of The
Lakes vol. 4 no. 3
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Winter approaches the Chain!
PROMOTE PERSONAL GROWTH Hobbies can help people escape the daily grind. Though it’s easy to view hobbies as enjoyable ways to pass the time, they also can be vehicles that enrich your life. Hobbies are especially good at helping people learn new skills. They also may help boost professional and personal development. Hobbies play a vital role for a variety of reasons, and some hobbyists may be surprised to learn just how much their favorite form of escapism is benefitting their lives.
People who engage in hobbies experience new things and may interact with different people through their interests. This can give you various topics to discuss in conversation and make you more interesting to others. Learning skills through hobbies also means you will obtain specialized knowledge that you can impart on people with similar interests.
Hobbies can be creative outlets that take your mind off of other things. For people who have trouble with meditation and Hobbies may help to relieve stress by other mindful ways to shut off their brains, keeping you engaged with something you hobbies can be a form of escapism that enjoy. Reducing stress may help you remain leaves you alone with your thoughts. calm and be more productive at home, According to the self-improvement at work and in school. Reduced stress resource Personal Growth, most hobbies also translates into improved mental and actually have a meditative effect on your physical health. thoughts because, no matter what you are
doing, your awareness becomes completely focused on the hobby.
MAKE FRIENDS Hobbies can improve your social life and foster creative bonds with others, providing great ways to meet and get closer to people who share your interests.
RELIVE BOREDOM Hobbies can help stave off boredom, providing productive outlets when there is nothing else available to fill the time. Hobbies can be more beneficial ways to spend your time than playing games on a phone or watching television. Hobbies also may be educational and enrich knowledge through skill building. People who start with one hobby may find connections to other ones, further developing their knowledge and skill sets.
If embracing new hobbies is on your list of resolutions for the upcoming year, individuals can rest assured that engaging in hobbies promotes personal growth in various ways. STOCK PHOTO Spirit of the Lakes
November • December 2020
Support a small business S pirit through volunteerism The
The novel coronavirus COVID-19 that began sweeping across the globe in late 2019 has had a major impact on all components of daily life. From school closures to virtually shared holidays to lost revenue, the pandemic has made 2020 a challenging year. The pandemic has forced many business owners to rethink their longstanding business practices. Verizon Business released findings from its Small Business Recovery Survey in September 2020 that revealed the impact small business owners and decision makers feel the pandemic has had on their businesses. Fifty-five percent of small businesses surveyed have concerns about staying afloat financially with regulations that limit business capacity. In addition, 67 percent of small businesses feel their financial security has been negatively affected, but 72 percent are optimistic they will be able to stay open at least six months or more. One way small businesses may be able to survive and thrive is with the help of volunteers. The following are ways volunteers can help small businesses in an uncertain time:
Volunteer as a mentor Business coaches lend their time and expertise to help businesses establish and achieve their goals. Coaches can work with small business owners to discuss the challenges they face and give specialized guidance to help grow their businesses. Coaches typically work for a fee, but volunteers can offer assistance at no charge to help businesses get back on solid footing.
Strengthen a web presence A strong internet presence is essential for small businesses. BrightLocal, a marketing firm that connects with local businesses, says 90 percent of consumers used the internet to find a local business in the last year. Those knowledgeable in search engine optimization, website building, online marketing, or even social media maintenance can volunteer their services with a local business to help garner online attention that can bring in customers.
Ed Nadolski EDITOR
Tracy Ouellette
Use networking connections It won’t take much effort to speak kindly about a small business to others and use networking connections to spread the word about a particular local firm. Spend a few hours each month sharing positive feedback about a company and getting their name out to others.
Heidi Schulz
Support the vulnerable and those in need
Jennifer DeGroot SALES
Even while small businesses have been floundering, many are still engaging in community efforts. Restaurants have donated meals to the elderly or less fortunate. Shuttered fitness centers have repurposed space to provide chaperoned virtual learning centers for students whose parents work and cannot stay home during the school day. Volunteers can work with small businesses to facilitate services such as these, including delivering food or products, checking on those who are self-isolating, monitoring students, or helping to set up connections between businesses and those in need.
