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Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2016 GIFT GUIDE • SECOND EDITION


Gift Guide Great Gift Ideas at Roesing’s Rocker Recliners from La-Z-Boy & Best Home Furnishings starting at $

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29131 EVERGREEN DR. JCT. HWYS. 36 & 20, WATERFORD (262) 534-3131

*Prior sales excluded. Photos for illustration purposes only.


HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9 A.M.-5 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.-4 P.M., SUN. 11 A.M.-3 P.M.

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Four ways to make your family’s holiday portraits shine Take a look at your family. How many changes have crept in since last year? And one year from now, when it’s time to send out holiday cards again, think about how much more they will have changed. Sending a family photograph as your holiday card is one way to share with your friends and loved ones the joy and pride your family makes you feel. But more importantly, as the years pass, the holiday memories within these pictures will become more and more precious. It certainly is easy enough to have a friend snap some pictures on a smartphone and print off a stack of copies with a pre-designed template. But if you take the idea a couple of steps further, booking a session with a professional photographer will result in stunning cards that people will love to display and keep. In addition to that, you’ll have framed gifts to wrap up for your loved ones. The advantage to using a professional

photographer is that they have the skills and artistic ability to make beautiful images that you will cherish forever. In addition to that, they can partner with you to create a style and effect that matches your family’s unique personality. To get you started, here are four different styles that just might capture your family’s personality and the magic of the holiday spirit.


Simple yet timeless, this background is often neutral with the family sitting in formal poses. The photographer is less likely to use editing effects to alter the finished product. To prepare for this, choose a color and style that is clean, uniform and classic – something that would be set off by a holiday-themed border when you’re designing your card layout. In the end, the goal is to draw the eye to the face, which is what the classic style emphasizes more than anything.

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This style ditches the formal posing and creates a relaxed, candid feel. You come as you are, perhaps using a setting that is familiar and comfortable to your family, such as building a snowman in your backyard or taking a hike through the winter woods. Whatever you bring to the shoot, the idea is to showcase your family relaxed and happy together.


What’s old is once again new. What better way to call back to the family roots that tie your loved ones together? You can express this by pulling from your family heritage. For example, you could dress your daughter in your childhood velvet dress. Or include your grandfather’s vintage toy train set as a prop. Some photographers specialize in black and white photography, as well as sepia effects. Of course, if you really want to try an authentic and timeless look, some This style takes the modern approach to a highly specialized, highly individualized level photographers are experimenting with glass and uses special effects and editing to convey plate photography. Which style of photography is right humor or a sense of drama. For example, perhaps your holiday portrait for you and your family? Take a “Family could feature your family members forming a Photography Style quiz” and, once you’re human ladder to place a star on the top of the ready for your new photo session, check out findaphotographer.com to find the right tree. Look for a photographer with the savvy and technique to pull off these specific effects photographer for you and in your city. and dramatic images. (BPT)


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Page 3

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Your Southern Lakes Area Diamond Source app-controlled doorbell cameras, consumers can be instantly alerted when someone is at their front door – whether it is a delivery person or a would-be package thief intercepting the delivery. 348 N. Pine St. • Burlington, WI 53105 In a perfect world, 28 percent of (262) 763-8685 respondents expressed their desire HOURS: Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 10-5, Wed. 10-6, to have a delivery person leave Sat. 10-1 Thru Dec. 24th packages directly inside their home. In fact, smart lock and doorbell camera features that allow for remote 263328 monitoring of one’s front door made 94 percent of previous package theft victims feel more comfortable Hours: Mon.-Fri. allowing in-home delivery when 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. they’re not home. Sat. 7:30 a.m. to Noon According to 77 percent of homeowners and 86 percent of previous package theft victims, smart locks are valued as a solution for inhome delivery, providing the ability to easily grant remote access to their home via their smartphone. Doorbell cameras increase comfort even more, with the peace of mind to see anyone at your door, from anywhere, and enabling you to alert the proper authorities and stop the crime in its tracks. “Package theft is increasing 35518 W. State St. exponentially. And this doesn’t just Burlington, WI 53105 affect consumers’ wallets as they (262) 763-5646 replace stolen goods, it’s also a threat to them feeling safe and secure at home,” said Jason Johnson, CEO of August Home. • Mirrors • Prints • Many “With the average value of packages stolen costing $200 or more • Santas • Keepsake Engravable Items Other to replace, 80 percent of homeowners • Snowmen • Even Gift Certificates Neat Ideas mentioned that they would rather invest in smart technology, such as our Doorbell Cam, which would eliminate this worry once and for all, rather than continue to spend money replacing stolen goods.” The August Smart Lock, Doorbell Cam and Smart Keypad work together to turn your smartphone into a mobile command center for your front door. 27642 75ththStreet, Salem, WI 53168 th Consumers can control access by (on Hwy 50 one mile west of Rt. 83 in Paddock Lake) issuing virtual keys or key codes for specific dates and times. You can 262-586-2522 also monitor access through instant Hours: Fabric & Quilting Supply notifications when someone is at your Tues. & Thur. 9am - 8pm th door and when they unlock and lock 27642 75 Street, Salem, -WI, 53168 Wed. 10am 5pm the door. Fri.west & Sat. 9am August Home even makes it (On of Rt. 83 -in6pm Paddock Lake) On Hwy 50 one mile possible to review who accesses your Sun. 12pm - 4pm front door with a 24/7 activity feed Hours: Tue & Thur 9am – 8pm; Wed 10am – 5pm; Fri & Sat 9am – 6pm; Sun 12pm – 4p of all activity including video clips of HQ SWEET SIXTEEN RENTALS those who entered and exited. Smart home technology lets you safely open ♦Classes ♦Workshops Workshops ♦Longarm Services ♦Notions ♦Patterns ♦Books your door for deliveries, even when ♦Wool ♦ ♦Benartex ♦Quilting Treasures ♦Moda ♦Andover you are not there. For additional facts and stats about ♦Blend Blend Fabrics ♦Blank Quilting ♦Studio E ♦Windham Fabrics package theft and solutions to improve www.facebook.com/BBFQS www.buttons www.buttons-and-bolts.com your life, visit www.august.com. www.buttons-and-bolts.com - www.facebook.com/BBFQS 264849

