Sktoday Spring 2017

Page 1


New Neighbourhoods Team backed by residents • Page 16

Gyles Brandreth to star at first Deepings Literary Festival

Rippingale's link to The Archers • Page 17

Pull out programme starts on page 11

your council working for you 1

Georgian Festival is highlight of special year for stamford S eptember’s Georgian Festival in Stamford (21-24) again promises a feast of entertainment. It’s a highlight in a golden year as 2017 commemorates the anniversary of Stamford’s award as the first urban conservation area in the country. Planning is underway for a summer series ranging from conservation-focused events to community activities celebrating the town’s status and heritage. September’s Georgian weekend promises a true spectacle from organisers SKDC. Back by public demand will be popular highlights from 2015, including the sell-out Georgian Costume Ball, historic venues such as the Town Hall opening their doors and colourful street markets. Horses and a vintage carriage will again deliver unforgettable rides through the town’s ancient streets and the splendour of Burghley Park and the historic Meadows area will

Compiled by the communications team at South Kesteven District Council, this magazine is distributed to homes throughout our district. It is printed by Warners Midlands Plc of Bourne. Editorial: Tel: 01476 40 60 80 Offices: Grantham: Council Offices, St Peter’s HIll Grantham NG31 6PZ

How to contact us 01476 40 60 80


host military encampments and period stallholders. New on the programme is Mad Science – with a Georgian twist - bringing kids the fun, the amazement and the wonder of all things science to the Corn Exchange for school and family shows. The 2015 festival was a superb event, attracting bigger crowds, providing an estimated £1m

boost for local businesses and accommodation providers, a boost to civic pride and an ever higher profile for Stamford. Analysis showed that the average visitor spent £55, some 60% of visitors were from outside Stamford and 76% of businesses surveyed had increased turnover or new customers. More information at www.

BULLY FOR YOU: The Stamford Bull Run will be commemorated

Stamford: 1 Maiden Lane, Stamford PE9 2AZ Bourne: South Kesteven Community Point, Abbey Road, Bourne PE10 9EF Market Deeping: Deepings Community Centre, Douglas Road, Market Deeping PE6 8PA General enquiries (all offices) 01476 40 60 80 E.

DANCE ON: The Georgian costume ball will feature again

This magazine is printed on paper produced from well-managed forests. Printing and distribution costs approximately 14 pence a copy. Please contact us if you or someone you know would like to receive this magazine in a different format including audio tape, cd, large print or Braille. South Lincolnshire Blind Society distributes SKtoday to all its members in large print or tape.

Cover shot: Gyles Brandreth will headline at the first Deepings Literary Festival. Our four page preview begins on page 11.

Wyndham Park to start taking shape for Lottery changes W ork to provide Grantham’s Wyndham Park with improvements and new buildings and features will start to take place later this year following a successful Heritage Lottery bid. Changes are set to include renovation of the old swimming pool ticket office, the creation of a community focused visitors’ centre, the relining and filling of the boating lake and new landscaping work. The park was awarded funding of £818,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and the Big Lottery Fund last July to restore it as a First World War memorial park. In addition to the physical changes taking place, the funding

will be used to support events, activities and training in the park, that has already benefitted the local community and park users from across the district. October’s Scary Godmother Trick or Treat Trail and December’s Christmas in the Park events were deemed great successes as thousands of adults and children attended. SKDC’s Executive Member Cllr Nick Craft said: “Engaging events last year are one example of the key strands of the HLF and Big Lottery Fund’s successful bid and they have set the tone for a great 2017 and 2018 for the park. “We ask all visitors to be patient as works take place later this year for the new

features that we hope will build on its reputation and attract generations of new users. There will also be more events later in 2017, so keep an eye out for more reasons to visit Wyndham Park.” A campaign has now been set up asking you for your photographs and memories of the park in years gone past. Anyone interested in sharing their memories or pictures should email or send them to Wyndham Park’s Facebook page. The images may then be created as part of a display in the new visitor centre.

TAKING SHAPE: Work is due to start at Wyndham Park later this year


Local Plan takes next steps Planning for the future of the district moves up a gear in the coming months with the next round of Local Plan public consultation events. The new Local Plan provides the opportunity to shape what South Kesteven will look like over the next 20 years, up to 2036. It will set out a vision and objectives, establishing the amount and location of potential additional growth, and set policies to help guide future investment and development. It is important for SKDC to involve everyone in shaping the future of the district and the public and businesses are urged to take part in the consultation which will run from 22 May and conclude on 3 July (see page 5 for public consultation meetings). The Local Plan will focus on issues important to everyone, such as: • Supporting the growth of the district’s economy and helping to bring forward new job opportunities • Identifying the right number of new homes required to meet future housing needs • How to continue to improve our town centres making

them attractive places to shop, visit, work, live and invest in • Making sure that the necessary infrastructure such as schools, health provision, roads, water supply, sewerage and community facilities are provided in association with development proposals • Helping to support the diversification of the district’s significant rural economy • Improving access to open space, the countryside and recreational facilities to aid everyone’s health and well-being • Preserving and where possible enhancing the important historic buildings and natural landscape • Safeguarding the best and most versatile agricultural land and those areas with a high risk of flooding Events will display the latest draft plan, which will detail how the district will deliver the new homes and jobs needed over the next 20 years. Everyone’s views are needed before the council produces a final version of the Plan later in the year.

View the latest draft proposals online. See the Sites and Settlements Consultation summary document under Local Plan on 4

1 Grantham – focus for growth • Recognising the town as a growth area, our aim is for a majority of the district’s development to take place in Grantham to help achieve its role as a sub regional centre. • The site at Spitalgate Heath, formerly known as the Southern Quadrant, has been selected by the Government to access funding over the next two years to help deliver a Garden Village. • What more can the Local Plan do to make Grantham a destination for people to live, work, shop and invest? • The Local Plan will deal with strategic issues affecting Grantham but there is also the opportunity for local communities to look in more detail through a Neighbourhood Plan. Whilst Grantham is not a parished area, it is still possible to deliver a Neighbourhood Plan through a Neighbourhood Plan Forum. Forums are made up of of 21 individuals who live or work in the town who produce a plan for either the whole or parts of the town. Info at: planningpolicy@


Bourne • Bourne has seen considerable development through the Elsea Park development which is now approximately 50% complete. • How would more development in addition to this be appropriate for Bourne? • Bourne was designated a Neighbourhood Area in June 2015. The Neighbourhood Plan Group is making good progress and recently conducted a town survey. Info at: www.bourneparishneigh