Pete Hansen Tamera Hamilton DISTRIBUTION MANAGER
Tom Flatow
The Spirit of The Lakes is a complimentary publication, distributed throughout the Chain O’ Lakes and Kenosha County area. Keeping up with the same great tradition as the Spirit of Geneva Lakes. Send all correspondence to:
Fill in as a temporary employee
As coronavirus affects employees, they may need to stay home to care for relatives or children, or they may need to self-quarantine after exposure to the virus. Being without one or two employees can tax a small business. Having volunteers ready to fill in at a moment’s notice can help businesses overcome this obstacle.
SOUTHERN LAKES NEWSPAPERS 1102 Ann Street Delavan, WI 53115
Volunteers can provide the extra support that small businesses need during these challenging times. STOCK PHOTO Spirit of the Lakes
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November • December 2020
Once thought to be the game of old men, today chess is enjoyed by people of all ages. Children as young as 5 years can be seen at local scholastic chess tournaments and many schools offer chess programs for their students. PHOTO COURTESY OF ILLINOIS CHESS TEACHERS Spirit of the Lakes
and Keeping busy indoors once the weather cools by Sandra Landen Machaj CORRESPONDENT
Looking for some new activities to keep busy once the weather becomes cooler and you want to stay indoors? Here are some ideas that will help you learn a new skill and maybe complete some unfinished household projects. Restoring furniture Somewhere in our homes there are pieces of furniture that have seen better days. They may be pieces such as a chest of drawers, a chair, desk or table that have been in the family for generations. Or it
may be a piece that has been picked up at a flea market with plans to refinish it to make it a beautiful addition to your home. Unfortunately, the business of our daily lives often leaves these projects at the bottom of the to-do list and most of the time we never get to the bottom of the list. This year has been different. With spending more time in isolation because of the pandemic and the canceling of so many activities, many of us have found ourselves at home, accomplishing our long overdue projects. After months of reduced out of the home activity, the basement, the attic and the SPIRIT of THE LAKES
closets are finally cleaned out, and everyone is looking for a more rewarding activity, one that brings out some artistic vibes and joy to our lives. Now is the time to refinish those pieces of furniture to add beauty to your home and your life. For those who have not tackled such projects before, knowing where to begin is the first step. If you have tackled refinishing before, you will remember removing the old finish and sanding down the piece before beginning to apply the new finish, a job that often leaves some to abandon the project. “Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is a newer and
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easier way to refinish furniture pieces,” said Lucy Tonyan, owner of the Studio of Art in McHenry. “The chalk paint was developed in 1990 by British artist Annie Sloan. We have carried it at the Studio for about nine years, so we have a lot of experience working with it.” Tonyan said Sloan studied at the Royal Academy of Art and is recognized as an expert on color. She is also the author of many books on traditional paints and decorative painting. The paint is imported from Great Britain and is available in a variety of colors. Packaged in liter-size cans, it is surprisingly heavy as it contains more pigment than regular paints. While it is not difficult to use, it is helpful to take one of the classes offered at The Studio of Art to learn how to work with this paint and for help with design advice. Once the paint is applied it appears as a matte finish or as some would describe it a “chalky” finish, thus the name. Putting a protective finishing coat over the paint is important. “Waxing is one of the ways to protect the paint. A soft wax, the texture of Crisco, is used. Usually it is beeswax or carnauba wax,” Tonyan said. “Or a top coat of lacquer can be added to protect it.” The paint comes in a variety of colors but they can be combined to form a new shade. Tonyan will advise on how to mix the paint to achieve a new color unique to you. Each work is different and will provide a beautiful unique finish “With so many working from home, painting your desk a great color will turn it into a happy space,” Tonyan said. “The paint is not toxic and meets England’s toy safety standards. After 30 years on the market it has stood the test of time.” The paint can be purchased at The Studio of Art, 3316 Pearl St., McHenry. Call 815-385-3990 to order and it can be picked up either in the studio or delivered curbside.
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November • December 2020
Listening to great musicians play sometimes reminds those of us who have never succeeded in mastering a musical instrument that perhaps we should have worked with more diligence at those basic music classes that may have been offered in our childhood. For many of us, the desire to do something that we viewed as more fun overshadowed our attention to spending time practicing the piano, guitar, or violin. It is now as adults we realize our error. But it’s never too late to rekindle the dream of learning to play an instrument. The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation offers a variety of classes for children to adults. Both guitar and piano lessons are offered as private lessons of 30 minutes each. Students of all ages and abilities are welcome. This may be the time to rekindle the love of playing a musical instrument or to start the children on music lessons. “The COVID-19 virus has changed the way we offer music lessons,” said Cindy Trombino, vice-president of the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation. “Both piano and guitar lessons are currently being offered online using video platforms such as Zoom, Google, Hangouts, or FaceTime, depending on the teacher/student preferences. One instructor, Emric Montano is now offering to teach guitar either on zoom or in person.” The classes cover a wide range of styles to allow students to express their own particular style. Classical to blues, rock to jazz are all explored. Lessons are held once a week. And if you sign up for lessons, don’t forget to plan time to practice. Piano is taught by Christine Mitchell and it too is taught by Zoom. Students from beginners to advanced are accepted and will be surprised how quickly their skills will improve with a once a week class.