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If you’ve ever expected a package that seemed to never arrive, you may be a victim of package theft – and you’re not alone. Some 11 million U.S. homeowners have been victim to package theft within this past year, according to a new study from August Home. The study, Package Theft Report: Outsmarting Criminals at Your Front Door, examines the rise in package theft and how consumers approach protecting their packages. Having packages delivered directly to your doorstep is a huge convenience, not only for shoppers, but for porch pirates who steal your packages before you even realize they’ve been delivered. Thieves have been known to follow delivery trucks, watching for prime targets. These thieves commonly strike during work hours when many homes are empty, which was the case for 74 percent of victims who had a package stolen within the last year. Package theft victims also reported being home, 22 percent, or on vacation, 17 percent, while the crime was committed. The frustrations associated with this growing issue goes beyond the theft to the inconvenience of having to navigate next steps as consumers attempt to resolve the issue. Victims reported spending close to $200 to replace each stolen package, and noted that they were forced to stay home when expecting deliveries, 49 percent, or leave work early to meet the delivery person, 20 percent, to prevent theft. As on-demand services, like Amazon Prime, offer delivery options faster than the time it would take to purchase goods in-person, more Americans are increasingly looking to online shopping to suit their needs. Not just a seasonal phenomenon, 26 percent of U.S. homeowners receive packages on a weekly basis and 39 percent on a monthly basis, which doesn’t take into account the influx of deliveries surrounding various holidays. There are basic precautions that consumers can take to mitigate the risk of package theft, such as having shipments sent to their office, getting a post office box, diligently monitoring tracking numbers or paying extra for signature confirmation –all of which take the convenience out of home delivery. Thanks to the ease of smart home security, these old standby solutions are meeting their technological match. Smart home technology significantly improves the way homeowners receive deliveries, and with accessories like


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New ways todurability. create Exceptional ambiance at your performance. holiday party Hosting a party this yuletide? These days, there are new and innovative ways to set the tone for festive holiday cheer.

you. This can mean more attention paid to guests and less focus on your playlist.


High-tech lighting

Want to make your own music? Even with limited space, you can make caroling and holiday sing-alongs at your party better with an electronic keyboard that provides the same key weight and resistance of an actual grand piano. For example, Casio’s CGP-700 Compact Grand Piano features an 88-note scaled hammer action keyboard with simulated ebony and ivory textured keys. Whether you stick with classic selections or prefer newer holiday hits, now you can do so accompanied by the sounds of high-quality instrumentation ideal for home use. Hosting is never simple. But now you can let technology do some of the heavy lifting – from music to imagery – to create the perfect ambiance at your holiday gatherings.

Holiday decorations aren’t what they used to be. Now you can control your decorative lighting with app-enabled technology, controlling color combinations, speed and direction of light patterns, even connecting your light scheme to music right from your phone or computer.