Stamford • How can the Local Plan best respond to the needs and demands for housing and employment in Stamford whilst respecting the essential special character of the town? • Stamford was designated a Neighbourhood Area in 2016. Stamford First, the Neighbourhood Plan Group, is making good progress and holds regular Neighbourhood Plan workshop sessions. Info at:


The Deepings • The Deepings has its own strong identity but also enjoys close links with Peterborough and areas south of the district. • What sort of place do you think The Deepings should be in the future? • The Deepings were designated a Neighbourhood Area in 2016, encompassing two parish areas of Deeping St James and Market Deeping Town. • Deepings First Neighbourhood Plan Groups are working towards a ‘Made’ Plan for early 2018. The programme started in 2016 with an area survey of some 6,500 households. Info at:

BOURNE Thursday 25 May 10am – 3pm Bourne Market Stall 5pm – 7.30pm Bourne Corn Exchange CORBY GLEN Monday 5 June 5pm – 7.30pm Corby Glen Village Hall (Ron Dawson Memorial Hall) GRANTHAM Saturday 10 June 10am – 2pm Grantham Market Stall



Public consultation events

MARKET DEEPING Wednesday 14 June 10am – 3pm Market Deeping Market Stall 5pm – 7.30pm The Deepings Community Centre


STAMFORD Friday 16 June 10am – 3pm Stamford Market Stall 5pm – 7.30pm Stamford Arts Centre LONG BENNINGTON Thursday 22 June 1pm – 7pm St James Village Hall GRANTHAM Friday 23 June 10am – 4pm Isaac Newton Shopping Centre

What happens next?

Comments will be summarised after the consultation period to prepare a submissionready plan. This will be consulted on again under Regulation 19, which has very prescriptive requirements for consultation, before submitting the plan to the Secretary of State for examination in public by a planning inspector.


Communities act on Neighbourhood Plans M ore than 20 Neighbourhood Plans are underway across South Kesteven as communities seize the opportunity to have a greater say in planning matters and set out their vision for the future. Leading the way are two rural communities at Stubton and Hough on the Hill, whose completed plans now carry planning weight, notably in the refusal of large scale wind turbines nearby. Three of the district’s largest towns have started the process. Stamford and Bourne are designated Neighbourhood Areas, whilst Deeping St James and Market Deeping have set up a joint Neighbourhood Area. In Stubton, parish council chairman Hugh Wilson and vice chair Rob Thornton have already addressed other community meetings to encourage a process which they feel has the ability to change aspects of local government. As a small parish council, representing just 170 parishioners, Stubton was motivated to develop a neighbourhood plan by the threat of an industrial

scale wind farm. “We wanted to be able to influence planning if and when it affected our village,” said Cllr Wilson. “It was invaluable when it came to a fight against a large scale wind farm. “I see neighbourhood plans as a remarkable exercise in local democracy. Just going through the process gives an insight into local government and its challenges. “It also allows a council to listen to people putting forward professional views on planning. If any new housing were to be proposed in the village, we are now in a position to influence both the location and design. “We wanted to make sure our plan reflected people’s ideas and we really came together as a village over this. We were fortunate to have people in the village with the range of relevant skills but there is so much more help available now than when we embarked on it. “We are thrilled that we did it and I think Stubton is still the smallest parish council to have its own Neighbourhood Plan.”

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Stubton principals (from left) Gary Senior, Rob Thornton, Hugh Wilson and Brian Birkinhead


Introduced as part of the Localism Act (2011) and the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations (2012), Neighbourhood Plans address issues over housing, employment, leisure, green and open spaces, transport and local infrastructure. Further information on 01476 406080 or email planningpolicy@ PLANS IN THE PIPELINE • Aveland – joint neighbourhood area • Barkston and Syston • Barrowby • Baston • Bourne • Carlby • Carlton and Normanton • Colsterworth • Deeping St James • Foston • Haconby and Stainfield • Kirby Underwood • Long Bennington • Old Somerby • Pointon and Sempringham • Ropsley and district • Skillington • Stamford • The Deepings • Thurlby


t’s that time of year again when you can plan how you’ll enjoy your garden throughout spring and summer. Why not make it even easier to look after, with the council’s garden waste collection service? It’s the easy way to save you time, money and hassle with your

garden waste, with no need for trips to the tip or to mess up your car with bags of garden waste. And it’s now easier than ever to pay online through direct debit, and what’s more you’ll save money by doing so. Last year more than 28,500 customers joined the service with around 59% opting for our hassle free direct debit renewal. New members pay just the one off annual fee which includes

green bin collection every fortnight for most months of the year and there is no limit on the number of garden waste bins you can buy. You can even take your green bin(s) with you if you move within the district and notify us of your new address. Letters and emails have now been sent to existing members of the scheme. If you are a new customer go online to purchase.

Book your MOT test with us today!


e can test your car, van or motorbike at our Grantham depot. We don’t offer repairs just a straightforward MOT test so you know how roadworthy your vehicle is. If it needs repairs you can take it to whoever you choose and then bring it back to

us for a free retest. We can test any vehicle in Classes 1, 2, 4 and 7 by appointment. The test station is on Mowbeck Way, off Alexandra Road in Grantham. We are open from 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday with the last test appointment

available at 3pm. We are very close to Grantham town centre so you can leave your vehicle with us and go into town while the test is being done. Alternatively, we have a comfy waiting room where you can sit and watch the test taking place.

Call us today to get a quote and book your MOT 01476 406551/406557 7

Trees planted to commemorate VC winner M

ore than 800 trees have been planted near to East Keal on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds as part of Grantham King’s School Combined Cadet Force’s Operation Reflect. The work was done in partnership with the Woodland Trust and the Royal Anglian Regiment and was named Auber’s Ridge to commemorate an area in France where the Royal Lincolnshire Regiment fought and sustained heavy losses. The battle is also where Bourne’s Sgt Charles Sharpe won a Victoria Cross on

9 May 1915. The planting has been welcomed by SKDC’s Leader Cllr Bob Adams who took Sgt Sharp’s Victoria Cross to the planting site. The medal is held by the council and is on permanent display in the civic suite. Cllr Adams also lent a hand with some of the planting. Cllr Adams said: “Operation Reflect is a fantastic example of people coming together, young and old, to remember the brave soldiers who gave their today for our tomorrow. It is right that we work to preserve the memory of all who gave their lives for

COMMEMORATION: Cllr Adams (right) pictured at the tree planting


our freedom.” The woodland consists of a wide variety of English trees including silver birch, hazel, hawthorn, oak and mountain ash. After each tree was planted a poppy was placed on each plastic surround and a wreath was laid by the landowner Mrs Gillian Brown with the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire Mr Toby Dennis. Operation Reflect will continue in 2017 and 2018, commemorating all of the 1914-18 war and remembering the 100th year anniversary, in conjunction with the Woodland Trust.

