Southpoint Sun - May 5, 2021

Page 24

24 - Southpoint Sun

The past 12 months has introduced a lifestyle many Canadians could not have predicted. The closing of businesses, remote learning, and heavily impacted industries; none more so than Hospitality and Foodservice, became the new normal. A sector that has continued to show up since the beginning for Ontarians and all of Canada is that of Agriculture. Locally, our Greenhouse Operators ensured they implemented all Government standards to mitigate biosecurity risks on their farms. By doing so, operations could continue, vegetables could be harvested, and Canadians could rely on our food supply. By March of last year, as the initial shut-downs began, it meant that the greenhouse produce sector would be one of the first agricultural groups that would have to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Immediately, the Ontrio Greenhouse Vegetable Growers began

guiding the fast-evolving regulatory requirements, best practices, planning tools, and support programming. The OGVG and our membership were early adopters for testing our workforce, to ensure we were keeping our farm workers safe, and from the very beginning we have worked with Public Health to develop protocols that would mitigate on-farm transmission risks. However, outbreaks did occur. Even through many farms inspected were shown to have implemented the appropriate control and prevention measures, we recognize there is more to do. Our farmers are continuously striving for improvements. Our growers and OGVG leads have collaborated with municipal and provincial leaders to develop regional safety plans that would assist in creating action plans to protect the well-being of our workers and our community. We continue to

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

hold weekly COVID-19 information webinars to our growers to keep them up to date on the most current information, and have developed and delivered learning materials in various languages to ensure that everyone understands the importance of mask-wearing, social distancing and the importance of vaccinations. OGVG and our farms have been working with the municipality and Public Health officials to ensure that our workers are able to get vaccinated and be further protected from falling ill. Our farmers take to heart the responsibility to grow and supply food, and appreciate the work of all essential workers who have worked so hard alongside us to work through this pandemic, and will continue to grow through this challenge and any others that come our way. We are proud members of our community, and take great pride in providing fresh vegetables for people near and far.

In Northern climates like Canada’s, greenhouse produce can be grown 365 days a year. This is due to the controlled environment and supplemental lighting that Greenhouses utilize.

In this protected environment, the plants believe they are growing each day like it’s the longest day of summer!

Charity Spotlight: Hogs for Hospice is a 3 day motorcycle rally on Civic Holiday weekend at Seacliff Park. The event was started in 2016 to provide operating funds for the newly built Erie Shores Hospice Campus in Leamington that provides compassionate end-of-life care at no cost to families. However, it has also been a goal of the organizers to create an event that brings the entire community together and showcases our beautiful town. The support of the community has been incredible from day one with multiple levels of government, businesses, community groups and volunteers working together to make this event a success. The Covid

The OGVG and membership farms want to thank all of our sector and essential workers who have kept food on our tables and our community healthy and resilient in this challenging time. We’ve got your back, and continue to be grateful for all the work you do.

‘Our House to Yours’


Week 2 Numbers

19 pandemic prevented Hogs for Hospice from having a rally this year so the board had to find another way to bring in funds for the Hospice. With the support of sponsors OGVG, The Seabrook Financial Group and Plant Products they were able to run 2 online 50/50 raffles that brought in over $100,000 each. Along with a charity walk, a drive in movie night and other donations Hogs for Hopice was able to raise $262,500 this year. As the Covid challenges persist the organizers will continue to find creative ways to achieve their goals. Watch for more 50/50 draws this year, and be sure to follow them on Facebook to stay up on all the latest news and events.

BINGO cards available for pick up at:

B10 • O70 • N41 • N44 I27 • N35 • B2

Look at the So Check for bonu uthpoint Sun eac s numb ers online h week for the cal at green housego l numbers odness. com

Chance prizes to win worth Grand





– $5,00 0



Look out for more numbers in next week’s ‘Our House to Yours’ page and at

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