DJ apps

When you are rushing around making sure everyone is fed and having a good time, you likely don’t have time to actively curate your party’s music selection. Consider downloading a DJ app in advance of your party, which can draw from your existing playlists, automatically make wellinformed selections as to what to play next based on matching beats, and even mix the transitions for


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Page 5

‘Tis the season

for creating dazzling holiday tables aughter, joy, happiness –‘tis the season for family and friends to come together around the table, celebrating all the warmth of the holidays. Really want to wow your guests at your next gathering? It’s as easy as mixing Christmas past with Christmas present. “The holidays are the best time to use the patterns you love, whether that’s your everyday pattern, a family heirloom, a Christmas favorite or all of the above,” says Keith Winkler, product marketing manager for dinnerware retailer Replacements, Ltd. “Take time to pull out the platter you inherited from your grandmother, or look for a way to blend in Aunt Rose’s vintage teapot. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re planning a casual dinner or a glitzy party, using heirloom patterns is more than a great conversation starter with your guests – these pieces bring tradition and family to your table.”

The festive art of mixing and matching

Perhaps you’ve read the buzz about the hot tabletop trend designers refer to as “mixing and matching.” Turns out, it goes beyond trendy. It’s pretty much an art. “Mixing and matching

Sharing the joy of the Christmas card

is a way to bring all your favorites together to create a gorgeous table,” says designer Julie Robbins. “If you’re going to create a beautiful, festive look, be brave and bold; step away from using all the same colors and patterns and dare to blend all types of designs to create sparkle and magic. One of the easiest ways to start is by taking one of your favorite patterns and giving it holiday flair.” We asked Robbins to share her inspiration in creating one of Replacements’ main displays for the holiday season. “I really wanted to capture the spirit of the season by building on an everyday pattern I really love, so I started with Constance by Bernardaud,” Robbins says. “It’s a beautiful green, yet it’s also a cool, neutral pattern that refreshes everything you mix with it. I paired it with Grenadiers, a holiday favorite also by Bernardaud, which is a crisp, clean Christmas pattern, but at the same time very festive and whimsical with toy soldiers around the edge. And to tie it all together, I mixed in a gold-trimmed ruby charger as the base to anchor the setting in traditional seasonal colors.” If you’re still uncertain how to create the look you want for holidays, Robbins

Knowing the story behind the Christmas card helps make sending and receiving them feel even more special.

suggests starting with a neutral colored dinner plate, then layering a Christmasthemed salad plate in a floral, plaid or graphic motif. You can even serve a different course with each pattern. And don’t feel like you have to stick with traditional holiday colors – pairing cool blues with silver creates a lovely icy effect you can use throughout winter.

and carriage with bulk train transportation, made card sending affordable to the general public. The custom of sending The past Christmas cards soon spread The sending of Christmas around the world, and in cards began in Great Britain 1875, printer Louis Prang in 1843 when businessman Sir began mass-producing less Henry Cole and commercial expensive Christmas cards artist John Horsley designed in North America. With and posted out seasonal many people then moving greetings to business to distant cities to live and acquaintances. At the time, the to work, the greetings card cost of printing and sending became a popular way for cards was high. Technological people to convey to those they advances in printing methods most cared about that they and reductions in postage were thinking of them at this costs, however, brought about special time and wished to largely by replacing the horse share with them the joy of the

Add a dash of sparkle

While mixing and matching patterns captures seasonal spirit, sparkle adds a burst of magic and elegance. Robbins suggests incorporating metallic finishes, whether that means using platinum or gold trimmed crystal, or perhaps ornate flatware and serving pieces. “Using both silver and gold pieces on your table not only

evokes the traditional spirit of holidays, these metals reflect light, creating a glamorous twist,” adds Robbins. “Vintage silver is very popular this year, but rather than polishing it shiny bright, leave some patina to keep the heirloom quality of the pattern.” Another way to create sparkle – consider an eclectic mix of candles on your table. By combining crystal and

efforts is a caring, thoughtful message to both send and The present receive at Christmastime. Today, the Christmas card One of the talented artists has taken on a particular is Mariam Paré from Chicago. significance for a group of She became a quadriplegic talented, disabled artists called while an art student, when she the Mouth and Foot Painting took a stray bullet to the back Artists. Without having the in gun cross fire at age 20. She use of hands to paint, these then retaught herself to paint people create their original again by holding a brush in works by holding a brush her mouth. in their mouth or with their These days, her paintings feet and make their living by reflect her love of art and reproducing these images as the freedom of expression it Christmas cards and selling brings to her life. Among her them direct to the public. works is a portrait of Hoda The MFPA is a worldwide Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford commercial cause and that she presented to them choosing to support its when she recently appeared

Christmas message.

silver votives, candlesticks or odd candelabra, you can create a centerpiece that looks beautiful during the day and adds a warm glow to a winter night. Still need help getting started? For a quick cheat sheet, sneak a peek at Replacements’ favorite holiday patterns on the company’s website, replacements.com.


on “The Today Show.” Another of her paintings adorns a wall at the home of Hollywood film star Pierce Brosnan.

