Southern Soul Magazine - October 2014

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Southern Soul l October 2014

Living with Lupus

October 2014/Volume 2, No. 2

uMatter Houston High Giving Her a Little Extra

October 2014 | Volume 2, No. 2

FALL HEALTH ISSUE Gluten-Free Treats

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In This Issue


October 2014 COMMUNITY: 52










2 | Southern Soul l October 2014

In This Issue



Volume 2, No. 2


ON THE RUNWAY 100 Black Women & More

FOOD: 75



SOUL TALKS TO: A Courageous Trio


Southern Soul l October 2014 | 3

She’s got food to eat today.

But maybe not tomorrow. One in four children in the Mid-South lives with food insecurity. You can help. Hold a food and funds drive or make a donation to Mid-South Food Bank today. 901.527.0841 |




ART DIRECTOR Jada Thompson


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Bishop Jerald B. Bailey, Sr.

Kendra Harris

Phillip R. Bowden, M.D.

Pepper Lewis

Carolyn Bolden-Carter

Myron Mays

Dwan A. Cattron

Trevor K. Thompson

Aisling Cordon Maki

Gary White

Regina Guy, Esq.

Sylvester Williams

Denise Mustiful-Martin, D.D.S.

Southern Soul Magazine is a monthly publication of MAAC Media Group, LLC and is distributed in locations throughout the Memphis/MidSouth area. Annual subscriptions are available for $40.00 (twelve issues). Readership: 70,000 ©2014 by MAAC Media Group, LLC. All rights reserved. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials and does not return unsolicited materials to sender. Photography and images obtained for editorial usage is owned by Southern Soul Magazine and may not be released for commercial use such as in advertisements. Reproduction in whole or in part without the publisher’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor or publisher. The publication of any advertisement in this issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by this publication.

MAAC Media Group, LLC | PO Box 18100 | Memphis, TN 38181 | Phone 901.366.SOUL (7685) Southern Soul l September 2014 | 5

Contibutors Aisling Cordon Maki

Aisling Cordon Maki is a public relations account executive for Kingdom Quality Communications. An award-winning writer with honors from the Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalists, she has written for local publications such as The Commercial Appeal, The Memphis News, Memphis Magazine, TriState Defender, La Prensa Latina, Memphis Parent Magazine, Memphis Health & Fitness, The West Tennessee Catholic and Crossroads Magazine. Her work has appeared globally in publications such as The Daily Telegraph of Sidney, Australia and The Mail & Guardian of South Africa, and news websites such as Yahoo! World News. Aisling previously worked as a staff reporter for the Memphis Daily News and as a web producer and reporter for WMC-TV.

Kendra Harris

Kendra Harris, a contributing writer with Southern Soul Magazine, is a journalism student at the University of Memphis. Graduating December, 2014, Ms. Harris will receive her bachelor’s degree in journalism and has planned a career in Houston as a news anchor. Harris has written for The Daily Helmsman, the University of Memphis campus newspaper and MicroMemphis: Cooper Young. Kendra is strong willed and determined, wants to inspire others through journalism and believes when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade.

Dr. Denise Mustiful-Martin

Dr. Denise Mustiful-Martin, a board certified periodontist, is the founder of Periodontal Specialist of Memphis. She is the proud wife of Rodney A. Martin, M.D. and mother of Melba Mustiful Martin. Dr. Martin has been a practicing dentist since 1987 and a periodontist since 1991. Dr. Martin’s practice is limited to the diagnosis, treatment and management of periodontal disease. She focuses on the reestablishment of periodontal and periodontal plastic surgery procedures. She also strongly emphasizes oral health along with educating her patients on the etiology and epidemiology of periodontitis. As a specialist, Dr. Martin is committed to the highest standard in patient care and considers it a privilege to take care of the periodontal needs of her patients. Visit their website at

Trevor K. Thompson

Trevor K. Thompson, Founder/CEO of the Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee, was born in Baltimore, Maryland and reared in Tuskegee, Alabama. Thompson has Sickle Cell Disease and through his work has developed a sincere understanding toward the problems that patients face day to day. He states that “the disease may have my body, but not my spirit. Mr. Thompson’s dedication to providing individuals in his community living with Sickle Cell led to the creation of the Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee. The mission of the foundation is to provide comprehensive services to individuals living with Sickle Cell in Tennessee and the Mid-South community.” Thompson lives by the family motto “DUM SPIRO SPERO” which is Latin for “While I Breath, I Hope.” He is happily married to Mrs. C. Nicole Whitehead-Thompson and is the proud father of Alexandria and Trevor Thompson. Southern Soul l October 2014 | 7

Editor’s Letter


Often when we think of a healthy life, we think of diets, working out, low cholesterol, etc. And, if this is your thinking, you are going in the right direction. But, do you ever think about healthy hair, eating a batch of brownies, or, the health of others in your community? We did. In this issue, we bring you Soul Food you can eat while knocking off pounds and brownies that will melt in your mouth with no remorse. You will find tips to help decide your next hair treatment and tips for that man looking to go the extra mile. There is advice and new treatments from medical professionals. If you are in poor financial health, delve into the financial tips section. This issue is chock full of health in all directions. … We also introduce you to three outstanding, courageous and awesome women who share their story of pain, fear, hope, perseverance, and selfless outreach. Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all the people that called to say great things about our Inaugural issue, all the people that emailed, and all the people who told others to stop by Kroger and pick up a copy. The outpouring of positive expressions was thrilling. And -- thank you Carolyn, Regina, Harry, and Finnleigh’s mom for making this issue just as special.

Toni Harvey Editor-In-Chief

Be sure to like us on Facebook (southernsoulmagazine) and on twitter @southernsoulmag.

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 9

Letters to the Editor


to the


The inaugural issue was

“Very well put together...” “Awesome!” “Insightful and informative.”

very well put together and informative. I enjoyed the Wendy Moten interview. Reading the article on Fred Jones makes him seem more down to earth than I realized. Mr. Neal has the students at heart and seems to be bringing them to the level they should be on. Lee Harris is outspoken and working at trying to do a job for the good of the city. – Henrietta Pigram; MEMPHIS, TN

I like having local people in the magazine. That tends to bring it close to home. Highlighting the different schools will make the parents of the children very proud. – Warren Maurice; EL PASO, TX

Great read. I really

enjoyed it.

–Cheyenne McMillan, MEMPHIS, TN

I LOVE your magazine!!!!

It is what Memphis has been missing. I enjoyed every page from from cover to the last page. – Donna W. Harvey, MEMPHIS, TN

How can you get a copy

of your magazine if you do not live in Memphis? – Delores Elder Jones, GARLAND, TX

10 | Southern Soul l October 2014

The magazine looks

amazing! Very well done. – Kamilah Brown

When the world counts

us out, we prove them wrong. Got my copy of the new Southern Soul Magazine… Got mine at Kroger. Chris Boyd, I’m one proud Golden Wildcat! Myron Mays, I see ya! #support – Shyronica Small

I thoroughly enjoyed

reading the first issue of Southern Soul. The magazine is reader friendly, interesting, and relevant. It covers a variety of topics, which appeal to a diverse audience. It is a magazine for everybody. The interviews are informative, the fashion tips are helpful, and I especially like uMatter where young people are highlighted. Great job! – Patricia Kee; MEMPHIS, TN

Magazine was very nice and enjoyed reading it from cover to cover. – Louise; MEMPHIS, TN

This inaugural issue was

insightful and informative. It will truly be an asset to the city of Memphis. – G.H.; MISSOURI CITY, TX

Letters to the Editor

I just wanted to let you

know the magazine is awesome, and I appreciate a magazine that shines a positive light on the urban community. – DeAndre Stevenson; BYHALIA, MS

Bravo Southern Soul

Magazine. The first issue is fantastic! Celebrating the positive in Memphis. – Joyce Peterson; MEMPHIS, TN

Southern Soul: Rule

number one for any company (in order to be successful) is to provide the “Best” products and services within their industry. Southern Soul Magazine mastered this rule with their first publication. I applaud Chris Boyd, Publisher/CEO and Toni Harvey, Editor-In-Chief for publishing such an outstanding magazine. I’m looking forward to the next edition and I encourage others to read Southern Soul. – Ricky Tucker “Coach RIX” Life/Business Coach & Advisor for Athletes/Entertainers/ Business Owners Founder, RIX International, LLC

I love the Melrose article.

I’m a Golden Wildcat Alum. But overall the layout, the stories and everything was great. Look forward to the upcoming issues.

This is a great quality magazine for Memphis and the Mid-South. You guys have raised the bar high. I love the name Southern Soul and I can feel the soul when I read it.

“Tell me how to get a subscription.”

– Larry Dodson; MEMPHIS, TN

A friend was in Memphis

for the Classic and picked up your magazine. Yesterday, she picked me up for lunch and I saw the magazine. Absolutely Awesome! Tell me how to subscribe. I can’t wait til the next issue. – Heather Thomas, ATLANTA, GA

Congratulations on the

launch of a new magazine. I read it from cover to cover. It was very professionally developed, entertaining, provocative and outstanding graphics. Here’s to wishing you much success. – Harry, ARLINGTON, TN

Memphis should be proud of this magazine. I come to the Classic each year and never thought about the man behind the scenes. I read it from cover to cover and loved it all. Incredible job! Tell me how to get a subscription. – Randall Johnson, WASHINGTON, DC

“I’m looking forward to the next edition.” “I read it from cover to cover and loved it all. Incredible job!” “I appreciate a magazine that shines a positive light on the urban community.”

– Venecia Harris; MEMPHIS, TN

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 11

Soul Seeds

It’s Time To Live Again! By: Bishop Jerald B. Bailey, Sr. Living on Purpose is as intentional as living with purpose. The moment you and I separate our will to live from our desire to live; we immediately impose a mandatory freeze on our purpose! What am I saying? So glad you asked! You see the reason so many of us have become one with situational, circumstantial, and occupational death, is because our minds will to live is no longer our hearts desire to live! In essence, the bridge between our will and desire has collapsed and our minds and hearts are literally pulling in two different directions with two opposing currents!

Bishop Jerald B. Bailey Sr., a native Memphian, has been proclaiming the gospel for twenty-four years and pastoring Restoration Outreach Ministries, Inc. for sixteen years. Bishop Bailey is a consecrated Bishop in “The Lord’s Church,” has served as Regional Bishop for DMIF International Fellowship and founder of “Blood-Line Connection Fellowship.” Bishop Bailey is the husband of Elder Joyce A. Bailey and to this union they share six wonderful children and two grandsons, Brittany, Kevia, Alicia, Jerald Jr., Jasmine, Jacai’ya, Melvin and Makhi.

