Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Southpoint Sun - 9
Wheatley Area Public School students pitch in for Canada On Earth Day — Friday, April 22 — Wheatley Area Public School participated in the Canada-wide initiative, PitchIn Canada, a national not-for-profit charitable environmental organization. Pitch-In Canada is dedicated to the preservation and sustainable growth of the natural ecosystems and communities comprised of hardworking Canadian volunteers who care about making envi-
ronmental change in their area and improving communities nation-wide for future generations. The school students from JK to Grade 8 were challenged to be active in a community litter cleanup campaign. Over the course of the Earth Day weekend, 62 kids collected over 62 bags of litter from various areas of the community, including the waterfront beaches at Pier Road and Erie Street South, various local play-
grounds and parks, the schoolyard, and the long stretch of Klondike Road. The entire school also held an additional pickup program and individual classrooms took time to participate. In past years a concentrated effort focused on the downtown, but with the evacuation zone in place, the program was expanded throughout the community. All told, well over 100 bags of trash were collected by the students.
Wheatley Friendship Club news By Bonnie Dawson There was a small turnout for Bingo at the Wheatley & District Friendship Club on May 4, but everyone who was there thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The winner of the 50/50 draw was Ted Cobby. This was the first 50/50 draw since the club returned after the Covid 19 hiatus. Happy Birthday was sung to Mary Hairsine who turned 90 on April 30. Euchre is played every Tuesday from 2:00 until 4:00 pm. Please note that the Quilters are back on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:003:00. If there is anyone wanting hand quilting done, please call Helen at 519-
982-2789 or Lana at 519-981-1891. Starting with the next Bingo, the club will be charging $1 each for those who play Bingo. The prizes come out of the 50/50 draws and with fewer members attending the meetings that money pool is smaller than in the past. The winners of the May 4th Bingo included Sheila O’Neil, Pat Churchill, Heather Vannieuwenburg, Doreen Armstrong, Ted Cobby, Barb Cobby and Mary Hairsine. Thanks to Linda Wigfield for calling the numbers and handing out the prizes. The next Bingo will be on Wednesday, May 18 at 1:30 pm. Until next time…
Mack (left) and Alec Marshall doing their part picking up trash as part of the Wheatley Area Public School contribution to Pitch-In Canada. Photo submitted
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