Available online

Christmas greetings cards designed by Mariam Paré and her fellow artists can be viewed and purchased along with other seasonal products including calendars, wrapping paper, puzzles, prints and books. Visit the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists website at www.mfpausa.com or call (877) MFPA-USA.


Page 6



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How small businesses can capitalize on the holiday shopping season For entrepreneurs and small business owners, the holiday season offers an incredible opportunity to boost sales and increase the bottom line. Just like how the early bird gets the worm, starting holiday promotions early will position your business for optimum growth. Polishing your online identity, optimizing marketing opportunities and engaging in positive customer relations are key strategies for boosting profits. It may be the season of red and green, but businesses that take advantage of these expert tips will be better positioned to see a lot of numbers in the black.

engage with their customers and influence purchasing decisions. What’s more, 51 percent of people will use social media to get gift ideas, according to a statistical survey. In addition to staying active, give your social efforts a holiday makeover with a few new strategies. For example, music is a huge part of how people interact during the holidays. Share popular holiday songs and encourage your audience to do the same. Next, go for the emotional response. Heartwarming stories of generosity, charity and creativity abound during this time of year and tend to get a lot of play on social Email marketing tips media. The most essential step in In addition, focus on the creating effective holiday marketing entertainment value over the sale. emails is to start early. In fact, 2015 The holidays, while joyful, are email data from GoDaddy shows often filled with stress. Giving your that it’s best for companies to get a users a break from the madness head start on their email marketing with a funny holiday-themed image campaigns as early as November. or video will help them associate The days with the highest open rates your brand with more than just your before Christmas were during the product. first week of November, specifically Finally, make social interactive. Nov. 2. Even if those dates have Respond in a timely manner to user passed, starting ASAP can help questions and comments. It will boost traffic and sales. help build your brand reputation “Black Friday and Cyber and leave a positive impression on Monday might seem like the your audience. perfect days to send promotional emails, but small businesses should Storefront and website tips proceed with caution,” says Eric Whether customers are visiting Gilbert, director of GoDaddy Email in person or virtually via a website, Marketing. you want to give them an easy-to “With higher sending volume navigate experience and plenty of come lower email open rates. purchasing options that meet their Our advice to our customers is holiday shopping needs. twofold. First, get a head start on First, categorize items as gifts your holiday campaigns by sending on your website. For example, before the peak shopping days “gifts for your husband” or “gifts arrive. And second, be sure to write for kids.” Reflect this messaging in crisp, compelling subject lines to product copy and consider writing help stand out in the inbox.” blogs that support gift ideas for In creating an effective email, specific audiences. Additionally, consider providing valuable promote the upsell by offering information and useful tips rather packages of products and/or than straightforward sales copy. services in bundles. Shab Sadeghi, founder of Second, hire a web developer Shabbella, a lifestyle brand for and graphic designer to spruce up women, uses GoDaddy Email your website to reflect the essence Marketing to stay in touch with her of the holidays. Alternatively, customers throughout the holiday use a DIY website builder that’s season. affordable and easy to use like “I like to share style tips on how GoDaddy. For physical stores, my customers can wear Shabbella tasteful holiday decor can enhance products multiple ways throughout the ambience and get shoppers in a the season,” says Sadeghi. “In festive state of mind. the past, I’ve provided beautiful Finally, for brick-and-mortar gift boxes with orders during the purchases, consider offering holidays. I love to give back to my complimentary gift-wrapping. customers, plus everyone loves For online purchases, provide free gifts.” shipping when a certain amount is Another way to increase purchased. email-marketing efforts is to send With each day there’s another personalized emails. Personalized opportunity to upgrade your holiday emails improve click-through marketing strategies, but you must rates by 14 percent and conversion start now. With these tips, you’ll rates by 10 percent, according to have an edge on the competition. Aberdeen Group. To learn more about how small businesses can get a head start on Social media tips their holiday marketing efforts, visit Keeping active on popular social headstartday.com. (BPT) media platforms helps brands



Page 7

Ten truly unique gifts FOR UNDER $100

Some people are incredibly easy to shop for. You can go into any store and find something they would like. For others, you can spend months looking and still not discover the right gift. So what do you get the person who has everything? Furthermore, how can you get a unique gift at an affordable price? Forget candy, ties and slippers. These 10 gifts for under $100 are sure to be special, memorable and brighten your loved one’s day.