On one hand, there is a will to fight, live and fulfill our life’s purpose and on the other; there is a desire to give up, walk away and forfeit our life’s purpose altogether. Jesus profoundly said it this way. Your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak! In Mark, the fifth chapter, we find three different situations that spell death! In verses 1-20, we discover a man demon possessed in the graveyard crying out and cutting himself daily with stones and then there is a woman who has been hemorrhaging for twelve long years with no sense of relief; and amid all that - a ruler of the synagogue’s daughter is clutching her faith and clinging to life but eventually dies. During all this, Jesus was not moved - from the beginning of this chapter to the very end. Jesus triumphantly reigns over every occurrence presented. I don’t know

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your situation, but one thing is for certain these three situations speak to the life of society! No matter what situation you are up against . . . No matter where you are in your faith . . . No matter who you were yesterday ... The moment that you realize your value to this world and the Kingdom of God your life’s purpose and faith will emerge with a vengeance, you will begin to make declarations of life daily because out of life’s well, springs the will to live and the desire to fight for life and life more abundantly in Jesus Christ. Once your mind believes, your mind will execute! You must make daily confessions of faith over your life in order to reap the fruits of your lips. Proverbs: 18:21 declares that death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit of it! In closing, remember you don’t always have to speak what you see, but, you have the power to reverse any situation in your life with the words of your mouth; prophesy these words to yourself daily “It’s Time To Live Again!” Christ Servant; +JBB

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Before You Go Natural Natural Transformation Tips

By: Dwan A. Cattron Headshot of Author –In-house salon photos - photos by Darius B Williams “I want to go natural.” Lately, these five words have fallen upon many hair stylists’ ears. However for most women, the decision to go natural should not be an easy one. This decision should be discussed with a licensed professional, so you are made aware of the pros and cons of living a natural hair life. Natural hair does not automatically equate to healthy hair and does not allow you to bypass taking care of your hair. Despite the hype of natural hair being “easier;” it still requires regular maintenance by a licensed professional.

Before going natural, you should be informed and aware of the several types and textures of natural hair and you should consider this when making your decision and when wearing different styles. Your hair style choice should complement your lifestyle, activity level, time management and your professionalism. Once you have made your final decision to be natural, you have two choices: The Big Chop or Transitioning to Natural

Beauty The Big Chop

The Big Chop is the process of cutting off the relaxed or permed ends of your hair. This by far takes the most courage. It is instantaneous and no turning back; but it is also the most fulfilling for your natural hair journey. You can either rock the TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro) or allow your hair to grow at its own pace, to your desired length.


This requires you to immediately stop getting relaxers and allow your natural hair to grow out at its own pace, getting regular trims to slowly get the relaxed ends off. There are several treatment options available to assist you in the transition period which are designed to strengthen your hair;

minimize hair breakage; promote hair manageability; and, to prolong the longevity of your straightness when hair is flat- ironed. These options should be discussed thoroughly with your licensed professional to determine if you are a candidate. No matter which option you choose, setting up a maintenance schedule with your licensed stylist is a must. Natural hair is naturally dry; frequent conditioning treatments and regular trims are a must. You should explore different natural styles, such as, Twist outs, Bantu knots, Flat twist, Rod sets, etc... Some people choose to be natural but prefer to wear their hair straightened via flat iron or pressing comb.

But, before grabbing your flat iron or pressing comb, be aware that using either can alter your curl pattern and affect your future natural style choices. You have to see what style works best for you, or you can just change it up every shampoo for a little versatility. Ultimately, having healthy hair must be your priority. Healthy hair is the BEST option for hair. Enjoy your natural hair journey... Dwan A. Cattron Manager/Hair Care Specialist; Healthy Hair Solutions Salon

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 15


Wonderful World of Hair Textures Healthy Hair with Chemicals By: Carolyn Bolden-Carter Photography: Darius B Williams

Regardless of where you live, work or play, there’s a good chance you see different trends in hairstyles. Hairstyle diversity has always existed but, recently hairstyle trends range from the short cropped natural look to long flowing tresses of weave. But no matter where you go, the staple style is chemically treated hair - relaxed or colored. With so many diverse looks, the challenges for professional hairstylists are exciting! Working with a variety of hair types and textures provides more opportunities than ever before to create beautiful hairstyles and

delight a wide variety of clients. Here are a few tips to guide you on gaining texture control. First and foremost, be sure to do your homework! Commit to studying and understanding every type of texture possible, so that you welcome every curl, coil, wave, kink and board-straight strand with open arms, a happy heart…and a wellinformed mind! While relaxer treatments are still popular among clients with high curly textures, there’s a growing trend toward embracing the curl you were born with. Variety is the spice of life; a client should have

versatility. Healthy hair is the desire of every client whether she is natural or has chemically treated hair. Chemically treated hair whether it’s relaxed or color treated can be healthy. When hair is chemically treated, the bonds are permanently rearranged; therefore it has to be treated accordingly. Reconstruct, Rebuild and Revitalize with conditioners. Relaxer swells and softens the cuticle layer. Color opens and either deposits or removes tones from the hair strand. Hair products market to women with beautiful commercials and by using celebrities. In most cases, Southern Soul l October 2014 | 17

“Variety is the spice of life; a client should have versatility.”

those celebrities are not using the product. Recently, I saw a hair-color commercial showing a woman in a full wig! Most people damage their hair when they use these products to relax or color their hair at home. Sure, you follow the instructions on the box and they are easy to follow. They are designed for the consumer who has no professional knowledge of texture, porosity, density or condition of the hair. But even with I remember the day my friend shared that she had been diagnosed with lupus. I immediately began to instructions, you can ruin your hair. research the effects that it would have on her hair. As a professional cosmetologist with the technical Unfortunately, lupus causes widespread inflammation skills, product knowledge and passion, I can create a that usually involves the skin – particularly on the custom color and maintain the health and integrity face and scalp. I noticed that she had developed a of each hair strand. I always start with a client round (discoid) lesion on the scalp. Through my consultation to assess the overall condition of the hair research on the disease, I recommended that she see a and to determine what will be the best approach to dermatologist to have the lesions frozen. In most cases achieve the client’s desire. the hair will grow back when lupus is treated, lack of Textured hair has fewer cuticle layers, and it’s generally treatment could cause permanent hair loss. Lupus can also cause the hair along the hairline to become fragile dryer and coarser than other hair types because and break off easily, leaving a ragged appearance. the coiled shape prevents natural scalp oils from extending readily along the length on the strand. Daily Most people don’t notice the 50 to 100 strands of hair loss every day. With systemic lupus, the situation can moisturizing oil really supplements the necessary moisture needed. Some moisturizing oil is formulated be very different, with the loss of hair much more without silicones and features the hydrating properties dramatic and noticeable. need to replenish moisture to the hair.


The most important part of maintaining healthy hair is having a healthy scalp. Usually if there’s illness in the body, the scalp and hair are immediately affected. You need to use hair care products that are free of sulfates, salts and any known carcinogens. Many manufacturers have developed products without those ingredients, and they work great. Not all sulfate-free shampoos are created equal. Make sure that it’s sulfate-free 2.0%; it features a range of next generation ingredients including proprietary blends of the most gentle, effective, sulfate-free, salt-free surfactants available. In addition, potent anti-oxidants and color enhancing ingredients to protect hair-color, also improve hair health and vibrancy.

Carolyn Bolden-Carter; CEO /Hair Care Specialist; Healthy Hair Solutions 1105 N. Houston Levee Road; Suite 107; Cordova, TN 38018; 901.758.5545

A professional hair-care specialist is a necessity; you have a choice to be Natural or Chemically Treated to ultimately have HEALTHY HAIR.

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 19

s u t M i f u e l s i M n a e r D ti n . r D And the Staff of Periodontal Specialist of Memphis & The Malodor Clinic of the Mid-South

Do you have Gum Disease? Bad Breath? Loose Teeth? Shifting Teeth? If any of these signs, symptoms or disorders describe you, call us right away for a thorough evaluation and examination at 901-276-6000 or 1-866-246-1889

1286 Peabody Avenue | Memphis, TN 38104

Hey Myron!

Hey Myron! Why is the outside relationship always so much better than the one at home? I actually had someone ask me “Why is the outside relationship always so much better than the one at home? Once you really think about it, it’s quite simple.

And stepping outside will often cause some people to step completely out of their marriages and relationships! Often, making the mistake of thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Maybe because your outside mate is doing or showing you With the ‘outside mate,’ it’s all green grass and something your spouse may not have. Or maybe it’s daffodils when you are together because it’s all play you, experimenting different techniques with your and no real work. There’s usually no real connection outside mate, because you don’t want your spouse to involved. You’re not making any life decisions look at you crossed eyed. But, sooner or later you’ll together. Think about it. . . find the grass is not as green as you thought. You go back to your home relationship only to discover that You’re not raising children together. You don’t have you are literally back where you started. Only now to pay bills or maintain a household together. You there’s a trust issue. Without trust, there is no ground don’t even have to share space. Those are things that for a step…inside the home or outside. Do you really you have to deal with when you go home to your spouse. It’s almost like being at recess whenever you’re want to try walking on air? Think about it... together. The things that normal couples have to deal with, you don’t with the ‘outside mate.’ There’s nothing to work out. If things don’t work out or takes off in a different direction than you desire…you just simply walk away.

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Hey Myron!


Hey Myron, I recently went on a first date with a guy who used a Groupon coupon to pay for our meal. He’s a nice guy, but it was kind of a turn off that he would use a coupon on the first date. I don’t think that was a good first impression. Am I wrong? – Turned-Off Dear Turned-Off,

If that’s how you feel, that’s how you feel. But consider this… you stated that he was a nice guy. So apparently, the date went well, he was respectful and kept your attention during your time together. However, the coupon was an issue. I’m assuming that he didn’t take you to one of the cheap fast food joints, otherwise it would have been a part of this letter. So let’s look at this situation from another angle. Instead of

being “cheap”, maybe he is just smart with his money. If you’re really looking for a meaningful relationship as a result of dating, you most certainly have much more important things to worry about on a first date…and a “Groupon” should not be a deal breaker. Consider this…if this guy is smart with his money, he can become a “boyfriend” who is smart with his money. If he’s a boyfriend who is smart with his money, he can one day become a

“husband” who is smart with his money. So is it such a bad thing now?

“Instead of being ‘cheap’, maybe he is just smart with his money.”

Hey Myron, I want to trust my husband but I’m really concerned. As he was getting undressed one evening after work, I noticed that his underwear was on backwards. I actually saw him get dressed that morning and his underwear was on correctly. I don’t wanna jump to conclusions, but I think he might be cheating. What do you think? – Concerned Dear Concerned, I’m not going to say that he is cheating. But let’s see…his underwear was on correctly when you saw him last, which means he had to remove his underwear at some point during the day. You didn’t mention any doctor’s appointment nor did 22 | Southern Soul l October 2014

you mention whether he works out during the course of the day. So the first question is why would he have to remove his underwear? Question number two is why were they on backwards? Did he have to put them back on in a hurry? Did he have to put

them back on in the dark? Those are questions I cannot answer, although I could speculate. It’s very suspicious. You have some questions to ask and I don’t think that you should let too much time pass before you ask them. Only he has the answers. Find a way to communicate your concerns with your husband.