PLAY TIME: Billingborough celebrates new equipment for the playing field

COVER UP: A new seated area at Thurlby

Community Fund provides great facilities for venues across the district


enues and community groups across the district are continuing to benefit from the Council’s Community Fund. In the recent rounds, applications from Fulbeck, Thurlby and Billingborough have all been signed off on new facilities for a variety of community uses. Billingborough Parish Council applied to the fund earlier this year to secure new play equipment for its village playing field, Fulbeck Village

Hall committee secured a new kitchen, toilets and baby changing unit whilst a new covered seating area is now popular with users of Thurlby Recreation Ground. The fund was announced in 2015 for local groups or individuals to apply for part of a £300,000 pool of grant funding that the Council considers for projects to benefit the district’s residents. Applicants can apply for funding to improve community amenities

HALL CHANGE: New facilities at Fulbeck Village Hall

or buildings and can also support community enterprise. A maximum of 80 per cent of the total cost of projects can be applied for. Applications for between £500 and £10,000 are allowed within this funding stream. The Fund can also support community celebrations, sports events, street festivals, arts and cultural events. Again, up to 80 per cent of the project costs is the threshold for those wishing to apply for between £200 and £5,000.

HOME BASE: Thurlby Methodist Church's hall refurbishment is now the base for nearly a dozen community groups every week such as its Tuesday Lunch Club

Groups or individuals can apply for grants by downloading an application form at


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48% 206,383







Hundreds of Grantham residents gathered on the platforms of the town's station to welcome the return of the Flying Scotsman today.

Autumn around the district is a beautiful time! Send us your photos using #AutumnSK

Virgin Trains



11.56am 25 October 2016










The first ever Deepings Literary Festival is for everyone who enjoys words – the written word, the spoken word, the recited word or the sung word. Over three days from April 28 – 30 the Deepings will host a stellar cast of fiction and non-fiction, storytellers and folk singers.

The star event is a black tie gala dinner with writer, broadcaster and former MP Gyles Brandreth and other major attractions include acclaimed British novelist and historian Alison Weir, popular author Erica James and novelist Louise Doughty.

Tickets for all events are on sale from the Stamford Arts Centre, either online or at the box office in Stamford. W. T. 01780 763203 No allocated seating Transportation between venues is available for those who need it. Contact on

An afternoon conversation and workshop with Louise Doughty

Friday 28 April, 1.30pm - 4pm £10 to include a signed copy of one of Louise’s paperbacks. Ticket numbers limited.

Deepings Library, The Park, High Street, Market Deeping PE6 8ED Louise is an award winning author of eight novels including the recently published Black Water, one work of non-fiction and five radio plays. Her 2013 top ten best seller Apple Tree Yard has recently been adapted for the BBC. She has been the judge for many awards including the Man Booker prize and the Costa Novel Award. She is a highly experienced tutor of creative writing. She originally comes from Melton Mowbray and now lives in London. This afternoon conversation will include a discussion with Louise about Apple Tree Yard, a creative writing workshop about how to plot and structure your own novel and a question and answer session about Louise’s role as a literary judge. Refreshments by Friends of Deepings Library.


make a welcome return as a special part of the Deepings first Literary Festival. With an individual sound that is distinctly English, cooking up lively, quirky and downright mystical songs from folklore, medieval history and their own minds! ‘Essential and eccentric folk rock at its best’ (Fatea magazine). Enjoy their music with a local pint or glass of wine from an outside bar.

Alison Bruce


Friday 28 April, 2.30pm £2.50 Iron Horse, Market Deeping PE6 8EB Popular crime fiction and nonfiction author Alison now lives near Cambridge, where she sets her detective novels. She is the author of the D.C. Goodhew series, including Cambridge Blue and The Promise. Her latest novel just out is Cambridge Black. She is a fan of vintage clothes and the rockabilly music scene. Music will be provided by Rachel Eyre.

Saturday 29 April, 4.15pm, £6 St Guthlac’s Church, Church Street, Market Deeping PE 6 8DA

Lunch with Erica James

Refreshments available.

Saturday 29 April, 11.45am or 1pm £12 includes lunch

Literally ….. PENNYLESS!

Take a rare opportunity to listen to and ask questions of a top women’s author about her life and her writing. Erica James, author of 20 bestselling novels, is coming to chat in the delightful Lilli’s tea room. Erica’s novels are captivating and full of warmth which is why she has become immensely popular and earned the top ratings for each of her books. Review: ‘Song of the Skylark’: “beautifully crafted and hugely uplifting…” Heat Magazine.

Friday 28 April 7.30pm £6

Main Hall, The Deepings School, Park Road, Deeping St James PE6 8NF Popular local folk band Pennyless


Alison Weir: Fotheringhay and the fall of Mary Queen of Scots with music by Musick Rediscover’d

Lilli’s Tearoom Market Gate, Market Deeping, PE6 8DL

Alison Weir is the top-selling female historian in the United Kingdom, and has sold over 2.7 million books worldwide. She has published 17 history books; her latest biography is The Lost Tudor Princess, and her latest novel is Katherine of Aragon: The True Queen, the first in a series of novels about the wives of Henry VIII. Alison has completed over 650 events over the years; these include at Hampton Court Palace, The Tower of London and Peterborough Cathedral. Alison has also featured on numerous radio and television programmes, and four of her books have been selected for Radio 4’s ‘Book of the Week’. As Musick Rediscover’d, Kathleen and Alan were honoured to play in the procession at Bosworth accompanying Richard III’s coffin. They will perform music that would have been heard in Mary’s private chamber, with some from the courts of Henry VII and VIII, from France and from Scotland. Light refreshments served, small donation to the church appreciated.

In this fast-paced session, bestselling novelist (The Conjuror’s Bird, Mrs Hudson series) Martin Davies will talk about book covers old and new, and about his own personal joys and frustrations in discovering how a book gets its cover. Funny, furious and highly visual, this session is a must for anyone who has ever judged a book by its cover.

