Southern SOIL
Small Farm
I n t h is series, g et t o kn o w mo re a b o u t t h e sma ll far m o p era t io n s t h a t a re u sin g su st a in a b le met h o d s t o help meet t h e lo ca l d ema n d f o r f resh f o o d . An d meet the f a rmers t h a t a re ma kin g it h a p p en !
In the early stages of transition, H.K. Farm
H.K. Farm in its current form was established
is shifting away from conventional farming
when Handy Kennedy, II left 900 acres to his
as part of an overall plan to make the farm
twelve children. Rather than dividing the land
more profitable and appealing to the younger
between them, the siblings decided to keep
generations. Focusing on niche markets and the
the farm together and run it as equal partners
technological advances in DNA testing, they hope
through incorporation.
to develop a highly marketable cattle breeding program and continue to grow their industrial
The siblings are the fourth generation to farm the
hemp operation.
land located near Cobbtown originally purchased
Brothers HK and Ben are two of the twelve Kennedy siblings who share ownership of H.K. Farm.