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Cash is King Raffle creates a win-win
The recent Hogs for Hospice Cash is King 50-50 Raffle has accomplished a number of things, but none more important that raising money for the Hospice, Erie Shores Campus and creating a life-changing situation for a well-deserving recipient.
Maureen Nelson, a friendly 78-year-old from Desbarats, Ontario, was this summer’s lucky winner of $99,700.
Of course, the other side to that coin means that the Hogs for Hospice volunteers have added another large amount to the approximately $1.4 million (net) they’ve raised over the years.
Maureen made her way to Leamington from her little town near Sault Ste. Marie on August 10, where she met up with members of the committee to receive her giant cheque.
“You guys are amazing for all that you’ve done,” she told Joe Oswald, Donny Pacheco, Dave Hodare and Benji Mastronardi. “This is well appreciated — more than you know.”
For Oswald and his committee of hardworking do-gooders, their happiness was evident from the moment they met Maureen in person.
“Her call was the most entertaining of any of the calls we’ve made so far,” said Oswald. “Good things happen to good people.”
Despite having to cancel this year’s and last year’s Hogs for Hospice weekends, the committee and their team of selfless volunteers have found ways to pivot and provide fundraising efforts for the local hospice.
They just completed a Poker Run, which kept the excitement alive for the annual event, and the Cash is King Raffle is the third of its kind for the organization. They’ve been heavily involved in the annual Christmas parade, done drive-in movie nights and other events.
Oswald says they couldn’t do it without their Hogs Headquarters crew, who kept things going along the way.
They will be offering another 50-50 Raffle at Christmas, hoping to make some lucky person’s holidays a little more cheerful.
As for 2022, Oswald says they already have plans underway for Hogs for Hospice weekend ’22. The Friday and Saturday night concert bands have been signed, there will be a celebration of veterans with military fly-bys. The Guinness Book of World Records will be on site for the Hogs registered ride, with hopes to set a new world record.
“We will be making 2022 worth your wait,” he promises.
He also shared news that the Ontario government recently granted Hogs for Hospice $89,400 through their Reconnect Festivals & Events program.
“They were super impressed with how we kept going, despite the setbacks from COVID, so they offered us that grant, which we are truly thankful for,” said Oswald.
“Hogs for Hospice wants to thank everyone who has kept us in their hearts and minds through this very trying time for all,” he said. “During a pandemic, we understand that people need something to look forward to and that is why we continued to plan events outside our normal three-day event so our Hogs for Hospice family, friends & followers can come together in celebration of helping families and communities.”
Oswald went on to thank their sponsors, ambassadors and community.
Erie Shores Health Foundation CEO Christine Colautti was grateful to the Hogs for Hospice folks and to those who bought tickets.
"Erie Shores Health Foundation is proud of our partnership with Hogs for Hospice, and the incredible support they give to our local Hospice campus,” she said. "Wishing a big congratulations to Maureen on her win and thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle.”