Nostalgia is alive and well during times of celebration. Show you care and prove how well you know the giftee by finding a toy from their youth. For example, call antique stores and scope out eBay for a vintage Lincoln Log set. Not only will this conjure happy memories, but now the recipient can share a beloved childhood toy with his or her family members.

UNIQUE TWIST ON THE TRADITIONAL A traditional aquarium is beautiful and calming, but can be a pain to maintain. The new biOrb HALO 15 by OASE is a sleek tabletop aquarium uniquely designed as a globe that comes with 16 beautiful LED color options for lighting that enhances any home office, living space or kids room. Even better, it is low-maintenance thanks to a fivestep filtration system that maintains a clean, healthy pH aquatic environment for fish. The HALO 15 keeps the water clear, so loved ones can enjoy watching their fish among the beauty of bubbles and innovative, colorful lighting. Learn more at www.biorb.com.


Rather than giving something, have you thought of gifting an experience instead? Whether it’s reservations and a gift certificate to the city’s hottest restaurant, tickets for the theater or an annual pass to a local amusement park, an experience will stand out. Print out the information, wrap in a box and watch your loved one’s eyes light up upon opening it.


Have you heard for years how your loved one would like to learn to carve wood, ballroom dance or spin pottery? Allow them to cross an item off their bucket list by gifting classes. From golf lessons to knitting classes, this is a gift that is sure to be appreciated.


Forget jam – unless that’s your loved one’s thing. Monthly clubs come in every shape and size. From bacon to wine, flowers to makeup, select a club that you think your loved one will enjoy. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.


Want a gift that has meaning and makes a positive impact? Make a charitable donation to a special cause in your loved one’s name. Does she adore animals? Donate to a certain exhibit at the zoo or a nearby animal shelter. Does he have a soft spot for childhood education? Donate to the local library or organizations that help low-income children succeed at school.


A membership can be a useful gift that’s much appreciated. For example, an automotive membership provides assistance for auto accidents and other traveling concerns. Maybe he or she would enjoy a membership to the local museum or garden that would offer year-round visits.


Does your loved one have an interest in a particular culture? Create a gift basket and use that culture as the theme. Gather special spices and ingredients to make an authentic recipe or find a book about the history of the culture. Traditional clothing, cultural-specific art and imported candy can all help you create a wonderfully unique gift.


Before digital photos and endless smartphone images, printed photographs were cherished keepsakes. For a meaningful gift, find an old photo and have it restored. Finish by putting it in a beautiful frame and you’re sure to tug at the heartstrings when it’s time to open presents.


When the recipient seems to have everything, gift a service instead. Offer your time to babysit or assist with gardening. Use your talents to bake, paint or knit a custom blanket. Whatever your ability, it’s sure to be appreciated by your loved one. Create a certificate showcasing your offer and wrap it in boxes or gift bags for a stunning presentation.


Holiday gifts that can reduce stress

On top of the everyday stress of life, the holiday season can be one of the most hectic times of year. Unfortunately, all this additional stress can take its toll on the body, mind and soul. For those you love, make the holidays and beyond brighter with these gift ideas that help promote rest and relaxation, while alleviating tension, stress and anxiety.


Yoga is associated with a wealth of health benefits, including stress reduction. For seasoned yogis, consider assisting loved ones with their practice. Great yoga accessories and gear, or a gift certificate to a favorite studio would be much appreciated. For newbies, you might want to start smaller with a pass to one or two classes.


“The medical community increasingly views massage as a necessary tool for achieving optimal health, not just as an extravagance,” says Randi N. West, a licensed massage therapist. “And everyone – from desk workers to active individuals to moms who often report back pain from lifting children – can benefit from massage therapy in terms of injury prevention and improved exercise performance.”

Research suggests the benefits of massage include reduced muscle tension, stress and pain, and an increase in serotonin and dopamine. But regular massage therapy can be expensive and time-consuming. Give a gift that keeps on giving with an at-home massage cushion that can be used daily as a self-care tool. For a stylish option that won’t get buried in the closet and forgotten, check out M Cushion, which looks like a stylish designer pillow, but actually offers four shiatsu massage nodes, soothing heat and comforting memory foam. “I use it to relieve my body aches after a busy day providing massage services to my clients,” says West. More information can be found at mcushion. com.


Busy workweeks can mean scrambling around in the evening to put dinner on the table. Your gift recipients may find themselves resorting to pizza delivery more often than they like. To help take the stress out of healthy weekday dinners, consider gifting a meal-kit plan to someone you love. This holiday season, look to healthy gifts that can help reduce stress in the lives of people you care about.


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