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Windsor-Essex in Grey: Lockdown

WINDSOR-ESSEX — As of Monday at 12 am, the Windsor-Essex region moved into Grey: Lockdown mode after the move to Red: Control came two weeks ago.

Citing numbers that were just not getting any better, even after the ‘Red’ declaration, local hospital officials urged the provincial government to do the right thing and move the area to grey.

Meanwhile, over in Chatham-Kent, the region remains under the Yellow: Protect stage of the Provincial framework — meaning retail businesses are still open in Wheatley, Tilbury, Chatham and other municipalities within that region.

For retailers in Leamington and Kingsville, the move to grey means back to curbside service.

Of course, if you are considered essential — meaning you carry groceries — you just have to follow strict guidelines to remain open. That includes face coverings for customers and employees, hand sanitizing and limiting the number of people in the store.

Restaurants in Leamington and Kingsville will only be allowed to offer takeout, drive thru and delivery.

Personal care service providers have taken another hit, as they are all closed. Bingo halls and casinos have suffered the same fate. Theatres are to be closed, unless they are a drive-in theatre.

Under the Grey: Lockdown, trips outside the home are discouraged unless for essential reasons, which include work, school, groceries, pharmacy, health care, assisting a vulnerable individual, or exercise.

No indoor social gatherings or public events are permitted, except with member of your household.

Those of us living in the grey zone should avoid travel to lower transmission areas, except for essential reasons.

For more detailed information, visit Ontario.ca

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