Path To Healthy Finances By: Sylvester Williams

Personal finances are often a struggle for those who do not act proactively. You don’t have to be a finance expert to begin taking the steps necessary to effectively manage your money. If you want to start on a path to financial freedom, begin by getting a basic understanding and importance of budgeting. If you find yourself in a struggle against mounting debt, it’s time to manage your personal finances. While some periods of financial struggle are inevitable, you should build a strong savings account. You need not face a steep personal financial management learning curve; start with a few simple steps and you’ll soon find yourself practicing better personal financial management. 24 | Southern Soul l October 2014

Most of us know good personal financial practices center around a budget, yet many skip creating a budget. It’s true you don’t need a budget if you happen to be someone who has always handled money well and has never struggled with debt, savings, and investing. Ironically, most people think of a budget as constricting. In reality, if you’re struggling against mounting debt, a personal budget is your gateway to financial freedom. Budgeting forces you to track your spending. To properly budget, you must keep track of each purchase you make, at least for the first few months. Many people fail to manage their personal finances simply because they don’t realize how small expenditures add up over time.

“Borrowing from your future [...] should only take place in true emergencies.” With a budget, you can see how much is spent on certain items and types of items each month. By its nature, a budget keeps track of how much money you earn and sets limits to what money goes for various services, products, and investments each month. Strangely, many people spend more money than they earn and then wonder how they end up falling further in debt. No matter how you look at it, this is


“If you’re struggling against mounting debt, a personal budget is your gateway to financial freedom.” borrowing from your future and should only take place in true emergencies. If you’re a resolute individual, a budget may be all you need to turn things around. For everyone else, the budget will require constant review and revision. Decide how much you want to save and how much entertainment and dining out you can do without. Also decide if you really need things such as cable or satellite TV to make it through the day. Such limitations need not be permanent, as you can set up rewards for yourself for reaching certain financial goals.

Some people just don’t earn enough money to stay out of debt and enjoy extra. If you you’re in this group, you may need to look into a second job or get training to earn additional money. If you’ve done your budgeting properly, you will have set aside enough money for housing, healthy food, necessary utilities, transportation, and savings. And of course, if you’re starting from a debt position, you should also have set aside funds to pay your debt principal. Most people are surprised to learn that they don’t need to do much more than this to take charge of their personal finances. Whether it is enough for you or not, this is a step in the direction that will take you where you want to be. The more you experience the rewards of financial freedom, the less restricted you’ll feel by the process.

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RISE Sets Memphians on Path to Financial Wellbeing By: Aisling Cordon Maki

Memphis has long struggled with issues of poverty. And while social services can provide families with basic needs, it treats symptoms and is therefore not a sustainable solution to breaking the cycle of poverty. Without a fundamental understanding of financial literacy, the financially vulnerable remain at risk, powerlessness, weighed down by feelings of hopelessness, and unable to transform their lives. Over the past 15 years, the RISE Foundation has shared its formulas for financial fitness with low-income Memphians. RISE, which stands for Responsibility, Initiative, Solutions and Empowerment, uses financial literacy to help break the chains of poverty. “Even if we are able to reduce poverty in our areas, it will not necessarily allow for those moving above the poverty line to 26 | Southern Soul l October 2014

have their basic needs met,” said RISE President and CEO Linda Williams. “It’s not always how much you earn but the choices you make in spending those earnings. That’s the only way to improve your financial health.”

for RISE program participants is well over $6.5 million dollars. That includes home-ownership, vehicles, personal computers, college attainment and more. RISE has helped create tangible change in the lives of Memphians.

RISE has pioneered strategies that help entry-level wage earners budget, save and accumulate assets. The organization uses innovative techniques to equip youth, adults and seniors with the financial literacy tools needed to transform their lives.

One of RISE’s transformative programs is Save Up, a financial education and matched-savings account program. The program is so popular; it currently has a waiting list. The demand for Save Up continues to grow, largely by word of mouth and referrals from Social and Human Services professionals.

RISE’s story began in 1999, when Robert Lipscomb, who serves as the City of Memphis Director of Housing & Community Development, established the nonprofit to give low-income Memphians the tools they need to become self-sufficient. Over the past decade and a half, RISE has grown considerably. To date, the total value of assets created

The Save Up program is designed to help low-income working people learn to manage their income, improve and monitor their credit, save money and purchase assets such as homes, cars, computers and postsecondary classes. Participants are required to save


Linda Williams, RISE President & CEO

“It’s not always how much you earn but the choices you make in spending those earnings. That’s the only way to improve your financial health.”

$25-$75 per month for at least six consecutive months. Then RISE matches each dollar saved with two dollars, tripling participants’ savings. Finally, RISE helps Save Up participants purchase the asset for which they’ve saved. Applicants are required to be employed, preferably fulltime; 18 years or older and head of household; and live in a Memphis Housing Authority development (or have a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher), or be eligible for the earned income tax credit. Save Up has helped numerous dreams come true for its participants. LaTonya Taylor, a domestic violence survivor and divorced mother of four, Taylor the RISE Foundation’s Save Up Program in March of 2013 with dreams of becoming a homeowner. She attended a conference focused on children and families and heard about Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). IDAs are special savings accounts which match the deposits of low- and moderate-income people. After the conference, Taylor conducted her own online research on local IDA Programs, which led her to RISE. Transportation to the weekly financial management workshops was a challenge for this busy mom. But her diligence and commitment to the Save Up program paid off; in January 2014, she achieved her dream of purchasing a home. Taylor believes participating in the Save Up Program enhanced her life in many ways… now she works as a site manager for Porter-Leath’s Early Head Start Program, and she’s passing her financial literacy knowledge on to her community and to her children.

Another RISE Program, Goal Card, reaches Memphis youth offering early financial literacy training to encourage financial stability in adulthood. It focuses on children in grades 5-12 residing in ZIP codes 38126 and 38114. Partnering with International Paper and MidSouth Financial Group - Mass Mutual, RISE has expanded the youth incentive program to also include the Orange Mound community. Working with charter schools, Goal Card provides basic financial information and practical money-saving tips to students during a one-day workshop. This year, more than 700 students are expected to attend. The workshop will highlight some of Goal Card’s core objectives - to teach students how to set and achieve academic, financial and life goals. Additionally, Goal Card partners with International Paper; Mass Mutual; Ring Container Technologies; and MCR Safety to offer students volunteer coaches to review report cards and pinpoint school-related goals. This year, the program expanded to Fayette County Schools increasing total enrollment 1,000 Goal Card students. Another RISE program, Common Cents, offers workplace financial education that teaches employees the proper way to manage their money. Financial stress can result in decreased productivity, higher rates of tardiness and absenteeism, increased health care costs, wage garnishment and high turnover. Common Cents topics range from banking and budgeting to debt management and retirement. RISE provides local workers with the tools they need to improve their financial stability, which benefits both employees and their employers, making for a financially stronger community. RISE’s work has led to a deeper understanding of the larger community issues working against families in Memphis and Shelby County, and the nonprofit will continue to pioneer strategies that will help improve the financial wellbeing of Shelby County families as long as the community continues to help provide funding for these projects. If you’d like to make a donation, volunteer or learn more about RISE, please visit

“I want them to grow up making financially sound decisions,” she said. “It’s amazing how I’ve come full circle from having been a recipient of public assistance to serving in a leadership role, helping families who are on public assistance. RISE has been a blessing to me and I want to use my gifts to help others.”

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As a high-profile, well respected city attorney for Memphis from 1997 to 2004, Robert L.J. Spence, Jr. gained valuable knowledge, connections, and experience with the intricacies and nuances of city, county, and state government. Those years helped set the stage for the firm Spence built when he branched out on his own in 2004, to launch his boutique law firm which now specializes in commercial litigation, government relations, workers compensation, and medical malpractice. This firm has grown from a two-person law office to one employing eight full-time attorneys located on the 22nd floor of the SunTrust Bank Building in the heart of America’s18th largest city. The Spence Law Firm has the knowledge and experience that makes it uniquely positioned to interact within the specialized areas of government, guiding businesses and individual through the often complicated legal processes required when dealing with government entities. But this is only one facet of the work Spence provides. With his strong background in civil litigation and medical malpractice, Spence set about recruiting lawyers who give him additional fire power to assist clients wide a broad range of issues including: • Corporate transactional work • Business and general litigation • Multi-million dollar settlement negotiations • Employment law • Employment related advice and counseling • Workers Compensation Law • Medical malpractice and healthcare law • Corporate/partnership law • Construction law and other preventive legal services • Family law • Mediation services Spence, a former director of the Memphis Bar Association, a Tennessee Bar Association Fellow, former director of Memphis Area Legal Services, and recipient of the American Jurisprudence Award for Excellence in Procedure III and Federal Courts, earned his J.D. from the University of Memphis in 1986. Beyond the highly specialized areas of law The Spence Law Firm provides, an underlying factor overlays an important goal: operating a truly integrated law practice. “During my early years of practicing law, I was the only African-American lawyer in the firm,” says Spence. “I looked out over the legal community in Memphis and noticed that most law firms of any significant size were similarly structured – with only one or two minority attorneys in leadership roles. At that point, I decided that I wanted to establish a law firm that didn’t put a ceiling on the number of minorities or the roles they could play in servicing clients and leading the firm. I wanted to create more opportunities for minorities to perform significant legal work in a law firm that values their talents and contributions.”


And he has done just that and more. Now The Spence Law Firm—with nearly a century of combined legal skills and knowledge—is poised for the next step: regional expansion with a focus on providing the best legal talent to meet the clients’ needs. Call The Spence Law Firm at 901.312.9160 to put the best legal The Spence Law Firm minds to work for you.

901.312.9160 •

Understanding Tennessee Healthcare Liability By: Attorney Regina Guy

Victims of medical malpractice, now termed “healthcare liability actions” have begun to feel the impact of medical malpractice reform. Tennessee lawmakers passed legislation in 2008 that changed the ways patients could sue their doctors or other healthcare providers for malpractice. In the five years since the legislation went into effect, medical malpractice lawsuits have fallen by over thirty-five percent. Some commentators, namely Tennessee doctors and medical organizations, cite this drop in lawsuits as a step in the right direction toward better health care. Others, however, recognize that these new reforms amount to little more than the infringement of the rights of patients who are the victims of healthcare malpractice.

The new laws that have created these changes are procedural, not substantive. In other words, the laws don’t prevent a patient from suing because an injury wasn’t severe enough. Rather, the laws make it more difficult to get into court. For example, the patient’s attorney must now jump through more legal hurdles in order to get a case certified. The attorney must also notify the medical provider 60 days before filing the lawsuit, something attorneys do not have to do in other cases. The attorney’s failure to do this properly can easily mean the case gets dismissed - not because the patient wasn’t harmed or because it wasn’t the medical provider’s fault - but because of a legal technicality. With new laws in place, it becomes challenging for patients harmed by their doctors or

“A child that suffers from some sort of injury caused by medical personnel before or during birth may not show signs of the injury for years.” Southern Soul l October 2014 | 29

Legal View other healthcare providers to find legal representation. The expense involved in jumping through these hurdles, hiring expert witnesses, and preparing for trial keeps many lawyers from taking healthcare liability cases. The possible reward of winning a verdict is not as great as the risk of losing, which is quite high. The new laws have also impacted the amount of money a plaintiff can recover and the amount of time the plaintiff has to file a claim. Damage caps typically limit recovery to $750,000 for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, although this may vary in certain situations. There is no cap on economic damages. In most instances, the statute of limitations for bringing a healthcare liability action in Tennessee is one year from the date of the discovery of the injury. Tennessee also has what is known as a statute of repose which may give a person three years to bring a claim before it is barred. At first glance, these sound like very reasonable limitations. What kind of injury could be worth $750,000? And what kind of person needs three years to file a lawsuit? Let’s take those one at a time.