Karen Maitland: Poison, Pottage and Plague

Refreshments available.

An Evening with Gyles Brandreth

Saturday 29 April, 10am £2.50

Saturday 29 April, 7.30pm for 8pm £40 per person early bird offer including dinner. After 28 February, £45

Coronation Hall, Halfleet, Market Deeping PE6 8DB Karen Maitland is fascinated by the murder and magic of the Middle Ages. She has written seven medieval thrillers all published by Penguin and Headline. Her latest medieval thriller is The Plague Charmer. Karen also writes joint historical crime novels with the Medieval Murderers – Philip Gooden, Susannah Gregory, Michael Jecks, Bernard Knight and Ian Morson, published by Simon & Schuster. She is one of The History Girls bloggers and her blog appears on the 8th of each month. Refreshments available.

Martin Davies: The Bewildering Business of Book Covers: An Author’s Musings on the Craziness of Cover Art Saturday 29 April, 11.30am £2.50 Coronation Hall,Halfleet, Market Deeping PE6 8DB

Main Hall, Deepings School, Deeping St James PE6 8NF

Lynn Knight: Telling Social History through Family Stories Saturday 29 April, 2pm £2.50 Coronation Hall,Halfleet, Market Deeping PE6 8DB Lynn is the author of a biography, Clarice Cliff (2005), and a memoir, Lemon Sherbet and Dolly Blue: The Story of an Accidental Family (2011), an account of the three generations of adoption in her family. Her latest book, The Button Box: Lifting the Lid on Women’s Lives (2016), tells the story of women in the twentieth century through a series of buttons and the clothes they fastened. Lynn is currently a Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Queen Mary University of London. Refreshments available.

Join us for a spectacular three-course black tie dinner where Gyles will regale us with entertaining anecdotes about his life and his books. Host of Radio 4’s Wordaholics, a reporter on The One Show, a survivor on QI, Room 101 and Have I Got News for You, Gyles Brandreth has been fascinated by words since he could walk – and talk. In his new book, Word Play, and the show that goes with it, with words to make you laugh (and even cry) and stories from his years in politics and entertainment, Gyles comes to The Deepings Literary Festival to celebrate a lifetime’s love of language. No hesitation or repetition, but a bit of deviation guaranteed.

‘Wildly funny, incredibly indiscreet.’ Daily Mail ‘Very funny.’ Sunday Times ‘Absolute joy.’ Scotsman 13


A family audience with The Travelling Talesman Saturday 29 April, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm £2.50 per person. Family of four £8 Deeping St James Priory Church Hall, Church Gate, Deeping St James PE6 8NP Family storytelling show by traditional storyteller Cliff Eastabrook, the Travelling Talesman, is aimed at ages 8 and over, but also suitable for family viewings. The Travelling Talesman is a spoken word narrative performer of myths, legends, folktales and the occasional poem, a storyteller. He has toured his energetic and engaging performances across the country from Penzance to York, for feasts, festivals and fun since the early Nineties with tales of Norse Gods, Celtic mysteries, clever girls and dragon slayers, medieval mayhem, giants, goblins and halloween horrors. He is constantly expanding his repertoire, reading myths from various cultures, chasing down unusual variations on folk tales and researching, learning or creating new adventures for special theme or site specific events. Storytelling performances can be and have been tailored for 50th birthday parties to 6th birthdays, weddings to funerals and delivered in gardens, tents, castles, living rooms, basements, pubs, restaurants, museums and a river, knee deep! Refreshments available.


the museum and glorious spring gardens, culminating with afternoon tea (their scones are famous in these parts) to the music of Pennyless. Widely regarded as one of the greatest of the English poets, the cottage contains some of his work with rooms returned to original 19th century style.

Stuart Henson and the Sheepish Grin Sunday 30 April, 4pm £6 per person

The Bluebell Pub, Helpston Join us for a special afternoon tea at The Bluebell at Helpston where poet John Clare was once the pot wash! Poet Stuart will be sharing his Feast of Fools, based on misericords (carvings found on tip up seats in churches) with the audience, accompanied by folk duo the Sheepish Grin.

Tour and Tea at John Clare Cottage, plus Pennyless Sunday 30 April 2.30pm £8 per person with tour and tea John Clare Cottage, Helpston PE6 7ED Enjoy the idyllic surroundings of John Clare Cottage where you will be expertly guided around

Lincolnshire Letters Aloud! with music by Intermezzo String Quartet Sunday 30 April, 7pm £7.50

Deeping St James Priory Church, Church Gate, Deeping St James PE6 8NP Celebrating the written word through letters, cards and articles penned to and from Lincolnshire ‘Yellow Bellies’ past and present, some famous, some ordinary leading not so ordinary lives. War, farming, politics, families, adventure, you will be captivated by the written words we have unearthed. Read out by talented Lincolnshire folk accompanied by the magic that is the lively Intermezzo String Quartet. Comprising of some of the area’s most established musicians, The Intermezzo String Quartet have been playing at all manner of celebrations for almost 20 years in the Stamford area and beyond. With an impressive list of clients they have richly earned a reputation for playing a wide variety of exciting music to suit each occasion. Wine and light refreshments, small donation for the church appreciated.

Make sure your building project is a success


ast Midlands Building Consultancy - a shared service partnership between South Kesteven District Council, Rushcliffe Borough Council and Newark and Sherwood District Council – is now a member of The Chartered Institute of Building. The team, who were also finalists in the Association for Public Service Excellence Service Awards 2016, works proactively to ensure projects are a success, offering same day site inspections, competitive quotes and a fast turnaround on decisions. Heather Jones, for EMBC, who has just become a Fellow of the CIOB, said: “We are experienced local Building Control Surveyors with the aim of supporting you from the conception of your project to completion. “We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in building design and construction whilst ensuring buildings comply with the relevant legal requirements for health and safety and accessibility. “Our aim is to assist you in producing high quality buildings

in a time scale which keeps your costs to a minimum by providing a fast, efficient and cost effective building control service.” Affiliated with LABC (Local Authority Building Control) the member organisation for building control throughout England and Wales, the team can provide access to additional services including residential and non-residential warranties, Code for Sustainable Homes Assessments, Simplified Building Energy Model work, energy performance calculations, air pressure testing, sound testing, structural calculations and fire risk assessments. Heather added: “LABC also operates a partnership scheme which allows us to check building regulation applications on behalf of another local authority and in some cases undertake site inspections. “We also deal with demolitions, dangerous structures and disabled adaptations as well as building control for all types of building works from domestic houses to commercial. We are happy to discuss any type of project.”