Art is a little word but encompasses much in our world. As children we are drawn to crayons to draw our own pictures or to color them in coloring books. As we age paints come into our lives from early finger-painting to attempts to paint a beautiful landscape or scenery. Clay offers a chance to create a sculpture where, as with our early painting attempts, early pieces often look nothing like our intended finished item. The creation of glass items, jewelry, poetry and prose all fit into the category of art but when many of us think of art, we are usually first thinking of drawing or painting. Usually there are a large number of places to go to take art classes for children and adults but with the pandemic many of these have been canceled as people are reluctant to gather as a group. The Studio of Art is known for offering a variety of art classes for both children
TOP: Vintage Pepsi crates painted with chalk paint have been turned into useful decorative containers here shown holding a display of paint brushes. A decorative design was hand painted on the boxes. ABOVE: This cathedral styled chest has been transformed into an elegant accent piece that will stand out in any setting. COURTESY OF LUCY TONYAN, THE STUDIO OF ART Spirit of the Lakes
and adults. Looking for another activity for your children? Studio of Art provides art classes using a combination of materials to interest the child and allow his or her creativity to thrive. “At the present time we are not holding any adult classes but hope to be able to add them after the New Year,” Tonyan said. Contact the Studio of Art at 815-385-3990 or visit www.thestudiiomchenry.com for more information,
Gather some books by your favorite authors, and some for your children and spend some quiet reading time.
At the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, some of the art programs are held on Skype while others are being held at the foundation’s gallery. The Art Exploration classes by Sunny Parenteau were at the time of this writing being held on Skype while the Landscape Watercolor Classes by Carol Fink Sackschewsky have continued to be held onsite. Other club activities continue to be held but check with the gallery for further information on the current schedule. The gallery is open weekends. Call 847-838-2274 or visit www. antiochfinearts.org for the latest art classes.
SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Spirit of the Lakes
Have you watched other people crochet and always wished that you were capable of learning how to turn yarn into a beautiful scarf, sweater or afghan? Well now is the time to consider taking some classes.
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November • December 2020
Surprisingly the lessons can be accessed from your home through the Antioch Public Librarypage on Facebook. Whether you are a beginner or are returning to crochet after several years away from it, the class will be a new and fun experience and you may complete a new and special piece. Contact the library at APLD.info or 847395-0874 for information on signing up for the Facebook class. Some of the classes are available for tweens and others are open to adults.
Long before the days of electronic games, families would gather around the dining room table and enjoy board games. From simple games for young children to more complex games for teens and young adults there are a variety of games to enjoy as a family. Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, checkers, chess, Chinese checkers, Trivial Pursuit and many others can be enjoyed depending on the ages of those in your family. Card games such as Old Maid and Go Fish are favorites of young children. Check out your closets and there will probably be some of these games tucked in there or down in the basement. Now is a good time to teach your children chess or for all of you to learn together. Chess is a beneficial pastime because it promotes better brain function, improved memory and cognitive ability, increased attention span, and enhances strategic thinking along with being fun. And it isn’t only the children who have brain improvement from chess. There are many basic books to teach you about chess and online classes to help you get started. This is a good time to turn off the television and the electronic games and introduce your children to board games.
On a cold, snowy day, cuddle up in the family room with a cup of hot cocoa, coffee or tea and while you watch the snow gently falling outside, and enjoy reading a book. Whether you are a traditional reader who enjoys the feel of a bound book or one who prefers the more modern electronic reader, there is always a choice of great books to read. Pick up the latest release from your favorite author or explore a new author, or maybe you have wanted to re-read some of the classics that were part of your childhood. Now would be a good time to introduce your favorites to your children by reading them together.
SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Spirit of the Lakes
FROM TOP: Add a fun look to a room by choosing a stand out color such as this bright green dresser; The Antioch Arts Foundation is a place to shop for that special gift. Because items are hand made each gift is special and unique.