Many medically caused injuries are worth well more than $750,000, for non-economic injuries such as those stemming from pre-natal or childbirth malpractice incidents. Take the example of a baby that goes without oxygen to long

“The laws make it more difficult to get into court.” during delivery because a doctor negligently failed to perform a C-section. If the baby suffers severe brain damage, that damage will affect him for the rest of his life, yet there is a cap on the recovery for the child’s life-long pain and suffering. And what about the statute of repose? Why would a person need three years to learn they’ve been injured and to file a lawsuit? Again, think about children. A child that suffers from some sort of injury caused by medical personnel before or during birth may not

show signs of the injury for years. Children develop at different speeds and some symptoms of developmental disabilities do not appear until the child is well beyond three years of age. This legal restriction, like the damages cap, demonstrates the problem with the new law. Again, they are not substantive, they are procedural. It does not address whether a doctor failed his patient, just whether the patient met an arbitrary deadline. Tort reform legislation invokes strong feelings in many people, with physicians and lawmakers on one side versus lawyers and patients on the other. But the debate is far from over. Tennessee courts continue to grapple with questions left unanswered by the 2008 healthcare liability law. One thing should be clear - healthcare malpractice lawsuits are not dropping because doctors stopped negligently harming patients, but because patients are now less able to sue.

Attorney Regina Guy is an associate with the Spence Law Firm of Memphis, Tennessee. Ms. Guy served in the United States Navy until she was honorably discharged in 1978. Thereafter, she attended Methodist Hospital School of Nursing in Memphis, Tennessee where she obtained her Registered Nursing Degree in 1981. Subsequent to her work as a nurse in the Memphis area, Ms. Guy returned to Memphis State University, where she obtained a Bachelors Degree in Professional Studies in Healthcare in 1985, a Masters Degree in Public Health Administration in 1987, and a Juris Doctor in 1991. Using her extensive knowledge, education, and experience in the fields of health care, Ms. Guy has primarily focused her legal practice in the areas of medical malpractice, nursing home negligence, and products liability where she has obtained multimillion dollar settlements and jury verdicts.

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Soul Talks

Living with Lupus By: Toni Harvey Photography: Darius B Williams

Imagine training for your first marathon. You and your friends have planned the trip to Boston for the grand-run. Weeks before departure, you play a tennis match where your zinger serve in the final set sealed the game. You return home, zip through the shower while planning the meal you will prepare for your family … and all of a sudden, you hardly have the strength to hold the towel to dry off. Of course you shake it off, contributing it to the longest match you have played. You get dressed, sit down and can’t move... every bone in your body aches. When the family arrives, expecting dinner, they find you cringing in pain unable to move. After several episodes of this unbearable pain, you seek medical attention only to receive a snappy medical ‘take this 31 | Southern Soul l October 2014

pain reliever, go home and rest, you should feel better in a couple of days’ advice. Months past, several hospital visits, numerous medical consultations, no relief in sight. Ready to give up and call it quits, someone suggests a different physician. You agree to see him and suddenly – the diagnosis... you have Lupus. Relief sets in. You finally have a definition for your suffering … Lupus. With relief comes the wow effect that now I can be healed. Unfamiliar with Lupus, you check the internet and the information is astounding, frightening, and harsh. Immediately, you are lost, in a fog so dense you can’t see your hand. Staring you in the face is the unforgiving phrase - there is no cure for Lupus.

Soul Talks Sharing your life with the world is a daunting action. Sharing your soul with the world is even more intimidating. We met three amazing women with the courage to share their heartfelt journey of Living with Lupus with the world. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Christina Moore, Tiffany Glover and Vanecia Kimbrow to discuss their life with Lupus. Smiling, upbeat, and ready to reach the world with their stories, they met me with hugs … their one goal – raise the world’s knowledge of Lupus, inform the world of the need to support individuals with Lupus, to provide a support group for those with Lupus and their caregivers, and most importantly to provide an outreach to individuals with Lupus searching for someone that understands. Tiffany Glover, a loving wife, busy mother of three, entrepreneur of a Senior Care Facility, an avid long-distance runner, and an active civic and community volunteer was diagnosed with Lupus two years ago. The diagnosis came after numerous years of incorrect diagnosis, hundreds of medications, excruciating pain, and many life changes. Vanecia Kimbrow, also a loving wife, busy mother of three, an attorney with a high-demand solo practice; a recreational runner and tennis player, and an active civic and community volunteer was diagnosed with Lupus two years ago. The diagnosis came after visiting doctor after doctor, pain medications on top of pain medications, unbearable pain and life changes. Christina Moore graduated from Central High School in the class of 2014 and is now a freshman at UT Martin seeking a degree in Social

Work. Christina’s symptoms started appearing at the early age of fifteen. She was often very tired and slept a lot. Her parents thought she was being lazy and didn’t understand her lethargy. Her joints hurt, especially her knees, all the time and she had trouble climbing steps. Two years of pain and searching for answers would pass before she was diagnosed with Lupus.

“I asked “God, just take me out. This is just too much for me to handle.’ But, I had so many people praying for me and I realized God had a lot planned for me to do...” SS: How did you learn you had Lupus? CHRISTINA: Last August, in the first two weeks of my senior year, I didn’t feel well and was in and out of school. I didn’t feel well. I went to the doctor and they gave me a lot of test and tested my blood. Just as we were leaving the doctor’s office, the nurse asked us to come back. The doctor told me I had Lupus and admitted me in the

hospital immediately. I was in the hospital for almost four months. When I got out of the hospital, I still didn’t feel better. So I was homebound from school. I did attend school some days. The day before my senior picnic, I started coughing up blood and they immediately put me in the hospital. They told me my Lupus was Stage 4 Nephritis Lupus meaning I also now had a kidney disease. When I was admitted, I had a 2.7 creatinine level; was extremely anemic and my lungs were full of blood. They put me on thirteen medications for pain, my kidneys and stress. When I got home from that hospital bout … that’s when it really hit me. Hit me hard. The medications – the steroids made me swell up. I didn’t recognize myself. It took forever for my face to go down. I stressed out. I had panic attacks. It was hard. SS: What was the hardest part? CHRISTINA: Well, not knowing what was going on with my body. Before this happened, I was excited about my senior year. I did okay in my junior year academically, but not as well as I could. So I was excited about being a senior. I promised myself I was going to make straight A’s and get more involved and then, I got hit with this. SS: Well, you must have done well even with the challenges. You are now in college. How did you conquer the challenges? CHRISTINA: My family is very supportive and has been throughout this. I have had a great support system behind me this entire journey. SS: At such an young age, it is Southern Soul l October 2014 | 32

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“The most important message is don’t ignore the signs.”

When I got to school, I did a lot of walking. It was hot. I had a mild flare. SS: I know you are here because you want to share your story with the world but most importantly because you want to reach others with Lupus. What last thoughts would you like to leave with our readers?

difficult to understand such challenges. What do you believe was your strength? CHRISTINA: Simple. It was God! Because I kept going to church and it was so many times I said “God, hey, I can’t do this.” I was ready to give up. I asked “God, just take me out. This is just too much for me to handle.” But, I had so many people praying for me and I realized God had a lot planned for me to do … that this is something I can use for others. I didn’t go through this because I did something wrong. I am going through this to be a testimony to somebody else who is going through this.

roughest part.

CHRISTINA: I would like people to talk about Lupus. It can be very overwhelming when you get hit with this. At first, you don’t know how to handle it and you would think that other people would understand but people don’t exactly know what you are going through. They just don’t understand. It is very hard for a parent. Or anyone else that has not experienced it to understand how you are feeling … so, they might blow it off.

Well, another rough part was not knowing … not knowing if I was going to get better, not knowing if I was going to live. It felt like I was never going to get better. I was not going to leave the house. I was just going to be like this all my life. I think that was the most challenging Sometimes, especially when you haven’t been diagnosed yet and part. probably the most important SS: You are now in college and look message is don’t ignore the signs. like you are having fun. What are If you feel something is wrong, get your interests? tested. Read up on Lupus so you know exactly what the signs are CHRISTINA: I am interested in because you need to find out so you SS: Have you met other teenagers government. My major is social can start getting treated. Lupus has with Lupus? Do you have teenage work. I want to help others. I love so many symptoms like other stuff support? to swim, hang out with friends and but if you get them together, get CHRISTINA: No, I don’t know any my boyfriend. When I was home tested. and could go swimming, I swam teenagers with Lupus. I have my like it was a job. I swam from nine I would like any teenagers with best friend as my support. to five. As much as I could. Lupus to reach out to me so we can SS: What has been your greatest support each other. SS: You smile when you say challenge living with Lupus? boyfriend. Want to share? SS: Christina’s journey moved CHRISTINA: The biggest me to taking a pause. When she CHRISTINA: He’s someone I challenge was during the time I left, sitting there with Tiffany and met in the 11th grade. But we just was homebound. My senior year. Vanecia, I could only imagine their started dating this year. I didn’t go out that much. I was struggles. So, I asked Tiffany and trapped in the house. Left to my SS: Have you had any episodes or Vanecia to share their stories in own thoughts. I was on lots of flares since your senior year? their own words. Normally, I would steroids; that somewhat messes end with “Enjoy the story,” but this with your head. I had lots of mood CHRISTINA: This August. I was time, I end with “Please help raise stressed about college and the swings. That’s pretty hard at 17 awareness about Lupus.” thought of being away from home. years old. I think that was the 33 | Southern Soul l October 2014

butterflies brown

Brown Butterflies, Inc. is a National Organization for Women of Color who are Living Life with Lupus


The Mission of Brown Butterflies Inc. is to increase local and national awareness, medical research and provide support for women of color who are Living Life with Lupus.


The vision of Brown Butterflies is to increase medical research, foster awareness and education, encourage healthy living, and establish strong support systems for women of color that are Living Life with Lupus. Vanecia Belser Kimbrow, Esq. & Tiffany Glover Founders - Brown Butterflies, Inc.

Learn more about Brown Butterflies at, or you may email Tiffany or Vanecia at or

Soul Talks

Lupus, The Mysterious Wolf One Day At A Time By: Tiffany Glover

“You have Lupus” were the words that came apologetically from my doctor. The diagnosis seemed like a relief when I heard those words. It was a relief because after suffering with debilitating pain, fatigue, swelling, fever, and night sweats among other symptoms, I finally had a name to associate with what I felt. For over a year, I visited doctor after doctor, hospital emergency rooms across the city, and searched the internet tirelessly to match my symptoms with a diagnosis. Never once would I have imagined that it was a chronic autoimmune disease where my body’s immune system was attacking its own tissues and organs. After hearing the doctor’s words, and finally knowing what was going on in my body, the short lived feelings of relief quickly turned to fear. At that time, I felt it was the beginning of the end of the life I knew. Although I had a family member who passed away fairly young with the disease, I did not know anything about the disease; how to manage it; or how to live with it. Honestly, my greatest fear was that my mortality was near. My heart hurt for my family that I

“I decided that I was not going to let this disease defeat me.” would leave behind; especially my children. The very moment I thought of my children is the moment I felt empowered to take my health in my own hands.