WINNING TEAM: Members of the East Midlands Building Consultancy

Council off to tourism show W

e will be lining up with our Lincolnshire partners to promote the district at this year’s British Tourism & Travel Show (2223 March). The Council will be promoting September’s Georgian Festival and this year’s 50 year anniversary of Stamford’s conservation award to the event’s 3,000 visitors. The council is sharing space with Visit Lincoln, Lincoln’s International Bomber Command Centre, the Petwood Hotel in Woodhall Spa and Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire. The district is also part of a new aviation heritage project stretching across the east of England and aimed at a North American audience. The Friendly Invasion is a Visit Britain Discover England funded project awarded £237,000 to develop new tourist itineraries triggered by this year’s 75th anniversary of the arrival of American troops in WW2. One focus will be on group travel with mapped itineraries, building on the support the Council has given Stoke Rochford Hall to help tour operators organise aviation heritage tours using the hotel as a base.


ON THE BEAT: The Neighbourhoods Team in action

Neighbourhoods team action backed by residents


he Council’s Neighbourhoods Team have acted in recent months on important issues you raise in the streets and communities around your homes. This has included reports on litter, fly-tipping, antisocial behaviour, dog fouling, abandoned vehicles and other environmental crime. Fly-tippers on Grantley Street in Grantham were identified by the team and subsequently prosecuted with a £1,000 bill in one case and another individual given an on the spot fine. Local residents have also backed education and enforcement which has taken place in this location to remind residents and businesses of their

responsibilities to dispose of their rubbish correctly. Enforcement sessions have also taken place in Stamford and Market Deeping ensuring businesses are aware of their responsibilities on litter and random spot checks on taxis and their licenses have been made. Dog fouling enforcement is also set to be heightened in the coming months. SKDC’s Executive Member for Environment Cllr Nick Craft said: “We are aware fly-tipping and littering have been among the localised issues raised by residents in our neighbourhoods. “However work to date and the positive reaction of communities and businesses taking

ownership of their local areas is also helping us all to move in the right direction to cleaner neighbourhoods. “We need local people to continue to be our eyes and ears and to report issues they see to us online.”

Reports should be logged at 16

The Archers – an everyday story of Rippingale folk?


illagers in Rippingale are renewing efforts to prove that their village was the real inspiration for Ambridge in the iconic BBC radio Archers serial. Increasing evidence also suggests the character of Dan Archer was modelled on farming pioneer Henry Burtt of nearby Dowsby Hall. Inkberrow in Worcestershire claims to be the real-life Ambridge, largely because of its proximity to the BBC’s Birmingham recording studios. Now John and Louise Smith, new landlords of Rippingale’s Bull Inn, are at the heart of a campaign to win recognition of the real origins of the BBC’s story of everyday country folk. John plans restoration of the pub with an Archers theme saying: "Establishing Rippingale as the real Ambridge would open up huge potential, not only for the village, but also for the district and attract

worldwide attention. It would also rebuild a key piece of social history, with Lincolnshire farming given its due credit." Retired journalist Jim Latham, who moved to Rippingale in 2002, has fully researched the background to The Archers launch in 1950. He believes he has documentary proof that it was the acres surrounding Rippingale, rich in blackcurrants, mustard and cress, that Archers editor Godfrey Baseley first trod with Henry Burtt. Baseley used that research to create the world’s most popular and longest-running soap opera, according to Jim, who said: “Henry Burtt was a true farming pioneer, regularly called to Downing Street to advise foreign dignitaries. “The BBC recorded a programme called “Farm Visit,” on Burtt’s land in 1946. Two years later a national conference in Birmingham discussed future farming programmes. Henry Burtt stood

up and famously suggested what was needed was ‘a farming Dick Barton’. That was the birth of The Archers. “The transcript of the 1946 programme also clearly demonstrates that Dan and Phil Archer were based on Henry Burtt and his son Stephen. It’s all in Baseley’s autobiography.” The Archers is now an academic research project with the University of Lincoln staging a February conference organised by former Time Team presenter Carenza Lewis. Carenza, now Professor of the Public Understanding of Research, was due to bring 100 academics to Rippingale in February for a talk, film show and lunch at The Bull. There will be favourite Archers’ recipes and the Archers ‘Barnack Green’ theme music from local musician Peter Green.

WORLDWIDE ATTENTION FOR RIPPINGALE?: John and Louise Smith at The Bull public house


What’s on

in South Kesteven


01780 763203


I AM BEAST SPARKLE AND DARK THEATRE FRIDAY 3 MARCH 7.30PM 1 HOUR 20 MINS, NO INTERVAL WITH AFTER SHOW Q&A THEATRE £9 (£7.50) UNDER 25S £5 12 YEARS+ DRAMA What happens when the wildest parts of our imagination take control? After the death of her mother, Ellie escapes to a flickering world of comic book superheroes and bewitching strangers.


STAMFORD SHOESTRING THEATRE PRESENTS ROGER MCGOUGH’S HILARIOUS COMEDY “TARTUFFE” (AFTER MOLIERE) TUESDAY 7 - SATURDAY 11 MARCH 7.45PM £10 (£8) DRAMA A production by our resident amateur theatre company. Moliere’s 17th Century comedy about hypocrisy, is relocated to Paris - in the aftermath of the Suez crisis.






