accurate and desires to work in a positive fast paced team environment. Good written and verbal communication skills are required. Must be proficient in Excel and Word. Construction Admin. Experience, Associate Degree, or Bachelor’s Degree is required. Martin Petersen Company is an industry leading full service mechanical contractor located just off I-94 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Our customers include hospitals, universities, industrial, government, and commercial clients. With annual volume over $60 million and employing over 200 employees, we are one of Wisconsin’s largest mechanical contractors. We have team focused culture of collaboration. You will interview with senior management and owners of the company and work with them on a regular basis. Our philosophy is to hire talented individuals, provide them with the training, tools, and resources to be successful, empower them to go and contribute to the success of the company, and to reward performance. Compensation and Benefits include: Salary, Bonuses, Profit Sharing, 401K Match, Health Insurance, and Summer Hours. Please send resume to Rob Jossart, President. To learn more about our company visit us at EEO Employer

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Zelich still faces two felony counts of hiding corpse in Walworth County Circuit Court, where he is scheduled for a Jan. 17 status hearing. However, the status hearing could get delayed, because Zelich is held without bail in Olmsted County and slated to appear at a Jan. 18 conference.

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With no missing persons complaint filed in the Gamez disappearance, it took authorities weeks to identify her using dental records. In Simonson’s case, the Waukesha County medical examiner found her naked with a rope wrapped around her neck and a ball gag in her mouth.

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By Jason Arndt

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 2017 • 8


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