I began to research treatment methods, both traditional and holistic. When researching Lupus and reviewing the symptoms, I knew my situation was a textbook case. I had almost every Southern Soul l October 2014 | 35

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“My experience has led me to a new awakening to share with others. I now know I must be a support system for others who are going through the journey.” symptom listed.

possible because stress aggravates the disease and causes the disease My journey was very long with to become more active. When the many lows. At times, I was too disease is active and there are high weak to get out of bed and there levels of inflammation, the body were times I needed assistance is in a flare. I made major changes with normal daily activities. in my life in an effort to simplify Having a strong support system and to acknowledge WHAT really helped me through and continues mattered. Adjusting to a new way to lift me up. of life was certainly a difficult Lupus, which is Latin for “wolf,” is adjustment. I now understand I often referred to as a cruel mystery have limitations. I now know if I want to feel reasonably well, there because of the mysteriousness of the disease. You never really know are certain things I just can’t do. I now understand if I can’t do some from one day to the next what to things, it’s ok. I have to listen to my expect. I decided that I was not going to let this disease defeat me. body and rest as much as possible. I changed my diet eliminating My experience has led me to a new foods that promote inflammation, awakening to share with others. and took all the medications I now know I must be a support recommended by my physician. system for others who are going Finding the right combination of through the journey... I must take medication for me was a journey one day at a time. I must deal with within itself. I began to remove the disease one day at a time. I as many stressors in my life as

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must raise awareness of the disease and I must support others. Through these efforts became the birth of a friendship, sisterhood, and endeavor to spread this message to other women of color. Vanecia Kimbrow and I have embarked on a calling to do just that, raise awareness and offer support to other warriors with Brown Butterflies. As I move forward, I lean on my faith and live life to the fullest each day that I am given. I am fully aware that as of today, there is no cure for this disease, but it is manageable. I cannot remember a day in the last three years that I have not felt the effects of Lupus; but, I keep showing up and keep moving forward. It’s simple, when symptoms arise I take time to take care of myself. I look up and live. And yes, I have Lupus, but Lupus doesn’t have me!

Soul Talks

Living Life With Lupus Keep It Moving By: Vanecia Belser Kimbrow, Esq.

The Life Cycle of the Butterfly is often cited as one of utility and purpose that is marked by a period of silence and hibernation followed by a total transformation that emerges as unique beauty. However, the transformation only occurs if the caterpillar displays growth, strength and determination.

After a year and a half of unexplained bruising, severe pain, debilitating exhaustion and sheer fear, in December of 2012, I got my diagnosis of Lupus. Once sent to a rheumatologist, my diagnosis was quick; you see - my test levels were off the charts. My results were proof positive that I had a severe case of Lupus and that aggressive treatment would be necessary. But other than the half dozen medications (which included a cancer treatment med and a bi-weekly intravenous treatment protocol), the only advice I received from the doctor was to “Go to the internet and read all about it.”

conflicting information to get a good understanding. So I decided to just “Keep It Moving” - my lifelong motto to successfully overcoming any challenge that I face.

More to the point, I simply had too much to do to be sick. The Centennial for my beloved Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was approaching and I was registered for everything! I was leading major philanthropic efforts with Jack & Jill of America, Inc., The Links, Inc., and the Deltas; not to mention I was reorganizing my now solo real estate and community development law practice after barely surviving While I was relieved to know the 2nd Great Economic there really was something wrong Depression. And . . . I was caring with me. I was relieved to know for my Mother who had suffered I was not depressed and that my a massive heart attack. The one physical ailments were not a result thing about being the family goof a full and overactive life. Before to person, during time of crisis, now, previous physicians told me there’s no option only action. My the root of my pain was depression focus had to be on my mother’s or too much activity. Those health and wellness. I had to physicians promptly prescribed a do what I did best . . . advocate host of medicines and sent me on for someone else, someone that my way. But with this new found needed me more than I felt I relief - I was more lost than ever. needed to take care of myself. Yes, Taking the rheumatologist’s advice, I had to “Keep It Moving!” I searched the wide world of the Seven months later, while in DC internet and it left me more afraid at the National Convention, I than ever. knew something was terribly What did this mean for me? wrong. Something different was What was I supposed to do? happening, more than just the What help was available normal aches and pains for which to me? Could I raise my my high tolerance level helped family? Could I be a wife me to cope incredibly well. It was to my husband? Would I something brewing on the inside. I live? There was just too dare not tell my friends who were much inconsistent and there or let on that anything was Southern Soul l October 2014 | 37

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“My journey with Lupus has followed the same life cycle as the Butterfly and I have emerged with a new strength and determination.” wrong. But as I sat at the airport, waiting to depart, I started to swell all over. I looked down and my legs looked like light posts. Learning that my flight had been cancelled was too much to bear. In tears, I showed the counter staff my swelling legs and begged for a flight home. I knew I needed to see my doctor immediately. They paid a kind man to give up his seat on another flight and sent me on a direct flight home. By the time I landed, I could barely make it to the pick-up lane where my husband and son were waiting. Once home, he carried me inside. For the next several months, my sofa and the hospital became my new best friends - my place of safety and comfort. As the physical manifestations of Lupus began to surface, I no longer desired to be out and about. The hair loss, weight gain, severe bruising, and internal heart and head pains were more than I could handle. I was existing in a foggy shadow of my former self, faking wellness long enough to appear so only when required. I would greet and assist my teens with their never ending busy lives that required more financial than physical support as they had grown into independent little people who went busily about their daily lives. The reality was that I had come to dread the nights . . . I had checked out and stopped participating in Life. I just went missing. . . .

My breakthrough of acceptance and transformation came when a small circle of civic sisters met to pull off an upcoming civic event that I was charged with leading. All of us admitted that night that we were simply tired. We were tired in a systemic way – which sleep alone was somehow not enough to cause rejuvenation. Before the meeting ended, we were all in tears. We shared how true sisterhood was so valuable. Having a support system that was void of judgment, pretentiousness, changing faces, and guarded behavior was needed. That night a few of Thankfully, a few faithful friends cared enough to the Mothers at what was just a Jack & Jill Foundation notice I was absent. I was not just missing from a Committee meeting, bonded in a special and life meeting, but the essence and energy of the person that changing way. Through that real moment, Tiffany I had been was somehow different and not the same. Glover and I felt comfortable enough to share our 38 | Southern Soul l October 2014

Soul Talks I will spend my time more balanced and engage only in activities that are truly meaningful and transformational. I will value the precious gifts of faith, family, friendship, time, talent and opportunity that God has trusted to my care. I will be my sister’s keeper and embody what it truly means to show love and compassion. I will make time to advocate for the least of these – and be a voice for children, the poor, the aged and the disabled by removing clutter and unproductive chaos from my life. I will Live Life with Lupus to the Fullest and be the best me that I can be! I would like to thank Tiffany Glover who inspired me to accept the fact that I had Lupus -- but to know -that Lupus didn’t have me. Thanks to Dr. Ann Marie Motley and Dr. Melrose Blackett who empowered me in my fight against Lupus, and Carolyn BoldenCarter who has prayed with me, listened to me, and for being my ever present friend that both restores me and helps me to appreciate both my inner and outer beauty in what has been an often ugly and debilitating battle with Lupus. I also want to thank my Delta Sisters, Terica Lamb and Beatrice Lewis for just taking the time to notice I was absent and for loving me as their sister friend, appreciating me for just being me and not just being concerned with whether I am physically present to fulfill the expectations of civic duty.

battle with Lupus. After having served together in Jack and Jill for two years, we realized that neither of us knew we both shared Lupus. It was in that exchange, I understood I needed my life to change forever; that moment is where my transformation began. Since that time, my journey with Lupus has followed the same life cycle as the Butterfly and I have emerged with a new strength and determination to Live Life with Lupus to the Fullest. I have learned that my journey may be long, and that my future may be uncertain, but I know that with my Faith, my circle of Sister Friends, and with the love and support of my Sisters, my Husband and my Children . . . that I will fight the good fight.

Most importantly, I want to thank my husband Luie Kimbrow III, and my children Storm, Star and Luie IV for standing strong when I was weak, and for being the reason behind my strength and courage to emerge from my Lupus Cocoon and be a Brown Butterfly that is brand new and Living Life with Lupus to the Fullest! In light of our personal journeys with Lupus, Tiffany Glover and I founded Black Butterflies, Inc., a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase local and national awareness, medical research, and provide support for Women of Color who are Living Life with Lupus. To join Tiffany and me in the fight to end the cruel mysteries of Lupus among women of color, please visit Brown Butterflies, Inc. at You may also reach me at

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Unpredictable, Devastating, Cruel and Mysterious Lupus By: Toni Harvey Lupus is unpredictable, devastating, cruel and mysterious. Most individuals show symptoms for years before a diagnosis. Physicians rarely consider Lupus as a first diagnosis and as such, a majority of people (63%) with Lupus were incorrectly diagnosed, on average, for six years. It is estimated at least 1.5 million Americans have Lupus. People of all races and ethnic groups can develop Lupus. However, women of color are two to three times more likely to develop Lupus than Caucasians. Lupus interrupts every facet of life. Work is disrupted because there are days you can’t leave the bed. Family life is fractured because you are unable to perform daily activities on a regular basis. Mental health is muddled because you feel lost, depressed and a burden to others. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or

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organs inside the body). Chronic means the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years and can range from mild to lifethreatening. The disease is one of flares – meaning the symptoms arrive without notice and leave in the same manner. Flares are often attributed to stress. Lupus is sometimes called “the great imitator” because its symptoms are often like the symptoms of other illnesses. As such it is extremely difficult to diagnose. With good medical care, most people with Lupus can lead a full life. Should you experience Lupus symptoms, please ask your physician or medical attendant to consider Lupus before dismissing you with a “Take this pain medicine, go home and get some rest.”

The most common symptoms of Lupus •Extreme fatigue (tiredness) • Headaches • Painful or swollen joints • Fever • Anemia (low numbers of red blood cells or hemoglobin, or low total blood volume) • Swelling (edema) in feet, legs, hands, and/or around eyes • Pain in chest on deep breathing (pleurisy) • Butterfly-shaped rash across cheeks and nose • Sun- or light-sensitivity (photosensitivity) • Hair loss • Abnormal blood clotting • Fingers turning white and/ or blue when cold (Raynaud’s phenomenon) • Mouth or nose ulcers

Are Digestive Issues Cramping Your Style? Six Tips to a More Enjoyable Digestive Life By: Dr. Phillip R. Bowden, Medical Director; The Mid-South Gastroenterology Group

Heartburn, hemorrhoids, humiliating gas... what a headache? 70 Million people suffer from digestive issues every day. While the majority of sufferers reach for over-the-counter remedies like Tums® and Rolaids®, few ever find long-term relief with these short-term solutions. Interestingly, when digestive discomforts are diagnosed early on and a gastroenterologist creates a personalized plan of action, nearly all individuals report a normal or near-normal lifestyle.