SKERRYVORE MET OPERA LIVE IN HD WEDNESDAY 8 MARCH LA TRAVIATA (VERDI) 7.30PM BALLROOM SATURDAY 18 MARCH FOLK 7PM ENCORE £16 (£14) SATELLITE SCREENING Since their amped-up ceilidh CINEMA 2 HOURS 54 MINS band beginnings on the isle of £20 (£18) Tiree, Skerryvore’s buoyant, Sonya Yoncheva brings her tautly crafted folk-rock sound acclaimed interpretation of the has conquered the world from doomed courtesan Violetta Valery Chicago to Shanghai. to Live in HD audiences for the first time, opposite rising American A PINT OF COMEDY tenor Michael Fabiano as her CARL JONES lover, Alfredo. FRIDAY 10 MARCH 8PM CELLAR BAR BOLSHOI BALLET £6 PER PERSON, A CONTEMPORARY INCLUDES £1 OFF FIRST EVENING DRINK VOUCHER SUNDAY 19 MARCH One of the rising talents in the 3PM LIVE Midlands and a writer for BBC SATELLITE SCREENING Radio 4 Extra’s topical news CINEMA 2 HOURS 40 MINS programme NewsJack “A great £14 (£12) £10 STUDENTS/ stage presence that really draws GROUPS the audience in. Very funny.” – For one evening, the Bolshoi takes Mark Dolan on a new challenge with audacity in The Cage by Jerome Robbins, Harald Lander’s Études and Alexei CANTATA PER FLAUTO SATURDAY 11 MARCH Ratmansky’s Russian Seasons. 7.30PM, BALLROOM £16 (£15) £10 UNDER 26S EUROPEAN ARTS CLASSICAL COMPANY PRESENTS CHEKHOV’S SHORTS Tabea Debus has been described WEDNESDAY 22 MARCH by Dorothee Oberlinger as the 7.30PM “neuer Stern am THEATRE - 2 HOURS Blockflötenhimmel” (the new star APPROX INCLUDING AN in the recorder heavens). INTERVAL Reviewing Tabea Debus’s first £12 (£10) £8.50 GROUPS/ CD, Upon a Ground, Early Music SCHOOLS DRAMA Review said that Tabea Debus’s The European Arts Company “playing is an absolute delight”. returns with a hugely entertaining collection of classic one-act farces by Anton Chekhov, including The Evils of Tobacco, The Dimwit,





The Bear, Swan Song and The Proposal. MET OPERA LIVE IN HD IDOMENEO (MOZART) SATURDAY 25 MARCH 4.55PM, LIVE CINEMA 4 HOURS 18 MINS £20 (£18) SATELLITE SCREENING James Levine conducts a rare Met revival of Mozart’s Idomeneo, set in the aftermath of the Trojan War. Jean-Pierre Ponnelle’s classic production, which has its first Met revival in over a decade this season, stars Matthew Polenzani in the title role.




NOTNOW COLLECTIVE PRESENTS WONDERWOMAN - THE NAKED TRUTH BY KRISTINA GAVRAN AND TINA HOFMAN WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH 1.30PM & 7.30PM THEATRE 55 MINS, NO INTERVAL £9 (£7.50), MATINEE £5 (BRING A BABY IF YOU HAVE ONE!) DRAMA One big project. Two ambitious women. Mothers to several small kids. No bedtime routine. But the show must go on. To work or not to work? That is the question. Join us in probing 21st Century parenthood.


MASTERS YOUNG AND OLD STAMFORD CHAMBER ORCHESTRA SATURDAY 25 MARCH 7.30PM BALLROOM £12.50 (£10.50) £5 UNDER 18S CLASSICAL Young virtuoso Julian Trevelyan won his first international competition aged 16 and has twice been a BBC Young Musician Finalist. He plays one of Beethoven’s best-loved concertos.


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AN EVENING OF CABARET WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH 7PM BALLROOM £7 (£5) MUSIC Join New College Stamford for a relaxing evening of songs from the cinema. The Ballroom provides a sumptuous setting to enjoy the music and a complimentary drink. More info: harrison.fuller@


SPRINGTIME SONGS AND PAINTING! MONDAY 3 APRIL 10.30AM - 12NOON OR 1.30PM - 3PM 7 - 11 YEARS £8 PER SESSION ART ROOM (UPSTAIRS) Paint a terracotta pot with acrylic paints in a wide array of colours with Liz Paige and while it’s drying have fun singing some fabulous Spring themed songs.

fun Easter crafts and activities with Liz Paige in these fabulous sessions all with a bunny theme! 5 - 9 years


STARBRIGHT ENTERTAINMENTS THE THREE LITTLE PIGS THURSDAY 6 APRIL 1PM & 3.30PM THEATRE 50 MINS APPROX £8 (£7) £28 FAMILY OF FOUR 3 YEARS+ FAMILY Music by George Stiles, book and lyrics by Anthony Drewe. A professional production by arrangement with Josef Weinberger.


NT LIVE HEDDA GABLER THURSDAY 30 MARCH 7PM ENCORE CINEMA £14 (£12) £10 STUDENTS/GROUPS SATELLITE SCREENING LEGO WORKSHOP Just married. Bored already. JUNIOR STEM Hedda longs to be free... Hedda TUESDAY 4 APRIL 10AM - and Tesman have just returned from their honeymoon and the 12.30PM & 1.30PM - 4PM relationship is already in trouble. 6 - 11 YEARS £8 PER CHILD LIMITED PLACES NT LIVE TWELFTH NIGHT BALLROOM THURSDAY 6 APRIL 7PM Love making things? Love - LIVE CINEMA technology? Love Lego®!? £14 (£12) £10 STUDENTS Come along and take part in / GROUPS one of our new workshops that SATELLITE SCREENING bring Lego®, robotics and basic programming together for a fun Tamsin Greig is Malvolia in a new filled workshop! twist on Shakespeare’s classic Take a look at www.juniorstem. comedy of mistaken identity. A for more info! ship is wrecked on the rocks. Viola is washed ashore but her EASTER BUNNY twin brother Sebastian is lost. WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY 12 APRIL ALY BAIN AND PHIL 10AM - 12NOON OR CUNNINGHAM 1PM - 3PM WEDNESDAY 5 APRIL £6 PER SESSION 7.30PM ART ROOM BALLROOM Hop, hop, hop - we all love the £17 (£15) FOLK Easter bunny! Join in with some Having toured together since






1986 to packed concert halls all over the world, the duo recorded their first album ‘The Pearl’ in 1994 and followed it with many more highly acclaimed albums including ‘Five and Twenty’ CD to celebrate their 25th Anniversary in 2016.


EGG BOX THEATRE THE MOON AND ME FRIDAY 7 APRIL, 11.30AM, 1.30PM & 3PM BALLROOM 45 MINS APPROX £6 2 - 5 YEARS AND THEIR FAMILIES FAMILY THEATRE Roux has built a rocket in his garden to take him to the moon and he’s looking for some new friends to go with him.




THE EUROPEAN UNION CHAMBER ORCHESTRA SATURDAY 8 APRIL 7.30PM BALLROOM £22 (£20) £10 UNDER 26S CLASSICAL The European Union Chamber Orchestra and their Director, Eva Stegeman, are welcomed back to Stamford for another orchestral concert.