The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation displays work by a variety of their member artists. The displays change regularly. Paintings, tiles, sculptures, and some jewelry items made by the artists are on display. SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Spirit of the Lakes
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November • December 2020
Winter Wonderland
by Sandra Landen Machaj CORRESPONDENT
Soon, looking out the window, we will realize that the cool and colorful days of fall have come to an end. The trees are bare having lost all their beautiful yellow,
Wilmot Mountain has snow much fun
orange and red leaves. Flowers are no longer blooming and days are gray while the temperature continues to dip. Then we wake up one morning and discover that through the night the world has turned into a winter wonderland. A covering of snow blankets the ground and snowflakes cling to the bare tree branches giving them a white glow. Soft snow flakes continue falling. It is the children in the house that are most excited to go out in the snow but getting them ready to go out is not as easy as it was in the warmer weather. Snow
A snowboarder heads down one of the hills at Wilmot Mountain as a snowfall dusts the slope. SUBMITTED PHOTO Spirit of the Lakes
pants, boots, jackets, gloves hats and scarves must be in place. Even the dog is ready to go out and put his nose in the snow. Once outside they are excited about the snow and try to make snowballs to toss at each other, but usually the first snowfall is not good for packing into snowballs. That must wait for another day and another snowfall. When that happens, the younger children will enjoy making snow angels, running and falling in the snow, and making snowmen. With the rush of enjoying the first snow, it is soon time to go inside and remove the extra layers of wet clothing and enjoy some hot cocoa with marshmallows or whipped cream. It Is a favorite winter drink for kids to enjoy while drying off and warming up after time outside. Some of the children will recall the other outdoor winter activities that they have enjoyed in the past. Sledding, ice skating, tubing, and skiing either cross country skiing through the Forest Preserve trails or downhill skiing. While the amount of snow that we have received the past few years has not been conducive to cross country skiing, downhill skiing, tubing and snowboarding have been easily enjoyed by a visit to nearby Wilmot Mountain. Wilmot Mountain is not a true mountain but a large ski hill in Wilmot, Wisconsin, different from the tall rugged mountains that skiers enjoy in the Rockies or in Europe. For families in the Midwest, it is a
Tubing is a fun activity for all young or old. The tubing hill at Wilmot Mountain has divided lanes to protect the tubers from crossing into each other’s space, making it very safe. SUBMITTED PHOTO Spirit of the Lakes
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November • December 2020
wonderful and convenient place to spend a day of fun in the snow. With its snow making equipment there is sure to be snow at Wilmot even if there is no natural snow. “Making snow is a science and we need 28 degrees or colder with low humidity to fire up our fleet of snow making machines,” Wilmot Mountain General Manager Scott Leigh said. “We want to ensure a great snow surface for our guests when we do open up.”
snow. Far different from the sleek fleet of snow makers in use today. Over the following years other improvements were made. Lights were installed to allow nighttime skiing. Before they opened for the 1970 ski season, the first chairlift was installed. New features were added regularly, including jumps and a full-service restaurant opened onsite along with a tubing facility. In 2016 things really changed for Wilmot Mountain when it was purchased by Vail The mountain’s history Resorts and many upgrades were made, Wilmot first opened in 1938 when Walter giving Wilmot Mountain a brand new look. Stopa leased property from a local farmer Upgrades included the addition of new lift in the Wisconsin border town of Wilmot to towers and chairs brought from Colorado. open a skiing facility. He named it Wilmot The new lifts increased the ability to bring Hills and it soon became a favorite skiing more skiers to the mountain top more destination for residents from Chicago, efficiently. This allowed skiers to spend Milwaukee and surrounding communities. more time skiing and less time waiting for It was here that Midwest families learned to the ski lift. ski. For the first 12 years, the ski facility was Season opens soon dependent on mother nature supplying the This season, plans are to open on Dec. snow needed to ski the area. Then, in 1950, 5, dependent on weather conditions and the facility became the first to master the the ability to make snow if nature does not art of snowmaking. This early method used provide it. While activities may work a bit rubber hoses, aluminum pipes, sprinkler differently than in past years, because of heads, water and air to cover the hills with the COVID-19 pandemic they still look
forward to a great ski season for all. “Because safety has always been one of our core values, we will be requiring face coverings, and physical distancing. We will require that guests and employees stay home if they have any signs of illness,” Leigh said. For everyone on the mountain, masks are required for both employees and guests. They must be worn while loading and riding in the chairlifts, when inside the buildings and during all ski and snowboard lessons. A big change will be noticed when boarding the ski lifts. To maintain social distancing, they will limit the way they fill the lifts. “We will only be seating related parties (guests skiing together or riding together) or two singles on opposite sides of a fourperson lift,” Leigh said. Another change skiers will notice this year is tickets must be purchased online, in advance. Skiers will not be able to make a last minute trip to the ski hill and purchase a lift ticket at the gate. The new procedure will help to manage physical distancing by limiting the number of skiers allowed onsite at any one time.