Remember That Google Isn’t A Doctor.

We’re all guilty of searching for our symptoms on Google, only to discover that we seem to have some rare disease. Truth is – Google is good for a lot of things, but Here are six tips to ensure a more diagnosing your digestive condition enjoyable digestive life. isn’t one of them. Note your Pay Attention To Patterns. symptoms and then schedule a visit Do you always find yourself with your gastroenterologist. We’ll reaching for an antacid after be able to provide an in-depth and drinking a glass of milk? You might accurate analysis of your concerns, be like the millions of Americans plus proper treatment to make you who are lactose intolerant. It’s feel better. important to know what triggers your bathroom runs or heartburn – is it stress, lack of sleep, or that foot-long with chili cheese that you had at the fair?

Don’t Fear The Diagnostic Screening.

The most common screening method used for your digestive concerns is the colonoscopy, which is a test used to check your lower digestive area. We also use the endoscopy to check your upper digestive area. Both are quick, simple, and completely painless. In nearly all cases, the test will serve to simply eliminate more serious conditions and allow us to move forward with far less invasive treatment options. Remember, it’s better to know that you’re safe than worry.

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 41

Health “blocked” and you straining in the bathroom. Hello, hemorrhoids. Try to relax –in life and in the Grandmothers are always right. bathroom. Drinking several Remember when Grandma told glasses of room temperature or you to slow down while eating your food, chew it thoroughly, and warm water can also help in both situations. allow it to digest before running off to play? Well, Grandma’s advice Consider A Colonic. can save you a heap of discomfort. Colon hydrotherapy, or “the We’d also add that you should ultimate bowel reliever,” uses drink plenty of water (half of your distilled water to cleanse caked body weight in ounces), limit your on matter from the lining of red meat intake, and perform your colon. When going to the 30-minutes of exercise at least bathroom, there will always be three times a week. All help your a small amount of bacteria-rich body to easily digest your food. feces that remain. Over time, the matter builds up and adds Don’t Stress & additional mass to your stomach Don’t Strain. region while also narrowing Stress can cause heartburn and your colon. Start with a complete stop digestion. When you’re colon cleanse and then consider a stressed out, your body’s system monthly or quarterly visit to your slows down to conserve the hydrotherapy provider to keep energy you need to get through your colon tidy. the stressful situation. Often, this

Listen To Your Grandmother.

Dr. Phillip R. Bowden is an award-winning gastroenterologist and the Medical Director of the MidSouth Gastroenterology Group. Under his leadership, MSGG offers a General Digestive Health Clinic, Surgery Center, Constipation Center, and Colonics Of Memphis. MSGG serves Mid-south patients in their Midtown Headquarters and East Memphis office. Visit for more information.

42 | Southern Soul l October 2014

results in your bowels feeling

“You should drink plenty of water (half of your body weight in ounces)...”


Laser Dentistry!

The New Standard in Contemporary Periodontal and Surgical Care

But is it Right for You? By: Denise Mustiful-Martin, D.D.S., M.S. As a Dental Provider and a Dental Consumer, I have the opportunity to fully evaluate new dental treatment modalities, alternatives and treatment options. Recently, I had the chance to evaluate, test and be trained on the latest BIOLASE technology. About 5 years ago, Biolase developed and released a new and improved Waterlase Laser. Waterlase Dentisty uses a patented combination of laser energy and water- a process called HydoPhotonics™( fig 1.) to perform a variety of Dental and surgical procedures on teeth and gums, sometimes with fewer shots! In 1998, Waterlase technology was approved by the FDA for certain hard and soft tissue procedures 44 | Southern Soul l October 2014

which gave cutting edge Dentists and Periodontists a new and more gentle tool to add to their treatment options for selected patients as an alternative to conventional procedures. Fig 1.

As a Periodontist, I find the Waterlase laser is a viable option for some, but not all, of our patients. In the following figures, we see three different types soft tissue scenarios: A). Gingival swellings associated with braces (Fig2) B). Gingival swellings associated with certain High Blood Pressure medicines (Fig 3) and C). Gingival overgrowth associated with plaque build-up.


Fig 2/Case A

Fig 3/Case B

Fig 3/Case C

If you are looking for a Periodontist in this area utilizing Biolase technology call Dr. Denise Mustiful-Martin at 901-276-6000 for a consultation appointment to see if this procedure is an option for you! Fig 2/Case A- This patient might be a candidate for Waterlase, but because of the potential for a metal on metal reactions, we would likely do the detailed finishing touches utilizing a more conventional procedure.

infection attached to the roots of these teeth, we could use the Laser to removal of the swollen gums, but we would have to again, utilize traditional treatment options to get the best results. Fig 4/Case C- Gingival swellings as a result of poor plaque control- In Fig 3/ Case B- Gingival this case we could use the Laser, in overgrowth, seen when taking high conjunction with scaling and root blood pressure medicines such as planning . Lotrel and Amlodipine. Because of the underlying amounts of In conclusion, Waterlase

technology is a great alternative to traditional Dentistry and Dental surgery. But as with any other surgical procedure, there are risk and benefits. So speak with your Periodontist soon to see if the Biolase Laser is right for you!

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 45


Clean Up Your Social Network Profile

By: Gary White

“You don’t want your boss knowing about your wild Friday or Saturday night parties do you?” 46 | Southern Soul l October 2014

A social networking profile such as a Facebook page is an important tool in most daily activity and now a permanent fixture in the workforce. Social networking lets family and friends keep in touch with you and know what’s happening in your life. Now, companies are increasingly looking at social networks as a source of information about you. Given the massive pressure on employees and potential hires, it’s worth taking a look at your social networking profile and giving a quick fall cleaning. After all, you don’t want your boss knowing about your wild Friday or Saturday night parties do you?

Your first step is to identify problems. Check your social networking profile and look for anything you don’t want publicly available. If you find embarrassing information, take this opportunity to remove it. Often embarrassing data includes photos, videos, text updates addressed to specific people and more. Try to imagine a sensitive family member or co-worker seeing the data - what would they think? After cleaning your profile, examine your privacy settings. Although it’s a dull topic, it’s nonetheless important because you don’t want strangers viewing personal information. Check your

Lifestyles profile photo is an excellent addition to your profile as it makes you look professional and approachable. Another strategy is to add photos of your favorite work projects. This is a good sign to potential employers that you care about your work. Your friends may also enjoy viewing your work. You can also connect other websites to your profile such as Vimeo or YouTube for videos and Tumblr or WordPress for writing. If you’re a fan of photography, try linking your Flickr account. Try to add new content to these accounts regularly. These additions may prove useful when searching for employment and will also make you look more accomplished. If you enjoy these accounts, set up your own website. This really ties your online presence together by providing a useful place to direct employers or fans.

privacy settings and reset the settings to what you think are appropriate. Pay special attention to “friends of friends” settings, because your friends may “friend” people they don’t know. After removing embarrassing information and enforcing good privacy protection, give thought to improving your profile. An attractive, well shot

By eliminating embarrassing content, improving privacy barriers and adding professional content you can really improve your online image and presence. However, it’s important not to censor yourself. Social networks are social after all and friends may frown on all work and no play. Try to practice the correct tone between friendly and professional. Performing these improvements will give you significant advantages in employment and help you stand out from the crowd.

“Try to imagine a sensitive family member or co-worker seeing the data - what would they think?”

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 47


Wee Calorie Sips

Angela Davis-Johnson (Spicy, Bloody & Merry) Kandi Fields (Watermelon Spritzer) 48 | Southern Soul l October 2014


Spicy, Bloody & Merry Makes 3 (8 oz.) drinks Ingredients: 4 Cups of Master of Mixers* Bloody Mary Mixture 1 Cup of Smirnoff* Vodka *May use any Mixer or unflavored Vodka Suggested Garnishes: Pickled Okra (Spicy or Regular) Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives Onion Stuffed Olives Celery Spanish Olives Kosher Pickles Spears Pickled Corn Instructions: Pour Bloody Mary mixture in a pitcher of your choice, add Vodka and stir well. Add garnishes as desired. Can be served over ice or as is. Caloric Intake: 85 calories per serving / 170 calories per cup

Watermelon Spritzer Makes 4 (8 oz.) drinks Ingredients: 4 Cups watermelon seeded & cubed 2 TBSP Sugar 2 TBSP Fresh lime juice 2 Cups Sparkling Wine (Martini & Rossi) Instructions: In a blender, combine watermelon, sugar, and lime juice. Cover and process until smooth. Strain into a pitcher. Top with sparkling wine. Pour into glasses and serve. Caloric Intake: 118 calories per serving Southern Soul l October 2014 | 49

Sickle Cell: The Nearly Forgotten Disease By: Trevor K. Thompson, CEO, Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), one of the most common genetic blood disease in the United States, affects all races. However, it is most prominent in the African American community, affecting 1 out of every 375 African American births in the Mid-South and it is the most common genetic disorder affecting AfricanAmericans. The Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee (SCFT) was founded in 2008 and promotes the concept, “live a life worth living.” SCFT provides clients with the resources, education, materials, and tools to foster interdependence, which ultimately increases education and quality of life of individuals living with Sickle Cell. We offer programs to help the community

understand the disease and assist others living with the disease.

What is Sickle Cell Disease?

Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited disorder that affects red blood cells. The red blood cells become hard and pointed instead of soft and round, therefore blocking blood flow, causing pain episodes and in some cases, damage to most organs including the spleen, kidney, lung, liver, and causes strokes in some individuals living with Sickle Cell. People with sickle cell disease live an average of 48 years. The problems occur when the abnormal red blood cells clog blood and oxygen flow. They result in low blood count, or

“To make a difference in the life of someone living with Sickle Cell Disease Donate Blood.”

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 51


“Sickle Cell plagues thousands of Americans and with your support we can make a difference.” anemia. Chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, seizure, heart attacks, and stroke may accompany it. Organ damage can occur from insufficient oxygen and nutrient delivery by the blood. The disease also causes respiratory attacks. Many patients are not thoroughly educated about their disease, which lends to the inability to recognize that this disease is not an early death sentence, although there is no cure. There are about 2.5 million people in America with sickle cell trait. The trait indicates that one has inherited the gene for sickle cell disease. The sickle cell trait does not later develop into sickle cell disease. However, if someone has the trait and their partner has the sickle cell trait, they can produce a child with sickle cell disease. There are approximately 100,000 individuals with Sickle Cell in the United States and approximately 5,000 in the State of Tennessee. To date, there has not been a national registry developed – which means

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we don’t really know actual numbers of Sickle Cell diagnoses.

How Can I Be Tested?

Many patients are not thoroughly educated about the disease and do not recognize the symptoms and therefore go without a Sickle Cell diagnosis. A simple blood test followed by a laboratory technique called Hemoglobin Electrophoresis will determine the type of hemoglobin you have and assist you in determining if you have the disease. Treatment of complications often includes antibiotics, pain management,

intravenous fluids, blood transfusion and surgery all backed by psychosocial support. Through medical research, patients are living longer with the disease, but many patients are unaware of research outcomes and fear innovative medical treatments. Other individuals live in shame of the disease and in some countries; Sickle Cell is viewed as a curse. There is currently no universal cure for sickle cell disease, but everyone should know the disease is not an early death sentence.