BOLSHOI BALLET A HERO OF OUR TIME CINEMA LIVE 2 HOURS 45 MINS SUNDAY 9 APRIL 4PM £14 (£12) £10 UNDER 26S SATELLITE SCREENING Pechorin, a young officer, embarks on a journey across the majestic mountains of the Caucasus, on a path set by

his passionate encounters. Disillusioned and careless, he inflicts pain upon himself and the women around him…


STAMFORD POETRY STANZA GROUP WRITING WORKSHOP WITH NIC AUBURY MONDAY 10 APRIL 6.30PM FREE ENTRY BURLEY ROOM Nic has worked in advertising and teaching; he started writing poems by mistake. He has published two books of poems with Nasty Little Press: a limited edition pamphlet called Small Talk, and a full collection called Cold Soup.


SOAP SOUP THEATRE THE SNOW BABY TUESDAY 11 APRIL 2.30PM THEATRE £6 (£5) £20 FAMILY OF FOUR 3 YEARS+ FAMILY SHOW Wrapped up in a snowy smother, Doris and her Bear man fall in love. But that is just the beginning of the story.



“I know you want what everyone else wants. A family. A home. But you’ll never have it. Cos of what’s inside you.” Joanne and Lisa were like sisters. Then Lisa left.



THURSDAY 20 APRIL 7.30PM THEATRE £5 (£4.50) TALKS A virtual walk along one of Stamford’s main arterial roads, tracing the line of the medieval town walls.


MET OPERA LIVE IN HD EUGENE ONEGIN (TCHAIKOVSKY) SATURDAY APRIL 22 5.55PM LIVE CINEMA £20 (£18) SATELLITE SCREENING 3 HOURS 57 MINS Anna Netrebko reprises one of her most acclaimed roles as Tatiana, the naive heroine of Tchaikovsky’s opera.


SPRINGTIME IN BRITAIN STAMFORD BRASS SATURDAY 22 APRIL 7.30PM BALLROOM 1 HOUR 30 MINS £11 (£10) MUSIC Celebrating Springtime in Britain gives the band the first opportunity this year of performing in their home town.


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The Grantham Singers present a concert version of the comic Gilbert and Sullivan operetta Iolanthe. Iolanthe is the fairy who never grows old but, for 25 years, she has been living in a stream as punishment for marrying a mortal.


FREE FALLING – A DOUBLE BILL HAGIT YAKIRA DANCE WORKSHOP: MONDAY 27 FEBRUARY SHOW: TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY 7.30PM £12/£10 CONCESSIONS, UNDER 26 £5 Award-winning HagitYakira Dance present Free Falling, an open-hearted double bill of downto-earth dance that’s sensual, striking and a beautiful respite from the hustle and bustle.


PRIDE AND PREJUDICE THE PANTALOONS WEDNESDAY 8 MARCH 7.30PM £12/£10 CONCESSIONS It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen’s witty and romantic masterpiece is one of the best-loved stories of all time, dealing with the most important questions in life... Will Mrs Bennet manage to off load her numerous daughters in record time? “Glorious... A cleverly adapted, joyous comic makeover of the treasured story.” The Stage

MACBETH TALK BY DON CHISWELL WEDNESDAY 1 MARCH 12 NOON £5, £4 CONCESSIONS THE MAYOR OF BOOK FOR THE TALK GRANTHAM’S AND GET THE 2PM FILM CHARITY SHOW FOR JUST £2.50 FRIDAY 10 MARCH Who was the real Macbeth? Was 7.30PM he a murderer and usurper? £12/£10 CONCESSIONS An evening of laughter, dance IOLANTHE MUSICAL and show stopping songs. The FRIDAY 3 & Mayor of Grantham is proud to SATURDAY 4 MARCH showcase the incredible talents of 7.30PM local people. The show is to raise £9/£8 CONCESSIONS




funds for the Grantham Carnival Events Group.

Lambert, Chas Cronk, Tony Fernandez and Dave Bainbridge.



MADE IN DAGENHAM HARROWBY SINGERS WEDNESDAY 15 – SATURDAY 18 MARCH WEDNESDAY: £10 THURSDAY – SATURDAY: £12 WEDNESDAY – FRIDAY 7.30PM SAT URDAY 2.30PM & 7.30PM £12/£10 CONCESSIONS Following their sell-out production of “Our House The Musical” Harrowby Singers bring You “Made in Dagenham” a new British musical comedy based on the hit movie, inspired by the true story of the Women of Ford Dagenham who fought for equality.


DISCO TOTS! BALLROOM THURSDAY 16 MARCH 10AM -12 NOON 7.30PM £3, ACCOMPANYING ADULTS FREE ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED We are having a party! Join us for our hip club for under 7s and their happening parents! We play a bit of everything from current tunes to rock and roll to disco, mixing it up to make it fun for children and mums and dads alike! Pre-booking highly recommended to avoid disappointment.


ELECTRIC STRAWBS MONDAY 20 MARCH 7.30PM £20/£18 CONCESSIONS The Strawbs emerged out of the British Folk Movement of the mid-1960s, starting life as the Strawberry Hill Boys playing bluegrass. The current Strawbs line-up comprises Dave Cousins, Dave


GEORGIE FAME THURSDAY 23 MARCH 7.30PM £22/£20 CONCESSIONS With his much loved blend of jazz and rhythm and blues, Georgie Fame has worked in the highest musical circles to become a true icon of the British music scene. So far there have been more than 20 albums and 14 hit singles, including the Number 1’s: Yeh Yeh, Get Away and The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde.


LETTERS TO MYSELF SATURDAY 25 MARCH 7.30PM £12/£10 CONCESSIONS / UNDER 26 £5 Created from letters written by real people, Letters to Myself is a heart-warming and humorous look at the best advice we never had. Taking a trip down memory lane it is a recognition of our shared regret and a celebration of our daily triumphs.


THE UNDERSTUDIES CONCEPTUAL ARTS THEATRE COMPANY WEDNESDAY 5 APRIL 7.30PM £10/£8 CONCESSIONS, £5 UNDER 26S AND GROUPS OF 6+ The Understudies is a story of a group of actors preparing for their opening night of a new show. Following the developments throughout the final week of their preparations, they are a long way behind schedule – and it’s only getting worse. Complications arise through arrogant actors, wise-cracking technicians and a ‘long-past-his-best’ director trying desperately to recapture past glories.


THE THREE LITTLE PIGS STARBRIGHT ENTERTAINMENTS FRIDAY 7 APRIL 1PM & 3.30PM £8/£7 CONCESSIONS, £28 FAMILY OF FOUR From the award-winning writers of Mary Poppins and Honk! comes a brand new adaptation of this classic fairy tale. Suitable for ages 3+ and their families.