What could be more fun than spending a day out with Dad tubing down the tubing hill? Wilmot Mountain offers tubing for all ages and skills. SUBMITTED PHOTO Spirit of the Lakes
For details on how to purchase tickets, visit WilmotMountain.com. Learn to ski Ski and snowboard classes will be offered this season but with some restrictions. Children’s classes are very popular as they are fun for the kids. They are also recommended as starting them young and teaching them the correct technique will help them enjoy a safe and successful ski experience. Passing by the children’s ski and snowboard area there are always the sounds of laughter and joy as the children begin to master skiing skills, learning to balance and making their way down the smaller hills. Falls are inevitable but they soon learn to laugh them off as they struggle to their feet, often with help from an instructor. Children of all ages and of
all skill levels are welcome, although they need to sign up for the appropriate class. The class size this year will be a maximum of six. For the younger children the numbers will be even lower; 5 and 6 year olds will have a maximum class size of four. Because 3 and 4 year olds often spend a good portion of their class indoors, Wilmot Mountain will be offering one-on-one, full-hour private lessons. All classes must be booked online. While the children are safely enjoying their lessons, more experienced adults will make their way to the nearly 120 skiable acres, choosing from 23 trails. Snowboarding and tubing For snowboarders the terrain park will provide the space they need to practice their craft. This terrain will challenge the boarders as they fly over the
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Alone on the hill, enjoying the beauty of the snow and the cold winter air at Wilmot Mountain. SUBMITTED PHOTO Spirit of the Lakes
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snow, experimenting with new boarding moves. Snow tubing has become a family favorite activity because all can enjoy the activity together without having to be divided because of age or skill level. Make your way to the top of the hill, sit in the tube and be ready to slide down the hill, with the tube twisting its way down to the bottom, while riders screech with joy. The tubing hill at Wilmot, located adjacent to the ski hill, with its own entrance and parking, is a popular place for family fun. Making it safer is the individual lanes for tubing with a snow berm between them. No worrying that someone will run into you as you are speeding down the hill. Hang onto your tube and enjoy the ride. Spending time out of doors and burning calories while skiing, snowboarding, or tubing leaves one hungry and thirsty. In past years that meant heading to one of the restaurants for a drink and a meal. While plans are not finalized at press time for dining options, some plans are in place. Food options in the quick service restaurants will be more limited and there will only be a handful of ready to-go hot and cold options with no ability for custom or specialized orders.
“Tables will be spaced further apart to allow for physical distancing when eating,” Leigh said. “Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting will take place daily and we will also be maintaining as much outdoor seating space as we can add.” Because of the limitations in food service, it is recommended that guests adjust their mealtimes and try to dine earlier or later than the peak lunch period. Stopping at one of the restaurants will not be as easy as it has been in the past, so they encourage all skiers, snowboarders and tubers to bring water, snacks and other foods with them on the mountain to ensure that they stay hydrated and have the energy needed for their ski time. Just as most events in our lives have changed this year, a day at Wilmot Mountain will be a little different as we adjust to the safety requirements of hand cleaning, spacing and wearing masks. But what will not change is the fun and excitement of a day out of the house and into the cool crisp air enjoying skiing, down the mountain. Wilmot Mountain is at 11931 Fox River Road, Wilmot, Wisconsin. Contact them at wilmotmountain.com for ticket purchases and updated information on opening day and hours.
FROM TOP: Children of all ages can enjoy learning to ski at Wilmot Mountain. The special children’s area gives them a safe place to learn to ski; A lone skier winds her way down the mountain while the ski lifts remain empty above her. Because of the covid-19 pandemic, changes have been made in the number of skiers that may occupy the lift at one time. SUBMITTED PHOTOS Spirit of the Lakes
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