What Can I Do To Make A Difference? To make a difference in the life of someone living with Sickle Cell Disease - Donate Blood! African Americans use approximately 65% of the blood supply; however, only 17.8% donate blood in the Mid-South. African American blood donors are the best match for African Americans living with Sickle Cell. Secondly, support our political efforts by contacting your federal legislators to ensure the Sickle Cell Treatment Act is reauthorized to provide federal funding for research and social services.

more information visit ( and our mobile giving campaign by texting BREAK-TN to 52000 for a $10.00 donation. Funds raised from our events, provide wrap around services for our families affected by Sickle Cell Disease; supports our sickle cell summer camp for children living with the disease; and, educates the community about SCD. Sickle Cell plagues thousands of Americans and with your support we can make a difference. For more information about the Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee visit Or call 888695-0006. Also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (SickleCellTN).

Please support our fund-raising efforts, such as our annual Mark Walden Memorial Sickle Cell 5K on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at Autozone Park. For

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For the Men:

10 Special Somethings She Will Love By: Tyrone Chester

It can be a challenge to keep romance alive in any relationship. Often we make it more difficult on ourselves than necessary by overlooking the small things we could do to make an impression on our significant other. Here is a list of ten easy, but meaningful, extras you can offer your woman that won’t take much time out of your schedule but that she is certain to appreciate.


A Massage


Some people love to have their shoulders massaged others, their neck, feet, or scalp. If time is not an issue, offer a full body massage. Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself an excellent masseur. Just do the best you can and be responsive to your partner’s feedback. The thought and effort you put in will really count!


Do The Laundry

Let’s be honest - hardly anyone enjoys washing clothes. However, it’s an easy chore, and you can always get a lot of other things done in between washing and drying cycles. The gift of fresh-smelling garments is not a difficult one to give but try to remember a few important rules: check the labels before throwing everything into the same load, don’t put bleach in with colored items, and don’t let clothes sit in the dryer for long or they will wrinkle.


The tried but true gesture of giving a lady fresh flowers continues to infuse romance into stale relationships. Next time you opt to surprise your lady friend with beautiful blossoms, try going the extra mile; make sure to remove the plastic wrapping that bouquets are frequently purchased in and arrange the flowers in a vase, making sure to cut the stems back a bit and add water. If you’re feeling creative, you could spread flowers all over her car, tape them to her bedroom door, or leave a trail of them leading to some wonderful discovery!


A Sparkling Kitchen

With an empowered woman’s busy schedule, it can be tough to find the time to keep her home squeaky clean. Show her that you’re not above getting your hands dirty by sweeping, mopping, and clearing the sink of dishes! As pleased as she will be to come home to clean counter tops, there is an element of self-service in this act of kindness; after all, she will be much more excited to show you her cooking skills if she doesn’t have to wash dishes first. Southern Soul l October 2014 | 55



Breakfast in Bed

doesn’t look like a model, there’s no reason to bring that up, just remind yourself that some part of her is beautiful to you, whether it’s her body, her voice, her personality, or some other quality. For extra points, whisper it into her ear at a time when you know she hasn’t gone out of her way to impress you with her looks.


A Care Package

As romantic as a homemade dinner by candlelight can be, offering to make her the breakfast of her choice really shows that you care. You have to get up earlier, break your own morning routine, and aren’t necessarily expecting to get lucky afterwards. If your woman usually eats on the run, you could always pack a breakfast for her (think bagel, fruit, or yogurt). If she doesn’t usually have a morning meal, just tell her that it’s an open offer and she can always take you up on it at a later date.

Start by acquiring an attractive basket, box, or bag. Then, fill it with some of her favorite foods or other grocery items. Popular choices might be snacks, bottles of juice or wine, a loaf of tasty gourmet bread, and so on. It might be a good idea to fill out the care package with some necessities for around the house paper towels, laundry detergent, hand soap, pet food or similar items. No need to get carried away buying things that you’re not sure she will like; just stick with what you already know about her, and she will definitely appreciate you saving her some of the time and energy that goes into shopping.



A Personalized Poetry Reading


Tell your lady, as often as you can without being annoying, that she is beautiful. Make sure not to qualify the statement unnecessarily by saying things like, “You’re beautiful enough for me,” or “You’re beautiful when you wear that dress.” Let her know that you think she is beautiful unconditionally. If she

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The idea is to keep the journal on her desk, nightstand or another convenient place and share it between you, using it to commemorate special times you share, or leave notes to remind one another how much you appreciate them, are thinking of them, etc. This is an easy way to win a few brownie points - just buy an inexpensive notebook and make the first entry.


The most intimate way of going about this is to write a poem of your own that addresses your feelings and possibly even your insecurities regarding your relationship. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never won a prize for poetry, just making an effort will go a long way. If you feel completely incapable of writing your own, consider reading her a little poetry written by others that you know or think she will enjoy. Some keys to making this endeavor a success are to read slowly, use plenty of inflection (don’t read in a monotone voice), make lots of eye contact, and follow up by asking her what she thought.

Sincere Compliments

Romance Journal

Open Ears

Notice this says ears, not mouth! The next time your woman wants to do a little venting, do your best to listen attentively and not cut her off. Don’t even offer her advice unless she asks for it. Sometimes a woman just wants some empathy, rather than an explanation of how she could deal with her problems. Hopefully you noticed a couple of prevalent themes in these suggestions. First, showing some simple consideration can go a long way, especially when it comes to taking care of mundane chores and errands. Secondly, it’s not always the end result that will be most important to your lady, but the thought behind your actions. Showing her that she is worth your time and energy is the most satisfying gift you can give her.

Licensed Bartenders Taking Your Events to a Whole New Level

Angela Johnson (901) 484-5325

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 57

SouthernStyle Photos by Darius B Williams Stylist: Margaret “DewStyle” Boyd | Makeup: Mauricus Craft All Clothing & Jewelry: Chico’s Of Laurelwood (Stop by and ask for Margaret) Models: Simeona Holloway, Stephanie Jones

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Southern Style

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Southern Style

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68 | Southern Soul l October 2014 • like us



Cooking With Soul, But Portion Control

By: Pepper Lewis Specializing in delicious, authentic, and satisfying foods, “A Taste of Heaven Catering” provides Memphis with a unique feast - Low Calorie Soul Food. At the helm of A Taste of Heaven Catering is its founder, Chef Rita Polk. Whether it is catering for 500 or the delivery of a week’s meal for one person, Chef Rita Polk prepares Soul Food with a weight conscious goal.

“Chef Polk creates meals with very low calories while maintaining that great Soul-Food flavor.”

Chef Polk creates meals with very low calories while maintaining that great Soul-Food flavor. Clients watching their weight but desiring that down-home meal can receive one week of meals delivered to their home in daily containers.

In 2013, Chef Polk developed “Cooking With Soul, but Portion Control” and has incorporated a Portion Control menu into her catering services. Chef Polk designs a meal plan for her clients and delivers a week of portion controlled meals. Clients that have maintained eating within the meal plan and exercised a minimum of 30 minutes 3 days a week have achieved their weight goal and gained an improved healthy life.

Chef Polk’s own weight loss journey led her to try variations of Soul Food with low calories. She discovered you can eat healthy and eat Soul Food at the same time. You just need to do so in proportions. Chef Polk combined her meal portion regimen with a daily workout regimen and today, she celebrates dropping from a size 24 to a size 10 and she did it in 18 months! Her personal success with weight loss encouraged her to share her portion control meals with the world.

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A Taste of Heaven Catering weekly meals plan provides a 300 calorie “Portion Control Meal” Lunch and a 300 calorie “Portion Control Meal” Dinner. Each meal includes a protein meat and two healthy sides.


Chef Polk’s Healthy Slow-Cooker Chicken Chili Ingredients: 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 lb. chopped chicken breast 1 small onion, diced 1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced 2 celery stalks, diced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 can of tomato sauce, 28 oz. 1 can diced tomatoes, 28 oz. 2 cans kidney beans, rinsed and drained, 14 oz. 2 chicken bouillon cubes 1 tbsp. ground cumin 2 tbsp. chili powder

Heat oil in a large sautĂŠ pan over medium heat until the oil shimmers. Add chicken chunks and cook until pink color is gone, about 15 minutes. Transfer the cooked chicken to slow cooker. Add remaining ingredients to the slow cooker and stir to combine. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. Serve hot. Tip: Chili can be kept refrigerated up to 5 days or frozen in airtight container up to 30 days. A Taste of Heaven

Cooking with Soul, But Portion Control 901.649.3440 By Appointment Only

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 73

“You can’t buy happiness but you can buy local, and that’s kind of the same.” Support Memphis Local Businesses


Guilt Free Pastries Enter The Gluten Free World By: Pepper Lewis Photography: Darius B Williams Brandon Thomas, with more than 20 years of self-taught culinary experience, has become a rising star on the Mid-South pastry scene. Weighing in at an unhealthy 300 pounds, Chef Thomas decided to change his life and lost 125 pounds in 110 days. Later, he discovered his allergic reactions to

both gluten and grains. Combining his desire to maintain a healthy weight and healthy lifestyle with his love of all things sweet, Chef Thomas began experimenting heavily with gluten and grain free recipes...and Guilt Free Pastries™ (GFP) was born.

His creative mindset led him to create a recipe that was not only free of grains and gluten but also free of processed sugar, butter, and included organic and local ingredients. The result is his nowfamous, one of a kind, Avocado Brownies.™ Since then, Brandon expanded the Guilt Free menu Southern Soul l October 2014 | 75

Southern Soul Magazine caught up with Chef Thomas and asked him to whip up a batch of his Avocado Brownies™ and Cinnamon Banana Cookies. While there, Chef Thomas shared the following Guilt Free Tips:

to include varieties of cookies, muffins, breads, dough, and vegan products. Chef Thomas’ Guilt Free Pastries™ is not your average bakery. In addition to his pastry line, Chef Thomas provides nutrition consulting, meal plans, personal chef (savory & sweet), cooking classes/ demonstrations, personal/group fitness training, and life coaching. Chef Thomas also trains others to live the Guilt Free Lifestyle™ (80% nutrition 20% fitness). Guilt Free Pastries can be found at Miss Cordelia’s Grocery, Tamp & Tap, Stone Soup Café, Phillip Ashley Chocolates, and Casbah Restaurant and can be shipped, via FedEx, within the USA. 901-326-8482 Hours of operation: Sun-Sat- 8am-8pm Facebook/Instagram: Guilt Free Pastries Twitter: GFP_2013

Advantages of a Gluten Free (GF) Diet:

• Gluten: A two part protein found normally in wheat, barley, and rye and is the main source of protein in wheat flour. It’s the GLUE that allows pizza dough to stretch and be thrown in the air! • Individuals with Celiac Disease must maintain a GF diet to keep their immune system from breaking down and not properly absorbing food – causing malnourishment. • Weight Management: A GF diet alone will slowly help maintain a healthy weight and even weight lost. Because you are not eating a protein that simply binds substances together, with a GF diet, you are consuming proteins that are more easily absorbed into the body. • Only eating a GF diet WILL NOT get you to the healthiest body! Most GF products are high in bad Carbohydrates, bad Sugars, bad Fat, and other nonorganic chemicals. Southern Soul l October 2014 | 76

Advantages of Guilt Free Pastries™ (GFP):

• Guilt Free Pastries™ (GFP) are the healthiest local source pastries. Pastries are not simply just GF but most importantly; Refined Sugar Free, Butter Free, and Natural & Artificial Flavors Free. GFP utilizes Organic ingredients, local sourced Raw Honey, NonGMO, and vegan pastries are available. • Raw local Honey is one of the safest and most nutritious sources of sugar available. It provides proteins, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, helpful for cardiovascular health and safe (in moderation) for diabetic patients. • Eat More Fat™: A common saying at GFP because FAT IS GOOD FOR YOUR BODY! The right sources of fat have been found to actually speed up the body’s digestive system, reduce weight gain, increase weight lost, and help maintain weight. • Right Sources of FAT: Avocados, Almonds, Coconuts, nuts & seeds, vegetables, fruit, etc. The main ingredient in all chocolate items at GFP is Avocados with both Almond & Coconut flour utilized as our exclusive flours, coconut oil is used within all cookies, breads, and muffins.