HEY BEATLES SATURDAY 8 APRIL 7.30PM £12/£10 CONCESSIONS Hey Beatles return for their third show at Guildhall Arts Theatre with an all new set list of hits from the Fab Four. Hey Beatles perfectly capture the live feel and excitement of the band at their peak and their show promises to be an unmissable event! Book early to avoid disappointment!


THE BUCKET LIST TUESDAY 11 APRIL 7.30PM £12/£10 CONCESSIONS , UNDER 26 £5 The powerful story of one Mexican woman’s fight for justice. When her mother is murdered for protesting corporate and governmental corruption, Milagros finds herself with only a bloodstained list of those responsible. Determined to make them pay, Milagros embarks on a passionate quest for justice, no matter the cost. Using physical storytelling and live instrumental music and song, multi-award winning Theatre Ad Infinitum unfolds a story about love, loss and revenge. The tour is cocommissioned by Battersea Arts Centre, Bristol Old Vic, The Lowry and The North Wall. It is supported by Redbridge Drama Centre, Salisbury Playhouse,

Theatre in the Mill, Theatre Bench and Anglo Arts.

Colin aka The Martini Encounter.


CAROUSEL LEAPING FROG BY GRANTHAM THEATRE ROTTO OPERATIC SOCIETY WEDNESDAY 12 APRIL THURSDAY APRIL 20 – 2PM SATURDAY APRIL 22 IDEAL FOR AGES 3+ THURSDAY & £7, £6 CONCESSIONS, FRIDAY 7.30PM £20 FAMILY OF FOUR SATURDAY: 2PM & A new puppet adventure following 7.30PM the travels of a jaunty wood frog EVENING £12: who leaves her home when she MATINEE £10 leaps unsuspectingly into Big Written in 1945, this is a show Pond! On a hair-raising ride down packed with musical numbers Running River she encounters well-known to most audiences, Mr Fisher the Heron and Honk and football fans alike. The story the spotted skunk in Wide Awake follows the exploits of a carousel Wood where icy winter lurks. barker, Billy Bigalow, and a young This show is directed by Samuel mill worker Julie Jordan, who falls Dutton - puppet captain at the for him despite his temper. RSC. Leaping Frog takes children When he finds out he is to on a natural history journey in a become a father he takes part series of visual scenes created in a robbery with disastrous by Peter Quinnell. Join us for the consequences and he dies. Time workshop after the show! passes and he is able to leave the after-life for a day and meet METAMORPHOSIS BY his daughter. Come along and STEVEN BERKOFF enjoy The Carousel Waltz, You’ll ADAPTED FROM THE Never Walk Alone and many NOVEL LA BY FRANZ other popular numbers. KAFKA WEDNESDAY 26 APRIL 7.30PM £12/£10 CONCESSIONS, UNDER 26 £5 Waking to find himself transformed into a dung beetle one morning, Gregor must now consider his options. One of the most resonantly strange stories brought to stage, this highly acclaimed adaptation by Steven Berkoff plunges into the extremity of Kafka’s dark humour, and reveals a tremulous human heart.




01476 406158


MUSIC & MEMORIES 2PM TUESDAY 23 MAY NEIL SANDS PRODUCTIONS TICKETS £11/£10 CONCESSIONS 10+ : ONE TICKET FREE Neil Sands and his wonderful west end cast are back with a brand new production. There can be no doubt that music brings back so many wonderful memories and this feel good afternoon filled with over 60 all time favourite songs from the 1940’s through to the 1970’s will have the memories flooding back. From old time sing along, to rock and roll, 40’s favourites to the pop hits of the 60’s and as always a flag waving tribute to the veterans of our armed forces. All mixed with stunning costumes, amazing voices, and lots of laughter, this show will brighten everyone’s day and prove how special music and memories are.


GRANT KOPER PRESENTS THE MARTINI ENCOUNTER FRIDAY 28 APRIL 7.30PM £15/£14 CONCESSIONS Enter the jaded and threadbare world of Binkie, Maud, Muffy and


Motivate each other Meet Cheryl Cheryl has been strict with working out, but has hit a frustrating plateau. She is determined to get into her new clothes. She has decided to try group exercise classes at her local leisure centre as well as use the gym with Andrew.

FUN THINGS TO DO THIS Say hello to Andrew Andrew’s goal for 2017 is to train for his first 10k, and what’s more he wants to do it for charity. With only 6 months to go until the big day, he is going to increase his physical activity by mixing classes and Whatever you do fit in a swim Our leisure centres up at Grantham, use the Deepings gym to improve his cardio,Keep your kids safe this summer. Bourne, and Stamford are packed of exciting along withfull motivating Cheryl. Spaces are available now for

activities for the family this lessons or try a crash course. summer. If it’s Kids a coolhave dip or agoals too! If you are already confident fun splash our leisure How pools awesome would it be towear learn tothe swim swimmers, out kids at at each of the centres offer underwater like a mermaid orsession, a shark! a family fun orBook treat fantastic family orientated your kids into swimming be with yourself lessons to some and ‘me time’ facilities located at the heart that they will have a whale of a time confident adult lane swims or aquafit. of the local community. in the water. Challenge yourself We understand the importance Get into shape summer and It’s never too late getthis active of keeping our kids on the move hit to thekeep gym or ourhis group Meetholiday Ken, he wants uptry with and being outside. Our* exercise classes. every grandchildren. He’s joined hisBody localblitz gym to activities offer sports and games inch foroften that perfect beach body. a little and to really make a to arts and crafts, giving exercise the yourself motivated by training toKeep his strength and agility. opportunity for everyonedifference to try with your friends, or if you really something different. Bring your kids want togoals up yourwe game then try a along to have fun, and make new Whatever your are here session with a personal trainer. friends, while you have some time

to help you be happy and live healthy together

off knowing they are in safe hands. *Grantham, Bourne and Deepings only.

Deepings Leisure Centre 01778 344 072 Bourne Leisure Centre 01778 421 435 Bourne Leisure Centre 01778 421 435 Deepings Leisure Centre 01778 344 072 Grantham Meres Leisure 01476 Grantham Meres Leisure Centre Centre 01476 581 930 581 930 Stamford Leisure 01780 Stamford Leisure Pool Pool 01780 765 522 765 522 This facility is managed by Leisure in the Community Ltd working in partnership with South Kesteven District Council.

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half DOWNLOAD MORE price VOUCHERS family from * swim or present these in Centre.

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