A nutritional view of the key Health elements in GFP Avocado Brownies™ Benefits of Avocados:

Helps maintain eyes from age-related degeneration by-way of lutein. • Improves cardiovascular system by providing oleic acid, vitamin B6, and folic acid. • Vitamin B & Folic acid also helps aid against birth defects like neural tube defect and spina bifida. • High in Fiber • Increases your body’s immune system and keeps nervous system healthy with the antioxidant Glutathione. • High in antioxidants and glutathione also slows aging process! • 35% more Potassium than a banana. • HANGOVER REMEDY: Increases potassium, low in sugar, and its alkaline base helps reduce the acidity build-up caused by alcohol and helps purify the liver quicker.

Benefits of Dark Chocolate: • Slows the signs of aging • Lowers blood pressure • Helps control blood sugar • Reduces risk of diabetes • Reduces your stress

A nutritional view of the key Health elements in GFP Cinnamon Banana Cookies Benefits of Bananas:

• Contains 3 natural sugars: sucrose, fructose, and glucose • Good source of fiber • Reduces depression levels and nerves • Helps balance blood pressure and PMS • Reduces heartburn

Benefits of Cinnamon:

• Reduces blood sugar levels • Treats bad breath • Anti-inflammatory • Increase blood circulation • Reduces muscle and joint pain soreness

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 77


Southern Soul Magazine believes in supporting our youth. Southern Soul Magazine’s Kendra Harris visited Houston High School and asked:

If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which would you choose and why?

There have been several incidents in the past month between youth and law enforcement. What impact did this have on you?

The local Kroger® parking lot incident has gone viral nationally and represents our community in a negative light. What would you do to change the nation’s impression of our community?

Houston High School


Students, who excel academically, read extensively. I suspect there is a one-to-one correlation between avid reading and intellectual accomplishments. – Benjamin S. Carson

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. It is one of the most popular novels in American Literature. The unfortunate incidents have opened my eyes to the fact that, although our country has progressed with the treatment of minorities, I still have to tread lightly and be conscious of my surroundings and my actions.

Justin Clark 12th Grade

Memphis is already viewed at as one of the worst cities in America. We are high on the list of crime and the parking lot incident adds fuel to the fire. The national attention may invoke much needed change in our community. To help change the nation’s impression of our community, I would lower crimes rates, invest money into renovating the city, and promote minority voting so they can get accurate and adequate representation.

Ron Nelson 12th Grade

Career aspiration: Medicine/reconstructive sergeant “Freakonomics” by Steven D. Levitt. It provides an unbiased and insightful view on the state of U.S. economy and society. Many of these incidents, have not impacted my life directly, however they have incited a drive within me to initiate change with my community, and to also continue on my path of my future goals. I would emphasize that a poor choice made by a group of Memphis teens by no mean represents what it is to be a Memphian. Others cast their eyes down upon a community for a poor decision made by only a few of its members. In order to reconstruct the nation’s view of Memphis, it is necessary to lead a campaign to accentuate the positive aspects of the Memphis community in the areas of commerce, education and entertainment. 80 | Southern Soul l October 2014

uMatter on my phone and as soon as he came back and we pulled out onto the street, lights were flashing and sirens screaming. I got pulled over for “taking pictures” of a police car. I was just texting and I had not committed any illegal actions. So, yes, I think it’s wrong and unfair to the black community to be profiled and hopefully things will get better. But in reality, what can we do about officers besides give the black community a better reputation.

am I being generalized by my, so called, friends? Once, I was hanging out at Carriage Crossing and we were walking around just talking. It got dark around 8pm and an elderly Caucasian couple were walking in our direction. I was on the outer edge of my friends (3 Caucasian males and 1 African American male). As soon as the elderly couple was about to pass 12th Grade us, the woman took her husband’s hand and put her purse behind her back. That really took me aback. Career aspiration: Anesthesiologist This incident has been It was just unreal how within heartbreaking. African American seconds, I was automatically “The Giver” by Lois Lowry. It is youth are generalized, stereotyped, generalized. My friends and I are the best book I have ever read. It and made a spectacle of. I actually good kids, we’ve never committed makes you think about what have two experiences I’d like to any wrongdoings or anything. In society could be like in the future. share with the public. All my conclusion, I think the Kroger life, people have been giving me It was quite shocking initially! incident has taken another blow But when you think about it, why compliments and praise on my at the Black community and behavior. Some of my friends have has influenced racial tensions should it be? African American told me verbatim, “I like you Brian, at a greater height. It would youth are always challenged by you don’t act like the average black be worthwhile to start a youth the police. Racial profiling is still kid.” All I could think of doing was movement. To make the future of around and highly relevant. I’ve laughing it off and saying, thanks. African-American youth and all been profiled myself, waiting in my granddad’s car in a restaurant’s Thoughts were racing through my ethnic groups better. parking lot for him to return. I was head wondering,

Brian Harris

Joshua Lin 12th Grade

“Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand. It teaches students to pursue their dream despite any obstacle. This incident causes people to have a preconceived impression of us. As a result, people will categorize all young people together and neglect the uniqueness of each individual. I would like for the nation to see all aspects of our community, not just the negative ones. The nation should see that our community offers a wide range of diverse successful students.

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Marlon Hunter 12th Grade

Career Aspiration: NBA player or sports management Can’t think of a book at this time. It concerns me. We should have constructive dialogues with the local law enforcements to voice our concerns. Maybe we can somehow find a sense of security with our neighborhoods and schools. I would continue to promote Memphis in a positive manner. We should find a way to bring the community together and not divided. These senseless acts have got to end.

Collin McLeod 12th Grade

“Nineteen-Eighty-Four” by George Orwell. It is an insightful novel on government and provides a very effective warning for its readers. A small number of youth have tarnished the image of today’s youth. Many adults have little respect for the youth of America. I think this is a problem for our society, because when you lose confidence in our youth, you lose confidence in the future. I think this reflects badly on our community because it has gone viral. Bad news travels much faster than good news. And one bad incident can outweigh dozens of the good. The only way to improve our community image is to continue to perform good deeds and to highlight the everyday heroes rather than villains. 82 | Southern Soul l October 2014

Jaida Roper 11th Grade

Career Aspiration: Anesthesiologist Can’t think of a book at this time. It’s terrible! I believe if Memphis had more activities for youths, youths would be occupied with those instead of resulting to violence because of boredom. I would let the world see the positive side of Memphis because everything in Memphis isn’t about violence and crimes. I would start a new youth group for all ages to help the community. I would get a celebrity to endorse it so teens would gravitate towards it and think it’s cool.

Jillian Jackson 9th Grade

Career Aspiration: Criminal Defense Attorney “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. This book opened up of my generation’s eyes and gave us insight into the culture of the deep south during the 1930’s. (Great Depression) I believe these events that have taken place in the past month have impacted me in an enlightening way. These incidents have made me realize how much of an impact we as youth have on the nation. Our generation has the power to change the world whether that change is big or small. I would take it upon myself and my peers to speak publicly on the incident and make sure the public realize that those few, who decided to act in such a despicable manner, do not represent the people and culture of our community.

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uMatter Career Aspiration: Filmmaking/Screenwriting “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. The book tackles far more than one social issue-those both current and prospective. The book really left me thinking even after its last words. The best books are those leaving a lasting effect. In all honesty, it greatly disappoints me. While the matters have yet to impact me on a personal level, I often wonder what motivates youth to do such rash things. I’m constantly thinking about my future and I would never to anything to jeopardize it; I don’t understand why anyone would. I am aware that there is a growing amount of effort being put forth in hopes of squelching gang activity and the like. Outside of making the nation more aware of these efforts rather than their shortcomings, perhaps we should strive to emphasize the positive aspects of the greater Memphis area- the communal love for the city itself and its rich history. I would take it upon myself and my peers to speak publicly on the incident and make sure the public realize that those few, who decided to act in such a despicable manner, do not represent the people and culture of our community.

Arunabh Sing 12th Grade

Jorden Albright

Career Aspiration: Undecided at this time, but am leaning toward medicine; engineering; or political science. “In The Time of the Butterflies” by Julia Alvarez. It teaches the value of liberty while also providing an experience of a totally different culture.

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12th Grade

I realize what effect youths have on the community and how much we can do to improve it. I realize the value of constructive action and the impact we have. Memphis has a vibrant and interesting culture and an excellent range of diversity. One incident does not change this fact. I would encourage others to focus on all the positives of our community because we have so many.

Krysta Medearis 11th Grade

“Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck. It shows love for a friend leaving this world and making his departure filled with happiness. This incident was very tragic, but it brought a lot of attention to law enforcement and youth. I feel like the riots were necessary to protest the actions law enforcement and raise awareness. But, we have to find ways to protest in a peaceful manner. I would like to show the positives of the community. Career Aspiration: Television Network News Anchor

Antonio D. Scott 11th Grade

minorities and the police force. Rebuilding our communities and specifying on the tragic need for “The Count of Monte Cristo” by assistance in various areas is the Alexandre Dumas. The novel invigorates the reader as it explores direction in which we should head. real world dilemmas; situations Let us collectively bring out the such as relationships, greed, and good in Memphis. Memphis the want for authority and power. should be known for the true spirit of love and our “Service Over Self” Being an African American mentality. We’ve got to go into male, the situation impacted me greatly. Witnessing those in power inner-city communities and “Grit and Grind” to better our county as abuse their authority is heart a whole. wrenching. I believe there is still a magnanimous divide between

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Southern Heritage Classic Outings Southern Soul stopped by the Southern Heritage Classic Tailgate and the 100 Black Women’s Annual Fashion Show

National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.; Memphis chapter held their annual fashion show.

86 | Southern Soul l October 2014


Baptist Hospital’s tailgate booth offered blood pressure screening in conjunction with their Who has the Most Heart campaign in conjunction with Measure Up Pressure Down.

Southern Soul l October 2014 | 87

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